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The Four Supply

Chain Enablers
Edward J. Marien

To create your plan for a successful SCM strategy, you need to know what specific
things to concentrate on. This article by yearbook co-editor Ed Marien lays out the
four key enablers that are central to SCM effectiveness. It’s based on a survey of sup-
ply chain professionals and includes sidebars detailing the comments of four of these
professionals. As the author reminds us, “Companies that recognize the scope of the
supply chain management enablers—and the resulting barriers that can form in their
absence—position themselves for business success.”

D iscussions about implementing supply chain management (SCM) initiatives

tend to focus upon information technology (IT) solutions—sometimes to the
exclusion of other considerations. IT providers and the consultants who help
facilitate their solutions often lead you to believe that technology is the critical enabler in
realizing the abundant benefits of supply chain management implementation.
Yet in the seminars and workshops conducted at the University of Wisconsin (UW),
we’ve heard a slightly different story—both from the supply chain professionals in atten-
dance and the guest instructors from industry. They have noted that the “soft” side of
SCM implementation is at least as important as (and usually more difficult to deal with
than) the “hard” side of information technology. Furthermore, they point out that tech-
nology encompasses more than information. It also includes the physical materials-han-
dling technologies associated with sourcing, making, and delivering product throughout
supply chains.
The discussions that took place in the university’s executive programs led us to the
research effort described in this article. The objective was to identify, classify, and priori-
tize key enablers that supply chain practitioners must leverage to capitalize on the bene-
fits of SCM. As the research progressed, a flip side to the enablers became evident—these
are the barriers to effective SCM that arise when the enablers are not in place. The chal-
lenge for companies is to leverage the enablers while overcoming the barriers.

Reprinted with permission from Supply Chain Management Review, March/April 2000. Copyright © 2000 by
Cahners Business Information. All rights reserved.

2 The Supply Chain Yearbook, 2001 Edition

Research Design
Working in conjunction with a select group of industry practitioners, a University of
Wisconsin team of graduate and undergraduate students in the fall of 1998 set out to iden-
tify the key enablers of effective supply chain management. The effort proceeded along
these steps:
1. Search secondary sources of information—journals, magazines, newspapers, the
Internet, promotional materials for educational offerings, company advertisements.
2. Analyze secondary search information obtained in Step 1.
3. Determine the primary research needed to aid practitioners in implementing supply
chain management initiatives.
4. Conduct the primary research among practitioners, their logistics services providers,
and other supply chain members.

The Four Key Enablers

Analyzing the data and information derived from secondary literature searches as well as
the input from UW program participants and practitioner instructors, the study team
developed the following list of SMC enablers:
䉴Organizational infrastructure—how business units and functional areas are organ-
ized; how change-management programs are led and coordinated within the exist-
ing organizational structure.
䉴 Technology—how technology (not just information technology but also the “phys-
ical” materials-management technologies for material design, operations, and
materials handling) affects a company’s operational and strategic supply chain
䉴 Strategic alliances—how external companies (customers, suppliers, and logistics-
services providers) are selected as business allies; how intercompany relationships
are built and managed.
䉴 Human resources management—how job descriptions are designed, how positions
are filled, how people are recognized and compensated, and how career paths are
The research team surveyed a group of supply chain professionals to determine their
ranking of the four enablers identified. The survey sample was drawn from past attendees
at UW seminars as well as from other companies, including logistics-services providers,
with proven experience in implementing SCM programs. Approximately 200 responses
were tabulated.
The survey findings contain a few surprises. As Exhibit 1 shows, the respondents
clearly felt that the organizational infrastructure and its associated attributes were the
most important enabler of successful supply chain implementation. It was ranked con-
The Four Supply Chain Enablers 3

2.14 2.07 2.05


Organizational Technology Strategic Human
Infrastructure Alliances Resources

Exhibit 1. Relative rankings of enablers (4 = highest importance)

siderably ahead of technology and the other two enablers. (In our survey, a higher rank-
ing—with a “4” being the highest—indicates an area of greatest concern.)
These results run somewhat counter to the current literature and conventional think-
ing that IT solutions are the critical enablers to supply chain management. Yet our find-
ings suggest that the three enablers ranked almost equally below organizational infra-
structure—technology, strategic alliances, and human resources management—should be
addressed after the organizational issues are resolved.

Attributes of the Supply Chain Enablers

Each of the enablers has its own set of attributes. These are the critical components of each
enabler that need to be in place if supply chain initiatives are to succeed. The attributes
identified for organizational infrastructure, technology, strategic alliances, and human
resources management are discussed below.
The attributes are listed in order of frequency of mentions. Survey respondents were
asked to review a list of attributes associated with each enabler, add additional attributes
they felt were important, and then select their top two attributes from the list. Each of the
two mentions was assumed to be equal in importance. (The percentages in the charts
below indicate the frequency distribution of results for each attribute.) The study team
gained additional insight and information from interviews with SCM implementation
leaders, as identified in the business press and other sources.

Enabler #1: Organizational Infrastructure

Considering the heavy emphasis placed on this enabler, it is critical to understand the spe-
cific organizational characteristics considered essential to successful SCM implementa-
tion. The research identified the following list of organizational attributes, which the sur-
vey respondents ranked in the following order:
4 The Supply Chain Yearbook, 2001 Edition

Organizational Infrastructure Enabling Attributes

32% Having a coherent business strategy that aligns business units toward the same goal.
15% Having formal process-flow methodologies to enable the SCM improvements.
14% Having people committed to and responsible for cross-functional processes.
13% Having the right process metrics identified to guide the operating units’ perform-
ance toward the strategic organizational SCM objectives.
10% Having cross-functional design teams implement change.
9% Having business processes shared within the organization vs. being owned by func-
tional units.
7% Having one business function driving the SCM initiative.
The first attribute listed—a business strategy that aligns business units toward the
same goal—was named significantly more often than any of the others. The need to have
a sound process-management methodology in place was ranked second in importance.
But how does a company align business units and manage its processes effectively?
The top-management process flow chart presented in Exhibit 2 helps answer this
question. It represents a phased step-by-step approach to SCM implementation developed
by UW in conjunction with industry practitioners, in particular representatives from 3M.
We first developed an academic model and then meshed it with 3M’s supply chain plan-
ning and operations procedures to create the nine-step process improvement plan shown
in the exhibit. Note how the four enablers permeate the implementation process.
Because of the central importance of the organizational enabler, the study team con-
ducted a secondary research project to identify how widespread the “supply chain” title
had become in organizations today. We felt this would yield some insight into how deeply
the concept of integrated SCM had permeated large organizations. The research found
that among those attendees at UW seminars, only 10 percent had a person with a supply
chain title in his or her organization. Despite this low number, 59 percent said that they
were involved in supply chain initiatives.
The study team also randomly sampled 25 pages from the 1998 membership directo-
ry of the Council of Logistics Management (CLM), a leading professional association for
logistics and supply chain professionals. Among the 837 names reviewed, only 2.5 per-
cent had supply chain in their title. Given that companies whose employees attend UW
seminars and join CLM are generally large and comparatively sophisticated in their sup-
ply chain activities, one might logically expect that the percentage of “supply chain” man-
agers would be a lot higher. And although the number of such titles is rising at both our
seminars and within CLM overall, the rate of increase has been nowhere near what many
observers had predicted.
Our research suggests that many companies are talking supply chain management,
but comparatively few have progressed beyond that. In particular, they have yet to define
SCM as a specific area of “application” knowledge that calls for an executive responsible
for championing SCM initiatives. The implication is that companies may have difficulty
The Four Supply Chain Enablers
Mobilize Analyze Redesign Implement Realize

Identify Define SCM Establish SCM Establish Select SCM Redesign Select trading Implement Monitor for
corporate mission, performance process for processes for SCM partners and pilot and performance.
vision, vision, and requirements. implementing improvement. process(es) and allied services award the
mission, identify SCM address to implement. business.
leadership. improvement improve- enablers
opportunities. ments.

1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0

1.1 Corpor- 2.1 Define 3.1 Recog- 4.1 Identify 5.1 Docu- 6.1 Design 7.1 Develop 8.1 Imple- 9.1 Monitor
ate mission/ SCM process nize interfac- alternative ment opera- system list of third- ment and test customer
vision sets the vision/mission ing, relation- SCM tional specifications. party pilot. satisfaction
direction for to meet ship manage- processes. processes. 6.2 Select providers. 8.2 Report on and SCM
SCM mission. management ment 4.2 Develop 5.2 Consider ERP and 7.2 Screen results of processes.
1.2 Ensure goals. processes. an assessment benchmarking other related and call pilot. 9.2 Imple-
that SCM 2.2 Under- 3.2 Define cost-of-quality selected technology to companies 8.3 Celebrate. ment control
contributes to stand current/ SCM mea- process for processes. implement together to 8.4 Roll out charting and
corporate future cus- sures of measuring 5.3 Establish SCM process. deliver/mail full imple- reporting on
mission. tomer and/or performance. SCM im- priorities for 6.3 Effect RFPs. mentation service, costs,
1.3 Develop/ supplier 3.3 Define provements. process im- other 7.3 Analyze plan. and asset
implement a requirements. methods of 4.3 Establish provements. enabling and select management.
change 2.3 Conduct measuring goals to 5.4 Organize architectures. logistics 9.3 Hold
leadership gap analysis. customer measure and cross- 6.4 Select partners. quarterly
program. 2.4 Identify satisfaction. report im- functional pilot to 7.4 Sell leadership team
1.4 Select improvement provements. redesign implement. leadership meetings to
core team opportunities. teams. team on new ensure criteria
leader and SCM and services
sponsor. approach. are being
1.5 Organize 7.5 Organize met.
"analysis" cross- 9.4 Recog-
team. functional nize
implementa- performance.
tion teams. 9.5 Do it all
over again.

Communication and feedback loops for reporting process improvement results and ensuring alignment with mission and resource commitments.

Exhibit 2. SCM process-improvement phases

6 The Supply Chain Yearbook, 2001 Edition

in implementing initiatives if top management does not understand the supply chain
opportunity and appoint a leader to capitalize on that opportunity.

Enabler #2: Technology

When technology is mentioned in the context of implementing SCM initiatives, most
people immediately think of information technology. But as our research got under way,
a number of supply chain professionals reminded us that technology went beyond infor-
mation. They pointed out it also related to how products were manufactured and handled
throughout the supply chain. These solutions are extremely important in meeting cus-
tomer needs and in increasing inventory velocity. Accordingly, the survey questionnaire
was revised to address these manufacturing and materials-management issues as well.
In line with the revised research approach, the discussion on technology is presented
in two parts: information technology and manufacturing and materials-management tech-
Information Technology. Before assessing IT as an enabler, we first had to define the
scope of information technology within the supply chain context. The study team creat-
ed the following IT classifications to provide that definition. Respondents were asked to
consider these areas as they evaluated the relative importance of IT as an enabler to sup-
ply chain initiatives.
1. Data coding and structures—ANSI, EDIFACT, CPFR, data identifiers.
2. Data capture—keyboard, bar coding, RFID, OCR, imaging, voice, POS/POU capture.
3. Data collection—hard wired, RFDC (spread spectrum and narrow band), satellite,
4. Materials manufacturing, handling and routing connections.
5. Database management—portable, front-end controllers, servers, mainframe, ERP,
6. Electronic commerce—EDI, Internet Web-based systems between business partners.
7. Decision-aiding tools—warehouse layout and dynamic re-warehousing, work force
scheduling, regression analyses, routing, sales forecasting, charting, value-added
operations, geo-spatial analyses.
8. Management reporting—tabular plus graphical, control, and geographical charts.
Keeping these eight categories in mind, respondents ranked the following key attrib-
utes on their importance in enabling SCM initiatives.
Information Technology Enabling Attributes
30% Having operations, marketing, and logistics data coordinated within the company.
27% Having data readily available to managers, not embedded in legacy systems.
18% Having operations, marketing, and logistics data coordinated between companies.
10% Having SCM linked to ERP systems.
8% Having state-of-the-art systems in place.
7% Having state-of-the-art IT thinking.
The Four Supply Chain Enablers 7

A Practitioner Speaks
John C. Kenny, vice president, worldwide distribution, 3Com:
Clearly, organizational infrastructure is the number one enabler needed to imple-
ment supply chain management strategies. You can do all the assessments and redesign
of supply chain processes you want. But if your top management doesn’t recognize how
improvements in supply chain processes are part of the business’s key strategic plans,
your chances of success are diminished greatly. You need to mobilize their efforts with
the establishment of a top management leadership team committed to solving supply
chain problems.
Another key point is that if you don’t have in place a supply chain process-improve-
ment model similar to that developed by the University of Wisconsin in collaboration
with 3M, then, again, your probability of failure increases. Supply chain improvement
is similar to many other reengineering activities. Top management and the functional
units must have common goals and a shared vision to address supply chain challenges.
If supply chain thinking is shared, then the full-time resources will be committed for
changing critical processes.
As strategies are implemented that truly go beyond the firm and internal function-
al units to include external suppliers, customers, and third-party providers, executive
leadership becomes even more critical. Common goals and shared visions can now
include trading partners. Trust-based strategic alliances that are often “open book” must
be developed to address organizational, accounting, and information technology issues.
… The consultants will often paint the supply chain picture as an IT solution. Yet no
matter how beautiful the slides and the presentations, what it really boils down to are
top management and trading partner commitment and shared visions.

More than half of the respondents said that the ready availability of coordinated inter-
nal data on operations, marketing, and logistics (attributes 1 and 2) was the key IT attrib-
ute in implementing supply chain initiatives. The ability to link those systems to the busi-
ness partners was considered the next most important attribute.
From these responses and follow-on research, it became clear that companies needed
to define their SCM data and system performance requirements before selecting their soft-
ware solution. Another key finding was that they needed to first integrate their systems
internally before attempting systems integration with their partners.
Manufacturing and Materials-Management Technology. The other side of technolo-
gy relates to how products are manufactured and handled as they move through the sup-
ply chain—that is, the “physical” technological influences. The study team categorized
these as follows:
1. Basic research and development—How to design products and services for flow-
through supply chain efficiency.
8 The Supply Chain Yearbook, 2001 Edition

2. Process research and development—How to make the right volume to meet customer
needs. How postponement and modular manufacturing can be used to speed up the
processes to meet customer requirements while keeping inventories low.
3. Logistics process flows—How to move products between links in supply chains.
4. Aftermarket flows—How to manage the flow of parts and returned goods, including
possible use of returnable containers.
With an understanding of these categories, respondents were asked to rate the impor-
tance of the following materials-management attributes to SCM implementation. Their
rankings are shown below:
Technology—Manufacturing and Materials-Handling Enabling Attributes
53% Having products (including materials, parts, components, and features) designed
for production flow-through and inventory velocity.
23% Having physical production processes (including equipment design, layout, and
automation) designed to facilitate SCM initiatives.
12% Having products designed for state-of-the-art packaging, unitizing, and materials
handling to facilitate flow-through inventory velocity.
12% Having products designed and unitized for manufacturing efficiencies.
Overall, respondents showed considerably less awareness and recognition of these
technologies than they did of the information technologies. Yet among those attributes
considered, the design of products and physical processes for supply chain efficiencies
topped the list. Perhaps these results would have been different if respondents were pri-
marily located in manufacturing, or if we had drawn our survey sample from the APICS
membership. Had the survey sample been different, we possibly could have measured
concepts such as lean manufacturing and ergonomic and environmental design in support
of SCM. Similarly, had we had more multinational companies, transnational manufactur-
ing issues might have been addressed as well.

Enabler #3: Strategic Alliances with Supply Chain Members

Alliances are critical to supply chain efficiency. Many companies already have made con-
siderable progress toward dismantling the functional silos within their organization—in
effect, forging internal alliances. Now, it’s time to achieve that same kind of integration
with the other members of the supply chain.
If organizations are to achieve the full benefits of SCM, they must integrate and
streamline the flows of products between supply chain partners. This entails the develop-
ment of flow-through transportation systems and intermediate assembly and distribution
facilities to increase inventory velocity and meet differentiated customer needs. One
proven approach is to start with the key accounts, which typically require the greatest
attention, and then move on to the other customer segments.
Here’s how the respondents ranked the attributes that enable strategic alliances across
the supply chain.
The Four Supply Chain Enablers 9

A Practitioner Speaks
Robert K. Withrow, general manager, supply chain management, Eastman Kodak:
At Kodak, we are organizing around integrated supply chain excellence and mov-
ing away from a functional focus. … I report to the corporate VP, United States and
Canada, who is responsible for shared services across regions. We are the stewards of
achieving supply chain excellence. I agree that organizational infrastructure is the most
important factor affecting supply chain implementation. Our present organizational
structure and the impact of technology are forcing us to rethink how we are doing busi-
Technology has been a key enabler of supply chain management at Kodak. One of
the biggest areas of impact has been our implementation of SAP. We are in our third year
of global implementation. For demand and supply management, we chose Manugistics
software and interfaced it with SAP’s order management and manufacturing modules.
Technology also is going to enable the internal and strategic relationships to devel-
op in this new environment. Human resources and line management will play a big role
in “re-skilling” our employees in how they do their jobs. We are on a journey that is just

Strategic Alliances Enabling Attributes

48% Having expectations clearly stated, understood, and agreed to up front.
18% Collaborating on supply chain design and product and service strategies.
9% Having top management of partnering companies interface on a regular basis.
8% Having compatible IT systems.
8% Having top management communicate why strategic alliances are important and
being pursued.
4% Agreeing on a process to incorporate business changes.
4% Developing an alliance partner-selection process.
1% Having lead persons responsible for building alliances on the job for at least one
The enabler receiving the most mentions by far centered on understanding the expec-
tations of the alliance partners. The second most important factor cited was the ability to
partner and collaborate with trading partners on supply chain design and product/service
strategies. The message here is that shippers and receivers alone cannot get the job done.
Strategic alliances that embrace outside suppliers, customers, third-party logistics providers,
and other facilitating intermediaries must be part of the supply chain planning and execu-
tion processes. A collaborative approach to these activities is crucial to the success of the
individual enterprise—and the collection of enterprises that make up the alliance.
All too often in the past, the dominant players in the supply chain dictated solutions
and used their leverage to get low prices for “their” solution. In the new era of supply
10 The Supply Chain Yearbook, 2001 Edition

chain management, however, performance requirements and solutions need to be jointly

developed among the alliance partners—users, suppliers, customers, and third parties. To
maximize the success of the alliance, the goals, metrics, and solutions must be continual-
ly monitored. Any corrective actions needed must be taken immediately.

Enabler #4: Human Resources Management

As a factor in enabling successful supply chain performance, respondents rated human
resources management as slightly less important than technology and strategic alliances,
and significantly less important than organizational infrastructure. Perhaps this ranking is
due to their limited involvement in this area. Many of their companies may not have con-
fronted these human resources management issues in redesigning and implementing their
supply chain processes.
Not surprisingly, the most important—and the most challenging—enabling attributes
are finding practitioners knowledgeable in supply chain management and finding facili-
tators to lead the implementation change process. Apparently, many companies are strug-
gling with the difficult task of finding people who are knowledgeable in supply chain the-
ory and practice. Another important human-resources attribute, ranked third in impor-
tance overall, was having compensation and incentive programs for SCM performance.
This can be particularly difficult considering that supply chain management is inherently
cross-functional by nature—both within and between companies.
Human Resources Management Enabling Attributes
27% Sourcing, hiring, and selecting skilled people at all management levels.
27% Finding change agents to manage SCM implementation.
14% Having compensation and incentive programs in place for SCM performance.
13% Finding internal process facilitators knowledgeable in SCM.
12% Having the appropriate job descriptions and responsibilities.
4% Having in place a performance appraisal system for people working in cross-func-
tional supply chain projects.
3% Other.

Technology Is Part of the Whole

The research conducted for this study, coupled with the input of industry practitioners
who generously offered their comments in this article (see accompanying sidebars),
underscores the central importance of organizational infrastructure and the compelling
need for cross-functional processes as enablers to effective supply chain management. It’s
more than just information technology. Top management must be sold on the importance
of supply chain management as a promising means of competitive advantage. For this
advantage to be realized, companies must be properly organized and include SCM as part
of the total business planning process.
The Four Supply Chain Enablers 11

A Practitioner Speaks
Steve Lauderbaugh, corporate supply chain manager, 3M:
First, it is imperative that a SCM organizational structure be established at the high-
est executive level possible to provide a corporate umbrella for the SCM initiative. The
SCM initiative should be one of the top three to five corporate initiatives designated and
sponsored by the CEO or senior VP. Reengineering your business processes for effective
SCM is very difficult and painful—particularly at the middle- to upper-management
levels. Thus, there will be a lot of resistance to making the radical changes necessary to
compete in a rapidly changing marketplace. This will require top executive leadership
to overcome this resistance.
Because of the many roadblocks to successfully reengineering and implementing
supply chain processes, it is necessary to follow a formal implementation process that
covers all phases of the effort. … This process should include feedback loops to ensure
alignment with mission and resource commitments. Also, communications and feedback
capabilities for reporting process-improvement results should be established. A “change
leadership” program for all management personnel, including all company executives,
should be developed and implemented. It really helps to have an outside consultant facil-
itate this effort to be able to answer the question “Why should we do this?”
New skills, training, career paths, and incentives also are required to support the
supply chain vision. Research has shown that implementing reengineered supply chain
processes without making human-resources-related changes in job structures, roles,
and responsibilities is a formula for disaster. It’s important that new measures and
incentives be developed. Skill training must include both deep functional knowledge as
well as broad process/business knowledge. Career paths based on roles within the
process team need to be defined. 3M is moving toward a “Process-Center Organization”
with a pilot in one of our major business units. We think this will be the business struc-
ture for the future. A process-centered organization aligns people’s jobs along the hori-
zontal axis toward the customer. The functions remain in a vertical position, becoming
Centers of Excellence. They are responsible for developing the expertise in equipment,
systems, and products of the future and providing the skilled people to work in the
process-centered organization.

Once the company is organized and is being managed for supply chain improvement,
it can then address the other enabling forces. Existing processes need to be documented
as a baseline. They then can be redesigned, and the appropriate enabling IT and commu-
nications technology evaluated and selected. Along the way, strategic alliances need to be
formed—not only to execute the supply chain operations but also to plan collaboratively
for greater efficiencies. Finally, companies must remember the human-resources manage-
ment component. When asked to participate in the cross-functional activities of integrat-
ed supply chain management, people sometimes respond that “It’s not my job.” Job
12 The Supply Chain Yearbook, 2001 Edition

A Practitioner Speaks
Larry M. Sur, executive vice president, Schneider Logistics:
Very early in the process of starting Schneider’s contract logistics business, we
learned the importance of a mutually agreed upon set of expectations. A statement of
expectations (SOE) is a formal document that results from a two-way exchange of the
needs of each party—the customer and the contract logistics provider. An SOE must
contain detail about each objective to be accomplished and serve as a guidepost for
implementation and day-to-day management. It sets the foundation for a trusting rela-
tionship and establishes the base for a metric of performance.
Often, it is necessary to develop an alliance with another logistics provider in order
to deliver a complete solution for a customer. In these instances, you need to be specif-
ic about the roles, responsibilities, and the interfaces of the parties. Schneider has sev-
eral customers that require layers of logistics companies. We have found the SOE
process is the key to making these relationships work in a seamless manner. The lead
integrator must be clearly identified. And here, again, an SOE can be used as the tool.
In general, the more parties that are involved, the tougher it is to achieve a successful
outcome. Very few providers, if any, can do the entire global logistics job. Therefore, you
need to have a lead logistics provider who can successfully manage the duties of each

descriptions and performance measurement and reward systems need to be changed to

overcome this resistance.
Companies that recognize the scope of the supply chain management enablers—and
the resulting barriers that can form in their absence—position themselves for business
success. The leaders in a wide range of industries have proven that convincingly.

Acronyms Used in Article

ANSI American National Standards Institute
CLM Council of Logistics Management
CPFR Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
EDIFACT EDI for Administration, Commerce, and Transport
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
GIS Geographic Information System
GPS Global Positioning System
GsIT Geo-spatial Information Technology
IT Information Technology
OCR Optical Character Recognition
POS/POU Point-of-Sale/Point-of-Use
RFDC Radio-Frequency Data Collection
The Four Supply Chain Enablers 13

RFID Radio-Frequency Identification

RFP Request for Proposal
SCM Supply Chain Management
UW University of Wisconsin

This article, which originally appeared in Supply Chain Management Review is reprinted
from The Supply Chain Yearbook, 2001 Edition, edited by John A. Woods and Edward J.
Marien and published by McGraw-Hill. For more information, go to

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