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x A=¿ weight percentage for Methane

x B =¿ weight percentage for Water

x C =¿ weight percentage for Carbon Monoxide

x D =¿ weight percentage for Carbon Dioxide

x E =¿ weight percentage for Hydrogen gas

x F =¿ weight percentage for Methanol

Proposed plant capacity: 3300 tonne /day

Convert the mass flowrate from tonne /day to kg /h;
3300tonne 1000 kg day
× × =137500 kg/h
day tonne 24 h

1. Methanol Purification Unit

x F 11=0.95
D-103 x B 11 =0.05
x F 10=0.9264
x B 10=0.0736 x F 12

x B 12

Known value:
S11 = 137500 kg /h
Fraction of feed that vaporized in S11 = 0.97

Overall mass balance: Using the fraction of vaporized feed:

S 10=S 11+ S 12 S 11=0.97(S 10)
S 10=137500+ S 12 S 10= =141752.6 kg /h
S 12=141752.6−137500
S 12=4252.6
Mass balance for x F 12: Mass balance for x B 12 :
0.9264 ( 141752.6 ) =137500 ( 0.95 )+ 4252.6 x F 12 x B 12=1−0.163

x F 12=0.163 x B 12=0.837

2. Syngas Recovery Unit

S8 S9


S6 D-102 S10

Stream/Component S6 S7 S8 S9 S10
xA 0.0229 x A7 x A8 - -
xB 0.0213 - - - 0.0736
xC 0.2141 xC 7 xC 8 xC 9 -
xD 0.2944 xD 7 xD 8 - -
xE 0.2332 xE7 xE 8 xE 9 -
xF 0.2141 - - - 0.9264

 Water and methanol are fully recovered in S10
 10% of carbon monoxide and hydrogen gas from S7 is purged in S9
Known values:
S10 ¿ 141752.6 kg /h
Overall mass balance: Methanol mass balance:
S 6=S 8+ S 9+141752.6 0.2141 S 6=141752.6(0.9264)
613356.4=S 8+ S 9+141752.6 S 6=613356.4 kg /h
S 8+ S 9=471603.8 kg /h

Compositions in S7:
S 7=S 8+ S 9=471603.8 kg/h
0.2141 ( 613356.4 )=471603.8 xC 7 0.2332 ( 613356.4 )=471603.8 x E 7

x C 7=0.278 x E 7 =0.303

0.2 944 ( 613356.4 )=471603.8 x D 7 0. 0229 ( 613356.4 )=471603.8 x A 7

x D 7=0. 383 x A 7=0.0298

Finding S9 and its composition:

10% of CO and H 2 are purged in S9.
0.1 ( x C 7 ) ( S 7 ) =0.1 ( 0.278 )( 471603.8 )=13110.6 of CO
0.1 ( x E 7 ) ( S 7 ) =0.1 ( 0. 303 ) ( 471603.8 ) =1 4289.6 of H 2
S 9=13110.6+14289.6=27400.2 kg/h
13110.6 1 4289.6
x C 9= =0.478 x C 9= =0. 522
27400.2 27400.2

Finding S8 and its composition:

S 8=S 7−S 9
S 8=471603.8−27400.2=444203.6 kg /h
x A 8 ( 444203.6 ) =0.029 8(471603.8)

x A 8=0.032

x C 8 ( 444203.6 ) +13110.6=0.2 78(471603.8)

x C 8=0. 266

x D 8 ( 444203.6 )=0. 383( 471603.8)

x D 8=0. 407
x E 8 ( 444203.6 )+ 1 4289.6=0. 303( 471603.8)

x E 8=0. 29

Stream/Component S6 S7 S8 S9 S10
xA 0.0229 0.0298 0.032 - -
xB 0.0213 - - - 0.0736
xC 0.2141 0.278 0.266 0.478 -
xD 0.2944 0.383 0.407 - -
xE 0.2332 0.303 0.29 0.522 -
xF 0.2141 - - - 0.9264

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