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1. Nature of the B. D. Degree

The BD degree programme is the basic theological degree offered under the Senate of
Serampore College (University). It is designed as a Master’s level programme and is offered
to candidates who already have their first degree; though the nomenclature BD may suggest
otherwise. The Bachelor of Divinity Degree is designed to prepare students for the
foundations and fundamentals of theological education since our Universities do not offer
theology as a discipline/ branch of study. The Department of Christian Studies is only a
recent phenomenon and it is not offered in secular universities as a regular course at the
undergraduate level. Students at the BD level are both introduced to the foundations of
theology as well as advanced level theological studies at a later stage. Thus the BD
programme is of a duration of four years, and a five year integrated programme for students
who join soon after the higher secondary level examinations.

The study is primarily aimed to prepare and equip candidates for the diversified ministries
of the Church in particular, and society in general. The scope of the study, therefore, is open
to adherents of the Christian faith. Secondly, the BD programme of study is both academic as
well as ministerial.

During the period of studies, students are familiarized with critical academic scholarship in
a Christian environment to mature as disciples of Jesus Christ, committed to the cause of the
Gospel. The study is intended to instill and cultivate good moral values for a life time in
resonance with the vision and mission of the Church. Character building and spiritual
growth are part and parcel of theological education. The programme is designed to inculcate
in students a sense of commitment and call as Christian ministers. In essence, the B.D.
studies programme is intended for ministerial training to serve the Church and society

2. Objectives
a. to develop in students a spirituality that is both personal and community centered
b. to equip students to become effective witnesses in their varied and diversified Christian
c. to challenge students with alternative tools of interpretation so that they may read the
Bible in the appropriate context
d. to create in students critical consciousness and openness of mind to analyze cultural,
social, economic, political and ecclesiastical milieus
e. to impact students with the Gospel of Jesus Christ as a transforming power in their
personal, ecclesial and societal lives
f. to instill in students the “reign of God” values for transforming the Church and society
g. to make students become agents of the “New Creation” founded on the principles of
Justice, Peace and Integrity of the whole Creation

3. Admission Requirements for the BD degree
I. A candidate at the time of admission to the Bachelor of Divinity degree programme must
satisfy one of the following conditions.
A. A candidate who has passed higher secondary examination (12th or PUC or PDC with
a total of 12 years of schooling starting from standard one) or its recognized
equivalent programme. Such a student shall be admitted to the 5 year BD degree
programme under the integrated system, i.e., 1st year BD Orientation Study plus 4
year BD degree.

B. A candidate who has completed a Bachelor’s or Post Graduate degree from a

recognized University shall be admitted to the 1st year of the 4 year BD degree

C. A holder of a Bachelor of Theology of the Senate of Serampore College, have to

complete both 72 and 73 English Qualifying papers as a regular Bachelor of
Theology degree programme. If they have not done Paper Nos. 72 & 73 together at a
regular BTH degree level, then they have to pass BOS11 (English I - Senate
Examined), BOS12 (English II - Senate Examined), as Qualifying Examination for the
upgradation to BD degree programme.
Category I: BTh degree with first or second division will take admission as a lateral
candidate in the 3rd year of the BD degree programme. Additionally,
they have to do BBN01, BBO11 as a compulsory Senate examined
papers and BGN01 as a compulsory College examined paper.

Category II: BTh degree with third division will take admission as a lateral
candidate in the 2nd year of BD degree programme. Additionally, they
have to do BBN01, BBO11 as a compulsory Senate examined papers
and BGN01 as a compulsory College examined paper.

D. A holder of Bachelor of Missiology degree of the Senate of Serampore College, have

to pass Paper No. 780 as a regular B.Miss degree level. If they have not done Paper
No. 780 at a B.Miss degree level, then they have to pass BOS11 (English I- Senate
Examined), BOS12 (English II - Senate Examined), as Qualifying Examination for the
upgradation to BD degree programme.
Category I: B.Miss degree with first or second division will take admission as a
lateral candidate in the 3rd year of the BD degree programme.
Additionally, they have to do BBN01, BBO11 as a compulsory Senate
examined papers and BGN01 as a compulsory College examined paper.
Category II: B.Miss degree with third division will take admission as a lateral
candidate in the 2nd year of BD degree programme. Additionally, they
have to do BBN01, BBO11 as a compulsory Senate examined papers
and BGN01 as a compulsory College examined paper.

E. ATA BTH candidates have to pass 8 papers BD Qualifying Examination from the
Senate of Serampore College for the upgradation to BD degree programme.
Category I: Candidates having 52.5% and above marks shall enroll in 3rd Year (2
year course) BD degree programme. Additionally, they have to do
BBN01, BBO11 as a compulsory Senate examined papers and BGN01 as
a compulsory College examined paper.

Category II: Candidates having 40% and above marks shall enroll in 2nd Year (3
year course) BD degree programme. Additionally, they have to do
BBN01, BBO11 as a compulsory Senate examined papers and BGN01 as
a compulsory College examined paper.

F. A mature person is one who:- (1) has attained 25 years of age; (2) have minimum
qualification of 10th standard; (3) have three years of ministerial experience; and (4)
have passed “Mature Candidate Entrance Examination” of the Senate; He/she shall
be admitted to the 1st year of the 4 year BD degree programme.

G. Diploma in Christian Studies pass candidates from the Senate of Serampore College
securing an overall 40% grade with Higher Secondary (HSE/PU/PDC) or its
equivalent qualification are eligible to register in 4 year BD degree program. They
have to complete 507 and 509 at Dip.C.S. level. Further, they should also pass the
English Qualifying Examination i.e., BOS11 and BOS12 from the Senate of Serampore
College separately.
(All these Criteria shall be applicable from the Academic Year 2015).

II. Entrance Test

Colleges shall conduct Entrance Tests and oral interviews for the admission of candidates.
Selection criteria may be at the discretion of the individual colleges. However, women and
Dalit and Adivasi candidates may be given preference. Candidates will appear a test in the
areas of Language (Regional/ English), Scripture Knowledge and General Knowledge. If
necessary colleges may offer Remedial English/ vernacular language courses for students
whose knowledge of the language is inadequate to pursue theological education.

4. Point of Entry
A candidate at the time of admission should have completed 18 years of age and preferably
have some ministerial exposure prior to admission.

5. Registration for the Course

The academic year for the BD degree course is from June to May.
i. Application for students Registration must be made through Senate Online Portal by all
respective Colleges. The College has to submit the printed copy of students Registration
Form duly signed by the candidates and principal of the college, to the Senate of
Serampore College (University), P.O. Serampore, Dist. Hooghly, Pin. 712201, West
Bengal, India, together with the registration fee as indicated in Section 26.

The Registration Form should be submitted along with the following documents:
a) Attested copy of Class 10/SSC/HSLC Certificate and Final Mark Sheet.
b) Attested copy of HSE/HSCE/PU/PDC Certificate and Final Mark Sheet.
c) Attested copy of Highest Degree Certificate.
d) Attested copy of Birth Certificate.
e) Original Transfer or Migration Certificate. (See sl. no. iii)

f) Candidates having completed Degree, Post Graduate Degree and Diploma
through distance education system, have to submit the attested copy of Bridge
Course Certificate.
g) BTH, B.MISS to BD candidates have to submit attested copies of Degree
Certificate & Final Year Transcript. Also they have to submit the English
Qualifying Examination pass Mark Sheet, if they have not done at a regular BTH
or B.MISS degree level.
h) ATA BTH pass candidates have to submit attested copy of 8 papers BD
Qualifying Examination pass Mark Sheet.
i) Diploma in Christian Studies candidates have to submit attested copy of
Diploma Certificate and only Final Year Transcript. Further, they have to submit
attested copy of Qualifying English Examination pass Mark Sheet.
j) Mature candidates have to submit attested copy of Mature Examination pass
Mark Sheet.

ii. The registration fee must be sent by Demand Draft drawn in favour of the “The
Registrar, Senate of Serampore College” to reach the Registrar office on or before the
prescribed date.

iii. Students from other schools or universities shall submit the Original School
Leaving/Transfer/Migration Certificate to the Senate at the time of Registration.

iv. At the completion of studies, students shall be issued only Senate Migration

v. Application for registration should reach the Registrar office later than the due date,
may be received at the discretion of the Registrar, provided it reaches not later than 31st
July of the same year, on payment of a late registration fee as indicated.
The authority of the Senate of Serampore College (University) reserves the right to
cancel the candidature or registration of the candidate, at any time and at any stage of
study, without notifying or clarifying the cause, for the following reasons:
i. If found that the student has pursuing dual or concurrent degree/diploma from
any other university.
ii. If found that the student had submitted any kind of false information at the time
of registration or later stage.

6. Internal Studies
The B.D. Orientation Study and B.D degree courses are internal (residential) study
programmes offered through the colleges affiliated to the Senate of Serampore College
(University).The nature of programme demands that students reside on the campus for
entire duration of study.

No student is allowed to pursue any other programme alongside the BD Studies. The
colleges shall not offer any dual degree programme alongside the BD programme.

Colleges cannot run simultaneously programmes of more than one accrediting agency and
offer courses together nor can classes be combined or combinations of programmes offered
by the college.

7. Medium of Instruction
The medium of study and examination for the degree course is English or any regional
language as approved by the Senate.

8. Duration of Study
The BD degree course shall be of 5 year duration for 10+2 candidates; 4 year for University
graduates, Dip. C.S., Mature candidates; and 2 or 3 year, as the case may be, for B.Th, B.Miss,
ATA BTH graduates, from the date of registration. The maximum time allowed to complete
the degree is 7 year in the case of the 5 year BD programme, 6 year in the case of the 4 year
BD programme and 4 year in the case of B. Th graduates who join either in the second or
third year as the case may be.

9. Courses
a. The programme shall consist of a total number of required courses as follows:
i. 1 year BD Orientation Study and 4 year BD Study (total of 5 Year integrated
programme) shall have 60 required courses plus a thesis, a total of 200 credit hours
and 16 hours of field education.
ii. 4 year BD programme (entry point in 1st year) shall have 49 required courses plus
thesis, a total of 160 credit hours and 12 hours of field education.
iii. Lateral entry in the 2nd year (3 year programme) for B.Th, B. Miss and ATA BTH
(having completed BD Qualifying Examination with 40% and above marks of Senate
of Serampore College) students with 3rd division, shall complete 37 required courses
plus thesis, a total of 128 credit hours and 8 hours of field education.
iv. Lateral entry in the 3rd year (2 year programme) for B.Th, B. Miss and ATA BTH
(having completed BD Qualifying Examination with 52.5% and above marks of
Senate of Serampore College) students with 1st or 2nd division, shall complete 24
required courses plus thesis, a total of 88 credit hours and 4 hours of field education.
v. Diploma in Christian Studies and Mature examination pass candidates (see Guide
Lines, SL. No.1. f.) shall complete 49 required courses plus thesis, a total of 160
credit hours and 12 hours of field education.

b. Students choosing not to write thesis shall complete courses from the optional papers
equivalent of 8 credit (any combination of credits) hours in lieu of thesis.

c. Students can choose Optional papers starting from the 2nd year.

d. Any other exemption based on previous theological education degrees from a

recognised University/ Institution, particularly overseas, shall be decided by the
Academic Council or any other competent committee. But in no case BD studies shall be
reduced to less than two years.

10. Schema for Credit Hours at the B.D. Level including the Optional papers:
a. A student shall register for all required courses in a given year strictly by the BD Course
Schema outlined in B.D. Regulations and Syllabus, Vol. I & II.

b. The Course Schema prescribed for each semester cannot change under any
circumstance. The software of the Senate is programmed in such a way that it will reject
any change in the Course Schema.

c. Optional papers shall be offered from the second year of the BD programme.

d. Compulsory Field Education for 20 days in an academic year (June to May) as per the
requirements is to be completed by every student.

e. A student shall be promoted to the next year as long as s/he completes the course work
with required attendance as per the policy.

f. Students can register for any number of arrear papers in a given year but the arrear
papers are to be written in the same semester they are offered.

g. Normally the date of examination of Senate papers do not clash with each other,
but in the event of clashing of dates with those of arrear papers, the Senate will
not be responsible for the rescheduling of dates.

11. Study Schedule

i. All Colleges shall follow the two - semester system without any exception, with a
minimum of 16 weeks of classes for each semester.
a. Number of weeks of classes in an academic year (16 + 16) 32
b. Number of weeks for examination in an academic year ( 1 + 3) 4
c. Number of weeks of field work in an academic year 3
d. Vacations (Summer, Christmas etc.) 13
ii. The Senate stipulates that each four credit paper shall be of 50 class hours and each two
credit paper shall be of 25 to 30 class hours.
iii. 55 minutes shall be considered as one class hour;
iv. Generally, the schedule for students, in the system, is
Class studies 5 class hours per day 25 hours/week
Library 4 class hours 20 hours/ week
Practical/Exposure work 2 class hours 10 hours/ week
Worship/Pastoral etc 2 class hours 10 hours/week
v. The study load depends on a student’s willingness to take optional courses. Normally a
student will have an average of 5 to 6 required papers in a semester. Students choosing
additional optional papers may have a proportionate increase.

12. Thesis
A candidate may be permitted to write a thesis for the completion of the required courses.
He/she should submit his/her thesis proposal on a prescribed form to the college faculty for
approval before the end of the third year of the BD programme. The following conditions are
to be observed regarding the submission of a thesis:

i. The thesis should be written in English/Regional Language, as approved by the college,

and registered with the Senate.
ii. The thesis must be typewritten in A4/ 8.5" x 11" paper and bound in stiff cover.
iii. Three copies of the thesis and a soft copy in the form of CD/DVD in MS Word format
shall be submitted to the college as prescribed on or before the end of the Final Year or
as stipulated by the college.
iv. The thesis must be written in accordance with the guidelines given and published by
the Senate.
v. The length of the thesis shall be not less than 10,000 words and not more than 12,000
vi. The thesis submitted for examination will remain the property of the Senate/College.
vii. A candidate may be permitted to write optional papers equivalent to 8 credits (any
combination of credits) in lieu of thesis. No other exemption shall be granted under any
viii. The thesis shall be evaluated out of 200 marks.
ix. The author must give an undertaking in a prescribed form that the material in the
thesis has not been plagiarized to the best of his/ her knowledge.
x. The candidate is expected to follow the research manuals prescribed below:
Kate L. Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses and Dissertations. Revised
by John Grossman and Alice Bennett, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1996,
6 ed.) and/ or Hunter P. Mabry, A Manual for Researchers and Writers, Bangalore: BTE-

SSC, 2003, 2 ed.


13. Plagiarism (Copying, Illegal use of others work, breach of Copyright etc.)
Independent research and writing play a vital part in all course requirements,
examinations, thesis and projects. Students, therefore, should be aware of the strong
sanctions against plagiarism. If proven, a charge of plagiarism could result in an automatic
F in the course, and possible expulsion/cancellation of registration for repeated offenders.
Plagiarism should also be addressed at the Class Work level when students will do
assignments. If a student found to have plagiarised in an assignment, it should receive ‘F’

14. Staff and Student Exchange Programme:

All affiliated colleges must uniformly follow the semester system without any changes to the
required courses. This will help colleges arrange student-student and staff exchange
programmes and accept credits for the courses completed in another affiliated college when

15. Class Attendance:

i. A student is expected to attend all classes since BD Study is a residential programme. In
any case, no student shall be allowed to write the Final Examinations or complete the

course with less than 60% attendance. Attendance below 75% but not less than 60%
shall be considered on the ground of health, or demise of immediate relations. Colleges
can prescribe higher benchmarks for attendance as desired.

ii. Study tour, field exposure, academic conference and seminars can be judiciously
counted as attendance. This should not exceed more than 12 class hours (25%) of total
class hours. In essence a student can attend a maximum of 4 weeks of academic
conference/ seminar and get 12 hours of attendance for each of the courses. This shall
be treated as a rule of exception and should not be abused.

iii. Teachers can give additional assignments to compensate for absence according to the
legitimacy of the college opinion. This shall be decided on a case by case basis only if a
student has less than 75% of attendance, but not less than 60%.

iv. A student may go on an overseas study programme or exposure arranged by the college
or if nominated by the church; provided prior approval is taken from the Registrar. To
avoid all confusion, student is required to submit details pertaining to the proposed
academic exposure overseas while seeking approval from the Registrar through the
College well in advance.

Such a student shall be granted a one - time permission during the entire BD Study period
for not more three months, provided the student completes courses as per the regulations.
Some credit transfer is possible, but not necessarily in its entirety. In any case the student
should be prepared to do additional work upon return. If a student drops few courses, such
student should be prepared to lose a semester in extreme situation.

16. Examination and Evaluation

Examinations and evaluations are conducted as per rules and regulations laid down by the
i. All Senate examinations are held during March-April each year. College Examination
shall, however, be conducted twice a year, at the end of each semester.
ii. Each paper, unless otherwise stated, is of three hours’ duration and shall cover the
entire syllabus.
iii. After registration, application for admission to the Examination Paper Registration
must be made through Online Senate Portal and printed copy of the same should reach
the Senate office on or before the time prescribed by the Senate. The examination fee,
as indicated below, should also be sent to the Registrar, Senate of Serampore College
on or before the prescribed date.
iv. All the Senate/College examinations for the Bachelor of Divinity degree shall normally
be evaluated by two examiners.
v. A candidate should give an undertaking at the time of registration that s/he will abide
by all the rules and regulations of the Senate of Serampore College as applicable to the
Bachelor of Divinity degree including the decisions of the Senate and its Academic
vi. A candidate for the BD degree will normally appear for the course examination each
year according to the sequence given.
vii. A candidate may appear for any number of referred papers in addition to the papers

viii. Colleges will follow the norms and procedures of the Senate in conducting and
evaluating scripts for the college examinations.
ix. Students not having required attendance or not having completed the course work
shall not be allowed to sit for the Final Examinations.
x. All final examination answer scripts will be evaluated by two examiners. In the case of
College papers, one shall be an external examiner.
xi. All Senate papers shall be examined out of 100 marks.
xii. Marks awarded for all College papers shall be 40% (minimum pass marks is 16) for
Internal Assessment and 60% (minimum pass marks is 24) for Final Examinations.
However, examinations shall be conducted out of 100 marks. In case of College
referred paper examination, there will be no Internal Assessment marks.
xiii. For courses ‘No Written Examination’ is prescribed, such papers will have
examination formats other than written but are credit papers; these papers must also
be evaluated by no fewer than two examiners. All Colleges has to submit marks of
these papers through Senate Online Portal.
xiv. Students can seek revaluation of individual papers following the procedure below:
a. An appeal for Revaluation may be made through the College Principal on the
prescribed application form within seven working days from the date of
announcement of results..
b. A payment of Rs.500/- for each paper shall be levied for a request for revaluation
and Rs.1000 for revaluation as well as the availability of the photocopy of answer
c. The revaluation mark shall be considered final irrespective of consequences.
d. Photocopies of the answer script are inconsequential since marks are not indicated
on the answer script.

17. Centre for Examinations

Normally all affiliated colleges are centres for examinations. A candidate applying for
permission to take his/her examination at an affiliated college other than his/her own must
obtain prior permission in writing from the Principal of the College where the student
intends to write the examination. This is applicable only to those students who have
completed their residential requirements.

18. Late application for Senate Examinations

An application may be made to the Registrar but not later than the specified date with a late

19. Withdrawal or Absence from Examination

A candidate who withdraws from the Senate/College examination or who fails to take part
in the examination, for which she/he has been registered, will be declared as Absent and
forfeited the examination fees.

20. Extension of Time

Extension of time for the completion of the degree may be granted by the Academic Council
of the Senate in very exceptional circumstances only, such as illness at the time of the

examination. Application for such extension will received within three months after the
examination is over together with a certificate from a qualified medical officer.

21. Re-registration
If the period of registration of a candidate has expired, she/he can avail the opportunity for
re-registration as per the rules. If a student has absent himself from the Senate or College
examination consecutively 2 years, his/her registration will be cancelled. Therefore, he/she
has to register again, if he/she wishes to pursue his/her study.

22. Pass and failure in examinations

A candidate who fails in any paper/s is regarded as being “referred” in such paper or papers,
and is permitted to rewrite the examination in that paper or those papers, or in any other
paper or papers.

23. Standard of Pass and Division

The pass mark for each paper in the examination of B.D degree course is 40. In case of
Thesis, the pass mark is 80. The letter grade is arrived at after aggregating the numerical
marks. Given below is the system of calculation followed:

First Division Second Division Third Division Fail

A+ (77.5% and above) B+ (62.5 to 67.4%) C+ (47.5 to 52.4%) F
A (72.5 to 77.4%) B (57.5 to 62.4%) C (42.5 to 47.4%)
A- (67.5 to 72.4%) B- (52.5 to 57.4%) C- (40 to 42.4%)

24. Results, Marks and Transcript of Record

a. Notification of the results of the Senate and College papers will be sent to the affiliated
colleges by the Registrar.
b. A Transcript of Record giving only to those who qualify and Mark Sheets shall be
provided at the end of every Semester, if the required fees is paid at the time of
Registration for Transcript and Mark Sheet.

25. Prizes
The Senate awards prizes to students who obtain distinction in Senate examinations. Prizes
which instituted by institutions/individuals/families will also be awarded. Prizes and
Awards are given in almost every branch of studies and are given at the annual Convocation
of Serampore College (University).

26. Fees
The details of fees may be obtained from the Senate/affiliated colleges. (All costs in rupees)
Registration Fee 600/-
Late Registration Fee 400/-
Re-registration Fee 2500/-
Examination Paper Registration Fee (per paper) 350/-
Late Examination Paper Registration Fee 400/-

Transcript Fee 350/-
Marks Fee 250/-
Council Fee 100/-
Degree Certificate (In-absentia) Fee 850/-
Provisional Degree Certificate Fee 500/-
Migration Certificate (Issued by SSC) 300/-
Graduation Fee for Passing Candidate 200/-
Transfer of Registration 2500/-
Extension of Time Fee 2000/-
Regulations & Syllabus (Vol. I & II) per copy 350/-

(i) The Senate reserves the right to change the fee structure.
(ii) Fees once paid are not refundable.
(iii) All fees must be sent to the Registrar by Demand Draft in favour of the
“Registrar, Senate of Serampore College, Serampore”.
(iv) Demand Draft should be payable at Kolkata.

27. Important Submission Dates

Last date for RegistrationForm July 15
Registration with late Fee July 31
Last date for submission of Examination Paper Registration Form August 31
Examination Paper Registration Form with late Fee September 30

Senate Examination: October-November, March-April.

28. Relationship of BD degree course with MTh Degree

(a) Any student who qualifies for the BD degree and has obtained 57.5% (B) or more in
BD course as well as the Cluster from which the M.Th branch of specialization is to be
done is eligible for admission MTh degree course. In the case of Old Testament and
New Testament branches, the papers shall be treated as separate and students must
have the required number of exegetical language papers in the intended branch.

(b) For the purpose of the M.Th course only Required courses will be taken into
consideration while calculating marks.

(c) In addition to obtaining 57.5% or more, students of Religions must pass a classical
language paper with a minimum of 40% as per the requirement for each religion, and
in the case of Primal Religious Traditions, the student shall have completed Cultural
Anthropology as a Senate paper and secured a minimum of 55%.

(d) Students who choose Christian Theology must have at least one Biblical Language
Exegetical paper or classical language with a minimum of 40% marks obtained.

29. Convocation of Serampore College (University)

The Convocation of the Senate of Serampore College (University) is conducted by the
Council of Serampore College and is held annually; generally in the first week of February.

Every student who has qualified for the degree is expected to attend the Convocation to
receive his/her degree in person from the Master of Serampore College.

Candidates who have been granted the degree in absentia should apply to the Registrar for
the degree through their colleges after sending the in absentia fee by Demand Draft in favor
of the Senate of Serampore College.

30. Date of Validity of Regulations

The regulations (revised and edited) relating to the Bachelor of Divinity (B.D.) and
examinations, as detailed above, are effective from the academic year 2014.

31. Correspondence
All communications should be addressed to:-

The Registrar
Senate of Serampore College (University)
P.O. Serampore
District: Hooghly
Pin:- 712 201
West Bengal
e-mail Id:- [email protected]/[email protected]
Phone: (033) 2662 2692

Guidelines for admission in B.D. Degree Programme
1. Minimum Qualification and Course Requirements for the BD Degree:
a. HSE/HSCE/Pre-University [PU]/Pre Degree Certificate [PDC]:
i. A total of 5 years residential programme - one year BD Orientation Studies plus four
year BD studies. (No student shall be admitted as day scholar, irrespective of
distance or location)
ii. 200 Credit Hours Course Work including thesis (for Advanced Greek and Hebrew
students 204 Cr. Hr.)
iii. In lieu of thesis, students shall complete 8 credit papers (any combination of credits)
from the Optional courses, which shall be considered as required papers.
iv. 16 Credit Hours of Field Work (marks calculated for the purpose of final grade)
v. Students can take Optional Papers (BD Regulations and Syllabus Vol. II) from the
Second Year of study.

b. Graduate and Post Graduate Degree Holders:

i. Four Year Residential Programme (no student shall be admitted as day scholar,
irrespective of distance or location)
ii. 160 Credit Hours Course Work including thesis (for Advanced Greek and Hebrew
students 164 Cr. Hr.)
iii. In lieu of thesis, students shall complete 8 credit papers (any combination of credits)
from the Optional courses, which shall be considered as required papers.
iv. 12 Credit Hours of Field Work (marks calculated for the purpose of final grade)
v. Students can take Optional Papers (BD Regulations and Syllabus Vol. II) from the
Second Year of study.

c. B.Th, B.Miss and ATA BTH with Third Division:

i. Bachelor of Theology, Bachelor of Missiology degree holders with III division and
ATA BTH pass candidates, having completed 8 papers BD Qualifying Examination
with 40% and above marks from the Senate of Serampore College, shall enroll in 2nd
year (total 3 year course).
ii. Three Year Residential Programme (no student shall be admitted as day scholar,
irrespective of distance or location)
iii. 130 Credit Hours Course Work including thesis, shall be applicable from the
Academic Year 2015 and continue.
iv. In lieu of thesis, students shall complete 8 credit papers (any combination of credits)
from the Optional courses, which shall be considered as required papers.
v. Eight Credit Hours of Field Work (marks calculated for the purpose of final grade)
vi. Students can take Optional Papers ( BD Regulations and Syllabus Vol. II) from the
Second Year of study.

d. B.Th, B.Miss and ATA BTH with Second Division:

i. Bachelor of Theology, Bachelor of Missiology degree holders with I and II division
and ATA BTH pass candidates, have completed 8 papers BD Qualifying Examination
with 52.5% and above marks from the Senate of Serampore College, shall enroll in
3rd year (2 year course).

ii. Two Year Residential Programme (no student shall be admitted as day scholar,
irrespective of distance or location)
iii. 90 Credit Hours Course Work including thesis.
iv. In lieu of thesis, students shall complete 8 credit papers (any combination of credits)
from the Optional courses, which shall be considered as required papers.
v. 4 Credit Hours of Field Work (marks calculated for the purpose of final grade)
vi. Students can take Optional Papers (BD Regulations and Syllabus Vol. II) from the
Second Year of study.
(All the clauses mentioned above under Sl. No. d, will be applicable from the academic year 2016)

e. Mature Candidates:
i. Should have at least passed 10th Class (Matriculation) and completed 25 years of
ii. Must have three years of substantive ministerial experience.
iii. Should have separately passed Senate prescribed Qualifying Examinations for
Mature Candidates.
iv. A total of 4 years residential programme. (no student shall be admitted as day
scholar, irrespective of distance or location)
v. 160 Credit Hours Course Work including thesis (for Advanced Greek and Hebrew
students 164 cr. Hr.)
vi. In lieu of thesis students shall complete 8 credit papers from the optional courses,
which shall be considered as required papers.
vii. 16 Credit Hours of Field Work (marks calculated for the purpose of final grade)
viii. Students can take Optional Papers (BD Regulations and Syllabus Vol. II) from the
Second Year of study.

f. Diploma in Christian Studies to Bachelor of Divinity:

i. Dip. C.S. pass candidates from Senate of Serampore College securing an overall
40% grade with Higher Secondary qualification are eligible to register in 4 years
BD Degree program.
ii. They have to complete 507 and 509 at Dip. C.S. level.
iii. They should also pass Qualifying English Papers BOS11 and BOS12 from the
Senate of Serampore College separately.
iv. A total of 4 years residential programme. (no student shall be admitted as day
scholar, irrespective of distance or location)
v. 160 Credit Hours Course Work including thesis (for Advanced Greek and Hebrew
students 164 cr. Hr.)
vi. In lieu of thesis students shall complete 8 credit papers from the optional courses,
which shall be considered as required papers.
vii. 16 Credit Hours of Field Work (marks calculated for the purpose of final grade)
viii. Students can take Optional Papers (BD Regulations and Syllabus Vol. II) from the
Second Year of study.
(The Senate of Serampore College (University) has introduced Senate examined BOS11
and BOS12 as English Qualifying Papers, instead of 72 and 73, from the academic year
2015.). As far as continuing students of Bachelor of Theology are concerned, 72 and 73
remains as it was.

2. Pattern of Examinations:
a. Senate Papers of Affiliated Colleges:
i. All Senate papers shall be examined out of 100 marks and be a duration of three
ii. All Senate papers shall be examined at the end of the academic year, i.e. March/

b. College Papers of the Affiliated Colleges:

i. All college papers shall be examined out of 100 marks.
ii. Internal Assessment (IA) – 40 marks (minimum pass marks is 16)
iii. The Final Examination (Ex.) – 60 marks (minimum pass marks is 24)
The Final Examination shall be out of 100 marks and be a duration of three hours,
irrespective of the number of credit hours. The 100 marks shall be reduced to 60 for
the purpose of calculation.
iv. College papers that have no final examination (already prescribed in the syllabus
with a superscript ‘No Final Examination’) must be graded on the basis of
additional work such as project, interview, oral examination, empirical research,
report, book review, essay, etc. in addition to Internal Assessment.
v. All College papers shall be examined at the end of the academic year, i.e. March

c. College Papers of Provisionally Affiliated Colleges:

i. Examination of all College papers shall be conducted by the Senate, except those
which are superscripted ‘No Final Examination’ in the syllabi. Kindly remember
these papers are Compulsory College examined credit papers. All colleges are
to be requested to send ‘No Final Examination’ papers marks to the Senate
ii. The Senate will set the question papers and schedule the date of examinations for
both the semesters.
iii. College papers will be evaluated by the subject teacher as well as an external
examiner as has been the practice.
iv. ‘No Final Examination’ papers shall be wholly graded by the subject teacher/s.
v. All college papers shall be examined out of 100 marks.
vi. Internal Assessment – 40 marks (minimum pass marks is 16)
vii. The Final Examination – 60 marks (minimum pass marks is 24)
viii. The Final Examination shall be out of 100 marks and be a duration of three hours,
irrespective of the number of credit hours. The 100 marks shall be reduced to 60 for
the purpose of calculation.
ix. Internal Assessment shall be graded by the subject teacher and the same shall be
sent to the Senate.
x. College papers which have no final examinations (already prescribed in the syllabus
with a superscript ‘No Final Examination’) must be graded on the basis of
additional work such as project, interview, oral examination, empirical research,
report, book review, essay etc in addition to Internal Assessment..

3. Required Courses:
i. All courses offered by the College, strictly follow the outline of the BD Course
Schema or else cancelled by the Senate.
ii. Students must complete the required courses to complete their studies.
iii. Field Work is compulsory. Students shall receive marks for every year’s field work
and an equal weightage of four credits will be awarded.

4. Promotion to the Next Class and Arrear Papers:

a. All Students will be promoted to the next academic year once they fulfill the
requirements of class attendance and passing Internal Assessments.
b. If a student fails in the Internal Assessment, s/he shall repeat the course.
c. Students failing in papers, both Senate and College, must write arrears only when they
are offered even if they are promoted to the next year.
d. No Examination shall be conducted outside of the examination schedule nor should odd
semester papers be written in even semesters and vice versa.
e. Examination of a difference:
i. ‘No Final Examination’ compulsory College papers will not have final examinations,
particularly Integrated and Interdisciplinary courses. But these are all credit papers.
ii. Teachers must device different mode of examinations such as term papers, project,
report, book review, oral examinations, seminars, interview methods for these
iii. For the sake of clarity, we must maintain the 40 / 60 marks for class assessment
and final examinations, so that there is no confusion. All College has to send marks of
‘No Final Examination’ to the Senate accordingly.
iv. Care should be taken so that students are graded objectively.
v. Courses that are superscribed as ‘No final examination paper’ shall follow the
system and no other papers can be given as examinations.
f. Pass Marks:
i. Students should pass both Internal Assessment and Final Examinations with a
minimum of 40% (C -)
ii. Internal Assessment shall be shown separately in the Final Transcript. ‘No
Examination Papers’ shall also be divided into Internal Assessment and Final
Examination Marks for the purpose of Transcription.
iii. Because of the residential nature of the programme, students shall have a minimum
of 75% class attendance. Colleges can raise the minimum required class attendance
to above 75% that must be informed to the students beforehand.
iv. In the event of poor performance, poor class attendance or on the grounds of
indiscipline, the college can determine whether the students can be promoted or
allowed to repeat the same year.
g. Change of Name:
The Senate of Serampore College (University) registers students’ name from their
highest degree certificate, provided by the students at the time of registration. A student
can change or correct the spelling of his/her name before appearing in the Final Year
examination. No change of name will be allowed by the University after the completion
of the course.

List of Courses








BFW01- FIELD WORK – 1st Year
BFW02- FIELD WORK – 2nd Year
BFW03- FIELD WORK – 3rd Year





Compulsory Courses
1. Bible: Its Content And Message I (BOS15)
2. Bible: Its Content and Message II (BOS16)
3. New Testament Greek – Preliminary (BBN01)
4. New Testament Greek – Advanced (BBN02)
5. Biblical Hebrew – Preliminary (BBO11)
6. Biblical Hebrew – Advanced (BBO12)
7. The Life and Faith of the People of God: Old Testament (BBO13)
8. The Life and Faith of the People of God: New Testament (BBN03)
9. Liberation and Formation of Identity of the People of God in Pentateuch
10. Biblical Hermeneutics: Methods and Perspectives (BBG01)
11. Jesus Movement in Synoptic Gospels (BBN04/ BBN05)
12. Jesus Tradition in Johannine Writings (BBN06/ BBN07)
13. Prophetic Responses to the struggles of the People of God (BBO16/ BBO17)
14. Hope in Suffering and Joy in Liberation: Study of Hebrew Poetry and Wisdom
Literature (BBO18/ BBO19)
15. Jesus Tradition in Paul and Pauline circle (BBN08/ BBN09)

Optional Courses
i. Introduction to Inter-Testamental Literature (BBO51)
ii. Reading of Apocalyptic: Daniel and Revelation (BBG51)
iii. Life and Ministry of the Early Church: Study of Acts (BBN51)
iv. Christ and Community in the letter of Hebrew & Petrine Letters (BBN52)
v. Principles and Methods of Bible Translations (BBG52)
vi. Skills of Bible Translations (BBG53)
vii. Introduction to NT Apocrypha (BBN53)
viii. Introduction to Qumran Community & Literature (BBO52)
ix. Writings of the Early Apostolic Fathers: Reading Selected Texts (BBN54)
x. Reading the Bible from Feminist, Dalit, Tribal and Adivasi Perspectives (BBG54)
xi. Reading the Bible from the Ecological Perspective (BBG55)
xii. Reading the Bible from the Sacramental Perspectives (BBG56)
xiii. Theology of the New Testament (BBN55)
xiv. Theology of the Old Testament (BBO53)


Compulsory Courses
16. Introduction to Christian Theology (BOS17)
17. Discerning the Signs of the Times: Theological methodologies from the Margins
18. Understanding Indian Society (BTS01)
19. Introduction to Christian Social Ethics (BTE01)
20. Introduction to Christian Doctrines (BTT02)

21. Resources for constructing Theologies:
A. Western Philosophy (BTT03)
B. Theology of Martin Luther (BTT05)
C. Theology of John Calvin (BTT06)
D. Wesleyan Theology (BTT07)
E. Pentecostal & Charismatic Theology (BTT08)
F. Baptist Theology & Polity (BTT09)
G. Orthodox Theology (BTT10)
22. Person and Work of Jesus, the Christ (BTT11)
23. Introduction to Christian Theologies in India (BTT12)
24. Dalit/ Tribal/ Adivasi Theology (BTT13/ BTT14/ BTT15)
25. Feminist Theology (BTW14)

Optional Courses
xv. Contemporary Trends in Theology (BTT51)
xvi. Third World Liberation Theologies (BTT52)
xvii. Post-Enlightenment Theologies (BTT53)
xviii. Theology of Human Rights (BTT54)
xix. Human Sexuality (BTE51)
xx. Theology of Iconography & Architecture (BTT55)
xxi. Liturgical Theology (BTT56)
xxii. Detailed Study of Holy Trinity (BTT57)
xxiii. Bible and Ethics (BTE52)
xxiv. Theology of Spirituality and Contemplation (BTT58)
xxv. Christianity and Social Transformation (BTS51)
xxvi. Feminist Concerns (BTW59)
xxvii. Introduction to Historical Theology (BTT60)
xxviii. People and Church and Society in North East India (BTS61)
xxix. Ancient Christian Writers (BTT61)


Compulsory Courses
26. Cultural History of India until the Mughal Period (BOS19)
27. Introduction to Major Religious Traditions in India (BRS01)
28. Introduction to Indian Philosophy (BRS02)
29. A detailed study of any one religious tradition
a. Primal Religious Traditions (BRS03)
b. Hindu Religious Tradition (BRS04)
c. Buddhist Religious Tradition (BRS05)
d. Jaina Religious Tradition (BRS06)
e. Muslim Religious Tradition (BRS07)
f. Sikh Religious Tradition (BRS08)
30. Modern Religious and Secular Movements in India (BRS09)
Optional Courses
xxxi. Religion, Communalism & National Identity. (BRS51)
xxxii. A subject each on History of South Asia
l Islamic History of South Asia (BRS52)
l Sikh History of South East Asia (BRS53)
l Neo- Buddhism of India and Ambedkarism (BRS54)
l Jaina Philosophy of Life (BRS55)
xxxiii. The Living Gurus and Matas of Indian Religious Traditions (BRS56)
xxxiv. Introduction to Western Philosophy (BRS57)

xxxv. The Religions of the Adivasis of the region (BRS58)
xxxvi. Goddess Traditions of India (BRS59)
xxxvii. A Classical Language of the Scriptures (for MTh in one of the Religious Traditions)
a. Sanskrit (BRS61)
b. Pali (BRS62)
c. Arabic (BRS63)
d. Syriac (BRS64)
xxxviii.Cultural Anthropology (for M.Th in Primal Religious Traditions) (BRS65)
xxxix. Hindu Pilgrimage (BRS60)
xl. The Religions of the Tribals of the Region (BRS66)


Compulsory Courses
31. Pioneers of Christian Witnesses in India (BOS18)
32. History of Christianity from the 1st to the 18th Century (BHC01)
33. Development of Missiological Thinking and Praxis (BHM01)
34. History of Christianity in India (BHC02)
35. Contemporary Issues and Trends in Christian Mission and Evangelism (BHM02)
36. Ecumenical Movements (BHC03)
37. Role of Women in the History of Christianity (BHC04)

Optional Courses
xli. A Detailed Study of History of Christianity up to 1050 CE (BHC51)
xlii. A Detailed Study of History of Reformation and the Modern Missionary Movement
xliii. A Study of Local History of Christianity in specific areas and among the people
groups on any one of the following:
1. History of the St. Thomas Christians in India from the First to the Twentieth
Century (BHC53)
2. History and Development of Christianity among one of the states in India or
Sri Lanka or Bangladesh or Nepal or Myanmar (BHC54)
3. Origin and Development of Christianity in North East India (BHC55)
4. History and Development of Christianity among Dalits / Adivasis / Tribals /
Subalterns in particular regions of India (BHC56)
5. History and Development of any Pentecostal, Charismatic, Revival or New
Generation Movement in India (BHC57)


Compulsory Courses
38. General Introduction to Christian Ministry (BOS20)
39. Introduction to Church Traditions in India (BOS21)
40. Worship and Preaching (BMM01)
41. Introduction to Communication Studies for Christian Ministry (BMN01)
42. Ministerial formation of a Christian Minister (BMM03)
43. Media Education, Information and Communication Technologies in Christian
Ministry (BMN02)
44. Principles and Practices of Pastoral Care and Counselling (BMC01)
45. Introduction to Christian Education (BME01)
46. Marriage and Family Counselling (BMC02)
47. Christian Education for Social Change (BME02)
48. Church Organization and Pastoral Administration (BMM02)

Optional Courses
xliv. Homiletics (BMH51)
xlv. Crisis Counselling (BMC51)
xlvi. Liturgy and Music (BMM51)
xlvii. Readiness to Ministry (BMM52)
xlviii. Sacramental Theology (BMM53)
xlix. Media Ethics (BMC52)
l. Pastoral Psychology (BMC53)
li. Acting, Film & Drama (BMN51)
lii. Syriac Music and Hymnody (BMM54)
liii. Recent Trends in Homiletics (BMH52)
liv. Western Church Music (BMM55)


Compulsory Courses
49. Science and Religion (BID01)
50. Justice, Peace and overcoming violence: Biblical and Ethical Perspective (BID02)
51. Towards inclusive communities:
1. People Living with HIV and AIDS (or) (BID03)
2. Children at Risk (or) (BID04)
3. Disability Perspective (BID05)
52. Christian Faith and witness in pluralistic societies (BID06)
53. Eco-Justice Theologies (BID07)
(Nos. 50 – 53 shall have Alternative mode of Examination and no Final Examination)

Optional Courses
lv. Immigrant Theology (BID51)

54. Study Methods (BGN01)
55. English I (BOS11)
56. English II (BOS12)
57. Theological English (BGN02)
58. Psychology (BOS14)
59. Sociology (BOS13)

Note: All Optional Papers are College Papers and Credited, Students of any Cluster can register for any
number of Optional Courses.

(All Colleges are requested to strictly follow the Course Sequence as mentioned in the BD Course Schema,
while filling up the Examination Paper Registration Form of the students. The Senate of Serampore
College will immediately cancel the course paper, if the BD Course Schema is violated.)

BD Orientation
1st Semester 2nd Semester
Paper Course Title Cr. Type Paper Course Title Cr. Type
Code Code
BOS11 English I 4 C BOS12 English II 4 S
BOS15 Bible: Its Content and Message 2 C BOS13 Sociology 4 S
BOS18 Pioneers of Christian Witnesses 4 C BOS14 Psychology
in India
BOS19 Cultural Histories of India until 2 S BOS16 Bible: Its Content and
the Mughal Period Message II: NT
BOS20 General Introduction to 4 C BOS17 Introduction to Christian
Christian Ministry Theology
BOS21 Introduction to Church 4 C BOS19 Cultural Histories of India
Traditions in India until the
BFW00 Field Education

BD First Year
1st Semester 2nd Semester
Paper Course Title Cr. Type Paper Course Title Cr. Type
Code Code
BBN01 New Testament Greek – 4 S BBN02 New Testament Greek – 2 C
Preliminary Advanced (Optional)
BBO13 The Life and Faith of the People 4 C BBO11 Biblical Hebrew – Preliminary 4 S
of God: OT
BTT01 Discerning the Signs of the 4 C BBN03 The Life and Faith of the 4 C
Times People of God: NT
: Theological Methodologies
from the Margins
BHC01 History of Christianity from 1st 4 C BTS01 Understanding Indian Society 4 S
to 18th Century
BRS01 Introduction to Major Religious 2 S BRS01 Introduction to Major 2 S
Traditions Religious Traditions
BGN01 Study Methods (Non-Credit) 2NC C BMM01 Worship and Preaching 4 S
BGN02 Theological English (Non- 4NC C BMN01 Introduction to 4 S
Credit) Communication Studies for
Christian Ministry
BMM03 Ministerial Formation of a 2 C
Christian Minister
BFW01 Field Education 4 C

BD Second Year
1st Semester 2nd Semester
Paper Course Title Cr. Type Paper Course Title Cr. Type
Code Code
BBO12 Biblical Hebrew – Advanced 2 C BBO14/ Liberation and Formation of 4 S
(Optional) BBO15 Identity of the People of God:
A Study of Pentateuch (ENG./
HEBREW) [Any One]
BBG01 Biblical Hermeneutics: Methods 2 C BBN04/ Jesus Movement in Synoptic 4 S
and Perspectives BBN05 Gospels (ENG./GREEK) [Any
BTE01 Introduction to Christian Social 4 C BTT02 Introduction to Christian 4 S
Ethics Doctrines
BRS02 Introduction to Indian 4 C BHC02 History of Christianity in India 4 S
BMN02 Media Education, Information & 4 C BMC01 Principles and Practices of 2 S
Communication Technologies in Pastoral Care & Counselling
Christian Ministry (contd. from 1st sem.)
BMC01 Principles and Practices of 2 S
Pastoral Counselling
Towards Inclusive 2 C BID02 Justice, Peace and Overcoming 2 C
Communities: (Any One) Violence: Biblical and Ethical
a. People Living with HIV and Perspective
b. Children at Risk-BID04
c. Disability Perspective-BID05
BHM01 Development of Missiological 4 C BFW02 Field Education 4 C
Thinking and Praxis

BD Third Year

1st Semester 2nd Semester

Paper Course Title Cr. Type Paper Course Title Cr. Type
Code Code
BBN06 Jesus Tradition in Johnnanine 4 C BBO16/ Prophetic Responses to the 4 S
/ Writings (ENG/ GREEK) [Any BBO17 struggles of the People of God
BBN07 One] (ENG./ HEBREW) [Any One]
Resources for constructing 2 C BTT11 Person and Work of Jesus, the 4 S
Theologies: (Any One) Christ
a. Western Philosophy – BTT03
b. Theology of Martin Luther –
c.Theology of Calvin-BTT06
d.Weslyin Theology – BTT07
e.Pentecostal & Charismatic
Theology – BTT08
f.Baptist Theology & Polity-
g.Orthodox Theology-BTT10
A Detailed Study of Any One 4 C BTT12 Introduction to Christian 4 S
Religious Tradition: Theologies in India
a. Hindu - BRS04
b. Buddhist -BRS05
c. Jaina - BRS06
d. Sikh - BRS08
e. Islam- BRS07
f. Primal -BRS03

BMC02 Marriage and Family 2 C BHM02 Contemporary Issues and 4 S
Counselling Trends in Christian Mission
and Evangelism
BID07 Eco-Justice Theologies 2 C BME01 Introduction to Christian 4 S
BID01 Science and Religion 2 S BID06 Christian Faith and Witness in 2 C
Pluralistic Societies
BID01 Science and Religion (contd. 2 S
from 1st sem.)
BFW03 Field Education – 3rd Yr. 4 C

BD Fourth Year
1st Semester 2nd Semester
Paper Course Title Cr. Type Paper Course Title Cr. Type
Code Code
BBO18/ Hope in Suffering and Joy in 4 C BBN08/ Jesus Tradition in Paul and 4 S
BBO19 Liberation: Study of Hebrew BBN09 Pauline Circle (ENG./GREEK)
Poetry and Wisdom [Any One]
Literature (ENG./HEBREW)
[Any One]
(Any One) 2 C BTW14 Feminist Theology 4 S
Dalit Theology- BTT13
Tribal Theology- BTT14
Adivasi Theology -BTT15
BHC04 Role of Women in the History 2 C BHC03 Ecumenical Movements 2 C
of Christianity
BME02 Christian Education for Social 2 C BRS09 Modern Religious and Secular 4 S
Change Movements in India
BMM02 Church Organization and 4 C
Pastoral Administration
T00 Thesis 4 C T00 Thesis 4 C


1. Bachelor of Theology, Bachelor of Missiology and ATA BTH candidates (securing 40%
and 52.5% marks in 8 papers BD Qualifying examination) additionally have to do
Paper Nos. BBN01, BBO11 and BGN01 as per the convenience of the College,student,
Course Year and Semester.

2. Bold and Italic Paper Codes, total 9 subjects are “No Final Examination” with a different
examination pattern. These papers are Compulsory College Examined Credit Papers. All
Colleges have to send marks of these papers at the time of reporting of College marks.
Also point to be noted, that no students will be qualified without completing these papers.

3. BGN01and BGN02 are Compulsory College examined Non - Credit papers, without
completing these two papers students will not be qualified. The marks of two Non-
Credit papers will not be included in the calculation of final grade of Result, Mark
Sheet and Transcript.

4. All Colleges to be requested to send Field Work marks accordingly. No students will be
qualified, without completing Field Work.

5. Kindly note that the Senate Papers, especially BBN01, BBO11 and all papers of Provisional
Colleges which will be examined in the month of October and will be evaluated by the subject

teacher of the respective Colleges and an External examiner. Those marks should be sent in
a College marks format:- (Example- BBN01-1 Ex.40, 2 Ex. 40, Ex. 40, IA. 20, TOT 60).

6. If a student wishes to take Optional Paper BRS65 [Cultural Anthropology - Part I and Part II -
combined College Examined Paper - 2+2 = 4 credits] as a College Paper, he will not get any
exemption in Primal Religious Traditions at M.Th level.

7. If a student wishes to take Optional Paper BRS65 [Cultural Anthropology - Part I and Part II -
combined College Examined Paper - 2+2 = 4 credits] as a Senate Examined Paper, he will get
exemption in Primal Religious Traditions at M.Th level.

8. A student can take Optional Paper BRS65 [Cultural Anthropology - Part I and Part II -
combined College Examined Paper - 2+2 = 4 credits] in lieu of Thesis, if he chooses to write
BRS65 as a College Examined Paper.

9. No student shall be allowed to take BBN02 (Optional) - New Testament Greek - Advanced,
unless he has passed BBN01 - New Testament Greek - Preliminary.

10. No student shall be allowed to take BBO12 (Optional) - Biblical Hebrew - Advanced, unless he
has passed BBO11 - Biblical Hebrew - Preliminary.

11. Marks to be reported in Numbers and not in decimal or in letter grade.

12. Marks must not be in the multiple of five; Only the total should be in multiple of five.

13. In case of Re-sit/Referred paper examination, marks should be evaluated out of 100%. No
Internal Assessment (IA) is required in case of Re-sit/Re-take examination.

14. EX I and EX II refers to Examiners.

15. A Student should pass the Examination (EX) [Total - 60] and Internal Assessment (IA)
[Total - 40] separately. The minimum pass marks for IA is 16 out of 40 and for EX is 24 out of

16. In case of Senate Papers which are evaluated by College Examiners (Internal and External),
Marks should not be given in a decimal format or in letter grade.

17. Students those who transfer from one College to another College, they do not need to re-
register again. The previous or the earlier Registration Number/ Student Id will be
applicable to them.



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