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Does God exist? How?

Redwan Abdella

Reflection Paper

Basics of Systematic Theology (ST 501)

Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology

November 5, 2020

Does God exist? How?

The ontology of God has been a greatest concern for human beings. Its mot a new thing o

observe arguments on the existence of God specially on the western world. The greatest minds of
Redwan Abdella, Does God exist? How? November 5, 2020

humanity have concerned with this says Hans Kung. Plato and Aristotle to neo-Thomism in a

neo-Scholastic form, the proof of God have an impressive tradition. For Kant, four classical

proofs of God are generally distinguished. Cosmological proof of God; God as a first cause.

Teleological proof of God; God as a world orderer and world creator, likewise a supreme goal, a

final goal. Ontological proof of God; God as the most perfect and supreme being. Moral proof of

God; God as condition of the possibility of the highest good.1

However, arguments against the proof of God have been raised. “Can a proof prove God?” “Can

God still be God in a proof?” “Can man’s reason reach so far?” Regarding the Cosmological

proof of God, it lacks to be logically demonstrable have been challenged. In case of Teleological

proof of God, supreme goal can not be proved rationally in a universally convincing way. Where

as Ontological proof of God, it cannot be proved that such a being actually exists. 2

For Ethiopian churches, argument on the existence of God has not been a challenge. Having the

fact that Christianity has a two-millennium history in Ethiopia, we don’t actually observe

questions on the existence of God rather on the identity of God. That means the arguments in

Ethiopian context is whether the Christian belief of the identity if God is right or the Islamic one.

Even though this has been the case, with a post-modernism influence, questions on the existence

of God has been observed recently in the younger generation. Having a young generation which

sees questioning the existence of God (“rationality”) as a modernism, the Ethiopian church

awaits a significant challenge in the future.

McGrath introduces us three models on how God can be said to be present and active in the

world. Deism; God acts through the law nature, omits the providence of God. Thomism; God

acts through secondary causes, God as “unmoved mover.” And Process Theology; God acts
Hans Kung, Does God Exist? An answer for today (New York: Crossroad publishing company, 1980), 530-531
Hans Kung, Does God Exist? 531-535

Redwan Abdella, Does God exist? How? November 5, 2020

through persuasion, God is affected and influenced by the world. McGrath tells us that the

Christian understanding of the matter is rich and complementary.3

Throughout the history theists have been developing an argument to prove the existence of God.

Similarly, atheists have been denying the existence of aa supreme being. Developed arguments

has their own strength and weakness for the reason that an existence of a supreme and infinite

being cannot be rationally proved by a finite human reasoning. I believe that the human

definition of existence is so narrow that it won’t fit for a supreme and infinite being. For the

holly Bible, the existence of God is not an issue. The Bible states that God is the creator and

sustainer of the universe (Gen. 1:1, Heb. 1: 1-3). God is active and present throughout human

history as described in the Bible.

Alistere E. McGrath, Christian Theology: An Introduction (United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011), 371-377


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