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Chapter 7 Multiple Choice Questions

1. The operation of computers by people using a familiar natural language to give instructions is
called _________________.
a. Plain Language Interaction
b. Natural Language Syntax
c. Natural Language Interaction
d. Command Language
2. Command languages are distinguished from menu-selection systems in that _________.
a. Users must recall notation and initiate actions.
b. Users view or hear the limited set of menu items and respond.
c. Command languages are better suited for novice users.
d. Command-language systems offer the user detailed prompts
3. Which of the following is not a guideline for creating usable abbreviations for a command set?
a. A simple primary rule should be used to generate abbreviations for most items; a simple
secondary rule should be used for those items where there is a conflict.
b. Abbreviations generated by the secondary rule should have a marker (for example, an
asterisk) incorporated in them.
c. The number of words abbreviated by the secondary rule should be kept to a minimum.
d. Variable-length abbreviations are preferred over fixed-length ones.
4. Habitability of a user interface refers to _____________.
a. Designs that relieve users from learning new syntactic rules.
b. How easy it is for users to determine what objects and actions are appropriate.
c. How quickly users become comfortable with an interface.
d. Limiting the number of commands and ways of accomplishing a task.
5. Command languages can be attractive in the following situations except ____________.
a. When infrequent use of a system is anticipated.
b. When users are knowledgeable about the task and interface concepts.
c. When screen space is at a premium.
d. When response times and display rates are slow.
6. Natural-language support has shown more success in all the following areas except ___________.
a. Text searching
b. Dialogue-like interactions
c. Text generation
d. Instructional systems.
7. Natural-language interaction and English-language queries have been implemented, but their
effectiveness and advantages are limited, mainly because of ________________.
a. Habitability issues
b. Lack of user knowledge
c. The limits of artificial intelligence
d. High cost of implementation
8. Which of the following is not an example of good command-language guidelines?
a. Create an explicit model of objects and actions.
b. Choose meaningful, specific, distinctive names.
c. Provide a consistent structure (hierarchy, argument order, action-object).
d. Provide multiple ways of accomplishing each task.
9. Which statement about unifying interface concepts or metaphors is true?
a. They are only useful for novice users
b. They aid learning, problem solving, and retention
c. They are an ineffective gimmick
d. They are only useful for power users
10. All of the following are negative effects of providing excessive numbers of objects and actions
a. More objects and actions take more code to maintain.
b. More help screens, error messages, and user documentation are required.
c. Excess functionality slows users’ learning
d. Users are frustrated, because desired functions may not be supported.
11. The basic goals of language design are:
a. Precision, Compactness, Ease in writing and reading, Completeness, Speed in learning,
Simplicity to reduce errors, Ease of retention over time
b. Creativity, Complexity, Speed in Learning, Ease in reading and writing, Adaptability
c. Standardization, Ease of retention over time, Quality, Plasticity, and Transparency
d. Adaptability, Simplicity to reduce errors, Complexity, Ease of reading and writing
12. Which of the following is not a higher-level goal of language design?
a. Close correspondence between reality and the notation
b. Convenience in carrying out manipulations relevant to users’ tasks
c. Compatibility with existing notations
d. Relevance to users’ tasks
13. Constraints on a language include all of the following except ___________.
a. The capacity for human beings to record the notation.
b. Expressiveness to encourage creativity
c. The match between the recording and the display media (for example, clay tablets,
paper, printing presses).
d. The convenience in speaking (vocalizing).
14. Which of the following is not true of command languages?
a. They originated with operating-system commands
b. They are distinguished by their immediacy and by their impact on devices or
c. They do not allow for the creation of macros.
d. Commands are brief and their existence is transitory
15. An application with textual databases is __________, in which a natural-language parser analyzes
the stored text and creates a more structured format.
a. Extraction
b. Natural language question answering
c. Habitability
d. Text generation

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