The Gift of The Papacy: ST Pauls

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ST PAULS MEDIA pastoral ministry issalette

ST PAULS MEDIA pastoral ministry issalette
Year 31 No. 8 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) — Green August 27, 2017

Gift of the Papacyissalette
ST PAULS MEDIA pastoral ministry
Testament thought, Peter is
viewed through several images:

“Great Christian Fisherman” (a
missionary role), “Shepherd”
(pastor of the sheep), “Christian
Martyr” (giving his life for the

ST PAULS MEDIA pastoral ministry issalette

sheep), “Receiver of Special
Revelation” (close companion
of Jesus), “Confessor of the True
Christian Faith” (guarding against

T oday’s reading from the

Gospel of Matthew is of
fundamental importance for
more than one billion members false teaching), and as a “Weak
worldwide. and Sinful Man” (denying Jesus,
According to the Vatican yet renewed in Christ’s love).
understanding the Church. website, the Pope has eight As Catholics, we appreciate
After Peter makes a profound official titles, among them are these New Testament images
confession of faith, asserting that “Bishop of Rome,” “Vicar of showing the role of Peter as
Jesus is “the Messiah, the Son of Jesus Christ,” “Successor of the encompassing a wide variety of
the living God,” he is declared Prince of the Apostles,” “Supreme tasks and services. Transposed
“blessed.” Then Jesus promises Pontiff of the Universal Church,” to today’s situation, the Pope is
to build his Church on the solid and “Servant of the Servants of called to serve the Church—and
rock of Peter, who is given “the God.” However, most Catholics the wider world—in various
keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.” are comfortable to simply call roles. Thus we understand in
Catholics believe that Jesus’ him “Holy Father,” since they see a more profound way how the
promise to Peter is one of in him a loving, caring father, a Pope serves the faith and unity
several key aspects integral to man filled with the mercy of God. of Christians today.
the foundation of the Church. Yes, we are genuinely grateful Habemus Papam. Deo
However, in reality, it is the that the Lord has endowed his Gratias. When a new pope’s
entire life, teaching, mission, and Church with a visible leader who election is announced, these
person of Jesus that constitute a seeks to show us how to follow words are used: “We have a
comprehensive understanding of Christ in the daily events of our pope!” (Habemus papam). And,
the Church’s foundation. lives. We all need and appreciate the rejoicing people exclaim:
Gratitude for the Papacy. We such role models and credible “Thanks be to God!” (Deo
are deeply grateful that the Lord examples of living the faith in gratias). The joy of having a
has provided his Church with today’s complex world. Pope is not only felt at the time
the Petrine or papal ministry, Expanding Our Vision. In that a new pope is elected. We
an assurance that “the jaws of the wake of the Second Vatican truly rejoice to always have a
death will not prevail against it.” Council, a significant ecumenical Pope, a key figure in the Church,
The Pope, following Saint Peter, study by Catholic and Protestant a visible sign of Christ’s love, an
continues to play a crucial role in scripture scholars focused on the exemplary figure to strengthen
guiding and maintaining the unity role of the papacy in the Universal our faith, a sinful-yet-holy man
of the Catholic Church. Thus, as Church; it was published as Peter to show us how to be Jesus’
Pope, Francis has the awesome in the New Testament (R. Brown missionary disciples. We have a
responsibility of leading and et al.). This helpful exegetical Pope! Rejoice!

strengthening a Church that has study concludes that in New — Fr. James H. Kroeger, MM

Please read the reflection before or after the Mass so that you
can actively participate in the celebration.
people of good will. We praise to him your authority. He shall
THE INTRODUCTORY you, we bless you, we adore be a father to the inhabitants of
RITES you, we glorify you, we give Jerusalem, and to the house of
you thanks for your great glor y, Judah. “I will place the key of
Entrance Antiphon Lord God, heavenly King, O
[Cf. Ps 86(85):1-3] the House of David on Eliakim’s
God, almighty Father. Lord
(Recited when there is no opening song) Jesus Christ, Only Begotten
shoulder; when he opens, no
Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, one shall shut; when he shuts,
Turn your ear, O Lord, and no one shall open. I will fix him
Son of the Father, you take
answer me; save the servant away the sins of the world, have like a peg in a sure spot, to be
who trusts in you, my God. mercy on us; you take away the a place of honor for his family.”
Have mercy on me, O Lord, sins of the world, receive our
for I cr y to you all the day — The word of the Lord.
prayer; you are seated at the
long. right hand of the Father, have All — Thanks be to God.
mercy on us. For you alone are
Greeting the Holy One, you alone are the
Responsorial Psalm (Ps 138)
(The sign of the cross is made here) Lord, you alone are the Most R — Lor d, your love is
High, Jesus Christ, with the eternal; do not forsake the
P —The Lord be with you.
Holy Spirit in the glor y of God
All — And with your spirit. work of your hands.
the Father. Amen.
(The priest may address the assembly Collect
using these or other similar words)
P — Let us pray. (Pause)
P — Jesus remains the sole O God, who cause the minds
foundation of the Church; Peter of the faithful to unite in a single
and those given the power of purpose, grant your people to
the keys can be effective only love what you command and
if they are faithful stewards to desire what you promise,
and exercise their pastoral that, amid the uncertainties of
authority according to the this world, our hearts may be
example, and in the spirit of the fixed on that place where true
Lord. Let us pray for the Pope gladness is found.
and the leaders of the Church. Through our Lord Jesus
May we all grow in faith and Christ, your Son, who lives and 1. I will give thanks to you, O
remain devoted disciples of reigns with you in the unity of Lord, with all my heart, for you
Jesus in the bosom of the the Holy Spirit, one God, for have heard the words of my
Church. ever and ever. mouth; in the presence of the
All — Amen. angels I will sing your praise;
Penitential Act I will worship at your holy
THE LITURGY temple. (R)
P — Brethren (brothers and OF THE WORD
sisters), let us acknowledge our 2. I will give thanks to your
sins, and so prepare ourselves to First Reading [Is 22:19-23] name, because of your kindness
celebrate the sacred mysteries. (Sit) and your truth: when I called,
(Pause) you answered me; you built up
Isaiah describes how the Lord strength within me. (R)
P — You were sent to heal the replaces Shebna, a corrupt
contrite of heart: Kyrie, eleison. governor, with Eliakim who, in 3. The Lord is exalted, yet the
All — Kyrie, eleison. the Lord’s name, exercises the lowly he sees, and the proud
P — You came to call sinners: power of the key of David. This he knows from afar. Your
Christe, eleison. foreshadows Christ’s action of kindness, O L ord , endures
All — Christe, eleison. safeguarding the Church through forever; forsake not the work
the power given to Peter. of your hands. (R)
P — You are seated at the right
hand of the Father to intercede A reading from the Book of Second Reading
for us: Kyrie, eleison. the Prophet Isaiah (Rom 11:33-36)
All — Kyrie, eleison.
T H U S S AY S t h e L o r d t o The salvation which the Father
P — May almighty God have Shebna, master of the palace: has accomplished through Jesus
mercy on us, forgive us our sins, “I will thrust you from your leads Paul to contemplation and
and bring us to everlasting life. office and pull you down from praise, prayer, and thanksgiving.
All — Amen. your station. On that day I will
A reading from the Letter of
summon my servant Eliakim,
Gloria Saint Paul to the Romans
son of Hilkiah; I will clothe him
All — Glor y to God in the with your robe, and gird him OH, THE DEPTH of the riches
highest, and on earth peace to with your sash, and give over and wisdom and knowledge
of God! How inscr utable Profession of Faith (Stand) confronts human weakness,
are his judgments and how scandal, evil, and death. We
All — I believe in one God,
unsearchable his ways! For the Father almighty, maker of pray: (R)
who has known the mind of heaven and earth, of all things C — May government and civil
the Lord or who has been his visible and invisible. leaders neither abuse their
counselor? Or who has given I believe in one Lord Jesus
Christ, the Only Begotten Son
power nor resort to violence, but
the Lord anything that he may rather see themselves as God’s
be repaid? For from him and of God, bor n of the Father
before all ages. God from God, stewards and instruments to
through him and for him are all Light from Light, true God from do good and defend the rights
things. To him be glory forever. true God, begotten, not made, of the poor and the weak. We
Amen. consubstantial with the Father; pray: (R)
through him all things were
— The word of the Lord. made. For us men and for our C — May all teachers,
All — Thanks be to God. salvation he came down from catechists, students, and lay
heaven, workers profess Christ as the
Alleluia [Mt 16:18] (Stand)
(at the words that follow, up to and only Messiah and proclaim his
All — Alleluia, alleluia. You including and became man, all bow) Gospel through their prayer
are Peter and upon this rock and work. We pray: (R)
and by the Holy Spirit was
I will build my Church and incarnate of the Virgin Mar y, C — May those who have
the gates of the netherworld and became man. grown weak in body or spirit
shall not prevail against it. For our sake he was crucified through years of pain have a
Alleluia, alleluia. under Pontius Pilate, he
heart that is strong with joy and
suffered death and was buried,
and rose again on the third trust in God. We pray: (R)
Gospel (Mt 16:13-20)
day in accordance with the (The urgent concerns of the community
P — A reading from the holy Scriptures. He ascended into are made here.)
Gospel according to Matthew heaven and is seated at the right
hand of the Father. He will come P — Heavenly Father, Jesus
All — Glor y to you, O Lord. secures our faith through Peter
again in glory to judge the living
JESUS went into the region of and the dead and his kingdom and his successors. Give us the
Caesarea Philippi and he asked will have no end. grace to keep and cherish our
I believe in the Holy Spirit, unity of faith in your Church.
his disciples, “Who do people the Lord, the giver of life, who
say that the Son of Man is?” We ask this through Christ
proceeds from the Father and
They replied, “Some say John the Son, who with the Father and our Lord.
the Baptist, others Elijah, still the Son is adored and glorified, All — Amen.
others Jeremiah or one of the who has spoken through the
prophets. THE LITURGY OF
prophets.” He said to them, THE EUCHARIST
“But who do you say that I am?” I believe in one, holy, catholic,
and apostolic Church. I confess
Simon Peter said in reply, one baptism for the forgiveness Presentation of the Gifts
“You are the Christ, the Son of of sins and I look forward to the
the living God.” Jesus said to (Stand)
resurrection of the dead and the
him in reply, “Blessed are you, life of the world to come. Amen. P — Pray, brethren…
Simon son of Jonah. For flesh All — May the Lord accept
Prayer of the Faithful the sacrifice at your hands
and blood has not revealed
this to you, but my heavenly P — The Lord entrusted the for the praise and glor y
Father. And so I say to you, you keys of the kingdom to Peter. of his name, for our good
are Peter, and upon this rock I Let us pray to the Father that and the good of all his holy
will build my church, and the our faith in Christ will build up Church.
gates of the netherworld shall the Church in love. Full of trust, Prayer over the Offerings
not prevail against it. I will give we pray:
you the keys to the kingdom P — O Lord, who gained for
R — Remember your
of heaven. Whatever you bind yourself a people by adoption
Church, Lord.
on ear th shall be bound in through the one sacrifice
heaven; and whatever you C — May Pope Francis, of fered once for all, bestow
loose on earth shall be loosed with all the bishops who graciously on us, we pray, the
in heaven.” Then he strictly have succeeded Peter and gifts of unity and peace in your
ordered his disciples to tell no the apostles in the ministr y Church.
one that he was the Christ. of shepherding, lead us in Through Christ our Lord.
sound doctrine and morality All — Amen.
— The Gospel of the Lord. in these times of trouble and
All — Praise to you, Lord uncertainty. We pray: (R) Preface VII of the Sundays
Jesus Christ. in Ordinar y Time
C — May the Church rely
Homily (Sit) on the risen Christ who has P — The Lord be with you.
overcome the world as she All — And with your spirit.
P — Lift up your hearts.
All — We lift them up to the
P — Let us give thanks to the
Lord our God.
All — It is right and just.
P — It is truly right and just, our
duty and our salvation,
and ever ywhere to give you
Lord, holy Father,
almighty and eternal God.
For you so loved the world

that in your mercy you sent
u s t h e R e d e e m e r, t o l i v e
like us in all things but sin,
so that you might love in us
what you loved in your Son,

by whose obedience we have
been restored to those gifts of
that, by sinning, we had
lost in disobedience.
And so, Lord, with all the
Angels and Saints,
 we, too, give
you thanks, as in exultation we
All — Holy, Holy, Holy...(Kneel) Prayer after Communion Dismissal
Acclamation (Stand) P — Go and announce the
P — Let us pray. (Pause) Gospel of the Lord.
All — When we eat this Complete within us, O Lord, All — Thanks be to God.
Bread and drink this Cup, we pray, the healing work of
we proclaim your Death, O your mercy and graciously Year of the Parish as
Lord, until you come again. perfect and sustain us, so that
Community Catechesis
in all things we may please you.
Through Christ our Lord.
The Lord’s Prayer All — Amen.


P — Deliver us, Lord… P — The Lord be with you.
All — For the kingdom, the All — And with your spirit.
power, and the glor y are
yours, now and for ever. Solemn Blessing
Invitation to Peace P — Bow down for the blessing. Missalette-199444600247460/

Invitation to Communion
May the Lord bless you and
P — Behold the Lamb of God, keep you.
behold him who takes away All — Amen.
the sins of the world. Blessed P — May he let his face shine
are those called to the supper upon you and show you his
of the Lamb. mercy.
All — Lord, I am not worthy All — Amen.
that you should enter under
my roof, but only say the word P — May he turn his counte­
and my soul shall be healed. nance towards you and give you September 13-18, 2017
at the SMX Convention Center, Bay Area, Pasay City
his peace.
Communion Antiphon Visit
All — Amen.
[Cf. Ps 104(103):13-15]
cut here

P — And may the blessing of

The earth is replete with the almighty God, the Father, and
fruits of your work, O Lord; the Son, (†) and the Holy Spirit,
Booth Nos. 16-20
you bring forth bread from come down on you and remain This serves as your entry pass ticket.
the earth and wine to cheer with you for ever. ADMIT ONE
the heart. All — Amen.

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