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Executive summary

The purpose of this policy brief on Expanding Opportunities for Elderly and Physical
Activity is to examine the public health outcomes related to the aging population’s access to
physical activity in the Philippines. According to WHO “for additional health benefits, older
adults should increase their moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity to 300 minutes per
week, or engage in 150 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity per week, or an
equivalent combination of moderate-and vigorous-intensity activity”. In support of the RA 9257
(The Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2003) and the RA 9994 (Expanded Senior Citizen Act of
2010), the Department of Health issued Administrative Orders for health implementors to
undertake and promote the health and wellness of senior citizens as well as to alleviate the
conditions of older persons who are encountering degenerative diseases. With the goal of Health
and Wellness Program for Senior Citizen of promoting quality of life among older persons and
contribute to the nation building, the HWPSC intends to provide the following: focused service
delivery packages and integrated continuum of quality care, patient-centered and environment
standard to ensure safety and accessibility for senior citizens, equitable health financing,
capacitated health providers in the implementation of health programs for senior citizens, data
base management, and strengthened coordination and collaboration with other stakeholders
involved in the implementation of programs for senior citizens.

In the current Philippine Health Agenda (2017 - 2022), guarantees that centralize health
services for care in all life stages, service delivery networks, and financial risk protection,
geriatric health is mentioned as an area of concern. All senior citizens are mandatorily covered
by the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation by virtue of Republic Act No. 10642 “An act
granting mandatory national health insurance program of PhilHealth for all senior citizens”.

This policy brief paper will reveal the challenging factors that impede the elderly from
participating daily in physical activity and how the HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROGRAM
FOR SENIOR CITIZEN can be improved for betterment needs of the elderly. This policy brief
will also provide recommendations as to how this Policy Brief can be changed and improved to
better tailor to the needs of the elderly. Additionally, it focuses on the need for community
stakeholders to be engaged in increase funding for community research programs centered for
elderly health and wellness and physical activity.

Context or scope of problem

The present health public issue facing many elderlies nationwide in the Philippines is the
lack of access to physical activity as evidenced by prevalence of obesity, diabetes and
hypertension and the lack of support needed to participate in the recommended amount of
physical activity per week for someone of this age group specifically from their family. The
CDC currently recommends that elderly need at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week
and weight bearing activity on two or more days of the week with an unspecified amount of time
for moderate-intensity aerobic and weight bearing activity (CDC, 2015). However, according to
the US Department of Human and Health Services as a basis, only 35-44% of adults 75 and older
are physically active and 28-34% of adults ages 65-74, are physically active (President’s Council
on Fitness, 2012). Associating those statistics with the recommendations of the CDC, the issue
becomes clear in identifying how ineffective present strategies. Also, another problem that may
arise is that in rural areas such as Cordillera. Their perceptions and way of life on this kind of
policy brief is one of the barriers. Because elderly in highlands tend to work on farm land and
does not engage on this kind of government programs. Because as their way of life, food is as
important as everything. This is an alarming issue which raises the need for public health policies
to intervene. Though lack of physical activity affects the longevity and further aging process
related to elderly age groups. People in rural areas just have different intensity and type of
activity. The problem lies in the neglect and misconduct derived from public health divisions,
communities, stakeholders, and nationwide policies that have not identified this differentiation of
population that in need of different kind of support on different areas.

Policy implications regarding this issue deal heavily with the equitable health financing
capacitated health providers in the implementation of health programs for senior citizens. It is
imperative that community leaders and national stakeholders identify the issues with lack of
policies aiming to support elderly physical activity. Specifically, the common notion that “I need
to work first to feed my family that to go on a recreational activity that means no food to be
served.” Even though as mentioned in the health and wellness program for senior citizen policy
brief. That their vision is “a country where all Filipino senior citizens are able to live an
improved quality of life through a healthy and productive aging”. And the mission as
“Implementation of a well-designed program that shall promote the health and wellness of senior
citizens and improve their quality of life in partnership with other stakeholders and sectors”. I
doubt they need more to focus on the underlying problem first.

Policy Alternatives

As possible needs change over time, elderly now have new problems to face in
maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Transportation related to financial stability can be seen as the
leading factor as to why elderly do not care much on going and participating to government
programs. Therefore, policies need to find ways to help improve access through transportation
efforts. One current policy has identified in the Philippines is the Granting of Transport Fare
Discount to All Senior Citizens. Twenty percent (20%) discount in public railways, including
LRT, MRT, PNR, Skyways and fares in buses (PUB), jeepneys (PUJ), taxi and shuttle services
(AUV) shall be granted for the exclusive use and enjoyment of senior citizens.

Also, these current policies fail by not having enough health care staffs such as nurses or
health care educators with knowledge on geriatric-focused care (like a specific clinic and
hospitals for elderly). This lack of focus on geriatric health can be demonstrated through a survey
conducted on the nursing content in baccalaureate nursing programs, which found that less than
25% of baccalaureate nursing programs provided educational courses related to gerontological
nursing (Rosenfeld, Bottrell, Fulmer, & Meey, 1999). Therefore, policies must be implemented
to provide not only elderly education, but also the health educators and stakeholders information
regarding proper physical activity and health for this age group.

One thing must be noted as to why current this policy also fail due to the lack of focus on
patient health literacy. Even as mentioned to the objective is to “develop patient-centered”. As
seniors visit their health care provider there may be some vocabulary or words used where they
may not fully understand. Providing a list of patient education and cognitive data or allowing
time them to ask question may be beneficial in removing the health literacy barrier in short, a
communication barrier (the use of jargons) and promote more patient understanding.

As stated, priorly, possible needs change over time, which causes new obstacles arise,
therefore being up-to-date with present research regarding elderly fitness and health is beneficial
for the success of this implemented policy. Proper education for health care providers can help
solve the problem in providing new services for the elderly. This way geriatric-focused care as
the policy one of the objectives can not only give data based on physical activity but also
improve their way of life and lifestyles.

Policy Recommendations

Although the health and wellness program for senior citizen Policy will need
improvement and a greater focus on expanding the concept of introducing the elderly population
to physical activity, it is something that necessarily need proximate attention for policy
implementation. Entrancing community stakeholders to take responsibility in promoting physical
activity will not only help the elderly, but the community itself. Having healthier elderlies can
contribute to more community involvement through mentoring programs and volunteer work,
thus doing a more successfully engaged community that promotes physical activity for all
members of the community. This policy brief functions to raise awareness to the need for an
elderly physical activity and engaging in different government programs within the Philippines
in order the senior citizens are able to live an improved quality of life through a healthy and
productive aging. Thus, it isn’t new that policies are made excellently but what actually is
lacking - is how the policy is implemented. That is why I strongly recommend an excellent
implementation of the said policy.

Minerva O. Vinluan; (2018, October 19);


U.S. Department of Health & Human Services; (2020, October 9);

WHO Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity & Health (2020)

the Granting of Transport Fare Discount to All Senior Citizens (2004, February 6)

Rosenfeld, Bottrell, Fulmer, & Meey, (1999)

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