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Paradise lost

1. Which angel does Satan trick by disguising himself as a cherub?

 Michael

 Uriel

 Raphael

 Abdiel

2. Which of the following forms does Satan not take?

 Angel

 Toad

 Cormorant

 He takes all of these forms

3. In what book does the fall take place?

 Book VIII

 Book X

 Book IX

 Book VII

4. In which book of the Bible does the story of Adam and Eve occur?
 Leviticus

 Exodus

 Genesis
 Deuteronomy

5. Which devil advocates a renewal of all-out war against God?

 Belial

 Moloch

 Mammon

 Beelzebub

6. What is Milton’s stated purpose in Paradise Lost?

 To assert his superiority to other poets

 To argue against the doctrine of predestination

 To justify the ways of God to men

 To make his story hard to understand

7. Which of the following is not a character in Paradise Lost?

 Night

 Agony

 Discord

 Death

8. Which angel wields a large sword in the battle and wounds Satan?
 Michael

 Abdiel
 Uriel

 Satan is not injured

9. When Satan leaps over the fence into Paradise, what does Milton liken him to?
 A snake slithering up a tree

 A germ infecting a body

 A wolf leaping into a sheep’s pen

 A fish leaping out of water

10. Which angel tells Adam about the future in Books XI and XII?
 Raphael

 Uriel

 Michael

 None of the above

11. Which of the following is not found in Hell?

 Gems

 Gold

 Oil

 Minerals

12. Which statement about the Earth is asserted as true in Paradise Lost?
 It was created before God the Son
 Earth hangs from Heaven by a chain

 The Earth is a lotus flower

 The Earth revolves around the sun

13. Which devil is the main architect of Pandemonium?

 Mulciber

 Mammon

 Moloch

 Belial

14. How many times does Milton invoke a muse?

 One

 Two

 Three

 Four

15. Who leads Adam and Eve out of Paradise?

 God

 The Son

 Michael

 Raphael

16. Which of the following poets does Milton emulate?

 Virgil

 Homer

 Both Virgil and Homer

 Neither Virgil or Homer

17. What is the stated subject of Paradise Lost?

 The fight between good and evil

 Heaven’s battle and Satan’s tragic fall

 The creation of the universe

 Adam and Eve’s disobedience

18. Which devil is Satan’s second-in-command?

 Mammon

 Sin

 Moloch

 Beezelbub

19. Who discusses cosmology and the battle of Heaven with Adam?
 God

 Eve

 Raphael

 Michael
20. Which scene happens first chronologically?
 Satan and the devils rise up from the lake in Hell

 The Son is chosen as God’s second-in-command

 God and the Son create the universe

 The angels battle in Heaven

21. Which of the angels is considered a hero for arguing against Satan?
 Abdiel

 Uriel

 Michael

 Raphael

22. In an attempt to defeat God and his angels, what do the rebel angels make?
 A fortress

 A catapult

 A large sword

 A cannon

23. According to Paradise Lost, which of the following does God not create?
 The Son

 Adam and Eve

 Computers
 He creates everything

24. Who does Milton name as his heavenly muse?

 Titania

 Urania

 Virgil

 Michael

25. What does Eve do when she first becomes conscious?

 Go in search of her mate

 Talk to the animals

 Look at her reflection in a stream

 Eat of the Tree of Knowledge

Rape of The lock

1. Who is Shock?
 Belinda’s horse

 Belinda’s lapdog

 The Baron’s horse

 The poet’s muse

2. At what time do “sleepless lovers” awake in this poem?

 Dawn

 Noon

 Tea-time

 Midnight

3. Who inspires Belinda’s dream in the first canto?

 The muse

 The Baron

 Ariel

 Umbriel

4. To what are Belinda’s eyes repeatedly compared?

 The sun

 Stars

 Flames

 Gems

5. To what do the four types of supernatural beings correspond?

 Spades, hearts, clubs, and diamonds

 Ace, king, queen, and jack

 Earth, air, fire, and water

 North, south, east, and west

6. What does Belinda wear around her neck?

 A cross

 A locket

 A ribbon

 A ruby

7. Where is the party held?

 Cheapside

 St. James Park

 The Tower of London

 Hampton Court Palace

8. Who wins the hand of ombre?

 Belinda

 The Baron

 Ariel

 The Queen

9. What beverage is served after the card game ends?

 Tea
 Coffee

 Wine

 Brandy

10. Who arms the Baron with a pair of scissors?

 Belinda

 Sir Plume

 Lord Petre

 Clarissa

11. Who gets accidentally cut by the scissors?

 The Baron

 Clarissa

 One of the Sylphs

 Shock

12. Whither does Umbriel journey?

 Hades

 The Cave of Spleen

 The Cave of Despair

 The Cave of Envy

13. What does Thalestris think the Baron will do with the lock?
 Show it off to all their friends

 Have it set into a ring

 Neither of the above

 Both of the above

14. What effect does Sir Plume’s speech have on the Baron?
 It convinces him to return the lock

 It makes him feel guilty for what he has done

 It encourages him to propose to Belinda

 It has no effect

15. What happens to the lock of hair at the end of the poem?
 It is returned to its rightful owner

 It is set into a ring

 It is offered to the poet as a token of gratitude

 It is turned into a constellation

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