Quiz 1-YASHDEEP-Behavioral Physiology

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1. What part of a neuron is responsible for receiving information?

a. axon
b. terminal fiber
c. dendrite
d. myelin sheath

2. Electrical stimulation of the reticular formation would most likely cause an

animal to:
a. sneeze
b. become blind
c. wake up if it had been sleeping
d. stop breathing

3. In evolutionary terms, which is the oldest part of the brain?

a. the limbic system
b. the cortex
c. the right hemisphere
d. the brain stem

4. The change in electrical charge that occurs in a neuron when a nerve impulse
is transmitted is known as the:
a. action potential
b. synaptic change
c. refractory period
d. ionic charge

5. The limbic system includes the:

a. amygdala, hypothalamus, hippocampus
b. hypothalamus, medulla, hippocampus
c. hippocampus, pons, thalamus
d. cerebellum, pons, hypothalamus

6. The ________ is to feeling fear as the ________ is to feeling pleasure.

a. pons/medulla
b. amygdala/hypothalamus
c. thalamus/hypothalamus
d. cerebellum/amygdala
7. The effect of neurotransmitters may be:
a. chemical or electrical
b. excitatory or inhibitory
c. positive or negative
d. active or passive

8. The terminal buttons of a neuron are located at the end of its:

a. axon
b. dendrite
c. myelin sheath
d. nodes of ranvier

9. Which lobe is most closely associated with visual processing?

a. frontal
b. temporal
c. parietal
d. occipital

10.Communication within neurons is ______, communication between neurons

is ________.
a. excitatory, inhibitory
b. inhibitory, excitatory
c. chemical, electrical
d. electrical, chemical

11.Which of the following is NOT a lobe of the brain?

a. frontal
b. dorsal
c. parietal
d. temporal
12.A person who is drunk may have difficulty walking in a straight line because
the alcohol has impacted their:
a. thalamus
b. reticular formation
c. amygdala
d. cerebellum

13.Neurotransmitters carry signals across the ________.

a. refractory gap
b. axonal gap
c. synaptic gap
d. hippocampal gap

14.Damage to the hippocampus is most likely to impair:

a. memory
b. balance
c. sleep
d. breathing

15.Which part of the limbic system is involved in an animal’s feeling of

a. thalamus
b. pons
c. hippocampus
d. hypothalamus

16.The ________ consists of glands that secrete hormones:

a. nervous system
b. immune system
c. endocrine system
d. cerebral cortex

17.What do we call the layer of fatty tissue surrounding the axon of some
a. cutaneous coating
b. myelin sheath
c. dendritic barrier
d. synaptic sleeve

18.Which lobe is primarily responsible for hearing and language?

a. temporal
b. parietal
c. frontal
d. occipital

19.After a car accident, patient had a lot of difficulty planning his day. This is
most likely the
result of damage to which lobe?
a. temporal
b. parietal
c. frontal
d. occipital

20.Which area of the brain-stem controls heart rate and breathing?

a. reticular formation
b. medulla
c. pons
d. thalamus

21.Which structure allows communication between the hemispheres?

a. reticular formation
b. temporal lobe
c. contralateral bridge
d. corpus callosum

22.Which part of the endocrine system is sometimes called the “master gland”?
a. adrenal gland
b. pancreas
c. pituitary gland
d. pineal gland

23.Which of the following is NOT part of the endocrine system?

a. pons
b. pancreas
c. parathyroid
d. pineal gland

24.Where would you see the nodes of Ranvier?

a. on an axon
b. in the cell body
c. on a dendrite
d. a and c

25. The brain’s ability to change in response to experience or damage is called:

a. lateralization
b. lesioning
c. neuroplasticity
d. functionality

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