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PE 03


OSMEÑA COLLEGES Aspire…Achieve…Advance!

SPORTS: An Introduction

Through the ages, sport has been known to affect various cultures, traditions, and values in our
society. The stories that come from the world of sport help us to gain a better understanding of our
views on issues of equality, human rights, child development, standards for health and fitness, and
character development, as well as many other issues. Sport has the capacity to create much debate over
topics such as steroid use, fighting in hockey, and salaries of professional athletes. There is no shortage
of public opinion on these and other related sport topics.


 Define Sports
 Differentiate Sports & Ballgames
 List the different types of sports
 Differentiate individual/dual and team sport


1. Here are pictures of several players. Identify what kind of sports they played. (Use ½
sheet of Yellow pad paper)

OSMEÑA COLLEGES Aspire…Achieve…Advance!

Ballgames are any form of game or sport which feature a ball as part of play. These include games such
as football, cricket, baseball, basketball, and American football.

Example of Ballgames: 1. Badminton 2. Baseball 3. Basketball 4. Volleyball 5. Football

Sports - is an activity that requires physical actions and skills where individuals or teams compete under
a set of rules. It is classified into individual, dual, or team sports. Individual/ sports are played by one
participant on each competing side, duo/ sports are played by two competing pairs, while team sports are
played with three or more players.
Some of the popular individual and dual games include badminton, bowling, boxing, lawn tennis, track
and field, table tennis, skating, swimming, and beach volleyball. Team sports include basketball, football,
softball, and volleyball. However, there are some individual and dual sports that can be played in teams.
Depending on the tournament and sponsoring sports organizations.
The Most Popular Sports in the World
 Golf - 450 Million Fans
 Rugby - 475 Million Fans
 Baseball - 500 Million Fans
 Basketball - 825 Million Fans
 Table Tennis - 875 Million Fans
 Volleyball - 900 Million Fans
 Tennis - 1 Billion Fans
 Field Hockey - 2 Billion Fans
 Cricket - 2.5 Billion Fans
 Association football (Soccer) - 4 Billion Fans

What is the difference of individual/dual sports vs. team sports?

Individual sports foster a higher amount of discipline, self-confidence, focus, and passion. The individual
player is solely responsible for winning or losing; succeeding or failing.
In team sports, many variables are considered to determine the success or failure of the team. Although
individual qualities and skills are helpful, performance will not rely on a single talent. A team’s
performance or success depends on the collective effort of all its players.

What does one need to know in playing sports?

Individual sport relies on the individual while team sports rely on teammates. In playing any type of
sports, it is important to have focus, clear understanding of the game, and work ethics in mastering the
Some of the important aspects to consider in learning a sport are:
1. History - the inventor of the country of origin, and development of the game.
2. Court Dimensions Venue — Where the Games are played (indoor, outdoor, or Size, different
designs for male or female, and safety procedures for the players.
3. Equipment and Gear — proper protective gears, uniforms, and outfits which also involve safety
of players and the officials.
4. Technical and Tactical Skills — technical skills are the basics of playing the game (e.g.
Basketball — dribble. shoot, pass) while tactical skills are the strategies to take advantage during
the game.
5. Rules of the Game — set of rules on how the game is played, violations, penalties. How to score
points, how many players are allowed, etc.
6. Officiating — officials of the game, their duties and responsibilities of calling for violations,
penalties, points, etc. and regulating fair play.

OSMEÑA COLLEGES Aspire…Achieve…Advance!


In playing any sport, learning and developing skills help athletes improve in the game. These skills
involves physical training and game strategies.


These are basic or fundamentals skills needed to play the game. These are required in all sports. It
advances in degrees or levels as a player practices or gets used to doing the skill. Example of these are
dribbling, passing, and shooting in basketball, and ball reception, attacking/spiking, and setting in


These are the decision-making skills or strategies used in different situations during the game. These may
vary depending on the trainer or coach, skill level of an athlete, or the strength and weakness of the
opposing team. A basic example is the use of quick pass and movement against a taller but slower
opponent in basketball. The use of tactical decision during a game is called game sense.

In planning a training/practice, an individual must consider the following.

1. Preparation/Planning
 Date, time, and duration of training/practice
 Objectives/goal
 Equipment needed during training/practice
2. Training Proper
 Warm-up/Stretching
 Teaching new skills/practice of previously taught skills
 Scrimmage/Practice game
 Cool down and assessment


An activity/sport should be chosen based on an individual’s preference and lifestyle. Some of the
considerations that will guide an individual in their choice of sports include:

1. Weather extremities (hot or cold) for an outdoor sport activity.

2. Enjoyment derived from the activity
3. Previous activities tried and enjoyed.
4. Financial capacity or budget. Activities ice skating, golf, and scuba diving state of health and
level Demands activity may be excessive having a conditioning is recommended.
5. State of health and level of fitness. Demands of physical activity may be excessive for the body,
having a conditioning is recommended.
6. Other alternative activities that will give motivation.

What are the health-related and skill-related fitness in sports/physical activity?

Health-relate fitness are the aerobic capacity, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and
body composition of an individual.

Skill-related physical fitness is sometimes called sports fitness or motor fitness. The skill-related physical-
fitness is called as such because people who possess them find it easy to achieve high levels of

OSMEÑA COLLEGES Aspire…Achieve…Advance!

performance in motor skills. The components of skill-related physical fitness are agility, balance,
coordination, power, reaction time, and speed.

What are the safety measures to avoid unnecessary injuries in playing games or sports?

In taking part in any physical activity, it is essential to first observe safety measures to avoid unnecessary
injuries. Although certain injuries may not be avoided, most injuries can be prevented by observing
judgment. The following are safety measures to avoid injuries:

1. Safety Equipment. Have the appropriate gears for the type of activity such as clothing, shoes,
and protective gears that would prevent uneasiness and harm. Also take into consideration the
activity area.
2. Hydration. Keep your body hydrated with enough water or fluids during exercise or activity
especially during hot weather. Drink a cup of water minutes before exercise and every 15 minutes
during your exercise to help your body replenish lost fluids.
3. Perform moderate-intensity physical activity. It is better to perform physical activities with
intensity on a regular basis rather than occasional strenuous activities. A vigorous workout will
tire your body easily and overstraining yourself can lead to injurie" It also causes nausea and
body pains that would not go away quickly. Maintain an exercise routine within comfort. Forcing
yourself with too much intensity just to attain goals quickly is a mistake.
4. Weather Condition. Wear appropriate clothes for the weather. The clothing you wear have to
make you feel a little cool at the start of exercise. Wear light-coloured clothes during sunny days
as not to absorb much heat and avoid overheating, and put on sun protection. During cold
weather, a thermal suit will help you keep warm. Avoid using thick clothes for it constrains and
can cause your body temperature to go up.

APPLICATION: 1. Know, Want, and Learn (Use ½ sheet of yellow pad paper)

List of 5 sports that you know under the “What I know?” column, on the “What I Want to Learn?”
column, write the things you will still want to learn about the sports you listed. Lastly, on the “Wat I
learned?” column, write all the topics/skill that you have learned from your physical education class.

What I Know? What I want to learn? What I learned?

 Sports is an activity that requires physical action and skills where individuals or teams compete
under a set of specific rules and regulations.
 Sports can be played individually in pairs, or in teams of three or more players.
 Individual and dual sports foster greater discipline, self-confidence, focus, and passion.
 Team sports promote collective discipline besides individual skills and talents.
 Any sport is best played when the player is familiar of its history, court/venue, gears/equipment,
Technical/tactical, skills, rules, and officiating officials.

OSMEÑA COLLEGES Aspire…Achieve…Advance!


Now that you have finished the review of the various concepts outlined above, it is now time for an
assessment to see how far you have improved. On every module’s “End of Module Assessment” (this
part), write your answers on separate papers as per instruction.

Congratulations for making it till the end of this module! If you aced the assessments, I am happy for
you. If you have not reached your desired level of competence, just keep going! Remember that an
expert was once a beginner. The next topic will deal on the Organization and Management of Sports
Events! Happy learning!


This part requires you to rate the quality of the module to help you continuously improve the
development of this learning module. This also asks you to rate your learning experience for each of
the modules.
Rate the module using the following:
1- Strongly disagree
2- Disagree
3- Agree
4- Strongly agree

The learning module: 1 2 3 4

Please check appropriate column

was engaging
allowed for self-checking (SAAs)
developed in gradual, manageable steps
provided independent, self-paced learning
contained relevant information I needed

Rate the extent of your learning in this module using the scale below. Check the column corresponding
to your rating in the space provided. Do not hesitate to contact me if you need further assistance.

4- I’m an expert. I understand and can teach a friend about it.

3-I’m a Practioner. I understand and can cite examples on the topics given.
2- I’m an apprentice. I understand if I get help or look at more examples.
1- I’m a novice. I do not understand the topic.
My learning: 1 2 4
I can now 3

Please check appropriate column

OSMEÑA COLLEGES Aspire…Achieve…Advance!

define human development in my own words

Distinguish between the traditional and life-span approach of development


PHYSICAL EDUCATION and HEALTH Vol. 1 by Lualhati Fernando-Callo & Peter Fermin Dajime


Use separate 1 whole yellow pad paper. Copy the format below.
Name: _____________________________________________ Course& Year: ___________
Module Number and Title: ______________________________________________________
Contact number & email (if any):_______________________________
Date accomplished: ________________________


Choose one sport for individual, dual, and team sports. Identify the following aspects on each sport.
a. History
b. Court dimension
c. Equipment and Gears (Including cost/price of each equipment and gears)
d. Rules of the Game (summary of the most basic rules and the international body governing
the sports)
e. Official

OSMEÑA COLLEGES Aspire…Achieve…Advance!

Organization and Management of Sports Events

Sport management involves any combination of skills related to planning, organizing, directing,
controlling, budgeting, leading, and evaluating within the context of an organization or department
whose primary product or service is related to sport or physical activity.


 Define management
 Differentiate the 5 major functions of management
 Explain the qualities of a Good Leader
 Identify the Roles and Responsibilities of tournament officials
 Formulate their own Tournament Formats


Management is a key factor to success in any physical and sports education. A sound implementation is
necessary to steer an essential, well-organized, and valuable program. This collaboration of the
administering body, the participants of physical education class, and other sports programs. Management
involves long-term strategic plans and programs: resources, financial, legal and safety management,
public relations, and promotion.

Organization is the structural planning of roles to implement necessary functions. The total development
of an individual is centered on a philosophically sound program structure and activities.

What is Management?

Management deals with the tasks and accountabilities to accomplish the objectives through
cooperation. It requires harmonious effort amongst members to fulfil the target objective.

Importance of Management
1. Assists individuals to realize their objectives or goals.
2. Provides guidelines in the collaborative strengths of people.
3. Defines the group's development, efficiency and accomplishment of goals.
4. Defines whether members within the group are contented, cooperating and productive.

Importance of Management in Sports Events

1. Management gives a grasp and value to the essential ideas of the field's discipline.
2. Understanding management helps an individual consider having a career in a certain
3. Majority of physical educators do certain management work; thus, skills in management will
provide better performance.
4. Management is vital to collaborative effort.
5. A grasp of management facilitates continuity.

OSMEÑA COLLEGES Aspire…Achieve…Advance!

6. Management skills help foster good human relations.

What are the functions of management?

Management involve five major functions: planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.

1. In planning, program strategies laid out to achieve the desired outcome. It includes processes
such as forecasting, developing objectives, programming, scheduling budgeting, and formulating
2. Organizing aids in developing a group structure with definite scope of work for member. This
includes the development of the organizational structure, delegation of responsibilities and work
and the relationship among individuals.
3. Staffing is the recruitment selection and retention of members wherein they are given appropriate
assignment with proper training and professional development. It concerns establishing an ideal
work environment and ensuring human resources to get the work done.
4. Leading is directing the organization to motivate and empower individuals in out the program.
Leading includes decision-making, communication selection of and enhancing performance of
5. Controlling ensures proper plan execution within the goals of the organization. It monitoring,
assessment, evaluation, and feedback which can lead to reframing, or rewarding. Managers
should continuously be in control of what is under his/her jurisdiction.

The Qualities of a Good Leader

1. Administrative mind - having an open mind and objectively evaluating circumstances

2. Integrity - trustworthy of classified information; truthful, genuine, and committed to his/ her
3. Good human relations - gets along with others while instilling good relations
4. Healthy and fit- for an uninterrupted flow in getting a demanding job done
5. Ready to take on responsible - accountable to tasks and handling of personnel
6. Awareness of work know-how on field of organization
7. Intellectual capacity — competitiveness in thinking and logical reasoning; effective at
8. imparting and applying knowledge


Tournament officials are in charge of officiating the event. They have an in-depth knowledge the sport.
The responsibilities of tournament officials include:
 enforcing the rules and regulation of the game;
 ensuring that the game is played safely and in order (i.e., prevent confrontations of players or
teams; check uniforms and equipment's compliance with safety rules; and issues warnings and
corresponding penalties or ejections);
 inspecting the safety of the field and facility;
 managing time: and
 Communicating properly to the coaches and players the rules and regulations of the game.

Types of Officiating

Officiating is classified as outside Officiating or professional officiating and self-officiating.

OSMEÑA COLLEGES Aspire…Achieve…Advance!

Outside officiating requires external officials, usually hired, or volunteers assigned by the organizers
to implement the rules and of conduct of the game or the tournament. Normally, officials are not related
to any team so they can provide impartial decisions.

Self-officiating happens when there are no "outside" officials players officiate the games or run the
tournament. This is usually done during pick-up games with friends and may not be as effective compared
to outside officiating.

Kinds of Officials

1. Court or field officials are officials within the game court or field, calling the violations and
penalties. They may be stationary or moving, depending on the sport (e.g., badminton - stationary
or basketball — moving).
2. Table officials are those who handle time, scores, reviews, and record statistics.

Bases of Goods Sports Officiating

1. Ability - talent and competency for the job

2. Preparation — method of getting set ahead of time
3. Experience — acquired knowledge and capabilities from previous involvements in actual events

Qualities of an Official

Here are some common qualities of a good official:

1. Confidence - has self-confidence and believes in his/her abilities to go any adversities and
remains in control of the games. Bad calls made or setbacks do not make confidence and
undermine his/her belief in what he/she does.
2. Consistency — calling violations and rulings constantly in similar situations, equally to the
opposing teams. Irregularity in officiating creates problems such as rage and frustration among
coaches and players and builds the perception of cheating.
3. Decisiveness — decision should be quick and simultaneous with the observed play. Too long to
decide may give a sense of indecision, and makes the ruling questionable. The quicker and closer
the decision is, the more decisive it turns out to be.
4. Enjoyment/motivation - having fun and the sense of enjoyment translates to positivity and energy,
which leads to a high level of motivation.
5. Integrity — deciding games in an honest and impartial manner regardless of the reactions
received from anyone remaining time or score, or any other influences. "Calling it as you it-
6. Judgment — requires an in-depth and continuing knowledge on rules and regulations of a specific
sport. Knowledge helps resolve the legality of play. Good judgment attains complete focus on the
game, avoids distractions, and forgets previous calls and its reactions from those involved.
7. Poise — staying unaffected by emotions and tensions to remain calm and poised regardless of
8. Rapport — effectively relating with everyone by treating members of both teams with courtesy
and respect. Expect the same in return.

The following are major considerations in selecting types of competitions or tournament:

 Type of activity
 Number of
 Available and time

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Challenge Tournaments

This tournament has levels where winners go up and losers go down from their respective
positions. Winning is important to climb to the top position. This type of tournament needs sufficient time
to give chance to bottom dwellers to reach the top. Tournament positions are usually occupied on a first-
come basis.

The General Rules

1. Players are not to refuse a challenge.

2. Players are not allowed to play the same opposition twice consecutively.
3. The absence of a player may cause him/her to move down of position or be replaced by players
below him/her.

Types of Challenge Tournaments

1. Ladder tournament suits single player competitions like tennis or badminton where participants
challenge each other on a one-on-one match. Players move up or down the ladder depending on
how they fared in their matches. The player on top of the ladder will be declared the winner.
2. Pyramid tournament is almost players at the lower level to the ladder tournament except that it
has more players at the lower level when the tournament starts, then the number of player
decreases as the level progresses. An individual can challenge anybody within the horizontal level
and the winner goes up to challenge the higher level.
3. Spider Web tournament is a bracketing design taken from the shape of a spider web. The top
position is the center where players reach it through the lines drawn from the center. The
participant who gets to the center of the web gets championship. Lines are drawn radially from
the center with lines crossing them. Challenges can be against anyone on the next position nearer
to the center but a player coming from a loss can only challenge someone his/her own level.

Round-Robin Tournaments

The round-robin tournament is the most commonly used and one of the top competitive tournament since
it maximal play. All teams will play against each other at least during the tournament and the team with
the most points will the winner. Teams corresponding game points from a win and a loss. Round robin is
ideally used for team not more than eight games.

1. Round Robin is a format where each plays a number of games (n-1) on how many teams are
participating. Usually, teams are divided into two groups (n/2) and ranked by game points.
Crossover are then held with the top team in a group plays against the bottom team of another
group, and the second ranked teams playing against the third ranked teams from the opposite
2. Lombard Round Robin is a round robin variation used for limited allotted period If full games are
not mini games are played. All scored for or against are recorded to determine the winning team
with the ratio.

Elimination Tournaments

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An elimination tournament is for short round of rnatches. Single or pair losses instantly eliminate
participants. This is suitable for time-constrained events but is disadvantageous for maximal play.

General Guidelines

1. Draw is set up in even counts of brackets to the power of two (x2).

2. Brackets not used by teams constitute a bye.
3. All byes are generated from the top seeded teams.
4. The four top seeded teams are spaced in the draw so as not to play against each other until the
later rounds.
5. All games must be numbered to help the organization of the tournament.

Type of Elimination Tournament

1. Single or Straight elimination is when a player or a team loses, they get eliminated; the winning
(player or team) continues to play to the next round. This happens until there is only one team
left, which will be declared the winner. This is usually used when time is limited while sacrificing
maximum play. It is the simplest to arrange and fastest way to proclaim a winner.
2. Double elimination is similar to single elimination except that a play or team gets eliminated after
losing twice.

Schedule 1 Schedule 2 Schedule 3 Schedule 4 Schedule 5 Schedule 6 Schedule 7

1 vs 5 1 vs 2 1 vs 3 1 vs 4 1 vs 8 1 vs 7 1 vs 6

2 vs 6 3 vs 5 4 vs 2 8 vs 3 7 vs 4 6 vs 8 5 vs 7

3 vs 7 4 vs 6 8 vs 5 7 vs 2 6 vs 3 5 vs 4 2 vs 8

4 vs 8 8 vs 7 7 vs 6 6 vs 5 5 vs 2 2 vs 3 3 vs 4

Figure 1 Round-robin tournament format for 8 teams. 1 stays in place while other teams turn
clockwise on the next schedule.

OSMEÑA COLLEGES Aspire…Achieve…Advance!

Figure 1.1 Single Elimination Tournament Format for 7 Participants

APPLICATION: Self-Check (Use ½ sheet of yellow pad paper)

1. What is the difference of intramurals from extramurals?
2. What are the things you need to consider in organizing an intramurals?
3. Why is it important for intramurals to be part of the yearly activities?

 A sporting event should be presided by game officials (outside or self-officiating) with adequate
 Suitable tournament formats must be designed depending on the number of teams, time
allotted, availability of facility, and budget.


Now that you have finished the review of the various concepts outlined above, it is now time for an
assessment to see how far you have improved. On every module’s “End of Module Assessment” (this
part), write your answers on separate papers as per instruction.


OSMEÑA COLLEGES Aspire…Achieve…Advance!

Congratulations for making it till the end of this module! If you aced the assessments, I am happy for
you. If you have not reached your desired level of competence, just keep going! Remember that an
expert was once a beginner. The next topic will deal on VOLLEYBALL Happy learning!


This part requires you to rate the quality of the module to help you continuously improve the
development of this learning module. This also asks you to rate your learning experience for each of
the modules.
Rate the module using the following:
5- Strongly disagree
6- Disagree
7- Agree
8- Strongly agree

The learning module: 1 2 3 4

Please check appropriate column

was engaging
allowed for self-checking (SAAs)
developed in gradual, manageable steps
provided independent, self-paced learning
contained relevant information I needed

Rate the extent of your learning in this module using the scale below. Check the column corresponding
to your rating in the space provided. Do not hesitate to contact me if you need further assistance.

4- I’m an expert. I understand and can teach a friend about it.

3-I’m a Practioner. I understand and can cite examples on the topics given.
2- I’m an apprentice. I understand if I get help or look at more examples.
1- I’m a novice. I do not understand the topic.

My learning: 1 2 4
I can now 3

Please check appropriate column

define human development in my own words

Distinguish between the traditional and life-span approach of development


PHYSICAL EDUCATION and HEALTH Vol. 1 by Lualhati Fernando-Callo & Peter Fermin Dajime

OSMEÑA COLLEGES Aspire…Achieve…Advance!

Use separate 1 whole yellow pad paper. Copy the format below.
Name: _____________________________________________ Course& Year: ___________
Module Number and Title: ______________________________________________________
Contact number & email (if any):_______________________________
Date accomplished: ________________________

1. Choose a game and make a schedule for it using the different types of tournament below. Use the
format provided in the lesson.

a. Ladder Tournament
b. Round Robin
c. Single Elimination
d. Double Elimination



2. Organizing Sports Events

1. Make a plan how to organize a sports event/competition in your school and community.
Follow the guidelines below:
a. Choose 5 sports that you want to include in your intramurals
b. Create a schedule of games per event using the types of tournament discussed in the lesson.
Choose 1 only.
c. Provide an evaluation tool.

OSMEÑA COLLEGES Aspire…Achieve…Advance!

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