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conditionals Look at the sentences. Which words
12.1 can be contracted in fast speech? Listen and check.

1A 12.1 WORD STRESS: films Write ten types of 1 If I had more money, I would buy a new phone.
film from lesson 12.1. Then listen and check.
2 She would tell me if she knew anything.
B Listen again and find four types of film with the
stress pattern Ooo. Underline the main stressed 3 If I were you, I would not ask.
syllables in the other types of film. Then listen and
4 He would do well if he worked harder.
B Write the sounds in the box in the correct place
2 A CONTRASTIVE STRESS and INTONATION Look at under the contractions in Exercise 4A. Then listen
the quotes. Which group is from a) a job application
again and say the sentences with the speakers.
to be a tourist guide, b) a phone call to work and
c) a personal profile on a website? /hɪd/ /ʃɪd/ /wʊdənt/ /aɪd/
1 a) ‘I’m thirty-one.’
b) ‘I’m a lawyer.’ C 12.6 Listen and write five sentences. Then
c) ‘I have a big flat in town.’ listen again and say the sentences with the
2 a) ‘I can speak French.’ speakers. Copy the stress and contracted forms.
b) ‘I know Paris well.’
c) ‘I can drive.’ 12.3
3 a) ‘I don’t feel well.’
b) ‘I’m staying in bed today.’ 5A 12.7 INTONATION: offers Listen and underline
c) ‘I’ll phone you this aernoon.’ the word/phrase you hear.
1 Shall I bring you the dessert/drinks menu?
B 12.2 Listen to the conversations and correct
the information about each person. Make notes 2 Do you want me to come back later when you’ve
next to the quotes in Exercise 2A. chosen/decided?
3 I’ll organise a taxi to take you home/to your hotel,
1 a) ‘I’m thirty-one.’ forty.
if you like.
C 12.3 Listen and check. Then listen again and 4 Shall I get/bring you some water?
repeat. Copy the stress and intonation. 5 Would you like me to phone/call you back?
He said he was thirty-one, but in fact he’s forty.
B Listen again. Do the offers start high or low? Say
the offers with the speakers.
3 A WORD STRESS: unstressed suffixes Read the 6A 12.8 SENTENCE STRESS: asking for more time
Listen to the conversation. Where does B work?
Pronunciation tip. Then circle twelve suffixes in
How does she feel?
sentences 1–4.
A: Hello, I can’t get into my room.
Could you give me another key?
And would you be able to iron my shirt?
We never stress suffixes: celebration. B: Can you give me a moment? I’ll see.
The suffix very oen has the sound /ə/. A: Hello, hello. Is anyone there?
I think I’ve forgotten my book.
1 I’m a photographer and also a travel writer. And we’d like to go out to a good restaurant.
2 He’s a famous climber. He’s very adventurous and B: Hold on a moment, I’ll look.
goes to dangerous places. A: Hello, hello. It’s me again.
3 She’s a wonderful doctor, really helpful and very Yes, me in room seventy-nine.
successful. Would it be OK to book a boat tour?
4 I’ve never met a politician who’s also a musician B: Just a moment, I’ll check it online.
B Listen again and say B’s part with the speaker.
B 12.4 Which suffixes are pronounced /ə/ Then listen and say A’s part. Pay attention to the
(teacher), and which are pronounced /ʊ/ (look)? stress and rhythm.
Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat.

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