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Please correctly answer the following questions in Java and also write descript

ion of answers where ever required.

1. Which of the following statements about Java arrays and ArrayLists are true?
I. Arrays are similar to objects, but technically are not true objects.
II. Once an ArrayList s size is set, it cannot be changed without reconstructing i
III. Arrays can directly hold primitive types as well as object references.
IV. Array indexing begins at 0, but ArrayList indexing begins at 1.
A. I and III only
B. I, II and III only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and IV only
E. I, II, III and IV
2. Consider a program written using an array A of size 50. Now suppose you want
to change the program so that A is an ArrayList. What changes must or should be
made to the program? Your goal is to have a correctly functioning program that f
ollows good programming practice, while minimizing changes to the code.
I. A must be constructed (using an appropriate call to the ArrayList class const
ructor) before any work with the ArrayList is attempted.
II. A call to the ArrayList s destructor should be added, to destroy A when it is
no longer needed.
III. All references to elements of A via use of an index (e.g., A[I]) must be re
placed with calls to appropriate ArrayList methods.
IV. If the array stores a primitive type, the values stored in the array must be
changed, either explicitly or implicitly via autoboxing, to objects.
A. I and II only D. I and IV only
B. I, III and IV only E. I, II, III and IV
C. II and III only
3. Does Java do boundary checking of arrays during program execution?
A. Yes, always
B. Yes, but only if a project file setting is made to enable such checking
C. Yes, but it is limited to single-dimension arrays
D. Yes, but only if the array is a member of a class
E. No
When answering the next four questions, use this program fragment. intObj is a c
lass containing one private field, an integer. int getInt() returns the value of
this integer; void setInt(int newValue) changes its value to newValue.
intObj p;
p = new intObj();
intObj q = new intObj();
p.setInt(q.getInt()); //line 1
q = p; //line 2
p = null;
System.out.print(p.getInt()); //line 3
Use these responses when answering the next two questions:
value stored where p references value stored where q references
A. 20 20
B. 15 15
C. 20 15
D. none deference of null pointer 20
E. none deference of null pointer none deference of null pointer
4. What are the values stored in the locations that p and q reference after the
line labeled //line 1 is executed?
5. What are the values stored in the locations that p and q reference after the
line labeled //line 2 is executed?
6. What occurs when //line 3 is executed?
A. an exception is thrown
B. the number 20 prints
C. the number 15 prints
D. the number 0 prints
E. the number stored where q is referencing is printed
Consider this recursive function when answering the next 2 questions:
//intent: if n is odd and positive, returns 1 + 3 + 5 + . + n
// if n is even and positive, returns 2 + 4 + 6 + + n
// if n is 0 or negative, returns 0
public static long addThemUp(int n)
{ if (n > 0)
return n + addThemUp(n - 2);
return n;
7. Which of these situations would cause addThemUp to return incorrect results?
I. the parameter's value was negative
II. the parameter's value was zero
III. the parameter's value was positive and even
IV. the parameter's value was positive and odd
A. I only D. I and IV only
B. I and II only E. I, II, III and IV
C. II and III only
8. Which of these versions of addThemUp would return as intended results?
A. public static long addThemUp(int n) C. public static long addThemUp(int n)
{ if (n >= 0) { if (n <= 0)
return n + addThemUp(n - 2); return 0;
else else if (n == 1)
return 0; return 1;
} else
return n + addThemUp(n - 2);
B. public static long addThemUp(int n)
{ if (n > 0)
return n + addThemUp(n - 2);
return 0;
D. Both A and B
E. A, B and C
9. Suppose you wanted to use a function to initialize three (already declared) v
ariables that are not fields of a class. Further suppose you are doing this in a
language that allows passing parameters either by value or by reference. To ini
tialize the variables,
A. you should pass them to the function by reference and set the values in the f
unction; the variables will be initialized when the function returns.
B. you should pass them to the function by value and set the values in the funct
ion; the variables will be initialized when the function returns.
C. you should pass them to the function by value, set the values in the function
, then return these values via a return statement.
D. define these variables so they are global to the function, then set their val
ues within the function; that is the preferred approach.
E. you should adopt another approach: none of the above methods is a reasonable
10. Here is a list of steps to be taken when a function with a parameter is call
I. execute the function (and use the formal parameter during its execution)
II. delete the temporary storage associated with the formal parameter
III. do whatever work is necessary to determine the actual parameter s value
IV. do whatever work is necessary to resolve the actual parameter to a location
in memory
V. create temporary storage with the name of the formal parameter
VI. copy the value of the actual parameter to the temporary storage location
VII. copy the memory location of the actual parameter to the temporary storage l
Now suppose a function is called with a parameter that is passed by reference. I
n order, what steps are taken to execute the function, from the start of the cal
l through its completion, that involve this parameter? (The lists below give ste
ps in order when read left to right.)
A. III, V, VI, I, II D. V, VI, IV, II, I
B. IV, V, VII, I, II E. IV, V, VI, II, I
11. What is the output from the following Java program fragment?
(Reponses are on the next page.)
public static void main(String[] args)
int A = 10;
int B = 20;
update(A, B);
System.out.println(A + " " + B);
public static void update (int X, int Y)
X = X + Y;
Y = Y + X;
System.out.println(X + " " + Y);
A. None; there is a run-time error (before any output is produced)
B. 10 20 D. 30 50
10 20 10 20
C. 10 20 E. 30 50
30 50 30 50
12. Suppose you have a class MyClass and want to easily replace the contents of
one object, target, with the contents of another object of MyClass, source. Assu
ming any necessary clone() code to make things work right has been appropriately de
fined in the class, which of the following statements would correctly create the
A. target = source;
B. target.clone(source);
C. target = source.clone();
D. target = source.equals();
E. target = (MyClass) source.clone();
13. To enable exception handling on a block of code, one
A. encloses it in a try block
B. encloses it in a throwable block
C. labels it, then inserts that label into the Java exception handler list
D. must place the code into its own method and mark the method throwable
E. enables a trap for that code
14. In Java, what happens if code is written that could throw a checked exceptio
n in a method that has no throws clause for that exception, and there is no catc
h block defined in the method to handle that particular exception class?
A. If an accessible catch block exists for one of the exception s ancestor classes
, then the program compiles and runs.
B. If there is no catch block that can handle the exception, the code will not c
C. If the exception is thrown, and there is no catch block that can handle the e
xception, the program halts.
D. If the exception is thrown, and there is no catch block that can handle the e
xception, the program continues, but its results are unpredictable
E. Both A and B, taken together, fully describe what occurs.
15. A binary file opened for input only and relative access can
I. have its information changed
II. have its file pointer moved sequentially through the file
III. have its file pointer positioned to any object stored in the file, regardle
ss of where the file pointer was pointing just previously
IV. be checked for end-of-line conditions
A. I and III only C. II and IV only E. I, III and IV only
B. II and III only D. I, II and IV only
Use this information when answering the next three questions:
Suppose I wanted to copy an ArrayList<string>'s contents into a file, with the s
tring stored in a position of the ArrayList comprising one line of the file. The
string in the first position of the ArrayList is to be the first line of the fi
le, the string in the next position of the array is to be the next line of the f
ile, and so on.
Here's an outline of what needs to be done, with two actions missing:
set current position of string array to its start;
_______________; //missing action 1
while (items remaining in the array)
put current position's string into the file
(followed by the new line character);
_____________; //missing action 2
16. Which phrase best describes what missing action 1 should be?
A. open the file as text, input, sequential access
B. open the file as text, output, sequential access
C. open the file as binary, output, relative access
D. open the file as binary, output, sequential access
E. open the file as text, input, relative access
17. Which phrase best describes what missing action 2 should be?
A. go to the next position in the ArrayList
B. go to the next line of the file (since the file pointer does not move automat
C. go to the next component of the file (since the file pointer does not move au
D. Both A and B
E. Both A and C
18. What is the output of this program fragment? (Ignore any leading spaces.)
double X = 123.321;
String Y = "Hi!";
System.out.format("%7.3f%s", X, Y);
A. 23.32Hi! D. 1.23e2Hi!
B. 123.321Hi! E. none; a compile- or run-time error occurs
C. +23.32Hi!

19. When using hasNext() on a Scanner, how do we know when the end of file has b
een reached?
A. hasNext () throws an EOFException.
B. hasNext () returns a null.
C. Control transfers to the finally block associated with the block that hasNext
() is in
D. Scanner() throws an EOFException.
E. hasNext () returns a false.
20. If a class is not qualified as public or private, what does that imply about
its public methods and fields?
A. No other class can use them: class access defaults to private.
B. Only classes in the same file can use them.
C. Only classes in the same package can use them.
D. Only classes derived from this class can use them.
E. All classes can use them.
21. What s the connection between public classes and .java file names? (Assume the
file contains no inner classes.)
A. The file can have at most one public class; if present, it must have the same
name as the file.
B. The file must have at least one public class and none of them can have the sa
me name as the file.
C. It is common practice to name a file after one of the public classes in it, b
ut Java does not require it.
D. If the file does not contain a public class, its name must not match the name
s of any of the classes in it.
E. There is no connection!
22. An interface must meet which of these restrictions?
I. It must not have any fields.
II. All methods must be abstract.
III. Only public methods are allowed.
IV. A class can implement only one interface.
A. II and III only D. I, III and IV only
B. I, II and III only E. I, II,III and IV
C. II, III and IV only

Use this information when answering the next seven questions:

Polygon is a class that defines regular polygons (figures such as equilateral tr
iangles, squares, and regular pentagons polygons where all the sides have the same
length). It has, among other public methods, one named area(), which takes no p
arameters, and returns as type double the area of the polygon.
Classes Square, EqiTriangle and Pentagon are derived from Polygon. Square and Eq
iTriangle each have, among other public methods, one named area(), which takes n
o parameters and returns as type double the area of a Square and EqiTriangle, re
spectively. Pentagon does not define a method named area().
23. What fields does Square inherit from Polygon?
A. Only those that have public or package access
B. All except those that are private
C. Only public ones
D. All except those that have protected access
E. All of them
24. Which among the classes Square, EqiTriangle and Pentagon inherit area() from
A. Square, EqiTriangle and Pentagon
B. Square and EqiTriangle only
C. Pentagon only
D. Square only
E. none of them
25. Define P to be a Polygon object reference, S a Square object reference and T
an EqiTriangle object reference. Which of these assignment statements are legal
I. S = T III. T = P
II. P = T IV. P = S
A. II and IV only
B. II and III only
C. II, III and IV only
D. I, II and IV only
E. I, II, III and IV
26. Suppose the object referenced in a cell of ArrayList<Polygon> pentagonGroup
is of type Pentagon. If you later reference that object, what type will it have?
A. Pentagon D. Byte
B. Polygon E. Class
C. Object

27. Suppose you wish to access the pentagon stored at position 3 of an ArrayList
<Pentagon> pentagonGroup and invoke the area() method on it. Which statement bel
ow does this correctly?
A. pentagonGroup.get(3).area();
B. pentagonGroup.area().get(3);
C. pentagonGroup.(Pentagon).get(3).area();
D. pentagonGroup[3].area();
E. (Pentagon)pentagonGroup[3].area();
28. Suppose you wish to call Polygon's area() method in the definition of EqiTri
angle's area() method; both area() methods have the same signature. How is this
A. (polygon)area(); D. area();
B. super.area(); E. parent.area();
C. this.area();
29. Suppose Polygon's area() function is made abstract. Which of the following s
tatements are then true?
I. Polygon must be made an abstract class.
II. Polygon's area function must have no body.
III. Polygon objects cannot be constructed.
IV. Any class derived from Polygon must override the area() function (if we want
to be able to construct objects of those classes)
A. I and III only
B. I and II only
C. I and IV only
D. I, III and IV only
E. I, II, III and IV
30. Which of the following statements about applets are true?
I. An applet is a class that must be derived from the Java Applet class
II. An applet is invoked from HTML statements, rather than a "main()"
III. An applet almost always overrides the paint() method
IV. An applet must be compiled into a .class files before it can be used
A. I and II only
B. II and III only
C. I, II and III only
D. II, III and IV only
E. I, II, III and IV

31. When is the paint() method called?

A. Whenever the HTML of a Web page invokes it
B. Whenever the Web browser determines the screen needs to be repainted
C. Only when the user enters the page that executes the applet
D. Whenever a geometric figure is created or modified
E. Only when the applet is first invoked
32. The graphics window in Java has its origin in a specified position, and has
the x and y coordinates values increasing in specified directions. Which of the s
elections below correctly gives these specifications?
origin is located x value increase y values increase
A. upper left to the right up
B. upper left to the right down
C. upper left to the left up
D. center to the right up
E. center to the right down
33. To notice an event (and react to it), Java requires you to do which of the fol
lowing things?
I. define your own handler class that implements the appropriate Java-provided lis
tener interface
II. define your own handler class that extends the appropriate Java-provided adapt
er class
III. construct an object of your handler class
IV. add your handler object to the list of listeners Java maintains
A. Either I or II, and III and IV
B. I, II, III and IV
C. II and III only
D. I and III only
E. Either I or II, and IV only
34. Which of the following statements about computing are true?
A. A Turing machine, a theoretical model of computing, is the most powerful comp
uter (that works by solving problems in a step-by-step manner) yet imagined, in
terms of its solving power.
B. Any problem that is computable can be solved by a program using the control s
tructures of sequence, indefinite iteration and complete decision; no other cont
rol structures are needed
C. All digital computers could be built with just (a number of) storage devices
that represent two values (say 0 and 1) and circuits that implement the logical
operations AND, OR and NOT.
D. There are problems that can legally be input to a Turing machine that the mac
hine will not be able to solve (more precisely: some problems are undecidable)
E. All of the above are true statements.
35. Which of these statements about groups of computing problems are true?
I. There are some problems that require a very long (exponential) time to solve
(on a Turing machine).
II. It is unknown if P = NP.
III. If it turns out P = NP, that is of great theoretical interest, but it would
have no impact on the speed of solving real-world problems.
IV. If a problem is intractable, we can solve it (on a Turing machine), but not
fast enough for the solution to be useful.
A. I and III only D. I, II and IV only
B. I, II, and III only E. I, II, III and IV
C. II and IV only

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