English Class VIP Practice

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English Class VIP. Units 1-5 Practice.

I- Rewrite the sentences using the corresponding subject pronouns.

I- you- he- she- it- we- they
1. Jose Luis is a VIP personal trainer. He is a personal trainer.

2. Lissstte is an excellent student. She is an excellent student.

3. Rosa is a master making juice. She is a master making juice.

4. My teacher and I are friends. We are friends.

5. Rosa and Gustavo Bido are lawyers. They are lawyers.

6. The English book is interesting. It is interesting.

II- Complete with the correct form of the verb to be: am-is-are

1.I___am___ a personal trainer at Gold’s Gym.

2. Ana___is___ a secretary at Gold’s Gym.

3. you___are__ very strong.

4. He__is___ my customer.

5. It__is__ yellow.

6. Johan and I____are__strong.

7. Jefferson and The Flow___are___ at the gym right now.

8. I___am___from Israel.

III- Change to negative the sentences from the point above.

1. I am not a personal trainer at Gold’s 5. It is not yellow.
6. Johan and I are not strong.
2. Ana is not a secretary at Gold's Gym.
7. Jefferson and The Flow are not at the
3. You are not very strong. Gym right now.

4. He is not my customer. 8. I am not from Israel.

IV- Change to question the sentences from point II.

1. Am I a personal trainer at Gold’s Gym? 5. Is it yellow?

2. Is Ana a secretary at Gold's Gym? 6. Are Johan and I strong?

3. Are you very strong? 7. Are Jefferson and The Flow at the Gym
right now?
4. Is he my customer?
8. Am I from Israel?
V. Answer these questions with the correct information.
Example: Are you heavy? Yes, I am.

1. Are you a personal trainer? Yes, I am a personal trainer.

2. Are you from Genimillo? Yes, I am from Genimillo.

3. Is Rosa a lawyer? Yes, she is a lawyer.

4. Is Lissette a trainer at Gold’s Gym? Yes, she is a trainer at Gold's Gym.

5. Is Gustavo Bido a lawyer? Yes, Gustavo Bido is a lawyer.

6. Is Noel short? Yes, Noel is short.

7. Is it raining right now? No, it is not raining right now.

8. Are you and your teacher Friends? Yes, we are friends.

VI- Complete the sentences in present continuous formsof the verbs in

Formula: Subject+verb to be+verb+ing+rest

1. He is working out (work out).

2. I___Is doing____________ (do) chest.

3. She_____is doing_____ (do) legs.

4. You_____are doing______ (do) Back.

5. ______they____are not doing______(do) triceps?

No, they’re not. They are doing biceps.

6. We____are talking______ (not speak) English.

VII- Complete the sentences with the present continouus negative.

1. I am not working (work) today.

2. She_____is not wearing____________ (wear) sunglasses.

3. They______are not eating ___________ (eat) soup.

4. She__________is not going_________ (go) home.

5. We_____are not playing______ (play) the piano.

6. The dog___is not barking_____ (bark) at me.

VIII- Answer these questions. Use long answers.

1. Are you working out right now? No I am not. I am studying English.

2. Is he Reading?

______Yes, he is reading.

3. Is she speaking English?

_______Yes she is. She is speaking english and spanish.

4. Are they sleeping?

____They are not sleeping. They are dancing.

5. Are they dancing?

__No, they are not dancing. They are standing.

IX- Answer these questions with your information.
1. What are you wearing? I am wearing shorts and a shirt.

2. What are your favorite colors? My favorite colors are red and blue.

3. How old are you? I am fifteen years old.

4. What’s the weather like today? The weather is good today.

5. What time is it right now? It is 3 pm right now.

6. What’s your last name? My last name is Almanzar.

7. How are you today? I am good today.

8. What are you like? I am short and brownskin.

9. what are you doing right now? I am doing my homework right now.

9. What’s your first language? My first language is Spanish.

X- Check (✓) the correct response.

XI- Complete the conversations. Use the correct prepositions from the box.

1. A: Where are the keys?

B: They’re on the briefcase.
2. A: Is the cell phone behind the briefcase?
B: No, it’s not. It’s next to the briefcase.
3. A: Where is the newspaper?
B: It’s under the briefcase.
4. A: Are the books in front the cell phone?
B: Yes, they are.
XII- Circle the correct words.
1. Lucas isn’t serious. He’s (heavy / pretty / funny).
2. Maria is a really good student. She’s very (friendly / smart / thin).
3. Dan isn’t very talkative. He’s (funny / good-looking / quiet).
4. My sister isn’t short. She’s (pretty / tall / heavy).
5. My brother is good-looking. He’s (interesting / pretty / handsome).
XIII- Match the questions with the answers.

1. Is this Sue’s scarf? D a. Maybe they’re Annie’s.

2. Whose boots are these? A b. No, they aren’t theirs. They’re ours!
3. Are these Lisa’s gloves? E c. I think it’s yours.
4. Whose hat is this? C d. No, it’s not hers. It’s mine.
5. Are these Peter’s and Kathy’s coats? B e. Yes, they’re hers.

XIV- Complete the sentences.

Nine eight eleven

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