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The Asian Journal of Technology Management Vol. 6 No.

1 (2013): 56-64

The Application of Lean Manufacturing for Operation Improvement:

A Case Study of Black Cough Medicine Production in Indonesia
Pramadona1* and Akbar Adhiutama1
Schoolof Business and Management, InstitutTeknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Abstract.Nowadays, the pharmaceutical industry has a market tends to be unstable and volatile in meeting
customer needs. This is due to the economic crisis that occurred in different parts of the world. The
pharmaceutical industry currently uses good manufacturing practices (cGMP) to ensure that products are
consistently produced and controlled according to the required standards. Pharmaceutical industry slowly
started to move from cGMP to lean manufacturing that focused on reducing operating costs while ensuring
compliance. The problem faced at the OBH (Black Cough Medicine) production line in this company is
inconsistent production of the product to the market. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the usage
of lean manufacturing instead of the usage of cGMP to solve the problem. To conduct this study, literature
review and company visit has been done. This analysis was applied by using value stream mapping (VSM) and
7 -wastes methodology to analyze the problems in the OBH production line one of the pharmaceutical industry in
Bandung, Indonesia. For the improvement, the lean manufacturing approach has been carried out and the future
VSM has been developed. Finding reveals that the application of lean manufacturing in the cGMP environment
helps the company to eliminate wastes in reducing lead time and cycle time in the manufacturing process.

Keywords: Pharmaceutical Industry, cGMP, Lean Manufacturing, Value Stream Mapping, 7-Wastes.

1. Introduction demand for certain products (Chauhanand

Singh 2011; Geller2007). Like automaking
Condition of business competition in today’s revolution carried out by the Toyota lean
global marketplace is rapidly increasing due to production system, the pharmaceutical
various changes in the needs and desires of company aims to secure the future of their
consumer as well as the rapid development of industry by adopting lean philosophies and
technology (Danesh et al. 2013). Under these tools (Farber et al. 2009). In pharmaceutical
conditions, a company should have a right manufacturing, the World Health Organization
product and the right time to win the (WHO) defines cGMP as part of quality
competition (Rosen et al. 1998). Along with the assurance which ensures that products are
development of technology and information, consistently produced and controlled in
the needs of pharmaceutical are also growing. accordance with the standards for their intended
Pharmacy as one of the basic human needs use and as required by the customer (Pavlovic
evolve along with the development of human and Bozanic 2012). In the past, the
civilization.In order to meet all the demands pharmaceuticals industry, for which the
and requirements, and also to meet the principles of cGMP is mandatory, has slowly
challenges, pharmaceutical companies are been embracing lean manufacturing, in contrast
struggling to find ways to reduce internal costs to other sectors that adopted relatively quickly
and cycle time by delivering high quality and successfully (Greene and O’Rourke 2006).
services to users, through innovative design and
efficient response to an unexpected increase in
*Corresponding author. E mail: pramado na@sbm-

DOI: 0.12695/ajtm.2

P rint IS SN : 1978 -6956; Online ISSN : 2089-791X.
Copyright@2013. Published by U nit R esearch and Kno wledge
S chool o f Business and Management- InstitutT ekno lo gi Band ung.

Pramadona and Adhiutama, The Application of Lean Manufacturing for Operation Improvement: A Case Study of Black
Cough Medicine Production in Indonesia

Today, manufacturers in the industry focused as pharmaceutical industry in Bandung. The

never before to reduce operating costs while methodology to analyze the lean manufacturing
ensuring compliance. T he goal of lean in pharmaceutical industry are interview and
manufacturing is to excrete less human effort, observation and be analyzed as presented in
less inventory, less time to develop products, Subsection 2.1, literature review has been
and less space to become highly responsive to performed on lean manufacturing tools and the
customer demand, while at the same time comparison between lean and cGMP.
producing high quality products in the most
efficient and economic (Chauhan and Singh This research carried out for 3 months, from
2011). Therefore, this paper discusses about the February to April 2013. Waste identification
application of lean manufacturing in one of the process was carried out by
pharmaceutical industry in Bandung, Indonesia, discussions/interviews. Discussions were taken
which has been certified by cGMP. The to bring about an understanding of the
research was conducted at the OBH production perceptions of the waste. Process of discussion
line to find the wastes that occur in the involving employees who competent and know
production process of the OBH. The study was for sure the most influential waste that appear
conducted over 3 months to improve operations most frequently. Interview process carried out
in the pharmaceutical industry by applying lean by some competent people, including the
manufacturing to identify areas of overlap, as owner, general manager, PPIC manager,
well as the challenges faced by pharmaceutical production manager, mechanical manager, QC
companies when turning to lean manufacturing. manager, and some employees who perform the
production process. After identifying the line,
Based on the interview result and the data in the current state VSM has been developed and
Table 1, the problem faced by the company is analyzed through the 7 -Wastes. Last, the future
the production of the products that are not state VSM has been developed and various
consistent to the market. Table 1 is one of inferences that would improve the production
inconsistent production time examples. This line have been drawn.
data is the data OBH production in March 2013.
It shows that production time should be done in 2.1. Literature review
one day but often occurs within 2-3 days of 2.1.1. Lean manufacturing
Lean was emerged from the Toyota production
Table 1.Inconsistent Production Time system with the key aspects including the
never-ending quest for perfection, continuous
No Process Date
search to eliminate waste and the recognition
1 Bottle washing 20 March 2013
2 Mixing 20 March 2013 and importance of employee contributions. It
3 Filtration 20 March 2013 founded by TaiichiOhno in the 1950s . Lean
4 Filling and capping 21 March 2013 thinking has been utilized by manufacturing
5 Visual test 21 March 2013 industries in order to decrease cost and improve
6 Labeling and packaging 22 March 2013 quality and productivity by reducing variation
Total Working Days 3 Days
and production defects (Shelly and Mortensen
Owing to these problems, as has been discussed
2008). Lean provides a great set of tools to
previously, this paper wants to discuss the facilitate some of the key drivers that are
application of lean manufacturing in this imperative in today’s economy and industry
company to make the production of the product
consistent to the market that can solve the
problem faced by the company to meet the on-
The implementation of lean manufacturing are
time delivery of products. in order to achieve goals such as reduced
waiting time to release product to the market,
2. Method reduce production waste, improve
communication with end users , and improvethe
For carrying out the lean manufacturing
level of quality both in the production and in
analysis, the selection of an appropriate laboratory testing (Pavlovic and Bonanic 2012).
production line in pharmaceutical industry was
followed. It is an OBH (Black Cough The advantages of the lean philosophy which is
Medicine) production line in one of a performance -based process used in

The Asian Journal of Technology Management Vol6. No.1 (2013):56-64

manufacturing organizations to increase VSM

competitive advanta ge(Kovacs2012). The Value Stream Map (VSM) is tool of lean
benefits of the implementation were tangible: manufacturing in order to helps detail the flow
the project was under budget and three weeks of supplies and information as a product or
ahead of schedule, and subcontractors were service makes its way through a process (Shelly
more satisfied with their relationships with the and Mortensen 2008).VSM is a simple tool to
GC (Salem et al. 2006). T he improvement help operation managers understand how their
experiences due to application of lean principles flows currently operate and to help guide them
combined with cGMP in a pharmaceutical through the process of analysis to improve
company can reduce lead times, cycle times and those existing flows and design better ones in
WIP inventory in the manufacturing process the future (Chowdary and George 2012).The
(Chowdary and George2012).In a lean main purposes of VSM are identifying,
pharmaceutical manufacturing environment, demonstrating and decreasing waste in a
cGMP and lean must be equal partners. The process. The VSM creation can take many
cGMP standards along with lean principles forms, they are including the diagram of the
must be embedded into the culture of an process with real time measurements of the
organization and the business strategy must length of time an activity takes.
reflect this (Greene and O’Rourke 2006).A
constant effort is essential to apply the 2.1.3. Lean Manufacturing vscGMP
principles of lean management in the cGMP There are two objectives of lean manufacturing,
environment for the manufacturing of the they are to reduce or eliminate waste and to
pharmaceutical products to ensure that the create value On the other hand, cGMP’s
product quality and safety for the patients objective is to ensure that all levels of control
(Jaiganesh and Sudhahar 2013). are in place to deliver a safe and effective
medicinal product (Greene and O’Rourke
2.1.2. Lean Tools and Application 2006). The comparison between lean The 7-Wastes manufacturing and cGMP is shown at table
below. T here are two big families in
Seven wastes of lean are the root of all comparison betweencGMPand lean
unprofitable activity. Other than those listed manufacturing, while cGMP focuses on
below, underutilizing people skills are manufacturing as a means to produce safe and
considered a waste when talent is used for effective products for the patient, lean
activities that do not add the value(Shelly and manufacturing focuses on manufacturing as a
Mortensen 2008). location for improvement and value creation
a. Inventory, means material sitting taking up from a customer's perspective. Greene makes
the space, costing money, and potentially the comparison of the most important attributes
become damaged because stocks problems of Lean concept and principles of cGMP as
are not visible. shown in Table 2.
b. Over production, means final products
produced more than needed or before it is Table 2.Comparison between Lean and cGMP
needed for the customer is a necessary
waste in lean manufacturing.
Objectives Reduce waste Ensure product
c. Waiting, means worker or machine is effectiveness
waiting for material or information. Create value Prevent harm
d. T ransportation, means material moving Focus Value stream Product
does not increase the products value to the development,
customer. manufacturing
e. Defects, means defective products blockthe and quality
material flow and lead to wasteful handling,
time, and effort. Approach to Quality balanced Quality first
manufacturing with productivity
f. Excess motion, means any unnecessary
movement that does not add the product Improvement Continuous and Regulated and
simultaneous prudent
g. Processing, means additional process is not
essential to add valuefrom the customer
point of view.

Pramadona and Adhiutama, The Application of Lean Manufacturing for Operation Improvement: A Case Study of Black
Cough Medicine Production in Indonesia

Continue (Table 2. Comparison between Lean and cGMP ) developed is shown in Figure 1.The information
obtain fro m current VSM indicates that the
Area LEAN cGMP process involve a total of six processes, they are
Typical Reduce cost Follow validated bottle washing, mixing, filtration, filling &
goals process capping, visual test, and labeling & packaging.
Improve quality P revent deviation The bottleneck occurs at the mixing process in
Reduce cycle which the cycle time is 90 minutes. The
time calculations for the rest of the operations have
Reduce been carried out. The total cycle time (TCT) for
inventory the process is 295 minutes whereas the total
Improve delivery
non-added value (NAV) is 263 minutes.The
Typical Value stream Documentation wastes that occurred in the OBH production
tools mapping
line are shown in Table 3. And the detail of the
Kaizen Personal
improvement qualifications and
current processing time is shown in Table 4.
Error proofing Cleanliness
Moving to pull Validation and
Simple flow Complaint review
Training Audits
Quality function
(Greene and O’Rourke2006)

3. Result
3.1. Current VSM

The current VSM is to identify each significant

action required to create the desired value Figure 1.Current VSM
(Womack2006).The current state VSM

Table 3.Wastes Discussions Result

Filling & Labeling &

7-Wastes Washing Mixing Filtration Visual Test
Capping Packaging
- - - Separated - -
with labeling
& packaging
- - - - - Waitin g for
Inventory Material paper label
The bottles Need to test - Stored until - -
are kept samples baskets full o f
during mixing bottles
and filtratio n
Over The capacity - - - - -
Machine is too large
Productio n
- - Waiting for - - Waitin g for
Material samp le test paper label

Waiting Waiting for Waiting fo r Waiting for Waiting for Waiting for Waitin g for
information informatio n informatio n informatio n informatio n information
(room and (room and (room and (room and (ro om and (room and
machine) machine) machine) machine) machine) machine)
The d istance - - The d istance - -
to mixing to labeling &
Transportatio n Method room is too packaging
far room is too
- - - Risk y for - -
Defects Material broken neck

The Asian Journal of Technology Management Vol6. No.1 (2013):56-64

Continue (Table 3. Wastes Discussions Result)

Filling &
7-Wastes Washing Mixing Filtratio n Visual Test &
- Assure the tool - - - Assure the
is clean labels
attached to
the bottles
- Less o f too ls - - - -
Excess Motion Machine

- Doing the - The b ottles put - The bottles

series back into the put back
activities baskets into the line
M anual room Manual room Manual roo m Manual room Manual room Manual
condition cond itio n cond ition cond itio n cond ition roo m
recorder recorder recorder recorder recorder conditio n
Processing - Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine
check ing after checking after check ing after checking after check ing
Method one process one process one process one process after one
before done before done before done before done process
before d one

Table 4. Processing Time

Time (min)
No Process
Current Future
1 Condition room recording 2* 0
2 Washing machine checking 10 10
3 Oven machine checking 15* 0
4 Lead time 15* 0
5 Bottle washing 60 60
6 Condition room recording 3* 0
7 Mixing machine checking 10 10
8 Lead time 5* 0
9 1st initial m ixing 10*
10 2nd initial mixing 10*
11 3rd initial m ixing 10* 10
12 4th initial m ixing 5*
13 5th initial m ixing 5*
14 Lead time 5* 0
15 1st final mixing 20 20
16 Lead time 5* 0
17 2nd final mixing 20 20
18 Sam ple taking 3 3
19 Sam ple test 35 35
20 Lead time 5 5
21 Filtration 20 20
22 Lead time 10 10
23 Condition room recording 3* 0
24 Lead time 7* 0
25 Filling machine checking 15* 0
26 Filling 55 55
27 Lead time 20 10
28 Condition room recording 3* 0
29 Visual test tool checking 7* 0
30 Visual test 15 15
31 Lead time 90* 60
32 Condition room recording 5* 0
33 Labeling and packaging 55 55
Total Cycle Time 295 195
Total Lead Time 263 133

Pramadona and Adhiutama, The Application of Lean Manufacturing for Operation Improvement: A Case Study of Black
Cough Medicine Production in Indonesia

3.1.1.The Information Flow The raw materials were mixed through two
stages of the process, the initial mixing and
T he PPIC department will manage all the final mixing. Initial mixing process consists of
orders from the customers and translate them 5 stages, a length process respectively 10, 10,
into a monthly master production schedule 10, 5, 5 minutes. While the final mixing process
(MPS) by checking the existing products in the consists of two stages, a length process
finish goods warehouse. The PPIC departments respectively 20 and 20 minutes.
will also make a monthly material recruitment
planning (MRP) by checking the existing raw After the process of mixing finished, raw
materials in the raw materials warehouse. The materials that has been mixed evenly filtered in
MRP will be given to the purchasing division the process of filtration and having an average
for the raw material purchasing and the MPS time process of 20 minutes. A solution has been
will be given to the production department for filtered then included into machine filling and
doing the production. The production capping. The process of filling and capping
department will execute the MPS and give the spent 55 minutes to 2,000 bottles of OBH.
instructions to production personnel on a daily
basis. The information flow is shown in Figure Prior to labeling and packaging process for 55
2. minutes, a visual check process will be done.
Visual checking is done to ensure that there are
3.1.2.The Physical F low no raw materials have been mixed to
perfection. This visual checking length is 15
Bottles that will be used in the process of filling minutes.
and capping washed beforehand to a washing
process for 60 minutes. Any prior conducting 3.2. The 7-Wastes Analysis
processes, beforehand checked the condition of
the room and machine that will be used. A 7-wastes analyzed through the stages of the
washing machine has a capacity of 3,500 production process. The wastes will be seen in
bottles. After the washing process bottles, every stages of the production process ranging
bottles that have been washed stored for use from washing to labeling & packaging based on
during the process of filling and capping. man, machine, material, and method. The 7-
wastes discussions result is shown in Table 2.

In every production process , there is a

processing waste that impact to the waiting
waste. Waiting wastes happened because
unfavorable machine and method. Every
process done by manual room condition
recorder and always doing the machine
checking after one process before done. The
most common waste in the production process
is the filling & capping process. Therefore, the
detail of processing time is shown in Table 3.

Table 3 provides an explanation of the time of

each production process. The tables that marked
with (* ) are current waiting time that might be
reduced even eliminated. By applying new
machine and method, the processing time can
be reduced. The explanation of the new
machines and methods will be given in
subsection 3.3. After applying the new machine
and method, the future processing time can be
developed. Therefore, the future VSM is shown
in Figure 3.
Figure 2. The Information Flow

The Asian Journal of Technology Management Vol6. No.1 (2013):56-64

3.3. Future VSM

Once the current state VSM is complete, the

realistic future VSM can be created (Manos
2006). By analyzing the existing wastes through
the 7-wastes analysis and discussion with 5S 5S
several managers that relates to the production
process, the various modifications through the
lean manufacturing approach have been
developed for reducing the processing time.

The discussion with several managers at the

company is useful to determine the readiness of
a company's ma nagement to accept the proposal
given to the application of lean manufacturing
(Vinodh et al. 2010). The future state VSM Figure 3.Future VSM
developed is shown in Figure 3.
4. Conclusion
The various modifications that have been
developed are the implementation of 5S in the The application of lean manufacturing in cGMP
cGMP environment, the formation of a new environment can lead the pharmaceutical
operation sequence, and the utilization of the industry more cost effectively and avoid
new operation tools. The implementation of 5S wasting time. Lean manufacturing is well
incorporated is the lean manufacturing could applied to the pharmaceutical industry
improve both quality and productivity (Chowdary and George 2012; Greene and O’
performance significantly (Bayo et al. 2010). Rourke 2006; Pavlovic and Bozanic 2012).

The new sequence of the operation has been This can lead the production time in OBH
developed, the bottle washing process parallel production line to be consistent. Therefore, the
with the mixing process and perform 1 st, 2nd, problems faced by the company, inconsistent
3rd, 4th, 5th initial mixing parallel. By production of the products to the market, can be
performing the parallel process, the processing solved. Knowing for sure the production time,
time of bottle washing as if dispensed and the the company can provide assurance to
processing time of initial mixing can be customers about the arrival time of products to
reduced. the market.

And the last modification is the utilization of The first step that needs to be done in
the new operation tools. The usage of manual implementing lean manufacturing is making
room condition recorder can increase the total current VSM. Current VSM is a tool to
NAV. By utilizing the automatic room recorder determine the value stream flow (Upadhye et al.
can eliminate the waiting time and make cycle 2010). By knowing the value stream flow, we
time faster (Waurzyniak 2007). can identify and categorize the wastes that
occur in operation process through the 7-wastes
Calculations have been carried out for the rest analysis. T he concept of lean manufacturing has
of the new operations, and the total cycle time been used to eliminate non-added value named
(TCT ) for the process is 195 minutes decrease wastes and enhance the operation performance
from 295 minutes whereas the total non-added (Manuele 2007; Rahman et al. 2010).
value (NAV) is 133 minutes decrease from 263
minutes. The detail of the future processing Reduction in cycle time is usually considered
time is shown in Table 3. the best ones attacked by lean principles (Snee
2010).The last step is making the future VSM
by doing various modifications. The various
modifications made must be adjusted to
readiness of a company's management to accept
the proposal given to the application of lean
manufacturingVinodh et al. 2010). One of the

Pramadona and Adhiutama, The Application of Lean Manufacturing for Operation Improvement: A Case Study of Black
Cough Medicine Production in Indonesia

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