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S.L Name of Item Remarks

1 Layout sft 1.5  

Earth/ Sand filling with ramming,
2 levelling, dressing etc.(Vity cft 3.5
sand/Excavated earth)
3 Earth Excavation  
3.a 0’-8’ cft 8.00
8’-15’ cft 8.50
Brick flat soling in foundation or
4.a Single layer sft 3.5
Double layer sft 4.00
5 C.C casting in foundation or floor sft 7.00
6 Polything laying sft 0.5  
All type of R.C.C. works (excluding
supply of mixer machine,vibrator &
fuel) including block making
,placing ,water barrier making for
7 pond curing , mixer cft 21.00
machine,vibrator and roof hoist
operator all compelte
as per direction of in site in charge.
Casting (mixture machine)  
8 Casting (Ready mix without pump) cft 14.00  
9 Casting (Ready mix with pump) cft 7.00  
Steel/Wooden or any type
shuttering works for Column, beam
, slab, Lintel, Stair, false slab drop
wall, railing, sun – shade etc.
including supply of G.I Nails & G.I.
wire, shutter cleaning with grinding
machine,oiling , wielding/driling
10 sft 20.00
(machine and electrode rod
supplied by NTCL)and stacking
shuttering materials from top floor
to ground floor after casting of last
slab all
complete as per direction of site in
11 Chipping sft 2.00  
12 5” Brick work with Cement sft 12.00  
mortar(1:5/1:6/1:4) including
scaffolding making, opening,
stacking all complete as per
direction of site in charge.
10” Brick work with Cement
mortar(1:5/1:6) including
13 scaffolding making, cft 15.00
opening,stacking all complete as
per direction of site in charge.  
14 Ceramic Brick (10") both side flash sft 60.00  
15 Ceramic Brick (5") sft 38.00  
16 Rule Pointing sft 10.00  
½” to ¾” thick cement plaster
(1:6/1:4/1:3) at Inside wall
including R.C.C surface chipping,
17 sft 11.5
tangano and supplying of belcha,
fuljharu, foam etc all complete as
per direction of site in charge.
½” to ¾” thick cement plaster
(1:6/1:4/1:3) at out side wall
including R.C.C surface chipping
18 Macha sft 15.00
tangano all complete as per
direction of site in charge.
19 Scaffolding sft 7.00
20 Plaster (Cobla) rft 8.00  
21 Nosing at the edge of sunshade rft 10.00  
22 Grove Plaster rft 8.00  
23 Design Plaster rft 8.00  
24 Neat cement finishing sft 3.00  
25 Rod binding (with G.I wire) kg 5.5  
Staging or tressing (if slab height
26 sft 10
above 15'-0")  
27 Door frame fitting nos 300  
28 Grill fitting at window sft 8.0  
29 Water barrier for slab curing rft 3.0  
30 Brick Soaking nos 0.5  
31 Sand Washing & netting cft 4.00  
32 Safety fencing sft  
33 Block making 3/4" nos 1.00  
34 Block making (pipe block 4-6") nos 2.00  
35 RCC Dismental cft
36 Brick work Dismental cft 45.00  
37 Daily Mason nos
38 Helper/Labour nos 500.0  

Terms and Conditions:

1. NTCL will provide Roof hoist, Mixture Machine, Vibrator machine, Welding machine, Plate Compactor, Mud pump, Rod,
Cement, Sand, Stone Chips, Brick, Brick chips, Water, Chemical, Electrode rod,Bucket, Drum, Ropes, Polythine,Cup brush,
old Mobil, Foam, Labor shade, Electricity and all Shuttering materials.
2. The Sub-Contractor will provide Rod cutting machine, granding machine and other equipment if needed.
3. All machine operator (Roof hoist, Mixture machine, Welding machine, Rod cutting machine) supply by sub-contractor.
4. NTCL will provide Curing man.
5. Spade, Shovel, Rupban Sheet, All Nails, 24 no Gi wire& others materials supply by sub-contractor.
6. 4% will increase for every floor from 1st Floor.
7. Tk.300 (Three Hundred) will be given per day per worker for day.
8. 10% Security money deduction from each running bill which will be paid after 3 months of completion of the project.
9. No intermediate enhancement in rate will be allowed till completion of the project.
10. All incidental expenses are to be borne by the sub-contractor. NTCL will not pay any compensation, donation to the
workers for any fatal incidents or any incidental expenses.
11. The sub-contractor is fully responsible for the safety and security of his employed workers and shell bear all legal
consequences, if any.
12. Work should be as per Drawing for any faulty and defective works done by the sub-contractor shall be rectified by the
sub-contractor at his own cost.
13. Before brick work, bricks must be wet 24 hours in the water house.
14. Rate of any non-schedule items of works (if any) shell be settled by mutual consent of both the parties as per market
15. Final bill will be made only after satisfactory completion of work.
16. Management reserves the right to cancel the contract at any time or stages of the work/item are satisfactory.
17. If the sub-contractor failure to complete the work, security money will be not paid & that balance work will be done by
the other contractor.
18. Sub-contractor must clean site area every day after finish the work by his own expenses and responsibility as per
instruction of Engineer-in-charge, rubbish/dust will be removed to the specific space area if sub-contractor failure to
clean the site area. NTCL will take responsibility to clean &that expenses will deduct from the sub-contractor’s bill.

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