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The Suppy Chain Game Writeup

Team 1: Abu Bakar Memon, Maira Siddiqui & Zeerak A. Ansari

Overall Standing: 2nd Position, $7,126,112

The Game Scenario:

Jacobs’ distribution network consists of a single factory and a single warehouse, both in Calopeia. The
warehouse only supplies air conditioner retrofit kit manufacturers, who are all in Calopeia.

Our team has been hired to manage the supply chain for the Jacobs Industries. We had to make the
following decisions to the supply chain:

 Capacity additions to the factory.

 The finished goods inventory threshold that triggers production of a new batch in the factory.
 The factory’s production batch size.
 Whether batches are transported to the warehouse by mail or by truck.

Our Approach:

1) Demand Analysis:
We performed a demand analysis for the previous two years, to understand the average
monthly demand for each year and daily average demand for each month respectively.
Demand Analysis
h Avg Daily Demand Avg Monthly Demand
Jan 11 318
Feb 18 537
Mar 33 975
Apr 29 864
May 58 1747
Jun 41 1227
Jul 71 2122
Aug 61 1830
Sep 51 1520
Oct 27 820
Nov 16 486
Dec 10 314
2) Decisions:
 Capacity was increase by 20 units to 40 units for a cost of $1 Million, since increase in
capacity was capital intensive and had a lead time of 90 days, keeping in mind of capital
requirements for production it was not increased further during year 3. The increase in
capacity could not be retired at the end of the 4 th year (no terminal value) this factor
also influenced our capacity expansion decision.
 Reorder points varied depending on the seasonality of demand, after the peak demand
of year 3 the reorder point was set at 2000 unit to build up inventory to accommodate
the peak demand for the next year (10% holding cost cheaper alternative to increase in
capacity) all though due to late decision, we were able to accumulate max inventory
level of 1600 units. Since the WIP and holding inventory did not have a terminal value
we built up inventory based on average demand for December of year 4 and set reorder
and batch size to Zero minimize the loss of capital.

 Factory batch size was set at 200 units to spread the fixed costs and transportation cost
to a minimum level. Truck was used for transportation since the cycle time of a batch of
200 units to reach the warehouse would have remained the same of 5 days therefore
the cheaper option was employed.


Our decisions were not as systematic from the

beginning, we used trial and error method to make
sense of the game. All the major strategic decisions
have been discussed above whereas actions that did
not significantly contribute to our position and that
were for learning bases have not be discussed which
are reflected in our decision log.


 Demand lost in year 4, decreased by

almost 80%
 Only 111 units inventory remained
unutilized at end of year 4
 Overall 2nd position in the game

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