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Religion and Basic Facts Core Beliefs and Practices Major Religious Observances

Shahadah. Profession of faith in one God
who is Allah and Muhammad as god`s
messenger and final prophet.
Salah. Obligatory prayers performed 5
times a day.
Zakah. Alms giving to the poor.
Sawn. Fasting from dawn to dusk during of
Hajj. Once in a life time pilgrimage to
mecca of those capable Muslim

2. Hinduism
 Core Belief of Hindu
 1.Truth is eternal.
 2.Brahman is Truth and
 3.The Vedas are the ultimate
 4.Everyone should strive to
achieve dharma.
 5.Individual souls are
immortal. The goal of the
individual soul is moksha.

Hindu practices include rituals such as

puja (worship) and recitations, japa,
meditation (dhyana), family-oriented
rites of passage, annual festivals, and
occasional pilgrimages.
The Basic Teachings of Buddha of
which are core to Buddhism are: 

1.The Three Universal Truths

2.The Four Noble Truths
3.The Noble Eightfold Path

Widely observed practices include
taking refuge in the Buddha, the
Dharma and the Sangha, observance
of moral precepts, monasticism,
meditation, and the cultivation of the
Paramitas (perfections, or virtues).

4. Taoism Chinese philosophy to signify

the fundamental or true nature of the
world: simplicity and selflessness in
conformity with the Tao, leading a life
of non-purposive action, a life
expressing the essence of
spontaneity. Taoism, also known
as Daoism, arose about the same time
as Confucianism.
1.Physical practices.
Because Taoism doesn't make a
rigid division between body and
spirit, it recognizes that physical
actions have a spiritual effect.
2.Purity. Taoist texts teach
the importance of keeping the body
pure in order to ensure spiritual
3.Meditation. 4.Breathing.
5.Energy flow. 6.Martial arts.
5.Judaism The three main beliefs at the center of
Judaism are Monotheism, Identity, and
covenant (an agreement
between God and his people). The
most important teachings of Judaism is
that there is one God, who wants
people to do what is just and
Judaism, a religion that focuses far
more on deeds than on beliefs, is
a practice, too. Because Judaism is a
set of practices, it's called a Way of
6.Christianism Belief in God the
Father, Jesus Christ as the Son
of God, and the Holy Spirit.
The death, descent into
hell, resurrection and ascension of
The holiness of the Church
and the communion of saints.
Christ's second coming, the
Day of Judgement and salvation of
the faithful.
Depending on the specific
of Christianity, practices may include
baptism, the Eucharist (Holy
Communion or the Lord's Supper),
prayer (including the Lord's Prayer),
confession, confirmation, burial rites,
marriage rites and the religious
education of children.

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