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Employment offer letter of –“ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”

Date :

Full name :

Passport number :xxxxxxx, Nationality – xxxxxxxx

Place : xxxxxxxxxxx, United Arab Emirates

Dear Sheetal,

“Expert Labor Supply Services” (the “Employer”) is pleased to offer you employment in accordance with
following terms and conditions:

1) Job title : Office Assistant

2) Joining date : Within one month of issue of offer letter
3) Compensation : You shall be paid salary in United Arab Emirates Dirhams (AED),
payable monthly, as follows:
Basic Salary (60% of total) AED. 1,600.00
Allowances*(40% of total) AED. 800.00
Total monthly compensation AED. 2,400.00
*Allowances include compensation for transport and housing
Note: On successful completion of 3 months probation your monthly salary will be 3,000.00

4) Office timings : you shall work 8 hours a day, 6 days a week. It may from time to time;
be necessary for you to work additional hours for which no additional
payment will be made,

5) Visa reimbursement : The employer will process your resident visa and work permit with
labor department, for which all expenses will be paid be the employer.
Your visa and work permit will be issued from our group company –
PSR International General Trading LLC

6) Annual leave : You shall be entitled to 30 (thirty) days paid annual leave per year,
Including all weekly offs and public holidays which may fall during
Your annual leave,
7) Annual Air ticket : You shall be entitled to receive the value of one (1) Economy Class
return ticket from Dubai to your home country, for each year of your
Employment. You will only be entitled to these benefits upon successful
Completion of your probation period and on completion of a minimum
Of 12 months in employment,

8) Medical Insurance : You will be entitled to Medical Insurance as per UAE law

9) End of service benefits : As per United Arab Emirates laws,

10) Probation Period : First 3 (Three) months of your employment will be a probationary
period, commencing on the joining date, during which your
employment may be terminated without a cause and without a notice
period. At the end of the probationary period your performance will
be evaluated by the management of the company. If your
performance deemed to be unsatisfactory, your employment will be

11) Terms of termination : Your employment by the employer shall be for an unspecified period
and will remain in force until one party delivers to other party thirty
(30) days written notice of termination. However, in respect of the
probationary period, the terms of termination as set forth in
paragraph 10 shall apply.

12) Confidentiality : By accepting this offer of employment, you irrevocably agree that
during the course of your employment by the employer, and for a
period of three (3) years there after you shall not, other than in the
course of fulfilling your obligation as an employee thereof,
communicate any information that might confidential or proprietary
nature regarding the employer or any of its associate entities, to any
person or including, without limitation, information regarding the
business, its customers and its finances thereof, further after the
termination (how so ever arising) of your employment no
information obtained during the course of your employment shall be
use to compete with the employer or any of its associates.
13) You agree not to directly compete with the business of the employer
and its successors and assignees during the period of employment
and for a period of 24 (twenty four) months following the
termination of your employment and notwithstanding the cause or
reason for termination.

14) Offer Validity : Not withstanding any of the foregoing, your employment hereunder is
contingent on the successful completion of all labor and immigration
formalities set by the UAE Government and authorities and the ability
to obtain for you the appropriate residence and employment visa. If
for any reason you do not pass the required medical examinations,
this offer of the employment will become null and void.

15) If you choose to leave the organization for any reason whatsoever before completing the 12
months, the company shall deduct all the visa expenses incurred by it from your dues/salary.

We look forward to you joining us and sincerely hope that you find your employment with us both
challenging and rewarding. Please confirm your acceptance of this offer of employment by signing below
where indicate “Agreed and accepted”

Yours sincerely,

Krishnapal Singh – Managing Director

Expert Labor Supply Services

You acknowledge and agree that, in entering into this offer letter, you are not relying on, nor have
You been induced to enter into this offer letter, and shall have no remedy (in equity, tort or in any
other way) in respect of any statement ,representation, warranty or understanding (whether
negligently or innocently made) of any person (whether a party to this offer letter or not) other than as
expressly set out in this offer letter.

I, the undersigned, confirm my agreement and acceptance to above terms and condition of this offer.

Sheetal Signature Date


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