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SIEMENS PXL Control System Operating Instructions


ALARM The following screen is displayed on the PXL: Building occupants should follow the fire
ALARM 1 OF 1: emergency evacuation plan approved by
LOCATION the building owner. Then the local Fire
Department should be alerted.
System operator should ACKNOWL-
In addition, the ALARM LED is on as well as one EDGE the Fire Alarm by pressing the
or more individual zone alarm LEDs. ACKNOWLEDGE button on the display.

ALARM ACKNOWLEDGED The following screen is displayed on the PXL: System operator should SILENCE the
AUDIBLES SOUNDING <REVIEW 1 ALARM audibles by pressing the SILENCE button.
Subsequent alarm conditions from other
<MENU RESET> zones will cause the audibles to sound
official should locate the cause of the alarm.

ALARM ACKNOWLEDGED The following screen is displayed on the PXL: The fire official should locate and correct
AUDIBLES SILENCED <REVIEW 1 ALARM the cause of the alarm. Then, the system
operator should RESET the system by
<MENU RESET> pressing the RESET button.

SYSTEM NORMAL The following screen is displayed on the PXL: No action required. The system programmer/
TIME installer can access the program MENU by
COMPANY NAME pressing the MENU button. A passcode is
PXL SYSTEM NORMAL required to proceed.

SUPERVISORY The following screen is displayed on the PXL: The system operator should ACKNOWL-
SUPV 1 OF 1: EDGE the supervisory condition by press-
LOCATION ing the ACKNOWLEDGE button. Then
alert the building manager.

In addition, the SUPERVISORY LED is on as well

as one or more individual zone LEDs.

SUPERVISORY The following screen is displayed on the PXL: Building manager should locate and
ACKNOWLEDGED correct the cause of the supervisory
<REVIEW 1 SUPV’S condition. Then, the system operator
<MENU RESET> should RESET the system by pressing the
RESET button.

TROUBLE The following screen is displayed on the PXL: System operator should contact an
TROUBLE 1 OF 1: authorized Siemens Building Technologies,
LOCATION Inc. Service Representative. All trouble
ACKNOWLEDGE TRBL’S> conditions should be diagnosed and
repaired immediately.

In addition, the TROUBLE LED is on and possibly

one or more individual zone trouble LEDs.

Your local Siemens Building Technologies, Inc. Service Representative is: P/N 315-094211-3
Telephone No.
These instructions should be framed and located adjacent to the control unit.

Siemens Building Technologies, Inc. Siemens Building Technologies, Ltd.

8 Fernwood Road 2 Kenview Boulevard
Florham Park, New Jersey 07932 Brampton, Ontario L6T 5E4 CN

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