Materialized Views

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Oracle® Database

Advanced Replication
10g Release 2 (10.2)

November 2007
Oracle Database Advanced Replication, 10g Release 2 (10.2)


Copyright © 1996, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Primary Author: Randy Urbano

Contributors: Nimar Arora, Sukanya Balaraman, Yuen Chan, Al Demers, Alan Downing, Curt Elsbernd,
Yong Feng, Jairaj Galagali, Lewis Kaplan, Jonathan Klein, Anand Lakshminath, Jing Liu, Edwina Lu, Pat
McElroy, Maria Pratt, Arvind Rajaram, Neeraj Shodhan, Wayne Smith, Jim Stamos, Janet Stern, Mahesh
Subramaniam, Lik Wong, David Zhang

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Preface ................................................................................................................................................................. ix
Audience....................................................................................................................................................... ix
Documentation Accessibility ..................................................................................................................... x
Related Documents ..................................................................................................................................... x
Conventions ................................................................................................................................................. xi

1 Introduction to Advanced Replication

Overview of Replication ......................................................................................................................... 1-1
Applications that Use Replication ........................................................................................................ 1-2
Replication Objects, Groups, and Sites ............................................................................................... 1-3
Replication Objects............................................................................................................................. 1-3
Replication Groups ............................................................................................................................ 1-3
Replication Sites ................................................................................................................................. 1-4
Types of Replication Environments ..................................................................................................... 1-4
Multimaster Replication.................................................................................................................... 1-4
Materialized View Replication......................................................................................................... 1-5
Multimaster and Materialized View Hybrid Configurations...................................................... 1-9
Administration Tools for a Replication Environment ................................................................... 1-10
Replication Management Tool in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console ........................... 1-11
Replication Management API ....................................................................................................... 1-11
Replication Catalog ......................................................................................................................... 1-12
Distributed Schema Management ................................................................................................ 1-12
Replication Conflicts ............................................................................................................................ 1-12
Other Options for Multimaster Replication .................................................................................... 1-13
Synchronous Replication ............................................................................................................... 1-13
Procedural Replication ................................................................................................................... 1-13

2 Master Replication Concepts and Architecture

Master Replication Concepts ................................................................................................................. 2-1
What is Master Replication? ............................................................................................................. 2-1
Why Use Multimaster Replication?................................................................................................. 2-3
Multimaster Replication Process ..................................................................................................... 2-5
Conflict Resolution Concepts ........................................................................................................... 2-7
How Replication Works with Object Types and Collections ...................................................... 2-8

Master Replication Architecture ........................................................................................................ 2-13
Master Site Mechanisms................................................................................................................. 2-13
Administrative Mechanisms ......................................................................................................... 2-23
Organizational Mechanisms .......................................................................................................... 2-27
Propagation Mechanism ................................................................................................................ 2-29
Performance Mechanisms .............................................................................................................. 2-33
Replication Protection Mechanisms ............................................................................................. 2-37
Conflict Resolution Mechanisms .................................................................................................. 2-40

3 Materialized View Concepts and Architecture

Materialized View Concepts .................................................................................................................. 3-1
What is a Materialized View?........................................................................................................... 3-1
Why Use Materialized Views? ......................................................................................................... 3-2
Read-Only, Updatable, and Writeable Materialized Views ........................................................ 3-3
Available Materialized Views .......................................................................................................... 3-6
Required Privileges for Materialized View Operations ............................................................ 3-11
Data Subsetting with Materialized Views ................................................................................... 3-13
Determining the Fast Refresh Capabilities of a Materialized View......................................... 3-22
Multitier Materialized Views ........................................................................................................ 3-22
How Materialized Views Work with Object Types and Collections....................................... 3-27
Materialized View Registration at a Master Site or Master Materialized View Site ............. 3-35
Materialized View Architecture ......................................................................................................... 3-37
Master Site and Master Materialized View Site Mechanisms .................................................. 3-38
Materialized View Site Mechanisms ............................................................................................ 3-41
Organizational Mechanisms .......................................................................................................... 3-42
Refresh Process ................................................................................................................................ 3-46

4 Deployment Templates Concepts and Architecture

Mass Deployment Challenge................................................................................................................. 4-1
Deployment Templates and the Mass Deployment Goal ............................................................ 4-2
Oracle Deployment Templates Concepts ............................................................................................ 4-2
Deployment Template Elements...................................................................................................... 4-3
Deployment Template Packaging and Instantiation .................................................................... 4-7
Deployment Template Architecture .................................................................................................. 4-10
Template Definitions Stored in System Tables ........................................................................... 4-10
Packaging and Instantiation Process............................................................................................ 4-11
After Instantiation ........................................................................................................................... 4-14
Deployment Template Design ............................................................................................................ 4-15
Column Subsetting with Deployment Templates ...................................................................... 4-15
Row Subsetting................................................................................................................................ 4-17
Data Sets ........................................................................................................................................... 4-19
Additional Design Considerations ............................................................................................... 4-21
Local Control of Materialized View Creation.................................................................................. 4-21
Local Materialized View Control.................................................................................................. 4-21

5 Conflict Resolution Concepts and Architecture
Conflict Resolution Concepts ................................................................................................................ 5-1
Understanding Your Data and Application Requirements ......................................................... 5-2
Types of Replication Conflicts.......................................................................................................... 5-2
Data Conflicts and Transaction Ordering....................................................................................... 5-3
Conflict Detection............................................................................................................................... 5-3
Conflict Resolution............................................................................................................................. 5-4
Techniques for Avoiding Conflicts............................................................................................... 5-12
Conflict Resolution Architecture ....................................................................................................... 5-14
Support Mechanisms ...................................................................................................................... 5-15
Common Update Conflict Resolution Methods ......................................................................... 5-16
Additional Update Conflicts Resolution Methods..................................................................... 5-18
Uniqueness Conflicts Resolution Methods ................................................................................. 5-26
Delete Conflict Resolution Methods............................................................................................. 5-27
Send and Compare Old Values..................................................................................................... 5-27

6 Planning Your Replication Environment

Considerations for Replicated Tables .................................................................................................. 6-1
Primary Keys and Replicated Tables .............................................................................................. 6-1
Foreign Keys and Replicated Tables ............................................................................................... 6-2
Datatype Considerations for Replicated Tables ............................................................................ 6-2
Row-Level Dependency Tracking ................................................................................................... 6-3
Initialization Parameters......................................................................................................................... 6-3
Master Sites and Materialized View Sites........................................................................................... 6-6
Advantages of Master Sites .............................................................................................................. 6-7
Advantages of Materialized View Sites .......................................................................................... 6-7
Preparing for Materialized Views.................................................................................................... 6-7
Creating a Materialized View Log................................................................................................ 6-11
Creating a Materialized View Environment ............................................................................... 6-13
Avoiding Problems When Adding a New Materialized View Site ......................................... 6-14
Interoperability in an Advanced Replication Environment ......................................................... 6-15
Guidelines for Scheduled Links ........................................................................................................ 6-15
Scheduling Periodic Pushes........................................................................................................... 6-15
Scheduling Continuous Pushes..................................................................................................... 6-16
Guidelines for Scheduled Purges of a Deferred Transaction Queue.......................................... 6-17
Scheduling Periodic Purges ........................................................................................................... 6-18
Scheduling Continuous Purges..................................................................................................... 6-18
Serial and Parallel Propagation .......................................................................................................... 6-19
Deployment Templates ........................................................................................................................ 6-20
Preparing Materialized View Sites for Instantiation of Deployment Templates................... 6-20
Conflict Resolution ............................................................................................................................... 6-22
Security and Replication...................................................................................................................... 6-22
Designing for Survivability ................................................................................................................ 6-22
Oracle Real Application Clusters versus Replication ................................................................ 6-23
Designing a Replication Environment for Survivability ........................................................... 6-24
Implementing a Survivable System.............................................................................................. 6-24

7 Introduction to the Replication Management Tool
Usage Scenarios for the Replication Management Tool ................................................................... 7-1
Logging into the Replication Management Tool................................................................................ 7-2
The Replication Management Tool Interface ..................................................................................... 7-2
Navigator Pane ................................................................................................................................... 7-3
Right Pane ........................................................................................................................................... 7-6
The Replication Management Tool Wizards.................................................................................... 7-11
Setup Wizard ................................................................................................................................... 7-11
Materialized View Group Wizard ................................................................................................ 7-13
Deployment Template Wizard...................................................................................................... 7-15
Template Script Generation Wizard............................................................................................. 7-16
Copy Template Wizard .................................................................................................................. 7-18
Flowchart for Creating a Replication Environment ....................................................................... 7-19

A Troubleshooting Replication Problems

Diagnosing Problems with Database Links ...................................................................................... A-1
Diagnosing Problems with Master Sites ............................................................................................ A-2
Replicated Objects Not Created at New Master Site ................................................................... A-2
DDL Changes Not Propagated to Master Site .............................................................................. A-2
DML Changes Not Asynchronously Propagated to Other Sites................................................ A-3
DML Cannot be Applied to Replicated Table............................................................................... A-3
Bulk Updates and Constraint Violations ....................................................................................... A-3
Re-creating a Replicated Object ...................................................................................................... A-3
Unable to Generate Replication Support for a Table ................................................................... A-3
Problems with Replicated Procedures or Triggers....................................................................... A-4
Diagnosing Problems with the Deferred Transaction Queue ........................................................ A-4
Check Jobs for Scheduled Links...................................................................................................... A-4
Distributed Transaction Problems with Synchronous Replication............................................ A-4
Incomplete Database Link Specifications ...................................................................................... A-5
Incorrect Replication Catalog Views .............................................................................................. A-5
Diagnosing Problems with Materialized Views ............................................................................... A-5
Problems Creating Replicated Objects at Materialized View Site ............................................. A-5
Problems Performing Offline Instantiation of a Deployment Template................................... A-6
Refresh Problems............................................................................................................................... A-6
Advanced Troubleshooting of Refresh Problems ........................................................................ A-7

B Column Length Semantics and Unicode

Column Length Semantics for Replication Sites and Table Columns.......................................... B-1
Multimaster Support for Column Length Semantics....................................................................... B-2
Column Length Semantics Support for Tables Generated by Advanced Replication............ B-2
Column Length Semantics Support for Precreated Tables ......................................................... B-2
Materialized View Support for Column Length Semantics ........................................................... B-3
Materialized Views with Prebuilt Container Tables.................................................................... B-3
Column Length Semantics Support for Updatable Materialized Views .................................. B-4
DDL Propagation and Column Length Semantics ........................................................................... B-4

Replication Support for Unicode ......................................................................................................... B-5
Replication of NCLOB Datatype Columns ................................................................................... B-6



Oracle Database Advanced Replication describes the features and functionality of

Advanced Replication. Specifically, Oracle Database Advanced Replication contains
conceptual information about Advanced Replication, as well as information about
planning your replication environment and troubleshooting replication problems.
Oracle Database Advanced Replication also contains an introduction to the Replication
Management tool in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.
This Preface contains these topics:
■ Audience
■ Documentation Accessibility
■ Related Documents
■ Conventions

Oracle Database Advanced Replication is intended for database administrators and
application developers who develop and maintain replication environments. These
administrators and application developers perform one or more of the following tasks:
■ Plan for a replication environment
■ Configure the following types of replication environments:
– Read-only materialized view
– Updatable materialized view
– Single master replication
– Multimaster replication
■ Use deployment templates to create a materialized view environment
■ Configure conflict resolution
■ Administer a replication environment
■ Perform troubleshooting activities when necessary
■ Manage job queues
■ Manage deferred transactions
■ Use the Replication Management tool in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console to
create, monitor, and manage replication environments

To use this document, you need to be familiar with relational database concepts,
distributed database administration, PL/SQL (if using procedural replication), and the
operating system under which you run an Advanced Replication environment.

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Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation
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Related Documents
For more information, see these Oracle resources:
■ Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API Reference
■ The Replication Management tool online help
■ Oracle Database Concepts
■ Oracle Database Administrator's Guide
■ Oracle Database SQL Reference
■ Oracle Database PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference
■ Oracle Streams Replication Administrator's Guide if you want to migrate your
Advanced Replication environment to Oracle Streams
Many of the examples in this book use the sample schemas of the sample database,
which is installed by default when you install Oracle Database. Refer to Oracle
Database Sample Schemas for information on how these schemas were created and how
you can use them yourself.

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Introduction to Advanced Replication

This chapter explains the basic concepts and terminology related to Advanced
This chapter contains these topics:
■ Overview of Replication
■ Applications that Use Replication
■ Replication Objects, Groups, and Sites
■ Types of Replication Environments
■ Administration Tools for a Replication Environment
■ Replication Conflicts
■ Other Options for Multimaster Replication

Note: If you are using Trusted Oracle, then see your

documentation for Oracle security-related products for information
about using replication in that environment.

Overview of Replication
Replication is the process of copying and maintaining database objects, such as tables,
in multiple databases that make up a distributed database system. Changes applied at
one site are captured and stored locally before being forwarded and applied at each of
the remote locations. Advanced Replication is a fully integrated feature of the Oracle
server; it is not a separate server.
Replication uses distributed database technology to share data between multiple sites,
but a replicated database and a distributed database are not the same. In a distributed
database, data is available at many locations, but a particular table resides at only one
location. For example, the employees table resides at only the database in
a distributed database system that also includes the and
databases. Replication means that the same data is available at multiple locations. For
example, the employees table is available at,, and
Some of the most common reasons for using replication are described as follows:

Replication provides fast, local access to shared data because it balances activity over
multiple sites. Some users can access one server while other users access different
servers, thereby reducing the load at all servers. Also, users can access data from the

Introduction to Advanced Replication 1-1

Applications that Use Replication

replication site that has the lowest access cost, which is typically the site that is
geographically closest to them.

Replication provides fast, local access to shared data because it balances activity over
multiple sites. Some users can access one server while other users access different
servers, thereby reducing the load at all servers. Also, users can access data from the
replication site that has the lowest access cost, which is typically the site that is
geographically closest to them.

Disconnected Computing
A materialized view is a complete or partial copy (replica) of a target table from a
single point in time. Materialized views enable users to work on a subset of a database
while disconnected from the central database server. Later, when a connection is
established, users can synchronize (refresh) materialized views on demand. When
users refresh materialized views, they update the central database with all of their
changes, and they receive any changes that happened while they were disconnected.

Network Load Reduction

Replication can be used to distribute data over multiple regional locations. Then,
applications can access various regional servers instead of accessing one central server.
This configuration can reduce network load dramatically.

Mass Deployment
Replication can be used to distribute data over multiple regional locations. Then,
applications can access various regional servers instead of accessing one central server.
This configuration can reduce network load dramatically.
You can find more detailed descriptions of the uses of replication in later chapters.

Note: The Advanced Replication feature is automatically installed

and upgraded in every Oracle Database 10g database.

See Also: Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for more

information about distributed databases

Applications that Use Replication

Replication supports a variety of applications that often have different requirements.
Some applications allow for relatively autonomous individual materialized view sites.
For example, sales force automation, field service, retail, and other mass deployment
applications typically require data to be periodically synchronized between central
database systems and a large number of small, remote sites, which are often
disconnected from the central database. Members of a sales force must be able to
complete transactions, regardless of whether they are connected to the central
database. In this case, remote sites must be autonomous.
On the other hand, applications such as call centers and Internet systems require data
on multiple servers to be synchronized in a continuous, nearly instantaneous manner
to ensure that the service provided is available and equivalent at all times. For
example, a retail Web site on the Internet must ensure that customers see the same
information in the online catalog at each site. Here, data consistency is more important
than site autonomy.

1-2 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Replication Objects, Groups, and Sites

Advanced Replication can be used for each of the types of applications described in
the previous paragraphs, and for systems that combine aspects of both types of
applications. In fact, Advanced Replication can support both mass deployment and
server-to-server replication, enabling integration into a single coherent environment.
In such an environment, for example, sales force automation and customer service call
centers can share data.
Advanced Replication can replicate data in environments that use different releases of
Oracle and in environments that run Oracle on different operating systems. Therefore,
applications that use data in such an environment can use Advanced Replication.

Replication Objects, Groups, and Sites

The following sections explain the basic components of a replication system, including
replication objects, replication groups, and replication sites.

Replication Objects
A replication object is a database object existing on multiple servers in a distributed
database system. In a replication environment, any updates made to a replication
object at one site are applied to the copies at all other sites. Advanced Replication
enables you to replicate the following types of objects:
■ Tables
■ Indexes
■ Views and Object Views
■ Packages and Package Bodies
■ Procedures and Functions
■ User-Defined Types and Type Bodies
■ Triggers
■ Synonyms
■ Indextypes
■ User-Defined Operators
Regarding tables, replication supports advanced features such as partitioned tables,
index-organized tables, tables containing columns that are based on user-defined
types, and object tables.

Replication Groups
In a replication environment, Oracle manages replication objects using replication
groups. A replication group is a collection of replication objects that are logically
By organizing related database objects within a replication group, it is easier to
administer many objects together. Typically, you create and use a replication group to
organize the schema objects necessary to support a particular database application.
However, replication groups and schemas do not need to correspond with one
another. A replication group can contain objects from multiple schemas, and a single
schema can have objects in multiple replication groups. However, each replication
object can be a member of only one replication group.

Introduction to Advanced Replication 1-3

Types of Replication Environments

Replication Sites
A replication group can exist at multiple replication sites. Replication environments
support two basic types of sites: master sites and materialized view sites. One site can
be both a master site for one replication group and a materialized view site for a
different replication group. However, one site cannot be both the master site and the
materialized view site for the same replication group.
The differences between master sites and materialized view sites are the following:
■ A replication group at a master site is more specifically referred to as a master
group. A replication group at a materialized view site is based on a master group
and is more specifically referred to as a materialized view group. Additionally,
every master group has exactly one master definition site. A replication group's
master definition site is a master site serving as the control center for managing
the replication group and the objects in the group.
■ A master site maintains a complete copy of all objects in a replication group, while
materialized views at a materialized view site can contain all or a subset of the
table data within a master group. For example, if the hr_repg master group
contains the tables employees and departments, then all of the master sites
participating in a master group must maintain a complete copy of employees
and departments. However, one materialized view site might contain only a
materialized view of the employees table, while another materialized view site
might contain materialized views of both the employees and departments
■ All master sites in a multimaster replication environment communicate directly
with one another to continually propagate data changes in the replication group.
Materialized view sites contain an image, or materialized view, of the table data
from a certain point in time. Typically, a materialized view is refreshed
periodically to synchronize it with its master site. You can organize materialized
views into refresh groups. Materialized views in a refresh group can belong to one
or more materialized view groups, and they are refreshed at the same time to
ensure that the data in all materialized views in the refresh group correspond to
the same transactionally consistent point in time.

Types of Replication Environments

Advanced Replication supports the following types of replication environments:
■ Multimaster Replication
■ Materialized View Replication
■ Multimaster and Materialized View Hybrid Configurations

Multimaster Replication
Multimaster replication (also called peer-to-peer or n-way replication) enables
multiple sites, acting as equal peers, to manage groups of replicated database objects.
Each site in a multimaster replication environment is a master site, and each site
communicates with the other master sites.
Applications can update any replicated table at any site in a multimaster
configuration. Oracle database servers operating as master sites in a multimaster
environment automatically work to converge the data of all table replicas and to
ensure global transaction consistency and data integrity.

1-4 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Types of Replication Environments

Asynchronous replication is the most common way to implement multimaster

replication. Other ways include synchronous replication and procedural replication,
which are discussed later in this chapter. When you use asynchronous replication,
information about a data manipulation language (DML) change on a table is stored in
the deferred transactions queue at the master site where the change occurred. These
changes are called deferred transactions. The deferred transactions are pushed (or
propagated) to the other participating master sites at regular intervals. You can control
the amount of time in an interval.
Using asynchronous replication means that data conflicts are possible because the
same row value might be updated at two different master sites at nearly the same
time. However, you can use techniques to avoid conflicts and, if conflicts occur, Oracle
provides prebuilt mechanisms that can be implemented to resolve them. Information
about unresolved conflicts is stored in an error log.

Figure 1–1 Multimaster Replication

Master Table


Master Master
Site Table
Table Site Table
Table Table
Table Table

Replication Replication
Group Group

Master Group Quiesce

At times, you must stop all replication activity for a master group so that you can
perform certain administrative tasks on the master group. For example, you must stop
all replication activity for a master group to add a new master group object. Stopping
all replication activity for a master group is called quiescing the group. When a master
group is quiesced, users cannot issue DML statements on any of the objects in the
master group. Also, all deferred transactions must be propagated before you can
quiesce a master group. Users can continue to query the tables in a quiesced master

Materialized View Replication

A materialized view contains a complete or partial copy of a target master from a
single point in time. The target master can be either a master table at a master site or a
master materialized view at a materialized view site. A master materialized view is a
materialized view that functions as a master for another materialized view. A
multitier materialized view is one that is based on another materialized view, instead
of on a master table.

Introduction to Advanced Replication 1-5

Types of Replication Environments

Materialized views provide the following benefits:

■ Enable local access, which improves response times and availability
■ Offload queries from the master site or master materialized view site, because
users can query the local materialized view instead
■ Increase data security by allowing you to replicate only a selected subset of the
target master's data set
A materialized view can be read-only, updatable, or writeable, and these types of
materialized views provide benefits in addition to those listed previously.

Overview of Read-Only Materialized Views

In a basic configuration, materialized views can provide read-only access to the table
data that originates from a master site or master materialized view site. Applications
can query data from read-only materialized views to avoid network access to the
master site, regardless of network availability. However, applications throughout the
system must access data at the master site to perform data manipulation language
changes (DML). Figure 1–2 illustrates basic, read-only replication. The master tables
and master materialized views of read-only materialized views do not need to belong
to a replication group.
Read-only materialized views provide the following benefits:
■ Eliminate the possibility of conflicts because they cannot be updated.
■ Support complex materialized views. Examples of complex materialized views are
materialized views that contain set operations or a CONNECT BY clause.

See Also: "Available Materialized Views" on page 3-6 for more

information about complex materialized views

Figure 1–2 Read-Only Materialized View Replication

Client applications

Remote update


Materialized View Master Table

(read-only) (updatable)


Materialized Replicate table data Master

View database
database Refresh

1-6 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Types of Replication Environments

Overview of Updatable Materialized Views

In a more advanced configuration, you can create an updatable materialized view
that allows users to insert, update, and delete rows of the target master table or master
materialized view by performing these operations on the materialized view. An
updatable materialized view can also contain a subset of the data in the target master.
Figure 1–3 illustrates a replication environment using updatable materialized views.
Updatable materialized views are based on tables or other materialized views that
have been set up to support replication. In fact, updatable materialized views must be
part of a materialized view group that is based on another replication group. For
changes made to an updatable materialized view to be pushed back to the master
during refresh, the updatable materialized view must belong to a materialized view

Figure 1–3 Updatable Materialized View Replication

Client applications

Remote update

Local Local
update query

Materialized View Master Table

(updatable) (updatable)


Materialized Master
View Replicate table data
database Refresh

Updatable materialized views have the following properties.

■ They are always based on a single table, although multiple tables can be
referenced in a subquery.
■ They can be incrementally (or fast) refreshed.
■ Oracle propagates the changes made to an updatable materialized view to the
materialized view's remote master table or master materialized view. The updates
to the master then cascade to all other replication sites.
Updatable materialized views provide the following benefits:
■ Allow users to query and update a local replicated data set even when
disconnected from the master site or master materialized view site.
■ Require fewer resources than multimaster replication, while still supporting data
updates. Materialized views can reduce the amount of stress placed on network
resources because materialized views can be refreshed on demand, while
multimaster replication propagates changes at regular intervals. In addition,

Introduction to Advanced Replication 1-7

Types of Replication Environments

because materialized views can reside in a database that contains far less data, the
disk space and memory requirements for materialized view clients can be less
than the requirements for an Oracle server containing master sites.

Overview of Writeable Materialized Views

You can create a materialized view using the FOR UPDATE clause during creation but
then never add the materialized view to a materialized view group. In this case, users
can perform data manipulation language (DML) changes on the materialized view,
but these changes cannot be pushed back to the master and are lost if the materialized
view refreshes. Such materialized views are called writeable materialized views.

Overview of Row and Column Subsetting with Materialized Views

Both row and column subsetting enable you to create materialized views that contain
a partial copy of the data at a master table or master materialized view. Such
materialized views can be helpful for regional offices or sales forces that do not require
the complete data set.
Row subsetting enables you to include only the rows that are needed from the masters
in the materialized views by using a WHERE clause. Column subsetting enables you to
include only the columns that are needed from the masters in the materialized views.
You do this by specifying particular columns in the SELECT statement during
materialized view creation.

Note: Column subsetting of updatable materialized views is

supported only through the use of deployment templates and the
Replication Management tool. This restriction does not apply to
column subsetting of read-only materialized views.

See Also:
■ "Data Subsetting with Materialized Views" on page 3-13
■ "Column Subsetting with Deployment Templates" on page 4-15

Materialized View Refresh

To ensure that a materialized view is consistent with its master table or master
materialized view, you need to refresh the materialized view periodically. Oracle
provides the following three methods to refresh materialized views:
■ Fast refresh uses materialized view logs to update only the rows that have
changed since the last refresh.
■ Complete refresh updates the entire materialized view.
■ Force refresh performs a fast refresh when possible. When a fast refresh is not
possible, force refresh performs a complete refresh.

Refresh Groups
When it is important for materialized views to be transactionally consistent with each
other, you can organize them into refresh groups. By refreshing the refresh group, you
can ensure that the data in all of the materialized views in the refresh group
correspond to the same transactionally consistent point in time. Both read-only and
updatable materialized views can be included in a refresh group. A materialized view
in a refresh group still can be refreshed individually, but doing so nullifies the benefits

1-8 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Types of Replication Environments

of the refresh group because refreshing the materialized view individually does not
refresh the other materialized views in the refresh group.

Materialized View Log

A materialized view log is a table at the materialized view's master site or master
materialized view site that records all of the DML changes to the master table or
master materialized view. A materialized view log is associated with a single master
table or master materialized view, and each of those has only one materialized view
log, regardless of how many materialized views refresh from the master. A fast refresh
of a materialized view is possible only if the materialized view's master has a
materialized view log. When a materialized view is fast refreshed, entries in the
materialized view's associated materialized view log that have appeared since the
materialized view was last refreshed are applied to the materialized view.

Deployment Templates
Deployment templates simplify the task of deploying and maintaining many remote
materialized view sites. Using deployment templates, you can define a collection of
materialized view definitions at a master site, and you can use parameters in the
definitions so that the materialized views can be customized for individual users or
types of users.
For example, you might create one template for the sales force and another template
for field service representatives. In this case, a parameter value might be the sales
territory or the customer support level. When a remote user connects to a master site,
the user can query a list of available templates. When the user instantiates a template,
the materialized views are created and populated at the remote site. The parameter
values can either be supplied by the remote user or taken from a table maintained at
the master site.

Online and Offline Instantiation When a user instantiates a template at a materialized view
site, the object DDL (for example, CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW or CREATE TABLE
statements) is executed to create the schema objects at the materialized view site, and
the objects are populated with the appropriate data. Users can instantiate templates
while connected to the master site over a network (online instantiation), or while
disconnected from the master site (offline instantiation).
Offline instantiation is often used to decrease server loads during peak usage periods
and to reduce remote connection times. To instantiate a template offline, you package
the template and required data on some type of storage media, such as tape, CD-ROM,
and so on. Then, instead of pulling the data from the master site, users pull the data
from the storage media containing the template and data.

Multimaster and Materialized View Hybrid Configurations

Multimaster replication and materialized views can be combined in hybrid or "mixed"
configurations to meet different application requirements. Hybrid configurations can
have any number of master sites and multiple materialized view sites for each master.
For example, as shown in Figure 1–4, multimaster (or n-way) replication between two
masters can support full-table replication between the databases that support two
geographic regions. Materialized views can be defined on the masters to replicate full
tables or table subsets to sites within each region.

Introduction to Advanced Replication 1-9

Administration Tools for a Replication Environment

Figure 1–4 Hybrid Configuration

Master Master
Site Replication Site Replication
Group Group

Site Replication

Materialized Materialized
View Replication View Replication
Site Group Site Group

Key differences between materialized views and replicated master tables include the
■ Replicated master tables must contain data for the full table being replicated,
whereas materialized views can replicate subsets of master table data.
■ Multimaster replication enables you to replicate changes for each transaction as
the changes occur. Materialized view refreshes are set oriented, propagating
changes from multiple transactions in a more efficient, batch-oriented operation,
but at less frequent intervals.
■ If conflicts occur because of changes made to multiple copies of the same data,
then detection and resolution of conflicts always occurs at a master site or a master
materialized view site.

Scheduled Links
Both master sites and materialized view sites use scheduled links to propagate data
changes to other sites. A scheduled link is a database link with a user-defined schedule
to push deferred transactions. A scheduled link determines how a master site
propagates its deferred transaction queue to another master site, or how a materialized
view site propagates its deferred transaction queue to its master site. When you create
a scheduled link, Oracle creates a job in the local job queue to push the deferred
transaction queue to another site in the system.

Administration Tools for a Replication Environment

Several tools are available for configuring, administering, and monitoring your
replication environment. The Replication Management tool in the Oracle Enterprise
Manager Console provides a powerful GUI interface to help you manage your
environment, while the replication management application programming interface
(API) provides you with a familiar API to build customized scripts for replication

1-10 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Administration Tools for a Replication Environment

administration. Additionally, the replication catalog keeps you informed about your
replication environment.

Replication Management Tool in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console

To help configure and administer replication environments, Oracle provides a
sophisticated Replication Management tool in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.
Other sections in this book include information and examples for using this tool, but
the Replication Management tool online help is the primary documentation source for
this tool.

Figure 1–5 The Replication Management Tool in Oracle Enterprise Manager Console

See Also: Chapter 7, "Introduction to the Replication

Management Tool" for an introduction to the Replication
Management tool, and the Replication Management tool online
help for complete instructions on using the tool.

Replication Management API

The replication management API is a set of PL/SQL packages that encapsulate
procedures and functions that you can use to configure an Advanced Replication
environment. The replication management API is a command-line alternative to the
Replication Management tool. In fact, the Replication Management tool uses the
procedures and functions of the replication management API to perform its work. For
example, when you use the Replication Management tool to create a new master
group, the tool completes the task by making a call to the CREATE_MASTER_
REPGROUP procedure in the DBMS_REPCAT package. The replication management API
makes it easy for you to create custom scripts to manage your replication

Introduction to Advanced Replication 1-11

Replication Conflicts

See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API

Reference for more information about using the replication
management API

Replication Catalog
Every master site and materialized view site in a replication environment has a
replication catalog. A replication catalog for a site is a distinct set of data dictionary
tables and views that maintain administrative information about replication objects
and replication groups at the site. Every server participating in a replication
environment can automate the replication of objects in replication groups using the
information in its replication catalog.

See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API

Reference for more information about the replication catalog

Distributed Schema Management

In a replication environment, all DDL statements must be issued using either the
Replication Management tool in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console or the DBMS_
REPCAT package in the replication management API. Specifically, if you use the
DBMS_REPCAT package, then use the CREATE_MASTER_REPOBJECT procedure to add
objects to a master group, and use ALTER_MASTER_REPOBJECT to modify replicated
objects. You can also use the EXECUTE_DDL procedure.
When you use either the Replication Management tool or the DBMS_REPCAT package,
all DDL statements are replicated to all of the sites participating in the replication
environment. In some cases, you can also use export/import to create replicated

■ Any DDL statements issued directly using a tool such as
SQL*Plus are not replicated to other sites.
■ You can use either Data Pump export/import or original
export/import to perform exports and imports in an Advanced
Replication environment. General references to export/import
in this document refer to both Data Pump and original

Replication Conflicts
Asynchronous multimaster and updatable materialized view replication environments
must address the possibility of replication conflicts that can occur when, for example,
two transactions originating from different sites update the same row at nearly the
same time. When data conflicts occur, you need a mechanism to ensure that the
conflict is resolved in accordance with your business rules and to ensure that the data
converges correctly at all sites.
In addition to logging any conflicts that can occur in your replication environment,
Advanced Replication offers a variety of prebuilt conflict resolution methods that
enable you to define a conflict resolution system for your database that resolves
conflicts in accordance with your business rules. If you have a unique situation that
Oracle's prebuilt conflict resolution methods cannot resolve, then you have the option
of building and using your own conflict resolution methods.

1-12 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Other Options for Multimaster Replication

See Also:
■ Chapter 5, "Conflict Resolution Concepts and Architecture" for
information about how to design your database to avoid data
conflicts and how to build conflict resolution methods that
resolve such conflicts when they occur
■ The Replication Management tool online help for instructions
on using the tool to configure conflict resolution methods
■ Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API Reference
for a description of how to build conflict resolution methods
using the replication management API

Other Options for Multimaster Replication

Asynchronous replication is the most common way to implement multimaster
replication. However, you have two other options: synchronous replication and
procedural replication.

Synchronous Replication
A multimaster replication environment can use either asynchronous or synchronous
replication to copy data. With asynchronous replication, changes made at one master
site occur at a later time at all other participating master sites. With synchronous
replication, changes made at one master site occur immediately at all other
participating master sites.
When you use synchronous replication, an update of a table results in the immediate
replication of the update at all participating master sites. In fact, each transaction
includes all master sites. Therefore, if one master site cannot process a transaction for
any reason, then the transaction is rolled back at all master sites.
Although you avoid the possibility of conflicts when you use synchronous replication,
it requires a very stable environment to operate smoothly. If communication to one
master site is not possible because of a network problem, for example, then users can
still query replicated tables, but no transactions can be completed until communication
is reestablished. Also, it is possible to configure asynchronous replication so that it
simulates synchronous replication.

See Also: "Scheduling Continuous Pushes" on page 6-16 for

information about simulating synchronous replication in an
asynchronous replication environment

Procedural Replication
Batch processing applications can change large amounts of data within a single
transaction. In such cases, typical row-level replication might load a network with
many data changes. To avoid such problems, a batch processing application operating
in a replication environment can use Oracle's procedural replication to replicate
simple stored procedure calls to converge data replicas. Procedural replication
replicates only the call to a stored procedure that an application uses to update a table.
It does not replicate the data modifications themselves.
To use procedural replication, you must replicate the packages that modify data in the
system to all sites. After replicating a package, you must generate a wrapper for the
package at each site. When an application calls a packaged procedure at the local site
to modify data, the wrapper ensures that the call is ultimately made to the same

Introduction to Advanced Replication 1-13

Other Options for Multimaster Replication

packaged procedure at all other sites in the replication environment. Procedural

replication can occur asynchronously or synchronously.

Conflict Detection and Procedural Replication

When a replicating data using procedural replication, the procedures that replicate
data are responsible for ensuring the integrity of the replicated data. That is, you must
design such procedures to either avoid or detect replication conflicts and to resolve
them appropriately. Consequently, procedural replication is most typically used when
databases are modified only with large batch operations. In such situations, replication
conflicts are unlikely because numerous transactions are not contending for the same

See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API

Reference for more information about procedural replication

1-14 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Master Replication Concepts and

This chapter explains the concepts and architecture of Oracle's master replication sites
in both single master and multimaster replication environments.
This chapter contains these topics:
■ Master Replication Concepts
■ Master Replication Architecture

Master Replication Concepts

To understand the architectural details of master replication, you need to understand
concepts of master replication. Knowing how and why replication is used provides
you with a greater understanding of how the individual architectural elements work
together to create a multimaster replication environment.

What is Master Replication?

Oracle has two types of master replication: single master replication and multimaster
replication. Multimaster replication includes multiple master sites, where each master
site operates as an equal peer. In single master replication, a single master site
supporting materialized view replication provides the mechanisms to support
potentially hundreds or thousands of materialized view sites. A single master site that
supports one or more materialized view sites can also participate in a multiple master
site environment, creating a hybrid replication environment (combination of
multimaster and materialized view replication).
Materialized views can be based on master tables at master sites or on materialized
views at materialized view sites. When materialized views are based on materialized
views, you have a multitier materialized view environment. In such an environment,
materialized views that have other materialized views based on them are called
master materialized views.

See Also: Chapter 3, "Materialized View Concepts and

Architecture" for more information about multitier materialized

Master Replication Concepts and Architecture 2-1

Master Replication Concepts

Multimaster Replication
Multimaster replication, also known as peer-to-peer or n-way replication, is comprised
of multiple master sites equally participating in an update-anywhere model. Updates
made to an individual master site are propagated (sent) to all other participating
master sites. Figure 2–1 illustrates a multimaster replication system.
Oracle database servers operating as master sites in a multimaster replication
environment automatically work to converge the data of all table replicas, and ensure
global transaction consistency and data integrity. Conflict resolution is independently
handled at each of the master sites. Multimaster replication provides complete replicas
of each replicated table at each of the master sites.
If the replication environment is a hybrid environment (it has multiple master sites
supporting one or more materialized view sites), then the target master site propagates
any of the materialized view updates to all other master sites in the multimaster
replication environment. Then each master site propagates changes to their
materialized views when the materialized views refresh.

Figure 2–1 Multimaster Replication

Master Table


Master Master
Site Table
Table Site Table
Table Table
Table Table

Replication Replication
Group Group

Single Master Replication

A single master site can also function as the target master site for one or more
materialized view sites. Unlike multimaster replication, where updates to a single site
are propagated to all other master sites, materialized views update only their target
master site.
Conflict resolution is handled only at master sites or master materialized view sites.
Materialized view replication can contain complete or partial replicas of the replicated

See Also: Chapter 3, "Materialized View Concepts and

Architecture" for more information about materialized view
replication with a master site

2-2 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Master Replication Concepts

Master Sites
A master site can be both a node in a multimaster replication environment and the
master for one or more materialized view sites in a single master or multimaster
replication environment. The replicated objects are stored at the master site and are
available for user access.

Master Definition Site In a multimaster replication environment, one master site operates
as the master definition site for a master group. This particular site performs many of
the administrative and maintenance tasks for the multimaster replication
Each master group can have only one master definition site, though the master
definition site can be any of the master sites in the multimaster environment.
Additionally, the master definition site can be changed to a different master site if
A single master site supporting materialized view replication is by default the master
definition site.

Why Use Multimaster Replication?

From a very basic point of view, replication is used to make sure that data is available
when and where you need it. The following sections describe several different
environments that have different information delivery requirements. Your replication
environment might have one or more of the following requirements.

Multimaster replication can be used to protect the availability of a mission critical
database. For example, a multimaster replication environment can replicate data in
your database to establish a failover site should the primary site become unavailable
due to system or network outages. Such a failover site can also serve as a fully
functional database to support application access when the primary site is
concurrently operational.
You can use Oracle Net to configure automatic connect-time failover, which enables
Oracle Net to fail over to a different master site if the first master site fails. You
configure automatic connect-time failover in your tnsnames.ora file by setting the
FAILOVER_MODE parameter to on and specifying multiple connect descriptors.

See Also: Oracle Database Net Services Administrator's Guide for

more information about configuring connect-time failover

Load Balancing
Multimaster replication is useful for transaction processing applications that require
multiple points of access to database information for the following purposes:
■ Distributing a heavy application load
■ Ensuring continuous availability
■ Providing more localized data access
Applications that have application load distribution requirements commonly include
customer service oriented applications.

Master Replication Concepts and Architecture 2-3

Master Replication Concepts

Figure 2–2 Multimaster Replication Supporting Multiple Points of Update Access



Support for Disconnected Materialized View Environments

Materialized view replication enables users to remotely store all or a subset of
replicated data from a master site in a disconnected environment. This scenario is
typical of sales force automation systems where an individual's laptop (a disconnected
device) stores a subset of data related to the individual salesperson.
Master sites operate as the target of the materialized view environment. Master site
support can be:
■ A single master site supporting all of the materialized views, which reduces the
possibility of divergent data because conflict resolution is performed only at
master sites or master materialized view sites (in a multitier materialized view
■ A combination of multimaster and materialized view replication where groups of
materialized views are targeted to different masters of the multimaster
configuration. This configuration distributes the network load across multiple
master nodes, providing improved scalability and availability should one of the
master nodes become unavailable.

Oracle Real Application Clusters Compared with Replication

The two major areas where you need to consider whether Advanced Replication or
Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) better serves your needs are load balancing
and survivability.
■ Load Balancing: Advanced Replication provides read load balancing over
multiple databases, while RAC provides read and write load balancing over
multiple instances. Because each write must be performed at each replication site,
replication does not offer write load balancing.
■ Survivability: Replication provides greater survivability protection with regards
to natural disasters, power outages, or sabotage, or both because the remaining
replication sites can be positioned in a geographically different region. RAC
operates on a cluster or other massively parallel system and is located in the same
physical environment, and thus cannot protect against the physical problems that
replication can protect against.

2-4 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Master Replication Concepts

■ Interoperability: Advanced Replication can replicate data between different

platforms and operating systems that are running Oracle. The instances in a RAC
environment must run on the same platform.

Multimaster Replication Process

There are two types of multimaster replication: asynchronous and synchronous.
Asynchronous replication, often referred to as store-and-forward replication, captures
any local changes, stores them in a queue, and, at regular intervals, propagates and
applies these changes at remote sites. With this form of replication, there is a period of
time before all sites achieve data convergence.
Synchronous replication, also known as real-time replication, applies any changes or
executes any replicated procedures at all sites participating in the replication
environment as part of a single transaction. If the data manipulation language (DML)
statement or procedure fails at any site, then the entire transaction rolls back.
Synchronous replication ensures data consistency at all sites in real-time.
You can change the propagation mode from asynchronous to synchronous or vice
versa for a master site. If you change the propagation mode for a master site in a
master group, then you must regenerate replication support for all master group
objects. When you regenerate replication support, Oracle then activates the internal
triggers and regenerates the internal packages to support replication of the objects at
all master sites. Also, a multimaster replication environment can contain a mixture of
both synchronous and asynchronous replication.

See Also: "Understanding Mixed-Mode Multimaster Systems" on

page 2-32 for more information

Asynchronous Replication
Asynchronous replication independently propagates any DML or replicated
procedure execution to all of the other master sites participating in the multimaster
replication environment. Propagation occurs in a separate transaction after the DML
or replication procedure has been executed locally.
Asynchronous replication is the default mode of replication. Asynchronous replication
requires less networking and hardware resources than does synchronous replication,
resulting in better availability and performance.
Asynchronous replication, however, means that the data sets at the different master
sites in the replication environment can be different for a period of time before the
changes have been propagated. Also, data conflicts can occur in an asynchronous
replication environment.
The following describes the process of asynchronous replication:
1. A user issues DML statement or executes a wrapper for a replicated procedure.
After a table has been set up for replication, any DML that a user commits on the
table is captured for replication to all other master sites.
For each row that is inserted, updated, or deleted, an internal trigger creates a
deferred remote procedure call (RPC) and places it in the deferred transaction
queue. The deferred transaction queue contains all deferred RPCs.
If a procedure has been replicated and its wrapper is executed at a master site,
then the procedure call is placed in the deferred transaction queue.

Master Replication Concepts and Architecture 2-5

Master Replication Concepts

2. The deferred transaction queue stores deferred RPCs.

Each transaction in the deferred transaction queue has a list of destinations that
define where the deferred transaction should be propagated; this list contains all
master sites except for the originating site. There is one deferred transaction queue
for each site, and this one queue can be used by multiple replication groups.
3. Propagation sends deferred transaction queue entry to destination.
At scheduled intervals or on-demand, the deferred transactions in the deferred
transaction queue are propagated to the target destinations. Each destination can
have a different interval.
4. The deferred transaction queue entry applied at a remote destination.
As a deferred transaction is being propagated to a target destination, each
deferred RPC is applied at the destination site by calling an internal package. If the
deferred transaction cannot be successfully applied at the destination site, then it
is resent and placed into the error queue at the destination site, where the DBA
can fix the error condition and re-apply the deferred transaction.
When a deferred transaction queue entry is applied at the remote destination,
Oracle checks for data conflicts. If a conflict is detected, then it is logged at the
remote location and, optionally, a conflict resolution method is invoked.
5. When a deferred transaction has been successfully pushed to all remote master
sites, it is not purged from the deferred transaction queue at the originating site
immediately. It can be purged later by a purge job, which runs at a user-defined

See Also: Chapter 5, "Conflict Resolution Concepts and

Architecture" for more information

Synchronous Replication
Synchronous replication propagates any changes made at a local site to other
synchronously linked masters in a replication environment during the same
transaction as the initial change. If the propagation fails at any of the master sites, then
the entire transaction, including the initial change at the local master site, rolls back.
This strict enforcement ensures data consistency across the replication environment.
Unlike asynchronous replication, there is never a period of time when the data at any
of the master sites does not match.

See Also: "Understanding Mixed-Mode Multimaster Systems" on

page 2-32 for a discussion on using both synchronous and
asynchronous replication in a single environment

Synchronous replication also ensures that no data conflicts are introduced into the
replication environment. These benefits have the cost of requiring many hardware and
networking resources with no flexibility for downtime. For example, if a single master
site of a six node multimaster environment is unavailable, then a transaction cannot be
completed at any master site.
However, in asynchronous replication, the deferred transaction is held at the
originating site until the downed site becomes available. Meanwhile, the transaction
can be successfully propagated and applied at other replication sites.
Additionally, while query performance remains high because they are performed
locally with synchronous replication, updates are slower because of the two-phase

2-6 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Master Replication Concepts

commit protocol that ensures that any updates are successfully propagated and
applied to the remote destination sites.

See Also: Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for more

information about two-phase commit

The following describes the process of synchronous replication:

1. User issues DML statement or executes a wrapper for a replicated procedure.
After a table has been set up for replication, any DML that a user commits on the
target table is captured for replication to all other master replication sites.
If a procedure has been replicated and its wrapper is executed at a master site,
then the procedure call is captured for replication.
2. DML or wrapper execution is immediately propagated to destination sites.
The internal trigger captures any DML and immediately propagates these actions
to all other master sites in the replication environment. The internal trigger applies
these actions in the security context of the propagator's database link and uses an
internal RPC to apply these actions at the destination site.
Like an internal trigger, a wrapper for a replicated procedure immediately
propagates the procedure call to all other master sites in the replication
If the transaction fails at any one of the master replication sites, then the
transaction is rolled back at all master sites. This methodology ensures data
consistency across all master replication sites. Because of the need to roll back a
transaction if any site fails, synchronous replication is extremely dependent on
highly-available networks, databases, and the associated hardware.

Conflict Resolution Concepts

When Oracle replicates a table, any DML applied to the replicated table at any
replication site (either master or materialized view site) that causes a data conflict at a
destination site is automatically detected by the Oracle server at the destination site.
Any data conflicts introduced by a materialized view site are detected and resolved at
the target master site or master materialized view site of the materialized view.
For example, if the following master group is scheduled to propagate changes once an
hour, then consider what happens when:

Time Master Site A Master Site B Status

8:00 AM Propagate Changes to Propagate Changes to Data converges.
Master Site B Master Site A
8:15 AM Updates Row 1 - -
8:30 AM - Updates Row 1 -
9:00 AM Propagate Changes to Propagate Changes to Conflict Detected on
Master Site B Master Site A Row 1

If the time between propagations is considered an interval and two or more sites
update the same row during a single interval, then a conflict occurs.
In addition to the update conflict described previously, there are insert and delete
conflicts. Consider the following summaries of each type of conflict. Each conflict
occurs when the conflicting actions occur within the same interval.

Master Replication Concepts and Architecture 2-7

Master Replication Concepts

Conflict Type Summary

Update conflict Two or more DML statements are applied to the same row at
different replication sites before the DML statement can be
propagated to the other sites.
Uniqueness conflict An insert is performed at two or more sites and the primary key
(or other set of unique columns) for each insert contains the
same value, or an update at one site modifies the primary key
(or other set of unique columns), which contains the same value
as an insert at another site.
Delete conflict A row is deleted at one site and an update occurs at another site,
which can result in an attempt to update a row that does not
exist, or the same row is deleted in the same interval at more
than one site.

See Also: Chapter 5, "Conflict Resolution Concepts and

Architecture" for more information about the different types of data

After a data conflict is detected, the following actions occur:

1. The conflict resolution methods try to resolve the data conflict.
2. If the conflict is not resolved, then the data conflict is logged in the error queue at
the destination site.
When a data conflict is logged in the error queue, then the database administrator is
responsible for resolving the data conflict manually.
If you choose to use Oracle-supplied or user-defined conflict resolution methods, then
the Oracle server automatically tries to resolve the data conflict. The conflict resolution
methods that you implement should conform to the business rules defined for your
replication environment and should work to guarantee data convergence. You might
need to modify tables to meet the needs of the conflict resolution methods you
implement. For example, the latest timestamp conflict resolution method requires a
timestamp column in the table on which it is implemented.

How Replication Works with Object Types and Collections

Oracle object types are user-defined datatypes that make it possible to model complex
real-world entities such as customers and orders as single entities, called objects, in
the database. You create object types using the CREATE TYPE ... AS OBJECT
statement. You can replicate object types and objects between master sites in a
multimaster replication environment.
An Oracle object that occupies a single column in a table is called a column object.
Typically, tables that contain column objects also contain other columns, which can be
built-in datatypes, such as VARCHAR2 and NUMBER. An object table is a special kind of
table in which each row represents an object. Each row in an object table is a row
You can also replicate collections. Collections are user-defined datatypes that are
based on VARRAY and nested table datatypes. You create varrays with the CREATE
TYPE ... AS VARRAY statement, and you create nested tables with the CREATE TYPE
... AS TABLE statement.

2-8 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Master Replication Concepts

■ Master sites must have a compatibility level of 9.0.1 or higher to
replicate user-defined types and any objects on which they are
based. The compatibility level is controlled by the
COMPATIBLE initialization parameter.
■ Advanced Replication does not support type inheritance or
type evolution, and Advanced Replication does not support
types created with the NOT FINAL clause. If a column of a
replicated table or a replicated object table is based on a
user-defined type, then you cannot alter the user-defined type.

See Also: Oracle Database Application Developer's Guide -

Object-Relational Features for detailed information about
user-defined types, column objects, object tables, and collections.
This section assumes a basic understanding of the information in
that book.

Type Agreement at Replication Sites

User-defined types include all types created using the CREATE TYPE statement,
including object, nested table, and VARRAY. To replicate schema objects based on
user-defined types, the user-defined types themselves must exist, and must be exactly
the same, at all replication sites.
When replicating user-defined types and the schema objects on which they are based,
the following conditions apply:
■ All replication sites must have the same object identifier (OID), schema owner,
and type name for a replicated user-defined type.
■ If the user-defined type is an object type, then all replication sites must agree on
the order and datatype of the attributes in the object type. You establish the order
and datatypes of the attributes when you create the object type. For example,
consider the following object type:
CREATE TYPE cust_address_typ AS OBJECT
(street_address VARCHAR2(40),
postal_code VARCHAR2(10),
city VARCHAR2(30),
state_province VARCHAR2(10),
country_id CHAR(2));

At all replication sites, street_address must be the first attribute for this type
and must be VARCHAR2(40), postal_code must be the second attribute and
must be VARCHAR2(10), city must be the third attribute and must be
VARCHAR2(30), and so on.
■ All replication sites must agree on the hashcode of the user-defined type. Oracle
examines a user-defined type and assigns the hashcode. This examination includes
the type attributes, order of attributes, and type name. When all of these items are
the same for two or more types, the types have the same hashcode. You can view
the hashcode for a type by querying the DBA_TYPE_VERSIONS data dictionary

Master Replication Concepts and Architecture 2-9

Master Replication Concepts

To ensure that a user-defined type is exactly the same at all replication sites, you must
create the user-defined type in one of the following ways:
■ Use the Replication Management API
■ Use a CREATE TYPE Statement
■ Use Export/Import

Use the Replication Management API Oracle recommends that you use the replication
management API to create, modify, or drop any replicated object at a replication site,
including user-defined types. If you do not use the replication management API for
these actions, then replication errors can result. For example, to add a user-defined
type that meets the conditions described previously to all replication sites in a master
group, create the type at the master definition site and then use the CREATE_MASTER_
REPOBJECT procedure in the DBMS_REPCAT package to add the type to a master

See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API


Use a CREATE TYPE Statement You can use a CREATE TYPE statement at a replication
site to create the type. It might be necessary to do this if you want to precreate the type
at all replication sites and then add it to a replication group.
If you choose this option, then you must ensure the following:
■ The type is in the same schema at all replication sites.
■ The type has exactly the same attributes in exactly the same order at all replication
■ The type has exactly the same datatype for each attribute at all replication sites.
■ The type has the same object identifier at all replication sites.
You can find the object identifier for a type by querying the DBA_TYPES data
dictionary view. For example, to find the object identifier (OID) for the cust_
address_typ, enter the following query:


Or, if you are creating a new type at a number of different replication sites, then you
can specify the same OID at each site during type creation. In this case, you can
identify a globally unique OID by running the following query:

When you know the OID for the type, complete the following steps to create the type
at the replication sites where it does not exist:
1. Log in to the replication site as the user who owns the type. If this user does not
exist at the replication site, then create the user.
2. Issue the CREATE TYPE statement and specify the OID:

2-10 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Master Replication Concepts

CREATE TYPE oe.cust_address_typ OID '6F9BC33653681B7CE03400400B40A607'

street_address VARCHAR2(40),
postal_code VARCHAR2(10),
city VARCHAR2(30),
state_province VARCHAR2(10),
country_id CHAR(2));

The type is now ready for use at the replication site.

See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API


Use Export/Import You can use the Export and Import utilities to maintain type
agreement between replication sites. When you export object tables based on
user-defined types, or tables containing column objects based on user-defined types,
the user-defined types are also exported automatically, if the user performing the
export has access to these types. When you import these tables at another replication
site, the user-defined types are exactly the same as the ones at the site where you
performed the export.
Therefore, you can use export/import to precreate your replication tables at new
replication sites, and then specify the "use existing object" option when you add these
tables to a replication group. This practice will ensure type agreement at your
replication sites.

See Also: Oracle Database Utilities for information about


Object Tables and Replication

When you replicate object tables, the following conditions apply:
■ The OID of an object table must be the same at all replication sites.
■ The OID of each row object in an object table must be the same at all replication
You can meet these conditions by using the replication management API to add object
tables to a replication group, modify object tables, and drop object tables from a
replication group. For example, if you use the CREATE_MASTER_REPOBJECT
procedure in the DBMS_REPCAT package to add an object table to a master group, then
Oracle ensures that these conditions are met. You can also use export/import to
precreate object tables at replication sites to meet these conditions.
Another option is to specify the OID for an object table when you create the object
table at multiple replication sites. Complete the following steps if you want to use this
1. Query the DUAL view for a globally unique OID:


Master Replication Concepts and Architecture 2-11

Master Replication Concepts

2. Create the categories_tab object table with the OID returned in Step 1 at each
replication site:
CREATE TABLE oe.categories_tab5 OF oe.category_typ
OID '81D98C325D4A45D0E03408002074B239'
(category_id PRIMARY KEY);

Tables with Collection Columns

Collection columns are columns based on VARRAY and nested table datatypes. Oracle
supports the replication of collection columns. When you add a table with a collection
column to a replication group, the data in the collection column is replicated
automatically. If the collection column is a varray, then a varray larger than four
kilobytes is stored as a BLOB.
If the collection column is a nested table, then Oracle performs row-level replication
for each row in the nested table's storage table. For example, changes in five rows of a
storage table result in five distinct remote procedure calls (RPCs), and five distinct
conflict detection and optional resolution phases. The storage table can be stored as an
index-organized table.
In addition, DML on a row that contains a nested table results in separate RPCs for the
parent table and for each affected row in the nested table's storage table. Oracle does
not perform referential integrity checks between the rows in the parent table and the
rows in the storage table unless you explicitly specified integrity constraints during
the creation of the parent table. Oracle recommends that you specify such constraints
for replicated tables to detect all conflicts.
To ensure conflict detection between a nested table and its storage table, Oracle
recommends that you define a deferrable foreign key constraint between them.
Without a deferrable foreign key constraint, a conflict can insert rows in the storage
table that cannot be accessed. A deferrable foreign key constraint causes an error to be
raised in these situations so that the conflict is detected. You use the DEFERRED clause
of the SET CONSTRAINTS statement to defer a constraint.
The following actions are not allowed directly on the storage table of a nested table in
a replicated table:
■ Adding the storage table to a replication group
■ Altering the storage table
■ Dropping the storage table
■ Generating replication support on the storage table
These actions can occur indirectly when they are performed on the parent table of the
storage table. In addition, you cannot replicate a subset of the columns in a storage

Tables with REF Columns

A REF is an Oracle built-in datatype that is a logical "pointer" to a row object in an
object table. A scoped REF is a REF that can only contain references to a specified
object table, while an unscoped REF can contain references to any object table in the
database. A scoped REF requires less storage space and provides more efficient access
than an unscoped REF. Oracle supports the replication of tables with REFs.

Scoped REFs If a table with a scoped REF is replicated and the object table referenced
by a REF is not replicated, then you must create the referenced object table at the sites
where it does not exist before you begin replicating the table containing the scoped

2-12 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Master Replication Architecture

REF. Otherwise, replicating this table results in an error when the scoped REF cannot
find the referenced object table. Typically, in this situation, it is best to replicate the
referenced object table as well because it can become out of sync at the various
replication sites if it is not replicated.

Unscoped REFs If a table with an unscoped REF is replicated and the object table
referenced by the REF is not replicated, then a dangling REF might result at replicated
sites if the REF cannot find the referenced object. For a replicated REF to be valid, the
referenced object table must exist at each replication site.

REFs Created Using the WITH ROWID Option If the WITH ROWID option is specified for a
REF column, then Oracle maintains a hint for the rowid of the row object referenced in
the REF. Oracle can find the object referenced directly using the rowid contained in the
REF, without the need to fetch the rowid from the OID index. The WITH ROWID option
is not supported for scoped REFs.
Replicating a REF created using the WITH ROWID option results in an incorrect rowid
hint at each replication site, except the site where the REF was first created or
modified. The ROWID information in the REF is meaningless at the other sites, and
Oracle does not correct the rowid hint automatically. Invalid rowid hints can cause
performance problems. In this case, you can use the VALIDATE STRUCTURE option of
the ANALYZE TABLE statement to determine which rowid hints at each replication site
are incorrect.

See Also: Oracle Database SQL Reference for more information

about the ANALYZE TABLE statement

Master Replication Architecture

Although you can build a replication environment by following the procedures and
examples described in the online help for the Replication Management tool and in the
Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API Reference, understanding the
architecture of replication gives you valuable information for setting up your database
environment to support replication, tuning your replication environment, and
troubleshooting your replication environment when necessary. This section describes
the architecture of replication in terms of mechanisms and processes.

Master Site Mechanisms

To support a replication environment, Oracle uses the following mechanisms at each
master site that is participating in either a multimaster replication or single master
replication environment. Some of the following master site mechanisms are required
only in special circumstances.

Master Site Roles/Users

Depending on your security requirements, the following three roles can be
consolidated into a single replication administrator. In fact, most multimaster
replication environments use a single user to perform the replication administration,
propagation, and receiving roles. If you have more stringent security requirements,
then you can assign the following roles to different users.

Note: The term "roles" in this context is not related to the SQL
term "roles." The referenced replication roles are granted using
stored PL/SQL procedures or individual privileges or both.

Master Replication Concepts and Architecture 2-13

Master Replication Architecture

Replication Administrator The replication administrator performs all of the

administrative functions relating to a master site in a replication environment. In
general, it is preferable to have a single replication administrator for a replication
environment. In addition to preparing a database to support replication, the
replication administrator has the following responsibilities:
■ Building and maintaining the individual master replication groups
■ Adding and removing participating master sites
■ Managing the queues
■ Controlling the state of the replication environment (normal and quiesced)
The default username for this administrator is repadmin, but you can use any
username you wish.

Propagator The propagator performs the task of propagating each transaction

contained in the deferred transaction queue to the transaction's destinations. There is a
single propagator for the database. In other words, it is possible for you to have
multiple replication administrators to manage different schemas, but there can only be
a single propagator for each database.

Receiver The receiver is responsible for receiving and applying the deferred
transactions from the propagator. If the receiver does not have the appropriate
privileges to apply a call in the deferred transaction, then the entire deferred
transaction is placed in the error queue at the destination. You can register the receiver
by using the REGISTER_USER_REPGROUP procedure in the DBMS_REPCAT_ADMIN

Database Links and Replication

Database links provide the conduit to replicate data between master sites and
materialized view sites. In a multimaster environment, there is a database link from
each individual master site to all other master sites. Another way to look at the
configuration of database links is that there are N - 1 database links for each master
site, where N is the total number of master sites.

Figure 2–3 Each Arrow Represents a Database Link

Master Master
Site Site

Materialized Master
View Site

In Figure 2–3, each master site has two database links to the other master sites (N-1 or
in this case 3 - 1 = 2). This configuration ensures the bi-directional communication

2-14 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Master Replication Architecture

channels between master sites needed for multimaster replication. Notice that for a
materialized view site, only a link from the materialized view site to the master site is
required. The master site does not need a database link to the materialized view site.
The most basic setup has a database link from the replication administrator at the
individual master site to the replication administrators at the other participating
master replication sites.
A common approach, however, adds an additional set of database links to your
replication environment. Before creating any replication administrator database links,
you create public database links between all of the participating master sites, without
specifying a CONNECT TO clause. The public database links specify the target of each
database link with the USING clause, which specifies the service name of a remote
After creating the public database links, you can create the private replication
administrator database links. When creating private database links, you specify the
CONNECT TO clause, but the associated public database link eliminates the need to
specify a USING clause.
The approach of using both public and private database links reduces the amount of
administration needed to manage database links. Consider the following advantages:
■ Multiple sets of private database links can share the same public link, further
simplifying the administration of database links.
■ If the target database of a database link changes but the service name for the target
database remains the same, then you only need to change the tnsnames.ora file
entry for the target database. Remember that the USING clause specifies the
service name for the remote target database. All private database links for the
same target point to the destination defined in the USING clause in the public
database link.
For example, if a database is moved to a different server but keeps the same
service name, then you can update the tnsnames.ora file entry for the remote
database at each replication site, and you do not need to re-create the database
As previously described, the replication administrator usually performs the tasks of
administration and propagation in a multimaster environment. Because a single user
performs these tasks, only one set of private database links must be created for the
replication administrator.
However, in multimaster replication environments where propagation is performed
by users other than the replication administrator, the appropriate set of private
database links must be created for each of these alternate users.

See Also:
■ Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for detailed information
about database links and for information about creating
database links
■ Oracle Database Net Services Administrator's Guide for
information about service names and the tnsnames.ora file

Database Links Created by the Replication Management Tool If you use the Setup Wizard in
the Replication Management tool in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console to set up
your replication sites, then, by default, the Setup Wizard creates database links with a
USING clause that contains the description of the service name in the tnsnames.ora
file or the Oracle Management Server.

Master Replication Concepts and Architecture 2-15

Master Replication Architecture

For example, suppose the tnsnames.ora file entry for a site is the following:

Here, the service name is HQ.MYCOMPANY.COM and the description is the text after the
first equal sign. The following statement shows an example of a database link to the
HQ.MYCOMPANY.COM site created by the Setup Wizard:

The Setup Wizard uses the description of the service name and not the service name
itself because different sites can have different information in their tnsnames.ora
files. For example, if the Setup Wizard only used the service name and not the service
name description, then the user would be required to ensure that the same service
name exists and has the same information in the tnsnames.ora file at all sites,
because there is no way for the Replication Management tool to check for this
By using the description for the service name, the Setup Wizard ensures that the
database link is valid for all replication sites. The drawback to this type of database
link is that, in the rare cases when service name description of a database changes, you
must drop and re-create the database link. If the database link is created only with the
service name and not the description, then you could change the tnsnames.ora file
at all sites and retain the same database link.

Note: You can override the default behavior of the Setup Wizard
by editing the customization screens of the wizard.

Connection Qualifiers Connection qualifiers allow several database links pointing to the
same remote database to establish connections using different paths. For example, a
database named ny can have two public database links named that connect
to the remote database using different paths.
■, a link that connects to ny using an ethernet link
■, another link that connects to ny using a modem link
For the purposes of replication, connection qualifiers can also enable you to more
closely control the propagation characteristics for multiple master groups. Consider, if
each master site contains three separate master groups and you are not using
connection qualifiers, then the scheduling characteristics for the propagation of the
deferred transaction queue is the same for all master groups. This can be costly if one
master group propagates deferred transactions once an hour while the other two
master groups propagate deferred transactions once a day.
Associating a connection qualifier with a master group gives you the ability to define
different scheduling characteristics for the propagation of the deferred transaction
queue on a master group level versus on a database level as previously described.

See Also: Oracle Database Administrator's Guide to learn about

defining connection qualifiers for a database link

2-16 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Master Replication Architecture

When you create a new master group, you can indicate that you want to use a
connection qualifier for all scheduled links that correspond to the group. However,
when you use connection qualifiers for a master group, Oracle propagates information
only after you have created database links with connection qualifiers at every master
site. After a master group is created, you cannot remove, add, or change the
connection qualifier for the group.

Caution: To preserve transaction integrity in a multimaster

environment that uses connection qualified links and multiple
master groups, a transaction cannot manipulate replication objects
in groups with different connection qualifiers.

Note: If you plan to use connection qualifiers, then you probably

need to increase the value of the OPEN_LINKS initialization
parameter at all master sites. The default is four open links for each
process. Estimate the required value based on your usage. See
"Initialization Parameters" on page 6-3, and see the Oracle Database
Reference for more information about OPEN_LINKS.

Replication Objects
The most visible part of your replication environment is the replicated objects
themselves. Of these replicated objects, replicated tables are the foundation of your
replication environment. The following sections discuss replicating the related
database objects. These discussions highlight the benefits and potential limitations of
replicating the following types of database objects:
■ Tables
■ Indexes
■ Packages and Package Bodies
■ Procedures and Functions
■ User-Defined Types and Type Bodies
■ Triggers
■ Views, Object Views, and Synonyms
■ Indextypes
■ User-Defined Operators

Tables In most cases, replicated tables are the foundation of your replication
environment. After a table is selected for replication and has had replication support
generated, it is monitored by internal triggers to detect any DML applied to it.

See Also: "Internal Triggers" on page 2-21

When you replicate a table, you have the option of replicating the table structure and
table data to the remote data sites or just the table structure. Additionally, if a table of
the same name and structure already exists at the target replication site, then you have
the option of using the existing object in your replication environment.

Master Replication Concepts and Architecture 2-17

Master Replication Architecture

■ On tables with self-referential integrity constraints, Advanced
Replication cannot guarantee that the deletes will be performed
in the correct order. To perform deletes on tables with
self-referential integrity constraints, use procedural replication.
See Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API
Reference for information.
■ When adding a master site to a master group that contains
tables with circular dependencies or a table that contains a
self-referential constraint, you must precreate the table
definitions and manually load the data at the new master site.
The following is an example of a circular dependency: Table A
has a foreign key constraint on table B, and table B has a
foreign key constraint on table A.
■ When you drop a function-based index from a replicated table,
or add a function-based index to a replicated table, you must
regenerate replication support for the table.
■ Advanced Replication does not support tables with columns
that have been encrypted using transparent data encryption.

Though replicating a table is intended for replicating any table data changes to all sites
participating in the replication environment, there are other uses for replicating a
■ Object and Data Transport: After an object has been replicated to a target
destination site, replication support is not automatically generated. You can use
this approach as an easy way to distribute objects and data to remote destinations.
If you do not drop the replication objects and do not generate replication support,
then the table (or other objects) and the data remain at the remote destination site,
and any changes at the remote destination site are not replicated. This approach
enables you to distribute a standard database environment and data set to a new
database environment.
■ Object Transport: Similarly, you can replicate a table to a target destination site
without copying the data. This approach creates the object at the destination site,
but does not populate it with data. Therefore, you can quickly distribute an empty
database environment.

Indexes Any index that is used to enforce a constraint in a table is automatically

created at the remote destination sites when a table is selected for replication and
created at the remote site. Any index that is used for performance reasons, however,
must be explicitly selected for replication to be created at the other master sites
participating in the replication environment. When an index is replicated to other sites,
it operates as if the index was created locally. You do not need to generate replication
support for indexes.
Oracle supports the replication of domain indexes. You can replicate the definition of
storage tables for domain indexes, but you cannot replicate the storage tables
themselves because they typically contain ROWID information.

2-18 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Master Replication Architecture

See Also:
■ "Foreign Keys and Replicated Tables" on page 6-2 for
information about replicating the index on a foreign key
■ Oracle Database Data Cartridge Developer's Guide for more
information about extensible indexes

Packages and Package Bodies Selecting packages and package bodies for replication and
generating the needed replication support gives you the ability to do procedural
replication. Procedural replication can offer performance advantages for large,
batch-oriented operations on large numbers of rows that can be run serially within a
replication environment.
All parameters for a procedure with replication support must be IN parameters. OUT
and IN/OUT modes are not supported. The following datatypes are supported for
these parameters:
■ Binary LOB (BLOB)
■ Character LOB (CLOB)
■ National character LOB (NCLOB)
■ User-defined datatypes
A replicated procedure must be declared in a package. Standalone procedures cannot
have replication support.

See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API

Reference for detailed information about using procedural

Note: Similar to the concepts presented in the "Tables" on

page 2-17, you can select a package and package body for
replication but not generate replication support to use replication
as an easy way to distribute the object to a remote site, though any
calls made to the package are not replicated.

Procedures and Functions Procedures and functions not declared as part of a package
cannot have replication support. Though you cannot create a procedural replication
environment with standalone procedures and functions, you can still use replication to
distribute these standalone procedures and functions to the sites in your replication
environment. When the standalone procedure or function is created at the remote site

Master Replication Concepts and Architecture 2-19

Master Replication Architecture

using replication, the created object does not have replication support and operates as
though the object was created locally.

User-Defined Types and Type Bodies To replicate schema objects with user-defined types,
the user-defined types must exist on all replication sites and be exactly the same at all
replication sites.

See Also: "How Replication Works with Object Types and

Collections" on page 2-8

Triggers To make sure that any application or database logic is present at each master
site, you can select triggers for replication. An important example of replicating a
trigger is replicating a trigger that automatically inserts a timestamp into a table when
any DML is applied to the table.
To avoid refiring of the trigger, it is important to insert an API call into the trigger to
detect if the trigger is being fired through a local or remote call. This is to avoid the
situation where the trigger updates a row that causes the trigger to fire again.
Notice line 5 in the following code example:
7) END IF;
8) END;
9) /

If the DBMS_REPUTIL.FROM_REMOTE function determines that the insert or update

was locally initiated, then the defined action (that is, assign timestamp) occurs. If this
function determines that the insert or update is from a remote site, then the timestamp
value is not assigned. This example assumes that a timestamp column was added to
the hr.employees table.

See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API

Reference for more information about creating replicated triggers

Views, Object Views, and Synonyms When you replicate a view, an object view or a
synonym, you are simply using replication to distribute these objects to the other
master sites that are involved in the replication environment. After the object is
replicated to the other sites, it operates as if the object was created locally. No internal
trigger or package monitors the object to capture any changes. Because it is a
replicated object, though, you can still drop or modify it using either the Replication
Management tool or the replication management API.

Indextypes Oracle supports the replication of indextypes. You must explicitly replicate
the type and type body functions that you use to implement an indextype, either using
the Replication Management tool or the CREATE_MASTER_REPOBJECT procedure in
the DBMS_REPCAT package.

See Also: Oracle Database Data Cartridge Developer's Guide for

more information about extensible indexes

2-20 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Master Replication Architecture

User-Defined Operators Developers of object-oriented applications can extend the list of

built-in relational operators (for example, +, -, /, *, LIKE) with domain specific
operators (for example, Contains, Within_Distance, Similar) called
user-defined operators. When you replicate a user-defined operator, you are simply
using replication to distribute the operator to the other master sites that are involved
in the replication environment. After the object is replicated to the other sites, it
operates as if the operator was created locally. No internal trigger or package monitors
the object to capture any changes. Because it is a replicated object, though, you can still
drop or modify it using the replication management API.

See Also: Oracle Database Data Cartridge Developer's Guide

Alternatives to Replicating Sequences

Because two sequences at different databases can generate the same value, replicating
sequences is not supported.
Three alternatives to replicating sequences guarantee the generation of unique values
and avoid any uniqueness data conflicts. You can retrieve a unique identifier by
executing the following select statement:

This SQL statement returns a 16-byte globally unique identifier. This value is based on
an algorithm that uses time and datestamp and machine identifier to generate a
globally unique identifier. The globally unique identifier appears in a format similar to
the following:

An alternate solution to using the SYS_GUID() function is to create a sequence at each

of the master sites and concatenate the site name (or other globally unique value) with
the local sequence. This approach helps you to avoid any potential duplicate sequence
values and helps in preventing insert conflicts as described in the "Conflict Resolution
Concepts" section on page 2-7.
Additionally, you can create a sequence at each of the master sites so that each site
generates a unique value in your replication environment. You can accomplish this by
using a combination of starting, incrementing, and maximum values in the CREATE
SEQUENCE statement. For example, you might configure the following:

Parameter Master Site A Master Site B Master Site C

Range Example 1, 11, 21, 31, 41,... 3, 13, 23, 33, 43,... 5, 15, 25, 35, 45,...

Using a similar approach, you can define different ranges for each master site by
specifying a START WITH and MAXVALUE that would produce a unique range for each

Internal Triggers
Oracle uses internal triggers to capture and store information about updates to
replicated data. Internal triggers build remote procedure calls (RPCs) to reproduce
data changes made to the local site at remote replication sites. These deferred RPCs are
stored in the deferred transaction queue and are propagated to the other master sites
participating in the replication environment. The internal triggers supporting data

Master Replication Concepts and Architecture 2-21

Master Replication Architecture

replication are essentially components within the Oracle server executable. Therefore,
Oracle can capture and store updates to replicated data very quickly with minimal use
of system resources.

Deferred Transactions
Oracle forwards data replication information by propagating (that is, sending and
executing) the RPCs that are generated by the internal triggers described previously.
These RPCs are stored in the deferred transaction queue. In addition to containing the
execution command for the internal procedure at the destination site, each RPC also
contains the data to be replicated to the target site. Oracle uses distributed transaction
protocols to protect global database integrity automatically and ensure data

Internal Procedure
When a deferred RPC created by an internal trigger is propagated to the other master
sites participating in a replication environment, an internal procedure at the
destination site is used to apply the deferred RPC at the remote site. These internal
procedures are activated automatically when you generate replication support for a
table. These internal procedures are executed based on the RPCs that are received
from the deferred transaction queue of the originating site.

The following queues manage the transactions that are generated by Advanced

Deferred Transaction Queue This queue stores the transactions (for example, DML) that
are bound for another destination in the master group. Oracle stores RPCs produced
by the internal triggers in the deferred transaction queue of a site for later propagation.
Oracle also records information about initiating transactions so that all RPCs from a
transaction can be propagated and applied remotely as a transaction. Oracle's
replication facility implements the deferred transaction queue using Oracle's advanced
queuing mechanism.

Note: When the restricted session is enabled by the SQL statement

deferred transactions are not propagated. When the restricted
session is disabled, they are propagated.

Error Queue The error queue stores information about deferred transactions that could
not be applied successfully at the local site. The error queue does not display
information about errors at other master sites in the replication environment. When
the error condition has been resolved, you can either reexecute the transaction or
delete the transaction from the error queue.

Job Queue Oracle manages the propagation process using Oracle's job queue
mechanism and deferred transactions. Each server has a local job queue. A server's
job queue is a database table storing information about local jobs such as the PL/SQL
call to execute for a job, when to run a job, and so on. Typical jobs in a replication
environment include jobs to push deferred transactions to remote master sites, jobs to
purge applied transactions from the deferred transaction queue, and jobs to refresh
materialized view refresh groups.

2-22 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Master Replication Architecture

Administrative Mechanisms
Several mechanisms are required to handle the administrative tasks that are often
performed to support a replication environment. These mechanisms allow you to turn
on and off a replication environment, as well as monitor the administrative tasks that
are generated when you build or modify a replication environment.

Replication Modes of Operation

There are three modes of operation for a replication environment.

Normal A replication environment in the normal mode allows replication to occur. The
replication environment is "running" in this mode. Any transaction against a
replicated object is allowed and is appropriately propagated.

Quiescing Quiescing is the mode that transfers a replication environment from the
normal mode to the quiesced mode. While a replication environment is quiescing, the
user is no longer able to execute a transaction against a replicated object, but any
existing deferred transactions are propagated. Queries against a quiescing table are
allowed. When all deferred transactions have been successfully propagated to their
respective destinations, the replication environment proceeds to the quiesced mode.

Quiesced A quiesced replication environment can be considered disabled for normal

replication use and is used primarily for administrative purposes (such as adding and
removing replicated objects). Replication is "stopped" in this mode. A quiesced state
prevents users from executing any transactions against a replicated object in the
quiesced master group unless they turn off replication, which can result in divergent
data after replication is resumed. Transactions include DML against a replicated table
or the execution of a wrapper for a replicated procedure. If master tables are quiesced,
then materialized views based on those master tables cannot propagate their changes
to the target master tables, but local changes to the materialized view can continue.
A replication environment is quiesced on a master group level. All master sites
participating in the master group are affected. When a master group reaches a
quiesced state, you can be certain that any transactions in the deferred transaction
queue have been successfully propagated to the other master sites or put into the error
queue. Users can still query tables that belong to a quiesced master group.
Quiescing one master group does not affect other master groups. A master group in
normal mode can continue to process updates while other master groups are quiesced.

Replication Mode Control

Though there are three modes of replication operation, there are only two mechanisms
to control these modes (recall that the quiescing mode is a transition from a normal to
quiesced mode).

Suspend Executing the suspend mechanism begins the quiescing mode that transfers
the mode of replication operation for a master group from normal to quiesced. When
the deferred transaction queue has no unpropagated deferred transactions for the
master group, the replication environment proceeds to the quiesced mode.
The suspend mechanism can only be executed when the replication environment is in
normal mode. Execute suspend when you need to modify the replication environment.

Resume The resume mechanism transfers a master group from the quiesced replication
mode to the normal mode. If you have been performing administrative work on your
replication environment (for example, adding replicated objects), then you should

Master Replication Concepts and Architecture 2-23

Master Replication Architecture

verify that the administrative request queue (DBA_REPCATLOG) is empty before

executing the resume mechanism.

Administrative Requests
To configure and manage a replication environment, each participating server uses
Oracle's replication management API. A server's replication management API is a set
of PL/SQL packages encapsulating procedures and functions administrators can use
to configure Oracle's replication features. The Replication Management tool also uses
the procedures and functions of each site's replication management API to perform
An administrative request is a call to a procedure or function in Oracle's replication
management API. For example, when you use the Replication Management tool to
create a new master group, the tool completes the task by making a call to the DBMS_
REPCAT.CREATE_MASTER_REPGROUP procedure. Some administrative requests
generate additional replication management API calls to complete the request.

The Administrative Request Mechanisms When you use the Replication Management tool
or make a call to a procedure in the DBMS_REPCAT package to administer a replication
system, Oracle uses its internal mechanisms to broadcast the request synchronously. If
a synchronous broadcast fails for any reason, then Oracle returns an error message
and rolls back the encompassing transaction.
When an Oracle server receives an administrative request, it records the request in the
DBA_REPCATLOG view and the corresponding DDL statement in a child table of the
DBA_REPCATLOG view. When you view administrative requests for a master group at
a master site, you might observe requests that are waiting for a callback from another
master site. These requests are called AWAIT_CALLBACK requests. Master replication
activity cannot resume until all of the administrative requests in the DBA_REPCATLOG
view have been applied and any errors resolved.
Whenever you use the Replication Management tool to create an administrative
request for a replication group, Oracle automatically inserts a job into the local job
queue, if one does not already exist for the group. This job periodically executes the
synchronously broadcast a request, Oracle attempts to start this job immediately in
order to apply the replicated changes at each master site.
Assuming that Oracle does not encounter any errors, DO_DEFERRED_REPCAT_ADMIN
is run whenever a background process is available to execute the job. Oracle
automatically determines how often the background process wakes up. You can
experience a delay if you do not have enough background processes available to
execute the outstanding jobs.

Note: When JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES is set to zero at a site, you

must apply administrative requests manually for all groups at the

See Also: "Initialization Parameters" on page 6-3 and the Oracle

Database Reference for information about JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES

For each call of DO_DEFERRED_REPCAT_ADMIN at a master site, the site checks the
DBA_REPCATLOG view to see if there are any requests that need to be performed.
When one or more administrative requests are present, Oracle applies the request and

2-24 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Master Replication Architecture

updates any local views as appropriate. This event can occur asynchronously at each
master site.
DO_DEFERRED_REPCAT_ADMIN executes the local administrative requests in the
proper order. When DO_DEFERRED_REPCAT_ADMIN is executed at a master that is not
the master definition site, it does as much as possible. Some asynchronous activities,
such as populating a replicated table, require communication with the master
definition site. If this communication is not possible, then DO_DEFERRED_REPCAT_
ADMIN stops executing administrative requests to avoid executing requests out of
order. Some communication with the master definition site, such as the final step of
updating or deleting an administrative request at the master definition site, can be
deferred and will not prevent DO_DEFERRED_REPCAT_ADMIN from executing
additional requests.
The success or failure of an administrative request at each master site is noted in the
DBA_REPCATLOG view at each site. For each master group, the Replication
Management tool displays the corresponding status of each administrative request.
Ultimately, each master site propagates the status of its administrative requests to the
master definition site. If a request completes successfully at a master site, then Oracle
removes the callback for the site from the DBA_REPCATLOG view at the master
definition site.
If a request completes successfully at all sites, then all entries in the DBA_REPCATLOG
view at all sites, including the master definition site, are removed. If a request at a non
master definition site fails, then Oracle removes the request at the master site and
updates the corresponding AWAIT_CALLBACK request at the master definition site
with ERROR status and the reason for the failure.
By synchronously broadcasting the change, Oracle ensures that all sites are aware of
the change, and thus are capable of remaining synchronized. By allowing the change
to be applied at the site at a future point in time, Oracle provides you with the
flexibility to choose the most appropriate time to apply changes at a site.
If an object requires replication support, then you must regenerate replication support
after altering the object. Oracle then activates the internal triggers and regenerates the
packages to support replication of the altered object at all master sites.

Note: Although the DDL must be successfully applied at the

master definition site in order for these procedures to complete
without error, this does not guarantee that the DDL is successfully
applied at each master site. The Replication Management tool
displays the status of all administrative requests. Additionally, the
DBA_REPCATLOG view contains interim status and any
asynchronous error messages generated by the request.

Any materialized view sites that are affected by a DDL change are updated the next
time you perform a refresh of the materialized view site. While all master sites can
communicate with one another, materialized view sites can communicate only with
their associated master site.
If you must alter the shape of a materialized view as the result of a change to its
master, then you must drop and re-create the materialized view.

Master Replication Concepts and Architecture 2-25

Master Replication Architecture

Administrative Request Queue

Often referred to as the administrative request queue, the DBA_REPCATLOG view
stores administrative requests that manage and modify your replication environment.
Some DBMS_REPCAT procedures that are executed are listed in the administrative
request queue. For example, if you wanted to add an additional replicated table to an
existing master group, then you would see a request naming the DBMS_
You can view the administrative request queue by querying the DBA_REPCATLOG
view or view the Administrative Requests dialog box in the Replication Management
Each request has a status that displays the state of the request. Here are the possible
■ READY: The READY state indicates that the request is ready to be executed. If you
monitor the administrative request queue and a request remains in the READY
state for a long time, then a request in front of the ready request might be waiting
for a callback. Typically, administrative requests in the READY state are waiting for
a job to execute them. You can execute them manually by using the DO_
DEFERRED_REPCAT_ADMIN procedure in the DBMS_REPCAT package.
■ AWAIT_CALLBACK: The AWAIT_CALLBACK state indicates that the request is
waiting for a request to be executed at another site and is waiting for confirmation
of the request execution. After the request receives the callback, the request is
either removed or has its status changed. The request is removed from the queue if
it was applied successfully, or its status is changed to ERROR if it failed. This state
is only possible at the master definition site.
■ ERROR: If a request cannot be successfully executed, then it is placed in the ERROR
state. The error number appears in the ERRNUM column and the error message
appears in the MESSAGE column of the administrative request queue (it is in the
Error column when using the Replication Management tool).

Note: If a request is in the ERROR state, then resolve the error

condition as described by the error number and resubmit the

■ DO_CALLBACK: If a request at a master site is in the DO_CALLBACK state, then it

means that the master site must inform the master definition site about the success
or failure of the request. This state is only possible at a master site that is not the
master definition site.
The administrative request queue of each master site lists only the administrative
requests to be performed at that master site. The master definition site for a master
group, however, lists administrative requests to be performed at each of the master
sites. The administrative request queue at the master definition site lets the DBA
monitor administrative requests of all the master sites in the replication environment.

Note: When the restricted session is enabled by the SQL statement

administrative requests are not executed. When the restricted
session is disabled, they are executed.

2-26 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Master Replication Architecture

Organizational Mechanisms
Oracle uses several organizational mechanisms to organize the previously described
master site and administrative mechanisms to create discrete replication groups. Most
notable of these organizational mechanisms is the master group. An additional
organization mechanism helps to group columns that are used to resolve conflicts for a
replicated table.

Master Group
In a replication environment, Oracle manages replication objects using replication
groups. A replication group is a collection of replication objects that are always
updated in a transactionally consistent manner.
By organizing related database objects within a replication group, it is easier to
administer many objects together. Typically, you create and use a replication group to
organize the schema objects necessary to support a particular database application.
That is not to say that replication groups and schemas must correspond with one
another. Objects in a replication group can originate from several database schemas,
and a schema can contain objects that are members of different replication groups. The
restriction is that a replication object can be a member of only one group.
In a multimaster replication environment, the replication groups are called master
groups. Corresponding master groups at different sites must contain the same set of
replication objects (see "Replication Objects" on page 2-17). Figure 2–4 illustrates that
master group hr_mg contains an exact replica of the replicated objects at each master

Figure 2–4 Master Group hr_mg Contains Same Replication Objects at All Sites

hr_mg hr_mg
hr.employees hr.employees
hr.departments hr.departments
hr.locations hr.locations
hr.countries hr.countries
hr.job_history hr.job_history
hr.regions hr.regions


Master Replication Concepts and Architecture 2-27

Master Replication Architecture

The master group organization at the master site plays an integral role in the
organization of replication objects at a materialized view site.

See Also: "Organizational Mechanisms" on page 3-42 for more

information on the organizational mechanisms at a materialized
view site

Additionally, Figure 2–5 illustrates that each site can contain multiple replication
groups, though each group must contain exactly the same set of objects at each master

Figure 2–5 Master Groups Are Identical at Each Master Site

Group A Group A
hr.employees hr.employees
hr.departments hr.departments
hr.job_history hr.job_history
hr.locations hr.locations
hr.countries hr.countries
hr.regions hr.regions

Group B Group B
oe.customers oe.customers
oe.orders oe.orders
oe.order_items oe.order_items
oe.product_information oe.product_information
oe.product_descriptions oe.product_descriptions
oe.inventories oe.inventories
oe.warehouses oe.warehouses

Master Site 1 Master Site 2

Column Groups
Column groups provide the organizational mechanism to group all columns that are
involved in a conflict resolution routine. If a conflict occurs in one of the columns of
the group, then the remainder of the group's columns can be used to resolve the
conflict. For example, if a column group for a table contains a min_price, list_
price, cost_price, and timestamp field and a conflict arises for the list_price
field, then the timestamp field can be used to resolve the conflict, assuming that a
timestamp conflict resolution routine has been used.
Initially, you might think that you should put all columns in the table into a single
column group. Although this makes setup and administration easier, it might decrease
the performance of your replicated table and might increase the potential for data
conflicts. As you will learn in the "Performance Mechanisms" on page 2-33, if a conflict
occurs in one column group of a table, then the minimum communication feature does
not send data from other column groups in the table. Therefore, placing all columns
into a single column group might negate the advantages of the minimum
communication feature, unless you use the SEND_OLD_VALUES and COMPARE_OLD_
VALUES procedures in the DBMS_REPCAT package.

2-28 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Master Replication Architecture

See Also: Chapter 5, "Conflict Resolution Concepts and

Architecture" for more information about column groups

Propagation Mechanism
Propagation is the essence of replication because it is the mechanism that sends or
distributes any actions to all other master sites in the replication environment.

Propagation Types
As the internal trigger captures any DML applied to a replicated table, the DML must
be propagated (or sent) to the other master sites in the replication environment.
Internal triggers are described in the section "Internal Triggers" on page 2-21.
Advanced Replication supports both asynchronous and synchronous replication.

Asynchronous Typical replication configurations use asynchronous data replication.

Asynchronous data replication occurs when an application updates a local replica of a
table, stores replication information in a local queue, and then forwards the replication
information to other replication sites at a later time. Consequently, asynchronous data
replication is also called store-and-forward data replication.
As Figure 2–6 shows, Oracle uses its internal triggers, deferred transactions, deferred
transaction queues, and job queues to propagate data-level changes asynchronously
among master sites in a replication environment, as well as from an updatable
materialized view to its master table.

Figure 2–6 Asynchronous Data Replication Mechanisms

Source Database Destination Database

ACCTNG Replication Group ACCTNG Replication Group

Internal Forward using Remote Procdure Call Internal

procedure procedure

Employees Employees
Error log replicated table Error log replicated table

Internal trigger Internal trigger


Deferred transaction Deferred transaction

queue queue

Background Background
process process

Master Replication Concepts and Architecture 2-29

Master Replication Architecture

Synchronous Oracle also supports synchronous data propagation for applications with
special requirements. Synchronous data propagation occurs when an application
updates a local replica of a table, and within the same transaction also updates at least
one other replica of the same table. Consequently, synchronous data replication is also
called real-time data replication. Use synchronous replication only when applications
require that replicated sites remain continuously synchronized.

Figure 2–7 Synchronous Data Replication Mechanisms

Source Database Destination Database

ACCTNG Replication Group ACCTNG Replication Group

internal internal
procedure Remote Procedure Call procedure

Employees Employees
error log replicated table error log replicated table

internal trigger internal trigger

As Figure 2–7 shows, Oracle uses the same internal triggers to generate remote
procedure calls (RPCs) that asynchronously replicate data-level changes to other
replication sites to support synchronous, row-level data replication. However, Oracle
does not defer the execution of such RPCs. Instead, data replication RPCs execute
within the boundary of the same transaction that modifies the local replica.
Consequently, a data-level change must be possible at all synchronously linked sites
that manage a replicated table; otherwise, a transaction rollback occurs.

Synchronous Data Propagation

As shown in Figure 2–8, whenever an application makes a DML change to a local
replicated table and the replication group is using synchronous row-level replication,
the change is synchronously propagated to the other master sites in the replication
environment using internal triggers. When the application applies a local change, the
internal triggers issue calls to generated procedures at the remote master sites in the
security context of the replication propagator. Oracle ensures that all distributed
transactions either commit or rollback in the event of a failure.

See Also: Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for more

information about distributed transactions

2-30 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Master Replication Architecture

Figure 2–8 Propagating Changes Using Synchronous Row-Level Replication

UPDATE employees SET department_id=20

WHERE last_name='Jones';
Employees table Employees table
employee_id last_name department_id employee_id last_name department_id

100 Jones 20 100 Jones 20

101 Kim 20 101 Kim 20
102 Braun 20 102 Braun 20

Internal Trigger

if updating
update@dbs1(oldargs newargs) update(oldargs newargs)
update@dbs2(oldargs newargs) UPDATE employees ...
if inserting insert(newargs)
insert@dbs1(newargs) INSERT INTO employees ...
if deleting DELETE FROM employees ...

Site A Site B

Restrictions Because of the locking mechanism used by synchronous replication,

deadlocks can occur when the same row is updated at two different sites at the same
time. When an application performs a synchronous update to a replicated table, Oracle
first locks the local row and then uses an AFTER ROW trigger to lock the corresponding
remote row. Oracle releases the locks when the transaction commits at each site.

Note: A replication system that uses real-time propagation of

replication data is highly dependent on system and network
availability because it can function only when all sites in the system
are concurrently available.

Destination of Synchronously Replicated Transactions The necessary remote procedure calls

to support synchronous replication are included in the internal trigger for each object.
When you generate replication support for a replicated object, Oracle activates the
triggers at all master sites to add the necessary remote procedure calls for the new site.
Conversely, when you remove a master site from a master group, Oracle removes the
calls from the internal triggers.

Conflict Detection If all sites of a master group communicate synchronously with one
another, then applications should never experience replication conflicts. However, if
even one site is sending changes asynchronously to another site, then applications can
experience conflicts at any site in the replication environment.
If the change is being propagated synchronously, then an error is raised and a rollback
is required. If the change is propagated asynchronously, then Oracle automatically

Master Replication Concepts and Architecture 2-31

Master Replication Architecture

detects the conflicts and either logs the conflict in the error queue or, if you designate
an appropriate resolution method, resolves the conflict.

See Also: Chapter 5, "Conflict Resolution Concepts and


Understanding Mixed-Mode Multimaster Systems

In some situations, you might decide to have a mixed-mode environment in which
some master sites propagate a master group's changes asynchronously and others
propagate changes synchronously. The order in which you add new master sites to a
group with different data propagation modes can be important.
For example, suppose that you have three master sites: A, B, and C. If you first create
site A as the master definition site, and then add site B with a synchronous
propagation mode, then site A sends changes to site B synchronously and site B sends
changes to site A synchronously. There is no need to concern yourself with the
scheduling of links at either site, because neither site is creating deferred transactions.
Now suppose that you create master site C with an asynchronous propagation mode.
The propagation modes are now as illustrated in Figure 2–9.

Figure 2–9 Selecting a Propagation Mode


synch synch asynch asynch


Site Site

You must now schedule propagation of the deferred transaction queue from site A to
site C, from site B to site C, and from site C to sites A and B.
As another example, consider what would happen if you created site A as the master
definition site, then added site C with an asynchronous propagation mode, then added
site B with a synchronous propagation mode. Now the propagation modes would be
as shown in Figure 2–10.

2-32 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Master Replication Architecture

Figure 2–10 Ordering Considerations


synch synch asynch asynch


Site Site

Each time that you add a new master site to a mixed-mode multimaster system,
consider how the addition affects the data propagation modes to and from existing

Initiating Propagation
When synchronous propagation is used, the propagation of the DML is handled
immediately and is automatically initiated. If asynchronous propagation is used, then
you can use the following methods to propagate the deferred transactions:
■ Scheduled job: In most cases, use a scheduled job to automatically propagate the
deferred transactions at a set interval.
■ Manual propagation: You can also manually propagate the changes by executing
a stored procedure or using the Replication Management tool. You might
occasionally need to manually propagate your deferred transactions if you do not
want to wait for the job queue to automatically propagate the deferred

Performance Mechanisms
As with any enterprise database solution, performance is always an important issue
for the database administrator. Advanced Replication provides several mechanisms to
help increase the performance of your replication environment.

Parallel Propagation
With parallel propagation, Oracle asynchronously propagates replicated transactions
using multiple, parallel transit streams for higher throughput. When necessary, Oracle
orders the execution of dependent transactions to ensure global database integrity.
Parallel propagation uses the pool of available parallel processes. This is the same
facility Oracle uses for other parallel operations such as parallel query, parallel load,
and parallel recovery. Each server process propagates transactions through a single
stream. A parallel coordinator process controls these server processes. The coordinator
tracks transaction dependencies, allocates work to the server processes, and tracks
their progress.
Parallel processes remain associated with a parallel operation on the server
throughout the execution of that operation. When the operation is complete, those

Master Replication Concepts and Architecture 2-33

Master Replication Architecture

server processes become available to process other parallel operations. For example,
when Oracle performs a parallel push of the deferred transaction queue to its
destination, all parallel processes used to push the queue remain dedicated to the push
until it is complete.
To configure a pool of parallel processes for a server properly, you must consider
several issues related to the configuration of a replication system.
■ When you configure all scheduled links to use serial propagation, the replication
system does not use parallel processes. Therefore, you do not need to adjust the
size of any server's pool of parallel processes to account for replication. Typically,
serial propagation is used only for backward compatibility.
■ When you configure one or more scheduled links to use parallel propagation, you
must consider the number of parallel processes that each link uses to push
changes to its destination. Furthermore, you should also consider how long each
push holds parallel servers from being used by other operations. For example,
when you configure a scheduled link for continuous propagation with a large
value for delay seconds, Oracle holds on to the parallel processes used to push
transactions to its destination. Therefore, you should increase the number of
parallel processes for the corresponding database server to ensure that there is a
sufficient number of processes for other parallel operations on the server.
To configure a database server's pool of parallel query processes, use the following
initialization parameters:

See Also:
■ "Initialization Parameters" on page 6-3
■ Oracle Database Reference

Implementing Parallel Propagation For most users, setting the parallel propagation
parameter to a value of 1 provides sufficient performance. A setting of 1 enables the
optimized data transfer method discussed in the previous section instead of serial
propagation. However, some users might want to further tune the parallel
propagation value.
The following procedure is the recommended method that should be used to further
tune the parallel propagation value:
1. Set the parallel propagation value to 1.
2. Test your database environment and carefully measure the propagation
If you have achieved your performance goals with a parallel propagation value of
1, then you have implemented parallel propagation, and you do not need to
complete the remaining steps in this procedure.

Note:: As you increase the value of the parallel propagation

parameter, be aware of the trade-offs between increased parallel
propagation and the resources required to support the extra
parallel slaves.

2-34 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Master Replication Architecture

3. If you want to try to achieve greater propagation throughput than with a value of
1, then set your parallel propagation value to 2.
4. Test your database environment and carefully measure the propagation
In many cases, you will experience propagation throughput degradation with a
value of 2. This reduction is due to round-trip delays associated with the
coordinator assigning dependent transactions to available slaves and waiting for
the necessary commit acknowledgments before assigning additional transactions.
Repeat Steps 3 and 4 with the parallel propagation value set to 4 and again with 8.
If throughput still does not improve, then it suggests that the transactions in your
environment are highly dependent on each other. Reduce the parallel propagation
value to 1 and proceed to Step 5.

See Also: "Tuning Parallel Propagation" on page 2-35 to learn

about techniques to reduce transaction dependencies

If your performance did improve with a value of 2, 4, or 8, then it suggests that

your transactions have a low degree of interdependence. You can even set your
parallel propagation parameter to any value greater than 8. Just be sure to
thoroughly test your environment and remain aware of the trade-offs between
increased parallelism and the necessary resources to support those extra parallel
5. Set parallel propagation to the value that offers the best performance in your
environment based on your testing.

Tuning Parallel Propagation To gain the greatest amount of performance benefits from
parallel propagation, reduce the amount of dependent transactions that are created.
Remember that a transaction cannot start until all of its dependent transactions have
been committed.
When trying to reduce the number of dependent transactions:
■ Use smaller transactions if possible (that is, commit more often, without
destroying autonomy).
■ Increase number of freelists for each table that receives inserts.
■ Try to avoid hotspots (a row that is frequently modified - if the same row is
touched, then those transactions are serialized). For example, use an Oracle
sequence instead of using a counter in a row and incrementing it "manually."
■ Consider using row-level dependency tracking.

See Also: "Use of Row-Level Dependency Tracking to Improve

Parallelism" on page 2-39

Minimum Communication
To detect and resolve an update conflict for a row, the propagating site must send a
certain amount of data about the new and old versions of the row to the receiving site.
By default, Oracle minimizes the amount of data that must be communicated to detect
conflicts for each changed row in the table. Specifically, Oracle propagates:
■ The primary key value and the old value of each column in each modified column
group (the value before the modification)
■ The new value of each updated column

Master Replication Concepts and Architecture 2-35

Master Replication Architecture

■ For an inserted row, the row has no old value. For a deleted
row, the row has no new value.
■ Make sure your replication environment uses minimum
communication by ensuring that the min_communication
parameter is set to the default value of true when you run the

Delay Seconds
Though not directly a performance mechanism, properly configuring the delay_
seconds parameter can give you greater control over the timing of your propagation
of deferred transactions.
When you are pushing deferred transactions, you set the delay_seconds parameter
in the SCHEDULE_PUSH procedure or the PUSH function. When you are purging
deferred transactions, you set the delay_seconds parameter in the SCHEDULE_
PURGE procedure or the PURGE function. These procedures and functions are in the
The delay_seconds parameter controls how long a job remains aware of the
deferred transaction queue. The effects of the delay_seconds parameter can best be
illustrated with the following two examples:

delay_seconds = 0 (default)
If a scheduled job with a 60 minute interval wakes up at 2:30 pm and checks the
deferred transaction queue, then any existing deferred transactions are propagated.
The propagation takes 2 minutes and therefore the job is complete at 2:32 pm.
If a deferred transaction enters the queue at 2:34 pm, then the deferred transaction is
not propagated because the job is complete. In this scenario, the deferred transaction
will be propagated at 3:30 pm.

delay_seconds = 300
If a scheduled job with a 60 minute interval wakes up at 2:30 pm and checks the
deferred transaction queue, then any existing deferred transactions are propagated.
The propagation takes 2 minutes and therefore the job is complete at 2:32 pm.
If a deferred transaction enters the queue at 2:34 pm, then the deferred transaction is
propagated because the job remains aware of the deferred transaction queue for 300
seconds (5 minutes) after the job has completed propagating whatever was in the
queue. In this scenario, the deferred transaction is propagated at 2:34 pm.
Why not just set the job to execute more often? Starting and stopping the job has a
greater amount of overhead than starting the job and keeping it aware for a set period
of time. In addition to decreasing the overhead associated with starting and stopping
these jobs, using the delay_seconds parameter can reduce the amount of redo
logging required to support scheduled jobs.
As with most performance features, there is a point of diminishing returns. Keep the
length of the delay_seconds parameter in check for the following reasons:
■ Parallel Propagation: Each parallel process that is used when pushing the
deferred transaction queue is not available for other parallel activities until the
propagation job is complete. A long delay_seconds value might keep the
parallel process unavailable for other operations. To use parallel propagation, you

2-36 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Master Replication Architecture

set the parallelism parameter to 1 or higher in the SCHEDULE_PUSH procedure

or the PUSH function.
■ Serial Propagation: If you are using serial propagation (not parallel propagation),
then the delay_seconds value causes the open session to "sleep" for the entire
length of the delay, providing none of the benefits earlier described. To use serial
propagation, you set the parallelism parameter to 0 (zero) in the SCHEDULE_
PUSH procedure or the PUSH function.
■ Precise Purge: If you specify the purge_method_precise method when using
the DBMS_DEFER_SYS.PURGE procedure and you have defined a large delay_
seconds value, then you might experience performance degradation when
performing the specified purge. Using purge_method_precise is more
expensive than the alternative (purge_method_quick), but it ensures that the
deferred transactions and procedure calls are purged after they have been
successfully pushed.
As a general rule of thumb, there are few viewable benefits of setting the delay_
seconds parameter to a value greater than 20 minutes (which is 1200 seconds for the
parameter setting).
Additionally, if you are using serial propagation by setting the parallelism
parameter to 0, then you probably do not want to set a large delay_seconds value.
Unlike parallel propagation, serial propagation only checks the queue after the
duration of the delay_seconds value has elapsed. If you use serial propagation and
set delay_seconds to 20 minutes, then the scheduled job will sleep for the entire 20
minutes, and any deferred transactions that enter the deferred transaction queue
during that time are not pushed until 20 minutes have elapsed. Therefore, if you are
using serial propagation, then consider setting delay_seconds to a value of 60
seconds or lower.
If you set a value of 20 minutes for parallel propagation, then the parallel push checks
once a minute. If you can afford this resource lock, then the relatively high delay_
seconds value of 20 minutes is probably most efficient in your environment. If,
however, you cannot afford this resource lock, then consider setting the delay_
seconds value to 10 or 20 seconds. Although you will need to execute the jobs more
often than if the value was set to 1200 seconds, you still gain many of the benefits of
the delay_seconds feature (versus the default value of 0 seconds).

Replication Protection Mechanisms

In a multimaster replication environment, Oracle ensures that transactions propagated
to remote sites are never lost and never propagated more than once, even when
failures occur. Oracle protects transactions in the following ways:
■ Multiple procedure calls submitted within a single local transaction are executed
within a transaction remotely.
■ If the network or remote database fails during propagation, then the transaction is
rolled back at the remote site and the transaction remains in the local queue at the
originating site until the remote database becomes accessible again and the
transaction can be successfully propagated.
■ A transaction is not removed from the queue at the local site until it is successfully
propagated and applied to all of its destination sites. Even after the transaction is
successfully propagated to all destination sites, it remains in the queue until the
purge job removes it.
In the case of parallel propagation, replication uses a special-purpose distributed
transaction protocol optimized for propagation. The remote site keeps track of the

Master Replication Concepts and Architecture 2-37

Master Replication Architecture

transactions that have been propagated successfully and sends this information back
to the local site when it is requested. The local site records this information and purges
the entries in its local queue that have been propagated to all destination sites. In case
of failures, the local site asks the remote site for information on the transactions that
have been propagated successfully so that propagation can continue at the appropriate

Note: Successful propagation does not necessarily imply

successful application of the transaction at the remote site. Errors
such as unresolvable conflicts or running out of storage space can
cause the transaction to result in an error, which is logged at the
remote site as an error transaction.

See Also:
■ "Parallel Propagation" on page 2-33
■ The Replication Management tool online help for more
information about viewing and managing error transactions
with the Replication Management tool

Data Propagation Dependency Maintenance

Oracle maintains dependency ordering when propagating replicated transactions to
remote sites. For example, consider the following transactions:
1. Transaction A cancels an order.
2. Transaction B sees the cancellation and processes a refund.
Transaction B depends on transaction A because transaction B sees the committed
update cancelling the order (transaction A) on the local system.
Oracle propagates transaction B (the refund) after it successfully propagates
transaction A (the order cancellation). Oracle applies the updates that process the
refund after it applies the cancellation.

Parallel Propagation Dependency Tracking When Oracle executes a new transaction on the
local system, Oracle completes the following process:
1. Oracle records the system change number (SCN) of the most recent transaction
that updates data that is seen by the new transaction as the dependent SCN. You
can record the SCN either at the data block level or at the row level, as discussed
later in this chapter.
2. Oracle ensures that transactions with SCNs less than or equal to the dependent
SCN propagate successfully to the remote system.
3. Oracle propagates the waiting, dependent transaction.

Note: When there are no possible dependencies between

transactions, Oracle propagates transactions in parallel.

Parallel propagation maintains data integrity in a manner different from that of serial
propagation. With serial propagation, Oracle applies all transactions in the same order
that they commit on the local system to maintain any dependencies. With parallel
propagation, Oracle tracks dependencies and executes them in commit order when
dependencies can exist and in parallel when dependencies cannot exist. With both

2-38 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Master Replication Architecture

serial and parallel propagation, Oracle preserves the order of execution within a
transaction. The deferred transaction executes every remote procedure call at each site
in the same order as it was executed within the local transaction.

Note: A single coordinator process exists for each database link to

a remote site. Each database link to the same remote site requires a
different connection qualifier.

See Also: "Connection Qualifiers" on page 2-16

Use of Row-Level Dependency Tracking to Improve Parallelism When you create a table, you
can specify the following options for tracking system change numbers (SCN)s:
■ NOROWDEPENDENCIES, the default, specifies that the SCN is tracked at the data
block level.
■ ROWDEPENDENCIES specifies that the SCN is tracked for each row in the table.
When you use the NOROWDEPENDENCIES clause for a table, the data block SCN tracks
the most recent update of a row that is stored in the data block. Other rows that were
updated earlier can be stored in the same data block, but information about when
these rows were updated is lost when a new SCN is applied at the data block level.
When you use the ROWDEPENDENCIES clause for a table, multiple SCNs can be stored
in a single data block. That is, a separate SCN tracks changes for each row that is
stored in the data block. If two rows that are stored in the same data block are changed
by different transactions, then each row has an SCN that tracks the change. To track
the SCN at the row level, each row in the table uses an additional six bytes of storage
Using the ROWDEPENDENCIES clause for a table enables parallel propagation to track
dependencies and order changes more efficiently when applying the deferred
transaction queue. This increased efficiency improves performance and provides
greater scalability in replication environments.
You can use the following query to list the tables that are using the
ROWDEPENDENCIES clause currently:

Note: Replication sites must have a compatibility level of 9.0.1 or

higher to use the ROWDEPENDENCIES clause. The compatibility
level is controlled by the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter.

See Also: "Row-Level Dependency Tracking" on page 6-3 for

information about creating a table using the ROWDEPENDENCIES

Minimize Transaction Dependencies to Improve Parallelism If you did not use the
ROWDEPENDENCIES clause for some of your replicated tables, then you can improve
the performance of parallel propagation for these tables by minimizing transaction

Master Replication Concepts and Architecture 2-39

Master Replication Architecture

In this case, certain application conditions can establish dependencies among

transactions that force Oracle to serialize the propagation of deferred transactions.
When several unrelated transactions modify the same data block in a replicated table,
Oracle serializes the propagation of the corresponding transactions to remote
To minimize transaction dependencies created at the data block level, avoid situations
that concentrate data block modifications into one or a small number of data blocks.
For example, when a replicated table experiences a high degree of INSERT activity,
you can distribute the storage of new rows into multiple data blocks by creating
multiple free lists for the table.
If possible, avoid situations where many transactions all update the same small table.
For example, a poorly designed application might employ a small table that
transactions read and update to simulate sequence number generation for a primary
key. This design forces all transactions to update the same data block. A better
solution is to create a sequence and cache sequence numbers to optimize primary key
generation and improve parallel propagation performance.

Conflict Resolution Mechanisms

The receiving master site in a replication environment detects update, uniqueness, and
delete conflicts as follows:
■ The receiving site detects an update conflict if there is any difference between the
old values of the replicated row, which are the values before the modification, and
the current values of the same row at the receiving site in either the primary key
columns or the columns in an updated column group.
■ The receiving site detects a uniqueness conflict if a uniqueness constraint violation
occurs during an INSERT or UPDATE of a replicated row.
■ The receiving site detects a delete conflict if it cannot find a row for an UPDATE or
DELETE statement because the primary key of the row does not exist.

Note: To detect and resolve an update conflict for a row, the

propagating site must send a certain amount of data about the new
and old versions of the row to the receiving site. For maximum
performance, tune the amount of data that Oracle uses to support
update conflict detection and resolution. For more information, see
"Send and Compare Old Values" on page 5-27.

Row Identification During Conflict Detection

To detect replication conflicts accurately, Oracle must be able to uniquely identify and
match corresponding rows at different sites during data replication. Typically, Oracle's
replication facility uses the primary key of a table to uniquely identify rows in the
table. When a table does not have a primary key, you must designate an alternate
key—a column or set of columns that Oracle can use to uniquely identify rows in the
table during data replication.

Caution: Do not permit applications to update the primary key or

alternate key columns of a table. This ensures that Oracle can identify
rows and preserve the integrity of replicated data.

2-40 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Master Replication Architecture

Resolution of Data Conflicts

Oracle provides a mechanism that enables you to define a conflict resolution method
that resolves a data conflict when detected. Oracle provides several prebuilt conflict
resolution methods:
■ Latest and Earliest Timestamp
■ Overwrite and Discard
■ Maximum and Minimum
■ Additive and Average
■ Timestamp
■ Priority Group
■ Site Priority
If the prebuilt Oracle conflict resolution methods do not meet the needs of your
replication environment, then you have the option of writing your own conflict
resolution method using PL/SQL and implementing it as a user-defined conflict
resolution method. See Chapter 5, "Conflict Resolution Concepts and Architecture" to
learn how conflict resolution works.

See Also: The online help for the Replication Management tool to
learn how to implement conflict resolution with the Replication
Management tool, and see the Oracle Database Advanced Replication
Management API Reference to learn how to implement conflict
resolution using the replication management API.

Master Replication Concepts and Architecture 2-41

Master Replication Architecture

2-42 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Materialized View Concepts and Architecture

This chapter explains the concepts and architecture of Oracle materialized views.
This chapter contains these topics:
■ Materialized View Concepts
■ Materialized View Architecture

Materialized View Concepts

Oracle uses materialized views (also known as snapshots in prior releases) to replicate
data to nonmaster sites in a replication environment and to cache expensive queries in
a data warehouse environment. This chapter, and this Oracle Database Advanced
Replication manual in general, discusses materialized views for use in a replication

See Also: Oracle Database Data Warehousing Guide to learn more

about materialized views for data warehousing

What is a Materialized View?

A materialized view is a replica of a target master from a single point in time. The
master can be either a master table at a master site or a master materialized view at a
materialized view site. Whereas in multimaster replication tables are continuously
updated by other master sites, materialized views are updated from one or more
masters through individual batch updates, known as a refreshes, from a single master
site or master materialized view site, as illustrated in Figure 3–1. The arrows in
Figure 3–1 represent database links.

Materialized View Concepts and Architecture 3-1

Materialized View Concepts

Figure 3–1 Materialized View Connected to a Single Master Site

Master Master
Site Site

Materialized Master
View Site

When a materialized view is fast refreshed, Oracle must examine all of the changes to
the master table or master materialized view since the last refresh to see if any apply to
the materialized view. Therefore, if any changes where made to the master since the
last refresh, then a materialized view refresh takes some time to apply the changes to
the materialized view. If, however, no changes at all were made to the master since the
last refresh of a materialized view, then the materialized view refresh should be very

Why Use Materialized Views?

You can use materialized views to achieve one or more of the following goals:
■ Ease Network Loads
■ Create a Mass Deployment Environment
■ Enable Data Subsetting
■ Enable Disconnected Computing

Ease Network Loads

If one of your goals is to reduce network loads, then you can use materialized views to
distribute your corporate database to regional sites. Instead of the entire company
accessing a single database server, user load is distributed across multiple database
servers. Through the use of multitier materialized views, you can create materialized
views based on other materialized views, which enables you to distribute user load to
an even greater extent because clients can access materialized view sites instead of
master sites. To decrease the amount of data that is replicated, a materialized view can
be a subset of a master table or master materialized view.
While multimaster replication also distributes a corporate database among multiple
sites, the networking requirements for multimaster replication are greater than those
for replicating with materialized views because of the transaction by transaction
nature of multimaster replication. Further, the ability of multimaster replication to
provide real-time or near real-time replication can result in greater network traffic, and
might require a dedicated network link.
Materialized views are updated through an efficient batch process from a single
master site or master materialized view site. They have lower network requirements
and dependencies than multimaster replication because of the point in time nature of

3-2 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Materialized View Concepts

materialized view replication. Whereas multimaster replication requires constant

communication over the network, materialized view replication requires only periodic
In addition to not requiring a dedicated network connection, replicating data with
materialized views increases data availability by providing local access to the target
data. These benefits, combined with mass deployment and data subsetting (both of
which also reduce network loads), greatly enhance the performance and reliability of
your replicated database.

Create a Mass Deployment Environment

Deployment templates allow you to precreate a materialized view environment
locally. You can then use deployment templates to quickly and easily deploy
materialized view environments to support sales force automation and other mass
deployment environments. Parameters allow you to create custom data sets for
individual users without changing the deployment template. This technology enables
you to roll out a database infrastructure to hundreds or thousands of users.

Enable Data Subsetting

Materialized views allow you to replicate data based on column- and row-level
subsetting, while multimaster replication requires replication of the entire table. Data
subsetting enables you to replicate information that pertains only to a particular site.
For example, if you have a regional sales office, then you might replicate only the data
that is needed in that region, thereby cutting down on unnecessary network traffic.

Enable Disconnected Computing

Materialized views do not require a dedicated network connection. Though you have
the option of automating the refresh process by scheduling a job, you can manually
refresh your materialized view on-demand, which is an ideal solution for sales
applications running on a laptop. For example, a developer can integrate the
replication management API for refresh on-demand into the sales application. When
the salesperson has completed the day's orders, the salesperson simply dials up the
network and uses the integrated mechanism to refresh the database, thus transferring
the orders to the main office.

Read-Only, Updatable, and Writeable Materialized Views

A materialized view can be either read-only, updatable, or writeable. Users cannot
perform data manipulation language (DML) statements on read-only materialized
views, but they can perform DML on updatable and writeable materialized views.

■ For read-only, updatable, and writeable materialized views, the
defining query of the materialized view must reference all of
the primary key columns in the master.
■ Materialized views cannot be based on tables that contain any
columns encrypted using transparent data encryption.

Materialized View Concepts and Architecture 3-3

Materialized View Concepts

See Also:
■ "Materialized View Replication" on page 1-5 for an introduction
to read-only and updatable materialized views
■ "Datatype Considerations for Replicated Tables" on page 6-2 for
information about datatype considerations for materialized

Read-Only Materialized Views

You can make a materialized view read-only during creation by omitting the FOR
UPDATE clause or disabling the equivalent option in the Replication Management tool.
Read-only materialized views use many of the same mechanisms as updatable
materialized views, except that they do not need to belong to a materialized view
In addition, using read-only materialized views eliminates the possibility of a
materialized view introducing data conflicts at the master site or master materialized
view site, although this convenience means that updates cannot be made at the remote
materialized view site. The following is an example of a read-only materialized view:
SELECT * FROM [email protected];

Updatable Materialized Views

You can make a materialized view updatable during creation by including the FOR
UPDATE clause or enabling the equivalent option in the Replication Management tool.
For changes made to an updatable materialized view to be pushed back to the master
during refresh, the updatable materialized view must belong to a materialized view
Updatable materialized views enable you to decrease the load on master sites because
users can make changes to the data at the materialized view site. The following is an
example of an updatable materialized view:
SELECT * FROM [email protected];

The following statement creates a materialized view group:

gname => 'hr_repg',
master => '',
propagation_mode => 'ASYNCHRONOUS');

The following statement adds the hr.departments materialized view to the

materialized view group, making the materialized view updatable:
gname => 'hr_repg',
sname => 'hr',
oname => 'departments',
type => 'SNAPSHOT',
min_communication => TRUE);

3-4 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Materialized View Concepts

You can also use the Replication Management tool to create a materialized view group
and add a materialized view to it.
In a single master site environment that has updatable materialized views, quiesce is
not required when you perform administration operations on the master site if you:
■ Propagate all of the deferred transactions at the databases containing updatable
materialized views before you perform the administration operations to the
master group.
■ Do not allow any database manipulation language (DML) changes on the
updatable materialized views until you have finished the administration operation
on the master site and regenerated replication support for the materialized view.
If you do not perform these actions, then quiesce the master group before you perform
the administration operations on it.

■ Do not use column aliases when you are creating an updatable
materialized view. Column aliases cause an error when you
attempt to add the materialized view to a materialized view
group using the CREATE_MVIEW_REPOBJECT procedure.
■ An updatable materialized view based on a master table or
master materialized view that has defined column default
values does not automatically use the master's default values.
■ A DELETE CASCADE constraint used with an updatable
materialized view must be deferrable.

See Also:
■ "Materialized View Groups" on page 3-42 for more information
■ Oracle Database SQL Reference for more information about
column aliases

Writeable Materialized Views

A writeable materialized view is one that is created using the FOR UPDATE clause but
is not part of a materialized view group. Users can perform DML operations on a
writeable materialized view, but if you refresh the materialized view, then these
changes are not pushed back to the master and the changes are lost in the materialized
view itself. Writeable materialized views are typically allowed wherever
fast-refreshable read-only materialized views are allowed.

Note: Most of the documentation about materialized views only

refers to read-only and updatable materialized views because
writeable materialized views are rarely used.

Materialized View Concepts and Architecture 3-5

Materialized View Concepts

Available Materialized Views

Oracle offers several types of materialized views to meet the needs of many different
replication (and nonreplication) situations. The following sections describe each type
of materialized view and also describe some environments for which they are best
The following sections contain examples of creating different types of materialized
■ Primary Key Materialized Views
■ Object Materialized Views
■ ROWID Materialized Views
■ Complex Materialized Views
Whenever you create a materialized view, regardless of its type, always specify the
schema name of the table owner in the query for the materialized view. For example,
consider the following CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement:
AS SELECT * FROM [email protected];

Here, the schema hr is specified in the query.

Note: You cannot execute a distributed transaction on the master

table of a refresh-on-commit materialized view. Refresh-on-commit
materialized views are those created using the ON COMMIT REFRESH
clause in the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement. You can
execute a distributed transaction on the master table of a
refresh-on-demand materialized view.

Primary Key Materialized Views

Primary key materialized views are the default type of materialized view. They are
updatable if the materialized view was created as part of a materialized view group
and FOR UPDATE was specified when defining the materialized view. An updatable
materialized view must belong to a materialized view group that has the same name
as the replication group at its master site or master materialized view site. In addition,
an updatable materialized view must reside in a different database than the master
replication group.
Changes are propagated according to the row-level changes that have occurred, as
identified by the primary key value of the row (not the ROWID). The following is an
example of a SQL statement for creating an updatable, primary key materialized view:
SELECT * FROM [email protected];

Primary key materialized views can contain a subquery so that you can create a subset
of rows at the remote materialized view site. A subquery is a query imbedded within
the primary query, so that you have more than one SELECT statement in the CREATE
MATERIALIZED VIEW statement. This subquery can be as simple as a basic WHERE
clause or as complex as a multilevel WHERE EXISTS clause. Primary key materialized
views that contain a selected class of subqueries can still be incrementally (or fast)
refreshed, if each master referenced has a materialized view log. A fast refresh uses
materialized view logs to update only the rows that have changed since the last

3-6 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Materialized View Concepts

The following materialized view is created with a WHERE clause containing a

SELECT * FROM [email protected] o
(SELECT * FROM [email protected] c
WHERE o.customer_id = c.customer_id AND c.credit_limit > 10000);

This type of materialized view is called a subquery materialized view.

Note: To create this oe.orders materialized view, credit_

limit must be logged in the master's materialized view log. See
"Logging Columns in the Materialized View Log" on page 6-11 for
more information.

See Also:
■ "Materialized View Groups" on page 3-42 for more information
about materialized view groups
■ "Materialized Views with Subqueries" on page 3-14 for more
information about materialized views with subqueries
■ "Refresh Types" on page 3-47 for more information about fast
■ "Materialized View Log" on page 3-39 for more information
about materialized view logs
■ Oracle Database SQL Reference for more information about

Object Materialized Views

If a materialized view is based on an object table and is created using the OF type
clause, then the materialized view is called an object materialized view. An object
materialized view is structured in the same way as an object table. That is, an object
materialized view is composed of row objects, and each row object is identified by an
object identifier (OID) column.

See Also: "Materialized Views Based on Object Tables" on

page 3-30

ROWID Materialized Views

Oracle supports ROWID materialized views in addition to the default primary key
materialized views. A ROWID materialized view is based on the physical row
identifiers (rowids) of the rows in a master. ROWID materialized views can be used for
materialized views based on master tables that do not have a primary key, or for
materialized views that do not include all primary key columns of the master tables.
The following is an example of a CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement that creates
a ROWID materialized view:
SELECT * FROM [email protected];

Materialized View Concepts and Architecture 3-7

Materialized View Concepts

See Also:
■ "Materialized View Log" on page 3-39 for more information on
the differences between a ROWID and primary key materialized
■ Oracle Database SQL Reference for more information about the

Complex Materialized Views

To be fast refreshed, the defining query for a materialized view must observe certain
restrictions. If you require a materialized view whose defining query is more general
and cannot observe the restrictions, then the materialized view is complex and cannot
be fast refreshed.
Specifically, a materialized view is considered complex when the defining query of the
materialized view contains:
■ A CONNECT BY clause.
For example, the following statement creates a complex materialized view:
FROM [email protected] START WITH manager_id IS NULL
CONNECT BY PRIOR employee_id = manager_id;

■ An INTERSECT, MINUS, or UNION ALL set operation.

For example, the following statement creates a complex materialized view because
it has a UNION ALL set operation:
SELECT employees.employee_id,
FROM [email protected]
SELECT new_employees.employee_id,
FROM [email protected];

■ The DISTINCT or UNIQUE keyword.

For example, the following statement creates a complex materialized view:
SELECT DISTINCT department_id FROM [email protected]
ORDER BY department_id;

■ In some cases, an aggregate function, although it is possible to have an aggregate

function in the defining query and still have a simple materialized view.
For example, the following statement creates a complex materialized view:
SELECT AVG(salary) "Average" FROM [email protected];

■ In some cases, joins other than those in a subquery, although it is possible to have
joins in the defining query and still have a simple materialized view.
For example, the following statement creates a complex materialized view:

3-8 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Materialized View Concepts


SELECT last_name
FROM [email protected] e, [email protected] d
WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id;

■ In some cases, a UNION operation. Specifically, a materialized view with a UNION

operation is complex if any one of these conditions is true:
– Any query within the UNION is complex. The previous bullet items specify
when a query makes a materialized view complex.
– The outermost SELECT list columns do not match for the queries in the
UNION. In the following example, the first query only has order_total in
the outermost SELECT list while the second query has customer_id in the
outermost SELECT list. Therefore, the materialized view is complex.
SELECT order_total
FROM [email protected] o
(SELECT cust_first_name, cust_last_name
FROM [email protected] c
WHERE o.customer_id = c.customer_id
AND c.credit_limit > 50)
SELECT customer_id
FROM [email protected] o
(SELECT cust_first_name, cust_last_name
FROM [email protected] c
WHERE o.customer_id = c.customer_id
AND c.account_mgr_id = 30);

The innermost SELECT list has no bearing on whether a materialized view is

complex. In the previous example, the innermost SELECT list is cust_
first_name and cust_last_name for both queries in the UNION.
■ Clauses that do not comply with the requirements detailed in "Restrictions for
Materialized Views with Subqueries" on page 3-20.

See Also:
■ Oracle Database Data Warehousing Guide for information about
materialized views with aggregate functions and joins
■ Oracle Database SQL Reference for more information about the
CONNECT BY clause, set operations, the DISTINCT keyword,
and aggregate functions

Note: If possible, you should avoid using complex materialized

views because they cannot be fast refreshed, which might degrade
network performance (see "Refresh Process" on page 3-46 for

A Comparison of Simple and Complex Materialized Views For certain applications, you might
want to consider using a complex materialized view. Figure 3–2 and the following text
discuss some issues that you should consider.

Materialized View Concepts and Architecture 3-9

Materialized View Concepts

Figure 3–2 Comparison of Simple and Complex Materialized Views

Database I Database II

Slower emp_dept Materialized View
Method A

refreshes SELECT ...
FROM hr.employees@ny e, hr.department@ny d
departments WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id

Faster query

FROM emp_dept

Quicker Acceptable query

employees fast
Table performance
MLOG$_ refreshes employees
Method B

employees Materialized emp_dept View

Quicker SELECT ...
departments fast FROM employees e, departments d
Table MLOG$_ refreshes departments WHERE e.department_id =
departments Materialized d.department_id

■ Complex Materialized View: Method A in Figure 3–2 shows a complex

materialized view. The materialized view in Database II exhibits efficient query
performance because the join operation was completed during the materialized
view's refresh. However, complete refreshes must be performed because the
materialized view is complex, and these refreshes will probably be slower than
fast refreshes.
■ Simple Materialized Views with a Joined View: Method B in Figure 3–2 shows
two simple materialized views in Database II, as well as a view that performs the
join in the materialized view's database. Query performance against the view
would not be as good as the query performance against the complex materialized
view in Method A. However, the simple materialized views can be refreshed more
efficiently using fast refresh and materialized view logs.
In summary, to decide which method to use:
■ If you refresh rarely and want faster query performance, then use Method A
(complex materialized view).
■ If you refresh regularly and can sacrifice query performance, then use Method B
(simple materialized view).

3-10 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Materialized View Concepts

Required Privileges for Materialized View Operations

Three distinct types of users perform operations on materialized views:
■ Creator: the user who creates the materialized view.
■ Refresher: the user who refreshes the materialized view.
■ Owner: the user who owns the materialized view. The materialized view resides
in this user's schema.
One user can perform all of these operations on a particular materialized view.
However, in some replication environments, different users perform these operations
on a particular materialized view. The privileges required to perform these operations
depend on whether the same user performs them or different users perform them. The
following sections explain the privileges requirements in detail.

Note: The following sections do not cover the requirements

necessary to create materialized views with query rewrite enabled.
See the Oracle Database SQL Reference for information.

See Also: The following sections discuss database links. See the
Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for more information about
using database links.

Creator Is Owner
If the creator of a materialized view also owns the materialized view, this user must
have the following privileges to create a materialized view, granted either explicitly or
through a role:
■ CREATE VIEW or CREATE ANY VIEW if the compatibility level of the database is
lower than 8.1.0.
■ SELECT object privilege on the master and the master's materialized view log or
SELECT ANY TABLE system privilege. If the master site or master materialized
view site is remote, then the SELECT object privilege must be granted to the user
at the master site or master materialized view site to which the user at the
materialized view site connects through a database link.
If the owner of materialized view at the materialized view site has a private
database link to the master site or master materialized view site, then the database
link connects to the owner of the master at the master site or master materialized
view site. Otherwise, the normal rules for connections through database links

Creator Is Not Owner

If the creator of a materialized view is not the owner, certain privileges must be
granted to the creator and to the owner to create a materialized view. The creator's
privileges can be granted explicitly or through a role, but the owner's privileges must
be granted explicitly. That is, the privileges granted to the owner cannot be granted
through a role.
Table 3–1 shows the required privileges when the creator of the materialized view is
not the owner.

Materialized View Concepts and Architecture 3-11

Materialized View Concepts

Table 3–1 Required Privileges for Creating Materialized Views (Creator != Owner)
Creator Owner
compatibility level of the database is lower than 8.1.0
SELECT object privilege on the master and the
master's materialized view log or SELECT ANY TABLE
system privilege. If the master site or master
materialized view site is remote, then the SELECT
object privilege must be granted to the user at the
master site or master materialized view site to which
the user at the materialized view site connects
through a database link.
If the owner of materialized view at the materialized
view site has a private database link to the master site
or master materialized view site, then the database
link connects to the owner of the master at the master
site or master materialized view site. Otherwise, the
normal rules for connections through database links
Note: These privileges for the owner must be granted
to the user explicitly, not through a role.

Refresher Is Owner
If the refresher of a materialized view also owns the materialized view, this user must
have SELECT object privilege on the master and the master's materialized view log or
SELECT ANY TABLE system privilege. If the master site or master materialized view
site is remote, then the SELECT object privilege must be granted to the user at the
master site or master materialized view site to which the user at the materialized view
site connects through a database link. This privilege can be granted either explicitly or
through a role.
If the owner of materialized view at the materialized view site has a private database
link to the master site or master materialized view site, then the database link connects
to the owner of the master at the master site or master materialized view site.
Otherwise, the normal rules for connections through database links apply.

Refresher Is Not Owner

If the refresher of a materialized view is not the owner, certain privileges must be
granted to the refresher and to the owner. These privileges can be granted either
explicitly or through a role.
Table 3–2 shows the required privileges when the refresher of the materialized view is
not the owner.

3-12 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Materialized View Concepts

Table 3–2 Required Privileges for Refreshing Materialized Views (Refresher != Owner)
Refresher Owner
ALTER ANY MATERIALIZED VIEW If the master site or master materialized view site is
local, then SELECT object privilege on the master and
master's materialized view log or SELECT ANY TABLE
system privilege.
If the master site or master materialized view site is
remote, then the SELECT object privilege must be
granted to the user at the master site or master
materialized view site to which the user at the
materialized view site connects through a database
link. If the owner of materialized view at the
materialized view site has a private database link to the
master site or master materialized view site, then the
database link connects to the owner of the master at the
master site or master materialized view site. Otherwise,
the normal rules for connections through database links

Data Subsetting with Materialized Views

In certain situations, you might want your materialized view to reflect a subset of the
data in the master table or master materialized view. Row subsetting enables you to
include only the rows that are needed from the master in the materialized views by
using a WHERE clause. Column subsetting enables you to include only the columns
that are needed from the master in the materialized views. You do this by specifying
certain select columns in the SELECT statement during materialized view creation. If
you use deployment templates to build your materialized views, then you can define
column subsets on updatable materialized views.
Some reasons to use data subsetting are to:
■ Reduce Network Traffic: In a column-subsetted materialized view, only changes
that satisfy the WHERE clause of the materialized view's defining query are
propagated to the materialized view site, thereby reducing the amount of data
transferred and reducing network traffic.
■ Secure Sensitive Data: Users can only view data that satisfies the defining query
for the materialized view.
■ Reduce Resource Requirements: If the materialized view is located on a laptop,
then hard disks are generally significantly smaller than the hard disks on a
corporate server. Subsetted materialized views might require significantly less
storage space.
■ Improve Refresh Times: Because less data is propagated to the materialized view
site, the refresh process is faster, which is essential for those who need to refresh
materialized views using a dial up network connection from a laptop.
For example, the following statement creates a materialized view based on the
[email protected] master table and includes only the rows for the sales
representative with a sales_rep_id number of 173:
SELECT * FROM [email protected]
WHERE sales_rep_id = 173;

Rows of the orders table with a sales_rep_id number other than 173 are excluded
from this materialized view.

Materialized View Concepts and Architecture 3-13

Materialized View Concepts

Note: The following sections discuss row subsetting through the

use of subqueries. For more information about column subsetting,
see "Column Subsetting with Deployment Templates" on page 4-15.

Materialized Views with Subqueries

The previous example works well for individual materialized views that do not have
any referential constraints to other materialized views. But, if you want to replicate
data based on the information in more than one table, then maintaining and defining
these materialized views can be difficult. The following sections provide examples of
situations where a subquery is useful.

Many to One Subqueries Consider a scenario where you have the customers table and
orders table in the oe schema, and you want to create a materialized view of the
orders table based on data in both the orders table and the customers table. For
example, suppose a salesperson wants to see all of the orders for the customers with a
credit limit greater than $10,000. In this case, the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW
statement that creates the orders materialized view has a subquery with a many to
one relationship, because there can be many orders for each customer.
Look at the relationships in Figure 3–3, and notice that the customers and orders
tables are related through the customer_id column. The following statement
satisfies the original goal of the salesperson. That is, the following statement creates a
materialized view that contains orders for customers whose credit limit is greater than
SELECT * FROM [email protected] o
(SELECT * FROM [email protected] c
WHERE o.customer_id = c.customer_id AND c.credit_limit > 10000);

Note: To create this oe.orders materialized view, credit_

limit must be logged in the master's materialized view log. See
"Logging Columns in the Materialized View Log" on page 6-11 for
more information.

Figure 3–3 Row Subsetting with Many to One Subqueries

orders Master Table customers Master Table

order_id customer_id ... customer_id credit_limit ...
900 4865 . customer_id 4865 50000 .
901 4886 . 4872 7500 .
902 4865 . 4886 12000 .
903 5420 . 5420 35000 .
904 5420 . . . .
. . .

Primary Key Primary Key

3-14 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Materialized View Concepts

As you can see, the materialized view created by this statement is fast refreshable and
updatable. If new customers are identified that have a credit limit greater than $10,000,
then the new data will be propagated to the materialized view site during the
subsequent refresh process. Similarly, if a customer's credit limit drops to less than
$10,000, then the customer's data will be removed from the materialized view during
the subsequent refresh process.

One to Many Subqueries Consider a scenario where you have the customers table and
orders table in the oe schema, and you want to create a materialized view of the
customers table based on data in both the customers table and the orders table.
For example, suppose a salesperson wants to see all of the customers who have an
order with an order total greater than $20,000, then the most efficient method is to
create a materialized view with a one to many subquery in the defining query of a
materialized view.
Here, the defining query in the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement on the
customers table has a subquery with a one to many relationship. That is, one
customer can have many orders.
Look at the relationships in Figure 3–4, and notice that the orders table and
customers table are related through the customer_id column. The following
statement satisfies the original goal of the salesperson. That is, this statement creates a
materialized view that contains customers who have an order with an order total
greater than $20,000:
SELECT * FROM [email protected] c
(SELECT * FROM [email protected] o
WHERE c.customer_id = o.customer_id AND o.order_total > 20000);

Note: To create this oe.customers materialized view,

customer_id and order_total must be logged in the
materialized view log for the orders table. See "Logging Columns
in the Materialized View Log" on page 6-11 for more information.

Figure 3–4 Row Subsetting with One to Many Subqueries

customers Master Table orders Master Table

customer_id ... order_id customer_id order_total ...
4225 . customer_id 800 4227 12229 .
4226 . 801 4228 25650 .
4227 . 802 4225 48239 .
4228 . 803 4227 32155 .
. . 804 4226 16000 .
. . .

Primary Key Primary Key

The materialized view created by this statement is fast refreshable and updatable. If
new customers are identified that have an order total greater than $20,000, then the
new data will be propagated to the materialized view site during the subsequent
refresh process. Similarly, if a customer cancels an order with an order total greater
than $20,000 and has no other order totals greater than $20,000, then the customer's

Materialized View Concepts and Architecture 3-15

Materialized View Concepts

data will be removed from the materialized view during the subsequent refresh

Note: The materialized view site must have a compatibility level

of 9.0.1 or higher because fast refresh of materialized views with
one to many subqueries was not supported prior to Oracle9i
Database Release 1 (9.0.1). The compatibility level is controlled by
the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter.

Many to Many Subqueries Consider a scenario where you have the order_items table
and inventories table in the oe schema, and you want to create a materialized view
of the inventories table based on data in both the inventories table and the
order_items table. For example, suppose a salesperson wants to see all of the
inventories with a quantity on hand greater than 0 (zero) for each product whose
product_id is in the order_items table. In other words, the salesperson wants to
see the inventories that are greater than zero for all of the products that customers
have ordered. Here, an inventory is a certain quantity of a product at a particular
warehouse. So, a certain product can be in many order items and in many inventories.
To accomplish the salesperson's goal, you can create a materialized view with a
subquery on the many to many relationship between the order_items table and the
inventories table.
When you create the inventories materialized view, you want to retrieve the
inventories with the quantity on hand greater than zero for the products that appear in
the order_items table. Look at the relationships in Figure 3–5, and note that the
inventories table and order_items table are related through the product_id
column. The following statement creates the materialized view:
SELECT * FROM [email protected] i
WHERE i.quantity_on_hand > 0 AND EXISTS
(SELECT * FROM [email protected] o
WHERE i.product_id = o.product_id);

Note: To create this oe.inventories materialized view, the

product_id column in the order_items table must be logged in
the master's materialized view log. See "Logging Columns in the
Materialized View Log" on page 6-11 for more information.

3-16 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Materialized View Concepts

Figure 3–5 Row Subsetting with Many to Many Subqueries

order_items Master Table inventories Master Table

order_id line_item_id product_id ... product_id warehouse_id quantity_on_hand
700 100 3402 . product_id 3391 7 0
701 1005 3391 . 3345 9 500
702 1252 3345 . 3391 5 250
. . . . 3402 7 79
3402 8 122
3345 2 0
. . .

Primary Key

Primary Key

The materialized view created by this statement is fast refreshable and updatable. If
new inventories that are greater than zero are identified for products in the order_
items table, then the new data will be propagated to the materialized view site
during the subsequent refresh process. Similarly, if a customer cancels an order for a
product and there are no other orders for the product in the order_items table, then
the inventories for the product will be removed from the materialized view during the
subsequent refresh process.

Note: The materialized view site must have a compatibility level

of 9.0.1 or higher because fast refresh of materialized views with
many to many subqueries was not supported prior to Oracle9i
Database Release 1 (9.0.1). The compatibility level is controlled by
the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter.

Materialized Views with Subqueries and Unions In situations where you want a single
materialized view to contain data that matches the complete results of two or more
different queries, you can use the UNION operator. When you use the UNION operator
to create a materialized view, you have two SELECT statements around each UNION
operator, one is above it and one is below it. The resulting materialized view contains
rows selected by either query.
You can use the UNION operator as a way to create fast refreshable materialized views
that satisfy "or" conditions without using the OR expression in the WHERE clause of a
subquery. Under some conditions, using an OR expression in the WHERE clause of a
subquery causes the resulting materialized view to be complex, and therefore not fast

See Also: "Restrictions for Materialized Views with Subqueries"

on page 3-20 for more information about the OR expressions in

For example, suppose a salesperson wants the product information for the products in
a particular category_id that are either in a warehouse in California or contain the
word "Rouge" in their translated product descriptions (for the French translation). The
following statement uses the UNION operator and subqueries to capture this data in a
materialized view for products in category_id 29:

Materialized View Concepts and Architecture 3-17

Materialized View Concepts


SELECT * FROM [email protected] pi
WHERE pi.category_id = 29 AND EXISTS
(SELECT * FROM [email protected] pd
WHERE pi.product_id = pd.product_id AND
pd.translated_description LIKE '%Rouge%')
SELECT * FROM [email protected] pi
WHERE pi.category_id = 29 AND EXISTS
(SELECT * FROM [email protected] i
WHERE pi.product_id = i.product_id AND EXISTS
(SELECT * FROM [email protected] w
WHERE i.warehouse_id = w.warehouse_id AND EXISTS
(SELECT * FROM [email protected] l
WHERE w.location_id = l.location_id
AND l.state_province = 'California')));

Note: To create the oe.product_information materialized

view, translated_description in the oe.product_
descriptions table, the state_province in the
hr.locations table, and the location_id column in the
oe.warehouses table must be logged in each master's
materialized view log. See "Logging Columns in the Materialized
View Log" on page 6-11 for more information.

Figure 3–6 shows the relationships of the master tables involved in this statement.

3-18 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Materialized View Concepts

Figure 3–6 Row Subsetting with Subqueries and Unions

product_information Master Table product_information Master Table

product_id category_id ... product_id category_id ...
3159 28 . union 3159 28 .
3161 28 . 3161 28 .
3163 29 . 3163 29 .
3165 29 . 3165 29 .
. . . . . .

Primary Key Primary Key

product_id product_id

product_descriptions Master Table inventories Master Table

product_id translated_description ... language_id product_id warehouse_id ...
3159 . . F 3161 4 .
3161 . . F 3161 5 .
3163 . . F 3163 7 .
3165 . . F 3163 1 .
. . . . . . .

Primary Key Primary Key


locations Master Table warehouses Master Table

location_id state_province ... warehouse_id location_id ...
1500 California . 1 1500 .
1600 New Jersey . 2 2900 .
. . . . . .

Primary Key Primary Key

In addition to the UNION operation, this statement contains the following subqueries:
■ A subquery referencing the product_information table and the product_
descriptions table. This subquery is one to many because one product can
have multiple product descriptions (for different languages).
■ A subquery referencing the product_information table and the inventories
table. This subquery is one to many because a product can be in many inventories.
■ A subquery referencing the inventories table and the warehouses table. This
subquery is many to one because many inventories can be stored in one
■ A subquery referencing the warehouses table and the locations table. This
subquery is many to one because many warehouses can be in one location.
The materialized view created by this statement is fast refreshable and updatable. If a
new product is added that is stored in a warehouse in California or that has the string
"Rouge" in the translated product description, then the new data will be propagated to

Materialized View Concepts and Architecture 3-19

Materialized View Concepts

the product_information materialized view during the subsequent refresh


Note: The materialized view site must have a compatibility level

of 9.0.1 or higher because fast refresh of materialized views with a
UNION operator was not supported prior to Oracle9i Database
Release 1 (9.0.1). Also, fast refresh of materialized views with many
to one subqueries requires 9.0.1 or higher compatibility. The
compatibility level is controlled by the COMPATIBLE initialization

Restrictions for Materialized Views with Subqueries

The defining query of a materialized view with a subquery is subject to several
restrictions to preserve the materialized view's fast refresh capability.
The following are restrictions for fast refresh materialized views with subqueries:
■ Materialized views must be primary key materialized views.
■ The master's materialized view log must include certain columns referenced in the
subquery. For information about which columns must be included, see "Logging
Columns in the Materialized View Log" on page 6-11.
■ If the subquery is many to many or one to many, join columns that are not part of
a primary key must be included in the materialized view log of the master. This
restriction does not apply to many to one subqueries.
■ The subquery must be a positive subquery. For example, you can use the EXISTS
condition, but not the NOT EXISTS condition.
■ The subquery must use EXISTS to connect each nested level (IN is not allowed).
■ Each table can be in only one EXISTS expression.
■ The join expression must use exact match or equality comparisons (that is,
■ Each table can be joined only once within the subquery.
■ A primary key must exist for each table at each nested level.
■ Each nested level can only reference the table in the level above it.
■ Subqueries can include AND conditions, but each OR condition can only reference
columns contained within one row. Multiple OR conditions within a subquery can
be connected with an AND condition.
■ All tables referenced in a subquery must reside in the same master site or master
materialized view site.

Note: If the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement includes an

ON PREBUILT TABLE clause and a subquery, then the subquery is
treated as many to many. Therefore, in this case, the join columns
must be recorded in the materialized view log. See the Oracle
Database SQL Reference for more information about the ON

3-20 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Materialized View Concepts

See Also: "Primary Key Materialized Views" on page 3-6 for more
information about primary key materialized views

Restrictions for Materialized Views with Unions Containing Subqueries

The following are restrictions for fast refresh materialized views with unions
containing subqueries:
■ All of the restrictions described in the previous section, "Restrictions for
Materialized Views with Subqueries" on page 3-20, apply to the subqueries in each
union block.
■ All join columns must be included in the materialized view log of the master, even
if the subquery is many to one.
■ All of the restrictions described in the previous section, "Complex Materialized
Views" on page 3-8, for clauses with UNIONS.

Examples of Materialized Views with Unions Containing Subqueries The following statement
creates the oe.orders materialized view. This materialized view is fast refreshable
because the subquery in each union block satisfies the restrictions for subqueries
described in "Restrictions for Materialized Views with Subqueries" on page 3-20.
SELECT * FROM [email protected] o
(SELECT * FROM [email protected] c
WHERE o.customer_id = c.customer_id
AND c.credit_limit > 50)
FROM [email protected] o
(SELECT * FROM [email protected] c
WHERE o.customer_id = c.customer_id
AND c.account_mgr_id = 30);

Notice that one of the restrictions for subqueries states that each table can be in only
one EXISTS expression. Here, the customers table appears in two EXISTS
expressions, but the EXISTS expressions are in separate UNION blocks. Because the
restrictions described in "Restrictions for Materialized Views with Subqueries" on
page 3-20 only apply to each UNION block, not to the entire CREATE MATERIALIZED
VIEW statement, the materialized view is fast refreshable.
In contrast, the materialized view created with the following statement cannot be fast
refreshed because the orders table is referenced in two different EXISTS expressions
within the same UNION block:
SELECT * FROM [email protected] o
(SELECT * FROM [email protected] c
WHERE o.customer_id = c.customer_id -- first reference to orders table
AND c.credit_limit > 50
(SELECT * FROM [email protected] o
WHERE order_total > 5000
AND o.customer_id = c.customer_id)) -- second reference to orders table
FROM [email protected] o

Materialized View Concepts and Architecture 3-21

Materialized View Concepts

(SELECT * FROM [email protected] c
WHERE o.customer_id = c.customer_id
AND c.account_mgr_id = 30);

Determining the Fast Refresh Capabilities of a Materialized View

To determine whether a materialized view's subquery satisfies the restrictions detailed
in the previous section, create the materialized view with fast refresh. Oracle returns
errors if the materialized view violates any restrictions for subquery materialized
views. If you specify force refresh, then you might not receive any errors because,
when a force refresh is requested, Oracle automatically performs a complete refresh if
it cannot perform a fast refresh.
You can also use the EXPLAIN_MVIEW procedure in the DBMS_MVIEW package to
determine the following information about an existing materialized view or a
proposed materialized view that does not yet exist:
■ The capabilities of a materialized view
■ Whether each capability is possible
■ If a capability is not possible, why it is not possible
This information can be stored in a varray or in the MV_CAPABILITIES_TABLE. If
you want to store the information in the table, then, before you run the EXPLAIN_
MVIEW procedure, you must build this table by running the utlxmv.sql script in the
Oracle_home/rdbms/admin directory.
For example, to determine the capabilities of the oe.orders materialized view, enter:

Or, if the materialized view does not yet exist, then you can supply the query that you
want to use to create it:
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [email protected] c
WHERE o.customer_id = c.customer_id AND c.credit_limit > 500)');

Query the MV_CAPABILITIES_TABLE to see the results.

See Also: Oracle Database Data Warehousing Guide for more

information about the EXPLAIN_MVIEW procedure

Multitier Materialized Views

The ability to create materialized views that are based on other materialized views
enables you to create multitier materialized views. Materialized views that are based
on other materialized views can be read-only or updatable. The arrows in Figure 3–7
represent database links.

3-22 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Materialized View Concepts

Figure 3–7 Multitier Materialized Views

Master Master
Site Site

Materialized Materialized Master

View View Site
Site Site

When you are using multitier materialized views, the materialized view based on a
master table is called a level 1 materialized view. Then, a materialized view based on
the level 1 materialized view is called a level 2 materialized view. Next is level 3 and
so on. Figure 3–8 shows these levels.

Figure 3–8 Levels of Materialized Views

Master Table

Materialized View Materialized View

Level 1

Materialized View Materialized View Materialized View

Level 2

Materialized View Materialized View

Level 3

Materialized View Concepts and Architecture 3-23

Materialized View Concepts

A materialized view that is acting as the master for another materialized view is called
a master materialized view. A materialized view at any level can be a master
materialized view, and, as you can see in Figure 3–8, a master materialized view can
have more than one materialized view based on it. In Figure 3–8, two level 2
materialized views are based on one level 1 materialized view.
Figure 3–9 illustrates an example that shows a master materialized view at level 1
(orders_1) and level 2 (orders_2).

Figure 3–9 Master Materialized Views

orders Master Table

order_id order_date ...
2458 16-AUG-99 .
2397 19-NOV-99 .
2454 02-OCT-99 .
. . .

Level 1 materialized view is orders_1 Materialized View

master of orders_2
order_id order_date ...
2458 16-AUG-99 .
2397 19-NOV-99 .
2454 02-OCT-99 .
. . .

Level 2 materialized view is orders_2 Materialized View

master of orders_3
order_id order_date ...
2458 16-AUG-99 .
2397 19-NOV-99 .
2454 02-OCT-99 .
. . .

Level 3 materialized view orders_3 Materialized View

that is not a master
order_id order_date ...
2458 16-AUG-99 .
2397 19-NOV-99 .
2454 02-OCT-99 .
. . .

The master for the level 1 materialized view orders_1 is the master table orders at
the master site, but, starting with level 2, each materialized view has a master
materialized view at the level above it. For example, the master for the level 2
materialized view orders_2 is the level 1 materialized view orders_1.
A master materialized view functions the same way a master table does at a master
site. That is, changes pushed from a level 2 materialized view to a level 1 materialized

3-24 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Materialized View Concepts

view are handled in exactly the same way that changes pushed from a level 1
materialized view to a master table are handled.
A receiver must be registered at a master materialized view site. The receiver is
responsible for receiving and applying the deferred transactions from the propagator
at multitier materialized view sites that are based on the master materialized view.

See Also: "Receiver" on page 2-14

Multitier materialized views offer greater flexibility in the design of a replication

environment. Some materialized view sites might not need to replicate all of the data
in master tables, and, in fact, these sites might not have the storage capacity for all of
the data. In addition, replicating less data means that there is less activity on the
Multitier materialized views are ideal for organizations that are structured on three or
more levels or constrained by limited network resources. For example, consider a
company with international, national, and local offices. This company has many
computers at both the national and local level that replicate data. Here, the replication
environment can be configured with the master site at the international headquarters
and with materialized views at the national level. These materialized views at the
national level only replicate the subset of data from the master tables that apply to
their respective countries. Now, using multitier materialized views, another level of
materialized views at the local level can be based on the materialized views at the
national level. The materialized views at the local level contain the subset of data from
the level 1 materialized views that apply to their local customers.

Scenario for Using Multitier Materialized Views

Consider a multinational company that maintains all employee information at
headquarters, which is in the in the United States. The company uses the tables in the
hr schema to maintain the employee information. This company has one main office
in 14 countries and many regional offices for cities in these countries.
For example, the company has one main office for all of the United Kingdom, but it
also has an office in the city of London. The United Kingdom office maintains
employee information for all of the employees in the United Kingdom, while the
London office only maintains employee information for the employees at the London
office. In this scenario, the hr.employees master table is at headquarters in the
United States and each regional office has a an hr.employees materialized view that
only contains the necessary employee information.
The following statement creates the hr.employees materialized view for the United
Kingdom office. The statement queries the master table in the database at
headquarters, which is Notice that the statement uses subqueries so that
the materialized view only contains employees whose country_id is UK.
SELECT * FROM [email protected] e
(SELECT * FROM [email protected] d
WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id
(SELECT * FROM [email protected] l
WHERE l.country_id = 'UK'
AND d.location_id = l.location_id));

Materialized View Concepts and Architecture 3-25

Materialized View Concepts

Note: To create this hr.employees materialized view, the

following columns must be logged:
■ The department_id column must be logged in the
materialized view log for the hr.employees master table at
■ The country_id must be logged in the materialized view log
for the hr.locations master table at
See "Logging Columns in the Materialized View Log" on page 6-11
for more information.

The following statement creates the hr.employees materialized view for the London
office based on the level 1 materialized view at the United Kingdom office. The
statement queries the materialized view in the database at the United Kingdom office,
which is Notice that the statement uses subqueries so that the
materialized view only contains employees whose city is London.
WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id
WHERE = 'London'
AND d.location_id = l.location_id));

Note: To create this hr.employees materialized view, the

following columns must be logged:
■ The department_id column must be logged in the
materialized view log for the hr.employees master
materialized view at
■ The country_id must be logged in the materialized view log
for the hr.locations master materialized view at reg_
See "Logging Columns in the Materialized View Log" on page 6-11
for more information.

Restrictions for Using Multitier Materialized Views

Both master materialized views and materialized views based on materialized views
■ Be primary key materialized views
■ Reside in a database that is at 9.0.1 or higher compatibility level

Note: The COMPATIBLE initialization parameter controls a

database's compatibility level.

3-26 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Materialized View Concepts

Additional Restrictions for Master Materialized Views The following types of materialized
views cannot be masters for updatable materialized views:
■ ROWID materialized views
■ Complex materialized views
■ Read-only materialized views
However, these types of materialized views can be masters for read-only materialized

Additional Restrictions for Updatable Materialized Views Based on Materialized Views

Updatable materialized views based on materialized views must:
■ Belong to a materialized view group that has the same name as the materialized
view group at its master materialized view site.
■ Reside in a different database than the materialized view group at its master
materialized view site.
■ Be based on another updatable materialized view or other updatable materialized
views, not on a read-only materialized view.
■ Be based on a materialized view in a materialized view group that is owned by
PUBLIC at the master materialized view site.

How Materialized Views Work with Object Types and Collections

Oracle object types are user-defined datatypes that make it possible to model complex
real-world entities such as customers and orders as single entities, called objects, in
the database. You create object types using the CREATE TYPE ... AS OBJECT
statement. You can replicate object types and objects between master sites and
materialized view sites in a replication environment.
An Oracle object that occupies a single column in a table is called a column object.
Typically, tables that contain column objects also contain other columns, which can be
built-in datatypes, such as VARCHAR2 and NUMBER. An object table is a special kind of
table in which each row represents an object. Each row in an object table is a row
You can also replicate collections. Collections are user-defined datatypes that are
based on VARRAY and nested table datatypes. You create varrays with the CREATE
TYPE ... AS VARRAY statement, and you create nested tables with the CREATE TYPE
... AS TABLE statement.

Materialized View Concepts and Architecture 3-27

Materialized View Concepts

■ Both the master site and the materialized view site must have a
compatibility level of 9.0.1 or higher to replicate user-defined
types and any objects on which they are based. The
compatibility level is controlled by the COMPATIBLE
initialization parameter.
■ You cannot create refresh-on-commit materialized views based
on a master with user-defined types. Refresh-on-commit
materialized views are those created using the ON COMMIT
■ Advanced Replication does not support type inheritance, and
Advanced Replication does not support types created with the
NOT FINAL clause.

See Also: Oracle Database Application Developer's Guide -

Object-Relational Features for detailed information about
user-defined types, Oracle objects, and collections. This section
assumes a basic understanding of the information in that book.

Type Agreement at Replication Sites

User-defined types include all types created using the CREATE TYPE statement,
including object, nested table, VARRAY, and indextype. To replicate schema objects
based on user-defined types, the user-defined types themselves must exist, and must
be exactly the same, at all replication sites. In addition, Oracle recommends that you
add a user-defined type to the replication group in which it is used, but doing so is not
When replicating user-defined types and the schema objects on which they are based,
the following conditions apply:
■ The user-defined types replicated at the master site and materialized view site
must be created at the materialized view site before you create any materialized
views that depend on these types.
■ All of the masters on which a materialized view is based must be at the same
master site to create a materialized view with user-defined types.
■ A user-defined type must be exactly the same at all replication sites:
– All replication sites must have the same object identifier (OID), schema owner,
and type name for each replicated user-defined type.
– If the user-defined type is an object type, then all replication sites must agree
on the order and datatype of the attributes in the object type. You establish the
order and datatypes of the attributes when you create the object type. For
example, consider the following object type:
CREATE TYPE cust_address_typ AS OBJECT
(street_address VARCHAR2(40),
postal_code VARCHAR2(10),
city VARCHAR2(30),
state_province VARCHAR2(10),
country_id CHAR(2));

3-28 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Materialized View Concepts

At all replication sites, street_address must be the first attribute for this
type and must be VARCHAR2(40), postal_code must be the second
attribute and must be VARCHAR2(10), city must be the third attribute and
must be VARCHAR2(30), and so on.
– All replication sites must agree on the hashcode of the user-defined type.
Oracle examines a user-defined type and assigns the hashcode. This
examination includes the type attributes, order of attributes, and type name.
When all of these items are the same for two or more types, the types have the
same hashcode. You can view the hashcode for a type by querying the DBA_
TYPE_VERSIONS data dictionary view.
To ensure that a user-defined type is exactly the same at all replication sites, you must
create the user-defined type at the materialized view site in one of the following ways:
■ Use the Replication Management API
■ Use a CREATE TYPE Statement

Use the Replication Management API Oracle recommends that you use the replication
management API to create, modify, or drop any replicated object at a materialized
view site, including user-defined types. If you do not use the replication management
API for these actions, then replication errors might result.
Specifically, to create a user-defined type that is exactly the same at the master site and
the materialized view site, use the CREATE_MVIEW_REPOBJECT procedure in the
DBMS_REPCAT package. This procedure creates the type and adds it to a materialized
view group. To drop a user-defined type from the materialized view site, use the
DROP_MVIEW_REPOBJECT procedure in the DBMS_REPCAT package.

See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API


Use a CREATE TYPE Statement You can use a CREATE TYPE statement at the
materialized view site to create the type. It might be necessary to do this if you want to
create a read-only materialized view that uses the type, and you do not want to add
the read-only materialized view to a materialized view group.
If you choose this option, then you must ensure the following:
■ The type is in the same schema at both the materialized view site and the master
■ The type has exactly the same attributes in exactly the same order at both the
materialized view site and the master site.
■ The type has exactly the same datatype for each attribute at both the materialized
view site and the master site.
■ The type has the same object identifier at both the materialized view site and the
master site.
You can find the object identifier for a type by querying the DBA_TYPES data
dictionary view. For example, to find the object identifier (OID) for the cust_
address_typ, enter the following query:


Materialized View Concepts and Architecture 3-29

Materialized View Concepts

Now that you know the OID for the type at the master site, complete the following
steps to create the type at the materialized view site:
1. Log in to the materialized view site as the user who owns the type at the master
site. If this user does not exist at the materialized view site, then create the user.
2. Issue the CREATE TYPE statement and specify the OID:
CREATE TYPE oe.cust_address_typ OID '6F9BC33653681B7CE03400400B40A607'
street_address VARCHAR2(40),
postal_code VARCHAR2(10),
city VARCHAR2(30),
state_province VARCHAR2(10),
country_id CHAR(2));

The type is now ready for use at the materialized view site.

Column Subsetting of Masters with Column Objects

A read-only materialized view can replicate specific attributes of a column object
without replicating other attributes. For example, using the cust_address_typ
user-defined datatype described in the previous section, suppose a customers_sub
master table is created at master site
CREATE TABLE oe.customers_sub (
customer_id NUMBER(6) PRIMARY KEY,
cust_first_name VARCHAR2(20),
cust_last_name VARCHAR2(20),
cust_address oe.cust_address_typ);

You can create the following read-only materialized view at a remote materialized
view site:
SELECT customer_id, cust_last_name, c.cust_address.postal_code
FROM [email protected] c;

Notice that the postal_code attribute is specified in the cust_address column

An updatable materialized view must replicate the entire column object. It cannot
replicate some attributes of a column object but not others. The following statement is
valid because it specifies the entire cust_address column object:
SELECT customer_id, cust_last_name, cust_address
FROM [email protected];

See Also: "Column Subsetting with Deployment Templates" on

page 4-15 for more information about column subsetting with
deployment templates. Column subsetting is supported only
through the use of deployment templates.

Materialized Views Based on Object Tables

If a materialized view is based on an object table and is created using the OF type
clause, then the materialized view is called an object materialized view. An object
materialized view is structured in the same way as an object table. That is, an object
materialized view is composed of row objects. If a materialized view that is based on
an object table is created without using the OF type clause, then the materialized view

3-30 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Materialized View Concepts

is read-only and is not an object materialized view. That is, such a materialized view
has regular rows, not row objects.
To create a materialized view based on an object table, the types on which the
materialized view depends must exist at the materialized view site, and each type
must have the same object identifier as it does at the master site.

Creation of Object Materialized Views Using the OF type Clause After the required types are
created at the materialized view site, you can create an object materialized view by
specifying the OF type clause.
For example, suppose the following SQL statements create the oe.categories_tab
object table at the master site:
CREATE TYPE oe.category_typ AS OBJECT
(category_name VARCHAR2(50),
category_description VARCHAR2(1000),
category_id NUMBER(2));

CREATE TABLE oe.categories_tab OF oe.category_typ

(category_id PRIMARY KEY);

If you want to create materialized views that can be fast refreshed based on the
oe.categories_tab master table, then create a materialized view log for this table:

The WITH OBJECT ID clause is required when you create a materialized view log on
an object table.
After you create the oe.category_typ type at the materialized view site with the
same object identifier as the same type at the master site, you can create an object
materialized view based on the oe.categories_tab object table using the OF type
clause, as in the following SQL statement:
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW oe.categories_objmv OF oe.category_typ
AS SELECT * FROM [email protected];

Here, type is oe.category_typ.

Note: The types must be exactly the same at the materialized view
site and master site. See "Type Agreement at Replication Sites" on
page 3-28 for more information.

Materialized Views Based on Object Tables Created Without Using the OF type Clause If you
create a materialized view based on an object table without using the OF type clause,
then the materialized view is read-only, and it loses the object properties of the object
table on which it is based. That is, the resulting read-only materialized view contains
one or more of the columns of the master, but each row functions as a row in a
relational table. The rows are not row objects.
For example, you can create a materialized view base on the categories_tab
master by using the following SQL statement:
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW oe.categories_relmv
AS SELECT * FROM [email protected];

Materialized View Concepts and Architecture 3-31

Materialized View Concepts

In this case, the categories_relmv materialized view must be read-only, and the
rows in this materialized view function in the same way as rows in a relational table.

OID Preservation in Object Materialized Views An object materialized view inherits the
object identifier (OID) specifications of its master. If the master has a primary
key-based OID, then the OIDs of row objects in the materialized view are primary
key-based. If the master has a system generated OID, then the OIDs of row objects in
the materialized view are system generated. Also, the OID of each row in the object
materialized view matches the OID of the same row in the master, and the OIDs are
preserved during refresh of the materialized view. Consequently, REFs to the rows in
the object table remain valid at the materialized view site.

Materialized Views with Collection Columns

Collection columns are columns based on varray and nested table datatypes. Oracle
supports the creation of materialized views with collection columns.
If the collection column is a nested table, then you can optionally specify the nested_
table_storage_clause during materialized view creation. The nested_table_storage_clause
lets you specify the name of the storage table for the nested table in the materialized
view. For example, suppose you create the master table people_reltab at the
master site that contains the nested table phones_ntab:
CREATE TYPE oe.phone_typ AS OBJECT (
location VARCHAR2(15),
num VARCHAR2(14));

CREATE TYPE oe.phone_ntabtyp AS TABLE OF oe.phone_typ;


CREATE TABLE oe.people_reltab (

id NUMBER(4) CONSTRAINT pk_people_reltab PRIMARY KEY,
first_name VARCHAR2(20),
last_name VARCHAR2(20),
phones_ntab oe.phone_ntabtyp)
NESTED TABLE phones_ntab STORE AS phone_store_ntab

Notice the PRIMARY KEY specification in the last line of the preceding SQL statement.
You must specify a primary key for the storage table if you plan to create materialized
views based on its parent table. In this case, the storage table is phone_store_ntab
and the parent table is people_reltab.
If you want to create materialized views that can be fast refreshed, then create a
materialized view log on both the parent table and the storage table, specifying the
nested table column as a filter column for the parent table's materialized view log:

ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG ON oe.people_reltab ADD(phones_ntab);


At the materialized view site, create the required types, ensuring that the object
identifier for each type is the same as the object identifier at the master site. Then, you
can create a materialized view based on people_reltab and specify its storage table
using the following statement:

3-32 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Materialized View Concepts

CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW oe.people_reltab_mv

NESTED TABLE phones_ntab STORE AS phone_store_ntab_mv
REFRESH FAST AS SELECT * FROM [email protected];

In this case, the nested_table_storage_clause is the line that begins with "NESTED TABLE"
in the previous example, and it specifies that the storage table's name is phone_
store_ntab_mv. The nested_table_storage_clause is optional. If you do not specify this
clause, Oracle automatically names the storage table. To view the name of a storage
table, query the DBA_NESTED_TABLES data dictionary table.
The storage table:
■ Is a separate, secondary materialized view
■ Is refreshed automatically when you refresh the materialized view containing the
nested table
■ Is dropped automatically when you drop the materialized view containing the
nested table
■ Inherits the primary key constraint of the master's storage table
Because the storage table inherits the primary key constraint of the master's storage
table, do not specify PRIMARY KEY in the STORE AS clause.
The following actions are not allowed directly on the storage table of a nested table in
a materialized view:
■ Refreshing the storage table
■ Adding the storage table to a replication group
■ Altering the storage table
■ Dropping the storage table
■ Generating replication support on the storage table
These actions can occur indirectly when they are performed on the materialized view
that contains the nested table. In addition, you cannot replicate a subset of the columns
in a storage table.

See Also: Oracle Database SQL Reference for more information

about the nested_table_storage_clause, which is fully documented in
the CREATE TABLE statement

Restrictions for Materialized Views with Collection Columns The following restrictions apply
to materialized views with collection columns:
■ Row subsetting of collection columns is not allowed. However, you can use row
subsetting on the parent table of a nested table and doing so can result in a subset
of the nested tables in the materialized view.
■ Column subsetting of collection columns is not allowed.
■ A nested table's storage table must have a primary key.
■ For the parent table of a nested table to be fast refreshed, both the parent table and
the nested table's storage table must have a materialized view log.

Materialized View Concepts and Architecture 3-33

Materialized View Concepts

Materialized Views with REF Columns

You can create materialized views with REF columns. A REF is an Oracle built-in
datatype that is a logical "pointer" to a row object in an object table. A scoped REF is a
REF that can contain references only to a specified object table, while an unscoped REF
can contain references to any object table in the database that is based on the
corresponding object type. A scoped REF requires less storage space and provides
more efficient access than an unscoped REF.
As you will see in the following section, you can rescope a REF column to a local
materialized view or table at the materialized view site during creation of the
materialized view. If you do not rescope the REF column, then they continue to point
to the remote master. Unscoped REF columns always continue to point to the master.
When a REF column at a materialized view site points to a remote master, the REFs are
considered dangling. In SQL, dereferencing a dangling REF returns a NULL. Also,
PL/SQL only supports dereferencing REFs by using the UTL_OBJECT package and
raises an exception for dangling REFs.

Scoped REF Columns If you are creating a materialized view based on a master that has
a scoped REF column, then you can rescope the REF to a different object table or object
materialized view at the materialized view site. Typically, you would rescope the REF
column to the local object materialized view instead of the original remote object table.
To rescope a materialized view, you can either use the SCOPE FOR clause in the
VIEW statement after creating the materialized view. If you do not rescope the REF
column, then the materialized view retains the REF scope of the master.
For example, suppose you create the customers_with_ref master table at the master site using the following statements:
-- Create the user-defined datatype cust_address_typ.
CREATE TYPE oe.cust_address_typ AS OBJECT
(street_address VARCHAR2(40),
postal_code VARCHAR2(10),
city VARCHAR2(30),
state_province VARCHAR2(10),
country_id CHAR(2));

-- Create the object table cust_address_objtab.

CREATE TABLE oe.cust_address_objtab OF oe.cust_address_typ;

-- Create table with REF to cust_address_typ.

CREATE TABLE oe.customers_with_ref (
customer_id NUMBER(6) PRIMARY KEY,
cust_first_name VARCHAR2(20),
cust_last_name VARCHAR2(20),
cust_address REF oe.cust_address_typ
SCOPE IS oe.cust_address_objtab);

Assuming the cust_address_typ exists at the materialized view site with the same
object identifier as the type at the master site, you can create a cust_address_
objtab_mv object materialized view using the following statement:
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW oe.cust_address_objtab_mv OF oe.cust_address_typ AS
SELECT * FROM [email protected];

Now, you can create a materialized view of the customers_with_ref master table
and rescope the REF to the cust_address_objtab_mv materialized view using the
following statement:

3-34 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Materialized View Concepts

CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW oe.customers_with_ref_mv

(SCOPE FOR (cust_address) IS oe.cust_address_objtab_mv)
AS SELECT * FROM [email protected];

If you want to use the SCOPE FOR clause when you create a materialized view, then
remember to create the materialized view or table specified in the SCOPE FOR clause
first. Otherwise, you cannot specify the SCOPE FOR clause during materialized view
creation. For example, if you had created the customers_with_ref_mv materialized
view before you created the cust_address_objtab_mv materialized view, then you
could not use the SCOPE FOR clause when you created the customers_with_ref_
mv materialized view. In this case, the REFs are considered dangling because they
point back to the object table at the remote master site.
However, even if you do not use the SCOPE FOR clause when you are creating a
materialized view, you can alter the materialized view to specify a SCOPE FOR clause.
For example, you can alter the customers_with_ref_mv materialized view with the
following statement:
ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW oe.customers_with_ref_mv
MODIFY SCOPE FOR (cust_address) IS oe.cust_address_objtab_mv;

Unscoped REF Columns If you create a materialized view based on a remote master with
an unscoped REF column, then the REF column is created in the materialized view,
but the REFs are considered dangling because they point to a remote database.

Logging REF Columns in the Materialized View Log If necessary, you can log REF columns
in the materialized view log.

See Also: "Logging Columns in the Materialized View Log" on

page 6-11 for more information

REFs Created Using the WITH ROWID Clause If the WITH ROWID clause is specified for a
REF column, then Oracle maintains the rowid of the object referenced in the REF.
Oracle can find the object referenced directly using the rowid contained in the REF,
without the need to fetch the rowid from the OID index. Therefore, you use the WITH
ROWID clause to specify a rowid hint. The WITH ROWID clause is not supported for
scoped REFs.
Replicating a REF created using the WITH ROWID clause results in an incorrect rowid
hint at each replication site except the site where the REF was first created or modified.
The ROWID information in the REF is meaningless at the other sites, and Oracle does
not correct the rowid hint automatically. Invalid rowid hints can cause performance
problems. In this case, you can use the VALIDATE STRUCTURE option of the ANALYZE
TABLE statement to determine which rowid hints at each replication site are incorrect.

See Also: Oracle Database SQL Reference for more information

about the ANALYZE TABLE statement

Materialized View Registration at a Master Site or Master Materialized View Site

At the master site and master materialized view site, an Oracle database automatically
registers information about a materialized view based on its master table(s) or master
materialized view(s). The following sections explain more about Oracle's materialized
view registration mechanism.

Materialized View Concepts and Architecture 3-35

Materialized View Concepts

Viewing Information about Registered Materialized Views

A level 1 materialized view or materialized view group is registered at its master site.
A level 2 or higher multitier materialized view or materialized view group is
registered at its master materialized view site, not at the master site. You can query the
DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEWS data dictionary view at a master site or master
materialized view site to list the following information about a remote materialized
■ The owner, name, and database that contains the materialized view
■ The materialized view's defining query
■ Other materialized view characteristics, such as its refresh method
You can also query the DBA_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES view at a master site or master
materialized view site to obtain the last refresh times for each materialized view.
Administrators can use this information to monitor materialized view activity and
coordinate changes to materialized view sites if a master table or master materialized
view needs to be dropped, altered, or relocated.

Internal Mechanisms
Oracle automatically registers a materialized view at its master site or master
materialized view site when you create the materialized view, and unregisters the
materialized view when you drop it. The same applies to materialized view groups.
When you drop a master materialized view, Oracle does not automatically drop the
materialized views based on it. You must drop these materialized views manually. If
you do not drop such a materialized view and the materialized view tries to refresh to
a master materialized view that has been dropped, Oracle returns an error.
For example, suppose a materialized view named orders_lev1 is based on the
oe.orders master table, and a materialized view named orders_lev2 is based on
orders_lev1. If you drop orders_lev1, orders_lev2 remains intact. However, if
you try to refresh orders_lev2, Oracle returns an error because orders_lev1 no
longer exists.

Caution: Oracle cannot guarantee the registration or

unregistration of a materialized view at its master site or master
materialized view site during the creation or drop of the
materialized view, respectively. If Oracle cannot successfully
register a materialized view during creation, then you must
complete the registration manually using the REGISTER_MVIEW
procedure in the DBMS_MVIEW package. If Oracle cannot
successfully unregister a materialized view when you drop the
materialized view, then the registration information for the
materialized view persists in the master site or master materialized
view site until it is manually unregistered. It is possible that
complex materialized views might not be registered.

Manual Materialized View Registration

If necessary, you can maintain registration manually. Use the REGISTER_MVIEW and
UNREGISTER_MVIEW procedures of the DBMS_MVIEW package at the master site or
master materialized view site to add, modify, or remove materialized view registration

3-36 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Materialized View Architecture


procedures are described in the Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and
Types Reference

Materialized View Architecture

The objects used in materialized view replication are depicted in Figure 3–10. Some of
these objects are optional and are used only as needed to support the created
materialized view environment. For example, if you have a read-only materialized
view, then you do not have an updatable materialized view log nor an internal trigger
at the materialized view site. Also, if you have a complex materialized view that
cannot be fast refreshed, then you might not have a materialized view log at the
master site.

Figure 3–10 Materialized View Replication Objects

Master Table
View Log
View Log

Trigger for
View Log Master

Master Materialized Updatable

View Materialized
View Log

View Log Trigger for
View Log
Trigger for
Materialized Master
View Log Materialized Index

Materialized View Network Trigger for

View Log

View Log Materialized
View Always
Database required
Views Only

Materialized View Concepts and Architecture 3-37

Materialized View Architecture

Notice that a master materialized view can have both a materialized view log and an
updatable materialized view log. Make sure you account for the extra space required
by these logs when you are planning for your master materialized view site.

Master Site and Master Materialized View Site Mechanisms

The three mechanisms displayed in Figure 3–11 are required at a master site and at a
master materialized view site to support fast refreshing of materialized views.

Note: Master materialized views contain the mechanisms

described in "Materialized View Site Mechanisms" on page 3-41 in
addition to the mechanisms described in this section.

Figure 3–11 Master Site and Master Materialized View Site Objects

Master Table or Master Materialized View Materialized View Log

Internal trigger
department_id (PK) department_name location_id adds rows to department_id (PK)
Materialized View
10 Administration 1500 Log 30
20 Marketing 1500 10
30 Purchasing 1500 20
. . . .

Master Table or Master Materialized View

The master table or master materialized view is the basis for the materialized view. A
master table is located at the target master site while a master materialized view is
located at a master materialized view site. If the master is a master table, then this
table can be involved in both materialized view replication and multimaster
replication. Remember that a materialized view points to only one master site or
master materialized view site. Changes made to the master table or master
materialized view, as recorded by the materialized view log, are propagated to the
materialized view during the refresh process.

Note: Fast refreshable materialized views must be based on master

tables, master materialized views, or synonyms of master tables or
master materialized views. Complete refresh must be used for a
materialized view based on a view.

Internal Trigger for the Materialized View Log

When changes are made to the master table or master materialized view using DML,
an internal trigger records information about the affected rows in the materialized
view log. This information includes the values of the primary key, rowid, or object id,
or both, as well as the values of the other columns logged in the materialized view log.
This is an internal AFTER ROW trigger that is automatically activated when you create a
materialized view log for the target master table or master materialized view. It inserts
a row into the materialized view log whenever an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE
statement modifies the table's data. This trigger is always the last trigger to fire.

3-38 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Materialized View Architecture

Note: When the materialized view contains a subquery, you

might need to log columns referenced in a subquery. See "Data
Subsetting with Materialized Views" on page 3-13 for information
on subquery materialized views and "Logging Columns in the
Materialized View Log" on page 6-11 for more information about
the columns that must be logged.

Materialized View Log

A materialized view log is required on a master if you want to fast refresh
materialized views based on the master. When you create a materialized view log for a
master table or master materialized view, Oracle creates an underlying table as the
materialized view log. A materialized view log can hold the primary keys, rowids, or
object identifiers of rows, or both, that have been updated in the master table or master
materialized view. A materialized view log can also contain other columns to support
fast refreshes of materialized views with subqueries.
The name of a materialized view log's table is MLOG$_master_name. The materialized
view log is created in the same schema as the target master. One materialized view log
can support multiple materialized views on its master table or master materialized
view. As described in the previous section, the internal trigger adds change
information to the materialized view log whenever a DML transaction has taken place
on the target master.
Following are the types of materialized view logs:
■ Primary Key: The materialized view records changes to the master table or master
materialized view based on the primary key of the affected rows.
■ Row ID: The materialized view records changes to the master table or master
materialized view based on the rowid of the affected rows.
■ Object ID: The materialized view records changes to the master object table or
master object materialized view based on the object identifier of the affected row
■ Combination: The materialized view records changes to the master table or
master materialized view based any combination of the three options. It is possible
to record changes based on the primary key, the ROWID, and the object identifier of
the affected rows. Such a materialized view log supports primary key, ROWID, and
object materialized views, which is helpful for environments that have all three
types of materialized views based on a master.
A combination materialized view log works in the same manner as a materialized
view log that tracks only one type of value, except that more than one type of value is
recorded. For example, a combination materialized view log can track both the
primary key and the rowid of the affected row are recorded.
Though the difference between materialized view logs based on primary keys and
rowids is small (one records affected rows using the primary key, while the other
records affected rows using the physical rowid), the practical impact is large. Using
rowid materialized views and materialized view logs makes reorganizing and
truncating your master tables difficult because it prevents your ROWID materialized
views from being fast refreshed. If you reorganize or truncate your master table, then
your rowid materialized view must be COMPLETE refreshed because the rowids of the
master table have changed.

Materialized View Concepts and Architecture 3-39

Materialized View Architecture

package to reorganize a master table. See the Oracle Database
PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for more information.
■ Online redefinition of tables is another possible way to
reorganize master tables, but online redefinition is not allowed
on master tables with materialized view logs, master
materialized views, and materialized views. Online redefinition
is allowed on master tables that do not have materialized view
logs. See the Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for more
information about online redefinition of tables.

Materialized View Logs on Object Tables You can create materialized view logs on object
tables. For example, the following SQL statement creates the categories_typ
user-defined type:
CREATE TYPE oe.category_typ AS OBJECT
(category_name VARCHAR2(50),
category_description VARCHAR2(1000),
category_id NUMBER(2));

When you create an object table based on this type, you can either specify that the
object identifier should be system-generated or primary key-based:
CREATE TABLE oe.categories_tab_sys OF oe.category_typ
(category_id PRIMARY KEY)

CREATE TABLE oe.categories_tab_pkbased OF oe.category_typ

(category_id PRIMARY KEY)

When you create a materialized view log on an object table, you must log the object
identifier by specifying the WITH OBJECT ID clause, but you can also specify that the
primary key is logged if the object identifier is primary key-based.
For example, the following statement creates a materialized view log for the
categories_tab_sys object table and specifies that the object identifier column be

The following statement creates a materialized view log for the categories_tab_
pkbased object table and specifies that the primary key column be logged along with
the object identifier column:
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG ON oe.categories_tab_pkbased

Restriction on Import of Materialized View Logs to a Different Schema Materialized view logs
are exported with the schema name explicitly given in the DDL statements. Therefore,
materialized view logs cannot be imported into a schema that is different than the
schema from which they were exported. An error will be written to the import log file
and the items will not be imported if you attempt either of the following imports:

3-40 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Materialized View Architecture

■ An import using the Data Pump Import utility that specifies the REMAP_SCHEMA
import parameter to import an export dump file that contains materialized view
logs in the specified schema
■ An import using the original Import utility that specifies the FROMUSER and
TOUSER import parameters to import an export dump file that contains
materialized view logs

Materialized View Site Mechanisms

When a materialized view is created, additional mechanisms are created at the
materialized view site to support the materialized view. Specifically, at least one index
is created. If you create an updatable materialized view, then an internal trigger and a
local log (the updatable materialized view log) are also created at the materialized
view site.

■ If the materialized view site is a master materialized view site,
then it contains the mechanisms described in the previous
section in addition to the mechanisms described in this section.
See "Master Site and Master Materialized View Site
Mechanisms" on page 3-38.
■ The size limit for a materialized view name is 30 bytes. If you
try to create a materialized view with a name larger than 30
bytes, Oracle returns an error.

See Also: Figure 3–10, "Materialized View Replication Objects" on

page 3-37

At least one index is created at the remote materialized view site for each primary key
and ROWID materialized view. For a primary key materialized view, the index
corresponds to the primary key of the target master table or master materialized view
and has the name materialized_view_name_PK. A number is appended if an index with
the same name already exists at the materialized view site. For a ROWID materialized
view, the index is on the ROWID column and has the name I_SNAP$_materialized_
view_name. Additional indexes can be created by Oracle at the remote materialized
view site to support fast refreshing of materialized views with subqueries.

Note: When an index name exceeds the 32 character limit, the

name is truncated and a sequence number is appended.

Updatable Materialized View Log

An updatable materialized view log (USLOG$_materialized_view_name) is used to
determine which rows must be overwritten or removed from a materialized view
during a fast refresh. A read-only materialized view does not create this log, and
Oracle does not use this log during a complete refresh because, in this case, the entire
materialized view is replaced.
If there is a conflict between an updatable materialized view and a master, then,
during a refresh, the conflict might result in an entry in the updatable materialized
view log that is not in the materialized view log at the master site or master

Materialized View Concepts and Architecture 3-41

Materialized View Architecture

materialized view site. In this case, Oracle uses the updatable materialized view log to
remove or overwrite the row in the materialized view.
The updatable materialized view log is also used when you fast refresh a writeable
materialized view, as illustrated in the following scenario:
1. A user inserts a row into a writeable materialized view that has a remote master.
Because the materialized view is writeable and not updatable, the transaction is
not stored in the deferred transaction queue at the materialized view site.
2. Oracle logs information about this insert in the updatable materialized view log.
3. The user fast refreshes the materialized view.
4. Oracle uses the information in the updatable materialized view log and deletes the
inserted row. A materialized view must be an exact copy of the master when the
fast refresh is complete. Therefore, Oracle must delete the inserted row.

Internal Trigger for the Updatable Materialized View Log

Like the internal trigger at the master site or master materialized view site, the internal
trigger at the materialized view site records DML changes applied to an updatable
materialized view in the USLOG$_materialized_view_name log. A read-only
materialized view does not create this trigger.

Organizational Mechanisms
In addition to the materialized view mechanisms described in the previous section,
several other mechanisms organize the materialized views at the materialized view
site. These mechanisms maintain organizational consistency between the materialized
view site and its master site or master materialized view site, as well as transactional
(read) consistency with the target replication group. These mechanisms are
materialized view groups and refresh groups.

Materialized View Groups

A materialized view group in a replication system maintains a partial or complete
copy of the objects at the target replication group at its master site or master
materialized view site. Materialized view groups cannot span the boundaries of the
replication group at the master site or master materialized view site. Figure 3–12
displays the correlation between Groups A and B at the master site and Groups A and
B at the materialized view site.

3-42 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Materialized View Architecture

Figure 3–12 Materialized View Groups Correspond with Master Groups

Group A Group A
hr.employees hr.employees
hr.departments hr.departments

Group B Group B
oe.customers oe.customers
oe.orders oe.orders
oe.order_items oe.order_items
oe.product_information oe.product_information
oe.product_descriptions oe.product_descriptions
oe.inventories oe.inventories
oe.warehouses oe.warehouses

Master Site Materialized View Site

Group A at the materialized view site (see Figure 3–12) contains only some of the
objects in the corresponding Group A at the master site. Group B at the materialized
view site contains all objects in Group B at the master site. Under no circumstances,
however, could Group B at the materialized view site contain objects from Group A at
the master site. As illustrated in Figure 3–12, a materialized view group has the same
name as the master group on which the materialized view group is based. For
example, a materialized view group based on a personnel master group is also
named personnel.
In addition to maintaining organizational consistency between materialized view sites
and their master sites or master materialized view sites, materialized view groups are
required for supporting updatable materialized views. If a materialized view does not
belong to a materialized view group, then it must be a read-only or writeable
materialized view.

Materialized View Group Owners A materialized view group owner enables you to have
multiple materialized view groups based on a single replication group at a master site
or master materialized view site. For example, if you need to support multiple users
within the same database at a materialized view site, then you might want to create
multiple materialized view groups for a target master group. Doing so enables you to
define different subqueries for your materialized view definitions in each materialized
view group, and allows each user to access only his or her subset of the data.
Defining multiple materialized view groups gives you the ability to control data sets at
a group level. For example, if you create different materialized view groups named
hr, personnel, and manufacturing for these departments, then you can
administer each department as a group, instead of as individual objects. For example,
you can drop the objects as a group.
To accommodate multiple materialized view groups at the same materialized view site
that are based on a single replication group at the master site or master materialized
view site, you can specify a group owner as an additional identifier when defining
your materialized view group.

Materialized View Concepts and Architecture 3-43

Materialized View Architecture

After you have defined your materialized view group with the addition of a group
owner, you add your materialized view objects to the target materialized view group
by defining the same group owner. When using a group owner, remember that each
materialized view object must have a unique name. If a single materialized view site
has multiple materialized view groups based on the same replication group at the
master site or master materialized view site, then a materialized view group's object
names cannot have the same name as materialized view objects in another
materialized view group. To avoid conflicting names, you can append the group
owner name to the end of your object name. For example, if you have group owners
hr and ac, then you might name the employees materialized view object as
employees_hr and employees_ac, respectively.
Additionally, all materialized view groups that are based on the same replication
group at a single materialized view site must "point" to the same master site or master
materialized view site. For example, if the hr_repg materialized view group owned
by hr is based on the associated master group at the master site, then
the hr_repg materialized view group owned by personnel must also be based on
the associated master group at, assuming that the hr and personnel
owned groups are at the same materialized view site.

See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API

Reference for more information on defining a group owner using the
replication management API

Refresh Groups
To preserve referential integrity and transactional (read) consistency among multiple
materialized views, Oracle has the ability to refresh individual materialized views as
part of a refresh group. After refreshing all of the materialized views in a refresh
group, the data of all materialized views in the group correspond to the same
transactionally consistent point in time.
As illustrated in Figure 3–13, a refresh group can contain materialized views from
more than one materialized view group to maintain transactional (read) consistency
across replication group boundaries.

3-44 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Materialized View Architecture

Figure 3–13 Refresh Groups Can Contain Objects from Multiple Materialized View

Group A Group A
hr.employees hr.employees
hr.departments hr.departments

Refresh Group A

Group B Group B
oe.customers oe.customers
oe.orders oe.orders
oe.order_items oe.order_items
oe.product_information oe.product_information
oe.product_descriptions oe.product_descriptions
oe.inventories oe.inventories
oe.warehouses oe.warehouses

Master Site Materialized View Site

While you might want to define a single refresh group for each materialized view
group, it might be more efficient to use one large refresh group that contains objects
from multiple materialized view groups. Such a configuration reduces the amount of
"overhead" needed to refresh your materialized views. A refresh group can contain up
to 400 materialized views.
One configuration that you want to avoid is using multiple refresh groups to refresh
the contents of a single materialized view group. Using multiple refresh groups to
refresh the contents of a single materialized view group might introduce
inconsistencies in the materialized view data, which can cause referential integrity
problems at the materialized view site. Only use this type of configuration when you
have in-depth knowledge of the database environment and can prevent any referential
integrity problems.

Refresh Group Size

There are a few trade-offs to consider when you are deciding on the size of your
refresh groups. Oracle is optimized for large refresh groups. So, large refresh groups
refresh faster than an equal number of materialized views in small refresh groups,
assuming that the materialized views in the groups are similar. For example,
refreshing a refresh group with 100 materialized views is faster than refreshing five
refresh groups with 20 materialized views each. Also, large refresh groups enable you
to refresh a greater number of materialized views with only one call to the replication
management API.
During the refresh of a refresh group, each materialized view in the group is locked at
the materialized view site for the amount of time required to refresh all of the
materialized views in the refresh group. This locking is required to prevent users from
updating the materialized views during the refresh operation, because updates can
make the data inconsistent. Therefore, having smaller refresh groups means that the
materialized views are locked for less time when you perform a refresh.

Materialized View Concepts and Architecture 3-45

Materialized View Architecture

Network connectivity must be maintained while performing a refresh. If the

connectivity is lost or interrupted during the refresh, then all changes are rolled back
so that the database remains consistent. Therefore, in cases where the network
connectivity is difficult to maintain, consider using smaller refresh groups.
Advanced Replication includes an optimization for null refresh. That is, if there were
no changes to the master tables or master materialized views since the last refresh for a
particular materialized view, then almost no extra time is required for the materialized
view during materialized view group refresh. However, for materialized views in a
database prior to Oracle8i Database release 8.1, consider separating materialized views
of master tables that are not updated often into a separate refresh group of their own.
Doing so shortens the refresh time required for other materialized view groups that
contain materialized views of master tables that are updated frequently.
Table 3–3 summarizes the advantages of large and small refresh groups.

Table 3–3 Large and Small Refresh Groups

Advantages of Large Refresh Groups Advantages of Small Refresh Groups
■ Refreshes faster than an equal number ■ Materialized views locked for shorter
of materialized views in multiple refresh periods of time
■ Refreshes with single replication ■ Rollback of refresh changes due to loss
management API call of connectivity is less likely

Refresh Process
A materialized view's data does not necessarily match the current data of its master
table or master materialized view at all times. A materialized view is a transactionally
(read) consistent reflection of its master as the data existed at a specific point in time
(that is, at creation or when a refresh occurs). To keep a materialized view's data
relatively current with the data of its master, the materialized view must be refreshed
periodically. A materialized view refresh is an efficient batch operation that makes a
materialized view reflect a more current state of its master table or master materialized
A refresh of an updatable materialized view first pushes the deferred transactions at
the materialized view site to its master site or master materialized view site. Then, the
data at the master site or master materialized view site is pulled down and applied to
the materialized view.
A row in a master table can be updated many times between refreshes of a
materialized view, but the refresh updates the row in the materialized view only once
with the current data. For example, a row in a master table might be updated 10 times
since the last refresh of a materialized view, but the result is still only one update of
the corresponding row in the materialized view during the next refresh.
Decide how and when to refresh each materialized view to make it more current. For
example, materialized views based on masters that applications update often might
require frequent refreshes. In contrast, materialized views based on relatively static
masters usually require infrequent refreshes. In summary, analyze application
characteristics and requirements to determine appropriate materialized view refresh
To refresh materialized views, Oracle supports several refresh types and methods of
initiating a refresh.

3-46 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Materialized View Architecture

Refresh Types
Oracle can refresh a materialized view using either a fast, complete, or force refresh.

Complete Refresh To perform a complete refresh of a materialized view, the server that
manages the materialized view executes the materialized view's defining query, which
essentially re-creates the materialized view. To refresh the materialized view, the
result set of the query replaces the existing materialized view data. Oracle can perform
a complete refresh for any materialized view. Depending on the amount of data that
satisfies the defining query, a complete refresh can take a substantially longer amount
of time to perform than a fast refresh.
If you perform a complete refresh of a master materialized view, then the next refresh
performed on any materialized views based on this master materialized view must be
a complete refresh. If a fast refresh is attempted for such a materialized view after its
master materialized view has performed a complete refresh, then Oracle returns the
following error:
ORA-12034 mview log is younger than last refresh

Note: If complete refresh is used for a materialized view, then set

its PCTFREE to 0 and PCTUSED to 99 for maximum efficiency.

Fast Refresh To perform a fast refresh, the master that manages the materialized view
first identifies the changes that occurred in the master since the most recent refresh of
the materialized view and then applies these changes to the materialized view. Fast
refreshes are more efficient than complete refreshes when there are few changes to the
master because the participating server and network replicate a smaller amount of
You can perform fast refreshes of materialized views only when the master table or
master materialized view has a materialized view log. Also, for fast refreshes to be
faster than complete refreshes, each join column in the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW
statement must have an index on it.
After a direct path load on a master table or master materialized view using
SQL*Loader, a fast refresh does not apply the changes that occurred during the direct
path load. Also, fast refresh does not apply changes that result from other types of
bulk load operations on masters. Examples of these operations include INSERT
statements with an APPEND hint and INSERT ... SELECT * FROM statements.

Materialized View Concepts and Architecture 3-47

Materialized View Architecture

Figure 3–14 Fast Refresh of a Materialized View

Start Fast Refresh

Push materialized
view deferred Yes Is
transaction queue to materialized view
update master table.* updatable?

Use the materialized
view log to identify
changes made to the
master table.

Propagate identified
changes to the
materialized view.

End Fast

* This step can also be performed separately using

the DBMS_DEFER_SYS.PUSH function.

If you have materialized views based on partitioned master tables, then you might be
able to use Partition Change Tracking (PCT) to identify which materialized view rows
correspond to a particular partition. PCT is also used to support fast refresh after
partition maintenance operations on a materialized view's master table. PCT-based
refresh on a materialized view is possible only if a number of conditions are satisfied.

See Also: Oracle Database Data Warehousing Guide for information

about PCT and about PCT-based refresh

If you have updatable multitier materialized views, then DML changes made to the
multitier materialized view can be pulled back to this materialized view multiple
times to ensure data consistency after each refresh of a materialized view. This
behavior is best illustrated through an example.
Consider a replication environment with the following characteristics:
■ Master site has the oe.customers table.
■ Level 1 materialized view site has the oe.customers_region updatable
materialized view based on the oe.customers table at
■ Level 2 updatable materialized view site has the oe.customers_sf
updatable materialized view based on the oe.customers_region materialized
view at
Given these characteristics, the following scenario might follow:
1. The credit_limit for a customer is changed from 3000 to 5000 in the
oe.customers_sf updatable materialized view at
2. Oracle enters the change in the deferred transaction queue at

3-48 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Materialized View Architecture

3. A fast refresh of the level 2 materialized view oe.customers_sf pushes the new
value for the credit_limit to oe.customers_region materialized view at
4. The change is applied to the oe.customers_region materialized view at
5. The update for the credit_limit at the site is recorded in both the
deferred transaction queue and the materialized view log a this level 1
materialized view site.
6. A fast refresh of the level 2 materialized view oe.customers_sf pulls the
credit_limit value of 5000 back down to this materialized view at
7. A fast refresh of the level 1 materialized view oe.customers_region pushes
the new value for the credit_limit to oe.customers master table at
8. The change is applied to the oe.customers master table at
9. The update for the credit_limit at the site is recorded in both the
deferred transaction queue and the materialized view log a this master site.
10. A new fast refresh of the level 1 materialized view oe.customers_region pulls
the credit_limit value of 5000 back down to this materialized view at
11. The update for the credit_limit at the site is recorded in the
materialized view log a this level 1 materialized view site.
12. A fast refresh of the level 2 materialized view oe.customers_sf pulls the
credit_limit value of 5000 back down to this materialized view at for
a second time.

Force Refresh To perform a force refresh of a materialized view, the server that
manages the materialized view attempts to perform a fast refresh. If a fast refresh is
not possible, then Oracle performs a complete refresh. Use the force setting when you
want a materialized view to refresh if a fast refresh is not possible.

Initiating a Refresh
When creating a refresh group, you can configure the group so that Oracle
automatically refreshes the group's materialized views at scheduled intervals.
Conversely, you can omit scheduling information so that the refresh group needs to be
refreshed manually or "on-demand." Manual refresh is an ideal solution when the
refresh is performed with a dial-up network connection.

Scheduled Refresh When you create a refresh group for automatic refreshing, you must
specify a scheduled refresh interval for the group during the creation process. When
setting a group's refresh interval, consider the following characteristics:
■ The dates or date expressions specifying the refresh interval must evaluate to a
future point in time.
■ The refresh interval must be greater than the length of time necessary to perform a
■ Relative date expressions evaluate to a point in time relative to the most recent
refresh date. If a network or system failure interferes with a scheduled group
refresh, then the evaluation of a relative date expression could change accordingly.

Materialized View Concepts and Architecture 3-49

Materialized View Architecture

■ Explicit date expressions evaluate to specific points in time, regardless of the most
recent refresh date.
■ Consider your environment's tolerance for stale data: if there is a low tolerance,
then refresh often; whereas if there is a high tolerance, then refresh less often.
The following are examples of simple date expressions that you can use to specify an
■ An interval of one hour is specifies as:
SYSDATE + 1/24

■ An interval of seven days is specifies as:


See Also: Oracle Database Administrator's Guide and Oracle

Database SQL Reference for more information about date arithmetic

On-Demand Refresh Scheduled materialized view refreshes might not always be the
appropriate solution for your environment. For example, immediately following a
bulk data load into a master table, dependent materialized views no longer represent
the master table's data. Rather than wait for the next scheduled automatic group
refreshes, you can manually refresh dependent materialized view groups to
immediately propagate the new rows of the master table to associated materialized
You might also want to refresh your materialized views on-demand when your
materialized views are integrated with a sales force automation system located on a
disconnected laptop. Developers designing the sales force automation software can
create an application control, such as a button, that a salesperson can use to refresh the
materialized views when they are ready to transfer the day's orders to the server after
establishing a dial-up network connection.
The following example illustrates an on-demand refresh of the hr_refg refresh


the DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH_DEPENDENT procedure to refresh
materialized views used in a replication environment. Instead, use
procedure to refresh materialized views in a replication

Constraints and Refresh

To avoid any integrity constraint violations during refresh of materialized views,
make non primary key integrity constraints on each materialized view deferrable. This
requirement includes LOB columns with NOT NULL constraints. In addition, all
materialized views that are related by foreign key constraints should be refreshed
together or in the same refresh group.

3-50 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Materialized View Architecture

■ Primary key constraints on materialized views might or might
not be deferrable.
■ A DELETE CASCADE constraint used with an updatable
materialized view must be deferrable.

See Also: Oracle Database SQL Reference for information about

making constraints deferrable

Materialized View Concepts and Architecture 3-51

Materialized View Architecture

3-52 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Deployment Templates Concepts and

This chapter introduces deployment templates and describes how to use them to easily
and efficiently distribute materialized view environments.
This chapter contains these topics:
■ Mass Deployment Challenge
■ Oracle Deployment Templates Concepts
■ Deployment Template Architecture
■ Deployment Template Design
■ Local Control of Materialized View Creation

Note: Read Chapter 3, "Materialized View Concepts and

Architecture" before you create a deployment template.
Understanding materialized views better prepares you to build
deployment templates.

Mass Deployment Challenge

Oracle deployment templates provide you with the tools to efficiently deploy and
administer a widely distributed materialized view environment. Before learning about
the concepts, architecture, and use of deployment templates, consider the challenges of
a mass deployment environment.
The need to have accurate information at any time and at any place continues to grow
rapidly. At the same time, information is becoming decentralized and users are often
disconnected from the network, requiring the information to be distributed to the
active points-of-usage.
Consider the mobile sales force. Potentially hundreds, if not thousands, of
professionals need accurate information about their customers on a laptop in a manner
that causes the salesperson very little inconvenience. The challenge, therefore, is for
the database administrator to roll out the data and the database infrastructure (tables,
indexes, constraints, triggers, and so on) to all sites in an efficient and timely manner.
Traditionally, DBAs have been required to develop a deployment method of their
own. Typically, the DBA was responsible for developing a very complex script to
create the materialized view environment at the remote materialized view site. In
addition to building the script, the DBA was often forced to customize data sets at the
materialized view site. After the DBA completed engineering the script, deploying the

Deployment Templates Concepts and Architecture 4-1

Oracle Deployment Templates Concepts

script required manual packaging and implementation, both of which often required
extensive troubleshooting.
The problems encountered in the preceding scenario have spawned technologies and
resources dedicated to the art of efficient mass deployment. Mass deployment is the
term used to describe the process of distributing database infrastructure, data, and
front-end applications to a large number of users. For the purposes of Advanced
Replication, the discussion of mass deployment is limited to the delivery of data and
data infrastructure.

Deployment Templates and the Mass Deployment Goal

Mass deployment tools and technologies should aid the database administrator in
delivering the data and database infrastructure. The goal is to define the environment
once and create as many instances of the deployment template as necessary, while still
maintaining the ability to customize individual sites.
To support this goal, Oracle's deployment templates enable you accomplish the
following objectives:

Define the materialized view environment once

You define the structure of a materialized view environment once using a deployment
template so that each user (site) receives the database infrastructure to support the
front-end application.

Customize materialized view sites individually

You use deployment template parameters to customize each materialized view
environment so that each user receives the particular data subset needed.
Mass deployment has many applications, such as distributing information to mobile
sales forces, field technicians, retail stores, remote inventory collection sites, and so on.
Such environments use deployment templates to build the database infrastructure at
the remote site, largely because deployment templates support data subsetting,
disconnected replication, and lower resource requirements, making them ideal for
laptop users.

Oracle Deployment Templates Concepts

Oracle offers deployment templates to allow the database administrator to package a
materialized view environment for easy, custom, and secure deployment. Packaging a
deployment template is the process of defining the materialized view environment
that will be created by the deployment template. Packaging a deployment template
prepares it for instantiation at the remote materialized view site. Instantiation creates
the materialized view site objects and populates the materialized views with data.
A deployment template can be as simple as a single materialized view with a fixed
data set, or as complex as hundreds of materialized views with a dynamic data set
based on one or more variables. Deployment template features include the following:
■ Centralized control
■ Ability to repeatedly deploy a materialized view environment
■ Template parameters that allow data subsetting or customization at remote site
■ Authorized user lists to control template instantiation and data access

4-2 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Oracle Deployment Templates Concepts

To prepare a materialized view environment for deployment, create a deployment

template at the master site. This template stores all of the information needed to
deploy a materialized view environment, including the data definition language
(DDL) to create the objects at the remote site and the target refresh group. This
template also maintains links to user security information and template parameters for
custom materialized view creation.

Deployment Template Elements

Each deployment template contains the "blueprint" for creating the necessary
materialized views and related objects at a materialized view site. Specifically, you
create the deployment template at the master site, adding the necessary materialized
views, triggers, views, and so on to the template as needed to create the materialized
view environment. You can optionally define template parameters and authorized
users, giving the template greater flexibility and security during the instantiation
Deployment template elements can be divided into the following four categories:
■ General Template Information
■ Template Object Definitions
■ Template Parameters
■ User Authorization

General Template Information

Oracle deployment templates center around the general template information, which
consists of the template name, target refresh group, and private/public status. As
illustrated in Figure 4–1, the REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME is used in all aspects of
deployment template data dictionary views. You add the materialized view
environment objects to the template prior to releasing the template for distribution
according to the specified template identification (see Figure 4–2).
A deployment template is defined at a single master site. While you cannot have two
deployment templates at the master site with the same name, you can copy a
deployment template to another site using the same deployment template name.

Deployment Templates Concepts and Architecture 4-3

Oracle Deployment Templates Concepts

Figure 4–1 Deployment Template View Relationships




4-4 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Oracle Deployment Templates Concepts

Figure 4–2 Deployment Template Elements Added to Template

SELECT employee_id, last_name, job_id, manager_id,
hire_date, salary, commission_pct, department_id
FROM hr.employees@:dblink WHERE department_id = :dept;

SELECT department_id, department_name, location_id
FROM hr.departments@:dblink;

SELECT job_id, job_title, max_salary

SELECT location_id, city, state_provence, country_id (Template Name)
FROM hr.locations@:dblink;

Template Parameter


User Parameter Values


Authorized Users


Template Object Definitions

After the template has been defined, add objects to the template. When the template is
instantiated at the materialized view site, the object DDL (that is, CREATE
MATERIALIZED VIEW, CREATE TABLE, and so on) is executed to create the
appropriate objects at the materialized view site.
You can add objects to a deployment template that are based on a existing master
objects, but if necessary, you can create a new template object by defining DDL to
create the object. Oracle checks any new object DDL to make sure that it is lexically
correct, which prevents the execution of faulty DDL. Updatable materialized views
added to a deployment template must be based on a table in a master group, but other
objects, such as read-only materialized views, can be based on objects that are not in
master groups.
In most cases, you add materialized views to the template, but if necessary, you can
add other objects. For example, constraints can be added to enforce data integrity at
the materialized view site, views can be added for displaying data, or tables can be
added for local data storage. In some cases, you might even include all objects for an

Deployment Templates Concepts and Architecture 4-5

Oracle Deployment Templates Concepts

application in a deployment template. Materialized views created using a deployment

template are automatically added to the refresh group defined for the template.
You cannot use deployment templates to instantiate the following types of objects:
■ User-defined types
■ User-defined type bodies
■ User-defined operators
■ Indextypes
Nor can you use deployment templates to instantiate any objects based on these types
of objects.

See Also: "General Template Information" on page 4-3 for more

information about the refresh group

Template Parameters
If each target materialized view site requires a data set unique to its site, then you can
define variables in the object DDL. These variables create a parameterized template
that allows for custom data sets when the template is instantiated, allowing different
materialized view sites to have different data sets. These parameters are embedded in
the object DDL. During template instantiation, the individual user values for these
parameters are substituted.
Oracle enables you to specify default values and user-specific parameter values for a
template. You can enter the parameter values during the creation of the deployment
template or after the template is created, but you must enter the parameter values
before the template is instantiated. Users cannot enter values for parameters during
If user-specific parameter values exist, then these values are automatically used when
the specified user instantiates the template. For example, consider the variable
region. Suppose you establish the following user-specific parameter values for
template sales_temp:

User Region
fay east
baer west

The defining SELECT statement for the materialized view is the following:
SELECT cust_id, sales_to_date, status FROM table_x WHERE region_id=:region;

When users fay and baer instantiate template sales_temp, their resulting
materialized view data sets are the following:

User fay - User baer

cust_id region - cust_id region
a123 east - b123 west
a234 east - b234 west
a345 east - b345 west
a456 east - b456 west

4-6 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Oracle Deployment Templates Concepts

Template Parameters in the WHERE Clause and Security

In addition to creating customized data subsets, you can use template parameters in
the WHERE clause of a CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement to securely limit the
materialized view site to viewing and changing only the data that satisfies the WHERE
clause. For example, suppose you have specified the following for the region
parameter in the user specific parameters list:

User Region
fay east
baer west

Users accessing the materialized view instantiated by user fay only see data for
region east and can only view, update, or delete data that complies with this WHERE
clause. In other words, a user of this materialized view cannot view, update, or delete
data for region west, because the materialized view only contains data for region

User Authorization
Deployment templates can be either public or private. You set this when you create
the template. If a template is public, then any user with access to the master site can
instantiate the template.
If a template has been created for private use, then only authorized users can
instantiate the target template. To enforce private use, create a list of authorized users
at the master site. If an unauthorized user attempts to instantiate the target template,
then the instantiation process fails.

Deployment Sites
Maintaining the emphasis on centralized control, you can monitor and manage certain
characteristics of the instantiated environment at the remote materialized view site.
Specifically, you have the ability to view the sites that have instantiated a deployment
template, which includes the deployment template name, authorized user, and status
of the instantiated environment.

Deployment Template Packaging and Instantiation

When you have completed defining your deployment template, the template needs to
be packaged to prepare it for instantiation at the remote materialized view site. When
the packaged deployment template is instantiated at a materialized view site, the
materialized view site objects are created and the materialized views are populated
with data. Remote materialized view sites can be created either through online or
offline instantiation.

Online Instantiation
Online instantiation allows a materialized view site to instantiate a deployment
template while connected to the target master site. During the online instantiation
process, the structure of the materialized view site is created, and the specified data
subset is pulled from the master site and stored in the appropriate materialized views.

Deployment Templates Concepts and Architecture 4-7

Oracle Deployment Templates Concepts

Figure 4–3 Online Instantiation

Online template instantiation

using dedicated database link.

Materialized View Site

Packaging a deployment template for online instantiation means generating a script

file that, when run at the materialized view site, creates the materialized view objects
and connects to the master site to populate the materialized views with data. SQL
statements such as CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW ... AS SELECT are used to
populate the materialized views with data over a network from the master site.
One of the benefits of online instantiation is that the data subset is current as of the
instantiation process. This data currency, however, comes at a cost. Online
instantiation requires a "live" connection between the materialized view and master
sites, which, depending on the size of the materialized view environment created,
might increase network traffic.
Furthermore, laptop users connected by a modem might need to stay connected for a
long time. The duration of the connection depends on the number of objects created,
the complexity of the materialized view subqueries, and the amount of data
transmitted, especially over low bandwidth modem lines.

Offline Instantiation
To decrease server loads during peak usage periods and reduce remote connection
times, you can choose offline instantiation of the template for your environment.
Packaging a template for offline instantiation means generating a script or a binary file
that contains the DDL and data manipulation language (DML) to build the
materialized view environment defined in the deployment template and populate the
environment with data. You package the script or binary file and save the file to some
type of storage media (such as tape, CD-ROM, and so on), and then provide a means
of transferring the script or binary file to the materialized view site. Each materialized
view site requires a separate offline instantiation script.
When you package a template for instantiation, the materialized view logs for each
master table on which a materialized view is based in the template begin to log
changes. The materialized view log for a particular master table does not clear these
changes until every materialized view based on the master table refreshes after
instantiation. Therefore, to prevent the materialized view log from growing large, the
template should be instantiated, and the materialized views should be refreshed as
soon as possible after packaging.
During instantiation, the template and data are pulled from the storage media, instead
of being pulled from the master site. This operation has the benefit of reducing
network traffic and eliminating the need for a constant network connection. However,
after instantiation, the data in the materialized view site reflects the master site data at
packaging time and must be made current by a refresh.

4-8 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Oracle Deployment Templates Concepts

Figure 4–4 Offline Instantiation

Offline template instantiation

using packaged storage media.

Materialized View Site Storage Media

Offline instantiation is an ideal solution for mass deployment situations where many
laptops and other disconnected computers are instantiating the target template.

Offline Instantiation of Multitier Materialized Views When you use deployment templates to
create a materialized view site using offline instantiation, the conflict resolution
methods defined on the master tables are not pulled down to the materialized view
site. These conflict resolution methods might be required to ensure data consistency if
you plan to create materialized views based on this materialized view site (multitier
materialized views). If you use online instantiation, then the conflict resolution
methods are pulled down during instantiation.

Scenarios for Instantiating a Deployment Template

Table 4–1 summarizes the scenarios for instantiating of a deployment template.

Table 4–1 Scenarios for Instantiating a Deployment Template

Type of
Instantiation Description
Offline The user runs the offline instantiation script with SQL*Plus. The
offline instantiation script contains both CREATE statements to create
materialized view site objects and INSERT statements to populate
the materialized views with data.
Online The user runs the online instantiation script with SQL*Plus. The
online instantiation script contains CREATE statements to create
materialized view site objects. When materialized view objects are
created, the online instantiation script connects to the master site
to create the materialized views and populate them with data.

Either you (the DBA) or the target user can package the deployment template. Either
use the Replication Management tool's Template Script Generation Wizard to package
a template for offline instantiation, or the replication management API to package a
template for offline or online instantiation. End-users use the public API to package a
deployment template, while DBAs generally use the private API for packaging.
Typically, when a deployment template will be instantiated offline, the DBA performs
the packaging, but when the deployment template will be instantiated online, the user
can perform the packaging. However, there are no restrictions on users or DBAs
performing either online or offline packaging, other than the use of different API calls.
The following replication management API functions can be used to package a
deployment template.
Private functions (DBA only):

Deployment Templates Concepts and Architecture 4-9

Deployment Template Architecture

Public functions:

See Also: "Preparing Materialized View Sites for Instantiation of

Deployment Templates" on page 6-20, and see Oracle Database
Advanced Replication Management API Reference for information
about the functions

Note: When you package a deployment template for offline

instantiation, the related materialized view logs begin logging for
the materialized views that were packaged in the template. This
immediate logging enables the remote materialized view site to
perform a fast refresh after completing the offline instantiation
process. Monitor the materialized view logs to make sure that
remote materialized view sites refresh in a timely manner after
performing an offline instantiation. Remote materialized view sites
that have not refreshed cause the materialized view log to grow
quite large, because logging begins when the template is packaged.

Deployment Template Architecture

Oracle uses standard materialized view architecture with deployment templates to
distribute materialized view environments quickly and effectively. Deployment
templates use the same methods in creating materialized view definitions, refresh
characteristics, conflict resolution, and grouping as used when manually building a
materialized view environment. The distinction to remember is that instead of
executing the DDL to create the object immediately, the object DDL is simply
contained in a deployment template and is executed when the template is instantiated.

Template Definitions Stored in System Tables

Instead of executing DDL at the materialized view site to immediately create a
materialized view environment, the materialized view and other related object
definitions are stored within the deployment template. After all of the object
definitions have been added to the deployment template, the template can be
instantiated to execute all of the stored DDL at the remote materialized view site,
which creates the necessary materialized view environment.
All of these object definitions are stored in system tables maintained at the
deployment template definition site, keyed on the deployment template name. When
the deployment template is packaged, the stored object DDL is pulled from these
system tables to create the instantiation script of binary file.

Use of Standard DDL

Template object definitions are created using the same DDL that is used to create the
objects locally at the materialized view site. For example, you can issue the following
statement to create a materialized view:
department_id, department_name, manager_id, location_id
FROM [email protected];

4-10 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Deployment Template Architecture

To add this same materialized view to a deployment template, you can use the
Replication Management tool's Deployment Template Wizard, or execute the
CREATE_TEMPLATE_OBJECT function, as shown in the following example:
tempstring VARCHAR2(3000);
tempstring := 'CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW hr.departments_mv
department_id, department_name, manager_id, location_id
FROM [email protected]';
refresh_template_name => 'hr_refg_dt',
object_name => 'departments_mv',
object_type => 'MATERIALIZED VIEW',
ddl_text => tempstring,
master_rollback_seg => 'rbs');

Note: Do not place a terminating semi-colon in the DDL statement

inside the single quotation marks for the ddl_text parameter.

Executing the preceding function adds the materialized view definition to the
deployment template named dt_mviewenv. When this particular materialized view
is instantiated, the materialized view mview_test is created. In addition to creating
materialized views, you can add table, trigger, procedure, index, and other object
definitions to the deployment template.
Whenever you create a materialized view, always specify the schema name of the table
owner in the query for the materialized view. In the preceding example, hr is
specified as the owner of the employees table.


the Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API Reference
for information about using this function

Packaging and Instantiation Process

When a deployment template is packaged in preparation for remote materialized view
site instantiation, the template is being prepared for online or offline instantiation. The
instantiation procedure creates the remote materialized view environment and
populates the environment with data.

Packaging a Deployment Template for Online Instantiation

When a deployment template is packaged for online instantiation, the resulting DDL
that is required to create the remote materialized view environment is generated and
all template parameter substitutions are performed. Where this generated DDL is
stored depends on the type of materialized view client.
The online instantiation script is stored locally on the hard drive of the computer from
which replication management API is executed to package the template. If this
computer is not the materialized view site computer, then the online instantiation file
must be transferred to the materialized view site for online instantiation.

Deployment Templates Concepts and Architecture 4-11

Deployment Template Architecture

Packaging a Deployment Template for Offline Instantiation

When a deployment template is packaged for offline instantiation, the DDL that is
required to create the remote materialized view environment and the DML that is
required to populate the environment with the data are both stored in a generated file.
Also, during packaging, all template parameter substitutions are performed.
When a template is packaged, a script or binary file is created for offline instantiation
and is saved to a storage device, such as hard disk, CD-ROM, tape, and so on. Either
the Replication Management tool's Template Script Generation Wizard or the
replication management API can be used to package a deployment template for offline
The offline instantiation script is stored locally on the hard drive of the computer from
which the request is made to package the template. If this computer is not the
materialized view site computer, then the offline instantiation file must be transferred
to the materialized view site for offline instantiation.
When the remote materialized view site instantiates the template, the script or binary
file is executed from the storage media or from the local hard drive. This execution
creates the materialized view environment and populates the environment according
to the data set defined during the packaging process. Recall that any template
parameters that define the data set for individual sites are defined during the
packaging process.

Online Instantiation
During the online instantiation process, the structure of the materialized view site is
created, and the specified data subset is pulled from the master site and stored in the
appropriate materialized views. Also, after the remote materialized view site begins
the online instantiation process, Oracle evaluates the parameters that have been
defined for the deployment template. Any values defined for these parameters are
used when the object DDL in the template is executed so that custom data sets can be
installed at the remote materialized view site. At the same time, the materialized views
are registered at the master site, and the materialized view logs begin logging the
changes to the master tables.
Two possible methods can be used to define template parameter values: default
parameter values and user parameter values. Oracle checks to see if these parameter
values exist and then uses them according to the hierarchy:
1. User Parameter Values
2. Default Parameter Values
If user parameter values have been defined and a listed user is instantiating the
template, then the user parameter values are used when instantiating the template. If
no user parameter values have been defined, then Oracle uses the default parameter
values. Figure 4–5 shows the parameter checking process.

4-12 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Deployment Template Architecture

Figure 4–5 Checking for Parameters During Online Instantiation

Instantiate Template

Pull user values from

template yes user yes
parameters parameters VALUES view.
exist? exist?

no no

Use default values.

Build materialized
view environment.

After the parameters are checked, the objects created by the template are added to the
refresh group specified when the template was created.

Offline Instantiation
In a mass deployment environment, most materialized view environments use the
offline instantiation method to create the necessary materialized view environment.
When you package the deployment template, a script or binary file is created to store
the DDL needed to create the materialized view environment, the parameter values
used during the instantiation process, and the DML necessary to populate the
materialized view environment with data.
The script or binary file can be copied to a CD-ROM, floppy disk, or other storage
media or can be posted on a Web or FTP site to be downloaded to the remote
materialized view site. It can also be transferred using the DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER
package. The flexibility in delivery mechanisms allows you and your users to choose
the most effective method for instantiating a deployment template.

Packaging and Instantiation Options

A number of possibilities for deployment template packaging and instantiation are
available. Table 4–2 illustrates the possibilities, identifies the mechanism for packaging
and instantiation, and lists the documentation to use when you perform an operation.

Deployment Templates Concepts and Architecture 4-13

Deployment Template Architecture

Table 4–2 Packaging and Instantiation Options

Type of Package Template Instantiate
Instantiation Using Packaging Documentation Template Using Instantiating Documentation
Offline Replication See the Replication Management Offline See the Replication
Management tool tool's online help topic "Package Instantiation Management tool's online
Template Script for Offline Instantiation: Script and help topic "Instantiate at
Generation Wizard Overview" under "Deployment SQL*Plus Remote Materialized View
Templates" > "Packaging and Site" under "Deployment
Instantiation" in the Help Templates" > "Packaging and
Contents. Instantiation" in the Help

Offline The Replication See the instructions for Offline See the instructions for
Management API packaging in Oracle Database Instantiation instantiating a deployment
(PL/SQL Packages Advanced Replication Management Script and template in Oracle Database
and SQL*Plus) API Reference. SQL*Plus Advanced Replication
Management API Reference.
Online The Replication See the instructions for Online See the instructions for
Management API packaging in Oracle Database Instantiation instantiating a deployment
(PL/SQL Packages Advanced Replication Management Script and template in Oracle Database
and SQL*Plus) API Reference. SQL*Plus Advanced Replication
Management API Reference.

After Instantiation
After instantiating a deployment template at a remote materialized view site, the
structure created is exactly the same as if you had created the materialized view
environment locally at the materialized view site. Specifically, Oracle creates the
materialized view, with the specified name, and an index based on the primary key to
maintain constraint consistency. Other objects in the template are also created as if
they were created manually at the materialized view site.
With respect to offline instantiations, the longer the duration between the packaging at
the server and the instantiation at the remote site, the longer it takes for the first
refresh after instantiation at the remote materialized view site. The materialized view
site uses the materialized view log at the master site to perform the fast refresh from
the time that the template was packaged. Recall that changes made to the master table
are logged to the materialized view log as soon as you package the deployment

See Also: "Materialized View Architecture" on page 3-37 for more


Materialized View Groups

Objects created by an instantiated deployment template are added automatically to a
materialized view group with the same name as the object's master group. For
example, if you instantiated the dt_mviewenv deployment template, which contains
objects from the personnel and technical master groups, then your template
objects are added to materialized view groups personnel and technical,
respectively. Remember that a materialized view group helps to maintain
organizational consistency with the target master group and, more importantly, is
required for updatable materialized views.

See Also: "Materialized View Groups" on page 3-42 for more


4-14 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Deployment Template Design

Refresh Groups
When you first begin building a deployment template, you define the name of the
refresh group to which the template's materialized view objects will be added. After
the instantiation process is finished, you can specify that the materialized views in the
refresh group be refreshed automatically at set intervals, assuming a constant network
connection to the master site.
You can use the Replication Management tool, or DBMS_REFRESH.CHANGE
procedure, to change the refresh interval and next refresh data of a refresh group. To
change these settings in the Replication Management tool, select the refresh group and
edit the Next Date and Interval fields. To change these settings with the DBMS_
REFRESH.CHANGE procedure, set the interval and next_date parameters
appropriately. If materialized view sites do not have a constant network connection to
the master site, then they can refresh their refresh groups on-demand.
The following are examples of simple date expressions that you can use to specify
next_date and interval:
■ A next_date or interval of one hour is specifies as:
SYSDATE + 1/24

■ A next_date or interval of seven days is specifies as:


See Also: Oracle Database Administrator's Guide and Oracle

Database SQL Reference for more information about date arithmetic

Deployment Template Design

The combination of deployment template parameters and subquery subsetting gives
the database administrator a powerful tool to administer a widely distributed database
environment using subqueries and row-subsetted data. Additional design
consideration must be given to column subsetting requirements and data sets needed
for a replication environment.
Materialized view data sets are defined based on the materialized view's query,
meaning that the user only sees data that complies with the materialized view's
defining query. Both row and column subsetting enable you to create materialized
views that contain customized data sets. Such materialized views can be helpful for
regional offices or sales forces that do not require the complete corporate data set.

See Also: "Data Subsetting with Materialized Views" on

page 3-13 for more information on data subsetting

Column Subsetting with Deployment Templates

Column subsetting enables you to exclude columns that are in master tables from
materialized views. You do this by specifying certain select columns in the SELECT
statement during materialized view creation. Column subsetting is only possible
through the use of deployment templates. Before you begin assembling your
deployment template, consider how to build your templates.
For example, in a mass deployment environment with many "lightweight" clients, you
might need to replicate tables that contain LOB data without actually replicating the
LOB data itself. This goal can be achieved by excluding the LOB column from the
selected columns to be replicated when defining the column subset.

Deployment Templates Concepts and Architecture 4-15

Deployment Template Design

You can select any subset of columns in a read-only materialized view. For an
updatable materialized view, the subset of columns must contain the following
■ Primary key column(s)
■ All columns used for conflict resolution for the replicated columns (see Figure 4–6)

Note: While it is possible to configure column subsetting within a

column group, it is not recommended because it can result in data
inconsistencies between sites. When using column subsetting, you
should eliminate columns at the column group level.

Figure 4–6 Replicate Column-Subsetted Data

Replicated Data

Column Group A Column Group B

PK EmpID Salary Level Time Sales Territory Priority

Stamp* History Site*

*Denotes conflict resolution

column for column group.

If you are adding a materialized view that replicates columns pk, empid, salary, and
level (illustrated in Figure 4–6), then you also need to include the Time Stamp
column because it is used for conflict resolution for columns contained in Column
Group A.

■ Column subsetting is only available when you add a
materialized view to a deployment template using the
Replication Management tool. Column subsetting is not
available when using the replication management API.
■ The master definition site must be available when defining a
column subset. If your deployment template contains
column-subsetted materialized views from multiple master
groups, then the master definition site for each group must be

4-16 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Deployment Template Design

Row Subsetting
Row subsetting enables you to exclude rows that are in master tables from
materialized views by using a WHERE clause. For example, the following statement
creates a materialized view based on the [email protected] master table and
includes only the rows for the sales representative with a sales_rep_id number of
SELECT * FROM [email protected]
WHERE sales_rep_id = 173;

Rows of the orders table with a sales_rep_id number other than 173 are
excluded from this materialized view.

Row Subsetting with an Assignment Table

In some situations, you can benefit from using row subsetting with an assignment
table. An assignment table lets you relate one entity to another entity in your database,
without storing the assignment information in either of the tables for the two entities.
This technique is best illustrated through an example.
In the oe schema, the product_id column is the primary key in the product_
information table, and the warehouse_id column is the primary key in the
warehouses table. In this schema, the inventories table functions as an
assignment table because it assigns a product to a warehouse using the product_id
column and the warehouse_id column. These two columns form the primary key of
the inventories table.
With these three tables in oe schema (inventories, product_information, and
warehouses), you can track which products are in which warehouses without storing
the product_id information in the warehouses table, nor the warehouse_id
information in the product_information table. To illustrate why this is important,
consider what would happen if the inventories table did not exist and the
warehouse_id column was a foreign key in the product_information table.
In this case, if a salesperson wants to store product information for the nearest
warehouse, then the sales person would need to specify the warehouse_id for the
warehouse in the WHERE clause of the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement. For
example, the salesperson might create the materialized view using the following
SELECT * FROM [email protected]
WHERE warehouse_id = 1;

The drawback to this configuration is that the warehouse_id is "hard coded" into the
materialized view definition. If the company closes warehouse 1 or opens a new
warehouse that is even closer to the salesperson, then the preceding materialized view
definitions would need to be altered or re-created. With this in mind, if you use
assignment tables in conjunction with row subsetting in a subquery, then you can
easily control changes to a materialized view environment.
In the oe schema, the warehouse_id column is not part of the product_
information table. Instead, a product is assigned to a warehouse through the
inventories table. This relationship between products and warehouses is illustrated
in Figure 4–7.

Deployment Templates Concepts and Architecture 4-17

Deployment Template Design

Figure 4–7 Product/Warehouse Relationship

inventories Master Table

product_id warehouse_id quantity_on_hand
1844 1 870
1844 2 788
1844 3 882
1845 1 870
1845 2 788
. . .

Primary Key

product_id warehouse_id

product_information Master Table warehouses Master Table

product_id ... warehouse_id location_id ...
1844 . 1 1400 .
1845 . 2 1500 .
. . 3 1600 .
. . .

Primary Key
Primary Key


locations Master Table

location_id postal_code ...
1400 26192 .
1500 99236 .
1600 50090 .

Primary Key

If new warehouses are built or other warehouses are closed, then you can use the
inventories table to assign products to different warehouses. Besides creating a
single point of administration, assignment tables, such as the inventories table,
used in conjunction with row subsetting in subqueries, can ensure security. For
example, if necessary, you can limit a certain salesperson to see data for some
warehouses but not others.
If we assume that each salesperson is responsible for a particular location and only
requires product information for products that are stored in a warehouse in that
location, then we can use the inventories table as an assignment table along with
row subsetting in subqueries to create the product_information materialized view
that contains only the relevant information for a particular salesperson. The following
statement provides a salesperson with the proper data:

4-18 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Deployment Template Design


SELECT * FROM [email protected] pi
(SELECT * FROM [email protected] inv
WHERE pi.product_id = inv.product_id
(SELECT * FROM [email protected] w
WHERE inv.warehouse_id = w.warehouse_id
(SELECT * FROM [email protected] loc
WHERE w.location_id = loc.location_id
AND loc.postal_code = :p_code)));

Note: To create this oe.product_information materialized

view, postal_code in must be logged in the materialized view
log for the hr.locations table. See "Logging Columns in the
Materialized View Log" on page 6-11 for more information.

The product_information materialized view is populated with product

information for the products that are stored in the warehouse located at the postal
code specified with the p_code variable. Notice the p_code variable in the last line of the
With this flexibility, managers can easily control materialized view data sets by
making simple changes to the inventories table, without requiring modification of
the SQL for the materialized view creation statements. For example, if a new product
is added to a particular warehouse, then the manager would simply add a row to the
inventories table that assigns the product to the warehouse. After the next
materialized view refresh, the data for the product is added to the materialized view
site that tracks product information for the warehouse.

Data Sets
When designing your deployment templates, consider the different sets of users that
need to access the target data. For example, both salespersons and technicians need
customer information, but the technicians might not need sales information. You do
not want users to instantiate deployment templates that contain extraneous data,
because it will require extra storage space and incur longer refresh time.
On the other hand, if you have users that require both sales and customer support
information, then you do not want users to have to instantiate multiple deployment
templates that share redundant data. Instantiating multiple templates might cause
data consistency problems. Each deployment template uses a different refresh group,
which means that data in the two deployment templates can be refreshed at different
times, possibly causing data consistency problems.
In this case, the best solution would be to have one deployment template for
salespersons, one for customer service technicians, and one for users that require both
sets of data.
To save time and effort, the best way to create these three templates is to create the
template with both sets of data first, copy the template twice, deleting unneeded items
to create the other deployment templates.

Deployment Templates Concepts and Architecture 4-19

Deployment Template Design

Figure 4–8 The Different Needs of Salespersons and Customer Support Technicians

customers orders support_hdr customers

Customer Tables Customer Tables

products order_lines support_lines products

Product Tables Order Tables Support Tables Product Tables

Sales Application Tables Customer Support Tables

Another design consideration is the usage of parameters. If many of the tables in

Figure 4–8 use the customer_id field, then you could define the same parameter in
each of the template objects. By using the same parameter, you would only need to
define the default parameter value once, and it would be used for all objects during
the instantiation process.
Using a single template parameter is even more useful when used with materialized
views that use subquery subsetting. One parameter allows a user to receive only the
data for the customers that the user needs. Consider the following CREATE
SELECT * FROM [email protected] o
-- conditions for customers
( SELECT c_id FROM [email protected] c
WHERE o.c_id = c.c_id
( SELECT * FROM [email protected] a
WHERE a.c_id = c.c_id
( SELECT * FROM [email protected] s
WHERE s.s_id = :salesperson_id)));


SELECT c_id FROM [email protected] c
-- conditions for customers
( SELECT * FROM [email protected] a
WHERE a.c_id = c.c_id
( SELECT * FROM [email protected] s
WHERE s.s_id = :salesperson_id)));

Even though the two materialized views being created do not explicitly contain the
salesperson_id field, using subquery subsetting makes using parameters very
effective for instantiating only required data sets. Using a single parameter
(:salesperson_id) makes managing and instantiating these materialized views
easier for both the DBA and the user instantiating the deployment template.

4-20 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Local Control of Materialized View Creation

Additional Design Considerations

Finally, consider what other objects need to be created at the remote materialized view
site. Consider the following questions:
■ Do you need to include the DDL to create the necessary database links from the
materialized view site to the master site?
■ What triggers or procedures does the materialized view environment require?
■ Do any tables need to be created that store nonreplicated data?
■ Are any extra indexes required?

Local Control of Materialized View Creation

A deployment template is the most effective method of building and distributing a
materialized view environment. Even if distribution is limited to only two or three
sites, you still significantly reduce the amount of steps needed to build a materialized
view environment by using deployment templates as opposed to individually creating
the materialized view environment at those two or three sites. With deployment
templates, you build once and distribute as needed.
However, one question remains: If a deployment template is the most effective means
for building and distributing a materialized view environment, then when should you
locally build the materialized view environment at the remote materialized view site?
In most cases, you should build a materialized view environment using the
Materialized View Group Wizard or locally at the materialized view site when local
control must be maintained at the materialized view site.
One scenario where you might find local control of materialized view creation helpful
is when it is desirable for the materialized view site to control what data it receives.
For example, this is especially true of decision support sites (DSS), which are typically
read-only materialized view sites. A DSS site might occasionally need to run complex
queries and they do not want to slow the OLTP site, or bother the DBA at the OLTP

Local Materialized View Control

One of the major benefits of deployment templates is that control is maintained
centrally by the DBA building the deployment template. In some cases, however, the
materialized view site must retain some control.
Local control might be required if the materialized view site:
■ Has an experienced DBA
■ Is considered a trusted site
■ Is a materialized view instead of a master site because of row subsetting
Because materialized view groups are created with the Replication Management tool's
Materialized View Group Wizard locally at the materialized view site by its DBA, or
perhaps a systems analyst with SQL knowledge, control can also be maintained at the
materialized view site.
Consider the following as a perfect example for maintaining local control. Because
multimaster replication does not allow for row and column data subsetting, updatable
materialized view sites are sometimes created primarily for their ability to subset data.
These sites are typically secure, have experienced DBAs, and require the ability to

Deployment Templates Concepts and Architecture 4-21

Local Control of Materialized View Creation

maintain control locally to meet user and application requirements. Materialized view
groups created with the Materialized View Group Wizard or with the replication
management API allow for the localized control necessary to meet the requirements of
the secure updatable materialized view sites.
Also, remember that when a materialized view environment is created with a
deployment template, all objects in the materialized view environment are added to
the same refresh group. While this might be fine for most installations, certain
situations might require that the objects in a materialized view group are assigned to
several different refresh groups.

4-22 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Conflict Resolution Concepts and

Some replication environments must create conflict resolution methods to resolve

possible data conflicts that can result from replicating data between multiple sites.
This chapter contains these topics:
■ Conflict Resolution Concepts
■ Conflict Resolution Architecture

Conflict Resolution Concepts

Replication conflicts can occur in a replication environment that permits concurrent
updates to the same data at multiple sites. For example, when two transactions
originating from different sites update the same row at nearly the same time, a conflict
can occur. When you configure a replication environment, you must consider whether
replication conflicts can occur. If your system design permits replication conflicts and
a conflict occurs, then the system data does not converge until the conflict is resolved
in some way.
In general, your first choice should always be to design a replication environment that
avoids the possibility of conflicts. Using several techniques, most system designs can
avoid conflicts in all or a large percentage of the data that is replicated. However,
many applications require that some percentage of data be updatable at multiple sites
at any time. If this is the case, then you must address the possibility of replication
The next few sections introduce the following topics relating to replication conflicts:
■ How to design a replication system with replication conflicts in mind
■ How to determine the types of conflicts that are possible in your replication
■ How you can avoid replication conflicts in designing your replication
■ How Oracle can detect and resolve conflicts in designs where conflict avoidance is
not possible

Conflict Resolution Concepts and Architecture 5-1

Conflict Resolution Concepts

Understanding Your Data and Application Requirements

When you design any type of database application and its supporting database, it is
critical that you understand the requirements of the application before you begin to
build the database or the application itself. For example, each application should be
modular, with clearly defined functional boundaries and dependencies, such as
order-entry, shipping, billing, and so on. Furthermore, you should normalize
supporting database data to reduce the amount of hidden dependencies between
modules in the application system.
In addition to basic database design practices, you must investigate additional
requirements when building a database that operates in a replication environment.
Start by considering the general requirements of the applications that will work with
the replicated data. For example, some applications might work fine with read-only
materialized views, and as a result, can avoid the possibility of replication conflicts
altogether. Other applications might require that most of the replicated data be
read-only and a small fraction of the data (for example, one or two tables or even one
or two columns in a specific table) be updatable at all replication sites. In this case, you
must determine how to resolve replication conflicts when they occur so that the
integrity of replicated data remains intact.

Examples of Conflict Detection and Resolution

To better understand how to design a replicated database system with conflicts in
mind, consider the following environments where conflict detection and resolution is
feasible in some cases but not possible in others:
■ Conflict resolution is often not possible in reservation systems where multiple
bookings for the same item are not allowed. For example, when reserving specific
seats for a concert, different agents accessing different replicas of the reservation
system cannot book the same seat for multiple customers because there is no way
to resolve such a conflict.
■ Conflict resolution is often possible in customer management systems. For
example, salespeople can maintain customer address information at different
databases in a replication environment. Should a conflict arise, the system can
resolve the conflicting updates by applying the most recent update to a record.

Types of Replication Conflicts

You might encounter these types of data conflicts in a replicated database
■ Update Conflicts
■ Uniqueness Conflicts
■ Delete Conflicts
You will most likely encounter update conflicts in your replication environment,
although you should always prepare to handle uniqueness and delete conflicts. Oracle
recommends that your database design works to avoid these types of conflicts.

Update Conflicts
An update conflict occurs when the replication of an update to a row conflicts with
another update to the same row. Update conflicts can happen when two transactions
originating from different sites update the same row at nearly the same time.

5-2 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Conflict Resolution Concepts

Uniqueness Conflicts
A uniqueness conflict occurs when the replication of a row attempts to violate entity
integrity, such as a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint. For example, consider what
happens when two transactions originate from two different sites, each inserting a row
into a respective table replica with the same primary key value. In this case, replication
of the transactions causes a uniqueness conflict.

Delete Conflicts
A delete conflict occurs when two transactions originate from different sites, with one
transaction deleting a row and another transaction updating or deleting the same row,
because in this case the row does not exist to be either updated or deleted.

Data Conflicts and Transaction Ordering

Ordering conflicts can occur in replication environments with three or more master
sites. If propagation to master site X is blocked for any reason, then updates to
replicated data can continue to be propagated among other master sites. When
propagation resumes, these updates might be propagated to site X in a different order
than they occurred on the other masters, and these updates might conflict. By default,
the resulting conflicts are recorded in the error log and can be reexecuted after the
transactions they depend upon are propagated and applied. See Table 5–1 on
page 5-14 for an example of an ordering conflict.
To guarantee data convergence in replication environments with three or more master
sites, you must select a conflict resolution method that can guarantee data convergence
with any number of master sites (latest timestamp, minimum, maximum, priority
group, additive).
The minimum, maximum, priority group, and additive conflict resolution methods
guarantee data convergence with any number of master sites, as long as certain
conditions exist. See the appropriate conflict resolution method in "Conflict Resolution
Architecture" on page 5-14 for more information
In addition to receiving a data conflict, replicated transactions that are applied
out-of-order might experience referential integrity problems at a remote site if
supporting data was not successfully propagated to that site. Consider the scenario
where a new customer calls an order department; a customer record is created and an
order is placed. If the order data is propagated to a remote site before the customer
data, then a referential integrity error is raised because the customer that the order
references does not exist at the remote site.
If a referential integrity error is encountered, then you can easily resolve the situation
by reexecuting the transaction in error after the supporting data has been propagated
to the remote site.

Conflict Detection
Each master site in a replication system automatically detects and resolves replication
conflicts when they occur. For example, when a master site pushes its deferred
transaction queue to another master site in the system, the remote procedures being
called at the receiving site can automatically detect if any replication conflicts exist.
When a materialized view site pushes deferred transactions to its corresponding
master site or master materialized view site, the receiving site performs conflict
detection and resolution. A materialized view site refreshes its data by performing
materialized view refreshes. The refresh mechanism ensures that, upon completion,
the data at a materialized view is the same as the data at the corresponding master

Conflict Resolution Concepts and Architecture 5-3

Conflict Resolution Concepts

table or master materialized view, including the results of any conflict resolution.
Therefore, it is not necessary for a materialized view site to perform work to detect or
resolve replication conflicts.

How Oracle Detects Different Types of Conflicts

The receiving master site or master materialized view site in a replication system
detects update, uniqueness, and delete conflicts as follows:
■ The receiving site detects an update conflict if there is any difference between the
old values of the replicated row (the values before the modification) and the
current values of the same row at the receiving site.
■ The receiving site detects a uniqueness conflict if a uniqueness constraint violation
occurs during an INSERT or UPDATE of a replicated row.
■ The receiving site detects a delete conflict if it cannot find a row for an UPDATE or
DELETE statement because the primary key of the row does not exist.

■ If a column is updated and the column's old value equals its
new value, then Oracle never detects a conflict for this column
■ To detect and resolve an update conflict for a row, the
propagating site must send a certain amount of data about the
new and old versions of the row to the receiving site. For
maximum performance, tune the amount of data that Oracle
uses to support update conflict detection and resolution. For
more information, see "Send and Compare Old Values" on
page 5-27.

Identifying Rows During Conflict Detection

To detect replication conflicts accurately, Oracle must be able to uniquely identify and
match corresponding rows at different sites during data replication. Typically,
Advanced Replication uses the primary key of a table to uniquely identify rows in the
table. When a table does not have a primary key, you must designate an alternate
key—a column or set of columns that Oracle can use to uniquely identify rows in the
table during data replication.

Caution: Do not permit applications to update the primary key or

alternate key columns of a table. This precaution ensures that
Oracle can identify rows and preserve the integrity of replicated

Conflict Resolution
After a conflict has been detected, resolve the conflict with the goal of data
convergence across all sites. Oracle provides several prebuilt conflict resolution
methods to resolve update conflicts and in many situations can guarantee data
convergence across a variety of replication environments. Oracle also offers several
conflict resolution methods to handle uniqueness conflicts, though these methods
cannot guarantee data convergence.

5-4 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Conflict Resolution Concepts

Oracle does not provide any prebuilt conflict resolution methods to handle delete or
ordering conflicts. Oracle does, however, allow you to build your own conflict
resolution method to resolve data conflicts specific to your business rules. If you do
build a conflict resolution method that cannot guarantee data convergence, which is
likely for uniqueness and delete conflicts, then you should also build a notification
facility to notify the database administrator so that data convergence can be manually
Whether you use an Oracle prebuilt or user-defined conflict resolution method, it is
applied as soon as the conflict is detected. If the defined conflict resolution method
cannot resolve the conflict, then the conflict is logged in the error queue.
To avoid a single point of failure for conflict resolution, you can define additional
conflict resolution methods to backup the primary method. For example, in the
unlikely event that the latest timestamp conflict resolution method cannot resolve a
conflict because the timestamps are identical, you might want to define a site priority
conflict resolution method, which breaks the timestamp tie and resolves the data

See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API

Reference for information about modifying tables without
replicating the modifications, which might be necessary when you
manually resolve a conflict that could not be resolved automatically

Multitier Materialized Views and Conflict Resolution

When you have a master table and an updatable materialized view based on that
master table, a refresh of the materialized view pushes its changes to the master site,
where the master site handles any conflicts resulting from the push with its configured
conflict resolution methods. Then, the materialized view pulls changes at the master
down when the materialized view completes the refresh. The refresh is always
initiated at the materialized view site.
Similarly, the master materialized view of an updatable materialized view behaves in
the same way as a master table. However, to handle conflicts resulting from a push
from a materialized view, the master materialized view uses conflict resolution
methods that it has pulled from its master. Here, the master can either be a master
table at a master site or a master materialized view at another materialized view site.
Conflict resolution methods cannot be configured directly at a materialized view site.
Instead, the conflict resolution methods are pulled down from the immediate master
automatically when you create an updatable materialized view and when you
generate replication support for a materialized view. A read-only materialized view
does not pull-down conflict resolution methods from its master.
For example, suppose a level 3 materialized view pushes its changes to its level 2
master materialized view. This push might cause a conflict at the level 2 materialized
view. To handle the conflict, the level 2 materialized view uses the conflict resolution
methods that it previously pulled from its level 1 master materialized view. Similarly,
the level 1 materialized view handles conflicts with the conflict resolution methods
that it previously pulled from its master site. Figure 5–1 illustrates this configuration.

Conflict Resolution Concepts and Architecture 5-5

Conflict Resolution Concepts

Figure 5–1 Conflict Resolution and Multitier Materialized Views

Master Table

Pulled from Methods Pulled from
master master

Updatable Updatable
Materialized View Materialized View

Conflict Conflict
Resolution Resolution
Methods Methods

Pulled from Pulled from

level 1 level 1
materialized materialized
view Updatable Updatable view Read Only
Materialized View Materialized View Materialized View

Conflict Conflict
Resolution Resolution
Methods Methods

Pulled from
level 2
Read-Only Updatable view
Materialized View Materialized View


Notice that each updatable materialized view pulls-down conflict resolution methods
from its master, even if the updatable materialized view does not have any
materialized views based on it. Notice also that a read-only materialized view does not
pull-down conflict resolution methods from its master.
If you plan to change the conflict resolution methods for a master table in an
environment with multitier materialized views, then complete the following general
1. If you are modifying either column groups or key columns and you are using
minimum communication for any of the updatable materialized views based on
the master table, then complete the following sub-steps:
a. Refresh the materialized views that are the farthest removed from the master
table you are altering. By refreshing, you push all the deferred transactions
from each materialized view to its master. For example, if you have three
levels of materialized views, then refresh the level 3 materialized views.
b. Stop all data manipulation language (DML) changes at the materialized views
you refreshed in Step a.
c. Repeat Step a and Step b for each materialized view level until you complete
these steps for the level 1 materialized views, which are based on a master
table at a master site.

5-6 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Conflict Resolution Concepts

2. If necessary, then quiesce the master group.

3. Change the conflict resolution configuration at the master definition site.
4. Regenerate replication support for the affected objects at the master definition site
using either the GENERATE_REPLICATION_SUPPORT procedure in the DBMS_
REPCAT package or the Replication Management tool.
5. If you quiesced the master group in Step 2, then resume replication activity for the
master group.
6. Regenerate replication support for the materialized views with the smallest level
number that have not yet regenerated replication support. The current conflict
resolution methods are pulled down from the immediate master during
regeneration. The first time you complete this step, it is for the level 1 materialized
views, the second time for the level 2 materialized views, and so on. You
regenerate replication support for a materialized view using either the
GENERATE_MVIEW_SUPPORT procedure in the DBMS_REPCAT package or the
Replication Management tool
7. If you completed the sub-steps in Step 1, then allow DML changes at the
materialized views with the smallest level number that do not currently allow
DML changes. The first time you complete this step, it is for the level 1
materialized views, the second time for the level 2 materialized views, and so on.
8. Repeat Step 6 and Step 7 for each level of materialized views until you complete
these steps for the materialized views that are farthest removed from the master
table. For example, if you have three levels of materialized views, then the last
time you complete these steps it is for the level 3 materialized views.
This regeneration of replication support is not performed automatically. In an
environment where different database administrators administer master sites and
materialized view sites, the database administrator at the master sites must notify the
database administrators at all of the affected materialized view sites of the changes in
conflict resolution methods. Then, it is the responsibility of all of the database
administrators to coordinate the previous procedure.

Column Subsetting of Updatable Materialized Views and Conflict Resolution

Column subsetting enables you to exclude columns in master tables from materialized
views by identifying specific columns in the SELECT statement during materialized
view creation. If only a subset of the columns in a column group are included in an
updatable materialized view, then do not create a conflict resolution method on this
column group, unless the conflict resolution method is either discard or site priority. If
the conflict resolution method is site priority, then column subsetting should only be
used in single master replication environments where the master site has a higher
priority number than the materialized view site.
For any type of conflict resolution method other than discard and the variant of site
priority described previously, the updatable materialized view sends information
about changes for some of the columns in the column group but not others, causing
Oracle to return an error when it tries to apply the conflict resolution method. Because
discard and this variant of site priority do not depend on column information, you can
use these methods along with column subsetting.
For example, suppose the employees master table has a column group that contains
the employee_id, manager_id, department_id, and timestamp columns. You
define a latest timestamp conflict resolution method on the column group at the
master site. Then, you create an updatable materialized view called employees_mv
based on the employees master table, but you use column subsetting to exclude the

Conflict Resolution Concepts and Architecture 5-7

Conflict Resolution Concepts

department_id column from the materialized view. When an update is made to the
employee_id or manager_id column at the materialized view, information about
these changes are sent to the master site during a subsequent refresh. An error is
returned at the master site because no information about the remaining column in the
column group, department_id, is found when Oracle tries to apply the conflict
resolution method.
Keep this in mind if you are using multitier materialized views. Because the conflict
resolution methods are pulled down from the master site to a master materialized
view, the same rules apply to master materialized view sites and updatable
materialized views based on them.

See Also: "Column Subsetting with Deployment Templates" on

page 4-15

Nested Tables and Conflict Resolution

For each nested table column, Oracle creates a hidden column in the table called the
NESTED_TABLE_ID column. Oracle also creates a separate table called a storage table
to store the elements of the nested table. The storage table stores a row for each
element of the nested table for each parent table row. The storage table also contains a
NESTED_TABLE_ID column, which corresponds to the parent table's NESTED_
TABLE_ID column and is used to identify the elements of the nested table for a
particular parent row. Nested table columns require special consideration in
Advanced Replication.The underlying storage tables require as much consideration
for conflict resolution as the parent table, and there are additional issues to consider.
Replication handles data manipulation language (DML) statements on nested tables as
separate DML statements on the parent table and storage table. When DML statements
are executed on nested table columns, the actions performed by Oracle depend on the
type of DML statement. The following table shows the actions performed by Oracle for
each type of DML statement.

Insert Statements Delete Statements Update Statements

■ Inserts new rows into ■ Deletes any storage table ■ Inserts new rows into
storage table (assuming rows associated with the storage table (assuming
nested table value is parent table being the nested table column
neither null nor empty). deleted. is set to a value that is
neither null nor an
■ Inserts new row into ■ Deletes parent table row.
empty table).
parent table, with the
NESTED_TABLE_ID ■ Updates the parent table
value referring to row.
previously inserted
■ Deletes old storage table
storage rows.

Example of Nested Table Conflicts The following example illustrates how DML
statements on nested table columns can lead to conflicts that are difficult to resolve.
Following the example is information about ways to minimize conflicts.
Suppose there is a university which stores information about its departments in a
department table containing a nested table column that stores information about
each department's courses:
course_no NUMBER(4),
title VARCHAR2(35),
credits NUMBER(1));

5-8 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Conflict Resolution Concepts



CREATE TABLE department (

name VARCHAR2(20) primary key,
director VARCHAR2(20),
office VARCHAR2(20),
courses CourseList)
NESTED TABLE courses STORE AS courses_tab(
(PRIMARY KEY(nested_table_id,course_no)));

The university has campuses across the United States and uses multimaster replication
to support its different locations. Each location can update the department table,
which is replicated. On, one of the master sites, information is inserted
about the Psychology department.
INSERT INTO department
VALUES('Psychology', 'Irene Friedman', 'Fulton Hall 133',
CourseList(Course(1000, 'General Psychology', 5),
Course(2100, 'Experimental Psychology', 4),
Course(2200, 'Psychological Tests', 3),
Course(2250, 'Behavior Modification', 4),
Course(3540, 'Groups and Organizations', 3),
Course(3552, 'Human Factors in Business', 4),
Course(4210, 'Theories of Learning', 4)));

Advanced Replication propagates the insert to all masters.

Then, change information arrives about the Psychology class offerings. That is, a class
is added. The information is updated on
UPDATE department SET courses = CourseList(
Course(1000, 'General Psychology', 5),
Course(2100, 'Experimental Psychology', 4),
Course(2200, 'Psychological Tests', 3),
Course(2250, 'Behavior Modification', 4),
Course(3540, 'Groups and Organizations', 3),
Course(3552, 'Human Factors in Business', 4),
Course(4210, 'Theories of Learning', 4),
Course(4320, 'Cognitive Processes', 4))
WHERE name = 'Psychology';

After has committed the update, but before the change is propagated
to other master sites, another master site,, receives information that
two more class have been added, both 4320 and 4410.
UPDATE department SET courses = CourseList(
Course(1000, 'General Psychology', 5),
Course(2100, 'Experimental Psychology', 4),
Course(2200, 'Psychological Tests', 3),
Course(2250, 'Behavior Modification', 4),
Course(3540, 'Groups and Organizations', 3),
Course(3552, 'Human Factors in Business', 4),
Course(4210, 'Theories of Learning', 4),
Course(4320, 'Cognitive Processes', 4),
Course(4410, 'Abnormal Psychology', 4))
WHERE name = 'Psychology';

Both the update on and the update on are pushed.

Conflict Resolution Concepts and Architecture 5-9

Conflict Resolution Concepts

There will be an update conflict on department table. Each user who made an
update expects that it is the first update since the insert statement. But actually, the
local update has taken place first, and therefore the NESTED_TABLE_ID has changed,
because these are updates on the parent table. It is only updates on the nested table
column (changing the storage table rows and NESTED_TABLE_ID) which are
problematic. There is no problem updating other columns in the parent table.
Suppose this conflict is resolved by keeping the local table update. Delete conflict
resolution would be required on the storage table to ignore the missing rows, which
were already deleted by the local update. The new rows inserted into the storage table,
due to the update at the remote site, now have no reference in the parent table. These
new storage table rows must also be dealt with. Otherwise, they will be orphaned. The
storage table would grow with course rows which are not accessible from the
department table.
Resolving conflicts by manipulating the storage table rows while updating the parent
table is very difficult with two master sites in a multimaster replication environment
and becomes nearly impossible as the number of master sites increases. If this type of
update is necessary, then it might be best to not define any conflict resolution methods
on the nested table and resolve conflicts manually. Incorrect conflict resolution could
lead to divergence. That is, tables on different masters might no longer match.

Recommendations for Avoiding Problematic Updates The following recommendations

enable you to avoid the problematic updates described in the preceding section:
■ Use a foreign key constraint, initially deferred, on the nested table. This constraint
prevents dangling rows in the storage table. The following is an example of such a
foreign key constraint:
ALTER TABLE courses_tab add CONSTRAINT courses_fk

■ Make sure all inserts on the parent table insert an empty nested table. Do not use a
null nested table value. This practice helps to create a reusable NESTED_TABLE_
ID. The following is an example of an insert that included an empty nested table:
INSERT INTO department (name, director, office, courses)
VALUES('Psychology', 'Irene Friedman', 'Fulton Hall 133', CourseList());

■ Make sure all inserts, deletes, and updates are performed directly on the nested
table rather than through DML on the parent table. This practice helps to reuse the
present NESTED_TABLE_ID value.
The following is an example of deleting rows directly from a nested table:
(SELECT courses FROM department WHERE name = 'Psychology');

Consider an example where the following rows are inserted directly into the
nested table on
(SELECT courses FROM department WHERE name = 'Psychology')
VALUES (Course(5000, 'Social Psychology', 5));


(SELECT courses FROM department WHERE name = 'Psychology')
VALUES (Course(5100, 'Psychology of Personality', 4));

5-10 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Conflict Resolution Concepts

Then, the following rows are inserted directly into the nested table on before the preceding inserts on are pushed:
(SELECT courses FROM department WHERE name = 'Psychology')
VALUES (Course(5000, 'Social Psychology', 5));


(SELECT courses FROM department WHERE name = 'Psychology')
VALUES (Course(5100, 'Psychology of Personality', 4));


(SELECT courses FROM department WHERE name = 'Psychology')
VALUES (Course(5500, 'Cognitive Neuroscience', 5));

Here, primary key conflicts will occur on the inserted rows in the storage table for
courses 5000 and 5100), but a conflict resolution on the storage table which allows
the inserts from one site to fail should provide the proper results. However, these
inserts will not result in the more complicated problem involving multiple tables
described in "Example of Nested Table Conflicts" on page 5-8, but the NESTED_
TABLE_ID value is not lost, because this value has not changed.
■ Consider using a trigger on the parent table that prevents inserts and updates that
include manipulation of the nested table column. The following is an example of
such a trigger:
new_ntid raw(100);
old_ntid raw(100);
-- obtain the nested table ids
SELECT sys_op_tosetid( INTO new_ntid from dual;
SELECT sys_op_tosetid( INTO old_ntid from dual;
-- raise error on insert of a null nested table column
raise_application_error(-20011, 'inserting null nested table ref');
-- raise error if new rows are inserted in the storage table
-- this is not strictly necessary, but it does enforce DML access
-- semantics of separate DMLS on parent table and storage table
IF != 0 THEN
'inserting rows into storage table while inserting parent table row');
-- raise error if update has caused the NESTED_TABLE_ID to change
IF new_ntid != old_ntid THEN
'updating storage table reference while updating parent table row');

Conflict Resolution Concepts and Architecture 5-11

Conflict Resolution Concepts

These recommendations continue to apply with multilevel nesting, where the storage
table row becomes a parent to another storage table's rows. All of these
recommendations are good strategies at each level of nesting.

Techniques for Avoiding Conflicts

Although Oracle provides powerful methods for resolving data conflicts, one of your
highest priorities when designing a replicated database and front-end application
should be to avoid data conflicts. The next few sections briefly suggest several
techniques that you can use to avoid some or all replication conflicts.

Use Column Groups

Column groups can help you avoid conflicts even if you do not apply any conflict
resolution methods to the column groups. When your replicated table contains
multiple column groups, each group is viewed independently when analyzing
updates for conflicts.
For example, consider a replicated table with column group a_cg and column group
b_cg. Column group a_cg contains the following columns: a1, a2, and a3. Column
group b_cg contains the following columns: b1, b2, and b3.
The following updates occur at replication sites and
■ User wsmith updates column a1 in a row at
■ At exactly the same time, user mroth updates column b2 in the same row at
In this case, no conflicts result because Oracle analyzes the updates separately in
column groups a_cg and b_cg. If, however, column groups a_cg and b_cg did not
exist, then all of the columns in the table would be in the same column group, and a
conflict would have resulted. Also, with the column groups in place, if user mroth
had updated column a3 instead of column b2, then a conflict would have resulted,
because both a1 and a3 are in the a_cg column group.

See Also: "Column Groups" on page 5-15 for more information

about column groups

Use Primary Site and Dynamic Site Ownership Data Models

One way that you can avoid the possibility of replication conflicts is to limit the
number of sites in the system with simultaneous update access to the replicated data.
Two replicated data ownership models support this approach: primary site ownership
and dynamic site ownership.

Primary Site Ownership Primary ownership is the replicated data model that the
read-only replication environments support. Primary ownership prevents all
replication conflicts, because only a single server permits update access to a set of
replicated data.
Rather than control the ownership of data at the table level, applications can employ
row and column subsetting to establish more granular static ownership of data. For
example, applications might have update access to specific columns or rows in a
replicated table on a site-by-site basis.

Dynamic Site Ownership The dynamic ownership replicated data model is less restrictive
than primary site ownership. With dynamic ownership, capability to update a data
replica moves from site to site, still ensuring that only one site provides update access

5-12 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Conflict Resolution Concepts

to specific data at any given point in time. A workflow system clearly illustrates the
concept of dynamic ownership. For example, related departmental applications can
read the status code of a product order, for example, enterable, shippable,
billable, to determine when they can and cannot update the order.

See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API

Reference for more information about using dynamic ownership
data models

Avoiding Specific Types of Conflicts

When both primary site ownership and dynamic ownership data models are too
restrictive for your application requirements, you must use a shared ownership data
model. Even so, typically you can use some simple strategies to avoid specific types of

Avoiding Uniqueness Conflicts It is quite easy to configure a replication environment to

prevent the possibility of uniqueness conflicts. For example, you can create sequences
at each site so that each sequence at each site generates a mutually exclusive set of
sequence numbers. This solution, however, can become problematic as the number of
sites increase or the number of entries in the replicated table grows.
Alternatively, you can append a unique site identifier as part of a composite primary
Finally, you can select a globally unique value using the SYS_GUID function. Using
the selected value as the primary key (or unique) value will globally avoid uniqueness

Note: Sequences are not valid replication object types and you
must therefore create the sequence at each site.

See Also: "Alternatives to Replicating Sequences" on page 2-21

for more information about sequences and Oracle Database SQL
Reference for more information about the SYS_GUID function

Avoiding Delete Conflicts Always avoid delete conflicts replicated data environments. In
general, applications that operate within an asynchronous, shared ownership data
model should not delete rows using DELETE statements. Instead, applications should
mark rows for deletion and then configure the system to periodically purge logically
deleted rows using procedural replication.

See Also: The instructions for creating conflict avoidance

methods for delete conflicts in the Oracle Database Advanced
Replication Management API Reference to learn how to prepare a table
for delete avoidance and build a replicated procedure to purge
marked rows

Avoiding Update Conflicts After trying to eliminate the possibility of uniqueness and
delete conflicts in a replication system, you should also try to limit the number of
update conflicts that are possible. However, in a shared ownership data model, update
conflicts cannot be avoided in all cases. If you cannot avoid all update conflicts, then
you must understand exactly what types of replication conflicts are possible and then
configure the system to resolve conflicts when they occur.

Conflict Resolution Concepts and Architecture 5-13

Conflict Resolution Architecture

Avoiding Ordering Conflicts Whenever possible, avoid or automatically resolve ordering

conflicts. For example, select conflict resolution methods that ensure convergence in
multimaster configurations where ordering conflicts are possible.
The example in Table 5–1 shows how having three master sites can lead to ordering
conflicts. Master Site A has priority 30; Master Site B has priority 25; and Master Site C
has priority 10; x is a column of a particular row in a column group that is assigned the
site-priority conflict resolution method. The highest priority is given to the site with
the highest priority value. Priority values can be any Oracle number and do not have
to be consecutive integers.

Table 5–1 Example: Ordering Conflicts with Site Priority Conflict Resolution
Time Action Site A Site B Site C
1 All sites are up and agree that x = 2. 2 2 2
2 Site A updates x = 5. 5 2 2
3 Site C becomes unavailable. 5 2 down
4 Site A pushes update to Site B. 5 5 down
Site A and Site B agree that x = 5.

Site C is still unavailable.

The update transaction remains in the queue at Site A.
5 Site C becomes available with x = 2. 5 5 2
Sites A and B agree that x = 5.
6 Site B updates x = 5 to x = 7. 5 7 2
7 Site B pushes the transaction to Site A. 7 7 2
Sites A and B agree that x = 7.
Site C still says x = 2.
8 Site B pushes the transaction to Site C. 7 7 7
Site C says the old value of x = 2;
Site B says the old value of x = 5.
Oracle detects a conflict and resolves it by applying the update from
Site B, which has a higher priority level (25) than Site C (10).
All site agree that x = 7.
9 Site A successfully pushes its transaction (x = 5) to Site C. 7 7 5
Oracle detects a conflict because the current value at
Site C (x = 7) does not match the old value at Site A (x = 2).

Site A has a higher priority (30) than Site C (10).

Oracle resolves the conflict by applying the outdated update from Site
A (x = 5).

Because of this ordering conflict, the sites no longer converge.

Conflict Resolution Architecture

Very few architectural mechanisms and processes are visible when implementing
conflict resolution into your replication environment. This section describes the few
supporting mechanisms involved in conflict resolution and describes different aspects
of Oracle's prebuilt conflict resolution methods.

5-14 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Conflict Resolution Architecture

Support Mechanisms
The most important mechanism involved in Oracle conflict resolution is the column
group because it is the basis for all update conflict detection and resolution.
Additionally, the error queue can provide you with important information to monitor
the conflict detection activity of your replication environment.

Column Groups
Oracle uses column groups to detect and resolve update conflicts. A column group is a
logical grouping of one or more columns in a replicated table. Every column in a
replicated table is part of a single column group. When configuring replicated tables at
the master definition site, you can create column groups and then assign columns and
corresponding conflict resolution methods to each group.
Column groups have the following characteristics:
■ A column can belong only to one column group.
■ A column group can consist of one or more columns of a table.
■ Conflict resolution is applicable only to columns in a column group.

See Also: "Use Column Groups" on page 5-12 for information

about using column groups to avoid conflicts

Ensuring Data Integrity with Multiple Column Groups Having column groups enables you to
designate different methods of resolving conflicts for different types of data. For
example, numeric data is often suited for an arithmetical resolution method, and
character data is often suited for a timestamp resolution method. However, when
selecting columns for a column group, it is important to group columns wisely. If two
or more columns in a table must remain consistent with respect to each other, then
place the columns within the same column group to ensure data integrity.
For example, if the postal code column in a customer table uses one resolution method
while the city column uses a different resolution method, then the sites could converge
on a postal code that does not match the city. Therefore, all components of an address
should typically be within a single column group so that conflict resolution is applied
to the address as a unit.

Shadow Column Groups By default, every replicated table has a shadow column group.
The shadow column group of a table contains all columns that are not within a specific
column group. You cannot assign conflict resolution methods to a table's shadow
group. Therefore, make sure to include a column in a column group when conflict
resolution is necessary for the column. Oracle detects conflicts that involve columns in
the shadow column group but does not attempt to apply any conflict resolution
methods to resolve these conflicts.

Column Objects and Column Groups An Oracle object based on a user-defined type that
occupies a single column in a table is a column object. A column object cannot span
column groups. That is, given a column group and a column object, either the column
object and all of its attributes must be within the column group, or the column object
and all of its attributes must be excluded from a column group.
Oracle's prebuilt conflict resolution methods cannot resolve conflicts based on
undefined column object attribute values. If a column object is NULL, then its attributes
are undefined.

Conflict Resolution Concepts and Architecture 5-15

Conflict Resolution Architecture

Object Tables and Column Groups An object table is a special kind of table in which each
row represents an object based on a user-defined type. You can specify column groups
that include a subset of the columns in an object table.

Nested Tables and Column Groups A nested table's storage table is treated as an
independent table in conflict resolution. Therefore, you can create a column group
based on a subset of the columns in a storage table.

Error Queue
If a conflict resolution method fails to resolve a data conflict, or if you have not defined
any conflict resolution methods, then the error queue contains information about the
data conflict.

See Also: "Error Queue" on page 2-22 for more information about
the error queue

Common Update Conflict Resolution Methods

Although Oracle provides eight prebuilt update conflict resolution methods, the latest
timestamp and the overwrite conflict resolution methods are the most commonly
implemented resolution methods.
These methods are the most common because they are easy to use and, in the proper
environments, can guarantee data convergence. The latest timestamp and the
overwrite conflict resolution methods are described in detail in the following two

Table 5–2 Convergence Properties of Common Update Conflict Resolution Methods

Resolution Methods Convergence with Multiple Master Sites
Latest timestamp YES
(with backup method)
Overwrite NO

Note: All of Oracle's prebuilt conflict resolution methods provide

convergence in an environment with a single master site that has
one or more materialized view sites.

Latest Timestamp
The latest timestamp method resolves a conflict based on the most recent update, as
identified by the timestamp of when the update occurred.
The following example demonstrates an appropriate application of the latest
timestamp update conflict resolution method:
1. A customer in Phoenix calls the local salesperson and updates her address
2. After hanging up the phone, the customer realizes that she gave the local
salesperson the wrong postal code.
3. The customer tries to call the local salesperson with the correct postal code, but the
salesperson cannot be reached.
4. The customer calls the headquarters, which is located in New York. The New York
site, rather than the Phoenix site, correctly updates the address information.

5-16 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Conflict Resolution Architecture

5. The network connecting New York headquarters with the local Phoenix sales site
goes down temporarily.
6. When the New York/Phoenix network connection comes back up, Oracle sees two
updates for the same address, and detects a conflict at each site.
7. Using the latest timestamp method, Oracle selects the most recent update, and
applies the address with the correct postal code.

Target Environments The latest timestamp conflict resolution method works to

converge replication environments with two or more master sites. Because time is
always increasing, it is one of the few conflict resolution methods that can guarantee
data convergence with multiple master sites. This resolution also works well with any
number of materialized views.

Support Mechanisms To use the timestamp method, you must designate a column in
the replicated table of type DATE. When an application updates any column in a
column group, the application must also update the value of the designated
timestamp column with the local SYSDATE. For a change applied from another site,
the timestamp value should be set to the timestamp value from the originating site.

Note: When you use a timestamp conflict resolution method, you

should designate a backup method, such as site priority, to be
called if two sites have the same timestamp.

Timestamp Configuration Issues When you use timestamp resolution, you must carefully
consider how time is measured on the different sites managing replicated data. For
example, if a replication environment crosses time zones, then applications that use
the system should convert all timestamps to a common time zone such as Greenwich
Mean Time (GMT). Furthermore, if two sites in a system do not have their system
clocks synchronized reasonably well, then timestamp comparisons might not be
accurate enough to satisfy application requirements.
You can maintain timestamp columns if you use the EARLIEST or LATEST timestamp
update conflict resolution methods in the following ways:
■ Each application can include logic to synchronize timestamps.
■ You can create a trigger for a replicated table to synchronize timestamps
automatically for all applications.
A clock counts seconds as an increasing value. Assuming that you have properly
designed your timestamping mechanism and established a backup method in case two
sites have the same timestamp, the latest timestamp method (like the maximum value
method) guarantees convergence. The earliest timestamp method, however, cannot
guarantee convergence for more than one master site.

Implement Latest Timestamp See the Replication Management tool's online help to
learn how to define a latest timestamp conflict resolution method with the Replication
Management tool.

See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API

Reference to learn how to define this type of conflict resolution
method with the replication management API

Conflict Resolution Concepts and Architecture 5-17

Conflict Resolution Architecture

The overwrite method replaces the current value at the destination site with the new
value from the originating site, and therefore can never guarantee convergence with
more than one master site. This method is designed to be used by a single master site
and multiple materialized view sites. You can also use this form of conflict resolution
with multiple master sites, though it does not guarantee data convergence and should
be used with some form of a user-defined notification facility.
For example, if you have a single master site that you expect to be used primarily for
queries, with all updates being performed at the materialized view sites, then you
might select the overwrite method. The overwrite method is also useful if:
■ Your primary concern is data convergence.
■ You have a single master site.
■ No particular business rule exists for selecting one update over the other.
■ You have multiple master sites and you supply a notification facility to notify the
person who ensures that data is correctly applied, instead of logging the conflict in
the DEFERROR data dictionary view and leaving the resolution to your local
database administrator.

Target Environments The overwrite conflict resolution method ensures data

convergence for replication environments that have a single master site with any
number of materialized views. With this in mind, the overwrite conflict resolution
method is ideal for mass deployment environments.
If a conflict is detected, then the value originating from the materialized view site is
used, which means that priority is given to the most recently refreshed materialized

Support Mechanisms No additional support mechanisms are required for the

overwrite conflict resolution method.

Implement Overwrite See the Replication Management tool's online help to learn
how to define an overwrite conflict resolution method with the Replication
Management tool.

See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API

Reference to learn how to define this type of conflict resolution
method with the replication management API

Additional Update Conflicts Resolution Methods

If the latest timestamp or the overwrite conflict resolution methods do not meet your
needs to resolve data conflicts that are encountered in your replication environment,
then Oracle offers six additional prebuilt update conflict resolution methods.

5-18 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Conflict Resolution Architecture

Table 5–3 Convergence Properties of Additional Update Conflict Resolution Methods

Resolution Methods Convergence with Multiple Master Sites
Additive YES
Average NO
Discard NO
Earliest timestamp NO
Maximum YES
(column values must always increase)
Minimum YES
(column values must always decrease)
Priority group YES
(with ordered update values)
Site priority NO

The additive method works with column groups consisting of a single numeric
column only. If a conflict arises, instead of choosing one value over another, then the
difference of the two values is added to the current value.
The additive method adds the difference between the old and new values at the
originating site to the current value at the destination site according to this formula:
current value = current value + (new value - old value)

The additive conflict resolution method provides convergence for any number of
master sites and materialized view sites.

Target Environments The additive conflict resolution method is designed to

conserve data rather than choose the most appropriate data. This method might be
useful in a financial environment where deposits and withdrawals happen so
frequently that conflicts can arise; with a balance, it is important to conserve data
rather than choose one value over another (though we might wish that deposits would
always be chosen over withdrawals).

Support Mechanisms No additional support mechanisms are required for the

additive conflict resolution method.

Implement Additive See the Replication Management tool's online help to learn how
to define an additive conflict resolution method with the Replication Management

See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API

Reference to learn how to define this type of conflict resolution
method with the replication management API

Like the additive method, the average method works with column groups consisting
of a single numeric column only. Instead of adding the difference to the current value,
the average method resolves the conflict by computing the average of the current and
the new value.

Conflict Resolution Concepts and Architecture 5-19

Conflict Resolution Architecture

The average conflict resolution method averages the new column value from the
originating site with the current value at the destination site.
current value = (current value + new value)/2

The average method cannot guarantee convergence if your replication environment

has more than one master site.

Target Environments Because the average method cannot guarantee data

convergence for replication environments with more than one master site, the average
method is ideally implemented in mass deployment environment with a single master
site and any number of updatable materialized views.
The average method might be useful for scientific applications that would rather
average two values than choose one value over another (for example, to compute the
average temperature or weight).

Support Mechanisms No additional support mechanisms are required for the

average conflict resolution method.

Implement Average See the Replication Management tool's online help to learn how
to define an average conflict resolution method with the Replication Management tool.

See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API

Reference to learn how to define this type of conflict resolution
method with the replication management API

The discard method ignores the values from the originating site and therefore can
never guarantee convergence with more than one master site. The discard method
ignores the new value from the originating site and retains the value at the destination
site. This method is designed to be used by a single master site and multiple
materialized view sites, or with some form of a user-defined notification facility.
For example, if you have a single master site and multiple materialized view sites
based on it, and you expect the materialized view sites to be used primarily for queries
with all updates being performed at the master site, then you might select the discard
method. The discard methods is also useful if:
■ Your primary concern is data convergence.
■ You have a single master site.
■ There is no particular business rule for selecting one update over the other.
■ You have multiple master sites and you supply a notification facility to notify the
person who ensures that data is correctly applied, instead of logging the conflict in
the DEFERROR view and leaving the resolution to your local database

Target Environments The discard conflict resolution method is best suited for a mass
deployment model having a single master site with any number of materialized view
sites. If a conflict is detected, then the value originating from the materialized view site
is ignored, which means that priority is given to materialized views that refresh first.

Support Mechanisms No additional support mechanisms are required for the

discard conflict resolution method.

5-20 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Conflict Resolution Architecture

Implement Discard See the Replication Management tool's online help to learn how
to define a discard conflict resolution method with the Replication Management tool.

See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API

Reference to learn how to define this type of conflict resolution
method with the replication management API

Earliest Timestamp
The earliest timestamp methods resolves a conflict based on the earliest (oldest)
update, as identified by the timestamp of when the update occurred.

Target Environments The earliest timestamp conflict resolution method works to

converge replication environments with a single master site and any number of
materialized views. Because time is always increasing, the earliest timestamp conflict
resolution cannot guarantee data convergence in replication environments with more
than one master site. This resolution also works well with any number of materialized
views, if you have a backup conflict resolution method in the event that two
transactions have the same timestamp.

Support Mechanisms To use the timestamp method, you must designate a column in
the replicated table of type DATE. When an application updates any column in a
column group, the application must also update the value of the designated
timestamp column with the local SYSDATE. For a change applied from another site,
the timestamp value should be set to the timestamp value from the originating site. Be
sure to review "Timestamp Configuration Issues" on page 5-17.

Note: When you use a timestamp conflict resolution method, you

should designate a backup method, such as site priority, to be
called if two sites have the same timestamp.

Implement Earliest Timestamp See the Replication Management tool's online help to
learn how to define an earliest timestamp conflict resolution method with the
Replication Management tool.

See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API

Reference to learn how to define this type of conflict resolution
method with the replication management API

When Advanced Replication detects a conflict with a column group and calls the
maximum value conflict resolution method, it compares the new value from the
originating site with the current value from the destination site for a designated
column in the column group. You must designate this column when you select the
maximum value conflict resolution method.
If the new value of the designated column is greater than the current value, then the
column group values from the originating site are applied at the destination site,
assuming that all other errors were successfully resolved for the row. If the new value
of the designated column is less than the current value, then the conflict is resolved by
leaving the current values of the column group unchanged.

Conflict Resolution Concepts and Architecture 5-21

Conflict Resolution Architecture

Note: If the two values for the designated column are the same
(for example, if the designated column was not the column causing
the conflict), then the conflict is not resolved, and the values of the
columns in the column group remain unchanged. Designate a
backup conflict resolution method to be used for this case.

There are no restrictions on the datatypes of the columns in the column group.
Convergence for more than one master site is only guaranteed if the column value is
always increasing.

Note: You should not enforce an always-increasing restriction by

using a CHECK constraint because the constraint could interfere
with conflict resolution.

Target Environments If you have defined the maximum conflict resolution method
and the target column that is used to resolve the conflict is always increasing across all
sites, then this method guarantees data convergence with any number of master sites
and materialized view sites.

Support Mechanisms No additional support mechanisms are required for the

maximum conflict resolution method.

Implement Maximum See the Replication Management tool's online help to learn
how to define a maximum conflict resolution method with the Replication
Management tool.

See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API

Reference to learn how to define this type of conflict resolution
method with the replication management API

When Advanced Replication detects a conflict with a column group and calls the
minimum value conflict resolution method, it compares the new value from the
originating site with the current value from the destination site for a designated
column in the column group. You must designate this column when you select the
minimum value conflict resolution method.
If the new value of the designated column is less than the current value, then the
column group values from the originating site are applied at the destination site,
assuming that all other errors were successfully resolved for the row. If the new value
of the designated column is greater than the current value, then the conflict is resolved
by leaving the current values of the column group unchanged.

Note: If the two values for the designated column are the same
(for example, if the designated column was not the column causing
the conflict), then the conflict is not resolved, and the values of the
columns in the column group remain unchanged. Designate a
backup conflict resolution method to be used for this case.

5-22 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Conflict Resolution Architecture

There are no restrictions on the datatypes of the columns in the column group.
Convergence for more than one master site is only guaranteed if the column value is
always decreasing.

Note: You should not enforce an always-decreasing restriction by

using a CHECK constraint because the constraint could interfere
with conflict resolution.

Target Environments If you have defined the minimum conflict resolution method
and the target column that is used to resolve the conflict is always decreasing across all
sites, then this method guarantees data convergence with any number of master sites
and materialized view sites.

Support Mechanisms No additional support mechanisms are required for the

minimum conflict resolution method.

Implement Minimum See the Replication Management tool's online help to learn how
to define a minimum conflict resolution method with the Replication Management
tool. Or, see the information on the minimum and maximum methods in Oracle
Database Advanced Replication Management API Reference book to learn how to define
this type of conflict resolution method with the replication management API.

Priority Groups
Priority groups allow you to assign a priority level to each possible value of a
particular column. If Oracle detects a conflict, then Oracle updates the table whose
"priority" column has a lower value using the data from the table with the higher
priority value. Therefore, a higher value means a higher priority.
You can guarantee convergence with more than one master site when you are using
priority groups if the value of the priority column is always increasing. That is, the
values in the priority column correspond to an ordered sequence of events; for
example: ordered, shipped, billed.
As shown in Figure 5–2, the DBA_REPPRIORITY view displays the priority level
assigned to each priority group member (value that the "priority" column can contain).
You must specify a priority for all possible values of the "priority" column.

Conflict Resolution Concepts and Architecture 5-23

Conflict Resolution Architecture

Figure 5–2 Using Priority Groups

customer Table
custno name addr1 addr2 site

153 Kelly 104 First St. Jones, NY

118 Klein 22 Iris Ln. Planes, NE
121 Lee 71 Blue Ct. Aspen, CO
204 Potter 181 First Av. Aspen, CO
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .

DBA_REPPRIORITY Data Dictionary View


site-priority 1
site-priority 2
order-status 1 ordered
order-status 2 shipped
order-status 3 billed
... ... ...

The DBA_REPPRIORITY view displays the values of all priority groups defined at the
current location. In the example shown in Figure 5–2, there are two different priority
groups: site-priority and order-status. The customer table is using the site-priority
priority group. In the order-status priority group in this example, billed (priority 3)
has a higher priority than shipped (priority 2), and shipped has a higher priority
than ordered (priority 1).
Before you use the Replication Management tool to select the priority group method of
update conflict resolution, you must designate which column in your table is the
priority column.

Target Environments The priority group conflict resolution method is useful for
replication environments that have been designed for a work flow environment. For
example, once an order has reached the shipping status, updates from the order
entry department are always over-written.

Support Mechanisms You need to define the priority of the values contained in the
target column. This priority definition is required so that Oracle knows how to resolve
a conflict based on the priority of the column value that has been designated to resolve
a conflict. The priority definitions are stored in a priority group.

Implement Priority Groups See the Replication Management tool's online help to
learn how to define a priority group conflict resolution method with the Replication
Management tool.

See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API

Reference to learn how to define this type of conflict resolution
method with the replication management API

5-24 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Conflict Resolution Architecture

Site Priority
Site priority is a special kind of priority group. With site priority, the priority column
you designate is automatically updated with the global database name of the site
where the update originated. The DBA_REPPRIORITY view displays the priority level
assigned to each database site.
Site priority can be useful if one site is considered to be more likely to have the most
accurate information. For example, in Figure 5–2 on page 5-24, the
site (priority value = 2) is corporate headquarters, while the site
(priority value = 1) is an updatable materialized view at a sales office. Therefore, the
headquarters office is considered more likely than the sales office to have the most
accurate information about the credit that can be extended to each customer.

Note: The priority-group column of the DBA_REPPRIORITY view

shows both the site-priority group and the order-status group.

When you are using site priority alone, convergence with more than one master site is
not guaranteed, but site priority can be a good backup method in a multimaster
environment, especially for breaking latest timestamp ties.
Similar to priority groups, you must complete several preparatory steps before using
the Replication Management tool to select site priority conflict resolution for a column

Target Environments As with priority groups, site priority conflict resolution is

commonly implemented in a work-flow environment. Additionally, when the site
priority conflict resolution method is used in a mass deployment environment (which
is a single master site and any number of materialized views), data convergence can be
The site priority conflict resolution method is also a good backup conflict resolution
method should a primary conflict resolution method fail in a multimaster

Support Mechanisms A column must be designated to store site information when a

row is updated. Additionally, you need to create a trigger that populates this site
column with the global name of the updating site when a row is either updated or
inserted. A sample of this trigger is contained in the Replication Management tool's
online help and in the Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API Reference
You also need to define the priority of the sites that participate in your replication
environment. This priority definition is required so that Oracle knows how to resolve
a conflict based on the priority of the site that performed the update/insert. The site
priority definitions are stored in a priority group.

Implement Site Priority See the Replication Management tool's online help to learn
how to define a site priority conflict resolution method with the Replication
Management tool.

See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API

Reference to learn how to define this type of conflict resolution
method with the replication management API

Conflict Resolution Concepts and Architecture 5-25

Conflict Resolution Architecture

Uniqueness Conflicts Resolution Methods

Oracle provides three prebuilt methods for resolving uniqueness conflicts:
■ Append the global site name of the originating site to the column value from the
originating site.
■ Append a generated sequence number to the column value from the originating
■ Discard the row value from the originating site.
The following sections explain each uniqueness conflict resolution method in detail.

Note: Oracle's prebuilt uniqueness conflict resolution methods do

not actually converge the data in a replication environment; they
simply provide techniques for resolving constraint violations.
When you use one of Oracle's uniqueness conflict resolution
methods, you should also use a notification mechanism to alert you
to uniqueness conflicts when they happen and then manually
converge replicated data, if necessary.

Note: To add unique conflict resolution method for a column, the

name of the unique index on the column must match the name of
the unique or primary key constraint.

Append Site Name

The append site name method works by appending the global database name of the
site originating the transaction to the replicated column value that is generating a
dup_val_on_index exception. Although this method allows the column to be
inserted or updated without violating a unique integrity constraint, it does not provide
any form of convergence between multiple master sites. The resulting discrepancies
must be manually resolved; therefore, this method is meant to be used with some form
of a notification facility.

Note: Both append site name and append sequence can be used
on character columns only.

This method can be useful when the availability of the data is more important than the
complete accuracy of the data. To allow data to be available as soon as it is replicated
■ Select append site name.
■ Use a notification scheme to alert the appropriate person to resolve the
duplication, instead of logging a conflict.
When a uniqueness conflict occurs, the append site name method appends the global
database name of the site originating the transaction to the replicated column value.
The name is appended to the first period (.). For example, becomes

5-26 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Conflict Resolution Architecture

Append Sequence
The append sequence methods works by appending a generated sequence number to
the column value that is generating a dup_val_on_index exception. Although this
method allows the column to be inserted or updated without violating a unique
integrity constraint, it does not provide any form of convergence between multiple
master sites. The resulting discrepancies must be manually resolved; therefore, this
method is meant to be used with some form of a notification facility.

Note: Both append site name and append sequence can be used
on character columns only.

This method can be useful when the availability of the data is more important than the
complete accuracy of the data. To allow data to be available as soon as it is replicated:
■ Select append sequence.
■ Use a notification scheme to alert the appropriate person to resolve the
duplication, instead of logging a conflict.
The append sequence method appends a generated sequence number to the column
value. The column value is truncated as needed. If the generated portion of the column
value exceeds the column length, then the conflict method does not resolve the error.

The discard uniqueness conflict resolution method resolves uniqueness conflicts by
simply discarding the row from the originating site that caused the error. This method
does not guarantees convergence with multiple master sites and should be used with a
notification facility.
Unlike the append methods, the discard uniqueness method minimizes the
propagation of data until data accuracy can be verified.

Delete Conflict Resolution Methods

Oracle does not provide any prebuilt methods for resolving delete conflicts. As
discussed in "Avoiding Delete Conflicts" on page 5-13, you should design your
database and front-end application to avoid delete conflicts. You can achieve this goal
by marking rows for deletion and at regular intervals, using procedural replication to
purge such marked rows.

See Also:
■ "Avoiding Delete Conflicts" on page 5-13 to learn how to avoid
encountering delete conflicts
■ Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API Reference
to learn how to build conflict avoidance into your replication

Send and Compare Old Values

To detect and resolve an update conflict for a row, the propagating site must send a
certain amount of data about the new and old versions of the row to the receiving site.
Depending on your environment, the amount of data that Oracle propagates to
support update conflict detection and resolution can be different.

Conflict Resolution Concepts and Architecture 5-27

Conflict Resolution Architecture

You can reduce data propagation in some cases by using the DBMS_REPCAT.SEND_
to send old values only if they are needed to detect and resolve conflicts. For example,
the latest timestamp conflict detection and resolution method does not require old
values for nonkey and non timestamp columns.

Suggestion: Further minimizing propagation of old values is

particularly valuable if you are replicating LOB datatypes and do
not expect conflicts on these columns.

Note: You must ensure that the appropriate old values are
propagated to detect and resolve anticipated conflicts.
User-supplied conflict resolution procedures must deal properly
with NULL old column values that are transmitted. Using the
further reduce data propagation reduces protection against
unexpected conflicts.

To further reduce data propagation, execute the following procedures:

sname IN VARCHAR2,
oname IN VARCHAR2,
{ column_list IN VARCHAR2,
operation IN VARCHAR2 := 'UPDATE',
send IN BOOLEAN := true );

sname IN VARCHAR2,
oname IN VARCHAR2,
{ column_list IN VARCHAR2,
operation IN VARCHAR2 := 'UPDATE',
compare IN BOOLEAN := true );

After executing these procedures, you must use the DBMS_REPCAT.GENERATE_

REPLICATION_SUPPORT procedure to generate replication support with min_
communication set to true for this change to take effect.

Note: The operation parameter enables you to decide whether

or not to transmit old values for nonkey columns when rows are
deleted or when nonkey columns are updated or both. If you do
not send the old value, Oracle sends a NULL in place of the old
value and assumes the old value is equal to the current value of the
column at the target side when the update or delete is applied.

The specified behavior for old column values is exposed in two columns in the DBA_
REPCOLUMN data dictionary view: COMPARE_OLD_ON_DELETE (Y or N) and

5-28 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Conflict Resolution Architecture

Send and Compare Example

The following example shows how you can further reduce data propagation by using
these procedures. Consider a table called rsmith.reports with three columns.
Column 1 is the primary key and is in its own column group (column group 1).
Column 2 and column 3 are in a second column group (column group 2).

Figure 5–3 Column Groups and Data Propagation

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

primary site LOB


column column
group 1 group 2

The conflict resolution strategy for the second column group is site priority. Column 2
is a VARCHAR2 column containing the site name. Column 3 is a LOB column.
Whenever you update the LOB, you must also update column 2 with the global name
of the site at which the update occurs. Because there are no triggers for piecewise
updates to LOBs, you must explicitly update column 2 whenever you do a piecewise
update on the LOB.
to generate replication support for rsmith.reports with min_communication set
to true and then use an UPDATE statement to modify column 2 (the site name) and
column 3 (the LOB). The deferred remote procedure call (RPC) contains the new value
of the site name and the new value of the LOB because they were updated. The
deferred RPC also contains the old value of the primary key (column 1), the old value
of the site name (column 2), and the old value of the LOB (column 3).

Note: The conflict detection and resolution strategy does not

require the old value of the LOB. Only column C2 (the site name) is
required for both conflict detection and resolution. Sending the old
value for the LOB could add significantly to propagation time.

To ensure that the old value of the LOB is not propagated when either column C2 or
column C3 is updated, make the following calls:
sname => 'rsmith',
oname => 'reports',
column_list => 'c3',
operation => 'UPDATE',
send => FALSE );

Conflict Resolution Concepts and Architecture 5-29

Conflict Resolution Architecture

sname => 'rsmith',
oname => 'reports',
column_list => 'c3',
operation => 'UPDATE',
compare => FALSE);


generate replication support for rsmith.reports with min_communication set to
true for this change to take effect. Suppose you subsequently use an UPDATE
statement to modify column 2 (the site name) and column 3 (the LOB). The deferred
RPC contains the old value of the primary key (column 1), the old and new values of
the site name (column 2), and just the new value of the LOB (column 3). The deferred
RPC contains nulls for the new value of the primary key and the old value of the LOB.

Note: Oracle conflict resolution does not support piecewise

updates of LOBs.

Send and Compare When Using Column Objects

You can specify leaf attributes of a column object when you send and compare old
values if the attributes are not replication key columns. For example, suppose you
create the following cust_address_typ object type.
CREATE TYPE cust_address_typ AS OBJECT
(street_address VARCHAR2(40),
postal_code VARCHAR2(10),
city VARCHAR2(30),
state_province VARCHAR2(10),
country_id CHAR(2));

You create the customers table using this type as a column object:
CREATE TABLE customers
(customer_id NUMBER(6),
cust_first_name VARCHAR2(20),
cust_last_name VARCHAR2(20),
cust_address cust_address_typ,
phone_numbers phone_list_typ);

If you want to send and compare old values for the street_address attribute of the
cust_address_typ type in the customers table, then you run the following
procedures to specify that you do want to send or compare the attribute value:
sname => 'oe',
oname => 'customers',
column_list => 'cust_address.street_address', -- object attribute
operation => 'UPDATE',
send => true );

5-30 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Conflict Resolution Architecture

sname => 'oe',
oname => 'customers',
column_list => 'cust_address.street_address', -- object attribute
operation => 'UPDATE',
compare => true);

Note: If you have multiple levels of object attributes in one

column object, then you can only specify the final (or leaf) attribute
for the column_list parameter. You cannot specify middle

You can also specify that you want to send and compare an entire column object. For
example, the following procedures specify the entire cust_address column object:
sname => 'oe',
oname => 'customers',
column_list => 'cust_address', -- entire column object
operation => 'UPDATE',
send => true );

sname => 'oe',
oname => 'customers',
column_list => 'cust_address', -- entire column object
operation => 'UPDATE',
compare => true);

See Also: The Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management

API Reference for details about the DBMS_REPCAT.SEND_OLD_
VALUES procedure

Conflict Resolution Concepts and Architecture 5-31

Conflict Resolution Architecture

5-32 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Planning Your Replication Environment

Before you begin to plan your replication environment, it is important to understand

the replication concepts and architecture described in the previous chapters of this
book. After you understand replication concepts and architecture, this chapter
presents important considerations for planning a replication environment.
This chapter contains these topics:
■ Considerations for Replicated Tables
■ Initialization Parameters
■ Master Sites and Materialized View Sites
■ Interoperability in an Advanced Replication Environment
■ Guidelines for Scheduled Links
■ Guidelines for Scheduled Purges of a Deferred Transaction Queue
■ Serial and Parallel Propagation
■ Deployment Templates
■ Conflict Resolution
■ Security and Replication
■ Designing for Survivability

Considerations for Replicated Tables

The following sections discuss considerations for tables you plan to use in a replication

Primary Keys and Replicated Tables

If possible, each replicated table should have a primary key. Where a primary key is
not possible, each replicated table must have a set of columns that can be used as a
unique identifier for each row of the table. If the tables that you plan to use in your
replication environment do not have a primary key or a set of unique columns, then
alter these tables accordingly. In addition, if you plan to create any primary key
materialized views based on a master table or master materialized view, then that
master must have a primary key.

Planning Your Replication Environment 6-1

Considerations for Replicated Tables

Foreign Keys and Replicated Tables

When replicating tables with foreign key referential constraints, Oracle recommends
that you always index foreign key columns and replicate these indexes, unless no
updates and deletes are allowed in the parent table. Indexes are not replicated
automatically. To replicate an index, add it to the master group containing its table
using either the Replication Management tool or the CREATE_MASTER_REPOBJECT
procedure in the DBMS_REPCAT package.

Datatype Considerations for Replicated Tables

Advanced Replication supports the replication of tables and materialized views with
columns that use the following datatypes:
■ User-defined datatypes
Oracle also supports the replication of tables and materialized views with columns
that use the following large object types:
■ Binary LOB (BLOB)
■ Character LOB (CLOB)
■ National character LOB (NCLOB)
The deferred and synchronous remote procedure call mechanism used for multimaster
replication propagates only the piece-wise changes to the supported LOB datatypes
when piece-wise updates and appends are applied to these LOB columns. Also, you
cannot reference LOB columns in a WHERE clause of a materialized view's defining
You can replicate tables and materialized views that use user-defined types, including
column objects, object tables, REFs, varrays, and nested tables.
Oracle does not support the replication of columns that use the LONG and LONG RAW
datatypes. You should convert LONG datatypes to LOBs.
Oracle also does not support the replication of external or file-based LOBs (BFILEs).
Attempts to configure tables containing columns of this datatype as master tables
return an error message.

6-2 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Initialization Parameters

Oracle also does not support the replication of UROWID columns in master tables or
updatable materialized views. However, UROWID columns are allowed in read-only
materialized views.

See Also:
■ Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API Reference
for information about converting a LONG column into a LOB
column in a replicated table
■ Oracle Database SQL Reference for information about datatypes

Row-Level Dependency Tracking

When you create a table, you can specify the following options for tracking system
change numbers (SCN)s:
■ NOROWDEPENDENCIES, the default, specifies that the SCN is tracked at the data
block level.
■ ROWDEPENDENCIES specifies that the SCN is tracked for each row in the table.
Using the ROWDEPENDENCIES option improves performance and scalability when
using parallel propagation, but this option also requires six bytes of additional storage
space for each row.
The following SQL statement creates a table with the ROWDEPENDENCIES option:
CREATE TABLE order_items
(order_id NUMBER(12),
line_item_id NUMBER(3) NOT NULL,
product_id NUMBER(6) NOT NULL,
unit_price NUMBER(8,2),
quantity NUMBER(8)

Oracle tracks the SCN for each row in this order_items table. You can also use the
ROWDEPENDENCIES option in a CREATE CLUSTER statement if your tables are part of
a cluster.

See Also: "Data Propagation Dependency Maintenance" on

page 2-38 for more information about the ROWDEPENDENCIES

Initialization Parameters
Table 6–1 lists initialization parameters that are important for the operation, reliability,
and performance of a replication environment. This table specifies whether each
parameter is modifiable. A modifiable initialization parameter can be modified using
the ALTER SYSTEM statement while an instance is running. Some of the modifiable
parameters can also be modified for a single session using the ALTER SESSION

Planning Your Replication Environment 6-3

Initialization Parameters

Table 6–1 Initialization Parameters Important for Advanced Replication

Parameter Values Description Recommendation
GLOBAL_NAMES Default: false Specifies whether a GLOBAL_NAMES
database link is must be set to true
Range: true or false
required to have the at each database that
Modifiable?: Yes same name as the is participating in
database to which it your replication
connects. environment,
including both
master sites and
materialized view
JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES Default: 0 Specifies the number This parameter
of Jn job queue should be set to at
Range: 0 to 1000
processes for each least 1, and should
Modifiable?: Yes instance (J000 ... be set to the same
J999). Job queue value as the
processes handle maximum number
requests created by of jobs that can run
DBMS_JOB. simultaneously plus
PROCESSES is set to 0
at a site, you must
apply administrative
requests manually for
all groups at the site,
and you must
manually push and
purge the deferred
transaction queue.
OPEN_LINKS Default: 4 Specifies the If you are using
maximum number of synchronous
Range: 0 to 255
concurrent open replication, OPEN_
Modifiable?: No connections to remote LINKS must be set
databases in one to at least the
session. These number of master
connections include sites. For example,
the schema objects an environment with
called database links, five master sites
as well as external requires that OPEN_
procedures and LINKS be set to at
cartridges, each of least 5.
which uses a separate

PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS Default: Derived Specifies the If you use parallel

automatically maximum number of propagation, then
parallel execution make sure the value
Range: 0 to 3599
processes and parallel of this parameter is
Modifiable?: Yes recovery processes for set high enough to
an instance. As support it.
demand increases,
Oracle will increase
the number of
processes from the
number created at
instance startup up to
this value.

6-4 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Initialization Parameters

Table 6–1 (Cont.) Initialization Parameters Important for Advanced Replication

Parameter Values Description Recommendation
PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS Default: 0 Specifies the If you use parallel
minimum number of propagation, then
Range: 0 to value of
parallel execution make sure you have
processes for the at least one process
Modifiable?: Yes instance. This value is for each stream.
the number of parallel
execution processes
Oracle creates when
the instance is started.
PROCESSES Default: 40 to operating Specifies the Make sure the value
system dependent limit maximum number of of this parameter
operating system user allows for all
Range: 6 to operating system
processes that can background
dependent limit
simultaneously processes, such as
Modifiable?: No connect to Oracle. locks, job queue
processes, and
parallel execution
REPLICATION_DEPENDENCY_TRACKING Default: true Enables or disables Typically, specify
dependency tracking true. Do not specify
Range: true or false
for read/write false unless you
Modifiable?: No operations to the are sure that your
database. Dependency application will
tracking is essential perform no
for propagating read/write
changes in a operations to the
replication replicated tables.
environment in
true: Enables
dependency tracking.
false: Allows
read/write operations
to the database to run
faster, but does not
produce dependency
information for Oracle
to perform parallel

Planning Your Replication Environment 6-5

Master Sites and Materialized View Sites

Table 6–1 (Cont.) Initialization Parameters Important for Advanced Replication

Parameter Values Description Recommendation
SHARED_POOL_SIZE Default: Specifies in bytes the Typically, the shared
size of the shared pool should be
If SGA_TARGET is set: If the
pool. The shared pool larger for an Oracle
parameter is not specified,
contains shared server in a
then the default is 0
cursors, stored replication
(internally determined by the
procedures, control environment than in
Oracle database). If the
structures, and other a nonreplication
parameter is specified, then
structures. Larger environment.
the user-specified value
values improve
indicates a minimum value You can monitor
performance in
for the memory pool. utilization of the
multiuser systems.
shared pool by
If SGA_TARGET is not set Smaller values use
querying the view
(32-bit platforms): 32 MB, less memory.
rounded up to the nearest
granule size
If SGA_TARGET is not set
(64-bit platforms): 84 MB,
rounded up to the nearest
granule size
Range: The granule size to
operating system-dependent
Modifiable?: Yes
SGA_TARGET Default: 0 (SGA autotuning Specifies the total size If this parameter is
is disabled) of all System Global set to a nonzero
Area (SGA) value, then the size
Range: 64 to operating
components. of the shared pool is
system dependent limit
managed by
Modifiable?: Yes Automatic Shared

See Also: Oracle Database Reference for more information about

these initialization parameters

Master Sites and Materialized View Sites

When you are planning your replication environment, you need to decide whether the
sites participating in the replication environment will be master sites or materialized
view sites. Consider the characteristics and advantages of both types of replication
sites when you are deciding whether a particular site in your replication environment
should be a master site or a materialized view site. One replication environment can
support both master sites and materialized view sites.

Table 6–2 Characteristics of Master Sites and Materialized View Sites

Master Sites Materialized View Sites
Typically communicate with a small number Communicate with one master site or one
of other master sites, and might master materialized view site
communicate with a large number of
materialized view sites
Contain large amounts of data that are full Contain small amounts of data that can be
copies of the other master sites' data subsets of the master site's or master
materialized view site's data

6-6 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Master Sites and Materialized View Sites

Table 6–2 (Cont.) Characteristics of Master Sites and Materialized View Sites
Master Sites Materialized View Sites
Typically communicate continuously with Communicate periodically with longer
short intervals between data propagation intervals between bulk data transfers

Advantages of Master Sites

Master sites have the following advantages:
■ Support for highly available data access by remote sites
■ Provide better support for frequent data manipulation language (DML) changes
because changes are propagated automatically and, typically, at short intervals
■ Allow simultaneous DML changes and data propagation without locking tables
■ Can provide failover protection
To set up a master site, use either the Replication Management tool's Setup Wizard or
the replication management API.

See Also:
■ The Replication Management tool's online help for instructions
on using the Setup Wizard to set up a master site
■ The Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API
Reference for instructions on using the replication management
API to set up a master site
■ "Designing for Survivability" on page 6-22 for information
about designing your replication environment for failover

Advantages of Materialized View Sites

Materialized view sites have the following advantages:
■ Support disconnected computing
■ Can contain a subset of its master site's or master materialized view site's data
To set up a materialized view site, you can use either the Replication Management
tool's Setup Wizard or the replication management API.

See Also:
■ The Replication Management tool's online help for instructions
on using the Setup Wizard to set up a materialized view site
■ Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API Reference
for instructions on using the replication management API to set
up a materialized view site

Preparing for Materialized Views

Most problems encountered with materialized view replication result from not
preparing the environment properly. There are four essential tasks that you must
perform before you begin creating your materialized view environment:
■ Create the necessary schema.
■ Create the necessary database links.

Planning Your Replication Environment 6-7

Master Sites and Materialized View Sites

■ Assign the appropriate privileges.

■ Allocate sufficient job processes.
The Replication Management tool's Setup Wizard automatically performs these tasks.
The following discussion is provided to help you understand the replication
environment and to help those who use the replication management API. After
running Setup Wizard, create the necessary materialized view logs. See the Replication
Management tool's online help for instructions on using tool to set up your
materialized view site.

See Also: "Creating a Materialized View Log" on page 6-11

If you are not able to use the Replication Management tool, then review the "Set Up
Materialized View Sites" section in Chapter 2 of the Oracle Database Advanced
Replication Management API Reference for detailed instructions on setting up your
materialized view site using the replication management API.
The following sections describe what the Replication Management tool's Setup Wizard
or the script in the Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API Reference does
to set up your materialized view site.

Create Materialized View Site Users

Each materialized view site needs several users to perform the administrative and
refreshing activities at the materialized view site. You must create and grant the
necessary privileges to the materialized view administrator and to the refresher.

Create Master Site Users

You need equivalent proxy users at the target master site to perform tasks on behalf of
the materialized view site users. Usually, a proxy materialized view administrator and
a proxy refresher are created.

Create Schemas at Materialized View Site

A schema containing a materialized view in a remote database must correspond to the
schema that contains the master table in the master database. Therefore, identify the
schemas that contain the master tables that you want to replicate with materialized
views. After you have identified the target schemas at the master database, create the
corresponding accounts with the same names at the remote database. For example, if
all master tables are in the sales schema of the database, then create a
corresponding sales schema in the materialized view database

See Also: If you are reviewing the steps in Oracle Database

Advanced Replication Management API Reference, then the necessary
schemas are created as part of the script described in the
instructions for creating a materialized view group

Create Database Links

The defining query of a materialized view can use one or more database links to
reference remote table data. Before creating materialized views, the database links you
plan to use must be available. Furthermore, the account that a database link uses to
access a remote database defines the security context under which Oracle creates and
subsequently refreshes a materialized view.
To ensure proper behavior, a materialized view's defining query must use a database
link that includes an embedded user name and password in its definition; you cannot

6-8 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Master Sites and Materialized View Sites

use a public database link when creating a materialized view. A database link with an
embedded name and password always establishes connections to the remote database
using the specified account. Additionally, the remote account that the link uses must
have the SELECT privileges necessary to access the data referenced in the materialized
view's defining query.
Before creating your materialized views, you need to create several administrative
database links. Specifically, you should create a PUBLIC database link from the
materialized view site to the master site. Doing so makes defining your private
database links easier because you do not need to include the USING clause in each
link. You also need private database links from the materialized view administrator to
the proxy administrator and from the propagator to the receiver, but, if you use the
Replication Management tool's Setup Wizard, then these database links are created for
you automatically.

See Also: The information about security options in Oracle

Database Advanced Replication Management API Reference for more

After the administrative database links have been created, a private database link must
be created connecting each replicated materialized view schema at the materialized
view database to the corresponding schema at the master database. Be sure to embed
the associated master database account information in each private database link at the
materialized view database. For example, the hr schema at a materialized view
database should have a private database link to the master database that connects
using the hr username and password.

Figure 6–1 Recommended Schema and Database Link Configuration

Materialized Snapshots
Snapshots Tables
Database Link
hr Schema Snapshots hr Schema Snapshots
Materialized Master
Snapshots Tables
Database Link
oe Schema oe Schema

Materialized Master
View Database

For multimaster replication, there must be no Virtual Private Database (VPD)

restrictions on the replication propagator and receiver schemas. For materialized
views, the defining query for the materialized view cannot be modified by VPD. VPD
must return a NULL policy for the schema that performs both the create and refresh of
the materialized view. Creating a remote materialized view with a non-NULL VPD
policy will not generate an error but might yield incorrect results.

Planning Your Replication Environment 6-9

Master Sites and Materialized View Sites

See Also:
■ Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for more information
about database links
■ Oracle Database Security Guide for more information about VPD

Assign Privileges
Both the creator and the owner of the materialized view must be able to issue the
defining SELECT statement of the materialized view. The owner is the schema that
contains the materialized view. If a user other than the replication or materialized
view administrator creates the materialized view, then that user must have the
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW privilege and the appropriate SELECT privileges to
execute the defining SELECT statement.

See Also: If you are reviewing the steps in Oracle Database

Advanced Replication Management API Reference, then the necessary
privileges are granted as part of the script described in instructions
for creating a materialized view group. Privilege requirements are
also described in "Required Privileges for Materialized View
Operations" on page 3-11

Schedule Purge at Master Site

To keep the size of the deferred transaction queues in check, schedule a purge
operation to remove all successfully completed deferred transactions from the
deferred transaction queue. This operation might have already been performed at the
master site. Scheduling the purge operation again does not harm the master site, but
might change the purge scheduling characteristics.

Schedule Push
Scheduling a push at the materialized view site automatically propagates the deferred
transactions at the materialized view site to the associated target master site using a
database link. These types of database links are called scheduled links. Typically, there
is only a single scheduled link for each materialized view group at a materialized view
site, because a materialized view group only has a single target master site.

Allocate Job Queue Processes

It is important that you have allocated sufficient job queue processes to handle the
automation of your replication environment. The job queue processes automatically
propagate the deferred transaction queue, purge the deferred transaction queue,
refresh materialized views, and so on.
For multimaster replication, each site has a scheduled link to each of the other master
sites. For example, if you have six master sites, then each site has scheduled links to
the other five sites. You typically need one process for each scheduled link. You might
also want to add additional job processes for purging the deferred transaction queue
and other user-defined jobs.
By the nature of materialized view replication, each materialized view site typically
has one scheduled link to the master database and requires at least one job process.
Materialized view sites typically require between one and three job processes,
depending on purge scheduling, user-defined jobs, and the scheduled link. Also, you
need at least one job queue process for each degree of parallelism.

6-10 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Master Sites and Materialized View Sites

Alternatively, if your users are responsible for manually refreshing the materialized
view through an application interface, then you do not need to create a scheduled link
and your materialized view site requires one less job process.
The job queue processes are defined using the JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES initialization
parameter in the initialization parameter file for your database. This initialization
parameter is modifiable. Therefore, you can modify it while an instance is running.
You can set up your job queue processes in any of the following ways:
Oracle automatically determines the interval for job queue processes. That is, Oracle
determines when the job queue processes should "wake up" to execute jobs.

See Also: "Initialization Parameters" on page 6-3 and the Oracle

Database Reference for information about JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES

Creating a Materialized View Log

Before creating materialized view groups and materialized views for a remote
materialized view site, make sure you create the necessary materialized view logs at
the master site or master materialized view site. A materialized view log is necessary
for every master table or master materialized view that supports at least one
materialized view with fast refreshes.
To create a materialized view log, you need the following privileges:
■ SELECT (on the materialized view log's master)

See Also: The "Creating Materialized View Logs" topic in the

Replication Management tool's online help for detailed information
about creating materialized view logs at the master site or master
materialized view site with the Replication Management tool. To
access this topic in the online help, open Materialized View
Replication in the Help Contents.

Logging Columns in the Materialized View Log

When you create a materialized view log, you can add columns to the log when
necessary. To fast refresh a materialized view, the following types of columns must be
added to the materialized view log:
■ A column referenced in the WHERE clause of a subquery that is not part of an
equi-join and is not a primary key column. These columns are called filter
■ A column in an equi-join that is not a primary key column, if the subquery is
either many to many or one to many. If the subquery is many to one, then you do
not need to add the join column to the materialized view log.
A collection column cannot be added to a materialized view log. Also, materialized
view logs are not required for materialized views that use complete refresh.
For example, consider the following DDL:
2) SELECT * FROM [email protected] c

Planning Your Replication Environment 6-11

Master Sites and Materialized View Sites

4) (SELECT * FROM [email protected] o
5) WHERE c.customer_id = o.customer_id AND o.order_total > 20000);

Notice in line 5 of the preceding DDL that three columns are referenced in the WHERE
clause. Columns orders.customer_id and customers.customer_id are
referenced as part of the equi-join clause. Because customers.customer_id is a
primary key column, it is logged by default, but orders.customer_id is not a
primary key column and so must be added to the materialized view log. Also, the
column orders.order_total is an additional filter column and so must be logged.
Therefore, add orders.customer_id and orders.order_total the materialized
view log for the oe.orders table.
To create the materialized view log with these columns added, issue the following
WITH PRIMARY KEY (customer_id,order_total);

If a materialized view log already exists on the oe.customers table, you can add
these columns by issuing the following statement:
ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG ON oe.orders ADD (customer_id,order_total);

If you are using user-defined datatypes, then the attributes of column objects can be
logged in the materialized view log. For example, the oe.customers table has the
cust_address.postal_code attribute, which can be logged in the materialized
view log by issuing the following statement:
ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG ON oe.customers ADD (cust_address.postal_code);

You are encouraged to analyze the defining queries of your planned materialized
views and identify which columns must be added to your materialized view logs. If
you try to create or refresh a materialized view that requires an added column without
adding the column to the materialized view log, then your materialized view creation
or refresh might fail.

Note: To fast refresh a materialized view, you must add join

columns in subqueries to the materialized view log if the join
column is not a primary key and the subquery is either many to
many or one to many. If the subquery is many to one, then you do
not need to add the join column to the materialized view log.

See Also:
■ "Data Subsetting with Materialized Views" on page 3-13 for
information about materialized views with subqueries
■ "Restrictions for Materialized Views with Subqueries" on
page 3-20 for additional information about materialized views
with subqueries
■ "Creating a Materialized View Log" on page 6-11 for
information about creating a materialized view log

6-12 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Master Sites and Materialized View Sites

Creating a Materialized View Environment

Materialized view environments can be created in several different ways and from
several different locations. In most cases, you should use deployment templates at the
master site to locally precreate a materialized view environment that will be
individually deployed to the target materialized view site.
You can also individually create the materialized view environment by establishing a
connection to the materialized view site and building the materialized view
environment directly.

Creating a Materialized View Environment Using the Replication Management Tool

See the Replication Management tool's online help for information on using
deployment templates to centrally create a materialized view environment using the
Replication Management tool.
See the Replication Management tool's online help for information on individually
creating the materialized view environment with a direct connection to the remote
materialized view site using the Replication Management tool.

Figure 6–2 Flowchart for Creating Materialized Views

Create materialized
Start Set up materialized
view site view logs at
master site

Type Deployment
Individually Template
of materialized
view creation

Connect to remote Create

materialized deployment
view site template

Create materialized Package

views template and

Instantiate template
at materialized
view site


Creating a Materialized View Environment Using the Replication Management API

The instructions for creating a deployment template in the Oracle Database Advanced
Replication Management API Reference manual for information on using deployment
templates to centrally precreate a materialized view environment using the replication
management API.
The instructions for creating a materialized view group the Oracle Database Advanced
Replication Management API Reference manual for information on individually creating
the materialized view environment with a direct connection to the remote materialized
view site using the replication management API.

Planning Your Replication Environment 6-13

Master Sites and Materialized View Sites

Avoiding Problems When Adding a New Materialized View Site

After you have created a materialized view environment with one or more
materialized view sites, you might need to add new materialized view sites. You
might encounter problems when you try to fast refresh the materialized views you
create at a new materialized view site if both of the following conditions are true:
■ Materialized views at the new materialized view site and existing materialized
views at other materialized view sites are based on the same master table or
master materialized view.
■ Existing materialized views can be refreshed while you create the new
materialized views at the new materialized view site.
The problem arises when the materialized view logs for the masters are purged before
a new materialized view can perform its first fast refresh. If this happens and you try
to fast refresh the materialized views at the new materialized view site, then you
might encounter the following errors:
ORA-12004 REFRESH FAST cannot be used for materialized view materialized_view_name
ORA-12034 materialized view log on materialized_view_name younger than last

If you receive these errors, then the only solution is to perform a complete refresh of
the new materialized view.
To avoid this problem, choose one of the following options:
■ Use deployment templates to create the materialized view environment at
materialized view sites. You will not encounter this problem if you use
deployment templates.

See Also: Chapter 4, "Deployment Templates Concepts and

Architecture" for information about deployment templates

■ Create a dummy materialized view at the new materialized view site before you
create your production materialized views. The dummy materialized view ensures
that the materialized view log will not be purged while your production
materialized views are being created.
If you choose to create a dummy materialized view at the materialized view site,
complete the following steps:
1. Create a dummy materialized view called dummy_mview based on the master
table or master materialized view. For example, to create a dummy materialized
view based on a master table named sales, issue the following statement at the
new materialized view site:
SELECT * FROM [email protected] WHERE 1=0;

2. Create your production materialized views at the new materialized view site.
3. Perform fast refresh of your production materialized views at the new
materialized view site.
4. Drop the dummy materialized view.

6-14 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Guidelines for Scheduled Links

Interoperability in an Advanced Replication Environment

If you plan to configure an Advanced Replication environment that involves different
releases of Oracle at different replication sites, then your environment must meet the
following requirements:
■ Oracle Database 10g master sites can only interact with Oracle8i Database
release 8.1 or later master sites.
■ Oracle Database 10g materialized view sites can only interact with Oracle8i
Database release 8.1 or later master sites.
■ Oracle Database 10g master sites can only interact with Oracle8i Database
release 8.1 or later materialized view sites.

See Also: "Replication Support for Unicode" on page B-5 for

information about interoperability in Advanced Replication
environments that use NCHAR or NVARCHAR datatypes

Guidelines for Scheduled Links

A scheduled link determines how a master site propagates its deferred transaction
queue to another master site, or how a materialized view site propagates its deferred
transaction queue to its master site or master materialized view site. When you create
a scheduled link, Oracle creates a job in the local job queue to push the deferred
transaction queue to another site in the system. When Oracle propagates deferred
transactions to a remote master site, it does so within the security context of the
replication propagator.
You can configure a scheduled link to push information using serial or parallel
propagation. In general, you should use parallel propagation, even if you set the
parallelism parameter to 1.
Before creating the scheduled links for a replication environment, carefully consider
how you want replication to occur globally throughout the system. For example, you
can choose to propagate deferred transactions at intervals, with time in between these
intervals when the deferred transactions are not propagated. In this case, you must
decide how often and when to schedule pushes. Alternatively, if you want to simulate
real-time (or synchronous) replication, then you might want to have each scheduled
link continuously push a master site's deferred transaction queue to its destination.
Also, you might want to schedule pushes at a time of the day when connectivity is
guaranteed or when communications costs are lowest, such as during evening hours.
Furthermore, you might want to stagger the scheduling for links among all master
sites to distribute the load that replication places on network resources.

See Also: "Serial and Parallel Propagation" on page 6-19 for more
information about issues related to serial and parallel propagation

Scheduling Periodic Pushes

You can schedule periodic intervals between pushes of a site's deferred transaction
queue to a remote destination. Examples of periodic intervals are once an hour or once
a day. To do so, you can use the DBMS_DEFER_SYS.SCHEDULE_PUSH procedure and
specify the settings shown in Table 6–3.

Planning Your Replication Environment 6-15

Guidelines for Scheduled Links

Table 6–3 Settings to Schedule Periodic Pushes

SCHEDULE_PUSH Procedure Parameter Value
delay_seconds 0
interval An appropriate date expression; for
example, to specify an interval of one
hour, use 'sysdate + 1/24'

You can also use the Replication Management tool to schedule periodic pushes. To do
so, set Delay Seconds to the default value of 0 when configuring a scheduled link in
any of the following places:
■ The Replication Management tool's Setup Wizard
■ The Edit Push Schedule dialog box
Then configure the interval (the "then push every" control) to push the deferred
transaction queue periodically.
The following is an example that schedules a periodic push once an hour:
destination => '',
interval => 'SYSDATE + (1/24)',
next_date => SYSDATE,
delay_seconds => 0);

See Also:
■ "Delay Seconds" on page 2-36 for more information about
setting delay seconds
■ Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API Reference
for information about the DBMS_DEFER_SYS.SCHEDULE_
PUSH procedure
■ The Replication Management tool online help for information
about using this tool

Scheduling Continuous Pushes

Even when using Oracle's asynchronous replication mechanisms, you can configure a
scheduled link to simulate continuous, real-time replication. To do so, use the DBMS_
DEFER_SYS.SCHEDULE_PUSH procedure and specify the settings shown in Table 6–4.

Table 6–4 Settings to Simulate Continuous Push

SCHEDULE_PUSH Procedure Parameter Value
delay_seconds 1200
interval Lower than the delay_seconds setting
parallelism 1 or higher
execution_seconds Higher than the delay_seconds setting

With this configuration, Oracle continues to push transactions that enter the deferred
transaction queue for the duration of the entire interval. If the deferred transaction

6-16 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Guidelines for Scheduled Purges of a Deferred Transaction Queue

queue has no transactions to propagate for the amount of time specified by the
delay_seconds parameter, then Oracle releases the resources used by the job and
starts fresh when the next job queue process becomes available.
If you are using serial propagation by setting the parallelism parameter to 0 (zero),
then you can simulate continuous push by reducing the settings of the delay_
seconds and interval parameters to an appropriate value for your environment.
However, if you are using serial propagation, simulating continuous push is costly
when the push job must initiate often.
The following is an example that simulates continual pushes:
destination => '',
interval => 'SYSDATE + (1/144)',
next_date => SYSDATE,
parallelism => 1,
execution_seconds => 1500,
delay_seconds => 1200);

See Also:
■ "Delay Seconds" on page 2-36 for more information about
setting delay seconds
■ "Serial and Parallel Propagation" on page 6-19 for more
information about issues related to serial and parallel
■ Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API Reference
for information about the DBMS_DEFER_SYS.SCHEDULE_
PUSH procedure

Guidelines for Scheduled Purges of a Deferred Transaction Queue

A scheduled purge determines how a master site or materialized view site purges
applied transactions from its deferred transaction queue. When you use the
Replication Management tool's Setup Wizard to set up a master site or materialized
view site, Oracle creates a job in each site's local job queue to purge the local deferred
transaction queue on a regular basis. Carefully consider how you want purging to
occur before configuring the sites in a replication environment. For example, consider
the following options:
■ You can synchronize the pushing and purging of a site's deferred transaction
queue. For example, you can configure continuous pushing and purging of the
transaction queue. This type of configuration can offer performance advantages
because it is likely that information about recently pushed transactions is already
in the server's buffer cache for the corresponding purge operation.
■ When a server is not CPU bound, you can schedule continuous purging of the
deferred transaction queue to keep the size of the queue as small as possible.
■ For servers that experience a high-volume of transaction throughput during
normal business hours, you can schedule purges to occur during off-peak hours if
you can store an entire day's deferred transactions.

Planning Your Replication Environment 6-17

Guidelines for Scheduled Purges of a Deferred Transaction Queue

Scheduling Periodic Purges

You can schedule periodic purges of a site's deferred transaction queue. Examples of
periodic purges are purges that occur once a day or once a week. To do so, you can use
the DBMS_DEFER_SYS.SCHEDULE_PURGE procedure and specify the settings shown
in Table 6–5.

Table 6–5 Settings to Schedule Periodic Purges

SCHEDULE_PURGE Procedure Parameter Value
delay_seconds 0
interval An appropriate date expression; for
example, to specify an interval of one day,
use 'sysdate + 1'

You can also use the Replication Management tool's Setup Wizard, or the Purge sub
tab of the Schedule tab on the Administration property sheet to schedule periodic
purges. To do so, set Delay Seconds to the default value of 0 (zero). Then configure the
interval (the "then purge every" control) to purge the deferred transaction queue.
The following is an example that schedules a periodic purge once a day:
next_date => SYSDATE,
interval => 'SYSDATE + 1',
delay_seconds => 0);

See Also:
■ Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API Reference
for information about the DBMS_DEFER_SYS.SCHEDULE_
PURGE procedure
■ The Replication Management tool online help for information
about using this tool

Scheduling Continuous Purges

To configure continuous purging of a site's deferred transaction queue, you can use
the DBMS_DEFER_SYS.SCHEDULE_PURGE procedure and specify the settings shown
in Table 6–6.

Table 6–6 Settings to Schedule Continuous Purges

Procedure Parameter Value
delay_seconds 500000
interval Lower than the delay_seconds setting
purge_method dbms_defer_sys.purge_method_quick setting

You can also use the Replication Management tool to configure continuous purge. To
do so, on the Purge sub tab of the Schedule tab on the Administration property sheet,
set Delay Seconds to 500,000 and set interval (the "then purge every" control) to a
value less than the Delay Seconds setting.

6-18 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Serial and Parallel Propagation

The following is an example that simulates continuous purges:

next_date => SYSDATE,
interval => 'SYSDATE + (1/144)',
purge_method => dbms_defer_sys.purge_method_quick,
delay_seconds => 500000);

See Also:
■ "Delay Seconds" on page 2-36 for more information about
setting delay seconds
■ Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API Reference
for information about the DBMS_DEFER_SYS.SCHEDULE_
PURGE procedure
■ The Replication Management tool online help for information
about using this tool

Serial and Parallel Propagation

When you create the scheduled links for a replication environment, each link can
asynchronously propagate changes to a destination using either serial or parallel
propagation. Before you configure your replication environment, decide whether you
want to use serial propagation or parallel propagation.
■ With serial propagation, Oracle propagates replicated transactions one at a time in
the same order that they are committed on the source system. To configure a
scheduled link with serial propagation, set the parallelism parameter to 0
(zero) in the DBMS_DEFER_SYS.SCHEDULE_PUSH procedure. Or, using the
Replication Management tool, set the Parallel Propagation Processes control to 0 in
the Edit Push Schedule dialog box.
■ With parallel propagation, Oracle propagates replicated transactions using
multiple parallel streams for higher throughput. When necessary, Oracle orders
the execution of dependent transactions to preserve data integrity. To configure a
scheduled link with parallel propagation, set the parallelism parameter to 1 or
higher in the DBMS_DEFER_SYS.SCHEDULE_PUSH procedure. Or, using the
Replication Management tool, set the Parallel Propagation Processes control to 1
or higher in the Edit Push Schedule dialog box. Typically, you should use parallel

See Also:
■ "Parallel Propagation" on page 2-33
■ Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API Reference
for information about the DBMS_DEFER_SYS package
■ The Replication Management tool online help for information
about using this tool

Planning Your Replication Environment 6-19

Deployment Templates

Deployment Templates
If you plan to include materialized view sites in your replication environment, then
consider using deployment templates to create the replicated objects at the
materialized view sites.

See Also: Chapter 4, "Deployment Templates Concepts and

Architecture" for information about deployment templates

Preparing Materialized View Sites for Instantiation of Deployment Templates

If you decide to use deployment templates, then you need to prepare your
materialized view sites for instantiation. If a deployment template has been designed
well, then little preparation is necessary at the remote materialized view site. This
section describes the most common preparations that must be performed at the remote
materialized view site. After any required preparations have been completed, you are
ready to perform either an online or offline instantiation.
Use the following questions to assess which actions are necessary to prepare the
remote materialized view site for instantiation:
■ Does the remote materialized view site have network connectivity to the target
master site?
■ Does the materialized view site have an Oracle8i Database release 8.1.5 or later
■ Has the remote materialized view site been set up to support materialized view
■ Do the schemas required by the deployment template exist at the materialized
view site?
■ If required database links are not part of the deployment template, then do the
required database links from the materialized view site to the master site exist?
■ Will you use online instantiation or offline instantiation to instantiate the
deployment template at the materialized view sites?
■ Do the rollback segments that might be required by the deployment template exist
at the materialized view site and are they online?
The following sections provide guidance for the issues raised by each of these

Network Connectivity
As with all replication environments, network connectivity is a key component in
Advanced Replication. Verify that the remote materialized view site has a proper
SQL*Net, Net8, or Oracle Net connection to the target master site.

See Also: Oracle Database Net Services Administrator's Guide for

information about setting up an Oracle network connection

Database Version
The materialized view site must have an Oracle8i Database release 8.1.5 or later
database to instantiate a deployment template. If your materialized view site does not
meet the database version requirements, then you need to upgrade your database at
the materialized view site before instantiating a deployment template.

6-20 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Deployment Templates

Materialized View Site Setup

Each materialized view site needs several users that have special privileges to support
a materialized view site. In addition to having the administrative privileges, these
users also participate in the propagation and refreshing of data.
Materialized view site setup also includes scheduling several automated jobs to handle
the automatic refreshing of the materialized view (optional) and the purging of the
deferred transaction queue.
You can set up your materialized view site with:
■ Replication Management Tool: You can connect to the remote materialized view
site with the Replication Management tool and use the Setup Wizard.

See Also: The Replication Management tool's online help for

instructions on setting up your materialized view site with the
Replication Management tool

■ Replication Management API: Using the replication management API to setup

your materialized view site is an ideal solution when you are not able to connect
to the remote materialized view site with the Replication Management tool. When
you build a SQL script containing the API calls to setup your materialized view
site, you can also add the DDL and API calls to complete the remaining
preparation (such as creating any necessary schemas, database links, and rollback
segments, as described in the following three sections). The script that you create
should be distributed with the offline instantiation file and executed before the
offline instantiation file.

See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API

Reference for instructions on setting up your materialized view site
with the replication management API

Create Necessary Schemas

If the deployment template that you are instantiating creates objects in multiple
schemas, then make sure that all of the necessary schemas have been created.
Additionally, the user instantiating the deployment template must have the
appropriate CREATE privileges on that schema. For example, if the deployment
template will create a procedure in schema oe and the user hr is instantiating the
template, then hr must have the CREATE ANY PROCEDURE privilege on schema oe.

Create Database Links

While it is advantageous to include the DDL to create all necessary database links for a
remote materialized view site in the deployment template, it is not required. If the
database link DDL is not in the deployment template, then manually create the
database links to the target master site prior to instantiating the deployment template.
The database links are required to populate the materialized views during an online
instantiation and are required for the proper maintenance of the materialized view

Online or Offline Instantiation

You have the option of performing online or offline instantiation of deployment
templates at materialized view sites. With online instantiation, the data in your
materialized views is pulled from the master site during instantiation. With offline
instantiation, the data in your materialized views is packaged in the template itself
and is applied locally when you instantiate the template. In general, if your

Planning Your Replication Environment 6-21

Conflict Resolution

materialized views will contain a large amount of data, then offline instantiation is
preferred to minimize utilization of your network resources.

See Also: "Deployment Template Packaging and Instantiation" on

page 4-7 for more information about online and offline instantiation

Create Necessary Rollback Segments

If the deployment template that you are instantiating will use specific rollback
segments that do not currently exist at the remote materialized view site, then create
the necessary rollback segments. To see if your template objects use the default
rollback segment or a specific rollback segment, query the DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_
OBJECTS data dictionary view.

See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API

Reference for information about data dictionary views related to

Conflict Resolution
Asynchronous multimaster and updatable materialized view replication environments
must address the possibility of replication conflicts that can occur when, for example,
two transactions originating from different sites update the same row at nearly the
same time. If possible, plan your replication environment to avoid the possibility of
conflicts. If data conflicts can occur in your replication environment, then you need a
mechanism to ensure that the conflict is resolved in accordance with your business
rules and to ensure that the data converges correctly at all sites.

See Also: Chapter 5, "Conflict Resolution Concepts and

Architecture", for more information about avoiding conflicts and
for information about the conflict resolution methods available to
you if conflicts can occur

Security and Replication

Security might be a concern in both multimaster and materialized view replication
environments. You should plan your security strategy before you configure your
replication environment.

See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API

Reference for information about security options in a replication

Designing for Survivability

Survivability is the capability to continue running applications despite system or site
failures. Survivability enables you to run applications on a fail over system, accessing
the same, or very nearly the same, data as these systems accessed on the primary
system when it failed. As shown in Figure 6–3, the Oracle server provides two
different technologies for accomplishing survivability: multimaster replication and
Oracle Real Application Clusters.

6-22 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Designing for Survivability

Figure 6–3 Survivability Methods: Replication Or Oracle Real Application Clusters

Oracle Server Oracle Server

Multi-Master Replication

Replication Replication
Features Features

Primary Fail–over
Database Database
database database

Oracle Oracle
Real Application Real Application
Clusters Clusters

Primary Failover


Oracle Real Application Clusters versus Replication

Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) supports fail over to surviving systems when
a system supporting an instance of the Oracle server fails. RAC requires a cluster or
massively parallel hardware platform, and thus is applicable for protection against
processor system failures in the local environment where the cluster or massively
parallel system is running.
In these environments, RAC is a good solution for survivability — supporting high
transaction volumes with no lost transactions or data inconsistencies in the event of an
instance failure. If an instance fails in a RAC environment, then a surviving instance
automatically recovers any incomplete transactions. Applications running on the
failed system can execute on the fail over system, accessing all data in the database.
RAC does not, however, provide survivability for site failures (such as power outages,
flood, fire, or sabotage) that render an entire site, and thus the entire cluster or
massively parallel system, inoperable. To provide survivability for site failures, you
can use the multimaster replication to maintain a replica of a database at a
geographically remote location. In addition, you can use multimaster replication to
replicate data between sites running different operating systems or different releases
of Oracle or both.
Should the local system fail, the application can continue to execute at the remote site.
Using multimaster replication, some administrative procedures might be necessary to
recover transactions at the failed site and to prevent data inconsistencies when
restarting the failed site.

Planning Your Replication Environment 6-23

Designing for Survivability

Note: You can also configure standby database to protect an

Oracle database from site failures.

See Also:
■ Oracle Database Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Real Application
Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide
■ Oracle Data Guard Concepts and Administration for more
information about standby database

Designing a Replication Environment for Survivability

If you choose to use the replication facility for survivability, then consider the
following issues:
■ The replication facility must be able to keep up with the transaction volume of the
primary system.
■ If a failure occurs at the primary site, then recently committed transactions at the
primary site might not have been asynchronously propagated to the failover site
yet. These transactions appear to be lost.
These "lost" transactions must be dealt with when the primary site is recovered.
Suppose, for example, you are running an order-entry system that uses replication
to maintain a remote fail over order-entry system, and the primary system fails.
At the time of the failure, there were two transactions recently executed at the
primary site that did not have their changes propagated and applied at the
failover site. The first of these was a transaction that entered a new order, and the
second was a transaction that cancelled an existing order.
In the first case, someone might notice the absence of the new order when
processing continues on the fail over system, and reenter it. In the second case, the
cancellation of the order might not be noticed, and processing of the order might
proceed; that is, the canceled item might be shipped and the customer billed.
What happens when you restore the primary site? If you simply push all of the
changes executed on the failover system back to the primary system, then you will
encounter conflicts.
Specifically, duplicate orders exist for the item originally ordered at the primary
system just before it failed. Additionally, data changes result from the transactions
to ship and bill the order that was originally canceled on the primary system.
You must carefully design your system to deal with these situations. The next section
explains this process.

Implementing a Survivable System

Advanced Replication provides survivability against site failures by using multiple
replicated master sites. You must configure your system using one of the following
methods, which are listed in order of increasing implementation difficulty:
■ The failover site is used for read access only. That is, no updates are allowed at the
failover site, even when the primary site fails.
■ After a failure, the primary site is restored from the fail over site using
export/import, or through full backup.

6-24 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Designing for Survivability

■ Full conflict resolution is employed for all data/transactions. This requires careful
design and implementation. You must ensure proper resolution of conflicts that
can occur when the primary site is restored, such as duplicate transactions.
■ Provide your own special applications-level routines and procedures to deal with
the inconsistencies that occur when the primary site is restored, and the queued
transactions from the active fail over system are propagated and applied to the
primary site.
You can use Oracle Net to configure automatic connect-time failover, which enables
Oracle Net to fail over to a different master site if the first master site fails. You
configure automatic connect-time failover in your tnsnames.ora file by setting the
FAILOVER option to on and specifying multiple connect descriptors.

See Also: Oracle Database Net Services Administrator's Guide for

more information about configuring connect-time failover

Database Recovery in Replication Environments

Databases using replication are distributed databases. Follow the guidelines for
coordinated distributed recovery in the Oracle Database Backup and Recovery Advanced
User's Guide when recovering a replication database.
If you fail to follow the coordinated distributed recovery guidelines, then there is no
guarantee that your replication databases will be consistent. For example, a restored
master site might have propagated different transactions to different masters. You
might need to perform extra steps to correct for an incorrect recovery operation. One
such method is to drop and re-create all replicated objects in the recovered database.

Recommendation: Remove pending deferred transactions and

deferred error records from the restored database, and resolve any
outstanding distributed transactions before dropping and
re-creating replicated objects. If the restored database was a master
definition site for some replication environments, then you should
designate a new master definition site before dropping and creating
objects. Any materialized views mastered at the restored database
should be fully refreshed, as well as any materialized views in the
restored database.
To provide continued access to your data, you might need to
change master definition sites (assuming the database being
recovered was the master definition site), or change the master site
of materialized view sites (assuming their master site is being

Performing Checks on Imported Data After performing an export/import of a replicated

object or an object used by Advanced Replication, such as the DBA_REPSITES data
dictionary view, you should run the REPCAT_IMPORT_CHECK procedure in the DBMS_
REPCAT package.
In the following example, the procedure checks the objects in the acct replication
group at a materialized view site to ensure that they have the appropriate object
identifiers and status values:

Planning Your Replication Environment 6-25

Designing for Survivability

master => FALSE);

See Also: The REPCAT_IMPORT_CHECK procedure in Oracle

Database Advanced Replication Management API Reference

6-26 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Introduction to the Replication Management

The Replication Management tool is part of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console
and provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for setting up, managing, and
monitoring a replication environment. The Replication Management tool includes
wizards that guide you through many important operations. You can use the
Replication Management tool to manage both multimaster and materialized view
replication environments.
This chapter introduces you to the features of the Replication Management tool.
However, the primary documentation for using this tool is the Replication
Management tool online help.
This chapter contains these topics:
■ Usage Scenarios for the Replication Management Tool
■ Logging into the Replication Management Tool
■ The Replication Management Tool Interface
■ The Replication Management Tool Wizards
■ Flowchart for Creating a Replication Environment

See Also:
■ The Replication Management tool online help for detailed
instructions about using the Replication Management tool
■ The Oracle Enterprise Manager Console documentation set and
online help for information about using the Oracle Enterprise
Manager Console

Usage Scenarios for the Replication Management Tool

Using the Replication Management tool, you can:
■ Set up master sites and materialized view sites.
■ Add master sites to and remove master sites from a replication environment.
■ Create and manage master groups.
■ Monitor master sites and materialized view sites with a topology view, reports,
and statistics.
■ Create and manage materialized view logs.

Introduction to the Replication Management Tool 7-1

Logging into the Replication Management Tool

■ Create and manage materialized view groups.

■ Create and manage individual materialized views.
■ Create and manage refresh groups for materialized views.
■ Create and manage deployment templates.
■ Package deployment templates for offline instantiation. Note that you must use
the replication management API to package deployment templates for online
■ Configure conflict resolution methods.
■ Create, monitor, and manage scheduled links.
■ Monitor and manage administrative requests.
■ Monitor and manage deferred transactions.
■ Monitor and manage error transactions.
■ Create, monitor, and manage local jobs.

Logging into the Replication Management Tool

Assuming the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console is configured to show the databases
in your replication environment, complete the following steps to log in to the
Replication Management tool:
1. Open the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.
2. Expand a database node. The Database Connect Information dialog box appears.
3. Enter the username and password for the database in the Database Connect
Information dialog box.
If you have an established replication environment, then log in as the replication
administrator. If you have not set up a replication environment, then log in as
SYSTEM or SYS user. Next, use the Setup Wizard to set up your master definition
site and, if you want a multimaster replication environment, your other master
When setup is complete, log in to the Replication Management tool as the
replication administrator you specified in the Setup Wizard. If you follow
convention, then the username of the replication administrator is repadmin. You
should only log in to the Replication Management tool as the replication
administrator, not as any other user, after setup is complete.
4. Select Replication in the navigator pane.

See Also: The Oracle Enterprise Manager Console documentation

set for information about configuring and opening the Oracle
Enterprise Manager Console

The Replication Management Tool Interface

The Replication Management tool interface in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console
includes a toolbar on the far left and two panes: the navigator pane on the left and the
right pane. The navigator pane displays a tree structure for your databases, and the
right pane displays property sheets.

7-2 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

The Replication Management Tool Interface

Figure 7–1 The Replication Management Tool in Oracle Enterprise Manager Console

Navigator Pane
The navigator pane in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console functions the same way
as it does in other Oracle Enterprise Manager Console applications. That is, the
navigator pane lets you:
■ Access all of the nodes in your replication environment.
■ Expand and collapse objects and folders so that you can navigate to the object you
want to monitor or manage. Examples of objects are master groups, materialized
view groups, materialized views, materialized view logs, deployment templates,
and so on.
■ Right-click a folder or object to create a new object or perform operations on an
existing object.
Oracle completely redesigned the navigator tree structure in the Replication
Management tool in a recent release. You begin many replication administration
operations by selecting the correct object or folder in the navigator tree of the
Replication Management tool.

Introduction to the Replication Management Tool 7-3

The Replication Management Tool Interface

Figure 7–2 Replication Management Tool Navigator Tree

The following sections describe the contents of each object and folder in the tree

Administration Object
The Administration object enables you to manage the entire replication site. Select the
Administration object to display the following tabs in the right pane:
■ Topology: Displays a graphical view of the replication environment for the
selected site.
■ Errors: Displays and lets you manage local errors at the selected site.
■ Transactions: Displays and lets you manage the deferred transactions at the
selected site.
■ Schedule: Displays and lets you manage the push schedules for the database links
at the selected site. Also, displays and lets you manage the purge schedule for
successfully propagated deferred transactions at the selected site.
■ Configuration: Displays and lets you manage configuration information at the
selected site, including initialization parameters important for replication and
administrative requests.
■ DBMS Jobs: Displays and lets you manage the jobs created with the DBMS_JOB
package. Many of these jobs perform important replication functions, such as
pushing deferred transactions and purging the deferred transactions queue.

Multimaster Replication Object

If your replication environment is configured for multimaster replication, then you use
the Multimaster Replication object to set up your master sites and manage your master
groups. To set up master sites with the Setup Wizard, right-click the Multimaster
Replication object and select Setup Master Sites.

7-4 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

The Replication Management Tool Interface

Master Groups Folder The Master Groups folder contains the master groups at the
selected site. When you select a master group, you can:
■ Start or stop (quiesce) the master group
■ View and apply administrative requests for the master group
■ Purge administrative requests for the master group
■ Perform DDL operations on objects in the master group
■ Manage the replicated objects in a master group
■ Manage the replication sites participating in the master group
To create a new master group, right-click the Master Groups folder and select Create.

Materialized View Replication Object

The Materialized View Replication object lets you administer the replication site as it
relates to materialized view replication. You can administer sites that are master sites
of materialized view sites, and you can administer materialized view sites themselves.
To set up master sites or materialized view sites with the Setup Wizard, right-click the
Materialized View Replication object and select Setup Sites.
The Materialized View Replication object contains the following objects:
■ Master Site Object
■ Materialized View Site Object

Note: A replication site can be:

■ A master site only, if it contains master groups but no
materialized views. In this case, use the Master Site object to
manage the site.
■ A materialized view site only, if it contains materialized views
but no master groups. In this case, use the Materialized View
Site object to manage the site.
■ Both a master site and a materialized view site, if it contains
both master groups and materialized views. In this case, use
both the Master Site object and the Materialized View Site
object to manage the site.

Master Site Object This object lets you manage the master groups at the replication site,
and lets you manage sites that are master sites of materialized view sites. Specifically,
this object lets you create, manage, and package deployment templates, and lets you
create and manage materialized view logs. To set up master sites with the Setup
Wizard, right-click the Master Site object and select Setup Master Sites.
The Master Site object has the following folders:
■ Master Groups Folder: This folder provides the same functions as the Master
Groups folder under the Multimaster Replication object. See the description of the
Master Groups folder in "Multimaster Replication Object" on page 7-4 for
■ Materialized View Logs Folder: This folder lets you create and manage
materialized view logs at the master site. To create a new materialized view log,
right-click the Materialized View Logs folder and select Create.

Introduction to the Replication Management Tool 7-5

The Replication Management Tool Interface

■ Templates Folder: This folder lets you create, manage, and package deployment
templates at the master site. Right-click the Templates folder and select:
– Create Using Wizard if you want to create a new deployment template with
the Deployment Template Wizard
– Copy if you want to create a local or remote copy of a deployment template
with the Copy Template Wizard
– Compare if you want to compare two local deployment templates
– Template Script Generation if you want to package a deployment template for
offline instantiation with the Template Script Generation Wizard

Materialized View Site Object This object lets you manage materialized view sites.
Specifically, this object lets you create and manage materialized view groups,
materialized views, and refresh groups. To set up materialized view sites with the
Setup Wizard, right-click the Materialized View Site object and select Setup
Materialized View Sites.
The Materialized View Site object has the following folders:
■ Materialized View Groups Folder: This folder lets you create and manage
materialized view groups at the materialized view site. To create a new
materialized view group with the Materialized View Group Wizard, right-click
the Materialized View Groups folder and select Create Using Wizard.
■ Materialized Views Folder: This folder lets you create and manage individual
materialized views at the materialized view site. To create a new materialized
view, right-click the Materialized Views folder and select Create.
■ Refresh Groups Folder: This folder lets you create and manage refresh groups at
the materialized view site. To create a new refresh group, right-click the Refresh
Groups folder and select Create.

Right Pane
The right pane of the Replication Management tool enables you to monitor and
manage your replication environment. Figure 7–3 shows an example of the General
tab in the Master Group property sheet.

7-6 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

The Replication Management Tool Interface

Figure 7–3 Example Property Sheet

When you are working with a property sheet, you can click a button that opens a
dialog box. For example, if you click the View Administrative Request button on the
General property sheet for a master group, then the Administrative Requests dialog
box appears, as shown in Figure 7–4.

Introduction to the Replication Management Tool 7-7

The Replication Management Tool Interface

Figure 7–4 Example Dialog Box

Topology Tab
You can use the right pane of the Replication Management tool to monitor your
replication environment. The Topology tab of the Administration property sheet is an
example of a monitoring tool that is available to you. This tab displays a graphical
representation of the nodes in your replication environment and the links between
Specifically, the Topology tab provides the following information:
■ All of the master sites participating in replication activity for the master groups of
the selected site
■ The number of deferred transactions at each master site
■ The destination site for deferred transactions
■ The number of administrative requests at each master site
■ Whether local errors exist at a master site and the number of errors
■ The total number of the materialized views or materialized view groups connected
to the selected master site
■ Whether the master site is also functioning as a materialized view site
The Topology tab only displays values if they are greater than zero. For example, if
there are zero administrative requests at a master site, then the number of
administrative requests is not displayed. If you are connected to a replication site that
is running Oracle9i Database or later, then the Topology tab also displays a Statistics
button. Click this button to view performance statistics for the replication site.

7-8 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

The Replication Management Tool Interface

Note: If you have not created at least one master group,

materialized view group, or materialized view at the selected site,
the Topology tab displays a message stating that replication must
be configured.

The Topology tab displays the following icons and images:

Icon/Image Description
Indicates a master site.

Shows the current number of administrative requests being

processed at the site with which it is associated.

Indicates a master site with deferred transaction errors or

administrative request errors or both.

Shows the current number of deferred transactions to be applied

at the site to which the associated arrow is pointing.

Shows the number of deferred transaction errors at the site with

which it is associated.

Indicates a site that is functioning as both a master site and a

materialized view site (a dual site).

Indicates a dual site with deferred transaction errors or

administrative request errors or both.

When you are connected to a master site, indicates that the

master site has materialized view sites. Materialized views or
materialized view groups or both can be registered at the master
When you are connected to a materialized view site, indicates
the materialized view site.

Indicates a materialized view site with errors.

Indicates a working database link from the current master site to

the remote master site.
Note: The Replication Management tool does not test the
(Solid black arrow) database link at the remote site. Therefore, the database link
from the remote site to the current site can be working or
broken. To find out, connect to the remote site in the Oracle
Enterprise Manager Console and view the Topology tab.

Introduction to the Replication Management Tool 7-9

The Replication Management Tool Interface

Icon/Image Description
Indicates a broken database link from the current master site to
the remote master site.
Note: If you are not logged in as the replication administrator
(Dashed red arrow) (typically repadmin user), then a database link can appear
broken even though the link is working normally between the
two sites. The link appears broken because the current user does
not have a private database link between the sites, while the
replication administrator does have a private database link. In
this case, log in to the site as the replication administrator to see
if the link is broken.
When you are connected to a materialized view site, indicates a
database link between the materialized view site and a master
site. There might or might not be a network connection currently
between the two sites.
(One way black arrow)
Indicates one or more database links between materialized view
sites and a master site. There might or might not be a network
connection currently between the sites.
(Dashed black line)

Figure 7–5 Example Topology Tab in the Replication Management Tool

7-10 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

The Replication Management Tool Wizards

When connected to the master database, this example Topology tab
provides the following information:
■ The databases and are master sites in the same
replication environment.
■ The database is functioning only as a master site and not as a
materialized view site, based on the icon for the database. The other master
database ( might be functioning only as a master site, or it might be
functioning as a dual site. To find out, you can connect to
■ The master database has two administrative requests to process.
■ The master database has no local deferred transaction errors and no
local administrative request errors.
■ The master database has no administrative requests to process.
■ The master database has no local deferred transaction errors and no
local administrative request errors.
■ The master database has eight deferred transactions in its deferred
transaction queue that will be applied at
■ The master database has three deferred transactions in its deferred
transaction queue that will be applied at
■ The master database is the master site for one registered
materialized view group and 15 registered materialized views. These registered
materialized views might be spread over several materialized view sites.
The other master databases in this replication environment might also have
materialized view sites, but they are only visible on the Topology tab when you are
connected to those other databases. For example, to see if the master database has any materialized view sites, connect to the database in
the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console and open the Topology tab.

The Replication Management Tool Wizards

The Replication Management tool wizards provide step-by-step guidance for tasks
that require many steps. The wizards simplify complex tasks by guiding you through
the task in manageable steps. The following sections describe the Replication
Management tool wizards:
■ Setup Wizard
■ Materialized View Group Wizard
■ Deployment Template Wizard
■ Template Script Generation Wizard
■ Copy Template Wizard

Setup Wizard
The Setup Wizard guides you through setting up master sites and materialized view
sites for replication. Preparing sites for replication is a simple process using the Setup
Wizard. At each site that you specify, the Setup Wizard performs the following steps:
■ Creates a database account to serve as a replication administrator. By default, the
Setup Wizard creates this account to serve also as the replication propagator and
receiver. The default username for the replication administrator at a master site is

Introduction to the Replication Management Tool 7-11

The Replication Management Tool Wizards

repadmin, and the default username at a materialized view site is mvadmin.

However, you can change these usernames if you wish.
■ Grants the necessary privileges to the replication administrator account.
■ Creates database links to correspond to new replication administrator accounts at
each replication site.
■ For master sites and optionally for materialized view sites, schedules a job to push
changes from the master site to each other master site.
■ Schedules a job to purge the deferred transaction queue of completed transactions
for all sites in the system.
The Setup Wizard is slightly different for master sites than for materialized view sites.
To open the Setup Wizard to set up master sites, right-click the Multimaster
Replication object in the navigator pane and select Setup Master Sites.

Figure 7–6 Opening Screen of Setup Wizard for Master Sites

See Also: The "Setup Master Sites: Overview" topic in the

Replication Management tool online help for detailed information
about using the Setup Wizard to set up a master site. To access this
topic in the online help, open Replication > Set Up Replication
Sites > Master Site in the Help Contents.

To open the Setup Wizard to set up materialized view sites, right-click the
Materialized View Site object in the navigator pane and select Setup Materialized
View Sites.

7-12 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

The Replication Management Tool Wizards

Note: The Setup Wizard sets up materialized view sites with

untrusted security. Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management
API Reference for more information about untrusted security.

Figure 7–7 Opening Screen of Setup Wizard for Materialized View Sites

See Also:
■ The "Set Up Materialized View Sites: Overview" topic in the
Replication Management tool online help for detailed
information about using the Setup Wizard to set up a
materialized view site. To access this topic in the online help,
open Replication > Set Up Replication Sites > Materialized
View Site in the Help Contents.
■ Chapter 2, "Master Replication Concepts and Architecture" for
more information about master sites
■ Chapter 3, "Materialized View Concepts and Architecture" for
more information about materialized view sites.

Materialized View Group Wizard

The Materialized View Group Wizard guides you through creating a group of
materialized views based on a master group. Each materialized view can be a partial
or complete copy of the master tables in its source master group. Materialized view
groups are located at remote materialized view sites and are based on a single, target
master group at a master site.

Introduction to the Replication Management Tool 7-13

The Replication Management Tool Wizards

Run the Materialized View Group Wizard at the materialized view site where you
want to create the materialized view group. To open the Materialized View Group
Wizard, right-click the Materialized View Groups folder in the navigator pane and
select Create Using Wizard.

Figure 7–8 Opening Screen of the Materialized View Group Wizard

See Also:
■ The "Create Materialized View Group: Overview" topic in the
Replication Management tool online help for detailed
information about using the Materialized View Group Wizard
to create a materialized view group. To access this topic in the
online help, open Replication > Materialized View Replication
> Create in the Help Contents.
■ "Materialized View Groups" on page 3-42 for more information
about materialized view group

7-14 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

The Replication Management Tool Wizards

Deployment Template Wizard

Deployment templates simplify the task of deploying and maintaining many remote
materialized view sites. Using deployment templates, you can define a collection of
materialized view definitions at a master site and use parameters in these definitions
to customize the materialized views for individual users or types of users.
For example, you might create one template for the sales force and another template
for field service representatives. In this case, a parameter value might be the sales
territory or the customer support level. When a user instantiates a template by running
a SQL script, the appropriate materialized views are created and populated at the
remote site.
The Deployment Template Wizard guides you through creating a deployment
template. Individual screens in the Deployment Template Wizard let you:
■ Name the deployment template and specify whether it is public or private. If it is
private, then you can specify authorized users.
■ Add objects to the deployment template.
■ Specify parameters for the deployment template.
Run the Deployment Template Wizard from the master site where you want to create
the deployment template. To open the deployment template wizard, right-click the
Templates folder in the navigator pane and select Create Using Wizard.

Figure 7–9 Opening Screen of the Deployment Template Wizard

Introduction to the Replication Management Tool 7-15

The Replication Management Tool Wizards

See Also:
■ The "Overview of Creating a Deployment Template" topic in
the Replication Management tool online help for detailed
information about using the Deployment Template Wizard to
create a deployment template. To access this topic in the online
help, open Replication > Deployment Templates > Create in the
Help Contents.
■ Chapter 4, "Deployment Templates Concepts and Architecture"
for more information about deployment templates

Template Script Generation Wizard

Offline instantiation allows an end user to use a generated file to instantiate a template
without being connected to the master site through a network. The Template Script
Generation Wizard enables you to write all of the necessary DDL and data to a file that
you then transfer and run at your materialized view site. This solution is best suited
for laptop users with low-speed WAN connections, or in other cases where
connectivity is unstable or slow.
The Template Script Generation Wizard guides you through packaging a deployment
template for offline instantiation. The Template Script Generation Wizard generates
offline instantiation files that you use to build materialized views and other objects at
your materialized view sites.
Run the Template Script Generation Wizard at the master site that contains the
template for which you want to generate the offline instantiation files. To run the
Template Script Generation Wizard, right-click the Templates folder in the navigator
pane and select Template Script Generation.

7-16 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

The Replication Management Tool Wizards

Figure 7–10 Opening Screen of the Template Script Generation Wizard

Note: To generate online instantiation files, you must use the

replication management API. See Oracle Database Advanced
Replication Management API Reference for information about
generating online instantiation files.

See Also:
■ The "Package for Offline Instantiation: Overview" topic in the
Replication Management tool online help for detailed
information about using the Template Script Generation
Wizard to package a deployment template for offline
instantiation. To access this topic in the online help, open
Replication > Deployment Templates > Packaging and
Instantiation in the Help Contents.
■ "Packaging and Instantiation Process" on page 4-11 for more
information on packaging and instantiating deployment

Introduction to the Replication Management Tool 7-17

The Replication Management Tool Wizards

Copy Template Wizard

The Copy Template Wizard guides you through copying a deployment template. You
might need to copy them to multiple master sites for various reasons. For example,
you might want to:
■ Distribute network load: Before allowing users to instantiate the template, you
need to locate the template at the master site of the target materialized view sites.
If you have a large network, then you might want to copy the template definition
to multiple master sites, thereby distributing the network load of multiple
materialized view sites.
■ Make changes to a template: After building a template, you might need to create
another template that has many of the same characteristics of the first template.
Instead of building an entirely new template, copy the template and modify it as
Run the Copy Template Wizard from the master site that contains the deployment
template. To open the Copy Template Wizard, right-click the Templates folder in the
navigator pane and select Copy.

Figure 7–11 Copy Template Wizard

See Also: The "Copying a Template" topic in the Replication

Management tool online help for detailed information about using
the Copy Template Wizard to copy a deployment template. To
access this topic in the online help, open Replication > Deployment
Templates > Manage in the Help Contents.

7-18 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Flowchart for Creating a Replication Environment

Flowchart for Creating a Replication Environment

The flowchart in Figure 7–12 displays the major decisions and tasks that are involved
when you create a replication environment using the Replication Management tool.
The flowchart shows the major decisions and steps for building both multimaster and
materialized view environments. Each task in the flowchart includes a cross reference
to a section in this book that provides more information about the task. Detailed
instructions about completing these tasks are in the Replication Management tool
online help.

Figure 7–12 Create a Replication Environment Using the Replication Management Tool


Master What type View
of replication

1 Does
Use Setup Wizard to Set Up Master Sites No the master site for
(Right-click Multimaster Replication object) the materialized view

2 Yes
Create Master Group at Master Sites
(Right-click Master Groups folder) 1
Use Setup Wizard to Set Up Materialized View Sites
(Right-click Materialized View Site object)

No Are
data conflicts 1
Create Materialized View Log at Master Site for Fast
possible? Refresh (Right-click Materialized View Logs folder)

At Master Site with At Materialized
3 Deployment View
Configure Conflict Resolution Methods How do
Template you want to build the Site
on Master Tables
(See Chapter 5) environment?

3 3
Use Deployment Template Wizard Use Materialized View Group Wizard
to Create Deployment Template to Create materialized view Group
(Right-click Templates folder) (Right-click Materialized View
Groups folder)

Package and Instantiate Deployment
(See Chapter 4)


Introduction to the Replication Management Tool 7-19

Flowchart for Creating a Replication Environment

7-20 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Troubleshooting Replication Problems

This appendix contains troubleshooting guidelines for managing a replication

This appendix contains these topics:
■ Diagnosing Problems with Database Links
■ Diagnosing Problems with Master Sites
■ Diagnosing Problems with the Deferred Transaction Queue
■ Diagnosing Problems with Materialized Views

Diagnosing Problems with Database Links

If you think a database link is not functioning properly, then you can drop and
re-create it using the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console, SQL*Plus, or another tool.
■ Make sure that the database link name is the same as the global name of the target
■ Make sure that the scheduled interval is what you want.
■ Make sure that the scheduled interval is not shorter than the required execution
If you used a connection qualifier in a database link to a given site, then the other sites
that link to that site must have the same connection qualifier. For example, suppose
you create a database link as follows:
IDENTIFIED BY secret USING 'connect_string_myethernet'

All the sites, whether masters or materialized views, associated with must include myethernet as the connection qualifier.

See Also: Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for more

information database links and connection qualifiers

Troubleshooting Replication Problems A-1

Diagnosing Problems with Master Sites

Diagnosing Problems with Master Sites

Problems can arise in a multimaster replication system. The following sections discuss
some problems and ways to solve them:
■ Replicated Objects Not Created at New Master Site
■ DDL Changes Not Propagated to Master Site
■ DML Changes Not Asynchronously Propagated to Other Sites
■ DML Cannot be Applied to Replicated Table
■ Bulk Updates and Constraint Violations
■ Re-creating a Replicated Object
■ Unable to Generate Replication Support for a Table
■ Problems with Replicated Procedures or Triggers

Replicated Objects Not Created at New Master Site

If you add a new master site to a master group, and the appropriate objects are not
created at the new site, then try the following:
■ Ensure that the necessary private database links exist between the new master site
and the existing master sites. If you used the Replication Management tool's Setup
Wizard to setup your sites, then you should not have any problems. You must
have links both to the new site from each existing site, and from the new site to
each existing site.
■ Make sure that the administrative requests at all sites have completed successfully.
If requests have not been executed yet, then you can manually execute pending
administrative requests to complete the operation immediately.

DDL Changes Not Propagated to Master Site

If you create a new master group object or alter the definition of a master group object
at the master definition site and the modification is not propagated to a master site,
then first ensure that the administrative requests at all sites have completed
successfully. If requests are pending execution, then you can manually execute them to
complete the operation immediately.
When you execute DDL statements through the replication API, Oracle executes the
statements on behalf of the user who submits the DDL. When a DDL statement applies
to an object in a schema other than the submitter's schema, the submitter needs
appropriate privileges to execute the statement. In addition, the statement must
explicitly name the schema. For example, assume that you supply the following as the
ddl_text parameter to the DBMS_REPCAT.CREATE_MASTER_ REPOBJECT
CREATE TABLE oe.new_employees AS SELECT * FROM hr.employees WHERE ...;

Because each table name contains a schema name, this statement works whether the
replication administrator is oe, hr, or another user, as long as the administrator has
the required privileges.

Note: Qualify the name of every schema object with the

appropriate schema.

A-2 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Diagnosing Problems with Master Sites

DML Changes Not Asynchronously Propagated to Other Sites

If you make an update to your data at a master site, and that change is not
asynchronously propagated to the other sites in your replication environment, then try
the following:
■ Use the Replication Management tool in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console to
check whether the corresponding deferred transaction has been pushed to the
destination. If not, then you can also check to see how much longer it will be
before the scheduled link pushes the queue to the destination site. If you do not
want to wait for the next scheduled push across a link, then you can execute
deferred transaction manually.
■ If a scheduled link's interval has passed and corresponding deferred transactions
have not been pushed, then check the corresponding job for the link.
■ Even after propagating a deferred transaction to a destination, it might not execute
because of an error. Check the DEFERROR data dictionary view at the destination
site for errors.

See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API

Reference for information about modifying tables without
replicating the modifications, which might be necessary when you
need to manually synchronize the data in replicated tables

DML Cannot be Applied to Replicated Table

If you receive the deferred_rpc_quiesce exception when you attempt to modify a
replicated table, then the master group to which your replicated object belongs is
quiescing or quiesced. To proceed, your replication administrator must resume
replication activity for the master group.

Bulk Updates and Constraint Violations

A single update statement applied to a replicated table can update zero or more rows.
The update statement causes zero or more update requests to be queued for deferred
execution, one for each row updated. This distinction is important when constraints
are involved, because Oracle effectively performs constraint checking at the end of
each statement. While a bulk update might not violate a uniqueness constraint, for
example, some equivalent sequence of individual updates might violate uniqueness.
If the ordering of updates is important, then update one row at a time in an
appropriate order. This lets you define the order of update requests in the deferred
transactions queue.

Re-creating a Replicated Object

If you add an object such as a package, procedure, or view to a master group, then the
status of the object must be valid. If the status of an object is invalid, then recompile
the object or drop and re-create the object before adding it to a master group. Check
the DBA_REPOBJECT data dictionary view for the status of replication objects.

Unable to Generate Replication Support for a Table

When you generate replication support for a table, Oracle activates an internal trigger
at the local site. EXECUTE privileges for most of the packages involved with
replication, such as DBMS_REPCAT and DBMS_DEFER, need to be granted to replication
administrators and users that own replicated objects. The Replication Management

Troubleshooting Replication Problems A-3

Diagnosing Problems with the Deferred Transaction Queue

tool's Setup Wizard and the DBMS_REPCAT_ADMIN package both perform the grants
needed by the replication administrators for many typical replication scenarios. When
the owner of a replicated object is not a replication administrator, however, you must
explicitly grant EXECUTE privilege on DBMS_DEFER to the object owner.

Problems with Replicated Procedures or Triggers

If you discover an unexpected unresolved conflict, and you were mixing procedural
and row-level replication on a table, then carefully review the procedure to ensure that
the replicated procedure did not cause the conflict. Complete the following checks:
■ Ensure that ordering conflicts between procedural and row-level updates are not
■ Check if the replicated procedure locks the table in EXCLUSIVE mode before
performing updates or uses some other mechanism of avoiding conflicts with
row-level updates.
■ Check that row-level replication is disabled at the start of the replicated procedure
and reenabled at the end.
■ Ensure that row-level replication is reenabled even if exceptions occur when the
procedure executes.
■ Check to be sure that the replicated procedure executed at all master sites.
You should perform similar checks on any replicated triggers that you have defined
on replicated tables.

Diagnosing Problems with the Deferred Transaction Queue

If deferred transactions at a site are not being pushed to their destinations, then the
following sections explain some possible causes for the problem:
■ Check Jobs for Scheduled Links
■ Distributed Transaction Problems with Synchronous Replication
■ Incomplete Database Link Specifications
■ Incorrect Replication Catalog Views

Check Jobs for Scheduled Links

When you create a scheduled link, Oracle adds a corresponding job to the site's job
queue. If you have scheduled a link to push deferred transactions at a periodic
interval, and you encounter a problem, then you should first be certain that you are
not experiencing a problem with the job queue.

Distributed Transaction Problems with Synchronous Replication

When you use synchronous replication, Oracle uses a distributed transaction to ensure
that the transaction has been properly committed at the remote site. Distributed
transactions use two-phase commit. Asynchronous replication does not use two-phase

See Also: Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for information on

diagnosing problems with distributed transactions

A-4 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Diagnosing Problems with Materialized Views

Incomplete Database Link Specifications

If you notice that transactions are not being pushed to a given remote site, then you
might have a problem with how you have specified the destination for the transaction.
When you create a scheduled link, you must provide the full database link name.

Incorrect Replication Catalog Views

Having the wrong view definitions can lead to erroneous deferred transaction
behavior. The DEFCALLDEST and DEFTRANDEST views are defined differently in
catdefer.sql and catrepc.sql. The definitions in catrepc.sql should be used
whenever replication is used. If catdefer.sql is ever (re)loaded, then ensure that
the view definitions in catrepc.sql are subsequently loaded.

Diagnosing Problems with Materialized Views

There are a number of problems that might happen with materialized view sites in a
replication system. The following sections discuss some problems and ways to
troubleshoot them:
■ Problems Creating Replicated Objects at Materialized View Site
■ Refresh Problems
■ Advanced Troubleshooting of Refresh Problems

Problems Creating Replicated Objects at Materialized View Site

If you unsuccessfully attempt to create a new object at a materialized view site, then
try the following:
■ For an updatable materialized view, check that the associated master table or
master materialized view has a materialized view log.
■ Make sure that you have the necessary privileges to create the object. For a
materialized view, you need SELECT privilege on the master table or master
materialized view and its materialized view log. See "Assign Privileges" on
page 6-10 for more information.
■ If you are trying to add an existing materialized view to a materialized view
group, then try re-creating the materialized view when you add it to the group.
■ If you are trying to create a fast refresh primary key or subquery materialized
view, then make sure that the materialized view log on the master table or master
materialized view logs primary keys.
■ If you are trying to create a fast refresh rowid materialized view, then make sure
that the materialized view log on the master table logs rowids.
■ Check if the materialized view log has the required columns added for subquery
materialized views. See "Logging Columns in the Materialized View Log" on
page 6-11 for information.
■ Check if the materialized view log exists for all tables that are involved in a fast
refresh materialized view. If the materialized view contains a subquery, then each
table referenced in the subquery should have a materialized view log.

Troubleshooting Replication Problems A-5

Diagnosing Problems with Materialized Views

Problems Performing Offline Instantiation of a Deployment Template

If you receive and error stating that Oracle is unable to initialize the extent in the
temporary tablespace when you try to instantiate a deployment template offline, then
you might need to adjust the datafile for the temporary database so that it auto
For example, issue the following statement to adjust the datafile:
ALTER DATABASE TEMPFILE '/u02/oracle/rbdb1/temp.dbf'

After you have made this adjustment, instantiate the deployment template offline at
the materialized view site.

Refresh Problems
The following sections explain several common materialized view refresh problems.

Common Refresh Problems

Several common factors can prevent the automatic refresh of a group of materialized
■ The lack of a job queue process at the materialized view database
■ An intervening network or server failure
■ An intervening server shutdown
When a materialized view refresh group is experiencing problems, ensure that none of
the preceding situations is preventing Oracle from completing group refreshes.

Automatic Refresh Retries

When Oracle fails to refresh a group automatically, the group remains due for its
refresh to complete. Oracle will retry an automatic refresh of a group with the
following behavior:
■ Oracle retries the group refresh first one minute later, then two minutes later, four
minutes later, and so on, with the retry interval doubling with each failed attempt
to refresh the group.
■ Oracle does not allow the retry interval to exceed the refresh interval itself.
■ Oracle retries the automatic refresh up to sixteen times.
If after 16 attempts to refresh a refresh group Oracle continues to encounter errors,
then Oracle considers the group broken. The General page of the Refresh Group
property sheet in Schema Manager indicates when a refresh group is broken. You can
also query the BROKEN column of the USER_REFRESH and USER_REFRESH_
CHILDREN data dictionary views to see the current status of a refresh group.
The errors causing Oracle to consider a materialized view refresh group broken are
recorded in a trace file. After you correct the problems preventing a refresh group
from refreshing successfully, you must refresh the group manually. Oracle then resets
the broken flag so that automatic refreshes can happen again.

See Also: The name of the materialized view trace file is of the
form jn, where n is operating system specific. See the Oracle
documentation for your operating system for the name on your

A-6 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Diagnosing Problems with Materialized Views

Fast Refresh Errors at New Materialized View Sites

In some cases, a materialized view log for a master table or master materialized view
might be purged during the creation of a materialized view at a new materialized
view site. When this happens, you might encounter the following errors:
ORA-12004 REFRESH FAST cannot be used for materialized view materialized_view_name
ORA-12034 materialized view log on materialized_view_name younger than last

See Also: "Avoiding Problems When Adding a New Materialized

View Site" on page 6-14 for a complete description of how to avoid
this problem.

Materialized Views Continually Refreshing

If you encounter a situation where Oracle continually refreshes a group of
materialized views, then check the group's refresh interval. Oracle evaluates a group's
automatic refresh interval before starting the refresh. If a group's refresh interval is
less than the amount of time it takes to refresh all materialized views in the group,
then Oracle continually starts a group refresh each time the job queue process checks
the queue of outstanding jobs.

Materialized View Logs Growing Too Large

If a materialized view log at a master site or master materialized view site is growing
too large, then check to see whether a network or site failure has prevented the master
site or master materialized view site from becoming aware that a materialized view
has been dropped. You might need to purge part of the materialized view log or
unregister the unused materialized view site.

See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API

Reference for more information about managing materialized view

Advanced Troubleshooting of Refresh Problems

If you have a problem refreshing a materialized view, then try the following:
■ Check the NEXT_DATE value in the DBA_REFRESH_CHILDREN view to determine
if the refresh has been scheduled.
■ If the refresh interval has passed, then check the DBA_REFRESH view for the
associated job number for the materialized view refresh and then diagnose the
problem with job queues.
■ Check if there are job queue process running. Check the JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES
initialization parameter, query the DBA_JOBS_RUNNING view, and use your
operating system to check if the job queue processes are still running.
■ You also might encounter an error if you attempt to define a master detail
relationship between two materialized views. You should define master detail
relationships only on the master tables by using declarative referential integrity
constraints. The related materialized views should then be placed in the same
refresh group to preserve this relationship. However, you can define deferred (or
deferrable) constraints on materialized views.

Troubleshooting Replication Problems A-7

Diagnosing Problems with Materialized Views

■ If there are any outstanding conflicts recorded at the master site or master
materialized view site for the materialized views, then you can only refresh the
materialized views by setting the parameter REFRESH_AFTER_ERRORS to true.
This parameter can be set when you create or alter a materialized view refresh
group. There is a corresponding parameter for the Replication Management tool's
property sheets.
■ Materialized views in the same refresh groups have their rows updated in a single
transaction. Such a transaction can be very large, requiring either a large rollback
segment at the materialized view site, with the rollback segment specified to be
used during refresh, or more frequent refreshes to reduce the transaction size.
■ If Oracle error ORA-12004 occurs, then the master site or master materialized
view site might have run out of rollback segments when trying to maintain the
materialized view log, or the materialized view log might be out of date. For
example, the materialized view log might have been purged or re-created.
■ Complete refreshes of a single materialized view internally use the TRUNCATE
feature to increase speed and reduce rollback segment requirements. However,
until the materialized view refresh is complete, users might temporarily see no
data in the materialized view. Refreshes of multiple materialized views (for
example, refresh groups) do not use the TRUNCATE feature.
■ Reorganization of the master table (for example, to reclaim system resources)
should TRUNCATE the master table to force rowid materialized views to do
complete refreshes. Otherwise, the materialized views have incorrect references to
master table rowids. You use the BEGIN_TABLE_REORGANIZATION and END_
TABLE_REORGANIZATION procedures in the DBMS_MVIEW package to reorganize
a master table. See the Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API
Reference for more information.
■ If while refreshing you see an ORA-942 (table or view does not exist), then check
your database links and make sure you still have the required privileges on the
master table or master materialized view and the materialized view log.
■ If a fast refresh was succeeding but then fails, then check whether:
■ The materialized view log was truncated, purged, or dropped.
■ You still have the required privileges on the materialized view log.
■ If a force refresh takes an inordinately long time, then check if the materialized
view log used by the refresh has been dropped.
■ If the materialized view was created with BUILD DEFERRED, and its first fast
refresh fails, then make sure a previous complete refresh was done successfully
before checking for other problems.

See Also: Oracle Database Advanced Replication Management API

Reference for information about managing materialized view logs

A-8 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Column Length Semantics and Unicode

This appendix contains information about replication support for column length
semantics and Unicode.
This appendix contains these topics:
■ Column Length Semantics for Replication Sites and Table Columns
■ Multimaster Support for Column Length Semantics
■ Materialized View Support for Column Length Semantics
■ DDL Propagation and Column Length Semantics
■ Replication Support for Unicode

See Also: The following documents contain more information

about length semantics and Unicode:
■ Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide
■ Oracle Database SQL Reference

Column Length Semantics for Replication Sites and Table Columns

Column length semantics determine whether the length of a column is specified in
bytes or in characters. You use BYTE to specify that the length is in bytes, and you use
CHAR to specify that the length is in characters. CHAR length semantics is also known
as codepoint length semantics.
Because some character sets require more than one byte for each character, a
specification of 10 BYTE for a column might actually store less than 10 characters for
certain character sets, but a 10 CHAR specification ensures that the column can store 10
characters, regardless of the character set. Only Oracle9i Database or later databases
can specify CHAR length semantics.
You set the length semantics for an Oracle database using the NLS_LENGTH_
SEMANTICS initialization parameter, and all VARCHAR2 and CHAR columns use the
setting specified for this initialization parameter as the default. If this initialization
parameter is not set, then the default setting is BYTE.
An individual column can override the length semantics for the database. For
example, if the length semantics for a site is CHAR, then you can still specify BYTE for
the length semantics of an individual column using the CREATE TABLE or ALTER
TABLE statement.
The following statement creates a table and specifies the column length in bytes:
CREATE TABLE byte_col (a VARCHAR2(10 BYTE));

Column Length Semantics and Unicode B-1

Multimaster Support for Column Length Semantics

The following statement creates a table and specifies the column length in characters:
CREATE TABLE char_col (a VARCHAR2(10 CHAR));

Note: A database must have a compatibility level of 9.0.1 or

higher to have CHAR length semantics. The compatibility level is
controlled by the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter.

Multimaster Support for Column Length Semantics

All master sites in a master group must have the same length semantics, and the
individual columns of a master table must have the same length semantics at all
master sites. When you have a table in a master group at a master definition site and
you want to replicate that table to a new master site, you can create the table at the
new site in one of the following ways:
■ Specify that Advanced Replication generate the table at the new master site when
adding the new master site to the master group.
■ Manually precreate the table at the new master site before adding the master site
to the master group.
The following sections describe column length semantics support for each table
creation method.

Column Length Semantics Support for Tables Generated by Advanced Replication

When you specify that Advanced Replication generate the table at the new master site,
and you are using CHAR length semantics, then both the master definition site and the
new master site must be running Oracle9i Database or later. If you specify BYTE length
semantics, then these sites can be running a previous Oracle release.
This support is summarized in Table B–1.

Table B–1 Column Length Semantics Support for Generated Tables

Master Definition Resulting Column
Master Definition Site Column New Master Site Semantics at New
Site Release Semantics Release Master Site
9.0 or later CHAR 9.0 or later CHAR
9.0 or later CHAR Prior to 9.0 Not supported
Any release BYTE Any release BYTE

Column Length Semantics Support for Precreated Tables

When you precreate the table at the new master site, and you are using CHAR length
semantics, then both the master definition site and the new master site must be
running Oracle9i Database or later. If you specify BYTE length semantics, then these
sites can be running a previous Oracle release.
Also, because you precreated the table manually, it is possible that you specified a
different length semantics for a column in the new master table than was specified for
the column in the table at the master definition site. If so, Oracle raises an error
because a column in a master table must be using the same length semantics at each
master site.

B-2 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Materialized View Support for Column Length Semantics

This support is summarized in Table B–2.

Table B–2 Column Length Semantics Support for Precreated Tables

Master Definition New Master
Master Definition Site Column New Master Site Site Column
Site Release Semantics Release Semantics Supported?
9.0 or later CHAR 9.0 or later CHAR Yes
9.0 or later CHAR 9.0 or later BYTE No
9.0 or later BYTE 9.0 or later CHAR No
9.0 or later CHAR Prior to 9.0 BYTE No
character set)
9.0 or later CHAR Prior to 9.0 BYTE Yes
character set)
Prior to 9.0 BYTE 9.0 or later CHAR No
character set)
Prior to 9.0 BYTE 9.0 or later CHAR Yes
character set)
Any release BYTE Any release BYTE Yes

Materialized View Support for Column Length Semantics

When you create a materialized view, Oracle determines the length semantics of the
columns in the materialized view in the following way:
■ If the master column is explicitly specified as either BYTE or CHAR, then the
column in the materialized view retains that specification. In the following
example, CHAR length semantics is explicitly specified for the a column:
CREATE TABLE char_col (a VARCHAR2(10 CHAR));

■ If the master column is not explicitly specified, then the column in the
materialized view uses the default length semantics of the materialized view site.
In the following example, length semantics is not explicitly specified for the a
CREATE TABLE char_col (a VARCHAR2(10));

Materialized view creation fails if an Oracle9i Database or later master has a column
with an explicit CHAR specification and a materialized view site running a release prior
to Oracle9i Database attempts to create a materialized view based on this master.

Materialized Views with Prebuilt Container Tables

If you prebuild a container table at a materialized view site before you create the
materialized view, then the length semantics of the columns in the container table
must match the length semantics of the columns in the master. If the length semantics
do not match, then an Oracle returns an ORA-12060 error during materialized view
creation. You use the ON PREBUILT TABLE clause of the CREATE MATERIALIZED
VIEW statement to prebuild a table for a materialized view.

Column Length Semantics and Unicode B-3

DDL Propagation and Column Length Semantics

See Also: The Oracle Database SQL Reference for more information
about the ON PREBUILT TABLE clause in the CREATE

Column Length Semantics Support for Updatable Materialized Views

The following operations are always supported if the length semantics of the columns
of an updatable materialized view matches the length semantics of the columns of the
materialized view's master:
■ Refreshing the updatable materialized view
■ Pushing DML changes made at the materialized view to the master
If, however, the length semantics do not match and the master is Oracle9i Database or
later, then Oracle raises an error when you try to add the materialized view to a
materialized view group. To be updatable, a materialized view must belong to a
materialized view group. If you use the replication management API, then you run the
CREATE_MVIEW_REPOBJECT procedure in the DBMS_REPCAT package to add the
materialized view to a materialized view group.
Table B–3 summarizes the length semantics support for updatable materialized views.

Table B–3 Column Length Semantics Support for Updatable Materialized Views
Master Site Materialized Materialized View Updatable
Master Site Column View Site Site Column Materialized View
Release Semantics Release Semantics Supported?
9.0 or later CHAR 9.0 or later CHAR Yes
9.0 or later CHAR 9.0 or later BYTE No
9.0 or later BYTE 9.0 or later CHAR No
9.0 or later CHAR Prior to 9.0 BYTE No
character set)
9.0 or later CHAR Prior to 9.0 BYTE Yes
character set)
Prior to 9.0 BYTE 9.0 or later CHAR Yes
Any release BYTE Any release BYTE Yes

Note: The master site in Table B–3 can be either a master site in a
multimaster replication environment or a master materialized view

DDL Propagation and Column Length Semantics

You can use the DBMS_REPCAT package to propagate a data definition language
(DDL) statement that creates a new replicated table or adds columns to an existing
replicated table. If you want any of the new columns created by these DDL statements
to use CHAR column length semantics, then make sure you specify CHAR column
length semantics explicitly. Otherwise, the column always has BYTE length semantics,
even if the replication site itself has CHAR column length semantics set as the default.

B-4 Oracle Database Advanced Replication

Replication Support for Unicode

The following procedures in the DBMS_REPCAT package enable you to propagate DDL

See Also: "Column Length Semantics for Replication Sites and

Table Columns" on page B-1 for more information about specifying
CHAR column length semantics explicitly

Replication Support for Unicode

Unicode is a universal encoded character set that enables you to store information
from any language using a single character set. Unicode provides a unique code value
for every character, regardless of the platform, program, or language. Unicode is
supported in both multimaster and materialized view replication environments. In
Oracle9i Database or later, all columns specified as NCHAR or NVARCHAR2 datatype are
stored in Unicode format.
For both master sites and materialized view sites, replication is possible in an
environment with different releases of Oracle using an NCHAR or NVARCHAR2
datatype. However, replication is not recommended when one of the replication sites
is a release prior to Oracle9i Database and uses a variable width character set because,
in this case, there is a possibility of data loss.
Table B–4 summarizes when replication is recommended.

Table B–4 Replication Support for Globalization Support Character Sets

Release of Local Database Release of Remote
with NCHAR or Database with NCHAR and Replication
NVARCHAR2 Columns NVARCHAR2 Columns Recommended?
9.0 or later 9.0 or later Yes
(Stored in Unicode format) (Stored in Unicode format)
Prior to 9.0 Prior to 9.0 Yes
(Fixed or variable width (Fixed or variable width
national character set format) national character set format)
9.0 or later Prior to 9.0 Not Recommended
(Stored in Unicode format) (Variable width national
character set format)
9.0 or later Prior to 9.0 Yes
(Stored in Unicode format) (Fixed width national
character set format)
Prior to 9.0 9.0 or later Not Recommended
(Variable width national (Stored in Unicode format)
character set format)
Prior to 9.0 9.0 or later Yes
(Fixed width national (Stored in Unicode format)
character set format)

Column Length Semantics and Unicode B-5

Replication Support for Unicode

In an Advanced Replication environment involving Oracle Database 10g sites and sites
running Oracle9i Database that use NCHAR and NVARCHAR2 datatypes, an Oracle patch
must be installed at the sites running Oracle Database releases prior to Oracle9i
Database Release 2 (9.2). Contact Oracle Support Services to obtain the appropriate
NLS patch as recommended in ALERT 140014.1, "Oracle8/8i to Oracle9i using New
AL16UTF16 National Character Set" available on the Oracle MetaLink Web site.

Caution: Where Table B–4 specifies that replication is not

supported, Oracle does not detect an error when you set up
replication between the two sites, but data loss can occur later. If
data loss occurs, then an error is raised.

Replication of NCLOB Datatype Columns

NCLOB datatype columns are always fixed width. Therefore, replication of NCLOB
datatype columns is supported without restrictions.

B-6 Oracle Database Advanced Replication


A send old values, 5-30

materialized views
column subsetting, 3-30
creating for materialized views, 6-8
replication, 2-8, 3-27
additive conflict resolution method, 5-19
column subsetting, 1-8
administrative request queue, 2-26
deployment templates, 4-15
administrative requests, 2-24
materialized views
states, 2-26
column objects, 3-30
updatable materialized views
conflict resolution, 5-7
ERROR, 2-26
READY, 2-26
character semantics, B-1
column groups, 2-28, 5-15
for columns
column objects, 5-15
updatable materialized views, 3-5
ensuring data integrity with multiple, 5-15
AND condition
nested tables, 5-16
for simple subquery materialized views, 3-20
object tables, 5-16
append sequence conflict resolution method, 5-27
shadow, 5-15
append site name conflict resolution method, 5-26
complete refresh, 1-8, 3-47
assignment tables, 4-17
complex materialized views, 3-8, 3-9
asynchronous replication, 1-5, 2-29
value for PCTFREE, 3-47
average conflict resolution method, 5-19
value for PCTUSED, 3-47
conflict resolution, 2-41
B additive method, 5-19
append sequence method, 5-27
bulk updates, A-3
append site name method, 5-26
BYTE character semantics, B-1
architecture, 5-14
average method, 5-19
C avoiding conflicts, 5-12
CHAR character semantics, B-1 column groups, 5-15
character sets column objects, 5-15
replication, B-1 data integrity, 5-15
collections nested tables, 5-16
materialized views, 3-32 object tables, 5-16
restrictions, 3-33 shadow, 5-15
replication, 2-12, 3-32 column subsetting
column groups, 5-15 updatable materialized views, 5-7
column objects, 5-15 concepts, 5-1
nested tables, 5-16 convergence properties of methods, 5-18
object tables, 5-16 data requirements, 5-2
shadow, 5-15 delete conflicts, 5-3
column objects detecting conflicts, 5-3
column groups, 5-15 discard method, 5-20, 5-27
conflict resolution dynamic site ownership, 5-12
compare old values, 5-30 earliest timestamp method, 5-21
error queue, 5-16

in synchronous propagation, 2-31 D
latest timestamp method, 5-16
maximum method, 5-21 data dictionary
methods for delete conflicts, 5-27 replication, 1-12
methods for uniqueness conflicts, 5-26 data integrity
methods for update conflicts, 5-16 parallel propagation, 2-38
minimum method, 5-22 serial propagation, 2-38
multitier materialized views, 5-5 data propagation
nested tables, 5-8 and dependency maintenance, 2-38
overwrite method, 5-18 asynchronous, 2-29
performance synchronous, 2-30
compare old values, 5-27 database links
send old values, 5-27 connection qualifiers, 2-16
prebuilt methods, 5-4 diagnosing problems with, A-1
primary site ownership, 5-12 incomplete specifications, A-5
priority groups method, 5-23 materialized view sites, 6-8, 6-21
replication, 1-12, 2-7 replication, 2-14
site priority method, 5-25 Replication Management tool, 2-15
as backup, 5-17, 5-21 scheduled links, 1-10
transaction ordering, 5-3 date expressions, 3-49, 4-15
types of conflicts, 5-2 DBA_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES view, 3-36
uniqueness conflicts, 5-3 DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEWS view, 3-36
updatable materialized views DBA_REPCATLOG view, 2-24
column subsetting, 5-7 DBA_TYPE_VERSIONS
update conflicts, 5-2 replication, 2-9, 3-29
conflicts DBMS_DEFER_SYS package
avoiding, 5-12 SCHEDULE_PUSH procedure, 6-15, 6-16
delete, 5-3 DBMS_MVIEW package, 3-36
avoiding, 5-13 EXPLAIN_MVIEW procedure, 3-22
detecting, 2-31, 2-40, 5-3 REGISTER_MVIEW procedure, 3-36
identifying rows, 2-40, 5-4 DBMS_REPCAT package, 2-24, 2-26, 3-4, 6-25
error queue, 5-16 COMPARE_OLD_VALUES procedure
ordering conflict resolution, 5-27
avoiding, 5-14 CREATE_MVIEW_REPGROUP procedure, 3-4
procedural replication, 1-14 DO_DEFERRED_REPCAT_ADMIN
uniqueness, 5-3 procedure, 2-24, 2-26
avoiding, 5-13 SEND_OLD_VALUES procedure
update, 5-2 conflict resolution, 5-27
avoiding, 5-13 DDL statements
connection qualifiers, 2-16 replication, 1-12
diagnosing problems with, A-1 troubleshooting problems, A-2
constraint violations, A-3 deadlocks
constraints resolving
deferrable, 3-50 in synchronous propagation, 2-31
referential deferred transaction queues, 1-5, 2-22
self-referencing, 2-18 diagnosing problems with, A-4
continuous purges purging propagated transactions, 6-17
scheduling, 6-18 pushing, 2-22
continuous pushes scheduled purge, 6-10
scheduling, 6-16 scheduled push, 6-10
Copy Template Wizard, 7-18 DELAY_SECONDS parameter, 2-36
CREATE TYPE statement dependencies
minimizing, 2-39
OID clause, 2-10, 3-29
CREATE_MVIEW_REPGROUP procedure, 3-4 dependency
CREATE_MVIEW_REPOBJECT procedure, 3-4 ordering
replicated transactions, 2-38
parallel propagation, 2-38
row level, 2-39, 6-3

Deployment Template Wizard, 7-15 EXISTS condition
deployment templates, 1-9, 4-1 materialized views with subqueries, 3-20
adding materialized views to, 4-10 EXPLAIN_MVIEW procedure, 3-22
after instantiation, 4-14
architecture, 4-10
column subsetting, 4-15
concepts, 4-2 failover sites
data sets, 4-19 implementing using FAILOVER option, 6-25
DDL statements, 4-10 fast refresh, 1-8, 3-47
definition storage, 4-10 avoiding problems, 6-14
design, 4-15 determining possibility of, 3-22
elements, 4-3 multitier materialized views, 3-48
general template information, 4-3 filter columns, 6-11
instantiation, 1-9, 4-7 force refresh, 1-8, 3-49
offline, 4-8, 4-13 foreign keys
online, 4-7, 4-12 replicated tables, 6-2
options, 4-13 function-based indexes
process, 4-11 replication, 2-18
scenarios, 4-9 functions
troubleshooting, A-6 replicating, 2-19
local control, 4-21
materialized view groups, 4-14 G
materialized view logs, 4-10
materialized view sites, 4-7 GLOBAL_NAMES initialization parameter, 6-4
objects group owner
definitions, 4-5, 4-10 materialized view groups, 3-43
packaging, 4-7
for offline instantiation, 4-12 H
for online instantiation, 4-11
horizontal partitioning. See row subsetting
options, 4-13
procedures, 4-9
process, 4-11 I
parameters, 4-6
security, 4-7
materialized view logs, 3-40
preparing materialized view sites for, 6-20
replication check, 6-25
refresh groups, 4-15
row subsetting, 4-17
materialized view sites, 3-41
user authorization, 4-7
on foreign keys, 6-2
user-defined types, 4-6
replication, 2-18
WHERE clause, 4-7
discard conflict resolution method, 5-20, 5-27
replication, 2-20
distributed schema management, 1-12
initialization parameters
distributed transactions
editing, 6-10
problems with, A-4
DML statements
troubleshooting problems, A-3
OPEN_LINKS, 2-17, 6-4
procedure, 2-24, 2-26
domain indexes
replication, 2-18
replication, 6-3
dynamic sites
ownership, 5-12
earliest timestamp conflict resolution method, 5-21 INIT.ORA parameters. See initialization parameters
errors instantiation
error queues, 2-22 deployment templates, 1-9, 4-7
conflicts, 5-16 interoperability
replication, 6-15

J redefining online, 3-40
reorganizing, 3-39
job queue processes
Materialized View Group Wizard, 7-13
replication, 6-10
materialized view groups, 1-4, 3-27, 3-42
job queues, 2-22
deployment templates, 4-14
JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES initialization
group owner, 3-43
parameter, 2-24, 6-4, 6-10
ownership, 3-27
updatable materialized views, 3-43
checking for scheduled links, A-4
materialized view logs, 1-9, 3-39
replication, 2-24
adding columns to, 6-12
column logging, 3-20
L many to many subqueries, 3-20
many to one subqueries, 3-20
latest timestamp
ON PREBUILT TABLE clause, 3-20
conflict resolution method, 5-16
one to many subqueries, 3-20
length semantics
combination, 3-39
replication, B-1
creating, 6-11
deployment templates, 4-10
multitier materialized views, 3-23
filter columns, 6-11
Import, 3-40
M join columns, 6-11
many to many subqueries logging columns, 6-11
materialized views, 3-16 object ID, 3-39
many to one subqueries object tables, 3-40
materialized views, 3-14 primary key, 3-39
mass deployment, 3-3, 4-1 privileges required to create, 6-11
master definition site, 1-4, 2-3 REFs, 3-35
master groups, 1-4, 2-27 ROWID, 3-39
master materialized view sites, 3-38 trigger, 3-38
master materialized views, 1-5, 3-24, 3-38 troubleshooting, A-7
materialized view logs, 3-39 underlying table for, 3-39
master sites, 1-4 materialized view sites, 1-4
adding adding
circular dependencies, 2-18 avoiding problems, 6-14
self-referential constraints, 2-18 advantages of, 6-7
advantages of, 6-7 compared with master sites, 6-6
bulk updates, A-3 database links, 6-8, 6-21
compared with materialized view sites, 6-6 database version, 6-20
constraints deferred transaction queues
violations, A-3 scheduled push, 6-10
DDL changes not propagated, A-2 deployment templates, 4-7
diagnosing problems with, A-2 length semantics, B-3
DML changes not propagated, A-3 prebuilt container tables, B-3
internal triggers, 3-38 local creation, 4-21
length semantics, B-2 network connectivity, 6-20
precreated tables, B-2 preparing for deployment templates, 6-20
materialized view registration, 3-35 rollback segments, 6-22
materialized views, 3-38 schedule purge
replicated objects not created at new, A-2 guidelines, 6-17
replication, 2-13 scheduled links for
roles, 2-13 guidelines, 6-15
scheduled links for schemas, 6-21
guidelines, 6-15 setup, 6-21
scheduled purges for, 6-10 materialized views, 1-5, 3-1
guidelines, 6-17 architecture, 3-37
users, 2-13 BUILD DEFERRED
master tables troubleshooting, A-8
materialized view logs, 3-39 capabilities, 3-22
materialized views, 3-38 collection columns
restrictions, 3-33

column objects retries, A-6
column subsetting, 3-30 troubleshooting, A-6, A-7
column subsetting, 1-8 REFs, 3-34
column objects, 3-30 logging, 3-35
complex, 3-8, 3-9 scoped, 3-34
value for PCTFREE, 3-47 unscoped, 3-35
value for PCTUSED, 3-47 WITH ROWID clause, 3-35
concepts, 3-1 registration, 3-35
constraints reorganizing, 3-39
deferrable, 3-50 row subsetting, 1-8, 3-13
creating, 6-13 rowid, 3-7
creating schemas for, 6-8 simple, 3-9
creator, 3-11 simple subquery
data subsetting, 3-3, 3-13 AND condition, 3-20
deployment templates, 1-9, 4-1 subqueries, 3-14
user-defined types, 4-6 column logging, 3-20
disconnected computing, 3-3 EXISTS condition, 3-20
index, 3-41 joins, 3-20
length semantics, B-3 many to many, 3-16
prebuilt container tables, B-3 many to one, 3-14
local control, 4-21 one to many, 3-15
mass deployment, 3-3 OR condition, 3-20
master materialized view sites, 3-38 primary key materialized views, 3-20
master materialized views, 3-38 restrictions, 3-20
master sites, 3-38 trace file, A-6
master tables, 3-38 troubleshooting, A-5
materialized view groups, 3-42 types of, 3-6
materialized view logs, 1-9, 3-39 unions with subqueries, 3-17
multitier, 1-5, 3-22, 3-27 restrictions, 3-21
conflict resolution, 5-5 updatable, 1-7, 3-4
fast refresh, 3-48 column aliases, 3-5
levels, 3-23 DELETE CASCADE constraint, 3-5, 3-51
master materialized views, 3-24 length semantics, B-4
restrictions, 3-26 materialized view groups, 3-43
nested tables updatable materialized view logs, 3-41
restrictions, 3-33 trigger for, 3-42
network loads, 3-2 user-define, 3-27
object materialized views, 3-31 user-defined datatypes
OID preservation, 3-32 ON COMMIT REFRESH clause, 3-28
object tables, 3-30 uses for, 3-2
owner, 3-11 varrays
Partition Change Tracking (PCT), 3-48 r, 3-33
preparing for, 6-7 writeable, 3-5
primary key, 3-6, 3-20 maximum conflict resolution method, 5-21
privileges, 3-11, 6-10 minimum communication, 2-35
read-only, 1-6, 3-4 minimum conflict resolution method, 5-22
registration, 3-36 multimaster replication, 1-4, 2-1
unregistering, 3-36 architecture, 2-13
refresh groups, 1-8, 3-44 asynchronous, 2-5
size, 3-45 concepts, 2-1
refresher, 3-11 disconnected materialized views, 2-4
refreshing, 1-8, 3-46 failover, 2-3
complete, 3-47 load balancing, 2-3
failures, A-6 synchronous, 2-5, 2-6
fast, 3-22, 3-47 transaction propagation protection, 2-37
force, 3-49 uses for, 2-3
initiating, 3-49 multitier materialized views, 1-5, 3-22
interval, 3-49 conflict resolution, 5-5
on-demand, 3-50 fast refresh, 3-48
querying for last refresh time, 3-36 levels, 3-23

master materialized views, 3-24 Oracle Data Pump
restrictions, 3-27 Advanced Replication, 1-12
materialized view groups Oracle Enterprise Manager Console
ownership, 3-27 Oracle Replication Management tool, 7-1
restrictions, 3-26 Oracle Real Application Clusters
compared to replication, 2-4, 6-23
Oracle Replication Management tool, 1-11, 7-1
first login, 7-2
NCHAR datatype interface, 7-2
Unicode, B-5 Navigator pane, 7-3
interoperability, B-6 right pane, 7-6
NCLOB datatype Topology tab, 7-8
length semantics, B-6 usage scenarios, 7-1
nested tables wizards, 7-11
column groups, 5-16 Copy Template, 7-18
conflict resolution, 5-8 Deployment Template, 7-15
materialized views, 3-32 Materialized View Group, 7-13
restrictions, 3-33 Setup, 7-11
replication, 2-12, 3-32 Template Script Generation Wizard, 7-16
network overwrite conflict resolution method, 5-18
FAILOVER option, 6-25
parameter, B-1
NOROWDEPENDENCIES clause, 2-39 packages
NVARCHAR datatype replication, 2-19
Unicode, B-5 packaging deployment templates, 4-7
interoperability, B-6 parallel propagation, 2-33
n-way replication. See multimaster replication configuring for replication environments, 2-34
tracking, 2-38
implementing, 2-34
object identifiers planning for, 6-19
agreement for replication, 2-9, 3-28 replication environment, 6-19
object materialized views, 3-31 row level SCN, 2-39
OID preservation, 3-32 tuning, 2-35
object tables PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS initialization
column groups, 5-16 parameter, 2-34, 6-4
materialized view logs, 3-40 PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS initialization
materialized views, 3-30 parameter, 2-34, 6-5
replication, 2-11 parameters
object-relational model deployment templates, 4-6
replication, 2-8, 3-27 PCTFREE parameter
objects value for complex materialized views, 3-47
replicated PCTUSED parameter
re-creating, A-3 value for complex materialized views, 3-47
OF object_type clause peer-to-peer replication. See multimaster replication
object materialized views, 3-31 performance
OID clause replication, 2-33
CREATE TYPE statement, 2-10, 3-29 periodic purges
ON COMMIT REFRESH clause scheduling, 6-18
of CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW, 3-28 periodic pushes
ON PREBUILT TABLE clause, 3-20 scheduling, 6-15
length semantics, B-3 planning
one to many subqueries for replication, 6-1
materialized views, 3-15 PRIMARY KEY constraints
online redefinition of tables, 3-40 materialized views, 3-6, 3-20
OPEN_LINKS initialization parameter, 2-17, 6-4 replicated tables, 6-1
OR condition primary sites
materialized views with subqueries, 3-20 ownership, 5-12
priority groups conflict resolution method, 5-23

privileges on-demand, 3-50
materialized views, 3-11, 6-10 retries, A-6
procedural replication, 1-13 rollback segments
detecting conflicts, 1-14 troubleshooting, A-8
restrictions, 2-19 scheduling, 3-49
wrapper, 1-13 troubleshooting, A-7
procedures troubleshooting
replicating, 2-19 ORA-12004 error, A-8
PROCESSES initialization parameter, 6-5 ORA-942 error, A-8
propagation, 2-29 truncating materialized views
initiating, 2-33 troubleshooting, A-8
modes, 2-32 refresh groups, 1-4, 1-8, 3-44
parallel, 2-33 deployment templates, 4-15
implementing, 2-34 size considerations, 3-45
tuning, 2-35 troubleshooting, A-6
security context of propagator, 2-30 REFRESH procedure, 3-50
propagator REFRESH_ALL_MVIEWS procedure, 3-50
replication, 2-14 REFRESH_DEPENDENT procedure, 3-50
purges REFs
deferred transaction queue materialized views, 3-34
scheduling continuous, 6-18 replication, 2-12, 3-34
scheduling periodic, 6-18 REGISTER_MVIEW procedure, 3-36
pushes REPCAT_IMPORT_CHECK procedure, 6-25
deferred transaction queue replication
scheduling continuous, 6-16 administration, 1-10, 2-23
scheduling periodic, 6-15 administrative request queue, 2-26
administrative requests, 2-24
states, 2-26
applications that use, 1-2
quiescing, 1-5, 2-23 assignment tables, 4-17
single master asynchronous propagation, 1-5, 2-29
reduced, 3-5 availability, 6-22
character sets, B-1
R checking imported data, 6-25
column groups, 2-28
read-o, 3-36 column subsetting, 1-8
read-only materialized views, 1-6, 3-4 compared to Oracle Real Application
registration Clusters, 2-4, 6-23
manual, 3-36 conflict resolution, 1-12, 2-7, 2-41
receiver conflicts
replication, 2-14 detecting, 2-40
recovery procedural replication, 1-14
replication environments, 6-25 connection qualifiers, 2-16
redefining tables creating an environment, 7-19
online data requirements, 5-2
replication, 3-40 database links, 2-14
referential integrity CONNECT TO clause, 2-15
self-referential constraints, 2-18 Replication Management tool, 2-15
refresh USING clause, 2-15
automatic, 3-49 DDL statements, 1-12
complete, 3-47 deferred transaction queues, 2-22
failures, A-6 diagnosing problems with, A-4
fast, 3-47 deferred transactions, 1-5, 2-22
determining possibility of, 3-22 defined, 1-1
force, 3-49 DELAY_SECONDS parameter, 2-36
group, 3-49 dependencies
initiating, 3-49 minimizing, 2-39
interval, 3-49 dependency tracking, 2-39
manual, 3-50 deployment templates, 1-9, 4-1
materialized views, 1-8, 3-46 user-defined types, 4-6

distributed schema management, 1-12 survivability, 6-22
error queues, 2-22 suspending, 2-23
failover, 6-24 synchronous, 1-13, 2-30
filter columns, 6-11 tables, 6-1
flowchart for creating environment, 7-19 and DML incompatibility, A-3
groups, 1-3, 2-27 dependency tracking, 6-3
hybrid configurations, 1-9 DML incompatibility, A-3
Import check, 6-25 transaction propagation protection, 2-37
indextypes, 2-20 transactions
initialization parameters, 6-3 dependency ordering, 2-38
internal procedures, 2-22 triggers
internal triggers, 2-21 troubleshooting, A-4
interoperability, 6-15 troubleshooting, A-1
NCHAR datatype, B-6 Unicode, B-5
NVARCHAR datatype, B-6 unsupported datatypes
introduction, 1-1 BFILE, 6-2
job queue processes, 6-10 LONG, 6-2
job queues, 2-22 user-defined datatypes, 2-8, 3-27
jobs, 2-24 uses of, 1-1
mass deployment, 4-1 virtual private database (VPD), 6-9
master, 1-5 replication catalog, 1-12
master definition site, 1-4 DBA_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES, 3-36
master groups, 1-4, 2-27 DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEWS, 3-36
master materialized views, 1-5 DBA_REPCATLOG, 2-24
master sites, 1-4, 2-13 incorrect views, A-5
advantages, 6-7 USER_REFRESH, A-6
materialized view groups, 1-4 USER_REFRESH_CHILDREN, A-6
materialized view logs, 1-9 replication management API, 1-11, 2-24
materialized view sites Replication Management tool. See Oracle Replication
advantages, 6-7 Management tool
materialized views, 1-5, 3-1 replication objects, 1-3, 2-20
minimum communication, 2-35 at materialized view sites
modes, 2-23 problems creating, A-5
multimaster, 1-4, 2-1 functions, 2-19
multitier materialized views, 1-5 indexes, 2-18
objects, 2-17 function-based, 2-18
performance, 2-33 on foreign keys, 6-2
planning for, 6-1 packages, 2-19
problems procedures, 2-19
troubleshooting, A-1 re-creating, A-3
procedural replication, 1-13 sequences, 2-21
procedures tables, 2-17, 6-1
troubleshooting, A-4 dependency tracking, 6-3
propagation, 2-29 DML incompatibility, A-3
propagator, 2-14 foreign keys, 6-2
quiesce, 1-5, 2-23 primary keys, 6-1
real-time replication. See synchronous replication unable to generate support for, A-3
receiver, 2-14 triggers, 2-20
refresh groups, 1-4, 1-8 initialization parameter, 6-5
replication administrator, 2-14 restrictions
replication management API, 1-11 procedural replication, 2-19
resuming, 2-23 rollback segments
row subsetting, 1-8 materialized view sites, 6-22
scheduled links, 1-10 row subsetting, 1-8
See Also materialized views deployment templates, 4-17
single master, 2-2 materialized views, 3-13
sites, 1-4 ROWDEPENDENCIES clause, 2-39
choosing, 6-6 creating tables, 6-3

rowids T
rowid materialized views, 3-7
rows tables
identifying during conflict detection, 2-40 length semantics, B-2
length semantics, B-2
S problems generating replication support for, A-3
SCHEDULE_PUSH procedure, 6-15, 6-16 redefining online
scheduled links, 1-10, 6-10 replication, 3-40
continuous pushes, 6-16 replicating, 2-17, 6-1
guidelines, 6-15 dependency tracking, 6-3
parallel propagation, 6-19 DML incompatibility, A-3
periodic pushes, 6-15 Template Script Generation Wizard, 7-16
serial propagation, 6-19 trace files
scheduled purges materialized views, A-6
guidelines, 6-17 transactions
periodic purges, 6-18 propagation
schemas protection mechanisms, 2-37
creating for materialized views, 6-8 triggers
security for materialized view log, 3-38
deployment templates, 4-7 for updatable materialized view logs, 3-42
SEND_OLD_VALUES procedure, 5-27 replicating, 2-20
sequences troubleshooting
replication, 2-21 replication problems, A-1
Setup Wizard, 7-11
SGA_TARGET initialization parameter, 6-6 U
shadow column groups, 5-15
SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter, 6-6
NCHAR datatype, B-5
simple materialized views, 3-9
NVARCHAR datatype, B-5
site priority conflict resolution method, 5-25
replication, B-5
as a backup method, 5-17, 5-21
snapshots. See materialized views
with subqueries
store-and-forward replication. See asynchronous
materialized views, 3-17
restrictions for materialized views, 3-21
UNREGISTER_MVIEW procedure, 3-36
in unions
updatable, 5-7
materialized views, 3-17
updatable materialized view logs, 3-41
materialized views, 3-14, 3-20
trigger for, 3-42
AND condition, 3-20
updatable materialized views, 1-7, 3-4
column logging, 3-20
column subsetting, 5-7
EXISTS condition, 3-20
DELETE CASCADE constraint, 3-5, 3-51
joins, 3-20
length semantics, B-4
many to many, 3-16
materialized view groups, 3-43
many to one, 3-14
us, 3-30
one to many, 3-15
primary key, 3-20
restrictions, 3-20
user-defined datatypes
materialized views, 3-27
materialized views, 3-13
collections, 3-32
column objects, 3-30
object tables, 3-30
survivability, 6-22
ON COMMIT REFRESH clause, 3-28
design considerations, 6-24
REFs, 3-34
implementing, 6-24
type agreement, 3-28
Oracle Real Application Clusters and, 6-23
replication, 2-8, 3-27
synchronous replication, 1-13, 2-30
collections, 2-12, 3-32
of destination of transactions, 2-31
column objects, 2-8, 3-27
synonyms, 2-20
object tables, 2-11
replication, 2-20
REFs, 2-12, 3-34
system change numbers
type agreement, 2-9, 3-28
row level, 2-39, 6-3
USLOG$_, 3-41

materialized, 3-32
materialized views
restrictions, 3-33
replication, 2-12, 3-32
vertical partitioning. See column subsetting
views, 2-20
replication, 2-20
virtual private database (VPD)
Advanced Replication requirements, 6-9

WHERE clause
deployment templates, 4-7
REFs, 3-35
procedural replication, 1-13
writeable materialized views, 3-5


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