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Adjectives: -ful (havin) / -less (lacking)

Noun Verb Adjective

Care Care Careful /careless
Colour Colour Colourful/colourless
Fear Fear Fearful/fearless
Harm Harm Harmful/harmless
Help Help Helpful/helpless
Hope Hope Hopeful/hopeless
Meaning Mean Meaningful/meaningless
Pain Pain Painful/painless
Power Power Powerful/powerless
Sleep Sleep Sleepful/sleepless
Thought think Thoughtful/thoughtless
Taste Taste Tasteful/tasteless
Use Use Useful/useless

Complete these sentences with adjectives given in brackets ending in –ful or –less

1. What a lovely present! That was very ___________ of you. (think)

2. He´s told me ___________ times about how good he is at football. (count)
3. My best friend is rich, ___________ lawyer. (power)
4. You must remember to recharge your phone. Without its batteries, it´s ___________.
5. Although everybody knows that cigarettes are ___________ to our health, many people
still smoke. (harm)
6. The new sales assistant was really ___________ and rude. (help) (=incompetent)
7. Look at the newborn baby. He´s completely ___________ . (help) (=defenseless)
8. Don´t worry, John – this injection will be completely ___________ . (pain)
9. Thieves broke into the museum and stole a ___________ painting by Van Gogh. (price)
10. She´s really rich, but her clothes are always very ___________ and elegant. (taste) (=
11. I bought some shares in the company 5 years age. Nevertheless now they are
___________ . (worth) (=have no value)
12. How could you be so ___________ as to lose your wallet? (care) (=inattentive)
13. I´m going to give some clothes to the ___________. (home)
14. I spent a ___________ night worrying about you! Where have you been? (sleep)
15. That little boy is absolutely ___________. He´s not afraid of anything! (fear ) (=brave)
16. Despite he has lost some points, he´s ___________ they can win the game. (hope)

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