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and Livelihood Education
Home Economics
Quarter 2 – Module 2
Types of Tools Appropriate Cleaning Tools
and Equipment Based on Their Uses


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Development Team of the Module

Writer: Jennifer C. Lejesta

Editor: Leonila J. Floria
Reviewers: Juliet A. Tan, Maria Linda D. Enario,
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and Livelihood Education
Home Economics
Quarter 2 – Module 2
Types of Appropriate Cleaning Tools and
Equipment Based on Their Uses

Introductory Message
For the facilitator:

Welcome to Technology and Livelihood Education 7 Self-Learning Module on

Types of Appropriate Cleaning Tools and Equipment Based on Their Uses!
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by
educators both from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or
facilitator in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum
while overcoming their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and
independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also
aims to help learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into
consideration their needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the
body of the module:

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies that will

help you in guiding the learners.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this
module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to
manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist
the learners as they do the tasks included in the module.

For the learner:

Welcome to Technology and Livelihood Education 7 Self-Learning Module on
Types of Appropriate Cleaning Tools and Equipment Based on Their Uses!
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You
will be enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while being an active

This module has the following parts:

Activity : This will bring understanding to what you already know

and experience to what you should learn further.

Analysis : In this phase, you will process and classify what is valid
and not for a more in-depth understanding.

Abstraction : This part leads you in reinforcing what you know and
should know more. Exercises are presented for
independent practice to solidify your understanding and
skills of the topic.

Application : This stage brings you to a more practical way that you
are going to use what you have learned and think new
ways on how it can be improved further.

Content Standard 2
Performance Standard 2
Learning Competencies 2
Learning Objectives 2

Daily Learning Tasks:

Day Learning Task

1 Introduction 3-4
Review Drill
Unlocking of Terms
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
5 Enrichment
Post Test 12-14
Answer Key 15-16
References 17

CONTENT STANDARD The learner independently uses and maintain
tools, equipment, and materials in cookery
according to standard operating procedures.

PERFORMANCE The learner demonstrates an understanding

STANDARD the use and maintenance of equipment in


(TLE_HECK 7/8UT-0a-1)
11.2 Classify the types of appropriate cleaning
tools and equipment based on their uses.

LEARNING Cognitive:
 Classify appropriate kitchen cleaning tools,
OBJECTIVES: equipment, and materials.

 Value the importance of cleaning tools,
equipment, and materials in maintaining kitchen
tools, equipment, and paraphernalia.

 Utilize appropriate kitchen cleaning tools,
equipment, and materials.


This module helps you independently understand and classify according
to its uses the types of appropriate cleaning tools and equipment in the kitchen.

This module is a self-contained package of study material for use by an

individual learner. It provides a learning activity to learners while staying at home.


This drill will find out how much you understand in the previous topic.
Read and understand the directions carefully.
Direction: Name at least 5 kitchen tools, equipment and or
paraphernalia commonly found at home. Write their uses on the
opposite side.
Tools/Equipment/Paraphernalia Use/s

Presentation of the New Lesson

Cookery does not only mean cooking but also tackles about cleanliness
and sanitation of tools, equipment, paraphernalia and premises. This module will
introduce the types of appropriate cleaning tools and equipment that will be used
for kitchen tools, equipment and paraphernalia. This will help you classify these
different cleaning tools and equipment based on their uses.

Unlocking of Difficulties:

Cleaning Equipment - any of a large kind of implements used for cleaning

Cleaning Materials - any washes, cleaners, solvents, or rejuvenators that

are used to remove soil and dirt from kitchen surfaces, tools, and
equipment, or press parts, or used to remove dried ink from areas around a

Corrective or reactive activity – unscheduled, unplanned task, usually

related to greater hazards and better risk levels like repairing something to
urge it working again.

Housekeeping – is cleaning the rooms and furnishings of a home.

Maintenance – an act or procedure of preserving a tool or equipment,

it's working on something to remain it during a functioning and safe state
and preserving it from failure.
Management – the strategy of designing and maintaining an environment
during which individuals, working together in groups, efficiently accomplish
selected aims.

Preventive or proactive activity – usually a planned and scheduled process

that's usually administered to stay something functional.

Tools – devices which will be wont to achieve a task, but not consumed
within the process.


Activity 1. Name and classify Me!

Directions. Name at least 2 cleaning tools, or equipment and or materials
available at home. Write them on the table below.
Cleaning Tools Cleaning Equipment Cleaning Materials

Activity 2. Smile on Me!

Direction. Below are some of the kitchen cleaning tools and equipment.
Under the remark column, draw a smiling face if you know how to use
them, and draw a sad face If you are not familiar with it. Write your answer
in the opposite column under remarks.
Cleaning Tools and Equipment or
1. Broom and dustpan
2. Cobwebber
3. Floor mop
4. Vaccum cleaner
5. Floor buffer


Points to ponder!
Direction. Using your previous knowledge and experiences, share your
insights on the following questions.
1. Why do you need to know the different cleaning tools and equipment?
2. How will you classify cleaning tools and equipment?
3. What is the difference between the cleaning tools and the cleaning

Your answer shall be evaluated using the rubrics below.

CRITERI 4 3 2 1 Score
Exceptionally Generally clear, Lacks Unclear,
Clear clear, easy to able to clarity, impossible
understand understand difficult to to
understand understand
Concise The The explanation The The
explanation presented and explanation explanation
presented methods used presented presented
and methods are appropriate. and and
used are methods methods
advanced. used are used are
somewhat inadequate.
Comprehe Detailed and Considerable Partial or Confusion
nsive complete explanation incomplete or serious
explanation explanation misconcepti
on on the
Relevant Highly Generally Somewhat Irrelevant
relevant relevant relevant

Classify the Types of Appropriate Cleaning Tools and Equipment
Based on Their Uses

Cleaning Tools, Equipment and Materials

1. Broom is a cleaning tool for sweeping made of bundle of twigs

connected to a long handle.

2. Dustpan is a cleaning tool commonly utilized to

scoop the dirt and wastes on the ground.

3. Water Hoses are hollow tubes intended to transport waters from

one place to another. Hoses are also called pipes; a rigid tube,
while a hose is typically a versatile version. The form of a hose
is typically cylindrical (having a circular cross section).

4. Bucket could be a watertight, vertical cylinder with an open top

and a flat bottom, generally attached to a semicircular carrying
handle that is utilized to keep water or any liquid solution for

5. Cobwebber is utilized for reaching and sweeping

of floor without as tool. It is also used to
stairwells, ceiling corners and other high areas.

6. Sponge is defined as liquid-absorbing and though it becomes

soft when wet it has the ability to retain its toughness: utilized in
bathing, in wiping or cleaning surfaces, etc.

7. Dishcloth is used in the kitchen to dry dishes and

other surfaces. Typically, they are made of cotton

8. Cleaning Cloth is used to wipe the cleaning tools and


9. Floor Mop is used to soak up liquid, for cleaning floors and other

surfaces, to mop up dust, or for other cleaning purposes. 

10. Scrubbing Foam is used to remove the contaminants of any
tool and equipment.

11. A glove is a garment that protects the whole hand of a person

that does household services.

12. Paper towel is an absorbent textile manufactured from paper

instead of cloth utilized to dry hands, wipe windows, dust and
clean up spills.

13. A waste container is a vessel for temporarily loading refuse

and waste.
14. Vacuum cleaner is a cleaning equipment that uses an air pump
to get a limited vacuum to suck up dust and dirt, generally from
floors, and other surfaces. The dirt is either collected by either
a vacuum bag or a cyclone for later disposal.

15. A Floor buffer is an electrical cleaning equipment that is

utilized to clean and preserve non-carpeted floors, like
hardwood, marble, tile or linoleum. It is also known as a floor

16. Cleaning detergent may be a surfactant or a mix of surfactants

with "cleaning properties in diluted solutions that's also utilized
in cleaning purposes.
17. Liquid detergent may be a detergent in liquid form utilized for
cleaning tools and equipment.
18. Water is a liquid utilized for washing most of the tools and
equipment. It is also known as the universal solvent.

19. Baking soda Otherwise referred to as bicarbonate of soda or

bicarbonate of soda. It is employed to deodorize refrigerators.


Exercise 1. Take Me In!

Directions: Classify all the kitchen cleaning tools, equipment, and
materials discussed above. Write each in the box provided for.

Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning

Tools Equipment Materials

Exercise 2. Know Me!
Directions: Write the uses or functions of each cleaning tool, equipment and
material and classify them.

Cleaning Use/s Classification

1. Floor buffer

2. Floor mop

3. Broom

4. Baking soda

5. Water

Activity 1. Complete Me!
Direction: Read the statement clue in each item. Identify the word/s being
described by completing the letters. Write your answer in the space provided
1. It is a container for temporarily storing refuse and waste.
W __ S __ __ C __ __T __ I __ E R
2. It is used to remove the contaminants of any tool and equipment.
S C __ __ B __ __ N __ F __ __ M
3. It is a garment that covers the whole hand of a person that performs
household services. __ L O V __
4. It is an electrical cleaning equipment that is utilized to clean and preserve
non-carpeted floors; it is also known as a floor polisher.
__ L __ O __ B __ F __ E R
5. It is a surfactant or a mixture of surfactants with "cleaning properties in
diluted solutions that is also used in cleaning purposes.
C __ E__ __ I __ G D __ T __ __G __ N T

Activity 2. My Heart Went Oops!
Directions: On the third column draw a heart if the statement/s in column A
match with the name of cleaning tools, equipment, and materials in column B, if
not write the correct name/s being described.
1. It is a cleaning equipment that Floor buffer
uses an air pump to get a
limited vacuum to suck up dust
and dirt, generally from floors,
and other surfaces.
2. It is used to wipe the cleaning Dish cloth
tools and equipment.

3. Otherwise referred to as Baking soda

bicarbonate of soda or
bicarbonate of soda is
employed to deodorize
4. It is also known as the Water
universal solvent.
5. It is used for reaching and Broom
sweeping of floor without as

ENRICHMENT: Skills Trial
Situation: Clean your kitchen following the steps below. Utilize available the
cleaning tools, equipment, and materials needed to accomplish each task. Any
family member will assess your performance using the rubrics provided.
1. Gather loose dust by sweeping the kitchen floor and wipe counter tops,
tables and other surfaces. Remove sticky buildup, and wipe your
kitchen floor.
2. Mix 1-gallon warm water during a bucket with 1/2 cup white vinegar and
1 tsp. dish soap. Quickly put your mop down into the bucket, wring the
mop out and wipe across your kitchen floors. The diluted vinegar
solution makes it safe for any kitchen floor surface while still strong
enough to wash and disinfect. The dish soap assists in cutting through
any food residue which will get on the kitchen floor. Let your floor air
dry after cleaning.
3. Prepare bowls, put around 1/2 cup of baking soda each bowl. Place
these around your kitchen to soak up odor and keep the kitchen
smelling fresh. Open windows to let fresh air circulate, which is
particularly useful when cooking strong-smelling foods.

Rating Rating
Equivalen Level of Performance
95-100 Follows correctly the given procedures in
cleaning the kitchen using appropriate cleaning
tools and equipment and performs the skill
without supervision and with initiative and
adaptability to problem situations.
90-94 Follows correctly the given procedures in
cleaning the kitchen using appropriate cleaning
tools and equipment and performs the skill
satisfactorily without assistance or supervision.
85-89 Follows correctly the given procedures in
cleaning the kitchen using appropriate cleaning
tools and equipment with minor errors and
performs the skill satisfactorily with some
assistance and/or supervision.
80-84 Was not able to follow the given procedures in
cleaning the kitchen using appropriate cleaning
tools and equipment and performs the skill
75-79 No attempt to perform at all.

Name & signature of observer (any family member/guardian)
The following is a test on how much you have learned about the topic.

Direction: Read and understand each statement and write the letter of
the correct answer on the space provided before the number.
_____ 1. It is a tool characterized by readily absorbing water utilized in bathing, in
wiping or cleaning surfaces, etc.
A. Cleaning cloth
B. Dish cloth
C. Floor mop
D. Sponge

_____ 2. What is a device that can be used to achieve a task, but not consumed
in the process?
A. Equipment
B. Floor mop
C. Material
D. Tool

_____ 3. Which is used in the kitchen to dry dishes and other surfaces?
A. Buffer
B. Cleaning Cloth
C. Dishcloth
D. Sponge

_____ 4. What is vertical cylinder with an open top and flat bottom, that is utilized
to grasp water or any liquid solution used in cleaning?
A. Broom
B. Bucket
C. Vacuum cleaner
D. Water hose

_____ 5. It is a cleaning equipment that is utilized to clean and maintain non-

carpeted floors, like hardwood, marble, tile or linoleum.
A. Bucket
B. Floor Buffer .
C. Vacuum cleaner
D. Water hose

_____ 6. The following are mixing tools, EXCEPT:
A. Baster
B. Scraper
C. Whisks
D. Wooden Spoons

_____ 7. Which is NOT a measuring tool?

A. Portion scale
B. Rotary eggbeater
C. Scoops or dipper
D. Temperature scale

_____ 8. What type of tool is a colander?

A. Measuring
B. Mixing
C. Preparatory
D. Utility

_____ 9. Which of the following is a cutting tool?

A. Household scale
B. Rotary egg beater
C. Serving tongs
D. Vegetable peeler

_____ 10. What best describes a kitchen knife?

A. It is utilized to chop, dice, or mince food.
B. It is utilized to section raw meat, poultry, and fish.
C. It is utilized to slice roasts, ham, and thick, solid cuts of
D. It is utilized for all kinds of kitchen errands like peeling an
onion, slicing carrots, carving a roast or a chicken, etc.

_____ 11. How does the vacuum cleaner works?

A. Grasps water or liquid for cleaning
B. Scoops dirt and wastes on the floor
C. Sucks up dirt from floors and surfaces
D. Cleans the rooms and furnishings of a home

_____ 12. How does the refrigerator functions?
A. It is used to measure heat intensity
B. Prevents bacterial infections from foods.
C. It keeps the temperature below boiling point
D. It allows you to effortlessly take and transfer larger food items

_____ 13. Why is scoop or dipper considered a measuring tool?

A. Because it serves in different portions
B. Because it is bigger than a measuring spoon
C. Because it is used to serves ice creams & sauces
D. Because it also comes in diverse sizes to serve food in portions like
ice cream

_____ 14. Differentiate kitchen tools from equipment.

A. An equipment is more complicated than tool
B. A tool is not easy to use than the equipment
C. A tool is a more complicated than equipment
D. An equipment is a more complicated tool that may refer to a small or
large appliance

_____ 15. Differentiate corrective activity from preventive activity.

A. Corrective activity is done to prevent damage while preventive is done
minimize damage
B. Corrective activity is done to keep things in order while preventive
activity is done when things is not proper place
C. Corrective activity is done to keep an equipment functional while
preventive activity is done only when damage occurs
D. Corrective activity is done only when something is not working well
while preventive activity is regularly done to keep things functional

Review (may be and the like)
Tools/Equipment/Parap Use/s
1. Cutting boards. are wooden or plastic board where meat,
fruits and vegetables can be cut
2. Kitchen knives often referred to as cook's or chef's tools,
used for all types of kitchen tasks such as
peeling an onion, slicing carrots, carving a
roast or turkey, etc.
3. Serving spoons utensils consisting of a small, shallow
bowl on a handle used in preparing,
serving, or eating food.
4. Rice cooker or rice an automated kitchen appliance designed to boil
steamer or steam rice.

5. Frypan, or Skillet is a flat-bottomed pan used for frying,

searing, and browning foods.
Activity 1. Name & Classify Me!
Cleaning Tools Cleaning Cleaning Materials
1. Broom 1. Floor polisher 1. Cleaning detergent
2. Dust pan 2. Vacuum cleaner 2. Liquid detergent
3. Waste container 3. 3. Water
1. I need to know the different cleaning tools and equipment for me to be
familiar with it and correctly use to make our cleaning easier and faster.
2. Cleaning tools and equipment may be classified according to its uses or
3. The cleaning tools are devices that can be used to achieve a task, but
not consumed in the process while equipment are any of a large class of
implements used for cleaning.
Exercise 1. Take Me In
Cleaning Tools
Cleaning Cleaning
1. Broom Materials
2. Dustpan
3. Water hoses
4. Bucket 1. Cleaning
5. Cobwebber
6. Sponge 1. Vacuum detergent
7. Dish cloth
8. Cleaning cloth cleaner 2. Liquid
9. Floor mop
10. Scrubbing detergent
2. Floor
11. Glove
3. Water
12. Paper towel
13. Waste buffer
container 4. Baking
Water hoses soda
Exercise 2. Classify Me!
Cleaning Use/s Classification
K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Junior High School Technical Livelihood
Education and Senior High School -Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track Home
Economics –Cookery (NC II) 2016. Retrieved from:
TLE Learning Module. Retrieved from:
Casuga, GP K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Learning Module,
Commercial Cooking Exploratory Course. Retrieved from:

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Schools Division of Surigao del Norte

Peñaranda St., Surigao City
Surigao del Norte, Philippines 8400
Tel. No: (086) 826-8216
Email Address: [email protected]


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