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Rozdział 1 Imię i nazwisko: 

MiniMatura Wynik/50
Grupa B Klasa: 


SŁOWNICTWO 4 Uzupełnij zdania poprawnymi formami czasowników

podanych w nawiasach.
1 Uzupełnij każdą lukę jednym słowem. Pierwsze litery 0 I dislike listening (listen) to loud music
brakujących słów zostały podane.
1 I enjoy ________________________ (hang) out with friends.
0 Jane is very sociable . She loves meeting people. 2 You’re not going ________________________ (wear) those shoes
1 Ed is very i_________________________ . He is never sure of to school!
himself at all. 3 Will your parents let you ________________________ (get)
2 Marcie is very a_________________________ . She wants to get your ears pierced?
good exam results and a well-paid job. 4 We agreed ________________________ (meet) at eight o’clock.
3 Stephanie is quite c_________________________ and says things 5 I hate ________________________ (be) famous.
which hurt other people. /5
4 You shouldn’t be so d_________________________ on other
5 Ułóż rozsypane fragmenty zdań we właściwej kolejności.
people. Think for yourself for a change.
Nie zmieniaj formy podanych słów. Jeśli to będzie
5 Sylvia is very s_________________________ and never changes
konieczne, dodaj słowo ‘with’.
her mind even when she knows she’s wrong.
This is me. I’m wearing a 0 new, warm, woolly scarf
/5 (scarf / new / woolly / warm) and a 1 
 (hat / old / cool / grey). I’ve got 2 _______________
2 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. W ramce podano
pięć dodatkowych słów.  (hair / long /
ginger / a ponytail) and a   3

trousers elderly fringe tie freckles   (pale / freckles / horrible/ complexion)!

dyed beard tall scruffy slim suit My friends say it’s nice but I never get a tan! My best friend
is Alison. She’s a 4 
0 A: It’s too cold for a skirt. 
B: Wear trousers . (slim / girl / great sense of humour / pretty). She likes wearing
1 A: I like this ________________ . 5

B: Yes, but when will you wear a matching jacket and  (sweatshirts / baggy / old / holes in them).
trousers? Her mum hates her clothes!
2 A: Is he very smart? /5
B: No, he doesn’t care about his appearance at all.
He’s really ________________ . ŚRODKI JĘZYKOWE
3 A: It’s difficult to see with this hair.
B: Well, cut your ________________ then. 6 Wybierz opcję A, B lub C, aby poprawnie uzupełnić tekst.
4 A: I want to be ________________ . My brother is in a band. They’ve got a concert next week
B: Don’t eat so much and get more exercise. and he is quite nervous. He got his hair done for it. It’s now
5 A: My neck is cold. I don’t like shaving. dyed blond and spiky. He 0 a punk! He also got some
B: Grow a ________________ . new clothes. He bought a leather 1 . He wants to wear it
to school but mum won’t let him. He hasn’t told my parents
yet, but he is planning to wear some 2 for the concert
3 Uzupełnij luki właściwymi wyrazami. Pierwsze litery – eyeliner and mascara! He thinks it will look cool but I’m
brakujących słów zostały podane. worried that people will laugh 3 him. I like the people
0 What puts you in a good mood? in the band. They are all friendly and outgoing. My parents
1 Are you still m up your mind about what think they are lazy, but they aren’t. They just work hard when
hair dye to get? they are practising, not with their school work. I’m going to
2 Yesterday, I h the worst day of my life! the concert on my own. I asked my friend 4 with me but
3 You f in love with every girl you see! she 5 stand loud music!
4 Do you f well under stress? 0 A likes B looks like C looks
5 Why did your teacher l his temper? 1 A trousers B underwear C jacket
/5 2 A jewellery B make up C accessories
3 A at B for C with
4 A come B coming C to come
5 A can’t B doesn’t C won’t

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z języka angielskiego – poziom podstawowy
MiniMatura Rozdział 1 Grupa B

3 The speaker claims that

A his generation were more tolerant.
7 Przeczytaj tekst. Dobierz właściwy nagłówek (A–F) do B young people don’t think about their look.
każdego fragment tekstu. Wpisz odpowiednią literę C his generation always looked smart.
w miejsca (1–4). Uwaga: dwa nagłówki zostały podane 4 The customer
dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnego fragmentu. A is buying something for himself.
A Look to your elders for a real sense of style. B needs help before he can buy something.
B Men should listen to their wives more often. C finds something which he decides to buy.
C You can look good without spending a lot. 5 The text is
D It's better to look the same. A a talk about a successful advertising campaign.
E Smart clothes means good behaviour. B an advertisement for suncream.
F I’m as fashionable as I always was. C a criticism of the way advertisers trick people.
FOUR MISTAKES WE MAKE ABOUT OUR LOOK 6 The speaker does not like
Not everyone can be a fashion icon but may make it A people’s comments about his hair.
more difficult by believing the wrong things. Here are B the fact that he is going bald.
some things that just aren’t true. C the colour of his hair since he started dying it.
1____ /6
Some styles and fashions know no boundaries. They are
international and often started by the rich and famous.
However, often the clothes we wear can identify clearly
where we come from. Local differences are huge and
inadequate clothes can sometimes cause a problem. It’s 9 Wykonaj zadanie egzaminacyjne.
better not to get caught out in the wrong place at the Twój kolega / Twoja koleżanka chce zmienić swój sposób
wrong time.
ubierania się i prosi cię o radę. Wydaje ci się, że widziałeś/aś
2____ pewien styl odpowiedni dla niego/niej. Napisz e-mail do
There is one easy way to tell the age of middle-aged
kolegi/koleżanki o swoim pomyśle.
men. Look at their clothes and hairstyle and you’ll often
see what was fashionable when they were aged 18–21. • Zareaguj na zamiar kolegi/koleżanki.
Unfortunately, while they may have been cool at the time, • Opisz styl, który według ciebie najlepiej by mu/jej pasował.
they now often look not only outdated but a mess. Grow • Wyjaśnij, gdzie widziałeś/aś taki styl.
up, lads! You’ll look much better. • Zaproponuj, że wybierzesz się z nim/nią na zakupy, żeby
3____ dobrać jakieś nowe ubrania.
A recent newspaper article showed a number of women Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów.
wearing similar dresses and asked readers to vote on
Długość tekstu powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 słów.
which they preferred. What the readers didn’t know was
that some of the dresses were expensive designer labels
and others were from cheap chain stores. The most Hi,
popular, by far, were the latter.
Thanks for your email. I’m glad you know who to turn to for
4____ fashion and style advice!
In many cities, all over Britain, young people are turned
away from nightclubs for wearing jeans and trainers. As
even prime ministers wear such clothes in their free time, 
this seems strange. The reasoning is that there will be
fewer fights if people wear ‘decent clothes’. Unfortunately, 
the evidence shows that this isn’t necessarily the case.


8 TRACK 02 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie sześć wypowiedzi na 

temat mody młodzieżowej. Z podanych odpowiedzi
wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl

literę A, B albo C.
1 The conversation takes place

A before school.
Let me know if you can make it on Saturday.
B after school.
See you,
C on a day off from school.
2 The boy wants to
A borrow something.
B have a tattoo. /10
C get his ears pierced.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z języka angielskiego – poziom podstawowy

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