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The Effect of Classical Music on Grade 11 Students’ Math Text Anxiety

Anxiety is a nervous disorder characterized by a state of excessive uneasiness and apprehension,

typically with compulsive behavior or panic attacks.

Researchers determined that students with learning disabilities are significantly more likely to suffer

academic anxiety.

Anxiety has been linked to poor academic performance High levels of academic anxiety can negatively

affect working memory. (Owens, Stevenson, Handwin, & Norgate 2012).

Students are more weak in numbers and grammar, They're people who are not consistent in other

subjects like science, math and English. They think that it's difficult to distinguish the logical pattern of

those things. Anxiety can destroy their mind to not focus on that particular subject, they feel fear and

absence of mind.

The National Achievement Test (NAT) 2014-2016 are more different in each other. Those Elementary

and Secondary are imbalance in the term of taking an exam since 2014 and 2016, it's state that they're

students who afraid and confuse to answer those exam. The Anxiety begins since Elementary days and

so on.

Children are more affects in that anxiety especially those beginners they're always feel afraid in the

environment and other stuff.

Teachers exposed them in musical room so that pupils forget fear that can cause Anxiety.

Researchers discovered that secretion of serotonin inside their brain can helps elevate the mood of

those children and to reduce depression.

Students feels anxious when they hear the word math, numbers and other stuff that related in that

particular subject. Those students feel afraid and confuse of their mind.

Alimangohan, J. P. & Matutes N. M. (2011). Listening to classical music and the production of

serotonin. Journal of Biochemistry, 50(1) 10-15. Doi:10.1212/j.2121-2121.2121.21212.x

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