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March 20, 2010

Double sided CMYK saddle stitched book | 16 pages including cover | No Bleed | Final trim size: 5.5"x 8.5" Page 1 of 16 Graphic Design: Christine Ortlepp | Ph: 250 537 3550
We welcome you to the North Shore Women’s enough to share her story with us. This is Marta’s
Centre’s fourth annual benefit production, story in her own words:
Crimson Cabaret: Celebrating Creative Women! “As a new immigrant, I’d never have imagined
We are so pleased to have your support this year that I would face such overwhelming difficulties
whether you are a returning audience member in my life here in Canada. Furthermore, I’d never
or a first-time participant. In any case, we hope expect that I would meet such an amazing team -
that you will appreciate the depth of diversity the the team from the North Shore Women’s Centre.
show offers. Every year the variety of the show’s Immediately when I met the women working
artists, genres and performances ensure that there I felt like at home. I felt them so close to me
each event is entirely unique, exhilarating and and opened my heart to tell them my story. You
unforgettable. This year is no different and we are know that when you tell someone your problem
honoured to showcase another fantastic line-up! a half of it is already resolved.
Crimson Cabaret not only offers us an They helped me a lot to diminish all the
opportunity to celebrate the work of talented emotional pain during my separation with my
artists, but also to help raise funds for the North husband (I had an abusive marriage) and also
Shore Women’s Centre. Due to funding restrictions they offered me legal support. I met a few times
to social services and advocacy groups, the North with a lawyer for a free consultation. This was
Shore Women’s Centre relies heavily on the success important to me because employment credentials
of Crimson Cabaret to assist us in meeting the from my country did not allow me to have the
needs of women in the community by sustaining same kind of job in Canada. I have only part-time,
our programs and services for the year ahead. temporary work that does not pay a lot, even
Unfortunately, these needs have reached an all when I have many jobs at the same time. I could
time high. Recent news from the United Nations not afford a lawyer, but my ex-husband could. It
documents the “systemic erosion” of women’s took me awhile to figure out how I could leave
status in Canada—dropping in the gender gap my husband, find a place of my own, and get
index from 14th position in 2006 to 25th position employment to support myself. With English not
in 2009. With BC having the highest poverty rates being my first language, it was often difficult to
among provinces in Canada, women in our own figure out how to find resources and get services.
communities are increasingly disadvantaged and The North Shore Women’s Centre helped me with
facing more precarious situations. In these difficult all of this, and more. All the time when I was going
times, it is even more imperative to maintain to the Women’s Centre, they were meeting me
crucial advocacy services. with a smile and were asking questions about how
Every day, the Centre meets women dealing I was doing and whether I needed some help.
with complex barriers. We provide support by I feel so blessed that I met all of them here
addressing each of these barriers. One woman, in North Vancouver where I landed and at the
whom we have named Marta for the sake of crucial moment when I didn’t have anybody else
anonymity, has been generous and courageous to support me.

Double sided CMYK saddle stitched book | 16 pages including cover | No Bleed | Final trim size: 5.5"x 8.5" Page 2 of 16 Graphic Design: Christine Ortlepp | Ph: 250 537 3550
Thank you North Shore Women’s Centre for poverty or in violent and abusive relationships.
everything that you have done (and still are So thank you for attending this event and
doing) for me and for my children.” supporting our work. We are grateful to be
Although we are happy with all that Marta able to work with so many skilled women for
has done for herself in the past few years, we this event and would like to thank the artists,
also know that there are many more women in sponsors, technicians, volunteers, entrepreneurs,
similar situations. It is for this reason that there is businesses and community organizations that
still much work for us to do in creating the social, make this event so remarkable, fulfilling, and
political and economic changes that will help every year it continues to gain momentum.
to ensure that women do not continue to be the Tonight, we would like you to have fun and
most highly represented among people living in celebrate this year’s Crimson Cabaret!
– Supriya Ryan, NSWC


Amelia Pitt-Brooke  STAGE HAND Kelly Knott  SILENT AUCTION
Jocelyn Rose  FRONT OF HOUSE Natalia Angheli-Zaicenco  MEDIA


Alicia Patterson  FRONT OF HOUSE Centennial Theatre
Chanti Laporte  STAGE HAND Christine Ortlepp  GRAPHIC DESIGN
Cherie Devisser  WILL CALL Lonsdale Quay
Deanna Ogle  FRONT OF HOUSE Masoud Harati  PHOTOGRAPHY
Efe Peker  VIDEOGRAPHY Maureen Johnston  PROMOTIONS
Hilal Ozcetin  FRONT OF HOUSE Margitta’s Flowers
Leah Marks  SILENT AUCTION Queensdale Market
Menka Sull  FRONT OF HOUSE Safeway Lynn Valley
Miriam McClellan  FRONT OF HOUSE
Nouf Alkusayer  FRONT OF HOUSE
Susan Stepanchuk  PERFORMER LIASON

Double sided CMYK saddle stitched book | 16 pages including cover | No Bleed | Final trim size: 5.5"x 8.5" Page 3 of 16 Graphic Design: Christine Ortlepp | Ph: 250 537 3550
Working with people and communties

to help them thrive and prosper.

creative women
cep 467/cope 378

Double sided CMYK saddle stitched book | 16 pages including cover | No Bleed | Final trim size: 5.5"x 8.5" Page 4 of 16 Graphic Design: Christine Ortlepp | Ph: 250 537 3550
Wild Moccasins
Katy Harris-McLeod
Robyn Drieger-Klassen & Karen Morlang-Lee
Hot Flash Hoofers
Dianna David
Trisha Rampersad
Veda Hille


s Laksa Mana
Julie Chapple
Hot Flash Hoofers
DivaDrum & Jacky Essombe
MJ Cyr

Zena Sharman

Wild Moccasins is a collective of powwow
dancers who are Shyama-Priya Singh, Petie
Chalifoux and Nyla Carpentier. Shyama-Priya
is a blend of East Indian, Cree, Icelandic, Celtic
and Nyla is a blend of Tahltan/Kaska, French
and Scottish. Both are Fancy Dancers who have
been dancing for many years (34 years between
them!) and have a passion for sharing/teaching
their style of dance. Petie Chalifoux is from the
Driftpile Cree Nation of North Central Alberta,
is an accomplished Hoop Dancer who has
traveled extensively throughout North America
and Europe as a performer. Recently Petie and
Shyama were part of the Opening Ceremonies
for the Winter Olympics. The Ladies are happy
to be dancing for you this evening and hope
that you enjoy the Cabaret. 

Double sided CMYK saddle stitched book | 16 pages including cover | No Bleed | Final trim size: 5.5"x 8.5" Page 5 of 16 Graphic Design: Christine Ortlepp | Ph: 250 537 3550
Katy Harris-McLeod is a founding member of As an independent artist, Katy has danced in
The Tomorrow Collective with whom she created the work of Josh Beamish, Martha Carter, Tara
and produces the popular multidisciplinary series Cheyenne Friedenberg, David Pressault, Jennifer
Brief Encounters: “artistic blind date meet creation Clarke and Justine Chambers among others.
under-the-gun” (next showing April 15th-17th, As a creator, she has choreographed several
2010). With the collective she has commissioned solos and as a theatre artist she has worked on
and performed work by Susan Elliott and Chick numerous projects with Radix Theatre including
Snipper, as well as collaborated with various the Jessie Award winning piece “Assembly”. 
Vancouver-based film makers and musicians. WWW.TOMORROWCOLLECTIVE.COM


Karen Lee-Morlang is a performer, educator and
impresario and has become particularly well-
known in B.C. communities for her collaborative
skills at the piano and for championing art music
for new audiences. In the spring of 2007, Karen
created and hosted a new mini-series called
“Nuts & Notes” on CBC Radio One as well
as guest hosting on “Westcoast Performance”
for CBC Radio Two. She has performed for
the International World Peace Forum, Festival
Vancouver, CBC Radio, various Folk Festivals.
Karen also sings with “The No Shit Shirleys”
and directs the “Koncert Kontinuum” series.

Robyn Driedger-Klassen is described as

“singing with pure tone, absolute clarity of
diction and vivid characterization”, Robyn

Double sided CMYK saddle stitched book | 16 pages including cover | No Bleed | Final trim size: 5.5"x 8.5" Page 6 of 16 Graphic Design: Christine Ortlepp | Ph: 250 537 3550
Driedger-Klassen is in high demand in the
opera and recital fields. Seen on many
Canadian opera stages, Robyn’s roles span
from Baroque to contemporary music.
Robyn has received critical acclaim for her
performances of the Countess in Mozart’s Le
Nozze di Figaro at the Banff Centre and with
Seattle Opera’s young artist programme where
she also performed the Governess in Benjamin
Britten’s The Turn of the Screw. Highlights
for the upcoming season include Handel’s
Messiah, a recital of songs celebrating the 200th Candace Nancke & Gabrielle Loren
anniversary of Chopin’s birth, and Fiordiligi
in Mozart’s Cosi fan Tutte. Robyn is a proud CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANTS
and grateful recipient of a generous grant from 102—1999 Marine Dr.
North Vancouver, BC V7P 3J3
the Canada Council for the Arts.
Tel: 604-904-3807 Fax: 604-904-3806
WWW.ROBYNKLASSEN.COM [email protected]

Double sided CMYK saddle stitched book | 16 pages including cover | No Bleed | Final trim size: 5.5"x 8.5" Page 7 of 16 Graphic Design: Christine Ortlepp | Ph: 250 537 3550
The Hot Flash Hoofers are four-time winners 75, have participated in AIDS/HIV benefits in
of the World Championship of International Vancouver and Las Vegas. They have performed
Dance Organization Competition in Germany. on the “Breakfast TV Show” and “Vicki Gabereau
This group of 17 tap dancers, ages from 40 to TV Show.” Prepare to be bedazzled!

Dianna David  is a former mechanical engineer turned
performing artist. She is a rising talent in Vancouver,
Canada who is recognized in a class of her own being
sought after for her versatility to create new characters
while using traditional techniques in mime, clown, and
dance and fusing them with new forms of performance
such as contact juggling, photon light manipulation,
shadow play and video interaction. She studied at
the San Francisco Clown Conservatory, The School of
Physical Theatre in London, England and has worked
with numerous head clowns in Cirque du Soleil. You
may have spotted Dianna dancing in So You Think You
Can Dance Canada Finalist 2008 or “Rock It” Visa
commercial. She toured nationally and internationally
with her full-length solo school show called Take A Closer
Look, performing over 90 shows in one tour season.

Born in South Africa, Trisha Rampersad has been dancing
since the age of four. When she immigrated to Canada
with her family, she found her love for dance in Kathak.
Her passion lies in the fusion of the various dance forms,
as she believes that there is truth within art. “Dance, this
almost spiritual movement, transcends all boundaries we
mere humans have inflicted upon this Earth. It frees the soul
and fuels the spiritual journey.” Trisha is proud to be a part of
this great dance tradition that is Kathak, and hopes to share
this classical art with the future generations.

Double sided CMYK saddle stitched book | 16 pages including cover | No Bleed | Final trim size: 5.5"x 8.5" Page 8 of 16 Graphic Design: Christine Ortlepp | Ph: 250 537 3550
Double sided CMYK saddle stitched book | 16 pages including cover | No Bleed | Final trim size: 5.5"x 8.5" Page 9 of 16 Graphic Design: Christine Ortlepp | Ph: 250 537 3550
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Double sided CMYK saddle stitched book | 16 pages including cover | No Bleed | Final trim size: 5.5"x 8.5" Page 10 of 16 Graphic Design: Christine Ortlepp | Ph: 250 537 3550
Veda Hille  was born in 1968 in Vancouver Canada. She
plays piano and tenor guitar, dabbles in banjo, accordion,
and protools, and has a new love affair going on with a nord
electro keyboard and a handful of casios. She started playing
piano when she was 6 and started writing songs in 1990. In
1994 she released her first cd, and has released an album
roughly every 18 months since then. By the time she started
working with her current band (assembled in 1997) she was
regularly touring Canada, the US, and Germany.
She writes about the natural world, the trickiness of
love, the constant threat of tragedy, and anything else that
amazes her. Veda is the in-house composer for Theatre
Replacement and collaborates with them on at least one
show per year. She has also been performing with the CBC
Radio Orchestra, writing for the Leaky Heaven Circus, and
working on a new choral piece for the Winnipeg New Music
Festival. Stay tuned, because as Veda frequently admits in her
music and her life, nobody knows what the heck is going to
happen next. WWW.VEDAHILLE.COM

Staying true to their roots while putting
a new twist on Original Pilipino
Music, LAKSA MANA – meaning
10, 000 Inheritances, as in the
multitude of islands that constitutes
the Philippines – has a folk/funk/
rock sound that combines smooth
harmonic vocals with strong modern
beats. The Band, comprised of Seth
Lema – drums/vox, Mel Nieva – guitar/
vox, Mai Azur F – keys/vox and
Apple Cabrera – bass/vox, celebrates
people’s stuggles to protect the
environment, achieve social justice
and live in peace through fresh
adaptations of both classic ballads
and contemporary pop/hip hop. This
up-an-coming group will charm you
with their melodie and leave you
wanting for more!


Double sided CMYK saddle stitched book | 16 pages including cover | No Bleed | Final trim size: 5.5"x 8.5" Page 11 of 16 Graphic Design: Christine Ortlepp | Ph: 250 537 3550
Vancouver performer Lava has been studying,
performing and teaching bellydance since 1999,
plus many other dance forms over the last 25
years. Lava has performed and taught nationally
and internationally over the past 5 years, and
continues to take her style and instruction to new
In 2005, Lava officially founded “Sisters of

We welcome Alchemy” – her tribal fusion troupe. With a diverse

background in theatre, music, yoga, film and

new clients to television studies, and many dance forms (ballet,

jazz, tap, modern, hip hop, Can Can, middle
eastern dance, tribal style and tribal fusion, Bharata
our beautiful Natyam, Odissi...), Lava has developed (SOA)’s
style into its “rockin-lockin” & “smooth-groove”.

salon and Lava produces the ATS event “Sisters of Alchemy’s

Tribal Soiree” – a “Tribal Mixer” (performance and

look forward participation dance party) for Vancouver’s Tribal

Bellydance scene. She is currently producing new

to meeting you works, for Sisters of Alchemy, for a full length show
“Dark Arts & Parlour Tricks”.

soon! As performer, choreographer, instructor and

musician, Lava is devoted to tribal style. Grateful
for the many opportunities and friendships it has
brought into her life, she will continue to contribute
to the world of tribal bellydance for as long as she
possibly can. WWW.LAVASTUDIO.CA
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Double sided CMYK saddle stitched book | 16 pages including cover | No Bleed | Final trim size: 5.5"x 8.5" Page 12 of 16 Graphic Design: Christine Ortlepp | Ph: 250 537 3550
Julianne Chapple has presented her choreography
as part of the BC Buds Spring Arts Fair, Drift
Arts Festival, 60X60 (Montreal) and the Ignite
dance showcase. She has trained with Wen Wei
Wang, Sarah Chase and Ron Stewart through the
Cultch’s Ignite program, as well as local dance
artists, Tiffany Tregarthen and David Raymond
through their program Modus Operandi. Julie
has apprenticed and performed with Move: the
company and is currently working with new
Vancouver dance collective Puppet Heresy, as
well as pursuing her solo work.

DivaDrum  (Navaro Franco and Sacha Levin)
is a female musical drum trio. For the creation
of their material, they draw upon years of study
and playing traditional African and Afro-Latin
rhythms and chants. Their drumming, dance
and song could be coined ‘modern tribal’. Their
music is funky, danceable, and a visual treat!
DivaDrum honors tradition and spiritual roots
while also creating a new sound and energy
that is wholly modern. They create their music
through collective leadership. Together the sum of
their working experience in music performance,
teaching and rhythm facilitation spans 4 decades.
The name ‘DivaDrum’ refers to the sense
of spirit, oneness and bliss that we receive
from drumming.


Double sided CMYK saddle stitched book | 16 pages including cover | No Bleed | Final trim size: 5.5"x 8.5" Page 13 of 16 Graphic Design: Christine Ortlepp | Ph: 250 537 3550
Originally from Cameroon, Jacky Essombe is a dance
instructor and workshop presenter. She has toured in
Canada, the United States and Europe with major recording
artists and has appeared on television and radio in Canada
and France. In her workshops, she offers the experience of
openness to the self through movement and body awareness,
and a true cultural experience. She uses dance as a medium
to express life to its fullest and also as a journey to a higher
level of consciousness. Over the last five years, Jacky has
been presenting the African Healing Dance Workshop for
Women throughout BC, as well as helping people with all
body shapes and fitness experience reach their fitness goals
with her increasingly popular Afro’Robics classes.
She loves to share the traditions, history and culture
of Africa, and the wisdom of her ancestors, and she
truly believes that the Western world can benefit
from the ancient wisdom of indigeneous people.

Who knew such a big voice could come out of a
small French-Canadian town in New Brunswick?
MJ Cyr is a singer/songwriter currently based out of
Toronto, Ontario. MJ’s vocals have been described
as both “strong and commanding” and “sweet and
melancholic”. A devout Baha’i, MJ wholeheartedly
expresses her faith and love through her music, and to
watch her perform live is to witness someone happily
putting their soul on display. For more info check out

The North Shore Women’s Centre has been and this time round they’re looking to do the
entered into the Lilith “Choose Your Charity” same. The contest was launched on March
Program! Every city that Sarah Mclachlan’s Lilith 19th, 2010 through a Facebook Campaign and
Fair travels to during the upcoming tour will you can help us win! Please visit our website
donate $1 to a local charity. From 1997-1999, for more information about how to vote for
Lilith Fair raised over $10 million for various the North Shore Women’s Centre to be the
women’s charities both nationally and locally recipient of this exciting charity contest!


Double sided CMYK saddle stitched book | 16 pages including cover | No Bleed | Final trim size: 5.5"x 8.5" Page 14 of 16 Graphic Design: Christine Ortlepp | Ph: 250 537 3550


Founded in 1973, the North Shore Women’s
Centre is an independent non-profit organization
and registered charity that serves the entire North
Shore community as a drop-in resource centre
for women and girls. Services include a lending
library, public access computers, information,
referrals, support and peer counselling, as well
as several support groups, a women’s family
law legal clinic, a basic computer training
program, workshops, volunteer opportunities,
and community education and outreach. With
NORTH SHORE WOMEN’S CENTRE these unique and comprehensive services, the
131 East 2nd Street NSWC seeks to improve the social, economic and
North Vancouver, BC political status of women, and to encourage and
Ph: 604 . 984 . 6009 support self empowerment by acting as a resource and a catalyst for change.


Double sided CMYK saddle stitched book | 16 pages including cover | No Bleed | Final trim size: 5.5"x 8.5" Page 15 of 16 Graphic Design: Christine Ortlepp | Ph: 250 537 3550

The North Shore Outlook is proud to sponsor
Crimson Cabaret
Celebrating Creative Women

#104-980 West 1st Street | North Vancouver | ph: 604.903.1000

Double sided CMYK saddle stitched book | 16 pages including cover | No Bleed | Final trim size: 5.5"x 8.5" Page 16 of 16 Graphic Design: Christine Ortlepp | Ph: 250 537 3550

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