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Fever tree
Acacia xanthophloea

forestry & fisheries
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Fever tree
Acacia xanthophloea


Department of Agriculture, forestry and Fisheries


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Department of agriculture, forestry and fisheries

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This document has been compiled by the department of agriculture, forestry and fisheries and
every effort has been made to ensure accuracy and thoroughness of the information contained
herein and all liability for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies in such information and data, whether
attributable to inadvertence or otherwise. The department of agriculture therefore accepts no
liability that can be incurred resulting from the use of this information.

part i: General aspects

• Classification..................................................................................... 1
• Origin and distribution....................................................................... 1
• Production levels and area............................................................... 1
• Major production areas in sa………………………............................ 1
• Cultivars ............................................................................................ 1
• Description of the plant .................................................................... 2
• Climatic requirements....................................................................... 3

Part ii: Cultivation practices

• Propagation....................................................................................... 3
• Soil (substrate) preparation................................................................ 4
• Planting ............................................................................................ 4
• Fertilization......................................................................................... 4
• Irrigation............................................................................................. 4
• Weed control..................................................................................... 4
• Pest control........................................................................................ 5
• Harvesting.......................................................................................... 5

Part iii: Utilisation

Part vi: References

Part i: General aspects

Kingdom: plantae
Family: fabaceae (mimosoideae)
Scientific name: Acacia xanthophloea
Common names: fever tree (english); koorsboom (afrikaans); mooka-
kwena (sepedi); umhlosinga (isizulu); nkelenga
(xitsonga); munzhelenga (venda)

Origin and distribution

Acacia xanthophloea is native to southern and eastern africa, including
Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Somalia, South Africa, Swaziland,
Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
It was introduced as a landscaping tree into Taiwan, India and California. The
native range of Acacia xanthophloea extends across tropical and subtropical
climates, from the equator (Somalia and Kenya) to South Africa.

Production levels

The fever tree’s bark is traded on local markets in South Africa, with an esti-
mated trade volume of 7 500 kg in 1988. It is also imported from Mozambique.

South Africa
The fever tree is seen in cultivation in the cooler areas of the highveld such as
certain parts of Johannesburg and Pretoria. The production/domestication of
the fever tree in South Africa has not been documented yet.

Major production areas in South Africa

Acacia xanthophloea occurs in groups in low-lying swampy areas in the
Limpopo, Kwazulu-natal and Mpumalanga provinces.

Acacia xanthophloea belongs to the pod bearing family fabaceae. There are

40 species, subspecies and varieties of acacia present in South Africa. Many
species such as the fever tree have leaflets which fold up at night.

Fever tree branch and seeds


Mature plants
The tree’s bark has a striking appearance, which is smooth, slightly flaking and
greenish-yellow to yellow in colour. The fever tree is an attractive, semi-decidu-
ous tree approximately 15 to 25 m tall and 10 m wide, has an open, rounded
to spreading or flattish crown, which is sparsely foliated. If the powdery surface
is rubbed away with a finger, it reveals a green bark beneath.

• Twigs
Young twigs have a reddish-brown bark which, when peeled off, leaves the
twigs sulphur yellow.

• Leaves
Leaves are bipinnate, with 4 to 7 pairs of pinnae and 10 to 17 pairs of leaflets
per pinnae. Leaflets are 2,5 to 6,5 mm x 0,75 – 1,75 mm long. Spines are white,
straight, strong, and arranged in pairs.

• Thorns
The long, straight, and white thorns are arranged in pairs and although they
are very significant on young trees, they often become barely noticeable on
mature specimens.

• Flowers
The flowers are sweetly scented golden yellow balls and form during spring.
Flowers are pollinated by insects. The blossoming time is between September
and November.

• Roots
Large size tap roots which are not aggressive should not be planted close to
buildings. If planted for ornamental purpose, trees should be planted in groups
of up to 5 for best effects.

Climatic requirements

The fever tree prefers moist and warm growing conditions but does well in drier
areas, if given adequate amounts of water. It can only tolerate low levels of
frost and is completely intolerant to drought. It is able to survive moderately low
temperatures. Six or more hours of sunlight a day are favourable.

Soil requirements
The fever tree prefers sandy soil and it is often found in black cotton soils. The
plant has root nodules containing nitrogen fixing bacteria, which allows for the
nitrogen enrichment of soils, which has a positive impact on the growth of the

Water requirements
The fever tree occurs mainly in depressions and shallow pans where under-
ground water is present or surface water collects after summer rains. It is also
found in low-lying swampy areas, along the margins of lakes and on river banks.

Part ii: Cultivation practices

The fever tree is propagated through seeds and seedlings.

Seeding production
Seed need scarification to achieve maximum germination. Before sowing, the
seed should be soaked in hot water overnight. This causes the seeds to swell

and prepares them to be sown by the next morning. Seeds can be sown in
seedling trays using a well-drained seedling medium and then covered lightly.
Germination is generally fair, reaching about 70% after two weeks.
When the seedlings reach the two leaf stage (approximately six to eight weeks
after sowing), they should be transplanted from seedling trays into nursery
bags, taking care not to damage the long tap root. Seedlings and young trees
transplant well.

Soil preparation
Vegetation and weeds should be killed-off by the use of pre-sprouting herbi-
cides, be removed or smothered (buried) before any work on the soil of the
planting area is done.

The seedlings are normally planted in the ground after 6 to 12 months when
they are 1 m tall. Owing to its mature dimensions, it is recommended not to
plant it close to the buildings.
A 6 cm deep hole should be dug and compost should be added to the soil
that was removed from the hole. The tree should be placed in the centre of
the hole and the soil at the top of the root ball must be level with the surround-
ing soil surface. The hole should be filled with soil mixture. Firm it well and make
a basin around the tree. It should be planted in late spring to early summer

It requires plenty of compost at the juvenile growth stage. Fertilisers are not yet
specified. Fever tree root improves soil fertility by nitrogen fixation.

The fever tree requires regular deep watering because it is indigenously grown
in swampy areas. The tree grows well in wet soil conditions.

Weed control
The best way to control weeds is prevention. Weed infestation should be treat-
ed when the weeds are still small.

Pest control
Insects such as bees are attracted by the yellow colour and sweet scent of the
flowers and perform a pollination role. The information on pests that infest the
fever tree in South Africa has not yet been documented.
Seed and wood are susceptible to pests damage. Monkeys often eat young
pods making them not readily available from natural stands.

Harvesting maturity and method

The bark is removed with a knife and bark collectors usually focus on larger-
sized trees. Acacia xanthophloea’s tolerance to damage is high and trees
usually recover from bark removal as well as from elephant damage. However,
excessive destructive harvesting is domestically common.

Part iii: Utilisation

The fever tree is becoming a popular tree to plant in gardens, parks and park-
ing lots. It offers plenty of light shade, which is advantageous as it does not
inhibit the growth of lawns and plants.
The Zulu people use powdered bark and roots as an emetic to treat malaria
and to also treat eye diseases. The gum, which occurs in large quantities on
the trunk, is reportedly edible and is eaten by monkeys. The wood is hard and
heavy and makes excellent general purpose timber. The wood is also a good
source of firewood and charcoal.

Part vi: references

Coates palgrave, k. 1983. Trees of Southern Africa. Struik: Cape Town
Joffe, n. 2001. Creative gardening with indigenous plants-a South African guide.
Briza publications, Pretoria
Johnson, d. And johnson s. 1993. Gardening with indigenous trees and shrubs.
Southern book publishers (pty) ltd
Smit, n. 1999. Guide to the acacias of South Africa. Briza publications, Pretoria, accessed on 05 may 2014



Contact Details

Directorate: Plant Production

Tel: 012 319 6072

Fax: 012 319 6372
E-mail: [email protected]

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