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Table of Contents

Home Room Earlier

LESSON:I ~The Awakening of the Golden Crow~

LESSON:Ⅱ ~Thus spoke the private tutor~

LESSON:Ⅲ ~The thing that called watching over~

LESSON:Ⅳ ~Sleepless Ones~

LESSON:V ~To Beyond Critical Point~



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Home Room Earlier

Name: Melida Angel

Class: Unknown

HP: 5 MP: 0

Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Agility: 2

Attack Assist: – Defense Assist: –

Skills: None

Overall: [1-G]

*According to Flandor United Battle Skill Report

(Extract from Saint Frideswide Girl’s Academy Enrolment Report)

“Isn’t this miserable…”

The young man involuntarily let out a groan as he moved his sight
from the sheepskin parchment. There was a large foyer without
having any lights just before him, as he decided to look for a chair
carefully while looking around as to not to trip over, he let out sighs
accompanying his footsteps.

“I have never seen such level of attributes, never mind that,

apparently there is a grading level of [G] that exists?”

“Oh, this is my first time of knowing as well,”

The young man’s associate said while whistling and at the same time
taking the report. He glanced down on the single digit attribute and
made a mock laughter while releasing smoke from his cigarette.

It appeared that this man who was in his forties was the young man’s
superior in military matters, but his unkempt appearance, plus his
long hair that had yet to be trimmed in a long time including how he
had never taken care of it, sporting with an ungroomed stubble had
made his honor dropped rock bottom. The young man unhappily
waved his hand, dispersing the smoke.

Even though the young man had a well toned body and a mature
aura around him, he was only 17 years old. Of course, because of the
various needs of his missions, he’d been trained to be able to take a
few drugs, not to mention cigarettes or alcohol, but he had never
liked these addictions of adults.

On the large foyer’s table, there was a line of adult preferred

whiskey bottles, a bottle would need to cost a youth’s few months
salary. However, there were a few bottles that had been broken as
the alcohol that was resting inside dripped across the carpet. The
fireplace had yet to be lit, of course there was no signs of occupants.

Beyond the foyer, there was a spiral staircase connecting to the

second floor along with two doors, respectively connecting to the
dining room and reception room. The superior gently pointed the
second floor using his walking cane while the young man nodded.

His left-hand rested on his hip’s black sword, at the same time taking
his first step up on the stairs.

“Never mind the details on the attributes. No matter what kind of

level or what, or to watch how she grows from now on — but, what
is it with the classing being unknown as well as MP (Mana) being

The young man turned his head to glance at the report in the hands
of his superior, as well as glowering at his superior.

“Let me reconfirm, this isn’t her enrollment report during
kindergarten, right?”

“Of course not. She enrolled in April… which indicates that was three
months ago, she got into Saint Frideswide Girl’s Academy. That is a
de facto mana learning institution where aristocrats’ daughters
gather. What’s shocking is that until now since birth, this Lady Melida
has yet to discover mana, of course, it is unclear what kind of level of
power is hidden within her.”

“In other words, she’s 13 now…”

This was unbelievable. Usually, ‘Mana’ would be awakened at the

age of 7.

Mana would grant the ability user all kinds of special skills, and
would also increase their body’s ability exceeding a normal human’s
level, was it only selected aristocrat class would only be able to
obtain the Gift — no, it was the opposite? It was because they were
granted mana hence they were given the powers of aristocrats, the
sacrifice of obtaining this power was that they were forced to fight
‘foreign enemies’.

“Speaking of the Angel family, they’re one of the three biggest duke
families, the ‘Paladins’!”

The young man’s voice that was mixed with amazement

reverberated through the spiral staircase.

Mana that granted people special abilities, according to its power, it

could be categorized to 11 classes.

There was the Fencer which possessed strong defenses; Gladiator

which had amazing offenses; the Samurai which had agility that
could never be surpassed by anyone; and there was Gunner which

has amazing long-range capabilities as well as Wizard, Cleric, and the
elusive and ever-changing Maiden as well as Joker…

Half of the Mana users belonged to one of these classes, as for

dukes, their class was decided by the rules and achievements that
had been established by the current house head — except for three

These special exception families were the three duke families — no

matter their identity or power, they receive different treatment
compared to other aristocrats, the classes they withhold were
Paladin, Dragoon, and Diabolos, three high classes.

They received special treatment due to their classes being rare and
their abilities are very powerful.

There were only three families that possessed these advanced

classes, a wide difference between the other classes. The Schlesal
family inherited the Dragoon class; Diabolos had been inherited by
the La Moore family, and the family who Melida had been born into,
the Angel family had inherited the Paladin class.

Mana flowed within the blood, succeeded to the later generations

through blood relations. Hence, the children of aristocrats would
always be aristocrats when they grew up, and there was a common
idea that the blood purity of an aristocrat would influence the hidden
potential of said aristocrat.

This logic was also explained why the advanced classes were the
highest. Their blood, their mana, possessed an inviolable advantage,
not lower-class aristocrats, but even their blood was mixed with
commoners, the children would undeniably be advanced classes
…well according to common sense anyway.

But according to the information before, such incident that would

disrupt such common theory, unless —

“That Lady Melida … unless she’s not a true born daughter of the
Angel family?”

“Correct, she’s under suspicion for that reason.”

While the young man’s superior answered in a low voice, the young
man nodded his head, they stepped on the final step of the staircase,
arriving at the second floor.

Apparently, there really was no sign of occupants, all the gas lamps
were not lit. The young man followed the instruction of his superior’s
walking cane, advanced to the left lobby while accepting a stack of
reports given by the superior.

“Does this mean that the baby is a changeling*?”

(TL Note: Babies switched at birth)

“No, to what I’ve heard, there were a lot of witnesses, there is little
to no possibility that this would happen.”


Compared to the hesitant young man, the superior who was in his
forties frankly spoke.

“It’s very simple, that Lady Melida possibly might not be Angel
family’s current head Felgus Angel’s daughter, she might be the
illegitimate child of her mother, Meliona Angel’s affair.”


The young man quietly looked down, but only reports would report
no emotional.

The superior lighted up another cigarette and at the same time as if

he was in a pub, he casually continued to speak:

“The client of this job, is one of the council members, Mordrew
Armory Industry President Sir Mordrew. He is MelionaAngel’s father,
to Lady Melida, he is her grandfather. In his perspective, he will
never acknowledge his proud daughter who married to a duke
family—has broken the Paladin blood lineage. No matter what, he
will need to know the truth, you will need to clearly investigate Lady
Meliona’s relationships.”

“In other words, this mansion’s owner is one of the suspects of the

The young man looked up at the ghost town like mansion’s ceiling,
he opened the door situated in the middle of the lobby, behind the
door, it was a pool room covered in darkness.

—Is it empty here? The young man frowned while feeling disbelief, at
the same time, closing the door.

The superior took out another report and spread it out neatly.

“Gem businessman Giffney Elsnes. Back then, when Sir Mordrew

visited Giffney’s father, the 11-year-old Lady Meliona followed and
she was very bored. Concerned of this, the young Giffney showed off
his piano skills, Lady Meliona was very touched by this gesture and
drew a portrait of him as thanks. Their relationship is quite intimate…
something like that.”

“It’s something that has happened when she was 11…”

The young man couldn’t help but be surprised, a face of disgusts

drawn on the face of his superior as he kept the report.

“Let’s put it simply, our client is desperate. Lady Meliona’s friends

from her boarding school days, peers from her clubs, young
businessmen, even their relatives! If they were in contact with Lady

Meliona, they were all investigated but the result was empty

“Since it has come to this, why not ask Lady Meliona herself…”

The superior shook his head in exasperation as he interrupted the

young man.

“Lady Meliona has passed away more than five years ago.”

“I see…”

“Now this is where you come in to play!”

The superior clapped his hands together loudly, as if following the

actors that were in a drama.

“Your mission is to become this talentless girl Melida Angel’s private

home tutor, guide her to become a Paladin, transform her into a girl
who is fit to be in the Paladin Duke Household!”

“If outer appearance fails, then we’ll reform the inner, is it?”

“Exactly. I heard that Sir Mordrew has pressured her a few times, but
there seems to not be a hint of result, in the end, something like this
requires a professional lecturer.”

“I understand this, but…”

The young man picked up the miserable skill report, a face of disgust
appeared on his face as he sighs.

“… why me? If it’s about missions, I want to join the investigation of

the background of the suspects.”

“No, that won’t do. Besides you, there won’t be anyone else more
suitable. Think about our weird unit members! I can never hand

them such exquisite missions. You have such good skills in acting
superficial and nice, there’s no one else that can replace you!”

“I understand. Forgive me but I will have to refuse.”

The young man hurled the report onto his superior’s chest as he
turned to leave, the corner of his uniform fluttered. He walked in the
direction of the lobby’s double doors as his superior chased after him
with a voice of flattery.

“Please~ This is a mission given from a duke household, just take it as

helping your dad~”

“You only adopted me, please don’t act like a father when you’re in a
disadvantage, bastard father.”

“Okay, I understand. Let’s discuss it seriously, until then, please just

turn around.”

The superior who was standing next to the young man gestured,
hinting he was sincere as he tried to talk with the young man.

“In all honesty, it isn’t a time where you’re allowed to choose your
favorite missions, things are changing.”


“It’s a criminal organization. Lady Melida’s talentless rumors are

starting to float within the country. If this is a gossip between wives
of high social status, then it’ll be alright but the criminal
organizations are currently investigating about the truth of Lady
Meliona’s affair. To these scums who wants to remove the class
system, this could cause a rupture in the duke family foundation, it
appears to be a very nice bait.”

“It truly is not scary at all.”

The young man talked while he walked along the lobby, walking the
same pace as with his superior, shoulder to shoulder. They pushed
open the double door at the same time.

There was a group of criminals gathered behind the doors.


To the criminals, the young man and his superior were unexpected
intruders, an awkward silence existed for a few seconds.

There was the study. The bookshelves were all lined neatly against
the walls, and there was a chair which appeared very comfortable
when being sit on. A man who was wearing a high-class swallow tail
tuxedo sit in front of the office desk, the top half of his body
effortlessly lying on the desk.

Then, there were a group of men dressed in high collar black shirts
surrounding the man in the swallow tail tuxedo. If they lived in a
bright society, they wouldn’t have such dark and depressing gazes.
From the atmosphere, all of them seemed to be equipped with a
weapon. A sharp knife reflected a glint of sharp light from the gas

The cigarette dropped to the floor from the superior’s mouth, he

shot a glance to the young man, drew on a fake smile.

“… not scary at all, right?”

The group of men dressed in black, aimed their guns at the young
man and his superior.

When the triggers of all the group of black men’s guns were pulled,
at the same time the black sword that was hanging from the young
man’s hip unsheathed, shiiiiiing.

The young man’s arm flashed with high speed. The speed of him
unsheathing his sword exceeded the velocity of the bullet as he
reflected the rain of bullets away. As he slashed away the final bullet,
came a delayed gunfire which shook the tympanic membrane of his

The muscles of his whole-body creaked, the young man stomped on

the floor with an explosion like momentum.

The young man managed to cut down one of the men during his
sudden assault. He opened his legs, as if dancing as he cut both men
dressed in black in both left and right directions down. Blood spirals
splattered on the young man’s face, during this time, the enemy
finally gained realization of the young man’s silhouette and at the
same time, they realized that the speed of the young man is faster
than common sense.


One of the clad in black men aimed his gun at the young man – but
at that split second, the young man had already ended his assault.
Accompanying the young man’s kneeling posture on the floor, three
glints of light reflected from the sword flashed. A horizontal strike to
the neck, a second strike from the right shoulder to the left
underarm, a final third strike splits the torso of the man in black.

As the fresh blood sprayed, the young man stomped on the floor
again, from his original squatting posture, he lowered his upper
torso, nimbly bent his body, dashed across the floor. Simultaneously,
the sword that possessed a speed that was so fast that only a blur
shadow could be seen danced, one by one, the men dressed in black
fell with mortal wounds on their bodies.

The young man stomped on the floor on again, dashed between

walls, he slipped the tip of his shoe into one of the bookshelves, and

following the momentum, he kicked, causing the books on the
bookshelves to fly out of their resting place. The men in black that
were hit by the books covered their faces in reflex, following a strike
from the young man’s sword as he decapitated them.

“There is one left!”

A shout from the superior caused the young man to rebound by

kicking one of the walls, dashed across, accelerated at the same
time, struck out with shocking speed, lunged towards the last
enemy’s neck—

Chang! The enemy raised his arm right before the sword strike,
blocking the sword of the young man.

What shocking was that the enemy had no weapon in his hands yet
he relied on his own bare arm for defense. Despite this, the young
man gave it his all and pushed down his sword yet he was still unable
to cut down the enemy’s arm, besides that, the enemy utilizes a
shocking arm strength to keep such close combat — he was a

Observing with detail, this man’s getup was different from the
others. He was like a dead spirit as he donned a busted black robe,
using the hood to cover up his face. His height was almost the same
as the young man, 80% of chance that he was a male.

As expected, the enemy spoke to the young man under his hood:

“Within 5 seconds you took down my men… looking at the dark

colors of your military uniform, you’re not from an official military
unit then?”

“Then what about you? Where are you from? Let me tear down your
suspicious robe!”

The young man suddenly struck out a kick, with a strong sense of
balance continuously landing kicks towards the black robe man’s calf,
abdomen, and the left side of his head. But as if hitting a rock, the
enemy moved not even an inch.

As so, when the foot retracted and used the heel to aim at his face —
before the young man struck, there was something wrapped around
the axis of his foot.

The thing that was wrapped around the young man’s foot was a
bandage that came from the black robed man’s pocket. The young
man was pulled down to the floor, and at the same time, the black
robed man raised his leg. The heel of his foot struck down with full
strength — crushing the study’s floorboard.

The young man rolled away before the attack, and started to break
dance behind the black robed man. During the moment when the
young man’s lower body that was spinning, he jumped up, both heels
of his feet violently attacked the back of the head of the black robed
man continuously.

If it was some other man, then this technique would undeniably

knock out the enemy but following the sounds of the heavy strikes,
the man in the black robed didn’t even move an inch. Even so, the
young man unsheathed his dagger and cut off the bandage from his
left leg, using break dancing actions to jump back.

As if wanting to take over, the superior took a step forward and took
out a large revolver, aimed at the man in black robe and pulled the
trigger but the bullet was reflected away by the bandage coming
from the corner of the robe.

The man in the black robe turned around slowly, several bandages
slithered out from his sleeves and the corner of his clothes, swaying
with the wind.

It was as if the bandages had their own wills — the real reason the
young man could not penetrate the defenses of the black robed
man, would be the magical bandages. The young man has both his
sword and dagger in both of his hands, displaying a dual wielding
posture, the superior aims his revolver at the black robed man
without relaxing, as if feeling a sense of interest as he puffed out a
smoke from his cigarette.

“Hey, you! We’re investigating an affair; do you have anything to


“Why don’t you ask the owner of the mansion yourself? He’s right
over there.”

As the black robed man finished his sentence, he kicked the table
that was as high as his knee over. The young man cuts down the
table but the enemy had already used the time that the young man
was distracted to escape through the window.

The man in the black robe broke the window, causing a huge sound
as he escaped into the darkness. Even though the young man had
already gone over to the window immediately, he wasn’t able to see
the shadow or the silhouette of his target.

“Do you want me to chase after him?”

“Let it be for now — damn~ That guy is strong, if we’re just talking
about ability, he’s almost the same level as you.”

The superior relaxed his shoulders as he placed his revolver back into
its holster.

The young man maintained an alert composure, waved his sword as

the blood splattered onto the floorboards. This made him suddenly
realize something.

“Right, Lord Elsnes he…”

The superior didn’t say a word as he walked over to the office desk
and grabbed the hair of the swallow tail tuxedo man.

He violently pulled up the man’s hair and observed the face of the
man. He released his grip and shook his annoyed face.

“He’s dead.”

“… that means, Lord Elsnes is found ‘guilty’?”

“It’s quite hard to say. Maybe he was just tortured to death during
questioning, or maybe he said some secret that he got killed because
of it — hence why I said the current situation is quite desperate.”

The superior picked up the fallen sheepskin parchments and tossed it

to the young man. The young man caught the parchments and stared
at the mission details again.

“Melida Angel eh…”

The unbearably bad attributes, as an aristocrat but couldn’t use

Mana, such heresy existence… As well as needing to guide this
talentless girl into a great Paladin, this client’s unreasonable

The other detail that was required to take note was the mission
duration. It started from when the private tutoring starts, it was a 3-
year duration. After 3 years, all the graduates of the academy would
withhold a competition, as long she left a bit of result in the
competition, graduated smoothly from Saint Frideswide academy,
the mission would only then end — it was an unprecedented long-
term mission.

The young man had a gut feeling, that these 3 years would be awfully
long and hard, even it made the current information provided a bit
too warm and gentle.

“… there’s no point, I indeed accepted this talentless girl — Melida
Angel’s private tutorship. But there is something that I’m concerned

“What is it?”

“Speaking of this mission — why hire us? If it’s about Lady Meliona’s
background investigation, then it’s fine, but this sort of private
tutorship, just hand it over to someone from an official unit then it’ll
be solved.”

The young man popped out a question, his superior scratched his
face that was riddled with his enemies’ blood as he lit up a cigarette.

“… why would it be strange, this sort of mission is most suitable for


“What do you mean by that?”

“Hey, don’t act stupid! There’s only one job that is suitable to us.”

The darkness that engulfed everything.

The furniture that had been cut down: plenty of corpses all over the
floor: the suffocating smell of death.

Dressed in a military uniform with the color close to night and the
whole body that had been affected by the smell of fresh blood —

The man with the cane smiled as he said this:

“— that is assassination.”

LESSON:I ~The Awakening of
the Golden Crow~
A large chandelier that was mounted on the ground — that was the
state of the world.

People rose their heads to stare at the blank sky. The dazzling
celestial bodies like the stars, moon, and the sun only existed in
ancient texts that had been passed down. There were many scholars
who thought that these were just the creations of the poets, because
in today’s world, the scene of having a blue sky hanging over the
heads of the people — it was quite unbelievable.

In this world, from the skies to the ground, even until the end of the
earth, all were covered in darkness. The colorless darkness had
caused the people to unable to confirm what kind of surroundings
further of the earth went, and the area of the vast land was beyond
imagination… there was only a corner situated in all this darkness,
where there was a huge group of glass containers and the height of
them ranged from hundreds until thousands of meters, whilst
exuding brilliant light.

That was humanity’s last city — The world’s lantern [Flandor].

The lantern had a diameter of 5km, its large glass containers were
called ‘Canvell’, each containing a street, as if wanting to surround
the “Holy King District” where privileged class residents lived, 24
canvells line up tightly on metal bases, they could only be described
as chandeliers. Even though there was a great difference.

In between different kinds of canvells, there were few metal bridges

constructed, and situated on top of these bridges contained the
transportation of the people. Right at this moment, there was a train
that was passing through the Holy King District’s outer tunnel,

following hundreds of meters of elevated railroads moving down to
other canvells.

On that train, in the last coach box, there was a young man looking
out the window, his solemn expression showed as he counted the
canvells, at the same time, while casually thinking.

What kind of force created such unreasonable constructions? People

were even hesitant to think about this.

—That was what the young man was thinking.


The train that the young man was on finally reached its final stop
which was a station situated outside of the Holy King District, one of
the canvells — Cardinals Academy District. This was where rows of
academies were situated upon, half of the residents here are
students, it was Flandor’s second to none gakuen city.

It was dawn, the young man disembarked the train, arriving at a

platform covered with fog, he glanced around once and confirmed
that he was indeed in the city where it belonged to students.

The people that disembarked and the people who boarded the
trains, or the people who traversed around within the station, most
of them were youths. The young man breathed in a breath of fresh
air, as he fixed his usual military uniform.

The young man retrieved a map of the city that’s drafted on a paper
from his coat pocket.

Speaking of Cardinals Academy District’s characteristics, it was also

known as ‘Meditation Towers’ due to their beautiful construction. It
was as if mathematicians, physicians, and artists cooperated to build
it, hundreds of pointed roofs constructions neatly laid out, taking
away breaths of many with its beauty.

The young man’s destination was the border of these tower streets.

He heard that Melida Angel’s mansion was constructed across the

city of Seamus waterfront.

From today on wards for the duration of 3 years — this young man
would start living the life of a private tutor in this city.

“The atmosphere is very different from the Holy King District.”

The young man inhaled gently while placing the paper back into his

“”There is a scent of intelligence…””

He murmured, then an unexpected clear high-pitched voice

overlapped his voice.

The young man looked over his shoulder and at the same time he
exchanged glances with the person looking at him.

The person was a girl who disembarked the train. She looked
younger than him by a little, approximately age 16. The way she
dressed herself, it exhibited a clear notion that she was conscious
about her attire.

Her bright red hair has been well maintained to be silky smooth, her
slender limbs were also filled with charm. Dressed like a beautiful
fairy, like a dancer dancing on a stage, or a model right out of a
fashion magazine.

A girl like her would attract many gazes of young boys, but she didn’t
seem to notice her own charm. The girl smiled an innocently at the
young man, she looked childish compared to how she dressed.

“Hehe, we said the same thing.”

“Sounds like it — wait, no, uh —”

The young man coldly replied, as he shook his head gently.

From arriving at the city, his mission has already begun. The young
man’s identity right now was to head to the duke family and begin
his job as a private tutor, he needed to put on a ‘mask’ befitting of a
private tutor to handle the people that he met under the current

After a moment, the young man smiled a warm smile towards the
red-haired girl.

“Are you here for a holiday?”

“N-no, it’s for a job! Does that mean…”

“Yes, as you can see, I’m not a student — come on, let’s go.”

The young man escorted the girl towards the luggage compartment
of the train.

At this very moment, there were more than just boys who were
enraptured by the red-haired girl’s beauty but even a few women
that were traversing within the station had their cheeks flushed,
halting in their tracks. A portrait painter immediately took the liberty
to start painting the scene, while a few seemingly like journalists’
boys who were dressed in suits pressed the shutter button on their
cameras repeatedly.

Do we really look like a picture whilst walking together? The young

man doubted, but the red-haired girl was the opposite of the young
man, her face didn’t contain any trace of clue that she noticed the
eyes of the public, her reddish cheeks gave out a sense of joy to the

After arriving at the luggage compartment, the young man took the
first step onto the stairs leading to the luggage compartment.

“What’s your ticket number?”

“Eh, ticket number? Uh… found it!”

The young man took the ticket from the girl that she took it out from
her dress’s pocket. He walked into the luggage compartment, and
within a few moments, he came out with his own luggage on his right
and a cutely decorated travel bag on the left.

“Sorry to have made you wait, lady.”

The young man handed her the bag, the red-haired girl gasped with
surprise, happily exclaiming:

“How… how chivalrous of you!”

“It’s only a small matter, nothing much. If I could help you to your
destination, that would be the best…”

The girl displayed a face of fear and then shook her head,
immediately took over her own bag.

After asking, the girl’s destination was the Cardinals Academy

District’s trendiest high class residential area, as opposed to the
young man as he was ready to head out to the depressing outskirts.

After leaving the station, both stood at the top of the large stairs that
could be seen from the streets just from a glance.

As if they were on a stage, both shook hands atop the large stairs.

“I came here alone and I felt insecure… but meeting such a nice
person, it’s awesome! It feels like from today on wards, a lot of
things will go according to plan!”

“That’s great. If there is a chance, then we’ll meet up again.”

“Ok, if there’s a chance then we’ll meet again! We must meet again!”

The girl held the young man’s hand with both of her hands and shook
it a few times, and after that she ran down the stairs. The girl turned,
her red hair following the wind as it swayed, she waved at the young
man accompanied with a smile.

The young man gently waved his hand as a response as he saw her

“Fuuu” — the young man unknowingly sighed.

The young man’s superior guaranteed that his skills in acting were
unbeatable wasn’t a lie. Even though it was a bit sad, but out of all
the unit members, it seemed like himself was the most suitable
candidate for this mission.

After confirming the red-haired girl had disappeared into the crowd,
the young man walked towards the stairs with his luggage in tow,
preparing to head to his destination.

The young man depended on his notes, walked towards one of the
streets that extended radially. He passed by the pointed roof
constructions and hearty eyed students, headed straight towards the

The foundation of the city-state (Flandor) were the 25 canvells —

even though accurately speaking it was the streets themselves that
were radiating such light that could cast away the darkness. The real
reason of the light were the street lights hanging on the street. A
special gas was filled within the glass containers of the street lights.

The gas is called [Blood of the Sun] (Nectar).

That kind of liquid glass could be mined from a mine near Flandor
outskirts, after lighting the gas in fire, it could radiate a strong and
holy light. That was a shield as well as armor, defending the whole
city from [the curse of the night] that had engulfed the world. It was
humanity’s last lifeline to maintain a civilized society —

When the mining vein of Blood of the Sun dried up, what would
become of Flandor? How would life continue? It had been discussed
on the council countless times, but until now, there was no answer
to this question, the thought flashed across the thoughts of the
young man, as it disappeared.

Rather than fearing for a distant future, what was more important
now was to not get lost in this foreign city.

The young man depended on his notes as he moved on, occasionally

asked directions from stall merchants, finally he arrived at his
destination — a corner of the canvell. The left side of the road had a
brick wall that was built from long ago, an iron fence was also built to
prevent visitors from visiting.

A shocking sight of an overgrown garden that was opposite of the

iron fence.

Plants that existed within canvells were of course not natural plants.
Who was rich enough to maintain such scale of a garden?

The young man approached the fence and was greeted by maids
who bowed to him.

“You must be Kufa Vampir. Welcome, we have been waiting.”

The young man listened to the name he was given for the sake of the
mission and returned an elegant smile. The red-haired girl from
before had proven that the current ‘mask’ he wore was useful to the

“Lucky to have met you, from now on, please take care of me.”

“Yes, we should be the ones to ask for your care. It’s a pleasure to
meet you.”

In the middle of the three maids, there was one maid who stood
forward, carrying a smile befit of a flower. The girl gave out an
innocent image but at the same her strong will was felt.

“I’m Emy, I am the head maiden of this mansion. If there is any

confusion, don’t hesitate, please come and find me.”

“Head maiden?”

The young man — Kufa frowned. The young girl called Amy, no
matter how you looked at her, she was about 17 or so, not much
difference compared to himself. The head maiden was referred to as
‘lady’, usually the one who held the rank would be of an older age,
with ample experience.

The young man was then reminded before the mission, his superior
learned a few things. Apparently, since the blood lineage of Lady
Melida was suspected, her position within the Angel family seemed
to become very delicate, even her father didn’t treat her well, even
grouped her with the lowest ranking of maids together and placed
them in another mansion.

This meant that not even the amount of people that was minimum,
but this included experience, right? The maids behind Emy could also
be said as the age of young girls.

“Look, it’s a man!”

“It is a man…!”

“He’s quite young…”

“It seems that he’s quite mature, wonder how old he is?”

The girls whispered among themselves. Even though they were in

front of a guest, yet they still gossiped, happily talking away their
secret topics. The young girls looked up the young man, with gazes
filled with interest and passion, causing the young man to feel

“Look, he’s slim and tall… his Calvary uniform fits him so well!”

“Including that purplish black hair, accompanied with cold eyes, truly

“He exudes an aura that says, ‘I am skilled, got any problems?’!”

“Even though we’re seniors compared to him, instead, he’s the one
that would be called as a devil instructor!”

“Ah, it’s too cruel!”

“Devil sensei ah…!”

Who’s the devil sensei?

Contrary to the topic of discussion and the unknown reason of why

the girls were happy, Kufa acted as if he didn’t hear anything, at the
same time sighed. However, Emy misunderstood such gesture, she
quickly reached out.

“Oh, I’m very sorry, you must be tired! Let me help you with your

“No, it’s fine.”

Kufa refused her kind gesture, and shook Amy’s outstretched hand.

“Today on wards, we will be colleagues, there is no need for such
formal gesture. Please treat me as your helper, if there are any jobs
needed to be handed to me, please just ask.”


Emy’s face flushed red. The maids behind her gasped.

“Emy immediately received an attack!”

“Emy’s sneaky~!”

Cough, cough — the young head maiden faked a cough or two, and
turned around, her skirt swayed following her actions.

“Then… then I’ll lead you to the mansion. Let’s go!”

Accompanied by the three maids, Kufa passed through the main

gate. Behind the gate, it was the garden where it could be seen
opposite of the fence. Artificial trails were placed in between the
lush and tall plants. The greens covered the path forward, still unable
to see the silhouette of the mansion.

“The presence of a male is really helpful, if the house only has girls,
then it would bring many inconveniences…”

Emy tried to start up a conversation with the young man, then the
other maids also joined in.

“If there is any work that requires strength, can we trouble you?”

“Like moving stuff, or cleaning high areas!”

Kufa let out a bitter smile, and at the same time flexed his biceps…

“Leave it to me.”

His answer made the maids shouted out “kyaaaa~”.

According to them, the mansion had another same aged maid. In
turn, it meant that there was only these maids… Kufa’s mind flashed
over ‘men are forbidden’, such old saying.

Even though it was work, but for entering the garden, Kufa wasn’t
immune to being nervous. But seeing such welcoming atmosphere, it
didn’t seem to be able to confuse the mind and affect the mission.

— Until before meeting her at the end of the trail, he really thought

Melida Angel’s mansion was an elegant yet modern two-story

building, the level of space was suitable to house 5 to 6 people.
Comparing the Cardinal Academy District’s streets and the pointed
roof tops, accompanying with such lush greenery surroundings, the
whole scene gave out an atmosphere that it was a magician’s

After walking for five minutes since the main gate, they finally
reached the main entrance of the mansion, Amy swiftly turned.

“Lord Kufa, welcome. From today on wards, a total duration of three

years, here is your workplace. The young lady should be waiting…

Emy suddenly felt something and looked up. Kufa who was led by
this action looked up as well, following the two other maids.

It was because all of them heard the talking.

Above the entrance, on the second floor, there was a balcony, the
sounds came from the hall inside the balcony.

“Huh, aren’t they back yet? From when they went out to greet him,
it’d passed quite some time.”

“Ojou-sama, really, how many times do you have to ask the same
question? Emy and the others will greet the guest, they’ll be arriving
very soon~”

“But, there’s only 3 minutes left until the promised time of meeting.
They might be lost, or the train went into an accident…! I’ll go check
it out!”

“W-wait, Lady Melida!”

Then there was a shadow running towards the balcony. Hurried

footsteps appeared above Kufa and the others. Kufa took one step,
two steps, three steps back, to confirm the identity of the person.

— then he was immediately approached by a bright light, Kufa

couldn’t help but to squint his eyes.

It was blonde hair.

It was even brighter than the Blood of the Sun (Nectar), compared to
colors, it should be said that there was a brilliant light. If an angel
created the light reflecting from a jewel, would it be such a holy
golden light?

The girl followed her momentum and jumped onto the railing, her
golden blonde hair danced like a harp playing. Her childish act
befitted her 13-year-old age.

Her face was childish yet beautiful, using a doll to describe her would
be most appropriate.

Soft and cherry colored cheeks, with a slim body and cute height —

Her perfect beauty led people hard to believe that she was just
graduated from primary school, Kufa’s gaze was instantly attracted.

Kufa looked up with his half-mesmerized gaze, as for Melida she
leaned her body forward at the railing, looking out. She didn’t even
notice the people that she was looking for were below her.

“Hmm~… I can’t see them! They are not by the garden. So that
means, they’re either still on the streets or at the main gate… really,
I’ve known that the garden was too lush!”

“Sl-slow down! Ojou-sama, it’s very dangerous!”

The maiden that was in distraught rushed over to the balcony from
the hall.

A face of impatient was drawn on the naughty young girl’s face as

she placed a single knee on top of the railing. Kufa saw this as he
involuntary let out a “hm”, unable to speak.

Not sure if it was nearing the time for school, Melida was wearing
the academy’s uniform. The colors of her uniform are like a red rose
but brighter, suited well along with her golden blonde hair.

Even though the uniform suits her… but her lower body was wearing
a skirt. From the perspective of Kufa, boldly setting the skirt aside
would surely show the skin underneath of the skirt inelegantly — ….

Kufa looked away.

The one that was worrying for him, was the one looking from the
same perspective as him, Emy.

“You… you can’t, Ojou-sama! Here! We’re here!”

“It’s showing! There’s a male looking!”


The sounds came from somewhere Melida had never expected, she
kept the same posture as she turned her head with the feeling of

doubt. She finally then noticed the three maidens that were looking
at her, and within the three maidens, there was a tall man dressed in
a military uniform.

She reviewed back her own appearance and the way she was
standing as well as the place — even though it was just an
imagination, but Kufa could see her childish beautiful face slowly
turned red.

“Eh… ah… uwaaa…? — kyaaaa!”


From the sounds of getting embarrassed, suddenly turned into a

sharp scream. Kufa felt that Emy and the others took a deep breath
— he looked up at the instant.

All he saw was Melida lost her balance and started falling from the
second-floor balcony. Times like this, for people who weren’t ready,
they wouldn’t be able to do anything. Kufa threw his luggage as he
dashed across, sliding towards Melida ’s drop point. He opened his
arms and waited, calmly — catching Melida .

Thud — like the impact of feathers, Melida landed in the embrace of

Kufa. It was a princess carry.

Melida had no idea what had happened, her eyes were tightly shut,
her whole body was stiff.

“Are… you alright, Ojou-sama?”

“Eh…? — ah… uh, no… I’m fine…”

Melida trembled as she opened her eyes and exchanged gazes with

Her childish beautiful face immediately turned red to the ears.

Was it because she was reminded the thing before, or was it that she
was too terrified until her legs are weak? Or it was because Kufa’s
muscular arms were too hard, it made her feel uncomfortable?

Her peach colored lips trembled, accompanied by a warm and soft


“Are you my tutor…?”

“Ah — yes, I am Kufa. Please take care of me from now on.”


Melida immediately closed her mouth.

Her gem-like pupils radiated a sort of gravity, captivated Kufa’s gaze.

It unexpected evolved to an ultra-close posture as both gazed into
each other, besides Melida, everything else seemed to have
disappeared from his vision —

Emy and the others rushed over, Kufa and Melida regained their

“Ojou-sama! It’s lucky that you’re all right!”

“Waaaa! Eh? Ah… I… what is this…!”

Melida regained her own senses. She seemed like this was the first
time receiving a princess hug from someone of the opposite sex,
since her face was red as she pushed Kufa away and landed onto the

Kufa thought that she’d leave the scene immediately — but the pride
of a duke’s daughter made Melida halt when she was leaving.

“Please… please bring sensei to his room!”

She forced herself to say this and after that, she rushed into the
mansion immediately. Those cute yet panicked footsteps slowly
faded away… the maids that were left at the entrance looked at each

“Uh, that young lady is my employer…?”

“… she’s Lady Melida Angel.”

Emy looked as if she had a headache as she bowed. The other maids
had a face of helplessness as they shrugged. Looks like the
mischievous acts of the master of the mansion was something that
was common to everyone.

It seemed that there were a lot of things that were more than met
the eyes. This was what Kufa promised himself, sounds of footsteps
approach nearer from the mansion. Supposedly thinking it was
Melida who came back, but it was not.

PING! The door opened, it was the unknown fourth maid.

“Bad news, Ojou-sama jumped off from the balcony! …eh, weird,
where’s Ojou-sama?”

The fourth maid looked around and didn’t manage to see the
shadow of her master, but she found four of her colleagues. They
were her superiors, Amy, two of her same age maids, and meeting
for the first time, the young man who would be the private tutor…

Kufa immediately smiled courteously, however —

“Devil sensei…”

The fourth maid completely forgot about the dangers Melida was in,
showed a mesmerized gaze. Told you I’m not a devil.

* * *

Given what happened earlier at the entrance, Kufa finally entered
the mansion.

Kufa’s personal room was situated between the second floor and
attic, it could be said that it was half an attic room. Amy opened the
door situated in the middle of the stairs, slightly bowed her head

“Because until now, there’s no room for males, I’ve asked people to
urgently cleaned the room. Please forgive me if I’ve brought any

“No, how would it be?”

Kufa carried his heavy luggage into the room that he will be staying
for the next three years.

He let out a relieved sigh as he placed down his luggage on the floor.
Even though Amy spoke humbly, but this room compared to the
rundown apartment that Kufa lived in back at the outskirts of the
Holy King District, it was like a paradise.

There was not a hint of hypocrite within the words of Kufa, but Emy
didn’t seem to have accepted the words of its face value. She kept
coming forward desperately, possibly to make Kufa like this

“In this mansion, Ojou-sama dines with us servants. Tonight, there

are plans to hold Kufa-san’s welcoming party, please look forward to

“Mm, I look forward to it.”

“… ah, it was supposed to be a secret! I’m really…!”

“Ah-haha —”

Seeing as Amy felt embarrassed while holding her cheek, Kufa’s
laughed openly.

After she left the room, Kufa once again looked at the room’s

Even though, Amy said that it was an empty room, but every corner
was cleaned and no dust was seen. Also, Kufa had never felt such a
soft bed before, the new mattress let out a smell of warmth from the
Blood of the Sun streetlights. These were also prepared by the maids
for their new colleague.

“This isn’t a bad workplace.”

Kufa moved his luggage to the wall, as he opened the windows.

The scent of flowers blew into the room. The light was good, from
here the scenery was superior when looking out from his room —

“Not bad.”

Kufa breathed in deep, taking a large breath of fresh air, shutting his

Suddenly, there was someone standing outside of the door.

After seemingly hesitant in silence, the sounds of a knock came from

the door.

“… Sen… Sensei, mind if I interrupt…?”


Kufa immediately rushed to the door, he opened the door and

looked, the only thing he saw was Melida dressed in her Saint
Frideswide Girl’s Academy uniform, rubbing her knees together, and
looked up to Kufa.

“What is it, it isn’t time for school yet right?”

“Ye… yes. Hence… uh…”

Melida had a face of hesitance, not long after as if she was

determined to do something and raised her head.

“If it’s convenient for you, can sensei teach me before school


“So… sorry! Sensei is actually tired!”

Seeing the young girl bowed apologetically, Kufa couldn’t help but
feel at a loss.

—Oh, it really is quite surprising. I would think that she wouldn’t

have much drive, only then she would have such terrible results, but
surprisingly, she is quite hardworking.

Kufa felt a sudden interest towards Melida .


Kufa answered while taking off his military uniform, loosening his tie.

“Then, let’s see what you can do. Please change into some
sportswear, and come to the courtyard.”

“Ye — yes! I’ll be in your care!”

Melida raised her head and smiled happily.

Kufa’s heart thumped. Melida’s smile was too dazzling, making Kufa
unable to breathe as he was mesmerized — must be because I let my
guard down.

* * *

At the back of the courtyard, there was a square for holding tea
parties being surrounded by flowers. The space of the square could
almost be used to play as well using it to train. Kufa dressed in a
shirt, and Melida who had changed into sportswear with a pair of
skin tight pants, each wielding practice weapons facing each other.

“Then, let’s start from the basics. Even if you did wrong, it’s all right,
please try to demonstrate style one to twenty-eight of the book of
swordsmanship [Noble Stances].”

“Ye… yes.”

Melida answered with a stiff voice, she raised up the wooden sword
that was almost the same height as her.

Even though it felt that the weapon wasn’t suitable with her
physique, but as a paladin rank, she should be able to wield a sword
of that length. Melida should realize such fact.

If Melida was really a paladin, there would be no problems, but…

“— ha!”

Melida took a step as she breathed a short breath. Her knees gently
lowered, as she slashed the air with the sword.


Kufa involuntarily let out a gasp.

Originally, Kufa was worried that Melida would not be able to handle
the weapon, but she was able to use the centrifugal force to skillfully
wield the long sword. From a downward slash then changing into a
robe slash, with a smooth flow and then added with a strike.

Maybe it was because she felt the gaze of Kufa, her movements
occasionally felt stiff. Even so, the effort of making this turn into a

second nature would not betray her. Until now, Melida had repeated
hundreds or even thousands of times of sword practice, until her
body could perfectly reproduce the model of the basic form.

Until the last act had been smoothly performed, Melida raised her
sword skillfully.

“Looks like that you constantly practice.”

Kufa wrote a note on his notebook, and picked up a wooden sword.

“Now then, let’s try some tricks.”

Kufa walked to the front of Melida, and gently closed his eyelids.

Amid the darkness, appeared a ball of white flame floating in the

consciousness of one.

Kufa instantly poured all his thoughts into the small flame. The flame
became more violent as it expanded, surpassing the sound of speed
as it channeled through the body —

It burst!

Boom! Blue flames exuded from Kufa’s body. It was the release of

Although it was fire, but it didn’t burn. The light coming from the
flames was a holy power just to keep away the “Night”. The so-called
mana, it was also known as “The Blood of The Sun” dwelling in one’s


Melida’s eyes widened as she stared at Kufa.

“Sensei’s mana is the color of blue…! This is my first time seeing such
clear flames!”

“Is that right, this is embarrassing.”

“Um, if you don’t mind, what is sensei’s class…?”

“It’s Samurai. It’s the class with great agility.”

Kufa spun the wooden the sword that is the shape of a katana
around, causing Melida to gasp.

Kufa smiled bitterly and held his sword in front of him. Mana
conveyed from his palm onto his sword, transferring the blue flames
onto the edge of the sword.

“Then, please attack me however you wish. Even if you feel like it’d
hit, there is no need to stop.”

“Ye… yes.”

Melida nodded nervously, and raised her long sword. The long sword
looked as if it was heavy, the tip of her sword was shaking.

After staying as if she was petrified for a few seconds, Melida started
to move. She moved took a step forward and at the same time,
raising her sword above her head, within a the time of a breath, got
close to Kufa.


Kufa heard Melida’s raging cry, within his thoughts came up with a
question mark.

But, it was already too late. The long sword carried a violent
momentum as it came down. The sharp long sword slashed down on
the wooden sword —

Clang—! The long sword accompanied by a deafening sound

bounced off.


Melida flew two meters backwards, as she couldn’t help but sat
down on the ground. Freed from her hand, the long sword flew up
into the air, and broke into two. It was dropping just on top of
Melida, hence Kufa immediately dashed forward and slashed with his
wooden sword, whipped away the wreckage of the sword.

Kufa switched to use his left hand to hold the wooden sword, and
helped the dizzy Melida off the ground.

“I am so sorry, Ojou-sama, are you, all right?”

I was careless. Kufa totally forgot about Melida’s status on the “MP

Just think about it, you would know why mana users would be given
the authority of nobles, it was price to bear the burden of having to
fight against enemies. Melida was unable to use mana, if a weapon
that was infused with mana clashed against a normal weapon, it
would result like this.

“Let’s change the bookings, first, we need to awaken your mana.”

Kufa looked around the broken pieces of Melida’s sword, and smiled

“There would be a need to prepare a new weapon.”

“… sorry.”

Melida had done no wrong, yet she apologized, also dropped her
head in frustration.

Kufa kept the practice swords, and supported Melida by the arm to
the middle of the courtyard.

Kufa relaxed his posture and began to lecture Melida on the basics.

“Mana users’ body has a few organs that could not be seen by the
eyes. The whole body has more than a dozen mana discharge holes
that are called Mantle, also there are twenty-two tunnels connecting
these places called Vaporizer.”

Kufa gently placed his hand on top of Melida’s head. Even though, he
wanted to accurately point out the place was the middle of the top
of her head.

“The discharge holes have their own names. Here, it is the


Kufa then moved his hand and touched Melida’s slim right upper
arm, right forearm, left upper arm, and left forearm, then her right
thigh and calf, left thigh, and calf. While touching he read out the
names, respectively ‘Binah (Understanding), Gevurah (Severity),
Chochmah(Wisdom), Chesed(Kindness), Hod (Glory),
Malchut (Kingship), Netzach (Eternity), Yesod (Foundation)’.

Finally, Kufa placed his fingertip on the middle of Melida’s chest.

Melida’s face turned red, but Kufa kept his serious expression. The
thirteen-year-old kept her lips tight, taking this seriously.

“’Tiferet (Beauty)’ — this is the most important Mantle. The fountain
of mana is here, the twenty-two Vaporizers accumulate here. If the
user consciously stresses the ‘Beauty’, mana can be released through
the Vaporizers.”

Try it and see — Kufa urged, Melida nodded.

She shut her eyes, both hands clasped together, as if she was

She waited a while… but nothing happened.

Melida’s forehead had begun to sweat, sweat droplets begun to drip

down her face.

—Still couldn’t? Kufa didn’t say anything but in his heart, he

muttered to himself.

For example, Kufa couldn’t understand the feeling of having a tail like
a cat; unable to copy how bats fly by using ultrasound; and unlike
fishes, he couldn’t breathe underwater using gills.

If someone didn’t possess the same organ as he did, then that

person would not be the same kind of organism as him.

Right now, Melida felt distress, it was the same as this feeling.

Because her body didn’t possess Manto or Filipoleux, and even mana
didn’t even exist —

“… Ojou-sama, it’s almost time for school.”

In the end, until Emy came to call for Melida, there was no result.
The maid had a face of sadness while watching the lonely and petite
back of her mistress walked back to the mansion.

Amy then turned to Kufa, forcing a smile.

“Right, Kufa-san. Please take care of our Ojou-sama at school as

“Please leave it to me. As one of the servants in the duke’s home, I

need to be on guard.”

“— eh?”

Melida was shocked as she turned around. She trembled while


“Sen… sensei will come to the academy as well…?”

“Yes, you didn’t know? As ojou-sama’s private tutor, as well as your

attendant. Even though St. Fridesweide’s All Girls Academy forbids
males from entering, I was given special permission because I’m your

“… um!”

Melida had a complex expression as she bit her lip nervously, then
turned. Melida looked upon the mansion and ran towards it, Kufa
and Amy that were left behind looked at each other.

Kufa wondered what was Melida worrying about.


Melida studied at Saint Frideswide Girl’s Academy, with a castle-like

school building, a cathedral attached, it was an academy that
possesses history and style. It was situated at South Albert Avenue;
towering walls were all around the vast campus. From far, you could
see the tip of the school building pointing towards the sky.

The children of aristocrats studying in — a school where mana ability

users learn to develop their knowledge, there were a total of 13
schools in the whole of Flandor. One of them was Saint Frideswide

Girl’s Academy which placed special attention to make its students to
become a lady, it was an academy with a long history.

Once it was time for class, the streets would be naturally filled with
students. Each school had their own uniform, some are of a
traditional dress, and some others were cute skirts, etc.

Melida donned the Saint Frideswide Girl’s Academy gothic style

uniform, hung her head low among the students, looked at the floor
as she walked.

Her slender hands held a leather bag stuffed full of stuff.

“It seems to be heavy, ojou-sama. Let me help you?”

“N…no! It’s fine!”

Melida didn’t look at Kufa, but just shook her head. What is inside?

Not long after, nearing Albert Avenue, there are more girls wearing
the same uniform appearing. Kufa’s impressive military uniform, no
matter if it was the color of his height was particularly conspicuous,
occasionally there would be curious gazes. Melida, as if she was
sitting on a carpet riddled with needles, shrunk her shoulders.

The entrance to Saint Frideswide was a narrow tunnel. You could see
there were a few girls wearing the same first year emblem as Melida
gathered at the side of the tunnel.

After confirming that Melida was walking over, a girl who tied her
hair into a twin ponytail raised her hand.

“You’ve finally come! You’re too slow, Melida!”

Melida raised her head, didn’t know why she glanced over to Kufa,
somehow showed that she minded him being there.

Then she forced out a smile, ran over to the students.

“Good… good morning everyone.”

“Morning! Hey, what about the things that we asked for?”

The girl with the double ponytails held out her palm, the others

Melida opened the bag, took out two thick and heavy books.

They were the latest collection of love stories authored by a writer

famous throughout the region. Kufa remembered what some people
thought about that work ‘its content was too extreme, not suitable
for students’, it was a hot topic within the Holy King District.

The twin ponytail girl took the books from the hands of Melida like
she was robbing her.

“This is it! Chris Lattwick Sensei’s newest book! I always wanted to


“Nerva-sama, please lend it to me after you’ve finished!”

“I want it too! Please let me read it!”

The girls crowded while they discussed loudly about the novels. The
twin ponytail called Nerva, smiled as she turned to Melida.

“This is great! My family is strict, the postman doesn’t even dare to

send something like this to my home. You’re so lucky, Melida, your
house doesn’t have your mother nor your father!”

Melida nodded with an ambiguous expression, and returned a stiff


At this moment, Nerva noticed the man in the military uniform

standing behind Melida.

“Oh, Melida, who’s that?”

“Ah… he’s come to tutor me today, he’s my private tutor…”

“Melida got a private tutor!”

Nerva seems to be the leader of the girls that are in a heated

discussion about the romance novel, she raised her hand
immediately to attract their attention.

Nerva walked to Kufa and elegantly bowed.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Nerva of the Martillo family. Melida is my

‘Blumen’, we’re very close.”


“’Blumen Blatt’… it’s a unit, sensei?”

Nerva smiled a ridicule smile as she said it.

A unit was to protect the Flandor military organization — it was

made up of mana users, the smallest group within the ‘Cavalry

At most there would be 5 people in a group, the Cavalry Regiment

was made up from many groups. No matter defense or attack, the
foundation of strategies was made up from these groups.

Supposedly for drill sessions, these academies that taught these

noble daughters suggested that they used this group system from
their learning times to let them get used to the military beforehand.

Looking proudly, Nerva explained:

“Blumen means Garden, in Saint Frideswide this name would be

used to call the unit. No matter where on the school grounds, we will
never be separated, we would hold study sessions, tea parties or
sleep overs… we’re as close as biological sisters.”

“Ah, I see, what a wonderful custom.”

“Fufu, are you coming to class? Sen. Sei.”

Facing Nerva’s sarcastic tone Kufa didn’t back away, but replied with
a relaxed smile.

“I will remember your teachings, I’m Kufa Vampir, please take care of
me from now on.”

“Vampir… I have not heard of this surname.”

Nerva doubted about it for a while, and thought that it was nothing
and turned away.

Then, the group — no, the unit (Blumen) one of them as if there’s
something funny spoke.

“Eh, didn’t Elise-sama hired a private tutor as well?”


Melida suddenly twitched her shoulders.

From far there was a first-year girl who hid behind some girls. Her
clean-cut silver hair, snow white skin, and a cold gaze fell straight
onto Melida.

There is something similar between them both. Melida’s lips turned

white, as if she was shivering: “you’re here, Eli.” Her voice was so
soft that it sounded like it would have disappeared, only to have
heard by Kufa.

The girl called Elize replied without an expression on her face:

“…she came to the mansion this morning.”

“And apparently, that tutor, is one of the youngest to have joined

the imperial guards, one of the elites!”

“Ah, totally from a different level!”

Nerva gasped, besides Elise, the others laughed. Even though she
didn’t state whose level was different, but Melida’s shoulders

“Alright, we won’t be able to catch up to class, let’s go.”

Nerva exclaimed, the first-year students also started to head for

class. Melida didn’t feel like it but followed anyway.

It was obvious that Melida was trying to stay at arm’s length from
the girl named Elise. Kufa had browsed the mission materials before,
the name has appeared. Elise Angel… she was one of the members of
the Duke Paladin family, she and Melida were cousins.

Elise was different from Melida who had her identity being
suspected, her abilities as a paladin had awakened long ago, it was
not long after enrollment that she had begun making a name for

A useless member from the main family and the excellent member
from the branch family… it was quite hard to imagine about their
relationship with each other, the plan of the adults would be messed
up as well.

Nerva who was walking at the front turned around from her group to
look at the thinking Kufa, she smiled with another meaning hidden
behind it, and then asked a question towards her sisters.

“Speaking of the imperial guards, has everyone thought about what

they will do after graduating?”

“Ah, Nerva-sama. There’s no need for you to be that impatient, we

just enrolled into the academy not long ago?”

“There’s no such thing, three years will past by very quickly. Right,


After being called unexpectedly, at the far corner of the group,

Melida who was keeping a distance from everyone was in shock.

Nerva continued triumphantly:

“I kept thinking, which sort of group would have such a useless trash
like you? I’m worried, because we’re friends. You’re also studying at
a mana nurturing academy, of course you would enter the knight
regimen (Guild)?”

“Um, yes…”

“I’ve thought of the place most suitable for Melida. How about the
White Night Cavalry Regiment (Guild Jack Raven)?”

After Nerva said that, it caused an uproar among the girls.

Flandor was made up of hundreds of military regiments, it is also the

total fighting power of humans, it is called the ‘Light cavalry regiment
(Guild Phoenix)’. Missions that were handed to them are divided into
four types respectively, to maintain Canvell’s law and order ‘maintain
security’; to defend the human’s survival circle ‘defend the territory’;
to eliminate enemies that have passed through the defense line
‘enemy elimination’; stepping into the dangerous territory that had
been consumed by the night ‘night exploration’.

There were a few that have obtained good results, like the ones that
had obtained a lot of credits during missions, or the ones that had
won during large martial arts conferences etc., according to the rules
they would be invited to the ‘imperial guards’ the elite force, their
mission ‘Guarding the Sanctuary’ was responsible for special duty in
the Holy King District.

However, there was a rumor that had been flowing through the
streets and alleyways, according to the rumor, there seemed to be a
dark cavalry regiment that was opposite of the Light cavalry regiment
(Guild Phoenix) that protected the peace…

They were said to be the secret organization that was active in the
shadows, nobles and rich businessmen were afraid of them. In secret
dealings, there was a need of suspicion to see whether they were
behind the walls. Also, there was once an armed group in the lower
residential areas that wanted to launch a coup, but they were
annihilated within a night… there were lots of rumors about them.

Many had hoped there would be a name to call them, but no one
knows where to start, the name ‘White Knight cavalry regiment
(Guild Jack Raven)’ had unknowingly stuck with the masses. That
name, ghosts and natural disasters were a symbol of terror, or it had
been widely known for ‘what doesn’t exist’.

In other words, even if you don’t think about it, you could
understand that Nerva is mocking Melida.

“Ah, but Melida has already decided on her future, I know it.”

“ — ah!”

As if expecting a decisive sentence, Melida shook a bit and kept

stopping her footsteps.

In contrast, the other girls were looking for the climax of the show,
coming forward to watch the fun.

“Please tell us, Nerva-sama!”

“I’m also interested!”

“Calm down. When I was at the interview, I was coincidentally in the

same group as Melida, that time I heard she told the interviewer this

— ‘my goal is to enter the imperial guards, becoming a sword of
hope like that, it has been a dream of mine since young’. When I
knew these words came from the legendary ‘talentless girl’, it felt
really funny…!”

The girls, including Nerva within the Blumen laughed hysterically.

They chose at the very center of the road towards the school.
Surrounding them were girls from Saint Frideswide Academy, just by
speaking loudly, everyone surrounding them would hear them loud
and clear.

How humiliated someone would be to be exposed of their inner



Melida’s whole body trembled, as she bit her lip to withstand this,
but —

“Hmm, what does Elise-sama think?”

“ — ah!”

One of them questioned the silver haired girl, letting Melida’s slim
shoulders tremble.

Elise who was at the opposite of the group didn’t join them in
mocking Melida, she was just having a poker face on.

After receiving everyone’s fazes on her, it didn’t take long for her to
nervously open her mouth.

“… I —”

At this moment, Melida took off. She didn’t run towards the school,
maybe she didn’t even know where she was going.

On the way to school, a lot of people sent her a sympathetic gaze. A

lot of them meant no evil, but to Melida, it was as if sitting on a
carpet with needles.

Nerva smiled with satisfaction, as if the scene was one of the best

“Ah, how fun… you have to keep treating me as a friend, Melida.”

When she said it, another girl left the group.

“Ah, Elise-sama, where are you going?”


Elize silently gazed, and ran. She went after Melida who left for the
same way.

Even though Kufa had so far been a shadow, but as a private tutor,
he must follow. He bowed towards Nerva and the others, and chased
after the two.


Even though the slightly large school area had made Kufa lost his way
a bit, but he found two shadows at the empty chapel. He managed to
hear Melida’s voice first.

“… why do you have to come after me! Anyway, you just wanted to
say I can’t do it, right?”

Kufa watched from the shadows, he could see Melida asking Elize.
The corner of the eyes of the blonde hair girl were red, one could
easily tell that she was in a state of being shaken when she was

Kufa silently observed the two, saw that the silver hair girl’s
expression changed. The silver hair girl slightly frowned, as if
hesitating and spoke:

“I, Rida, I’ve also decided to join the imperial guards…”

“ — ah!”

Melida’s face became red.

“Don’t call me Rida so casually!”

Elize’s shoulders shook. Melida shouted loudly, and ran away. She
took a turn, and coincidentally bumped into Kufa.


Melida’s eyes widened, aware of her moist eyes. Her face grew red
as she wiped her face, she turned, her back facing Kufa, and ran

When Melida ran away from Kufa, a tear dropped on Kufa’s palm.

Kufa looked on as the blonde girl ran away, he turned to see Elise’s
back on him, her head lowered.

Kufa suddenly remembered something and took out his notebook.

—The goal of the ‘talentless girl’ is to join the best cavalry, the
imperial guards.

“It’s really not a funny joke.”

Kufa didn’t laugh and spoke, shoving the notebook back into his


Simply speaking, this was the current situation of Melida Angel. Born
from a noble family yet unable to use mana, such heresy would not
be able to fit among the children.

Despite this, Melida seemed to be doing her things her own way to a
certain extent within her ability.

Kufa watched his master’s straightened back whilst sitting during the
morning class.

A female lecturer in her late twenties stood on the lecture podium

facing her students that were seated at a one-hundred-and-eighty-
degree fan-shaped seating. She spoke gently to the students like she
was talking to kindergarten kids.

“Dear students, the long-awaited summer vacation will be coming

soon. Everyone is worried about public match at the end of the
semester and the Circlet Night Festival that will be held afterwards…
but all of you haven’t forgotten that before that, there is a practical
final exam that will also be held at the end of the semester, right?”

Since a few students looked down sadly, the female lecturer

“This is the first practical exam that everyone will be going through
since studying in Saint Frideswide. Are there anyone who has been
focusing on just practical skills and neglecting their homework?
Today, let’s revise what we’ve learned — is there anyone that is able
to summarize the chapter titled “The Cursed Night, Lycanthrope and
Human Relations” from the historian textbook?”

At this moment, Melida raised her hand faster than anyone else. The
female lecturer was quite happy as she called Melida to answer.

Melida stood from her chair,for a moment, she seemed to care

about where Kufa was.

“… we humans live within the city-state known as ‘Flandor’, the

‘Night’ is a darkness that expands beyond Flandor’s domain, and
[Lycanthrope] are shape shifting beings that lurk within this
darkness. Lycanthropes vary from highly intelligent beings to bestial
monsters; their physiology is a completely mystery to us. For
example, the highest order would be [vampires]; werewolves [wolf];
will prey on creatures [tree men]; and the shapeless [witch fire] etc…
They possess a power called [anima] an energy unlike mana, they will
maliciously attack humans. We noble users of mana are tasked with
the mission of protecting the weak from the threat of the
lycanthropes. The most important job of the Light cavalry regiment
(Guild Phoenix) is to push back the lycanthropes, do not let them get
near Flandor.”

The female lecturer’s eyesight urged Melida to continue talking,

Melida swallowed her saliva, continued to talk:

“Lycanthrope are dangerous creatures, they’re said to have

originated from humans and ordinary flora and fauna. This is the

main reason for the phrase “cursed by the night”. The darkness of
the night eats away at those that live under its embrace and it is
what causes the lycanthrope to change. To prevent this, we can’t
leave Flandor. The Calvary that goes out to our lands in the night
must bring a lamp lit with the Blood of the Sun and can’t let go. If
one day the glass container (Canvell) breaks, that would be the end
of humanity. Mana users depending on the Blood of the Sun, it is the
last hope of all the humans that is living in Flandor and the world. We
must always remember this by heart.”

“It’s a shame that today isn’t an exam, I have yet heard such an
accurate answer.”

The female lecturer didn’t hesitate in complimenting Melida, the

students in the class had their eyes lit up, gasping in
admiration. Melida blushed as she lowered her head, but Nerva
started to deny Melida’s effort.

“She said ‘us mana users’! She said she’s the humanity’s hope!”

“I heard it! If I were to be in the same spot as her, I would be so

embarrassed that my face would explode!”

Members of Nerva’s Blumen started to chime in and laugh. On the

opposite, the class became quiet. The female lecturer as if was
warning the students when she coughed and held up the textbook.

“…let’s continue. Next topic is ‘The uses of the Blood of the Sun, the
difference between pressure types and inhalation types’.”

The female lecturer immediately chose another student to answer,

Melida sat down. Nerva and the others wouldn’t stop laughing at
Melida, the other students minded but they didn’t say a word.

Melida didn’t oppose as well.

Because even if she could memorize the whole textbook or can
perfectly reproduce an action, she still must carry a disadvantage of
unable to use mana.

In the afternoon, it was time for practical skills class — Kufa had to
witness Melida’s reason of being called [Talentless Girl].

Saint Frideswide was worthy of being called a vast school, they had
readied a few training arenas.

One of the training arenas were a round stage like what a circus
would use, on the conical stage that was separated by a rope, there
were all kinds of exercise equipment.

Even though it seemed the equipment were what circuses would use
but the decisive difference was in its degree of danger. Places to walk
were also dozens of meters of height, and there were also no fences
to prevent from falling. Even though, it seemed the surroundings had
traps to make the challenger fall.

The first-year students changed into their designated uniforms and

queued at the entrance of the stage. The tutor that stood aside
would make a sign, and a few students would enter, it would be a
test to their accuracy during passing a few obstacles and also time
consumed during the test. If using the results from this test on the
[Flandor’s Uniformed Combat Capability Benchmark], it would turn
the students’ strength into data.

For a normal person to step into this training stage that was designed
for a mana user, it would be normal to be unable to retreat.

Melida stood before the trap where no matter what she would never
be able to pass, her legs stood stiff. Nerva who was going through
the test at the same time with her urged Melida on from the back as
if showing off.

“Hey, Melida! There are people behind you, jump quickly!”


Outside of the training platform, the students rose their head to

watch Melida, they were worried about her. The tutor who couldn’t
stand it placed down her report and replaced them with two wooden

“Melida Angel! Wait right there!”

The tutor went onto the training platform and not even 10 seconds
she managed to reach Melida, throwing one of the wooden swords
at her.

The tutor had decided to challenge Melida, this was one of the
methods to measure her abilities.

But Kufa who was observing from behind the students sighed, “the
result is the same.”

Attack Power 1, Defense Power 1, Agility 2 — This was the limit of

the mana-less Melida Angel.


Melida picked up the wooden sword, held an impressive manner of

attack. The tutor had already retired from the Calvary, yet her body
still had mana that had been honed.

— It wasn’t even five seconds, the wooden sword flew up in the air,
Melida landed on the floor.


This scene had been played umpteen times. Just as Melida released a
cry in pain. Nerva and the others laughed, as if they were waiting for
the chance to.

“Ahahaha! Hey, Melida, you should be an entertainer! Better than
joining the imperial guards!”


Melida who had been lying on the floor gripped her fist, causing her
hand white from the force. The female tutor who was watching
Melida sighed, and turned her back around and at this moment —

“— Uaaaa!”

Melida shouted as if she was a hurt puppy, jumped at the same time
swung her sword. The tutor who had already gotten rid of her
fighting stance was shocked, seeing the student who was charging at

“Melida Angel! Don’t be reckless!”

The wooden sword connected with the tutor’s defenseless shoulder

— accompanied by an ear deafening sound as the sword bounced

The tutor did nothing. She stood still at her place, doing nothing. As
long as there was mana surrounding the body, a normal person
wouldn’t be able to penetrate through. Following the momentum of
striking down the sword, the force that bounced back was a few
times stronger, Melida’s small body flew back like she was a feather.

And easily flew out of the training arena.


Her whole body was paralyzed by the wind, Melida had a blank
expression. Her upper body weight leaned down, falling from tens of

“Melida Angel!”

The tutor screamed, the students stopped breathing. Then Kufa
reluctantly got up.

Subsequently, a burst of impressive speed sped through the training


As the female students felt behind there was an impressive sound of

footsteps, a black shadow flew pass and into the training arena. He
turned at an acute angle, as the edge of his foot appeared sparks, his
speed increased, less than 2 seconds he was able to enter the
training arena which took the female tutor ten seconds to penetrate,
and found a suitable place to jump, opening his arms.

Kufa caught the blonde girl in mid-air. His elegantly saved the girl in a
princess style, spreading his momentum across his whole body. His
shoe soles exuded a burning smell.

Kufa gently placed Melida down on the ground, and naturally knelt
on one knee.

“Are you alright, ojou-sama?”

Everyone was shocked. Everyone around the training arena didn’t

say a word, not to mention Melida. The female tutor finally arrived
next to the two, as she showed an interested smile.

“Amazingly done, should I draw a circle of flowers to reward you?”

“I’m humbled, madam.”

Kufa bowed with respect, the girls who had their emotions caught up
with the current situation burst in cheering. Shocking cheers
surrounded Kufa.

“Please tell us your name!”

One of them led with the request, and soon followed by a few girls
who started to ask for Kufa’s name as well. The female students
flooded the platform, colorful eyes like flowers surrounded him.

Melida was squeezed out from the circle, but no one seemed to care.

“From the first time I saw you, I have been paying attention! I’m
from the Kelada family…”

“Wait, you’re too sneaky to steal the first place! Everyone is

supposed to line up to greet and meet!”

“Even though I couldn’t see clearly, but I was totally enamored! Your
speed is faster than the tutor, right?”

“Eh, this can’t go unnoticed. Who will lend him a wooden sword!”

“Ma…madam, you really like to joke…”

The students along with the tutor had evolved into a very lively
commotion. Yet the one who had yet to join the commotion which
were Nerva and the others, they had a face of uninterested, thinking
about how to pour cold water onto the current situation.

“It’s really bad how this tutor has been given to Melida Angel!”

Her sarcastic sentence didn’t get heard by anybody besides Melida.


Melida left the scene. Even though it was still during class time, she
left the training arena. Even though it was obvious that she was
skipping class, but no one asked her to stay.

More so, not even one person noticed Melida disappearing.


Only Kufa saw her leave. Originally, Kufa thought of chasing after her,
but closing his distance with Melida would only bring the opposite
reaction. Moreover, Kufa had already… —

“Lord Kufa?”

Seeing Kufa looking at a different direction, a girl leaned her head

sideways and asked. Kufa smiled at the girl, while he answers the
questions asked by many, at the same time, he thought under his
fake mask:

— It’s time.


Late at night, when everyone in the mansion had fallen deep into
their dream world, Kufa sat at his desk.

He was producing his mission report. This report would pass through
channels unknown to the post office, and unknowingly passed to the
hands of his superior before dawn.

The text written on the report is simply the following:

• Melida Angel has no talent after observing a whole day.

• Conclusion, she is not Duke Felgus Angel’s biological daughter.

• Hence, I will complete the “second mission” given to me.

Kufa placed down his quill and stood from his chair. He carried the
unopened luggage to the bed and opened it.

The luggage that kept clean clothes, daily necessities, books etc has a
secret compartment. Kufa solved the lock to open the secret
compartment, took out the things that were kept in the secret

— There was a rumor. Something that a mother would tell when the
kids wouldn’t listen to her.

It was said that this country had another regiment that was the total
opposite of the Light Calvary Regiment (Guild Phoenix), which was
the Dark Calvary Regiment which was owned directly by the council.
The council would hand them missions which would include
‘assassination’ and ‘secret management’, sometimes there would be
missions where they treated humans like test subjects for ‘forbidden
experiments’ etc, dirty jobs that would make people suspicious of
one’s self.

Most of the members were educated since young by the

organization, according to the records they didn’t exist under the
bright society. Every time they made a public appearance, they
would change their names, their perspectives, after arriving to their
destination they would disappear. Killers simply did not exist in this
world —

“I never thought that I would need to dispose of my identity ‘private

tutor mask (Vampir)… that soon.”

What was hidden in the case was poison, gunpowder and explosives,
steel wire and a black dagger, etc. He prepared all of this because he
didn’t know what was needed.

Kufa first put on black leather gloves, then started to think.

—This time, I was given two missions. One was to educate the
useless ojou-sama, nurture her to someone who is suitable as a
fighter of the Duke Angel household.

Then the second mission was, if Melida Angel had no growing

potential, it is when I can confirm that she has no bloodline of the
official Paladin —

Then the girl that would taint the Angel household, without leaving
any traces behind would need to be —


Kufa held the steel wire and tucked it under his sleeve. If there were
to be a drop of blood it would be bad, hence it would be better to
use strangulation. Or would it be better to burn her until only ashes
left? It would be quite difficult to ‘not leave the body’ to prevent

Just in case, Kufa placed the dagger onto his hip and left the room.
He was thinking that he wouldn’t need to use his favorite dagger,
then he kept his favorite dagger under the bed mattress.

When the maids had fallen into their dream world, Kufa didn’t make
any sound as he moved soundlessly down the corridor.

“I’m sorry, Miss Emy, and others.”

Kufa apologized silently. They just also had a grand welcoming party
for him.

It should not have been so quick. Even though his superior smiled as
he said: “if things go well, you could come back within a month?”
However, to be careful, he should have waited and watch whether
things would change.

After all, the new hires have just arrived that day, if the ojou-sama
died now, then anyone would be suspicious of Kufa. Even if “Kufa”
doesn’t belong to the society, the client will help to eliminate the
suspect, to prevent drawing people’s attention.

Knowingly, Kufa still has the determination to end this mission…

because he couldn’t bear to wait.

Melida Angel had made him unable to wait.

After school, during the home lessons, Melida had no results. This ws
of course, Melida’s mother was apparently a businessman’s
daughter, if Kufa’s prediction was correct, then Melida didn’t inherit
any noble blood.

Although they were rich, but the mother was of the civilian class, a
daughter born to an affair with an unknown, and had registered the
Angel house name, Melida didn’t even have the qualifications of
becoming a Paladin.

Melida who didn’t know this, honestly trusted her own talent.

“Poor girl.”

Kufa thought like that sincerely. Kufa thought back to Melida’s

expression the first time at the welcoming party, where she just said
hi and went back to her room.

Her life was filled with pain, after today, it would only continue. Also,
her pain would never have any good returns.

That being the case, the chains should be broken as soon as possible

That was called the Assassin’s Pride.

In the unlit hallway, a tall figure stands in front of Melida’s bedroom

that was located on the first floor.

“Ojou-sama, the world is cruel.”

At least I should not let her continue to live under such despair, it
was also considered as a kind of happiness —

When Kufa was thinking about this, he realized something on the

other end of the door was not right.

Kufa immediately opened the door and walked into the room. The
bedroom wasn’t too spacious with lovely furniture. There were girly
style dressing table and wardrobe. Kufa could clearly see the
furniture because of the candle on the table that was lit. A sleeping
gown was placed nicely on the princess style bed.

But Melida was nowhere to be seen.

“Where did she go…”

Textbooks of the academy were stacked on the table, opening the

notebook, beautiful and neat words were written all over the pages.
Kufa couldn’t find the practice sword, he opened the wardrobe, and
couldn’t find Melida’s sportswear.

In other words, she was still doing pre-reading for tomorrow’s

classes, and took the sword for practice. Towards Melida’s
hardworking attitude, he felt admiration — …

No, wait.

Kufa’s ears twitched, his sharp hearing heard a strange sound.

Melida’s bedroom window was opened, she was supposed to be at

the balcony training. But in the pitch-black courtyard, she was
nowhere to be seen.

Again, a hard-strange sound was heard from the garden that

surrounded the mansion.


Kufa rushed out before thinking. As if a gust of wind, rushed towards

the garden.

The sky of Flandor, no matter if it was day or night, it was dark as

always. Even so, the people living had a concept of time. Once the

day was ending, shops would close, people would head back to their
houses and the streetlights would become weaker, and most people
would step into their dream world. In the quiet city, the distant
sound was very loud.

Kufa easily knew the truth behind the strange sound.

“Why would it be here…!”

Kufa crossed the trail with the same power of a panther, it didn’t
take long for several shadows to be in his field of vision. He
immediately hid himself in the bushes, eliminated his own breath as
if he was hunting.

The pupils of his violet eyes captured their target amidst the

One of them was Lady Melida. She was wearing her sportswear as
predicted by Kufa, swinging the wooden sword that didn’t fit her
height. A group of trios surrounded her with clothes of a clown and
with heads of a pumpkin.


Kufa didn’t speak a sound, the content of the class during the day
suddenly flashed across his mind.

Those were the enemies of humanity who lived in the night, in the
past, they used to be human. The name meant ‘to fall into sleep and
lose thy original self’.

Those pumpkin heads were the lowest in rank of Lycanthrope, they

were also the race called ‘Pumpkin head’. They didn’t have special
powers (Anima), nor do they possesed any intelligence, they only
had great strength. They were sometimes called as a small cockroach
by humans.

Such a small cockroach, there was no way they can infiltrate such a
high classed area.

Kufa suddenly remembered the statement that his superior said

before the mission — “Lord Mordrew has also been applying
pressure towards her, but it seems there wasn’t any result.”

“Is this the pressure…!”

The three pumpkin heads seemed to be sent by Lord Mordrew. He

probably wanted to wake the Mana that had been sleeping in Melida
by forcing Melida to fight with the Lycanthrope.

This method is quite reckless.

“Hu… hu… who are you people…!”

Even though Melida was panting while she looked at the pumpkin
heads, they seemed to be still keeping their sarcastic smile. Melida
courageously raised her sword and charged forward.


She slashed down the wooden sword smoothly, but after the
wooden sword hit the pumpkin head, Melida flew back like she was


Instead, the wooden sword that was used started to crack from the
middle and it hit Melida. The pumpkin head didn’t even dodge, they
pointed at the fallen Melida as they laughed.

This was the problem with lycanthrope. They would nullify any
conventional weapons, the only thing that could penetrate the
defense was either the light of the Blood of the Sun or mana — that
was ‘Factor of the Sun’. It was precisely because of this reason that

the country would bestow the privilege of an aristocrat to people
who could fight against the lycanthrope, also known as mana users,
and instilling effort in nurturing and using them.


Melida held her sword tightly and tried to get up. Such a heart
wrenching scene, it made people think of when she fought Kufa or
the school instructor.

One of the pumpkin heads seemed to be laughing at her while

stepping on her hand. Melida cried out “ah!”, the half-broken sword
spun out in the air at the same time.

“It…hurts… dammit!”

Melida held tightly her bleeding hand tightly, and directly punched
the pumpkin head. The wide-eyed pumpkin head hooked Melida’s
leg as if dancing, causing her to fell face first to the ground.


Melida’s whole face was covered in dirt as she lied on the ground,
the three pumpkin heads surrounded her. Three of them laughed
and started dancing, they also kicked Melida around.

They pointed at Melida who was rolling on the ground and laughed.


Melida tried to get up.

—What is she doing? Kufa furrowed his brows while thinking in the

No matter how much of a person resisted, without mana they would

never win against lycanthropes. No matter if it were children of
nobles or commoners, in kindergarten they had always heard

teachers telling them that. Hence why commoners must avoid
lycanthropes at all costs and the nobles need to protect the

Melida didn’t have mana, she could have just asked for help. Even
still, from the start, why had she endured the tears that were about
to pour, and didn’t even let out a cry of pain?

The Cardinals Academy District had a lot of troops of the regiment,

as long as Melida cried out loudly, the patrolling troops would
immediately save her. They would fight these lowest ranked
lycanthropes while yawning. Or was it that she was scared that the
maids would come? She must know that the mana user Kufa would
also be in the mansion as well…

Kufa couldn’t figure out the answer, as he watched the current

situation escalated badly.

“It’s… enough… go back…”

Melida who was lying on the ground moaned. The pumpkin heads
focused on her.

Repeatedly applied pressure, that meant this isn’t the first time. They
should have appeared on Melida’s own training several times so far,
unilaterally start a fight and retreat before it evolved into a big
commotion. That situation seemed to be the same as right now —

But this time, they were not the same to the ones in the past. One of
the pumpkin heads showed his arm and a rusted claw flew out from
his sleeves. He stretched another arm and grabbed Melida’s blonde
hair and violently pulled up.

“Eh? What are you doing… ouch!”

Melida cried out in pain for the first time. The pumpkin head pulled
Melida’s waist length blonde hair up, and then placed the rusted
claw in the middle of the hair.

Melida noticed the situation and her expression suddenly tightened.

“No, don’t… stop! Don’t touch my hair!”

Although she immediately tried to struggle, but the other two

pumpkin heads held onto her body. The pumpkin head that was
pulling Melida’s hair and had the rusted claw on her hair laughed

Melida struggled while shouting:

“Stop, let me go! That is the only inheritance from mother! It is the
same blonde hair as my mother! If I lose this, then I can no longer
remember my mother!”


The pumpkin heads laughed as if saying that what they heard was
something happy.

Melida’s grandfather, Sir Mordrew sent out an assassin like Kufa, it’s
obvious that he had no patience. After all, he even said, “if it’s not a
paladin, it’s okay to kill her”, it was the end of the matter, he did not
intend to leave any mercy.

He had already decided, if Melida died because of this, then it was all

“Hu… hu… let… me go…!”

Melida used her full strength and tried to escape from the grip of the
pumpkin heads. She could have used that strength to ask for help
then the situation would be dealt with, but she didn’t.

— Why? Kufa produced an unexplained anxiety towards Melida, why
won’t she ask for help?

Kufa’s knees rebounded reflexively, his rational left hand

immediately pressed down his knees. An urge that couldn’t be
explained with speech is pushing him. Why, why, why — ….

Finally, Melida herself gave an answer.

“I… I need to cherish this hair…! I need to join the imperial guards!
Because, because if I don’t, then…”

“Then no one will admit that I’m the child of House Angel…—”

A shock that was invisible to the naked eye, hit Kufa from the head to

When Kufa was doing this mission, he had memorized most of the
information of Angel Household. He remembered that one of them

‘As Paladins of House Angel, everyone needs to possess the

experience of joining the imperial guards.’

Melida also noticed this point. The reason she wielded the sword
that did not fit her height was because she believed that herself was
a paladin? Until now, she had persisted for so long —

It was because once she cried for help, she had admitted herself that
she ‘was not a mana user’.

She was not a noble’s daughter, not a child of the Angel House —
was it because of that?

Kufa instantly resembled a deflated ball. Ah, such a not funny joke.

What am I doing in the bushes —…


The pumpkin head cried out a strange sharp sound, finally raised his
claws. Tch—! A dagger made a crisp sound, stabbed the center of the
pumpkin head.

Although there wasn’t much damage, but the unexpected situation

made them stop moving.

“Do not touch my master.”

The pumpkin head turned to look at the silhouette of a military

uniform that came out of the darkness.

All emotion had disappeared from Kufa’s eyes which flashed with
murderous intent.

“Get lost.

The air rumbled, a pumpkin head’s head had been cut in the shape of
a cross. Kufa stepped forward and at the same time held the dagger
that was stabbed in the pumpkin head, and made vertical and
horizontal slashes, when they realized that Kufa was among them, he
had already killed one of them.

But at this moment, the dagger couldn’t handle the pressure of the
mana and dissolved. The weapon was not meant to be used against
lycanthropes. Kufa took out his steel wire and used a speed which no
one could see clearly the movement of his arms. He wrapped the
steel wire around one of the shocked pumpkin heads’ neck, then his
mana’s pale blue flames immediately flowed onto the wire.

The pumpkin realized the situation and tried to pull the steel wire
out, while crying.


Kufa didn’t even blink.

“Do you think you can survive?”

Kufa pulled the steel wire with his hand, ping! The pumpkin head got

The third pumpkin head, as in the last pumpkin head made an

accurate judgement of the situation. As he witnessed Kufa’s speed,
he quickly fled the scene. He should’ve been able to understand the
difference of power between two sides. After the head of the second
pumpkin head fell, he fled out of the attack radius of the steel wire.

I won’t let you return to Sir Mordrew. Kufa lit up the mana that was
concentrating on his right palm, and cast out a basic level assault

“«Phantom Trident»!”

Blue flames swirled, at the same time, they were sharpened, the
shapes of blades were quickly made on Kufa’s palm.

“«Void Fang»!”

Three thin yet transparent blades appeared when Kufa slashed

down. Mana blades went a far distance, flew towards the back of the
pumpkin head. The three pale blades seemed to want to block the
pumpkin head’s escape and managed to come from three directions,
the three blades converged on a single point — shak! The clown
clothes were torn to shreds.

The pumpkin head that was separated into three pieces didn’t even
manage to make a cry before rolling onto the floor.

Not relying on power or splendor but concentrating only on speed

and accuracy, this was the Samurai class fighting style. Standing in
the position of Melida who was almost the same as an average

person, everything happened within a blink of an eye. Just a slight
sense of light and sound, everything returned to silence.

Melida blinked and looked up, to see a tall man’s back facing her
dressed in a military uniform.


Hearing Melida’s call, Kufa turned to face her.

He was thinking that he ‘accidentally made a move…’ and was


This was obviously against the will of the client. He needed to cover
up the deaths of the pumpkin heads to convince Sir Modrew. Not to
mention, in such a high classed area (canvells), if someone found
that there are pumpkin heads, it would cause a very huge
commotion. He needs to deal with the bodies carefully…

However, that kind of thoughts disappeared in an instant when Kufa

turned his head.

Even though not even one strand was taken, but Kufa could see the
golden blonde hair that was covered in dirt, he even witnessed the
“honored” girl was stained with blood and tears—

“…I was late, I apologize, ojou-sama.”

Kufa knelt on one knee and held out his hand, Melida who was
staggered took his hand and stood up.

Melida rubbed her eyes and the traces of the mud spread even

“No… I’m sorry… to have troubled you.”


Kufa held Melida’s hands and pulled her close.

He gripped her hands tightly, hoped that his heat would transfer to
Melida’s icy fingers.

“Ojou-sama, please allow me to help you. I want to become your

strength. No matter the storm, I will always support your voice.”


Melida bit her lip hard and suddenly released it.

Her ruby red eyes widened, a drop of tear fell.

— and it couldn’t be stopped.

“Waaaaah! Waaaaah—!”

Melida cried so loud that each corner of the garden could be heard.

The tears were not only for today, Kufa thought.


Both returned to the mansion, on the trail surrounded by the

botanical garden, you could see a gold and black shadow.

She cried, shouted until she had a sore throat, after vomiting out her
inner feelings, Melida had calmed down. She was a strong girl, after
someone saw her do something that would lose face, she would feel
embarrassed for a while.

Melida naturally held Kufa’s hand and walked forward, at the same
time, shyly looking up at Kufa.

“That, sensei…. Do you remember the girl you met today at school,
called Elise?”

“Hmm? I remember. I heard that she’s ojou-sama’s cousin.”

“You saw us argued, right…”

Melida forced herself to smile. She had been very upset about the
encounter with Kufa at the back of the cathedral. Kufa thought,
Melida was quite a sensitive girl.

Melida slowly walked, and at the same time said:

“Our relationship used to be very good. Elise was a bit slow, she
would be misunderstood by people around her because they didn’t
know what she was thinking. But she was very weak and liked to
cry… so I always had the feeling that I need to protect her.”

Melida softly chuckled, but her expression faded away.

“… but once we entered elementary a few years later, our

relationship changed.”


“No matter how long, my mana has not awakened, but Elise has
become a paladin, and suddenly she has gained recognition from
everyone. Unknowingly, I was the one that got left behind. I’m now
under her shelter from bullying… it used to be the opposite.”

Then now it is like this — Melida said it self-deprecatingly.

“Sensei saw me like that at school. Even though I was being ridicule
by my classmates, I could only just smile, can’t refute a word. Once I
thought about Elise seeing me like this, I felt very embarrassed… I
don’t even have the guts to see her…!”

Melida’s monologue made Kufa’s heart tighten. This was called

psychological trauma. Compared to getting physically beaten or
scolded, facing embarrassment in front of the public, would leave a
much deeper scar in the heart.

“I could slightly understand ojou-sama’s feelings.”

“Sensei could understand? No way, sensei’s so successful…”

“I was born in the ‘Night Region’.”

Melida’s eyes widened. She seemed to unable to comprehend.

“Eh… that’s outside of the Canvell, the lower residential area…?”

“It’s further out. It’s as I said, I was from the night region and fled to

Melida’s eyes got bigger and bigger, as if just received a big shock as
she shouted:

“What! There are people living outside of Flandor?”

“It’s not about living there, but it’s about struggling to survive. Even
though the night has been cursed, but humans don’t change to
monsters immediately. Even though the quantity is little, but there
are people who has been left in the night region for various reasons,
they only can avoid Lycanthropes quietly, and live there.”


Melida’s expression was so funny, that Kufa can’t help but smiled.

Even though it wasn’t published in the school textbooks, but the

mission given to the cavalry ‘explore the night region’, besides
retrieving new resources and survival circles, it as to rescue such

Kufa stared far into the sky, the glass container surrounding them
(canvell) at the other end, he continued:

“When I am sensible, I was already in the night region. I could

remember clearly that a very squashing darkness surrounded me,

and how unreliable it is to burn the lights at the time. My mother
and I were very lucky to be able to come to this city, to be able to

“Sensei’s mother?”

“Yes, she didn’t live long in Flandor when she died.”

Although he saw Melida’s deflated expression that let Kufa felt

apologetic, he kept talking:

“Even though the forceful army has pushed mother’s body to its
limit, but the one that was hard on her was the stress. The stress
from getting discriminated by the citizens of Flandor that our
background was from the night region.”


“It was said that ‘people who got left in the night region, their bodies
are contaminated and that getting closer to them will get you
infected.’ When I was young, the nearby children called me

“How dare they!”

Melida frowned and was angry for Kufa, he felt happy.

“Of course, it was all baseless rumors. But the importance wasn’t the
truth but how the general people thought, such discrimination has
deeply seeped into the minds of the commoners, endlessly becoming
worse… even though it was like this, mother has always hoped that I
would obtain happiness, until her last breath.”


The things that happened after couldn’t be told, being born from the
night region, a child losing shelter thus losing his place to live. This
was when the non-existent dark cavalry adopted him.

Then, Kufa was forced to pick up a dagger, as naturally as picking up

a spoon; his youth was wasted in hellish trainings, and now he was
forced to do dirty work under despicable men…

“So, ojou-sama, I feel very envious.”


“Even though I received education, I didn’t go to a school.

Sometimes when I see children wearing uniforms, I used to be very
envious of them. Like them happily chatting away, go to classes, and
after school would go to a café to hang out, go on dates during the
holidays… I was envious of them that they could live such a youthful
life that they take for granted.”

Kufa turned around and looked at Melida, smiling.

“—but there are still troubles going to school eh?”

Melida showed a panicked expression for a moment, but she

immediately smiled back.

“Of course. Sensei, the school is like a battleground.”



Both stared at each other laughing. During the period of

conversation, Melida’s stamina has recovered much.

Should I bring up the issue now. Kufa thought, he abruptly stopped in

his footsteps, his expression turned serious.


Melida felt the mood change, her body shivered and nervously
stopped in her footsteps.


“I have a suggestion.”


Melida wondered — for a girl who was only 13 years old, from his
standpoint she looked really young, Kufa carefully selected his words
carefully and continued:

“Today, the whole day, I’ve been observing ojou-sama as the house’s
private tutor… and I could tell you honestly, that if you continue, no
matter how much training you go through, waking up your mana’s
possibility is very low.”

Melida’s expression showed a lot of emotions.


“Sometimes, there are children born in noble families that didn’t

inherit mana. This kind of thing will not be too obvious, plus ojou-
sama’s situation happened to be happening in a duke’s family, it will
lead to quite a chaotic scene…”

Kufa lied to cover up her background, but Melida didn’t listen.

Melida lowered her head, she held a small fist in front of her chest.

“It’s like…this?”

Kufa didn’t let her to have time to grieve about this, as he asked:

“That’s why, I have a suggestion, ojou-sama, would you give me your



“Although it’s a dangerous bet — but there is a way for ojou-sama’s

mana to awaken.”

Melida’s reaction was like when travelers find an oasis.

Her lips trembled as if she yearned for air, unconsciously asked:

“How do I…”

“We need to use a drug that has yet to be openly announced and is
still in experiment. The drug is mixed with mana user’s mana — this
time, it will be mixed with my mana to have you to take, it will cause
a reaction towards ojou-sama’s hibernating mana and waking the
mana up… there’s such a possibility.”

There was half a life in the statement, in reality Kufa’s method was to
transplant mana.

It was the inarch method.

It was to cut off a branch from Kufa’s tree (mana), and had it
transplanted to Melida’s body. The branch that had been cut off
would grow a new tree, so there wouldn’t be much trouble. Then
later the transplanted branch would grow roots and into a big tree.

“But this is very dangerous. Such a feat only has a 70% chance of
being successful… three times out of ten would result in failure.”

“But if it fails, what would happen…?”

Kufa thought about it a little whether to sugar coat it but decided to

report it truthfully.

“There would be sequela.”


“I don’t know what symptoms would happen. But in my knowledge,
some people would grow scales; some people’s faces would crumple
from the inside and become as ugly as a ghost; and some people’s
skin would turn green, there is no absolute symptom. No matter
what famous doctors, they can never cure these sequelae, and it will
scar you for life. The worst scenario… would be death.”


Even Melida felt scared, she hugged herself.

When humans became inhuman and die, even Kufa felt

uncomfortable about the situation. But, even dark cavalry’s maniacal
scientists would say that gene modifying was very dangerous.

“I can’t force you, ojou-sama. What do you want to do?”


From the side, you could see her struggling within.

This was not a situation where you could just try it. You couldn’t
even say I shouldn’t have done it.

This choice would break Melida’s life into two different roads.

Destiny was not controlled by a god, but it was an extremely rare

moment when it was entrusted to you.

However seeing Melida unable to make a decision, Kufa thought,

bearing such a stress, a child of a 13 year old would not be mature


The tense atmosphere lasted for five minutes, Kufa spoke in an easy

“Of course, even though ojou-sama wouldn’t do it, I won’t quit my
job as your private tutor. I will nurture you and watch you grow, until
you graduate. You don’t have to make a conclusion now, how about

“I want to do it.”

Melida said it like so.

The expression where she gripped her chest, how would I describe

She didn’t cry, didn’t state a reason, and didn’t even shout spiritually.

She said it once again, clearly:

“I want to do it.”

“… ah.”

Kufa nodded and knelt on one knee on the stone road.

The greenery that existed in the canvell, of course it was not of

natural plantation. Surrounded by miracle greenery, Kufa took
Melida’s left hand and pulled it close, kissing her finger tips.

“… My Little Lady.”


“Like ojou-sama has handed her life to me, I will bet my life for ojou-

Kufa smiled, looking at the 13 year oldojou-sama which didn’t seem

to understand the situation.

“We have to prepare, come, let’s head back to the mansion?”


They came back through the balcony and walked through the
opened window and back to Melida’s room. This was the behavior
that should be done privately. Kufa was afraid to wake the maids of
the mansion and got ready at the scene.

He carefully grind the Pebrot leaves, mixed in with other liquids and
dissolved it completely. Then he added the phosphor powder of a
red butterfly and stirred it further, then dripped diamond essence
into the liquid as it started to bubble, at the same time it turned into
a pink color. Then… to have it easier to digest, he added a spoon of

After perfectly calculating the required amounts of ingredients and

added them in the correct order, he even calculated the number of
stirs and speed used… Kufa continued on this kind of nerve-damaging
work, mixing in a few other ingredients, and lastly a puff of white
smoke appeared, the liquid in the beaker started to glow.

The mana transplant medicine would be completed after adding

Kufa’s mana and blood into it.

Kufa bit his lip, blood followed by a sharp pain came. He turned his

“It’s done.”

Melida who was sitting by the bed waited. Kufa’s instruction before
the deed was that Melida should lie down whenever, hence when
Kufa was concentrating on making the medicine, she changed into
her sleeping gown.


Melida didn’t raise her head; her body was as if she was petrified.

Kufa placed down the beaker, and asked:

“Let’s forget about it?”

“Ne… never mind, it’s nothing like that…”

Melida nervously looked at Kufa.

“That, sensei… could you lie to me?”


“Yes… I hope that you’ll make a promise to me, there’s no need for
you to take it seriously.”

Melida hugged her slim shoulders and continued:

“After ingesting the medicine, if my body has mutations… whenever

that comes, will sensei take me as his bride?”


“You… you don’t have to take it seriously! You can lie to me… let me
feel easy for the moment.”

Kufa knelt on one knee by the bed, took Melida’s finger. It was the
finger that he kissed earlier.

“… Please relax, ojou-sama. The remedy will surely succeed, because

there are many stories showed that after tragedy, the princess will
ultimately gain her happiness.”

Melida smiled brightly.

“Then sensei would be the prince?”

“If… if you want to talk about it, I should be the evil witch that
brought those poisonous apples…”

Melida looked as if she wasn’t satisfied, she leaned forward.

“Even… even if the prince was the evil witch, it would be awesome.”

“It’s even a ridiculous cruel prince…”

He would push others into the valley only to rescue them, such a
new setting would even wake girls that likes to dream up. Kufa
helplessly smiled, even Melida felt it was funny and laughed.

The frail body as if placed down a heavy burden, laughed and


Then — would this be the story’s beginning, or a cruel ending?

The time for the trial was here.

“Let’s begin.”

Kufa stood up, Melida nodded seriously. Kufa nodded in return and
placed the beaker to his lips, Melida gasped stopped him.

“We…weird, why is it sensei would need to ingest the medicine?”

“Eh? Ah, right. Sorry, I haven’t talked to you about it clearly.”

Kufa forgot to tell her about the most important part. He placed the
beaker back to its original spot and continued:

“Because the medicine’s last ingredient is my mana, so the medicine

has to go through my body. Also if this medicine has gone through
contact with the air, it would produce some changes, so ojou-sama
would have to ingest the medicine straight from my mouth.”

“Then that would mean…. ki…kiss!”

Melida jumped up, her face flushed.

…hm, correctly speaking it would be mouth to mouth, but to a girl

who was only 13 years old, both was the same thing. From this
reaction, it would be clear that this was her first time experiencing.
In this form, taking her important first kiss, even Kufa felt

“Let’s… let’s forget about it…?”

“N… no! It’s not that I hate it! That…”

Melida covered her face with her hands nervously.

“To me it feels like those stories….”

So… that was how it was. Only if the liquid that came from the
prince’s mouth wasn’t some genetic modification poisonous
medicine, it might be considered as romantic.

But, if it should start, if you didn’t ask Melida to prepare herself, it

would be a headache. The medicine once it touched Kufa’s mouth it
would start to change, and if there were any doubts from before, it
would be very dangerous to the both of them.

“No issues?”

“N…no issues! I won’t….”

“Don’t be so nervous, calm down — then, let’s start.”

What was the most important was the mood. Kufa only gave five
seconds to Melida to prepare herself, then drank the medicine in one
go. The blood and saliva that was in the mouth mixed with the
medicine, as if the medicine wanted to explode.

From this second, there should not be a delay. Kufa grabbed Melida’s
slim shoulders and pressed his lips onto her without gaining
approval. Kufa forced open Melida’s peach lips.


The medicine started to turn. It wasn’t an easy digestible taste, it

stimulates a numbing sensation on the tongue. Added that Melida
had never kissed, hence her movements were quite stiff. If not done
properly, the medicine would leak.

Melida thought that it wasn’t a time to be embarrassed and wrapped

her arms around Kufa’s neck. Melida let both of their lips to stick
together, tongues intertwined with each other, and swallowed the
medicine. The liquid flowed through her small throat.

After both of them sweated for about ten seconds, the transfer of
the medicine was complete. Melida reluctantly pulled away, an
unusually sexy sound echoed.

Unknown to Melida, both of them were hugging tightly, and she

suddenly broke away their bodies. She looked down, even her neck
was red, her lips were burning.

But, not long after they broke away their bodies.

Badump! Melida’s body jumped.


“Do not vomit it out, please patiently swallow it.”

Kufa pressed on Melida’s mouth.

The medicine was now changing Melida’s body drastically. She could
feel magma boiling in her stomach, and all of her joints were
breaking and her body was so cold as if someone threw her to an ice

Melida could not maintain her rationality and fell onto the bed. Kufa
carried Melida up and let her sleep on the pillow and covered her
with a few blankets.

Now was the fight against time.

After a few hours, before the maids wake up, the results would be

Would she obtain mana; or would she lose to the medicine, and
breaking her body —

“Mmm…. Mmm… mmm~…!”

“I will watch from the side, please rest easy ojou-sama.”

Even though Melida couldn’t hear him, but Kufa said it anyway. Right
now, Melida was so in pain that she couldn’t sleep, having said that,
she should not be able to maintain her rationality right now. Such a
hell that would have a 13-year-old to experience, it was above

Kufa quickly kept his dispensing appliances and ingredients, as he

pulled up a chair next to the bed. He dried the cloth from the
washbasin that he prepared beforehand, and helped Melida to wipe
her sweat.

Just only today, the little girl who became Kufa’s master, or should
say a rather poor assassination target. Kufa consciously realized that
he was doing something very ridiculous.

Even if the procedure was a success, Melida’s obtainable rank would

not be her dream paladin, but the same as Kufa, a samurai. That
would not provide any persuasiveness to Mordrew. To doubt
Melida’s mother, Melnoa Angel has any affair, he had hired Kufa to
prove that Melida had the bloodline to the paladin.

Kufa had already known that Melida didn’t inherit the bloodline of
the duke’s family. If it was known that Kufa had meddled in covering
this up, Kufa would become the next assassination target. If he
would think to protect himself, it would be better to let Melida die
like this.

— I should think what to do in the future…

After a few hours, if Melida mutated to become like a corpse, he

would need to deal with her along with the three pumpkin heads.
Should I bury them in the forest; or put them in a coffin, and throw
them into the river? If she managed to survive like this, it would be a
headache. If people knew that Kufa has done this to her, no matter
what, it would not be an easy thing to deal with.

Honestly, what should I do… —


And at this moment, Melida let out a weak sound. Nightmares has
caused her to cry.

“Okasan… otousan… where are you…?”

She unconsciously raised her arms, reaching for the black ceiling.

“Pleased don’t leave me… alone…”

The corner of her eye leaked a tear. Her arms dropped after wasting
all of her energy.

Before her arms could fall onto the blanket — pa! Kufa held onto
Melida’s palms.

“Stay strong, ojou-sama…!”

Kufa held Melida’s hands to his forehead, both hands holding them

“Stay strong, stay strong…! Do not give up…!”

Kufa leaned his elbows against the edge of the bed, praying
religiously with the hands that are stuck on his forehead.

As an assassin that was praying, was there a meaning to this?

If there wasn’t, it didn’t matter if it was a curse. Hoping that his own
words would become a chain, helping this girl survive in this world.

“Please survive, please survive, please survive, please survive….!”

Kufa tightly closed his eyes, he could only feel the icy cold fingers,
and at the same time he prayed non-stop.

At this moment, Melida that was in pain with her eyes brows
furrowed, slowly relaxed….

“…. Sensei…”

She released comforting yet weak sounds.



How long has it been?

There was a moment where vision turned white, then a lazy
powerless attack hit the whole body. Blinking those heavy eyelids, a
fresh sunlight shined onto the retina.

The brightness of the world had announced the morning’s arrival.

The active time of the people had started to come close, the tens of
thousands of strong lights have also enhanced the dazzling
brightness. The city that was dreaming, had started to move.

After greeting the slow awakening, Kufa, he — jumped up


“Shit, I slept…?”

Kufa couldn’t believe it, wiping the saliva that didn’t even leak out.

He originally planned to take care of Melida throughout the night,

but he lost to sleep, and passed out. Using mana transplant was
indeed energy consuming, but going to sleep without any guard up,
he did not have the right to become a special force.

“Right, ojou-sama…!”

Pillow side — it had the missing Melida’s shadow. The messy

blankets have spoken of her.

If Melida could get out of bed, then that means she was not dead.
But, after waking up, what had she become…

At this time, unknowingly somewhere came a girl’s wailing.

It was the voices of the maids that are working in the mansion.


Kufa nervously swallowed his saliva.

Just one glance, the curtains were fluttering in the window. The
window was opened. It felt that there were a few people running in
the courtyard. The wailing of the girls could be heard continuously.

Kufa could sense that that in the midst of the chaos, it was Melida.


Kufa sluggishly ran to the window. Pulling away the curtains in one


Then a white flame appeared! It swelled up in front of Kufa, Kufa

immediately stepped back.


“— ah, sorry, sensei!”

After hearing the flustered sound, Kufa blinked in confusion.

First, the flame before him wasn’t hot, it is not a natural occurrence.
The color was as if a lion’s golden mane — it’s a mana flame.

It is a flame that came from the girl that was smiling happily in the

“Look, sensei!”

As if blooming flowers, Melida raised her hands, golden flames were

flying around in large quantities, as if dancing flower petals.

Melida danced like a ballet dancer, brilliant flames came out of her
fingertips like a big snake, bending, and glamorously adding color to
the dance.

Looking at the lights that were dancing mid-air, the maids were
ecstatic. Everyone was wearing their sleeping gowns and running
around the courtyard, barefoot, shouting happily.

“Amazing, really amazing, Melida ojou-sama!”

“Wah, when did you start learning magic?”

“Look, Kufa-san! Ojou-sama finally has mana…!”

Emy, the head maid ran towards Kufa, wiping her tears.

“The dream of ojou-sama and ours has finally came…! This must be
Kufa-san’s guidance! How should we thank you…!”

“…. Yeah, I’m very happy.”

Kufa acted being moved and covered half of his face with his hand.

His hand hid his big smile.

Then — we can’t go back now!

There is no way I would let ojou-sama know that her mother had an
affair. The truth about me as an assassin should be a secret. At the
same time, the White Night that Modrew and I both own should hide
Melida’s true background, and the thing about how I specially took
care of her.

If there were any mistakes, both of them would die —

Hence… my young yet but noble ojou-sama (My Little Lady).

Don’t make me kill you!

Melida didn’t notice the assassin’s dumbfounded gaze, happily


The maids’ dresses were as if flower petals, the burning flames were
as if diamonds, adding colors. Amid it there was a smiling girl, just as
beautiful as the sun.

LESSON:Ⅱ ~Thus spoke the
private tutor~

It is the first day of working as Melida Angel’s private tutor, and I

woke up early to confirm any signs of mana awakening.

Whilst it was still too early to make assumptions, there was high
chance of her being a a paladin.

Depending on the training hereafter, it was still possible to expect

growth befitting of a noble’s daughter.

On that note, we should progress in terminating the client’s –

“This is hopeless.”

Kufa crushed the half-progressed report.

There was too personality in the report. There would be suspicion

unless he wrote in a more matter-of-way manner. Writing reality in
an euphemical and simple way, avoiding lies as much as possible.

“How long can it take to write a single report……”

Taking off his glasses for desk work, the man rubbed in between his

It was his third day since working in Melida’s household as a private


The clock was almost pointing to 5 in the morning.

Facing his desk in the middle of the night, Kufa couldn’t sleep a wink.

Before this mission, he had never thought that he would have to

write a false report.

Already upon the first night, Kufa was filled with realization.

He was in a dangerous position.

To begin with, he was already supposed to have killed Melida Angel.

Saving her, whilst protecting his current position, there was a need
to solve a couple of difficult problems.

Deceiving his superior, satisfying the client, and changing society’s

impression. In addition to that, he had to watch Melida’s unstable

It was close to impossible.

Three years later, would he and Melida be able to greet the

graduation ceremony without harm?

“……But still, there’s no going back now.”

Gritting his teeth, he repeated the words he had repeated countless

times already.

Recovering his energy, Kufa stood up from his chair and exited the

Now that it came to this, he had to complete this SSS level mission
perfectly and without flaw. The secret would not be leaked to a
single person. And then, he would polish the girl like a shining ruby!

But to accomplish that, with renewed determination, he headed

towards Melida’s room.

Stopping in front of the door, and without creating much sound, he

knocked several times.

“My lady, may I come in?”

Without a moment’s hesitation, he felt a presence approaching from
the room.

The door opened softly, and the ever so beautiful face of Melida
Angel appeared. The girl wearing the negligee looked angelic,
causing the sleep-deprived Kufa to feel his heart soften up.

In the time of the day still too early to call morning, the two silently
exchanged greetings.

“Good morning, my lady. You sure woke up early.”

“Good morning, sensei.

As she said so, Melida twirled her golden hair in an embarrassed


“Or rather, I slept a lot yesterday afternoon, so I can’t seem to sleep

any more……”

“Seeing you up and well is more important than anything.”

Kufa sniffed, and directed his hand towards the room in a manner
which showed no disrespect.

“May I come in?”

Melida immediately took a step back, and opened the door whilst
smiling in a buoyant manner.

“It would be my honor, sensei.”

Hearing the kind and sweet tone, it occurred to him that she might
really be ‘an angel’.

Kufa now entered the room of the lady in her mid-teens which he
had entered so many times already. From Melida drifted the soft

scent of flowers, the scent of which eromi was proud of. Once Kufa
entered the room, she firmly closed the door.

*Slam*, the door was locked, and the key placed on the cupboard
next to the mirror.

“So, sensei. What is the important matter which you speak of?”

Without answering immediately, Kufa paced side of the terrace and

checked every nook and cranny of the room. He tore the curtains
close, which was open to let wind through, and ensured that no a
single spot was visible.

—- With this done, not a single soul would come to realization of his
presence in the room.

Since the awakening of mana was just yesterday, Kufa had took care
of important matters, and ensured Melida took a break from school
and lessons.

In order words, the real training would begin today.

But before that, there was something he had to tell her, and
something he had to do. And thus, Kufa had softly whispered into
Melida’s ears during dinner last night.

“Tomorrow morning, there is something important I must tell you.

Keep this a secret from even Emy-san.

Melida had kept this promise, and thus was here waiting for Kufa.

Looking at his brave and honest student in negligee, Kufa couldn’t

help but leave his jaw hanging.

“Truth be told, there is a request I wish to make.”

“What? Of course, I wonder what it is. As long as you say it, I’ll do

“Thank you very much. As sudden as it may be, please take off all
your clothing.”

“I understand. …….. – Wait, whaaaaattttt!?”

This was the innocent girl who once looked up towards him with
such a desolate expression. Kufa put his index finger onto his lips,
making a ‘shush’ sound. It was merely a expression to calm down.

“Don’t make too much sound. Emy-san and the rest might wake up.”

“S, Sorry……! B, But sensei, what do you think you’re saying with such
a serious expression……!”

“That’s because I am. I am a tad bit embarrassed as well, but this is

an important process as well. -My lady, are you aware of the fact
that the medicine you had used the other day was extremely

Melida twitched, most probably from the memory of what happened

on that night, then looked at Kufa’s countenance, her face slowing
turning red. …… Well, she was probably thinking over it.

“My lady has overcome the drug, and has acquired mana. However,
there is still the chance that there is a burden placed upon your
body. Thus, I would like to do a check.”

“A, ask Emy for such a thing……. t-that’s right, I can do it myself!”

“This check-up not only checks the outward appearance, but also the
bone, muscle, organs, and most importantly the mana organs. Not
only is it a martial arts technique which checks the physical structure,
it is also something which only a mana user such as me can do.”

For example when Melida got hurt, when she was sick and was
carried to the doctor, there was an unknown burden discovered

upon the body. If talk of the medicine, and the dosage Kufa had
given reached to the ears of anyone, Kufa’s life would be doomed.

It was the final chance before arriving school, thereby encountering

crowds of people. To be grabbing Melida’s body at this time was a
secret Kufa definitely had to keep confidential.

“But still, asking me to strip is a bit……”

“Since there isn’t any other option, I will have to compromise.

Flipping your skirt will suffice.”


“A glance at your whole body will be sufficient, so please lift your


“You have no delicacy!”

In a fit, Melida flung the pillow. Being the throw of a mere girl, whilst
receiving a solid hit in the face, Kufa’s expression ceased to change. It
was still ever so serious.

“My lady. As long as I am in charge of your education, this is

something that must be done.”

“Even so~~~……!”

Facing Kufa, who was saying this not out of request, for the sake of
his and her life, Melida’s heart wavered. To begin with, it wasn’t like
she didn’t want to show skin ship, but it was just simply due to

But even so, flipping up one’s own skirt was not something a young
lady should be doing.

—–There isn’t any other choice. It seems as if I have to play the


Sighing in his heart, Kufa stepped forward and knelt in front of

“I would like to apologize for asking something so rash, my lady. Let

us rethink this over.”


Almost forgetting to breath, Melida’s lifted her head. Her

countenance was filled with red.

Kufa grinned and stood back up, looking at her from above.
However, this kindness seemed to have pierced her heart, and whilst
saying ‘Umm’, her expression changed.

“I, I’m sorry sensei. It’s my fault for being so embarrassed……”

“You’re fine the way you are, my lady. Besides, it doesn’t the fact —
I’ll be taking a look.”


“Excuse me.”

Kufa’s movements were as fast as the wind. Grabbing the collar of

Melida’s negligee swiftly, he twisted the palm of his hand. *Crash*!
The frills and laces danced skywards.

And then without missing anything, Kufa’s line of sight adjusted

towards Melida’s almost naked body.


Melida was starting to realize what had happened. The amount of
time Melida’s clothes had been in the air was but a mere one or two
seconds. But there was Kufa who was a super samurai.

Focusing on the body and reaction time, his eyes analysed every
corner of the body.

The delicious thigh, the extravagant peach colored shorts, and on the
small waist, underwear that could possibly have belonged to a
thirteen year old. Then there was the slight bulge of the twin
peaks…… they looked small and plump, almost as if they were made
of pudding, and he looked until the soft pink tip—

Upon being checked, Melida’s conscience returned.


Receiving the greatest shock of her life, Melida screamed in surprise

with all her might while pulling the hem of her skirt down. The
negligee having been filled with air floated down, as if it had all the
time in the world, slowly.

“Wha, wha, wh wha, what… wait, did you see……? Wha, what……?”

Stammering like a broken music box at explosive speed, Melida

continued to process what had happened to her just now. In front of
the red-faced girl, Kufa stood up uncertainly.

He looked like a carefree man at first glance — Making a decision like

a robot, he got off the bed to grab his military jacket. Folding the
cuffs of his jacket, his fingers wandered around his wrist to loosen it.

“My lady, let’s go with a special test. I will now use my full strength
to flip your skirt up, so please attempt to stop me from doing this. It
will be your loss if I flip your skirt ten times. It’s your win if you
manage to exit the room before that happens. Well then, let’s start.”

“Wait, what, a special test!? Wha, what do you mean by that?—
Wait, you’re too fast!!”

*Zoom*! Appearing behind Melida’s back, Kufa ripped Melida’s

negligee upwards. With the small hips, and the shorts that concealed
little, there was an overwhelming sensation of wanting to dive onto
the white back—after speculating perfectly, the back of Melida’s
hand appeared much too late.

“Kyahhhh!! Wa, Wait a moment sensei! Do you think that I won’t get

“I hope you’ll forgive me for doing this. This is a bitter experience for
me as well, but this is a thing that must absolutely be done – and so,
this is the third time now.”

“Hyah!? I’m don’t understand what you’re trying to say but please
don’t flip my skirt while explaining! Or rather, how can you be so fast
without the use of mana!?”

“Whilst I may be a mana user, the basis of mana requires physical

strength. Suppressing my lady would be but a simple task so long as I
have a single hand and foot. More importantly, it seems as though as
if you aren’t resisting at all.”

“Kyah! Kyah! Kyahh~~~!?”

Soon after.

This huge ruckus was reaching outside the room, and the dormitories
of the ever so devoted maids who were nearly waking up. There was
no doubt that Kufa and Melida, who had appeared would be exposed
to the madams who loved to gossip, but let’s put that aside for now.

“You’re such a perverted sensei.”

“Say whatever you want.”

Completing the test with flying colors, Kufa made Melida lie on the
bed. After checking the outward appearance of the body, he next
had to check the organs. Palpation was necessary.

It was necessary to check the source of mana, and the stream of

which the mana passed through. He checked whether it was alright,
and where necessary adjusted it, and checked to the bare origins of
the mana.

Watching Melida lying on the bed with a flustered face and a

negligee was, surprisingly, enjoyable.

Being caressed like this must have been ticklish, but there was no
contact in places deemed immoral. This was due to the growing
sense of embarrassment within Kufa.

To begin with, if it was absolutely necessary to ensure safety— it was

needed to strip off all clothing, including the bottom parts and face
each other whilst inspecting the palm of the hand. But if it were to
come as such matters, the young lady would be stripped off all
dignity, keeping Kufa indecisive at what to do.

No matter how much of an adult she was acting like, she was still a
thirteen years old.

Even so, it was needed to step things up to get an accurate reading.

The skirt of her negligee was currently folded up to her thighs, and
was touching the parts she was saying ‘its fine’ without restrained.

Having most probably given up, Melida’s face was steaming red as
she sniffled.

“……Sensei, you’re not conscious of the fact that I’m a girl at all.”

“That isn’t true. I told you before didn’t I? I’m embarrassed as well.
But the thing is, I’ve been trained not to express my emotions.”

“I, If you really are embarrassed, why are you doing such a thing?”

“It may sound weird as we’ve only just met, but it’s because I believe
you to be precious to me.”

Suddenly lifting her head, Melida turned to face him.


“If what I have explained before comes true in the chance of a

thousand, a chance in a million, when I imagine an injury upon your
body, I am too scared to sleep. No matter who hates me for doing
this, even if my lady herself comes to despise me, I believe that I can
stand tall with honor and pride…… The only thing I wish for now is
that my lady can live a healthy life.”


Melida sat for a while, silently reflecting.

After a while, she gritted a teeth and called out to Kufa.

The hands clutching her breasts slowly relaxed as she faced Kufa.

“……I’m sorry, sensei. If the check-up requires it, please touch me as

you please.”

“Pardon? I understand.”

What sort of mental change was this? Well, this certainly made the
check-up a lot easier. But even so, his dignity would prevent him
from touching anywhere he wanted.

With the examination progressing much faster than before, Kufa

spoke out.

“Speaking of which, my lady. Other than the check-up, there is

another matter which I must speak of.”

“Hm? I understand. What is it?”

“The thing is, the class you got was not paladin.”


“The normal outcome would result in you being a paladin, but what
happened is a rare occurrence. This is regrettable.”

As obvious as it was, this was another means of explain it. She did
not possess the blood of a noble, and with the mana distributed by
Kufa into an artificial user, this was the obvious result.

“If so, what class am I?”

“You are a samurai.”

“A samurai…… isn’t that the same as sensei?”


Melida lifted her face to look at the ceiling, then shakily lowered her

“……The me until today couldn’t so much as summon mana. It is

regrettable that I can’t use mana, but there isn’t anything we can do
about it. My ancestor’s blood must have run dry. And besides, I feel
really lucky that I can be a samurai just like sensei! Really, I have no

“My lady……”

Whoops……! Wait, this wasn’t the time to get all emotional.

He started the moving the fingers he had forgotten to move, sliding

it across the calf.

“It is great that you can accept this so readily. -But my lady, please
keep the fact that you are a samurai a secret for the time being, and
ensure that no one hears of this matter.”

“What, why should I?”

Even though you may be satisfied with this result, as a family of a

noble, there are those who would wish to inflict harm onto you.”

Melida had a face that showed comprehension and confusion at the

same time, and she asked questioningly.

“If sensei insists, I’ll do so. But I wonder, how long will this secret

“It’s fine if it is a secret only for the time being. It has to be recorded
on the class sheets later on anyway. But as long as you get good
results, the opposing factions will have no to excuses to complain.”

“Is that all I have to do?”

“That is all you have to do.”

This was the only path which Kufa and Melida could travel if they
wished to live.

This time, there were two missions bestowed upon Kufa. All he had
to do was to succeed <the first mission>. In other words, he had to
train Melida into a person befitting of a being from a noble family.
Ultimately, he had to fulfil her wish to enter the imperial guards.

Once Melida’s rank became clear, there would be numerous voices

of resent but crushing these voices would be easy as long as she
provided impressive results. As for blood relationships, an excuse like
what Melida said could be given. The only problem now, was
whether the client would be satisfied with the current module.

Of course, it was easier said than done. If Melida’s growth faltered
even one bit, or if her results weren’t as good as hoped for, she
would be instantly targeted. In that scenario, Kufa who had to take
care of her, would also be guilty.

His and her life were hung on this thin and desperate strand of hope.

At long last, Kufa caressed Melida’s big toe, and stood up.

“Thank you for your hard work, my lady. Your examination has went
well without any problems. Your appearance, all your mana organs,
and other parts are all functioning without any problems.”

“Thank goodness……”

After making Melida sit on the edge of the bed, Kufa knelt on the bed
and lowered his head until it touched the bed.

“I have done many atrocious deeds. I will accept any punishment you

“What, how could I! You were thinking about my health as you did

After desperately shaking her hands in a rush, Melida smiled like a

flower blooming.

“Thank you very much.”

“My lady.”

“May I become your student, sensei?”

Relieved, Kufa opened his eyes.

“As long as I am your teacher, doing such an act is necessary.”

Kufa had said blatantly said such things. After the check-up, Melida
was also worrying about the words from before.

“……You are already a student I hold pride in, my lady.”

Kufa muttered as he stood up, and started striding towards the

window side on the terrace. It was nearly six o’clock. Along with the
visit in the morning, the streets of Flandor glittered invitingly.

*Swish!* The curtains opened, and strong beams of sunlight filled

Melida’s dormitory.

There was no more turning back. At that moment, the

counterattacking was ready. It was about to begin. The days of
training in which Kufa and Melida bet their lives in!!

Turning to face the bed, Kufa declared with glittering eyes.

“Well, let’s start the lesson now. Change into your sports uniform
and step out, Melida=Angel!”

Even whilst holding a harmless wooden sword, things would change

greatly if the wielder were to be a mana possessor.

Flashes and sparks, when weapons filled with mana clashed with
each other, *BOOOOM*! and a thundering roar would fill the air. In
the backyard of the mansion, flying sparks filled the air.

With sparks of mana flying around her body, the Melida who was
training had improved drastically compared to the day before. The
weapons in use were not the stereotypical long sword which a
paladin used, but the single edged curved wooden sword which the
samurai class used.

She was no longer jumping in whilst getting repelled helplessly. The

movements were much smoother due to the change into a better
suited weapon.

Even so—By Kufa’s terms, she was still at a stage for much more

“Kuh, yah, Ei…… Ahhhh”

Overwhelmed by the sudden power within the body, Melida slashed

frantically. But no matter how much she hit, Kufa repelled it swiftly
with a single hand. Calmly standing in front of her, there was no
hesitation in his flowing movements, and his hits were
overwhelmingly sharp and strong like lightning.

His arms soared upwards, and Melida threw her arms upwards
instinctively. But, *Bam!* the foot was cut spectacularly. It was a
spectacular example of ashibarai.

Melida couldn’t defend herself and fell onto the grass.


“See, just because the opponent raises his weapon doesn’t always
mean that he is going to attack. In addition……”

Kufa opened his clenched fist. A grain of sand dropped onto Melida’s

“Kyah!……Wha, what, it this?”

“I put this onto your vulnerable back just now. What would have
happened if I threw it at your face? Can you fight your opponent
while rubbing your eyes?”


Speechless, Melida stood up and brushed the dust off her butt.

“Th, they don’t teach these things in the academy!”

“I suppose so. Would you like trying that excuse to Lycanthrope?”

“B, but——……!”

Unable to lift a finger, Melida groaned like a dog and gripped the
wooden sword tightly.

“……I, I want to try another round!”

Snickering, Kufa lifted his wooden sword.

“I understand.——Let’s get going.”

Swiftly aiming for the Kufa in a waiting stance, Melida kicked the
ground explosively.

And for a while after, flashes filled the backyard, ultimately followed
by the thunderous yell of the young lady.

After all the failures faced came the theory of swordsmanship.

There, a figure of Kufa in a stainless shirt and a dirt-covered Melida

faced each other with their wooden swords on the floor.

“Now then, do you know how you have ended up not laying a single
scratch upon me, and contrarily ended up getting beaten down
several times?”

“W, well, that’s because sensei’s invincible!”

“That’s wrong. Of course, whilst there are many cases where the
match is decided simply by the difference of status, but this isn’t the
problem this time. My lady, this is because you are unaware of my


Kufa shifted his body sideways, his feet digging into the soil.

“Think about it, why did I decide to throw sand at my lady before?
Why did my bluff to hit your foot work so many times?”

“Well, maybe because you like seeing the figure of a girl in pain……”

“Stop that, it’s most definitely not true.”

Immediately denying it, Kufa coughed aloud.

“……Well, that was to allow my lady to create a weakness. You lift

your sword = You put a feint = You attack a defenseless opponent. As
you can see, everything until now is but a stepping stone to hit an
effective strike. My lady has overlooked this fact, aiming directly to
hit me, and that is the reason you were easily countered by a person
like me with a higher status.”

“Even if you tell me this, there isn’t anything I can do about it……”

Standing in front of the Melida who was scratching her brow, Kufa
hefted his wooden sword onto shoulder.

“For example…… well, before that my lady. The hem of your shirt is
lifted and I can see your stomach.”

“Wha, kyah!”

“And there’s your weakness.”

*Bam!* The wooden sword swung down and hit Melida’s forehead.

Clutching her head in tears, Melida lectured him.

“Sensei, you cheat!”

“Don’t hesitate when the opponent lifts his weapon up! —Anyways,
what happened just now proves my point. You had all your attention
onto the hem of her clothes. My words were the trigger. In order to
strike the opponent definitely, you must control the opponent’s will,
creating a moment of hesitation within them. This is what I mean by
<finding a weakness>.”

The hard-working Melida crossed her arms, trying to comprehend
what Kufa was teaching.

“Control…… the opponent’s will.”

“That’s right. Having high-tiered fighters going against each other is

rare. For others, it is a matter of how much you can control your will.
No matter how aware of your surroundings you are, it is impossible
to completely aware of your surroundings. That is why it is there has
to be a vulnerable spot.”


Pondering for a while, Melida muttered to herself.

And so, the next day came.

“Look, sensei! His lordship is standing there!”

“He isn’t.”

“There’s an extremely beautiful bird there!”

“There isn’t.”

“Amy and the rest are taking a bath!”

“……They aren’t.”

“Wait, were you about to look behind just now?”

“A, as if I would do that!”

Coughing loudly, Kufa picked up a stopwatch.

“……Let’s put an end to this soon. My lady, please prepare for school

Melida was covered in mud from head to toe. For a shower……it was
also necessary to take a bath as well. It was a right choice to ask Emy
the length of time the princess would take to cleanse herself.

“School! I’m really, really excited to go to school!”

“You sure have changed a lot. Wearing such a melancholic

countenance before, what makes you want to go to school so

“Well, I am different now! I can use mana now! I also have a class!
I’m no longer different from anyone in school! We’re friends, we’re

The current Melida was overjoyed. ‘Thank you very much for the
lesson!’ she said gracefully before running off like a dog wagging it’s
tail in joy.

Upon hearing this, Kufa gripped his hand tightly.

“Please wait a minute, my lady. There is an important matter I must

consult you with.”

“What? I mean, of course!”

Towards the lady who had just said that she would listen to anything,
Kufa said clearly.

“Starting from today – the usage of mana outside my lesson is

absolutely banned.”


Meirda’s heartbroken yell could be heard from the entrance of the

St. Freidswide girls academy.

It was just past mid-day. On an ordinary timetable, the practical
lessons should be starting after noon. But Melida, who was walking
through the side building was not skipping class. Starting from today,
St. Freidswide girls academy would be shifting into the special
schedule to greet the end-of-term open matches. Obligatory
attendance was only in the morning, the afternoon being the whole
student body given free practice to do. As the open matches were
done in groups consisting of several people – also known as units,
the free training time was given in order to prepare for the matches.

With the lessons finally ending, the students gathered onto the
training field, training with the matches in mind. Even under normal
circumstances, there would be no students leaving school at such an
early time, and as such, no one could have possibly heard Melida’s

Walking along was Kufa, wearing a calm expression like a sculpture.

“Haven’t I explained already? My lady has only just acquired mana,

and is still not completely awakened. If you wish to ‘live’ as a noble,
please focus on the present. You’re one week too early to even start
thinking of getting intimate with everyone.”

“I never even thought of getting intimate with everyone else. But not
even being allowed to train is a bit……”

She slumped in such a manner that anyone would feel guilt upon
seeing this.

Of course, the <un-awakened condition> was but a cover.

Kufa was only after one thing. He needed to train her as much as
possible before, delaying the announcement as much as possible.

Then he would discover the true worth of the 〈Talentless Girl〉

Melida Angel.

If she were truly worth to live, even if it meant risking that life of his.

Kufa lightly held onto Melida’s hand.

“My lady, the fated day is but a single week away. Until then, please
bear with tricking your school friends. If so, they will be able to see a
miracle come true.”

“…… I understand, sensei. I’ll definitely get a good result on the


“Right. That sure is some commendable spirit, my lady.”

As Kufa was feeling empathy, Melida spun around, and in a cute

voice smiled ‘eheh’.

“The thing is, me and Eli made a promise. You are aware that there is
a festival held for the sacred knights after the open matches are
over, yes? And in that parade…… oh.”

It was at that moment. Almost as if trying to stop Melida from

talking, numerous human silhouettes appeared.

Blocking the sun entering the tunnel stood the figure of several twin
tailed girls.

“Stop trying to leave, Melida.”

“N, Nerva……”

Melida’s body stiffened immediately. These twin tailed girls were

part of Melida’s unit. They were called the Blumen, however, that
was another story.

Folding her arms together, Nerva spoke out in a haughty manner.

“Did you forget despite being a member of the Blumen? I wonder
whether your brain finally got turned into juice. We’ve got practice
coming up so quickly get changed.”

“I, I decided……”

With her mouth open, Melida’s shivering voice resonated

throughout the tunnel.

“I, I’ve decided to join Euphy’s unit.”

“What? The class president? That prick……”

“I, I’ve already told them, so I can’t join your unit anymore now.”

The girls who were working with Nerva started a big fuss.

“I can’t believe you! What a cowardly way to do things!”

“I’d bet that you haven’t even thought of the trouble you’d be
causing us!”

Nerva raised an open hand into the air to silence the girls.

As if looking at a disgusting bug, Nerva looked down onto Melida and

spat out.

“I see. That’s fine because the four of us can form a group. And so,
why are you trying to leave so early?”

I, I was told that I wouldn’t have to join the practice…… And, and I
have to attend sensei’s lesson now anyway…….”

“A. Lesson. With. Sensei!!”

Nerva’s haughty laughter filled the air. However, her eyes were doing
anything but laughing.

“I see. So you prioritize a lesson with that sensei of yours over
practicing with me or even Euphy! How despicable. As expected of
the daughter from the noble family!”

“N, no, it’s not, that’s not what I meant……”

“Wash your neck and wait for the tournament.”

Glaring at Melida, then moving on to Kufa, Nerva turned and

swaggered away. The rest of the girls turned and followed their
leader, holding the same negative emotions as the leader.

After the sound of their footsteps could no longer be heard, Melida

breathed out a heavy sigh of relief.

“I was so nervous……”

“My lady, you should have retaliated properly!”

Kufa yelled, no longer able to keep his feelings inside, and Melida
nervously tugged at the hem of her skirt.

“That, that’s because……”

There is no longer a need to heed their beck and call. You should
have retorted fiercely.”

“Even if you told me that so suddenly, it’s too difficult to do. I’ve
been bullied by them all this time after all……”

“How troublesome. It looks as though as this matter requires not

only physical strength, but mental strength as well.”

Standing up, Kufa turned and went towards the entrance without a

“—As for the person peeking through the entrance, do you have a
matter with my lady?”

And from the shadow of the entrance appeared two frightened girls.

“S, stop making it sound like we’re in the wrong! We were hiding
only because you guys looked like you were having a private
conversation, and we hid because it looked interesting to watch!”

“……Roze-sensei. I think that is what people call peeking.”


The duo had a student-teacher relationship similar to Melida and

Kufa, but they were in an extreme contrast.

The short one, the blonde student wearing the St. Freidswide girls
academy uniform, was one that was fresh in Kufa’s memories.

She was Melida’s sibling, also known as Elise=Angel.

And next to her stood a red-haired woman who was a head taller
than Elise. The woman was wearing clothes so glamorous that
anyone would think she came from a fairy tale. She was an
acquaintance of Kufa.

Widening her eyes in delight, her mood lifted and she walked
excitedly towards Kufa, wrapping his hand with hers.

“Ehehe……! We meet again, Mr. gentleman!”

“……So it’s you again.”

In truth, he had not thought that they would meet again.

Two days before the arrival upon the district, he had met this fashion
model-like girl waiting at the station.

Mefida, who stood next to him, gazed upwards with unease in her

“U, um, sensei. Who might this person be……?”

Her attention snapped downwards, and the red hair let one hand go,
grabbing Mefida’s hand to form a criss-cross. She was an extremely
relaxed girl.

A carefree smile beamed from her face.

“Nice to meet you! I am Elise’s tutor who started just yesterday

called Rozetti Pricket. But you can call me Rozetti, alright? Melida-

“Rozetti……as in, the first marquis Rozetti Pricket!?”

As Melida widened her eyes, the red haired girl blushed warmly.

“C, come on, it’s not such a big deal…… It’s a problem if you flatter
me too much, Dehehehe…… If people know my name where ever I
go, it makes me look as if I were a celebrity.”

It wasn’t a matter of as if, she was indeed a celebrity. A top-tier

mana user, she was not born in a noble family, but instead of the
lower class.

The lower class was better known as ‘those under the glass ceiling’.

Flandor was supported by the 25 glass containers. Then there were

the parts which supported the glass containers. And in those parts
were where the population of roughly 300, 000 lived.

Flandor not only held the problem of its population density, but also
the living standards of the people.

Speaking of which, Flandor did not have any agricultural land. It was
also necessary to have people who could farm. This was the other
half of Flandor who were living outside the city.

Rozetti was a person who was living here and suddenly awakened
mana. She and her family instantly rose ranks to nobles.

Without going to any special mana school and training alone, she
was a person who had won a team staged tournament as a one-man
team, being the first in all of history.

Whether it was due to her being the youngest to join the Sacred
Guards, or whether it was due to her being the First Marquis…… ‘I
give the Pricket family the same authority as the mayor of the
Cardinal district’ was an order given by his lordship.

She was the living proof that hard work could change everything.

“Well, everyone’s making a big deal out of it, but don’t take notice
because I’m working as for the Angel family now, okay? We’re
basically family now! Okay, let’s do this!”

Rozetti tugged on Melida’s hands.

Melida looked up with a face that showed no sign of understanding.

“A, are you sensei’s friends?”

“……I’ve only heard of her name. I was wondering what the first
marquis could possibly be doing on a street like this.”

Lifting his head slightly, Kufa faced Rozetti.

“I never would have thought we would meet again like this.”

“It really is like that, isn’t it! Like a movie script!”

It appeared that Rozetti still had a habit of laughing over anything.

Taking no notice Kufa’s serious expression, she wrapped her hands
around Kufa’s once more.

“I’ve heard a bit about you from Elise. Mr. Kufa Vampir, wasn’t it?
Since we’re both working for the Angel family, as well as being
tutors, as well as going through the same road to get to school, we
should try to get along well!”


Without changing his expression, Kufa looked at the palm of her

hand for a while.

It appeared that this carefree woman had no clue about anything.

She had no idea about the current situation the two of them were
currently placed in.

It wasn’t only about Melida and Elise As their teachers, even Kufa
and Rozetti were being judged and analysed for their worth. Until
they managed to do this, they would encounter countless troubles
and criticisms made about them. ‘Which of them is the better one?’
would be but a common question.

If he understood this fully, there would be only one answer.

—He couldn’t lose. With his lady’s pride at stake, he couldn’t lose
even to this woman.

Kufa finally let out a smile. Pulling his hand back from hers, he
slapped her hand away without wavering.

As if unable to believe what had just happened, Rozetti blinked her


“Wha, Uh, wait, What……??”

“As unfortunate as it is, I can no longer allow myself to become any

friendlier with you than this.”

“W, why? Why? Why? Why!?”

A happy-go-lucky woman like you will be but a negative influence to

Ms. Melida.”


Rozetti’s shriek reverberated throughout the tunnel.

With tears welling up from both eyes, Rozetti started to get mad at

“What do you mean by happy-go-lucky what do you mean by happy-

go-lucky! You didn’t say anything about that last time! You were such
a nice gentleman back then too!”

“The past is the past. Talking to a stranger and analyzing an

opponent is also an act a gentleman must master.”

“How……How could you say this to me, you brute!! Even after I felt
so moved! Even after I really thought that a fairy tale-like prince
really existed! I could feel my heart thumping too!”

“What? As if there could there be such a pure prince out there.

Please keep your fairy tales to yourself after twelve, Ms.

“AH, AH, AH, AH, AHHHHH!! I’m so pissed off!!”

Watching the sudden comedic plot twist in the romance, the two
noble ladies stood by uneasily.

Ahhh, AHHHHHHHHH……!” H, how did things turn out like this……?”

Anyways, things couldn’t continue this way anymore. As serious as

usual, Melida bravely took a step forward.

“Stop right there! Let’s do this Eli!”



Turning backwards, the two of them blatantly faced each other.

Melida, who’s face was red turned to see Elise whose expression
hadn’t changed, gulped.


“Uh, Um, you see, that……”

“What should we, do?”

“No way!! Cut! I demand a redo!”

Melida flapped her arms around while shrieking at the top of her

“Sensei! Please stop acting like a spoiled child!”

A switch flipped in both of the sensei.

“I too think that sensei was to blame for this one. It’s wasn’t nice to
speak rudely of others

“Um……I’m very sorry.”

The youthful girl took the full blame. As she lowered her head,
Rozetti burst into a smile.

Kufa shifted his eyes and raised his hand. He landed a clean slap onto
Rozetti’s butt, creating a beautiful sound.

“Owwwwww—! Wait, that’s my butt! Pervert! That’s sexual


“Well then, my lady, this prick is starting to get noisy so let us take
our leave now.”

“W, what do you mean by prick! You sadistic gentleman!”

Kufa placed his hand on Melida’s shoulder and turned around.

“I wish you a good day, Elise-sama. And um…… Ms. Pricketsu?”

“H, how dare you make fun of my family name so carelessly……!”

Gritting her teeth bitterly, Rozetti retorted,

“Well, you’d better start getting your losing words for the
tournament day. My lady will beat that Melida of yours into a bloody
pulp so just you wait!”

As if doing a sprinting demonstration, she ran off creating a dust

cloud in her path. Left behind, Elise slowly followed the dust cloud.

After they both left, Melda wiped the cold sweat off her face.

“Uh, sensei, I don’t think it’s alright for me to make an enemy at such
an early stage……”

“That’s right. For the meantime……”

Kufa placed his hand onto Melida’s shoulder and smiled kindly.

“My lady, please assume that there won’t be tea time for the next


Melida’s cry filled the tunnel once more.

It was now after school, just outside the botanical garden. The
Melida who could no longer lose was having her third lesson with

In order to make the most of the remaining week before the

tournament, today’s lesson would be a practical one.

“In order for that to happen, we must first get my lady to understand
the concept of the mana’s low, neutral, and the chaos condition.”

“Low? Neutral?”

Kufa was wearing a t-shirt whilst Melida was training clothes

prepared by the maids, clutching the wooden sword similar to the
one in the morning.

On the open and flat ground was a blackboard prepared by Amy

beforehand. Kufa stood with a chalk in his hand, almost like a school

“I suppose you have not been taught about this during your first
year. The scale known as alignment determines the condition of your

Turning to face the blackboard, he wrote as he spoke.

The situation where your mana is has been barely mobilized is

known as low. The position where you are covered in a mantle of
mana is known as neutral – also frequently called the ‘normal
situation’. And finally, the situation where you place your mana onto
an assault scale, mustering all your mana forward is called chaos.

Pausing, he underlined the words Neutral.

“The offensive power and defensive power displayed yesterday is in

the neutral state. As explained before, mana amplifies the physical
abilities of a person. In the low condition, they would be in an
ordinary state which you and me are currently in.”

Thinking about the previous situation, Kufa puffed his mouth, then

“Until just recently, my lady was fighting in the low situation which
explains the horrible performance until now.”


Even though Melida was currently in tears, there was no reason for
her to be depressed. If they had decided to do the school entrance
test again and compare the strength, she was now several leagues
ahead of her previous self.

Kufa stopped writing with the chalk, flipped up his wooden sword,
and slammed it into the ground.

“Well the, let’s get to sparring. My lady. Please get your alignment to
the neutral situation.

“O, okay! Nn……!

Melida shut her eyes and clenched her fists, concentrating. Then a
yellowish golden light engulfed her body.

“I did it!”

“It’s too slow! It’s taken three seconds to get it ready!”


In contrast to Melida, who was shock, Kufa looked back with a cool

“B, but I tried so hard!”

“If someone with ill intent came charging at you, do you think he’d
wait for three seconds? Do you think ‘I’m trying my best so please
wait’ will a justifiable excuse for him to wait?”

“Even so……!”

Her face flushed with shame, Melida looked like she was going to cry

But Kufa replied without mercy.

“My lady, you should know this better than anyone, right? Against a
user of mana, a mana less person will not be able to lift a single
finger! I won’t ask you to reduce your time to reach the neutral
condition so suddenly. This too, is something that must be practiced
daily. My lady, from now on, you will reduce your preparation time
by 0.1s every month. If so, by three years-”

He stopped halfway, enough time to blink once Then suddenly, a

golden flame engulfed him.

“You can enter a state of combat in 0.01 seconds.”

“A, amazing……”

Melida was mind blown by the Kufa had released a mantle of mana
around himself so naturally.

Returning to the low condition, Kufa pulled out a pocket watch.

“Well then, my lady. I will be measuring the precise time again so

please release your mana once more.”

“O, okay.”

Melida stored her mana once again and stiffened her body.

A flame burst around her body.

“I did it!”

“That was slower than before! Once more!”

“How come!?

“We’re going to be doing this until you get a new high score.”


Melida scrunched up the hem of her training wear.

“You’re a demon, sensei.”

“So you’re calling me a demon? How rude.”

After all, back in Kufa’s age, a second mistake would be punished by

a beating and this would continue until you succeeded. Compared to
that, this would be obviously heaven.

“……Hey, did you hear that? She called him a demon!”

“So he really is a devilish teacher……”

The maids had come to spy in on the training and were gossiping. As
explained before, he wasn’t evil.

After repeating twice more, the time finally returned to the original.
To the exhausted Melida who was practically sleeping on her
shoulder, Kufa announced with chalk in hand.

“Please continue working on the neutral state for a while. I’ll be

talking about this matter first.”

He scribbled onto the blackboard.

“Our status is of the samurai rank. Whilst you may have already
learnt this, please allow me to explain once again.”

He continued writing neat words onto the board.

It was somewhat similar to what was written in a textbook, but

Melida took notes seriously.

“Assassin class…… to consume, mana……”

“Well, I plan to teach the ways to use the techniques of the samurai
class step by step. The thing I want for you to focus on today is this.
The compatibility ratio.”

On the blackboard, Kufa wrote the following six ( Offense . Defence .
Mobility . Special Move set . Offensive Support . Defensive Support ),
writing ( B . C . A . C . C . – ) next to each respectively.

“This shows how a class would have their abilities raised once they
have mobilized their mana. In the samurai’s case, the mobility has
been raised to an extremely high standard whilst the defense is low.
Training without keeping the ratio in place in pointless, so we will
train as the ratio tells us, 2 . 1 . 3 . 1 . 1.”

“I see.”

Melida commented honestly. Kufa took a deep breath, slamming his

wooden sword onto the floor once again.

“We will be training using this menu every day, in addition to a new
special menu each and every day.”

“Special menu?”

“I was originally thinking of making you learn even one assault skill
but…… as a junior, other than being flashy, an assault skill won’t do
much good. Therefore, we should think of a “way to win” as soon as

Hefting the sword from the floor, Kufa flipped it in his hand and put
out a stance.

“Well, your body should be filled with so much excitement that you
can’t bear it, right? It’s time for your long awaited sparring.”

Melida’s face changed into one as if she had just remembered the
nightmare from the morning.

LESSON:Ⅲ ~The thing that called
watching over~
July was about to come to an end, the student’s long awaited long
term holiday was approaching to the Cardinals Academy District. In
preparation for the closing ceremony of St. Freidswide girl academy
tomorrow. The little girls would participate in a public tournament of
martial art display at the end of semester.

The match location was a huge coliseum that was used alongside a
training school named Karetsuji at the Academy district. The fields
were forest, wasteland, ruins, lake and as such, with all the possible
battle field set up in a three hundred square meters stage, each
school years was divided into unit in order to participate, struggling
for the outcome of the battles.

The morale of the student had gone up a notch, as the big line
“public tournament” was written on the banner. The usually keeping
themselves away from the outside world ojou-sama school too, on
this day it was different. The family of the students centered mainly
on the residences of the district, other were college students, the far
away sightseeing tourist, or the inspection squad from the knight
regiment (Guild). More than several thousand people would fill the
audience seat to the brim. For the match the little girls would also
wear a special martial art training attire “battle dress”, it was said
that entering it would suddenly fire them up.

Then wherein, at the first year players waiting room our Melida ojou-
sama was,

「Sensei, is there a technique to not stand out on the stage as much

as possible……?」

With dark and gloomy expression, she was standing still at the

After preparing the battle dress carefully, it didn’t matter if she

shone like a battle angel. As usual the small little lady couldn’t enter
the meeting circle. Furthermore uncomfortably killing time, it
seemed that nothing but the feeling of gloomy came to her………

「What are you being cowardly for. Whatever sort of Samurai class
as it might be, when you decided to do it you could “bang” do it!
Bath in the applause. What do we do if your mettle isn’t up for it?」

「B, but, there would be so many spectators looking at me……….?」

「Wouldn’t that the best debut battle?」

「I don’t have the confidence……」

From before the start Melida was disheartened. At last she could
show her mana anticipating for this day, even though she spent one
whole week training repeatedly with Kufa, but when it came to the
real battle it seemed her mind was stained with considerable
attitude of un-erasable feeling of bailing out.

With such clattering teeth mental strain she wouldn’t be able to

show half of her status. She couldn’t imagine the scene in which she
was really active at all, Melida had concluded that she would lose, in
such a way her face was gloomy.

Even though there was no time left, this was bad. Even though he
was escorting with nonchalant vibe, Kufa’s inner thought had started
to be impatient. No matter what I have to make the young lady
believe in herself.

Despite so, as if to mock that intention, a high pitched voice came.

「Ara Melida! What happened, why are you shrinking in that corner

Like a crowd the blumen sisters accompanying Nerva Martillo came

over. As usual the difference in material resources was
overwhelming, that made Melida’s expression even stiffer.

Moreover, the girls unit was the opponent in Melida’s battle.

「How great, you really came here without running away. But are
you okay? Your condition looks very bad 」

「That can’t be helped, Nerva-sama」

「Anyways, from now on, she would have egg on her face in front of
great number of people」

As if it was discussed before hand, the followers mocked.

Nerva was「Ahaha!」, laughing in a voice that echoed throughout

the waiting room

「That’s right! Nee Melida, are you planning on rolling into a ball in
the corner of the stage in the battle? Melida might as well just do the
hopping dance to entertain the spectators please. That’s your

「N, no……」

「Your family also came to see you right? I wonder what would they
think about your unsightly figure. Seeing all the spectators around
pointing at you laughing, imagine how would they feel? Nee?」


Melida only bit her lips without answering. Unnoticed, the waiting
room fell into a complete silence as if it was a graveyard, other

students were also concerned about this with an awkward

In a way as if she spoke in behalf off all others, Nerva threw down
her high pitch voice.

「Truly, why does the likes of you exist in my academy. Right now
transfer to a normal coeducation school and find a husband as well.
Forever clinging on that unsightliness」


Melida’s shoulders were trembling, she looked down, at the end of

her eyes, tears gradually swelled up.

「──Nerva-sama, with all due respect」

Reaching a situation where nothing can be done, Kufa suddenly

interfered between the two.

As if to say I’ve been waiting for this, Nerva raised the edge of her
mouth and looked up at him.

「Ara sensei, good day to you. Do you have any business with me?」

「Ee. By all means I have one thing I want to ask of you」

「Well, please ask me anything」

「I got the feeling that my ears are getting rotten so would you
please shut up? You female monkey」

Melida at the back too, the other students too, everyone was taken
aback and stared at him.

「M, mon, monke……? N, no desu wa, I seemed to have misheard

something. I’m so sorry but Kufa-sama, please say it again?」

「Purify your mouth when you talk, imbecile . I said that go sink to
the bottom of the sewage system」

Rustle rustle! as the surrounding was stirring. At any rate if they

were the little girls in St. Freidswide, not until now they had heard
such insulting words.

Clearly understanding such verbal insult, Nerva’s lips were shaking.

「Yo, yo yo yo you said it to me that, pur, purified my mouth……!?」

「Pardon my impoliteness. But, if you keep insulting Melida-sama

anymore than this, then by all means I couldn’t control myself」


Kufa knelt down, his eyes looked down. On his back, he could feel
the intense stare of Melida.

「You don’t understand a thing about Melida-sama. Melida-sama is

a very noble person. No matter how absurdly bad experience she
experienced she would not bend, no matter how many times she
would stand up again and again, such a strong person. Being close to
that side and looking at you ridicule her, I say clearly that it was
unpleasant how you talked about Melida-sama」


Nerva almost stepped back two or three steps, but she barely kept
her pride.

「Hu, hum! For a nameless noble, being outrageous because he was

employed by the duke’s house?」

To Kufa who was still kneeling, she sternly pointed a finger at him.

「What is the Vampir family, I’ve never heard of such thing. Even if
you call yourself a home tutor, you only read the picture books for
her to hear in order to receive your wage right!」

「Don’t make fun of sensei!!」

Bashin! A little girl brushed off Nerva’s hand.

With vigor as raging fire Melida came in front of him.

「He is the best sensei! I will never forgive anyone who insults

She showed her emotions at this point, of course the classmates

must be very surprise right? However, the thing was what was once
had been said could not be undone.

After Nerva opened her eyes wide for a little, feeling as if amused
she raised the edge of her mouth.

「Hee? You said not forgiving , exactly what will you do?」


Melida bit her lip, clenched her fist──sternly raised her face.

「In the battle I will beat you to a pulp!!」

「You said it, drop out one!!」

On the two’s line of sights, Bachi! fire spark started to clash.

「This battle, I’m looking forward to it, Melida」

With a puff at the end she sneered once more, Nerva turned her
body. She took the Blumen sister along with her who were having
bewildered expressions, left the waiting room.

As the girls left the waiting room, the extremely awkward
atmosphere float around but,

「……Me, meeting, meeting!」

Sternly some female students called out around, as if realizing the

commotion had died out.

For a while Melida stood there petrified, drowned in thoughts.

「I said it~~~! Wha, what should I do!?」

「No but, you accidentally said it right」

「Why does sensei looks so happy!」

As for Kufa, it was something that made him couldn’t help it but

Anyhow, the lady’s confidence switch’s hiding place had been found.

It seemed that for Melida………. she herself could not, but if it were
for the sake of others she could show her strength, seemed like she
was that kind of child.

「Then ojou-sama. In the battle if you ever feel fainthearted, please

think about me」

「About sensei?」

Taking Melida’s hands, he gently wrapped them within his palms.

「For my honor. I want to let everyone here to know that my

guidance isn’t wrong」

「For sensei……」

On the shoulders of the girl who was shorter than him more than
two heads, he weighed such heavy words.

With a face as if the fleeting heart clearly had went to the ground,
she raised her gallant face.

「Please look at me! I’ll, do my best!」

† † †

It seemed like he had encouraged Melida, but truly Kufa was being
crushed by anxiety.

As he withdraw from the waiting room and came, taking position at

the corner of the guess seating. Because soon the battle would start
beginning from Melida’s first year group, the expectation around was
gradually increasing.

The seat next to his, was the figure of Emy with a basket of bento
who came to aid.

「Kufa-san, you’re as nervous as if you were going to participate」

「Yea, yeah. I don’t have the mood to live」


Anyhow, at the passenger seat on the rear upper row, he sent a

glance………over there were people who had influence in St.
Freidswide academy, VIP seats that were arranged.

Of course, the two figures that meant life or death for Kufa and
Melida were also could be seen.

One was, the man who was in his 50s and had silver hair combed at
the back. The current head of the family the Knight Duke Angel,

Felgus Angel. He looked older than his age, combined with the
wrinkles on his face.

An then there was the other one, wearing a wool hat and put on a
traditional clothing “Justaucorps”, with thin body of old man as if a
withering branch, he was Kufa’s client. The head of Mordrew
weapon company, Sir Mordrew. The father of the late Merinoa Angel
who suspected her of adultery, the grandfather of Melida in

Melida being in the presence of the whole company of course he had

to worry if Melida would make any mistake, Sir Mordrew nervously
looked around, twitching his cheeks. Among them, Felgus was the
person whose expression he was most aware of. The firm denial of
Merinoa’s adultery, the full trust in the relationship of the Angel’s
house, because that were the Sir Mordrew’s dearest wish.

That Felgus duke was, only displeasingly looking down the stage.
Suddenly his sight shifted to over here, Kufa had a feeling, quickly
turned back his face.

──They came they came they came they came~~~!!

His inside thoughts were in a mad rush.

If until now in this battle that Melida showed nothing but unsightly
result, the suspicion against his wife deepened more and more.
Mordrew’s position would be in furthermore danger, especially the
talk about what the heck the dispatched assassin agent did would
come. In extreme terms, the result of this battle in some way, there
was the possibility Kufa and Melida would be disposed off together.

For the sake of surviving the next three years, this first test is, today!

──I’m counting on you! Ojou-sama!!

He put his palms together wholeheartedly prayed for a short while,
he heard a voice as if pouring cold water on his head.

「Aaree~? You looked terribly not calm, Blackhearted fake


Seemingly very sarcastic nuances and gestures she approached, the

red hair bishoujo who could put the fashion model in shame. Her
dress gave off the expression of the beautiful elf, outstanding
conspicuously among the masses.

「Just before I wonder what kind of big mouth that keeps bragging?
It would it have to be that right? All talk but having no real strength
right? Ohohohoho!」

「And here I thought who was that, isn’t it Pricketsu-san」

「It’s Pricket!! Not Pricketsu it’s Pricket! Don’t make such unpleasant

From the top of her head Bii! resentfully, Pricketsu who was Rozetti
Pricket violently dropped her waist on the sit next to Kufa.

From the other side across Kufa, Emy tilted her head in surprise.

「Kufa-san, that person is?」

「She is Elise Angel-sama’s home tutor」

「Maa maa. I am, Melida-sama’s exclusive maid Emy. I’ll be glad if

we could get along」

From across Kufa she held out the palm of her hand, and Rozetti who
was sulking completely changed her expression. With a sparkling
face like a kid receiving candy, she clasped and shook that extended

「It’s fine to talk to maid-san!? I am Roze! Nice to meet you!」

Even though the meaning wasn’t clearly understood but, it seemed

she was really happy.

「Whaat this! I thought the people from the this house had pitch
black heart but it seems wrong! It seems there’s only one fake gentle
man who plays with the maiden’s heart, what a relief」

「That’s great」

After giving a perfunctory response, Kufa returned his sight to the


「……Whaat? Making such a serious face. You’re that worry about



At any rate my life depends on it!

While Rozetti restlessly gasping her skirt, furthermore she repeated

her question.

「That, eto…………How do you think, to put it frankly! Your

expectation for Melida-sama」

「It’s not bad」

Kufa immediately reply, continued to fix his eyesight on the stage.

「Although she doesn’t have any special ability but, ojou-sama at

any rate is a quick learner. Because her nature is earnest and serious,
she can absorb whatever she was taught immediately」

Confirmed his true feeling, Kufa alone himself 「Umu」nodded.

「It’s a pleasure to teach her. She will continue to grow」

「Fufu. For ojou-sama to be so obedient, it’s thanks to Kufa-san」

Emy inserted with a friendly smile, Kufa blankly looked at her.

「Thanks to me?」

「Yes. Because Ojou-sama, idolized Kufa-san」

Being told that didn’t feel bad at all, somehow on the area of his
back felt itchy.


To the murmuring but not poking fun at him, Kufa suddenly turned

「Then by the way, why did you ask such thing?」

Rozette answered in murmur a few words.

「……Because it seems my lady is worry about this」

Immediately followed, the loud sound of trumpet resounded, the

audiences were even more excited.

「Well! Finally it’s starting!」

Just as Emy said, the end of semester public tournament starting

time had arrived.

Inside the Colosseum total of 5 stages, the players of the first game
have entered one after another. The fight between Melida’s unit and
Nerva’s unit, was the thick all kind of trees equal to a forest stage.

「Please look over there Kufa-san, over there! That’s ojou-sama



A feeling that he hadn’t tasted for a long time, the feeling of his
stomach tightened.

When standing on the battle field without any experience with

various feeling of tension, Kufa heart had beaten “badum badum”
fast. Rozetti’s student Elise Angel’s figure could not be found, of
course the three’s eyesight focused on the forest stage.

Next was the rule of the battle.

Each unit limit was 5 people. For each unit, on the pedestal which
was lighted by the nectar “the great candle stand” referred to as
base at each area would be assigned, to hold on to this great candle
stand was the winning condition.

On this field, the small scale “small candle stands” were scattered
across, pouring mana in them could ignite or extinguish them.

The time limit was 15 minutes, after that if both units’ great candle
stand was still going strong, the amount of small candle stand lighted
would determine the victor. To think only of assaulting then their
own area would be aim at, having said that only defending would not
lead to victory. Let’s say that the rule was really balance.

This rule was based on the long-term study of the cavalry regiments
(Guild) who entered and exited the night world, assuming the small
number of people in the military movement based on Elite Force
Foreign Campaign Art of War. If wishing to take back even more
points, inevitably, they had to prepare themselves to clash with the
opposing unit.

Kufa confirmed the composition of Nerva’s unit.

The opposing unit consisted of 4 people. The leader Nerva with the
rank of Gladiator excelled in offensive ability and stamina. Other
than that there was another one with the rank Gladiator, the third

one was Fencer, the last one had the rank of Joker. Gunner and
Cleric, Wizard, those rear guard classes could not be found, luckily.
His expectation hadn’t been dropped.

And Melida’s unit was organized up by 5 people. On the surface it

looked advantageous but, since both unit didn’t count in Melida’s
war potential, and so did they thought it was really just a 4 vs 4.

──And so they could only look down at her for now, look!

And as he was sending the intense look, Rozetti while looking at the
same way and brought her face close.

「Do you know? The girl who’s the leader of the opposing unit , it’s
Nerva-sama. Even thought it was just when she entered the school
she had already learned an assault skill, it was rank 【D】」

「I know」

「What about Melida-sama」

「……while it was unfortunate , this one week I only drilled into her
the normal know-how tactics to the best of my ability」

Looking down just like before, both unit members walked into the
center of the stage. It was for shaking hands before the battle.
Moment by moment the start of the fight came closer, the voltage
was rising endlessly.

On both of Kufa’s side, the girls were trembling and shaking their

「Aamou~, the more I look the more nervous I am~!」

「Me too! As if I could hear my lady’s heart beat!」

「Why are you two being nervous……」

In center the two girls Kufa let out a sigh fuu while saying so, but it
was also too late for Kufa to remove his eyes from Melida’s every

On each stage respectively, the player started shaking each other

hands. Even in the open space in the middle of the forest stage, the
members of both units passed in the opposite direction. As the two
people at the end of their lines passed through each other, Nerva
slammed Melida’s palm.


Between the two of them spark had been flying, it was

understandable even looking at a long distance.

Both unit returned back to their own area and taking their own
places, at last──at last the start of the battle began.

At the center of the coliseum there was a gigantic mounted

hourglass. That hourglass ticked the time limit of 15 minutes.
Standing near it was the two lecturer of the academy. One was
gripping the joystick, the other one setting up the trumpet.

After receiving the signal from headquarter, the girls would

immediately move. Pulling the joystick and the hourglass would half
rotate. The same moment the first drop at sand hit the bottom, the
other lecture would──loudly blew the trumpet sound.

Goo!! Each stage totaled off 10 big candle stand, great flames
spouted upward.

「It has started!」

From the audience seat too, noticeably loud cheers resounded.

Other four stage aside, Kufa’s and others’ attentions were of course
must be on the forest stage. The unit beside Melida and the leader,

apparently serving as the committee chairman that little girl was
called Euphy, she promptly swung down the sword and gave

「Fast break!!」

Euphy was protecting the great candle stand, and without Melida the
other three members charged using the triangle battle formation. It
was the form focused on attacking《King’s Gambit》. As soon as
they had taken over the middle field, the battle situation would turn
advantage for them, so it was said.

In regard to Nerva’s unit, the four of them went ahead. Leaving the
protection of the great candle stand, they planned to crush the
opposing team with the number advantage. Both team approached
in a blink of an eyes. Just now in this middle open space that they
exchanged handshakes, one single small candle stand was here and
at this place a melee battle was about to start.

With the result from this melee battle, the outcome would be
decided immediately. The other stages were the opposite going on
with the slow progress battle, suddenly the audience’s eyes sight
focus on the loud development unfolded in the forest stage.

「Hey, that 5 man team why do they let an extra person playing?」

The voice of the nearby guest spectator entered Kufa’s ears. The one
who seemed like going with him, 「Shsss!」raise his index finger.

「Idiot, be careful of your words! That’s Melida Angel-sama!」

「Eh? Ah! That, rumor aristocrat but is talentless……?」

「It seems truly she couldn’t use her mana huh. Look at her, the
completely ignore her」

Exactly as the girls said, not only the enemies but also the allies, it
seemed Melida’s existence was completely ignored.

For this reason──she could take advantage of this situation.

Now then, the table is set. Right now is the time to turn your world

Go! Melida Angel!!

As if hearing Kufa’s shout in his mind, Melida started running. The

one watching over the battle situation Euphy the unit leader, let out
a confused voice to the back of Melida who abandoned her position.

「That’s dangerous Melida-san! Comeback!」

Melida didn’t stop her feet. Taking a detour from the open space
where friends and foe jumbled together, she planned on aiming at
the enemy headquarter. If she could bring down the undefended
great candle stand, it would be her victory.

「That’s underhanded, Melida Angel……」

After Nerva signaled her three allies, she left the open space and
rushed into the forest. With the grace of mana she crossed the forest
with great speed, merely after a few seconds she jumped in front of

「You seriously shamelessly came here, Melida!!」


Melida stopped her feet, poised the tournament sword. Nerva

sardonic laughed at that, and she too raised her weapon over her

The weapon for the tournament was dull edged, moreover it was
applied safety measures to reduce hardness and weight, of course

depending on where it hit you wouldn’t come out unscathed. When
the opponent’s weapon passed over the body 4, 5 times, the amount
of student admitting defeat themselves was not small.

Furthermore, the weapon’s power was doubled with mana. No

matter how much they were blessed with mana’s divine protection,
it could not suppress fear. To Nerva, evenif the opponent was Melida
who was made fun of as 「Talentless girl」「Drop out」, there was
not one bit of hesitation.

「I’ll punish both your arms and your legs, then make you grovel

Embodying sadism as if an ominous flame, blazing violently over

Nerva’s body. The flame was as if a snake coiling around the mace,
she brandished it over her head. And then, Whoop, she forcefully
swung it down in an instance, the students at the spectator seats let
out a scream.

However, Melida didn’t run away and was lying in wait, opened her
eyes wide and her pupils were in flame, he thought.

The divine golden flame released from her body.

She raised the sword at the fastest speed and assaulted mace at the

In a smooth movement Nerva was swept away with a shock,

Kyi────n!! a loud sound echoed over.


Attacked by reaction and surprise, Nerva opened her eyes wide to

the limit.

For an instance there was only the sound of metal vibrating

resounded. Just before their eyes came Melida’s practical skill at the

head of the student in the academy and the lecturer, that family, the
academy district residents and tourist, on top of that down to the
players fighting in other stages, all the mind of the people in this
packed coliseum, all was exactly united, Kufa had that feeling

「「「Melida Angel has……Mana!?」」」

Even the players in other stages, opened their mouthed

unconsciously interrupted their fights. With the decisive moment
before her eyes and were thrust how big of a shock it was.

Then, Kufa’s exercise method was not gentle enough to let go of this
wonderful opportunity.


Together with fighting spirit Melida thrust out her sword, smoothly
hit hard on Nerva’s collar. Bang! The sound of crashing mana roared
out, Nerva was blown back.


Merely 1 meter approximately knock back but, Nerva was slowly

collapsing on the ground. Finally she had return to herself, after
crawling on all fours in confusion she got up.

The prideful training attire “battle dress” was dirtied on the ground
and herself, to this with an air of composure she glared at the looked
down on Melida, gnashing her teeth with an angry face.

In the training Melida was always at a one sided beating,

unknowingly this was the first time she landed a blow. Additionally

when it came to Nerva’s humiliated face ──Kufa suddenly clutched
his hands, let out a cheer.


See that! See that! See that! See that!!

If it were possible right now he would immediately stood up from the

guest sit, turned to the spectator around him「Have you all
realized!」he wanted to scream out.

Anyhow……..Kufa had clearly confirmed it. The moment Melida

released her mana, at the back noble sit Lord Felgus was only
opened his eyes a little wide. The instant she accomplished that
perfect preemptive strike, Sir Mordrew’s startled eyeballs opened.

Look carefully! At that! The figure of the knight who you called

「Aa! Wonderful Merid ojou-sama! I’m flowing with tears I couldn’t

see anymore……」

「Not yet! It’s still too early, Emy-san……!」

Together with Emy who took out the handkerchief and wiping her
tears little by little, Kufa once again gazed steadily at the stage.

Only just 3 meters in between the two opponents who were

confronting each other. Was she finally recovering from the shock,
Nerva was sweating cold sweat while「Ha!」 while putting up a
proud front.

「……What are you feeling good about. Aren’t you only an infant
knowing how to use a tool」


It went without saying but, already from the audience seat and even
the players from other stages eyes were nailing down on the two.
The stretched out feeling of tension stirring was dominating the
coliseum. Contrastive to the couldn’t be helped but being focus on
Nerva, Melida was watching her opponent in the fight with a cold as
water sight.

Surely, she must be thinking like this, 『Different than sensei, how
weak is she』

「Nee, have at me?」


Immediately after Nerva let out a stupid word, Melida came for the
attack. With a form to stop the trajectory of the sword, Nerva
hurriedly raised her mace. Collided, the sound of metal. Melida
immediately struck back, two flash, three flash. If it were about
explosive power the samurai class had an upper hand. Nerva could
only clumsily brandish her weapon.

A really heavy attack was raised above her head, Nerva reflectively
raised her mace. Immediately followed it, she was kicked hard in her
calf and tumbled over unsightly.


Due to rolling with all her strength she kept the distance, she should
look lucky since she wasn’t chased. To the head of her nose was
muddy, Melida calmly approached Nerva.

「Just because the enemy carries weapon, it doesn’t mean it

restricts his fighting to the weapon」

「……!! Y……ouuuuu!!」

Estimating the timing of Nerva’s spring up, Melida knocked aside at
that place. While forming a half moon trajectory she scooped up
some dirt, Nerva’s face was assaulted by the incoming flying dirt.

「Ua, bu! What……!?」

Rubbing her eyes with both her hands, aiming at completely

defenseless body of Nerva, Melida hit one attack with all her might.
The intense impact sound burst opened, once again Nerva was
blown away.

「That, that child, really good……,but」

There were several people in the audience who were scared by the
expression. Kufa felt that once again the voice from their minds
synched together.

「「「She plays dirty……!!」」」

And then there was another kind of astonishment, it was Rozetti

sitting on the seat next to him.

「The, the way Melida-sama fight……isn’t she completely treating

this like a real fight to the death……!」

Bah! She turned around, devouringly glared at Kufa.

「You, really what are you?」

「Aren’t I just a poor home tutor?」

Nonchalantly he smiled, fending off that look with a nonchalant face.

In the audience there was unknown spark scattering on the other

hand, the battle situation in the forest stage was getting more
heated up. Nerva crawling on all fours, while trembling her shoulders
she groaned.

「This me……such……. Despite this Melida Angeeeeeel!!」

The ominous flame ejected more violently from the back of Nerva.

Nerva jumped up as if a beast, she raised the mace high with both
her hands. The ominous flame of her whole body was surging,
concentrating on the mace head staying still above her head,
releasing a noticeably fierce light.

「Take my《Gaelic Hammer》!!」

Melida opened her eyes wide in surprise, taking a big leap


Despite the distance between the two, Nerva shot down at Melida.
With smooth movement as if the clumsy moves she made up till now
was a lie, she breaking into the ground slamming in one go.

Mana broke out and pierced the ground with fierce destructive
power. A radical fissured and explosion appeared at the foothold,
lump and cloud of dirt was whirled up in large quantity. The annular
shock wave that came later spread around, the gallery ones were
also shaking.

The aftershock reached Kufa’s seat, the disturbed wind lightly swung
his bang.

Heavy weapon assault skill《Gaelic Hammer》………its power was

great. If it was a direct hit, it wouldn’t be completely blocked by
Melida’s current defensive power. For a brave warrior experienced in
battle, the enemies’ assault skills were something feared and a target
of caution. Not to mention for beginner to be trembling unable to
move after that would be nothing strange.

However that ojou-sama was…………While being beaten every day by
an attack that was more dreadful than that, each time she stood up,
no matter how many times she had stood up and faced it again.


Pulling the mace from the ground, Nerva raised her body. The
surrounding around 3 meters was caved in, great cloud of dirt
obstruct the field of vision. Just as she feared the enemy presence,
she immediately stepped forward.

Breaking through the cloud of dust, Melida came forward. Without

wavering she unleashed a flash, crashing into the mace and spark
flying out. For the rise up footing the stepping was hard, both
opponents were still plunging into this close quarter combat

For an instance, seeming like wanting to say「It’s my win!」, Nerva’s

lips raised.

Although they both received battle training at the training school,

they were still yet to reach the level of swordsman. They couldn’t do
such thing as precise defense and evasion, it was far from a
handsome sword dance. Roughly at this close quarter situation and
wielding weapon at each other then, inevitably they would hit each
other body.

With all her strength she swung out the mace, riding on the
centrifugal force it hit hard on Melida’s flank. The sound of blunt
impact sounded around, Nerva lips bent sadistic.

Melida swung her body, however………..she immediately got back on

her feet.


As if to return the favor the sword was cut back, Nerva’s top of the
shoulder was assaulted. Bang! Sever sound of impact burst, Nerva’s
body bent backward greatly.


How many times Nerva was taken aback. She unsightly stumbled a
step or two forward and stood still, she was imposed about one
meter knock back.

In regard to that, she glared sharply at Melida who was standing

unchanged at a place 20 centimeters away.


Bearing her canine teeth, Nerva bravely challenged Merid. Sword

and mace clashed many times, Impressive impact sound every time.

Once again, the mace caught the body of the opponent in front.
Melida knit her eye browns in pain, however she immediately got
back on her feet. And then with just one counter attack, Nerva was
sent flying greatly.

Couldn’t be helped, the spectator also noticed the anomaly.

「H, hey what is this? Even though the other party should be having
the higher status ……?」

「That’s not even it! Why is it in frontal attack the Gladiator is being
suppressed? Isn’t their catch phrase close quarter combat!」

「I, if you ask me I don’t know! Is this some secret art of the knight
noble house!?」

Before their eyes Nerva was being one-sided oppressed, the

spectator was surely bewildered. There were thousands of people in
the Coliseum, but those who noticed the mechanism were, mainly

centered on the ones who had connection with the knight regiment
(guild) which was only a handful.

Sitting next to Kufa, Miss Elite, who was affiliated with the Imperial
Guards, seemed to be one of them. Rozetti’s gem like pupils, opened
her eyes wide with full of emotion,

「No way, that girl……used《Chaos Cadena》!?」

Hearing those unbelievable words with the resounded voice, Kufa’s

lips boldly lifted up.

† † †

「What is Chaos Cadena? Sensei」

First day training for the public tournament, pointing on the black
board with his teacher cane, Melida asked Kufa.

According to him that was, a skill to achieve victory beyond the

assault skill.

Kufa knocked on the blackboard full of words with chalk and replied.

「《Tame the Chaos (Chaos Cadena)》. One of the high technique

the knight regiment (guild) soldier use. As for alignment the neutral
and chaotic states, just now I touched it lightly right?」

「Yes. Eeto……the state of mana spreading around the body evenly

is called the neutral state. Conversely, the state of unevenly biased is
chaos, is that right?」

Kufa nodded once, and without advance warning he unleashed his

own mana.

Gou! From the perspective of Melida, it looked like the pressure
from a volcano eruption surging forward in one go. Opened her eyes
wide, unconsciously her upper body shook, to that a little girl Kufa
still continued with his nonchalant expression.

「Ojou-sama, the lesson 2 days ago which was the first day I talked
about it, the mana discharge hole (mantle) do you remember about
it? Ketel, Binah, Gevurah, Chochma, Chesed, Hod, Machut, Netzach,
Yesod, and then Tiferet ……. If the total amount of a capable person
is 100%, then the body’s 10 passages of mantle distributed 10% of
mana each increasing pressured state is neutral. This is the numerical
value, the body mana pressure——–so to speak《Percentage Mental
Stress (Rate)》is something treated as basic」

「Y, yes……」

「Cladding the body and weapon in mana to strengthen their status

is, obvious if looking at the different between low and neutral states.
And then the rate of strengthening is, sending pressure to the
appropriate mantle if it’s weaken then the mana in it also lower, on
the contrary, if it’s strengthen the mana also became higher──ready
your sword」

Saying so, maintaining the neutral state Melida raised her arm in
confusion. Her hand clutching the wooden sword aiming at him, Kufa
swung his own wooden sword.

Despite swinging them down with little vigor, a bachi sounds came
out and the sword bounded off Kufa’s sword. To Melida’s
surrounding whose took the blow, there was not particularly any
impact transmitted.

If taking a look, the sword which Kufa was griping was only having
little sparks coiling around it.

「Just like this, no matter how heavy, how fast it’s swung, attacks
with reduced mana pressure have no power beyond its appearance.
However on the contrary, if pressuring mana at large quantity……」

While saying that Kufa slowly held the wooden sword aloft, swung it
down with double the time. Although it was a vexing slow motion,
that wooden sword was burning with blue flame as if imbued with
magma. Just like that slowly, slowly and the moment it touched
Melida’s held out wooden sword.

Baaaang!! A sound as if explosion came out, Melida who was facing

up was blown away.


「Like this, the power of the attack would rise up many folds or
many ten folds」

Tumbled down Melida turned her eyes to look, before Melida, Kufa
mercilessly tapping his palms

「C’mon, quickly get up!」

「Uuuuu, yes~s……」

「This is alignment and rating fundamental knowledge. When the

mana pressure goes beyond 10% that would be called《Chaos
rate》, the other part of《Neutral rate》is divided like this. The
higher the passage of Chaos rate in one place the stronger the part
is. Temporarily increase the attack power, increasing defense power
and agility power, there are also those possibilities. However this is a
double edge sword. Since the aggregated amount is 100%, at the
part which is focused the increasing pressure for mana so to speak,
the majority of other part will be nothing else but weakened as per

While saying so, Kufa placed the wooden sword on his waist and did
a posture of drawing the sword.

「For example the capable person when invoking the assault skill,
usually they will concentrate mana heavily on the weapon, on the
contrary the body protection will be lightened to the limit」

「That’s the chance to attack right!」

「Just like you said. However the opponent is readying a powerful

attack. If you misread the timing, then that means you will eat a
complete counter, let understand the danger of it」

He undid the posture, suppressing the mana to low state, Kufa once
again returned to the front of the black board.

「Even though if you could use the chaos state there would be
nothing more advantage, there’s still one big problem. In the time of
battle, in regard to offense and defense of mana pressure control,
usually most of your unconsciousness would carry it out

「My unconsciousness?」

「Yes. At any case the mana increased pressure would be, nothing
but the《Will》 of the capable person.──Ojou-sama too, when
exchanging blows naturally you increase the mana clad on the
weapon, at the time when you feel like you’re about to take a hit you
would gather mana to defend am I right?」


In confusion looking down on her body Melida said that strange, Kufa
unconsciously smiled.

「No matter what situation the technique to keep mana in unity is
called, 《Carry out the order(Neutral Stagnet》》. Unto that degree,
it’s hard to control the mana rating with self consciousness 」

Saying that, again he picked up the chalk and wrote on the black
board. Even though most of the writing space wasn’t left, the thing
he taught next was the last lecture for today.

「Let’s talk about the mechanics of skills here. Attack (assault),

defense (aegis), agility (Figure) representing all kinds of skill is,
making up the pattern for ruling over unconsciousness mana

「Unconsciousness……pattern for ruling?」

「Yes. For example this time tournament Melida-sama’s opponent is

Nerva-sama. That girl had already learn the heavy weapon assault
skill《Gaelic Hammer》. This is a basic move in the text book」

Kufa gasp the little chalk with both hand fingers, raised it high above
his head.

「This move is『Hold the weapon above the head→Step forward

and strike down』as called one series of action.『Concentrate mana
in the weapon→maintain the mana in the weapon for a while=if
crash into something then explose→comeback to neutral state』as
called the flow pattern of mana『Chaos rate 45%』as the deep
level description (programming), calling out『Gaelic Hammer』is
like《Saving as the name》. By calling out this program, it could
unconsciously control the mana rating to the limit. Because the
assault attack will only follow a set movement, the weak spot is big,
and to make up for the not needed usual attack in comparison this
would have a lot more power」

It was somewhat difficult to say to the first graders who just entered
the training school.

However on the contrary this worry was, putting her finger on her
chin Melida seriously listened to the lecture, before long she lifted
her face with question.

「The perharp, the senpai from the academy and the Knight in the
regimen (guild) when using the skills, they would bravely call out the
skill name,『Come out this program!』does that what it mean?」

「Wonderful, it’s just as you guess.──Of course with enough training

it could be used without calling out the name but, as expected『Use
this skill!』saying that with strong thought the eruption of mana
would strong too, it would give stronger effect to the skill」

「Sensei. One question, can I ask?」

「What is it」

Because honestly raising her hands, Melida threw the question at


「Just before、『The skill listed in the text book』you said but, are
there skills that aren’t listed in the text book?」

「Of course. The reason is what attack skill suitable for themselves,
because to suit the users there are infinite variety of it. The skill
listed in the text book is, only simple skills common to everyone.
More than this the users have to explore each of their fighting style,
think out a self-taught skill themselves」

「Self-taught skill……! Sensei also has it!?」

Kufa nodded with a little bitter expression. Anyways the practice to

make a number of skill in the past he had been forced to do so. Even

though in the end he was made to think out around 200 skills, at
around the end of it as expected the material of the story came
which he hated it. Moreover, among those that were used in the
actual battle, there were only a handful of things that were still used
till now.

「Although it’s redundant ojou-sama, I’ll give you one advice」

「Eh, yes」

「The development of self-taught skill is of course depend on the

user’s battle sense, but there would be the field which the naming
sense would be asked strongly. It would be great if you read lots of
books and poem to polish your sense」

「Se, sensi? Your shoulder is twitching, did you remember

something you hate?」

「Please don’t mind me」

Kufa shook his neck. Making a bad name for the thought out skill and
the companion laughed out loud at it, this road everyone must have
walk it once.

As if pulling himself together, Kufa「Gohon!」clear his throat.

「Then, if I explained to this point you should have understood

right. The Chaose Cadena I spoke off just now is, the technique to
consciously control the mana rating left to unconsciousness」

From among the line that filled up the black board, the word『Chaos
Cadena』was found and was tapped on. As if it were math, he wrote
a formula below it.

「Let’s think about ojou-sama’s and Nerva-sama’s status for an

example and see. The valuation result the other day confirmed

Nerva-sama status was、【Attack 25】【Defense 24】【Agility
18】. On the other hand, ojou-sama status one week ago is──it’s my
own valuation but, 【Attack 18】【Defense 5】【Agility 21】as my
assumption. With this much comparison, in a one on one face up
fight to the death, ojou-sama chance of winning is low」

「Ye, yes……」

「But if ojou-sama makes use of Chaos Cadena, please think about

increasing the mana pressure on the weapon to 20% rate. Since the
reinforcement rate at chaos moment is equal to the value rating,
temporary the attack power let’s raise the attack power to 【22】.
At the same time, if there is a part where Nerva sama lowered her
neutral state unconsciously to 7%, at that time the defense power
would be……?」

His sight urged her, Melida hurriedly counted her finger and started

「E, eeto……, because the original number is 24, then 7% of


「Since the neutral state is based on 10%, the case of 7% rate would
be, the status would be reduce by 30%. The increase rate and
decrease rate’s different is also there, so since trying to find the
correct value in this area then the formula would be too complex, so
let’s use a simplified formula」

Hoee, as if showing her astonishment Melida opened her mouth,

Kufa slipped out a chuckle smile.

「For the case the neutral rate is 7%, Nerva-sama defense power
is【17】.──In this manner, to satisfy the condition for ojou-sama
attack power to be able to break through Nerva-sama defense
power, you understand it right. On the contrary if the opponent

status is confirmed before hand, in the battle, because the quantity
of mana distributed to the all the mantles, you could read and
understand the real time present of each status part. And then
compare both statuses, then you could assign mana just enough to
defense or offense」

「In, in the midst of battle, you could do such complex


Unconsciously, feeling overwhelmed she said with that expression on

her face. Kufa lifted his eyebrows.

「You think it is hard? But, let’s try your best so you could do it.
Because the advanced people all could do it」

「Gulp……Y, yes」

To that figure of nodding while having tears in her eyes innocently,

Kufa unintentionally let out a sweet face.

「You don’t need to be in such a hurry. Anyhow because this Chaos

Cadena is originally learned the theory only after you come to third
semester of second year, and then the technique training would be

「Is that right?」

「Yes.──namely, up till that point learning would be hard. The

knights belong to the Knight regimen (guild) who are bad at this is no
small number. However, if you aim at the advance people then this is
a secret technique you must have ……! Because by your own will the
attack power, defense power and agility power could be control at
will then, you could fight the opponent at higher rank or even

Kufa put down the chalk, stabbed the wooden sword on the ground.

「Though not as showy as an assault skill, there is utility that is more
than enough to compensate for that. One week from today, it would
be raising ojou-sama status, and for this Chaos Cadena training we
will spend all the time for it. This public tournament──for the sake of
wining it」

「Yes! I’ll do my best at once!」

「……No. Coming to this point let’s take a break, and shall we eat
something sweat」


Melida immediately tilted her head in followed. The glittering flame

always spouting out of her body was, as if fire burning out of fuel
losing its vigor, in the end it weakened and disappeared.

Melida was in great panic.

「Ah, a-re!? A-re!?Wh, what should I do sensei! Mana doesn’t come

out anymore」

「Don’t worry, the fuel itself would not become empty until you
die.──With almost no movement it seems to be only just a little less
than 30 minutes. That is ojou-sama’s limit of maintaining neutral
state. If converting to your status, it could be around 20 to 30」

「Wh. what do you mean?」

「Mana is《Burning》 right? In order words that means《it’s being

consumed》. The consumed mana part is, basically, having no other
way of restoring other than resting in low state. In battle because the
gap would be bigger, it would be good to remember it」

If closing the eyelids, one could surely feel the unchanging existence
of mana right. As if feeling embarrassed for losing her composure,
Melida became a little red and said.

「Tha, that means, right now I could only fight without resting for,
thirty minutes……?」

「No, it’s even shorter. Carrying out intense fighting the mana
consumption would also be bigger, especially skill invocation burns
an explosive amount of mana. Because of it reparation is
needed.──Because there’s no other to increase the aggregated
amount of mana other than training, ojou-sama would be from today
onward everyday, you would have to try your best until your mana is
flat out」


In a state of involuntary, Melida somewhat bitterly pulled back her

lips. Kufa was still floating his bright smile, knocked the wooden
sword on his own palm Bishin!

「Your reply?」

「Y, YES!!」

† † †


Melida unleashed one attack, once again blowing away Nerva who
should have excel status. Many times she saw that scene before her
eyes, Rozetti called out with confidence.

「It can’t be wrong! That girl……observing the flow of mana!」

Nerva franticly waving the mace around. The moment it was about
to hit, Melida’s mana waved greatly. The mana gathered in one
place, it would off-set the enemy attack greatly.

And on the contrary, the mana Melida concentrated on the sword, if

it was aimed at the place where the opponent unconsciously
weakened the mana……..

Bashiin! A sever sound roared out, maximum efficiency damage had

been delivered!


Seeing Nerva expression bent up in anguish, Kufa had confidence in

his training result.

Melida’s Chaos Cadena was still unskillful. The limit of chaos rate she
could control was about 20%, the speed of increasing pressure was
also slow. Even so……….for a first year sword fight tournament this
would be satisfied enough.

──Quickly attack her, ojou-sama!

At the end of the repeating strike, at last Nerva Gaku! bent on her
knees. Her resistance (HP) was close to its limit. If she was hurt
anymore and yet still didn’t surrender, was it because she had very
strong pride right.

「Don’t, joke with me……! Why, am I losing……!?」

While heavily up and down her shoulders, she grumbled with an

extremely gruesome expression. The appearance of collapsing on the
ground itself was defenseless, Melida didn’t over look this.

With both her hands she brandished the sword high above her head,
and hit down. Nerva put up the mace with difficulties, but that
posture could barely withstand it. The settlement of the match, any
spectator could have a hunch.

However, immediately follow.

Bashiin! a thunderous roar came out, that which was reflected was
Melida’s sword.


Melida and Nerva was, that the same time opened their eyes wide.
An unexpected situation, even the spectator was A! opened their
mouths. Only a few people including Kufa, instantly noticed.

──No! Her mana run out!

Melida exhausted her mana before completely pushing her

opponent into desperation. Even though the different in status was
somewhat filled up with Chaos Cadena, only the limit in HP and MP
was hopeless.

Gladiator class’s high defense power was, bearing its fang at


Nerva caught up with Kufa’s thought a few seconds slower, a grand

joyful look appeared on her face.

「You’re getting too carried away……Melida Angel!!」


One turn, the mace Nerva unleashed let out a large impact sound.
Melida barely received it, was forced back greatly.

Nerva bravely stood up, brilliant flame burst out from her body. As if
that was no longer enough to be scared, she simply closed the
distance, swinging the mace with all her might.

Couldn’t evade all of it. Each time she parried with the sword, Melida
was funnily sent flying to the back. Since the mana sent to defense
was overwhelmingly not enough.

「That’s funny Melida! That’s right! As expected you are like that,
running around like a sheep very suit you! It’s fine if you tremble
before the wolf!」


「Nee are you scare!? I wonder what you’re feeling right now! From
this moment onward I’ll blow away all of your remnant like mana, I’ll
hurt your all body! Just like what you did to me! Who are you trying
to defy huh, regret it while screaming!!」

Suddenly it developed into a one sided. If putting Melida’s remaining

mana into number, it would be 5, 4. Afraid of decreasing all the
remaining mana, Melida was only running around franticly. If she
received the inevitable attack, the little remaining mana would be
cut off and Melida herself would be greatly left out.

Melida’s bud of victory was, surely crushed………

「……I, in the end it’s like this huh!」

Dumbfounded on the spectator seat, muttered a few words with, vas

if relieved voice came out.

「But isn’t that a grand fight, Melida-sama! Being able to fight like
that is enough!」

「Aa, indeed! It’s a big progress compares to the time she couldn’t
use mana」

One person started the debate, one by one the valuation started
flowing out. They spoke as if the fight had over already.

Even though they gave praise to Melida’s brave fighting, they ended
up saying in consistence.

「But even so as expected, the victor would be the other


The fist one top of Kufa’s knee, was trembling shaking. Emy’s hand
was put on it, peeking at him as if worrying.


He could afford to replay to her who showed consideration to him,

Kufa turned up and looked at the back.

「She fought well」「She did her best」.Those excuses had no

meaning. Effort without bearing fruits no one would value it.

At the noble’s seat, Sir Mordrew was hiding this world was coming to
an end face. On the contrary, duke Felgus was still looking down at
the stage with a cold face.

However, his eyelids suddenly slammed down and gave a slight sigh


Kufa’s face immediately distorted in despair, from the near seat his
side was poke strongly. Rozetti who was fixing her eyes on the fight
gave a warning.

「Seems like it’s about to be decided!」

Kufa promptly returned his sight back to the stage. Unchanging
Nerva was still making a one-sided incessant onslaught, Melida was
only desperately falling back. However, looking for the moment
Nerva swung her mace, Melida hurl her body as if to bring it to a
sword lock.

While bearing her best to not got blown away, Melida raised her face

「……It’s not scary!」


「Your weak-kneed attack, I’m saying no matter how many times it

hits it won’t hurt!」


With a bright red face, Nerva hit the mace back with all her strength.
Melida was knock back greatly, however she landed without falling.

Unconsciously Nerva’s mana was coiling around the mace. Its whole
body swayed like a blaze.

「Always so conceited!! Even though you are Melida! Even though

you are Melida! Even though you are Melida!!」

Still with violence emotion she swung the mace. Melida tumbling on
the ground barely avoiding it, instead the tree trunk that took the hit
was forcefully gouged out and sent flying.

While raising the mace, Nerva yelled out.

「Why are you, awaken your mana right now! It would be fine if you
stay like that forever! It would be nice if you just stay as my friend
like a meek lamb!」

Grinning her teeth, twisted her pupils.

「After so much trouble……it’s what you deserved……!!」

A drop of tear swelled up, just what kind of feeling did it come from
one would wonder.

Immediately after the mace growl, the sword in Melida hand was
blown away. The sword soaring in the sky, was broken right in half.
All of the mana had been used up ──Anybody in the spectator seat
could understand, immediately follow.

「I said it’s not painful!!」

Gou! With much more force increased calamity blaze Nerva released,
all of it was pushed into the mace head. The preparation movement
of assault skill《Gaelic Hammer》

「With all my strength I’ll bash your shoulder, so even a spoon you
couldn’t lift──」

「《Phantom Sword First Flash──…………」


All of the coliseum froze up, every members eyes were focus on her.

Losing her sword Melida, right on the spot putting her hands on her
waist. On her fingertips, as if fervently flickering in the darkness,
however surely the divine shimmer could be seen.

With astonishment floating on her face Nerva understood it right. In

the broken sword there was no mana consumed. Because in the end
the remaining mana, was kept in preserved for this moment──

Melida’s right foot, stepped out as if thunderbolt.

「《Wind Fang》!!」

Swinging out with no sword, Nerva was hit with the invisible shock
and thrown away. A strike that converged mana like a blade and
transforms it into aggression, soaring out from Melida’s fingertips.
That was the harmful effect of the assault skill the protection was
thin to the limit, Nerva took a direct hit below her armpit.

「Ga! Ha……!!」

Nerva body slant and shook violently, collapsed on the ground.

Although due to it was an attack with only a little mana, precisely
being poked at the weak point, her endurance had reached its limit.
The mace slipped from her fingers, the ominous flame concentrate
on it had dispersed in vain.

Everyone even him was at a loss for words, Kufa made a noise and
stood up.

──That skill is, my……!!

For intermediate-range battle the self thought assault

skill《Phantom Sword Art》. How could Melida!?

「That girl, she couldn’t use any assault skill right……!?」

Rozetti too opened her eyes wide in surprise. However Kufa was,
being shocked that he couldn’t response. I didn’t teach her. At least I
didn’t teach her.

In other words………..She came up with it herself.

She only saw Kufa assault skill just once, listening to the classes
explanation, she realized that for the samurai class mana could be
used as weapon. When Kufa wasn’t watching, in secret training upon

training, aiming at the public tournament she thought out one trump

Everyday, even though the basic stamina and Chaos Cadena training
exhausted her……..!

More than this, there was not only just this. For the sake of making
practical use for the final attack to be at maximum power, she
prodded at the opponent’s gap. Provoking with words, purposely let
go of her weapon, consciously control the usage of Nerva’s assault
skill. She perfectly absorbed Kufa’s teaching……she won!!

Trembling, an indescribable electric current ran up Kufa’s spine.

──Ojou-sama……you are!

「Haa, haa, haa……!」

Having exhausted all her mana, Melida breathed heavily with her
shoulder. However immediately after she unraveled the sword
drawn stance, and broke into a run.

「I’ll borrow this!」

Picking up the mace tumbled near Nerva’s hand, and headed further
into the forest. Before it was the deep stronghold of the enemy, the
opposite shore of the stage, the undefended great candle stand
could be seen.


Nerva’s unit members were flutteringly taking action, just before


「One on one (man on man)! Support Melida-san」

Melida’s unit leader, Euphy roared. The members moved in a way to
repel, striking each enemy unit members. One person surely stopped
one person’s movement.

There was already no one to stop Melida. Running through the rest
of the distance with only her physical ability, that which was set in
the forest, she reached the base of the enemy which should be called
just like an altar of a small tribe.

On it the brilliantly burning prosper candle stick, she aimed at

it──Slash one with the mace.

Ka────n! With a loud sound the pedestal was blown away, the flame
which was dancing in the air, was extinguished.

The matel pedestal fell to the ground, letting out a high pitch sound.
Every body’s eye sights were nailing on Melida whose was still
reposing the posture of swinging the mace.

Silent for a few seconds.


Before long from someone mouth a long yell came out, as if to

stimulate this, 「Uoooooo!?」big commotion wrapped the

† † †



Waiting at the player exit entrance, at around the end of the line the
familiar golden hair came out. Together with Emy who was having a
joyful look, Kufa rushed over her.

「Did you see that sensei! I…………huh, Kyaaaaa!?」

「Well done ojou-samaaaaaaa!!」

In the manner of rushing over Kufa hold Melida under her armpit,
raised her high up. 「So high so hiiigh」. The other surrounding
crowding students without choice gathered their attention at this

Melida struggling with her face bright red.

「Se, sensei! I’m no longer a kid!」

「Wonderful! Wonderful! The result surpass my expectation」

「There will be a party tonight! I’ll have to prepare a feast!」

「E, even Emy! That’s enough put me down~~~!」

Furthermore since this after spinning around 3 times, Melida was

finally release from his hands.

Was she feeling embarrassed with the surrounding giggling and

smiling eye sights, Melida was “Gyu” clinging to Emy’s maid outfit.

「Uu, I’m already 13 years old……so embarrassed……」

「I’m sorry, I lost control of myself」

「Mou, sensei is unexpectedly childish!」

To the angry Melida, Emy was「Ma ma」while stroking her hair, she
soothed her.

「Please don’t say so, because Kufa-san was really worry. Especially
when ojou-sama was about to decide the match, he stood up from
his chair……」

「That’s right! Ojou-sama, since when you steal my technique?

Although it was the basic of basic, self study other people’s assault
skill to recreate it, the power of concentration is──」

It was at the time he spoke to there. Suddenly Emy gasp his shoulder,
stopping Kufa.

Next in a hurry she separated her hands and body from Melida,
seriously lower her head.

「Ma, master!」

Melida became stiff. Kufa reflectively lifted his face.

At a place a little separated from the three, the man at the prime of
his life with silver hair combed at the back was standing there.

「O, otou, sama…………」

Melida fearfully looked at his face. Her father, Angel house current
head Felgus Angel……..sensing his mana, Kufa’s spine after a long
time, felt a chill running on it.

──Could it be, I was heard?

The one Melida used, was of the Samurai class which was Kufa’s self
taught skill. That was the true of her class. Otherwise, with only
watching from the noble sit he decided to come down here after the
end of the match, really what kind of thought was he having……….

As if the only sound could be heard was saliva swallowing, for a few
seconds of tension.

Before long, Felgus duke mildly loosened the conspicuous sprinkle on
his face, and said.

「It was truly a praiseworthy match……」


erida’s face was brighten with energy, Kufa was relieved. And then
Felgus duke stepped forward──passing through his daughter side
without stopping. After that he smiled toward the nobleman
standing there.

「Your daughter great effort, I admire it Sir Dieselk!」

「Isn’t this Felgus-sama! Yes, yes! Today’s fight will remain in our
Dieselk house’s history of heroic fight!──And moreover Melida-sama
too! Good gracious, it was truly an irresistible gallant figure!」

「Oh no, I’m ashamed to have witness such greedy for victory」


Melida’s delicate body became stiffen.

Felgus duke after exchanging greetings with sir Dieslk, turned his
heel looking for the next greeting partner. To Melida who was still
looking at his back, he didn’t give a glance.


Melida called out with do or die spirit, finally “bita”, stopped his feet,
stopped his feet.

Gasping her chest, Melida looked at the big back like a wall,
squeezing out a shivering voice.

「Otou-sama……I, I, won……my first victory……!」

「…………I saw」

He answered with a voice as hard as rock, Felgus duke cast a lanx

over his shoulder.

「Don’t be merry just because you won once. That report is for an
invincible win against the other school」


Kufa bit his teeth. Is that what you say to such an admirable
daughter, unconsciously he wanted to yell like that.

However, just before it, kyu, Melida’s palm gasped his military
uniform sleeve.

He didn’t think she was trying to stop Kufa, at this moment she
wanted to rely on him, looking at her crying expression he

「……Yes. For coming to see me today……thank you very much……」

Pekori, she earnestly lowered her head. Felgus duke didn’t even
twitch his expression, turned his face back to in front, left at the
direction opposite to the surging crowd.

If putting it as time, it was only 1 minute of parent and child meeting.

「Ojou-sama, please cheer up……」

To Melida who ws looking down with tears accumulate in her eyes,

Emy softly comfort her.

Kufa too knelt in front of her, taking her small palm he said.

「Ojou-sama……that was great」


Melida blankly looking up, and immediately turned her eye sight

「……That, wasn’t much」

「Is that so? Please try to think about it. If it was Ojou-sama from
before, winning the match, reporting victory to the master also you
could not do right. And with all due respect……if it was master, I think
he would not hear ojou-sama voice.」

Kyu, he increased the force of clutching her finger, said.

「Even so today, you were able to muster courage and talked to

master. And for master too, though it was not the hoped for words,
he answered ojou-sama. That’s a big step. Because to master ojou-
sama is, has become an existence that could not be
ignored.──Invincible victory against other school? Yes, why don’t we
become like that!」


Melida looked back at Kufa’s eyes with her wet pupils, strongly

「Melida Angel!」

At that times. Suddenly a sharp voice resounded.

If looking at near the exit entrance, wasn’t that that figure of Nerva
Martillo leading the blumen sister. The battle dress covered with
mud that no shadow could be seen, her hands were carrying some
square objects like blunt weapon. Looking at her barging in with loud
footstep and rudely came closer, surely she was not starting a brawl
outside the stadium right, Kufa was prepared.

However, Nerva approached messily, the thing in her hands she

pressed it against Melida’s chest.

That was sometimes ago, the popular love novel she snatched from

「I’ve read it……I give them back!」

As if to hide her read face she looked away, Nerva immediately

turned her body away. Leaving at that moment,


With that short words, as if it was her pride she left that words, and
ran away. To her back, the blumen sisters became confused and
chased after it.

Holding the heavy novels in her hands, Melida saw them off with


A few second later, she answered listlessly. Apparently she couldn’t

swallow the situation, to her expression Kufa unconsciously burst out

「That’s great, ojou-sama」

「Is that great……I don’t get it」

Leaving the amazed Melida who wrung her neck to Emy, Kufa went
out with his military uniform.

「Then ojou-sama, I have a little minor business to take care of, see
you later」

「E, where are you going?」

「I’m going to have a little talk with Nerva’s sama. Don’t think you’ll
be forgiven with apologizing one or two is what I’m going to make
her realize」

Smoothly, from somewhere Kufa took out a wooden sword. As if it
were carrying out something like a rehearsal to beat the prey he
swung the sword quickly in the air, at that back Melida clung to it
with great haste.

「Pl, please please please please please stop! Since I’m already

At that moment, as if a life boat the timbre of the trumpet echoed

around. That was the starting signal for the second match.

As if to intervene, Emy pan pan clapped her hands.

「The second match would be Elise-sama’s turn. Let’s cheer for her
while eating bento!」

† † †

Taking Melida back to the viewing space just now, fortunately there
was still an empty seat. Even though the figure of the red hair girl
who was like a model from a picture was still unchanging, however
there was only one change.

The old woman in apron dress was, standing in front of Rozetti.

「……Rozetti-sensei. That is different from the education policy that

we expect. Why don’t you leave the mood for a holiday break? It
would be a problem if you don’t open your eyes」

「E, even you told me to open my eyes, I am just doing what I

think it will help the child in my way.……!」

A quarrel………..isn’t it? And old woman with straight back, this kind
of composition with the girl on the chair, it didn’t look like nothing
other than a sly child was desperately resisting.

Before long the old woman noticed them, with refine movements
like a machine she turned her body over. When she passed by, just
like a contrast mirror with Emy, she gave a slight bow.

「Oh my my isn’t this Melida-sama. Just now you were very active」

Although the words she used was very polite, but there was a slight
sting between her voice and attitude. Just like that seeing her off as
she left, Kufa sent a question to Rozetti.

「That person just now it?」

「……My head maid」

Sullenly she pointed her lips, with only an answer in a few words she
slipped into the nearby seat. Kufa said thanks and sat down, letting
Melida sat in the seat between him and Emy

「Something happened in Eli’s house?」

「No. Rather than Elise-sama, it’s only the problem with the
servants. Sorry, please don’t mind it?」

Rozetti forced a smile, 「Congratulation on advancing to the second

round」said the following. Feeling like it was a complex situation,
the 13 years old Melida couldn’t step into it.

Without a moment delay Emy opened the bento basket, smoothing

over the spot.

「Then, ojou-sama. Your favorite chicken sandwich I made a lot!」

In the mean times, before long together with the light trumpet’s
melody, the players for the second match entered the stage. Just
now, at the audience seat! big cheers erupted.

「Look at that! Isn’t that Elise-sama!」

「Lovely silver hair! Cute figure……no doubt she’s a Paladin」

Their focus was, on a single girl entered the lake stage. She carried a
long sword that was nearly her height, especial gorgeous battle dress
she was wearing. While silver hair smoothly fluttering, however her
expression was as always emotionless.

Was it as if an obligation she promptly, swung the sword above her

head. Even though it was a plain action but, from the spectator seats
more than ever cheering voice flew out. My goodness everyone, the
expectation you have for my girl was so different Kufa felt a little

「That’s amazing……」

Melida murmured a single word, wonder what did she think about
the far away figure of Elise. Even though from her profile one could
not understand her real intention, one could understand but one

「Ojou-sama, from your mouth the sandwich sauce is coming out」

「Fuwawa, I, I can wipe it myself……mugugu」

Afrer Melida wiped her noble lips, Kufa turned back to the stage.

「Ojou-sama, if you want to improve yourself, then turn all the

surrounding things into learning material. While eating, the players
of the second match situations let’s observe them」

「Please advice me, sensei!」

At the same time Melida lively answered, the signal for the second
match starting had sounded around.

Together with the tone of the trumpet, each stage players moved
out at once. Kufa’s and others’ attention would surely be, on the lake
stage of Elise.

The lake stage was all filled with water as deep as the pool, the here
and there scattered small islands were connected by bridges, it was
field that felt like a maze. The result for having little foothold the
forward route was also limited, if one didn’t think of balancing the
first step then in a blink of an eye they would fall into a dead end.

Elise’s unit had failed this first step. Was her unit leader emphasized
on speed, continued from the base bridge after bridge, each member
alone advanced. It didn’t look anything like a planned advancement.

「Uneven division of battle strength, is not very good right……」

「Yes, certainly at one time it’s surely not bad but, on this stage I
want you to calm down a bit. Ojou-sama, please look at the opposite

Before Kufa’s pointed finger, the opponent unit all members hadn’t
moved from the base. The girls were sacrificing only 10 seconds to
gasp the structure of the stage, they divided into three groups. The
Cleric rank leader was alone, the long distance attack class Gunner
too was alone, and then one Gladiator and two Fencers form a
triangle battle formation, heading to the center bridge. At this point,
Elise’s unit had lit up two small candle stands.

However, just begin to move the opposing unit was truly fast.
Smoothly going through the maze the unit leader got one, the
separate Gunner shoot up two small candle stand, in a blink of an
eye the situation changed. And then the remaining three, occupied
the small island in the middle.

「That island in the middle is an important point for transport. The
majority of small candle stands couldn’t be reached without going
through it. Although it was a narrow stage, just under a minute they
could notice it their intuition is good」

「E, Elise and her unit is in a bad spot」

Running scattered all over the place Elise’s unit members were,
unexpectedly some place they bumped into each other at the same
time at the other place they ran around completely lost their ways.
In the meanwhile the opposing unit gunner had precisely lit up the
small candle stands, in a blink the different expended.

The unit of four people coming together, excluding Elise, all at one
looking at each other and nodded. And then all of them matched
their steps, where were they aiming to run off to.

「That being the case, there’s only one method huh. Their flexibility
is really a good thing.」

The girls were heading toward the center island. Breaking through
the three girls blocking the way, directly aiming at the opposing unit
big candle stand. Other than that, there was no one-shot reversal.

However the opponent unit too, surely had foreseen this and
deployed the members. Attacking from the bridge was 4 people,
defending the island was 3. The narrow bridge foothold couldn’t let
many people fight side by side, on the contrary the three people on
the island could take turn changing position, dispersing the damage.

Giving the instructions for alternation with finger gestures was, the
unit leader Cleric who was doing something else. While herself
steady aiming at the small candle stands, she showed precise
observation skills.

「Fencer class is called《Solid》, because they have the ability to
stop enemy movement, so they can’t easily breakthrough that
defense. If forcefully stepping into the enemy center territory there
is the fear of being ganged upon. Now then, will Elise-sama’s unit
show their hidden strength at this point……」

Hanging over his last words, a high pitch voice of metal resounded.

Kufa and others with the spectators’ eyesight was, quickly streamed
over there. The first thing could be seen was the mustket flying in
midair. That was equipped by the gunner, and in front of her eyes,
thrust by a long sword as she could not help but raised both her
hands up.

「I, I surrender!」


After that without giving a glance, the owner of the long sword
quickly started running. It was Elise.

Then she rushed like lightning speed, to the vital battle point the
middle island. Elise signaled her allies「give way」with her left
hand, with that strong force she charged into the enemy line. She
forcefully broken through the vanguard Gladiator, however the
Fencers waiting behind with double layer of 《Solid》Gishi, tightly
pinned her feet.

「Reckless move! That is……」

Immediately after Kufa said, what he expected became reality.

Elise who was standing stopped in the middle of the enemy line,
from the three directions the attack came at once. Two swords and,
pointy protrusion morning star, hitting the battle dress and the bare

skin. Zugaga! sounds of mana collision echoed out, Melida was “ha”
covered her mouth.

After Elise tilted her shaking violently body, dropped her waist low.

「……《Sol Brandish》」

Taking the stance with her long sword in shoulder height, violent
light surging out. The pure fire should be describe as white lightning,
the overwhelming pressure made the three people in the enemy unit
shrink back in fear.

Without showing even little fervor, along with one short step Elise
spun her body one round. The long sword drew a helix line, the
surrounding three’s chests were hit hard at the same time. One beat
later, while the mana pure flame perfectly drew a circle it scattered.
The shock sent the three fly far away, fell into the lake.

One hit three down……! Her level compared to other player was too

Ignoring the focus attack her defense power was, naturally invocated
an assault skill, and that power too! The average training school first
year status, she had jumped far ahead from it. Was this the advance
class Paladin’s potential, Kufa felt a little shiver.

The three people fell into the lake, seemed like thanking to their
defense ability they were not completely drown. However taking
Elise’s assault skill they were almost exhausted, everyone could see
they had no way to continue the battle. Elise herself didn’t even
confirm it, again she dashed away.

Even though at this point in time most of the small candle stands had
fallen to the enemy, but if the undefended great candle stand fell
then it would be Elise’s victory. The only remaining member alone
from the enemy unit was the Cleric, she tried to run back to the head

quarter since she had nothing to lose. Rather than the agility she
couldn’t make it since the distance left was too much.

Even so, having arrived at the enemy great candle stand Elise,
without knowing why she just stopped there.

Turning back, the desperately came running enemies Cleric, Elise was
waiting for her.

「Are you making light of me!?」

The Cleric while running, clasp the long staff with both her hands.
The distance between the two was getting shorter, a metallic sound
resounded simultaneously with the collision. She stopped the enemy
all out attack expressionlessly, Elise lightly forced back with her
sword. A different league of mana pressure, the Cleric was greatly
pushed back.


The Cleric let out a fervor thunderous roar and, severely attacked.
But no matter how much force she put on, no matter how many
times she hit with the staff, Elise apparently didn’t even poise a
posture just repel her with one sword in one hand.

Being forced to recognize that her full-force attack had no effect at

all, the Cleric expression instantly fell into despair. As if to sew that
moment, Elise waved her arm. The long sword precisely mowed
down the Cleric’s chest, easily blown into the lake.

The high water column that shot up, Elise pretended she didn’t see
it. The fire substituted the water that blew upward just like a water
fountain great candle stand was, as if a king without any soldier to
protect him the same as being left wandering in solitude. The duty of
waiting for the enemy unit to crawl up from the lake, as expected
Elised didn’t have to.

With perfect movement as if a painter painting a picture, Elise
stepped forward and hit with the sword. The flame that was rising on
the great candle stand in one breath was erased, at that time the
outcome was decided.

From the spectator seats loud cheers came up. Almost Elise alone
accomplished perfect victory, it was a heroic show that everyone in
the audience had wanted. Elise raise the long sword high, if pointing
the sword to reflect the light as an appeal, right after loud cheers
swelling up.

Sitting next to Kufa on the right, the maid and ojou-sama too, were
staring at the hero’s activities in wonder.

「Hawaa……! As expected of Elise-sama!」

「Y, yes. Surely it was great but……」

Somehow, I got a feeling Eli was different──

As Melida’s muttered voice was, washed away by the overwhelming

shouts of cheer so it didn’t reach anywhere. While in a boundless
wild enthusiasm, Kufa put his finger on his chin and carefully

As expected that, had surpassed the level that Melida can handle
now. Supposing in the case she could draw up the chaos rate to
100%, Elise’s absolute defense power couldn’t be broken apart. If we
lost the direct confrontation against her, then how would the client
judge it……….

「I found you! Melida-san, are you free for a bit」

At that moment, a voice coming from behind the spectator seat.

If they turned their heads back, the cute and adorable first year girls
from St. Freidswide academy were 4 people, arrayed there. That

head was, the unit leader that Melida belonged to this time, the little
girl called Euphy.

「Sorry for interrupting your meal. Just now, you saw it right?」

Chira, she sent her eyesight toward the stage on the lake. The other
three unit members too were in a state of uneasy.

It was no wonder, at any rate this little girl unit include Melida, the
next opponent for the third match would be against Elise.

「Even though from now on is the meeting but, would it be possible

for Melida-san to join us too?」

「Eh, m, me too, it’s okay……?」

Melida jumped her shoulders, confusingly compared with her eyes

Kufa’s face, the unit members and the sandwich in her palms. Kufa
unconsciously smiled, signaling Emy with his eyes, she smiled sweetly
and nodded in return then closed the basket’s lid.

「I’ll go with you. Shall we do it? Ojou-sama」

「Rig, right. Sensei, I’ll be going」

In some respects Melida who was in a restless state stood up, joined
the circle of the unit members. Emy walked to the other side of the
surging crowd accompany her, Kufa waved his hand a little to send
them off.

And then as the girl’s back could not be seen anymore, 「now
then」, he called out the opposite seat.

「What happened? Rozetti-san. Why aren’t you happy with your

pupil’s success?」


Since when somehow the talk active red haired girl was, only staring
at the stage with a difficult face. On the lake’s small island Elise was
still continued to appeal the spectator, her unit members was at a
place a little separated from her, scattering their eyesight a little

Rozette was, 「Haa」, for the feeling of somewhat unbearable she

breathed out.

「Surely I m proud but, but my bad part seems to have been

completely transmitted to her」

「Bad part?」

「……she cannot do team play at all」

Finished saying so Rozetti became silent. Kufa too shut his mouth,
return his look to the stage.

Thereupon the girl could not do anything, ga, she barked with force
as if a Chihuahua.

「Indeed because the air is『That’s worrisome』so let me hear the


「Aa mou, you’re a bothersome man. If you wanted to give advice

just say so」

The yapping noisy Chihuahua like little girl was, before long as if
sulking in her tone she started talking.

「……Honestly, the job this time, at the start I didn’t have much
interest in it you know. Saying that but I didn’t hate it, I’ve been at a
slump lately. Even though I am still not there, on the contrary I’m
making little progress too, I wonder if I could teach other like this」

「Come to think of it you are, this several months your status didn’t
make any progress huh」

「Is that so.──Hey, somehow you know a lot, about me」

Blankly, being looked at by that face, Kufa cleared his throat try to
dodge the question.

「Because that’s the nature of my job.──And then?」

「Aa un, and then. I understand the reason for the slump. That was
joining the Holy Imperial Guard the Crest Legion, because it’s not
alone but fighting in a team.──Up till now I have, been alone even in
training or in battle. If I came out of the battle field, all the
surrounding was my enemies. Once the opponent enters my eyes in
any case one after another it was nice if I could attack them all. But,
fighting in unit is not the same」

Kufa silently nodded.

As the premise, the human’s nature enemy the Lycanthrope in large

numbers, and power stronger than human. The Knight regimen
(Guild) carried out without exception the unit and legion in collective
group of military movement for that reason.

However Rozetti was, although her social position had been

evaluated to being noble, the true was her origin was from the lower
strata residential area. She was exposed to prejudice from her
background, she couldn’t attend the training school for people who
had mana.

Naturally, there was no partner to form a unit, at the biggest knight

trainee martial art tournament was the whole school unity
tournament, she must have applied for registration as a one person
unit. It was an interesting story as she achieved over all victory as a
truly one man army.

The girl gallant figure in performing a one-to-many battle was, still a
narrative for social gatherings.

「When I went to real battle with the previous mission……I

accidentally attacked my allies. Although the injury was totally not
big, because it was fine so it was not a problem right. The true is this
time job, the meaning of penalty is also included in the meaning.」

「Is that so」

「From the legion leader, 『I can’t leave my back to the you now.
Study again from the beginning』told me.──But you know, isn’t it a
bit too mean? Even though up until now~so far no one wanted to
form a unit with me, even now I had joined the knight regiment
(Guild), this time it’s not good to not join any unit~. That’s not my
fault you know!」

「The imperial guards were not sinful you know」

「It’s as you said but……!」

The gesture of complaining while pouting her lips was really like
Melida, completely like a child.

「Even though from the beginning I had been looking forward to

it……Elise-sama is also like that, what is she thinking, what is her
thought about me I couldn’t understand . Am I, really worthy to be
that girl’s sensei? If she judged that I am a no good sensei what
should I do……」

「I see. So no matter the work place there’s always problem」

After agreeing with little emotion, Rozetti turned around like a fish
that took the bait.

「……Hey! Let’s get along! Let’s share our troubles!」

「I politely refuse」

「Eeee!? Why!」

Ignoring the couldn’t be help but being disappointed Rozetti, Kufa

put up a nonchalant air until the end. Although he felt sorry for her,
he was also one of those that aimed for the most powerful seat at
the current state. There was no spare power to flirt with the most
powerful competitors.

In the first place if he thought carefully, talking to the branch house

home tutor itself in this way, it would not be an interesting view if
the client saw it right………..

As the result of thinking like that at this moment, Kufa timidly stole a
glance at the back.

And, he knitted his eyebrows.

「Not there……?」

In that place that would have been there until the first game, Sir
Mordew and, on the occasion Felgus duke’s figure was also not
there. Felgus duke was a busy person. After watching Melida’s first
battle, letting out only a heavy face he left was the only possible

However, what about Sir Mordew? He was nervously going around

the strategy about Melida’s circumference, about her remaining
battles he couldn’t have left it aside and went back right……….

Just now at the time they were confronting Felgus duke he was
attacked, sensing danger about Melida’s rank Kufa stood up from his
seat. Right after that, his side felt it was being grasped tightly.

「Eh……where are you going?」

It was Rozetti. Clinging on him with upturn eyes, 「Don’t leave me
alone」as if speaking eloquently to him. While heaving a sigh Kufa
was, naturally putting his hand on her head, pon.

「I’ll come back immediately.──With Emy-san too」

He put down Rozetti who was blankly covering her head which was
caressed, Kufa turned his body around.

Now then, quick movement was necessary. Kufa erase the traces
remained in the audience’s consciousness, like a hunting panther he
moved elegantly, he started exploring the inside of the coliseum.
From the audience seat going out to the side entrance, to in front of
the crowded waiting room full of little girl, and to the empty of
human presence entrance gate to the exit gate ──

And then at that corner, finally Kufa discovered the person which
was his target.

At a place hidden from sight which the light of candle couldn’t reach,
he recognized the traditional coat (Justaucorps)’s hem wavering.

「……If you saw…………that……girl…………」


It seemed he was speaking with someone. With small voice and,

coupled with the cheer from the arena he couldn’t hear it clearly. A
little closer would be good Kufa took a rear step out ──Piku, he was


In front of his eyes, there was a warning network set up by someone.

Stepping in anymore than this would make them notice.

──Who was it? The one sir Mordrew was talking to?

Kufa was while being much more carefully, hiding behind the wall
and investigate the opponent. Such skill was the samurai’s specialty.
As if to expanding the root he amplified the field of perception,
without touching the opponent warning network, as if going through
the needle hole he delicately extending the hand of his
consciousness. Arriving at the back of sir Mordrew who was like a
withering tree, furthermore the opposite to him the existence inside
the darkness ──to expose it, just before that.

Wah. From the exit gate the little girl students that finished their
matches flooded in. Before he noticed, apparently the 15 minutes of
the battle had passed. The just now quiet hall had become swell up
with hustle and bustle in one go, the mysterious character presence
which he was about to gasp, smoothly fade way from his fingertips.

As if not giving Kufa a gasp, some of the little girl students noticed
Kufa’s presence.

「Ara! Aren’t you Melida-sama’s sensei?」

「That’s right! It’s Kufa-sensei!……What are you doing here?」

To Kufa’s strange posture of sticking to the wall, the healthily

sweating small girls were Kya Kya gathering around. As an employee
of the duke house, he was St. Freidswide’s rare young male, Kufa had
already been famous among the first year students.

「Sensei, I also want you to give me a lesson too!」

「Melida-sama became so strong like that, as expected it was the

fruit of your guidance right?」

「Moreover sensei, please you have to join me at the tea


「Ojou-sama, with, with all due respect……」

Kufa was overwhelmed, the surrounding 13 years old girls, all
together smiled.

「「「Kufa-sama, you face is red!」」」

This, this group of precocious little devils.

As if to say that Kufa’s figure of pulling and pursing his lips were very
interesting, the little girl students were giggling together. Since it was
a group of little girls he had no way to cope with them. Even as the
master of martial arts and battle veteran Kufa was, being led around
by the nose.

Mixing with abandonment his eye sight went around……….Kufa

was「Haa」 dropped his shoulders.

Needless to say, at this time, the mysterious character that

exchanged the secret talk with sir Mordrew, had suddenly
disappeared from that shadow.

† † †

After this, the second year first and second battle, the third year first
and second battle were completed, at last the curtain of the clash
between Melida’s and Elise’s unit as the first year third battle had
been raised.

However in the end result ── It didn’t become the situation Kufa was
worried about, the very battle ended in mere 10 seconds. Let alone
Melida and Elise directly slashing each other, inside that battle the
sound of swords vibrating was almost none.

Immediately after the battle started, this time Melida was properly
included in the tactics, Euphy gave out instruction, each members
marched out. On the opposed position, the enemy members
scattered around choosing their own directions, Elise ignored her
own army’s tactics and suddenly charged forward. Any obstruction,
any obstacle everything had no concern for her, in a straight line she
cut across the battlefield, in a flash she crashed into Melida’s unit

Merely with one strike the girl was put aside, with the same speed
she took control of the great candle stand. The audiences were still
not yet being excited at the start of the game and the victor had
been decided. The event happened too fast for the time one could
say Ah, of course Melida and the 7 remaining participant too, could
only look blankly at it.

And then Elise, this time shortest battle of 13 seconds had been
established in the victory record, once again wrapping the inside of
the coliseum the loud cheering had been gave raised.

LESSON:Ⅳ ~Sleepless Ones~
「……Ojou-sama. Please wake up, ojou-sama 」

Being shaken from above the blanket, the little girl’s consciousness
was slowly pulled back from being sleepy.

Her eyelids were heavy, her head ached. The fatigue from the other
day battle was still remaining intense, as if there was lead in her all
body. The stricken scar was still throbbing with pain.

She barely raise her head, if looking at the clock hanging on the wall,
the clock hand was pointing at 5. It was too early for people’s general
activity hours, even the street lights were still sleeping quietly right.

But even so why was someone standing at the side of the bed,
strongly shaking the little girl awake.

「Ojou-sama! You can’t sleep forever you know. Please wake up!」


The little girl was reluctantly, sat up. Right after that the blanket was
stripped off, and then the stretched out knots of the arm undo the
buton of her pajama, energetically changing clothes for her.

Gray hair compiled into a bun, the woman with the gaze like a
nervous crow was, the head maid Mrs Othello. With admission to St.
Freidswide, the skillful employee dispatched from the main house in
charge of supervising the little girl’s aid.

The little girl was seized with sleepiness as she was in a daze, in the
time to say “ah” her dress had been arranged. At the end Mrs
Othello lightly slapped the girl’s cheek, breathing some life into her,
with orderly gait which oldness couldn’t be felt she headed to the

「Since sensei is still sleeping, I’ll go visit her right now. I count on
you for this morning lesson, make a large different to other students.
You can’t waste even one second you know!」

Putting her hand on the door knob, Mrs said bluntly said in a sharp

「What happened to your response, Elize-sama!」

「……Yes. I’ll do my best」

「Very well! Let’s make the master proud」

Batan! With a loud noise the door was closed, Mrs Othello didn’t
match with the lazy atmosphere of the morning, the distant sound of
restless footstep echoed around.

Although originally she was a strict person, recently she looked

almost like a watchdog. However, there was no evidence as why she
was so desperate. At the end of semester public tournament the
other days, Elize’s cousin………Merida Angel’s unexpected great effort
must’ve influenced her.

The city where the lights were squeezed out, of course the air would
be much colder. Elize who changed to the light training wear, on the
brim of the bed held her delicate shoulders.


The exhaled breath melted in white, didn’t reach anywhere.

† † †

Elize’s resident was, built at the most elegant high end residential
area of the Cardinals academy district. At the resident underground
training room Elize finished her morning lesson, after taking a bath to
clean off the dirt, it was time for breakfast to catch her breath.

Although, at both end of the dining room maids were lining up in a

row, at the too wide and long table there were only two people
eating. Anyways since Elize had used to it since young, the home
tutor born from the commoner Rozetti was always feeling

At the opposite sit of Elize, Rozetti as 「Fuaaa……」yawned bigly,

immediately Mrs Othello scolded her.

「Sensei! What is that sloppy gesture!」

「Eeek! So, sorry! But I’m sleepy……」

「What kind of teacher are you! You should have taken a good
night’s sleep. If sensei yourself couldn’t be a role model for ojou-
sama it would be troublesome」

While hiding her face with the glass cup at her mouth, Rozetti timidly

「……Ano Othello-san. I’d said it before but, I don’t think it’s good to
increase the practice time. Especially because Elize-sama is in a
growing period, forcing too much unreasonable work and the body
would be broken beyond recovery ……」

「Well! Does sensei don’t have any motivation!?」

The tableware was bin, trembling with the shrill voice, Mrs Othello

「Exactly because she is still growing, if she did what she could do
the body would be stronger. Is it wrong? Effort will not betray
people. Pain, hardship this is the food of success! I knew this very
well. The evidence of it’s this……isn’t it the wonderful result from the
public tournament the other days!」

Nururi, with gesture as if a snake, Mrs Othello caressed Elize’s


「Nee ojou-sama, if we report the result of the tournament, master

would be very delight. The main house Felgus-sama too, would be
left speechless before Elize-sama’s gallant figure! Ohoho!」

「……Yes. I’m happy」

「But, you understand there’s some point to reflect on right? Why,

at the third round did you rush the end. Further you should dispose
of the enemy unit one by one, if lastly you had left Merida-sama for
last and offered the kneeling girl before the audience’s eyes……who
would be the rightful successor of the house Angel, even though it
would be obvious to everyone’s eyes!!」


Instead of the taciturn Elize, Rozetti timidly raised her palm.

「Anoo, I think you should stop doing such thing but~……」

「Such thing, you said?」

「Sin, since I said it at the day of the tournament didn’t I. Things like
appealing the audience on the stage, it’s like trying to show off your
strength rather than just winning normally…….From the children of
the school, wouldn’t they feel a little bad about her……」

「I don’t understand what you mean」

Mrs Othello arrogantly 「Fun」snorted.

「Because she had the strength and the position to display it, it’s a
matter of course. Because ojou-sama is superior to other student
and it’s a fact, what problem would there be to let them know that.
At that place there was great number of people from the knight
regimen(Guild) watching the battle. What should we do if she didn’t
positively promote herself to them!」

「Th, that I don’t know if Othello-san might have been proud but,
Elize-sama has a place in school……」

「A place at school! There much bigger things for Elize-sama than


Pishan! Thunder dropped by Mrs Othello at the no one knew how

many times it was.

As for the branch house of Angel household that Elize was born into,
the bad condition of the main house daughter Merida was nothing
but good news. If they could show contempt for the little girl that
didn’t wake up her mana then they would, on the other hand if Elize
grew into marvelous paladin then, there was the possibility both
family power relationship could be over turned………. Though saying
that, Mrs Othello had claimed the vanguard of the reformist group.

That was why at the public tournament the days before, she suffered
a big shock. The one that was call the talentless girl Merida suddenly
revealed her mana, overwhelmed the enemy from the first year who
was supposed to be higher rank. With thousands of spectator unable
to move their eyes from her, she guided the white unit to victory.

Was that scene not very interesting, just before that match the flared
up Mrs Othello ordered Elize. Produce a more impressive game than
Merida, wipe out her image from the audience. Before and after the

battle appeal and crush the enemy members with heroic action,
coating over Merida’s great effort.

The girl was coerced so, Elize had to do as told. Mrs Othello’s
dictatorship was, even the maids in the residence also felt
constrained. With the shrill voice she instructed and scolded at the
work place repeatedly so the girls were too scared of her, no one
could say anything. Whispers were prohibited to the utmost.

The maids were standing still as if ornament while watching over,

Rozetti smiled to them from the opposite side of the dining table. It
could be understood that it was forcefully made up, awkward facial

「To, today breakfast is much more delicious right!」


Elize couldn’t help but returned a befuddled voice. Frankly, sauce too
egg too and quiche too, she didn’t understand what was different
from the clearly usual breakfast.

Was it because the reaction was undesirable, Rozetti continued to lift

up the scone.

「E, eto, this straw berry jam too is the best!」

「……Sensei, that’s jam is sour berry. Straw berry is this one」

Elize uninterestedly corrected, on her hand was the orange color jar
that she raised up. It was often mistaken because the fruit’s flesh
was melted into nectar. 「Auu……」as the home tutor’s figure of
dropping her shoulders in dispirited, Elize didn’t do anything but
respond with a silent blank face.

Since the day the public tournament ended, Rozetti had been in that
mood again and again. No matter what attempt she was met with
utter defeat, such frustration could be transmitted.

Perhaps, because Elize always couldn’t make any expression other

than seemingly bored she must be paying attention to it right. Or
was that exceeded her tedium limit, since it was fine with anybody
she just wanted a talking partner right.

Or might be becoming Elize’s home tutor, right now might be she

regretted it.

「Mrs Othello. The costume from St. Freidswide has arrived」

「Well, for the festival right」

At around the end of breakfast, one maid carried a wrapped box

came. Elize’s pupils which always kept an emotionless expression
were, listened to those words for a moment they were just a little
opened wide.

「What costume for the festival?」

「Costume of bringer used in the Circlet festival. The participants

from the academy wear them」

「──Well! What is this shabby piece of cloth!」

Opened the wrap box Mrs Othello raised a hysteric voice.

The costume sent from the academy was, the pure white dress
inflated fluffily at the train, and a dainty crown as if a glasswork. In
exchange for the long skirt the upper half body had a lot of
exposures, if the little girls in St. Freidswide were to wear it they
would produce the cute fairy in the forest.

However if greatly concentrate the eyes, here and there the
deterioration due to passing time could be found. Mrs Othello
seemed like she wasn’t pleased with it. After first glance she
immediately put it back to the box.

「Such a thing, we could never let Elize-sama wear it. Before the
festival let’s prepare a new costume. Please send the cloth and call
the seamtress.」


Unconsciously Elize let out a voice. Mrs Othello’s pupil was kiran,
shined up.

「What is it? Ojou-sama」


In place of Elize who down cast her eyes, Rozetti humbly expressed.

「Ano~, I think it would be an obtrusive talk if one person alone

came with a different dress right……」

「Isn’t that fine. It could easily tell the different between her and
other children. Just like the fairy queen accompanied by
subordinates! Ohoho, wonderful!」

She smiled pleasantly, Mrs Othello sent back the maid holding the
costume box.

「Find a suitable reason to return it back to the academy for me」

「……Yes, Mrs Othello」

While making a complicated face the maid nodded, she exited the
room with the box on her hand.

Elize while still staring at the table, heard the hard sound of door

「……Sorry, Rida」

Such mumbling words, as expected it reached no one.

† † †

「Toooryaa~! I want to report to Elyyyy!」

「That’s the spirit, ojou-sama! One more blow!」

The sound of already custom mana clashing was, echoing in Merida’s

residence’s wide plaza.

After the end of the end of term ceremony they entered the long
term break, today seemed like she could devote herself much more
to the training with the home tutor Kuufa, the wooden sword Merida
was swinging had much more spirit put into it.

The reason was of course, the public tournament held before the
break. At that third battle she was thrust at by the overwhelming
different in power from her cousin Elize Angel. Achieving the dearest
wish of first time victory against Nerva the opponent, although
calling it a big rear step out, by no means they would be in slacking
off state of mind.

The schedule for training in the break was, had been planned
perfectly by Kuufa. When the academy resumed after the break, she
would show off even more of her level up. In the time Elize took 3
steps, this one would take 4 or even 5 steps little by little closing the

With the set up training made by Kuufa, it could be called as a
sudden keen.

The all powerful home tutor that was 2 heads taller than Merida was,
as ever composedly fighting. Nonetheless, for beginner like Merida,
the battle between capable ones was still too fast to see.

After several swords confrontation, Papapapa intermittent flash of

light flickered. Immediately after, Kuufa raised the sword over his
head. After Merida reacted with a twitch, she jumped forward
slantingly. At the same time, Kufa made the sweeping legs sharply
across the air.


A voice as if surprised in astonishment leaked out from Kuufa’s


Merida immediately swung the sword back but, it was easily

stopped. However as Kuufa standing still putting blade to blade, a
little happily relaxed the corner of his mouth.

「Very good you noticed the feint just now, ojou-sama」

「Ehehe! When you raised the sword I got the feeling sensei’s mana
flowed to your lower half body, perhaps I thought!」

「Hou…… then with that state one more blow!」

Pointing the sword at each other, taking the distance they got poised
again for charging.

Once again a number of blow exchanging. Kuufa was bun clasped his
wooden sword, however his mana consciously went to the other
place. Having seen through the feint Merida, immediately flew.

However, no matter how long passed the tripping didn’t come flying.

A-re? she lifted her head, there was the figure of Kuufa holding the
wooden sword unchanged…….

Pokan! at Merida’s defenseless top of her head, one attack was


Her vision had stars flying around, unable to bear it she dropped the
wooden sword. Crouching down she endured the pain.

「……Se, sensei that’s sly~!!」

「That’s feint of feint. Seems the training is not enough huh」

Even though Merida protested with teary eyes, he was a unchanging

nonchalant fiendish home tutor.

† † †

「Jaja~n! Sensei, please look at this!」

It was the in the interval break of the lesson. To Kuufa who was
drinking tea at the broadened tea table in the corner of the plaza,
Merida showed off something.

Just now it was sent from the academy, a pure white dress fluffily
inflated at the hem.

「Eh, a present for me? I’m happy but a women dress is a bit ……」

「Mou, that’s wrong! It’s Circlet Night costume!」

To the always playing stupid home tutor, Merida angrily inflated her

Circlet Night was, the festival at the start of summer and was
celebrated by all of Canvell. At that day not only the noble and
commoner but even to the lower working class gathered in the city,
putting up the bonfire of the sun blood (Nectar), launching the
sonorous fire work. The people would be in Knight or Angel, or even
monster costume parading the street, the Lycanthrope imitated
puppets were gathered at one spot and set up a grand campfire.

As he were complained that it was a festival to wish for peace in the

city, Kuufa who was still holding the cup nodded.

「Yes, of course I know it. Every year when it come to this time the
noisy will-o-wisp flashes everywhere. When I was doing my dirty
work the couple around keep flirting flirting flirting. Such merry
festival disturbs me to the core」

「Sen, sensei? What did you reminded off?」

「Please don’t mind it」

Said so, Kuufa elegantly drank the cup.

Just what kind of growing up did he have, even though he rarely

talked about himself, just like the attitude of as if saying 「The world
event had nothing to do with me」.

「By the way ojou-sama, what is this thing called Circlet Night’s

「Ah, yes. Do you know at the festival there’s a parade? The huge
lycanthrope doll would be taken around the whole town, finally at
the place of the bonfire it would be thrown in. At this parade several
people, as the student from St. Freidswide would be entrusted」

For this honorable role was, of course restricted to a few people. This
year the excellent result students for each academic year were

selected. To be frank, the public tournament conducted at the end of
the semester was, to judge who could be able to participate in the
parade in that position.

And then honorably, at the tournament Merida too had showed

great efforts that had surprise a lot of audiences, and that frame had
come around.

「Please look carefully at the costume, sensei. Even though it was

fixed, but it’s a little old right?」

「It’s true. It’s had been used greatly huh」

「This is, something that was passed down from generation to

generation since the start of the academy. As it’s is an honor to join
the parade, to stand there representing the academy. To wear this
costume and come out in the Circlet Night is, the yearning of
everyone coming to the academy.」

「I see. So you’re saying the souls of successive generations of

heroes are stored in here」

Kuufa received the costume from Merida, gently stroking the

surface. He handled the mending trace could fairly be seen at the
skirt hem, somewhere with dazzling eyes he scrutinized

「……The true is? Since at around childhood school I made a

promised with Ely」

To Merida’s few words which were spilled in mumble, Kuufa inclined

his neck.

「A, promised? Come to think of it, before the tournament you had
talked about it right」

「Yes. The olden days, at the time when I saw the parade of the
Circlet Night with that girl. The senpai from St. Freidswide were, at
the time when we saw their beautiful figures like fairies waving their
hands……『It would be nice if we wore those costumes
someday』『Let’s enter the parade together』we said」

As though pressing he chest, Merida tightly gasped her palm.

「……I since then had dropped out, I already thought I couldn’t keep
the promise. I gave up as I thought I couldn’t do anything but gazing
at Elize as she came out from the parade. But thus right now, that
costume is mine and it’s right here……just like a dream」

A little teary Merida was, it’s all thanks to sensei, finally she added.

From Kuufa’s heart, he blessed with a smile.

「It’s nice if you could keep your promise」


After giving a cheerful answer, Merida was suddenly, looking down

as if her face was in heat.

「Ano, sensei……sensei perhaps, might be you don’t like the festival

much but……」

「Yes, it is so. Is there something wrong?」

「No, but……. I, if it’s fine with sensei, I would be happy if sensei

could dance together with me at the campfire……!」


Just now Kuufa let out an awkward voice. At that moment, Merida’s
body became stiffened hard.

「……I’m sorry, ojou-sama. I’d already informed Emy but, the truth is
since now due to circumstances of outside duty, I have to temporary
return to the Holy King District」

「Is, is that so……」

「But, the festival lasts 3 days right? I would be able to return by

tomorrow, at that time surely, would you dance with me? ──Of
course, at that time if ojou-sama’s hand hasn’t been taken by other
gentleman, however.」

As that joke came out of his mouth, Merida was completely changed,
bloomed a charming smiling expression.

「Fufu, my hand will always be free for sensei!」

「Oya, what an honor」

If returned a smile with a smile, what would happen with the girl’s
cheek who was staring at each others, Pou, as if she was charmed it
became red. Kuufa’s disciple was truly, she showed various colorful

Immediately after, this time she suddenly, as if making up her mind

about something she turned her body away.

「Ano, sensei. The time for break, can you give me a little more?」

「Is something wrong?」

「I am right now, going to come back after I changed cloth! This

outfit, I want sensei to be the first to see!」

After she took back the Circlet Night costume from Kuufa, Merida
was pitter patter running back to the estate. 「Please waitー!」only
her voice remained, she disappear at the direction of the door.

Surely she called Emy, and with great haste she would finish the
dressing and come out right.

Yare yare while he said with a bitter smile in that mood, Kuufa
returned the teacup to the saucer.

And then in substitute for it, rustle, below the table he took out a

It was a Camera.

「Since ojou-sama stated she wanted to show me right」

With the always smiling face that the maids from the estate
called「Fiend」,kyu, kyu, kyu, Kuufa started to polish the lens.

After this, he collaborated with Emy who was partly excited about
ojou-sama glorious moment, not minding Merida who was
embarrassed because she became a little sexy with the dress
specification they joined together the 360 degree up and down, the
two of them shuttering the camera to their hearts’ contents again
and again was ──already went without saying.

† † †

The time went around 17:00, the Circlet Night opening came more
and more closer.

Seeing Kuufa off heading to the station, Merida who had the maids
help changing into the traditional dress was, heading off to the place
of gathering for students of the academy which was noticed.

Cardinals academy district townscape was, as if weaving between
the gaps of the buildings lots of lane stretched around. The gathering
point’s lane was usually the plaza that accumulated the waterway,
and it was popular as an exchange place for residents in the

One of the squares of that place, a vacant lot close to the Childs main
street where the parade would be held, was a meeting place for
students of St. Freidswide. Before the meeting time 30 minutes
Merida had headed to it, already almost all the participant of the
parade had gathered. Everyone wore a matching pure white dress,
she was in the state of exhilarated at her own bold and mysterious

On the contrary the main street already had full of people. As she
thought soon in between the big spectator the representatives of the
academy would be parading right, the throbbing hastened all the

「Merida-san, over here!」

The same class group beckoned her. It was different than before she
couldn’t use her mana, now she was already on equal footing with
the girls. Merida joined the girl’s circle without feeling timid.

With expectation and a little anxiety her cheeks blushed, for a short
time she chatted with her classmate while waiting for the starting
time of the parade. The remaining participant of the parade
continuously came gathering, before long「Waa!」conspicuously a
loud cheer came up.

What was it as she moved her eyesight, There was a crowd of white
fairies in one corner of the square. At the center the standing fairy
queen was being surrounded, Kyaa kyaa raising praises.

「Well well, what gorgeous attired!」

「Elize-sama! Where did you get that outfit!?」

「……The people from my house prepared it」

Heading at the surge of people the figure of her cousin could be

seen, Merida was「Eh……」unconsciously she let her voice out.

Elize didn’t come wearing St. Freidswide traditional dress. The design
was almost the same but, the high class material could be
understood at first glance. Depend on how the light hit the scarlet
flame bird fabric could be seen, the crown she was wearing was
made off fire spirit spark stone.

Combined with Elise’s own evangelical atmosphere, the other

student who wore the standard costume had become foils before
they could say “ah”. Although as if worshipping the main leading
actor on the stage there were students swarming around her, but
the bitter girls who took their distance were also in great number.

The second year senpais that were close to Merida were, glaring at
Elize with cold eyes.

「……What do you think? About it」

「It doesn’t fancy me」

Fun. The senpai spitted out as if scorning from the bottom of her

「She doesn’t like being in the same appearance as us right? I don’t

know about any knight duke house but, doesn’t she think of other
only as minor roles right. Even though this costumes are inherited
from the senpais as something important, she doesn’t even care
about this.……I can’t believe it」

Identical gazes from here and there aimed at Elize.

If she didn’t have the position of kouhai and senpai, Merida would
「That’s wrong!」explained. Elize wasn’t the kind of girl who would
say such selfish things. Because since the old times she had been
looking forward to wearing that costume. Surely somehow, the
reason why she didn’t come wearing it……….

At that moment, Fuu, Elize got out of the ring of students.

「Ara? Elize-sama where are you going?」

「……The crown is a little sore. I’m going to fix it again」

Leaving a few words, the girl alone had entered the alley. The
senpais’ sights whose sent her off was, as expected they were harsh.

「It would be nice if she didn’t come back」


Unable to contain herself, she started running as if chasing.

「Merida-san, it’s about time we start!?」

「E, etou, I’ll be right backー!」

Leaving the few words to her classmate, she started running to the
alley Elize went into.

The city residents were mostly being out, and the tourists too who
especially headed to such an alley without any human presence were
also none. The festival great noise was far away, the surrounding was
quiet as if being left behind.

Because, she could see Elize immediately. Her voice could be heard.

「……uu……fu, u……! Uuu…………!」

It was a crying voice. Merida was taken aback, unconsciously she
silently killed off the sound of footstep.

An alley further deeper than the previous meeting place. At that

place too there was a small plaza, and a tree had been planted.
Before the water gushing out copiously sculpture, Elize was sitting

From the gap of the palms of her hands which covered her face,
large drops of tear were falling.

「I want to wear it……Even though I want to wear it…….I don’t want

to be only like this……! I really want to wear it……really want to wear


Merida’s chest whose was staring at a hidden place, Gyu tightened.

Pushing Elize away, since they put a distance to her, they didn’t see
her crying like this. At the academy where occasionally meeting her
face she was always an aloof expressionless face, because one
couldn’t understand what she was thinking……….Merida too didn’t
understand what she was thinking.

Oh, the weak crying figure was the same as before. Elize was
everybody favorite, but the scene where she got specially on good
terms with anyone Merida didn’t see it. Perhaps since estrangement
with Merida she had always, been crying outside of public eyes

Merida unconsciously stepped her feet forward, the costume’s

decoration was sharan, let out a voice.

At that sign, startled Elize lifted her face.

Weeping her eyes out the blue pupil reflected Merida’s figure, a big
drop of tears flooded out.

「……Ri, ta?」

「E, Elyー……ano……」

Merida was, trying to approach her with one step. Just before this.

Don, from behind she collided with someone. As if she was being
pushed by a line.

「Nee, can you go a bit further?」

「Ah, sorr──」

Apologized right away, Merida became startled.

The man standing behind was, put on a full body monster costume
with that strange appearance, it was not so.

Since the number of people appeared at the same time with the
same costume appearing here and there in the ally, blocking the exit.

「E, wha, what……what is this!」

Surprised, Merida was cornered to the center of the plaza with Elize.
As if to not let the two girl in costume run away they surrounded. No
matter how they thought about it this was not common.

「Wh, what this! Who are you people!」

When Merida undauntedly raised her voice, the man who collided
with her just now, put his hand on the hood that was covering his

「What……do I look like a prince on a white horse?」

He brushed off the hood, Merida and, Elize behind her were at a loss
for words.

It was a silhouette of a young man. However, calling him human

would be too grotesque. The skin on his body was cracking as if
wasteland, the lower half of his face was protected by being
bounded in bandage.

It was like if didn’t do that, at any moment as if rotten flesh inside

would crumbling down──

Intuitively understanding the opponent true form, Merida

unconsciously stepped back 2,3 steps.


Just before she was about to scream, the bandage man’s hand
quickly put up at before her eyes.

With only just that, Merida was quickly taken by sleep. She couldn’t
feel her feet, immediately she fell to the ground. From somewhere
there was a voice raising, only moving one finger was difficult.

「Rita! Rita……!!」

The grief voice of her cousin was the last thing, as she lost her

† † †

Just what had happened to their bodies. How long had passed since
then till now──

Their consciousness that were captured in darkness were, had finally
returned. Their heads were hazy as if fog, their eyelids were heavy.
The five senses that were shut off were brought back at one, Merida
shook her quivering body. The surrounding was filled with cold air as
if piercing.

「What, this……?」

Merida who fell on the cold floor was, slowly raising her upper half

The stone floor which was polished as if a mirror, looked like it from
a hall somewhere. A little sound had large echo. On the floor here
and there were pedestal and objet d’art, seemed like large and
smalls various objects were piled up but, it was too dark to see
clearly. There was not even a light, the few meters ahead was hazy.

Merida looked down on her body. It was still the Circlet Night dress,
there was no state of being inflicted injuries, there was also no

However, there was an uncomfortable feeling on her right hand

wrist. There was a bandage coiling that she had never seen before.
The moment she used her nails to tear it off, but strangely it seemed
absorb in the skin and wouldn’t come out.

「Wha, what is this……?」

「Ah, you’re awake.」

It was a man’s voice. As she concentrated her eyes, ahead there

were sign of several human moving around.

Sitting on something like debris, the young man who had bandage
coiling around his body headed his face at her.

「You, just now……!」

She recalled the scene just before she lost consciousness. Right away
Merida released her mana──but she realized it didn’t come out.

No matter how much thought she fed mana didn’t flare up.

「Eh, why……!?」

「If you want to use your mana it’s no use」

The bandage man pointed his index finger. At the strange cloth
coiling around Merida’s right hand wrist.

「My bandage tilts the capable person’s alignment to the low side.
Meaning it sealed mana with superpower. Well, even though it
doesn’t have any effect against competent ones, but for you as
opponent it’s enough」

At that moment, a person figure alone ran up to the bandage man. It

was a man clad in weird black cloth.

「Jin-sama, soon the time for preparation is……」

「Be quick about it. I don’t want to be in this place stink with nectar
for even a second──And moreover, at the time you called my name it
would be《Dear William》I told you how many time do not forget it

「Y, yes! William Jin!」

The man in black cloth responded in fear returned to his work,

perhaps he was human. However the bandage man called Jin, with
this unusual power of bandage was no doubt a Lycanthrope. Both
races that should not be compatible with each other were acting
together, up till now such thing Merida didn’t hear about.

Even though she understood perhaps it was wrong, Merida asked the
bandage man.

「What, is your objective! Kidnapping!? If it’s ransom then we’ll pay
so quickly contact our families」

「Nn? Unfortunately. Although it was kidnapping, but our target

isn’t the money」

「……You are Lycanthrope right!? Why are you coming in Flandor!

Why are you companied with human! I don’t understand!」

「You’re a little wrong, I’m human you know.……Also a half


In an enigmatic manner of speaking, the young man fuu, leaked out a

sigh from the gap of the bandage.

「For the sake of being able to oppose against those with mana,
according to the《The Organization》an artificial existence born and
changed with the planted factor of the night……That is me. William
was the name when I was still human. If you want to get close to me,
call me William Jin」

Merida’s head was, trying her best just to understand half of his talk.

「Artificial……!? You guys, what the heck are you……!?」

「Our organization is called《Troops of Tomfoolery Dawn (Guild

Grimhuis)》. Have you heard about it?」

Shaking her head would be offensive, Merida kept silent. At least it

was not a name appeared in teaching.

「……Well, it’s better if you don’t know. For now just think of this
organization is evil」

「That, that evil organization is, why did they kidnap me!」

「You are, not Paladin right. Though you’re from Angel duke

Suddenly she was pressed at the heart of the matter, Merida’s heart
leaped in shock. The loved and respected home tutor was, 「you’d
better hide it」explained clearly, she immediately remembered it.

「Wha, what is that……」

「A this tournament before you used your power showily right?

Though I had seen it too, our client too apparently had noticed your
rank. And it seems this person couldn’t stomach that your rank isn’t
Paladin, thus he selected our evil organization」

「Who, is that guy!!」

「No, I couldn’t say that right. The thing I can teach you, is only the
thing I’m going to teach you」

Saying so the bandage man, click, snapped his finger.

From the darkness several shadows came walking out. The silhouette
that carved unpleasant memories into Merida………There were two
lowest Lycanthrope Pumpkin heads.

They were, the beautiful silver hair little girl who was like a fairy,
gasped and dragged both her hands coming.


Unconsciously she rushed over but, without a moment’s delay the

bandage man put up his hand to restrained her.

Elize too listlessly closed her eyelids, seemed like she had fallen in
deep sleep. She was still in the carnival dress which had a high class
air which had been seen earlier. Although she was the same as

Merida having no injuries but, as expected on her right hand wrist
the mana sealing bandage was coiling.

The pumpkin heads casually dropped Elize on the floor, at the same
time the bandage man said.

「Merida Angel. From this moment we will forcefully rogue your

rank into Paladin」


「That’s our client’s wish. Since that sort of knowledge is our

《Troops of Tomfoolery Dawn (Guild Grimhuis)》’s specialy.
However even so the success rate is 0.5%……Although out of 10
cases more than 9 of them they would die, client-san said if you’re
not Paladin then you’re better of dead you see」

The bandage man raised his arm, pointed at behind of Merida.

Fearfully turning her head, Merida was startled. At that place black
bone was piling up.


Unconsciously she let out a scream, the sound resonated widely.

……However if very very carefully looking, that bone was not

something to be afraid of. This, chilling space where the sound was
well reflected too, was not familiar but was well known.

Museum or art gallery, it was this hall. The bones which were set up
behind Merida were, from some sort of gigantic animal skeleton, and
were reappearance with perfect balance. Many support pole could
be seen.

And the Bandage man arrogantly sitting on was, the toppled eminent
figure’s sculpture.

「Cardinal academy district memorial museum Cent Morgana──. In
the days when the sky was filled with blue light, more than now the
materials when mankind ruled vast land were, displayed variously
here. One of these days you would have a fail trip here right? Though
like I care」

「Why, why did you bring us here……」

「Well, I don’t know what business the higher up did. But 『Let’s do
the surgery at this block (Campell)』is the demand of the client I
can’t help it.……Right now I’m only obeying order」

As if it were troublesome from the bottom of his heart, the bandage

man pulled up his collar. He was also a Lycanthrope, so it was not
wrong that the feeling he was bad at the sign of sun blood (Nectar)
filled upper block.

「The Circlet Night was mostly annoying but, the existences like us
could blend in as stage appearance. Moreover the troublesome
overseers weren’t here, you guys conveniently separated from the
group, it was quite a smooth catch」

「Overseers……your mean senseis……」

「Right. Now is the midst of festival so the human’s eyes are cut off
from here, because the knight regimen(Guild)’s troupe has blocked
the area around here. Don’t think of calling for help or any
troublesome stuff okay? The client pulled some string, so the
defense deployment had been changed 」

「The knight regimen (Guild)’s deployment, changed……!?」

Merida doubted her ears. Someone that could move the Knight
regimen (Guild) as he liked at the holy king district, if surveying all of
Flandre there was only a few person. Especially if it was not the man

from the highest decision-making agency council it would be
impossible. Was it the head of each Legion, or maybe the head of the
duke house………..


Unconsciously she murmured the possibility, Merida strongly shook

her head.

Ignoring Merida’s distress, the bandage man stared at his feet,

murmuring in a dark voice.

「……Well, although your sensei has a debt to me. There should be a

time when I hand you over right. At that time I don’t know if you’re
alive or something but」


「In the first place I was pushed around by that old coot, the real
blame lied on him for making me fail my mission. From sir Elsnes we
didn’t get any decent report, only in one night I lost my subordinates,
what a big joke……!」

Merida could no longer understand what he was saying.

The bandage man again, as if continuing to spit out the words aimed
at someone who weren’t here. Gasping the sculpture head which he
was sitting on, repeating the words, he put in hatred.

「well, it’s fine. We have a promise to meet again. The next time I
meet him……The one that walked over this human transcended me,
I’ll make him regret with skewer across his body!」

In one go the sculpture had cracks running, with only the strength of
his fingertips the plaster head broke and scattered.

The stone grains flew to the hem of her dress, Merida’s delicate feet
were, a little shivered for a moment.

Reaching a situation about which nothing could be done, she finally

started to actually feel the seriousness of the situation.

She could not call for help from sensei. She couldn’t expect rescue
from the Knight regimen (Guild) either. Escaping with her own
strength too, as she had double checked that as expected her mana
was sealed.

The enemies was the bandage man who could use the mysterious
power (Anima) right, the surrounding men in black clothes were
preparing the disgusting experiment…………the number of people
was perhaps around ten. Moreover there was Lycanthrope mixed in

This was an unprecedented predicament, as expected she had to find

a mean of escape──


At that time, the voice of the little girl who wasn’t herself sounded.

At the feet of the pumpkin heads, Elize while groaning opened her


「Finally you’re awake? The sheltered upbringing sure don’t feel

danger huh」

Seeing the bandage man completely off guard, Merida believed this
was their only chance.

Elize’s basic status and mana amount too was by far higher than
Merida. The home tutor Kuufa only commented「It was not the

level of new student」. The bandage man and his men were
completely letting down their guards if it was now, instantly taking
them by surprise they might be able to do it.

The bandage man’s mysterious power called 《Mana sealing》was,

said to have weak effect against powerful ones. They didn’t notice
Elize’s true strength so it was the perfect chance!

──Please, Ely!!

Merida watched attentively as she instructed the ray of hope at the

waking girl.


While scrubbing her eyes, Elize raised her upper body.

Opening the always dimly eyeballs, in turn gazing at Merida in front,

the surrounding pitch black space which in there the adult continued
their mysterious work.

Her pupils which were like sapphire were, little by little opened up.

「Good morning Elize Angel. Do you remember anything before you

lost consciousness?」

The bandage man said in a friendly tone, Elize’s attention was

headed to him.

To Merrida’s eyes, she could understand Elize’s body was instantly

tensed up.

「Although because I don’t want to say the same thing over again so
I’ll skip it, from now on I’ll perform a magic on you and Merida Angel.
If it failed then, either one of you, or both of you would die though,
well just relax. I already taught Merida-chan though, why no one
would come to save you」


「Because there’s a lot of trouble necessary preparation to make,

wait a bit longer. If you like it’s fine to chat with Merida-chan. If only
you try to escape then mostly overlook──」


Suddenly, Elize held her head and scream.

Her delicate body was trembling with fear. The bandage man knitted
his eyebrows, dispatched with the sign of his finger. The pumpkin
heads were cackling moving like puppet, looked into Elize’s face.

「No! Don’t! Don’t come here….…!!」

As Elize were still fallen on her back she intently shrunk away. As if to
not let the pumpkin heads and bandage man entered her vision, she
covered her face with both her arms. After all it was a figure of
shameful like a toddler.

「……What, is that?」

As puzzled bandage man who cocked his head in puzzlement, Merida

was Bishan! as if tasting a shock of a clap in her cheek.

That right, how could I forgot. The Elize that Merida knew was, dim
and dangerous, but the true was a very big cry baby, coward──

Ghost like or scary existences all of it she were bad at.

Because only seeing the picture of the Lycanthrope placed inside a

book she was「Scary scary」that night too she couldn’t sleep and
tremble, 「I can’t fight such thing」and she cried.

And since Merida was,「In order to protect this girl I had to be


But even so!!


Merida gasped her fist tightly until it hurt, whipped her numbed feet
and stood up.

Even so──When did I forget such thing.

I better wait for Elize to protect me, what kind of incompetence is


Even though I had to protect Elize!!

Merida’s red pupils were, flared up with fire. The fists she gasped
were filled with passion.

「Hey, if you’re struggling so much like that I’ll have to hold you

The bandage man was as if being troublesome gave direction, the

two pumpkin head reached out their hands to Elize. Elize further
shook her limbs and rampaged, with big scream she drew the
attention of all the people inside.

At that moment, Merida flipped her body.

Going through the 【No entry】rope which was waist level tall, she
broke into the sandbox just now. At one pole of the gigantic white
model supporting prop, she rushed over and kicked it with all her

「……What are you doing」

As expected the bandage man had noticed Merida’s action but, he

didn’t stop Merida. Pulling out one supporting pole, she swung
around as strong as she could. The model’s foundation was, hit many
many times.

Normally the plain display item would not lose its stability. Since was
the hit spot correct, or rather was the goddess smiling at them. The
gigantic white model was, shaking violently and heeled over.

Breaking its balance, as looking up the structure was slowly topping

over them.


The eyes of the bandage man was, as expected lightly opened.

Merida immediately threw away the prop, turned her body over.
Reached out her hands to Elize who was sitting dumbfounded.

「Ely! Over here!」


Elize’s hand which reflectively stretched out, Merida’s finger

intertwined with it. Immediately after.

The white bone crashed into the stone floor, piercing noise echoed
across the museum.

Roaring enough to cause tinnitus. The joined parts were as if bomb

flying around. The blown bone fragment gazed the cheek, as the
bandage man protected his face he smacked his lip in annoyance.

Finally as the silent returned, over there was the pitiful scattered
mountain of bone.

「How awful……Isn’t that very valuable stuffs? Not like I care


Although unconsciously he complained, the opponents that he

should complain were no longer there.

At the mountain of bones, the two pumpkin heads that were pinned
under only had their eyes spinning around. The blonde and silver
hair, that sisters of the duke house figure had suddenly disappeared.

One of the subordinate wearing black cloth was, flurried running

over to the bandage man.

「Ji, jin-sama! We’ve lost sight of the target!」

「Immediately block all the exit and entrance. Talk to me after


「……But, resistance is futile so more or less it would be faster to

punish them」

The head of the black cloth man who just spoke, the bandage man
gasped it with lightning like speed.

Mishi, he put strength in his fingertips as if a vise.

「You know I am, itching to kill so much right now. Moreover,


「Ye, y,es……ku, Willi, Ah……ga……!」

As the bandage man let go of his hand, the black cloth man was as if
having his thread cut fell flat on the ground.

Without giving it a glance, while the bandage man trailed the hem of
his coat he started walking.

「Yare yare, it has become a troublesome work……」

With an opposite tone, there was no hesitation in his gait.

The young little girl’s footstep sound was, certainly echoing at the
other side of the darkness.

† † †

Cent Morgana memorial museum was, separating the displayed

items’ category each into 8 areas. To let visitor have a smooth field
trip, the areas were connected in a donut shape starting from the
entrance, and it seemed that it had a structure that went around the
hall and returned to the entrance.

「It seems at the third area corner there is an emergency exit. Let’s

Confirming the current location on the guide map, Merida ran with
quick pace. However Elize the girl who she held hand with was, still
sniffling crying without coming. Seemed like the current situation of
being kidnapped by the Lycanthrope was scary so it couldn’t be

「Higu……e, ue……!」

「Don’t cry Elize! There’s no use in crying 」


Merida temporally stopped her feet, put her hand around Elize’s
back, gyuu hugged her closely.

「Look, since I’m with you right now! Ne」

While Elize was dropping tears at Merida’s naked shoulder, clinging
onto her bravery.

After staying like that for a while, she slurped her nose loudly.



Merida removed her body, showing a smiling face.

Although the true was Merida too couldn’t be helped but feel
anxious, if Merida was in tremble Elize would be even more scared.
With the intention of supporting her cousin, Merida herself had been
supported too.

Once again the two linked their hands and ran out. Here and there
from the darkness the footstep of the kidnappers echoed around to
the limit of scariness but, Elize had already stopped crying.

Somehow she had to think about a way to escape.

「As expected that, couldn’t come out?」

「……Not possible. Mana completely doesn’t come out」

At the mysterious bandage coiling around their right hand wrist, Elize
unpleasantly looked down on it. Although she thought that maybe if
it were the paladin girl she could, somehow it was a faint hope.

Compared to the armed black cloth men mixed with Lycanthrope

called the kidnapping group, right now they themselves just like
normal person had too much hope put in. Although was the
surrounding full of darkness as if metaphor their current situation,
Merida didn’t have the choice to stop her feet.

──If sensei was in our situation, definitely he would not do things like
giving up!

The unrelenting power, the tenacious like a hyena, and the diamond-
like perfection, if it were that home tutor, surely he would show a
breakthrough in ways that people wouldn’t think of. If taking in pride
as that man’s pupil, then kept in mind don’t do any embarrassing

Thinking about Kuufa, Ki she lifted her face. Immediately after were
her eyes accustomed to the darkness, slowly the surrounding sight
come to be visible. She could see numerous items on display in glass

「Nee, over here…………this is weapon right!?」

At one of the glass case, Merida dashed over in high spirit. Over
there were a dagger with a jewelry and a three-pronged spear, and
the small arms that seemed like the gunner class would use were
decorated there. Apparently this was, at the ancient time periods
producing and using weapons and arms, introducing area it seemed.

However Elize who lined up next to her was, saying with her usual

「But these weapons ……have no feeling of divinity, I think they can

hurt Lycanthrope」

「U, I guess so…….U~n, somehow I want a weapon」

While worrying with her head, Merida examined the content of the
case badly not giving up.

The weapon the mana capable ones used was, in addition to strength
and sharpness the important components were mana conductivities.
Anyhow mankind bitter enemies the Lycanthrope was, other than
the attack originate from mana or sun blood (nectar) all would be
reduce to nothing. Right now for the girls themselves to open an
escape door, somehow they had to carry a weapon with suitable

The stuffs at the range of vision were, a bulletless handgun and an

unchanging knife, furthermore ……────

Thinking at that, Merida’s head was popped up with idea.

She headed her head at nearby, the found Elize was blanky tilted her
little neck.


Didn’t answer her question, Merida crouched down completely at

the girl’s feet. As experiment she tried to pull the hem of the dress
left and right but, as expected of first class fabric. Even a single
thread wouldn’t fray.

If so then looking around her surrounding, Merida found a handy

pole. Unhook the no entry rope, the around one meter long made of
metal pole, she carried it on her shoulder and raised it above her

And then without time for Elize to say “ah” in surprise, she struck the
glass case.

The ear ripping crashing sound resounded loudly across the hall.

「Is, is it fine to do that……?」

Ignoring Elize who covered her ears in surprise, Merida borrowed the
jewels attached dagger from inside the broken case. And then once
again she went down on her knees at Elize’s feet, she made a cut at
the hem.

Biri biri biri the skirt was pulled and shredded, Elize’s cheek became a
little red.

「Ri, rita……?」

「I learned from sensei. 『Fight while putting in all the possible

choices from the surrounding. Even if you have to break the world
just survive』he said。──I’ll also borrow this」

Making used of the completely torn hem cloth, then she rolled it at
the tip of the pole. Next the tiara on Elize’s hair was taken off,
checking the inlaid jewel.

The fire spirit spark stone……the highest rank jewel it was, tinged
with the divinity the same as nectar. If she struck it again something
hard, the scraped off fragments would become live coal with high

Moreover, the flame bird that became the material for Elize dress.
And then this too the material was the highest class excellent article,
the flame bird feathers that lived thousands of years also had divinity

Although she didn’t know how much effective it would be against the
other bunch, it was worth giving it a try.

「Ely. Since it’ll be dangerous so stay close──」

Saying so Merida noticed.

Before she knew, at Elize’s back, a slippery grotesque figure


The moment she turned back to look it as too late, Elize was knocked
down on the ground. Before Merida’s eyes who rushed over too,
from somewhere a black shadow stood in her way.

Being grabbed tight at her neck, Merida was pinned down while
looking upward.


Hitting the back of her head on the tough floor, Jiin, her brain
became numbed.

The ones that pinned down Merida and Elize were, 2 pumpkin heads.
It must have been the sound of breaking glass case that exposed
their position right. Really she didn’t notice that.

「Ri, Rita……!」

Her head was tightly pinned down, Elize couldn’t move at all. Merida
too was desperately struggle but, the grip of the hands that were
strangling her was just much stronger.

「A……u……U, gu……!」

That groaning voice as if squeezing out was, leaking out from her lips.

Her chest lost oxygen, she was unable to think. From the place the
pumpkin head touched, as if it had become stone the feeling had
been lost. Neck, body, shoulder, arm were gradually losing strength,
finally the remaining hand’s palms were ──felt heat flaring up.


From Merida both eyes the light returned. It was the same as that
time. That evening, that time when she was closed to death after
taking the medicine to awake mana, or at the time being corner
being corner by Nerva Martillo at the public tournament.

Whenever Merida fell into hopeless dilemma, wrapping it all up at

such situation together with her palm in heat, that person’s voice
would rebuke at the frustrated heart of hers.

Live, live, live, live.



Flaringly she opened her eyes, Merida lifted up her shaking arms.

The tiara she was gripping in her right hand, with all her strength she
slammed it against the stone floor.

Many times, many times, many times, she slammed it, the sounds of
that highly echoed around the surrounding.

Before long, the shaved fallen ignite stone’s fragment was, rapidly
caught the heat and suddenly flared up.

At her left hand which was holding the improvise torch she ignited it,
the remarkably dazzling fire swelled up.


The moment the pumpkin head removed its body out of surprise,
Merida didn’t let it pass.


Together with fighting spirit she held the torch above her head, she
thrust the tip into the pumpkin head mouth. From inside its face the
fire burnt, the pumpkin head with a rasping shriek fell back to the

After Merida sprung up with rough breathing, she hit the torch at the
pumpkin head that was holding Elize down.

「Get away from Elize!」

The pumpkin head without collecting itself took distance, Merida

readied the torch aiming at its face.

「Look! I’m going to give you something to eat so open your mouth
like an idiot!」

Being told so but the pumpkin head wasn’t incompetent to follow. In

a panic it closed its mouth, moreover from above it pressed both of
its hand. Aiming at that moment, Merida broke into it.

「Your eyeball is empty!」

The headgear hollow was not only the mouth. Piercing accurately at
the right eye, the inside was mercilessly roasted. The second
pumpkin head body too writhed a shrike, fell on the floor.

「Something like you I’ve already ……no longer scared of anymore」

She said as if throwing violently, Merida helped Elize stood up. It was
already not the place to be careful, with loud sounds of footstep they
started running.

「Rida, that was amazing……」

「This is only the beginning!」

Right hand holding the torch, left hand pulling Elize’s hand, while
running. Finally they reached the third area. Placed exactly opposite
to the entrance hall at this place was, the emergency exit as it was

「There it is!」

In the innermost part partitioned by a red rope, the double door

could be seen. Although the possibility it could be locked was
thought of, but they couldn’t stop their feet here.

Together she nodded with Elize, furthermore they quicken their

steps. Ten step to the door, at that moment,

「You surprised me how tough you are, princess」

Together with the abrupt voice, the darkness clumped together in

front of them.

The space was bent, inside of it the tall youngman’s figure appeared.
Wearing the haori outer coat, it was the man with bandage coiling

around his body. The leader of the kidnapping group that kidnapped

Unconsciously in a warning her body had stiffened but, she

remembered the feel of the torch she was holding. More than the
Lycanthrop here, being weak against the holy flame, earlier it already
had been proved by his attitude.


Merida didn’t stop her feet, she struck with resolute. However just
before it she lost the figure of the guy, the torch only shook off the
black mist.

「Over here」

From behind the voice came, Merida and Elize surprised turned their
heads. This time they were at a loss for word.

Before they noticed at behind the bandage man, seven, eight figure
of dark human shadow were, in order words all the member of the
kidnapping group had gathered. The bandage man said without
moving an eyebrow.

「Merida-chan, I’m going to give you the Paladin you always wanted
why are you running away?」

「……I already, have the splendid class like my sensei! Paladin or

whatever I don’t need it!」

「Is that so」

Showing no concern for Merida’s claim, he scratched his cheek.

「By the way since the emergency exit behind you are locked, no
matter what you do it won’t open」


Being told that Merida didn’t give up. Once again she raised the
torch high, charged forward.

Strongly brandished it, just before it she changed the trajectory and
aimed at the foot. The bandage man suddenly pulled his legs, instead
incline his upper body forward. Aiming at that, Merida connected her
second attack. Rotating her body with the force of the first swing,
the second attack thrust aiming at his face.


Immediately after the bandage man opened his eyes wide, at his face
Gaan! the torch struck.

Although Merida certainly felt the response, immediately after she

opened her eyes wide in surprise.

「Even though you got the guts to aim at my face without hesitation

The tip of the torch was, with the prosper flame burning on it had
been stopped by the bandage man’s hand.

While his skin was burning, Gyu! the fire was crushed.

「Too bad I’m your opponent」

One hand of the bandage man was dimmed, immediately after,

receiving a huge shock at her abdomen Merida was sent flying.

Sliding across the polished to the end hall, while twitching with
spasm she didn’t even move.


Elize who turned her head around too once again, her cheek was
slapped strongly. Suffered a tremendous shock, she couldn’t help but
collapsed. The two of them side by side, groveled on the cold floor.

「I told you not to resist right? It’s difficult to adjust to avoid


As if it was annoying he waved his hand flickering, the bandage man

taken 1 step, approaching the very young girls.

「Well, since you’ve realized it then act like adults」

The girl had already couldn’t do anything. It was obvious to

everyone’s eyes. Merida in the question didn’t let out a voice, she
was merely collapsed onto the ground with her face lying down. Her
arms were twitching little by little, each time a clear sound echoed


The bandage man Jin stopped his feet.

If very very carefully look, Merida hadn’t been twitching. The fire
spark stone clasped in her right hand was slammed again the floor,
once again as if she was trying to stoke a flame. Even up to this time,
she was yet to give up.


Elize who realized it too once again, tightly bit her lips and raised her
upper body. While tear amassing at her eyes too, with her
own hands she tore the hem of the skirt, seemed like she was trying
to make a weapon.

「You guys……」

At the moment Jin unconsciously murmured, Merida pupil whose
was still lying face down was, glittering as if emitting light and glared
at him. The moment he was stared down by that eye sight ──zoku!
His Lycanthrope instinct was, shivering at his spine.

From above the bandage, Jin pressed his mouth.

「……this is bad. Change of plan」


「No need for the changing surgery. I’m disposing of them here. If I
let them live, in the near future surely they would become a threat
to us.」

Jin declared with a strong tone, the black clothes men behind were
shaken with unrest.

「Eh, no, no but! Our mission is……!」

「Anyway since it’s a surgery without any hope they’ll survive. We

can make any excuse. So shut up」

Leaving the subordinates without a sense of crisis, Jin boldly stepped


If leaving the girls to live and grow, sooner or later his and others’
status might be overturned. Not only that they were hiding their
bottomless potential. Not to mention, it would be absurd to bestow
her the rank of paladin.

Standing in front of Merida who seemingly moving her arm with all
her strength, Jin was “goki” snapped his finger.

「……If it were five years from now the one being hunted could be

However, right now was not yet, they were still developing children.

These girls that had yet to be raised well, kill them now.


Merida opened her big eyes wide. Right now her powerlessness was,
no one but herself fully realized it the most. The stricken belly was
hurting like crazy, her whole body was heavy as if lead. The hand that
was clasping the Tiara was trembling, no matter how many times she
struck it no fire came out.

And then mustering all of her will power she raised her arm once
again, swung it down on the floor.

Seeing her mistake on aim, kashin, a dry voice echoed from the tiara.

「See you」

The bandage man lightly said, stoking up his left hand. At that
fingertips, faint light was, ──fluttering.

She thought about how he suddenly stopped moving,, Bah! raising

her face, she saw that he was looking at Merida back.

Even though beyond the bandage she could understand, he was

distorting his face in annoyance.


Smacking his lips he kicked off from the floor, he flew backward far
behind. Merida and Elize were knitting their eyebrows wondering
what happened, right after it.

The double door emergency exit was blown away.

The fragment of the door grazed to the top of the head, at the same
time in the back there was vivid light. Merida and Elize unconsciously

turned to look back, they saw two figure of human jumped in from
inside the backlighting.


As Kuufa and Rozetti respectively checking on their students with a

glance, they ran through the side just like the wind. Raising their
already unsheathed weapons, the black clothes men attacked.

The bandage man who was the head of the enemy group was, seeing
the black military cloth Gii! opened both his eyes wide.

「Leave the brats! Kill the knight!!」

As if to response they raised a war cry, the black cloth men ran up all
at once. Three people surrounded Kuufa, as if blocking the exit path
they swung their weapons down. On the other hand Kuufa with a
black blade on his waist, with one slash.

The slashing attack that didn’t stop in the eyes consisted of many
strikes like a boisterous dance. Almost at the same time repelled the
three’s weapon. Riin, while the clear metal sound was played, the
black clothes men’s upper bodies were pushed to the back.
Breathtaking master technique──as if trying to overrun on the
opening, the round blade ran past from behind scattering scarlet

The metal rings she had grasped were, Chakram the weapon. As they
freely shredded the black clothes men who lost their balances, not
letting a single graze on Kuufa. As if having the intention of they’d be
pulled back, Rozetti stopped them on mid air. Right then as if
performing a dance she waved the hem of her costume, once again
shot out the chakram from both her hands.

The black cloth men’s attentions were turned upwards──At this
moment, the black shadow ran past the distance of a few meters.
With a still posture of swung his arm Kuufa, calmly put the sword
back, an one clap later the blood spray caught up.

As Kuufa caught the black sword that was sheathed in its scabbard
with one arm, and then hit the lower jaw with the palm of his hand,
as if to roll it in. And then spinning his body with acrobatic, kicked up
over head. The pushed up heel was, touched Rozetti’s heel sole who
was dancing mid air. The girl used this force to further fly up high in
the air. At the height no one could reach, she released the crimson
flame as if the angle’s halo.

Without leaving any openings the two’s coordination was, impossible

to win against for the black cloth man who relied on numbers──


Merida and Elize were, fixing their eyes upon the scene forgetting to
breath. The battle level they had never seen before. Even at the
game held in the presence of a lord in the holy king district, probably
this sword dance would rarely be encountered. The overwhelming
statuses of the home tutors, the piling amount of experience, even
though not putting in number they could be felt through the skin.

The very young girls were, unconsciously clasped their arms


That is──

That is our target, that stage!!

The final remaining two man in black clothes movement was, Kuufa
pressed both the blade and the scabbard at the same time.


At the same time as he called the shadow came flying in, grazed his
head landed behind. At the same time as if the falcon hunting preys,
the charkam she was holding in both her hands had already mowed
the life force of the enemies.

The final two man fell down──With that, suddenly it became quiet.
Taking a notice all the black man had fallen to the floor, the only
ones standing were Kuufa, Rozetti and the girls.

Rozetti looked down on the charkam on her hands, trembling from

somewhere she murmured.

「……What’s that just now. This feeling……sense of unity, for the first

At her back was, whoops whoops turning his sword around, putting
it back to the scabbard with a calm face was her partner’s figure.
Rozetti was as if she was searching for something, or she was seeing
through something, she cast a glance.

「You, just what are you?」

「Just a humble home tutor. Other than our problem, right


「That, that right!」

In a confuse Rozetti sheathed her weapon, rushed over here. The

girl, found her pupil’s figure in tattered custom, her face was sullen

Spreading both of her arms………..just before touching Elize’s skin,

she let down her arms.

「O, ojou-sama……I’m sorry, it’s my fault for not keeping myself


Just before befor she declared, the silver hair Elize jumped toward
Rozetti’s chest.

As if feeling relieved, the 13 years old little girl put all her body
weight on the home tutor as if her sister.


「Ha, hawawa, fuwa……!」

Was Rozetti in confused or was she in excitement with a hard to tell

face, she restlessly changing between the girl in her chest and
Kuufa’s face. Kuufa was “yare yare” mood said and nodded his head
telling her to do it, as if with determination, Gyu~! she strongly
hugged tight.

Until Elize complained「That hurts a little」, that hug wasn’t

loosened up.

At that sight, Merida unconsciously smiled broadly──Petan, she sat

down on the floor softly and weakly.


「I’m, I’m fine. My leg gave out a bit……」

Immediately Kuufa came to her side and knelt, and softly put her
hand on his shoulder.

「Your safety is above all else.……I’m sorry for being late」

Merida swung her neck in response, and then, suddenly she realized.

「By the way sensei, why are you here? Don’t you have to go to Holy
King District ……」

「Yes. On the way the from Knight Regimen (Guild)’s headquarter

(Lodge)『we spotted the criminal organization having lively activities

at Cardinals academy district』as I received contact. I had a bad
hunch so I jumped off the running train.」

「Ju, jump……!?」

「And then it seems I was right. As I came back in a hurry, as ojou-

sama’s whereabouts were unclear as I bumped into Rozetti-san who
was making a fuss.──Fortunately since it was weighting a bit in my
mind at the school break, before hand I had done a little

Removing Elize from the hug, Rozetti surveyed the fallen kidnappers.

「What the heck are these guys? If I look carefully isn’t Lycanthrope
also mixed in」

「Eto, Guild Grimhuis something……he said」

「Troops of Tomfoolery Dawn (Guild Grimhuis)!?」

Rozetti gulped sharply, Kuufa too intently frowned.

「You, you to, know them?」

「Eーto, they’re extremely bad guy! What does that lot want to do
with Elize-sama group!?」

「Something like, change my class to Paladin, something they said」


Hearing up till that, Kuufa stood up without saying anything. Though

it was like saying「I got it」

「Rozetti-san, can I leave oujou-sama to you? If it was the Wizzard of

the Knight regimen (Guild) you should be able to lift the curse

imposed on both of them. While they were regrouping please seek
protection for the girls」

「Eh, what about you?」

「The Lycanthrope man who had bandage coiling isn’t here. Seems
he had slipped away」

Hearing so Merida noticed. Amongst the kidnappers that fell on the

floor, there was no figure of the bandage man called Jin. Kuufa
tightly hold the scabbard of the black sword.

「Perhaps he’s the strongest……the kidnapper group leader right.

Following his escape route, there’s the possibility I could locate their

「That, that’s dangerous! I’ll go too……」

「Their aim is our ojou-sama right? Leaving them alone is this place
forever is scarier. It’ll be fine if it was me, I won’t chase too far」

Saying so, he promptly turned his body. Merida just at that moment,
mildly called him to halt.

「Ano, sensei……can you listen to me for a bit」

「What’s wrong?」

「Before the bandage man had said. There is a man who requested
them. That person is, if I’m not Paladin he would be in
trouble.……With that, who that person would be?」

Kuufa once again went down on his knees before Merida, gently put
his hands on Merida’s shoulder.

「The true is before coming here, noticing the knight regimen

(guild)’s deployment had been unnaturally changed, helping

deducting the whereabouts of ojou-sama there was one man. Who
do you think that is?」


「Felgus Duke……ojou-sama’s father」

She smiled as if answering, Kuufa stood up.

「Rozetti-san, I’m leaving it to you」

「Ah, wa! …………Mou」

Without hearing the voice to stop him, in the time for one to say
“ah” he had dashed forward into the shadow.

Merida too was very worry about him but, as she was now she would
only become a burden. Meekly receiving the protection from the
Knight regimen (Guild), let’s return safely.

「……Thank you, ojou-sama」

As no one could hear that murmured, since then she cocked her

Then the one who made a request to them, in the end who was it?

LESSON:V ~To Beyond Critical
──Sir Mordrew ! What is that old goat thinking!

While running through the pathway wrapped in darkness silentlFy,

Kufa cursed in his heart.

The lots that kidnapped Melida and other was, apparently self
introduced as Troops of Tomfoolery Dawn (Guild Grimhuis).

That was, the name of the terror organization that took root in
Flandor’s dark side. Although it was name Tomfoolery Troops, but
the Light cavalry regiment (Guild Phoenix) that had the mission of
protecting mankind, or the White Knight cavalry regiment (Guild Jack
Raven) that Kufa belonged to was definitely the exact opposite
nature. Generally, it could be called a「Criminal Guild」 a dangerous

Its origin could be said to be longer than Flandor’s history, existing as

the oldest most ominous secret society. The politicians from ancient
times that had lost their power, the nobles that had fallen due to
various reasons, on top of that the large number of Lycanthrope
added. With their slogan of elimination of the current nobility system
they had repeatedly done terrorist acts. ──In short, they were a
bunch of idiots that wanted to return to their seat of power.

However, exactly because the nature of the organization was to

make bitter enemies out of mana capable ones, that the human body
mechanism research was 《this side》more than one or two times
being completely devoted themselves to, had been heard. Although
he had heard rumor about the surgery to change class into
something else but, the danger degree couldn’t be compared to the
mana transplant that Kufa had done to Melida before. The success

rate wasn’t up to 1%, the survivors suffered mental illness, never
again could they return to normal life had been said.

In short 「it’s fine if she is a bedridden cripple so maker her a

Paladin」 as he said right. Perhaps at the public tournament a few
days ago Melida’s class had been exposed. With that he was driven
by impatience that he could understand but, just because of it he
cling to the bunch indiscriminately……just how senile you are you old

Violent emotion transmitted across his body, unconsciously the

sounds of footstep echoed.

Anyhow, because since Melida’s real situation had been known he

couldn’t let them do as they please.

All the kidnappers──I have to seal their mouths!

He jumped over the final distance in one go. If passing through the
8th area, before it there was a huge entrance hall. In the atrium up
to the second floor, thick column supported the high roof.

In front of the front entrance, at the middle of the open hall he could
see the outer coat figure of the humanoid shadow. The tattered
bandages were lingering at the hem. On his hand, it was holding a
glass case as big as a head.

「I won’t let you escape」

As Kufa shortened the distance from behind, the bandage

man「Nn?」 turned to look back

「Well, what’s this. You don’t need to chase me since I’ll give it back

「……That presence (Anima). As expected it’s you」

Thus coming face to face with him Kufa confirmed. He could feel it
like that distant day, the secret information gathering mission at
Giffney Elsnes’s residence. At that reading room where Kufa slashed
the black coat men. Furthermore at the day of the public
tournament, the one who exchanged secret talk with sir Mordrew
was definitely him.

Kufa place the black sword on his waist, in a stance which he could
draw his sword any time.

「I won’t let you meddle with our ojou-sama anymore than this」

In response Jin, 「Fuu」let out a sigh.

「……though I don’t know much about the circumstances, in the first

place wasn’t that because you as the predecessor slacked off that we
were recruited right? Why leaving Melida-chan as is even though she
isn’t a Paladin?」

「That has nothing to do with you」


Saying so, he lightly broke the glass case in his hand. The green liquid
scattered around, the object contained inside it dropped to the palm
of his hand.

He saw something that was like human brain. A plump of meat.

Creepily it was pulsing.

「This guy is our trump card. When an irregular like this happened,
enemy together with everything and anything destroy it all《turn to
nothing》for the sake of that I brought it, the ultimate biological

Taking out the syringe filled with mysterious liquid, he injected it to
the plump of meat. Right after, it conspicuously Bikun! rumbled hard,
turned and swelled up.

The plump of meat that fell from Jin’s hand onto the floor was,
immediately after, explosively made a giant change

The scene was completely just like a seedling rapidly grew. From the
inside endless meat bulged, with dreadful speed its volume
increased. Something appeared to be forelimbs, back limbs
protruded out, while body fluid scattered around it struck the stone
floor. The body trunk expanded, the belly bulged, from the long neck
stretched out a head like that of a devil, it almost touched the nearly
20 meters roof.

At its legs while keeping a noh mask face, Jin said

「Artificial Lycanthrope《Haunted Chimera》. The development

concept is『human surely is no match for this monster』. That
secret teaching is, all of the statuses reach the boundary (Counter

「Counter stop……!!」

「HP, attack, defense……All numbers point to human limits.

Although the problem of size so his agility stopped at 300 as a
defective, no matter what whoever before it is all like bugs」

Suddenly, from the corner of the bandage while releasing killing

intent, Jin pronounced.

「Well then, finally shall we continue.──My name is William Jin. My

Lycanthrop race is 《Human Corpse Demon (Ghoul)》. With the
mysterious power (Anime) if controlling bandage that I don’t have to
teach you gain right?」


「Stop using that cool way to talk, assassin. Exactly right now, I’ll, kill

Immediately after, the paranormal monster Haunted Chimera let out

an ear bursting shriek.

Swinging its front leg, it mowed down. Even though it was a simple
action, but he didn’t think it would be that fast. While gouging out
the stone floor, it approached with its overwhelming mass, Kufa for a
moment released his mana and kicked the floor.

On mid air he gasped the hilt of the black sword, he pulled it out like
that with one slash. It clashed with Jin’s arm whose was approaching
from behind. His evasion route had been read as he moved ahead of

「As always you’re fast」

「Same to you」

Exchanging a few words, together with the sound of metal clashing

they took their distance. As if cutting into this midway, the Haunted
Chimera’s strong arm slammed down from above. Pulverizing the
stone floor, and the museum vibrated as if the end of the world was

Landing at the distance, without changing his expression Jin


「As expected, your speed is impressive……seems my bandage

movement couldn’t catch you」

On the other hand, Kufa too who was gliding on the floor and stood
still, aimed his sharp sight in front of him.

「Those bandages are troublesome……If that body is protected then
normal attack couldn’t deal any damage」

In that case, Kufa poised the black sword in front of his eyes. The
Haunted Chimera was surely a dreadful threat but, in the end the
one he should hunt was Jin. Concentrating mana on his legs, as he
raised his agility, suddenly he kicked the floor.

The air was Gabin! trembling, Kufa’s figure disappeared. Jin opened
his eyes wide, turned back and barely able to throw up his hand.
From behind the blade mowed down, he stopped it before his eyes.

「Nice response but──」

That was a fake, a soundless sentence. Kufa blew the fist he

concealed in his bust, then a kick. Pushing Jin’s body which was
heavier than its appearance to the air.

Immediately after “chin”, he returned the sword, his body too kicked
the floor and soared.

「《Ultimate Sword Draw……」

Explosive blue flame emitted, all of that went to the sword in his hip
in an instance. Too much compressed mana underwent a resonance,
Kiiii──! high pitch tone color resounded.

「《Shining Night Battle Storm》!!」

The technique of drawing the sword at great speed let out a roar.

The slashing attack used by pushing agility to the utmost limit was,
from the blackened scabbard continued to be unleashed. Reaching
total 47 consecutive chaotic super speed attack skill (Assault).
Because even speed too was separated from common sense, the
slashing sounds almost overlapped and became one to the ear. As if

the space had been severed together with a repulsive tone color, the
meteor shower like sword flash storm rushed to Jin.

Unbreakable sword slash attack was showering down on his body, Jin
was trembling with intense fear.

──I can’t gasp it with my eyes!!

One the other hand, without a pause Kufa continued to flash his arm
as he bit his teeth.

──So tough!!

After that final blow, the strength in his whole body had been
slapped down, Jin outer coat figure had been blown away. He
bounced on the floor a few time, crashed into the column as dirt
blown up.

He took enough damage to fill half of the column, Jin

was「Goho!」spitted out blood. As expected he seemed to be a
little exhausted as he wiped his mouth, he grumbled in annoyance.

「What a monster……!! He has the nerve to kill the time lag until the
preliminary movement of the skill……!」

He groaned with a screwed face, “yare yare” he pulled his body up.
Shaking off the stone pieces on his outer coat.

「Fuu……. But, unable to settle it with that attack (Assault) skill just
now must be out of plan」


Kufa who was falling midway, “Ha” quickly took his breath.

「Although it might not be much of a problem if it was one on one,

at the moment carelessly jumping like that is a bad move right?」

Immediately after, with the ultimate speed as if a train pressure,
mowing down on Kufa who was still in midair waiting to engulf him.
It was the Haunted Chimera’s strong arm. A blow that began to hit
the maximum attack power hit Kufa directly, like a bullet he was sent

Crashed onto the column, and went through it, furthermore the
force didn’t stop there, the moment he was slammed into the wall, a
few meters cracks ran radial. Dirt got pushed up just like cloud, the
stone fragments fell as if dancing.

「Arara……. With one shot I wonder if his hp got blown away?」

No, immediately Jin denied it in his thought.

On the air, there was a line of light running shiningly. It was a wire.
Perhaps before the crash it flew behind, he surely had used it to kill a
bit of the power. It was really a terrible reflection speed.

As if to back up his guess, at the dust cleared wall’s smashed part,

there was no sign of Kufa.

Immediately after that fresh blood splattered. The Haunted

Chimera’s feet were cut up in a straight line.

An intermittent slash attack ran across, and the Chimera let out a
scream, but the crucial enemy figure could not be seen. Jumping
here and there on the stone floor, the wind growled fiercely. Jin’s
dynamic vision could only catch the after image.

「I see……It’s not purely attack power, are you riding on your agility
to raise up the sharpness?」

But regrettably, he said. As if putting on his flickering aura, Jin

showed his arms and legs spread wide.

「You’ll be in trouble if you forget about me you know」

Immediately after, from the arm hole of the coat bundle of bandage
scattered. Each of them as if having different minds drew irregular
orbits, rushed to Kufa from every direction. Gazing the hem of his
military uniform, slightly gouged his cheek. As if to avoid the
bandage aiming at his feet Kufa kicked the floor, that moment was
targeted by Chimera.

At the gap of that instance the gigantic forearm came mowing down,
grabbing Kufa who was midair. From his body that bend in to the
character く, snap, snap, break! disgusting bone fracturing sounds


Almost the same time, the bandage from the Ghoul caught up and
entangled his right hand’s wrist.

「Yes, finally there’s a weak spot. With this your status is half. Can
you withstand it?」

It was not just able to withstand, as he was still sent flying, once
again he was slammed into the wall like an arrow.

Mixing with the stone fragments falling like dancing, as blood spray
splattered around there was something fluttered on the air, then fell
to the floor.

The tip from the shoulder of the military uniform had been cut off, it
was the left arm.

「A~a, it came off huh, your arm that is. Human is really……」

When Jin was about to say that, from another direction too blood
sprays came up.

The Haunted Chimera let out a shriek. Its right front leg had been cut
in half. The cut off plump of meat fell flat on the stone floor.

「……Did he inflict one attack before he was sent flying?」

At the same time Jin snorted as if he was bored, Kufa walked out
from the settled dust. He had already become a one-arm man with
wounds all over his body. Moreover with Jin’s mysterious power his
current mana was halved. Even so his right hand was tightly holding
the black sword, his bluish pupil that didn’t have one bit of gloom
were flicking with killing intent.

Jin scratched his cheek, looked down on his tumbled left arm which
smeared with dust.

「You too are a top class knight of the human, how unfortunate.
With this your future is cut off. Is《that one》worth protecting to
this extend?」

「──Of course」

Kufa answered with a plain tone, stared at Jin with an arrow like

「You also get it right, their bottomless potential. That hunch is

correct. Ojou-sama will soon surpass me, defeat all the fearless
fighters, stand in the summit of this Flandor. The noble figure of the
girl once called《talentless》will, became the hope of all the people
living in unrewarded situation」

Thrusting the tip of the sword straight ahead, Kufa declared.

「Therefore I am here. To show that I’ll wage my life nurturing her」

「……I wonder if I could agree to such understanding」

Jin raised the palm of his hand, sending signal to the Chimera.

「All of you──right or wrong I’ll have to crush right here」

Haunted Chimera let out a gigantic roar, charged and aimed at Kufa.
He immediately put his body on guard but, his overall agility had
dropped below a quarter didn’t it.

In other word, he was slower than the Haunted Chimera. That meant
he could not avoid it.

The heavy as hammer front leg slammed down, it crushed Kufa from
right above. Intense shock pierced the floor, at the crack like crater
that had ran across all direction, was intense dirt.

Extraordinary thunderous roar and shock which was, one clap later
trembling the entrance.

While sweeping away the dirt with annoyance, Jin murmured.

「……In the end you couldn’t move. Well, you fought very bravely
against the Haunted Chimera right? Perhaps you shaved off around
500 HP I think.」

The returned voice was, of course none. Fuu, he breathed out, and
turned his heel.

「Now then, my mind is clear. Should I go kill Melida-chan next」

Gou! at the middle of his sentence dust flew up.

Wind was coiling into vortex, at the middle of it was the exposed
figure of the young man standing.

Kufa with just his right arm, stopped the Haunted Chimera’s attack.


Jin leaked out a dumbfounded voice, immediately after.

The Haunted Chimera’s front leg was on the contrary sent flying, its
giant body were turned upside down. The pushed up shockwave
shook the floor, Jin while bracing his leg came to his sense.

「……What the? Was too weak? Go for another attack!! Full


Taking the order, Haunted Chimera turned its body, taking the
posture of a charge attack. If you were already crushed by this kind
of ultra heavy weight then physically it was impossible──

However, once again Jin’s belief was overturned. The Haunted

Chimera that kicked and crushed the floor in a charge was, of all
things as Kufa without using his sword, stopped right in front of his

At Kufa’s feet the floor was forcefully smashed. But, his body was not
giving an inch. On the contrary the Haunted Chimera was bent to the
limit, from here and there on its body blood was spouting out.

As the result, Jin raised his voiced.

「Impossible!! Its status reached the boundary (Counter Stop)!

Human could not match it!!」

「Reached the boundary (Counter Stop) huh?……」

The answer voice was, as if echoing from hell extremely cold.

「Unfortunately but here I am──」

Kufa’s face which was hidden was, slowly raised up.

The pupils that were staring at Jin was, Bou! surged with azure flame.

「Breaking through the limit (Limit Break)」

He gasped his fingertips tightly. The fierce grip strength transmitted
to the Haunted Chimera’s giant body in an instance, immediately
after, it exploded from the inside. Vast amount of blood scattered,
the death agony shriek echoed across the entrance.

A piece of meat splattered on his cheeks, Jin shrunk back without

even being aware of it.


With gait that couldn’t really feel like he was injured Kufa crossed the
hall, he picked up his own left arm that was tumbling there. When
the cut section met with his shoulder, faint light wrapped with the
open wound──

After a moment, there was the figure of him calmly swinging his left
arm around.


Jin looked him in the eyes as if finally he couldn’t believe it anymore,

however that wasn’t the end of it.

After that Kufa gasped Jin’s bandage that was coiling on right hand
wrist with the restored left hand, although it had strong magic put
into it, he ripped it of like it was waste paper or something.

With the status that crossed over human boundary, immortality and
something liked the power of regeneration. With overwhelming
mana that ignored Jin’s magical power (anima) which was that of a
high ranking Lycanthrope ────No.

「No way, your power is……!!」

Jin finally realized that possibility, after that.

Kufa’s hair was from its root to the hair ends were dyed in pure
white, stretch up to his shoulders.

Like tusk his canines became sharp, thrust out from his red lips.

And then both his eyeballs let out light, as if from a fierce animal
killing intent became two arrows, piercing Jin.

「Unbelievable……, Why……!」

From the military uniform’s whole body blue flame like purgatory
was blowing violently, the creeping absolute zero degree breath at
his feet was freezing the hall. On the contrary the two conflicting
power was, giving birth to fierce pressure at the middle point.

Shuddering at that true form, Jin shrunk 2, 3 steps back.

「《Blood Sucker (Vampire)》!! Why is the strongest Lycanthrope

race appeared here!!」

「……we are of equal status in this regard, right human corpse

demon (Ghoul)」

With the voice as if bent rusting iron, Kufa answered.

「I am also half human. An incomplete one like you」

「Ho, how……」

「My mother origins from the dark world. At the time when she ran
to Flandor for dear life, she was holding the very young me. I don’t
know my father face. The rest you should understand without saying

「……Half Vampire!!」

Now then, Kufa said uninterested and walked out. Step by step, blue
flame that looked like it would melt even the gates of hell spouted
out, Jin’s whole body was trembling.

「Don’t worry, I won’t kill you. We’re fellow comrade, why don’t we
get a long」

「Wha, what……?」

「You tried to do the mysterious surgery of changing the class for

the kidnapped Melida Angel. However right before that, was it her
defense instinct activated, it manifested very faintly a power
appeared to be of Paladin. Herewith, you’re sure that Melida Angel
had roughly a blood relationship with the knight duke house」


「After consulting with Kufa Vampir who was previously on the
mission, you arrived at the judgment for the mission’s objective. You
reached the conclusion that the chance of death coming with the
mysterious class changing surgery was too high so it should be
shelved. As for your client, Melida Angel’s life and death would have
some kind of effect on his position right, after enough consideration
according to that please consider the course of action from here on

He “Gu” gripped Jin’s head, as he closed his own to near.

「You will tell that to your client. Is that good?」

「……I, I get it」


Letting go of his hand, after he turned aside adroitly, Kufa undid the
blood sucker form. His outward appearance returned to normal, his
status too fell down to the realm of human. The killing intent in his
heart slowly calmed down.

Fuu, while pouring with cold sweat he took a breath. With that huge
power and that conversation he felt as if his own self was swallowed,
he didn’t like being in the vampire figure that much.

「…… I don’t understand」

From behind, a somewhat stiff voice resounded.

Because of the torrent of blue flame of mana and the space freezing
anima, as that pressure dispersed finally Jin who regained his
composure was, with a bitter expression floating up on his face.

「You, do you truly plan to raise Melida into the strongest
knight……Despite you’re a Lycanthrope. If that girl grew up, the one
being hunted might be you right!」

「At that time, I’ll gladly hold out my neck」

He answered with a non-excited tone of voice, Kufa picked up the

black sword and scabbard lying on the floor.

Sooner or later when she grew up she would kill me? Or before that
will I cast her away?

I’ll accept either outcome. Because──

「Because it is my, assassin home tutor’s covenant (Assassin


Kufa elegantly swung back, declared with a smile.

「Eh~what what……Thus the terror of Troops of Tomfoolery Dawn
(Guild Grimhuis) which was hunting at Cardinal academy district had
been obstructed, all the executing force except the leader had been
dealt with. And the piece of meat of the Haunted Chimera in
question had been collected as sample, the rest had perfectly erased.
And they live happily forever after……you said」

From the report before the eyes he lifted his face up, that man
「Buhaa」blew out cigarette smoke.

「Really, that guy…… even without a petition he used the power of

the blood sucker demon (Vampire). Even though we’re in dangerous
position as it is since we employed mysterious bunch in our team,
On~ce again I’ll get scolded right」

He scratched his long hair that were kept rough, pressed the
cigarette onto the ash stray on the table.

That, he was controlling the Knight regimen’s head quarter (Guild’s


When looked closely, the structure of the room was very strange.

The mosaic pattern of table was in between the two sofas facing
each other. Speaking of furnishing it was only one thin vase.
Arranged in it was, an existence that could not be found in nature, a
blue rose.

The bulky velvet curtains were folded many times at all four
directions, not to mention the walls, one could not be sure where
the entrance and exit were. The light too, sound too, completely
isolated to the outside world as a different space──

Although the location was in the Saint King district, but in reality the
location of their headquarter (lodge), and which road to follow to
reach this room, the ones who knew that were mostly none.

The man held up the several sheet of parchment, held it out on the
table which was sandwiched between the sofa and the one sitting
face to face.

「Now then, this report. What do you think?──《Black Madea》」

Over there, a small human figure whose body was in complete black
was sitting.

The slender figure was wrapped in black military uniform. The shoes
were black too and the gloves were black too. Furthermore the black
hood was pulled over the eyes, the black collar was pulled up high. It
was as if they were trying to fully shut down their own existences, of
course there was no voice that came out to answer the man’s

Instead, she wrote on memo. In the black memo pad, the smooth
white ink was used to write.

『He’s lying』

「Hou……Why do you think so?」

While checking the man’s reaction, the completely black one showed
the written memo, what written was showed as answer.

『The matter this time, I can’t settle this as simple terrorism』

『In the first place why Guild Grimhuis targeted the academy

『Why Sir Mordrew kept away the troops in the first place?』

『And then why did he, alone jumped into the enemy hideout?』

Biri, biri, biri. With each line the ripped black memo fell and piled up
on the table.

『Although his report seemingly acceptable but』

『Exactly because of it, various pieces are biting at each other


『Overall, it’s like a dramatist wrote the scenario with utmost effort.

「In other words, he disobeyed the mission……Unexpectedly it’s

hard to believe」

Finding the man stroking his beard, the one in all black for a short
while inclined their neck as if thinking.

Rustling, the black memo was written. And was held out with
gestures as if from a girl.

『The case this time, what does Sir Mordrew think about it?』

「He is, completely ignorance. Really, every last one of them……in

the end seems like we have to investigate it ourselves.──With that
today, is why I called you out《Black Madea》」

The one in all black was puzzled, at the opposite they inclined their
neck. If it was not necessary, they wouldn’t write.

The man held up the paper bag kept under the table, casually threw
it. As the one in all black checked the content, faintly the sign as if
they were surprise leaked out from the corner of the hood.

「I’ll send you on a new mission. As St. Freidswide girl academy

entered the second semester, they’ll hold a meeting every year with

their sister school. As the girl student from other school whose name
and face isn’t known would, lose their way in the large sanctuary.
You would take advantage of this opportunity and infiltrate both
school, the maelstrom Melida Angel, as well as the home tutor Kufa
Vampir, contact them, investigate what they were hiding.──What,
don’t worry. This is certainly, the right job for you」

The true face of the one in black which could not be seen was, for a
while hardened on the sofa as if a doll.

Before long, one more time “Gyuu” they hugged the paper bag
tightly, stood up. On the other hand was the black memo.

『If he is《Guilty》in that case, can I do him in?』

「……You guys are really very hot headed. Just from who did you
take that from?」

『The one who raised us up to be like this is, Papa, it’s you isn’t it』

『We the《White Night》always, wish for an opponent we could

fight with all our strength』

Leaving the last memo, the one in all black hugged the paper bag
tightly as if it was something important and turned adroitly. Passing
through the room’s door which no one knew where it was, onto the
outside world──proceeded towards《his》direction.

The man who saw them off was, 「Buhaa」breathed out a big
smoke from the cigarette, turned his face upward.

「……Go clean up that mess. Rea,lly every last one of them in our
bunch is」

Gazing at ominous black memo that was packed on the table, tiredly
he dropped his shoulder.

At the center of them, since when the black one left it, there was one
verse of words

『From now on, it’ll be a fun carnival』

† † †

Plenty of fireworks had bloomed. The always black sky was, only this
night painted with fire of seven color.

The band was playing cheerful songs. Here and there in the open air
the scent of food was floating, the savory scent which was choking
the stomach was hanging in the air. The lovers holding hands could
be seen. There were young brothers with sparkling eyes and spinning
around. And there were the figure of family members watching over
the girls with warm eyes──

The fact that there was a place within the festival, Kuufa had an
impression as if this was something wonderful, wasn’t it. Inside the
sparkling dancing lights as he had lost sight of himself, immediately
from before his eyes the sulky voice could be heard, and with that his
consciousness had been brought back.

「Although I’m not convinced」

It was Rozetti. Even that pouted expression as she frowned her eye
brows, if put it in a frame and added in a title it would become a
splendid picture so it was a big deal. And despite that the right
hand’s palm that was holding with Kufa too, Kufa’s left hand’s palm
that was supporting too, the gliding step too were fondly polished
therefore the none error spot was exactly this.

More and more the girl didn’t give up, as Kufa renewed his decision.

Right now is in the middle of the Circlet Night. The two was at the
most bustling market of Cardinal academy district plaza and they
were dancing. Around them was countless other couple, the
sightseers were surrounding the plaza and sending the petals flying,
whistling to stir things up.

As Rozetti undauntedly leading the dance in elegance, Kufa wrung his

neck with a question mark.

「You’re not convinced, about what?」

「About the case of a kidnap yesterday! Isn’t it serious. The ojou-

sama from the noble family were kidnapped was a serious affair you
know. Even though you should report it immediately to the Knight
regimen (guild)……Why are you keeping it a secret!?」

While still didn’t stop their steps, Kufa「fuu」breathed out.

「The investigation is being carried out carefully you know.

Especially there’s no need to do things that lower the dignity of the
duke households right.──Moreover they are already dealing with it,
at least Elise-sama won’t be exposed to any danger」

「That, that’s not the problem but……!」

「This is the long awaited Circlet Night. It’s tasteless if you keep
pouring cold water on it right」

「You’re one to talk!? In the first place whatever their target or what
they’re doing I completely ──」


Kyu, he stopped his step, Kufa stared at her with sincere pupils.

「Somehow please understand. I don’t want to conduct things such

as officially announce Rozetti-san’s BHW to the world」

「I mean why do you have such detailed information about me!」

「Because it’s the nature of my job」

As he shows a smile, Rozetti stashed it away as she sullenly

complained with her cheek.

At that girl’s delicate waist, from the side it was touched lightly and
repeatedly, small fingers were poking at it.

「Roze-sensei, next is my turn.」

Wearing the innocent and charming dress of the parade, it was Elise
Angel. As Rozetti interrupted her steps in confuse, she tightly handed
over Kufa’s hand.

「Ah, yeah, about time we change right. Then please take care of

「Leave it to me」

Without much understanding Kufa’s next dancing partner was

decided, but he didn’t have any objection. As he matched with Elise
whose back was just as small as Melida’s, Kufa was slowly, restarting
the steps just like wave.

Around, and around, while being guided by Kufa the fairy like dress

「It’s an honor to dance with you, Elise-sama. I wanted to have a

slow talk with you」


「Thank you for keeping the promise with Melida-sama. Ojou-sama

was very happy」

Said so, the taciturn Elise’s cheek got a little red.

Her appearance right now was, no longer the queen of fairies.
The special, made to order dress had been spoiled. Therefore, the
maids from her house arranged beforehand in secret, and took out
the traditional dress which didn’t return to St. Freidswide.

Elise was intermittently, in a voice that might or might not reach,


「……Honestly I too had given up. I had thought that Rita would not
come out from the parade. But you had, fulfilled our promise.
Therefore I have to say thank you」

「No need for such thing, it’s discourteous」


Gyumu, Elise’s shoe was stepping on Kufa’s shoe. The steps came to
an end.

Although she was a noble, since she was 13 years old it couldn’t be
help if she was bad at dancing. Kufa calmly smiled.

「Please don’t mind it. Then, next tune from the head……」

Taking the rhythm for the second step. The girl that didn’t even take
one step, even more guymu. Without being disheartened once again.
Step, guymu, Step, guymu, Step, guymu, guymu.

Finally Elise, kept stepping on his shoe and didn’t move anymore.

「E, Elise-sama?」

「Recently I, once again became able to chat with Rita」

「Ye, yes I’m aware. Ojou-sama too seems so happy being with Elise-

「Yes that’s right. Rita seems so happy talking about──you only.
Sensei said this, sensei did that, sensei did this kind of face. Your skin
is pretty, your pupil seems like it would suck her in your voice that
echoes in her body on and on……」

「I’ve heard about many embarrassing things, is that, true?」

What exactly do you mean by that?

If he made a mistake here his position would be in danger, seriously

Kufa had resolved himself for his social death.

「Sensei, I’ve let you wait!」

At that moment, the saving grace goddess came to his place.

With blonde hair fluttering it was Melida Angel.

Her dress was of course, the same uniform with Elise, the traditional
dress of St. Freidswide.

To begin with at the very start she wanted to monopolize Kufa’s

hand, but after going through the city on the parade, she said「My
hairstyle is gone」and「The decoration is rook」as she picked up
her dress, once again returned to Emy to fix her appearance again.

As normally, you’re very pretty as you are, as Kufa was about to say

「Since I’m dancing with sensei, it would be no good if I’m not the

But since she said it. As he always wore the military uniform Kufa felt
a little sorry.

Melida was smiling, aiming her smiling face at Elise.

「Thank you Eli, for protecting Sensei’s hand for me」

「N? What do you mean?」

Kufa wrung his neck, Melida looked up at him with a little amazed

「……Geez sensei, you didn’t notice? Today all the students from St.
Freidswide, everyone is restlessly wanting to be sensei’s dance
partner you know?」

Being told that, he surveyed around him, certainly at the plaza

corner the lovely fairies unnaturally formed a group, while looking at
here with expectation and irritation they were moving their body
restlessly. If he was to act as their partner each and everyone then,
before the main dance with Melida it would already be morning.

I see. Charging at this place as if to replace Melida who retreated to

her residence, gasping Kufa’s hand faster than anyone that, zealous
red hair had such an intention huh, although it was too late, but he
understood. No wonder while she was complaining she didn’t
remove her body.

However as Melida had returned right now, this mission should be

happily over──seemed like it but.

What happened, Elise was “gyu” still tightly gasping Kufa’s hand
didn’t seem like she would let go.

「Sorry, Rida. This man’s hand I cannot hand it over to you」

「Eh……? Wh, why?」

「Because I don’t want to see you two holding hand」

「Eh, ee!?」

Melida let out a wild shriek, her face became red, then she became

「That, that means, Elise too with sensei……!? That’s forbidden!
Absolutely forbidden!!」

「……Mu. Then let’s do this? Everyone connects their hands

together, come, become a ring」

「That’s, completely not romantic at all! This is supposed to be my

first dance with sensei!」

「──What are you two doing quarreling, mou seriously」

Looking as if she couldn’t help it Rozetti suddenly stepped up, pulling

Kufa’s palm from Elise and just like that she started dancing.

「Since I’ll be seizing him, you two just thoroughly discuss until
you’re satisfied.」

「That, that’s sly! Even if it’s Rozetti-sama I won’t yield that spot!」

「Rita, that can’t be helped, dance with me. Join them if you can’t
beat them」

「Aa mou~! If I knew it would be like this I would not return to my


At the never seen before noisy situation around him, Kufa turned his
eyes around thinking whose hand should he take. The situation in
which was if the three princesses fighting over a pie was, of course
drawing human’s eyes………….

「A scene of carnage!」

From the direction of the sightseers, from somewhere a somewhat

cheer of joy could be heard. As four of them stopped their
movements, the fairies from St. Freidswide were going kyaa kyaa and
in a state of making merry could be seen.

「In regard to Kufa-sama, the two ladies from Angel house is fighting
with the one of the life time marquess (Carrier Marquis)!」

「The girls’ battle that put pride on the line! This scene, I had read it
in a novel!」

「This is big scandal! I’ll tell the newspaper club, immediately

making an article!」

「Hawa, hawawawa……!?」

Being in that center of attention in a way she had not experienced

before at all, Melida was slightly panicked. Inside the big pupils they
were whirling round and round in chaos, seeing his ojou-sama like
that, since I’m the main cause I can’t let it get out of hand, Kufa

Nonetheless, he couldn’t go abandoning the main character in the

middle of the quarrel.

「Excuse me, ojou-sama」


Suddenly Kufa carried Melida in a princess carry, the girl students

「A!」turned their bodies while being surprised. Slipping through
the surge of human just before exiting the plaza, noticeably the high
pitch voices「「「Kya~~~!!」」」were the shout of cheers
raining behind his back.

「Se, sensei! With this how should I explain with them!」

Without knowing about it, Melida’s protest had been completely


† † †

They came to the high place where there was sign of human , finally
Kufa released Melida from inside his arms.

Having completely given up and being carried like a doll, Melida was,
as soon as her feet touched the ground, as expected with her face
that was completely red and boiling hard, hitting repeatedly at his

「Mou, mou, mou~! Sensei should learn how to treat a lady!」

「Oya, excuse me. Since the figure is so short that lady didn’t enter
my eyes at all」

As he feigned ignorance, Melida was bussu~ inflated her cheek,

pouted her lips.

「When I’m with sensei my chest became only doki doki. It happens
the first time since I was born!」

「I am the same, when meeting ojou-sama, never before in my life I

felt doki doki too」

「Sensei too?」

Unexpectedly he said with a sigh, Melida’s eyes were in a circle. Kufa

firmly nodded in return.

If he didn’t encounter her, not before or after this would he thought

of disobeying the mission. From the moment he first saw her, the
blood smeared world of Kufa was starting to be skillfully changed in
color. That figure changed every day, as a new flower that budded
which made Kufa surprised.

──At the same time as I should teach her how to survive , I learned a
lot from her.

What it will bring about, I’ll see it with my own eyes, together with
this《talentless girl》in the future.

Someday he would pluck that girl’s life, until that day──…………

At that moment, Don, loud sounds echoed, the sky was dyed with
seven colors.

As the Circlet Night nearly reached the climax, it was the splendid
banquet of fireworks. From this high place the city’s street could all
be seen, the ones that were dancing at the bonfire as if being
illuminated could be seen. The people’s singing voice, laughing voice,
were as if a wave passing through.

On the contrary, the surrounding of Kufa was dark. As if hiding her

shyness in the darkness, Melida was gently getting closer, holding
Kufa’s hand’s palm.

「Nee, sensei. How long will you stay as my sensei?」

「What’s wrong, suddenly?」

「Yesterday, when I saw sensei fighting I thought. This incompetent

me was standing on the wrong place right. To be honest, it would be
unnatural to be together with you right」

While speaking out her feeling just like a former drop out,
「But」she raised her face.

「But I am, always wanting to be with sensei! Right now I’m not yet,
even though I’m a《Little Lady》to sensei, because someday surely,
I’ll show you that I’ll be a worthy《Lady》who would be side by side
with sensei! So……ano, eto…………I, I want you to wait, somehow」

Despite she said with enthusiasm, as if become embarrassed about

what she unintentionally blurted out, Melida cast her eyes down.
Having found his master whose cheek was flushing, Kufa while
smiling gently got down on his knee.

Putting strength into the entwined finger tips, the moist pupils of
Melida caught Kufa.

「Don’t worry, ojou-sama. For that sake I am here. I’ll will show you,
guide you to the place further and higher than this. There’s nothing
to worry about. That’s because──」

Don, as fireworks bloomed. The seven colors light that tore the
darkness, was pouring down as if giving a blessing.

「Because you are my, proud student (Assassin Pride)」

Translation Group: Baka-Tsuki

EPUB is done by JLN

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