Cambridge Assessment International Education: Information Technology 9626/13 May/June 2019

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Cambridge Assessment International Education

Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level


Paper 1 Theory May/June 2019
Maximum Mark: 90


This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner Report for

Cambridge International will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

Cambridge International is publishing the mark schemes for the May/June 2019 series for most
Cambridge IGCSE™, Cambridge International A and AS Level and Cambridge Pre-U components, and
some Cambridge O Level components.

This document consists of 10 printed pages.

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9626/13 Cambridge International AS/A Level – Mark Scheme May/June 2019

Generic Marking Principles

These general marking principles must be applied by all examiners when marking candidate answers.
They should be applied alongside the specific content of the mark scheme or generic level descriptors
for a question. Each question paper and mark scheme will also comply with these marking principles.


Marks must be awarded in line with:

• the specific content of the mark scheme or the generic level descriptors for the question
• the specific skills defined in the mark scheme or in the generic level descriptors for the question
• the standard of response required by a candidate as exemplified by the standardisation scripts.


Marks awarded are always whole marks (not half marks, or other fractions).


Marks must be awarded positively:

• marks are awarded for correct/valid answers, as defined in the mark scheme. However, credit
is given for valid answers which go beyond the scope of the syllabus and mark scheme,
referring to your Team Leader as appropriate
• marks are awarded when candidates clearly demonstrate what they know and can do
• marks are not deducted for errors
• marks are not deducted for omissions
• answers should only be judged on the quality of spelling, punctuation and grammar when these
features are specifically assessed by the question as indicated by the mark scheme. The
meaning, however, should be unambiguous.


Rules must be applied consistently e.g. in situations where candidates have not followed
instructions or in the application of generic level descriptors.


Marks should be awarded using the full range of marks defined in the mark scheme for the question
(however; the use of the full mark range may be limited according to the quality of the candidate
responses seen).


Marks awarded are based solely on the requirements as defined in the mark scheme. Marks should
not be awarded with grade thresholds or grade descriptors in mind.

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Question Answer Marks

1 4
Hard disks are metal platters with a magnetic coating that stores data 9

Magnetic tape drives have moving parts and so are at risk of being

Magnetic tape drives can have almost instantaneous data access

SSDs have a faster data transfer rate than magnetic tape drives 9

Magnetic tape uses direct access to search for data

Magnetic tapes are used in laptop computers more than hard disks

SSDs store considerably more data than magnetic tapes

SSDs still cost more per gigabyte than hard disk drives 9

SSDs make more noise than the sound of hard disk drives when in

Magnetic tapes are used to store backups of data on file servers 9

Question Answer Marks

2 4
A temperature sensor is able to directly control the temperature of
water in a washing machine

A pressure sensor is often used to monitor the amount of pollution in a


A moisture sensor is used to monitor the pollution in a river

A humidity sensor is often used in a computerised weather station 9

Microprocessors are unable to directly read the analogue data 9

produced by a sensor

In order to control physical variables, microprocessors send signals to 9

actuators to take action

Passive sensors produce both input and output

A weather station is an example of a control system

An air conditioning system is an example of a control system where 9

the output affects the input

Monitoring systems never need sensors to input data

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Question Answer Marks

3 Four from: 4

Static data is data that is unchanged

A newspaper contains static data because it is read but not edited / changed
by the reader
There is limited amount of information in a newspaper / static data
As soon as it is printed a newspaper cannot have information added to it
In a newspaper information tends to be reliable as it has been checked
thoroughly before printing / does not have users / readers able to amend it
Static data tends to go out of date quickly / not up to date.

Question Answer Marks

4 Five from: 5

Sampling resolution is the number of bits per sound sample

Sampling resolution is the maximum accuracy of each measurement taken of
a wave form when creating an audio file
The higher the sampling resolution the more accurately the wave form will be
converted from analogue to digital
The higher the sampling resolution the greater the size of the file
Digital audio is normally found in 8 bit or 16 bit resolutions
8-bit resolution was used in the earliest sound cards and is used for some
lower-quality recording formats as well
each sound sample can take one of 256 different values
which is not generally considered enough resolution to accurately represent
music audio
16-bit resolution is the standard for compact disc audio and newer sound
Each sample can take one of 65 536 different values
more than any human can readily discern
These values are all per channel
For stereo audio two channels are needed
This doubles the sampling and memory requirements
The higher the sample resolution, the more accurate the representation of the
level of each sample but more memory is required to store each sample.

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Question Answer Marks

5(a) One mark: 4

It is a part of a computer system that consists of data or computer instructions

Three from:

System software is a type of computer program that is designed to run a

computer’s hardware and application programs
Examples are utilities, operating systems, compilers, interpreters, assemblers,
linkers and device drivers (must have two)
Application software is a program or group of programs that is designed for
the end user
Examples are database programs, word processors, web browsers and
spreadsheets (must have two).

5(b) Three from: 3

Software is cheaper as it is mass produced / do not have to employ

programmers to write software for specific tasks
It will be available straight away
Testing has been rigorously carried out by the developers so there are unlikely
to be any bugs
There will be many sources of support
Support includes helplines with operators who will already have had to deal
with a wide range of problems.

5(c) Three from: 3

May be difficult to adapt to the particular use required by the school

May have several distracting extra features unsuitable for the use it is to be
put to
May not necessarily be compatible with the existing system and software used
Some functions peculiar to the school's needs may not be available.

5(d) Four from: 4

The secretary enters the data twice

The computer stores the data on its hard disk / SSD and compares it with the
data that is entered the second time
generates an error message if the second entry does not match the first
Alternatively two people type in the data
The computer compares the two versions
freezing the keyboard if there is a difference
Comparing the data on the screen against the original paper document
checking for mistakes
Printing out a copy of the data and comparing the printout to the original paper
document checking for mistakes.

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Question Answer Marks

6 Eight from: 8

Absolute and relative cell referencing makes sure you only increment the parts
of a formula you need to
allows you to change prices / costs of individual items to see the effect
Cell protection makes sure that the cells you want do not change by
such as fixed costs such as overheads
User interface forms makes it easier to input quantities / costs into the model
Macros make it easier to create more complex formulae or functions
such as comparing different costs simultaneously
Automatic re-calculation means it is not necessary to evaluate a formula every
time you change it
such as changing individual costs / prices
Conditional formatting allows you to highlight certain values that match
specific criteria
such as seeing at a glance which items are making a profit
Values can be changed to ask whatif questions
Graphs can be used to show trends and illustrate forecasts
such as which goods are likely to make profits over time
Goalseek can be used to determine which variables need to be changed to
achieve a target or goal
such as how many goods need to be sold / what price needs to be charged
to make a given profit.

Question Answer Marks

7 Six from: 6

This type of encoding is used to reduce the size of audio and video files
Encoded media file is sometimes similar in quality to the original but has much
smaller file size
however, video compression can be lossy
the compressed video lacks some information present in the original
decompressed video has lower quality than the original as there is
insufficient information to accurately reconstruct the original video
Each audio and video file format has a corresponding coder-decoder / codec
The codec is used to code it into the appropriate format and then decodes for
Encoding involves the use of a code to change original data into a form that
can be used by an external process
Encoding / decoding often refers to the process of analogue-to-digital / digital-
to-analogue conversion
Can apply to images, audio, video, signals from sensors / control systems.

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Question Answer Marks

8(a) Four from: 4

CustomerID is selected as primary key in Customer Table and ID is selected

as primary key in Car Table
Click on relationships in (database) tools
Click on add tables and select Customer Table and Cars Table
Drag CustomerID onto CustId
Enforce referential integrity / Click on save changes.

8(b) 6
Field: FamilyName FirstName Phone Engine Residence Make

Table: Customer Customer Customer Car Customer Car


Show: 9 9 9 9

Criteria: <1.8 Chorlton


1 mark for 6 correct fields

1 mark for all correct matching tables
2 marks for 4 correct ticked fields, 1 mark for three correct / five (of which four
are correct fields)
1 mark for <1.8 under Engine
1 mark for Chorlton under Residence

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Question Answer Marks

8(c) Six from: 6

A format check tests to see if the data is in the correct format such as 5 digits
followed by a space followed by 6 digits for the Phone field
Would be impossible to apply here as all the licence plates all follow a different
such as 3 letters followed by a space then 3 digits VSE 648, 2 letters
followed by a space then 5 characters SB A5526, 4 digits followed by a space
then 2 letters then a space then 2 digits 1233 CD 33

A length check tests to see if data is usually exactly a given number of

characters such as 5 in the CustomerID/CustId field or 12 in the Phone field
Would be difficult to apply here as all the licence plates are different lengths
such as 7 for VSE 648, 8 for SB A5526, 11 for 12333 CD 33
Could have a range in the length check but this would not prevent 9 or 10
characters being entered in error – there are no 9 or 10 character licence
plates here

Lookup check could be used on Make in Car table as there would probably be
a limited number of car makes
Almost impossible to apply here as there are so many possible licence plate

Must have three validation checks to get 6 marks.

Question Answer Marks

9(a) =SUM(C4:E4) 1

9(b) =IF(I4<1000000,"very bad year",IF(K4/I4<0.1,"bad year","good year")) 6

Nested IF with correct brackets and no absolute cell referencing 1 mark

I4<1000000 1 mark
Returns very bad year 1 mark
IF (K4/I4<0.1 1 mark
Returns bad year 1 mark
IF (K4/I4>=0.1/otherwise returns good year 1 mark

9(c) =AVERAGEIFS(C4:C13,A4:A13,C15,A4:A13,D15) 6

=AVERAGEIFS() 1 mark
(C4:C13 1 mark
,A4:A13 1 mark
,C15, 1 mark
A4:A13 immediately after ,C15, 1 mark
,D15) 1 mark

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Question Answer Marks

10 To be marked as a level of response: 8

Level 3 (7–8 marks)

Candidates will describe the advantages and disadvantages of both types of
The issues raised will be justified.
The information will be relevant, clear, organised and presented in a structured
and coherent format.
Specialist terms will be used accurately and appropriately.

Level 2 (4–6 marks)

Candidates will describe the advantages and disadvantages of at least one
type of network although development of some of the points will be limited.
For the most part the information will be relevant and presented in a structured
and coherent format.
Specialist terms will be used appropriately and for the most part correctly.

Level 1 (1–3 marks)

Candidates may only address one side of the argument and give basic
advantages / disadvantages.
Answers may be simplistic with little or no relevance.
There will be little or no use of specialist terms.

Level 0 (0 marks)
Response with no valid content.

Candidates may refer to e.g.

A centralised database of usernames and passwords on a server makes
client-server networks more secure
In a client–server network, if the server goes the down whole network gets
With a client-server network users do not need to worry about making
this is managed centrally by a network manager
Upgrading the network is easier with a client-server network as it is easier to
just upgrade the server
Easier for users to access the server in a client-server network using
alternative devices
As new information is uploaded in a database, each computer need not have
its own storage capacity increased as may be the case in peer-to-peer

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Question Answer Marks

10 Peer-to-peer:
There is no need to pay for a network manager with a peer-to-peer network
With a peer-to-peer network you do not have to worry about buying expensive
hardware such as servers
does not need a server because individual workstations are used to access
the files
With a peer-to-peer network everything is decentralised so it is more difficult to
manage the network
Much easier to set up than a client-server network as it does not need
specialist knowledge
Because each computer might be being accessed by others it can slow down
the performance for the user unlike client-server
The over-all cost of building and maintaining this type of network is
comparatively cheaper.

Question Answer Marks

11 Eight from: 8

Static parameter query is a query that is fixed

A dynamic parameter query can be used to search for different values each
time it is run
In a static query every time that the query is run it will search for the same
If different data is to be searched for the user would need to open up the
query in design view
and change the data in the criteria to that required
With a dynamic parameter query you can type in different data each time
Every time the query is run a dialogue box appears asking the user to type in
the data required
This would save the time of designing the query every time different data is
Dynamic parameter query requires less technical knowledge of the user
If the only city that the country deals with is Beijing then a static query would
be fine
It is unlikely that this is the case and if it wants to know customers from
different cities quite quickly a dynamic query would be better.

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