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Drill Book

Based on the New Syllabus



Lecturer in English, Puducherry. Director Training, Salem.

A. GOPAL, M.A., M.Ed., M.Phil., T.S. RAAM KAPIL, M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed.,
MAM Matric Hr. Sec. School, Mettur, Salem. PG Asst. in English, Salem.

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Choose correct synonyms for the underlined words from the options given.

1. She had been old and wrinkled for the twenty years that I had known her.
a) spotted b) crumpled c) spirited d) shortened
2. I was selected in the 48kg category for the International Boxing Association.
a) custom b) group c) sports d) games
3. Many people who read it have been astonished at the absent mindedness of their fellows.
a) attained b) received c) known d) surprised
4. The talk was running on the critical situations.
a) cunning b) strong c) easy d) dangerous
5. Thankful as I am for the unique honour conferred on me by this institution.
a) best b) matchless c) great d) systematic
6. .....other people do without any evident difficulty that are pretty much beyond me.
a) unclear b) visible c) possible d) available
7. She had been young and pretty, and even had a husband.
a) pious b) kind c) humble d) beautiful
8. I was both upset and worried because I’d heard of how expensive things were in America.
a) sad b) happy c) anxious d) satisfied
9. It is the efficiency rather than the inefficiency of human memory that compels my wonder.
a) effectiveness b) goodness c) quality d) quantity
10. A fourth was torpedoed in the war.
a) escaping b) participating c) saved d) destroyed
11. It is not easy task to place appropriate guidelines before them.
a) imaginative b) real c) clever d) suitable
12. So I pulled on it and yanked at it with grunts and frowns and increasing consternation.
a) happiness b) sadness c) groans d) difficulty
13. No, we were certain she had been always been as we had known her.
a) doubtful b) hard c) easy d) sure
14. I was relieved to have money in my pocket.
a) pleased b) away c) ready d) rich
15. How many of them forget to shut the front door when leaving the house? Scarcely more.
a) plenty b) hardly c) surely d) formerly
16. They were selling Barbizon pictures, and getting tremendous sums for each.
a) simple b) huge c) little d) trendy

17. .... perhaps with annotations here and there bringing to bear the lay-man’s point of view.
a) information b) clarifications c) quotations d) hardships
18. I kept this up for some minutes but it wouldn’t budge.
a) stop b) move c) break d) close
19. She hobbled about the house in spotless white.
a) dirty b) dull c) bright d) clean
20. The people were enormously nice too.
a) small way b) large way c) simple way d) quick way
21. It is only a very methodical man, I imagine who can always remember to take the medicine
his doctor has prescribed for him.
a) proscribed b) written c) recommended d) pushed
22. There was a rustle of excitement.
a) rustic b) whisper c) noisy d) silence
23. .... the findings of experts in various fields connected with education.
a) same b) novel c) finding d) several
24. Abruptly the zip gave way.
a) gradually b) slowly c) easily d) suddenly

1. b 2. b 3. d 4. d 5. b 6. b 7. d 8. c
9. a 10. d 11. d 12. c 13. d 14. a 15. b 16. b
17. c 18. b 19. d 20. b 21. c 22. c 23. d 24. d


Choose correct synonyms for the underlined words from the options given.

1. .… one hand resting on her waist to balance her stoop and the other telling the beads of her rosary.
a) walk b) breath c) bent d) dress
2. The other team had already completed their weight in, which is compulsory for all players.
a) common b) good c) necessary d) possible
3. This is the more surprising.
a) great b) strong c) amusing d) talking

1. A terrible silence followed.
a) peaceful b) long c) short d) horrible
2. This is the age of common man – whatever the regrets some might have.
a) repentance b) repetitions c) duplications d) strength
3. I watched dumbstruck as a hundred carefully sorted documents came raining down in a
fluttery cascade.
a) happily b) coolly c) astonished c) doubtfully

1. Her silver locks were scattered untidily.
a) cover b) hair c) dress d) hand
2. My fear of facing new opponents quickly vanished.
a) appeared b) disappeared c) joined d) coined
3. It may be that it is because of their antipathy to pills and potions.
a) liking b) dislike c) forgetfulness d) willingness

1. I realised now, as I ought to have done at first, that he had shot his bolt.
a) raised his arrow b) sent the arrow c) reached the highest d) pulled his arrow
2. It is philosophy or politics, ethics or economics are certainly meant for him.
a) rules b) guidelines c) moral d) immoral
3. I watched dumbstruck as a hundred carefully sorted documents came raining down in a
fluttery cascade.
a) arranged b) torn c) thrown d) pushed




Choose the correct antonyms for the underlined words from the options given.

1. She had been old and wrinkled for twenty years that I had known her.
a) crushed b) crumbled c) straight d) bend
2. I was selected in the 48 kg category for the International Boxing Association.
a) accepted b) included c) rejected d) informed
3. I doubt whether it would be found that absent-mindedness is common.
a) sure b) assure c) impossible d) unfair
4. Surely they can be tighter when they are mental.
a) truly b) often c) doubtfully d) always
5. It is not easy task to place appropriate guidelines before them.
a) suitable b) proper c) improper d) helpful
6. Other people do without any evident difficulty that are pretty much beyond me.
a) doubtful b) clear c) proof d) serious
7. She had even had a husband, but that was hard to believe.
a) easy b) soft c) difficult d) accepted
8. I’d heard of how expensive things were in America.
a) costly b) inaccurate c) informative d) cheap
9. I doubt whether it would be found that absent-mindedness is common.
a) unclear b) always c) peculiar d) spread
10. The tightest corner I was ever in was at Christie’s.
a) narrowest b) broadest c) weakest d) most loose
11. The fact that I am conscious of my own limitation gives me a sense of relief.
a) freedom b) aspiration c) understanding d) knowledge
12. I am not very good at living in the real world is perhaps the most outstanding.
a) great b) extraordinary c) common d) known
13. He wore a big turban and loose fitting clothes.
a) free b) movable c) tight d) decent
14. With this princely sum and a little more that had been collected from people I left for the US.
a) huge b) small c) kingly d) mansion
15. He remembers appointments for lunch and dinner.
a) keeps b) leaves c) offers d) forgets

16. I had not enough securities to borrow five hundred on.

a) get b) receive c) lend d) loan
17. I shall not attempt to offer original ideas.
a) give b) deny c) restrict d) close
18. My particular specialty now is returning to hotel desks two or three times a day.
a) permanent b) general c) temporary d) great

1. c 2. c 3. b 4. c 5. c 6. a 7. a 8. d 9. c
10. d 11. a 12. c 13. c 14. b 15. d 16. c 17. b 18. b


Choose the correct antonyms for the underlined words from the options given.

1. She had always been short and fat and slightly bent.
a) small b) huge c) big d) tall

2. We were the last team to arrive.

a) depart b) reach c) attain d) lost

3. In his ordinary life he remembers everything that is expected to remember.

a) usual b) irregular c) unusual d) unhappy

1. A red-faced man who had bought quite a number electrified the room.
a) moderately b) fairly c) very few d) plenty

2. This is the age of the common man – whatever the regrets some might have.
a) doubts b) misgivings c) repentance d) pleasure

3. I am in short easily confused.

a) before b) after c) simply d) hard

1. She had always been short and fat and slightly bent.
a) thin b) thick c) familiar d) known

2. The other teams had already completed their weight in, which is compulsory for
all players.
a) unimportant b) unknown c) believable d) optional

3. The fact remains however that a few but the moral giants remember to take their
a) rests b) needs c) sells d) leaves 

1. ….at fifty guineas or hundred guineas with a gradual crescendo to which I had been safely
a) slow b) sudden c) fast d) quick

2. It is philosophy or politics, ethics or economics, are certainly meant for him.

a) clearly b) doubtfully c) strongly d) weakly

3. I amused her for perhaps 20 minutes...

a) irritated b) convinced c) defeated d) explained




ØØ An abbreviation is the short form of a word or phrase formed by leaving out some of the letters from
the word or using the first letters of the words. It cannot be pronounced as word.
Examples: B.A – Bachelor of Arts
AIR – All India Radio

3G Third Generation BBC British Broadcasting Corporation

AAA Asian Athletics Association B.Ed Bachelor of Education
AAFI The Amateur Athletics Federation of BL Bachelor of Law
AD Anno Domini B.Sc Bachelor of Science
AFI Athletics Federation of India BSF Border Security Force
AI Air India BSNL Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
AICTE All India Council for Technical Education CA Chartered Accountant
AIDS Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome CBI Central Bureau of Investigation
AIFF All India Football Federation CBSE Central Board of Secondary Education
AITUC All India Trade Union Con­gress CD Compact Disc
AM Amplitude Modulation CEO Chief Educational Officer
Ante Meridiem (forenoon)
APEC Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation CID Criminal Investigation Department
ASLV Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle CL Casual Leave
AEO Assistant Educational Officer CM Chief Minister
AIR All India Radio CPL Class Pupil Leader
ATM Automated Teller Machine CRPF Central Reserve Police Force
AVADI Armed Vehicles and Ammunition Depot DD Demand Draft
of India
BA Bachelor of Arts / British Airways. DEO District Educational Officer
B. Arch Bachlor of Architecture D.Litt. Doctor of Literature
B.Com Bachelor of Commerce DNA Deoxyribo-nucleic Acid
BE Bachelor of Engineering D.Phil. Doctor of Philosophy
BBA Bachelor of Business Administration DTP Desk Top Publishing
EEG Electro Encephalo Gram KMVN Kumaon Mandal Vikas Nigam
e–mail Electronic mail Km Kilo metre
ECG Electro Cardio Gram LBW Leg Before Wicket
EMI Equated Monthly Instalments LCD Liquid Crystal Display / Least Common
ENT Ear, Nose and Throat LCM Lowest Common Multiple
FAQ Frequently Asked Question LIC Life Insurance Corporation (of India)

FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas

FCI Food Corporation of India Ltd Limited
FIR First Information Report M.A. Master of Arts
FM Frequency modulation MBA Master of Business Administration
GDP Gross Domestic Product MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of
GST Goods and Service Tax MCA Master of Computer Applications
HSS Higher Secondary School M.Com Master of Commerce
HM Headmistress / Headmaster M.D Doctor of Medicine
HMT Hindustan Machine Tools M.Ed Master of Education
IA Indian Airlines MLA Member of Legislative Assembly
IAS Indian Administrative Service MNC Multi National Companies
ICSE Indian Certificate of Secondary Education MO Money Order
ICC International Cricket Council MP Member of Parliament; Madhya Pradesh
ICICI Industrial Credit and Investment MS Master of Surgery
Corporation of India
ICS Indian Civil Service M.Sc Master of Science
ICU Intensive Care Unit
IFS Indian Foreign Service NCC National Cadet Corps
IIT Indian Institute of Technology NCERT National Council of Educational Research
and Training
IOC Indian Oil Corporation NDA National Defence Academy
IPC Indian Penal Code NLC Neyveli Lignite Corporation
IPS Indian Police Service; Inter Press Service NSS National Service Scheme
IQ Intelligent Quotient ODI One Day International
ISBN International Standard Book Number ONGC Oil and Natural Gas Corporation
ISI Indian Standards Institute; Inter ONGC Oil and Natural Gas Commission
Services Intelligence
IST Indian Standard Time PC Personal Computer
DVD Digital Versatile/Video Disc Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy (Philosophiae Doctor)
ICL Indian Cricket League PM Post meridiem (After noon)
ISD International Subscriber’s Trunk Dialing PRO Public Relations Officer
IOA Indian Olympic Association PTA Parent Teacher Association
JEE Joint Entrance Examination PTO Please Turn Over
PSLV Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle TNPSC Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
PWD Public Works Department UGC University Grants Commission
R&D Research and Development UK United Kingdom
RBI Reserve Bank of India UNO United Nation Organisation
RRB Railway Recruitment Board UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
SB Savings Bank UPSC Union Public Service Commission
SMS Short Message Service USA United States of America

SP Superintendent of Police VIP Very Important Person

SPCA Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of VPP Value Payable Post
SPL School Pupil Leader WTO World Trade Organisation
STD Subscriber’s Trunk Dialing WWW World Wide Web
TA Travelling Allowance YMCA Young Men’s Christian Association
TC Transfer Certificate YWCA Young Women’s Christian Association
TN Tamil Nadu


Choose the expanded form of the given abbreviation.
a) Central Legal Research Institute b) Central Labour Research Institute
c) Central Leather Research Institute d) Central Learner’s Research Institute
a) Kinesthetic Mandal Vikas Nigam b) Kumaon Mandal Volunteer Nigam
c) Kumaon Ministerial Vikas Nigam d) Kumaon Mandal Vikas Nigam
3. UGC
a) University Grants Commission b) Universal Grants Commission
c) Union Grants Commission d) Unified Grants Commission
a) Bharath Sanchar Nitrogen Limited b) Bharath Sanchar Nigam Limited
c) Better service in Neyveli Limited d) Bharathi Sanchar Nigam Limited
5. CBI
a) Centralised Bureau of Investigation b) Centred Bureau of Investigation
c) Central Bureau of Investigation d) Central Bureau of Institute
6. LPG
a) Liquefied Petroleum Gas b) Liquefied Paper Gas
c) Liquid Petrol Gas d) Liquefied Petrol Gas
7. WTO
a) World’s Tallest Office b) World Trade Organisation
c) World Trade Office d) World Trade officer
8. CD
a) Complete Disc b) Compact Desk
c) Complete Diagnosis d) Compact Disc
9. VCR
a) Video Clear Recorder b) Very Clear Recorder
c) Video Cassette Recorder b) Video Cassette Record
10. WWW
a) World Win Willow b) World Wide Web
c) World Wide Woman c) Win Win Woman

11. RPM
a) Revolution Press Master b) Reality Per Minute
c) Revolutions Pin Master d) Revolution Per Minute
12. PSLV
a) Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle b) Proper Satellite Launch Vehicle
c) Previous Satellite Launch Vehicle d) Perfect Satellite Launch Vehicle
13. FM
a) Frequent Modulation b) Frequency Modulation
c) Frequency Modernisation d) Frequent Method
14. NDA
a) National Department of Academy b) Nature of Defence Academy
c) National Demo Academy d) National Defence Academy
15. IPC
a) Indian Postal Company b) Indian Public Company
c) Indian Penal Code d) Indian Property Code

1. c 2. d 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. a 7. b 8. d 9. c 10. b
11. d 12. a 13. b 14. d 15. c


Choose the expanded form of the given abbreviation.
a) Industrial credit and Investment corporation of India
b) Industrial credit and Investigating corporation of India
c) Industrial credit and investing corporation of India
d) Interior credit and Investment corporation of India
2. K.B
a) Kilo by weight b) Kilo per Byte
c) Kilo per Branch d) Kilo Byte
a) Online Natural Gas Commission b) Oil Natural Gas Commissin
c) Oil and Natural Gas commission d) Oil and Natural Gas Corporation
a) Test of English Foreign Language b) The English offer Foreign Language
c) Test of English as Foreign Language d) The English of Foreign Language
5. ATM
a) Automatic Teller Machine b) Any Time Money
c) Automated Teller Machine d) Anytime Teller Machine
6. CRY
a) Child Relief and yours b) Child Relief and yourselves
c) Child Relief and yourself d) Child Relief and you

7. KPO
a) Knowledge Process Outsourcing b) Known Procedural Order
c) Knowledge Process Office d) Knowledge Process Outlet
8. B.Tech.
a) Bachelor of Teaching b) Bachelor of Technique
c) Bachelor of Technology d) Bachelor of Textiles
9. SBI
a) Savings Bank of India b) State Bank of India
c) State Bank of Indonesia d) State Bureau of Investigation
10. ECG
a) Everyman’s Christian Group b) Electrical Cardio Gram
c) Elected Council Group d) Electro Cardio Gram
11. NGO
a) New Government Order b) North Government Officer
c) Non-Government Organisation d)Non-Government Order
12. SMS
a) Short Message Service b) Small Message Service
c) Short Missing Service d) Send Message Service


ØØ An acronym is a pronounceable word formed mostly from the initial letters of a descriptive name or title.
For Example: radar = radio detecting and ranging
AIBA Amature/Association International de- DIET District Institute of Education and Training
Boxer’s Association
AVADI Armoured Vehicles and Ammunition E-MAIL Electronic Mail.
Depot of India
AIIMS All India Institute of Medical Science FIFA Federation of International Football
Associations (Federation Internationale
de Football Association)
ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations GATE Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering
BHEL Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd GATT General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs
CAD Computer Aided Design GATS General Agreement on Trade and Services
CAT Common Admission Test GMAT Graduate Management Admission Test
HUDCO Housing and Urban Development RADAR Radio Detection and Ranging
IELTS International English Language Testing SAARC South Asian Association for Regional Co-
System operation
IGNOU Indira Gandhi National Open University SARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
ISRO Indian Space Research Organisation SALT Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
HUDCO Housing and Urban Development RAM Random Access Memory

IELTS International English Language Testing RAW Research & Analysis Wing
IGNOU Indira Gandhi National Open University SAIL Steel Authority of India Limited
ISRO Indian Space Research Organisation SENSEX Sensitivity Index (of Share Price)
INTERNET International Network (of computers) SIM Subscriber Information Module
LAN Local Area Network TADA Terrorist and Disruptive Activities
(Prevention) Act
LASER Light Amplification by Stimulated TANSI Tamil Nadu Small Scale Industries
Emission of Radiation
NABARD National Bank for Agriculture and Rural TOEFL Test Of English as a Foreign Language
NASA National Aeronautics Space TRAI Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
NASSCOM National Association of Software and UNESCO United Nations Educational Scientific and
Service Companies Cultural Organisation
NOTA None of The Above UNICEF United Nations International Children
Emergency Fund
OPAC Online Public Access Catalogue VAT Value Added Tax
PAN Permanent Account Number VIRUS Vital Information Resources Under Siege
P.E.T Physical Education Teacher WHO World Health Organisation
PIN Postal Index Number ZIP Zone Improvement Plan


a) National Aeronautics and Space Administration
b) National Acrobatics and sports Administration
c) National Aerospace and special Administration
d) National Agriculture and support Administration
2. CAD
a) Computer Aid desiging b) Computerised Aided Designing
c) Computerising Aided Designing d) Computer Aided Designing
a) Oil and petroleum exporting countries b) Organisation of petroleum exporting countries
c) Online public Excess catalogue d) Organisation of petroleum excess countries

a) Virtual Informations Resources Under siege b) Vital Information Resources Under survey
c) Vital Information Resources Under survey d) Vital Information Resources Under Siege
a) Online Public Accessible Catalogue b) Oversee Public Access Catalogue
c) Online Public Access Catalogue d) Online Private Access Catalogue

6. PIN
a) Post Index Number b) Postal Index Number
c) Post office Index Number d) Private Index Number
a) United Nations International children Emergency Fund
b) United Nations International children Equipement Fund
c) United Nations International children Educational Fund
d) United Nations International children Employment Fund
a) Travel and Fare Excess b) Tractor and Farm Equipment
c) Train and Farm Express d) Tractor and Factory Equipment
a) Tamil Nadu Storm Sewage Industry b) Tamil Nadu Small Scale Industries
c) Tamil Nadu Slum Stop Industry d) Tamil Nadu Small Sale Industries
10. RAM
a) Random Access Memory b) Randomly Added Member
c) Random And Marking d) Randomly Accessed Money
11. ROM
a) Recognition of Memory b) Reaction of Mind
c) Read only Memory d) Read only Mind
12. CAT
a) Culture and Academic Treaty b) Cumulative Admission Test
c) Common Admission Test d) Clear Act Test



ØØ A compound word is when two words are combined to form a new word or phrase. There are three
types of compound words: closed form, hyphenated and open form. The closed form is when two
words are combined to form a new word.
Eg: bullfrog, snowball, mailbox, grandmother, railroad, inside, sometimes, upstream, basketball,


I. Noun + Adjective
1. Blood Red 2. Hand Picked 3. Heart Broken 4. Home Sick
5. Lead Strong 6. Life Long 7. Prize Worthy 8. Sky Blue
9. Snow White 10. Spoon Fed 11. Tax Free 12. Trust Worthy
13. World Famous 14. World Population 15.World Wide

II. Noun + Noun

1. Air Man 2. Air Port 3. Air Ship 4. Arm Chair
5. Birth Place 6. Bus Conductor 7. College Mate 8. College Student
9. Day Dream 10. Ear Ring 11.Eye Sight 12. Foot Note
13. Gate Way 14. Head Line 15. Home Work 16. Life Boat
17. Lorry Driver 18. Moonlight 19. Needle Work 20. News Paper
21. Note Book 22. School Boy 23. School Bus 24. School Days

III. Verb + Noun

1. Bath Room 2. Call Taxi 3. Cross Fire 4. Drive Inn
5. Fire Place 6. Guide Book 7. Handle Bar 8. Note Book
9. Pass Port 10. Pay Day 11. Play Boy 12. Post Man
13. Post Master 14. Post Office 15. Rest House 16. Scare Crow
17. Search Engine 18. Search Light 19. Show Room 20. Stop Clock
21. Bath Room 22. Call Taxi 23. Cross Fire 24. Drive Inn
25. Fire Place 26. Guide Book 27. Handle Bar 28. Note Book
29. Pass Port 30. Pay Day 31. Play Boy 32. Post Man
33. Post Master 34. Post Office 35. Rest House 36. Scare Crow
37. Search Engine 38. Search Light 39. Show Room 40. Stop Clock
41. Taste Buds 42. Walk Man


1. Sunrise 2. Sunset 3. Baby sit 4. Rainfall 5. Haircut 6. Head ache

1. Fast food 2. Madman 3. Blackboard 4. Blue sky 5. Hot water


1. Overtake 2. Output 3. Income 4. Undergo 5. Upset 6.Input


1. Clear cut 2. Safeguard 3. Whitewash 5.Blackmark

VIII. Gerund + Noun

1. Bleaching Powder 2. Cleaning Lady 3. Cleaning Maid 4. Dancing Bird
5. Drawing Room 6. Drinking Water 7.Driving School 8. Helping Hand
9. Helping Mind 10. Living Room 11. Looking Glass 12. Raining Days
13. Sleeping Pill 14. Sleeping Song 15. Steering Wheel 16. Swimming Pool
17. Teaching Aids 18. Teaching Condition 19.Walking Stick 20. Washing Machine
21. Working Condition 22. Working Couples

IX. Noun + Gerund

1. Horse Riding 2. Air Conditioning 3. Bird Watching 4. Time Consuming
5. Book Binding 6. House Cleaning 7.Freedom Loving 8. Eve Teasing

X. Preposition + Noun
1. After Life 2. By Pass 3. Down Stairs 4. In House
5. In Service 6. Off Shore 7. Off Spring 8. On Line
9. Out Patient 10. Over Charge 11. Over Night 12. Over Weight
13. Under Line 14. Under World 15. Underground 16. Up Grade
17. Up Stairs


Choose the word from the options given to form a compound word.
1. baby.
a) sit b) sitting c) post d) card
2. milk
a) ground b) land c) shake d) tube
3. washing
a) paper b) pen c) pin d) machine
4. under
a) in b) take c) out d) seen

5. book
a) ready b) ground c) chair d) mark
6. dream
a) world b) out c) in d) slow
7. down
a) low b) strength c) stream d) went
8. under
a) fast b) stand c) saw d) go
9. age
a) line b) more c) land d) old
10. court
a) yard b) out c) stand d) ill

1. a 2. c 3. d 4. b 5. d 6. a 7. c 8. b 9. d 10. a


Choose the word from the options given to form a compound word.

1. pass
a) port b) out c) low d) land

2. cross
a) strength b) board c) talk d) come

3. moon
a) power b) day c) low d) light

4. butter
a) lion b) flies c) insects d) need

5. grass
a) hopper b) jumper c) runner d) singer

6. by
a) buy b) pass c) jump d) go

7. back
a) linen b) line c) at d) ward

8. life
a) on b) out c) time d) short

9. scape
a) goat b) water c) honey d) cow

10. along
a) river b) side c) well d) went

11. light
a) power b) still c) out d) house

12. lime
a) photo b) man c) stone d) still

13. lightning
a) walk b) speed c) drive d) swim

14. fast
a) food b) vegetables c) dinner d) supper 

15. lay
a) away b) for c) in d) off
16. car
a) street b) park c) house d) top
17. wood
a) house b) cutter c) chair d) table
18. gas
a) light b) pressure c) tight d) problem
19. water
a) bright b) bite c) charm d) proof
20. tooth
a) pain b) high c) trouble d) ache


ØØ Prefixes and suffixes are sets of letters that are added to the beginning or end of another word. They
are not words in their own right and cannot stand on their own in a sentence: if they are printed on
their own they have a hyphen before or after them.

ØØ Prefixes are added to the beginning of an existing word in order to create a new word with a different
For example:
Word Prefix New word Word Prefix New word
happy un unhappy bishop arch archbishop
cultural multi multicultural aircraft anti antiaircraft
work over overwork operation co co-operation
space cyber cyberspace courage en encourage
market super supermarket active in inactive
possible im impossible cycle bi bicycle
code de decode cast fore forecast
legible il illegible act inter interact
function mal malfunction biology micro microbiology
media multi multimedia confident over overconfident
payment non nonpayment door out outdoor
technic poly polytechnic box post postbox
paid pre prepaid arrange re rearrange
conductor semi semiconductor editor sub subeditor
colour multi multicolour certain un uncertain
developed under underdeveloped form uni uniform
hill up uphill modern ultra ultra-modern
Some of the prefixes and the connected words
1. anti- antiaircraft antibiotic anti clockwise anti-social
2. arch- arch angel arch bishop archway arch-rival
3. bi- bicycle bilabial bi-lateral bi-monthly
4. co- coauthor coexist cooperate co-producer
5. contra- contradiction contradistinction contraflow contraindicate
6. counter- counteract counterattack counter clockwise counterpart
7. de- decode defame degrade defrost
8. dia- diagram dialogue diameter diametric
9. dis- disagree discharge disorder disqualify

10. en- encourage encircle enlarge enslave

11. ex- exchange export ex-serviceman express.
12. fore- forecast fore-noon foretell fore-runner
13. hyper- hyperactive hypermarket hypertension hypersensitive
14. il- illegible illegal illogical illiterate
15. im- impossible impolite imprint impure
16. in- inactive inland insight invocate
17. inter- interaction intercity interchange international
18. ir- irregular irrational irresponsible irrelevant
19. mal- malfunction malnutrition malpractice maltreatment
20. micro- microbiology microchip microfilm microphone
21. mis- misbehave mislead misplace misunderstand
22. multi- multicolour multifaceted multimedia multipurpose
23. non- non-existent non-payment non-stick non-violence
24. out- outbreak outdoor outnumber outside
25. over- overconfident overflow overload overpower
26. pan- pan- American pan- African pan- Indian pandemic
27. poly- polyclinic polyglot polygraph polytechnic
28. post- post war post-graduate post-paid post-script
29. pre- precaution preface pre-paid pre-record
30. pro- proclaim pro-democracy prolong pronoun
31. re- rearrange rebuild recall rediscover
32. semi- semi-conductor semi-final semi-vowel semi-circle
33. sub- subcontinent sub-editor submarine subtitle
34. tri- triangle tri-colour tricycle tri-lateral
35. un- unaffected uncertain unfair unhappy
36. under- underdeveloped underestimate underwater underworld
37. uni- unicellular unicameral uniform unilateral
38. up- upgrade uphill upset upward


Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the root word
1. bishop
a) ir__ b) multi__ c) arch__ d) inter__
2. possible
a) ir__ b) multi__ c) im__ d) inter__

3. aircraft
a) ir__ b) multi__ c) im__ d) anti
4. cycle
a) bi__ b) multi__ c) im__ d) inter__
5. author
a) ir__ b) multi__ c) co__ d) inter__
6. code
a) ir__ b) de__ c) im__ d) inter__
7. practice
a) ir__ b) multi__ c) im__ d) mal__
8. courage
a) en__ b) multi__ c) im__ d) inter__
9. cast
a) in__ b) fore__ c) im__ d) inter__
10. active
a) ir__ b) il__ c) in__ d) inter__

1. c 2. c 3. d 4. a 5. c 6. b 7. d 8. a 9. b 10. c


Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the root word
1. legible
a) il__ b) multi__ c) im__ d) ir__
2. mortal
a) ir__ b) multi__ c) im__ d) un__
3. function
a) ir__ b) mal__ c) im__ d) inter__
4. Biology
a) micro__ b) multi__ c) dis__ d) fore__
5. media
a) in__ b) multi__ c) im__ d) inter__
6. confident
a) over__ b) dis__ c) im__ d) en___
7. payment
a) ir__ b) im__ c) non__ d) dis__
8. door
a) inter___ b) multi__ c) im__ d) out__
9. american
a) ir__ b) pin__ c) pan__ d) inter__

10. technic
a) im__ b) multi__ c) in__ d) poly__
11. box
a) ir__ b) post__ c) im__ d) fore__
12. paid
a) in__ b) multi__ c) dis__ d) pre__
13. arrange
a) re__ b) anti__ c) im__ d) inter__
14. conductor
a) ir__ b) dis__ c) semi__ d) fore__
15. editor
a) ir__ b) multi__ c) im__ d) sub__
16. colour
a) ir__ b) multi__ c) im__ d) pro__
17. certain
a) in__ b) un__ c) im__ d) pro__
18. develop
a) ir__ b) multi__ c) under__ d) fore__
19. form
a) ir__ b) multi__ c) uni__ d) pro__
20. hill
a) up__ b) dis___ c) im__ d) en___


ØØ There are many very logical reasons why languages (including English) borrow words from each other.

ØØ For instance, sometimes English will borrow a word from another language in order to describe things
for which an English word doesn’t yet exist. This happened a lot when the English settlers arrived in
the New World.
ØØ After all, there were countless things that English speakers had never encountered, but which
indigenous groups and earlier Spanish explorers had already given names to. Whenever there’s cross-
cultural interaction like that, new words are bound to pop up between languages.
ØØ Additionally, English often uses foreign words to name culturally specific things, like food. The Italians
already gave “pizza” a great name, so when English speakers started enjoying the food, there was no
need to change it. Why waste time renaming when you could be eating?
Some of the foreign words commonly used in English and their meanings.
No. Foreign Words Meanings
1 bon voyage have a nice trip
2 bona fide genuine
3 curriculum vitae description of previous job and qualification
4 status quo existing condition
5 rucksack backpack
6 de facto in faith
7 de jure by right; by law
8 en famille in family
9 en masse all together
10 ex gratia as a favour
11 ex officio by virtue of one’s position or status
12 in absentia in absence
13 in camera in private; in the chamber
14 in toto as a whole
15 laissez faire non intervention
16 lingua franca common language; link language
17 magnum opus great work
18 modus operandi way of working
19 par excellence excellent
20 patio an area outside the house without roof
21 per annum for every year
22 per capita per head

23 plaza shopping mall

24 proforma form
25 protege trained by influential person
26 prima facie accepted as so until proved otherwise
27 resume summary; curriculum vitae
28 siesta nap; a short sleep after a meal
29 sine die adjourned without fixing a date
30 tete–a–tete private conversation face to face
31 viva voce spoken exam
32 annus mirabilis wonderful year
33 modus operandi a method of operating
34 ad hoc made or done for a particular purpose
35 ad interium meantime
36 bons mots witty remarks
37 carte blanche permission to do whatever one wants
38 faux pas social blunder
39 liaison coordination of activities
40 postmortem examination of dead body
41 status quo the existing condition
42 via media compromise
43 alias also known as
44 enroute during the course of a journey, on the way
45 incognito true identity conceated
46 dejavu past life experience, recognition, familiarity
47 a - la - carte choice; having menu items priced


Choose the meaning of the given foreign phrase /word.
1. My father used to have siesta every day.
a) short sleep b) cup of coffee c) short talk d) walk
2. We have to get the proforma from the college.
a) letter b) introduction c) form d) acceptance
3. This is the magnum opus of the artist.
a) costly work b) colourful work c) favorite work d) great work
4. We believe many things in this world de facto.
a) with proof b) in faith c) for our convenience d) for our sake
5. The politicians had their conversation in camera.
a) in private b) before the camera c) photographed d) in public

6. Everyone appreciates his laissez faire attitude.

a) involvement in public life b) involvement in others’ private life
c) non involvement in others’ private life d) non involvement in his family life
7. She wants to go to the plaza to buy a birthday gift.
a) market place b) shopping mall c) souvenir shop d) gift shop
8. English is a lingua franca of many countries.
a) each person b) important work c) common language d) good condition
9. The parliament has been adjourned sine die.
a) adjourned indefinitely b) arranged immediately c) called someone d) visited an important person
10. It was years before he could confers his faux pas.
a) family affair b) social blunder c) common affair d) in private
1. a 2. c 3. d 4. b 5. a 6. c 7. b 8. c 9. a 10. b


Choose the meaning of the given foreign phrase /word.
1. The scientist’s protégé followed him wherever he went to help him.
a) youth trained by an influential person b) helper
c) one who is financially helped by a philanthropist d) junior scientist assigned for the job
2. The police found out the modus operandi of the criminal.
a) hiding place b) weapon used by them c) way of working d) companions
3. She laughed at his leader bons mots.
a) common remarks b) call someone for argument
c) witty remarks d) accept someone
4. My father cleared the loan in toto.
a) partly b) whole c) in instalments d) with difficulty
5. We sat in the patio of my uncle and discussed the matter for a long time.
a) house b) hall c) open space d) veranda
6. Our Government has sanctioned an ex gratia of 2 lakhs to all the victims.
a) their right b) their demand c) their fund d) as a favour
7. We took oath de facto.
a) in private b) in common c) only one d) in fact
8. The Principal is the ex officio chairman of our association.
a) important as his post b) by virtue of his office
c) out of his post d) connected to his post
9. The police arrested the people who took part in the agitation en masse.
a) to be presented in the court b) important agitators
c) all together d) few people
10. Students should go with bona fide certificate when they go for placement interview.
a) to show they are genuine students b) to show they have passed the exam
c) to show they are regular to college d) to show they are good performers

11. The education department wants to keep status quo in the admission process.
a) high value b) high percentage c) past situation d) present condition
12. When Kannan left for US his friends wished him bon voyage.
a) to become rich b) to have good health c) to have nice trip d) to have happy life in US

13. We should prepare a meaningful curriculum vitae to get a good job.
a) descriptions of experience and educational qualification
b) descriptions of the job one wants to have
c) descriptions of one’s family
d) descriptions of one’s family tree
14. Government should work to raise the per capita income of its people.
a) total income of the country b) total income of the family
c) income of a day d) income per head
15. The police accepted the prima facie evidence in the murder case.
a) eye witness b) accepted as so until proved otherwise
c) evidence given by the family d) evidence given by the friends
16. That year was the same thing of an annus mirabilis.
a) unpopular b) wonderful year c) in common d) popular
17. Sunder became the liaison officer in his company.
a) coordinating activities b) initiating activities c) president d) banking activities
18. The police found out the modus operandi of the criminal.
a) methods in accepting people b) method of arguments
c) method of creation d) method of operating
19. An ad hoc investigating committee has been set up.
a) made or done for a particular way b) called a person in a way
c) escape from a place d) accepting others
20. The government gave their negotiator carte blanche.
a) running after something b) unlimited authority
c) control over something d) glaring at something
21. He was tried in absentia and sentenced to seven years in prison.
a) thank someone b) invite someone c) not present d) call someone
22. They are trying to find out a via media solution for the problem.
a) compromise b) strict c) accepted d) informed 
23. My neighbour is a prima donna
a) temperamental and conceited person b) kind and helpful person
c) wealthy and influential person d) poor but happy person
24. Tell me your income per annum.
a) every new year b) every year c) invite the year d) every motion
25. He had been the de jure king since his father’s death.
a) unlawful b) unaccepted c) rightful d) interior


ØØ A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder that causes an individual to experience extreme, irrational fear
about a situation, living creature, place, or object.
ØØ When some people have a phobia, they will often shape their lives to avoid what they consider to be
dangerous. The imagined threat is greater than any actual threat posed by the cause of terror.
ØØ Phobias are diagnosable mental disorders.
ØØ The person will experience intense distress when faced with the source of their phobia. This can
prevent them from functioning normally and sometimes leads to panic attacks.
Achluophobia – Fear of darkness Acousticophobia – Fear of noise
Acrophobia – Fear of heights Aerophobia – Fear of flying, drafts or fresh air
Algophobia – Fear of pain Agrizoophobia – Fear of wild animals
Ailurophobia – Fear of cats Androphobia – Fear of men
Antlophobia – Fear of floods Apiphobia – Fear of bees or bee stings
Aquaphobia – Fear of water Atychiphobia – Fear of failure
Autophobia – Fear of being alone Bacteriophobia – Fear of bacteria
Basophobia – Fear of falling Bathmophobia – F
 ear of steep inclines, slopes
and stairs
Bathophobia – Fear of depths Batrachophobia – Fear of amphibians
Bufonophobia – Fear of toads Carnophobia – Fear of meat
Catagelophobia – Fear of being ridiculed Ceraunophobia – Fear of thunder and lightning
Chiroptophobia – Fear of bats Claustrophobia – Fear of confined spaces
Cremnophobia – Fear of steep cliffs Cynophobia – Fear of dogs
Demonophobia – Fear of demons Doraphobia – Fear of animal fur or skins
Entomophobia – Fear of insects Eosophobia – Fear of dawn or day light
Equinophobia – Fear of horses Gamophobia – Fear of marriage
Gynophobia – Fear of women Hadephobia – Fear of hell
Harpaxophobia – Fear of being robbed Herpetophobia – Fear of reptiles
Hydrophobia – Fear of water Hylophobia – Fear of forests
Hypegiaphobia – Fear of responsibility Hypochondria – Fear of illness
Ichthyophobia – Fear of fish Kakorrhaphiophobia – Fear of failure
Katagelophobia – Fear of ridicule Ligyrophobia – Fear of loud noises
Lygophobia – Fear of darkness Mastigophobia – fear of punishment
Musophobia – Fear of mice Myrmecophobia – Fear of ants
Nosocomephobia – Fear of hospitals Octophobia – Fear of the number 8
Ophidiophobia – Fear of snakes Phasmophobia – Fear of ghosts
Pyrophobia – Fear of fire Ranidaphobia – Fear of frogs

Satanophobia – Fear of Satan Spheksophobia – Fear of wasps

Thalassophobia – Fear of the sea Triskaidekaphobia – Fear of the number 13
Wiccaphobia – Fear of witches and witchcraft Xenophobia – Fear of strangers or foreigners


Choose the right definition for the given term

1. ‘regicide’.
a) killing a group b) killing a minor
c) killing a member of political group d) killing a member of a royal family

2. dipsomania
a) a strong desire for alcoholic drinks b) a strong desire for pleasure
c) a strong desire for friendship d) a strong desire for playing with fire

3. xenophobia
a) fear of water b) fear of fire
c) fear of foreigners d) fear of numbers

4. introvert
a) one who loves friends b) one who is unwilling to express opinion
c) one who is ready to help strangers d) one who believes others

5. patricide
a) killing of friend b) killing of mother
c) killing of brother d) killing of father

6. optimist
a) one who has a positive outlook b) one who has a negative outlook
c) one who has power d) one who loves nature

7. agoraphobia
a) fear of height b) fear of animals
c) fear of open space d) fear of foreigners

8. bibliophile
a) lover of animals b) lover of birds
c) lover of friends d) lover of books
9. anglophobia
a) fear of English men b) fear of using English
c) fear of Anglo Indians d) fear of books
10. Gynocologist
a) a doctor who treats the diseases of woman b) a doctor who treats mental problems
c) a doctor who treats children d) a doctor who treats eye problem

1) d 2) a 3) c 4) b 5) d 6) a 7) c 8) d 9) b 10) a


Choose the right definition for the given term

1. Octophobia
a) fear of animals b) fear of snake c) fear of number 8 d) fear of number 13

2. Pyrophobia
a) fear of sea b) fear of fish c) fear of cloud d) fear of fire 
3. Hydrophobia
a) fear of water b) fear of sea c) fear of illness d) fear of loneliness

4. Lygophobia
a) fear of height b) fear of darkness c) fear of mice d) fear of sea 
5. Ophidiophobia
a) fear of insects b) fear of animals c) fear of snakes d) fear of open space

6. Hypochondria
a) fear of failures b) fear of forests c) fear of loud noise d) fear of illness
7. Herpetophobia
a) fear of reptiles b) fear of insects c) fear of hell d) fear of fall
8. Entomophobia
a) fear of mice b) fear of insects c) fear of reptiles d) fear of animals 
9. Cynophobia
a) fear of frogs b) dear of cockroach c) fear of heights d) fear of mice 
10. Basophobia
a) fear of depth b) fear of toads c) fear of falling d) fear of meat 
11. Glutton
a) one who eats too much b) one who hates food
c) one who loves book d) one who loves strangers
12. Etymology
a) study of books b) study of birds c) study of words d) study of insects
13. Misanthrope
a) one who hates women b) one who hates mankind
c) one who loves mankind d) one who loves animals
14. Philanthropist
a) one who changes his position often b) one who loves strangers
c) one who donates liberally d) one who hates donation

15. Polyglot
a) one who speaks English fluently b) one who loves mother tongue
c) one who lives on others’ money d) one who peaks many languages
16. Oligarchy
a) a government by a few b) a government by majority
c) a government by military d) a government by learned people
17. Pacifist
a) one who opposes use of force, war b) one who loves war
c) one who brings people together d) one who loves his country
18. Versatile
a) one who changes his party b) one who has long experience
c) one who possesses several talents d) one who loves his party
19. Spendthrift
a) one who hoards money b) one who spends extravagantly
c) one who sells things d) one who buys things
20. Turn coat
a) one who uses coats b) one who does not like coat
c) one who changes his party d) one who joins the party
21. Misogynist
a) hater of women b) hater of men c) hater of marriage d) hater of ceremonies

22. teetotaler
a) one who loves drinks b) one who drinks too much
c) one who loves food d) one who abstains from drink
23. Epicure
a) one who is fond of plenty of food b) one who is fond of good food
c) one who is fond of books d) one who is fond of birds
24. tyrant
a) a dictator b) a democrat c) a republican d) a friend
25. Mastigophobia
a) fear of strangers b) fear of fire c) fear of punishment d) fear of water


ØØ A special type of question is the tag that English speakers put at the end of many statements. The
tags in the following sentences are shown in red:
It’s a lovely day today, isn’t it?
You live in Frankfurt, don’t you?
Miho can’t speak German, can she?
You haven’t seen Miho, have you?
His parents are very old, aren’t they?
You will remember to call me, won’t you?
ØØ Tags are very common in spoken English, and have many functions. One of the common functions is
to start a conversation or help keep it going. The two basic rules about tag questions are:
If the statement is negative, the tag must be positive. If the statement is positive, the tag must be
- You don’t like me, do you?
- You won’t tell him my secret, will you?
- He doesn’t speak German, does he?
- You’re coming to my party, aren’t you?
- She’s really good at chess, isn’t she?
- You haven’t done your homework, have you?
ØØ The tense of the tag is determined by the tense of the auxiliary/modal verb of the statement that
precedes it. If the statement does not use an auxiliary/modal (i.e. it is in the present or past simple
tense), then the auxiliary do must be used.
- She comes from Korea, doesn’t she?
- You like heavy metal music, don’t you?
- He got top grade in the math test, didn’t he?

- I really messed up, didn’t I?

Some verbs / expressions have different question tags.
For example
• I am - I am attractive, aren’t I?
• Positive imperative - Stop daydreaming, will you / won’t you?
• Negative imperative - Don’t stop singing, will you?
• Let’s - Let’s go to the beach, shall we?
• Have got (possession) - He has got a car, hasn’t he?
• There is/are - There aren’t any spiders in the bedroom, are there?
• This/that is - This is Paul’s pen, isn’t it?
• Some one - Some one has taken my bag, haven’t they?

• Nobody - Nobody has replied, have they?

• Seldom - She seldom goes by bus, does she?


Add appropriate question tags to the following sentences.
1. I’m right _______?
a) amn’t I b) ain’t I c) are n’t I d) don’t I
2. Shut up _______?
a) will you b) do you c) can you d) did you
3. Don’t forget _______?
a) won’t you b) will you c) can you d) did you
4. Move a bit _______?
a) will be b) do we c) shall we d) can we
5. Let’s go for a walk _______?
a) will we b) do we c) shall we d) can we
6. You never say what you are doing _______?
a) don’t you b) do you c) did you d) didn’t you
7. There is little we can do about it _______?
a) isn’t there b) is there c) can’t we d) don’t we
8. Somebody wanted a pizza _______?
a) did they b) didn’t they c) do they d) don’t they
9. He has a daughter, _______?
a) hasn’t he b) does he c) didn’t he d) did he
10. There weren’t any issues _______?
a) were there b) are there c) weren’t there d) don’t there
11. Ravi wants to be an actor _______?
a) isn’t he b) didn’t he c) doesn’t he d) don’t he
12. Julia visited you yesterday _______?
a) didn’t she b) doesn’t Julia c) doesn’t she d) does she

1. aren’t I 2. will you 3. will you 4. will you 5. shall we
6. do you 7. is there 8. didn’t they 9. hasn’t he 10. were there
11. doesn’t he 12. didn’t she


Add suitable question tag to the following statement.

1. She’s from a small town in China, _______?
a) is she b) isn’t she c) does she d) doesn’t she
2. They aren’t on their way already, _______?
a) aren’t they b) are they c) do they d) don’t they
3. We’re late again, _______?
a) do we b) don’t we c) aren’t they d) aren’t we
4. I’m not the person with the tickets, _______?
a) amn’t I b) am I c) are I d) aren’t I
5. Julie isn’t an accountant, _______?
a) is she b) does she c) doesn’t she d) hasn’t she
6. The weather is really bad today, _______?
a) is it b) isn’t it c) does it d) doesn’t it
7. He’s very handsome, _______?
a) is he b) isn’t he c) isn’t it d) aren’t they
8. They aren’t in Mumbai at the moment, _______?
a) aren’t they b) are they c) will they d) won’t they
9. You aren’t from Brazil, _______?
a) are you b) do you c) will you d) did you
10. John’s a very good student, _______?
a) isn’t he b) does he c) doesn’t he d) did he
11. I like chocolate very much, ______?
a) do I b) don’t I c) does I d) did I
12. She doesn’t work in a hotel, _______?
a) has she b) does she c) did she d) doesn’t she
13. They need some new clothes, _______?
a) do they b) did they c) don’t they d) didn’t they
14. We live in a tiny flat, _______?
a) don’t we b) do we c) did we d) shall we
15. She studies very hard every night, _______?
a) doesn’t she b) will she c) can she d) did she
16. David and Julie don’t take French classes, _______
a) isn’t it b) don’t they c) do they d) aren’t they
17. I often come home late, ________
a) do I b) aren’t I c) don’t I d) am I
18. You don’t like spicy food, _______
a) don’t you b) do you c) will you d) did you

19. She doesn’t cook very often, _______

a) isn’t it b) isn’t she c) does she d) doesn’t she
20. We don’t watch much TV, _________
a) don’t we b) do we c) did we d)didn’t we



ØØ  phrasal verb is a verb that is made up of a main verb together with an adverb or a preposition, or both.
Typically, their meaning is not clear from the meanings of the individual words themselves.
For example:
She has always looked down on me.
For instance, in the example, the phrasal verb ‘to look down on someone’ doesn’t mean that you are
looking down from a higher place at someone who is below you, but it means that you think that you
are better than someone.

Phrasal Verb Meaning

back up provide support to someone
blow up explode
break down stop functioning (vehicle, machine)
break down get upset
break something down divide into smaller parts
break in force entry to a building
break into enter forcibly
break in interrupt
break up end a relationship
break up start laughing (informal)
break out escape
bring somebody up raise a child
bring something up start talking about a subject
call something off cancel
call on somebody visit somebody
catch up get to the same point as somebody else
check in arrive and register at a hotel or airport
check out leave a hotel
chip in help
come across something find unexpectedly
come apart separate
come forward volunteer for a task or to give evidence
count on somebody/something rely on
cut back on something consume less
cut something down make something fall to the ground / reduce
cut in interrupt

cut in pull in too closely in front of another vehicle

cut something off remove with something sharp
do away with discard something
do something up fasten, close
drop back move back in a position/group
drop in / by/ over come without an appointment
drop somebody/something off take somebody/something somewhere and leave them
drop out quit a class, school etc
fall apart break into pieces
figure something out understand, find the answer
find out discover
get something across/over communicate, make understandable
get along/on like each other
get around have mobility
get away go on vacation
get away with something do without being noticed or punished
get over something recover from an illness, loss, difficulty
give something away give something to somebody for free
give in reluctantly stop fighting or arguing
give something up quit a habit
give up stop trying
go after somebody follow somebody
go after something try to achieve something
go ahead start, proceed
go over something review
hand something down give something used to somebody else
hand something over give (usually unwillingly)
hang in stay positive (informal)
hang on wait a short time (informal)
hang out spend time relaxing (informal)
hang up end a phone call
hold somebody/something back prevent from doing/going
hold something back hide an emotion
hold on wait a short time
keep on doing something continue doing
log in (or on) sign in (to a website, database etc)
log out (or off) sign out (of a website, database etc)
look after somebody / something take care of
look down on somebody think less of, consider inferior

look for somebody / something try to find

look forward to something be excited about the future
look into something investigate
look out be careful, vigilant, and take notice
look out for somebody / something be especially vigilant for
look something up search and find information in a reference book or database
look up to somebody have a lot of respect for
make something up invent, lie about something
pass away die
Put somebody down insult, make somebody feel stupid
put something off postpone
put something out extinguish
put up with somebody/something tolerate
put something on put clothing / accessories on your body
run into somebody/something meet unexpectedly
run out have none left
send something back return (usually by mail)
set something up arrange, organize
show off act extra special for people watching (usually boastfully)
take after somebody resemble a family member
take off start to fly
turn something down refuse
turn something off stop the energy flow, switch off
turn something on start the energy, switch on
turn up appear suddenly
try something on sample clothing
wake up stop sleeping
Wear off fade away
work out be successful


Replace the underlined word with a phrasal verb.

1. Most of the paint faded away before the main party.

a) wore off b) wore up c) wore in d) wore on
2. Our dog appeared suddenly when we were searching everywhere for it.
a) turned in b) turned of c) turned up d) turned off
3. I refused the offer because I don’t want to move out of this place.
a) turned up b) turned down c) turned in d) turned for

4. We used out petrol on the way.

a) used for b) ran for c) ran up d) ran out
5. I don’t think I can tolerate three small children in the car.
a) wake up b) work out c) put up with d) wish for
6. The racing car exploded after it crashed into the fence.
a) raised up b) blew up c) crashed down d) looked down
7. Andrea moved back to third place when she missed the dance competition.
a) called back b) got back c) dropped back d) pulled back
8. I was surprised how well my friends liked each other even after a fight.
a) got along b) called on c) caught up d) cut in
9. I am quitting non-vegetarian food from tomorrow.
a) giving in b) giving up c) giving on d) giving on
10. I gave my old comic books to my little cousin.
a) handed in b) gave up c) handed down d) gave in
11. Mary hid her tears at his grandfather’s funeral.
a) held back b) cut back c) gave back d) hang up
12. The management will investigate the theft seriously.
a) look into b) look after c) look up d) look out

1. a 2. c 3. b 4. d 5. c 6. b 7. c 8. a 9. b 10. c 11. a 12. a


Replace the underlined word with a phrasal verb.

1. We postpone our trip until January because of the hurricane.

a) put off b) put in c) put up d) put out
2. Ever since Sunder stole that chocolate bar the shop keeper has considered him inferior.
a) looked at b) looked down on c) looked on d) looked in for
3. Please wait for sometime while I transfer you to the Sales Department.
a) hold for b) hold in c) hold on d) hold off
4. My father asked me to give my purse.
a) give over b) hand in c) hand of d) hand over
5. Please proceed and complete the assignment in time.
a) take off b) move in c) go ahead d) change over
6. My friend didn’t want to go to the movie but he finally accepted.
a) gave up b) gave off c) gave off d) gave in
7. I need to understand how to fit the piano and the bookshelf in this room.
a) draw out b) figure out c) go through d) inform in
8. I might come without information for tea sometime this week.
a) drop in b) come out c) drop off d) think of

9. It’s time to discard all of these old records.

a) clear off b) do away with c) accept in d) change over
10. My friend interrupted while I was dancing in my room.
a) join in b)laughed at c) cut off d) cut in
11. In the development of technology we have to reach the same standard with other developed
a) catch up b) reach in c) accept with d) catch with
12. We visited you last night but you weren’t home.
a) called in b) called on c) called over d) thought about
13. She removed her article from the magazine.
a) cut out b) cut in c) cut up d) took in
14. Continue stirring until the liquid comes to a boil.
a) keep up b) keep on c) keep in d) keep at
15. I’m trying to get a red dress for Deepawali.
a) looking at b) looking in c) looking for d) asking for
16. Gita created a story about why we were late.
a) made for b) looked at c) took on d) made up
17. My mother walks out of the room when my father started talking about sports.
a) requested in b) figure out c) dropped in d) brought up
18. I met an old school-friend unexpectedly at the shopping mall.
a) ran into b) ran to c) ran on d) ran at
19. I resemble my mother.
a) look after b) run after c) take after d) come after
20. Mom wants you to switch the TV off and come for dinner.
a) put off b) turn off c) make of d) gave off




ØØ Suffixes are added to the end of an existing word. For example:

For example: Select + ion – Selection
Word Suffix New word Word Suffix New word
child ish childish clinic al clinical
work er worker orphan age orphanage
taste less tasteless monarch y monarchy
idol ise idolise aristo cracy aristocracy
like able likeable prefer ence preference
eat able eatable accept ance acceptance
fortune ate fortunate bore dom boredom
novel lette novelette color ful colorful
boy hood boyhood finance ial financial
poet ic poetic calculate ion calculation
familiar ity familiarity Hindu ism Hinduism
act ive active aim less aimless
book ish bookish clear ly clearly
arrange ment arrangement aware ness awareness
danger ous dangerous friend ship friendship
cruel ty cruelty clock wise clockewise

Some of the suffixes and the connected words

1. - al clinical logical magical practical
2. -able buyable eatable honourable measurable
3. -age anchorage milage orphanage storage
4. -ance acceptance allowance importance relevance
5. -archy hierarchy matriarchy monarchy patriarchy
6. -ate formulate fortunate passionate regulate
7. -cracy aristocracy autocracy bureaucracy democracy
8. -dom boredom freedom kingdom stardom
9. -ence conference preference reference reverence
10. -ette cigarette diskette kitchenette novelette
11. -ful beautiful colourful helpful wonderful
12. -hood adulthood boyhood childhood livelihood

13. -ial facial financial partial racial

14. -ic patriotic poetic optimistic classic
15. -ile percentile docile ductile volatile
16. -ion calculation conclusion diversion expression
17. -ise criticise familiarise globalise popularise
18. -ish bookish childish foolish selfish
19. -ism Hinduism pessimism optimism terrorism
20. -ity ability durability enmity visibility
21. -ive active collective passive selective
22. -less aimless baseless motionless powerless
23. -let booklet eaglet leaflet rivulet
24. -ling birdling duckling hireling princeling
25. -ly clearly happily immediately slowly
26. -ment arrangement development employment management


Form a new word by adding s suitable suffix to the root word
1. ‘clinic’.
a) al b) ful c) less d) dom
2. eat
a) al b) ful c) able d) dom
3. orphan
a) al b) ful c) less d) age
4. accept
a) al b) ful c) ance d) dom
5. monarch
a) ity b) able c) y d) age
6. fortune
a) ate b) ive c) ion d) ness
7. aristo
a) ty b) cracy c) less d) wise
8. bore
a) al b) ful c) ness d) dom
9. prefer
a) ive b) less c) ence d) ion
10. novel
a) al b) ette c) less d) ence

1. a 2. c 3. d 4. c 5. c 6. a 7. b 8. d 9. c 10. b


Form a new word by adding s suitable suffix to the root word
1. child
a) __ic b) __ity c) __ish d) __by
2. boy
a) __ic b) __ness c) ___less d) __hood 
3. finance
a) __ial b) __ful c) __ity d) __ate
4. poet
a) __al b) __ic c) __less d) __dom
5. calculate
a) __ial b) __ness c) __ion d) __wise
6. familiar
a) __ly b) __ful c) __ic d) __iy
7. kind
a) __ic b) __ity c) _less d) __ness
8. Hindu
a) al b) __ism c) __ness d) __ity
9. able
a) __ity b) __ful c) __ion d) __dom
10. act
a) __al b) __ic c) __ive d) __age
11. aim
a) __ness b) __ity c) __dom d)__less
12. book
a) __al b) __ish c) __less d) __ate
13. clear
a) __ism b) __ful c) __ly d)__dom
14. arrange
a) __ic b) __ate c) __less d) __ment
15. aware
a) __al b) __ful c) __ness d) __ence
16. danger
a) __ity b) ___ous c) ___less d) __dom

17. craftsman
a) __al b) __ness c) ___ship d) __ate
18. product
a) __ty b) __ful c) __ic d) __ion
19. cruel
a) __al b) ___ity c) __ty d) __dom
20. clock
a) __wise b)__ful c) __less d)__dom
21. catch
a) __y b) __ion c) ___ness d) __ence
22. color
a) __ic b) __ful c) __ness d) __dom


ØØ -ist. a suffix of nouns, often corresponding to verbs ending in -ize or nouns ending in -ism, that denote
a person who practices or is concerned with something, or holds certain principles, doctrines, etc.:
apologist; dramatist; machinist; novelist; realist; socialist
optimist – one who has a positive outlook
pessimist – one who has a negative outlook
novelist – one who writes novels
activist – one who does practical things to achieve political and social change
feminist – one who supports women to have the rights as men
populist – one who represents ordinary people
vocalist – one who sings popular songs
lyricist – one who writes the words for songs
linguist – one who is good at many languages
annalist – one who understands things deeply to advice others
specialist – one who knows a lot about a particular subject
journalist – one who writes reports for newspaper, magazines, TVs and radio
pharmacist – one who prepares medicine in shops and hospitals
antagonist – one who actively opposes someone or some thing
cartoonist – one who prepares cartoons for newspaper and magazines
economist – o
 ne who studies the way in which money and goods are produced and used
and the systems of business and trade
etymologist – one who studies the origins, history and changing meanings of words
anesthetist – a doctor who gives anesthesia before surgery
psychologist – one who is trained in psychology
embryologist – one who studies embryo scientifically
physiologist – o
 ne who is an expert in dealing with the normal functioning of living organism
and their parts
cardiologist – a doctor who treats heart diseases
industrialist – one who runs an industry
laparoscopist – one who treats a patient with laparoscopy
anthropologist – one who studies people and societies scientifically
archaeologist – o
 ne who studies the ancient societies by examining what remains in the
building, graves and tools
astrologer – o
 ne who studies the movements of stars and how they might influence the
people and events
biologist – one who studies the living things scientifically

neurologist – one who treats diseases connected with nervous system

ornithologist – one who studies birds
pathologist – one who studies the causes and effects of illness
sociologist – one who studies the societies and behaviour of people in groups
geologist – one who studies the rocks, soil etc., which make up the earth
gynecologist – one who treats women usually ability to have babies
herpetologist – one who specialises in the study of reptiles and amphibians
misogynist – one who strongly dislikes women
philanthropist – one who helps others by generous donation of money
dermatologist – one who treats the skin diseases
ophthalmologist – one who treats the diseases connected with eye
radiologist – a doctor who uses radiation to treat people


1. One who has a positive outlook is called a ___________ .

a) pessimist b) optimist c) philanthropist d) misogynist
2. One who represents ordinary people is called a ______________
a) populist b) linguist c) analyst d) novelist
3. One who knows a lot about a particular subject is called a __________
a) novelist b) lyricist c) analyst d) specialist
4. One who studies the origins, history and changing meanings ofwords is called ________
a) anesthetist b) economist c) etymologist d) misogynist
5. One who is an expert in dealing with the normal functioning of living organism is called ____
a) physiologist b) cardiologist c) embryologist d) sociologist
6. One who understands things deeply to advice others is called ____________
a) optimist b) analyst c) populist d) specialist
7. One who writes reports for newspaper, magazines, TVs and radio is called ________
a) lyricist b) novelist c) populist d) journalist
8. One who donates liberally to help poor people is called ___________
a) etymologist b) populist c) philanthropist d) analyst
9. One who strongly dislikes women is called __________
a) pacifist b) misogynist c) populist d) activist
10. One who studies the rocks, soil etc., which make up the earth is called ________
a) geologist b) historian c) novelist d) feminist

1) b 2) a 3) d 4) c 5) a 6) b 7) d 8) c 9) b 10) a


1. One who treats the diseases connected with eye is called ___________
a) ophthalmologist b) dermatologist c) cardiologist d) pathologist 
2. One who studies people and societies scientifically is called __________
a) geologist b) misogynist c) anthropologist d) populist
3. One who studies the movements of stars and how they influence the people is called ______

a) archaeologist b) astrologer c) anthropologist d) geologist 

4. One who treats the skin diseases is called __________
a) cardiologist b) ophthalmologist c) pathologist d) dermatologist
5. One who has negative outlook is called __________
a) pessimist b) optimist c) populist d) lyricist
6. One who does practical things to achieve political and social change is called ________
a) naturalist b) activist c) novelist d) populist 
7. One who writes the words for songs is called ____________
a) linguist b) novelist c) lyricist d) activist 
8. One who writes reports for newspaper, magazines, TVs and radio is called _______
a) novelist b) lyrist c) linguist d) journalist 
9. One who is good at many languages is called _____________
a) linguist b) lyricist c) activist d) polyglot 
10. One who prepares medicine in shops and hospitals is called __________
a) antagonist b) pharmacist c) anesthetist d) laparoscopist
11. One who actively opposes someone or something is called ___________
a) antagonist b) economist c) vocalist d) populist 
12. One who gives drugs to create insensitivity to pain before surgery is called______
a) dermatologist b) pathologist c) activist d) anesthetist 
13. One who studies the human mind and behaviour is called ___________
a) physiologist b) pathologist c) psychologist d) pessimist
14. A doctor who treats heart disease is called ____________
a) dermatologist b) cardiologist c) pharmacist c) radiologist 
15. One who studies the ancient societies by examining what remains in the building, graves and
tools is called _________
a) archaeologist b) antagonist c) anesthetist d) activist 

16. One who studies the living things scientifically is called _________
a) naturalist b) antagonist c) populist d) biologist
17. One who studies the way in which money and goods are produced and used and the systems
of business and trade is called __________
a) naturalist b) economist c) antagonist d) sociologist 
18. One who studies birds is called _____________
a) cardiologist b) pharmacist c) biologist d) ornithologist
19. One who treats women usually relating to their ability to have babies is called _______
a) gynecologist b) cardiologist c) ornithologist d) antagonist
20. One who specialises in the study of reptiles and amphibians is called _________
a) biologist b) naturalist c) herpetologist d) ornithologist 

ØØ A preposition is a word used to link nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words within a sentence.
They act to connect the people, objects, time and locations of sentence. Prepositions are usually short
words, and they are normally placed directly in front of nouns.
ØØ A preposition is followed by a noun. It is never followed by a verb


Showing Time How its used Examples

exact time at 3 pm
meal time at dinner
parts of the day at sun-down
age at the age 21/ at 21
a limit in time by sun rise
in the sense of at the latest by the due date
seasons in the winter
months in June
years in 2019
durations in the same year, in two hours
after a certain period of time / days of the week / on Wednesday
On parts of the day where the day is named / on Friday night
dates on June 4th
Ago a certain time in the past 2 years ago
After a point of time that follows another point of time after the game
Before a point of time that precedes another point of time before 2019
something that happened / will happen in a specific during the night
period of time
For over a certain period in the past period of time for 2 years
Past telling the time ten past six (6.10)
Since from a certain period of time since 2019
something that happened / will happen throughout the year
continuously in a specific period of time
telling time ten to six (5.50)
from an earlier time to a later time 1 pm to 3 pm
upto a certain point in time until the end
how long something is going to last until sunrise
Up(to) from an earlier point to a later point up(to) now

Showing Place How its used Examples

an object’s settled / position or position after it has at the airport /at the ceremony
moved / meeting place or location / at home, at dinner
point of direction / a target turning at the intersection
shooting the arrow at the son
close to by the school
alongside of by the window
in an endosed space in an envolope
In in a geographic location in Sugar Mill Colony
in a print medium in a book
for a certain side on the left
for a river / lake lies on the Gedilam
On for a floor in a house on the floor
for public transport on a bus
for television, radio on TV; on air
around or outside of about town
About at but not exactly on about five feet tall
related to about my father’s business
suspended higher than something else above the door
superior to above me in rank
pursuit chasing after the robbers
a point further from an earlier point the corner after the big house
leaning on against the door
opposite to or facing against the wall
tracing the length of along the hallway
without emphasis on the ends along the river
in the company of (three or more) among friends
Among in a crowd among the masses
the end of a long list among other things
location of something drive around the block
explaining a period of time around 3 O’clock
Before in the front in terms of space before the principal
Behind at the backside of a point in space behind the car
something lower than or below the stairs
underneath something else
From in the sense of where from a flower from the garden
movement / enter a room jump into a well / go into the
leaving the surface get off the train
leaving from an enclosed area get out of the taxi
covered by something else more than put a jacket over your shirt
getting to otherside over 17 years of age
overcoming an obstacle walk over the bridge
climb over the wall
Through something with limits on top, bottom and the sides drive through the tunnel
movement in the direction of some thing go five steps towards the
(but not directly to it) house

Some of the important preposition with examples

about What do you think about Mary?

Let’s talk about something different.
above We are flying above the clouds
Who came above you in the test results?
across The dog ran across the road.
There is a river across the river.
after We had lunch after the meeting.
against He voted against the ruling party
He left the cycle against the wall.
among Is there a doctor among you?
around We walked around the town for an hour.
They all sat around the camp fire.
Let’s meet around 7 pm.
at He is at school.
He came home at Christmas.
We first met at a party.
Let’s start a meeting at 9 am.
He started work at 17 (years of age)
behind The police station is behind my house.
He finished behind Raja in the race.
I am behind your project. I will support you.
below Much of Holland is below sea-level.
There is a family in the flat below us.
You can buy it if it’s below 50 rupees.
beside The river runs beside our house.
James was sitting beside Miriam.
besides What shall we have besides coffee?
between The two sisters have decided to divide the property between
beyond The cattle were grazing beyond the river.
We stopped the car beyond a wayside hotel.
by I was attacked by a dog
Some customers prefer to pay by installment.
All supplies are transported by air.
She earns her living by selling vegetables.
during He worked as a lifeguard during summer.
His father was killed during the war.
for I have got a present for you.
I looked after the children for them.
What did you do that for?

from How do you get away from here?

We live about five miles from Chennai.
I will be working in the evening from now.
Many people work from morning to night without any break.
We should translate it from English into Tamil.
in My mother was in the kitchen.
The room was furnished in the modern style.
He was born in 1951.
This is the hardest decision I made in my life
into Come into the office.
At the age of 16 I went into the printing business.
She fell into a deep sleep.
John and I talked into night.
like The garden looked like a forest.
He is very like his brother.
What’s their house like inside?
Try to avoid fatty foods like cake and biscuits.
of The garden is at the back of the house.
Fruit salad is a favourite of mine.
We enjoy the beauty of the scenery.
Some of the students went to the ground.
He completed his best drawing at the age of 52.
on Leave your things on the table.
He threw himself on the bed.
She was on her feet in no time.
I wanted to punch him on the nose.
There is a diagram on the page 15.
A picture is hung on the wall.
He reached here on Monday.
She was born on 22nd June.
onto The cat jumped onto the table.
The dining room looks onto a pretty garden.
I will get onto it right away.
over A lamp was hung over the table.
A thin white sheet lay over the table.
There is a bridge over the river.
The dog jumped over the fence.
The Japanese are producing over 100 million tons of steel.
It has been a great advantage over his rivals.
I don’t want to talk about this over the phone.
She shouted over the noise of the engine.

since We have been waiting here since 2o’clock.

We have been friends ever since we were at school together
to We walked to the windows when we heard the noise.
She whispered something to the girl beside her.
There was a table left to the doorway.
Wait until the lights change to green.
under Jothy has hidden the box under the table.
Write your name under the picture.
He was wearing a jacket under his coat.
The toy is not good for children under five.
The possibility of employing more staff is under discussion.
upon We depend upon your help to continue our studies.
with I saw Raj with his friends
Put this bag with the others.
She keeps her grandmother with her.
I saw a tall gentleman with a beard.
We need someone with new ideas.
He hit the snake with a stick.


Fill in the blank with the suitable preposition.

1. It is 8 o’clock __________ my watch.
a) in b) on c) at d) up
2. He goes __________ Sunday to church.
a) in b) with c) for d) on
3. Gita’s birthday falls __________ July.
a) in b) on c) at d) for
4. The doctor will visit him __________ the afternoon.
a) at b) on c) in d) up
5. We have several celebrations __________ New Year’s day.
a) on b) in c) at d) up
6. She usually comes home __________ Christmas.
a) in b) up c) with d) at
7. She is pleased __________ me.
a) for b) with c) against d) on
8. Our house is located __________ the temple.
a) for b) with c) beyond d) against
9. The cat jumped __________ the wall.
a) with b) over c) in d) for

10. They are standing __________ a tree.

a) under b) in c) with d) for
11. Rani is sitting __________ Nancy and Mumtaj.
a) among b) on c) at d) between
12. He is writing __________ the blackboard.
a) in b) at c) on d) for
13. The fees should be paid on or __________ July 30.
a) beyond b) before c) with d) against
14. She is suffering __________ dengue.
a) from b) for c) with d) till
15. The snake was killed __________ a stick
a) by b) at c) on d) with

1. on 2. on 3. in 4. in 5. on
6. at 7. with 8. beyond 9. over 10. under
11. between 12. on 13. before 14. from 15. with


Fill in the blank with the suitable preposition.

1. As he is busy now, he will meet you __________ 5 pm.
a) at b) on c) in d) up
2. The new officer will take charge __________ Monday.
a) at b) in c) on d) of
3. All are equal __________ law.
a) for b) of c) at d) before
4. The task will be completed __________ a week.
a) at b) within c) without d) with
5. __________ our next trip to Delhi, we stall visit the Taj Mahal.
a) at b) during c) for d) with
6. Some students went out of the hostel __________ the knowledge of the warden.
a) without b) within c) in d) into
7. You must respond __________ the call at once.
a) for b) in c) to d) at
8. We are waiting __________ the result.
a) at b) upon c) for d) in
9. It has been raining __________ this morning.
a) for b) in c) on d) since

10. The children dived __________ the swimming pool.

a) over b) into c) on d) to
12. This year, my birthday falls __________ Sunday.
a) at b) in c) for d) on
13. We are very excited __________ our trip to Mumbai next week.
a) about b) beyond c) with d) for
14. I am very fond of drinking green tea __________ the morning.
a) on b) at c) in d) for
15. Almost all politicians were involved __________ the scandal.
a) with b) in c) at d) of
16. Now she is recovering __________ her injuries.
a) with b) before c) at d) from
17. My cousin is married __________ a famous doctor.
a) to b) in c) on d) at
18. I am responsible for giving training __________ the new recruits.
a) for b) in c) to d) with
19. Many people took advantage __________ the low prices offered by the new shop.
a) at b) of c) to d) from
20. I was not quite satisfied __________ the exam results.
a) at b) of c) for d) with



Some words are formed by clipping a part of a larger word while retaining the meaning of the original
word. If the front portion of the word is clipped away it is called front clipping. If the end part of the word
is clipped away it is called back clipping. If it is done to both the ends it is called front and back clipping.
ØØ Front clipping - e.g. (fountain) pen
ØØ Back clipping - e.g. disco (theque)
ØØ Front and back clipping - e.g. (in) flu (enza)
List of English Clipped Words
advertisement ad alchemist chemist
alligator gator automobile auto
bicycle cycle cabriolet cab
cellphone cell chrysanthemum mum
cleric clerk coeducational student coed
delicatessen deli dormitory dorm
enthusiasm enthu examination exam
fanatic fan fundamental funda
gasoline gas gymnasium gym
hamburger burger influenza flu
laboratory lab limousine limo
luncheon lunch mathematics math
memorandum memo moving picture movie
non-vegetarian non-veg pantaloons pants
perambulator pram photograph photo
pianoforte piano promenade prom
public house pub raccoon coon
referee ref refrigerator fridge
representative rep signature sign
situational comedy sitcom submarine sub
telephone phone typographical error typo
university varsity vegetarian veg
zoological garden zoo suitcases cases


Choose the clipped form of the word
1. typographical error
- a) typo b) error c) graphic d) hical

2. influenza
a) influ b) flu c) flueu d) influen
3. aeroplane
a) aero b) plain c) plan d) plane
4. pop music
a) pop b) music c) muse d) popm
5. Veterinary surgeon
a) surgeon b) vety c) surge d) vet
6. Polio-myelitis
a) polio b) myelites c) mytis d) pomy
7. demonstration
a) state b) demon c) den d) demo
8. perambulator
a) ambula b) ambu c) pram d) lator
9. helicopter
a) copter b) heli c) cop d) helicon
10. gymnasium
a) gum b) gym c) sium d) nasium
11. hand kerchief
a) hand b) kerf c) kerchief d) kerp
12. refrigerator
a) fridge b) refri c) gerator d) refree
13. discotheque
a) disque b) disco c) coth d) discoque
14. kilogram
a) kilo b) gram c) kg d) km
15. signature
a) nature b) nate c) signee d) sign

1. a 2. b 3. d 4. a 5. d 6. a 7. d 8. c 9. a 10. b
11. c 12. a 13. b 14. a 15. d


Choose the clipped form of the word
1. hamburger
a) hamb b) hambur c) burger d) ham
2. taxicab
a) cab b) taxica c) cabtaxi d) taxi

3. demarcate
a) marcate b) marc c) demar d) mark
4. caravan
a) van b) car c) caran d) ravan
5. bridegroom
a) bride b) groom c) brid d) room
6. microphone
a) phone b) micro c) mikephone d) mike
7. television
a) vision b) tele c) teles d) telly
8. vivavoce
a) viva b) voce c) vice d) voice
9. diskette
a) kette b) disket c) disc d) isket
10. discotheque
a) discothe b) disco c) cotheque d) discoth
11. laboratory
a) labo b) latory c) lab d) labto
12. signature
a) sign b) signa c) sig d) singnat
13. suitcases
a) suit b) suits c) cases d) suites
14. fountain pen
a) fountain b) fount c) tain d) pen
15. gasoline
a) gas b) line c) gaso d) soline
16. advertisement
a) adver b) advertise c) adv d) ad
17. photograph
a) phot b) graph c) photog d) photo
18. spectacles
a) spect b) specs c) specta d) spectac
19. dormitory
a) dormi b) domit c) mot d) dorm
20. fanatic
a) fana b) fan c) natic d) fanat




Euphemistic Expressions (Polite alternatives)

ØØ The term euphemism refers to polite, indirect expressions that replace words and phrases considered
harsh and impolite, or which suggest something unpleasant.
ØØ Euphemism is an idiomatic expression, which loses its literal meanings and refers to something else,
in order to hide its unpleasantness.
Euphemistic Euphemistic
S.No. Polite Alternatives S.No. Polite Alternatives
Expressions Expressions
1. Passed away died 2. Expired died
3. Ethnic cleansing genocide 4. Collateral accidental deaths
5. Put to sleep euthanize 6. Pregnancy abortion
7. Letting firing someone 8. On the streets homeless, jobless
someone go
9. Correctional jail 10. Between jobs unemployed
11. Relocation/ prison camp 12. Economical cheap
13. Negative cash broke 14. Taking an early got fired
flow retirement
15. Urban homeless 16. Embarking on a jobless
outdoorsman journey of self-
17. Powder your go to the toilet 18. Blow chunks vomit
19. Over the hill really old 20. Big boned fat or overweight
and picking up
21. Portly heavy or overweight 22. Vertically short
23. Moon landing bald 24. Differently abled handicapped or
25. One sandwich not smart 26. Not the sharpest not smart
short of a picnic pencil in the box
27. Chronologically late 28. Economical with liar
challenged the truth
29. Rest room lavatory 30. Visually blind
31. Hearing deaf 32. in the low income poor
impaired level

33. Late bloomers slow-learners 34. Corporal beating with a cane

35. Full fledged Fat 36. Beautician, hair barber
37. Fuel director petrol bunk boy 38. in the family way pregnant
39. User fees taxes 40. Mortician undertaker


Substitute the underlined word with the appropriate polite alternative.

1. My sister is a housewife.
a) House mate b) home mate c) home maker d) home companion
2. Most of my friends are on the streets after graduation.
a) employed b) active c) rich d) jobless
3. Special classes are conducted for the slow learners.
a) Bright students b) dull students c) late – bloomers d) brilliant students
4. He is always late to the school.
a) visually challenged b) mentally challenged c) differently abled d) chronologically challenged
5. I went to the lavatory during intermission.
a) lab b) restroom c) toilet d) library
6. I couldn’t have my hair cut because the barber was not available.
a) hair dresser b) nutrition c) dress maker d) stylist
7. My sister, who got married last year, is pregnant now.
a) in the subway b) in the mid way c) in the family way d) in the gate way
8. The student is not so smart as others in the class.
a) not the greatest performer b) not the sharpest pencil
c) not the suitable guy d) not the wittiest person
9. The singer is blind.
a) physically challenged b) visually challenged c) hearing impaired d) economically challenged
10. While travelling he vomited.
a) blow chunks b) through checks c) mortician d) directed

1. c 2. d 3. c 4. d 5. b 6. a 7. c 8. d 9. b 10. a


Substitute the underlined word with the appropriate polite alternative.
1. The new girl is fat.
a) Plumb b) blonde c) full-figured d) beautiful
2. The poor boy is taken care of by his neighbours.
a) in the low income level b) in the low finance level
c) in the low money matters d) below poverty line
3. The leader died after a brief period of illness.
a) passed by b) passed off c) passed around d) passed away
4. Beating the students with a cane is prohibited in schools.
a) corporeal punishment b) corporal punishment
c) corrective punishment d) collective punishment
5. This is a school for the students who are deaf.
a) hearing impaired b) hearing problems
c) audible problem d) visually challenged
6. Welfare schemes are implemented with taxes from the public.
a) user fees b) revenue c) public money d) indirect wealth
7. These articles are cheap.
a) economic b) economical c) dear d) inexpensive
8. The undertaker notes down the date of burial.
a) surgeon b) doctor c) nurse d) mortician
9. The world was shocked at the genocide in Germany during World War II.
a) ethnic cleansing b) mass homicide c) mass murder d) massive killing
10. The server welcomes the customers smilingly.
a) barber b) owner c) servant d) bearer
11. He is short so he has some complex.
a) vertically challenged b) height challenged
c) tall challenged d) physically challenged
12. I want to powder my nose.

a) go to cosmetic room b) go to dressing room

c) go to restroom d) go to jewellery shop
13. The DSP will inspect the jail,

a) prison b) correctional facility c) punishment camp d) concentration camp.

14. Politicians are economical with the truth especially when making election promises.

a) follow truth b) liars c) big talkers d) honest


15. I’m actually in-between jobs at the moment. I’m sure I’ll find one soon.

a) unemployed b) homeless c) restroom d) job challenged



ØØ  hrasal verbs, also called multi-word verbs are idiomatic expressions, combining verbs and prepositions
to make new verbs whose meaning is often not obvious from the dictionary definitions of the individual
words. They are widely used in both written and spoken English, and new ones are formed all the time
as they are a flexible way of creating new terms.
For example:
She has always looked down on me.


Replace the underlined in the sentence below with a suitable phrasal verb.

1. The doctor advised him to give up smoking.

a) consider b) look c) stop d) call
2. The match was called off due to heavy rain last week.
a) cancelled b) started c) going on d) called by someone
3. She cut out his article from the magazine.
a) broke b) signed c) removed d) took
4. You must see to the problem at once.
a) keep b) pick c) pull d) attend
5. We must keep up our good habits.
a) create b) spread c) maintain d) appreciate
6. I look after my parents very well.
a) see b) call c) visit d) take care of
7. The criminal muffled up his face with a black cloth.
a) showed b) lighted c) covered d) came to
8. He came across his former professor in the market.
a) talked b) met c) avoided d) dashed against
9. They got to the top floor by lift.
a) came b) asked c) reached d) wanted
10. The new collector will take over next Thursday.
a) report b) take charge c) ask d) call

1. c 2. a 3. c 4. d 5. c 6. d 7. c 8. b 9. c 10. b


Replace the underlined word with a phrasal verb.

1. You must keep off bad company.

a) avoid b) see c) pull d) stand 
2. My friends stood up me during the crisis.
a) swept b) called c) supported d) picked
3. You must go on with your noble work.
a) continue b) take c) follow d) ask
4. I will call upon you to help me.
a) call b) invite c) follow d) talk
5. Jobs are not easy to come by these days.
a) tread b) set c) acquire d) reach
6. They put off the function next week.
a) removed b) asked c) took d) postponed
7. The CID looked into the bank robbery.
a) kept b) picked c) saw d) investigated
8. We should account for our deeds.
a) give reason b) calculate c) count d) keep
9. Potato does not agree with my health.
a) enquire b) suit c) climb d) ask
10. The alliance party backed out from the ruling party.
a) accepted b) followed c) withdrew d) looked at
11. The workers back up the new proposal
a) called b) support c) requested d) fought
12. I can no longer bear with his cheating.
a) tolerate b) accept c) make d) listen
13. She blew out the candles after the function.
a) threw b) found c) lit d) extinguished
14. The terrorists blew up the bridge.
a) constructed b) destroyed c) erected d) saw
15. The old machine broke down.
a) broke into piece b) started c)stopped functioning d) sold out
16. The protesters broke in.
a) called b) stopped
c) requested d) entered the building by force
17. The delegates of Pakistan and Indian broke up their negotiations.
a) legalised b) continued c) started d) discontinued
18. A war broke out between Mughals and Indian Rajas.
a) damaged b) afraid c) started suddenly d) negotiated

19. The company calls for a change in the attitude of the workers.
a) demands b) writes c) tries d) talks
20. Our uncle called on us yesterday.
a) showed b) invited c) demanded d) visited

• A relative pronoun is a pronoun that refers to a noun going before it and also joins two clauses together.
• The chief relative pronouns are – who, what, which , whom, whose , that
She is the girl who got the first prize.
This is what I want.
This is the boy whose mother is the principal of the school.
This is the singer whom everyone praises.
I saw a book, which was written by my friend in a bookshop.
The hunter saw a huge bird that was multi colored.
Generally ‘who’ is used for persons only - both for singular and plural.
I saw a man who was blind.
Blessed are those who seek God.
The soldiers who belonged to Light Brigade fought bravely.
‘Who’ may be used for animals.
‘Which’ is used for things and animals – both for singular and plural.
The time, which is lost, is lost forever.
The lion, which is known as the king of the forest, is a ferocious animal.
The table, which I bought from you, is very useful to me.
‘That’ is used for persons and things – both for singular and plural.
This is the girl that got first rank in her class.
I know the house that she lives in.
I lost the pen that my father gave me.
The plants that are tall should be pruned.
‘That’ is used after adjectives in the superlative degree.
It is the most interesting book that I ever read.
The most beautiful lady that ever lived was Helen of Troy.
This is the best that I can do.
The word ‘as’ is used as a relative pronoun after such and sometimes after the same. ‘As’ is also
used as relative pronoun after as followed by an adjective.
The poor beggar spent money such as rich men have.
We never enjoyed such a party as the present one.
This book is the same as that.
He ate as much as possible.
He bowled as many balls as possible.

(The first is an adverb)

Position of relative pronoun
The relative pronoun must be placed near its noun or pronoun. Otherwise there may be some confusion in
the meaning of the sentence.
My friend came who is working in Chennai. (Incorrect)
My friend who is working in Chennai came. (Correct)
She lived in a house near the bank of the river, which was made of stones. (Incorrect)
She lived in a house, which was made of stones near the bank of the river. (Correct)
The person who phoned me last night is my teacher.
The person that phoned me last night is my teacher
The car which hit me was yellow.
The car that hit me was yellow.
The person whom I phoned last night is my teacher.
The student whose phone just rang should stand up.
Students whose parents are wealthy pay extra.

The police are looking for the car whose driver was masked.
The police are looking for the car of which the driver was masked


1. The game _______ I loved is basketball.
a) who b) whose c) whom d) that
2. The player _______ I knocked down is from Delhi.
a) whom b) who c) which d) whose
3. The victory, _______ was my first, surprised everyone.
a) who b) that c) whose d) whom
4. The watch _______ I lost was a gift from my uncle.
a) whom b) which c) who d) whose
5. This is the boy _________won the race.
a) who b) whose c) whom d) which
6. Show me the book ______ you bought yesterday.
a) who b) whose c) that d) whom
7. Is there any one ______ can help me do this home work.
a) whose b) where c) which d) who

8. That is the house _______ I was born.

a) whose b) where c) which d) that
9. The wrong deeds _______we do are more often remembered than our good ones.
a) where b) which c) when d) who
10. My friend ___________ father works in Agra has made clay model of the Taj.
a) whose b) where c) that d) who

1. d 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. a 6. c 7. d 8. b 9. b 10. a


Fill in the blank with suitable relative pronoun.

1. Most of the friends ________ she invited came to the party.

a) who b) whose c) whom d) which
2. Kumarasamy ________ house I live in owns most of the mills in this town.
a) where b) what c) that d) whose
3. Shakespeare ________ lived in the 16th century is considered to be the greatest dramatist.
a) that b) who c) which d) where
4. The place ________ I work is close to a long river.
a) what b) where c) whom d) which
5. Siva, ________ father is a rich man, donated liberally for the cause.
a) where b) whom c) whose d) which
6. Most of the friends ________ she had invited came for the party.
a) whom b) that c) what d) when
7. They saw a grass snake ________ had just swallowed a frog.
a) whom b) whose c) who d) which
8. The water ________ is brought by the lorry is contaminated with rusted iron particles.
a) whose b) whom c) what d) which
9. My uncle ________ is in Singapore has sent me a new cell phone.
a) whose b) that c) who d) whom
10. My father ________ is over eighty is an ardent fan of Dhanraj Pillai
a) who b) which c) what d) where
11. We went to New Delhi _________ we saw the Red Fort.
a) who b) which c) what d) where
12. I want to meet Shankar ________ father is a teacher in this school.
a) whose b) which c) what d) where
13. The apples _______ come from Kashmir taste delicious.
a) who b) which c) what d) where
14. This is _________ we heard about him.
a) who b) which c) what d) where

15. The cycle __________ you lent me yesterday is not in good condition.
a) who b) which c) what d) where
16. Give me the book __________ you bought yesterday.
a) who b) which c) what d) where
17. It was Kapil Dev ________ won the cup for India.
a) who b) which c) what d) where
18. He is an engineer _________ comes from America.
a) whose b) where c) which d) who
19. Delhi is the capital of India _________ we can see the Parliament House.
a) when b) where c) that d) whose
20. The boy is a magician _________ sister is a typist.
a) whose b) that c) which d) where



ØØ An idiom is a common word or phrase which means something different from its literal meaning.
They are used to smooth over difficult areas in social interaction.
1. at the end of my tether – to have no power, patience or endurance left
She was at the end of her tether when her child disturbed her.
2. give me a piece of one’s mind – to tell someone frankly what one thinks especially when
one disapproves the other’s behavior
The principal gave the student a piece of his mind.
3. to be at logger heads – to disagree strongly
The director and the manager are at logger heads.
4. to be on cloud nine – to be extremely happy
He was on cloud nine when he got the first rank of the state.
5. in two minds – dilemma regarding to do something or not
He was in two minds to select the job.
6. a bolt from the blue – unexpected event, complete surprise usually unwelcome
The news of the death of their father came as a bolt from the blue.
7. a yellow streak – cowardice in one’s character
The soldiers showed a yellow streak and escaped from the enemy’s camp.
8. in the pink of health – extremely healthy, in perfect condition
At 90, My grandfather is in the pink of health.
9. a shadow of one’s self – not having the strength, former influence etc,. that one
once had
Once he was a great cricket player but now he is a shadow of himself.
10. Honour bound – required to do something as a moral duty but not by law
We are honour bound to help our neighbours.
11. go a long way – to continue to an extent
He has to go a long way to get a good job.
12. has taken a hard line – firm adherence to a policy
Gandhi took a hard line to get freedom for India.
13. put on airs – behave in an unnatural way to impress others
She puts on airs to move as a rich lady.
14. a change of heart – change in one’s attitude or feelings
The criminal had a change of heart after the advice of the missionary.
15. stands a chance – have a chance
He stands a chance to get school first in +2 Exam.


Choose the suitable meaning for the idiom.
1. ‘a blessing in disguise’
a) a good word from others b) appreciation from authority
c) a good thing that seems bad at first d) something good all the time
2. beat around the bush
a) avoid saying what you mean, usually because it is uncomfortable
b) not well in the beginning
c) stop at the beginning
d) make a small problem a big one
3. back to the wall
a) reach the place b) sit for sometime c) wait for sometime d) in serious difficulty
4. miss the boat
a) it’s too late b) could not reach the place
c) the guest did not come d) did not eat well
5. hit the sack
a) find the way b) give a trial c) go to sleep d) wear the dress
6. the best of both worlds
a) the best food available b) the ideal situation
c) the best officer I have ever known d) the ideal technology
7. nip in the bud
a) cut before blossoming b) don’t allow the flower to blossom
c) find the talents in young d) stop something at the beginning / early stage
8. behind the screen
a) work done is not seen outside b) actors helping others
c) fight without the knowledge of others d) hiding something
9. on the ropes
a) fight with force b) reached the end c) give up d) began the routes
10. square off
a) end with thanks b) prepare for a conflict c) tackle problems d) begin with greetings

1. c 2. a 3. d 4. a 5. c 6. b 7. d 8. a 9. c 10. b


Choose the suitable meaning for the idiom.

1. ‘pull someone’s leg’.
a) to make someone fall b) to tease someone
c) to understand someone d) to talk about someone

2. break the back of

a) try to find out something new b) keep something with us
c) open a new account d) give work more than one can do
3. the apple of one’s eye
a) the most loving person b) the best fruit
c) the most important person d) the most important book
4. hang in there
a) look for something good b) don’t give up
c) remain steady d) keep something with you
5. hang in balance
a) try your best b) get the right person
c) uncertain d) certain about something
6. beard the lion in its den
a) face the opponent in his own place b) meet your friend
c) prepare ground for the fight d) do your best to win
7. kill two birds with one stone
a) attack two persons single handed b) get two results in one action
c) two persons come with one call d) one who works in two places
8. saw eye to eye
a) agreeing with someone b) successful in the business deal
c) trying to come to an understanding d) trying to build up the business 
9. gave apiece of his mind
a) trusted me b) accepted it
c) watched carefully d) showed his disapproval
10. at logger heads
a) in good terms b) disagree strongly
c) waiting for the other d) cheating
11. hang out to dry
a) waiting patiently b) hanging the criminal
c) choosing dry clothes d) abandoning one in difficult condition
12. drive one up on the wall
a) moved up on the wall b) raised sad mood
c) got irritated d) showed happy mood 
13. hit the road
a) stopped the journey b) began the journey
c) arranged the journey d) fixed the journey 
14. take (one) for a ride
a) to make me ridding b) to deceive me(us)
c) to face me the challenges d) to meet me enjoying 
15. panic mood
a) got irritated b) forgot everything
c) faced challenges d) forgot everything and got irritated

16. below the belt

a) unfair behaviour b) beating severely
c) wearing tightly d) spoiling the chance
17. throw in the towel
a) stop arguing b) stop fighting
c) state of near collapse d) state of victory
18. right up one’s alley
a) one’s like b) one’s dislike
c) one’s path d) one’s destination
19. by the skin of one’s teeth
a) vigorous quarrel b) final arguement
c) a narrow escape d) a successful plan
20. saved by the bell
a) help at the last moment b) frightening noise
c) avoiding danger d) chasing something dangerous




There are four types of sentence
1. Declarative or Assertive or Statement sentence
2. Interrogative or Question (Yes/No type and Wh type)
3. Imperative sentence
4. Exclamatory Sentence
Each sentence has its own method of changing
Direct speech has ® Main Clause + Quote ® MC + Q
David said to Gita, “My mother is happy today”.
ØØ The main clause (MC) has the following:
• Speaker · Reporting Verb - Tense · Listener
Example: David said to Gita.
(speaker) (verb) (listener) (simple past)
ØØ We have to find out from the Quote (Q) the following
• Kind of sentence · Reported verb · Tense · Pronoun · Phrase or word for time
Example: “My mother is happy”.
Kind of sentence ® Assertive
Reported verb ® is
Tense ® Simple Present
Pronoun ® My – I person
Rule No 1
If the direct speech has MC next to Q, it should be written in MC + Q form.
The actual form is – David said to Gita, “ My mother is happy today”
But sometimes it may be written as “Gita, my mother is happy today”, said David.
In this case it should be written before changing to indirect speech as
Example: David said to Gita, “My mother is happy today.”
Rule No 2
From MC identify the tense of the reporting verb, speaker’s person and listener’s person (if the sentence
Example: David said to Gita, “My mother is happy today.”
David said to Gita.
III simp. past III
Rule No 3
From Quote (Q) identify the kind of sentence, tense of the verb, the personal pronoun, and the word
or phrase of time (if the sentence has)
Example: “My mother is happy today.”
It is an assertive sentence
My mother is happy today.
I simp. present word of time
Now we have to change the tense and persons of the reported side or inside inverted comas according
to the tense and persons of the reporting side or outside inverted comas.
David said to Gita, “My mother is happy today.”
• ‘My’ stands for ‘David’ – and it is third person. So ‘My’ the first person should be changed into III
person – ‘His’
• The verb ‘is’ should be changed into simple past because the reporting verb is simple past. So ‘is’
should be changed to ‘was’
• ‘today’ should be changed into ‘that day’. Since it is an assertive sentence the link word is ‘that’
So the answer is ‘David said to (told) Gita that his mother was happy that day.
Changes in the tense
Outside inverted comas Inside inverted comas Change
Past Tense Present Tense Past Tense
Past Tense Past Tense Past Perfect
Past Tense Present Perfect Past Perfect
Past Tense will would
shall would
can could
may might
must must / had to
Present Tense Whatever Tense No change

Change in word or phrase of time

now becomes then

here “ there
ago “ before
thus “ so
today “ that day
tomorrow becomes the next day/the following day
yesterday “ the day before/the previous day
last night “ the night before/the previous night
this “ that
here “ there
these “ those
next week “ the following week
Linker or conjunction
Assertive or Statement ® that

Interrogative or question
Yes / No question ® whether or if
‘Wh’ question ® No linker
Imperative ® to
Exclamatory ® Change the sentence into assertive and the linker is ‘that’
ØØ We change the tense form of the Reported speech if the Reporting verb is in Past Tense.
ØØ There is no need to change the tense for of the reporting speech if the Reporting verb is present or
future tense.
Example: · He says, “I am unwell.” · He says that he is unwell.
· He said, “I am unwell” · He said that he was unwell
Note : If you find Say/ Says / will say, don’t change the tense.
Yes / No question
ØØ The link word is ‘whether’ or ‘if’
Indirect form should always be in the form of statement.
The teacher said to the boy, “Are you preparing well for the examination?”
The teacher asked the boy if he was preparing for the examination.
Step 1
ØØ The question should be changed into a statement form.
“Are you preparing well for the examination?” will be changed into
“‘you are preparing well for the examination”
Then the rule for the change should be followed.

Now we have to change the tense and persons of the reported side or inside inverted comas according
to the tense and persons of the reporting side or outside inverted comas.
ØØ Since it is a question ‘said to’ may be changed into asked.
The teacher asked the boy whether/if he was preparing well for the examination.
The police said to the man, “Do you know anything about the theft?”
The statement form is ‘You know anything about the theft.’
The pronoun ‘you’ stands for ‘the man’
The police asked/inquired the man whether he knew anything about the theft.

‘Wh’ question does not have any extra link verb in indirect speech. The ‘wh’ word itself will act as the link word.
The teacher said to the students, “Why do you make such a noise?”
The statement form is “Why you make such a noise.”
The teacher asked the students why they made such a noise.

Imperative sentence has understood subject. So the sentence begins with the verb. The link word is ‘to’
and the verb becomes an infinitive.
The mother said to the boy, ”Go to the shop and buy some sugar.”
The mother told the boy to go to the shop and buy some sugar.

Exclamatory sentence should be changed into statement before changing into indirect speech.
The tourist said, “What a wonderful building the Taj is!”

The reporting verb should be always ‘exclaimed’.
The statement form is “The Taj is a very wonderful building.”
The tourist exclaimed that the Taj was a very wonderful building.


I Change the following into indirect speech.
1. He says, “I love flowers.”
2. John said, “I want to join the evening classes.”
3. Saleem said to Akram, “My friend will be visiting me tonight.”
4. He said to me, “Where do you live?”
5. He said to his brother, “Open the door.”
6. The stranger said, “How strange it is!”
7. The girl said, “It gives me great pleasure to be here this evening.”
8. The man said, “I must go as soon as possible.”
9. She said to them, “I don’t want to see you anymore.”
10. The teacher says to us, “If you work hard you will pass.”
1. He says that he loves flowers.
2. John said that he wanted to join the evening classes.
3. Saleem told Akram that his friend would be visiting him that night.
4. He asked me where I lived.
5. He asked his brother to open the door.
6. The stranger exclaimed that it was very strange.
7. The girl said that it gave her great pleasure to be there that evening.
8. The man said that he must go as soon as possible.
9. She told them that she did not want to see them anymore.
10. The teacher tells us that if we work hard we will pass.
In order to report a dialogue, one should be well-versed in changing sentences from Direct Speech to Indirect
Speech. Of course, we need not reproduce the actual words of the speaker exactly. We are more concerned with
the sense of the utterance than in the literal repetition of the words.
II Report the following Dialogue.
1. Raji : Mother. Where did you keep my pen?
Mother : You can find the pen in the same place where you had kept it.
Raji : I can’t find it. Please come and get it.

2. Ram : How was your trip to Switzerland?

Sam : Oh! very nice. I could see many enchanting places there.
Ram : When did you come back?
Sam : Only yesterday.

3. Teacher : Why did not you come yesterday?

Madhan : I went to temple Madam.
Teacher : You should produce a leave letter if you want to take leave.
Madhan : Here is my leave letter Madam.
Teacher : Well, sit down.

4. Mohan : I want one kilo gulabjamun.

Shop-keeper : Gulabjamun is over sir. Would you like to buy rasagulla?
Mohan : I don’t like rasagulla. Okay pack half a kilo chips.

5. Suresh : Alas ! we have lost the match.

Ramesh : Don’t lose heart, Suresh. We will win next time.
Suresh : Thank you Ramesh for your words of comfort.
6. Bookseller : What is wrong with this book ?
Student : Six pages are missing in this book sir.
Bookseller : Then please give me the book. I will check it up.
Student : Here it is.
Bookseller : Why didn’t you bring the book immediately ?
Student : I noticed it only this morning.
7. Kapil : Good morning Sir, please take these sweets.
Teacher : Is there anything special, Kapil ?
Kapil : Today is my birthday sir.
Teacher : May you live long, my boy!
8. Passenger : Will you please give me a second class ticket to Kolkata ?
Booking clerk : Give me three hundred rupees.
Passenger : Which platform does the Howra Express leave from ?
Booking clerk : The train leaves from platform No 5 at 7.00 p.m.
Passenger : Thank you, Sir.
9. Teacher : Did you all finish your homework?
Students : Yes sir, we have finished it.
Teacher : Very good.
10. Patient : Doctor, I have a sore throat.
Doctor : Take lime and honey.
Patient : That’s my grandmother’s remedy.
Doctor : My grandmother’s too.

1. Raji asked her mother where she had kept her pen. Mother told Raji that she could find the pen in the same
place where she had kept it. Raji replied that she could not find it and also requested her mother to come and
get it.
2. Ram asked Sam how his trip to Switzerland was. Sam exclaimed that it was very nice and added that he could
see many enchanting places there. Ram asked him again when he had come back. Sam replied that he had
come back only the day before.
3. The teacher asked Madhan why he had not come the previous day. Madhan replied that he had gone to
temple. The teacher advised him that he should produce a leave letter if he wanted to take leave. Madhan

produced a letter and the teacher accepting it asked him to sit down.
4. Mohan told the shop-keeper that he wanted one kilo gulabjamun. The shop keeper replied that gulabjamun
was over and he asked Mohan if he would like to buy rasagulla. Mohan told him that he did not like rasagulla
and asked him to pack half a kilo of chips.
5. Suresh exclaimed with sorrow that they had lost the match. Ramesh advised him not to lose heart and
assured him that they would win next time. Suresh thanked Ramesh for his words of comfort.
6. The bookseller asked the student what was wrong with that book. The student replied that six pages were
missing in that book. Then the bookseller requested the student to give him the book and said that he would
check it up. The student gave the book. The bookseller asked the student why he had not brought the book
immediately. The student replied that he had noticed it only that morning.
7. Kapil greeted his teacher and requested him to take those sweets. The teacher asked Kapil whether there was
anything special. Kapil replied that that day was his birthday. The teacher wished Kapil that he might live
8. The passenger requested the booking clerk to give him a second class ticket to Kolkata. The clerk asked him
to give three hundred rupees. Then the passenger asked the clerk from which platform the Howra Express
leaves. The clerk informed that it leaves from platform No.5 at 7.00 p.m. The passenger thanked the clerk and
left the place.
9. The teacher asked the students whether all of them had finished their homework. The students replied that
they had finished it. The teacher appreciated them.
10. The patient complained to the doctor that he had a sore throat. The doctor advised him to take lime and
honey. The patient told him with surprise that it was his grandmother’s remedy. The doctor also admitted
that it was his grandmother’s also.
III Change into direct speech.
1. Karthick said that he did not play cricket.
2. Susheela told David that she was leaving for Madurai that night.
3. Dany told Gaby that she had posted the letter already.
4. Gita said that that company had been delivering cylinders promptly.
5. Gopal told Venu that he had met his father near the post office.
6. Raja said that he had been attending a meeting.
7. Mira told Pratab that he had waited for him for more than one hour.
8. Mr. Das asked his wife who was coming to dinner.
9. The doctor asked the patient whether (if) he ate too much.
10. David told Gita that he would come to her house the next day.

1. Karthick said, “I don’t play cricket.”
2. Susheela said to David, “I am leaving for Madurai tonight”.
3. Dany said to Gaby, “I have posted the letter already.”
4. Gita said, “This company has been delivering the cylinders promptly.”
5. Gopal said to Venu, “I met your father near the post office.”
6. Raja said, “I was attending a meeting.”
7. Mira said to Pratab, “I have waited for you for more than one hour.”
8. Mr. Das said to his wife, “Who is coming to dinner?”
9. The doctor asked the patient, “Do you eat too much?”
10. David said to Gita, “I shall come to your house tomorrow.”


I. Change the following into indirect speech.

1. He said, “I have won the contest.”
2. He said, “Let’s wait for her return.”
3. Alice said, “How clever I am!”
4. “Which way did she go?” asked the young man.
5. He said to me, “Where are you going?”
6. “Please wait here till I return,” she told him.
7. The stranger said to me, “Could you help me?”
8. The clerk said to the officer, “Can I go?”
9. The officer said to the clerk, “Do it immediately.”
10. The doctor said to the patient, “Come in, please.”
11. Ibrahim said to his sister, “Have you seen my progress report? It is missing”.
12. Banu said to her friend, “Please read my story, I wrote it yersterday”.
13. The teacher said to the boys, “You must follow the traffic rules. Don’t run across the road”.
14. Prabu said to Parveen, “ Let us walk fast to the bus stop. It’s getting late”.
15. Our Principal said, “ Concentrate on your studies. Don’t chat with your friends”.
II. Report the following Dialogue.
1. Student : Excuse me, sir. May I come in?
HM : Yes, you can. What do you want?
Student : I want my conduct certificate.
2. Prem : Hi, Ramesh, Where are you going fast?
Ramesh : I’am going to market. Will you join me?
Prem : With pleasure!
3. Doctor : How long have you been suffering from a tooth ache?
Patient : For the past three days.
Doctor : Don’t worry, I’ll prescribe effective medicine. You’ll be all right.
4. Teacher : Vinod, stand up.
Vinod : Madam, I haven’t done anything wrong.
5. Shop keeper : May I help you?
Muthu : I want branded T. shirts.
6. Police officer : May I help you?
Car owner : Sir, I would like to complain about the theft of my car.
7. Pandiyan : I would like to return the book I bought yesterday.
Book seller : May I know what is wrong with the book?
Pandiyan : Some pages are found blank.
8. Kavitha : Banu, Why do you look worried?
Banu : I lost my watch yesterday. It was a precious gift given by my brother.

9. Manager : When did you pass +2 exams?

Sikander : I passed +2 exams in 2017.
10. Lady : How much does a kilo of apples cost?
Fruit seller : It is just Rs. 200.
Lady : It’s too much. Will you give it for Rs.150?

III Change into direct speech.

1. The students informed the Headmaster that they were practicing for the tournament.
2. The master ordered the servant to leave the room immediately.
3. The father asked his son where he had been all the time.
4. Rakesh told me that he had gone to the cinema last night.
5. He told me that he was unable to come because he had been ill.
6. The teacher asked the students to complete the work immediately.
7. The receptionist asked the customer whether he would be satisfied with a non-ac room.
8. The son told his mother that he would be late to come home that day.
9. The boy exclaimed that it was a very tall tree.
10. The mother told her daughter that they would be going out that day evening.



There are four types of conditions
1. Zero condition
2. Open condition
3. Improbable condition
4. Unfulfilled condition
If you heat ice it melts
We use the so-called zero conditional when the result of the condition is always true, like a scientific fact.
Notice that we are thinking about a result that is always true for this condition. The result of the condition is
an absolute certainty. We are not thinking about the future or the past, or even the present. We are thinking
about a simple fact. We use the Present Simple tense to talk about the condition. We also use the Present
Simple tense to talk about the result.
Look at these example sentences:
if condition Present Simple result Present Simple
If I miss the 8 o’clock bus, I am late for work.
If I am late for work, my boss gets angry.
If people don’t eat, they get hungry.
If you heat ice, does it melt?
If I win the lottery I will buy a car. – for real possibility
We are talking about the future. We are thinking about a particular condition or situation in the future, and
the result of this condition. There is a real possibility that this condition will happen.
Present Simple will + base verb
If I see Mary, I will tell her.
If Tara is free tomorrow, he will invite her.
If they do not pass their exam, their teacher will be sad.
If it rains tomorrow, will you stay at home?
If I won the lottery I would buy a car – for unreal possibility
We are thinking about a particular condition in the future, and the result of this condition. But there is

not a real possibility that this condition will happen.We use the Past Simple tense to talk about the future
condition. We use would + base verb to talk about the future result. The important thing about the second
conditional is that there is an unreal possibility that the condition will happen.
If I married Mary, I would be happy.
If Ram became rich, he would build a big bungalow.

If it snowed next July, would you be surprised?

If it snowed next July, what would you do?
If I had won the lottery I would have bought a car.- for no possibility

With this conditional we talk about the past. We talk about a condition in the past that did not happen. That
is why there is no possibility for this condition.We use the Past Perfect tense to talk about the impossible
past condition. We use would have + past participle to talk about the impossible past result. The important
thing about the third conditional is that both the condition and result are impossible now.
If I had seen Mary, I would have told her.
If Tara had been free yesterday, I would have invited her.
If they had not passed their exam, their teacher would have been sad.
If it had rained yesterday, would you have stayed at home?
If it had rained yesterday, what would you have done?


Combine the sentences with ‘if’ clause.
1. You do not have an invitation. You should not attend the party.
2. How can I attend it? I don’t have an invitation.
3. The management does not increase the wages. There will be a strike.
4. There should be quorum. Otherwise we cannot start the meeting
5. There is no evidence. How can he be prosecuted?
6. He should produce a leave letter. Otherwise he won’t be granted leave.
7. You don’t go early. You don’t get tickets for the show.
8. It does not rain here. So the crops will wither up.
9. The court cannot convict the accused. The charge is not proved.
10. It does not rain. So the match will continue.
1. If you do not have an invitation you should not attend the party.
2. How can I attend it if I don’t have an invitation?
3. If the management does not increase the wages there will be a strike.
4. We cannot start the meeting if there is no quorum.
5. If there is no evidence how can he be prosecuted?
6. He won’t be granted leave if he does not produce a leave letter.
7. If you don’t go early you won’t get tickets for the show.
8. The crops will wither up if it does not rain here.
9. The court cannot convict the accused if the charge is not proved.
10. If it does not rain the match will continue.


Combine the sentences using ‘if’ clause.

1. You want to pass in first division. You should work much harder.
2. He did not work hard. He did not pass.
3. We should respect others. Only then will they respect us.
4. I should receive an invitation. Otherwise I will not attend the party.
5. I will give you the money. You should promise me to return it next week.
6. I did not know of your arrival. I did not meet you at the station.
7. Press the button. The bell will ring.
8. We took the patient to hospital at one. He was saved.
9. He should obey orders. Otherwise he will be punished.
10. Put a one rupee coin into the machine and press the button. A ticket will drop out of it.
11. The shop keeper locked the door. The precious stones were not stolen
12. Help me out of this crises. I will be grateful to you.
13. They closed the school. Children were happy.
14. I was there. I prevented it.
15. I had enough money. I donated it to your school.



Inversion of Conditional Clauses

Inversion of conditional clause happens in sentences where “if” is replaced by “had”, “were” and “should”.
If Alice were here she could perform in the programme.
Were Alice here she could perform in the programme.

If Jack had not wasted so much time he could have completed the project.
Had Jack not wasted so much time he could have completed the project.

If Bob studies well he can get good marks in the exam.
Should Bob study well he can get good marks in the exam.

If Alice were here she could help you
Were Alice here he could help you.

If Gita had studied harder she could have stood first.
Had Gita studied harder, she could have stood first.

If you should come to me I can give my notes to you
Should you come to me I can give my note to you.



1. If you need more information read our pamphlet.
2. If I had known about these problems I would never have moved here.
3. If he were to resign it would create a lot of problems to the company.
4. If you decide to cancel the contract please let me know.
5. If I were the manager I would grant loans to all the farmers.
6. If you had called me I would have attended the meeting.
7. If you find the parcel defective kindly report to us.
8. If you were to change your mind I would be much grateful.
9. If she had studied well she would not have failed in the exam.
10. If you want any financial help please inform know.
1. Should you need more information read our pamphlet.
2. Had I known about the problem I would never have move here.
3. Were he to resign it would create lot of problem to the company.
4. Should you decide to cancel the contract please let me know.
5. Were I the manager I would grant loan to all the farmers.
6. Had he called me I would have attended the meeting.
7. Should you find the parcel defective kindly report to us.
8. Were you to change your mind I would be grateful.
9. Had she studied well she would not have failed in the exam.
10. Should you want any financial help please inform me.


1. If she had enough support she would win the election.

2. If they had consulted one another the dispute would have been solved.
3. If Ramya were rich she would buy a house.
4. If the meeting were to be arranged they would consult their chairman.
5. If you want diamonds to shine, polish them.
6. If the president calls on the secretary the issue will crop up.
7. If the examination had not been postponed the students would have suffered.
8. If you had not cleared the arears you would not have been called for the interview.
9. If I were an English teacher I would not teach grammar directly.
10. If you receive the envelope tampered with, send a report about it.
11. If she sees Peter she will pass the message.
12. If the government were to introduce this tax it would affect a lot of people.
13. If he were more sensible he would see what the problem was.

14. If she had known how he would react she would not have said it.
15. If such a situation were to come about, the company would go bankrupt.




ØØ A simple sentence consists of one independent clause. (An independent clause contains a subject and
a finite verb and expresses a complete thought.)
• I like coffee.
• Mary likes tea.
• The earth goes round the sun.
• Mary did not go to the party.
• Because of illness she could not attend the party
• In spite of his richness he was not happy.

ØØ A compound sentence has two (or more) independent clauses joined by a conjunction or semi-colon.
Each of these clauses could form a sentence alone.
• I like coffee and Mary likes tea.
• Mary went to work but John went to the party.
• Our car broke down; we came last.
There are seven coordinating conjunctions: and, but, or, and so, for, yet, so

ØØ A complex sentence consists of an independent clause plus a dependent clause. (A dependent clause
starts with a subordinating conjunction or a relative pronoun, and contains a subject and a verb, but
does not express a complete thought.)
• We missed our plane because we were late.
• Our dog barks when she hears a noise.
• He left in a hurry after he got a phone call.
• Do you know the man who is talking to Mary?
Here are some common subordinating conjunctions: after, although, as, because, before, how, if,
once, since, than, that, though, till, until, when, where, whether, while
Here are the five basic relative pronouns: that, which, who, whom, whose
Transformation of sentences - Important Models.

Model Simple Compound Complex

1. Despite, in spite of but, yet, nevertheless though, although, even though
2. on account of, because of, due to, so, and so as, because, since
owing to, thanks to
3. in case of, in the event of and if
4. in case of not, in the event of not or, or else, otherwise unless

5. V + ing, Having + past participle and when / as / after / before

6. too .... to very .... and so so that ... (can’t / couldn’t)
7. Besides not only .... but also who / which


I Combine these sentences into a simple sentence
1. He was blind. He could not cross the road.
2. They were poor. They often suffered great hardship.
3. The prince slew his brother. He became the king.
4. The judge heard the entire case. He acquitted all of them.
5. He was punished. He was also fined.
Exercise with given linkers
6. He was poor. He was happy. (in spite of)
7. He was punished. He wept. (being)
8. Queen Victoria reigned. There were many wars. (during)
9. He was ill treated by his master. He ran away. (being)
10. He was very dull. He could not understand. (

1. Being blind he could not cross the road.
2. Being poor they often suffered great hardship.
3. Slaying his brother the prince became the king.
4. Hearing the entire case, the judge acquitted all of them.
5. Besides being punished he was fined.
6. In spite of poverty he was happy.
7. On being punished he wept.
8. During Queen Victoria’s reign there were many wars.
9. Being ill treated by his master he ran away.
10. He was too dull to understand.

II Combine the sentences into compound sentence.

1. Alice wrote the letter. She posted it.
2. Tom passed the test. James also passed the test.
3. He has many admirers. He also has several detractors.
4. He is ill. He is cheerful.
5. He is rich. He is miserable.
6. Tom is ambitious. His brother is quite the reverse.
7. You can go by bus. You can go by train.
8. He does not smoke. He does not drink.
9. You must work hard. You will not win.
10. The police arrested the convicts. They escaped from them.

1. Alice wrote the letter and posted it.
2. Tom as well as James passed the test.
3. Not only has he many admirers, but also several detractors.
4. He is ill but cheerful.
5. He is rich, yet miserable.
6. Tom is ambitious but his brother is quite the reverse.
7. You can go either by bus or train.
8. He neither smokes nor drinks.
9. You must work hard otherwise you will not win.
10. The police arrested the convicts but they escaped from them.

III Combine the following sentences into complex sentence using the linker given.
1. He was tired. He sat down to take rest. (As)
2. Ranjini was weak. She could not continue her studies. (Since)
3. The baby saw her mother. She laughed. (When)
4. The work was very difficult. He could not complete it. (so……that)
5. She is not very intelligent. She could not solve the math problem. (because)
6. He is very rich. He does not help others. (Though)
7. I had taken the breakfast. I went to office. (After)
8. Work well. You will get the first rank. (if)
9. They heard the sad news. They wept. (As)
10. She attended the party hosted by the opponent. It was surprising. (that)

1. As he was tired he sat down to take rest.
2. Since Ranjini was weak she could not continue her studies.
3. When the baby saw her mother she laughed.
4. The work was so difficult that he could not complete it.
5. She could not solve math problem because she was not very intelligent.
6. Though he is very rich he does not help others.
7. After I had taken the breakfast I went to office.
8. If you work well you will get the first rank.
9. As they heard the sad news they wept.
10. It was surprising that she attended the party hosted by the opponent.


I Combine these sentences into a simple sentence
1. Remya is poor. She continues her studies.
2. He was ill. He attended the meeting.
3. Raghu studied well. He did not score well.

4. He finished his work. He went to bed.

5. The tea is very hot. I cannot drink it.
6. I am very ill. I cannot attend the class.
7. We had completed the work. We started watching the movie.
Exercise with linkers
8. The driver was careless. The accident happened. (being)
9. Work hard. You will get high mark. (v + ing)
10. You must pass the exam. You cannot get a job. (to)
11. The thief saw the police. He ran away. (v + ing)
12. Be honest. You will be rewarded. (in the event of )
13. The chief guest arrived. People were happy. (on)
14. There was rain. The match was cancelled. (due to)
15. Study well. You cannot pass the exam. (in the event of)

II Combine the following sentences into a compound sentence.

1. The house was big. It was well-ventilated.
2. My brother plays the piano. He plays the guitar.
3. It is raining. We will hold the exhibition.
4. He plays the piano well. His favourite instrument is the guitar.
5. Harry is smart. Harry is handsome.
6. He is slow. He is steady.
7. The way was long. The wind was cold.
8. The wind blew. The lightning splashed. The rain started falling.
9. It was a cold night. We ventured out.
10. He is foolish. He is obstinate.
11. He is hard working. He is efficient.
12. There was a knock at the door. No one came to open the door.
13. My uncle got me admitted to the school. He paid the school fees too.
14. He didn’t work hard. He passed the examination.
15. The time was not enough. She answered all the questions.

III Combine the following sentences into a complex sentence using the linker given.
1. It was very hot. They continued to play. (though)
2. Children have to carry a lot of books. It is a pity. (that)
3. I had reached the library. I searched for the book. (after)
4. They played well. They won the game. (as)
5. He is an honest business man. Everyone knows it, (that)
6. They may come at any time. Nobody knows about it. (when)
7. Exams are fast approaching. You should be studious. (because)
8. The principal gave instruction to the students. They all entered the hall. (when)
9. You must show your ID card. You will be permitted. (unless)
10. The teacher called them out. At once they ran away. (as…soon…as)
11. Sunil was unhappy. He could not get any job. (as)

12. He did much for us. We are grateful to him. (because)

13. I entered the hall. Immediately the lights went off. ( no….sooner)
14. They cooperated with us. No one can deny this. (that)
15. The sun was bright. The pictures would come out well. (as)


ØØ pie-charts, bar graphs, bar charts, tabular columns, flow charts etc will be given for interpretation.
ØØ First of all, study the data given, analyse them comparatively and highlight the salient features.



1. Study the following table pertaining to hours spent by boys and girls on various activities on
Sunday and write three sentences interpreting the data given.
Activities Boys Girls
Reading 2 5
Playing 3 1
Watching TV 1 1
Chatting 2 3
Writing 1 3
Answer :

ØØ On Sundays, girls spend more time on writing than boys.
ØØ Boys are more interested in playing games than girls because they spend three hours for it.
ØØ Both boys and girls spend only one hour on watching TV as they don’t like to waste much of their time
for recreation.
The following are the data on amount of pollution and noise level during Deepavali in
Tamilnadu. Study the data and write the interpretation in about 50 words.




1980 1990 2000 2010
Answer :
 The amount of pollution and noise level during Deepavali in Tamil Nadu has been increasing since 1980.
In 1980, it was below 1500 but steadily it has gone up to 2500. It shows that people do not care about the
ill effects of air pollution. The mass media should play a key role in creating awareness among the people
about how they will be affected by the increasing level of air pollution and noise pollution.
3. Source of Energy

coal 28% 5%
Nuclear 8%
Gas 20%

Oil 40%

Answer :
The most valuable source of energy is oil. Conventional sources of energy like coal, oil and gas make up
88% of the total energy available. The second largest source of energy is coal. The developed countries
should tap solar energy to satisfy the need for renewable energy. Wind energy can also be given priority
during the seasonal time.


Type : I
1. Study the following table pertaining to sale of articles of two department stores in a week
and write in a paragraph of about 50 words on your inference about the data.
Articles Star Department Store Surya Department Store
FMCG* 35% 20%
Grocery 25% 40%
Fruits and Vegetables 20% 10%
Kitchen ware 10% 20%
Toys 5% 5%
Stationery 5% 5%
* Note : FMCG - Fast moving consumer goods
2. Study the following table pertaining to the number of vehicles passing by the signal.
Type of vehicle No. of vehicles Timings
Cars 180 8 - 9 am
Two - wheelers 350 9 - 10 am
Cycles 28 9 - 10 am
Trucks 275 8 - 10 am
3. Study the following table pertaining to the time spent on various activities by children and
Activities Children Adults
Reading 2 hrs 1 hr
Playing 3 hrs 1 hr
Using mobile phone Nil 2 hrs
Writing 6 hrs 2 hrs



1. Study the curve graph and answer the questions given below:

14 ·
12 ·
10 ·
8 · ·

6 ·
4 ·
2 ·

0 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Questions :
i) Only __________ pupils have scored 70%.
a) 10 b) 12 c) 14 d) 8
ii) Most of the pupils have scored __________ marks.
a) 55% b) 65% c) 75% d) 85%
iii) __________ pupils have obtained below 70%.

a) 10 b) 20 c) 30 d) 40
Time Bus Car Lorry Bike
06.30 to 09.00 25 75 65 90
10.00 to 12.00 30 20 10 30
13.00 to 15.30 75 70 65 90
18.00 to 20.00 90 110 65 80
21.00 to 22.30 45 75 65 40
Questions :
i) Total number of vehicles passed between 6.30 and 9.00
a) 220 b) 245 c) 100 d) 230
ii) No. of cars passed between 18.00 and 20.00
a) 110 b) 90 c) 65 d) 80
iii) State whether the following statement is true or false.
‘The road was less frequented by buses between 10.00 and 12.00’.

3. Study the pie - chart given and answer the questions that follow.

Sports TV
15% Sun TV
Pothigai TV
Vijay TV
Pogo TV 20%

Questions :
a) Which are the two channels preferred by equal percentage of people?
b) Which TV channel enjoys maximum viewership?
c) Which TV channel is preferred by children?

1. i) (b)12 ii) (c) 75% iii) (b) 20 2. i) (c) Opal ii) (b) 200 iii) (c) Meera and Kannagi
3. (a) Sports and Sun TV (b) Pogo channel (c) Pogo Channel


Type : II
1. Allotment of time and programme of a popular TV.

ials a
Ser % m
50 ine %
C 30

ws Health
Ne % 5%
Pe rvie
int 10%
rso w

na s

Questions :

i) Which two items of programme are allotted equal time?
ii) What is the total percentage of time that is allotted to entertainment programme?
iii) What proportion of time do you find between serials and news?

2. Probability of occurrence of natural calamities in Southern India.


Cy 0%



h qu
Questions :

i) Which are the two types of natural calamity that have equal probability of occurrence?
ii) Next to floods, which has the greater probability of occurrence?
iii) Which type of natural calamity is placed third in terms of probability of occurrence?
3. The sale of articles in a department store for a month.

Sta 35%
5% ery
Toys 5% 25%
en ve uits
ch ge a
Kit are n
w % 20 tabl d
% es
Questions :

i) Which items were sold at a maximum in the store?
ii) Which item records the lowest percentage of sale?
iii) What is the total percentage of sales that involves a family on a daily basis?





ØØ In dialogue completion one exchange of a dialogue will be given and the remaining part will be com-
pleted by the students.


I. A Dialogue between Two Friends about Preparation for the Examination
Myself : Hello friend, How do you do?
Friend : I am fine, thank you. Why are you looking so sad?
Myself :A
 ctually I am worried about my final examination. What about your preparation for the
Friend : Well, I’m doing on well. I am also worried about my exam.
Myself : But tell me about your preparation in different subjects.
Friend :Y
 ou know I’m weak in English. That’s why, I’m taking special care in English. I’m having a
detailed revision in other subjects.
Myself : Are you taking help from any special books?
Friend : Yes but I study text books very carefully.
II. Dialogue between two friends regarding the morning newspaper.
Vanitha : When did you get up in this morning?
Kavitha : I got up around 6. O’clock.
Vanitha : Did you see today’s morning newspaper?
Kavitha : No! Why?
Vanitha : Our collector declared today a holiday.
Kavitha : Really? Why?
Vanitha : Because of the heavy rain
III. Dialogue between father and son regarding lost English Textbook.
Boy : Dad, I have a problem.
Father : What’s your problem?
Boy : I lost my English Text book.
Father : Where did you lose it?
Boy : It must be somewhere in the house. I remember having brought it from the school.
Father : How is it possible? You think deeply about it.
Boy : I don’t remember anything dad. Yah, now I remember I gave it my friend.
IV. Dialogue between a boy and his friend’s sister when he phoned to him.
Ravi : Hello, can I speak to Anuj?
Asha : Anuj is not at home now. I am his sister. Who is speaking on the other side?
Ravi : I am Ravi, his friend. May I know where he has gone?
Asha : He has gone to a shop close by.

Ravi : When he comes will you please ask him to call me?
Asha : Sure I will do.
V. Dialogue between two friends about a picnic they are planning
David : Shall we go for a picnic next Saturday?
Kumar : Oh! Fine. I am ready.
David : Where shall we go?
Kumar : Shall we make it to Yercaud?
David : Wonderful. We will start around 6 am and we can be back in the evening
Kumar : Ok. We will follow that.
Type : I


Build a dialogue for the given topic with 3 exchanges.
1. Dialogue between two friends regarding their career.
2. Dialogue between a shop keeper and a customer who comes to exchange a book he bought
3. Dialogue between a police officer and a girl who is caught for not having license.
4. Dialogue between a teacher and a student who comes to class late.
5. Dialogue between a doctor and a patient who suffers from headache.
6. Dialogue between two friends one of whom is searching for English textbook.
7. Dialogue between a conductor and a passenger.
8. Dialogue between the headmaster and an old student.
9. Dialogue between a man and a tourist who wants to get direction to bus stand.
10. Dialogue between two friends who talk about the way they prepare for board exam.



Words for Describing a Process

ØØ First
 Once (action 1), (action 2)  Having (action 1), the next step is (action 2)  Next
ØØ Then  Finally
First and Finally are used to describe the first and last steps in the process. The others can be used in any


Write a paragraph in about 100 words describing each process.
1. How will you wash test- tubes and conical flasks in the laboratory? Describe the process
First a little quantity of washing soda is put inside the test tubes and conical flasks. Some lukewarm
water is added. The inside of the test- tubes and conical flasks are brushed carefully using a brush. Then
they are washed with running water. Finally they are rinsed with water and kept inverted in the test tube
stands and allowed to dry.
2. Give a recipe of your favourite dish:
First heat a frying pan with one or two spoons of ghee. Add a cup of rava and heat till it becomes
slightly brown. Keep it aside. Chop two green chillies and two small size onions. Heat the pan with oil and
add a few mustard seeds. Now add the chopped chillies and onions and boil with sufficient water and salt
to taste. Add the rava and go on stirring it, till cooked well. Finally put a few curry leaves for extra flavour.
3. Describe the process of obtaining a Demand Draft from a bank.
Go to the bank and pick a DD form. Fill the form carefully, which requires the name of the person
to whom it has to be sent, the amount and the name of the bank and place. Write the name of the person
who makes the remittance. Hand over the application together with either a cheque or cash including the
DD commission. Then the clerk would issue the Demand Draft.


Write a paragraph in about 100 words describing each process.
1. Describe the process of binding a book.
2. How will you send a letter by registered post?
3. How will you send a parcel through post office?
4. How will you reserve tickets for railway journey?
5. How will you apply to college for further study?
6. How will you use a clinical thermometre?
7. How will you send a draft for Rs. 500 through a bank?
8. How will you send an e-mail to your friend?
9. How will you whitewash the walls of your house?
10. How will you bind your English Text Book?
11. How will you polish your black shoes?

12. How will you collect information about a poet from internet?
13. How will you arrange the stage for cultural programme?
14. How will you send a parcel by courier?
15. How will you withdraw money from an ATM centre?



ØØ Proverbs are popularly defined as short expressions of popular wisdom. The wisdom is in the form of
a general observation about the world or a bit of advice, sometimes more nearly an attitude toward a

No. Proverbs Meanings

1. All are not thieves that the dogs bark at. Do not judge one at the physical appearance.

2. All’s fair in love and war In certain situation everything is right if it leads to
3. All roads lead to Rome. All paths or activities lead to the centre of things.

4. All work and no play makes Jack a dull Working all the time will not make you successful.
5. As you make your bed, so you must lie You must accept the unpleasant result of something you
on it. have done.
6. Actions speak louder than words. People’s actions show their real attitude than their
mere words.
7. A friend in need is a friend indeed. A person who helps at a difficult state can be relied on.
8. All good things must come to an end. Nothing great will last forever.
9. All’s well that ends well. If the outcome of a situation is happy, this compensates
for any previous difficulty or unpleasantness.

10. All that glitters is not gold. Appearance is deceptive.

11. Well begun is half done. A good beginning almost assures success.
12. Bend the willow while it is young. Influence young people while they are young and
13. Better late than never. It is better to do something or arrive after the expected time
than not do it or arrive at all.
14. Birds of the same feather flock together. People who have similar characters or interests come together

15. Bitter pills may have blessed effects. There are some unpleasant things that actually turn out to
be good.
16. Blood is thicker than water. Family relationships and loyalties are the strongest
and most important ones.

17. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Different people have different ideas and views about
what is beautiful; not all people have the same idea.

No. Proverbs Meanings

18. A bad workman blames his tools. An unsuccessful worker blames others like his tool for
his poor performance.
19. Barking dogs seldom bite. Need not be afraid of barking dogs or the people who
threaten us.
20. Before criticizing a man, walk a mile in Before blaming anybody we should feel their problem.
his shoes.
21. Beggars can’t be choosers. People with no other options must be content with what
is offered.
22. A bird in the hand is worth two in the It’s better to be content with what you have than to risk
bush. losing everything by seeking to get more.
23. Bloom where you are planted. We should take advantage of the opportunities we have
in their life and be grateful for the present situation.
24. A burnt child dreads the fire. Everyone avoids repeating a hurting experience again
in life.
25. Clothes make the man. The well-dressed up man is, more influential than
26. A candle loses nothing by lighting You don’t lose anything by enlightening others.
another candle.
27. A chain is only as strong as its weakest A group is not stronger than its weakest member.
28. The child is father of the man. Man is the product of his habits and behaviour
developed in the childhood.
29. Confidence begets confidence. Your confidence spills over to your coworkers.
30. Different strokes for different folks. Different things suit different people.
31. Don’t bark if you can’t bite. Don’t do things you haven’t got the competence for.
32. Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Don’t try to do that is too difficult for you.
33. Don’t burn the candle at both ends. Don’t work early in the morning and late into the
evening as well.
34. Don’t count your chickens before they’re Don’t make plans based on a good thing happening
hatched. before it has actually happened.
35. Don’t judge a book by its cover. Don’t judge people by their appearance.
36. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Value of the gift should not be tested.
37. Don’t make a mountain out of a From a small thing don’t make a big problem.
38. Do unto others as you would have them Treat others as you want others want to treat you.
do unto you.
39. Don’t carry coals to Newcastle. Don’t do things in a needlessly laborious way; don’t
pursue a goal already accomplished.
40. Don’t go between the tree and the bark. Don’t interfere when two people are having an
41. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Don’t keep all your treasures in one place.
42. Don’t put the cart before the horse. Don’t do things out of the proper order.
43. The early bird catches the worm. Pioneers will get much.
44. An empty vessel makes the most noise. People without knowledge speak much.

No. Proverbs Meanings

45. Every cloud has a silver lining. There is nothing bad that does not bring about
something good.
46. Every rose has its thorn. No one is perfect.
47. Eat your own dog food. Consume your own product in order to recognize its
48. The ends justify the means. A good outcome excuses any wrongs committed to
attain it.
49. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. An incompetent person will be right sometimes.
50. Every dog has its day. Everyone gets their chance eventually.
51. Failure is the stepping stone for success. Failure gives ideas to succeed.
52. Familiarity breeds contempt. We easily find faults among those we spend a lot of
time with.
53. Fine feathers make fine birds. You will be judged by how you look.
54. A fool and his money are soon parted. Only intelligent people can get benefit out of their
55. One swallow does not make summer. One single event will not decide anything.
56. Fortune favours the brave. Only the courageous will be successful.
57. Good fences make good neighbors. To have good relationship with the neighbour we
should have some restrictions.
58. Good swimmers are often drowned. Beware of letting your competence lead you into
59. Grasp all, lose all. Trying to get everything will often result in not gaining
60. Hard words break no bones. It is often good to tell someone a harsh truth.

61. He who hesitates is lost. The person who waits too long loses the opportunity.
62. If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. If you have had many bad experiences, make something
good out of it.
63. If the shoe fits, wear it. Accept an accurate description of you, even if it is not
64. In for a penny, in for a pound. Commitment will often escalate.

65. Jack of all trades and master of none. know little bit of everything but nothing is known well.
66. Keep your friends close, but your It is best to gather as much information about your
enemies closer. enemies as possible.

67. The law is a jealous mistress. The law must constantly be updated.

68. Learn to walk before you run. Learn the basics of any subject first.

69. Live and let live. Let others do whatever they want as long as it does
not hurt anyone.

70. Look before you leap. Think before you act.

71. Man proposes but God disposes. Things often don’t turn out as you have planned.


Complete the given proverb choosing the best option.

1. Man proposes; God _______________.
a) disposes b) proposes c) completes
2. _______________ wear it.
a) If the shoe is new b) If it is your shoe c) If the shoe fits
3. Grasp all, _______________.
a) enjoy all b) lose all c) get all
4. Fortune favours _______________.
a) the brave b) the satisfied c) the pious
5. Every dog _______________.
a) bites b) follows you c) has its day
6. The ends justify _______________.
a) the doer b) the actions c) the means
7. An empty vessel _______________.
a) makes the most noise b) spills everywhere c) is useless
8. Don’t put all your eggs _______________.
a) in one bag b) in one basket c) in your pocket
9. Every cloud has _______________.
a) a golden lining b) a silver lining c) its own power
10. Don’t make mountain _______________.
a) out of molehill b) from a molehill c) in a molehill

1. a 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. c 7. a 8. b 9. b 10. a


I i. All roads lead to _______________.

a) India b) America c) Rome
ii. Different strokes for different_______________.
a) trees b) people c) purposes
iii. The chain is as strong as _______________.
a) its strongest link b) its longest link c) its weakest link
II i. Bloom where _______________.
a) you are planted b) you have water c) you want
ii. A friend in need is a _______________.
a) good man b) an expected person c) friend indeed

iii. Don’t cry over split _______________

a) milk b) water c) gold
III i. All’s _______________ that ends well
a) started b) expected c) well
ii. All that _______________ is not gold.
a) glitters b) sweetens c) shown
iii. Action speaks louder than _______________
a) books b) words c) sports
IV i. All are not _______________ that the dogs bark at.
a) thieves b) friends c) neighbours
ii. As you make your bed, so you must _______________ it.
a) buy b) show c) lie on
iii. A stitch in time saves _______________.
a) ten b) nine c) eight
V i. Bitter pills may have _______________ effects.
a) blessed b) bitter c) strong
ii. Before criticising a man walk a mile in his _______________.
a) way b) garden c) shoes
iii. All’s fair in _______________ and war
a) fight b) love c) words
VI i. Clothes do not _______________ a man.
a) call b) describe c) make
ii. Even Homer _______________.
a) smiles b) nods c) weeps
iii. Don’t judge a book by its _______________.
a) cover b) colour c) size
VII i. Don’t go between the tree and the _______________.
a) branch b) bark c) road
ii. Every cloud has a _______________ lining.
a) golden b) platinum c) silver
iii. Every dog has its _______________.
a) day b) say c) gay
VIII i. A friend in need is a friend _______________.
a) indeed b) of yours c) always
ii. Hard words break no _______________.
a) work b) bones c) hands
iii. _______________ of all trades and master of none.
a) Mark b) Mack c) Jack
IX i. Man proposes; God _______________.
a) accepts b) rejects c) disposes

ii. Keep your friends close, but your enemies _______________.

a) closer b) away c) far
iii. A rolling stone gathers no _______________.
a) mass b) matter c) moss
X i. Good fences make good _______________.
a) enemies b) neighbours c) friends
ii. Familiarity breeds _______________.
a) contempt b)friendship c) enemies
iii. Look before you _______________.
a) jump b) act c) leap
XI i. Learn to _______________ before you run.
a) walk b) speak c) jump
ii. In for a penny, in for a pound.
a) pound b) shilling c) dollar
iii. The pot calls the kettle _______________.
a) dirty b) black c) useless



Match the proverb with its meaning.

I Proverb Meaning Answer
1. No sweet without sweat. a. Tension leads to imperfection.
2. Haste makes waste. b. Think well before doing anything.
3. Look before you leap. c. No pain, no gain.

II Proverb Meaning Answer

1. One flower makes no garland. a. A steady growth leads to progress.
2. Rome was not built in a day. b. Accept the result of your action.
3. As you sow so shall you reap. c. A single person can’t be powerful

III Proverb Meaning Answer

1. Strike while the iron is hot. a. Family bond is always closer.
2. Too many cooks spoil the broth. b. Make use of every opportunity.
3. Blood is thicker than water. c. A work should not be entrusted to many people.

IV Proverb Meaning Answer

1. Borrowed garments never fit well. a. People without knowledge speak much.
2. Birds of same feather flock together. b. Don’t immitate others.
3. Empty vessels make much noise. c. Like-minded people make good friends.

V Proverb Meaning Answer

1. Rolling stone gathers no moss. a. Child is wiser than man.
2. Still water runs deep. b. Patience is powerful.
3. The child is the father of man. c. Wise people don’t boast.

VI Proverb Meaning Answer

1. Call a spade a spade. a. Be contented and moderate.
2. Misfortune never comes single. b. Say the truth.
3. Enough is as good as a feast. c. Bad luck follows at a row.

VII Proverb Meaning Answer

1. When in Rome do as Romans do. a. Don’t worry about the past.
2. It’s no use crying over split milk. b. Give attention to little details.
3. A stitch in time saves nine. c. Be adjustable to all.





How to produce a summary?

ØØ Read the article to be summarized and be sure you understand it.
ØØ Outline the article. Note the major points.
ØØ Write a first draft of the summary without looking at the article.
ØØ Always use paraphrase when writing a summary. If you do copy a phrase from the original be sure it
is a very important phrase that is necessary and cannot be paraphrased. In this case put “quotation
marks” around the phrase.
ØØ Target your first draft for approximately 1/4 the length of the original.

Make notes and then write a summary for the following passages.
Following is the format for making notes. (Write the keywords)
Heading Heading
1. Sub heading 2. Sub heading
1.a. Point 1 2.a. Point 1
1.b. Sub - Sub heading 2.b. Sub - Sub heading
1.b.1. Sub Point 1 2.b.1. Sub Point 1
1.b.2. Sub Point 2 2.b.2. Sub Point 2
1.c. Point 1 2.c. Point 1
Model 1
During my vacation last May, I had a hard time choosing a tour. Flights to Japan, Hong Kong and
Australia are just too common. What I wanted was somewhere exciting and exotic. I was so happy when
my wife suggested a trip to Cherokee, a county in the state of Oklahoma. I agreed and went off with the
preparation immediately.
We took a flight to Cherokee and visited a town called Qualla Boundary Surrounded by magnificent
mountain scenery. With its Oconaluftee Indian Village reproducing tribal crafts and lifestyles of the 18th
century, Qualla Boundary tries to present a brief image of the Cherokee past to the tourists.
Despite the language barrier, we managed to find our way to the souvenir shops with the help of the
natives. The shops are filled with rubber tomahawks and colorful traditional war bonnets, made of dyed
turkey feathers. “Welcome! Want to get anything?” We looked up and saw a middle-aged man smiling
at us. We were very surprised by his fluent English. He introduced himself as George and we ended up
chatting till lunch time when he invited us for lunch at a nearby coffee shop.
“Sometimes, I’ve to work from morning to sunset during the tour season. Anyway, this is still better
off than being a woodcutter ...” Remembrance weighed heavy on George’s mind and he went on to tell us
that he used to cut firewood for a living but could hardly make ends meet. We learnt from him that the
Cherokees do not depend solely on trade for survival.
Our final stop in Qualla Boundary was at the museum where arts, ranging from the simple hand-
woven oak baskets to wood and stone carvings of wolves, ravens and other symbols of Cherokee cosmology
are displayed. Back at home, I really missed the place and I would of course look forward to the next trip
to another exotic place.

Note making
A visit to qualla boundary
1. Decided on Cherokee for their tour
1.a. The scenery was breathtaking
1.b. Tribal crafts
2. Visited souvenir shops
2.a. Befriended a local George
2.b. Visited town’s museum
Rough draft
Summary writing
We visited Qualla Boundary, a town in Cherokee. The mountain scenery surrounding the town was a
breathtaking sight. The traditional lifestyle of the Indians, the tribal crafts they made, presented to tourists
a rough image of Cherokee in the 18th century. We also visited the souvenir shops which sold rubber
tomahawks and war bonnets. There we befriended a local, George, who told us that besides trade,they
had other ways to earn money. Finally, we visited the town’s museum where different kinds of arts, like
handwoven baskets and carved figurines are displayed.
Fair Copy
Title: Exciting Tour
The narrator and his wife visited Qualla Boundary, a town in Cherokee. The mountain scenery
surrounding the town was a breathtaking sight. The traditional lifestyle of the Indians, the tribal crafts they
made, presented to tourists a rough image of Cherokee in the 18th century. They also visited the souvenir
shops which sold rubber tomahawks and war bonnets. There they befriended a local, George, who told
them that besides trade,they had other ways to earn money. Finally, we visited the town’s museum where
different kinds of arts, like handwoven baskets and carved figurines are displayed.

Model 2
As what geographers have estimated, about twenty percent of the earth’s surface is occupied
by deserts. A majority of us view deserts as one unique kind of landscape -- areas with little or no
In actual fact, there are differences among the deserts, though in varying degrees. Despite the fact
that rainfall is minimal, temperatures do change in deserts, ranging from seasonal ones to daily changes
where extreme hotness and coldness are experienced in the day and night.
Unfavorable conditions in the deserts, especially the lack of water, have discouraged many living
things from inhabiting these landscapes. One such kind is the specialist annual plants which overcome
seasonal temperature changes with their extremely short, active life cycles. Their flowers bloom and set
seeds that ripen quickly in the hot sun too. Once the water runs dry, the mother plant dies, leaving behind
the drought-resistant seeds, waiting patiently for the next rainy season to arrive.
The Cacti, a native in American deserts, adapts to the dry surroundings by having unique body
structures. The plant has swollen stems to help store water that carries it through months. By having
sharp pines instead of leaves, water loss through respiration is minimized. Besides plants, there are also
animals with distinct surviving tactics in deserts too. For instance, Skinks (desert lizards) producing water
to supplement their needs, just like what camels do with the stored food in their humps during long
journeys through deserts, it keeps fat in its tail. It generates water from the fats. Antelopes like the addax,
have very low water needs and hence are able to tolerate the conditions in deserts, extracting moisture
from the food they eat.
Finally, there are the sandgrouse (desert birds) which do not have special features to overcome the
drought-like nature in deserts. Hence, to survive in these hot, dry deserts, they need to spend a large part
of their time flying in search of waterholes.

Note making
The Cacti
1. Deserts have plants and animals
1.a. Specialist annual plants – short life cycles
1.b. Cacti adapts to the dry weather – swollen stems, pine like leaves
2. Skinks, a desert lizard –generate water from fats
2.a. Antelopes require very little water
2.b. Sandgrouse moves to waterholes
Rough draft
Summary writing
Despite the dry conditions in the deserts, some plants and animals still manage to survive there.
One of them is the specialist annual plants. Their short life cycles allow them to germinate, grow and
produce seeds during short rainy seasons. The Cacti adapts to the dry weather by having swollen stems
for water storage and pine-like leaves to minimize water loss through respiration. Skinks, desert lizard
generate water from stored fats in their tails and antelopes which requires very little water, survives in
deserts by extracting water from food they eat. Finally, sandgrouse with no adaptive features turns to
waterholes constantly for help.
Fair copy
Habitation in desert
Despite the dry conditions in the deserts, some plants and animals still manage to survive there.
One of them is the specialist annual plants. Their short life cycles allow them to germinate, grow and
produce seeds during short rainy seasons. The Cacti adapts to the dry weather by having swollen stems
for water storage and pine-like leaves to minimize water loss through respiration. Skinks, desert lizard
generate water from stored fats in their tails and antelopes which require very little water and survive in
deserts by extracting water from food they eat. Finally, sandgrouse with no adaptive features turns to
waterholes constantly for help.


Make notes and wrote the summary of the following passages.
1. Communication is part of our everyday life. We greet one another, smile or frown, depending on
our moods. Animals too, communicate, much to our surprise. Just like us, interaction among animals can
be both verbal and non-verbal.

Singing is one way in which animals can interact with one another. These songs are usually
rich in notes variation, encoding various kinds of messages. Songs are also used to warn and keep off
other blackbirds from their territory, usually a place where they dwell and reproduce. Large mammals in
the oceans sing too, according to adventurous sailors. Enormous whales groan and grunt while smaller
dolphins and porpoises produce pings, whistles and clicks. These sounds are surprisingly received by other
mates as far as several hundred kilometers away.
Besides singing, body language also forms a large part of animals’ communication tactics.
Dominant hyenas exhibit their power by raising the fur hackles on their necks and shoulders, while the
submissive ones normally “surrender” to the powerful parties by crouching their heads low and curling
their lips a little, revealing their teeth in friendly smiles.
Colours, which are most conspicuously found on animals are also important means of interaction
among animals. Male birds of paradise, which have the gaudiest colored feathers often hang themselves
upside down from branches, among fluffing plumes, displaying proudly their feathers, attracting the
opposite sex.

Insects such as the wasps, armed with poisonous bites or stings, normally have brightly painted
bodies to remind other predators of their power. Hoverflies and other harmless insects also make use of
this fact and colored their bodies brightly in attempts to fool their predators into thinking that they are as
dangerous and harmful as the wasps too.

2. All snakes are hunters and predators, feeding on the animals and sometimes their eggs. Having
no limbs, snakes cannot hold their preys down to bite; hence they usually swallow them whole. Poisonous
snakes sometimes immobilize their preys with their venom to make consumption easier.
Most poisonous snakes are conspicuously colored to warn others off. One example is the
redheaded krait which has a bluish-black body and scarlet head and tail. Snakes like the cobras, which
have less outstanding body colors, display their fatality by lifting the front part of their body and spreading
their hoods.
Is their venom so deadly? In general, there are three kinds of poisons in the venom, though
in varying amounts, depending on the type of snake in question. Venoms usually contain substances
that weaken the blood corpuscles and the lining of the blood vessels. Profuse bleeding, often a
common result of snake-bites, is caused by the anticoagulants present in the poison which prevents blood
clotting. The paralysis of the heart and respiratory muscles is performed by the nervous system attacking
Though these bites are deadly, certain actions can be taken to slow down the spread of the
venom, hence saving the victim’s life. Attempting to cut open and suck at the spot of the bite is more likely
to be harmful than a cure. The poisonous venom usually travels fast into the body upon being released;
hence sucking at the mouth of the wound will not help remove the poison, rather, incising the bite may
lead the victim to great pain and further profuse bleeding. Instead, a broad, firm cloth bandage should be
applied over the wound and up the full limb to compress the tissues and prevent the spread of the venom.
After which, the victim must be duly sent to the hospital for professional treatment.

3. Bombay is often regarded as India’s Capital of Hope. Often wondering why this is so, I made a fruitful
trip down to the busy city, solving most of my queries. Bombay consists of seven islands, joined by land
reclamation. Many Indians, especially those from the rural areas, regard Bombay as their paradise, since
they could find work relatively easily here, as compared to their homelands.
Being the pillar for revenue collection, Bombay’s economic growth has far outperformed the
other cities. In fact, its per capita production of goods and services is about three times greater than
that of Delhi - India’s second most prosperous city. Despite the economic boom, Bombay gives me an
astonishing image of deterioration when I first stepped into the city.
Though unemployment is not a significant problem in Bombay, housing is. A visit in Dharavi, a slum
area in Bombay will help clarify our imagination. The Bombayites’ so called “houses” are actually movable
shacks, built from unwanted bits of tarpaulin, tin and cardboard. Curious about the living conditions, I
wondered around the maze, meeting groups of scantily clad kids and hungry, stray dogs. Popping my
inquisitive head into one of the small huts, I was totally amazed by their living conditions. Estimating
about twelve or more Bombayites living in each hut, these two-storey houses are usually partitioned by
rough platforms with ceilings no higher than five feet from the ground. Furthermore, `these shacks look
absolutely bare -- no furniture and I deduced that the inhabitants eat and sleep on the ground.
In spite of the poor living conditions, many Indians still hope to migrate to Bombay. Interviewing
a few of the newcomers, a majority of them said that they came to Bombay to find jobs. There are
some who regard Bombay as buoyant floats, saving them from natural disasters and tyrannies in their
4. Buying things today is so simple. Just enter a shop, say a book store, choose the desired book
and pay for it. Long ago, before the invention of money, how did people trade?

The most primitive way of exchange should be the barter trade. In this form of transaction,people
used goods to exchange for the things that they had in mind. For instance, if person A wanted a book and
he had a spare goat, he must look for someone who had the exact opposite, that is, that someone, say
person B, must have a spare book of person A’s choice and is also in need of a goat. Having found such
a person, the problem does not end here. A big goat may worth not only one book, hence person B may
have to offer person A something else, say five chickens. However, he runs the risk of person A rejecting
the offer as he may not need the chickens. The above example clearly illustrates the inefficiency of barter
Many years later, the cumbersome barter trade finally gave way to the monetary form of
exchangewhen the idea of money was invented. In the early days, almost anything could qualify as
money: beads, shells and even fishing hooks. Then in a region near Turkey, gold coins were used as
money. In the beginning, each coin had a different denomination. It was only later, in about 700 BC, that
Gyges, the king of Lydia, standardized the value of each coin and even printed his name on the coins.
Monetary means of transaction at first beat the traditional barter trade. However, as time wentby,
the thought of carrying a heavy pouch of coins for shopping appeared not only troublesome but thieves
attracting. Hence, the Greek and Roman traders who bought goods from people faraway cities, invented
checks to solve the problem. Not only are paper cheques easy to carry around, they discouraged robbery
as these cheques can only be used by the person whose name is printed on the notes. Following this idea,
banks later issued notes in exchange for gold deposited with them. These bank notes can then be used
as cash. Finally, governments of today adopted the idea and began to print paper money, backed by gold
for the country’s use
5. Whenever we see stale bread or fruits turning spoilt, fungi are at work. When trees die and their
dead trunks start to decompose, fungi are the masterminds. Most of us tend to associate fungi with the
decomposition of dead plants or animals. In actual fact, fungi can also attack living things.
The fungi that cause decay are known as the Saprobe. They are actually yeasts which feed onthe
dead remains of plants and animals. While they can be a nuisance in the kitchen, as they turn our food
bad, Saprobe can also assist man. For instance, by breaking down the dead bodies of plants and animals,
these leftovers are removed from the living world. In addition, yeasts can be used to make wine, beer and
also as raising agents in bread.
The parasitic fungi are the ones which feed on living things. The powdery mildew, downy
mildewor rust are the few which attack plants. Usually, these fungi deposit themselves on the leaves or
flowers of the plants. Their slender, feeding branches then squeeze themselves into the gaps between
the plant’s cells and soak up their nutrients. After which, a hard, black fruiting body called the ergot is
left in the flower replacing the seeds. The ergot contains toxins which causes serious illnesses if eaten.
Despite its poisonous nature, the ergot contains active ingredients which when purified and used in small
amounts, are treatments for migraine. Parasites attacking living animals, especially man, are rarer as most
animals have their own immune system. In special cases like an AIDS patient, where his immune system
is very weak, parasites may find their chance to attack.
The most aggressive kind of fungi is the predatory ones. As the name suggests, they catch
and feed on their preys, usually smaller than themselves. Some predatory fungi dwell in ponds to catch
amoebae or rotifers. In capturing the amoebae, the fungi use their sticky branches to hold down the
creatures before feasting on them. Thus we see that fungi are not only the ones which spoil our food.
Besides these, there are also other kinds. In addition we also understand that fungi, like most other living
things, have their usefulness and harmfulness too.



Model 1
Response to newspaper advertisement for job.
Response to an advertisement for a job is done only with a letter. This type of letter falls under
official letter. It has a specified pattern with From Address and To address. This pattern must be followed
for this response. Another letter is to write to friend describing an incident or inviting him for some
occasion or trying to get some help. This type of letter is friendly letter which has different pattern.
Prepare an application along with Bio-Data / Resume / Curriculum Vitae for the post of an
 July 29, 2020.

Krishnan S. N.
37 – 4th Cross Street,
Amman Nagar,
The Manager,
ABC Manufactures,
Sub: Application for the post of an Accountant
Ref: Your advt in the Indian Express dated 28th July.
In response to your advertisement that appeared in The Indian Express of July 28, 2020 inviting
application for the post of an accountant, I wish to be considered for the same.
Details regarding my qualifications are stated in the bio-data enclosed with this letter for your kind
You may also refer to the persons stated in the bio-data. A testimonial from the principal of my
college from where I graduated is also attached.
If I am given a chance to work in your company I will do my best to the satisfaction of my superiors.
Thanking You, Yours faithfully,

Model 2
You are Raja / Rita. You come across the following advertisement in a newspaper. Write an
application in response to the advertisement.


Qualification : Civil Engineer (BE / ME)
Minimum Experience : 1 to 3 years in the same field
With fluency in English and Tamil
Starting Salary – Rs. 18000 per month with vehicle allowance
Interested persons with the required qualifications may apply to:
18, VSK Street, Kumaran Nagar, Salem – 636 007.
On or before September 12, 2019.

Date : 5-3-2020


Messer. Infra Constructions,
18, VSK Street,
Kumaran Nagar,
Salem - 636 007.

In response to your advertisement that appeared in The Hindu of August 30, 2020 inviting application for the
post of General Manager, I wish to be considered for the same.
I have required qualification with 5 years of experience in this field.
I completed BE Civil in 2013. I have attached copies of all my certificates including experience certificate.
If I am given a chance to work in your concern I will do my best to the entire the satisfaction of my superiors.
Thanking you Yours faithfully,
Enclosure : My Resume XXX.
My Resume
1. Name : XXX
2. Father’s Name : ABC
3. Address : YYY
4. Age and Date of Birth : 25yrs, 01.01.1995
5. Educational Qualification : BBA
6. Experience : 5yrs in a private company
7. Salary expected : Rs. 20,000 per month

8. Joining Time : in two days

Model 2

You are studying in a boarding school attended by students from different regions. You are
planning a surprise birthday party for a friend who has been feeling particularly sad and
homesick. Write to another classmate and invite him / her to the party.
TVK School,
October 5, 2020
Dear Rob,
 You may be surprised to get this letter from me. This is regarding a birthday party which I am going to
host for our friend Hussain. He doesn’t know about this and I asked our friends not to reveal this to him. Let
it be a surprise to him. You may be wondering why this plan. You see this guy suffers from home sickness.
For the past few days he has not been moving with friends also. He wants to be alone all the time. This
is to bring the guy to the main stream. Some of us can talk high of him in the party and make him feel at
home. The date is October 12 and the time is at 6 pm. Most of our friends will attend. Already I have got
permission from our warden. Our Principal is our chief guest. We can have it in our hostel hall.

Yours lovingly,
I Respond to the following advertisements. (Job Application)

1. Applications are invited for the post of General Manager – Sales from candidates with MBA by a
reputed firm in Tirunelveli. The candidate must have at least three years of experience in the same
field. The candidate must have fluency in English and Tamil. Attractive salary may be expected. The
interested candidates may apply to
The Proprietor,
Maritime Garments,
27 –VBK Market,
Madurai – 6
within 10 days with a detailed resume.

2. Applications are invited for the post of Administrator from candidates with MBA by a reputed Computer
firm in Karur. The candidate must have at least three years of experience in the same field. The
candidate must have fluency in English and Tamil. Attractive salary may be expected. The interested
candidates may apply to
The Proprietor,
Global Computers,
18 – KBT Street,
Karur – 2
within 10 days with a detailed resume.

3. Applications are invited for the post of Agricultural Officer from candidates with B. Sc./ M Sc Agriculture
by a reputed Agriculture firm in Namakkal. The candidate must have at least three years of experience
in the same field. The candidate must have fluency in English and Tamil. Attractive salary may be
expected. The interested candidates may apply to
The Proprietor,
Amman Gardens,
34, Salem Main Road,
Namakkal – 2
within 10 days with a detailed resume.

4. Applications are invited for the post of Head Nurse from candidates with B. Sc. / M. Sc Nursing by a
reputed Hospital in Chennai. The candidate must have at least five years of experience in the same
field. The candidate must have fluency in English and Tamil. Attractive salary may be expected. The
interested candidates may apply to
The Proprietor,
Hindustan Hospital,
107 4th Cross Street,
Anna Nagar,
Chennai 10
within 10 days with a detailed resume.

5. Applications are invited for the post of System Admin from candidates with BE Computer Science /
B.Tech.IT / B. Sc Computer science / BCA / MCA by a reputed Publishing House in Salem. The candidate
must have at least three years of experience in the same field. The candidate must have fluency in
English and Tamil. Attractive salary may be expected. The interested candidates may apply to
The Proprietor,
Hymn Publishers,
27 – Bretts Road,
Salem - 639001
within 10 days with a detailed resume.

6. Applications are invited for the post of General Manager – Administration from candidates with MBA by
a reputed Exporters. The candidate must have at least three years of experience in the same field. The
candidate must have fluency in English and Tamil. Attractive salary may be expected. The interested
candidates may apply to
The Proprietor,
PKM Exporters,
27 –VBK Market,
Madurai – 6
within 10 days with a detailed resume.

7. Applications are invited for the post of Teacher of English from candidates with M.A., B.Ed. by a reputed
School. The candidate must have at least three years of experience in the same field. The candidate
must have fluency in English and Tamil. Attractive salary may be expected. The interested candidates
may apply to
The Principal,
SVS Hr. Sec. School,
Amman Nagar,
within 10 days with a detailed resume.

II Write letters as per the description given below.

1. You are an athlete and a short distance runner. You attended a State meet last month. Write a letter to your
friend describing the meet.
2. You went to Kodaikanal with your parents. You really enjoyed yourself. Write a letter to your friend describing
your experience in Kodaikanal.
3. A famous Circus company has come to your town. You went to the show yesterday. You liked it very much.
Write a letter to your friend describing the circus and invite him to the show.
4. Your friend is a Tennis player. He won the State level Tennis tournament. Write a letter to him congratulating
him on his victory.
5. You are planning to spend your summer holiday in your village with your grandparents. They have a palatial
house in the midst of a huge area of lot of trees. Write a letter inviting him to spend the time with you.
6. You celebrated Deevali with your family members. Write a letter to your friend who is in Singapore describing
him how you celebrated Deevali.
7. Your Annual Day was celebrated and you were the master of ceremony for the function. Write a letter to
your father describing your experience.



Knowing how to write a paragraph is incredibly important. It’s a basic aspect of writing, and it is
something that everyone should know how to do. There is a specific structure that we have to follow when
we are writing a paragraph. This structure helps make it easier for the reader to understand what is going
on. Through writing good paragraphs, a person can communicate a lot better through their writing.

When we want to write a paragraph, most of the time we should start off by coming up with an
idea. After we have our idea or topic, we can start thinking about different things we can do to expand
upon that idea. We should only finish the paragraph when we have finished covering everything we want
about that idea.

1. Write a paragraph in about 150 words on ‘Role of computers’.
Today’s generation could never ever imagine in their wildest dreams about the world, ages before,
when there were no computers or any other technologies. So much we have advanced that now every
information is just a click away and is in your hands 24/7. All this advancement was possible only with the
introduction of a small device called the “Computer”.
The early computers were limited in their functions. Charles Babbage in 1837 was the first to
introduce and design a fully programmed mechanical computer, his analytical engine and it was later
completed by his son Henry Babbage who made it into a simplified version of the analytical engine’s
computing unit.
The original objective of inventing a computer was to create a fast calculating machine. During
the World War II, it became very essential to understand and locate the direction and speed of the
enemy weapons. Over a period of time computers have evolved and toady with the Artificial Intelligence
technology, we use the most advanced kind of computers that have helped man in every sectors of life.
At every generations of the computers or in fact during the evolution, each time computers are being
launched that are lighter, smaller, speedier and more powerful. The computers have been a dominating
factor since the 1970`s and today it has conquered almost all walks of life.
Computers are being used for various purposes today like weather forecasting, machinery operations,
guidance of spacecraft and technology. Apart from these in the medical sector, it provides a great helping
hand in storing information that could be referred later, in space technology, automation in banks, ticket
booking through the net, traffic control, and even games could be played in computers and many more.
2. Write a paragraph in about 150 words on ‘Pollution and its effects’.
The presence of that substance in the environment which has harmful and toxic effect on it is called
pollution. Environmental pollution can be caused by natural events such as volcanoes and forest fires but
it largely occurs due to the pollutants caused by human activities. With growth in population and rapid
spread of industrialization pollution has become a global issue. The awareness for the need to protect
environment from pollution has developed among the people.
The effects of pollution may be given here. The greenhouse gas emission in the atmosphere
increases the temperature of the earth. The climate change causes catastrophic change in weather. The
harmful gases in the atmosphere cause irritation to the throat and eyes, asthma as well as other respiratory
problems and diseases such as lung cancer.
Increased level of radiation increases the risk of skin cancer. It can also have adverse effects on
cardiovascular system. Use of fertilizers such as insecticides and pesticides reduce the soil fertility and
results in reduction of crop production. This may result in famine and malnutrition.
Polluted water affects the sea organisms and aquatic life. The contaminated water when consumed
by humans causes various diseases such as typhoid, cholera, and jaundice.
The excessive exposure to noise pollution can result in impaired hearing or cause deafness in
human beings. It might also result in high blood pressure and coronary diseases. Wild life is also adversely
affected due to air and noise pollution. Toxic soils and water channels can kill several plants and animals.
It may cause neurological damage, cancer and failure to reproduce in animals.
Pollution has several adverse effects on animals, plants, environment, ecosystem and human
beings. It is a global issue and people are now being more aware of the need to prevent this problem. It
is vital to control pollution to prevent its adverse effects on our environment and life in general.
3. Write a paragraph in about 150 words on ‘Deforestation’.
Deforestation is the removal of trees on a vast level for fulfilling all the requirements of the growing
population. Humans being are so selfish; they are doing deforestation by completely removing the forests
without replanting. However, they do not know that unknowingly they are digging a big pit for their own.
People are changing the forests into the land forms for getting more wood, fuel, harvesting, making farms,
building home and cities to live comfortably.
Deforestation causes many ill effects like loss of animal habitat, environmental imbalance, seasonal
change, increasing temperature, global warming, increasing greenhouse gas effect, melting ice caps and
glaciers, increasing seas level, weakening ozone layer and a hole in the ozone layer. It leads to risks of
natural disaster like storm, cyclone, typhoon, flood, drought, and many more negative changes which are
enough to endanger the existence of life on the earth.
Forests play a great role in balancing the human life and environmental cycle by regulating the
water cycle, production of soil, providing habitat for animals, providing oxygen, utilizing harmful CO2,
regulating environmental temperature, preventing soil erosion and many more. By cutting the forests we
are stopping all the positive activities done by forests in the favour of humans and environment.
4. Write a paragraph in about 150 words on ‘Child labour’.
Child labour has become a biggest social issue in India which needs to be solved on a war–footing.
It is not the responsibility of the government only and it should be solved and taken care by all the parents,
owners and other social organizations. It is the issue of everyone which should be solved personally as it
can happen with the child of any person.
In many developing countries child labour is very common because of the existence of high level of
poverty and poor schooling opportunities for the children. The highest incidence rate of the child labour is
still more than 50 percent in which children of age group 5 to 14 are working in the developing countries.
The rate of child labour is high in the agriculture field which is mostly found in the rural and informal urban
economy where most of the children are predominantly employed into the agriculture work by their own
parents instead of sending them to the school.
The issue of the child labour has now been an international concern as it is highly related to
inhibiting the growth and development of the country. Healthy children are the bright future and power of
any country. Thus child labour is damaging, spoiling and destroying the future of the children and finally
the country.
5. Write a paragraph in about 150 words on ‘Social Media and its impact’.
We live in a time and age where information is just a button press away. We are swayed by
information all around us. We millennials want to know, read, understand and then speak our minds about
it. That is where social media comes into play. Social media is one of the biggest elements that we live
with and cannot ignore completely.
Social media is collection of websites, applications and other platforms that enable us to share or
create content and also help us to participate in social networking. Social media is not limited to blogging
and sharing pictures. There are a lot of strong tools also that social media provides. That is because the
impact of social media is very high and far reaching. It can make or break images.

But social media is a topic of controversy today. Many feel it’s a boon but there is a majority who
feels that it is a curse. Mostly people feel that social media has destroyed human interaction with a rapid
rate and has modified modern human relationships. But there are others who feel that it is a blessing that
has connected us to every part of the world and, we can meet our loved ones that are far away. We can
send security warnings. There is a lot that social media can do. But it is an unarguable fact the presence
of social media has made our lives more comfortable, exciting and enjoyable.
6. Write a paragraph in about 150 words on ‘Terrorism’.
Terrorism is the use or threat of violence to create fear and alarm. Terrorists murder and kidnap
people, set off bombs, hijack airplanes, set fires, and commit other serious crimes. But the goals of
terrorists differ from those of ordinary criminals.
Most criminals want money or some other form of personal gain. Most terrorists commit crimes to
support political or religious causes. Terrorist acts are committed for various reasons. Some individuals and
groups that use terrorism often threaten to kill the hostages if their demands are not met.
Some terrorism involves the intentional release of toxic chemicals, poisons, germs, or other harmful
substances. Bombings make up about half of all terrorist acts. Terrorism may cross national boundaries.
A quarrel in one nation may produce terrorist attacks in several other countries. Most terrorist groups
fail to achieve their long-range political goals. Governments fight terrorism by refusing to accept terrorist
demands and by increasing security at airports and other likely targets.
7. Write a paragraph in about 150 words on ‘Science’.
Science involves extensive study of the behaviour of natural and physical world. The study is
conducted by way of research, observation and experimentation. There are several branches of science.
These include the natural sciences, social sciences and formal sciences.
Physics, chemistry, biology and astronomy form a part of the natural sciences. History, geography,
economics, political science, sociology, psychology, social studies and anthropology are a part of the social
sciences and formal sciences include mathematics, logic, statistics, decision theory, system theory and
computer science.
Science has changed the world for good. There have been several scientific inventions from time
to time and these have made life convenient for the human beings. However, useful it is, science has also
been misused by some, mainly by those in power, for fueling an arms race and degrading the environment.
The ideologies of science and religion have not found any meeting ground. These seemingly contrasting
ideas have given rise to several conflicts in the past and continue to do so.
8. Write a paragraph in about 150 words on ‘Status of women in India’.
The status of women in the ancient Indian society was quite better. However, in the middle
age it got deteriorated. Various ill practices came into existence against women which deteriorated
the condition of women. Indian society became male dominated and women were treated as man’s
slaves. Slowly they became the weaker sex in the society because men used to keep women under their
thumb. They were forced to obey men blindly as a dumb cattle living under four walls of the house.
At some places in the country, women are still ill-treated by the men even after the fast changes in the
Women are treated as living things of the house following all the old cultures, traditions and
restrictions of the society. Earlier the elders of the family were not be happy over the birth of a female child
in the house. However they became double happy if the child was a male. They understood that a male
child will be a source of money whereas female child will be a consumer of money. The birth of daughter
was supposed to be a curse to the family. The gradual positive changes in the Indian society have been
proved to be beneficial to the women status. Positive thinking of people has taken a swift speed which has
changed human mind politically, economically and socially towards women.

9. Write a paragraph in about 150 words on ‘Importance of Discipline ‘.

Discipline is obedient and self-controlled behaviour to follow orders of proper authority. Discipline
is of great importance in the whole life and it is needed in every walk of life. If we do not obey and follow
the orders, rules of the superiors definitely we would suffer problems and meet with failures.
We should always be in discipline and obey the order of our parents and teachers to be successful
in our lives. We should get up from the bed in the early morning. We should do our homework in clean
and neat way at right time. We should never disrespect our parents and we should follow all their orders.
We should go to school at the right time and in the proper uniform. We should follow the teacher’s
orders, do proper work in good hand writing and learn everything in the right manner. We should not
misbehave with the teachers, principal, maid, gate keepers or students. No one can achieve anything big
in the life without discipline.
10. Write a paragraph in about 150 words on ‘Importance of Reading’
Reading daily is one of the best habits one must possess. It develops your imagination and provides
you with a fund of knowledge. Books are your best friends as reading helps build up your confidence.
Reading can help you grow and give a new perspective about life. Good books can influence you
positively and guide you towards the right direction in life. The more you read the more you fall in love
with reading. Reading develops language skills and vocabulary. Reading books is also a way to relax and
reduce stress.
Reading increases creativity and enhances your understanding of life. If we want to adopt some
good habits in life then reading should definitely be on the top of our list. It plays a vital role in the
optimistic growth and development of a person. Reading leads to self-improvement. The pleasure of
reading cannot be expressed in words. One needs to read books to experience the joy of reading.


Write a paragraph in about 150 words.
1. Rain water Harvesting
2. Smart Phone - Boon or Bane
3. Say ‘No’ to plastics
4. Values of Sports and Games
5. Values of Reading Books
6. Awareness on Dengue
7. Empowerment of women
8. My ambition
9. My hobby
10. The leader I like most
11. The most humorous person I like most
12. The most exciting day in your life
13. Cleanliness
14. Punctuality
15. Students and Social Service
16. If I were an angel
17. If I were an English teacher
18. Save energy
19. Road safety
20. Mass Media


Error may occur in many areas of a sentence.
ØØ So we have to read the sentence very carefully before answering this question. We are supposed to
spot the error and write the sentence with the correction. Errors are generally tested in the following
• Articles
• Prepositions
• Numbers (singular and plural)
• Usage of wrong words
• Usage of tenses
• Usage of conjunctions
• Usage of adverbs and adjectives.
• Word order
• Question tags
• Conditional clauses
• Conjunctions
• Concord (agreement of the verb with its subject)

Incorrect sentence Correct sentence

Sending young people is a enormous mistake. Sending young people is an enormous mistake.
It takes me a hour to complete the work. It takes me an hour to complete the work.
He is a M.A. in English. He is an M.A. in English.
I saw an one rupee coin on the road. I saw a one rupee coin on the road.
My aunt is an university professor. My aunt is a university professor.
There was an universal appeal from the leaders. There is a universal appeal from the leaders.
He is somewhere in an European country. He is somewhere in a European country.
I prefer tea than coffee. I prefer tea to coffee.
In the olden days many children did not go to a In the olden days many children did not go school.
My neighbour is a LIC agent. My neighbour is an LIC agent.
The sceneries in Ooty are very good. The scenery in Ooty is very good.
Every student is expected to finish their work in time Every student is expected to finish his/her time
work in time.
Either of the pens write well. Either of the pens writes well.
Raj as well as his father are working in a school. Raj as well as his father is working in a school.
He is one of the richest man in our town. He is one of the richest men in our town.
They found their baggages missing. They found their baggage missing.
A honest man is always respected. An honest man is always respected.
He has passed his B.Sc., in 1998. He passed his B.Sc., in 1998.

Everyone in my class like Science. Everyone in my class likes Science.

In spite of a severe headache, yet he attended the In spite of a severe headache, he attended the
exam. exam.
Owing to the heavy rain and the shops were closed. Owing to the heavy rain the shops were closed.
The ISRO have launched several rockets. The ISRO has launched several rockets.
He returned back from Mumbai yesterday. He returned from Mumbai yesterday. (or)
He came back from Mumbai yesterday.
If I was a ghost, I would scare away all my friends If I were a ghost, I would scare away all the friends
in my room. in my room.
My brother is elder than me. My brother is elder to me.
One of my friends have left for the U.S. One of my friends has left for the U.S.
I am having a test this evening. I have a test this evening.


Set I
1. Diploma in computers is an one-year course.
2. They were discussing about cricket.
3. The members of our team is very efficient.
4. As it rained so we did not go shopping.
5. Though he is sick but he attends the classes.
Set II
1. Neither I nor my brother are happy.
2. He is a doctor, is he?
3. Ooty is one of the hill resort in Tamilnadu.
4. The sun sets in west.
5. I am overwhelmed with his sense of humour.
1. He refused to answer to me.
2. One of the books are costly.
3. He is junior than me.
4. Though Karan was intelligent but he failed in the examination.
5. Sagayam is a M.A., in English.
Set IV
1. If tomorrow is declared a holiday, we shall go to a picnic.
2. When I reached the station the train left.
3. If he had studied well he would pass the exam easily.
4. If I were a giant I would have carried you to the hill.
5. If he meets her he would pass the parcel to her.
Set V
1. If it rained we cannot go out.
2. I don’t travel with heavy luggages.

3. One of the officers have got a car.

4. Everyone in the class learn English well.
5. We listen the music.
Set VI
1. Hari was a honest man.
2. If you worked hard you will pass.
3. He has been searching his pen.
4. Politics are interesting.
5. Though Hari is poor but he is honest.
1. He gave me an one-rupee note.
2. Though she is weak but she is active.
3. She kept the book in the table.
4. None of you know the answer.
5. We can speak the English fluently.
1. Children prefer TV games than story books.
2. Mala is a M.A. in English.
3. One of the boy has got the first prize.
4. Two and two make four.
5. Though he was honest, but he was poor.
Set IX
1. Sheela is junior than me.
2. Ramesh went to abroad.
3. Guilty must be punished.
4. Though he is ill, but he attends the class.
5. The principal with all the teachers are present.
Set X
1. He gave me an one-rupee coin.
2. If they had contacted me, I would help them.
3. He is confident on his success.
4. My father gave me a lot of advices.
5. Though he practiced well, but he did not win the prize.

Homophones are pairs of words that sound the same, but have distinctly different meanings
and different spellings.
1. ad - advertisement
add - to combine numbers or quantities
2. ail - to feel unwell
ale – beer
3. air - the mixture of gases that forms the earth’s atmosphere
heir - the person legally succeeding to the property of a deceased person
4. allowed - permitted someone to do something
aloud - in an audible voice
5. alms - donations of money or goods to the poor.
arms - weapons collectively
6. altar - raised structure on which sacrifices are offered
alter – change
7. aural - using the ears or hearing
oral - spoken or verbal; using spoken words
8. bail - a sum of money deposited with the court as security for a person
bale - a large bundle of goods
9. bald - having no hair on the scalp
bawled - big noise
10. band - a group of musicians playing together; a strip of some adhesive material
banned - prohibited officially
11. bare - unclothed
bear - to support or hold up; a large heavily-built mammal with a long shaggy coat
12. baron - a member of the lowest rank of nobility in the British Isles
barren - incapable of producing crops
13. beach - an area of sand or pebbles sloping down to the sea or a lake
beech - a European tree with smooth greyish bark
14. berth - a place to sleep in a ship or train
birth - the process of bearing young; childbirth
15. blew - inflated with air or the breath (past tense of ‘blow’)
blue - one of the colours
16. boar - a wild pig
bore - to produce a hole with a drill, etc; past tense of ‘bear’
17. board - a long, wide flat piece of sawn timber
bored - to tire or make weary by being dull
18. bold - courageous, confident, and fearless
bowled - sent a ball from one’s hand towards the batsman in cricket

19. born - give/get birth

borne - supported or held
20. bough - branch of a tree
bow - lower one’s head or bend one’s knee or body as a sign of respect
21. brake - a device for slowing or stopping a vehicle
break - to separate or become separated into two or more pieces
22. bread - a food made from a dough of flour or meal mixed with water or milk
bred - to produce new domestic animals and plants (past tense of ‘breed’)
23. bridal - of a bride or a wedding.
bridle - headgear for controlling a horse, consisting of straps and a bit and reins
24. calendar - a chart showing a year divided up into months, weeks, and days
calender - a machine in which paper or cloth is smoothed by passing it between rollers
25. canvas - a heavy cloth of cotton, or jute, used to make tents and sails and for painting
canvass - to try to persuade people to vote for a particular candidate in an election
26. cast - to give or deposit a vote
caste - any of the major hereditary classes into which Indian society is divided
27. caught - to seize and hold (past tense of ‘catch’)
court - a judicial body which hears and makes decisions on legal cases
28. ceiling - the inner upper surface of a room
sealing - close tightly so as to make airtight or watertight
29. cell - a device that produces electrical energy by chemical action./ a small room or compartment
sell - to exchange something for money
30. scent - a pleasant perfume smell
sent - to cause a person or thing to go or be taken to another place (past tense of ‘send’)
31. cereal - any grass that produces an edible grain, such as oat, wheat, or rice
serial - a story published or broadcast in instalments at regular intervals
32. cheap - costing relatively little; inexpensive
cheep - the short weak high-pitched cry of a young bird
33. sight - the ability to see; vision; anything that is seen
site - the piece of ground where something was, is, or is intended to be located
34. coarse - rough in texture or structure
course - a complete series of lessons or lectures; a sequence of medical treatment prescribed fora
period of time
35. colonel - a senior commissioned officer in the army or air force
kernel - the edible seed of a nut or fruit within the shell or stone
36. complement - a person or thing that completes something
compliment - an expression of praise
37. descent - a downward slope
dissent - to disagree
38. desert - a sandy region that has little or no vegetation because of low rainfall
dessert - the sweet course served at the end of a meal
39. dew - drops of water that fall on the ground or on a cool surface at night from vapour in the

due - expected to happen, be done; immediately payable
40. die - to cease to exist; a shaped block used to cut or form metal
dye - to colour; a colouring substance
41. dual - having two parts, functions, or aspects;
duel - a formal fight between two people using guns, swords, or other weapons
42. earn - to gain or be paid money in return for work
urn - a vase used as a container for the ashes of the dead
43. faint - lacking clarity, brightness, or volume
feint - a misleading movement designed to distract an opponent, such as in boxing or fencing
44. fair - reasonable and just; entertainment with sideshows, rides, and amusements
fare - the amount charged or paid for a journey in a bus, train, or plane
45. farther - to or at a greater distance in space or time
father - male parent
46. feat - a remarkable, skillful, or daring action
feet – the part of the leg that is in contact with the ground during standing and walking
47. find - to discover by chance
fined - paid as a penalty
48. flour - a powder prepared by grinding grain
flower - the part of a plant that is, usually, brightly coloured
49. foul - a violation of the rules; stinking and dirty
fowl - a domesticated bird such as a hen
50. gait - manner of walking
gate - a movable barrier, usually hinged, for closing an opening in a wall or fence
51. gilt - covered with a thin layer of gold
guilt - remorse caused by feeling that one has done something wrong
52. groan - a long deep cry of pain, grief, or disapproval
grown - increase in size and develop physically (past participle of ‘grow’)
53. guessed - formed an estimate or conclusion without proper knowledge
guest - a person who receives hospitality at someone else’s home
54. hair - any of the threadlike outgrowths on the skin of mammals
hare - a large rabbit, with longer ears and legs
55. hall - a building or room for public meetings, dances
haul - to drag or pull something with effort
56. hangar - a large building for storing aircraft.
hanger - a curved piece of wood or plastic fitted with a hook and used to hang up clothes
57. hart - the male of the deer, esp. the red deer
heart - a muscular organ whose contractions pump the blood throughout the body
58. heal - to cure by natural processes, such as by scar formation
heel - the back part of the foot
59. higher - being a relatively great distance from top to bottom
hire - to acquire the temporary use of a thing or the services in exchange forpayment

60. him - objective case ‘he’

hymn - Christian song of praise sung to God or a saint
61. hoard - a store of money, food, etc., hidden away for future use
horde - a very large crowd, often frightening or unpleasant.
62. holy - of or associated with God or a deity
wholly – fully
63. idle - doing nothing
idol - statue for worship
64. knead - to work and press such as dough into a smooth mixture with the hands
need – necessity
65. knight - a man who has been given a knighthood
night - the period of darkness that occurs each 24 hours, between sunset and sunrise
66. lessen - to make or become less
lesson - material assigned for individual study
67. loan - money lent at interest for a fixed period of time
lone – solitary
68. made - created, constructed, established
maid - a female servant
69. mail - letters and packages transported and delivered by the post office
male - of or characteristic of a man
70. meat - the flesh of animals used as food
meet - to be in to the same place at the same time as, either by arrangement or by accident
71. medal - a small flat piece of metal bearing an inscription or image, given as an award or in
commemoration of some outstanding event
meddle - to interfere annoyingly
72. might - great strength
mite - any of numerous very small creatures of the spider family some of which live as parasites
73. miner - a person who works in a mine, esp. a coal mine
minor - lesser or secondary in size
74. mind - the part of a person responsible for thought, feelings
mined - dug minerals from the ground
75. palate - the roof of the mouth
palette - a flat board used by artists to mix paints
76. peace - stillness or silence
piece - a separate bit or part
77. peal - a long loud echoing sound, such as of bells or thunder
peel - remove the skin or rind of a fruit or vegetable
78. plain - flat or smooth; easily understood; without adornment
plane - an aeroplane
79. praise - to express admiration or approval for
prays - to ask earnestly to God
80. principal - first in importance, rank, or value

principle - moral rule guiding personal conduct

81. raise - to lift to a higher position or level
rays - narrow beams of light
82. road - a route, usually surfaced, used by travellers and vehicles
rode - to sit on and control the movements of a horse, other animal or vehicles (past tense of
83. role - a task or function
roll - to move along by turning over and over; an official list or register of names
84. root - the part of a plant that anchors the rest of the plant in the ground and absorbs water and
mineral salts from the soil
route - a fixed path followed by buses, trains, etc. between two places
85. scene - the place where an action or event, real or imaginary occurs; the view of a place or
seen - having looked at or recognized with the eyes (past participle of ‘see’)
86. sew - to join with thread repeatedly passed through with a needle
sow - to scatter or plant seed in or on the ground so that it may grow
87. sole - being the only one; the underside of the foot; the underside of a shoe
soul - the spiritual part of a person, regarded as the centre of personality, intellect, will, and
emotions, believed by many to survive the body after death
88. stationary - not moving
stationery - writing materials, such as paper, envelopes, and pens
89. steal - to take something from someone without permission or unlawfully
steel - an alloy of iron and carbon, often with small quantities of other elements
90. storey - a floor or level of a building
story - description of a chain of events told or written in prose or verse
91. tale - story
tail - the rear part of an animal’s body, usually forming a long thin flexible part attached to the
92. team - a group of players forming one of the sides in a sporting contest
teem - to have a great number
93. waist - the narrow part of the body between the ribs and the hips
waste - to use up thoughtlessly, carelessly, or unsuccessfully
94. weak - lacking in physical or mental strength
week - a period of seven consecutive days, esp. one beginning with Sunday
95. weather - the day-to-day atmospheric conditions, such as temperature, cloudiness, and rainfall,
affecting a specific place
whether - used to introduce an indirect question; used to introduce a clause expressing doubt or


Fill the blanks with the correct words.
1. The child threw the toy through the window. (through, threw)
2. My mother received the scent which was sent from Bombay for her birthday. (sent, scent)

3. The criminal was seen at the scene of the crime. (scene, seen)

4. Juju was not allowed to read the book aloud. (allowed, aloud)
5. The workers spent the whole day repairing the hole in the water pipe. (whole, hole)
6. The children gave their mother no peace till she had given them a piece of the cake. (piece, peace)
7. The quiet elderly woman, though uninjured, was quite shaken.(quiet, quite)
8. All except very few workers accept the new proposal. (accept, except)
9. The accident happened very near the desert where they were eating dessert after a meal. (desert,
10. The engine which had the stationery items was stationary (stationary, stationery)
11. The driver applied the brakes in vain which affected his vein (vein, vain).
12. He wanted to read a lesson to lessen his stress. (lessen, lesson)
13. Every alternate day she tries to get an alternative for her handbag. (alternate, alternative)
14. He lives beside a river and besides salary he earns by fishing. (beside, besides)
15. The personnel in the army are expected to maintain a high standard of personal discipline. (personal,


Fill the blanks with the correct words.

1. His __________ of advice gave me a __________ of mind. (piece, peace)
2. She crossed the __________ with a funny __________.(gait, gate)
3. I will do this __________ and take __________ more work today. (sum, some)
4. The shepherd tied his __________ to the __________ tree. (ewe. yew)
5. The officer made a survey of the __________ after regaining the __________. (site, sight)
6. I am __________ that my __________ will deliver the goods. (confidant, confident)
7. The girls __________ their cycles on the busy __________ (road, rode)
8. The __________ will consider their __________ before deciding the case. (council, counsel)
9. The teller wanted to __________ whether the __________ was valid (cheque, check)
10. Last __________ she was very __________ (week, weak)
11. The travellers took rest __________ a beautiful __________ (inn, in)
12. He gave the __________ reply with out __________ (same, shame)
13. The hand writing of the candidate __________ for the post is __________ (eligible, illegible)
14. Trichy is an __________ town full of __________ workers. (industrious, industrial)
15. Madurai is a __________ city known for __________ writers. (populous, popular)
16. The story told by the __________ old man is not __________ (credible, credulous)
17. The police tried to __________ information from the bootlegger who sells __________ liquor. (illicit, elicit)
18. Our new __________ is a man of __________ (principle, principal)
19. The most __________ scientist warned about the __________ danger of nuclear war. (imminent, eminent)
20. He bought a __________ apartment with a garden of __________ greenery. (luxurious, luxuriant)


ØØ Modal derived from mood (stands for the mood of the speaker)
ØØ English language has primary auxiliaries and modal auxiliaries. The modal auxiliaries can be used only
as auxiliaries not as finite verbs. They do not have -s forms, -ing forms, or –ed forms.
ØØ Modal auxiliaries are :
will, shall, can, may, would, should, could, might, must, ought to, need and dare.
ØØ These words do not have past tense but only past forms.
ØØ Of these, ‘used to’, ‘ought to’, ‘need’, ‘dare’, are known as semi - modals or quasi modals or marginal
Uses of Modal auxiliaries
‘shall’ is used to express ‘pure’ future with first person. (I and We)
• I shall come to your house tomorrow.
• We shall get the form tomorrow.
• We shall find it very difficult.
‘shall’ is used to express promise, intention, and willingness.
• I shall find it immediately. (Promise)
• We shall study well. (Promise)
• I shall buy the books when I go out. (Intention)
• We shall accept your orders. (Willingness)
In present day English there is a growing tendency to use ‘will’ for I person. So very often we
come across sentences like the following.
• I will come to your house.
• We will get the application form tomorrow.
• I will buy the books.
• I will help you.
When ‘shall’ is used with the second and third persons, it does not express a ‘pure’ future. It
expresses a command, a promise, or a threat.
• He shall not meet me hereafter. (Command)
• You shall not get the order. (Command)
• You shall get the result tomorrow. (Promise)
• His work shall be accepted. (Promise)
• You shall be punished for this. (Threat)
• He shall lose his job. (Threat)
‘will’ is generally used with second and third person to form future tense.
• He will meet me at 6 O’ clock.

• You will finish the work without any problem.

• The monsoon will begin within a week.
• She will be forty-eight next July.
• They will be happy to work with me.
She will come along with me.
‘shall’ can never be used in this context.
‘will’ is used with second and third persons to express assumption and characteristic habit.
• Jane will understand this easily. (Assumption)
• David will make himself comfortable. (Assumption)
• She will talk about books and music. (Characteristic habit)
‘will you?’ expresses an invitation or request.
• Will you come to my place today?
• Will you close the door?
• Will you lend me some money?
• Will you have tea?
There is a possibility to use ‘will’ with first person to express ‘pure’ future. But we can never use ‘shall’ with
second and third person to express ‘pure’ future.
‘can’ usually expresses ability or capacity and permission.
• Rita can use computer. (Ability)
• Can you lift this table? (Ability)
• You can go home now. (Permission)
The students can use the school bus for their picnic. (Permission)
• Speaker can ask permission by using ‘can’ in the question.
• Can I see her now?
• Can we get into the bus?
We use the negative form of ‘can’ (cannot and can’t) for the absence of ability and
• The principal can’t see you now. (He is busy now) – absence of ability
• I can’t drive. (I don’t know how to drive) – absence of ability
• You cannot take these toys. (Prohibition)
• You cannot smoke here. (Prohibition)

‘may’ is used to express permission and possibility or probability. In a question form the
speaker can ask permission.
• May I come in?
• May I get your pen?
• May we go home now?
• May I post this letter?

In a statement form, the speaker can give permission to someone to do something.

• You may go home.
• She may come in.
• The boys may go to the library.
• The girls may go to the singing class.
‘may’ is used to say that some event or some action is possible or likely to happen. ‘may not’
can express the idea that an action or event is unlikely to happen or improbable.
• The train may arrive now.
• It may rain now.
• The function may be postponed.
• Our teacher may not come today.
‘may’ expresses the wish of the speaker. Wishes for birthday, wedding, success etc. can be
expressed by using ‘may’.
• May God bless you!
• May you enjoy your success!
• May you have the best of luck!
We use ‘may have’ to express the idea of some event that was possible or probable in the
• She may have passed in the examination.
• They may have finished the work.

‘must’ is used to express necessity.
• We must go to the station now.
• I must see her now.
‘must’ is used for inference or certainty.
• The manager must come to his room now because the time is 10 o’ clock.
• Rita must spend her time happily.

‘should’ is used as the past equivalent of ‘shall’ in the first person.
• I said that I should come.
• I said that we should complete the work.
• I said that we should meet her today.
But in normal usage ‘would’ replaces ‘should’ in these sentences.
‘should’ is used to express duty or obligation.
• We should obey our parents.
• You should keep your promise.
• I should find her now.
‘should’ expresses something that is very likely to happen.
• We should win the match.
• My dress should be ready by now.

• She should be here in an hour.

‘would’ is used as the past form of ‘shall’ and ‘will’. It is mainly used in indirect speech.
• She said that she would come to my house that day.
• The clerk said that the principal would come soon.
• The mother told her son that she would see his work the next day.
‘would’ is used in the question form to express polite request.
• Would you please attend the party?
• Would you close the door please?
• Would you tell me where I should go?
‘would’ is used to express happenings or activities in the past, which were frequent or
occurred from time to time.
• He would spend many hours in reading.
• On many days he would come late to school.
• Akbar would discuss the state matters in the court.
‘would is used with verbs such as ‘like’, ‘rather’ and ‘mind’.
• I would like to play the guitar.
• They would rather die than surrender.
• Would you mind opening the door?
For regular actions in the past, simple past tense is used.
• She went to school regularly.
• They studied their lessons well.
• He prepared food at home.

‘could’ is used as the equivalent of ‘can’ in the past tense. It is mainly used in indirect speech.
• She asked him whether he could meet her at her place.
• I said that I could attend the meeting.
• He said that he could finish the work within a week.
When we have a word or a phrase to refer to the past in a sentence, ‘could’ is used for
possibility, polite request.
• I could run well when I was young.
• My father could read without glasses till his last days
• She could compete with everyone in her school days.
• ‘Could’ is used in polite request.
• Could I meet the manager?
• Could you please answer my question?
• Could you pass the salt?
‘might’ is used as the past form of ‘may’ to express possibility or permission.
It is mainly used in indirect speech.
• He said that he might go to see her.
• She said that she might send the letter.
• He said that they might come to the party.
‘might’ is used in the present or future tense to express the idea of something being
If ‘might’ is used, the probability expressed is less than that is expressed by ‘may’.
• It might rain.
• The train might be late.
• She might attend the party.
• He might be right.
‘might’ is used to express a polite request that is more polite than that if ‘may’ is used.
• Might I have your pen?
• Might I use your book?
• Might I have a word with you?
(This usage is not common in the Modern English)


Fill the correct modal verb.

1. My grandmother is eighty-five, but she __________ still read and write without glasses.
a) could b) shall c) can d) must
2. __________ I come with you?
a) shall b) should c) must d) might
3. __________ you help me with the housework, please?
a) shall b) could c) should d) must
4. There was a time when I __________ stay up very late.
a) will b) would c) could d) might
5. You __________ not lose any more weight. You are already slim.
a) will b) should c) would d) could
6. We __________ make the first move.
a) shall b) should c) would d) could
7. It is snowing outside so I __________ stay at home.
a) could b) would c) will d) may
8. I __________ get you a shawl from Kashmir.
a) may b) might c) would d) may
9. __________ you mind if I borrowed your car?
a) shall b) will c) would d) will
10. __________ you take care of my dog for a day?
a) will b) may c) might d) must
11. Our country __________ become a super power by 2025.
a) shall b) may c) might d) will
12. She __________ sell her home because she needs money.
a) will b) shall c) may/might d) will

13. Eve – teasers __________ be severely punished.

a) must b) would c) could d) might
14. A good teacher __________ make even boring lessons interesting.
a) could b) would c) can d) may
15. In the army, soldiers __________ obey their officers.
a) should b) must c) would d) could

1. can 2. can/may/shall 3. will/could/can 4. could 5. should 6 must
7. will/can 8. will 9. would 10. will 11. will 12. may/might
13. must 14. can 15. must


Fill in the blanks with a correct modal auxiliary verb.

1. They knelt in front of the child who __________ one day rule their country.
a) can b) will c) shall d) should
2. How many people __________ get into a telephone booth?
a) will b) may c) can d) would
3. I __________ not do this if I did not have to.
a) will b) can c) would d) should
4. If you stopped talking, I __________ get some work done.
a) will b) would c) could d) should
5. __________ I get a visa for Malaysia?
a) can b) could c) will d) would

6. You __________ better start saying thank-you.

a) can b) could c) will d) would
7. Let’s go for a walk, __________ we?
a) shall b) will c) can d) must
8. You __________ work on Sundays.
a) should b) can c) will d) would
9. She really __________ mend her ways.
a) has to b) have to c) had to d) would
10. She __________ speak six languages.
a) can b) will c) may d) might

11. Life __________ be more interesting when I was a child.

a) will b) can c) could d) would
12. Granny __________ always bring us nice gifts.
a) will b) would c) shoul d) might
13. Jonathan __________ run really well and he often wins his races.
a) can b) could c) shall d) should
14. I __________ go to the party but I’m still not sure.
a) may b) can c) could d) shall
15. I think you __________ go out more and meet new people.
a) have to b) will c) would d) may



ØØ Quasi modals or semi modals are slightly different from other modal verbs. ‘Ought to’, ‘need’, ‘dare’
and ‘used to’ are quasi modals.
ought to
‘ought to’ is used almost in the meaning of ‘should’. This is the only modal which gives an
infinitive. It expresses the idea of a recommendation, advice the right thing to do.
• She ought to consult a doctor.
• I ought to go home now.
• They ought to complete the work.
The words ‘need’ and ‘dare’ can be used as auxiliaries with certain restrictions.
‘need’ is used as a regular or finite verb in the meaning ‘require’ or ‘be in need of’.
It has its singular and past form as all other finite verbs.
• She needs a room to stay.
• I need a book to read.
• He needed his pen to write the essay.
• Do you need anything to carry with you?
• Does she need anything to carry with her?
‘need’ is used as an auxiliary in negative and question forms. It does not have singular and
past form as auxiliary.
• You need not come home.
• He need not complete the work now.
• The children need not go to school.
• I need not pay any fine.
• Need I pay the fine?
• Need Mr. Das pay any tax?
• Need the students go on strike?
Like the word ‘need’, ‘dare’ is also used both as a finite verb and as an auxiliary verb.
As a finite verb it has singular form and past tense form. It has the meaning ‘have the
• He dares to oppose the minister.
• She dared to come out of the meeting.
• He did not dare to oppose his father.
As an auxiliary ‘dare’ is used only in questions and negative sentences.
• Dare he oppose me?
• Dare they do such things?
• Dare you step into my house?
• She dare not come into my house.

• They dare not receive any bribe

• How dare you open my room?
Used to
‘used to’ is used only in past tense. It is used for a past habit or a discontinued habit.
• He used to see a lot of movies in his college days.
• She used to carry a red bag when she was studying.
• I used to visit my grandmother very often.


Fill in the blanks with a correct semi-modals / quasi-modals.
1. In those days she __________ visit her grandmother regularly.
a) dare b) ought to c) need d) used to
2. How __________ you open my letter?
a) ought to b) dare c) used to d) need
3. She __________ pass the exam to qualify herself for the job.
a) need b) ought to c) used to d) dare
4. He __________ not meet me today.
a) used to b) dare c) need d) ought to
5. __________ he submit the library book today?
a) need b) ought to c) dare d) need

6. How __________ you put your hand in my pocket?

a) used to b) need c) ought to d)dare
7. Gita __________ not attend the class today.
a) dare b) ought to c) need d) used to
8. He __________ read a lot of fiction in the past.
a) ought to b) dare c) used to d) need
9. You __________ pay the fees tomorrow otherwise you will not be allowed to sit for the
a) need b) ought to c) used to d) dare
10. How __________ you call me by nickname?
a) used to b) dare c) need d) ought to

1. used to 2. dare 3. ought to 4. need 5. need 6. dare 7. need 8. used to 9. ought to 10. dare


Fill in the blanks with a correct semi-modals / quasi-modals.

1. __________ I talk to them before the meeting begins?
a) used to b) ought to c) dare d) need
2. You __________ consult the neighbours relating to the unsanitary conditions.
a) need b) used to c) ought to d) dare

3. How __________ you challenge the boss?

a) used to b) dare c) need d) ought to
4. We __________ play hockey during the weekends when we were young.
a) dare b) need c) used to d) ought to
5. Tomorrow is a holiday. Children __________ not come to school.
a) need b) ought to c) dare d) used to
6. He __________ not ask the manager for a hike in the salary.
a) ought to b) used to c) dare d) need
7. They __________ go to park on Sundays during their school days.
a) used to b) dare c) need d) ought to
8. You __________ not pay the exam fees this time.
a) used to b) need c) ought to d) dare
9. The Principal __________ call for an emergency meeting of teaching staff.
a) need b) ought to c) dare d) used to
10. Venkat __________ not speak before the audience.
a) used to b) need c) ought to d) dare
11. __________ they report to the umpire in the evening?
a) used to b) need c) ought to d) dare
12. The children __________ have their eye-sight checked every year.
a) used to b) dare c) need d) ought to
13. We __________ not read every chapter.
a) need b) ought to c) used to d) dare
14. Nirmala __________ go for a walk in the morning but now-a-days she is busy with home
a) ought to b) dare c) used to d) need
15. You __________ carry your driving licence.
a) dare b) ought to c) need d) used to
16. Mithun __________ not tell the parents about his low score in the examination.
a) ought to b) dare c) need d) used to
17. The workers __________ not mention their mobile number in the register.
a) need b) dare c) used to d) ought to
18. The leader __________ consult his party men before launching the project.
a) dare b) need c) used to d) ought to
19. The shopkeeper __________ smile whenever any customer approached him.
a) used to b) dare c) ought to d) need
20. __________ they face the wrath of the tenant?
a) dare b) need c) used to d) ought to



Link Words
ØØ Link word is a common expression for conjunctions, connectors, the expressions to link ideas. So the
number of words is more than our expectation
ØØ In spite of / Despite link two contrasting ideas, followed by a noun phrase.

ØØ Although / (Even) though link two contrasting ideas, followed by a sentence.

ØØ However / Nevertheless / Still / Yet / Even so / On the contrary / In contrast, introduce a new idea
which marks a contrast with previously stated ideas, introduced by a comma.
ØØ new idea which marks a contrast with previously stated ideas. – but

ØØ On the one hand... On the other hand, links two contrasting ideas / paragraphs.

ØØ In contrast to / Contrary to link two contrasting ideas followed by a noun phrase.

Reason and cause

ØØ Because / As / Since / Seeing that introduce a sentence. Sub-ordinate clause introduced by ‘because’
always appears in final position.
ØØ Because of / On account of / Owing to / Due to - introduce a noun phrase.


ØØ In order to / So as to – introduce an infinitive of purpose.

ØØ In order that / So that – introduce a sentence.

ØØ Consequently / As a consequence / As a result / Therefore

ØØ As a consequence of / As a result of followed by a noun phrase

ØØ ‘So’ introduces a sentence. No commas.

ØØ Moreover / Furthermore / In addition / Besides / What’s more – Used after a strong pause and sepa-
rated from the sentences. They are introduced by a comma.
ØØ As well as / In addition to / Besides are used to add one more piece of information, followed by a
noun phrase.

ØØ For example / For instance – introduces an example referring to previously stated ideas.

ØØ Such as introduces an example referring to the last idea.


ØØ but / yet: followed by a noun phrase or a sentence.
‘The book is short but / yet interesting’
ØØ in spite of / despite: It is placed at the beginning or in the middle of the sentence.
‘He arrived on time despite / in spite of getting up late’
ØØ although / though/ even though / in spite of the fact that: followed by a complete sentence. They can
be placed at the beginning or in the middle of the sentence. If it is placed at the beginning we need
to use a comma after the clause.
‘Although / though / even though / in spite of the fact that the pupils had not studied, they
all passed their exams’.
ØØ however, nevertheless, even so, on the one hand, on the other hand, on the contrary:
‘He was quite ill however / nevertheless / even so, he went to school’.
ØØ while, whereas
‘This film is very interesting, while/whereas that one is quite boring’.
Reason and cause
ØØ because, as since, seeing that:
‘Because / as / since / seeing that it’s late, we should go home’.
ØØ because of, on account of, owing to, due to:
‘Because of / on account of / owing to / due to the bad weather, we stayed at home’.
ØØ in order to, so as to, to:
‘She uses her video in order to / so as to / to record TV programmes’.
Add information
ØØ for example, for instant, such as:
‘Vegetables are a good source of vitamins: for example / for instance, oranges have vitamin C’
ØØ more over, furthermore, besides, in addition to:
‘In addition to soul music, she likes rap’.
ØØ apart from, except for:
‘Apart from English, she speaks French’.
ØØ First of all / Firstly / To begin with / First ….
ØØ Second / Secondly / Then …
ØØ Third / Thirdly / After that...
ØØ The next stage …
ØØ Finally / in short / to sum up / in conclusion / lastly / last but not least…

ØØ As a result of:
‘As a result of his brave action, he was awarded a military medal.
ØØ Therefore, as a result, consequently, for this reason:
‘Consequently / for this reason, it always passes its annual road test’.


Fill in the blanks with the proper linkers.
1. I have both respect _________ admiration for them.
a) but b) or c) and d) so
2. Hardly had I finished reading over the problem, _________ the answer leapt to my mind.
a) than b) when c) if d) as
3. It will rain either today _________ tomorrow.
a) nor b) or c) when c) after
4. He could not decide whether to tell the truth _________ keep silent.
a) but b) or c) unless d) if
5. It was not only a beautiful day, ___________ the first day of Spring.
a) and b) but also c) merely d) only
6. __________ you follow the instructions, you should have no difficulty.
a) unless b) after c) if d) before
7. He is neither proud _________ condescending.
a) or b) nor c) and d) but
8. No sooner had I opened my eyes, _________ I remembered where I was.
a) then b) after c) than d) so
9. Scarcely had I heard the news, _________ my friend arrived.
a) than b) when c) after d) if
10. I do not know whether he has seen the movie before ________ not.
a) and b) nor c) or d) when

1. and 3. or 5. but also 7. nor 9. when
2. when 4. or 6. If 8. than 10. or


Fill in the blanks with the correct linker chosen from the pairs given in brackets.
1. We recognized her at once, _________ we had not seen her for years. 
a) although b) in case c) so d) if
2. He kept reading _________ he fell asleep. 
a) for b) until c) after d) so that
3. The moon will rise _________ the sun sets.
a) as soon as b) than c) before d) if
4. It looks _________ the train will be late.
a) while b) as though c) unless d) until

5. _________ she got her degree, she became a teacher.

a) After b) Than c) However d) In case
6. We will not go skiing _________ the weather is good.
a) as if b) unless c) but d) or
7. _________ he left, he made sure he had his keys with him. 
a) Before b) For c) In case d) Unless
8. _________ I told the truth, you would not believe me.
a) Even if b) So that c) But d) Although
9. They have known her _________ she was a child.
a) until b) since c) though d) yet
10. I must leave now, _________ I have a great deal of work to do.
a) as b) than c) still d) but
11. What shall we do _________ it rains?
a) or else b) supposing c) after d) no sooner
12. _________ you read this book, you would be sure to enjoy it.
a) If b) Until c) For d) Nonetheless
13. The door was open, _________ we could hear everything.
a) in case b) so c) until d) either
14. We packed a lunch, _________ we knew we would soon be hungry.
a) lest b) for c) but d) if
15. I will join you, _________ the weather is fine.
a) in spite of b) due to c) in case d) unless
16. _________ he is very busy, he is seldom at home.
a) though b) as c) if d) while
17. We must hurry, _________ we will be late.
a) yet b) and c) but d) or
18. We stayed up late, _________ we were tired.
a) so b) but c) or d) still
19. They went swimming, _________ the coldness of the water. 
a) due to b) though c) but d) in spite of
20. I enjoy the course, _________ the professor is a good teacher.
a) although b) when c) as d) but


ØØ In linguistics, a semantic field is a set of words grouped semantically (by meaning) that refers to a
specific subject.A meaning of a word is dependent partly on its relation to other words in the same
conceptual area.The kinds of semantic fields vary from culture to culture.


Identify the following sentences with the fields given below

I 1. Spicy food can cause acidity in the stomach. (Nutrition & Dietetics)
2. Sania Mirza advanced to the third round of the US Open. (Sports)
3. India will test fire another missile next week. (Defence)
4. Wordsworth’s poems are very famous. (Literature)
5. The flight was cancelled due to fog. (Weather)
(Weather, Defence, Sports, Nutrition & Dietetics, Literature)
II 1. The ozone layer protects us from the UV rays. (Environment)
2. Anju George has won several medals in the long jump event. (Sports)
3. COBOL and FORTRAN languages are used. (Computer)
4. The Democratic Party made a clean sweep in the recent elections. (Politics)
5. Jet Airways has reduced the airfare very much. (Travel)

(Computer, Travel, Environment, Sports, Politics)
III 1. My uncle is going to undergo a surgery. (Medicine)
2. An island is a land part surrounded by water on all sides. (Geography)
3. Bread and butter makes a tasty breakfast. (Food)
4. The new film became a box office hit. (Entertainment)
5. The State Government is trying to achieve Education for all. (Education)

(Entertainment, Medicine, Geography, Education, Food)
IV 1. You have to obtain passport to go abroad. (Travel)
2. The rain will continue for the next two days. (Weather)
3. Virat Kholi breaks records in Test Cricket. (Sports)
4. A new machine has been invented to detect fake notes. (Science)
5. Fruits are rich in vitamins. (Nutrition)

(Science, Sports, Nutrition, Travel, Weather


I 1. ‘India Today’ has published an article on this issue.
2. Add coriander leaves for flavour.
3. Chenmaiyin finishes fourth in ISL.
4. The renovation of the temple is going on.
5. The Entrance Examination will be held next month.

(Religion, Media, Education, Sports, Cooking)
II 1. K.L. Rahul is brought back to one day cricket after two years.
2. Rainfall occurred at a few places over coastal Karnata.
3. Tamilnadu farmers are reluctant to invest in drip irrigation.
4. Oscar award winner A.R. Rehman was appreciated by the Chief Minister.
5. Syllabi for equitable standard school education will be finalised next month.

(Weather, Agriculture, Education, Music, Sports)
III 1. The ISRO launched seven rockets last year.
2. The new MLA s will be sworn in next week.
3. Carrot is rich in vitamin A.
4. ‘Super King’ Dhoni to train for IPL.
5. We stayed in a motel in Darjeeling.

(Sports, Politics, Travel, Space, Nutrition)
IV 1. It was a thrilling win for Roger Federer.
2. Palestenians have decided to go to polls.
3. A new software is adopted to make operations easier.
4. This oil massage will refresh you a lot.
5. Britney Spears will release a new album next month.

(Music, Computer, Politics, Sports, Health)
V 1. Mr. S.K. Prasad passed away last night.
2. We are trying to manage viral diseases in black pepper.
3. Another bid is made to attract foreign investments.
4. Ravi Sastri calls for better pitches.
5. Young girls impressed with their artistry in Margam style.

(Sports, Business, Agriculture, Art, Obituary)
VI 1. It is going to be the closest election ever fought in Tamil Nadu.
2. A magazine has been published to help work-life balance.
3. Fossil proof of human evolution has been found.
4. Arsenal and Liverpool split points.
5. The High Court adjourns the case to next week.

(Archeology, Law, Sports, Politics, Literature)
VII 1. Free books will be supplied to all students
2. Pascal adding machine is the first mechanical machine.
3. The students displayed their inventions at the exhibition.
4. King Asoka ruled for thirty seven years.
5. R.D. Sugar Mills plans Rs. 300 crore expansion.

(History, Business, Education, Computer, Science)
VIII 1. Akira’s album has bagged four Emmy Awards.
2. He is running a mercy home in Salem.
3. Take these pills only in the morning.
4. A vast stretch of sand is called desert.

5. Deforestation leads to soil erosion.

(Medicine, Music, Environment, Social Service, Geography)
IX 1. Harsha extended his empire from Punjab to Bengal.
2. The mouse is an input device.
3. Irfan Pathan performed a hat-trick against Pakistan.
4. By 2020, all schools will be equipped with computer.
5. Indian Paints achieved a profit of Rs. 500 crore last year.

(Education, History, Commerce, Computer, Sports)
X 1. Bombay Jayashree is a famous singer.
2. Many scientists reveal their fear about the global warming.
3. The hybrid variety of crops yield more.
4. The sensex in Mumbai Stock Market crossed 20,000 points last week.
5. A lot of people visit Ooty every year.

(Agriculture, Tourism, Commerce, Music, Science)


Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
The Incredible Machine is a favourite attraction at an amusement park, and I am no different.
However, unlike most people who seem to prefer rollercoasters, my favorite ride is a little gentler. Every
time I go to Coney Island, Navy Pier, or the Santa Monica Pier, I absolutely have to ride the Ferris
wheel. The Ferris wheel is simple and yet also quite complex. That is, riding it is easy, but how it works
is complicated. A series of carts are attached to a wheel, which is attached to a rim. That rim rotates
vertically around an axis, and gravity keeps the carts upright.. The fact of being high in the air makes it
so much more entertaining than a lot of rides. I mean, how often do you hang from that high up in daily
life? Nevertheless, I have to admit, I don’t seek Ferris wheels out because of their excitement. Rather, I
find them very relaxing. At the top of the Ferris wheel, you get beautiful sights of the park. You also get a
sense of calm that you don’t get in the hustle and bustle of the park below. Additionally, Ferris wheels are
also gorgeous to look at when they are lit up at night. In fact, the original Ferris wheel was designed as
much to be seen as to be ridden. It happened at the World’s Fair. The first Ferris wheel was made by and
named after George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr. He designed it for the Chicago World’s Fair in 1893. It was
the tallest attraction there, standing 264 feet high. However, visitors to the fair were impressed by the size
of the ride as well as the mechanics of it. In 1893, anything that was not turned by hand was considered
a sight to see. And the wheel, which was a machine, was truly incredible to see.
1. What are Coney Island, Navy Pier and Santa Monica Pier?
They are all amusement parks.
2. Which game does the author like?
The author likes Ferris wheel.
3. Why is Ferris wheel more entertaining than other riders?
The fact of being high in the air makes it more entertaining than other riders.
4. Why does he seek Ferris wheel?
He seeks Ferris wheel because he finds it very relaxing.
5. Who made the first Ferris wheel and when was it made?
George Washington Gale Ferris Jr. made the first Ferris wheel in 1893.


1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
Persuasion is the art of convincing someone to agree with your point of view. According to the
ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, there are three basic tools of persuasion: ethos, pathos, and logos.
Ethos is a speaker’s way of convincing the audience that she is a credible source. An audience will consider
a speaker credible if she seems trustworthy, reliable, and sincere. This can be done in many ways. For
example, a speaker can develop ethos by explaining how much experience or education she has in the
field. After all, you would be more likely to listen to advice about how to take care of your teeth from a
dentist than a firefighter. A speaker can also create ethos by convincing the audience that she is a good
person who has their best interests at heart. If an audience cannot trust you, you will not be able to
persuade them. Pathos is a speaker’s way of connecting with an audience’s emotions. For example, a
speaker who is trying to convince an audience to vote for him might say that he alone can save the country
from a terrible war. These words are intended to fill the audience with fear, thus making them want to vote

for him. Similarly, a charity organization that helps animals might show an audience pictures of injured
dogs and cats. These images are intended to fill the viewers with pity. If the audience feels bad for the
animals, they will be more likely to donate money. Logos is the use of facts, information, statistics, or other
evidence to make your argument more convincing. An audience will be more likely to believe you if you
have data to back up your claims. For example, a commercial for soap might tell you that laboratory tests
have shown that their soap kills all 7,000,000 of the bacteria living on your hands right now. This piece of
information might make you more likely to buy their brand of soap. Presenting this evidence is much more
convincing than simply saying “our soap is the best!” Use of logos can also increase a speaker’s ethos; the
more facts a speaker includes in his argument, the more likely you are to think that he is educated and
1. When will the audience think the speaker is sincere?

2. Define persuasion.
3. What is the difference between ethos and pathos?
4. What is logos?
5. How does use of logos increase speaker’s ethos?

2. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
Born on Jan 12, 1863 in an affluent Bengali family, Narendra NathaDatta was a precocious child
who was what we call nowadays, an all-rounder, excelling in music, studies and athletics. His father
VishwanathaDatta was a well-known attorney. However, he took the spiritual route instead and introduced
Hinduism to the world in 1893 when he spoke at the World’s Parliament of Religion (probably one of the
most epic things any Indian has done abroad!).
The historic speech was given on September 11, 1893 by Swami Vivekananda. Here’s the full
text of his opening and closing address:
Sisters and Brothers of America,
It fills my heart with joy unspeakable to rise in response to the warm and cordial welcome which
you have given us. I thank you in the name of the most ancient order of monks in the world; I thank you in
the name of the mother of religions, and I thank you in the name of millions and millions of Hindu people
of all classes and sects.
My thanks, also, to some of the speakers on this platform who, referring to the delegates from the
Orient, have told you that these men from far-off nations may well claim the honour of bearing to different
lands the idea of toleration. I am proud to belong to a religion which has taught the world both tolerance
and universal acceptance.
We believe not only in universal toleration, but we accept all religions as true. I am proud to
belong to a nation which has sheltered the persecuted and the refugees of all religions and all nations

of the earth. I am proud to tell you that we have gathered in our bosom the purest remnant of the
Israelites, who came to Southern India and took refuge with us in the very year in which their holy
temple was shattered to pieces by Roman tyranny. I am proud to belong to the religion which has
sheltered and is still fostering the remnant of the grand Zoroastrian nation. I will quote to you, brethren,
a few lines from a hymn which I remember to have repeated from my earliest boyhood, which is every
day repeated by millions of human beings: “As the different streams having their sources in different
paths which men take through different tendencies, various though they appear, crooked or straight, all
lead to Thee.”
The present convention, which is one of the most august assemblies ever held, is in itself a
vindication, a declaration to the world of the wonderful doctrine preached in the Gita: “Whosoever comes
to me, through whatsoever form, I reach him; all men are struggling through paths which in the end lead
to me.” Sectarianism, bigotry, and its horrible descendant, fanaticism, have long possessed this beautiful
1. What was ViswanathDatta’s profession?
2. In the phrase ‘all leads to Thee’ to whom does the word ‘thee’ refer to?
3. “I am proud to belong to a nation”.Which nation is mentioned here?
4. Which religion does teach the world tolerance and acceptance?
5. Who came to Southern India and took refuge?

3. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
Although not the longest river in America, the Rio Grande is one of the most important. But, unlike
other significant rivers, it is not used for shipping. In fact, oceangoing ships cannot navigate the waters.
No, what makes the Rio Grande so important is its location. Since 1846, it has been the official border of
Texas and Mexico.
The Rio Grande is either the fourth or fifth longest river system in North America. It all depends on
how it is measured. Because the river twists so much, it occasionally changes course. And these course
shifts can cause it to be longer or shorter. At its last official measure, the Rio Grande clocked in at 1,896
miles. The river starts in Colorado and extends downward to the Gulf of Mexico. Downward is the best way
of describing it too.
Not only does the river extend south, but it also starts in the mountains and gets lower and lower
in elevation as it extends to the Gulf. Its name is Spanish for the “Big River,” but the Rio Grande is actually
known as Rio Bravo in Mexico. “Bravo” translates as “furious,” so the name makes sense. Because of its
twists and turns, it certainly does seem to be angrier than most rivers!
The Rio Grande today is mostly used as a source of drinking water. Sadly, much of the water has
been drained from the river. Parts of the river are almost dry! This is because people use more water from

the river than the river can get back from rain and other sources. Experts are working to correct this,
though, with hopes of restoring the river to its past strength. Today, the river is important as a source
of water for Texans and Mexicans. More important, it is a symbol of cooperation between two nations.
Though borders like the Rio Grande separate nations, they are also shared spaces. The Rio Grande is
therefore a symbol of friendship and peace between twopeoples.
1. According to the passage why is Rio Grande important?
2. In what way is Rio Grande different from other rivers?
3. Where does Rio Grande extend to?
4. What is the name of this river in Mexico?
5. Why are some parts of river almost dry?

4. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
Fruit Fly Fix
It is breakfast time. You have been looking forward to eating a nice ripe banana ever since youwoke
up. Just when you reach for the delicious piece of fruit on your counter, you see something that makes
you much less hungry: a swarm of fruit flies! Fruit flies are tiny insects that are attracted to ripe or rotting
fruits and vegetables.
The flies not only eat the fruit, they also lay their eggs there. A single fruit fly can lay up to 500
eggs on the surface of a piece of fruit. Within eight days, the fruit flies that hatch from these eggs are full
adults that can then lay their own eggs. As you can see, what might start out as a small fruit fly problem
can become very large very quickly. Although there is a chance fruit flies can carry germs on to your food,
this is not very likely. Fruit flies are annoying, but they probably will not hurt you. Because they are such
a nuisance, however, most people want to get rid of these pesky bugs as quickly as possible.
Some people use pesticide sprays on the fruit flies. Although this will kill the flies, it will also spread
harmful poison all over your kitchen. Luckily, there is also a completely safe way for you to get rid of fruit
flies in your house. The first step is for you to remove all fruits or vegetables from your counter. Store these
items in the refrigerator or in sealed containers. Clean up any spilled juice or bits of food that might be
on the floor. Take out the trash and empty the recycling bin. Wash any dirty dishes that are in your sink.
Doing all of these things will stop new fruit flies from finding food or places to lay their eggs.
Next, make a trap to catch all of the remaining fruit flies in your house. First, fill a small bowl with a
few tablespoons of vinegar. Then, put a piece of very ripe or rotting fruit into the vinegar. Cover the bowl
very tightly with a sheet of plastic wrap and poke a few very small holes in the wrap with a fork. If all goes
according to plan, the flies will enter the trap through the holes but will be unable to fly back out. This trap

will catch all of the remaining fruit flies. You can either kill these flies or release them outdoors. Fruit flies
can be a pest, but they do not have to make you crazy. With a little effort, you can get existing flies out of
your house and prevent new ones from taking over your kitchen.
1. What are fruit flies?
2. How do the fruit flies multiply easily?
3. According to the passage why should we not use pesticide spray to kill fruit flies?
4. What is the completely safe way of getting rid of fruit flies?
5. What could we use to catch the fruit flies?

5. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
A material is what something is made of. There are 5 basic materials. Most things are made
withthese materials. Some things are made of metal. Some things are made of glass. Some things are
made of wood. Some things are made of cloth. And some things are made of plastic. There are some other
materials. But they are not used as much as these 5 materials.
Let’s talk about metal first. Metal is very heavy. And it is very hard and strong. It usually feelscool
if you touch it. We use metal to make lots of things. We use it for forks and knives. We use it for keys.
We use it for cars. We use it for these things because it is very strong. Next, let’s talk about glass. Glass
is very smooth. It feels cool to touch. It is not as heavy as metal. It is hard. But it is not strong. It breaks
very easily! Then why do we use it? We use it because it is clear! You can see through glass! That’s why
we use it for windows. That’s also why we use it for glasses.
Now, let’s talk about wood. Wood is lighter than metal and glass. It is not as strong as metal. But it
is much stronger than glass. We use wood to make lots of things. Things made from wood are usually light
and hard and strong. Chairs and tables are made from wood. Pencils are made from wood. Now let’s talk
about cloth. Cloth is very light. It is much lighter than wood. And it is very soft. We use cloth to makelots
of things. For example, it is used to make clothing. And it is used to make blankets.
Last, let’s talk about plastic. Plastic is also very light. But it is different from cloth. Sometimes it is
soft. And sometimes it is hard. Plastic can be used to make thin plastic bags. These are light, soft, and
strong. But plastic can also be used to make bicycle helmets. These are light, hard, and strong. A helmet
and a bag seem different. But they are both made from plastic.
1. What is a material?
2. What are the materials mentioned in the passage?
3. How do we use metal?
4. Why do we use glass though it is not strong?
5. What do we make out of wood?



Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 90
1) Check the question paper for fairness of printing. If there is any lack of fairness inform the Hall supervisor
2) Use Blue or Black ink to write and underline.
Answer all the questions. 20×1=20
Choose the appropriate synonyms of the underlined words in the following sentences.
1. ......we treated it like the fables of the prophets she used to tell us.
a) tales b) theories c) sayings d) experiences
2. .....either he has a memory like a sieve or is an audacious perverter of the truth.
a) great b) bold c) strong d) perfect
3. I shall.....only reiterate some of the cardinal principles.
a) accept b) express c) repeat d) adopt
Choose the appropriate antonyms for the underlined words in the following sentences.
4. The discrepancy about the cress put me on my guard.....
a) originality b) similarity c) functionality d) triviality
5. Such a cosy little room!
a) uncomfortable b) inexpensive c) filthy d) dingy
6. But how near the surface and worldly guile!
a) hardship b) peace c) honesty d) pleasure
7. Choose the word that can be added after ‘good’ to form a compound word.
a) sense b) time c) form d) will
8. Form a new word by adding a suitable prefix to the base-word ‘animate’
a) de__ b) un__ c) in__ d) re__
9. Choose the unclipped form of the word ‘champ’
a) Champion b) Chamberlain c) Champagne d) Chimpanzee
10. Choose the right combination of the blended word ‘sitcom’
a) sisterly+community b) sitting+compartment c) site+commerce d) situation+comedy
11. A person who is capable of using both hands with equal ease is an __________.
a) occultist b) ambidexter c) imbecile d) antiquarian
12. Choose the trisyllabic word from the following.
a) distinguished b) fortunately c) information d) traditional
13. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation BCCI
a) Board of Council for Cricket in India b) Board of Cricket Control in India
c) Board of Cricket Council in India d) Board of Control for Cricket in India
14. Replace the underlined word in the sentence with the suitable phrasal verb.
The actor rehearsed his dialogues quickly before going to the stage.
a) ran around b) ran away c) ran up d) ran over
15. Replace the phrasal verb in the sentence with the suitable single word.
The bike blew up as soon as it hit the median
a) capsized b) stopped c) exploded d) rolled
16. Choose the correct meaning of the foreign word in the following sentence.
The Chairman was very hesitant in giving carte blanche to the Manager in regard to appointment of staff.
a) terms and conditions laid down to continue something
b) full freedom and power to do something
c) certain restrictions placed to attempt something
d) complete support extended to perform something
17. Choose the right meaning of the idiomatic expression in the sentence below
innocent people are being taken for a ride by the cunning people.
a) uplifted b) safeguarded c) discouraged d) deceived
18. Fill in the blank with the suitable phrase preposition.
Education must aim at teaching ethical and moral values _________ imparting knowledge.
a) in place of b) in exchange for c) in addition to d) in accordance with
19. Choose the word that has been spelt correctly
a) restaurant b) restorent c) restaurant d) restuorent
20. Fill in the blank with the right word
A peaceful _________ spread on her face and we knew that she was dead.
a) prowler b) polar c) palloar d) parlour


Answer any four of the following:
Read the following sets of poetic lines and answer any four of the following. 4×2=8

21. “But that’s gone, son

Now they shake hands without hearts.”
a) What is gone, according to the speaker?
b) Explain the second line

22. “One infant grows up and becomes a jockey,

Another plays basketball or hockey.”
a) Who is a ‘jockey’?
b) Pick out the rhyming words.

23. “But the least motion which they made

It seem’d a thrill of pleasure.”
a) Who are ‘they’?
b) What are they doing?

24. ‘And his footprints are not found in any file of Scotland Yard’s”
a) Whose footprints do the police need and why?
b) Pick out the words in alliteration

25. “He who does not stoop, is a king we adore.

We bow before competence and merit”
a) Whom do we adore?
b) What is valued and respected?

26. “And yet not so-for what can we bequeath

Save our deposed bodies to the ground?”
a) What is the only thing we bequeath to our descendants?
b) Identify the figure of speech used here.

Answer any three questions. 3×2=6
27. Anu requested her brother to drop her at the airport that night (Change into indirect speech)
28. Sneha has a box full of toys. She wants to donate them to an orphanage (Combine using a relative pronoun)
29. The old lady sat in a corner and started praying to God (Change into a simple sentence)
30. The farmers usually harvest the mango fruits only in the month of May. (Change the voice)


Explain any two of the following with reference to the context. 2×3=6
31. I have also learned to say “Goodbye”
When I mean “Good-riddance”
32. “We deem it our duty and mission in life,
To bless and praise the deserving ones.”
33. “He’s broken every human law, he breaks the law of gravity.”

Answer any two of the following. 2×3=6
34. How did Onler help Mary Kom in sending her to U.S.A?
35. How does E.V.Lucas describe the man who approached him with an offer?
36. What was the role of scholars and poets in olden days?

Answer any three of the following. 3×3=9
37. Study the following bar graph which gives the details of the Annual Income and Expenditure of three of three
families in Chennai. Write three sentences on your inference about the data.

38. Describe the process of cleaning the tarnished brass items at home.
39. Prepare a notice announcing suspension of water supply in a residential apartment complex on account of
maintenance work. Give suitable details and instructions to the residents.
40. Complete each of the following proverbs with the right option.
a) Every cloud has a .....lining. (golden/blackish/silver)
b) Time and .....wait for no man.(tide/chance/place)
c) Don’t cast pearls before the .....(witch/swine/baron)

Answer the following questions. 7×5=35
41. Answer the following in a paragraph of about 150 words.
a) How does Robert Lynd analyse the various reasons for forgetfulness in humans?.”
b) Give an account of Bill Bryson’s awkward Behaviour during his trip to England.
42. Answer the following in a paragraph of about 150 words.
a) How does Ogden Nash try to explain that he is very happy being a mere spectator?
b) How does King Richard explain the power of Death to his followers through his monologue?
43. Write a paragraph of about 150 words by developing the following hints.
a) Two friends-made a pact-meet after twenty years - Bob arrived - spoke to policeman on beat-tall man
came-claimed to be Jimmy Wells-Bob realized-not his friend-policeman in plainclothes - arrested Bob, a
noted criminal-policeman on beat-real Jimmy Wells-hesitated to arrest friend-sent another with a note.
b) Miss Meadows-music teacher-received letter-fiance’ - upset with message-affected her mood-reflected in
class-called by Headmistress - gave a telegram-sender Basil-request to forget-message in letter-indicated
reunion-Meadows turned happy-selected cheerful song-teach children.

44. a) Make notes of the following passage.

 Language is the most important tool of communication invented by human civilization. Language
helps us to understand each other. We can never overestimate the importance of language in our lives.
Everytime we speak, we do it with a particular purpose. Sometimes, we wish to deliver a message, or we
want to know something, or we like to express our feelings. At times, we use language to ask for help,
to share information, or just to say a joke. Generally, there are five main functions of language which we
shall now discuss.
 The first one is informational function which helps us deliver messages, describe things and give
our listeners new information. This function can be illustrated as an example of an encyclopaedia article.
The next function of a language is the expressive function. We need this function whenever we want
to express our feelings and impressions. With this function, we can understand the personality of the
speaker and his or her emotions. The third is the directive function of language. This function is used to
induce certain actions or reactions. The examples of such a function are commands and requests. This
is a function of social control and interpersonal interaction. Here, the reaction of the listener is more
important than the thoughts expressed by the speaker. The next function of a language is the aesthetic
function. Here, the words and sentences are considered as linguistics artefacts. In this function, the
beauty of words and pharases is more important than the usefulness of information. The fifth and final
function of a language is the phatic function. The only purpose of this function is to maintain social
relationships, and to begin, or to continue the conversation. A well-known example from British culture
is a small talk about the weather. Such a kind of talk neither provides any information nor expresses our
feelings, but it helps to interact with people.
b) Write a paragraph on your favourite pastime activity in about 150 words.
45. a) Write a letter to your cousin describing a music concert you had attended recently.
b) Write a letter to an eminent writer inviting him to be a Chief Guest for the inauguration of your school
Literary Association.
46. a) Read the following sentences, spot the error and correct them.
i) We saw a few girls playing in the park today morning.
ii) The interior decoration in all the rooms are awesome.
iii) My mother rarely goes out without an umbrella, doesn’t she?
iv) Though I have done my interview well, I was not selected.
v) Some parents keep their children with control.
b) Fill in the blanks as instructed.
i) The ________ little girl did not realize how her hair got so ________ (knotty/naughty)
ii) As the shops ________ (close), we could not buy anything for the children. (Use the correct verb
iii) The team performed ________ task in an excellent manner.(Fill in the blank with a quantitative
iv) My inquisitive niece ________ ask a number of questions, when she was a child. (Fill in the blank
with a semi-modal verb)

47. a) Read the following passage and answer the questions in your own words.
 The night sky makes a very interesting study. To an astronomer or a sailor, the position of the stars
is a serious, professional study. Many of the stars are known by their names. Each has a distinctive
appearance. The sky on a moonlit night is the poet’s delight. The sky on a dark night may appear
somewhat sinister to some, but to Shelley, the poet, it is the star-spangled black dress of a woman. When
the sky is covered with clouds without any stars, it wears a grim appearance. To a child, the sky at night,
is a mystery and to the mature, it is an endless object of study.
i) How can we identify the stars?
ii) Who is an astronomer?
iii) Explain the comparison made by Shelley.
iv) When does the sky appear grim?
v) How does a child differ from a matured adult, when it beholds the sky at night?
b) Construct a dialogue between two friends discussing their life in hostel, in not less than five exchanges.

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