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NPS Form 10-941 (Rev. 092017) ‘OMB Coat No, 1024-0021, Naina Puck Service ‘Expiration Date 087312020 APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO CONDUCT A DEMONSTRATION OR SPECIAL EVENT IN PARK AREAS eno NATIONAL MALL AND MEMORIAL PARKS Division of Permits Manegement 20- Be 1900 Ohio Drive, S.W. ‘Washington, DC’ 20024 Telephone: (202) 245-4715 Date of Application: [11/8/2020 ] "SECTION 4: Contact Information — “Tie fan application for a: El Demonstaton []_Specel Event Denintions on 10-3415, Supplemental Instructions incividualOganizaton “Telephone Number | Gel Phone Fax Number |Cindy Chafian Women for America First Erna Adress Webstte Street Address a, a” | Person in Charge of "Telephone Number Gall Phone Nomber |Cindy Chafian Email Adaress see above Steet Adaress cay Sais | Zip Gade | Caan ‘Atleast one person THUR De Tasted as ia charge of te acivly_ 1 diferencias ae tbe W charge Of various actives ot

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