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Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GE...


Fecha de entrega 17 de nov en 23:55 Puntos 100 Preguntas 6

Disponible 14 de nov en 0:00 - 17 de nov en 23:55 4 días Límite de tiempo 90 minutos
Intentos permitidos 2

1 de 13 15/11/2020, 11:37 p. m.
Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GE...

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Intento Hora Puntaje

MÁS RECIENTE Intento 1 9 minutos 100 de 100

Las respuestas correctas estarán disponibles del 17 de nov en 23:59 al 18 de nov en 23:59.

Puntaje para este intento: 100 de 100

Entregado el 15 de nov en 23:37
Este intento tuvo una duración de 9 minutos.

Pregunta 1 14 / 14 pts

Read the following text about a birthday party and select the
correct option.
Lea el siguiente texto sobre una fiesta de cumpleaños y elija la
respuesta correcta.

Last week I was in a [ Seleccionar ] buying a present

for my sister because it was her birthday. I was very happy because

there were a lot of products on [ Seleccionar ] , so they

were [ Seleccionar ] and I could

[ Seleccionar ] money to buy decoration for the party.

The problem was that they didn’t have the watch I wanted in blue and

the other colors weren’t as [ Seleccionar ] the blue, so I

talked to the store [ Seleccionar ] and he said they

could have the blue watch two days after, so I

2 de 13 15/11/2020, 11:37 p. m.
Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GE...

[ Seleccionar ] it for [ Seleccionar ] .

The weekend after was the day of the party. There were sweet
[ Seleccionar ] , a big cake my mother

[ Seleccionar ] and colorful balloons everywhere. My

sister was so happy. We [ Seleccionar ] dinner, cut the

cake and then opened the presents. She loved the watch. She said it

was the [ Seleccionar ] watch in the world. I know she

was exaggerating but I loved the gesture.

Respuesta 1:

gift shop

Respuesta 2:


Respuesta 3:


Respuesta 4:


Respuesta 5:

beautiful as

Respuesta 6:


Respuesta 7:


Respuesta 8:

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Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GE...


Respuesta 9:


Respuesta 10:


Respuesta 11:


Respuesta 12:


Pregunta 2 14 / 14 pts

George and Sally are discussing what to buy from the shop. Fill in
the blanks with one of the options from the box. You have the
number of times each option is used in the parenthesis.
George y Sally están hablando sobre lo que deben comprar en la
tienda. Complete los espacios con una de las opciones de la caja.
En el paréntesis tiene el número de veces que cada opción debe
ser usada.

many (1) some (3)

any (3) much (3)
bottles (2)

George: I’m going out. Do you want anything?

Sally: Could you buy groceries from the shop?

George: All right. What do you want?

4 de 13 15/11/2020, 11:37 p. m.
Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GE...

Sally: Well, we haven’t got milk.

George: How milk do you want?

Sally: We need two of milk.

George: How about strawberry jam? Have we got


Sally: Oh yes, there isn’t jam left. We need a jar of

strawberry jam. And also we’ve finished the butter. We need


George: OK. I think I finished the last beer. I’ll buy 5 or 6

of beer.

Do you want to eat fish at dinner?

Sally: Ah, yes. I want you to buy four tins of tuna, and also

bread. There isn’t bread left.

George: How loaves of bread do you want?

Sally: A loaf of brown bread is enough.

George: OK, no problem.

Sally: One more thing. Don’t buy nuts. We have got

a lot.
George: All right!

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Respuesta 2:


Respuesta 3:


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Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GE...

Respuesta 4:


Respuesta 5:


Respuesta 6:


Respuesta 7:


Respuesta 8:


Respuesta 9:


Respuesta 10:


Respuesta 11:


Respuesta 12:


Pregunta 3 11 / 11 pts

Read the text and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb
in parenthesis. DO NOT use contractions.

6 de 13 15/11/2020, 11:37 p. m.
Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GE...

Lea el texto y llene los espacios con la forma correcta del verbo en
paréntesis. NO use contracciones.

I (live) in Melbourne, Australia, with my parents and

my brother, but I (not be) born here, I am from

Canada. It (be) my nineteenth birthday yesterday.

My mom (know) I love surprise parties, so she

organized one for me. About twenty friends (be)

here! The party (be) until 2 in the morning. So,

today my friends and I (not feel) very well; we are

tired. I (want) to sleep all the day, but my mother

(not allow) that because my brother

(have) to help her organize the house after such

party and I have to wash the bathrooms.

Respuesta 1:


Respuesta 2:

was not

Respuesta 3:


Respuesta 4:


Respuesta 5:

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Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GE...


Respuesta 6:


Respuesta 7:

do not feel

Respuesta 8:


Respuesta 9:

does not allow

Respuesta 10:


Pregunta 4 25 / 25 pts


Extreme sports

Extreme sports involve some degree of danger, and lots of excitement.

Many people choose these alternative sports over traditional options
like soccer or tennis.

Patrick, 25, practices snowboarding since he was eight. He still feels he

needs to be constantly on the edge*. Catherine, 47, started bungee
jumping a few years ago to add some excitement to her life. Extreme
sports, or alternative sports as others prefer to call them, attract people
of all ages, including parents with their children. Paul, 35, enjoys
skateboarding and mountain biking with his 10-year-old daughter. He
says that skateboarding requires as much, if not more, training and skill

8 de 13 15/11/2020, 11:37 p. m.
Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GE...

as soccer, basketball, or boxing. Many parents think that some of these

sports create the perfect opportunity to teach children about safety, self-
confidence and endurance, while engaging in new physical activities.

Fear is a special component of these cool sports that attract young and
mature audiences. However, according to experts, risk of injury is
reduced with appropriate equipment to do sports safely. Unfortunately,
in most cases, safety equipment is expensive, raising the cost of
participating. For example, a 30-second bungee jump costs from $50 to
over $300 in different parts of the world.

Taken and adapted from Ecce-Reading.

*On the edge: al extremo.

Read the text about extreme sports and decide if the sentences
below are true (T) or false (F).
Lea el texto sobre deportes extremos y decida si las frases son
verdaderas (T) o falsas (F).

1. A few people practice extreme sports.

[ Seleccionar ]

2. Patrick practices snowboarding since he was a child. T

3. Catherine practices bungee jumping because she likes exciting

activities. [ Seleccionar ]

4. Extreme sports are especially for young people.

[ Seleccionar ]

5. Paul is 40 years old. [ Seleccionar ]

6. Paul compares skateboarding to other sports.

[ Seleccionar ]

7. Parents think extreme sports can be good for children.

[ Seleccionar ]

8. People don’t like the fear involved in the extreme sports.

[ Seleccionar ]

9 de 13 15/11/2020, 11:37 p. m.
Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GE...

9. It is not possible to reduce the risk in extreme sports.

[ Seleccionar ]

10. Equipment makes extreme sports expensive. T

Respuesta 1:

Respuesta 2:

Respuesta 3:

Respuesta 4:

Respuesta 5:

Respuesta 6:

Respuesta 7:

Respuesta 8:

Respuesta 9:

Respuesta 10:

10 de 13 15/11/2020, 11:37 p. m.
Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GE...

Pregunta 5 25 / 25 pts

Listen to a conversation about the university library and choose
the correct number to put the events in the order you hear them.
Escuche la conversación sobre la biblioteca de una universidad y
escoja el número correcto para organizar las situaciones en el
orden en que las escucha.

0:00 / 2:10

The librarian gives the student an application form.

[ Seleccionar ]

The student asks someone for directions.

[ Seleccionar ]

The student asks to borrow some books.

[ Seleccionar ]

The librarian explains the rules. [ Seleccionar ]

Respuesta 1:

Respuesta 2:

Respuesta 3:

Respuesta 4:

11 de 13 15/11/2020, 11:37 p. m.
Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GE...

Pregunta 6 11 / 11 pts

Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

Use las palabras en la caja para completar las frases de manera

listen fifty off

lecture office
card quietly food
six two

1. The library is next to the registration .

2. The big building is the theatre.

3. You need a library if you want to borrow books.

4. You can take out books.

5. You can keep library books for weeks.

6. For every late day, you have to pay pence.

7. Mobile phones must be switched .

8. Use headphones to to music.

9. You cannot have or drink.

10. Please speak in the library.

Adapted from

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Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GE...

Respuesta 1:


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Respuesta 4:


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Respuesta 6:


Respuesta 7:


Respuesta 8:


Respuesta 9:


Respuesta 10:


Puntaje del examen: 100 de 100

13 de 13 15/11/2020, 11:37 p. m.

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