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Grading Rubric for Synthesis Papers

This rubric is meant to guide your written work as well as explain the reasoning behind assigned grades. If you have any questions,
please don’t hesitate to ask in-person or via the online discussion board tool.

A A- B+ B B- or Below

Argument & Paper has a clear Paper has a Paper has a focus, but Paper has less focus, Paper not only lacks a
Focus question/argument question/argument, but it is lacking a defined and is lacking a clearly clearly articulated
stated early in the it is less clearly stated, question/argument. articulated question/argument, but
paper. Argument gives or not easy to find in The paper still has a question/argument. it also lacks a focus
shape to the paper and the paper. Argument distinct shape and is The paper provides and evidence to
is supported by gives shape to the mostly supported by evidence from the support that focus.
evidence from the paper and is mostly evidence from the literature and outside Alternately, the paper
literature and outside supported by evidence literature and outside investigative work, but has too broad a focus,
investigative work. from the literature and investigative work. it lacks a clear shape but it is derivative and
Argument is original outside investigative and is less convincing presents no new
and pushes the field work. to readers. thoughts on the
forward. subject.

Connections to The review of the The review of the The review of the The review of the The review of the
Literature literature is guided by literature is guided by literature isn’t as literature isn’t as literature isn’t
the paper’s the paper’s clearly connected to clearly connected to connected to the
question/argument. question/argument. the question or the question or question or argument.
Between 8 & 10 Between 6 & 8 sources argument. Between 4 argument. Between 3 3 or fewer sources are
sources are used. The are used. The review & 6 sources are used. & 5 sources are used. used.
review helps support helps support the
and push forward the argument presented.
argument presented.
Connections to Findings from Findings from Findings from It is difficult to Findings from
the Real World investigative work are investigative work are investigative work are distinguish investigative work are
clearly presented and presented and presented, but they are investigative work not presented.
connected to the connected to the not as clearly from the previous Pseudonyms are not
previous literature previous literature connected to the literature review. used.
review. The review. The previous literature Pseudonyms are used
investigative work investigative work review or the paper’s if necessary.
furthers the paper’s connects to the paper’s main argument.
argument and extends argument and the Pseudonyms are used
from the literature literature review. if necessary.
review. Pseudonyms Pseudonyms are used
are used if necessary. if necessary.

Writing APA guidelines are APA guidelines are APA guidelines are APA guidelines are APA guidelines are
Mechanics followed throughout followed throughout mostly followed (a roughly followed not followed.
(references, citations, (references, citations, handful of mistakes (more than a dozen Disruptive spelling
spacing, etc.). Spelling spacing, etc.). Spelling with citations and/or mistakes with citations and grammatical
and grammar are and grammar are references). There are and/or references). mistakes make the
flawless. Sentences are mostly correct (less more than a handful of There are more than a paper difficult to read
clear, varied in length, than a handful of disruptive spelling and dozen disruptive and understand.
and work together to mistakes). Sentences grammatical mistakes. spelling and Sentences are not
form well-crafted are clear, varied in Sentences are clear, grammatical mistakes. clear, and they do not
paragraphs (complete length, and mostly but not varied in Sentences are less form logical
with topic sentences, work together to form length, and not clear, are not varied in paragraphs.
supporting evidence, clear well-crafted working together to length, and do not
and transitions). paragraphs. form clear paragraphs. work together to form
clear paragraphs.

© 2009, Ippolito

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