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UNIT 7 :


After studying this unit, you will be able to

 Understand the objective and scope of this standard.
 Define the terms like investment property and owner-occupied property.
 Identify and recognise an investment property.
 Measure the investment property in accordance with the standard.
 Comply with disclosure requirements.

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Classification of property as
Objective and Scope investment property or owner-
occupied property
Investment Property
Ind AS 40
Transfers and Disposals Recognition and Measurement

The objective of this standard is to prescribe the accounting treatment for property (land and/or
buildings) held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation (or both). Ind AS 40 prescribes the cost
model for accounting for investment property.

1) Ind AS 40 should be applied in the recognition, measurement and disclosure of investment
2) This Standard does not apply to:
a) biological assets related to agricultural activity (see Ind AS 41, Agriculture and Ind AS 16
Property, Plant and Equipment); and
b) mineral rights and mineral reserves such as oil, natural gas and similar non-regenerative


The following are the key Investment Property-related definitions:
1) Investment property is property (land or a building—or part of a building—or both) held (by
the owner or by the lessee as a right-of-use asset) to earn rentals or for capital appreciation

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or both, rather than for:

a) use in the production or supply of goods or services or for administrative purposes; or
b) sale in the ordinary course of business.
2) Owner-occupied property is property held (by the owner or by the lessee as a right-of-use
asset) for use in the production or supply of goods or services or for administrative purposes.
3) Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an
orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. (See Ind AS 113,
Fair Value Measurement).
4) Cost is the amount of cash or cash equivalents paid or the fair value of other consideration
given to acquire an asset at the time of its acquisition or construction or, where applicable, the
amount attributed to that asset when initially recognised in accordance with the specific
requirements of other Ind ASs, eg Ind AS 102, Share Based Payment.
5) Carrying amount is the amount at which an asset is recognised in the balance sheet.


1) Nature of Investment property
Investment property is held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both. Therefore, an
investment property generates cash flows largely independently of the other assets held by an
entity. This distinguishes investment property from owner-occupied property.
The production or supply of goods or services (or the use of property for administrative
purposes) generates cash flows that are attributable not only to property, but also to other
assets used in the production or supply process. Ind AS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment
applies to owner-occupied property and Ind AS 116 applies to owner-occupied property
held by a lessee as a right-of-use asset.
2) Examples
The following are examples of investment property:
a) land held for long-term capital appreciation rather than for short-term sale in the ordinary
course of business.
b) land held for a currently undetermined future use. (If an entity has not determined that it
will use the land as owner-occupied property or for short-term sale in the ordinary course
of business, the land is regarded as held for capital appreciation.)

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c) a building owned by the entity (or a right-of-use asset relating to a building held by
the entity) and leased out under one or more operating leases.
d) a building that is vacant but is held to be leased out under one or more operating leases.
e) property that is being constructed or developed for future use as investment property.
The following are examples of items that are not investment property and are therefore outside
the scope of this Standard:
a) property intended for sale in the ordinary course of business or in the process of
construction or development for such sale (see Ind AS 2, Inventories), for example,
property acquired exclusively with a view to subsequent disposal in the near future or for
development and resale.
b) owner-occupied property (see Ind AS 16 and Ind AS 116), including property held for
future use as owner-occupied property, property held for future development and
subsequent use as owner-occupied property, property occupied by employees (whether
or not the employees pay rent at market rates) and owner-occupied property awaiting
c) property leased to another entity under a finance lease.

Not Investment Property

Sale in the Owner - Employee
ordinary course occupied occupied
of business property property
Ind AS 2 Ind AS 16 Ind AS 16

3) Property held for more than one purpose

In circumstances when property is held partly for capital appreciation and/or rentals, and partly
for production or supply of goods or services or for administrative purposes, the two parts are
accounted for separately if they could be sold, or leased out separately under a finance lease,
separately. If they could not be sold (or leased out under a finance lease) separately, the
property is accounted for as an investment property only if an insignificant portion is held for
use in the production or supply of goods or services or for administrative purposes.

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Dual Purpose – Able to split

Owner Occupied Rental Income

Ind AS 16 Ind AS 40

Dual Purpose – Unable to split

Ind AS 40

Owner Occupied Rental Income

Sun Ltd owns a building having 15 floors of which it uses 5 floors for its office; the remaining
10 floors are leased out to tenants under operating leases. According to law company could
sell legal title to the 10 floors while retaining legal title to the other 5 floors.
In the given scenario, the remaining 10 floors should be classified as investment property,
since they are able to split the title between the floors.
Moon Ltd uses 35% of the office floor space of the building as its head office. It leases the
remaining 65% to tenants, but it is unable to sell the tenant’s space or to enter into finance
leases related solely to it.
Therefore, the company should not classify the property as an investment property as the
35% of the floor space used by the company is significant.
An entity owns a hotel, which includes a health and fitness centre, housed in a separate
building that is part of the premises of the entire hotel. The owner operates the hotel and
other facilities on the hotel with the exception of the health and fitness centre, which can be
sold or leased out under a finance lease. The health and fitness centre will be leased to an
independent operator. The entity has no further involvement in the health and fitness centre.
In this scenario, management should classify the hotel and other facilities as property, plant
and equipment and the health and fitness centre as investment property.
If the health and fitness centre could not be sold or leased out separately on a finance lease,
then because the owner-occupied portion is not insignificant, the whole property would be
treated as an owner-occupied property.

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4) Ancillary services
In some cases, an entity provides ancillary services to the occupants of a property it holds. An
entity treats such a property as investment property if the services are insignificant to the
arrangement as a whole. An example is when the owner of an office building provides security
and maintenance services to the lessees who occupy the building.
In other cases, the services provided are significant. For example, if an entity owns and manages
a hotel, services provided to guests are significant to the arrangement as a whole. Therefore, an
owner-managed hotel is owner-occupied property, rather than investment property.
The owner of an office building provides security and maintenance services to the lessees who
occupy the building. In such a case, since the services provided are insignificant, the property
would be treated as an investment property.
If an entity owns and manages a hotel, services provided to guests are significant to the
arrangement as a whole. In such case, an owner-managed hotel is owner-occupied property,
rather than investment property.

Rental Income
Ind AS 40

Service Rental Income

It may be difficult to determine whether ancillary services are so significant that a property does
not qualify as investment property. For example, the owner of a hotel sometimes transfers
some responsibilities to third parties under a management contract. The terms of such
contracts vary widely. At one end of the spectrum, the owner’s position may, in substance, be
that of a passive investor. At the other end of the spectrum, the owner may simply have
outsourced day-to-day functions while retaining significant exposure to variation in the cash
flows generated by the operations of the hotel.
Judgement is needed to determine whether a property qualifies as investment property.
Judgement is also required to determine whether the acquisition of Investment Property is the
acquisition of an asset or a group of assets or a business combination within the scope of Ind
AS 103, Business Combinations.

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5) Property leased to other group members

In some cases, an entity owns property that is leased to, and occupied by, its parent or another
subsidiary. The property does not qualify as investment property in the consolidated financial
statements, because the property is owner-occupied from the perspective of the group.
However, from the perspective of the entity that owns it, the property is investment property if
it meets the definition of Investment Property. Therefore, the lessor treats the property as
investment property in its individual financial statements.
Tabular summarisation
S.No. Property Does it meet Which Ind
definition of AS is
Investment Applicable
1. Owned by a Company and leased out under an Yes Ind AS 40
Operating Lease
2. Held as a right-to-use asset and Leased out under an Yes Ind AS 40
Operating Lease
3. Held as a right-to-use asset and Leased out under No Ind AS 116
Finance Lease
4. Property acquired with a view for development and No Ind AS 2
5. Property partly owner occupied and partly leased out Depends Ind AS 16
under Operating Lease Ind AS 40
6. Land held for currently undetermined use Yes Ind AS 40
7. Property occupied by Employees paying rent at less than No Ind AS 16
market rate
8. Investment Property held for sale No Ind AS 105
9. Existing Investment Property that is being redeveloped Yes Ind AS 40
for continued use as Investment Property

1) General principle
An owned investment property shall be recognised as an asset when, and only when:
a) it is probable that the future economic benefits that are associated with the investment
property will flow to the entity; and
b) the cost of the investment property can be measured reliably.

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This general principle is used to consider whether capitalisation is appropriate both in respect
of the cost incurred initially to acquire or construct an owned investment property and costs
incurred subsequently to add to, replace part of, or service a property.
An investment property held by a lessee as a right-of-use asset shall be recognised in
accordance with Ind AS 116.
2) Subsequent costs

Under the recognition principle set out above, an entity does not recognise in the carrying
amount of an investment property the costs of the day-to-day servicing of such a property and
costs incurred to replace parts of the original property being recognised in the investment
property if they meet the recognition criteria.
When the cost of replacement parts is capitalised, the carrying amount of the replaced parts is
Illustration 1
X Limited owns a building which is used to earn rentals. The building has a carrying amount of
` 50,00,000. X Limited recently replaced interior walls of the building and the cost of new
interior walls is ` 5,00,000. The original walls have a carrying amount of ` 1,00,000. How
X Limited should account for the above costs?
Under the recognition principle, an entity recognises in the carrying amount of an investment
property the cost of replacing part of an existing investment property at the time that cost is
incurred if the recognition criteria are met and the carrying amount of those parts that are
replaced is derecognised.
So, X Limited should add the cost of new walls and remove the carrying amount of old walls.
The new carrying amount of the building = ` 50,00,000 + ` 5,00,000 – ` 1,00,000 = ` 54,00,000.


1) Measurement at recognition - general
An owned investment property should be measured initially at its cost. Transaction costs are
included in the initial measurement.
The cost of a purchased investment property comprises its purchase price and any directly
attributable expenditure (e.g. professional fees for legal services, property transfer taxes and
other transaction costs).

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The cost of an investment property is not increased by:

a) start-up costs (unless they are necessary to bring the property to the condition necessary
for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by management),
b) operating losses incurred before the investment property achieves the planned level of
occupancy, or
c) abnormal amounts of wasted material, labour or other resources incurred in constructing
or developing the property.
2) Deferred payments
If payment for an investment property is deferred, its cost is the cash price equivalent. The
difference between this amount and the total payments is recognised as interest expense over
the period of credit.
3) Investment property acquired through exchange of another asset
One or more investment properties may be acquired in exchange for a non-monetary asset
or assets, or a combination of monetary and non-monetary assets. The cost of such an
investment property is measured at fair value unless:
a) the exchange transaction lacks commercial substance or
b) the fair value of neither the asset received nor the asset given up is reliably measurable.
The acquired asset is measured in this way even if an entity cannot immediately derecognise
the asset given up. If the acquired asset is not measured at fair value, its cost is measured
at the carrying amount of the asset given up.
An entity determines whether an exchange transaction has commercial substance by
considering the extent to which its future cash flows are expected to change as a result of
the transaction. An exchange transaction has commercial substance if:
a) the configuration (risk, timing and amount) of the cash flows of the asset received differs
from the configuration of the cash flows of the asset transferred, or
b) the entity-specific value of the portion of the entity’s operations affected by the
transaction changes as a result of the exchange, and
c) the difference in (a) or (b) is significant relative to the fair value of the assets exchanged.
The fair value of an asset is reliably measurable if:
a) the variability in the range of reasonable fair value measurements is not significant for
that asset or
b) the probabilities of the various estimates within the range can be reasonably assessed
and used when measuring fair value.
If the entity is able to measure reliably the fair value of either the asset received or the asset
given up, then the fair value of the asset given up is used to measure cost unless the fair
value of the asset received is more clearly evident.

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An investment property held by a lessee as a right-of-use asset shall be measured

initially at its cost in accordance with Ind AS 116.
Sun Ltd acquired a building in exchange of a warehouse whose fair value is ` 5,00,000 and
payment of cash is ` 2,00,000. The fair value of the building received by the Company is
` 8,00,000. The company decided to keep that building for rental purposes.
The Building is acquired with the purpose to earn rentals. Hence, it is a case of Investment
Property acquired in exchange for a combination of monetary and non-monetary asset.
Journal entry at the time of acquisition is :
Investment Property (Building) (5,00,000 + 2,00,000) .Dr 7,00,000
To Cash 2,00,000
To PPE (Property, Plant and Equipment) i.e. Warehouse 5,00,000

Illustration 2
X Limited purchased a building for ` 30,00,000 in 1st May, 20X1. The purchase price was funded by
a loan. Property transfer taxes and direct legal costs of ` 1,00,000 and ` 20,000 respectively were
incurred in acquiring the building. In 20X1-20X2, X Limited redeveloped the building into retail
shops for rent under operating leases to independent third parties. Expenditures on redevelopment
` 2,00,000 planning permission.
` 7,00,000 construction costs (including ` 40,000 refundable purchases taxes).
The redevelopment was completed and the retail shops were ready for rental on
2nd September, 20X1.
What is the cost of building at initial recognition?
The cost of a purchased investment property comprises its purchase price and any direct attributable
So, the cost of the building = ` (30,00,000 +1,00,000 + 20,000 + 2,00,000 + 7,00,000 - 40,000) =
` 39,80,000.

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Illustration 3
X Limited purchased a land worth of ` 1,00,00,000. It has option either to pay full amount at the time
of purchases or pay for it over two years for a total cost of ` 1,20,00,000. What should be the cost
of the building under both the payment methods?
Using either payment method, the cost will be ` 1,00,00,00. If the second payment option is used,
` 20,00,000 will be treated as interest expenses over the period of credit i.e., 2 years.


1) Accounting Policy
After initial recognition, an entity shall measure investment property:
(a) in accordance with Ind AS 105, Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued
Operations, if it meets the criteria to be classified as held for sale (or is included in
a disposal group that is classified as held for sale);
(b) in accordance with Ind AS 116 if it is held by a lessee as a right-of-use asset and is
not held for sale in accordance with Ind AS 105; and
(c) in accordance with the requirements in Ind AS 16 for cost model in all other cases.
Entities are required to measure the fair value of investment property, for the purpose of
disclosure even though they are required to follow the cost model. An entity is encouraged,
but not required, to measure the fair value of investment property on the basis of a valuation
by an independent valuer who holds a recognised and relevant professional qualification and
has recent experience in the location and category of the investment property being valued.
2) Fair Value Measurement
While measuring the fair value of investment property in accordance with Ind AS 113, an entity
should ensure that the fair value reflects, among other things, rental income from current leases
and other assumptions that market participants would use when pricing investment property
under current market conditions.
When a lessee measures fair value of an investment property that is held as a right-of-
use asset, it shall measure the right-of-asset, and not the underlying property at fair
3) Inability to measure fair value reliably
There is a rebuttable presumption that an entity can reliably measure the fair value of an

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investment property on a continuing basis. But in exceptional cases, when an entity first acquired
(or when an existing property first becomes investment property after a change in use), there may
be clear evidence that the fair value of the investment property is not reliably measurable on a
continuing basis. This arises when, and only when, the market for comparable properties is
inactive (e.g. there are few recent transactions, price quotations are not current or observed
transaction prices indicate that the seller was forced to sell) and alternative reliable
measurements of fair value (for example, based on discounted cash flow projections) are not
Above exception is available only when the investment property is first recognised as such. If
an entity has previously measured the fair value of an investment property, it should continue
to measure the fair value of that property until disposal (or until the property becomes owner-
occupied property or the entity begins to develop the property for subsequent sale in the
ordinary course of business) even if comparable market transactions become less frequent or
market prices become less readily available.
If an entity determines that the fair value of an investment property (other than an investment
property under construction) is not reliably measurable on a continuing basis, the entity should
make the disclosures as prescribed under Ind AS 40.
In the exceptional cases when an entity is compelled, for the reason given above to make the
disclosures, it should determine the fair value of all its other investment property, including
investment property under construction. In these cases, although an entity may make the
disclosures as required for one investment property, the entity should continue to determine
the fair value of each of the remaining properties for disclosure as required.
4) Investment property in the course of construction
If an entity determines that the fair value of an investment property under construction is not
reliably measurable but expects the fair value of the property to be reliably measurable when
construction is complete, it should measure the fair value of that investment property either when
its fair value becomes reliably measurable or construction is completed (whichever is earlier).
Once an entity becomes able to measure reliably the fair value of an investment property under
construction for which the fair value was not previously measured, it should measure the fair
value of that property.
Once construction of that property is complete, it is presumed that fair value can be measured
reliably. If this is not the case, the entity should make the disclosures as required by Ind AS 40.
The presumption that the fair value of investment property under construction can be measured
reliably can be rebutted only on initial recognition. An entity that has measured the fair value
of an item of investment property under construction may not conclude that the fair value of the
completed investment property cannot be measured reliably.

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1) An entity shall transfer a property to, or from, investment property when, and only when, there
is a change in use. A change in use occurs when the property meets, or ceases to meet, the
definition of investment property and there is evidence of the change in use. In isolation, a
change in management’s intentions for the use of a property does not provide evidence of a
change in use. Examples of evidence of a change in use include:
a) commencement of owner-occupation, or of development with a view to owner-occupation,
for a transfer from investment property to owner-occupied property;
Ind AS 40 Ind AS 16
b) commencement of development with a view to sale, for a transfer from investment
property to inventories;
Ind AS 40 Ind AS 2
c) end of owner-occupation, for a transfer from owner-occupied property to investment
property; or
Ind AS 16 Ind AS 40
d) inception of an operating lease to another party, for a transfer from inventories to
investment property.
Ind AS 2 Ind AS 40
2) When an entity decides to dispose of an investment property without development, it continues
to treat the property as an investment property until it is derecognised (eliminated from the
balance sheet) and does not reclassify it as inventory. Similarly, if an entity begins to redevelop
an existing investment property for continued future use as investment property, the property
remains an investment property and is not reclassified as owner-occupied property during the
3) Transfers between investment property, owner-occupied property and inventories do not
change the carrying amount of the property transferred and they do not change the cost of that
property for measurement or disclosure purposes.
Illustration 4
Moon Ltd has purchased a building on 1 st April, 20X1 at a cost of ` 10 million. The building was
used as a factory by the Moon Ltd and was measured under cost model. The expected useful life of
the building is estimated to be 10 years. Due to decline in demand of the product, the Company
does not need the factory anymore and has rented out the building to a third party from

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1st April, 20X5. On this date the fair value of the building is ` 8 million. Moon ltd uses cost model
for accounting of its investment property.
(` Million)
Carrying amount of the building after depreciation of 4 years 6
(10-10/10 x 4).
The company has applied cost model under Ind AS 16 till now.
There is no impairment as the fair value is greater than the carrying amount of building.
Revaluation Surplus credited to Other Comprehensive Income ---
(not applicable since cost model is used under Ind AS 16)
Building initially recognised as Investment Property 6
(Cost model Ind AS 40)

1) An investment property should be derecognised (eliminated from the balance sheet)
a. on disposal or
b. when the investment property is permanently withdrawn from use and no future economic
benefits are expected from its disposal.
2) The disposal of an investment property may be achieved by:
a. sale or
b. entering into a finance lease.
3) The date of disposal for investment property that is sold is the date the recipient obtains control
of the investment property in accordance with the requirements for determining when a
performance obligation is satisfied in Ind AS 115. Ind AS 116 applies to a disposal effected by
entering into a finance lease and to a sale and leaseback.
4) Gains or losses arising from the retirement or disposal of investment property should be
determined as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of
the asset and shall be recognised in profit or loss (unless Ind AS 116 requires otherwise on a
sale and leaseback) in the period of the retirement or disposal.
5) The amount of consideration to be included in the gain or loss arising from the derecognition
of an investment property is determined in accordance with the requirements for determining
the transaction price as per Ind AS 115. Subsequent changes to the estimated amount of the
consideration included in the gain or loss shall be accounted for in accordance with the
requirements for changes in the transaction price in Ind AS 115.

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6) An entity applies Ind AS 37 or other Standards, as appropriate, to any liabilities that it retains
after disposal of an investment property.
7) Compensation from third parties for investment property that was impaired, lost or given up
shall be recognised in profit or loss when the compensation becomes receivable.
Sun Ltd, an aeronautics company is having a building which is given on an operating lease.
The book value of such building in the books is ` 2,00,000.
Case -A
Pluto Ltd. offers to buy the building at ` 4,00,000.
Bank Dr 4,00,000
To Investment Property 2,00,000
To Gain on disposal 2,00,000
Case- B
Pluto Ltd. offers to take the building on finance lease for 10 years at a lease rental of
` 80,000 p.a. The present value of minimum lease payments is ` 3,20,000.
Lease Receivable Dr 3,20,000
To Investment Property 2,00,000
To Gain on Disposal 1,20,000

The disclosures below apply in addition to those in Ind AS 116. In accordance with Ind AS
116, the owner of an investment property provides lessors’ disclosures about leases into
which it has entered. A lessee that holds an investment property as a right-of-use asset
provides lessees’ disclosures as required by Ind AS 116 and lessors’ disclosures as required
by Ind AS 116 for any operating leases into which it has entered.
An entity should disclose:
1) its accounting policy for measurement of investment property.
2) the criteria it uses to distinguish investment property from owner-occupied property and from
property held for sale in the ordinary course of business.
3) the extent to which the fair value of investment property (as measured for disclosed in the financial
statements) is based on a valuation by an independent valuer who holds a recognised and relevant
professional qualification and has recent experience in the location and category of the investment
property being valued. If there has been no such valuation, that fact shall be disclosed.

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4) the amounts recognised in profit or loss for:

a) rental income from investment property;
b) direct operating expenses (including repairs and maintenance) arising from investment
property that generated rental income during the period; and
c) direct operating expenses (including repairs and maintenance) arising from investment
property that did not generate rental income during the period.
5) the existence and amounts of restrictions on the realisability of investment property or the
remittance of income and proceeds of disposal.
6) contractual obligations to purchase, construct or develop investment property or for repairs,
maintenance or enhancements.
7) In addition to the general disclosures required above, an entity is required to disclose:
a) the depreciation methods used;
b) the useful lives or the depreciation rates used;
c) the gross carrying amount and the accumulated depreciation (aggregated with
accumulated impairment losses) at the beginning and end of the period;
8) An entity is also required to provide a reconciliation of the carrying amount of investment
property at the beginning and end of the period, showing the following:
a) additions, disclosing separately those additions resulting from acquisitions and those
resulting from subsequent expenditure recognised as an asset;
b) additions resulting from acquisitions through business combinations;
c) assets classified as held for sale or included in a disposal group classified as held for sale
in accordance with Ind AS 105 and other disposals;
d) depreciation;
e) the amount of impairment losses recognised, and the amount of impairment losses
reversed, during the period in accordance with Ind AS 36;
f) the net exchange differences arising on the translation of the financial statements into a
different presentation currency, and on translation of a foreign operation into the
presentation currency of the reporting entity;
g) transfers to and from inventories and owner-occupied property; and
h) other changes.
9) An entity is also required to disclose the fair value of investment property. In the exceptional cases
when an entity cannot measure the fair value of the investment property reliably, it should disclose:
a) a description of the investment property;
b) an explanation of why fair value cannot be measured reliably; and
c) if possible, the range of estimates within which fair value is highly likely to lie.

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1. On 1st April, 20X1 an entity acquired an investment property (building) for ` 40,00,000.
Management estimates the useful life of the building as 20 years measured from the date of
acquisition. The residual value of the building is ` 2,00,000. Management believes that the
straight-line depreciation method reflects the pattern in which it expects to consume the
building’s future economic benefits. What is the carrying amount of the building on
31st March, 20X2?
2. X Limited has an investment property (building) which is carried in Balance Sheet on
31st March, 20X1 at ` 15,00,000. During the year X Limited has stopped letting out the building
and used it as its office premise. On 31st March, 20X1, management estimates the recoverable
amount of the building as ` 10,00,000 and its remaining useful life as 20 years and residual
value is nil. How should X Limited account for the above investment property as on
31st March, 20X1?
3. In financial year 20X1-20X2, X Limited incurred the following expenditure in acquiring property
consisting of 6 identical houses each with separate legal title including the land on which it is
The expenditure incurred on various dates is given below:
On 1st April, 20X1 - Purchase cost of the property ` 1,80,00,000.
On 1st April, 20X1 – Non-refundable transfer taxes ` 20,00,000 (not included in the purchase
On 2nd April, 20X1- Legal cost related to property acquisition ` 5,00,000.
On 6th April, 20X1- Advertisement campaign to attract tenants ` 3,00,000.
On 8th April, 20X1 - Opening ceremony function for starting business ` 1,50,000.
Throughout 20X1-20X2, incurred ` 1,00,000 towards day-to-day repair maintenance and other
administrative expenses.
X Limited uses one of the six houses for office and accommodation of its few staffs. The other
five houses are rented to various independent third parties.
How X Limited will account for all the above mentioned expenses in the books of account?
1. Cost of the asset is ` 40,00,000.
Depreciable amount = Cost less Residual value = ` (40,00,000 - 2,00,000) = ` 38,00,000

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Depreciation for the year = Depreciable amount/useful life

= ` 38,00,000/20
= ` 1,90,000.
Carrying amount = Cost less accumulated depreciation
= ` (40,00,000 - 1,90,000) = ` 38,10,000.
2. At 31st March, 20X1, X Limited must transfer the property from investment property to property,
plant and equipment since there is a change in use of the said building. The transfer should
be made at its carrying amount i.e., ` 15,00,000. Since recoverable amount of the property as
on 31st March, 20X1 is ` 10,00,000, impairment loss ` 5,00,000 should be recognised in the
Statement of Profit and Loss.
The entity must disclose the reclassification.
From April, 20X1, X Limited will depreciate the building over its remaining useful life of
20 years.
3. The cost of the property = ` (1,80,00,000 + 20,00,000 + 5,00,000) = ` 2,05,00,000.
Since five houses out of six are being rented, so 5/6th of the property cost will be accounted
for as an investment property and 1/6th of the property cost will be accounted for as owner
occupied property.
Cost of the investment property = ` 2,05,00,000 x 5/6 = ` 1,70,83,333
Cost of the owner occupied property = ` (2,05,00,000 - 1,70,83,333) = ` 34,16,667. All other
costs, i.e., advertisement expenses, ceremony expenses and repair maintenance expenses
will be expensed off as and when incurred.

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

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