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h_ EL
caLe of Cot,cet,cs
C"1taCti".cJ Be[heJ)d Sl,ft"" Vampire........ ..21


Introduction............................I Game Playing

System Requirements.............2 Reference Tables 23
Special Tips for Each Class Table of Racial StaIling
and Subclass 3 Statistics............,........,..,......,23

Mage Class a Nor.ds.,.....,.........................25

Mage Subclasses.....................3 Khajiit...,.....,..-.................,24


Healers ,.........,.....,..,............5 Bretons....,..,........,.............25

Battle jVIages.......................6 Argonians,.........................25

Nightb]a,des...,.....,..,..,.........6 Wood Elf' 26

Warrior & \Varrior High Elf.........,..,................26

Subclasses 7 Dark Elf........,...................27

Thief'& ThiefSubclasses........9 Charactel. Class Level

Advancement Table..............29
Wilderness............................l3 Bestiary Attributes Table.....51
Hints ans Tips for 1\1onster Hit-Point
Exploring the Wilderness....l5 Experience Point Table........35

Special Notes for Certain Dungeon Maps......................34

Monsters...............................I 7 Legends and Symbols
Snow-wolf.............................l7 Used in Maps.......................36
Spider General Dungeon Key.........56
Ghoul startel. Dungeon.......:...........5/-
Hellhound...,......,........,..,..,...l8 Stonekeep........................38-39
Zombie....................,...,.....,...l8 Fortress of Ice.................44i7
sele-ne,s web...................52_56
Homunculus..........................l9 Elden Grove 56-59
Ice Golem..............................l9 Temple of Agamanus......60-63
Stone Golem.......................,.20 Halls of Colossus............64-67
Iron Golem 20 Temple of the
Fire Daemon.........................20 J\1ad God 68-7 I
l\Irdusa...,..,......,........,.....,.....20 Crystal Tower................72-75

Mines of Khuras.............76-79 Magic Armor......................l32
Cr)apt of HeaIls....,..........80ng5 Marks) Crystals, Bracers
Vaults ofGemin..............86*9 & Rings............,.........,........,l33

Murkwood 90-93 Bracelet, Belts, Torcs

Black Gates 94-97 a Amulets.,..,.................,....133
JVIount of Dagoth Ur....98-log Potions Available in the
Imperial Palace...........lO4-107 Game by Description.........134
Riddles & Their Answers...109 Strength..........,..,.............134

haifacts and
Restore Power................l35
Their Attributes..................1 19
Resist Fire..,.........,....,.....135
Rumors on artifacts............I l9
Resist Cold...................,..135
ft,|agical Artifacts................ 1 2l
Resist Shock....................l36
I,ord's Mail 121
Cure Disease...................l36
Heal True ,..,......,..,....,.....l36
Ebony Mail I 22
I,evitation ,.......................l36
Aurie1,s shield.................l23
Resist Poison...................137
Spell Breaker..................l23
Free Action.....................137
Ebony Blade...................l24
Cure Poison..,.................l37
Auriel's Bow....................l24
Purification 1 38
Warlock's Ring...............l26
Formulae 139
Ring of Phynaster...........l26
Saving Throws....................139
Ring of Khajiit................l27
\Varrior Class..................140
Necromancer's Amulet... I 27 Mage Class......................140
Artifacts Which Do ThiefClassl 14l
Not Cast Spells...................128
Stealing and lock Picking...141
King Orgnum's Coffer.... l28 Combat Formula to Hit......l42
Oghma Infinium.............128
Chances ofa Critical Hit....l43
Skeleton Key..,..,........,....l29
JVIiscellaneous...................... I 45
Magical Items & Diseases........,.........,............145
Their Attributes..................I 5l Holidays ofTamriel............l46
Metal PropeIlies.................l31
Magic Weapons..................l3l l53

i-a i-c,u I.a.,ir,q cr.,uble gcccir,g.,uc a,f
char sc;arz]cr dur,qcc,n? j*1-a Y.,u ur,sure
whicI. accribLLCTcs I.-,u r,Cod C7., b."I,P ur-
whcn 1-.,u ftnaLL)- c`d`,ancc a l£`.cL'; \\2cU
I.crc arc s.,-a tips fi-."n c1.a a.+I)errs
",h., I.a`,c sr,cr,c ,..ant- clce1-a ar,cl -.,r,Cl.s

plAIrir,9 A.rcr,a! Cl.a clcsigr, c,f A,rcr,c` is i,c`rc{cul-rL1-

feLicic;ous cL, SPcttcasC]CrS, b"I if. i-a,LL arc ,-eSOurCefilL
c`r,a Fran a qc,c,d ca,I,I,aiqn ,..,r,-sf,cLLcasccrs can bc
just c`s ,T,L.Ch filn Co plA`)- a,.a C*rC al-S., a q1-Car:cr
cl.c`Ller,qc cTo Cl.a plAI1-Cr..,q a r,Or,-Sf,eLLcc`scTer
is an ec`s1- ",a1- I:., incrcc`SC C1.a difficuLc1..,f CI.a

qa,i,C! ALso, r,a--spcLLcasc;crs ",ill need cT., spend

-L,rC Ci-a on a-+Cra qLICSC,s Co qaln fur,ds I;a bu1-
sf,cciaL ",caf>or,s ar,cl.I,C\qiCaL ic:a,T,S. Or,a.,f cl.a
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sf,cl|cc`sz]crs is sJ}Cr,i ,I,Ore Ci.I,a Crc`cLinq i.-,r,
arc-iF\cc- qucsc:s. Fir,diy,q c`n ou-cif;c`cc is c,r,a of chc
-osc rc",tndinq ,I,.,-CnCs ir, Cl.c qa,T,C ar,Cl is ",all-
",.,rcI. sf,cnclir,g cI.a a-+cra ci-c a., qcc quest-.

)1,u -ilgl.I aLs,a wa:c cc, pc,scr,nc ;L"nPlnq i:a., Cl.a

sccefT qucsc LlnCiL cl.c n.,r,-sf>c|Lcasccr 1-CaCI.cs a l£`,cL. C=I.a SZT,-aZ=cqr I--"1 ed+,r.I ``.ill r,cccl z=., bc
-ore ingc,.ious ",icI. ,,.,r,-sf,cLLcasccrs. N., -c`z-I:cr
",1.c`c- cl.aracccr lvu r.La1-, i,Lanni,.q in acl`.ancc f- a
qucsc is a.. essc.,cic`L r,-I.,f cloinq wctL ir, cI.a qa'T,a.
S1-sC:a,T, r2ceqLIi1-a.i,Cr,I:s


and I000/o Compatibles
VGA Graphics
386/25 MHz, DOSS.0+,4 MB RAM (2 MB
EjVIS), 25 MB free Hard Drive space and VGA
graphics cardl Mouse (I 000/o MicrosoftTM com-

586/33 l\1Hz [Intel 486TM/33+ really cooks!] and
Sound Card

Music and Sound Effects Cards Supported:

Arial Ensoniq, Roland, SoundBlaster
and Ultrasound
Sf}eciaL C3tps for Gael.
Ctnss c*r}d Subc=lnss


hen first creatingyour character, try
and pick a race that is conducive to
spellcasting abilities. Usually Bretons)
High Elves, or Dark Elves are the best
choices, since their starting INT values
I are the highest. Bretons make espe-
EJEJEfiEfifiJEJEJEJEJEJEEIEriI cially good choices since they are natu-
rally resistant to spells.

. The 2 stats which make the greatest difference for spell-

casters are INT and AGI. You should concentrate on get-
ting both ofthese above 60) ifpossible. INT will gove-
how many spell pointsyou have (or can absorb ifyou,re a
sorcerer) and AGI will determine how easy it is foryou to
hit an enemy, and get hit dy an enemy. After raising these
2 stats you still have any points left, add them to SPD or
STR. SPD will allowyou to nln away ifneed be from a
fight, somethingyou may be doing a lot ofin the begin-
ning, and STR allows you to cany more and do more
damage. WIL and LUG are also good stats to concentrate
on. WIL determines how susceptibleyou are to spells cast
againstyou, and LUG affects anyrfhingyou do.

. Remember, as a sorcereryou will start with 0 spell points,

butyou have the potential to absorb up to 3xyour INT in
spell points. You should therefore try and equipyourself
with the best armor and shield you can, then get the best
weapon possible. For all intents and purposes you are a
fighter until someone casts a spell atyou, which probably
won,t happen untilyou are 3rd-5th level.

. If\,ou have the money buy as many Restore Power po-
tio_ns as possible from the JVIages Guild. Each potion \\ill
g.ive_you 25 spell points. These can be used to cast spells.

TbeI.a are CeI.Lain.lPell.I yO" W,ill ",ant tO CI.eate i" the

. Agood damage spell that increases \\'ith level.

. Agood healing spell that increases with leyel.

. A cut-e paral_vzation spell (helpful against


. An area affect at rang.e silence spell (stops a

group of`monsters from casting spells atyou).

. A destroy one wall spell (getsyou through
dungeonus much quicker).

. A levitate spell (quicker movement through

a dungeon).

. A resistance to f`lre spell (allows you to swim

in lava).

Sorcerers absorb spell points from spells that are cast at

them. As a side effect an absorbed spell does no damage
to the sorcerer. A good tip is to never haveyour spell
point total maxed out, thereby allowingyou to always
absorb spells.

One further note about absorbing and magic defenses in

general. The first response ofa sorcerer hit by a spell is to
absorb it - his or her chance ofdoingthis is 75()A) or INT and
WIL scores a.dded together) whichever is less. If'the sor-
cerer has cast spell resistance, spell absorption) spell reflec-
tion/ and shieldl theywill be flgured in that order (thus) sor-
cerers can have two chances to absorb a spell), with shield
as a last resort since it always takes damage from spells.

Certain other classes get advantages in casting spells - but

"/z/_1/ /'" //7¢, S/)(,///"fz4.(,/.. If these spells are purchased as a stan-
dard spell scroll, these character classes pay as much as any-

one else, both to buy and to cast. For example, a Nightblade
could buy and cast a standard lst Circinate invisibility spell
for the same cost as any other spellcaster would pay. If he or
she made an Invisibility spell in the Spellmaker, it would
cost half as much to buy and cast. The following classes pay
special Spellmaker prices and have certain other nuances
that translate to different game-playing strategies.

Bards get only their INT in spell-points, up to a maxi-
mum of 100. This would seem a pretty strong limitation
for a character class who also doesn't get any special
breaks in the Spellmaker, and it is if the player playing
the bard really considers his or her character primarily a
spellcasterl not a thief subclass. The bard,s spellcasting is
best reserved for emergency defenses: the bard's good
armor and shield capabilities, decent weapon selection,
and odd chance of critical striking are more likely to be
regularly useful. Invest in healing' shielding, cure poi-
son, cure disease, and cure paralysis spells-and maybe
a low-level levitation, invisibility) and destroy wall spell.

Healers pay half-price on Cure, Drain Attributel Ele-
mental Resistance, Fortify Attribute, Heal, Transfer, and
Regenerate spells in the Spellmaker, so get as many of
these as possible. It would be embarrassing to die of'a
spider's bite or a fall into a lava pit with a full supply of
spellpoints just becauseyou didn't have the right spell in
your spellbook. Donlt waste your time with many of'fen-
sive spells (you pay twice as much for Continuous Dam-
age and Damage spells), you have a small variety of
weaponry to choose f'rom. If'you need some of'fensive
spellsl look in well-stocked equipment stores and JVIages
guilds for marks, rings, crystals, broadswords, and other
items capable of flring of'fensive spells and keep them
fully charged.

t3crfcLe ma9es:
Battle Mages pay less for Cause, Continuous Damagel
Damage, Drain Attribute, Elemental Resistance, and Si-
lence spells than any other class. A high level, highly in-
telligent Battle jVIage has the capability of casting might-
ier spells of destruction than even a fully-charged sor-
cerer, ifyou consider a flreball costing a sorcerer all 300
of his spell-points would cost a Battle jVIage only 150
points, leaving him 25 points to plan a strategic with-
drawal if the flreball still didn't destroy what it was sup-
posed to. Like sorcerers, Battle Mages can use any
weapon they wish. This is a very strong class indeed.
Just remember that any defensive spell (Cure, Fortify
Attribute, Heal, and Regenerate) costs twice as muck
foryou to cast as anyone else. Keep some healing po-
lions at hand, as you'll probably hurt yourself playing
this class.

Nightblades are the "thiefy" JVIages, capable of lots of
sneaky spells like Cause, Designate as Non-Target, In-
visibility, IJeVitate, Lock, and Open, which they pay half
the cost of others. A lot ofyour time is spent sneaking
around, which can be tremendously exciting and re-
warding, but won't enable you to raise levels very
quickly-you need to kill things to get the experience to
do that. The best attack strategy is to hack atyour ad-
versary with your saber (your best weapon)I and hope
for a critical strike. Ifyou donlt get one andyour foe
seems to beyour equall don,I be proud, turn invisible
and either run away or get to a more advantageous spot
(a bridgel for example) where you can flre spells
(though donlt bother with con.tinuous Damage spells:
they cost twice as much for you to cast) or arrows with
impunity. Nightblades are alot offun to play, but aren,t
the noblest of breeds.


he best rat,es for the warror and warrior
subc\lasses are the Nords and the KhaLjitS.
They have great strength and endurance.
Get the best armoryou can possibly
afford/acquire. You can,t heal/shield your-
i self magically.
. Use the Dan-Katana (max damage),
unless you don't have a very good armor class in which
case a combination Kata- and the best shield you calm
use is best.

. Keep several ofyour favorite weapons in inventory in

case you break one. Also have several weapons like
maces, flails, and staffs at hand to breaLk down doors/
chests so as to avoid unnecessary damage toyour favorite
flghting weapon.

. Cr)apts are good places to poke around and get good

equipment, but they can very dangerous. A flrst level
character has just as much chance ofupsetting a lick there
as a 20th level does.

. Stock up on healing, cure poison, and cure disease potions

before dungeon delving.

. Start the major (staff) quest later, begin looking for Fang
Lair at 5th or 6th level.

. Invest in a fire-based magic item/weapon in case oftroll

attacks. You can,t kill them permanently with conven-
tional hackin' 'n slashin'. Ifyou run into one andyou don't
have an)rfhing magical that can do them damage, hack
them until they fall down and then nm away. You might
lose them before they've regenerated all the way, but
they/ll keep up with you ifyou just run.

. Invest in high-qualityweapons. Look for at least mithril
weapons for use on golems and other high-level monstersl
since these monsters won't get damaged dy ordinary steel
weapons. Check the sections on special tips for fighting
monsters for the particulars!

. Whenyou level, invest pri-rily inyour STR and AGI)

with some points going to SPD and END and LUG.
Only add points to the other stars if theylre really low (a
really low WIL is bad for a non-spellcaster because he or
she will suffer from offensive spells more often).

. Magic items (bracersl amulets, rings, etc.) are better than

magic weapons, because you can keep them equipped and
thus can always use them, butyou don't have to i-lght with
them when theylre equipped and risk damaging them.

. Jump into fights whenyou're a non-spellcaster: you don't

want to get damaged dy spells and most spellcasters are
much weaker at hand-to-hand than you are.

. Invest in agood bow to kill thingsat adistancel butt aS

mentioned above, rely more on close flghting. (By the
wayl some things, like certain golemsl actually have a
damage aura around them, so pay close attention toyour
health bar even ifyou're not getting hit.)

. One nice thing about non-spellcasters: you don't have to

sleep as much as spellcasters, because \,ou only care about
your health and fatigue, notyour spellpoints. If'youl1.e
healthy/ youlre always ready for a f`1ght.

. Another nice thing about rangers: noble quests are very

east, to complete. Because of'your superior ef'f`lciencv in
Ira;eling, you can complete some quests in hall,the iime

. Remember: just because you're not a spellcaster doesn't

mean You shouldn,I go to.the J\,1ages, Guild. Most potions
and magic items are available f'or all classes, not just


=JE!JEJEJEJEIEJEri+i!Jl= Ifyou,re breaking into a building in town) be

sure to left-click on the door before hand to
get an idea of'your odds of picking the lock.
There)s a chance off'ailing even ifyou get a
"This lock is an insult toyour aLbilitieS" and a

chance of'succeeding (very ifyou get a
"Itwould be a miracle ifyou pick this lock."

. Invest in Invisibility potions, becauseyou,re going to be

caught often at low levels dy the city guards andyou,re
not going to be able to defeat them. Ifyou're a Night-
blade) make (don/I bay) an invisibility spell. It,ll be
cheaper foryou to buy and cast than it is for any other

. Speaking of turning invisible, make sureyour enemies

aren't blocking the only way out ofa place before you
turn yourself invisible. The typical reaction of someone
when their prey turns invisible is to hold their ground and
wait for him or her to reappear, soyou're stuck. Excep-
lion: ifyou create a spell wherein youlre designated as a
non-target but can cast other spells (making it more ex-
pensive), you can turn invisible, not be attacked, and
whack away atyour eneny without fear of retaliation.
That is, until the spell wears off...

. One great thing about thief and thief sub-classes isyour

chance for critical strike. Starting around level 5, you can
start assumingyoulll get at least one critical strike (triple
damage) in nearly every encounter. At upper levels,
you,re lethal-especially ifyou,re an assassin.

. On leveling, invest primarily in AGI and TNT for thieves.
Ifyou're an acrobat, invest in STR, as it/ll increase your
already phenomenal jumping abilities.

. Khajiiti, Argonians, and Wood Elves make the best

thieves all around. Other races are possible also; for ex-
ample Redguards and Nords can make decent Assassins
and Rogues and Dark Elves are well-suited for Night-

. JVIage and warrior classes usually go to places like tar-

erns) mages, guilds, and equipment stores to do a little
honest negotiating.Thieves know nothing is a better bar-
gain than free "goodies". The only way to test one's abil-
ity to steal is to try it out - and obviously suff'er the conse-
quences ifyou fail. The odds of stealing vary pretty
widely from store to inn to guild, but there's certain ad-
vice that,s universal. In a mages guild, it,s easier to steal a
potion than a magic artifact, simply because the artifacts
are under stronger survelliance. Ifyou're still bound and
determined to try and get a crystal of fireballs, have aL
spell or potion ofinvisibility ready and maybe a PasswaLll
spell in case the guards try to block your way. Mage and
warrior t)apes won,t consider the risk worthwhile, but for
a thieft)ape, there's no greater feeling than getting away

. Thief types don't wear much armor) as their sneaLky trade

forbids the use of anything heavy that clanks a lot. This is
not to sayyou have to be helpless ifyou're caught by
vengeful trolls or overzealous city guards-simply be on
the lookout for magic items that reduce your armor class.
Whether they are marks, crystals, bracers, or rings, you'll
know what you have ky right-clicking on it once it/s in in-
ventory. You,ll be told immediately what the item does to
your armor class. Ifyou get the item identifled at a mages
guild) you'll only be told thatyou have an Elven Amulet
or Adamantium Bracers, but you already know what it
does, so don,t wasteyour money. A unique artifact to be
on the lookout for is the Necromancer,s Amulet: it does a
couple of magey things, but most importantly it has the
same armor class as plaLte mail Without Class restrictions.
A couple of other artifacts of'f'er nearly as much protec-
lion, but the Necromancer's Amulet is the best. Speaking
of artifacts, thief types will also like the RIng of` Khajiit/
which is super for invisible sneaking). the Skeletonls Key;
which can open any normal lock and quite a few magic
locks one time a day; and King Orghum's Coffer, which
has an endless supply of gold (something no real thief can
resist). Just keep asking people on the streets for Gen-
eral Rumors, especially as you reach higher levels.

. A much asked question: what character class is deadliest

in straight hand-to-hand combat? Three possibilities: the
Ranger who gets to add his or her level to the amount of
damage delivered to non-undead creatures, the Assassin
who can use anyweapon and has an excellent chance of
delivering critical strike (3x damaLge) after Critical Strike,
and the jVIonk who also has a good chance of scoring
critical strikes and has a low chance of being hit at upper
levels. Opinion is divided so play them all and tell us
whatyou think.
here is a huge wilderness outside of every
town in Arena. Yet exploring the wilderness
is not necessary to "win" the game. But no
character should pass up a chance to check
out the random dungeons and other interest-
ing places tucked away in the wilderness.

There are few other places that any character of any level
can venture and always find something new: a ruined mau-
soleum, a farming community, an unexplored cave, a
bustling suburb, an abandoned tower, a squirels country es-
tate. It is a dangerous area, even in daylight, but the re-
wards for exploration are enormous. Asyou may have sus-
pected, risk and reward go hand-in-hand, the more danger-
ous the area, the greater the reward. Expect the island cr)pt
ofa lich to have more sumptuous treasures than the hovel of
some poor slob.

Believe it or notl the wilderness actually has a lower chance

of night-time random encounters than cities do. Brigands
and wandering monsters consider cities to be open coffers at
night, while the riches o[` the wilderness are more spread-out.
Ifyou arrive at an unfamiliar town late at night, andyou
cannot see or ask for the nearest inn's locationl slip outside
the city gates and rest out in the open. Ifyou arrive in a city
on the evening of Tales and Tallows or the Witches Festival)
run to an inn or out the city gates as quickly as possible.
These are the so-called "Evil Nights" when monsters of all
descriptions, especially the undead, walk the city streets. You
may still get encounters in the wilderness, but in the city, we
guarantee it.
Cities and dungeons certainly have their grandeur, but to
see the world ofTamriel in all its variety one has to see the
wilderness. see a spectacular sunset in-the Hammerfell
desert, one of the infamous Black l\1arsh thunderstorms
crashing through lush rain forestl a quiet morning in Skyrim
after a late-night winter frost. Sure, you could go through
the entire game without looking at any of these, asyou
could in "real" life. But wouldyou want to?

/4,c=s cxnd Cjtps for
¬ysf,Lorir,g theVMLderness

Check your automap often. It,s easy to miss communities

and crypts ifyou're hacking through the underbrush, but
your automap will showyou where they are.

1. Ifyou want to go back to the closest city, click it on the

provincial map. You'1l be back inside the city-gates in no
time. Malay a Wilderness explorer has SWOm he Or She
walked five hundred Paces north Ofthe City-gate and
five-hundred paces south and there wasn,t a city in sight.
They don,t call it wilderness for nothing.

2. When you get to water, checkyour automap. JVIany aL

dungeon, crypt, or other place meant to be out ofthe way
is located on a tiny island in the center ofa lake. AIso If
you get to some wateryou wish to cross and there isn,t a
bridge nearby' look for boats. They are found right off
the shore line, often hidden ky rushes. Click on the boat
andyou can travel great distances without tiring as you
would swimming. When you wish to leave the boat, press
"lJ" andyou,ll anchor and jump from the boat. Ifyou
want it later, it/ll be where you left it.

3. Ifyou're looking for a dungeon, crJapt, Or tower, the best

method is to check your automap from time to time and
look for a red dot. If it is dy itself, you,ve found aL dun-
geon. If it appears to be pall ofa building it could be a
dungeon, cr)apt, or tower-only further investigation
will show. If there isn't anJrfhing red On your map, try
asking one of the rustics. They are used to adventurers
and most can name the closest dungeon in miles. If there
are no people nearyou, start walking toward the nearest
community on your automap.

Although they are considered fairly low-level monsters
(4th level), when you're surrounded by a group of'these
beasts and they're blastingyou with frost spell after frost
spell, you better hope for some extra protection. Like with
many spell-casting monsters, one good defense is a spell
reflection -with any luck, theylll damage themselves so
you won't have to touch them. Ifyou don't have any
means to reflect spells, get as close to the beasts as fast as
you can. They do less damage at close quarters, especially
ifyou have a potion or two of resistance to cold (or are au
member of the Nord race, which are naturally resistant to
cold) inyour inventory. Snow wolves have anJIVhere be-
tween l5 and 30 health points, so a couple good swipes
with your best sword should take care of` them.

Ifyou donlt have any potions or spells of`resist poison,
cure poison, or cure paralyzation (called Free Action)I
orare not a high elforaknight (both of whom are im-
mune to poison), you are best of'fapproaching these
beasts at a distance. The chance of contracting a paralyz-
ing poison is not great, 150/o at most, but it's hardly ever
convenient when it does happen. Bow & arrow or tar-
geted magic spells are best to take out these arachnids.

See Spider. Ifyou don,t have potions or spells of cure
disease or are not a barbarian (and thus immune to dig-
eases) or covered from head to toe with silver armor
(and thus immune to disease whereveryou,re covered),
ghouls can be very dangerous indeed for their ability to
transmit diseaLSeS. It should also be noted that ghouls/
like skeletons, ghosts, zombies, wraiths, vampires, and
Itches, are undead monsters, and take double-damage
from silver weapons. Ifyou don,t have any good cure
disease spells or potions, you would still be better off
shooting spells or arrows at them from a distance rather
than flghting them hand-to-hand.

See Snow Wolf, substituting "fire" for any "cold" refer-

Very nasty, the bane of spellcasters. Ghosts can drain
spell points from you even ifyou,re shielded and are able
to reflect spells, and they can be very difflcult to see in
any terrain. Once you see them/ chop them down fast
before they drain all your spell-points down. Carry some
restore power potions around so you can replenish your-
selfafteryour encounters. Note: ghosts, like a. couple of
other monsters (wraith, homunculus, flredaemOn, Van-
pire, lick), vaporize after being killed. A nice spell to
have available for such combats is a combination
freeze/damage spell to cast when they are almost dead.
With luck, the spell will kill and paralyze it simultane-
ously so it freezes before being completely vaporized and
can thus be picked for treasure.

See Ghoul.
The only way to permanently kill a troll is to use spells
(either cast lyyou or a magic weapon) -so ifyou,re
sent on a noble quest to kill one, make sureyou have a
spell capable of delivering 75 to 100 points of damage (a
troll,s number of hit points). Ifyou only need to get one
out ofyour way) you can knock it down with a conven-
tional weapon and run past it,. just remember that when
the troll regenerates enough to regain consciousness,
you,re going to want to be long gone.

See Ghost. Wraiths cast paLrtiCularly powerful da-gins
spells, but don,t have a terriflc number of hit points
themselves-so a spell reflection spell is particularly use-
ful against them, not to mention a da-ge/paralysis

See Ghost. Resist shock spells and potions are effective
against the homunculus,s electrical bolts.

lce C;ore-:
Ice Golems cause damage to anyone coming within a
certain range ofthem; so ifyou can,t flght them from a
distance) make certain your armor and health are at their
maximum. Again) Nords have less to worry about than
other character races, for they have a natural immunity
to cold. When attacking, it is best to use a fire-based at-
tack as it does double-da-ge against ice golems, while
they are immune to spells invoking frost or electricity.

Sz=or,a CoLe-:
Stone Golems do not have damage auras like their ice
and iron brethren but they fire large boulders that dO a
lot of damage, so it is best to engage them in hand-to-
hand rather than distance combat. Use electric attacks
on them, as they take 2x damage from them. They take
half damage from flre and cold attacks.

1ror, C;ale-:
See Ice Golem. Bretons have less to worry about than
other charac,ter races in hand-to-hand combat with Iron
Golems, for they have a natural immunity to magic
forces like that ofthe Iron Golems, damage aura. Fire
and cold based attacks only cause half damage to Iron
Golems, and electrical attacks deflnitely should be
avoided as they actually heal rather than damage.

Fire I)ae-or,:
Do not attempt to hurt a flre Daemon with aweapon
unless it is mithril quality or above.

Do not attempt to hurt a Medusa with a weapon unless
it is dwarven quality or above. Also, keep Free Action
(cure paralysis) potions/spells at hand. Medusas are re-
sistant, but not immune to paralysis and other magic, so
don,I rely on a spell reflection spell to protectyou.

Do not attempt to hurt a vampire with a weapon unless
it is dwarven quality or above. Vampires also have a
chance of giving some particularly nasty diseases like
wound rot, blood rotl and dementia, so donlt leave home
without cure disease potions and spells. Vampires regen-
Crate from non-magical attacks, so follow the advice
listed under Troll." Vampires have approximately 500
hit points so plan accordingly.

Do not attempt to hurt a hchwith aweapon unless it is
mithril quality or above. Lichs regenerate from non-
magical attacks, so follow the advice listed under "Troll."
Lichs have approximately 750 hit points so plan accord-
ingly. Resist shock spells and potions are effective
against the lich/s electrical bolts.

TLeference C

Table ofRacial
Starting StatisticsNa1-dS


AEG-F +n\n - .

"ii Strength 50_70 40_60

Intelligence 30-50 30-50

Willpower 30_50 40_60

Agility 30-50 40_60

Speed 40_60 40_60

Endurance 50_70 40_60

Personality 40_60 40_60

Luck 40-60

#¥*z ifeLi¥jae '!







Endurance 40_60

Personality 40-60

40_60 50_70







Endurance 30_50

Personality 40_60

50-70 50-70






Endurance 30-50

Personality 40_60

40_60 40_60


JAjgE6=ciFFS_ha5@ GfihaL@

40_60 50_70

40_60 40_60

40_60 40_60

50-70 40_60

50-70 40-60

Endurance 30-50 30-50

Personality 40_60 40_60

40_60 40_60
Wood elf
--. _
- .
rE3cflfi Lee

Strength 40_60 40_60

Intelligence 40_60 40_60

Willpower 40_60 40-60

Agility 50-70 40_60

Speed 50_70 40_60

Endurance 30_50 40-60

Personality 40_60 40-60

30_50 40_60

l®i9h elf

` _ ` ` _ _ GneL@ [fo=flfio c

Strength 30_50 30_50

Intelligence 50_70 50_70

Willpower 50-70 40_60

Agility 4O_60 40_60

Speed 40_60 40-60

Endurance 30-50 30_50

Personality 40-60 50_70

ii 40_60 40-60
I)ark eLf


Intelligence 50_70




EnduraLnC,e 40_60

Personality 40-60

40-60 40-60


Character Class Level
Advancement Table

I,160,021 1,044,019 I ,276,993 1,l60,021 1,392,026

1 ,392,026 I ,720,031 1,566,029 1,913,990 1,740,052 2,088, 038

2,088, 0.38 2161 0)04/- 2,349,043 2,8/-0,984 2,610,048 3/ l32,05/-

3,l52,057 3,915,070 5,523,564 4,306,4/-6 3,915,0/-I 4,698,086

4,698, 086 5,8/-2,606 5,285,547 6,459,715 5,8/-2,60/- /-,047, l29

7,047,l29 8,808,909 /-,928,020 9,689,5/-2 8,808,91 1 10,5/-0,694

Special note on JayarTba-:
He is a level 20 Battle Mage. He makes no noise. He has
a resistance to spell percentage of 50O/o and had a 250/o
chance of reflecting spells back atyou. He is resistant to:
Fire) Cold, Poison, Shock and Acid. He has 500 hit
points and his damage range in hand to hand combat is
10 - 25. Hewill castthe following spells at level 20: Wiz-
ard/s Fire, Ice Bolt, WJrvern'S Sting, Lightning, and Far
Silence. He has 300 spell points. He sees invisible char-
acters. He has no aura or breath weapons and he does
NOT regenerate his lost health points.


SG=Ene !lr*':-_I Wyae DylO_ . ;-;+ :¢S?IT-: rREf¬

Rat 20 lO 10 35 30 30 40 50

Goblin 30 20 30 40 50 30 30 50 (i(Q=frir+-#%ae:_;i)TLr"»l,I

ifeifeRE; ,I-Ji((",_((((!!)I:)!)3(

IJiZard Man 70 30 40 60 70 60 30 50

Wolf 60 50 30 75 60 50 40 50

Snow Wolf 65 40 50 75 70 60 50 50

Ore 60 30 50 65 50 50 30 50

Skeleton 50 20 50 65 60 70 30 50

Minotaur 80 40 50 75 60 60 40 50

Spider 65 30 50 75 80 70 lO 50

Ghoul 70 40 60 80 50 60 10 50

Hell Hound 60 40 60 75 60 70 40 50

Ghost 30 50 60 70 70 50 40 60

Zombie 70 30 70 75 40 50 20 50

Troll 80 40 60 80 50 90 30 50

Wraith 60 50 70 85 70 60 50 50

Homunculus 20 60 70 85 60 60 ]0 50

iiE Ice Golem 80 50 50 85 50 70 50 50 iiE

Stone Go[em 90 60 60 90 60 80 50 50

Iron Go[em 100 70 70 90 70 90 50 50

Fire Daemon 90 80 80 90 80 80 /-0 60

1VIedusa 70 80 80 90 60 70 50 60

Vampire 80 85 90 95 70 90 80 70

Lich 90 90 90 90 80 90 20 80

Jagar Tharn 60 loo 90 95 85 90 60 75


=JEJEJEJEJEJEJEJi= i±Li±Ji= i!TEJEJ=JE! =JEJEJi= =JEJEJi= i=Li=LE!Li±Ji± i±JEJEJEJE!fiJEJEJi= i=fiLi=Ji= E] _ee-=(,

( 8(as)),,
-.- . .
@~,ce¬1f=i%Ftwaeiffrofroxfgg .-


E] ~;

Rat I_4 25 1_6 5


Goblin 1-5 50 3-l2 5

Lizard Man 1-8 100 10-20 10

Wolf I_10 150 10-25 lO

Snow Wolf I-12 200 15-30 10

Ore 2_l2 300 l5_40 l5

Skeleton 2-l6 400 20_40 15

1VIinotaur 5-18 500 25-50 20

Spider 1-20 lOOO 30_60 20

Ghoul 2-20 l250 45-60 20

Hell Hound 3-25 l500 50-75 35
Ghost ..-\+)`-\ 2000 60-80 35
Zombie 5-30 2500 70-90 50
aeei;i)B¥»¬- Troll I 0-30 5000 75-loo 50
Wraith I 0-50 7500 80_110 75
Homunculus lO-30 10000 90-l20 75
Ice Golem 1 0-30 12500 l50-200 loo

Stone Golem 10-50 15000 I 75-250 loo

(ii Iron Golem lO_35 25000 200_300 l25

Fire Daemon I 0-35 30000 225-350 l25

1VIedusa lO_40 40000 250-400 150

Vampire I 0-40 50000 500-500 150

Lich lO-30 75000 750-750 l75

Jagar Tharn - 100000 500-500 - i:

c;(!y ,x(((

"aan~, ,".,. %iatig:,

)") -ff i) -"

I)unqeon rnclps
Cl.a ScjafT of Chccos

Stonekeep Palace in Rihad

near RIhad

Fortress of Ice Mages's Guild

nea_r Winterhold in \Vinterhold

Elclen Groye Valenwood Selene's Web

near EIdenroot

Halls Elsweyr Temple l\,lage's Guild

of Colossus of Agamanus in Corinth
near Corinth

Crvstal Tower Summurset Temple l\,lage's Guild

of the l\lad God in Lillandril

near Lillandril

Crypt of Hearts High Rock l\,Tines of Khuras Brotherhood of

near Camlorn Seth in Camlorn

1\lurkWOOd Black l\Tarsh Vaults of' Gemin Conclave of' Baal

in Stormhold in Stormhold

l\1ount of 1\lOrrOWind Black Gate Palace

Dagoth-Ur near Ebonheart in Ebonhearr


_9'4f arrc 8 picccs c,i cI.a ScerfT
.,f Cl.a{,s ".I.icl. cerc L.,cazjccl as

f,u^,+.,s ir, cI.a c,rclc1- i,. ",I.icI.

cI.c1- a1-a fr.nC1. lr, cc`cI. cc`sc
cI.a f} is gil,cr, a qucsC I:.,
Lc,caGc c`r, a,bjccC ",I.icl. contains
I-he -c+p ir,F,1--aCion f,r I.1.e act-UCLL
Locacior, of c1.a scceff

Leger,ds cxnd Sr-boLs

Used in mctps
The following numbers on the maps indicate the monster
which is hiding at that location:
I. Rat 9. Spider 17. Ic,e Golem
2. Goblin lO. Ghoul l8. Stone Golem
3. Lizard Man ll. Hell Hound l9. Iron Golem
4. Wolf` 12. Ghost 20. Fire Daemon
5. Snow Wolf 13. Zombie 21. Medusa
6. Ore 14. Troll 22. Vampire
7. Skeleton 15. Wraith 23. Lick
8. Minotaur l6. Homunculus

There can also be random encounters with warriorsl

rogues) knights, thieves, magesl nightbladeS, etC.
The list above only refers to the flxed encounters.

C;er,Oral DLIr,9eor, key

|walls I: wallT i:f, Treasureitem:#wallsu-FloaterS#O_uestitem

l] Door [l Dry es? Specialnote

+ special I.LI water dfi upstairs

]|Boat -I.I- Lava TgDownStairs\Key


i.i Notje or, Keys and Locks

i :[oeca-rvkmstohea:I:cme[eesa;rakEoeardlf,:ondn:iioo:neadPklSeoiclk?:ly:e::yhd:eiek::e;CiaomcrPhaOlftkOhnr:I
Locks are marked both by their composition (diamond)
mithril, gold) and their "lock levell" the relative hardiness of`
the lock. Thus two locks may be made of'iron, but the one
with a lock level of2 can be opened with a few whacks of
the sword or the lockpicking skill of a low-level thief, while
the one with a lock level of26 would only open with a high-
level spell or with a special iron key.

Not every lock has akey, and some have more than one. In
the Halls of Colossus, for example) there are two amethyst
keys and one ametlyst lock. Sometimes the only key to a
lock is on a monster: in Dagoth-Ur, a vampire lord holds the
mithril keyyou need. Occasionallyyou will find a room like
the one in Black Gate, with three outside doors with three
different lock levels. You only need flnd One Of the three
keys to get inside.

Ifyou want to take full advantage of the maps listed here,

study each map and key location carefully. Keep in mind
thatyou are not required to open every locked dooryou
come across. Ifyou cannot flnd the key that opens a lock,
you have nothing to lose bv attempting to pick the lock,
bashing down the door, orucasting a spell of opening. After
all) there is no one right way to get through the dungeons...

I-portal I)ur,qeor,s

Note-a: A-BELlfoV Key; B-Rutev EL®el: (ELeijel:flo)

Fctn9 Loll-

: { Matches upto map on previous page.


Level 2


LeVe 1

: { lVIatches up to map on previous page.


C=-plc of Aqa-ar,us

Level I

Level 2

i.aLLs of Colossus

A-SaEiPhire Lock (Level:71 ); B-Diamond Look (Level:68): 8-FiarE9y Lock

(Level:70); B-Gold Lock (Level:©5); E-lroll Lock (Level:62) Level 2

Crrsz]alr CLwer

Level 1

C1-rSC]aL cawer

N®ftes: A-Biarm®med EL®ok (ELeveI:20); £§-ITpr®Il witin Biamenmdi I-(ey

Level 3

N®ftes: A-Steel H.®@ife (EL®v®l:fl5); E!-Steel Key

Level 4

C1-i-PC of I.ecxf¬s

Level 2


Level 1

"| 4
4 15

I L!5

REfI ]gT-I I I-I

ll 66
i I i 66

ll 22
I ll oo I i
22 iFIF 3

LI 99

- 10L TFi'i
I 12 fl2

: ( jVIatches up to map on previous page.


rlol:i-LS: ;:+Diamned Lol::I:p (ELeveI:2@,I: B-.llnmeli1,.ly7SEL L®lcl,: (:c-nureI:1 g); 0-g-.I.v.gial ELouTk (ELelJ(=i[:.l2);

"P+Samshiu,e ,!oQL: I(LctlJrJl:i 1, ;I: E-ill.,.I ILorJi I+iJ.e!:fl le,H F-rlurb:"r :'le17: lg-SJ,\'rSLa[ F;el/

I-pertouL Palace

I-f}e1-iaL Palace

Level 3

I Daily am in Eldweyr, and in Skyr.un,

At tilnco @o all the wol.D explore,

Since tine l]egan rue beD Ivy I.edyn,

Ali@ dball till timJ3 id never mOI.e.

I never in lny life have dtrolid@

In gal.Ben, fie[@, Ol. Pal.k,

Yet all of thede are da@ an@ coo

If rn"wt theI.e an@ it id Dark...


What LJ the thing

wblch coined ln dbeetd)

yet caluWt befODe@ or

gatheI.ed again?

There L! a thing, whicl"wthing.ld,

Yet it bad a lralne\

It'd dolnetineed tall

An@ doneetined abort

It tunul[ed when we fall

Itjoilid Olu. dl)Ort,

AIid Playd at every galne...


In a Ilral.BIB ball at White at milk,

Lined with dkin ou dolt atl dilk,

W7itbin afountain crydtal cleaI.,

A gotoen apple, 3otb appecLr,

No @oord tbel.e al.e to tbid dtronghoD,

Yet thieved I".eak in to dteal the go[@...


From the beginning of eternity,

To the en@ of tilne and apace,

To the beginI.lag of every end,

And the end of every place...


Elvidb mltbril and Argonian dilver, crulndle I can.

Butfirdt, I improve all crcate@ by Iran.

I Devour all tbingd,

Blr@ and I,eat/t, derfu an@ klngd.

Tbollgb my pace b even, lnen curve my dpee@,

W7idhing I were lacier in their boar of nee@.

I can creep and crawl, or rush, evenfly.

I am all thou batt. Tell nco, who aln I?


My decon@ LJ PerfOrlneb by nay firot,

And, it b thongbt,

A thief by the lraI.ho of nay Whole

Might be caagbt.


If Cell 3 hood wol.tbkedd bI.oud, Cell 2 boDd the goo key.

If Cell 1 boDd the goo hey, Cell 3 bol@d worthledd brand.

If Cell 2 boDd wortbledd bI.old, Cell 1 boDd the goo key.

Knowilry Chid I,rave fool, air@ knowing that all that id

dab col"wt be true, which cell contailw the gold key?


W7hat iJ neitbeI. fiJb nOI. fledb,

featberd noI. bone,

B"t dti[l boo fingeI.a,

and tbumbd of itd own?


I touch yourface,

rm in youI. WOrdd,

rm lack of apace,

And l]elove@ of birdd...

What amI?


I cone out of the earth,

I am dold in the nmrket.

He who bayd Ire Cutd Off Ivy tail,

Tahed off lay dltit of dilk,

An@ weepd bed[@e Ire When I am



I a,n twice at, ol@ atl three tired the age of

the Sphiroc of Gaein, Aganmnou14

@iv@ed lay one-ninth the aye of

the Sphira of Canlrd, Ioon,

who left thid worm twenty_din yeard ago.

What then [d Ivy aye?

ANS: 108

I am the al.cbitect of tb;a bell,

who_le nalne id in the @unt of tiIlre.

Yet, where thel.e id no @unt,

wbel.e the riveI. WO"m dPeak,

there id lny nalne.

FIIi@ tbid l}hae and then retl".n,

to tell lne nay rare.

Only then dballyolL Patd tbid @OOl..

What LJ Ivy I.alne?


Whatforce and dtrength

camrot get throayb,

IJ With a gentle tO"Ch, Can@O;

And many in tbcoe twidte@ hallo wouD dtaI@,

W7eI.e I not, at afriend, at band...


MoI.e I)ea"tiful than the face of yOllr God,

Yet owl.a wicked than a DaenwI{d tOIryue?

Dead nren eat it all the tilne,

Lit,e lnen Who eat.|t die d[OW...


Two bo@ied bare I)

Tboayb bothjoine@ in one.

The nroI.e dtlll I dtan@)

The qltickel. I I.ul....


Whatflayed ap

An@ doed a bt of goo@,

And I+,ben it die.I)

Id jltdt a piece of w,oo@?


I tie and bold, captul.a and bind,

yet both kl.igbto and kleaved @otb cl.awe nee.

I faitlifully endlave a[[ within nay gI.asp,

wbetbeI. OI. not they deeh Inn.

Yet tbode who ba(,e novel. felt nay lunneI.Ciflll band,

aI.e Pitied by theil. fellow Man...


I run dn.ootbeI. than airy I.lrylne,

I love to fall but cannot clilnd.

I treml,le at each I)reath of ail.,

Alrd yet can beaviedt llul.dem i)eal....

uns: WATER

CI.uldbe@ I)eneath tI.amPllng feet,

kept in bcLrknedd and COto. I aln urdeledd

if I bare dufferd@ lwt; IMF baving dl'fferi@,

nay telnPer id dWeet and dtrOIry tO all

tbode who pal.take. Tm,at am I' at dtart?


Rumors on artifacts:
I.a ocus a,f a characc;cr 9cCCinq a i-u-
-or about c- arcitfact- cxrc l% J}e1-
le`,cL (cof}f}ir,q <ff ac l5%,) lf you arc
ir, posscssior, <yF an arcif;act o1- arc
I on a qucsc' t=o 1-CCrtc`,a a ccrCit`ir, ar-
ctfacc-, 1vu will I,oc gcc anod.c1- arCi-
Fcc ru-a,r. lr, addlcic,n rc,u car,r,oc f}ossess n,ore c,nc cerci.Fcc ac a ci,T,C. A;rdlfacc rLrmO1-S arc
1-and<,-, but if rc,u war,I a rrClcLhar arCflFc`cc, clon'c-
qo c]o chc p1-O`,inca Wl.CrC C1.a co-cif;acc's ''rr,af} dun-
qcor," is l^,caz]ed. Chc arctfacc qucscgi`,cr ",ill al=wcors
scr,i lvu C=o a f,rct9r, P,-c,`,incc.
If you want: Don,I oukfor artifact runwrd in:

Lord's Mail Skyrim

Oghma Infinium Skyrim
Chrysamere Elsweyr
Staff of Magnus Elswevr
Volendrung Hammerfell
Spell Breaker Hammerfell
Necromancer's Ring High Rock
Auriel's Shield High Rock
Ebony Blade lVIorrowind
Amulet of the lVarlock Morrowind
Auriel,s Bow Valenwood
Skeleton's Key Valenwood
Ring of Phynaster Summurset Isle
King Orghum,s Coff'er Summurset Isle
Ebony Mail Black lVIarsh
Ring of the Khajiit Black Marsh

Rumors for artifact quests tend to cost at least 500 gp, so

make certain you have that much beforeyou go to the tav-
ern to negotiate with the questgiver. Also remember that not
all character classes can use all artifacts: checkyour class's
limitations in the manual before accepting an artifact quest.
Nightblades, for example, canlt use the Lord,s 1\/Tail)
Chrysamere, Volendrung, Spell Breaker/ Auriel/s Shieldl the
Ebony Blade, or the Ebony jVIail. Equipment stores won't
buy them of'fyou either. Even if they did not suspect the
object was forgery, which is most likely, few blacksmiths
have the millions of gold pieces necessary to purchase such
rare objects. Wasteful as it may seem, you are best offjust
dropping the useless artifact.

The map to the artifact dungeon and the artifact itself are
always located in a chest on the 4th level of their respective
dungeons. There is no time limit on retrieving the map or
the artifact, so take your time.

Artifact quests are obtained ky clicking on the GENERAL
option under RuVIORS when conversing with citizens in
towns. If there is an opportunity for an Artifact quest, the
NPCwill name the artifact and the Inn at which a "nysteri-
ous stranger" is selling information about the location of the

All magical Artifacts have 50,000 spell points and each time
the character uses an artifact the casting cost is subtracted
from 50,000. The number of charges in each artifact can
be calculated by dividing. 50,000 by the casting cost. How-
ever) since the casting costs on spells is reduced based on
the level of'the caster, the given casting cost is for a level 1
caster. The artifact can be "repaired" (i.e. re-charged) if
taken to a blacksmith BEFORE the number of charges
reaches 0. When the number of charges reaches 0 the
artifact will vanish.

ma9tcerL A.rcftfcacc=s
(caster only)
The Lord,s Mail) sometimes called the Armor of Morihaus)
the Gift of Kynareth, is an aLnCient Cuirass Of unSurPaSSable
quality. It grants the wearer the power to regenerate lost
health, resist the ef'fects of spells, and cure oneself'ofpoison
when used. It is said that whenever Kynareth deigns the
wearer unworthy' the Lord's Mail will be taken away and
hidden for the next chosen one.

CaJtillg Co_l[: 2075

Rage"el.ale: 25 health points every 5 rounds for

60 rounds per level

Clll.a Potion: lOOO/o chance for equal level to

caster. +10/o per 1 level

Spell ReJLltlll"e: 1000/o chance, +1% per I level.

Duration: I rnd per level

(1 target at touch, save versus magic)
The Hammer ofMight, Volendrung is said to have been cre-
ated dy the Dwarves ofthe now abandoned clan of Rourken,
hundreds ofyears before they disappeared from the world of
Tamriel. It has the ability to grant health to its wielder, but it
is best known for the paralyzing and strength leeching ef-
fects it has when cast at an enemy. Like the Dwarves who
created it, Volendrung is prone to disappearing suddenly/
resurfacing sometimes in days, sometimes in eons.

Ca.lting Colt: 1620

+),-,I.ycf7f,I/f/?.. 30 to 30 pts, +1 to 1 pts per level

C(z//{/f C`/"/f.. 1000/o chance, 1 pt drain of TNT)

WIL, PER& LUCeverv 1 round
+1% every level. Durati6n: 1 round
per level
Drain StI.c,"gth: 25 pts for 15 rounds per level.
Target recovers at I pt per round.

(casteI- Only)
The Ebony lVIail is an artifact created before recorded his-
tory) according to legend, dy the Dark Elven goddess
Boethiah. It is she who determines who should possess the
Mail and for how long a time. If judged worthv, its power
grants the wearer invulnerability to all commo'n magical at-
tacks that drain talents and health. It is Boethiah alone who
determines when a person is ineligible to bear the Ebonv
Mail any longer/ and the goddess can be very capricious-.

CllJ[[lZg Cout: 242,0

S/7f,// Rc./i//fz/I(.c.. 1 00%, +1 % per I level.

Duration: 5 rnds per level

E/c/72C/ZfcZ/Rc./i//,I/zt.c F/I/.c.. 100% for 5 rounds per level. + 1 %

per level
Cl.eate Shield: 80 hp shield, +1 pts per level.

(caster only)
Auriel's Shield, an Ebony shield said to have once belonged
to the quasi-mythical Elvish deity Auriel, can make its
wielder nigh i:vulnerable. In its resistance to flre and magick,
Auriel's Shield is unsurpassed. To defend its wielder from any
attacks it cannot absorb, the Shield lends him or her health.
Like many artifacts of Tamriel/ the Shield has life and person-
ality of its own, and does not feel bound to its user. A popular
fable tells the tale of it abandoning one wielder in her greatest
hour of need, but this is perhaps apocryphal.

CllJ[in!] Cll.II: 242fJ

Z7/c/"f/I/fz/ ZZc./i//fz/?t.c F/I/.c.. 800/o chance for 3 rounds per level,

+l% per level

S/?c// jZc;/'/ct`//.("?.. 800/o chance, + 1 % per 1 level.

Duration: 3 rnds per level.

C'/.4"fC, 5'/"2,/c).. 50 hp shield, +35 pts per level.

(caster only)
Spell Breakerl superflcially a Dwarven tower shield, is one
of the most ancient rehcs ofTamriel. Aside f'rom its historic
importance dating from the Battle of Rourken-Shalidor/ the
Spell Breaker protects its wielder almost completely from
any spellcaster, either by dispelling magicks or silencing any
mage about to cast a spell. It is said that the Breaker still
searches for its original owner, and will not remain the prop-
erty of any one else for long. For most, possessing Spell
Breaker for any time is power enough.

CllJling CoJl: 2230

Clil.a, PaI.alyzdttoll: 100% chance level equal to aster.

+10/o per I level

Spe,ll Reflec[ir"" 100%, +lO/o per 1 level.

Duration: 2 rnds per level.
(1 target at range, save versus magic)
The Ebony Blade, sometimes called the Vampire or the
Leech, resembles an ebony katana, but its power is very
dark indeed. Every time the Ebony Blade strikes an oppo-
nent/ part of the damage inflicted flows into the wielder as
raw power. The Blade itself may not be any more evil than
thosewho have used it, but at some point in its long exis-
tence, a charm was cast on it so it would not remain with
one bladesman. The wizard who cast this charm sought to
save the souls of any too infatuated bv the Blade, and per-
haps he was right.["g Co.l[: 8|25

I/.,I/zJ/2/. ffc,I///?.. 100 apts from target to caster for

10 rounds per level. Release I pt
per round.
TI.dI.JfeI. Fatiglu:: 100 Pts from target to caster for
10 rounds perlevel. Release 1 pt
per round.
Silonee,: 1000/o chance for I rounds per
level, +1 to 1 per level.

(1 target at range, save versus magic)
Auriel's Bow appears as a modest Elven Longbow, but it
one of the mightiest ever to exist in Tamriel's history. Al-
legedly created and used, like its sister Auriel's Shield, by
the great Elvish demi-god, the Bow can turn any arrow into
a missile of'death and any wielder invulnerable to any lesser
attacks. Wthout Auriel,s power behind it, however, the bow
uses its own store of energy for its power. Once exhausted
of this energy, the bow will vanish and reappear where ever
chance puts it. Its most recent appearances have been sub-
ject of gossip for hundreds ofyears.

C(rltillg Cou[: 4487

I)cz/7Z,I.,CfJc,I/f/7.. 50 to 50 pts, +1 to 1 pts per level.

I)llml1.lJr I.`ll I i.lJlle: 50to50pts.) +I to I ptsperlevel.

I)I""ll.lJc, Spell Pl,i"LI: 50to50pts.+I to 1 ptsperleyel.

(caster only)
Chrvsamerel the Paladin)s Blade and Sword of Heroes, is an
anci.ent claymore with of,i,ensive capabilities only surpassed
by its defenses. It lends the wielder healthl protects him or
her f'rom flre, and reflects any deletory spells cast against
the wielder back to the caster. Seldom has Chrvsamere been
wielded dy any bladesman for any length of time, for it
chooses not to flavor one champion.

CdJ[i"!J Cou[: 4725

f7c,I/I/I,,I///,.. +loo to 100 pts) +100 to 100 pts

per level.

S`/7C//Rt,//I,(.//I("L. I OO% chance, +lO/o per level. Dura-

lion: I round perlevel.

£/f/"c",fz/ Rc,.":/,tz/I(.c F/./y.. I OO% chance for I round per level,

+ l% perlevel.

(caster only)
The Staf[` of` Magnus, one of the elder artif`acts of Tamriel,
was a metaphysical battery of sorts for its creator, the Arch-
Mage Magnus. When usedl it regenerates both a mage,s
health and mystical energy at remarkable rates. In timel the
Staf'fwill abandon the mage who wields it before he orbe-
comes too powerf'ul and upsets the nystical balance it is
sworn to protect.

Clklti".lJ C(,`lt: 2525

Regal.el.lllc,: 10 health pts every 5 rounds f'or 60

rounds level.

Spell Al-I./,[i"I: lOO% chance. +10/o per level. Dura-

tion: l8 rounds per level.

(caster only)
The Warlock/s Ring of the Al.l`h-l\1age S},rabane is one o[`
the most popular I.eliCS O['m_Yth and f'able. In Tamliells an-
cient history' Svrabane saved all of'the continent b.v judi-
cious use oi.his.Ringl and ever sincel it has helped adventur-
ers with less lof|ygoals. It is best known f'or its ability to re-
flect spells cast at its \\.earer and to improve his or he.I. speed
and health, though it -y have a(I(]itional po\\.erg. No ad-
\,entul-eI- Can Wear the Warlock's Ring for long., [`or it is said
the Ring is S_\,rabane's alone to command.

Ill.,I i".lJ Cl"I: 2840

/'`"/./(I/`'l/ 5`/)(,(,(/.. + 1 00 pts l`oI. 5 rounds peI. 1evell

loss of' I pt peI. round.

//I,"//71,,I///).. +50 to 5- ptsl +I to I pts per le\'el.

l\'/)(,// /?t//(,{.//I"".. l 000/) chance, + 1 0/a per le\,el. DuI-a-

lion: 3 rounds peI. le\'el.

(caster only)
The Ring of Ph\,master was made hundreds of`vears ago b_\,
a person who n.Ceded good def,enses to sur\,i\,e-his ad\,entur-
ous lif'e. Thanks to the Ring, Ph},nastel. lil.ed l'ol- hundl-a(ls
o('vears' and since then it has passed f'rom person to pcl.son.
Th.e ring improyes its wearer,s oveI.all resistant.e to damage
and grants total immunity to poison, spells' and electril`it\,.
Still,Ph\master was cunning and said to hal,e cllrsed the
Ring. Itueventually disappears from its holder,s possessions
and I.eturns to an;ther I-esting plac.e, discontent to stay any-
\\rheI.e but With Phvnaster himselI`.

Cll.Il ill.lJ Cl"I: l800

Elf,lllc,llt|1l Rc,.'i.IIlll|(t 100O/("Lance f`or I round pet. leVel'
P|1[.Ill ll : +lo/o per level.

F,h,lil(.l|tlll Rc,\li.ll||l|(c, loo()/-Lance [`ol. I round per levelI

I,liltI.irity: +I(Vo per let,cl.

Spell Re.liJ[llnCe: lOOO/o chance, + 10/a per I level.
Duration 1 round per level.

(caster only)
The Ring of the Khajiiti is an ancient relic, hundreds ofyears
older than Rajhin, the thief'who made the RIng famous. It
was Rajhin who used the Ring/s powers to make himself'as
invisible, silent, and quick as a breath ofwind. Using the
Ring he became the most successful burglar in Elsweyr,s his-
tory. Rajhin's eventual fate is a nystery, but according to leg-
end, the Ring rebelled against such constant use and disap-
peared, leaving Rajhin helpless before his enemies.

CaJ[[n.g CoJf.. 4490

I)cc".ty/z,zfr 4t/ A7,)/a-T4/:y1./.. 1 00% chance/ + l 0/o per level. Du-

ration: 3 rounds per level. JVIay
cast other spells.

Im,iJihility: for 1 round, +3 rounds perlevel.

Fl".[ify Spec(): +100 pts for5 rounds perleve1.

Loss at 1 point per2 rounds.

(caster only)
The legendary Necromancer's Amulet, the last surviving
relic of the mad sorceror Mannimarco, grants any spell-
caster who wears it the ability to absorb magical energy and
regenerate from injury. The Amulet is mystically fortified to
give the person wearing it an armor rating equivalent to
plate armor, without the weight and restriction of move-
ment. This maLkeS the artifact POPular amongst thieves and
mages alike. It is the one flaw of the Amulet that it is unsta-
ble in this world - forever doomed to fade in and out of exis-
tence, reappearing at locations distant from that of its disap-
CaJting Co_lt: 1825

Spell Ahiov.ptioI.: 1000/o chance, +1% per level. Dura-

tion: 3 rounds per level.

I".tify Il.telligence: +50 pts for 5 rounds per level. In-

telligence loss at 1 point per round.

RegentI.ate: 1 health point every 5 rounds for

30 rounds per level.

Arctfacc:s Wl.tch I)a Not

Cast Spells
King Orghum's Coffer is a small-sized chest, ordinary in ap-
pearance. It is remarkably light, almost weightless, which
offers clue to its true magic. Once a day, the Coffer will cre-
ate gold from naught. When King Orghum himselfpos-
sessed the Coffer, the supply within was limitless. Those
who have found it since report that the Coffer eventually
disappears after having dispersed enough gold to shame
even the wealthiest of merchants. lVhere and whv it van-
ishes is still a nystery. King Orgnum lost his eighty
or moreyears ago, during one of the marine battles with the
Emperor of Tamriel,who was then Antiochus Septim. After
the loss, Orgnum,s island kingdom of Pyandonea ceased to
be aworld power - probably because the King could no
longer afford as great a fleet as before.

This givesyou a ranclom amount of gold each day up to a

total of 10,000 pieces of gold. You must "USE" the item to
obtain your daily ration ofgold. Once the total amount has
been reached the coffer disappears.

The Oghma Infinium is a tome of knowledge written by the
Ageless One, the wizard-sage Xarses. All who read the In-
flnium are filled with the energy of the artifact which can be
manipulated to raise onels abilities to near demi-god propor-
tions. Once used, legend has it, the lnflnium will disappear
from its wielder.

This is a book. Oneyou find and actitivate it, it disappears.

It leaves you with 50 bonus points to distribute amongyour
character,s attributes as you want.

The power of the Skeleton,s Key is very simple, indeed.
With it, any non-magically locked door or chest is instantly
accessible to even the clumsiest of lockpickers. A particu-
larly skillful lockpicker may even open some magically
barred doors with the Key. The two limitations placed on
the Key by wizards who sought to protect their storehouses
were that the Key could only be used once a day and it
would never be the property of one thief for too long. Some
of those who have possessed the Key have made themselves
rich before it disappeared, others have broken into places
they never should have entered.

Once a day this key allowsyou to open one lock of lock

level 25 or lower. In effect, this means thatyou are able to
open ALL non-magical locks and lower level magical locks.
Magical locks start at lock level 20.


Pou] icaL lcems a

thei,t. ^tI1. ibuaes
Metal Properties
(Applies to All Magical Items)



magic Vheaf}ons
All weapons can be magic weapons. Magic Weapons either
increase the attributes of the character or will cast a spell.
To gain the beneflt of the magic, the weapon must be
equipped. If it has the powerto cast a spell, the usermust
"click" on the use icon and then click on the target to cast

the spell. The following is a list of the magic types of`

weapons available in the game. The magic weapons which
cast spells will have only a speciflc number of charges
(spells) available. If'you right click on the item the number
of'charges remaining \\,ill be displayed. If'the magic weapon
also has a metal type associated with it, the modil`lcations ['or
the specirlc metal type will also be applied to the \\'eapon.

"ll/"l "dmr ,)I StI.engtb

"ll/""1 "l""i "i Shock Re.Ii.,taI.Ce
"(,lpr" ",""c of Will
M.llpr" I.alllr I,i Aglllty
"I.,lprl "AV"I. of Speeb
"dprl. "I"m, of EnbllraI.Ce
"c,dp"1 "AV"i I,i Fire Re`IidtaI.Ce
"cdpr" I.,"m, of Luck
"c,llpr" "I"m. I,i LigbtI.ilg
ll,etlp"1 "I"m, llf RedidtaI.Ce
"edp"1 "I"1W, I,I Pa-Wall
",edpou "lime I,I Life Steal
II,Caprll "lll7lC I,i Paralyzatlo"
"ellP"1 "I""c, of Fire.ltoI.n.

ona9ic ^r-or
Onl_y plate armor can be magic armor. All shield t},pes can
be magic. Just as in the case of weapons, the armor can ei-
ther increase attributes or allow the wearer to cast spells.
The following is a list of the magic armor types:

""."I". "i""c, of StreI.gtb

I"."lol. nl""( -llf If.teirligeI.Ce
i-I". nan"i I,i WillI}OWeI.
I"."I". ndl", of Agllit\y
i"."I". "llm-I Speeb
Ill.l1". I"llll(, I,/ En3Lu.altCe
I-I". n,I".r '"I pe"oI.ality
lu.l". alulW 'nf Luck
lil."lol. "ll"I( I,i JLLmP(I.a
I-1". Ill""c, llf LevitatioI.
drmlN. ll'|lllc, l'f Pall.IWall
I".I-. "I""c, 'llf INN,idibility
I".m". "I"ne ;1f Spell Refl-ectioI.
I".I-. "I"m, of Regal.eI.atlOI.

mcxrks, Crrsc]aLs,
t31-aCerS & J2ir,qs
This group of magic items give the user the ability to cast
spells. Only one of each type may be active (highlighted) in
the characterls inventory/ although the player can switch be-
tween the active items of the same I)ape. The following spells
can be associated with any mark) crystal, bracer, or ring.

Offendive Spelld: Deferoive Spelb: Midcelhanco|u

Wizard,s Fire Stamina Light
Shocking Samctuary Wanderlight
Curse Shielding Wizard Lot,k
Far Silent,e Heahng Opening
Poison Dart Levitation Healing
Fireballl Force Bolt Cure Poison
Ice Storm Force Wall Heal True
Lightning Silence Purification
Pitfall Passwall
Fire Storm
Life Steal
Toxic Cloud
Free Action

t3raceLec=s, t3elj=s, Ci}rcs

a AmuLec3s
This group of items serve to enhance the basic character at-
tributes. The amount of the enhancement will vary with the
quality/cost of the item. These items need to be "equipped,,
to use their powers. Only one item ofa type may be
equipped at any one time. These items also act as protective
items depending on their metal type. For example, Ebony
Bracelet will deduct -5 from your character,s armor rating.
The following attributes can be increased dy this group of
magic items: Strength, Intelligence, Willpower, Agility,
Speed, Endurance, Personality, Luck.
Poc1.or,s A:vailA`bl£ Zr, che
C;a-a br I)esc1-tf,Cton
lfyou right click on a potionyou have found) one of the
following descriptions will appear depending upon the
potion found.

Stalnina Potion
You see a flask of oily liquid
You see a flask of gelatinous liquid
You see a bottle of dead insects and hair suspended
in a thick clear liquid
You see a decanter ofa clear oil suspending globules of
a dark brown substance
You see a bottle filled with a semi-solid gray matter
resembling a liquefied brain

Strength Potion
You see a beaker of reddish liquid
You see a flask of orange-colored liquid
You see a flask of rudy-red liquid
You see a beaker of crusty red liquid
You see a beaker of foaming, pink gelatin

Healing Potion
You see a beaker ofyellowish fluid
You see a flask of golden liquid
You see a bottle ofyellow flzzing liquid
You see a flask of dull yellow fluid
You see a flask of decomposed insects in a dingy
yellow fluid

Redtore Power Potion
You see a flask of black fluid
You see a beaker of inky black liquid
You see a bottle of thick black liquid
You see a beaker of foaming black liquid
You see a decanter of black speckled fluid, webs of
scum floating at the surface

RedLlt Fi,re Potion

You see a beaker ofa liquid that glows every color
in the spectrum
You see a beaker of cloudy multi-colored fluid, flakes
ofgreen hide settled at the bottom
You see a dec,anter of rainbow-colored fluid, a small
globe of blood suspended at its neck
You see a bottle of crystalline liquid, its oily surface
reflecting all colors vividly
You see a bottle of almost gaseous liquid, multi-colored
globules churning in its depths

Redidt Coo Potion

You see a bottle of gray gelatin, a semi-dissolved
eyeball lying at the bottom
You see a decanter of crystalline fluid
You see a bottle of sparkling liquid
You see a bottle of a semi_viscous clear fluid
You see a beaker ofa shimmering white fluid

Redidt Shock Potion
You see a beaker ofa clear liquid with floating
white curds
You see a beaker of cloudy gray fluid, the smell of bat
guano seeping out the cork.
You see a decanter c,hoked with small red berries in
a clear semi-solid jelly
You see a flask of gray fluid, decomposed black objects
settled at the base
You see a decanter of clear grainy liquid

Cure Dideoue Potion

You see a flask of thick mud-colored liquid
You see a bottle of gray liquid, thick with rusty sediment
You see a bottle of gray fluid/ thick black sludge
soliclifled at the base
You see a beaker of oily black liquid, faintly smelling
of ammonia
You see a flask of deep gray liquid, balls of white jelly
bobbing at the surface

Heal True Potion

You see a beaker of dark blue liquid
You see a flask of bluish_blac,k fluid
You see a beaker of turquoise fluid
You see a decanter of gray-blue fluid
You see a flask of bluish-white fluid, the consisteney
of spoiled milk

Le(IitatiOn Potion
You see a beaker of silvery liquid
You see a beaker of clear liquid
You see a flask of milky-white fluid
You see a beaker of semi-transparent liquid
You see a beaker of silvery fluid
RedLJt Poidon

You see a beaker of emerald-green fluid

You see a flask of thick fluid, green with herbs
You see a decanter of a gray-yellow slime
You see a decanter ofa watery, light green jelly that
smells hke old leather
You see a beaker of bright green fluid floating on
thick grime

You see a bottle of reddish-orange gelatin, slightly
warm to the touch
You see a flask of deep purple fluid
You see a bottle of scaLrlet-red liquid, speckled With the
corpses of a million fleas
You see a flask of brick-red material, the consisteney of
coagulated blood
You see a flask of purplish fluid suspending scraps of
some kind of meat

Cure Poidon
You see a decanter of opaque liquid, clumps of black
moss growing at the base
You see a flask of crystal-clear liquid, a black beetle
moldering at the bottom
You see a bottle fllled with wildflower petals, suspended
in an emerald-green fluid
You see a beaker ofwhitish blue fluid, the cork reeking
of sulphur
You see a flask of phosphorescent fluid


You see a flask of brown bubbling liquid

You see a bottle offoamy amber fluid
You see a flask of muddy brown liquid
You see a decanter ofa chunky brown slime
You see a beaker of bubbling blue fluid, the neck thick
with brown sediment

You see a bottle filled with flngernail filings churning
in the bubbles ofa green fluid
You see a flaLSk filled With a SParkling Silver concoction
You see a bottle of effervescent gray liquid, speckled
with black particles.
You see a beaker of brown, bubbling liquid that smells
vaguely of flsh
You see a decanter of bubbling clear liquid

Sovlr,g Cl.1-OWS
u1-tn9 cc"mbc`I ar,i bccaL.SC Of choir
a,xF,crier,cc, col-C,air, cl.ourc`cZjerS arc

i i
"T,c,1-a adCPC aC- c`,,g or 1-CduCinq
da,T,age I:a Cl.a-SCL`/cs. this is I-C-

ftcc:cd br a sc*`,ing cl.row, whicl. ls a
r,u-bet f-I,Irr, I-loo., 1-OLLir,9 a
1-ar,CtO- r"Ln.bCr ir, this 1-ar,9e, the I".,I,bC1- 1-OuJeCl
-usc be I.lGn¬J2, cl.a sco,ir,9 C1.row f,r cl.a
cI+ctracc;cr ac cl+a level

For a,xa,T,Plo: mc,rgar,a is a loci. le`,eL mc`gc.

I.cT- Sa`,ir,g C1.row vs. ftrc ts 72. Cl.ts ,i,Car,S Ct.aC
ar,1,Ct-a mOrqar,a tS faced Wick CIL1-CL9c as cx
-csulz of fre a,- a sr,CLL wl.ose sF,eu efi=cC tS fro,
mo1-qana -L+SC 1-all a scx`,ir,q cf.row- lf cf.a
nuIT,be1- 1-Oiled is qrcacc1-, 72, morqar,a
saves ar,cl or,Lr c=aJ<cs I.aLf da,I.age. lf Cl.c nu-bet
1-OuJeCl is bedrv 72,, no changes are -eec ar,i
morgar,a I:ckes ftLLL da-age. CI.a or,Lr a-xcepcitor,
is f,r a monk, wl.a cjalcs NO da,i,aqC if' hC Or
sl.a 'T,alas Cf.clr Sco,ir,9 I-I.row.

80 80 86 /-0
72 72 80 60

64 64 /-4 50

56 66 68 40

48 48 62 35

40 40 56 30



St]ecut.nq ernd Lock Picl<inq

Thief': (level x ((INT+AGI)/3))/Lock
or Steal di['rlculty Rating
Burglar: (level x ((INT+AGI)/2))/Lock
or Steal difflcultv Rating
Assassin: (level x ((INT+AGI)/5))/IJOCk
or Steal dif['lculty Rating
Rogue: (let,el x ((INT+AGI)/4))/Lock
or Steal di['ficulty Rating
Acrobat: (level x ((INT+AGI)/4))/Lock
or Steal dif'ficult\, Rating

Bard: (level x ((INT+AGI)/4))/IJOCk

or Steal dif'f`lcult\, Rating
All Other (leyel x ((INT+^GI)/8))/Lock
Classes: or Steal difflcultv Rating

The f'ollowing. messages are issued b_y the game AFTER
your percentage of chance to pick the lock has been calcu-
lated based on the I,ormulae given above:

This lock is an insult to Your abilities 95()/() - lOOy()

you see a pathetic excuse I,ol. a lock 90(X) - 94%
You laugh at the amateur quality of'this lock 85()/o - 89y()
You are amused bv this lock 80% - 840/a
This lock seems relatively easy 7 FfJ/a -7CrfJ/o
You think should be able to pick this lock /-00/o - 740/o
This lock would prove a good challenge 650/() _ 69%
You would be challenged by this lock 600/o - 640/o
This lock looks diff`lcult 55% - 590/o
You doubt.Your ability to open this lock 500/o - 540/o
This lock looks to be bet,ond Your skills 450/o - 490/o
lt"d be a miracle ifyou picked this lock 300/a - 34%
This lock has nothing to fear from you 0% - 290/o
This is a magically held lock I)oor is level

Co-bat For--u1- I;a I.ic

The f`ollowing abbreviations are used in the f`ormula.
NOTE: The monsters always have a 200/o chance of hit-

ALV = Attacker'sI_evel
DLV = Defender's Level
AAG _- Attacker,s Agility l\,1odifier
DAG = Defenderls Agility Modifier
ALK = Attacker's Luck l\1odifier
DLK = Defender's Luck l\1odifler
DAR = Defender's Armor Value Modifier
AIN = Attacker's Intelligence l\1odif`ler
D\VI = Defender's Willpower l\1odif`ler
GEN = GeneralModi[`lers
MAG = l\,1agical Modif`lers
SHD = ShieldBonusModifler

50+((AIIV - DIJV).I.I.I. 5) + (AAG - DAG) + (ALK

The location of the hit requires an extra roll and is deter-
mined as follows:

Location Armor Piece Roll

Head Helm 1-2

RIght Shoulder Pauldron 3-5
Left Shoulder Pauldron 6-8
Chest/Back Cuirass 9- 12
Elbow-hand Gauntlets 13- 16
Waist-Thighs Tassel 1 7- 19
Knee-Feet Boots 20

Cl.ances oF a CricicerL f9ic

Thief 2x Level

Archer 3x Level (only if using

missile weapons)

Assassin 3x Level

Monk 3x every 2 levels (if not

using missile weapons)

Nightblade, Bard, 1x Level

Burglar, Rogue, Acrobat:


Witches) Pox 2-lO/Day END,STR, HEA Permanent

5-30/Day Permanent Mage) Rat/


Yellow Fever 5- I 0/Day Permanent

Stomach Rot Permanent Zombie,

Ghoul, Rat

Consumption 2-1 0/Day Permanent Mage) Zombie

Ghoul, Rat

Permanent Mage, Zombie

Ghoul, Rat

2- 1 0/Dav WIL,AGI, STR Permanent Zombie,Rat

Ca_liron/s Curse 5- 1 0/Day STR,SPD, AGI 3-18 Days

5-30/DaJ/ Permanent ZombieI Ghoul,


Permanent Mage, Zombie

Ghoul, Rat

Wound Rot STR,END, HEA Permanent Mage) Vampire

Red Dea,th 2- 1 0/Day END, FAT, PER Perma_nent Mage, Zombie)


5-1 0/Day HEA,PER,WIL 3-18 Days Magel Vampire

Typhoid Fever 2-l 0/Day INTI END) Permanent

Dementia 2- 1 0/Day TNT,WIL PER Permanent Nlagel Vamplre

Chrondiasis 5-I0/Day INT, SPELL PTS Permanent

Wizard Fever TNT, SI)ELL PTS 3-18 Days

I?oLtdarys of c1.a Wo1-LEI
of C=cx-rteL

mo1-nin9 Scctr New Life Festival -

Sundae J\homdas Tirdas Middas Turdas Fredas I.oredas
1st ofMo-ing Star.
0 2
There is a tradition offree
ale at all the taverns in the
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
IO II I2 I3 I4 05 I6

17 18 lC) 2O 21 22 23

24 25 26 27 28 2C) 3C)
South WmdJs prayer.
i/ 15th ofMorning Star.
It is a plea by all the religions
of Tanriel for a good planting season. Citizens with every
affliction known in Tamriel flock to services in the various
temples, as the clergy is known to perform free headings on
this day. The people lmow that only a few will be judged
wortky ofthis service, but few can afford the templets usual

Sun= Oc*wr| Heart's Day - 16th of

Sundae Momdas Tirdas Middas Turdas Fredas I.oredas Sun,s Dawn
I '2 3 4 5 6 In every house' the Legend
ofthe Lovers is being sung
7 8 9 IO II I2 I3
for theyounger generation.
I4 I5 06 I7 18 IL) 2O
In honorthese IJOVerS, Poly-
2I 22 23 24 25 26 27 dor and Eloisa, the inns df
the land offer a free room
for visitors. Ifsuch kindness
had been given the IJOVerS,
it is said, it would always be
springtime in the world.

First Planting - 7th
Fit-sz= Seecl
Sundae Morndas Tirdas Middas Turdas Fredas I.oredas
ofFirst Seed
I 2 3 4 5 6 Everyyear, the people cele-
brate First Planting by sym-
gr 8 ') IO II I2 I3
bolically sowing the seeds
14 I5 I¢ I7 I8 r) 2O
for the autumn harvest. It is
2I 22 '2 3 24 25| 26 27 a festival offresh begin-
28 2') 3O 3I
nings, both for the crops and
for the men and women of
Tamriel. Neighbors are rec-
onciled in their disputes, res-
olutions are formed, bad habits
dropped, the diseased cured. The clerics at the temples run
a free clinic all day long to cure people of poisoning, differ-
ent diseases, paralyzation, and the other banes found in the
world ofArena.

Jester's Day - 28th

Rair'S nancl
Sundae Morndas Tirdas Middas Turdas Fredas I.oredas
ofRain's Hand
/ 2 i DuringJester,sDaypranks
are being set up from one
4 5 a 7 8 L) IO
end oftown to the other. It
// /? /i /4 /5 /G /7 isasifa.spellhasbeencast

/l9 /9 ?a 2/ ?? 23 ?4 overthecommunity,for
25 26 27 28 2() 3C)
even the most tacitum and
dignifled councilman might
attempt to play a joke. The
Thieves Guild finds particu-
lar attention as everyone looks
for pickpockets in particular.

SecoHd Seed Second Planting -
Sundae Momdas Tirdas Middas Turdas Fredas horedas 7th of Second Seed
/ It is a holiday with tradi-
2 3 4 5 a 7 8 tions similar to First Plant-
ing, improvements on the
9 IO II l2 I3 I4 I5
first seeding symbolically to
I6 I7 I8 I9 2C) 2I 22 suggest improvements on
23 24 25 26 27 28 2() the soul. The free clinic at
the temples is open for the
3O 3l
second and last time this
year, offering cures for those
suffering from any kind of disease or affliction. Because
peace and not conflict is stressed at this time, battle injuries
are healed only at full price.

n|tcl rfec=r NId Year Celebra-

Sundae NIorndas Tirdas Middas Turdas Fredas loredas tion - 16th ofNId
I 2 3 4 5 Y ar
6 7 8 L) IO II I2 Temples offer blessings for
only halfthe donation they
I3 I4 I5 06 I7 I8 I9
usually suggest. Many so
2C) 21 22 23 24 25 26
blessed feel conf|dent
27 28 29 3O enough to enter the dun-
geons when they are not
fully prepared, so this joy-
ous festival has often been
known to turn suddenly into a day ofdefeat and tragedy.

Merchant,s Festival _ loth ofSun,s Height

Every marketplace and equipment store has dropped their
prices to at least half. The only shop not being patronized
today is the Mages Guild, where prices are as exorbitant as
usual. Most citizens in need ofa magical item are waiting
two months for the celebration ofTales and Tallows when
prices will be more reasonable.
Sur,'s heiqt`c Sun's Rest - 20th of
Sundae Morndas Tirdas Middas Tut.das Fredas I.oredas Sun,s Height
I 2 3 All stores are closed in ob_
7 8 () 0® servance of Sun's Rest. Of
course) the temples, tav-
/24/ '-,:
erns, and Mages Guild are
2,,; still open their regular
.,;..;;: ;: 2 t`` .|, iG: hours, but most citizens
chose to devote this day to
relaxation, not commerce
or prayer. This is not a con_
venient arrangement for all, but the Merchants, Guild heav-
ily flnes any shop that stays open, so everyone complies.

Lasz= Seecl Harvestls End -

sundas M.mdas Tirdas NIddas Turdas Fr.das I,.redas 27th of I,act Seed
/ ? 3 4 5 6 7 Theworkoftheyearis
g I) /a w /? /i /4 over,theSeeding,SOWing,
and reaping. Now is the
I5 I6 I7 I8 r) 2a 2I
time to celebrate and enjoy
22 2j 24 ?5 ?6 J27 ?8 thefruitsoftheharvest,
2L) _X) 3l and even visitors to a town
are invited to join the
farmers. The taverns offer
free drinks all day long, an
extravagance before the economy of the coming winter
months. Underfed farm hands gorging themselves and then
getting sick in the town square are the most common sights
of the celebration of Harvest,s End.

heclrzfirc Tales and Hallows _
Sundas Momdas Tirdas AIiddas Turdas Fredas I.oredas 5rd ofHeart Fire
I '2 3 4
No other holiday divides the
5| a 7 8 L) IO II people of Tamriel like the
I2 I3 I4 I5| I6 I7 I8
3rd of Hearth Fire. A few of
the oldest, more supersti-
r) ,2O 2I 2,2 '23 2Ll 25.
tious men and women do
26 rJ 28 2') acn not speak all day long for
fear that the evil spirits of
the dead will enter their
bodies. jVIost citizens enjoy
the holiday but even the most lightheaIled avoid the dark
streets ofthe city for everyone knows the dead do walk
tonight. Only the Mages Guild completely thrives on this
day. In celebration of the oldest magical science, necro-
maney, all magical items are half price today.

Witches, Festival _
Ft-aszfal| 15th ofFrostfall
Sundae Morndas Tirdas Middas Turdas Fredas I.oredas

The \lr|tches, Festival is a

time when the forces of sor-

3 4 5 6 7 8 ')
eery and religion clash. The
IO II I2 03 I4 I5. IO Mages Guild gets most of
I7 I8 r) 2O 2I 22 23 the business since weapons
and items are evaluated for
24 25 26 27 28 2') SID
their mystic potential free of
i/ charge and magic spells are
one half their usual price.
Demonologists, conjurors,
lamias, warlocks, and thaumaturgists meet in the wilderness
outside %cn, and the creatures created or summoned there
may plague Tamriel for eons. JVIost wise men choose not to
wander this night.

Emperor's Birthday - goth ofFrostfall
Once the 30th of Frostfall, the Emperor,s Birthday, was the
most popular holiday ofthe year. Great traveling carnivals
enteIlained the masses, while the aristocraey enjoyed the
annual Goblin Chase on horseback. Recently, these tradi-
tions have fallen into neglect. It has been decades since
there was a big camival and longer still since a a Goblin
Chase was sponsored.

Surt's I)usk Warriorls Festival -

Sundas Momdas Tirdas Middas Turdas Fredas IJOredas
20th ofSun's Dusk
I 2 3 4 5 6 JVIost all the local warriorsJ
spellswords, and rogues
7 8 , i) IO II r2 I3
come to the equipment
I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 I9 2® stores and blacksmiths
2I 22 23 21J 25 26 27 where all weapons are half
28 2() 3O price. Unfortunately, the
low prices also tempt many
an untrained boy to buy his
flrst sword and the normally
quiet streets ring with amateur
skirmishes. The monarch has pardoned most ofthese nlff1-
ans in the past.

evening Scclr North Wind|s Prayer

Sundae Morndas Tirdas Middas Turdas Fredas I,oredas
- 15th ofEvening
I 2 3 4 Start
5 6 7 8 9 IO II
It is a thanksgiving to the
Gods for a good harvest and
I2 I3 I4 05; I6 I7 I8
a mild winter. Some years,
I9 2Cn 2I 22 23 2Ll 25 like this one, the harvest
26 27 28 29 S® 3I was not particularly good
and the winter unseasonally
harsh, but as some are fond

ofsaying' "It could be much worse." The temples ofl'er all
their services blessing, curing, healing for half the donation
usually requested.

Old Life Festival - 50th ofEvening Star

jVIany go to the temples to reflect on their past. Some go for
more than this, for it is rumored that priests will as the last
act of the year perform resurrections on beloved friends and
family members free of the usual charge. Worshippers know
better than to expect this philanthropy, but they arrive in a
macabre procession with the recently deceased nevertheless.

Argonians... ........... lO, 25 Ghost... ...18,31,53
Armor CLass........... .....7,lO Ghoul... ...18,3l,33
Artif'ac,ts.... ....1 19-129 Goblin..... .......3l,33
Auriel's Bow.,..,..,..
Auriers Shield........
Automap..,.. ... l5 Halls of Colossus.... .....34,64-67
Assassin..... ........9, 10,1l Harvest's End..... ...l5l
B Heart's Day...... ...l46
Hellhound.... ...l8,3I,33
Barbarian.... ... l8 Helpful Spellmaker spells...........4
Battle Mages... .....6 High Elves...... .....3,17,26
Black Gate...... .......34,94-97 Hit I,ocation..,.. ...l43
Holidays..... ....,146-l52
Bretons.........,.. ..,....,,.3, 20, 25 Homunc,ulus... ...l9,5l,33

Critica_I Hit..... .....l45 lee Golem.............. ...l9,31,33
Crypt of Hearts.... .....34,80rfe5 Imperial Dungeons...... ........37
Imperial Palace...............104-lO7
Chrysamere.... ... 125 Invisibility........... ..,,.....9
Crystal Tower................34,72-75 Iron Golem..... .......20,31,33
Jagar Tharn..... .....30,3l,33
Dagoth Ur... ........34,98-103 Jester's Day..... ............147
Dark Elves.... ......3,lO,27
Diseases.... ...145
E Khajiiti.. ..............7,10,24
King Orghum's Coffer..10,1 1,128
Ebony Blade....... ... l24 Knight
Ebony Mail... ..,122
Elden Grove...................34,56-59
Emperor's Birthday..... ... 153 LabyrinthiaLn....... ........34,49-51

F Legendary location............
Level Advancement...........
Fang IJair...................... .....34,40
IJiCh.... ...............2l,5l,53
Fire Daemon..... ......20,31,33 I,izard Man........ .......3l,53
First Planting............ ...... 15l Lock Picking...... .......9,143
Fortress of Ic,e.................34,44i7 I,ord's Mail... ,.,,.l21

lr,deys coy,I._.

M Selene's Web..... .....34,52-55

Silver armor... ,..,.l8
l\1agic Items... .......8,131
Skeleton.,...., .....3],33
1VIap piece location.... .......55
Skeleton's Key.. ..I I,l29
Medusa..... .....20,31 ,33
Merchant's Festival.......... ...150
S:ro.:r¥#....... ...l7::.1.:iZ
Metal Properties.... ... l3l
South Wind's Prayer... ... 146
Mid Year Celebration...... ...l50
Spell Breaker..... ...l23
JVIines ofKhuras... .....34,76-79
Spider... ...l7,31,35
1VIinotaur... .....3l ,33
Staf'f' oLVIagnus... ... I 25
Starter Dungeon..... .....37
1VIount of
Dagoth Ur..... .....34,98-103
Stone Golem.......... .....20,3l,33
1VIurkwood..... ......34,90-93
Stonekeep..... .,...34,38
N Sun's Rest ,. ........151

Necromancer's Amulet....... lO,127 System Requirements.... ...IV

New Life Festival...................l48 T
Nightblades...... .....6,1 0
Tales and Tallows... ...l5, l50
Noble quests.., ...........8
Temple of Agamanus......34,60-63
Nords....... ............7,10,17,l9,23
Temple of the
North Wind's Prayer......... ...l51
Mad God..... .....34,68-7l
O Troll... .....7,l9,51,33

Oghma lnflnium..... .........130 U

Old Life Festival.... ...152
Vampire.... .....31,35
Potions.... ,.... 154
Vaults of' Gemin............34,86rfe9
R Volendrung....... ..... l22

Racial Starting Statistics...........25 W

Warlock's Ring....... ...l26
\^/arrior's Festival.... .....151
Redguards... ... 10,24
Wilderness..,.. ..,,14
Riddles... ,..log
Witches Festival... ...13,l50
Ring of Khajiit... .....ll,l27
Ring of Phynaster...... ... 126
Wood Elves .1 0,26
Wraith ... l9,3l,33
Rumors........ ..........l19

Zomble. l8,31,33
Saving Throws.-.......... ... l39
Second Planting....... ...l46


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