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This document is a companion to Chapter 17 of the Analytical Perspectives volume of this budget, and provides the Information Technolog

portfolios discussed in the Budget. For additional guidance about the formulation of the Information Technology and E-Gov IT Portfolio fo
FY2017 budget, please go to:

The document consists of the following worksheets:

1) Summary Worksheet: This worksheet provides an overall summary of IT spending, by agency or department, for 2015 (PY) Actuals, 20
(Enacted), and 2017 (BY) Budget. "Count" refers to the number of investments (major and non-major) that are active on the IT Dashboard.
more information, please refer to the FAQ:

2) Agency Details Document Map: This worksheet provides links to each of the Agency Worksheets

3) How the IT Portfolio is coded Worksheet: This worksheet provides a summary of the information provided for in Circular A-11 Section

4) Raw Data - ITP Investments Worksheet, all agencies: Provides the full Exhibit 53A Data Feed from the IT Dashboard (www.itdashboard
This includes additional FEA BRM Codes, additional spending attributes, and other details.

5) Raw Data - Funding Sources Worksheet: Provides data derived from the Exhibit 53 Funding Sources Data Feed from the IT Dashboard

6) Funding Sources Pivot 1 Worksheet: Provides a breakdown of funding by Funding Bureau / Budget Account / Investment

7) Funding Sources Pivot 2 Worksheet: Provides a breakdown of funding by Investment Bureau / Investment / Funding Bureau / Budget Ac

8) IT Investment Details Worksheet: This worksheet provides agency IT investment details for all agencies. The report is in millions of dol

9-34) Agency Worksheets: Provides IT Investment Detail Worksheets (4) for each agency. The report is in millions of dollars.

If you have questions about this report please contact OMB Communications at 202-395-7254.

Additional References:

The Common Approach to Federal Enterprise Architecture
Business Reference Model version 3

February 1, 2010 (dollars shown in millions)

Report on Information Technology (IT) Spending for the

2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY)

Federal Agency Count Actuals (Enacted) Budget
Department of Agriculture 197 3,057.070 3,417.998 3,174.424
Department of Commerce 129 2,106.639 2,312.403 2,264.588
Department of Defense 2988 30,414.272 30,780.245 30,297.184
Department of Education 153 686.942 688.557 717.395
Department of Energy 601 1,587.746 1,654.506 1,669.370
Department of Health and Human Services 591 13,637.660 12,566.028 12,050.097
Department of Homeland Security 341 5,914.243 6,203.513 6,479.508
Department of Housing and Urban Development 39 307.962 341.572 288.202
Department of the Interior 208 1,031.900 1,121.097 1,208.771
Department of Justice 225 2,646.847 2,699.140 2,866.160
Department of Labor 147 667.126 713.832 759.261
Department of State 78 1,576.845 1,966.177 1,860.140
U.S. Agency for International Development 23 131.505 151.358 151.404
Department of Transportation 349 3,280.703 3,507.199 3,718.527
Department of the Treasury 267 3,769.684 3,939.819 4,333.302
Department of Veterans Affairs 31 4,199.528 4,403.414 4,394.448
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 42 444.001 435.662 459.825
Environmental Protection Agency 111 394.111 425.099 464.802
General Services Administration 104 649.606 710.159 647.200
National Aeronautics and Space Administration 67 1,385.699 1,361.328 1,376.082
National Archives and Records Administration 7 110.396 107.658 115.224
National Science Foundation 15 111.617 102.353 122.890
Nuclear Regulatory Commission 34 178.780 153.304 156.538
Office of Personnel Management 77 123.983 147.044 151.581
Small Business Administration 25 102.500 95.137 100.961
Social Security Administration 48 1,861.597 1,501.317 1,768.918
Federal Grand Total 6897 80,378.963 81,505.919 81,596.801

Reflects information updates on unclassified DOD investments received subsequent to earlier estimates included in the budge
pending for the Federal Government

DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 O&M 2015 O&M 2016 O&M 2017
(PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget
337.413 636.715 332.153 2,719.657 2,781.283 2,842.271
693.664 852.628 627.723 1,412.975 1,459.776 1,636.865
6,924.596 7,472.671 6,995.870 23,489.676 23,307.574 23,301.314
152.421 139.777 179.265 534.521 548.779 538.130
200.237 236.741 232.974 1,387.509 1,417.765 1,436.396
4,443.181 3,664.119 3,169.020 9,194.479 8,901.909 8,881.077
994.113 1,124.266 1,190.420 4,920.130 5,079.247 5,289.088
23.249 21.049 46.514 284.712 320.523 241.688
84.268 142.485 161.124 947.632 978.613 1,047.648
496.300 503.139 557.430 2,150.547 2,196.001 2,308.729
129.787 151.187 175.451 537.339 562.645 583.810
198.360 450.593 352.739 1,378.485 1,515.584 1,507.401
28.196 27.400 25.700 103.309 123.958 125.704
1,627.499 1,810.894 1,954.408 1,653.204 1,696.305 1,764.119
883.070 910.445 734.752 2,886.614 3,029.374 3,598.550
720.208 639.384 545.636 3,479.320 3,764.030 3,848.812
3.309 2.725 16.440 440.692 432.937 443.385
39.104 38.990 58.406 355.007 386.109 406.396
184.280 236.355 170.440 465.326 473.804 476.760
120.495 114.700 116.105 1,265.205 1,246.628 1,259.977
45.563 43.648 49.542 64.833 64.010 65.682
17.747 17.515 26.565 93.870 84.838 96.325
20.236 11.023 10.677 158.545 142.281 145.862
52.624 42.683 30.886 71.359 104.362 120.695
22.540 16.797 15.126 79.959 78.340 85.835
758.600 503.217 682.813 1,102.997 998.100 1,086.105
19,201.059 19,811.143 18,458.178 61,177.904 61,694.776 63,138.623

tes included in the budget release.

Click on an agency to view its investments.

Agency Tab Name

Department of Agriculture USDA
Department of Commerce Commerce
Department of Defense DOD
Department of Education ED
Department of Energy DOE
Department of Health and Human Services HHS
Department of Homeland Security DHS
Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD
Department of the Interior Interior
Department of Justice Justice
Department of Labor Labor
Department of State State
U.S. Agency for International Development USAID
Department of Transportation DOT
Department of the Treasury Treasury
Department of Veterans Affairs VA
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers USACE
Environmental Protection Agency EPA
General Services Administration GSA
National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA
National Archives and Records Administration NARA
National Science Foundation NSF
Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRC
Office of Personnel Management OPM
Small Business Administration SBA
Social Security Administration SSA
53.4 How is the Agency IT Portfolio coded?

Use the following UII 12-digit line number coding, and additional six 2-digit variable information fields, to categorize investments and line
structure for your Agency IT Portfolio. Each investment identified in the agency's portfolio must have a unique UII.
Header Entry
Agency Code XXX-xxxxxxxxx

Variable Information:

Investment Category

Bureau Code

Part of Exhibit 53
Mission Delivery and
Management Support

Type of Investment

Line Item Descriptor

February 1, 2010 (dollars shown in millions)

the Agency IT Portfolio coded?

owing UII 12-digit line number coding, and additional six 2-digit variable information fields, to categorize investments and line
your Agency IT Portfolio. Each investment identified in the agency's portfolio must have a unique UII.
The first three digits represent your agency code (see Appendix C of OMB Circular A-11).

The last nine digits serve as your unique identifier. This identifier should be system generated and applied at the
agency level. It will allow agencies up to one billion unique identifiers to associate with IT investments. Once
used, the unique identifier must be retired. If an IT investment is retired, discontinued, or merged with another IT
investment, the unique identifier persists with that IT investment.
Note: “99999XXXX” codes are reserved for approved multi-agency investments, including E-Gov and LoB

Investment Category
00= Code for all investments other than those coded "24" or "48"
24= E-Gov initiatives or an individual agency's participation in one of the E-Gov initiatives
48= Any multi-agency
collaboration or an individual agency's participation in one of the multi-agency initiatives, excluding E-Gov
Bureau Code
The next two digits are the bureau code (see Appendix C of OMB Circular A-11). If this is a department only or
an agency-wide activity, use 00 as your bureau code. Note - this refers to the bureau with management
responsibility for the IT investment, which may differ from the "bureau" code embedded in OMB budget
accounts used when providing funding sources.

Part of Agency IT Portfolio Summary

These two digits indicate the six parts of Agency IT Portfolio Summary:
01 = Part 1. IT investments for Mission Delivery and Management Support Area
02 = Part 2. IT investments for Infrastructure, IT Security, Office Automation, and Telecommunications
03 = Part 3. IT Investments for Enterprise Architecture, Capital Planning, and CIO Functions
04 = Part 4. IT Investments for Grants Management Systems
05 = Part 5. National Security Systems IT Investments (Department of Defense Only)
06 = Part 6. Grants to State and Local IT Investments
Mission Delivery and Management Support Area
These two digits indicate the mission delivery and management support area. Assign a unique code for each
mission delivery and management support area reported.
Type of Investment
These two digits indicate your agency's type of investment. Select one of the following two digit codes
according to the type of investment you are reporting:
01 = Major IT investments (see definition in section 4)
02 = Non-major IT investments (see definition in section 4)
03= IT migration investment portion of a larger asset and for which there is an existing business case for the
overall asset. The description of the IT investment should indicate the UII of the major asset investment of the
managing partner.
04 = Funding transfer investments: These are primarily used for business cases for the major IT investment is
reported in another agency's IT Investment Portfolio Summary. The description of the IT investment should
indicate the UII of the major asset investment of the managing partner. Intra-agency collaboration can also use
this investment type.

Line Item Descriptor

These two digits identify the nature of the “line item” in the Agency IT Portfolio structure. The digits
represent the line number in both the XML format used for agencies on the IT Dashboard and
the line number in an equivalent spreadsheet file (CSV or XLS file), for agencies not on the IT
00: Total investment title line, structurally the first line for reporting this particular investment
04: Funding source or appropriation

February 1, 2010 (dollars shown in millions)

Agency CodeAgency Nam Previous UII Unique InvestInvestment CBureau CodeBureau NamePart Of IT Por
005 Department o005-0000001005-000000100 32 Animal and Pl01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000015005-000001500 49 Farm Service02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000016005-000001600 49 Farm Service01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000022005-000002200 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000000005-000000000 03 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000000005-000000000 03 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000001005-000000100 03 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000017005-000001700 03 Office of the 02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-9999900005-999990024 03 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-9999900005-999990024 03 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-9999902005-999990224 03 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-9999911005-999991124 03 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-9999912005-999991224 03 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-9999912005-999991248 03 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-9999912005-999991248 03 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-9999913005-999990124 03 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-9999931005-999993124 03 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-9999932005-999993224 03 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-9999941005-999994124 03 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000017005-000001700 04 Executive Op02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000000005-000000000 07 Office of Civi 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000017005-000001700 08 Office of Ins 02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000022005-000002200 10 Office of the 02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 13 Economic Res02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 15 National Agric01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000015005-000001500 15 National Agric02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000015005-000001500 15 National Agric02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000016005-000001600 15 National Agric01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 18 Agricultural 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 18 Agricultural 02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 18 Agricultural 02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000017005-000001700 18 Agricultural 02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 20 National Inst04 - Grants
005 Department o005-0000023005-000002300 20 National Inst02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000000005-000000000 32 Animal and Pl02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000000005-000000000 32 Animal and Pl01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000000005-000000000 32 Animal and Pl01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000001005-000000100 32 Animal and Pl01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000014005-000001400 32 Animal and Pl01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000016005-000001600 32 Animal and Pl01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000016005-000001600 32 Animal and Pl01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000017005-000001700 32 Animal and Pl01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000018005-000001800 32 Animal and Pl01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000018005-000001800 32 Animal and Pl01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000021005-000002100 32 Animal and Pl01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000021005-000002100 32 Animal and Pl01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000021005-000002100 32 Animal and Pl01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000021005-000002100 32 Animal and Pl01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000022005-000002200 32 Animal and Pl01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000022005-000002200 32 Animal and Pl01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000023005-000002300 32 Animal and Pl01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000023005-000002300 32 Animal and Pl01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000023005-000002300 32 Animal and Pl01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000023005-000002300 32 Animal and Pl01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000023005-000002300 32 Animal and Pl01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000023005-000002300 32 Animal and Pl01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000000005-000000000 35 Food Safety a02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000001005-000000100 35 Food Safety a01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000001005-000000100 35 Food Safety a01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000001005-000000100 35 Food Safety a01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000001005-000000100 35 Food Safety a01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000001005-000000100 35 Food Safety a01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000001005-000000100 35 Food Safety a01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000001005-000000100 35 Food Safety a01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000001005-000000100 35 Food Safety a01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000001005-000000100 35 Food Safety a01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000001005-000000100 35 Food Safety a01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000001005-000000100 35 Food Safety a01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000001005-000000100 35 Food Safety a01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 35 Food Safety a01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000017005-000001700 35 Food Safety a01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000021005-000002100 35 Food Safety a01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000016005-000001600 37 Grain Inspect02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000017005-000001700 37 Grain Inspect01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000000005-000000000 45 Agricultural 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000016005-000001600 45 Agricultural 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000016005-000001600 45 Agricultural 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000017005-000001700 45 Agricultural 02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000018005-000001800 45 Agricultural 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000023005-000002300 45 Agricultural 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000000005-000000000 47 Risk Manage 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000000005-000000000 47 Risk Manage 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000014005-000001400 47 Risk Manage 02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000000005-000000000 49 Farm Service01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000000005-000000000 49 Farm Service01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000008005-000000800 49 Farm Service01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000012005-000001200 49 Farm Service01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000012005-000001200 49 Farm Service01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000012005-000001248 49 Farm Service01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000016005-000001600 49 Farm Service01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000016005-000001600 49 Farm Service01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000016005-000001600 49 Farm Service01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000016005-000001600 49 Farm Service01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000016005-000001600 49 Farm Service01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000016005-000001600 49 Farm Service01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000017005-000001700 49 Farm Service02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000017005-000001700 49 Farm Service02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000017005-000001700 49 Farm Service02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000017005-000001700 49 Farm Service01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000017005-000001700 49 Farm Service02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000018005-000001800 49 Farm Service01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000018005-000001800 49 Farm Service01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000021005-000002100 49 Farm Service01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000022005-000002200 49 Farm Service02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000022005-000002200 49 Farm Service02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000022005-000002200 49 Farm Service01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000000005-000000000 53 Natural Reso01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000001005-000000100 53 Natural Reso02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000023005-000002300 53 Natural Reso01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000023005-000002300 53 Natural Reso01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000023005-000002300 53 Natural Reso01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000023005-000002300 53 Natural Reso01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000023005-000002300 53 Natural Reso01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000023005-000002300 53 Natural Reso01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000023005-000002300 53 Natural Reso03 - IT Inves
005 Department o005-0000023005-000002300 53 Natural Reso02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000023005-000002300 53 Natural Reso04 - Grants
005 Department o005-0000023005-000002300 53 Natural Reso01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000015005-000001500 55 Rural Devel 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000018005-000001800 55 Rural Devel 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000022005-000002200 55 Rural Devel 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000023005-000002300 55 Rural Devel 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000014005-000001400 68 Foreign Agric01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000016005-000001600 68 Foreign Agric02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000016005-000001600 68 Foreign Agric01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000017005-000001700 68 Foreign Agric02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000017005-000001700 68 Foreign Agric01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000017005-000001700 68 Foreign Agric03 - IT Inves
005 Department o005-0000021005-000002100 68 Foreign Agric01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000028005-000002800 68 Foreign Agric01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000000005-000000000 84 Food and Nutr01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000000005-000000000 84 Food and Nutr01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000000005-000000000 84 Food and Nutr01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000000005-000000000 84 Food and Nutr01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 84 Food and Nutr 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000015005-000001500 84 Food and Nutr 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000017005-000001700 84 Food and Nutr 02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000017005-000001700 84 Food and Nutr 06 - Grants t
005 Department o005-0000017005-000001700 84 Food and Nutr 06 - Grants t
005 Department o005-0000021005-000002100 84 Food and Nutr 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000022005-000002200 84 Food and Nutr 03 - IT Inves
005 Department o005-0000023005-000002300 84 Food and Nutr 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000023005-000002300 84 Food and Nutr 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000023005-000002300 84 Food and Nutr 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000000005-000000000 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000000005-000000000 96 Forest Servic02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000000005-000000000 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000000005-000000000 96 Forest Servic02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 96 Forest Servic02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 96 Forest Servic02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 96 Forest Servic02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000014005-000001400 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000023005-000002300 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000001005-000000100 12 Office of Chi 02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 12 Office of Chi 02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 12 Office of Chi 02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 12 Office of Chi 02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000016005-000001600 12 Office of Chi 03 - IT Inves
005 Department o005-0000022005-000002200 12 Office of Chi 03 - IT Inves
005 Department o005-0000023005-000002300 12 Office of Chi 02 - Infrastr
005 Department o005-0000023005-000002300 12 Office of Chi 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 14 Office of Chie01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000014005-000001400 14 Office of Chie01 - IT Inve
005 Department of Agricultur 005-000003000 03 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
005 Department of Agricultur 005-999991224 03 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
005 Department of Agricultur 005-999990924 03 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
005 Department of Agricultur 005-000003000 35 Food Safety a01 - IT Inve
005 Department of Agricultur 005-000003000 35 Food Safety a01 - IT Inve
005 Department of Agricultur 005-000003000 49 Farm Service01 - IT Inve
005 Department of Agricultur 005-000003000 53 Natural Reso01 - IT Inve
005 Department of Agricultur 005-000003000 96 Forest Servic02 - Infrastr
005 Department of Agricultur 005-999990024 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department of Agricultur 005-000003000 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department of Agricultur 005-000003048 14 Office of Chie01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000017005-000001700 32 Animal and Pl01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000022005-000002200 32 Animal and Pl01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000022005-000002200 32 Animal and Pl01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000014005-000001400 84 Food and Nutr 01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000002005-000000200 96 Forest Servic01 - IT Inve
005 Department o005-0000001005-000000100 12 Office of Chi 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-9999900006-999990024 00 Department 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0000505006-000050500 00 Department 02 - Infrastr
006 Department 006-9999901006-999990124 00 Department 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0000527006-000052700 00 Department 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-9999912006-999991224 00 Department 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-9999931006-999993124 00 Department 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-9999911006-999991148 00 Department 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0000350006-000035000 00 Department 02 - Infrastr
006 Department 006-9999902006-999990224 00 Department 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0000515006-000051500 00 Department 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0000510006-000051000 00 Department 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-9999940006-999994048 00 Department 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-9999932006-999993224 00 Department 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-9999911006-999991124 00 Department 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0000511006-000051100 00 Department 02 - Infrastr
006 Department 006-0000502006-000050200 00 Department 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-9999941006-999994124 00 Department 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-9999912006-999991224 00 Department 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0000410006-000041000 00 Department 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0000525006-000052500 05 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
006 Department 006-0004310006-000431000 05 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0000435006-000043500 05 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0001201006-000120100 05 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0000355006-000035500 05 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
006 Department 006-9999905006-999990548 05 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0000506006-000050600 05 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
006 Department 006-0000412006-000041200 05 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0000405006-000040500 05 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0000415006-000041500 05 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0000302006-000030200 05 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0000402006-000040200 05 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0000507006-000050700 05 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
006 Department 006-9999900006-999990024 05 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0000430006-000043000 05 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0000501006-000050100 05 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0000528006-000052800 05 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0006001006-000600100 06 Economic Dev04 - Grants
006 Department 006-0006009006-000600900 06 Economic Dev01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0004008006-000400800 07 Bureau of th 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0004003006-000400300 07 Bureau of th 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0004009006-000400900 07 Bureau of th 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0004036006-000403600 07 Bureau of th 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0004021006-000402100 07 Bureau of th 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0004022006-000402200 07 Bureau of th 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0004005006-000400500 07 Bureau of th 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0004007006-000400700 07 Bureau of th 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0004015006-000401500 07 Bureau of th 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0004017006-000401700 07 Bureau of th 02 - Infrastr
006 Department 006-0004001006-000400100 07 Bureau of th 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0004010006-000401000 07 Bureau of th 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0005252006-000525200 08 Economics and01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0006560006-000656000 25 International01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0006550006-000655000 25 International01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0006580006-000658000 25 International03 - IT Inves
006 Department 006-0006516006-000651600 25 International01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0005506006-000550600 30 Bureau of Ind03 - IT Inves
006 Department 006-0005520006-000552000 30 Bureau of Ind01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0005502006-000550200 30 Bureau of Ind01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0000902006-000090200 40 Minority Bus01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003601006-000360100 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003804006-000380400 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003511006-000351100 48 National Oce02 - Infrastr
006 Department 006-0003304006-000330400 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003401006-000340100 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003122006-000312200 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003208006-000320800 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003801006-000380100 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003703006-000370300 48 National Oce03 - IT Inves
006 Department 006-0003101006-000310100 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003403006-000340300 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003205006-000320500 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003123006-000312300 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003115006-000311500 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003305006-000330500 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003204006-000320400 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003702006-000370200 48 National Oce03 - IT Inves
006 Department 006-0003104006-000310400 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003402006-000340200 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003307006-000330700 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003119006-000311900 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003214006-000321400 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003802006-000380200 48 National Oce04 - Grants
006 Department 006-0003504006-000350400 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003306006-000330600 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003404006-000340400 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003110006-000311000 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003168006-000316800 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003125006-000312500 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003113006-000311300 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003103006-000310300 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0008045006-000804500 51 U.S. Patent 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0008001006-000800100 51 U.S. Patent 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0008037006-000803700 51 U.S. Patent 03 - IT Inves
006 Department 006-0008033006-000803300 51 U.S. Patent 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0008013006-000801300 51 U.S. Patent 03 - IT Inves
006 Department 006-0008043006-000804300 51 U.S. Patent 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0008041006-000804100 51 U.S. Patent 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0008044006-000804400 51 U.S. Patent 02 - Infrastr
006 Department 006-0008042006-000804200 51 U.S. Patent 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0008046006-000804600 51 U.S. Patent 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0008040006-000804000 51 U.S. Patent 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0008031006-000803100 51 U.S. Patent 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0008006006-000800600 51 U.S. Patent 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0008026006-000802600 51 U.S. Patent 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0002075006-000207500 54 National Tech02 - Infrastr
006 Department 006-0002055006-000205500 54 National Tech01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0002060006-000206000 54 National Tech01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0007045006-000704500 55 National Inst01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0007025006-000702500 55 National Inst02 - Infrastr
006 Department 006-0007021006-000702100 55 National Inst01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0007080006-000708000 55 National Inst04 - Grants
006 Department 006-0007023006-000702300 55 National Inst03 - IT Inves
006 Department 006-0007050006-000705000 55 National Inst01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0007011006-000701100 55 National Inst01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0007022006-000702200 55 National Inst02 - Infrastr
006 Department 006-0007320006-000732000 60 National Tel 02 - Infrastr
006 Department 006-0007315006-000731500 60 National Tel 02 - Infrastr
006 Department 006-0007314006-000731400 60 National Tel 03 - IT Inves
006 Department 006-0007316006-000731600 60 National Tel 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0007322006-000732200 60 National Tel 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0002326006-000232600 60 National Tel 02 - Infrastr
006 Department 006-0007319006-000731900 60 National Tel 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0007318006-000731800 60 National Tel 04 - Grants
006 Department of Commerce006-999990024 00 Department 01 - IT Inve
006 Department of Commerce006-000312900 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department of Commerce006-000321900 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department of Commerce006-000803500 51 U.S. Patent 01 - IT Inve
006 Department of Commerce006-000804800 51 U.S. Patent 01 - IT Inve
006 Department of Commerce006-000732100 60 National Tel 04 - Grants
006 Department 006-9999943006-999994348 00 Department 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-9999912006-999991248 00 Department 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-9999902006-999990248 00 Department 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003218006-000321800 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003106006-000310600 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003120006-000312000 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003217006-000321700 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003216006-000321600 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003128006-000312800 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0003112006-000311200 48 National Oce01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0008032006-000803200 51 U.S. Patent 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0008034006-000803400 51 U.S. Patent 01 - IT Inve
006 Department 006-0007312006-000731200 60 National Tel 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000002007-000000200 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000003007-000000300 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000061007-000006100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000064007-000006400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000072007-000007200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000000007-000000000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000000007-000000000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000000007-000000000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000000007-000000000 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000000007-000000000 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000000007-000000000 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000000007-000000000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000000007-000000000 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000000007-000000000 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000000007-000000000 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000000007-000000000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000000007-000000000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000000007-000000000 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000000007-000000000 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000000007-000000000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000000007-000000000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000000007-000000000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000000007-000000000 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000000007-000000000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000000007-000000000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000000007-000000000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000000007-000000000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000000007-000000000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000000007-000000000 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000000007-000000000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000000007-000000000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000000007-000000000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000000007-000000000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000000007-000000000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 21 Army 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 57 Air Force 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000002007-000000200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000002007-000000200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000002007-000000200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000002007-000000200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000002007-000000200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000002007-000000200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000002007-000000200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000002007-000000200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000002007-000000200 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000002007-000000200 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000002007-000000200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000002007-000000200 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000002007-000000200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000002007-000000200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000002007-000000200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000002007-000000200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000002007-000000200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000002007-000000200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000002007-000000200 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000002007-000000200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000002007-000000200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000002007-000000200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000002007-000000200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000002007-000000200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000002007-000000200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000002007-000000200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000002007-000000200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000002007-000000200 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000003007-000000300 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000003007-000000300 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000003007-000000300 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000003007-000000300 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000003007-000000300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000003007-000000300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000003007-000000300 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000003007-000000300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000003007-000000300 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000003007-000000300 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000003007-000000300 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000003007-000000300 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000003007-000000300 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000003007-000000300 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000003007-000000300 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000003007-000000300 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000003007-000000300 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000003007-000000300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000003007-000000300 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000003007-000000300 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000003007-000000300 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000003007-000000300 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000003007-000000300 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000003007-000000300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000003007-000000300 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000004007-000000400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000006007-000000600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000006007-000000600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000006007-000000600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000006007-000000600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000006007-000000600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000006007-000000600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000006007-000000600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000006007-000000600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000007007-000000700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000007007-000000700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000007007-000000700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000008007-000000800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000008007-000000800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000008007-000000800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000008007-000000800 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000008007-000000800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000008007-000000800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000009007-000000900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000009007-000000900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000009007-000000900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000009007-000000900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000009007-000000900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 21 Army 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000010007-000001000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000013007-000001300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000013007-000001300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000013007-000001300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000013007-000001300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000013007-000001300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000013007-000001300 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000013007-000001300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000013007-000001300 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000013007-000001300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000013007-000001300 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000013007-000001300 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000013007-000001300 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000013007-000001300 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000013007-000001300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000013007-000001300 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000013007-000001300 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000013007-000001300 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000013007-000001300 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000013007-000001300 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000013007-000001300 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000013007-000001300 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000013007-000001300 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000015007-000001500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000015007-000001500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000015007-000001500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000015007-000001500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000015007-000001500 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000015007-000001500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000015007-000001500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000015007-000001500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000015007-000001500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000015007-000001500 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000015007-000001500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000015007-000001500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000015007-000001500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000015007-000001500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000015007-000001500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000015007-000001500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000015007-000001500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000015007-000001500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000015007-000001500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000015007-000001500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000015007-000001500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000015007-000001500 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000015007-000001500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000015007-000001500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000015007-000001500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000015007-000001500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 21 Army 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000022007-000002200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000025007-000002500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000025007-000002500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000025007-000002500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000025007-000002500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000025007-000002500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000025007-000002500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000025007-000002500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000025007-000002500 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000025007-000002500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000025007-000002500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000025007-000002500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000025007-000002500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000025007-000002500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000025007-000002500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000025007-000002500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000025007-000002500 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000025007-000002500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000025007-000002500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000025007-000002500 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000025007-000002500 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000025007-000002500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000025007-000002500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000025007-000002500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000025007-000002500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000027007-000002700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000028007-000002800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000028007-000002800 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000028007-000002800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000028007-000002800 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000028007-000002800 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000028007-000002800 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000028007-000002800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000028007-000002800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000028007-000002800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000028007-000002800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000028007-000002800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000028007-000002800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000028007-000002800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000028007-000002800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000028007-000002800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000028007-000002800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000028007-000002800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000028007-000002800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000028007-000002800 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000028007-000002800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000028007-000002800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000028007-000002800 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000028007-000002800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000028007-000002800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000028007-000002800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000028007-000002800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000028007-000002800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000037007-000003700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000037007-000003700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000037007-000003700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000037007-000003700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000037007-000003700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000037007-000003700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000037007-000003700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000037007-000003700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000037007-000003700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000037007-000003700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000037007-000003700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000037007-000003700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000037007-000003700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000037007-000003700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000037007-000003700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000037007-000003700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000037007-000003700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000037007-000003700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000037007-000003700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000037007-000003700 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000037007-000003700 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000037007-000003700 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000037007-000003700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000037007-000003700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000037007-000003700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000037007-000003700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000037007-000003700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000051007-000005100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000051007-000005100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000051007-000005100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000051007-000005100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000051007-000005100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000051007-000005100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000051007-000005100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000051007-000005100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000051007-000005100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000051007-000005100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000051007-000005100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000051007-000005100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000051007-000005100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000051007-000005100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000051007-000005100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000051007-000005100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000051007-000005100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000052007-000005200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000052007-000005200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000052007-000005200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000052007-000005200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000052007-000005200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000052007-000005200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000052007-000005200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000052007-000005200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000052007-000005200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000052007-000005200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000052007-000005200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000052007-000005200 21 Army 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000052007-000005200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000052007-000005200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000052007-000005200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000052007-000005200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000052007-000005200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000052007-000005200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000052007-000005200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000052007-000005200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000052007-000005200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000052007-000005200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000053007-000005300 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000053007-000005300 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000053007-000005300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000053007-000005300 21 Army 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000053007-000005300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000053007-000005300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000053007-000005300 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000053007-000005300 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000053007-000005300 21 Army 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000053007-000005300 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000053007-000005300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000053007-000005300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000053007-000005300 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000053007-000005300 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000053007-000005300 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000053007-000005300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000053007-000005300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000053007-000005300 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000053007-000005300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000053007-000005300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000053007-000005300 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000053007-000005300 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000053007-000005300 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000053007-000005300 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000054007-000005400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000054007-000005400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000054007-000005400 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000054007-000005400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000054007-000005400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000054007-000005400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000054007-000005400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000054007-000005400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000054007-000005400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000054007-000005400 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000054007-000005400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000054007-000005400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000054007-000005400 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000054007-000005400 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000054007-000005400 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000054007-000005400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000055007-000005500 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000055007-000005500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000055007-000005500 21 Army 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000055007-000005500 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000055007-000005500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000055007-000005500 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000055007-000005500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000055007-000005500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000055007-000005500 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000055007-000005500 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000055007-000005500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000055007-000005500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000055007-000005500 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000055007-000005500 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000055007-000005500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000055007-000005500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000055007-000005500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000055007-000005500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000055007-000005500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000055007-000005500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000055007-000005500 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000055007-000005500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000055007-000005500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000056007-000005600 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000056007-000005600 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000056007-000005600 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000056007-000005600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000056007-000005600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000056007-000005600 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000056007-000005600 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000056007-000005600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000056007-000005600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000056007-000005600 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000056007-000005600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000056007-000005600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000056007-000005600 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000056007-000005600 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000056007-000005600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000056007-000005600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000056007-000005600 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000056007-000005600 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000056007-000005600 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000056007-000005600 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000056007-000005600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000056007-000005600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000061007-000006100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000061007-000006100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000061007-000006100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000061007-000006100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000061007-000006100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000061007-000006100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000061007-000006100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000061007-000006100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000061007-000006100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000061007-000006100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000061007-000006100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000061007-000006100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000061007-000006100 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000061007-000006100 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000061007-000006100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000061007-000006100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000061007-000006100 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000062007-000006200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000062007-000006200 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000062007-000006200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000062007-000006200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000062007-000006200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000062007-000006200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000062007-000006200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000062007-000006200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000062007-000006200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000062007-000006200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000062007-000006200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000062007-000006200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000062007-000006200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000063007-000006300 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000063007-000006300 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000063007-000006300 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000063007-000006300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000063007-000006300 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000063007-000006300 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000063007-000006300 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000063007-000006300 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000063007-000006300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000063007-000006300 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000063007-000006300 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000063007-000006300 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000063007-000006300 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000063007-000006300 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000063007-000006300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000064007-000006400 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000064007-000006400 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000064007-000006400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000064007-000006400 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000064007-000006400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000064007-000006400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000064007-000006400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000064007-000006400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000064007-000006400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000064007-000006400 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000064007-000006400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000064007-000006400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000064007-000006400 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000064007-000006400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000064007-000006400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000064007-000006400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000064007-000006400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000064007-000006400 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000064007-000006400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000064007-000006400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000064007-000006400 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000067007-000006700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000067007-000006700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000067007-000006700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000067007-000006700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000067007-000006700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000067007-000006700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000067007-000006700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000067007-000006700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000067007-000006700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000067007-000006700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000067007-000006700 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000067007-000006700 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000067007-000006700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000067007-000006700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000067007-000006700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000067007-000006700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000067007-000006700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000067007-000006700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000067007-000006700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000067007-000006700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000067007-000006700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000067007-000006700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000067007-000006700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000067007-000006700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000067007-000006700 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000067007-000006700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000068007-000006800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000068007-000006800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000068007-000006800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000068007-000006800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000068007-000006800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000068007-000006800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000068007-000006800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000068007-000006800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000068007-000006800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000068007-000006800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000068007-000006800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000068007-000006800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000068007-000006800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000068007-000006800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000068007-000006800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000068007-000006800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000068007-000006800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000068007-000006800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000068007-000006800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000068007-000006800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000068007-000006800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000068007-000006800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000070007-000007000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000070007-000007000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000070007-000007000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000070007-000007000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000070007-000007000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000070007-000007000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000070007-000007000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000070007-000007000 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000070007-000007000 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000070007-000007000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000070007-000007000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000070007-000007000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000070007-000007000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000070007-000007000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000070007-000007000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000070007-000007000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000070007-000007000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000070007-000007000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000070007-000007000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000070007-000007000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000070007-000007000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000070007-000007000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000070007-000007000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000070007-000007000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000070007-000007000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000070007-000007000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000070007-000007000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000070007-000007000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000071007-000007100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000071007-000007100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000071007-000007100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000071007-000007100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000071007-000007100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000071007-000007100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000071007-000007100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000071007-000007100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000071007-000007100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000071007-000007100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000071007-000007100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000071007-000007100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000071007-000007100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000071007-000007100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000071007-000007100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000071007-000007100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000071007-000007100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000071007-000007100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000071007-000007100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000071007-000007100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000071007-000007100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000071007-000007100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000071007-000007100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000071007-000007100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000071007-000007100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000071007-000007100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000071007-000007100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000071007-000007100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000072007-000007200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000072007-000007200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000072007-000007200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000072007-000007200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000072007-000007200 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000072007-000007200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000072007-000007200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000072007-000007200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000072007-000007200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000072007-000007200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000072007-000007200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000072007-000007200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000072007-000007200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000072007-000007200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000072007-000007200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000072007-000007200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000072007-000007200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000072007-000007200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000072007-000007200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000072007-000007200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000072007-000007200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000072007-000007200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000072007-000007200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000072007-000007200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000073007-000007300 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000073007-000007300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000073007-000007300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000074007-000007400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000075007-000007500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000078007-000007800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000079007-000007900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000079007-000007900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000079007-000007900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000080007-000008000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000080007-000008000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000080007-000008000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000080007-000008000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000080007-000008000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000080007-000008000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000080007-000008000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000080007-000008000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000080007-000008000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000080007-000008000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000080007-000008000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000081007-000008100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000081007-000008100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000081007-000008100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000081007-000008100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000081007-000008100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000081007-000008100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000081007-000008100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000081007-000008100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000081007-000008100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000081007-000008100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000081007-000008100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000081007-000008100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000081007-000008100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000081007-000008100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000081007-000008100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000081007-000008100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000081007-000008100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000081007-000008100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000081007-000008100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000082007-000008200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000082007-000008200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000082007-000008200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000082007-000008200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000083007-000008300 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000084007-000008400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000086007-000008600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000086007-000008600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000086007-000008600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000086007-000008600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000086007-000008600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000086007-000008600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000086007-000008600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000086007-000008600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000086007-000008600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000086007-000008600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000086007-000008600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000086007-000008600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000086007-000008600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000086007-000008600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000086007-000008600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000086007-000008600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000086007-000008600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000086007-000008600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000086007-000008600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000086007-000008600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000086007-000008600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000086007-000008600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000086007-000008600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000086007-000008600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000086007-000008600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000086007-000008600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000086007-000008600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000086007-000008600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000087007-000008700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000087007-000008700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000087007-000008700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000087007-000008700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000087007-000008700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000087007-000008700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000087007-000008700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000087007-000008700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000087007-000008700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000087007-000008700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000087007-000008700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000087007-000008700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000087007-000008700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000087007-000008700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000087007-000008700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000087007-000008700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000087007-000008700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000087007-000008700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000087007-000008700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000087007-000008700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000087007-000008700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000087007-000008700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000087007-000008700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 21 Army 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 21 Army 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 21 Army 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000000300 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000000500 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000003500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000003500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000003500 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000003900 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000004100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000004900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000005600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000006600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000006600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100300 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100300 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100400 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100400 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100500 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 57 Air Force 03 - IT Inves
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 21 Army 03 - IT Inves
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100600 17 Navy, Marine03 - IT Inves
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000100700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000001000 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000002000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000002200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000002200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000002500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000003000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000003000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000003000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000003400 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000003400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000003500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000003800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000003900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000003900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000003900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000004000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000004100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000004600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000004700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000004800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000004900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000005100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000005100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000005300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000005300 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000005300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000005300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000005400 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000005400 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000005400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000005400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000005500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000005500 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000005600 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000005700 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000005800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000005800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000005800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000005900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000006400 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department of Defense 007-000006400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000007200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000007300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000008300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000008700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000008700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-001000700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department of Defense 007-000100100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000003007-000000300 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000005007-000000500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000011007-000001100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000012007-000001200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000013007-000001300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000014007-000001400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000016007-000001600 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000017007-000001700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000018007-000001800 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000019007-000001900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000020007-000002000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000021007-000002100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000023007-000002300 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000024007-000002400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000026007-000002600 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000028007-000002800 57 Air Force 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000028007-000002800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000029007-000002900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 97 Defense-wid 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000031007-000003100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000032007-000003200 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000033007-000003300 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000035007-000003500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000037007-000003700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000038007-000003800 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000040007-000004000 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000041007-000004100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000042007-000004200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000044007-000004400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000045007-000004500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000046007-000004600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000047007-000004700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000048007-000004800 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000049007-000004900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000050007-000005000 17 Navy, Marine02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000051007-000005100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000051007-000005100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000051007-000005100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000051007-000005100 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000051007-000005100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000052007-000005200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000052007-000005200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000052007-000005200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000052007-000005200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000052007-000005200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000053007-000005300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000053007-000005300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000053007-000005300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000053007-000005300 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000054007-000005400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000055007-000005500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000055007-000005500 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000055007-000005500 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000055007-000005500 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000056007-000005600 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000056007-000005600 21 Army 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 21 Army 03 - IT Inves
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000057007-000005700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000058007-000005800 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000059007-000005900 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000060007-000006000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000061007-000006100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000061007-000006100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000067007-000006700 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000067007-000006700 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000067007-000006700 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000068007-000006800 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000071007-000007100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000072007-000007200 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000072007-000007200 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000072007-000007200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000072007-000007200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000078007-000007800 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000079007-000007900 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000080007-000008000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000080007-000008000 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000082007-000008200 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000087007-000008700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000087007-000008700 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001000007-000100000 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001001007-000100100 97 Defense-wid 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001002007-000100200 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 21 Army 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001003007-000100300 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 21 Army 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0001004007-000100400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000001007-000000100 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000030007-000003000 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000034007-000003400 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000036007-000003600 57 Air Force 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000039007-000003900 97 Defense-wid 02 - Infrastr
007 Department o007-0000043007-000004300 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000065007-000006500 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000066007-000006600 57 Air Force 01 - IT Inve
007 Department o007-0000069007-000006900 17 Navy, Marine01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003294009-000329400 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000053009-000005300 10 Food and Dru02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0002552009-000255200 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002763009-000276300 10 Food and Dru02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003277009-000327700 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003339009-000333900 10 Food and Dru02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003260009-000326000 30 Substance Ab04 - Grants
009 Department o009-0000014009-000001400 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000042009-000004200 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003279009-000327900 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003393009-000339300 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002815009-000348400 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002815009-000348400 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000065009-000006500 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000067009-000006700 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003279009-000327900 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-9999914009-999991424 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000013009-000001300 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-9999901009-999990124 00 Department o04 - Grants
009 Department o009-9999900009-999990024 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-9999902009-999990224 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-9999900009-999990024 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-9999911009-999991124 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-9999912009-999991224 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-9999931009-999993124 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000038009-000003800 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000040009-000004000 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-9999932009-999993224 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000046009-000004600 00 Department o03 - IT Inves
009 Department o009-0000047009-000004700 00 Department o03 - IT Inves
009 Department o009-9999941009-999994124 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000065009-000006500 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003235009-000323548 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003235009-000323548 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000053009-000005300 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000053009-000005300 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000053009-000005300 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000053009-000005300 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000053009-000005300 10 Food and Dru02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000053009-000005300 10 Food and Dru03 - IT Inves
009 Department o009-0000053009-000005300 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000053009-000005300 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000053009-000005300 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000053009-000005300 10 Food and Dru02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000053009-000005300 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000053009-000005300 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000053009-000005300 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000053009-000005300 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000053009-000005300 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000053009-000005300 10 Food and Dru02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000053009-000005300 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000053009-000005300 10 Food and Dru02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000053009-000005300 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000053009-000005300 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000053009-000005300 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000053009-000005300 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000053009-000005300 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000053009-000005300 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000062009-000006200 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002615009-000261500 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002670009-000267000 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002766009-000276600 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002767009-000276700 10 Food and Dru02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003186009-000318600 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003187009-000318700 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003187009-000318700 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003187009-000318700 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003187009-000318700 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003187009-000318700 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003187009-000318700 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 10 Food and Dru02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 10 Food and Dru02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 10 Food and Dru02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 10 Food and Dru02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 10 Food and Dru02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 10 Food and Dru02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003277009-000327700 10 Food and Dru02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003277009-000327700 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003277009-000327700 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003317009-000331700 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003317009-000331700 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003338009-000333800 10 Food and Dru02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003339009-000333900 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003339009-000333900 10 Food and Dru02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003339009-000333900 10 Food and Dru02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003339009-000333900 10 Food and Dru02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003339009-000333900 10 Food and Dru03 - IT Inves
009 Department o009-0003339009-000333900 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003341009-000334100 10 Food and Dru02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003387009-000338700 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003387009-000338700 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003387009-000338700 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003387009-000338700 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000007009-000000700 15 Health Resou01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000007009-000000700 15 Health Resou02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000013009-000001300 15 Health Resou01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000013009-000001300 15 Health Resou01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000017009-000001700 15 Health Resou01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000041009-000004100 15 Health Resou02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000041009-000004100 15 Health Resou01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000041009-000004100 15 Health Resou01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000041009-000004100 15 Health Resou01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000041009-000004100 15 Health Resou01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000041009-000004100 15 Health Resou03 - IT Inves
009 Department o009-0000042009-000004200 15 Health Resou01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002057009-000205700 15 Health Resou02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0002124009-000212400 15 Health Resou01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002126009-000212600 15 Health Resou01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002127009-000212700 15 Health Resou01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002127009-000212700 15 Health Resou01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002270009-000227000 15 Health Resou01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002369009-000236900 15 Health Resou06 - Grants t
009 Department o009-0002389009-000238900 15 Health Resou01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002492009-000249200 15 Health Resou01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002761009-000276100 15 Health Resou01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003077009-000307700 15 Health Resou01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003099009-000309900 15 Health Resou01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003144009-000314400 15 Health Resou01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003259009-000325900 15 Health Resou01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003259009-000325900 15 Health Resou01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003259009-000325900 15 Health Resou01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003259009-000325900 15 Health Resou01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000013009-000001300 17 Indian Health01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000013009-000001300 17 Indian Health01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000048009-000004800 17 Indian Health03 - IT Inves
009 Department o009-0000048009-000004800 17 Indian Health03 - IT Inves
009 Department o009-0000062009-000006200 17 Indian Health02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000066009-000006600 17 Indian Health02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000005009-000000500 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000005009-000000500 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000005009-000000500 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000005009-000000500 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000005009-000000500 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000005009-000000500 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000006009-000000600 20 Centers for D06 - Grants t
009 Department o009-0000006009-000000600 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000006009-000000600 20 Centers for D04 - Grants
009 Department o009-0000006009-000000600 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000006009-000000600 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000006009-000000600 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000006009-000000600 20 Centers for D04 - Grants
009 Department o009-0000013009-000001300 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000013009-000001300 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000013009-000001300 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000013009-000001300 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000013009-000001300 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000013009-000001300 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000013009-000001300 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000013009-000001300 20 Centers for D06 - Grants t
009 Department o009-0000013009-000001300 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000013009-000001300 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000013009-000001300 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000013009-000001300 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000013009-000001300 20 Centers for D02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000013009-000001300 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000014009-000001400 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000015009-000001500 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000016009-000001600 20 Centers for D06 - Grants t
009 Department o009-0000017009-000001700 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000017009-000001700 20 Centers for D06 - Grants t
009 Department o009-0000017009-000001700 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000017009-000001700 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000018009-000001800 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000018009-000001800 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000019009-000001900 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000019009-000001900 20 Centers for D02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000019009-000001900 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000019009-000001900 20 Centers for D06 - Grants t
009 Department o009-0000025009-000002500 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000039009-000003900 20 Centers for D03 - IT Inves
009 Department o009-0000039009-000003900 20 Centers for D04 - Grants
009 Department o009-0000040009-000004000 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000041009-000004100 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000041009-000004100 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000046009-000004600 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000046009-000004600 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000047009-000004700 20 Centers for D02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000047009-000004700 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000054009-000005400 20 Centers for D02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000056009-000005600 20 Centers for D06 - Grants t
009 Department o009-0000061009-000006100 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000061009-000006100 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000061009-000006100 20 Centers for D06 - Grants t
009 Department o009-0000062009-000006200 20 Centers for D02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000065009-000006500 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000065009-000006500 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000067009-000006700 20 Centers for D02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000067009-000006700 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000067009-000006700 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000067009-000006700 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002222009-000222200 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002227009-000222700 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002235009-000223500 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002235009-000223500 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002235009-000223500 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002239009-000223900 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002271009-000227100 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002344009-000234400 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002344009-000234400 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002344009-000234400 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002351009-000235100 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002373009-000237300 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002461009-000246100 20 Centers for D02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0002645009-000264500 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002672009-000267200 20 Centers for D02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0002736009-000273600 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002749009-000274900 20 Centers for D02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0002761009-000276100 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002761009-000276100 20 Centers for D02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0002761009-000276100 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002778009-000277800 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002813009-000281300 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003146009-000314600 20 Centers for D02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003146009-000314600 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003256009-000325600 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003277009-000327700 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003277009-000327700 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003303009-000330300 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003308009-000330800 20 Centers for D02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003308009-000330800 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003309009-000330900 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003310009-000331000 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003310009-000331000 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003314009-000331400 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003314009-000331400 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003314009-000331400 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003342009-000334200 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003346009-000334600 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003346009-000334600 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000008009-000000800 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000014009-000001400 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000014009-000001400 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000014009-000001400 25 National Inst04 - Grants
009 Department o009-0000014009-000001400 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 25 National Inst04 - Grants
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 25 National Inst04 - Grants
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 25 National Inst04 - Grants
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003257009-000325700 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003263009-000326300 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003263009-000326300 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003263009-000326300 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003263009-000326300 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003263009-000326300 25 National Inst04 - Grants
009 Department o009-0003263009-000326300 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003263009-000326300 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003263009-000326300 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003263009-000326300 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003263009-000326300 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003263009-000326300 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003263009-000326300 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003263009-000326300 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003263009-000326300 25 National Inst04 - Grants
009 Department o009-0003263009-000326300 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003263009-000326300 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003263009-000326300 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst04 - Grants
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst04 - Grants
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst04 - Grants
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst04 - Grants
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst04 - Grants
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst04 - Grants
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst04 - Grants
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst04 - Grants
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst04 - Grants
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst04 - Grants
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst04 - Grants
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003265009-000326500 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003393009-000339300 25 National Inst02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003393009-000339300 25 National Inst02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003394009-000339400 25 National Inst02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003398009-000339800 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003398009-000339800 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000010009-000001000 30 Substance Ab01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000010009-000001000 30 Substance Ab01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000010009-000001000 30 Substance Ab01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000014009-000001400 30 Substance Ab01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000014009-000001400 30 Substance Ab01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000014009-000001400 30 Substance Ab01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000022009-000002200 30 Substance Ab01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000039009-000003900 30 Substance Ab01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000039009-000003900 30 Substance Ab01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000040009-000004000 30 Substance Ab01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000040009-000004000 30 Substance Ab02 - Infrastr

009 Department o009-0000052009-000005200 30 Substance Ab02 - Infrastr

009 Department o009-0000058009-000005800 30 Substance Ab01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000062009-000006200 30 Substance Ab01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000062009-000006200 30 Substance Ab01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000062009-000006200 30 Substance Ab01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000064009-000006400 30 Substance Ab01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000064009-000006400 30 Substance Ab01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003165009-000316500 30 Substance Ab02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003258009-000325800 30 Substance Ab01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003260009-000326000 30 Substance Ab01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003260009-000326000 30 Substance Ab01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003260009-000326000 30 Substance Ab01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003260009-000326000 30 Substance Ab04 - Grants
009 Department o009-0003260009-000326000 30 Substance Ab01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000004009-000000400 33 Agency for H01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000004009-000000400 33 Agency for H01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000004009-000000400 33 Agency for H01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000004009-000000400 33 Agency for H02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000004009-000000400 33 Agency for H01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000005009-000000500 33 Agency for H01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000014009-000001400 33 Agency for H01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000039009-000003900 33 Agency for H01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000040009-000004000 33 Agency for H02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000046009-000004600 33 Agency for H02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000046009-000004600 33 Agency for H01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000046009-000004600 33 Agency for H01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000046009-000004600 33 Agency for H01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000046009-000004600 33 Agency for H01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000046009-000004600 33 Agency for H01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000007009-000000700 38 Centers for 03 - IT Inves
009 Department o009-0000007009-000000700 38 Centers for 06 - Grants t
009 Department o009-0000007009-000000700 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000007009-000000700 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000014009-000001400 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000014009-000001400 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000014009-000001400 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000024009-000002400 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000040009-000004000 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000040009-000004000 38 Centers for 03 - IT Inves
009 Department o009-0000042009-000004200 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000042009-000004200 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000042009-000004200 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000042009-000004200 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000042009-000004200 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000042009-000004200 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000042009-000004200 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000042009-000004200 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000042009-000004200 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000042009-000004200 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000044009-000004400 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000044009-000004400 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000044009-000004400 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000046009-000004600 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000052009-000005200 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000052009-000005200 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000052009-000005200 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000052009-000005200 38 Centers for 02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000052009-000005200 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000052009-000005200 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000061009-000006100 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000062009-000006200 38 Centers for 02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000062009-000006200 38 Centers for 02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000062009-000006200 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000062009-000006200 38 Centers for 02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000062009-000006200 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000062009-000006200 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000062009-000006200 38 Centers for 02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000067009-000006700 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002366009-000236600 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002501009-000250100 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002501009-000250100 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002502009-000250200 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002673009-000267300 38 Centers for 02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0002673009-000267300 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002673009-000267348 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002679009-000267900 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002813009-000281300 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002815009-000281500 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002815009-000281500 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002816009-000281600 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002816009-000281600 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002817009-000281700 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002817009-000281700 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002817009-000281700 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002820009-000282000 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002820009-000282000 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002820009-000282000 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002821009-000282100 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002821009-000282100 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002821009-000282100 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002822009-000282200 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002822009-000282200 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002823009-000282300 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003148009-000314800 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003148009-000314800 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003148009-000314800 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003149009-000314900 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003149009-000314900 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003149009-000314900 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003165009-000316500 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003165009-000316500 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003168009-000316800 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003168009-000316800 38 Centers for 02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003183009-000318300 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003183009-000318300 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003258009-000325800 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003258009-000325800 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003258009-000325800 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003279009-000327900 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003339009-000333900 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003339009-000333900 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003339009-000333900 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003339009-000333900 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003393009-000339300 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003393009-000339300 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003393009-000339300 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003393009-000339300 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003393009-000339300 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003393009-000339300 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002010009-000348400 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000004009-000000400 70 Administratio01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000004009-000000400 70 Administratio03 - IT Inves
009 Department o009-0000004009-000000400 70 Administratio01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000004009-000000400 70 Administratio04 - Grants
009 Department o009-0000004009-000000400 70 Administratio01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000004009-000000400 70 Administratio06 - Grants t
009 Department o009-0000004009-000000400 70 Administratio04 - Grants
009 Department o009-0000004009-000000400 70 Administratio02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000004009-000000400 70 Administratio02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000014009-000001400 70 Administratio01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000014009-000001448 70 Administratio04 - Grants
009 Department o009-0000052009-000005200 70 Administratio01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000052009-000005200 70 Administratio01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000054009-000005400 70 Administratio01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000055009-000005500 70 Administratio02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000061009-000006100 70 Administratio01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000005009-000000500 75 Administrati 02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000005009-000000500 75 Administrati 03 - IT Inves
009 Department o009-0000005009-000000500 75 Administrati 02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000005009-000000500 75 Administrati 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003318009-000331800 75 Administrati 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000009009-000000900 90 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000009009-000000900 90 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000009009-000000900 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000009009-000000900 90 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000009009-000000900 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000009009-000000900 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000009009-000000900 90 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000009009-000000900 90 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000009009-000000900 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000009009-000000900 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000009009-000000900 90 Departmenta04 - Grants
009 Department o009-0000014009-000001400 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000014009-000001400 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000014009-000001400 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000014009-000001400 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000023009-000002300 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000038009-000003800 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000038009-000003800 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000038009-000003800 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000040009-000004000 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000043009-000004300 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000046009-000004600 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000046009-000004600 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000046009-000004648 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000052009-000005200 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000055009-000005500 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000055009-000005500 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000057009-000005700 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000059009-000005900 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000061009-000006100 90 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000062009-000006200 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000062009-000006200 90 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000062009-000006200 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000064009-000006400 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000064009-000006400 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000066009-000006600 90 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0001859009-000185900 90 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0001864009-000186400 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002521009-000252100 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002813009-000281300 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002816009-000281600 90 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0002816009-000281600 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002816009-000281600 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002816009-000281600 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002816009-000281600 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002820009-000282000 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002822009-000282200 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002823009-000282300 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002824009-000282400 90 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0002824009-000282400 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002824009-000282400 90 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0002825009-000282500 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002825009-000282500 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002825009-000282500 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002836009-000283600 90 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003042009-000304200 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003079009-000307900 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003169009-000316900 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003169009-000316900 90 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003171009-000317100 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003172009-000317200 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003172009-000317200 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003172009-000317200 90 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003174009-000317400 90 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003174009-000317400 90 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003175009-000317500 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003176009-000317600 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003179009-000317900 90 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003182009-000318200 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003182009-000318200 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003182009-000318200 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003182009-000318200 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003182009-000318200 90 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003236009-000323600 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003236009-000323600 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003251009-000325100 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003304009-000330400 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003345009-000334500 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003393009-000339300 90 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003402009-000340200 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003402009-000340200 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003394009-000339400 92 Office of the 02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003394009-000339400 92 Office of the 03 - IT Inves
009 Department o009-0003394009-000339400 92 Office of the 02 - Infrastr
009 Department of Health and009-000348900 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000349100 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000353200 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000354500 10 Food and Dru01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000347400 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000349100 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000349100 20 Centers for D01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000334400 30 Substance Ab01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000334700 30 Substance Ab01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000349400 30 Substance Ab02 - Infrastr
009 Department of Health and009-000350200 30 Substance Ab04 - Grants
009 Department of Health and009-000355200 30 Substance Ab02 - Infrastr
009 Department of Health and009-000355200 30 Substance Ab02 - Infrastr
009 Department of Health and009-000355200 30 Substance Ab02 - Infrastr
009 Department of Health and009-000349100 33 Agency for H01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000333900 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000348400 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000348400 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000348400 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000348400 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000348400 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000348400 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000348400 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000348400 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000348400 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000348400 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000348400 38 Centers for 02 - Infrastr
009 Department of Health and009-000348400 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000348400 38 Centers for 02 - Infrastr
009 Department of Health and009-000349400 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000352300 70 Administratio01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000352300 75 Administrati 01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000346200 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000348200 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000349600 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000349600 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000349600 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department of Health and009-000352100 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002815009-000281500 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002024009-000202400 10 Food and Dru02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0003282009-000328200 15 Health Resou01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003263009-000326300 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst04 - Grants
009 Department o009-0003264009-000326400 25 National Inst04 - Grants
009 Department o009-0000014009-000001400 30 Substance Ab01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000023009-000002300 30 Substance Ab01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000038009-000003800 30 Substance Ab02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000061009-000006100 30 Substance Ab01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003260009-000326000 30 Substance Ab01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003260009-000326000 30 Substance Ab01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003260009-000326000 30 Substance Ab01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002249009-000224900 33 Agency for H01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000006009-000000600 38 Centers for 04 - Grants
009 Department o009-0000040009-000004000 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002010009-000201000 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002673009-000267300 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0002679009-000267900 38 Centers for 03 - IT Inves
009 Department o009-0002679009-000267900 38 Centers for 03 - IT Inves
009 Department o009-0003279009-000327900 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0000009009-000000900 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0001637009-000163700 90 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003172009-000317200 90 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000044009-000004400 38 Centers for 02 - Infrastr
009 Department o009-0000024009-000002400 38 Centers for 01 - IT Inve
009 Department o009-0003149009-000314900 38 Centers for 02 - Infrastr
010 Department of
010-0000004010-000000400 00 Department of01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000004010-000000400 18 United States01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000007010-000000700 00 Department of01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000003010-000000300 00 Department of03 - IT Inves
010 Department of
010-0000003010-000000300 00 Department of02 - Infrastr
010 Department of
010-9999901010-999990124 00 Department of01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-9999912010-999991248 00 Department of01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000003010-000000300 00 Department of02 - Infrastr
010 Department of
010-0000015010-000001500 00 Department of01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000003010-000000300 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000006010-000000600 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000017010-000001700 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000007010-000000700 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000006010-000000600 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000014010-000001400 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000003010-000000300 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000003010-000000300 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000007010-000000700 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-9999900010-999990024 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000003010-000000300 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000003010-000000300 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000003010-000000300 00 Department of
03 - IT Inves
010 Department of
010-0000016010-000001600 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000007010-000000700 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000004010-000000400 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000014010-000001400 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-9999902010-999990224 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-9999912010-999991224 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000006010-000000600 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-9999912010-999991224 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-9999900010-999990024 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-9999912010-000001200 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000006010-000000600 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000003010-000000300 00 Department of
03 - IT Inves
010 Department of
010-0000014010-000001400 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-9999914010-999993124 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000003010-000000300 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000003010-000000300 00 Department of
03 - IT Inves
010 Department of
010-0000003010-000000300 00 Department of
02 - Infrastr
010 Department of
010-0000007010-000000700 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000007010-000000700 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-9999911010-999991124 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-9999932010-999993224 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-9999911010-999990924 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000003010-000000300 00 Department of
03 - IT Inves
010 Department of
010-9999900010-999990024 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-9999902010-000000200 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000003010-000000300 00 Department of
02 - Infrastr
010 Department of
010-0000014010-000001400 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000014010-000001400 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-9999912010-999991248 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000003010-000000300 00 Department of
03 - IT Inves
010 Department of
010-9999900010-999990024 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000003010-000000300 00 Department of
01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000003010-000000300 00 Department of01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-9999941010-999994124 00 Department of01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000007010-000000700 00 Department of01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000003010-000000300 00 Department of03 - IT Inves
010 Department of
010-0000006010-000000600 00 Department of01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-9999911010-999991148 00 Department of01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000001010-000000100 04 Bureau of L 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000000010-000000000 04 Bureau of L 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000001010-000000100 04 Bureau of L 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000001010-000000100 04 Bureau of L 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000000010-000000000 04 Bureau of L 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000001010-000000100 04 Bureau of L 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000001010-000000100 04 Bureau of L 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000000010-000000000 04 Bureau of L 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000001010-000000100 04 Bureau of L 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000001010-000000100 04 Bureau of L 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000001010-000000100 04 Bureau of L 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000001010-000000100 04 Bureau of L 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000001010-000000100 04 Bureau of L 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000016010-000001600 04 Bureau of L 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000000010-000000000 04 Bureau of L 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000001010-000000100 04 Bureau of L 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000015010-000001500 04 Bureau of L 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000001010-000000100 04 Bureau of L 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000001010-000000100 04 Bureau of L 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000001010-000000100 04 Bureau of L 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000001010-000000100 04 Bureau of L 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000001010-000000100 04 Bureau of L 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000001010-000000100 04 Bureau of L 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000007010-000000700 08 Office of Su 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000014010-000001400 08 Office of Su 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000007010-000000700 08 Office of Su 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000007010-000000700 08 Office of Su 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000007010-000000700 08 Office of Su 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000007010-000000700 08 Office of Su 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000007010-000000700 08 Office of Su 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000014010-000001400 08 Office of Su 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000007010-000000700 08 Office of Su 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000002010-000000200 10 Bureau of Re01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000002010-000000200 10 Bureau of Re01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000003010-000000300 10 Bureau of Re01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000002010-000000200 10 Bureau of Re01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000003010-000000300 10 Bureau of Re01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000002010-000000200 10 Bureau of Re01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000002010-000000200 10 Bureau of Re01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000002010-000000200 10 Bureau of Re01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000002010-000000200 10 Bureau of Re01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000002010-000000200 10 Bureau of Re01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000002010-000000200 10 Bureau of Re01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000015010-000001500 10 Bureau of Re01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000002010-000000200 10 Bureau of Re01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000002010-000000200 10 Bureau of Re01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000002010-000000200 10 Bureau of Re01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000002010-000000200 10 Bureau of Re01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000002010-000000200 10 Bureau of Re01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000002010-000000200 10 Bureau of Re01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000003010-000000300 10 Bureau of Re01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000002010-000000200 10 Bureau of Re01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000002010-000000200 10 Bureau of Re01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000002010-000000200 10 Bureau of Re01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000003010-000000300 10 Bureau of Re01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000009010-000000900 12 United States01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000010010-000001000 12 United States01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000014010-000001400 12 United States01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000009010-000000900 12 United States01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000014010-000001400 12 United States01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000010010-000001000 12 United States01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000014010-000001400 12 United States01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000014010-000001400 12 United States01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000014010-000001400 12 United States01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000014010-000001400 12 United States01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000010010-000001000 12 United States01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000014010-000001400 12 United States01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000010010-000001000 12 United States01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000004010-000000400 18 United States01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000004010-000000400 18 United States01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000004010-000000400 18 United States01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000004010-000000400 18 United States01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000004010-000000400 18 United States01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000003010-000000300 18 United States01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000004010-000000400 18 United States01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000015010-000001500 18 United States01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000001010-000000100 22 Bureau of Sa 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000002010-000000200 22 Bureau of Sa 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000005010-000000500 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000004010-000000400 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000005010-000000500 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000005010-000000500 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000004010-000000400 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000005010-000000500 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000004010-000000400 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000005010-000000500 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000005010-000000500 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000005010-000000500 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000005010-000000500 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000005010-000000500 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000005010-000000500 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000004010-000000400 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000005010-000000500 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000005010-000000500 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000005010-000000500 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000005010-000000500 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000004010-000000400 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000005010-000000500 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000005010-000000500 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000004010-000000400 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000005010-000000500 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000005010-000000500 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000005010-000000500 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000004010-000000400 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000005010-000000500 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000005010-000000500 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000005010-000000500 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000005010-000000500 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000005010-000000500 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000005010-000000500 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000005010-000000500 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000000010-000000000 76 Bureau of Ind01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000015010-000001500 76 Bureau of Ind01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000000010-000000000 76 Bureau of Ind01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000000010-000000000 76 Bureau of Ind01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000015010-000001500 76 Bureau of Ind01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000000010-000000000 76 Bureau of Ind01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000000010-000000000 76 Bureau of Ind01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000000010-000000000 76 Bureau of Ind01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000015010-000001500 76 Bureau of Ind01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000000010-000000000 76 Bureau of Ind01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000000010-000000000 76 Bureau of Ind01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000000010-000000000 76 Bureau of Ind01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000000010-000000000 76 Bureau of Ind01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000000010-000000000 76 Bureau of Ind01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000000010-000000000 76 Bureau of Ind01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000000010-000000000 76 Bureau of Ind01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000000010-000000000 76 Bureau of Ind01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000007010-000000700 84 Departmental01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000009010-000000900 86 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000009010-000000900 90 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of the Interio010-000001800 06 Bureau of O 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of the Interio010-000001800 06 Bureau of O 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of the Interio010-000002300 10 Bureau of Re01 - IT Inve
010 Department of the Interio010-000001700 18 United States01 - IT Inve
010 Department of the Interio010-000001700 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of the Interio010-000001600 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of the Interio010-000000000 76 Bureau of Ind01 - IT Inve
010 Department of the Interio010-000001500 76 Bureau of Ind01 - IT Inve
010 Department of the Interio010-000000900 86 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of the Interio010-000001800 90 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of the Interio010-000001800 90 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000007010-000000700 00 Department of 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000000010-000000000 04 Bureau of L 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000000010-000000000 04 Bureau of L 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000014010-000001400 08 Office of Su 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000014010-000001400 08 Office of Su 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000002010-000000200 10 Bureau of Re01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000000010-000000000 76 Bureau of Ind01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000003010-000000300 00 Department of 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000010010-000001000 12 United States01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000000010-000000000 76 Bureau of Ind01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000000010-000000000 76 Bureau of Ind01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000016010-000001600 90 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000005010-000000500 24 National Park01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000003010-000000300 00 Department of 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000003010-000000300 00 Department of 01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000003010-000000300 00 Department of 02 - Infrastr
010 Department of
010-0000000010-000000000 76 Bureau of Ind01 - IT Inve
010 Department of
010-0000007010-000000700 90 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000028011-000002800 03 General Admi01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000011011-000001100 03 General Admi01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000033011-000003300 03 General Admi01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-9999900011-999990024 03 General Admi01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-9999901011-999990124 03 General Admi04 - Grants
011 Department o011-0000035011-000003500 03 General Admi02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-9999911011-999991124 03 General Admi01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-9999931011-999993124 03 General Admi01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000021011-000002100 03 General Admi02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000016011-000001600 03 General Admi02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000031011-000003100 03 General Admi02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000025011-000002500 03 General Admi01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000027011-000002700 03 General Admi01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000035011-000003500 03 General Admi02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000035011-000003500 03 General Admi02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-9999941011-999994124 03 General Admi01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000035011-000003500 03 General Admi02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000031011-000003100 03 General Admi01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-9999912011-999991248 03 General Admi01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-9999912011-999991224 03 General Admi01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000032011-000003200 03 General Admi01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000027011-000002700 03 General Admi01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000032011-000003200 03 General Admi02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-9999902011-999990224 03 General Admi01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000035011-000003500 03 General Admi02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-9999935011-999993548 03 General Admi01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000032011-000003200 03 General Admi03 - IT Inves
011 Department o011-9999932011-999993224 03 General Admi01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-9999902011-999990248 03 General Admi01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-9999912011-999991224 03 General Admi01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000035011-000003500 03 General Admi02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000031011-000003100 03 General Admi02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-9999935011-999993548 03 General Admi01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000031011-000003100 03 General Admi01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000031011-000003100 03 General Admi01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000031011-000003100 03 General Admi01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000033011-000003300 03 General Admi01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-9999900011-999990024 03 General Admi01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000030011-000003000 04 United State 02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000026011-000002600 04 United State 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000030011-000003000 05 Legal Activit 02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000020011-000002000 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000021011-000002100 05 Legal Activit 02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000025011-000002500 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000035011-000003500 05 Legal Activit 02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000020011-000002000 05 Legal Activit 02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000013011-000001300 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 05 Legal Activit 02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000033011-000003300 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000031011-000003100 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000027011-000002700 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000031011-000003100 05 Legal Activit 02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000031011-000003100 05 Legal Activit 02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000031011-000003100 05 Legal Activit 03 - IT Inves
011 Department o011-0000017011-000001700 05 Legal Activit 03 - IT Inves
011 Department o011-0000017011-000001700 05 Legal Activit 03 - IT Inves
011 Department o011-0000017011-000001700 05 Legal Activit 03 - IT Inves
011 Department o011-0000013011-000001300 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000027011-000002700 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000020011-000002000 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000031011-000003100 05 Legal Activit 02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000020011-000002000 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000020011-000002000 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000020011-000002000 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000020011-000002000 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000030011-000003000 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000031011-000003100 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000020011-000002000 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000030011-000003000 05 Legal Activit 02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000020011-000002000 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000025011-000002500 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000032011-000003200 05 Legal Activit 02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000020011-000002000 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000033011-000003300 05 Legal Activit 02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000020011-000002000 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 05 Legal Activit 02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000020011-000002000 05 Legal Activit 02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000020011-000002000 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000031011-000003100 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000020011-000002000 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000020011-000002000 05 Legal Activit 02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000020011-000002000 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000031011-000003100 05 Legal Activit 03 - IT Inves
011 Department o011-0000028011-000002800 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000020011-000002000 05 Legal Activit 02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000020011-000002000 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 05 Legal Activit 02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000013011-000001300 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000033011-000003300 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000025011-000002500 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000035011-000003500 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000013011-000001300 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000028011-000002800 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000031011-000003100 05 Legal Activit 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000030011-000003000 05 Legal Activit 02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000032011-000003200 10 Federal Burea02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000033011-000003300 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000025011-000002500 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000032011-000003200 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000033011-000003300 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000036011-000003600 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000036011-000003600 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 10 Federal Burea02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000032011-000003200 10 Federal Burea02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000035011-000003500 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000032011-000003200 10 Federal Burea03 - IT Inves
011 Department o011-0000033011-000003300 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000033011-000003300 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000035011-000003500 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000029011-000002900 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000020011-000002000 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000026011-000002600 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000025011-000002500 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000032011-000003200 10 Federal Burea02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000033011-000003300 10 Federal Burea02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000033011-000003300 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000035011-000003500 10 Federal Burea03 - IT Inves
011 Department o011-0000032011-000003200 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000031011-000003100 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000030011-000003000 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000033011-000003300 10 Federal Burea02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000031011-000003100 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000032011-000003200 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000033011-000003300 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000033011-000003300 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000022011-000002200 10 Federal Burea02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000025011-000002500 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000035011-000003500 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000032011-000003200 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 10 Federal Burea02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000028011-000002800 10 Federal Burea02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000033011-000003300 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000029011-000002900 10 Federal Burea02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000033011-000003300 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000035011-000003500 10 Federal Burea02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000020011-000002000 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000031011-000003100 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000020011-000002000 10 Federal Burea03 - IT Inves
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 10 Federal Burea02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000022011-000002200 10 Federal Burea02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000033011-000003300 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000032011-000003200 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000032011-000003200 10 Federal Burea02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000035011-000003500 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000036011-000003600 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000032011-000003200 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000033011-000003300 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000035011-000003500 12 Drug Enforce01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000035011-000003500 12 Drug Enforce02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000035011-000003500 12 Drug Enforce01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000017011-000001700 12 Drug Enforce03 - IT Inves
011 Department o011-0000026011-000002600 12 Drug Enforce01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000029011-000002900 12 Drug Enforce02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000029011-000002900 12 Drug Enforce02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000032011-000003200 12 Drug Enforce01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000020011-000002000 12 Drug Enforce01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000022011-000002200 12 Drug Enforce01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000035011-000003500 12 Drug Enforce01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000025011-000002500 12 Drug Enforce01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000026011-000002600 12 Drug Enforce01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000031011-000003100 12 Drug Enforce01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000026011-000002600 12 Drug Enforce01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000026011-000002600 12 Drug Enforce01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 12 Drug Enforce01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000032011-000003200 12 Drug Enforce02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000035011-000003500 12 Drug Enforce01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000035011-000003500 12 Drug Enforce02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000036011-000003600 12 Drug Enforce01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000035011-000003500 12 Drug Enforce03 - IT Inves
011 Department o011-0000026011-000002600 12 Drug Enforce01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 12 Drug Enforce01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000031011-000003100 14 Bureau of Alc02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 14 Bureau of Alc01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000035011-000003500 14 Bureau of Alc02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 14 Bureau of Alc02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000036011-000003600 14 Bureau of Alc01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000035011-000003500 14 Bureau of Alc02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000035011-000003500 14 Bureau of Alc01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 14 Bureau of Alc02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000031011-000003100 14 Bureau of Alc01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000017011-000001700 14 Bureau of Alc03 - IT Inves
011 Department o011-0000016011-000001600 14 Bureau of Alc01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000031011-000003100 20 Federal Pris 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000029011-000002900 20 Federal Pris 02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000027011-000002700 20 Federal Pris 02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000030011-000003000 20 Federal Pris 02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000033011-000003300 20 Federal Pris 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000032011-000003200 20 Federal Pris 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 20 Federal Pris 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 20 Federal Pris 02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000027011-000002700 20 Federal Pris 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000026011-000002600 20 Federal Pris 01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000026011-000002600 20 Federal Pris 02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000030011-000003000 21 Office of Jus 02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 21 Office of Jus 04 - Grants
011 Department o011-0000035011-000003500 21 Office of Jus 04 - Grants
011 Department o011-0000030011-000003000 21 Office of Jus 02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000030011-000003000 21 Office of Jus 02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000035011-000003500 21 Office of Jus 03 - IT Inves
011 Department o011-0000018011-000001800 21 Office of Jus 04 - Grants
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 21 Office of Jus 02 - Infrastr
011 Department of Justice 011-999990924 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
011 Department of Justice 011-999991224 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
011 Department of Justice 011-000003600 03 General Admi04 - Grants
011 Department of Justice 011-000000000 05 Legal Activit 02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000028011-000002800 03 General Admi02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000032011-000003200 03 General Admi02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000031011-000003100 03 General Admi01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000033011-000003300 10 Federal Burea02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 10 Federal Burea01 - IT Inve
011 Department o011-0000034011-000003400 10 Federal Burea02 - Infrastr
011 Department o011-0000020011-000002000 12 Drug Enforce01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000031012-000000100 25 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
012 Department o012-0000035012-000000100 25 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
012 Department o012-0000035012-000000100 25 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
012 Department o012-0000031012-000003100 25 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
012 Department o012-0000035012-000000100 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000035012-000000100 25 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
012 Department o012-0000035012-000000000 25 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
012 Department o012-0000035012-000000000 25 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
012 Department o012-0000035012-000000100 25 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
012 Department o012-0000035012-000000000 25 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
012 Department o012-0000035012-000000100 25 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
012 Department o012-0000035012-000000000 25 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
012 Department o012-0000000012-000000000 25 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
012 Department o012-0000035012-000000100 25 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
012 Department o012-0000035012-000000000 25 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
012 Department o012-0000000012-000000100 25 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
012 Department o012-0000010012-000001000 05 Employment 01a - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000000012-000000000 05 Employment 01a - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000020012-000002000 05 Employment 01a - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000000012-000000000 05 Employment 01a - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000000012-000000000 05 Employment 04a - Grants
012 Department o012-0000024012-000002400 05 Employment 04a - Grants
012 Department o012-0000000012-000000000 05 Employment 01a - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000032012-000003200 05 Employment 03a - IT Inves
012 Department o012-0000032012-000003200 05 Employment 02a - Infrastr
012 Department o012-0000020012-000002000 05 Employment 01a - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000010012-000001000 11 Employee Ben 01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000032012-000003200 11 Employee Ben 01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000033012-000003300 11 Employee Ben 01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000050012-000005000 12 Pension Bene01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000050012-000005000 12 Pension Bene01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000050012-000005000 12 Pension Bene03 - IT Inves
012 Department o012-0000050012-000005000 12 Pension Bene03 - IT Inves
012 Department o012-0000050012-000005000 12 Pension Bene03 - IT Inves
012 Department o012-0000050012-000005000 12 Pension Bene01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000050012-000005000 12 Pension Bene01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000050012-000005000 12 Pension Bene01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000050012-000005000 12 Pension Bene01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000050012-000005000 12 Pension Bene01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000050012-000005000 12 Pension Bene02 - Infrastr
012 Department o012-0000050012-000005000 12 Pension Bene01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000050012-000005000 12 Pension Bene01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000036012-000003600 15 Office of Wo 01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000031012-000003100 15 Office of Wo 01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000020012-000002000 15 Office of Wo 01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000020012-000002000 15 Office of Wo 01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000022012-000002200 16 Wage and Hou 01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000010012-000001000 16 Wage and Hou 01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000021012-000002100 16 Wage and Hou 01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000031012-000003100 16 Wage and Hou 01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000031012-000003100 22 Office of Fe 01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000020012-000002000 23 Office of La 01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000033012-000003300 18 Occupational02 - Infrastr
012 Department o012-0000000012-000000000 18 Occupational01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000026012-000002600 18 Occupational01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000033012-000003300 18 Occupational01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000033012-000003300 18 Occupational01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000033012-000003300 18 Occupational01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000033012-000003300 18 Occupational01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000033012-000003300 18 Occupational01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000033012-000003300 18 Occupational03 - IT Inves
012 Department o012-0000020012-000002000 19 Mine Safety 01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000000012-000000000 19 Mine Safety 02 - Infrastr
012 Department o012-0000033012-000003300 19 Mine Safety 01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000033012-000003300 19 Mine Safety 01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000033012-000003300 19 Mine Safety 01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000033012-000003300 19 Mine Safety 03 - IT Inves
012 Department o012-0000030012-000003000 20 Bureau of Lab01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000030012-000003000 20 Bureau of Lab01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000031012-000003100 20 Bureau of Lab01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000010012-000001000 20 Bureau of Lab01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000030012-000003000 20 Bureau of Lab01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000030012-000003000 20 Bureau of Lab01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000030012-000003000 20 Bureau of Lab01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000030012-000003000 20 Bureau of Lab03 - IT Inves
012 Department o012-0000030012-000003000 20 Bureau of Lab01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000034012-000003400 20 Bureau of Lab01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000030012-000003000 20 Bureau of Lab01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000030012-000003000 20 Bureau of Lab01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000034012-000003400 20 Bureau of Lab01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000031012-000003100 20 Bureau of Lab01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000030012-000003000 20 Bureau of Lab01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000034012-000003400 20 Bureau of Lab01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000030012-000003000 20 Bureau of Lab01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000031012-000003100 20 Bureau of Lab01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000030012-000003000 20 Bureau of Lab01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000000012-000000000 20 Bureau of Lab02 - Infrastr
012 Department o012-0000030012-000003000 20 Bureau of Lab03 - IT Inves
012 Department o012-0000010012-000001000 20 Bureau of Lab01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000030012-000003000 20 Bureau of Lab01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000030012-000003000 20 Bureau of Lab01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000034012-000003400 20 Bureau of Lab03 - IT Inves
012 Department o012-0000035012-000003500 20 Bureau of Lab01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000030012-000003000 20 Bureau of Lab01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-9999932012-999993224 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000032012-000003200 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000000012-000000000 25 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
012 Department o012-9999925012-000002500 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000000012-000000000 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000000012-000000000 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-9999912012-999991224 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-9999909012-999990924 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-9999900012-999990024 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000031012-000003100 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000024012-000002400 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000035012-000003500 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-9999912012-999991224 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-9999900012-999990024 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000032012-000003200 25 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
012 Department o012-0000032012-000003200 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000000012-000000000 25 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
012 Department o012-0000036012-000003600 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-9999912012-999991248 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-9999912012-999991248 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000000012-000000000 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-9999941012-999994124 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-9999911012-999991124 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-9999931012-999993124 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000002012-000000200 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-9999901012-999990124 25 Departmenta04 - Grants
012 Department o012-0000000012-000000000 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000034012-000003400 25 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
012 Department o012-0000000012-000000000 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000036012-000003600 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000000012-000000000 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000000012-000000000 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000036012-000003600 25 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
012 Department o012-0000032012-000003200 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-9999926012-999992648 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000020012-000002000 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000024012-000002400 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000000012-000000000 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000025012-000002500 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-9999900012-999990024 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-9999921012-999992148 25 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
012 Department o012-0000024012-000002400 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department of Labor 012-000000100 11 Employee Ben01 - IT Inve
012 Department of Labor 012-000000000 11 Employee Ben01 - IT Inve
012 Department of Labor 012-000000100 16 Wage and Hou01 - IT Inve
012 Department of Labor 012-000004000 19 Mine Safety 01 - IT Inve
012 Department of Labor 012-000000100 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department of Labor 012-000000100 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department of Labor 012-000000000 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department of Labor 012-000000100 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department of Labor 012-000000000 25 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
012 Department o012-0000035012-000003500 25 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
012 Department o012-0000000012-000000000 25 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
012 Department o012-0000000012-000000000 16 Wage and Hou01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000000012-000000000 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-9999943012-999994348 25 Departmenta04 - Grants
012 Department o012-0000010012-000000000 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000010012-000000000 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-0000000012-000001000 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
012 Department o012-9999902012-999990224 25 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000048 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000001014-000000148 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000001014-000000100 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-9999900014-999990024 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000001014-000000148 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000001014-000000100 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-9999900014-999990024 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000048 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000001014-000000100 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-9999912014-999991224 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000001014-000000100 00 Department o04 - Grants
014 Department o014-9999911014-999991124 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-9999931014-999993124 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000001014-000000100 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000001014-000000100 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000001014-000000100 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-9999932014-999993224 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-9999912014-999991224 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-9999933014-999993348 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000003014-000000300 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000003014-000000300 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-9999903014-999994124 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000003014-000000300 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000003014-000000300 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000001014-000000100 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
014 Department o014-0000004014-000000400 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
014 Department o014-0000004014-000000400 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000004014-000000400 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000004014-000000400 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o03 - IT Inves
014 Department o014-0000004014-000000400 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000003014-000000300 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000003014-000000300 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000001014-000000100 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000004014-000000400 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
014 Department o014-0000004014-000000400 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
014 Department o014-0000003014-000000300 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000004014-000000400 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
014 Department o014-0000004014-000000400 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
014 Department o014-0000000014-000000000 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000004014-000000400 00 Department o03 - IT Inves
014 Department o014-0000004014-000000400 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
014 Department o014-0000004014-000000400 00 Department o03 - IT Inves
014 Department of State 014-999990124 00 Department o04 - Grants
014 Department of State 014-999990224 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department of State 014-000000400 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department of State 014-000000400 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
014 Department of State 014-000000400 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
014 Department o014-0000004014-000000400 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-9999902015-999990224 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-9999902015-999994124 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000060015-000006000 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000060015-000006000 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000060015-000006000 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000060015-000006000 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000060015-000006000 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 05 Departmental02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 05 Departmental02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000003015-000200100 05 Departmental02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 05 Departmental02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 05 Departmental02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 05 Departmental02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0002000015-000200000 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0002000015-000200000 05 Departmental02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0002000015-000200000 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0002000015-000200000 05 Departmental02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000048 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000004015-000000400 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-9999902015-999990224 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000004015-000000400 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000004015-000000400 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-9999902015-999993224 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-9999901015-999990024 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0002000015-000200000 05 Departmental03 - IT Inves
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-9999901015-999990124 05 Departmental04 - Grants
015 Department o015-9999901015-999991224 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 05 Departmental02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000004015-000000400 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-9999902015-999993124 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 04 Financial Cr 01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 04 Financial Cr 01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 04 Financial Cr 01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 04 Financial Cr 01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0002000015-000200000 04 Financial Cr 02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 04 Financial Cr 02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0002000015-000200000 04 Financial Cr 03 - IT Inves
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 04 Financial Cr 02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 04 Financial Cr 02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-9999900015-999990048 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000048 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 12 Fiscal Service02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-9999900015-999991124 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0002000015-000200100 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0002000015-000200000 12 Fiscal Service03 - IT Inves
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-9999900015-999990048 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 13 Alcohol and 03 - IT Inves
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 13 Alcohol and 01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 13 Alcohol and 02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 13 Alcohol and 02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 13 Alcohol and 02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 13 Alcohol and 01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 13 Alcohol and 01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000004015-000000400 20 Bureau of Eng01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 20 Bureau of Eng01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 20 Bureau of Eng02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 20 Bureau of Eng02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 20 Bureau of Eng01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 20 Bureau of Eng01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 20 Bureau of Eng02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 20 Bureau of Eng02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 20 Bureau of Eng01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 20 Bureau of Eng02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 20 Bureau of Eng01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 20 Bureau of Eng02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000148015-000014800 25 United State 01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000004015-000000400 25 United State 01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000149015-000014900 25 United State 02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000149015-000014900 25 United State 02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000149015-000014900 25 United State 02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 45 Internal Reve02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0002001015-000200100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0002000015-000200000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 45 Internal Reve02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0002000015-000200000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0002000015-000200048 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-9999902015-999990248 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 45 Internal Reve02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0002000015-000200000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0002000015-000200000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0002000015-000200000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0002000015-000200000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0002000015-000200000 45 Internal Reve03 - IT Inves
015 Department o015-0000071015-000007100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 45 Internal Reve02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 57 Comptroller 02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 57 Comptroller 02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000003015-000200100 57 Comptroller 02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 57 Comptroller 02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000003015-000200100 57 Comptroller 01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000200100 57 Comptroller 01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000004015-000200100 57 Comptroller 01 - IT Inve
015 Department of the Treasu015-999990924 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department of the Treasu015-999990024 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department of the Treasu015-999991224 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department of the Treasu015-999990024 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department of the Treasu015-000200100 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve

015 Department of the Treasu015-000200100 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve

015 Department of the Treasu015-000200100 05 Departmental02 - Infrastr
015 Department of the Treasu015-000200100 05 Departmental02 - Infrastr
015 Department of the Treasu015-000200100 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department of the Treasu015-000200100 20 Bureau of Eng01 - IT Inve
015 Department of the Treasu015-000200100 20 Bureau of Eng01 - IT Inve
015 Department of the Treasu015-000200100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department of the Treasu015-000200100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department of the Treasu015-000200100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department of the Treasu015-000200100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department of the Treasu015-000200100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department of the Treasu015-000000048 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department of the Treasu015-000200100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department of the Treasu015-000200100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department of the Treasu015-000200100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department of the Treasu015-000200100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department of the Treasu015-000200100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department of the Treasu015-000200100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department of the Treasu015-000200100 57 Comptroller 01 - IT Inve
015 Department of the Treasu015-000200100 57 Comptroller 03 - IT Inves
015 Department of the Treasu015-000200100 57 Comptroller 01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 05 Departmental03 - IT Inves
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 05 Departmental01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0002000015-000200000 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000148015-000014800 25 United State 01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000048 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000348 12 Fiscal Service03 - IT Inves
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000004015-000000400 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000048 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 12 Fiscal Service04 - Grants
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000048 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000035015-000003500 12 Fiscal Service02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000035015-000003500 12 Fiscal Service02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000035015-000003500 12 Fiscal Service02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000001015-000000100 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 57 Comptroller 01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0002000015-000200000 57 Comptroller 01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0002000015-000200000 57 Comptroller 01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 57 Comptroller 01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000004015-000000400 57 Comptroller 01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 57 Comptroller 01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 57 Comptroller 01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000003015-000000300 57 Comptroller 02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0002000015-000200000 05 Departmental02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000002015-000000200 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000000000 45 Internal Reve01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000002015-000200100 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000003015-000200100 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000000015-000200100 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000004015-000200100 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000035015-000200100 12 Fiscal Service02 - Infrastr
015 Department o015-0000002015-000200100 12 Fiscal Service01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000003015-000200100 57 Comptroller 01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000003015-000200100 57 Comptroller 01 - IT Inve
015 Department o015-0000003015-000200100 57 Comptroller 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000022016-000002200 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-9999911016-999991124 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000023016-000002300 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000023016-000002300 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000024016-000002400 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000025016-000002500 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000021016-000002100 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000021016-000002100 00 Social Securi 02 - Infrastr
016 Social Securi 016-9999901016-999990124 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000025016-000002500 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-9999931016-999993124 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-9999941016-999994124 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000022016-000002200 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000025016-000002500 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000025016-000002500 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000022016-000002200 00 Social Securi 02 - Infrastr
016 Social Securi 016-0000023016-000002300 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000020016-000002000 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000021016-000002100 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-9999900016-999990024 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-9999900016-999990024 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000028016-000002800 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000022016-000002200 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000022016-000002200 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000021016-000002100 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000022016-000002200 00 Social Securi 02 - Infrastr
016 Social Securi 016-9999912016-999991224 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000021016-000002100 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000022016-000002200 00 Social Securi 02 - Infrastr
016 Social Securi 016-0000022016-000002200 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000022016-000002200 00 Social Securi 02 - Infrastr
016 Social Securi 016-0000022016-000002200 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000020016-000002000 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000028016-000002800 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-9999902016-999990224 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-9999914016-999991424 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000024016-000002400 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000021016-000002100 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000023016-000002300 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000022016-000002200 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000030016-000003000 00 Social Securi 03 - IT Inves
016 Social Securi 016-0000023016-000002300 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000021016-000002100 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000022016-000002200 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Securi 016-0000022016-000002200 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Security Administra016-999993224 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Security Administra016-999991224 00 Social Securi 01 - IT Inve
016 Social Security Administra016-000002200 00 Social Securi 02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000026018-000002600 45 Office of Fed01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000001018-000000100 10 Office of El 03 - IT Inves
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 10 Office of El 01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 10 Office of El 02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000020018-000002000 10 Office of El 04 - Grants
018 Department o018-0000001018-000000100 10 Office of El 03 - IT Inves
018 Department o018-0000010018-000001000 10 Office of El 01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 10 Office of El 01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000020018-000002000 10 Office of El 01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000080018-000008000 10 Office of El 01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000001018-000000100 10 Office of El 03 - IT Inves
018 Department o018-0000020018-000002000 12 Office of In 04 - Grants
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 15 Office of Eng01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000001018-000000100 20 Office of Spe03 - IT Inves
018 Department o018-0000020018-000002000 30 Office of Voc01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000010018-000001000 30 Office of Voc01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000031018-000003100 30 Office of Voc01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 30 Office of Voc01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000023018-000002300 40 Office of Pos 01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000079018-000007900 40 Office of Pos 01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 40 Office of Pos 01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000020018-000002000 40 Office of Pos 01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000026018-000002600 40 Office of Pos 01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000026018-000002600 40 Office of Pos 01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 40 Office of Pos 01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 45 Office of Fed01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000023018-000002300 45 Office of Fed01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 45 Office of Fed02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000021018-000002100 45 Office of Fed01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000001018-000000100 45 Office of Fed01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000010018-000001000 45 Office of Fed01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 45 Office of Fed02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 45 Office of Fed01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000080018-000008000 45 Office of Fed02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000079018-000007900 45 Office of Fed01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000001018-000000100 45 Office of Fed05 - National
018 Department o018-0000001018-000000100 45 Office of Fed03 - IT Inves
018 Department o018-0000031018-000003100 45 Office of Fed01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000031018-000003100 45 Office of Fed01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000001018-000000100 45 Office of Fed03 - IT Inves
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 45 Office of Fed01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 45 Office of Fed01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 45 Office of Fed03 - IT Inves
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 45 Office of Fed01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 45 Office of Fed01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000010018-000001000 45 Office of Fed02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000001018-000000100 45 Office of Fed01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000001018-000000100 45 Office of Fed01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000022018-000002200 45 Office of Fed01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000032018-000003200 45 Office of Fed01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 45 Office of Fed04 - Grants
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 45 Office of Fed02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000031018-000003100 45 Office of Fed01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 50 Institute of 01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000010018-000001000 50 Institute of 01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 50 Institute of 02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 50 Institute of 01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 50 Institute of 01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000010018-000001000 50 Institute of 01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 50 Institute of 01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000020018-000002000 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000020018-000002000 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-9999901018-999993124 80 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000060018-000006000 80 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000001018-000000100 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000001018-000000100 80 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
018 Department o018-0000060018-000006000 80 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000011018-000001100 80 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-9999900018-999990024 80 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000080018-000008000 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 80 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-9999902018-999990248 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-9999912018-999991224 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 80 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000001018-000000100 80 Departmenta04 - Grants
018 Department o018-0000020018-000002000 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 80 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000010018-000001000 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000022018-000002200 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 80 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000021018-000002100 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000010018-000001000 80 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 80 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
018 Department o018-9999913018-999991348 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000001018-000000100 80 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
018 Department o018-0000001018-000000100 80 Departmenta04 - Grants
018 Department o018-9999912018-999991248 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000020018-000002000 80 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
018 Department o018-0000020018-000002000 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000010018-000001000 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000001018-000000100 80 Departmenta04 - Grants
018 Department o018-9999932018-999993224 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000079018-000007900 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000020018-000002000 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000010018-000001000 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000060018-000006000 80 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000001018-000000100 80 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 80 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000060018-000006000 80 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-9999991018-999990124 80 Departmenta04 - Grants
018 Department o018-0000060018-000006000 80 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000002018-000000200 80 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000001018-000000100 80 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
018 Department o018-0000055018-000005500 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-9999912018-999991224 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 80 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000001018-000000100 80 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
018 Department o018-0000011018-000001100 80 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000060018-000006000 80 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000010018-000001000 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000020018-000002000 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000010018-000001000 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 80 Departmenta04 - Grants
018 Department o018-0000010018-000001000 80 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000079018-000007900 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000060018-000006000 80 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000001018-000000100 80 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
018 Department o018-9999911018-999991124 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000001018-000000100 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000010018-000001000 80 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000020018-000002000 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000060018-000006000 80 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000010018-000001000 80 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000010018-000001000 80 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000050018-000005000 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-9999900018-999990024 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000010018-000001000 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000020018-000002000 80 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000001018-000000100 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department of Education 018-000000100 00 Department o03 - IT Inves
018 Department of Education 018-000000000 10 Office of El 01 - IT Inve
018 Department of Education 018-000001100 45 Office of Fed01 - IT Inve
018 Department of Education 018-000000100 45 Office of Fed02 - Infrastr
018 Department of Education 018-000000100 50 Institute of 01 - IT Inve
018 Department of Education 018-000000100 80 Departmenta04 - Grants
018 Department of Education 018-000000100 80 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
018 Department of Education 018-000000100 80 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
018 Department of Education 018-000000100 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department of Education 018-000000100 80 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
018 Department of Education 018-000000100 80 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000020018-000002000 20 Office of Spe01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000010018-000001000 20 Office of Spe01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000001018-000000100 20 Office of Spe03 - IT Inves
018 Department o018-0000010018-000001000 20 Office of Spe01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000079018-000007900 20 Office of Spe04 - Grants
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 40 Office of Pos 02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 45 Office of Fed01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 45 Office of Fed02 - Infrastr
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 45 Office of Fed05 - National
018 Department o018-0000030018-000003000 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000001018-000000100 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000001018-000000100 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 80 Departmenta04 - Grants
018 Department o018-0000001018-000000100 80 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
018 Department o018-0000079018-000007900 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000001018-000000100 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 45 Office of Fed01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000031018-000003100 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-9999902018-999996048 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 45 Office of Fed01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-0000011018-000001100 45 Office of Fed01 - IT Inve
018 Department o018-9999960018-999990224 80 Departmenta04 - Grants
018 Department o018-0000000018-000000000 80 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001600 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001600 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001600 05 National Nucl03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000003019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000006019-000000600 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000014019-000001400 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000014019-000001400 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000014019-000001400 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000014019-000001400 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000014019-000001400 05 National Nucl03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000014019-000001400 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000007019-000000700 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000014019-000001400 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000014019-000001400 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000014019-000001400 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000014019-000001400 05 National Nucl03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000014019-000001400 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 10 Environmenta03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 10 Environmenta03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 10 Environmenta03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000010019-000001000 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 10 Environmenta03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 10 Environmenta03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000010019-000001000 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 10 Environmenta03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000014019-000001400 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000010019-000001000 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000010019-000001000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000010019-000001000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000007019-000000700 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000010019-000001000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000010019-000001000 20 Energy Progr03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000007019-000000700 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000010019-000001000 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000010019-000001000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 20 Energy Progr03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000010019-000001000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000007019-000000700 20 Energy Progr03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000007019-000000700 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000010019-000001000 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000010019-000001000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000007019-000000700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000007019-000000700 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000010019-000001000 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 20 Energy Progr04 - Grants
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000007019-000000700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000005019-000001600 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 20 Energy Progr03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 20 Energy Progr03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 20 Energy Progr03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000010019-000001000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000014019-000001400 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 20 Energy Progr03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000007019-000000700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000010019-000001000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 20 Energy Progr03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000010019-000001000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000007019-000000700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000007019-000000700 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000007019-000000700 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000005019-000001600 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000007019-000000700 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000005019-000000500 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 50 Power Market01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 50 Power Market02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 50 Power Market01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000010019-000001000 50 Power Market02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000010019-000001000 50 Power Market02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 50 Power Market01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 50 Power Market01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 50 Power Market01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 50 Power Market01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000010019-000001000 50 Power Market01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-9999931019-999993124 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 60 Departmental02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-9999901019-999990124 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-9999901019-000000100 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-9999911019-999991124 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-9999912019-999991224 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 60 Departmental02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-9999912019-000001200 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-9999902019-000000100 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-9999913019-999990924 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 60 Departmental03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-9999932019-999993224 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-9999900019-999990024 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 60 Departmental02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-9999902019-999990024 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-9999943019-999990224 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 60 Departmental02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-9999912019-999991224 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-9999900019-999990024 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-9999902019-000001200 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 60 Departmental02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-9999901019-999991224 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department of Energy 019-000001600 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department of Energy 019-000001600 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department of Energy 019-000001700 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department of Energy 019-000001600 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department of Energy 019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department of Energy 019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department of Energy 019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department of Energy 019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department of Energy 019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department of Energy 019-000001600 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 10 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 10 Environmenta03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000006019-000000600 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000015019-000001500 05 National Nucl01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000010019-000001000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000016019-000001600 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000004019-000000400 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000010019-000001000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000010019-000001000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000010019-000001000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000010019-000001000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000010019-000001000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000014019-000001400 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000000900 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000000800 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000000200 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000011019-000001100 60 Departmental02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 60 Departmental02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 60 Departmental02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 60 Departmental02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 60 Departmental02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 60 Departmental02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 60 Departmental02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 60 Departmental02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 60 Departmental02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 60 Departmental02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000012019-000001200 60 Departmental02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 60 Departmental02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 60 Departmental02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 60 Departmental02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 60 Departmental03 - IT Inves
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000000300 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000013019-000001300 60 Departmental01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000006019-000001600 05 National Nucl02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000001600 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000001600 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000001600 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000001600 10 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000003019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000001700 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000002019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000001700 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000000019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000001700 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000002019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000000000 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000010019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000001700 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000000019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000001700 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000004019-000001700 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000009019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000010019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000001700 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000001019-000000100 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000003019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000001700 20 Energy Progr02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000000019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000009019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000008019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000000019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000002019-000001700 20 Energy Progr01 - IT Inve
019 Department o019-0000001019-000001300 60 Departmental02 - Infrastr
019 Department o019-0000003019-000001600 60 Departmental03 - IT Inves
020 Environmenta020-0000162020-000016200 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000162020-000000000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000160020-000016000 00 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
020 Environmenta020-0000120020-000012000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000120020-000012000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000100020-000010000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000160020-000016000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000160020-000016000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000110020-000011000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000140020-000014000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000140020-000014000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000011020-000001100 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000160020-000016000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000130020-000013000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000120020-000012000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000101020-000010100 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000160020-000016000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000140020-000014000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-9999901020-999990148 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000160020-000016000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000160020-000016000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000110020-000011000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000413020-000041300 00 Environmenta04 - Grants
020 Environmenta020-0000120020-000012000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000160020-000016000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000110020-000011000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000140020-000014000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000120020-000012000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000303020-000030300 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000130020-000013000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000140020-000014000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000160020-000016000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000120020-000012000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000120020-000012000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000110020-000011000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000150020-000015000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000110020-000011000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000130020-000013000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000110020-000011000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000130020-000013000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-9999912020-999991248 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000160020-000016000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000303020-000030300 00 Environmenta03 - IT Inves
020 Environmenta020-0000160020-000016000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000160020-000016000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000130020-000013000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000110020-000011000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000160020-000016000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000120020-000012000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000150020-000015000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000110020-000011000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000160020-000016000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000160020-000016000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-9999912020-999991224 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000160020-000016000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000130020-000013000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000120020-000012000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000110020-000011000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-9999902020-999990224 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000160020-000016000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-9999912020-999991224 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000130020-000013000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-9999932020-999993224 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000160020-000016000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000120020-000012000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000110020-000011000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000160020-000016000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000100020-000010000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000160020-000016000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000160020-000016000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000160020-000016000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000162020-000016200 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000110020-000011000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000120020-000012000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000202020-000020200 00 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
020 Environmenta020-0000160020-000016000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000140020-000014000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-9999911020-999991124 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000110020-000011000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000120020-000012000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-9999901020-999990124 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000130020-000013000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000110020-000011000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000161020-000016100 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000161020-000016100 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000140020-000014000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000150020-000015000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000140020-000014000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000110020-000011000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000110020-000011000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000150020-000015000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000140020-000014000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000202020-000020200 00 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
020 Environmenta020-0000140020-000014000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000162020-000016200 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000110020-000011000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000160020-000016000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000120020-000012000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000162020-000016200 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000160020-000016000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000130020-000013000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-9999912020-999991248 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-9999960020-999990024 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000303020-000030300 00 Environmenta03 - IT Inves
020 Environmenta020-0000011020-000001100 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmental Protection020-000000000 00 Environmenta02 - Infrastr
020 Environmental Protection020-000000000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmental Protection020-000000000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmental Protection020-000000000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmental Protection020-000000000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000160020-000016000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000130020-000013000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000160020-000016000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000110020-000011000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000010020-000001000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
020 Environmenta020-0000110020-000000000 00 Environmenta01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9999901021-999990124 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-2379238021-237923848 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1259141021-125914100 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0141345021-014134500 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-6199897021-619989700 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-6862258021-686225800 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9999931021-999993124 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9999912021-999991224 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-2701390021-270139000 04 Office of the 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-9999932021-999993224 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9999900021-999990024 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1057318021-105731848 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9999902021-999990224 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1727813021-172781300 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-4575548021-457554800 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-2017076021-201707600 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9999912021-999991224 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1103916021-110391600 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-2917922021-291792200 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1029908021-102990800 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9087465021-908746500 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-6456981021-645698100 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-6683415021-668341500 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-7812281021-781228100 04 Office of the 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-3784278021-378427800 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-3257111021-325711100 04 Office of the 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-6137204021-613720400 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-5109156021-510915600 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9224872021-922487248 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1974379021-197437900 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1022602021-102260248 04 Office of the 04 - Grants
021 Department o021-1291534021-129153448 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-2809667021-280966700 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9999912021-999991248 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-6839681021-683968100 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1324811021-132481100 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9713375021-971337500 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9999911021-999991124 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-8331549021-833154900 04 Office of the 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-2571518021-257151800 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-6708884021-670888400 04 Office of the 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-9999963021-999996348 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-7487523021-748752300 04 Office of the 03 - IT Inves
021 Department o021-9999902021-999990248 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9999900021-999990024 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9999912021-999991248 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9999912021-999991248 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-5428504021-542850400 04 Office of the 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-4321234021-432123400 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-4321234021-432123400 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-4321234021-432123400 04 Office of the 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-4321234021-432123400 04 Office of the 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-4321234021-432123400 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-4321234021-432123400 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9999934021-999993448 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-4321234021-432123400 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-4321234021-432123400 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1291534021-129153448 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-2492178021-249217800 12 Federal Aviat02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-3530416021-353041600 12 Federal Aviat02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-0140146021-014014600 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-7272231021-727223100 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-2537299021-253729900 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-6232874021-623287400 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-8234478021-823447800 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-3528480021-352848000 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-2339354021-233935400 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9109410021-910941000 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0060819021-006081900 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-4482684021-448268400 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1925746021-192574600 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-2217090021-221709000 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-2461079021-246107900 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-6310045021-631004500 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-2405969021-240596900 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-7627832021-762783200 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-4327216021-432721600 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-4103314021-410331400 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-8600819021-860081900 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0062272021-006227200 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-5415438021-541543800 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1139105021-113910500 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0316851021-031685100 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-7924189021-792418900 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1423059021-142305900 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-6355025021-635502500 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-5409810021-540981000 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-8167748021-816774800 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0972747021-097274700 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-6811374021-681137400 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-7562196021-756219600 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-2112958021-211295800 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0408287021-040828700 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-5493658021-549365800 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-8023604021-802360400 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-7594339021-759433900 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-8915921021-891592100 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1419734021-141973400 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0895711021-089571100 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0956129021-095612900 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-8523683021-852368300 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-3735859021-373585900 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-4479590021-447959000 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-3453758021-345375800 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0994515021-099451500 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1538621021-153862100 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-3893258021-389325800 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-2882948021-288294800 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-3358529021-335852900 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9645536021-964553600 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-2053641021-205364100 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0536719021-053671900 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-4356922021-435692200 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-6254856021-625485600 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1518044021-151804400 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0784615021-078461500 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-8473323021-847332300 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1300776021-130077600 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-2603066021-260306600 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-7822223021-782222300 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1610065021-161006500 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-3524665021-352466500 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-7609444021-760944400 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-6138284021-613828400 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0027039021-002703900 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-3926916021-392691600 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-6205889021-620588900 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-5147654021-514765400 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-4232947021-423294700 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-6951080021-695108000 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-5716049021-571604900 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-5507990021-550799000 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-4771199021-477119900 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0849638021-084963800 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-4933227021-493322700 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-7311691021-731169100 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1894754021-189475400 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0622251021-062225100 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-5290310021-529031000 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1128197021-112819700 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-8593373021-859337300 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-2450144021-245014400 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-3648543021-364854300 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-5517781021-551778100 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0078214021-007821400 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9022143021-902214300 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-3916137021-391613700 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1472777021-147277700 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0016765021-001676500 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-5030586021-503058600 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-8269900021-826990000 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0478097021-047809700 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9969865021-996986500 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9969865021-996986500 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9969865021-996986500 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9969865021-996986500 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9969865021-996986500 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9969865021-996986500 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9969865021-996986500 12 Federal Aviat02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-9969865021-996986500 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9969865021-996986500 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9969865021-996986500 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9969865021-996986500 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9969865021-996986500 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9969865021-996986500 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9969865021-996986500 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1613445021-161344500 15 Federal High 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-2848812021-284881200 15 Federal High 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-3023347021-302334700 15 Federal High 03 - IT Inves
021 Department o021-2957170021-295717000 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-7062111021-706211100 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-8457241021-845724100 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-5535984021-553598400 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0283040021-028304000 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-2683495021-268349500 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1090069021-109006900 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1224525021-122452500 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-4881198021-488119800 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-2931981021-293198100 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9964167021-996416700 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-4443760021-444376000 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-6178877021-617887700 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0721625021-072162500 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-8030572021-803057200 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1993271021-199327100 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-2778405021-277840500 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-6144116021-614411600 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0992818021-099281800 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-8450837021-845083700 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-7281510021-728151000 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-7513357021-751335700 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-7027301021-702730100 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-3082343021-308234300 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-3947011021-394701100 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0129402021-012940200 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-8569979021-856997900 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-7594309021-759430900 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-6443083021-644308300 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-3896179021-389617900 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9387411021-938741100 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-6708694021-670869400 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-5007625021-500762500 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-5300047021-530004700 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-4223113021-422311300 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1338111021-133811100 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0000020021-000002000 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0000020021-000002000 15 Federal High 03 - IT Inves
021 Department o021-8446948021-844694800 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-8446948021-844694800 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-8446948021-844694800 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-8446948021-844694800 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-8446948021-844694800 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-8446948021-844694800 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-6758421021-675842100 15 Federal High 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-8549731021-854973148 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0663957021-066395700 17 Federal Motor01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-7483982021-748398200 17 Federal Motor01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0000010021-000001000 17 Federal Motor01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0000010021-000001000 17 Federal Motor01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0000010021-000001000 17 Federal Motor01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0000010021-000001000 17 Federal Motor01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0000010021-000001000 17 Federal Motor01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0000010021-000001000 17 Federal Motor01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0000010021-000001000 17 Federal Motor01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0000010021-000001000 17 Federal Motor02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-0000010021-000001000 17 Federal Motor03 - IT Inves
021 Department o021-0000010021-000001000 17 Federal Motor01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0000010021-000001000 17 Federal Motor 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-0000010021-000001000 17 Federal Motor 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-0000010021-000001000 17 Federal Motor 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-0000010021-000001000 17 Federal Motor 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-0000010021-000001000 17 Federal Motor 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-0000010021-000001000 17 Federal Motor 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-0000010021-000001000 17 Federal Motor 03 - IT Inves
021 Department o021-2221456021-222145600 17 Federal Motor 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-2221456021-222145600 17 Federal Motor 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-2221456021-222145648 17 Federal Motor 04 - Grants
021 Department o021-2221456021-222145600 17 Federal Motor 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-2221456021-222145600 17 Federal Motor 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-1005151021-100515100 18 National High04 - Grants
021 Department o021-4488975021-448897500 18 National High02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-0316014021-031601400 18 National High03 - IT Inves
021 Department o021-9880639021-988063900 18 National High01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-5292190021-529219000 18 National High01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1758120021-175812000 18 National High01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-4302970021-430297000 18 National High01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-3029966021-302996600 18 National High01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1580631021-158063100 18 National High01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-8029329021-802932900 18 National High01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1657196021-165719600 18 National High01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-2303695021-230369548 18 National High01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-3812819021-381281900 18 National High01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0405296021-040529600 18 National High01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1449031021-144903100 18 National High01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-7190326021-719032600 18 National High01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-7775527021-777552700 18 National High01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9612655021-961265500 18 National High01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-2881597021-288159700 27 Federal Railr 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-1166208021-116620800 27 Federal Railr 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-6804865021-680486548 27 Federal Railr 04 - Grants
021 Department o021-4497085021-449708500 27 Federal Railr 03 - IT Inves
021 Department o021-7428569021-742856900 27 Federal Railr 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-2305752021-230575200 27 Federal Railr 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9611463021-961146300 27 Federal Railr 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9363939021-936393948 27 Federal Railr 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0923954021-092395400 27 Federal Railr 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-7341093021-734109348 27 Federal Railr 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1003968021-100396800 27 Federal Railr 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-8636756021-863675600 27 Federal Railr 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0012568021-001256800 27 Federal Railr 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-6222958021-622295800 36 Federal Trans02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-9057796021-905779600 36 Federal Trans03 - IT Inves
021 Department o021-0719496021-071949600 36 Federal Trans01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-3522040021-352204000 36 Federal Trans01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-2467309021-246730900 36 Federal Trans01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9167237021-916723700 36 Federal Trans01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-3766203021-376620300 36 Federal Trans01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-5482115021-548211500 36 Federal Trans01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-3090722021-309072200 36 Federal Trans01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-8569558021-856955800 36 Federal Trans01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1182172021-118217200 40 Saint Lawren01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9999961021-999996148 40 Saint Lawren01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-8119371021-811937100 50 Pipeline and 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-0408941021-040894100 50 Pipeline and 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-8684469021-868446948 50 Pipeline and 04 - Grants
021 Department o021-9033632021-903363200 50 Pipeline and 04 - Grants
021 Department o021-8520087021-852008700 50 Pipeline and 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0984079021-098407900 50 Pipeline and 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1293838021-129383800 50 Pipeline and 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-3399434021-339943400 50 Pipeline and 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1510878021-151087800 50 Pipeline and 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-4970907021-497090700 50 Pipeline and 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-4968733021-496873300 50 Pipeline and 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0364267021-036426700 50 Pipeline and 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-4184166021-418416600 50 Pipeline and 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-6054642021-605464200 50 Pipeline and 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-2045168021-204516800 56 Office of Ins 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-2148283021-214828300 61 Surface Tran 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-4919271021-491927100 61 Surface Tran 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-4761497021-476149700 61 Surface Tran 03 - IT Inves
021 Department o021-5754608021-575460800 61 Surface Tran 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-8981335021-898133500 61 Surface Tran 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-7919367021-791936700 70 Maritime Adm 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-7398878021-739887800 70 Maritime Adm 03 - IT Inves
021 Department o021-0054175021-005417500 70 Maritime Adm 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0198763021-019876300 70 Maritime Adm 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-2237592021-223759200 70 Maritime Adm 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-4370407021-437040700 70 Maritime Adm 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-7528613021-752861300 70 Maritime Adm 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-7665944021-766594400 70 Maritime Adm 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-4188662021-418866200 70 Maritime Adm 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-5119703021-511970300 70 Maritime Adm 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-3005633021-300563300 70 Maritime Adm 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-3839817021-383981700 70 Maritime Adm 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-8852766021-885276600 70 Maritime Adm 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9134972021-913497200 70 Maritime Adm 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-1109782021-110978200 70 Maritime Adm 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0262269021-026226900 70 Maritime Adm 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9574568021-957456800 70 Maritime Adm 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-5842336021-584233600 70 Maritime Adm 01 - IT Inve
021 Department of Transporta021-748752300 04 Office of the 01 - IT Inve
021 Department of Transporta021-129509200 12 Federal Aviat02 - Infrastr
021 Department of Transporta021-129509200 12 Federal Aviat02 - Infrastr
021 Department of Transporta021-129509200 12 Federal Aviat03 - IT Inves
021 Department of Transporta021-129509200 12 Federal Aviat03 - IT Inves
021 Department of Transporta021-129509200 12 Federal Aviat03 - IT Inves
021 Department of Transporta021-129509200 12 Federal Aviat02 - Infrastr
021 Department of Transporta021-129509200 12 Federal Aviat02 - Infrastr
021 Department of Transporta021-129509200 12 Federal Aviat02 - Infrastr
021 Department of Transporta021-129509200 12 Federal Aviat02 - Infrastr
021 Department of Transporta021-129509200 12 Federal Aviat02 - Infrastr
021 Department of Transporta021-129509200 12 Federal Aviat03 - IT Inves
021 Department of Transporta021-129509200 12 Federal Aviat02 - Infrastr
021 Department of Transporta021-129509200 12 Federal Aviat02 - Infrastr
021 Department of Transporta021-129509200 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department of Transporta021-129509200 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department of Transporta021-129509200 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department of Transporta021-129509200 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department of Transporta021-129509200 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department of Transporta021-129509200 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department of Transporta021-129509200 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department of Transporta021-302996600 18 National High01 - IT Inve
021 Department of Transporta021-000003000 27 Federal Railr 03 - IT Inves
021 Department of Transporta021-000003000 27 Federal Railr 01 - IT Inve
021 Department of Transporta021-437040700 70 Maritime Adm 01 - IT Inve
021 Department of Transporta021-437040700 70 Maritime Adm 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-2585108021-258510800 12 Federal Aviat02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-8410319021-841031900 12 Federal Aviat02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-6825897021-682589700 12 Federal Aviat02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-9604193021-960419300 12 Federal Aviat02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-0860306021-086030600 12 Federal Aviat02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-9377572021-937757200 12 Federal Aviat03 - IT Inves
021 Department o021-6259106021-625910600 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-7522066021-752206600 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0222453021-022245300 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-4016738021-401673800 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-8060424021-806042400 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-6060980021-606098000 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9414216021-941421600 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0627007021-062700700 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-7751196021-775119600 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-6153377021-615337700 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-5154751021-515475100 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-2092805021-209280500 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9969865021-996986500 12 Federal Aviat02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-9969865021-996986500 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9969865021-996986500 12 Federal Aviat02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-0000020021-000002000 15 Federal High 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0832844021-083284400 18 National High01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-2853594021-285359400 27 Federal Railr 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9536678021-953667800 27 Federal Railr 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-8351291021-835129100 70 Maritime Adm 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-8198925021-819892500 27 Federal Railr 02 - Infrastr
021 Department o021-0700432021-070043200 27 Federal Railr 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-2556788021-255678800 27 Federal Railr 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0000030021-000003000 27 Federal Railr 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-9969865021-996986500 12 Federal Aviat01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-0700432021-000003000 27 Federal Railr 01 - IT Inve
021 Department o021-8198925021-000003000 27 Federal Railr 02 - Infrastr
023 General Servi023-9999900023-999990048 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-9999900023-999990924 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000014023-000001400 05 Real Property01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000013023-000001300 05 Real Property01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000011023-000001100 05 Real Property01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000014023-000001400 05 Real Property01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000042023-000004200 05 Real Property01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-9999931023-999993124 05 Real Property01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000013023-000001300 05 Real Property01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000013023-000001300 05 Real Property01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000013023-000001300 05 Real Property01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000011023-000001100 05 Real Property01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000014023-000001400 05 Real Property01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000013023-000001300 05 Real Property01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000042023-000004200 05 Real Property01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000041023-000004100 05 Real Property01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000014023-000001400 05 Real Property01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000011023-000001100 05 Real Property01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000012023-000001200 05 Real Property01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000011023-000001100 05 Real Property01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000000023-000000000 05 Real Property01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000042023-000004200 05 Real Property01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000014023-000001400 05 Real Property01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000000023-000000000 05 Real Property03 - IT Inves
023 General Servi023-9999902023-999990224 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000000023-000000000 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000041023-000004100 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000016023-000001600 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000033023-000003300 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000010023-000001000 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000010023-000001000 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000000023-000000000 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000016023-000001600 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000017023-000001700 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000016023-000001600 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000000023-000000000 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000033023-000003300 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000016023-000001600 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000010023-000001000 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000016023-000001600 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000000023-000000000 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000043023-000004300 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000000023-000000000 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000033023-000003300 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-9999900023-999990024 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000010023-000001000 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000043023-000004300 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000010023-000001000 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000010023-000001000 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000033023-000003300 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000000023-000000000 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000043023-000004300 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000041023-000004100 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000033023-000003300 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000041023-000004100 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-9999912023-999991224 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000012023-000001200 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000020023-000002000 30 General Activ02 - Infrastr
023 General Servi023-9999933023-999993348 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000000023-000000000 30 General Activ02 - Infrastr
023 General Servi023-0000042023-000004200 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000040023-000004000 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000033023-999991124 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000000023-999990024 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000000023-000000000 30 General Activ02 - Infrastr
023 General Servi023-0000042023-000004200 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000041023-000004100 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000000023-000000000 30 General Activ02 - Infrastr
023 General Servi023-0000000023-000000000 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000000023-000000000 30 General Activ02 - Infrastr
023 General Servi023-0000000023-000000000 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-9999912023-999991248 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000041023-000004100 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000030023-000003000 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000040023-000004000 30 General Activ03 - IT Inves
023 General Servi023-0000014023-000001400 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000000023-000000000 30 General Activ02 - Infrastr
023 General Servi023-9999912023-999991224 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-9999932023-999993224 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-9999940023-999994048 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000000023-000000000 30 General Activ02 - Infrastr
023 General Servi023-0000040023-000004000 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000033023-000003300 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000040023-000004000 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000030023-000003000 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Services Administ023-000000000 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Services Administ023-000000000 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Services Administ023-000000000 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Services Administ023-000000000 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Services Administ023-000000000 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Services Administ023-000000000 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Services Administ023-000000000 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Services Administ023-000000000 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Services Administ023-000000000 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Services Administ023-000000000 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Services Administ023-000000000 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Services Administ023-000000000 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Services Administ023-000000000 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Services Administ023-000000000 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Services Administ023-000000000 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000011023-000001100 05 Real Property01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000010023-000001000 05 Real Property03 - IT Inves
023 General Servi023-0000040023-000004000 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000016023-000001600 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000042023-000004200 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000016023-000001600 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000042023-000004200 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000040023-000004000 30 General Activ02 - Infrastr
023 General Servi023-0000030023-000003000 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000000023-000000000 30 General Activ02 - Infrastr
023 General Servi023-9999902023-999990248 10 Supply and Te01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000012023-000001200 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000011023-000001100 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
023 General Servi023-0000040023-000004000 30 General Activ01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000053024-000005300 55 Immigration 02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000052024-000005200 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-9999901024-999990124 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000011024-000001100 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000005024-000000500 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000012024-000001200 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-9999941024-999994124 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000005024-000000500 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000000024-000000000 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000005024-000000500 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000005024-000000500 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-9999901024-999990124 00 Department o04 - Grants
024 Department o024-9999912024-999991248 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000005024-000000500 00 Department o03 - IT Inves
024 Department o024-9999912024-999991224 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000006024-000000600 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-9999902024-999990224 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000006024-000000600 00 Department o03 - IT Inves
024 Department o024-0000010024-000001000 00 Department o03 - IT Inves
024 Department o024-0000004024-000000400 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000006024-000000600 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000091024-000009100 10 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000091024-000009100 10 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000010024-000001000 10 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000010024-000001000 10 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000010024-000001000 10 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-9999900024-999990024 10 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000010024-000001000 10 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-9999931024-999993124 10 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-9999918024-999991848 10 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-9999900024-999990024 10 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000010024-000001000 10 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
024 Department o024-0000006024-000000600 10 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-9999905024-999990548 10 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000010024-000001000 10 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000005024-000000500 10 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
024 Department o024-0000006024-000000600 10 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-9999912024-999991248 10 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-9999912024-999991224 10 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000010024-000001000 10 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
024 Department o024-0000010024-000001000 10 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000010024-000001000 10 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000091024-000009100 10 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000010024-000001000 10 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
024 Department o024-0000010024-000001000 10 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
024 Department o024-0000010024-000001000 10 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000010024-000001000 10 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000091024-000009100 10 Departmenta02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000012024-000001200 10 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000010024-000001000 10 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
024 Department o024-9999911024-999991124 10 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-9999932024-999993224 10 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000020024-000002000 20 Office of the 02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000030024-000003000 30 Citizenship a 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000030024-000003000 30 Citizenship a 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000030024-000003000 30 Citizenship a 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000030024-000003000 30 Citizenship a 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000030024-000003000 30 Citizenship a 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000030024-000003000 30 Citizenship a 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000031024-000003100 30 Citizenship a 02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000031024-000003100 30 Citizenship a 02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000030024-000003000 30 Citizenship a 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000031024-000003100 30 Citizenship a 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000031024-000003100 30 Citizenship a 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000030024-000003000 30 Citizenship a 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000030024-000003000 30 Citizenship a 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000031024-000003100 30 Citizenship a 02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000031024-000003100 30 Citizenship a 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000031024-000003100 30 Citizenship a 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000030024-000003000 30 Citizenship a 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000030024-000003000 30 Citizenship a 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000030024-000003000 30 Citizenship a 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000030024-000003000 30 Citizenship a 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000031024-000003100 30 Citizenship a 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000039024-000003900 30 Citizenship a 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000030024-000003000 30 Citizenship a 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000040024-000004000 40 United States01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000040024-000004000 40 United States02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000040024-000004000 40 United States01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000040024-000004000 40 United States01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000040024-000004000 40 United States01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000040024-000004000 40 United States01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000056024-000005600 45 Transportatio01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000056024-000005600 45 Transportatio01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000056024-000005600 45 Transportatio01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000056024-000005600 45 Transportatio01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000056024-000005600 45 Transportatio01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000056024-000005600 45 Transportatio01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000056024-000005600 45 Transportatio01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000056024-000005600 45 Transportatio01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000056024-000005600 45 Transportatio01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000056024-000005600 45 Transportatio01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000056024-000005600 45 Transportatio01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000056024-000005600 45 Transportatio01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000056024-000005648 45 Transportatio01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000056024-000005600 45 Transportatio01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000056024-000005600 45 Transportatio01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000056024-000005600 45 Transportatio01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000056024-000005600 45 Transportatio01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000056024-000005600 45 Transportatio01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000056024-000005600 45 Transportatio01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000056024-000005600 45 Transportatio01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000056024-000005600 45 Transportatio01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000056024-000005600 45 Transportatio01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000056024-000005600 45 Transportatio01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000059024-000005900 49 Federal Law 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000059024-000005900 49 Federal Law 03 - IT Inves
024 Department o024-0000059024-000005900 49 Federal Law 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000059024-000005900 49 Federal Law 02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000059024-000005900 49 Federal Law 02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000059024-000005900 49 Federal Law 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000010024-000001000 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000053024-000005300 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000054024-000005400 55 Immigration 02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000053024-000005300 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000053024-000005300 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000053024-000005300 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000053024-000005300 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000053024-000005300 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000054024-000005400 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000054024-000005400 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000053024-000005300 55 Immigration 02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000053024-000005300 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000054024-000005400 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000054024-000005400 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000053024-000005300 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000053024-000005300 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000053024-000005300 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000053024-000005300 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000054024-000005400 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000053024-000005300 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000053024-000005300 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000054024-000005400 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000053024-000005300 55 Immigration 02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000053024-000005300 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000054024-000005400 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000053024-000005300 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000053024-000005300 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000053024-000005300 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000053024-000005300 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000053024-000005300 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000053024-000005300 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000053024-000005300 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000054024-000005400 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000053024-000005300 55 Immigration 02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000053024-000005300 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000053024-000005300 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000053024-000005300 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000053024-000005300 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000054024-000005400 55 Immigration 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000050024-000005000 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000051024-000005100 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000050024-000005000 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000051024-000005100 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000051024-000005100 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000050024-000005000 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000050024-000005000 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000051024-000005100 58 U.S. Customs02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000051024-000005100 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000050024-000005000 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000052024-000005200 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000052024-000005200 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000052024-000005200 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000052024-000005200 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000052024-000005200 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000052024-000005200 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000095024-000009500 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000095024-000009500 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000052024-000005200 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000052024-000005200 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000051024-000005100 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000052024-000005200 58 U.S. Customs02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000051024-000005100 58 U.S. Customs02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000051024-000005100 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000051024-000005100 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000051024-000005100 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000052024-000005200 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000051024-000005100 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000051024-000005100 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000050024-000005000 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000051024-000005100 58 U.S. Customs03 - IT Inves
024 Department o024-0000051024-000005100 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000050024-000005000 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000051024-000005100 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000050024-000005000 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000052024-000005200 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000052024-000005200 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000052024-000005200 58 U.S. Customs02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000051024-000005100 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000052024-000005200 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000051024-000005100 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000052024-000005200 58 U.S. Customs02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000050024-000005000 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000052024-000005200 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000050024-000005000 58 U.S. Customs03 - IT Inves
024 Department o024-0000052024-000005200 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000052024-000005200 58 U.S. Customs02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000051024-000005100 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000050024-000005000 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000050024-000005000 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000052024-000005200 58 U.S. Customs03 - IT Inves
024 Department o024-0000051024-000005100 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000051024-000005100 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000051024-000005100 58 U.S. Customs03 - IT Inves
024 Department o024-0000050024-000005000 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000051024-000005100 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000051024-000005100 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000060024-000006048 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000060024-000006000 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000060024-000006000 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000060024-000006000 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000060024-000006000 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000060024-000006000 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000061024-000006100 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000061024-000006100 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000063024-000006300 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000061024-000006100 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000061024-000006100 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000060024-000006000 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000063024-000006300 60 United State 02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000063024-000006300 60 United State 02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000063024-000006348 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000060024-000006000 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000063024-000006300 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000060024-000006000 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000061024-000006100 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000060024-000006000 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000060024-000006000 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000060024-000006000 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000063024-000006300 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000060024-000006000 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000060024-000006000 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000061024-000006100 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000060024-000006000 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000060024-000006000 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000063024-000006300 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000060024-000006000 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000063024-000006300 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000063024-000006300 60 United State 02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000063024-000006300 60 United State 02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000060024-000006000 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000063024-000006300 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000060024-000006000 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000060024-000006000 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000060024-000006000 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000060024-000006000 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000063024-000006300 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000063024-000006300 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000095024-000009500 65 National Pro 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000095024-000009500 65 National Pro 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000095024-000009500 65 National Pro 02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000095024-000009500 65 National Pro 02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000095024-000009500 65 National Pro 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000095024-000009500 65 National Pro 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000095024-000009500 65 National Pro 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000095024-000009500 65 National Pro 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000095024-000009500 65 National Pro 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000095024-000009500 65 National Pro 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000095024-000009500 65 National Pro 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000095024-000009500 65 National Pro 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000095024-000009500 65 National Pro 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000095024-000009500 65 National Pro 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000095024-000009500 65 National Pro 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000095024-000009500 65 National Pro 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000095024-000009500 65 National Pro 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000095024-000009500 65 National Pro 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000073024-000007300 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000071024-000007100 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000070024-000007000 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000071024-000007100 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000075024-000007500 70 Federal Eme 02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000075024-000007500 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000070024-000007000 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000070024-000007000 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000075024-000007500 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000071024-000007100 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000071024-000007100 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000074024-000007400 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000076024-000007600 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000071024-000007100 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000074024-000007400 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000071024-000007100 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000070024-000007000 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000071024-000007100 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000071024-000007100 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000075024-000007500 70 Federal Eme 04 - Grants
024 Department o024-0000071024-000007100 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000071024-000007100 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000076024-000007600 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000074024-000007400 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000072024-000007200 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000075024-000007500 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000075024-000007500 70 Federal Eme 04 - Grants
024 Department o024-0000071024-000007100 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000071024-000007100 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000075024-000007500 70 Federal Eme 04 - Grants
024 Department o024-0000070024-000007000 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000071024-000007100 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000070024-000007000 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000071024-000007100 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000071024-000007100 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000071024-000007100 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000075024-000007500 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000074024-000007400 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000076024-000007600 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000071024-000007100 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000075024-000007500 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000071024-000007100 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000075024-000007500 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000071024-000007100 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000075024-000007500 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000080024-000008000 80 Science and 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000059024-000005948 85 Domestic Nuc01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000095024-000009500 85 Domestic Nuc01 - IT Inve
024 Department of Homeland 024-000001000 10 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
024 Department of Homeland 024-000001000 10 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
024 Department of Homeland 024-000001000 10 Departmenta01 - IT Inve
024 Department of Homeland 024-999991224 10 Departmenta03 - IT Inves
024 Department of Homeland 024-000003100 30 Citizenship a 01 - IT Inve
024 Department of Homeland 024-000003000 30 Citizenship a 01 - IT Inve
024 Department of Homeland 024-000003100 30 Citizenship a 01 - IT Inve
024 Department of Homeland 024-000003100 30 Citizenship a 01 - IT Inve
024 Department of Homeland 024-000005600 45 Transportatio01 - IT Inve
024 Department of Homeland 024-000005600 45 Transportatio01 - IT Inve
024 Department of Homeland 024-000005600 45 Transportatio01 - IT Inve
024 Department of Homeland 024-000005000 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department of Homeland 024-000005200 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department of Homeland 024-000005200 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department of Homeland 024-000006000 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department of Homeland 024-000006000 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department of Homeland 024-000006300 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department of Homeland 024-000006000 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department of Homeland 024-000006400 60 United State 01 - IT Inve
024 Department of Homeland 024-000009500 65 National Pro 01 - IT Inve
024 Department of Homeland 024-000009500 65 National Pro 01 - IT Inve
024 Department of Homeland 024-000007100 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department of Homeland 024-000007500 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department of Homeland 024-000007100 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department of Homeland 024-000007100 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department of Homeland 024-000005900 85 Domestic Nuc01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000052024-000005200 58 U.S. Customs02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000050024-000005000 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000052024-000005200 58 U.S. Customs02 - Infrastr
024 Department o024-0000051024-000005100 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000051024-000005100 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000050024-000005000 58 U.S. Customs01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000095024-000009500 65 National Pro 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000072024-000007200 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-0000072024-000007200 70 Federal Eme 01 - IT Inve
024 Department o024-9999921024-000009500 65 National Pro 02 - Infrastr
025 Department o025-9999901025-999990124 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
025 Department o025-0000046025-000004600 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
025 Department o025-0000044025-000004400 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
025 Department o025-9999943025-999994348 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
025 Department o025-0000045025-000004500 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
025 Department o025-0000045025-000004500 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
025 Department o025-9999947025-999994748 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
025 Department o025-0000046025-000004600 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
025 Department o025-0000043025-000004300 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
025 Department o025-0000043025-000004300 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
025 Department o025-0000046025-000004600 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
025 Department o025-0000046025-000004600 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
025 Department o025-9999911025-999991124 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
025 Department o025-0000043025-000004300 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
025 Department o025-0000045025-000004500 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
025 Department o025-0000045025-000004500 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
025 Department o025-0000044025-000004400 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
025 Department o025-0000046025-000004600 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
025 Department o025-0000046025-000004600 00 Department o03 - IT Inves
025 Department o025-0000045025-000004500 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
025 Department o025-9999941025-999994124 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
025 Department o025-0000045025-000004500 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
025 Department o025-9999931025-999993124 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
025 Department o025-9999900025-999990024 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
025 Department o025-0000043025-000004300 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
025 Department o025-9999912025-999991224 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
025 Department o025-9999902025-999990224 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
025 Department o025-9999900025-999990024 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
025 Department o025-0000044025-000004400 00 Department o04 - Grants
025 Department o025-0000045025-000004500 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
025 Department o025-0000045025-000004500 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
025 Department o025-0000044025-000004400 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
025 Department o025-0000044025-000004400 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
025 Department o025-0000044025-000004400 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
025 Department o025-9999932025-999993224 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
025 Department o025-0000043025-000004300 35 Management01 - IT Inve
025 Department o025-0000045025-000004500 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
025 Department o025-0000046025-000004600 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
025 Department o025-0000044025-000004400 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
025 Department o025-0000045025-000004500 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
025 Department o025-0000043025-000004300 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-9999912026-999991224 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-9999912026-000000600 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000050026-000005000 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000003026-000000300 00 National Aer 03 - IT Inves
026 National Aer 026-9999912026-999991224 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000080026-000008000 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000070026-000007000 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000080026-000008000 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000029026-000002900 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000070026-000007000 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000024026-000002400 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000070026-000007000 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000011026-000001100 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000080026-000008000 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000014026-000001400 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000041026-000004100 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-9999932026-999993224 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000011026-000001100 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-9999902026-000000200 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000070026-000007000 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000041026-000004100 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000041026-000004100 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000015026-000001500 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000080026-000008000 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000015026-000001500 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000070026-000007000 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000041026-000004100 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000070026-000007000 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000010026-000001000 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000080026-000008000 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000011026-000001100 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-9999901026-999990124 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000014026-000001400 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000011026-000001100 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000011026-000001100 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000039026-000003900 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000080026-000008000 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000070026-000007000 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000059026-000005900 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000035026-000003500 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000069026-000006900 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000020026-000002000 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000035026-000003500 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000070026-000007000 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000035026-000003500 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000080026-000008000 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000070026-000007000 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-9999900026-999990024 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000080026-000008000 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-9999931026-999993124 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000035026-000003500 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000080026-000008000 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-9999912026-000001200 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000050026-000005000 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000080026-000008000 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-9999911026-999991124 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000011026-000001100 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000070026-000007000 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000050026-000005000 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000011026-000001100 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000080026-000008000 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aeronautics and 026-000000000 00 National Aer 02 - Infrastr
026 National Aeronautics and 026-000000000 00 National Aer 02 - Infrastr
026 National Aeronautics and 026-000000000 00 National Aer 02 - Infrastr
026 National Aeronautics and 026-000000000 00 National Aer 02 - Infrastr
026 National Aer 026-9999912026-000001200 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-9999912026-000001200 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-9999912026-999991224 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-9999912026-999991224 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000035026-000003500 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-9999943026-999994324 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
026 National Aer 026-0000000026-000000000 00 National Aer 02 - Infrastr
026 National Aer 026-9999902026-999990224 00 National Aer 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000000027-000000000 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-9999901027-999990148 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-9999901027-999990148 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-9999901027-999990148 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-9999901027-999991224 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000001027-000000100 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000000027-000000000 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-9999901027-999990148 00 Office of Pe 02 - Infrastr
027 Office of Pe 027-0000000027-000000000 00 Office of Pe 03 - IT Inves
027 Office of Pe 027-0000000027-000000000 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000001027-000000100 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000000027-000000048 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000000027-000000000 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000001027-000000100 00 Office of Pe 02 - Infrastr
027 Office of Pe 027-0000001027-000000100 00 Office of Pe 02 - Infrastr
027 Office of Pe 027-0000000027-000000048 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-9999901027-999990148 00 Office of Pe 02 - Infrastr
027 Office of Pe 027-9999901027-999990148 00 Office of Pe 02 - Infrastr
027 Office of Pe 027-0000000027-000000000 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-9999901027-999990148 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000001027-000000100 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-9999900027-999990224 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-9999901027-999990148 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000000027-000000000 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000001027-000000100 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000001027-000000100 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000001027-000000100 00 Office of Pe 02 - Infrastr
027 Office of Pe 027-0000000027-000000000 00 Office of Pe 02 - Infrastr
027 Office of Pe 027-0000000027-000000000 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000000027-000000048 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000000027-000000000 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-9999901027-999990148 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-9999912027-999991248 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000001027-000000100 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-9999901027-999990148 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-9999900027-999991224 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-9999901027-999990148 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-9999901027-999990148 00 Office of Pe 02 - Infrastr
027 Office of Pe 027-9999901027-999990148 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000000027-000000000 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000000027-000000000 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000001027-000000100 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000000027-000000000 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000000027-000000048 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-9999901027-999990148 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-9999901027-999990148 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-9999901027-999990148 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-9999901027-999990148 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000000027-000000000 00 Office of Pe 02 - Infrastr
027 Office of Pe 027-0000000027-000000000 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-9999900027-999993224 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-9999901027-999990148 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000001027-000000100 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-9999901027-999990148 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000000027-000000000 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-9999900027-999994124 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-9999901027-999990148 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000001027-000000100 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000000027-000000000 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000000027-000000000 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-9999900027-999990024 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-9999901027-999990148 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000000027-000000000 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000000027-000000000 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Personnel Mana 027-000000100 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Personnel Mana 027-000000100 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Personnel Mana 027-000000100 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Personnel Mana 027-999990248 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Personnel Mana 027-000000100 00 Office of Pe 02 - Infrastr
027 Office of Personnel Mana 027-000000100 00 Office of Pe 02 - Infrastr
027 Office of Personnel Mana 027-999991224 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Personnel Mana 027-000000100 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Personnel Mana 027-000000100 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Personnel Mana 027-000000100 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Personnel Mana 027-999991124 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Personnel Mana 027-000000100 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-9999901027-999990148 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-9999900027-999990048 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000000027-000000000 00 Office of Pe 02 - Infrastr
027 Office of Pe 027-0000001027-000000100 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-9999901027-999990148 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
027 Office of Pe 027-0000000027-000000048 00 Office of Pe 01 - IT Inve
028 Small Busines028-0000080028-000008000 00 Small Busines01 - IT Inve
028 Small Busines028-0000000028-000000000 00 Small Busines01 - IT Inve
028 Small Busines028-0000040028-000004000 00 Small Busines01 - IT Inve
028 Small Busines028-0000070028-000007000 00 Small Busines01 - IT Inve
028 Small Busines028-9999941028-999994124 00 Small Busines01 - IT Inve
028 Small Busines028-0000010028-000001000 00 Small Busines01 - IT Inve
028 Small Busines028-0000010028-000001000 00 Small Busines01 - IT Inve
028 Small Busines028-0000050028-000005000 00 Small Busines01 - IT Inve
028 Small Busines028-0000080028-000008000 00 Small Busines03 - IT Inves
028 Small Busines028-0000070028-000007000 00 Small Busines02 - Infrastr
028 Small Busines028-9999900028-999990024 00 Small Busines01 - IT Inve
028 Small Busines028-9999932028-999993224 00 Small Busines01 - IT Inve
028 Small Busines028-9999900028-999990024 00 Small Busines01 - IT Inve
028 Small Busines028-9999902028-999990224 00 Small Busines01 - IT Inve
028 Small Busines028-0000020028-000002000 00 Small Busines01 - IT Inve
028 Small Busines028-9999901028-999990124 00 Small Busines01 - IT Inve
028 Small Busines028-9999912028-999991224 00 Small Busines01 - IT Inve
028 Small Busines028-9999911028-999991124 00 Small Busines01 - IT Inve
028 Small Busines028-0000080028-000008000 00 Small Busines03 - IT Inves
028 Small Busines028-0000001028-000000100 00 Small Busines01 - IT Inve
028 Small Busines028-0000080028-000008000 00 Small Busines01 - IT Inve
028 Small Busines028-9999931028-999993124 00 Small Busines01 - IT Inve
028 Small Business Administra028-000000000 00 Small Busines01 - IT Inve
028 Small Busines028-0000070028-000007000 00 Small Busines02 - Infrastr
028 Small Busines028-0000020028-000002000 00 Small Busines01 - IT Inve
028 Small Busines028-0000060028-000006000 00 Small Busines01 - IT Inve
029 Department o029-5555551029-555555100 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
029 Department o029-7777772029-777777200 00 Department o03 - IT Inves
029 Department o029-5555551029-555555100 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
029 Department o029-8888881029-888888100 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
029 Department o029-6666662029-666666200 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
029 Department o029-6666662029-666666200 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
029 Department o029-8888881029-888888100 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
029 Department o029-5555551029-555555100 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
029 Department o029-8888881029-888888100 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
029 Department o029-8888881029-888888100 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
029 Department o029-7777771029-777777100 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
029 Department o029-7777772029-777777200 00 Department o03 - IT Inves
029 Department o029-6666661029-666666100 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
029 Department o029-5555551029-555555100 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
029 Department o029-7777771029-777777100 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
029 Department o029-5555551029-555555100 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
029 Department o029-8888882029-888888200 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
029 Department o029-7777770029-777777000 00 Department o03 - IT Inves
029 Department o029-5555551029-555555100 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
029 Department o029-5555552029-555555200 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
029 Department o029-7777771029-777777100 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
029 Department o029-7777770029-777777000 00 Department o03 - IT Inves
029 Department o029-5555551029-555555100 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
029 Department o029-7777771029-777777100 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
029 Department o029-6666662029-666666200 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
029 Department o029-6666662029-666666200 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
029 Department o029-7777772029-777777200 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
029 Department o029-6666661029-666666100 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
029 Department o029-8888881029-888888100 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
029 Department o029-5555551029-555555100 00 Department o02 - Infrastr
029 Department o029-5555552029-555555200 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
029 Department o029-7777714029-777771400 00 Department o01 - IT Inve
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 01 - IT Inve
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 01 - IT Inve
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 01 - IT Inve
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 02 - Infrastr
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 01 - IT Inve
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 01 - IT Inve
184 U.S. Agency 184-9999900184-999990048 15 Agency for I 01 - IT Inve
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 01 - IT Inve
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 02 - Infrastr
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 02 - Infrastr
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 03 - IT Inves
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 03 - IT Inves
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 01 - IT Inve
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 01 - IT Inve
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 01 - IT Inve
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 01 - IT Inve
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 01 - IT Inve
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 02 - Infrastr
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 02 - Infrastr
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 02 - Infrastr
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 01 - IT Inve
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 01 - IT Inve
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 01 - IT Inve
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 01 - IT Inve
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 01 - IT Inve
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 01 - IT Inve
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 01 - IT Inve
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 02 - Infrastr
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 02 - Infrastr
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 02 - Infrastr
184 U.S. Agency 184-0000000184-000000000 15 Agency for I 02 - Infrastr
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000040202-000004000 00 Corps of Engi02 - Infrastr
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000040202-000004000 00 Corps of Engi02 - Infrastr
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000010202-000001000 00 Corps of Engi01 - IT Inve
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000010202-000001000 00 Corps of Engi01 - IT Inve
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000000202-000000000 00 Corps of Engi02 - Infrastr
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000040202-000004000 00 Corps of Engi02 - Infrastr
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000010202-000001000 00 Corps of Engi01 - IT Inve
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000040202-000004000 00 Corps of Engi02 - Infrastr
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000000202-000000000 00 Corps of Engi02 - Infrastr
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000010202-000001000 00 Corps of Engi01 - IT Inve
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000001202-000000100 00 Corps of Engi01 - IT Inve
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000010202-000001000 00 Corps of Engi01 - IT Inve
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000010202-000001000 00 Corps of Engi01 - IT Inve
202 U.S. Army Co202-9999932202-999993224 00 Corps of Engi01 - IT Inve
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000040202-000004000 00 Corps of Engi03 - IT Inves
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000010202-000001000 00 Corps of Engi01 - IT Inve
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000010202-000001000 00 Corps of Engi03 - IT Inves
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000000202-000000000 00 Corps of Engi01 - IT Inve
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000040202-000004000 00 Corps of Engi02 - Infrastr
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000011202-000001100 00 Corps of Engi01 - IT Inve
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000010202-000001000 00 Corps of Engi01 - IT Inve
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000040202-000004000 00 Corps of Engi02 - Infrastr
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000040202-000004000 00 Corps of Engi02 - Infrastr
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000011202-000001100 00 Corps of Engi01 - IT Inve
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000000202-000000000 00 Corps of Engi01 - IT Inve
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000040202-000004000 00 Corps of Engi02 - Infrastr
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000010202-000001000 00 Corps of Engi01 - IT Inve
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000010202-000001000 00 Corps of Engi01 - IT Inve
202 U.S. Army Co202-9999900202-999990024 00 Corps of Engi01 - IT Inve
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000010202-000001000 00 Corps of Engi01 - IT Inve
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000010202-000001000 00 Corps of Engi01 - IT Inve
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000040202-000004000 00 Corps of Engi02 - Infrastr
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000010202-000001000 00 Corps of Engi01 - IT Inve
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000011202-000001100 00 Corps of Engi01 - IT Inve
202 U.S. Army Co202-9999931202-999993124 00 Corps of Engi01 - IT Inve
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000040202-000004000 00 Corps of Engi02 - Infrastr
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000010202-000001000 00 Corps of Engi02 - Infrastr
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000040202-000004000 00 Corps of Engi02 - Infrastr
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000010202-000001000 00 Corps of Engi01 - IT Inve
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000040202-000004000 00 Corps of Engi02 - Infrastr
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000040202-000004000 00 Corps of Engi02 - Infrastr
202 U.S. Army Corps of Engine202-000001100 00 Corps of Engi01 - IT Inve
202 U.S. Army Co202-0000011202-000001100 00 Corps of Engi01 - IT Inve
393 National Arc 393-0000001393-000000100 00 National Arc 01 - IT Inve
393 National Arc 393-0000001393-000000100 00 National Arc 01 - IT Inve
393 National Arc 393-0000003393-000000300 00 National Arc 03 - IT Inves
393 National Arc 393-0000001393-000000100 00 National Arc 01 - IT Inve
393 National Arc 393-0000002393-000000200 00 National Arc 02 - Infrastr
393 National Arc 393-0000001393-000000100 00 National Arc 02 - Infrastr
393 National Arc 393-9999913393-999990124 00 National Arc 04 - Grants
422 National Sci 422-0000000422-000000000 00 National Sci 02 - Infrastr
422 National Sci 422-0000013422-000001300 00 National Sci 01 - IT Inve
422 National Sci 422-9999913422-000001300 00 National Sci 04 - Grants
422 National Sci 422-0000013422-000001300 00 National Sci 04 - Grants
422 National Sci 422-0000000422-000000000 00 National Sci 01 - IT Inve
422 National Sci 422-0000000422-000000000 00 National Sci 02 - Infrastr
422 National Sci 422-9999901422-999990124 00 National Sci 01 - IT Inve
422 National Sci 422-9999912422-999991224 00 National Sci 01 - IT Inve
422 National Sci 422-9999932422-999993224 00 National Sci 01 - IT Inve
422 National Sci 422-9999931422-999993124 00 National Sci 01 - IT Inve
422 National Sci 422-9999911422-999991124 00 National Sci 01 - IT Inve
422 National Sci 422-0000000422-000000000 00 National Sci 01 - IT Inve
422 National Sci 422-9999943422-999990224 00 National Sci 01 - IT Inve
422 National Sci 422-0000000422-000000000 00 National Sci 03 - IT Inves
422 National Sci 422-0000000422-000000000 00 National Sci 01 - IT Inve
422 National Sci 422-0000000422-000000000 00 National Sci 01 - IT Inve
429 Nuclear Regu429-9999912429-999991224 00 Nuclear Regu01 - IT Inve
429 Nuclear Regu429-0000025429-000002500 00 Nuclear Regu01 - IT Inve
429 Nuclear Regu429-0000036429-000003600 00 Nuclear Regu01 - IT Inve
429 Nuclear Regu429-0000080429-000008000 00 Nuclear Regu01 - IT Inve
429 Nuclear Regu429-0000014429-000001400 00 Nuclear Regu01 - IT Inve
429 Nuclear Regu429-0000082429-000008200 00 Nuclear Regu01 - IT Inve
429 Nuclear Regu429-0000071429-000007100 00 Nuclear Regu03 - IT Inves
429 Nuclear Regu429-0000066429-000006600 00 Nuclear Regu02 - Infrastr
429 Nuclear Regu429-0000015429-000001500 00 Nuclear Regu01 - IT Inve
429 Nuclear Regu429-9999900429-999990024 00 Nuclear Regu01 - IT Inve
429 Nuclear Regu429-0000034429-000003400 00 Nuclear Regu01 - IT Inve
429 Nuclear Regu429-0000061429-000006100 00 Nuclear Regu02 - Infrastr
429 Nuclear Regu429-0000006429-000000600 00 Nuclear Regu01 - IT Inve
429 Nuclear Regu429-0000069429-000006900 00 Nuclear Regu02 - Infrastr
429 Nuclear Regu429-0000065429-000006500 00 Nuclear Regu02 - Infrastr
429 Nuclear Regu429-0000013429-000001300 00 Nuclear Regu01 - IT Inve
429 Nuclear Regu429-0000031429-000003100 00 Nuclear Regu01 - IT Inve
429 Nuclear Regu429-0000060429-000006000 00 Nuclear Regu02 - Infrastr
429 Nuclear Regu429-9999912429-999991248 00 Nuclear Regu01 - IT Inve
429 Nuclear Regu429-0000076429-000007600 00 Nuclear Regu03 - IT Inves
429 Nuclear Regu429-0000067429-000006700 00 Nuclear Regu02 - Infrastr
429 Nuclear Regu429-0000005429-000000500 00 Nuclear Regu01 - IT Inve
429 Nuclear Regu429-0000068429-000006800 00 Nuclear Regu02 - Infrastr
429 Nuclear Regu429-9999902429-999990224 00 Nuclear Regu01 - IT Inve
429 Nuclear Regu429-0000035429-000003500 00 Nuclear Regu01 - IT Inve
429 Nuclear Regu429-0000026429-000002600 00 Nuclear Regu01 - IT Inve
429 Nuclear Regu429-0000072429-000007200 00 Nuclear Regu03 - IT Inves
429 Nuclear Regu429-0000081429-000008100 00 Nuclear Regu01 - IT Inve
429 Nuclear Regu429-9999912429-999991248 00 Nuclear Regu01 - IT Inve
429 Nuclear Regu429-0000073429-000007300 00 Nuclear Regu01 - IT Inve
429 Nuclear Regu429-9999902429-999990248 00 Nuclear Regu01 - IT Inve
429 Nuclear Regu429-9999912429-999991248 00 Nuclear Regu01 - IT Inve
429 Nuclear Regu429-0000083429-000008400 00 Nuclear Regu01 - IT Inve
429 Nuclear Regu429-0000021429-000002100 00 Nuclear Regu01 - IT Inve
429 Nuclear Regu429-0000083429-000008300 00 Nuclear Regu01 - IT Inve
Mission Deli Type of Inve Line Item DesInvestment TiInvestment DFEA BRM Servi FEA BRM ServiFEA BRM Servi
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeAPHIS-CertifiTo ensure tha043 - Global Trade
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFSA-072 AeriThe Investmen 590 - Mapping / Geospatial
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFSA-0111 Co This investm 014 - Industry Sector Income Stabilization
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFS-Natural R The Natural R057 - Conservation, Marine and Land Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDM-OCIO-e-LAgLearn is an139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
06 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDM-OPPM-Inte IAS is a depa 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDM-OneUSDA Generally
H a 254 - Employ251 - Staffin 255 - Employee Performance Mana
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDM-OC-OngoiCosts associa322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
06 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDM-OCIO-EGO Provides a si 011 - Business and Industry Development
06 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDM-OCIO-EGO Improves the129 - Reporting and Information
06 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDM-OCIO-EGO A secure busi145 - Logistics Management
06 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDM-OCIO-EGO Financial man011 - Business and Industry Development
06 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDM-OCIO-EGO Streamlines a251 - Staffing and Recruiting
06 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDM-OCIO-EGO Services acqu255 - Employee Performance Management
06 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDM-OCIO-EGOV Streamlines a011 - Business and Industry Development
06 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDM-OCIO-EGO Creates a sin 011 - Business and Industry Development
06 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDM-OCIO-EGO Provides Fede011 - Business and Industry Development
06 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDM-OCIO-EGO Solution supp101 - Budget Formulation
06 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDM-OCIO-EGOV The initiative008 - Disaster Preparedness and Planning
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOCE-Local ArProvide day-t139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDM-OCR-CivilThe Web-base 256 - Employee Relations
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDM-OIG-IRMOIG IRM Offic011 - Business and Industry Development
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDM-OGC-IT InOGC Budget Su 011 - Business and Industry Development
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeERS-IT Infras This investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNASS-Data anNASS Data and 070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNASS-Cyber-sCyber securit121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNASS-InformaBasic infrast 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNASS-Geospat NASS uses geo 590 - Mapping / Geospatial
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARS-ResearchIT systems an139 - Provide026 - Scienti 108 - Customer Services
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARS-IT InfrasThis investme139 - Provide026 - Scienti 104 - Strategic Planning
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARS-TelecomThis investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARS-SecurityThis is a sum 121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIFA-Grants NIFA Grants M 026 - Scienti 362 - Federal Financial Assistance
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIFA-IT Infra General Infra139 - Provide026 - Scientific and Technological Research and
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeAPHIS-Enterpr The objective139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAPHIS-MIS 2 MIS 2000 reco 313 - Population Health Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAPHIS-AutomReplacing exi313 - Population Health Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAPHIS-Emerge Provides elec313 - Popula 010 - Emergency Response
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAPHIS-Phytosa PCIT is an el 043 - Global 124 - Accoun353 - Inform
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAPHIS-Asian A comprehens 010 - Emergency Response
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeAPHIS-AnimalInvestment pr313 - Popula 010 - Emergency Response
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAPHIS-VeterinVSPS creates 313 - Popula 319 - Regulatory Compliance
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAPHIS-ElectroA comprehens 043 - Global Trade
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAPHIS-AgriculThe AQAS is a043 - Global 033 - Border and Transportation Security
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAPHIS-Commod CTIS provides313 - Popula 310 - Food an316 - Continuous Monitoring
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAPHIS-OffshoPestLens is a 313 - Popula 310 - Food and Drug Quality and Safety
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAPHIS-Cost ACMS is the a129 - Report 105 - Budget Execution
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAPHIS-AnimalAnimal Care (319 - Regulatory Compliance
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAPHIS-Exotic EPIPS is comp313 - Popula 310 - Food and Drug Quality and Safety
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAPHIS-IntegraThe Integrate010 - Emerge590 - Mapping / Geospatial
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAPHIS-MRPBSA readily ava106 - Workfo008 - Disaste010 - Emergency Response
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAPHIS-Nationa The NSAR is a313 - Population Health Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAPHIS-InvestITEMS replace 321 - Regulatory Enforcement
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAPHIS-AgricuThe system wil 043 - Global Trade
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAPHIS-SITC NSNICAS is Web 319 - Regulatory Compliance
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAPHIS-Compre CIAHSS provid313 - Popula 010 - Emergency Response
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFSIS-Public PHDCIS is the139 - Provide263 - System340 - Collaboration Tools
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSIS-AssuranAssuranceNet139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSIS-ConsumeCCMS II is an313 - Population Health Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSIS-Data W The FSIS Data313 - Population Health Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSIS-Inciden FIMS is a Web255 - Employee Performance Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSIS-Label S LSAS will sup313 - Population Health Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSIS-Public PHHRS is a n 317 - Data Integrity and Privacy Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSIS-Residue RVIS is a syst313 - Population Health Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSIS-Web SerWeb services341 - Web Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSIS-USDA Mea Hotline 2.0 a313 - Population Health Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSIS-Time Cl Actual Time A313 - Population Health Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSIS-Human RA collection 313 - Population Health Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSIS-FinanciaAn online app341 - Web Infrastructure
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSIS-Laborat All of the sy 313 - Population Health Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSIS-All OtherFSIS's IT cos 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFSIS-Public HPHIS has four310 - Food an319 - Regulatory Compliance
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGIPSA-Enterpr GIPSA-Enterp139 - Provide103 - Enterprise Architecture
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGIPSA-FGIS OFGISonline i 353 - Inform 043 - Global 077 - Inspect
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeAMS-Web-Bas WBSCM provid 039 - Food an108 - Custom143 - Goods a
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAMS-Confor Provide produ 011 - Business and Industry Development
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAMS-Public GTo ensure the011 - Business and Industry Development
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAMS-Infrast A sound infra139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAMS-Regulato Through overs 319 - Regula 011 - Business and Industry Development
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAMS-InternatSupport the e011 - Business and Industry Development
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeRMA-13 Emerg This investme320 - Credit and Insurance
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRMA-01 FinaProvide a ful 320 - Credit and Insurance
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRMA-04 InfraTools, applic 320 - Credit 014 - Industry Sector Income Stabilization
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSA-84 GeogrThis investme590 - Mapping / Geospatial
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSA-94 Budg This investme101 - Budget Formulation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSA-105 ConsThis investme014 - Industry Sector Income Stabilization
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFSA-103 ConsThis investme014 - Industr124 - Accoun126 - Paymen
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSA-106 ConsThis investme124 - Accounting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSA-107 ConsThis investme043 - Global Trade
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSA-0030 SubThis investme014 - Industry Sector Income Stabilization
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSA-0100 Co This investm 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSA-0101 PriThis investme014 - Industry Sector Income Stabilization
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSA-009 Cot This investm 014 - Industry Sector Income Stabilization
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSA-0102 ConsThis investm 014 - Industry Sector Income Stabilization
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSA-0104 TobThis investme014 - Industry Sector Income Stabilization
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSA-026 InfoProvides reso121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSA-074 GreeThis IT Inves 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSA-109 FSA TI his investme103 - Enterprise Architecture
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSA-0110 DatThis investme339 - Information Mapping / Taxonomy / Categorization
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSA-0112 ConThis investme613 - Time Reporting
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSA-95 Digit This investme344 - Content Management
06 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFSA-097 FarmModernize and 014 - Industry Sector Income Stabilization
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSA-098 Alig This Investme124 - Accounting
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSA-114 FSA CS overs FSA sp139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSA-115 ServThis investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSA-93 Commo This investm 101 - Budget105 - Budget124 - Accoun
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNRCS-Water W a CIS provides023 - Enviro 057 - Conservation, Marine and Land Manageme
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNRCS-InfrastrInternational057 - Conser 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNRCS-Account The Budget an 057 - Conser 547 - Performance Management
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNRCS-Conserva CDSI is a col 057 - Conser 108 - Customer Services
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNRCS-Custome NRCS provides 057 - Conser 362 - Federal Financial Assistance
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNRCS-Manage Make effectiv057 - Conser 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNRCS-NaturalNRCS assesses 057 - Conser 353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNRCS-NaturalNRCS develops 057 - Conser 024 - Environmental Remediation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNRCS-OCIO Op Natural Reso057 - Conser 354 - IT Strategy and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNRCS-OCIO InNatural Resou057 - Conser 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNRCS-Program Applications 057 - Conser 362 - Federal Financial Assistance
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNRCS-SmarteNatural Resou057 - Conser 024 - Environmental Remediation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRD-OperationOperations an538 - Program / Project Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRD-Enterpri ECM combines 176 - Legislative Functions
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRD-AdministrRD Administr139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeRD-CompreheThe Comprehen 001 - Homeo002 - Commun 011 - Busine
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAS-Food AidWill handle p367 - International Development
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAS-InformatiThis investm 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAS-Market ISupport PMA043 b - Global Trade
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAS-Infrastr This investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAS-AdministConsolidates 129 - Reporting and Information
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAS-PlanningThis investme103 - Enterpr538 - Progra 546 - Portfolio Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAS-Market ARepository fo043 - Global Trade
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAS-Global CrPrimary sourc043 - Global Trade
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNS-Women,ThisI initiati 363 - Federal Funds to States and Local Governments
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNS-Store Tr STARS is FNS 039 - Food and Nutrition Assistance
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNS-Anti-FrauDetects poten039 - Food and Nutrition Assistance
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNS-Integrat Primary fina 124 - Accounting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNS-IPAS FMThis investme124 - Accounting
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNS-ElectronResides at th363 - Federal Funds to States and Local Governments
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFNS-FNCS IT IFNS HW, syste 139 - Provide033 - Border and Transportation Security
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNS-ElectroniProvides the 363 - Federal Funds to States and Local Governments
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNS-Advanced APDs are the363 - Federal Funds to States and Local Governments
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNS-Special This investme039 - Food and Nutrition Assistance
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNS-Portfoli This investme546 - Portfolio Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNS-Food ProSupports admi 039 - Food and Nutrition Assistance
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNS-FNCS NutThis investme039 - Food and Nutrition Assistance
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNS-Suppleme This investme039 - Food and Nutrition Assistance
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFS-Resource ROSS is an in010 - Emergency Response
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFS-AgPRS - URadio communi 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-Automated Provides time124 - Accounting
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFS-Forest Se Forest Servic139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-Air TranspSupport for F010 - Emergency Response
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-Water Re Investment su056 - Water Resource Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-ConservatThis investme057 - Conservation, Marine and Land Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-ConservatInvestment su057 - Conservation, Marine and Land Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-Staffing a Investments s251 - Staffing and Recruiting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-EmployeeThis investm 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-EmployeeThis investme618 - Employee Development and Training
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-EnvironmeInvestment pr024 - Environmental Remediation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-Disaster Investment pr008 - Disaster Preparedness and Planning
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-Crime PreThis investme047 - Crime Prevention
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-EmergencInvestment e010 - Emergency Response
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-Budget anInvestments p101 - Budget Formulation
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-Goods, SerInvestment en 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-Manageme Investment su345 - Management of Government Records
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-KnowledgeInvestment su577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-Staffing a Investments s251 - Staffing and Recruiting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-Data War This investme603 - Data Warehouse
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-Help DeskInvestment pr120 - Help Desk Services
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-IT Infrast This investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-IT System This investme326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-IT System This group of326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-Mapping/G This investme590 - Mapping / Geospatial
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-Data ManaInvestment s601 - Data Exchange
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-IT System Investment fu326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-USDA WCFWCF assessme 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-USDA WCFThis is the W326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-FPA-P2 - FFPA Phase 2 b101 - Budget Formulation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-Incident BThe Incident 126 - Payments
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDM-OCIO-CTS- Consolidation139 - Provide659 - Email
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDM-OCIO-NITC Enterprise Da139 - Provide263 - System108 - Custom
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDM-OCIO-ENS- The Universal139 - Provide310 - Food an010 - Emerge
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDM-OCIO-CTS- The End User139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDM-OCIO-Exec This investme011 - Business and Industry Development
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDM-OCIO-USD An enterprise648 - Identif 121 - Securi 034 - Key Ass
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDM-OCIO-OptOCE revitaliz 139 - Provide263 - System and Network Monitoring
06 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDM-OCIO-USDA Investment to121 - Securi 316 - Contin 656 - Certification and Accreditatio
06 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOCFO-NFC Sha This business624 - Payroll 129 - Report 108 - Custom
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOCFO-FinanciThe FMMI inv124 - Accounting
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSEC-NAD TrThis is a web 324 - Adjudicate Non-Judicial Requests
06 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDM-OCIO-EGUSDA E-Gov c251 - Staffing and Recruiting
06 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDM-OCIO-EGO USDA E-Gov c011 - Business and Industry Development
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSIS-PerformPBIS is a com313 - Population Health Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSIS-Whole The WGS tool310 - Food and Drug Quality and Safety
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFSA-124 ServThis investme324 - Adjudicate Non-Judicial Requests
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNRCS-EnterpThe purpose 3o17 - Data I 339 - Information Mapping / Taxonomy / Catego
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFS-Forest SerThis investme120 - Help Desk Services
06 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFS-Recreatio This investme058 - Recreational Resource Management and Tourism
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-Informati FS Informatio661 - Document Management and workflow
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOCFO-FSSP-PThe implement 124 - Accoun126 - Paymen127 - Collect
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAPHIS-NationThe NAHLN ser 313 - Popula 010 - Emergency Response
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAPHIS-User FThe APHIS Use 328 - Collect Revenues and User Fees
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAPHIS-AnimalAHSM provides 313 - Popula 010 - Emergency Response
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNS-RegionalSupports fund362 - Federal Financial Assistance
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-Recreatio Investment su058 - Recreational Resource Management and Tourism
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFS-ReportingThis initiati 129 - Reporting and Information
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDM-OCIO-USDA Enterprise le 011 - Business and Industry Development
50 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeGovBenefits.Contribution 108 - Customer Services
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOS OCIO EnteECMO is the C316 - Contin 315 - Threat and Vulnerability Management
50 04 - Funding 00 - Contribution 129 - Reporting and Information
60 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommerce WThe WebDoc 661 so - Docum533 - Correspondence Management
50 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeLOB: Human CRontribution 106 - Workforce Planning
50 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeLOB: GeospatiThe Departme 108 - Customer Services
50 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeLOB: Perfor Dept of Comm 547 - Performance Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeComponents The o Departmen 121 - Securi 656 - Certifi 315 - Threat
50 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeIntegrated A Contribution 108 - Customer Services
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCommerce Bus The BAS proje124 - Accoun126 - Paymen127 - Collect
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCommerce Bus The CBS is t 124 - Accoun126 - Paymen127 - Collect
60 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOS OHRM Hum Implement an106 - Workfo326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
50 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeLOB: Budget Contribution 108 - Customer Services
50 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeLOB: Financi Contribution 129 - Reporting and Information
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeConsolidatedInfrastructu 108 - Custom120 - Help De139 - Provide
60 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommerce Bus The Commerce 517 - External Partner Relationship Management
50 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDisaster Ass Contribution 108 - Customer Services
50 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeUSAJobs Fee for Servi 106 - Workforce Planning
60 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS OFEQ Smal For small sys 119 - Facili 145 - Logistics Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommerce ITThis include 546 - Portfolio Management
60 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS OPERM AuThis system i077 - Inspection and Auditing
60 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS OFM e-TraeTravel Servi122 - Travel 108 - Customer Services
60 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS OHRM Gen This include 129 - Report 326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommerce ITOITPP develop 104 - Strateg103 - Enterpr317 - Data I
19 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBusinessUSABusinessUSA 011 i - Busine 108 - Customer Services
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCommerce Ent ESOC provides 316 - Contin 315 - Threat 034 - Key Ass
60 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS OHRM NFC NFC app is a 624 - Payroll 126 - Payments
60 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS OHRM AutThis project 251 - Staffin 106 - Workforce Planning
60 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS OHRM Com CLC is an e-l 618 - Employ064 - Training and Employment
60 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS OGC Elec Provides an 145 - Logistics Management
60 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS OSY Syst This includes121 - Securi 315 - Threat 324 - Adjudic
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommerce Nat This investme139 - Provide364 - Counter045 - Crimina
50 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Rulemakin Contribution 108 - Customer Services
60 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS OFM SunflThe Sunflowe119 - Facili 108 - Customer Services
60 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS HR Web-bThe purpose 6o24 - Payroll 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
60 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommerce Saf The Office o 066 - Worker Safety
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEDA OperatioThe Operation 011 - Busine 362 - Federal Financial Assistance
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEDA Revolvi This system 129 - Report 011 - Business and Industry Development
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCensus - Fiel This funding 070 - General317 - Data Integrity and Privacy Management
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCensus - Dat This initiati 070 - General341 - Web Inf538 - Progra
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCensus - GeoThis funding 070 - General590 - Mapping / Geospatial
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCensus - PartThis is a cons070 - General538 - Program / Project Management
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCensus - CensUnique, surve139 - Provide354 - IT Strategy and Innovation
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCensus - 202 FY 2016 is th 070 - General103 - Enterpr104 - Strategic Planning
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCensus - DemoThis investm 070 - General577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCensus - Eco The Economic070 - General326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCensus - Oth This funding 070 - General124 - Accounting
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCensus IT Inf This is the C 139 - Provide103 - Enterpr316 - Contin
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCensus - AmeThe American070 - General326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCensus - Loc LED provides070 - General354 - IT Strategy and Innovation
24 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBEA Estimati The BEA Estim 070 - General026 - Scientific and Technological Research and
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeITA Custome Systems in th043 - Global 108 - Customer Services
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeITA Plannin This investm 043 - Global 326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeITA EnterprisInvestments i354 - IT Stra 103 - Enterprise Architecture
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeITA Data AnalThis investme043 - Global 318 - Busines577 - Knowledge Distribution and D
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBIS OCIO PlanThis investme139 - Provide263 - System034 - Key Ass
25 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBIS Commerce The system co 043 - Global 041 - Foreign319 - Regula
25 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBIS Treaty CoTCD-Net cons041 - Foreign077 - Inspect108 - Custom
35 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMBDA Small This investme108 - Customer Services
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/OMAO/ NOAA ships an 139 - Provide576 - Knowledge Capture
17 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNOAA/OCIO/High perform023 - Enviro 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNOAA/NOAA/NOAA I IT Infra139 - Provide034 - Key Ass120 - Help De
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/NMFS/Harmonizatio
F 577 - Knowled339 - Inform 353 - Inform
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/NOS/ Na The Nautical 062 - Water 312 - Navigat590 - Mappin
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/NWS/Profiler
N is a 023 - Enviro 576 - Knowledge Capture
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/NESDIS/ SARSAT system 010 - Emerge008 - Disaste060 - Air Tra
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/OCIO/This F system p103 - Enterpr129 - Report 139 - Provide
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/NOAAITS resources 104 - Strateg546 - Portfolio Management
12 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNOAA/NWS/AWIPS Ad is a na023 - Enviro 326 - IT Sys 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infra
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/NOS/ CO This investme590 - Mappin312 - Navigat010 - Emergency Response
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNOAA/NESDIS/ The CLASS pro 023 - Enviro 070 - General325 - Informa
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/NWS/ASOS A is the n023 - Enviro 601 - Data Exchange
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/NWS/Development
N 023
a - Enviro 026 - Scienti 326 - IT Sys
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/NMFS/The investmen 079 - Permits057 - Conser 321 - Regulatory Enforcement
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/NESDIS/ The NESDIS/OS 023 - Enviro 034 - Key Ass070 - General Purpose Data and Sta
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/NOAAITSyresources 103 - Enterpr546 - Portfolio Management
17 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNOAA/NWS/The N NOAA NCE 023 - Enviro 008 - Disaste026 - Scienti
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/NOS/ The PORTS and 062 - Water 312 - Navigation
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/NMFS/The M investmen 058 - Recrea 057 - Conser 319 - Regulatory Compliance
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/NWS/Investments
N 023 - Enviro 576 - Knowle312 - Navigat
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/OAR/ Na NIDIS will pr 023 - Enviro 108 - Customer Services
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/OCIO/Grants Online126 - Paymen108 - Customer Services
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/OAR/ NO Periodic tech026 - Scienti 139 - Provide120 - Help Desk Services
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/NMFS/The N intent of326 - IT Sys 354 - IT Stra 026 - Scienti
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/NOS/ O This investm 023 - Enviro 057 - Conser 024 - Enviro
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/NWS/IT Daresources 023 - Enviro 576 - Knowledge Capture
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/NMFS/The Vessel Mo 321 - Regulat054 - Legal P 319 - Regulatory Compliance
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/NWS/Develop
Ne scien023 - Enviro 026 - Scienti 326 - IT Sys
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/NWS/The NC NOAA NWS 023 - Enviro 139 - Provide263 - System
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/NWS/NEXRAD
N is the
023 - Enviro 601 - Data E 325 - Informa
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSPTO PatentThe Patents T012 - Intelle 051 - Judicia 026 - Scientific and Technological R
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSPTO ConsolThis investme124 - Accoun143 - Goods a129 - Report
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSPTO Technol This investme354 - IT Stra 103 - Enterpr339 - Inform
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSPTO PatentThis investme012 - Intelle 043 - Global 338 - Enterpr
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSPTO OCIO TPhis investme546 - Portfo 538 - Program / Project Management
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSPTO TradeThis investme012 - Intelle 338 - Enterpr043 - Global
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSPTO Tradem Trademarks se 012 - Intelle 338 - Enterpr043 - Global
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSPTO Network This investme139 - Provide329 - Continu340 - Collabo
09 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSPTO EnterpThe Enterpris012 - Intelle 108 - Customer Services
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSPTO PatentThis investme012 - Intelle 051 - Judicia 026 - Scientific and Technological R
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSPTO PatentThis investme012 - Intelle 353 - Inform 011 - Busine
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSPTO Fee PrFPNG is repla127 - Collect 129 - Report 124 - Accoun
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSPTO Dissem This investme012 - Intelle 353 - Inform 338 - Enterpr
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSPTO Tradema This investme012 - Intelle 338 - Enterpr043 - Global
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNTIS Infrastr Consists of t 139 - Provide659 - Email 108 - Custom
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNTIS Financi Includes hard124 - Accounting
37 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNTIS FedServReimbursable326 - IT Sys 139 - Provide538 - Progra
26 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIST Central IT infrastruc 026 - Scienti 678 - System Resource Usage
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIST IT SecurSupports the 656 - Certifi 316 - Continuous Monitoring
26 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIST MeasureDevelopment026 o - Scienti 576 - Knowle577 - Knowledge Distribution and D
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIST Grant MGMIS is a web129 - Report 538 - Program / Project Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIST EnterpriSupports the 103 - Enterpr139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
28 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIST Holling Operations an011 - Busine 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
60 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIST AdminisOperations an326 - IT Sys 129 - Reporting and Information
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIST IT Infra This investm 139 - Provide678 - System659 - Email
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNTIA - Instit This investme139 - Provide034 - Key Ass263 - System and Network Monitor
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNTIA - NationThis investme139 - Provide263 - System121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNTIA - ArchitThis investme104 - Strateg354 - IT Stra 538 - Progra
29 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNTIA - Frequ This investm 322 - Public 129 - Reporting and Information
29 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNTIA - Spect This project 322 - Public 319 - Regula 678 - System Resource Usage
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNTIA - FirstN This investme139 - Provide263 - System121 - Securi
29 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNTIA - Spect This investm 322 - Public 129 - Reporting and Information
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNTIA BTOP ITIT systems s 011 - Business and Industry Development
50 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeUSAServices USA Services.108 - Customer Services
12 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNOAA/NWS/To D evolve NWS 023 - Enviro 353 - Inform 139 - Provide
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/NESDIS/ National Cent023 - Enviro 108 - Customer Services
09 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSPTO Corpora This investme012 - Intelle 228 - Labor R251 - Staffin
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSPTO PatentThis investme012 - Intelle 043 - Global 011 - Business and Industry Develo
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNTIA - Frequ Frequency Au332 - Hospita319 - Regula 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infra
50 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeIAE - Loans a Contribution 129 - Reporting and Information
50 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeEHRI Fee for Servi 108 - Customer Services
50 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeE-Travel Fee for servic122 - Travel
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/NESDIS/ NODC is respo 317 - Data I 576 - Knowle590 - Mappin
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/NWS/The Na NWS Tele023 - Enviro 353 - Inform 139 - Provide
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/NWS/Part N of the 023 - Enviro 108 - Customer Services
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/NESDIS/ NGDC is respo 603 - Data W604 - Meta 590 - Mappin
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/NESDIS/ National Clim023 - Enviro 108 - Customer Services
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/NWS/This In addresse023 - Enviro 353 - Inform 139 - Provide
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOAA/NWS/This Na proposal023 - Enviro 108 - Customer Services
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSPTO PatentThis investme012 - Intelle 129 - Report 318 - Busines
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSPTO Tradem Trademarks is012 - Intelle 338 - Enterpr043 - Global
29 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNTIA - Radio This has been322 - Public 319 - Regula 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infra
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEnterprise InAn effective 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeENTERPRISE Enterprise Li 327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBIOMETRICS Biometrics En603 - Data
JPIv2 will enhance Warehouse
the ability of U.S. forces to identify unknown individuals
11 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeJoint PersonnNOTE: A signed 340acquisition
- Collaboration
memorandum on 1/12/15 terminated
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDLA Computin Infrastructur 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDLA Communic Infrastructur 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeAF NC3-MEECAir Force (A 280 - Command and Control
22 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCFFC Base-LeCFFC Base-Lev 314 - Assistive Technology Services
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeAFMC NetworAFMC's "paren 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeSPECIAL OPE SOFC4IIN pro139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNational Air NAS Moderniza 280 - Command and Control
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDeliberate a DCAPES is a s280 - Command and Control
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIntegrated StISPAN Increme 280 - Command and Control
17 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDefense MediDMIX is appro248 - Health Care Delivery Services
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMECHANIZATI The MOCAS Mi 318 - Business Analytics
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCORPORATE ECeTARS serves 618 - Employee Development and Training
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeONE PAY One Pay is th129 - Reporting and Information
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCELLULAR P Cellular Phon674 - Computer/ Network Integration
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAFPOA NetworThe AFPOA Ne 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeADP SERVICEProvides supp139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeADVANCED CFlight planni 280 - Command and Control
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeU.S. ARMY The U.S. Army139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY RESERThe ARNET ser 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMMON HAThe CHS prog675 - Voice 280 - Command and Control
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTACTICAL OPAllows comman 280 - Command and Control
17 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeArmed ForcesAHLTA, DoD´s248 - Health Care Delivery Services
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTECHNICAL SProvides reso139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInspector GeThe Inspector592 - Data Mining
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTEGRATEDIntegrated Bo145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTEGRATEDThe Integrate145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGROUPS OPEGroups Operat 145 - Logistics Management
12 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeMultifunctionThe Multifunc279 - Battlespace Networks
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAEROMEDICAASIMS and its247 - Health Care Administration
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBUREAU OF M BUMIS II prov247 - Health Care Administration
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCENTRALIZEDCCQAS tracks247 - Health Care Administration
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force E The Air Force145 - Logistics Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDENTAL COMDENCAS is a 248 - Health Care Delivery Services
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMMON SOCommon Softwa 279 - Battlespace Networks
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE MED DMSS is an in248 - Health Care Delivery Services
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense OccuDOEHRS-HC cre248 - Health Care Delivery Services
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAIR FORCE S The SBSS is a105 - Budget Execution
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIMMUNIZATIITS supports 248 - Health Care Delivery Services
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMedical BoarNavy’s Centra247 - Health Care Administration
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMEDICAL OP MODS provides 247 - Health Care Administration
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMEDICAL REAMRDSS offers280 - Command and Control
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNUTRITION NMIS support248 - Health Care Delivery Services
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePATIENT SAFPatient Safet247 - Health Care Administration
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPECIAL NE SNPMIS provid 247 - Health Care Administration
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPECTACLE RSRTS is an IB 247 - Health Care Administration
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVETERINARY VSIMS support 248 - Health Care Delivery Services
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCENTRALIZEDThe CTSF prov 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeAREA COMMO Support the A139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJOINT COMMJoint Commun 279 - Battlespace Networks
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTACTICAL EQFunds combat279 - Battlespace Networks
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE CO The DCD/DCW 129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE JOI DJMS-AC provi254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCoding and CCoding and Co247 - Health Care Administration
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFORWARD OBAn automated 281 - Force Application
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCENTAUR, V2Centaur provi281 - Force Application
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeE-WORKPLACBusiness-to-E340 - Collaboration Tools
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORGANIZATIO Organizationa577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy Food MThe Army Food 144 - Inventory Control
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENTERPRISE The Enterpris322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTotal Force TFAS replace106 - Workforce Planning
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGLOBAL SUR Global Surfac139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeGlobal CombaGCSS-MC is a145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeELECTRONIC EC/EDI is an 105 - Budget Execution
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAF CIO SuppoProvides basi103 - Enterprise Architecture
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVIDEO TELECSenior leader343 - Audio / Video Conferencing
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDefense EnteDEAMS drives124 - Accounting
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAUTOMATEDAUTOSERD prov 145 - Logistics Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCONTRACTUACOPS is an o 144 - Inventory Control
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFINANCIAL The primary f105 - Budget Execution
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNavy EnterprThe Navy ERP145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY-WIDE Resources pub 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHEADQUARTEProvides comm 280 - Command and Control
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRAINING SUThis investme343 - Audio / Video Conferencing
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAUTOMATEDAutomatic Ide145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY LOGISTArmy Logistic145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRadio Frequen Radio Frequen 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY WIDE Provides tech139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy TraininHeadquarters255 - Employee Performance Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMILITARY C Provides comm 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInteractive The Interacti 106 - Workforce Planning
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeU.S. ARMY The U.S. Arm322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSOLDIER MOSoldier Moder 281 - Force Application
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIT Infrastruc This initiati 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMPUTING Computing in279 - Battlespace Networks
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUS Army AudiThe US Army139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAUTOMATEDThe Automated 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeREADINESS Disparate dat145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAUTOMATEDThe Automated 613 - Time Reporting
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeELECTRONIC Provides capa345 - Management of Government Records
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCONTRACT SAllows users 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMANAGEMENT The function 144 - Inventory Control
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFINANCIAL FAMIS provid124 - Accounting
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCORPORATE ECore Enterpri279 - Battlespace Networks
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAGILE TRANSThis program280 - Command and Control
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBASE LEVEL Base Level Co322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOD DATA SEDDATA provide 603 - Data Warehouse
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMMISSARYCARTS custom 108 - Customer Services
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSubsistence TSTORES provid 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMINOR LOGISA consolidati145 - Logistics Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHeadquartersCOVERS TDYs,280 - Command and Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDECA ELECT DeCA EC/EDI 340 i - Collaboration Tools
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMDA Communi Resources fun322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSER LIFEC Navy/USMC pa 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeALL OTHER All other Nav139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY MANAG Army Managem 139 - Provide120 - Help Desk Services
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE PERA next genera145 - Logistics Management
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeGeneral FundThe General F259 - Budget and Performance Integration
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNavigational,GPS user equi281 - Force Application
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENTERPRISE The ePortal i 322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCargo MovemCargo Movemen 145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCASH RECONC The Cash Reco 129 - Reporting and Information
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINFORMATIOCovers the c 603 - Data Warehouse
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePORTAL Enterprise We 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint Deficie NAMDRP is th143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
12 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeJoint Tactica The Joint Tac279 - Battlespace Networks
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCASH HISTORCHOOSE provi129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCHECK RECERThe RECERT sy 105 - Budget Execution
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBUPERS On LBUPERS Online 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCustomer ReThe CRM is Pr577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCriminal Inv The Criminal 322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePersonnel T Tracks day f 644 - Workforce Directory / Locator
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNavy-MarineThe Navy-Mari 279 - Battlespace Networks
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePhysical Rea Decision supp106 - Workforce Planning
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNavy Manpow The N1 Enterp 603 - Data Warehouse
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCLINICAL IN All clinical 248 - Health Care Delivery Services
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCombat Ammu CAS is a miss 145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSMCMAX USMCmax is 1t 19 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeExpeditionar ECCS is a tra 279 - Battlespace Networks
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMarine CorpsMCEITS is the341 - Web Infrastructure
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMarine CorpsAPM LIS provi329 - Continuity of Operations
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTarget LocatiThe Target Lo281 - Force Application
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint InteropJintaccs pro 279 - Battlespace Networks
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMMODITYCommodity Co 144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeB-1 TechnicaSupports crit145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEducation anETMS is a we255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommand Hum CHRIS provide106 - Workforce Planning
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTotal Force Provides all 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAircraft Stru Processes and145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated Co Identify, man145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated Te ATOS is a sta145 - Logistics Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeATIMS ATIMS is an o538 - Program / Project Management
17 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCOMPOSITE CHCS is the m248 - Health Care Delivery Services
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMPREHENS The Comprehen 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTEGRATEDIDIM provide143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOC Toolkit-ScOC Toolkit-Sc144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeB-2 EngineerThe system pr143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTinker Integ Provides capa145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMPUTERIZCAPS-W is an129 - Reporting and Information
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Program Provides base023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOperational RA web-based318s - Business Analytics
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCentralized CAFDEx suppor 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMAINTENANCA comprehens 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOGDEN PDMSPDMSS WEB 318 wa - Business Analytics
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHazcom HAZCOM handl 618 - Employee Development and Training
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMPREHENS CITOMS augmen345 - Management of Government Records
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAFMC Form 2AFMC Form 202 345 - Management of Government Records
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGLOBAL FRE The Global Fr145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCONSOLIDATThe Consolid105 - Budget Execution
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENHANCED TEnhanced Tech 145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeResource MaRMIS replace618 - Employee Development and Training
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise B EBS integrate026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeManpower PrImprove AF ma 106 - Workforce Planning
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAETC FINANCThis CIR will 129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRELIABILITY RAM provides145 - Logistics Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSurgical ScheS3 provides 248 - Health Care Delivery Services
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTheater EnterTEWLS ties th247 - Health Care Administration
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHIV Managem HMS is a repo247 - Health Care Administration
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNavy MedicinNMO provides 217 - Access to Care
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMDA End UseResources fun108 - Customer Services
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense AcquDefense Acqui 538 - Program / Project Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOrdnance InfIntegrated su145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCORE AUTOMProvides a ce119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMDA Unified Resources fun343 - Audio / Video Conferencing
17 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEXECUTIVE I EI/DS receive247 - Health Care Administration
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCORPORATE ICIU provides 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY CAPABIThe Simulatio284 - Force Training
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY CONCEACDEP explore 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRADOC INSTThe instituti 279 - Battlespace Networks
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTEGRATED Integrated De143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVideo TelecoVTC provides139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNon-DISN TeLine reflects 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint Spectr The JSC is th 340 - Collaboration Tools
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint Staff S JSSC provides280 - Command and Control
12 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNETWORK OPDISA Network279 - Battlespace Networks
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWHITE HOUSE WHSSS maintai279 - Battlespace Networks
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMMUNICAT CMCA is charg279 - Battlespace Networks
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMBATANTDISA Field C 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSTANDARIZEDSTEP encompas 279 - Battlespace Networks
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDCAA INTEG The initiativ 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNETWORK ENT Funds manpow 139 - Provide120 - Help Desk Services
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDESKTOP MAThe Desktop 1M20 - Help Desk Services
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDeCA ElectroDERMAS is a 3r 45 - Management of Government Records
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense InfoThe DISANet 3i 41 - Web Infrastructure
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTelecom ServiApplication T129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBILLING SUB A new billing108 - Customer Services
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense HeaDHA ECS provi 105 - Budget Execution
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE BU DBMS is a fi 129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE CHEDCRM controls 129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRAINING SCProvides trai 255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE CIVDCPS is the p254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDEFENSE CIVThe Defense 2C54 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDeCA InteracDIBS enables145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE DE DDMS is an on 129 - Reporting and Information
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDISTRIBUTIODSS supports145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCentral MeatConsolidates 145 - Logistics Management
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDEFENSE INFA single, sec 345 - Management of Government Records
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDEFENSE IN Defense Infor139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE INTDIFS is a fin 129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePersonnel Tr Personnel Tra104 - Strategic Planning
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIntegrated P IPPS -A Incre 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE MED DMHRSi is a 247 - Health Care Administration
17 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDefense MediDMLSS provide 247 - Health Care Administration
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE PRODPAS captures 145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE RETThe Defense 2R54 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEPARTMENTThe Departme 105 - Budget Execution
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEPOSIT IN DIT provides 129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDISBURSING DRO is used t129 - Reporting and Information
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDISTRIBUTEDDLS provides 255 - Employee Performance Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeELECTRONIC The Engineeri143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeELECTRONIC EDM is a sys 129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeELECTRONIC Electronic Mi603 - Data Warehouse
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVY DATA Provides inst145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeForce ManagThe Force Ma106 - Workforce Planning
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGLOBAL AIR A single aut 145 - Logistics Management
12 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeGlobal BroadcGlobal Broadc279 - Battle 280 - Command and Control
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeGLOBAL COMGlobal Comman 280 - Command and Control
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeGLOBAL DECIThis system 280 - Command and Control
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHEADQUARTEHQARS is a de129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINACTIVE M Department o603 - Data Warehouse
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTEGRATEDIAPS is a Ven124 - Accounting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTEGRATEDIATS is an au 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCENTRALIZEDCDS is a paym105 - Budget Execution
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePLANNING PRThe Planning,124 - Accounting
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy Portfol APMS is the s546 - Portfolio Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMILITARY SE MSC'S INFOR145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy WorkloThe Army Work 145 - Logistics Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCorporate DeCDS is a data248 - Health
BITI Wired (formerly known Care
as Delivery Services
Information Transport System (ITS) Increme
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBase Informatin Lieu of Economic
139 - Provide103
Analysis. Return
- Enterpr280
on Investment
- Command
not addresse
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIMITS - TEL The IMITS-TR248 - Health Care Delivery Services
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic T Asset visibil 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeAFNET - Air ***Funding fo 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJob Order CosJOCAS II is a 124 - Accounting
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSEAPORT SeaPort e-pro129 - Reporting and Information
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy MappeArmy Mapper119 i - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJOINT AIR L Joint service 145 - Logistics Management
22 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeArmy MedicaArmy Medical546 - Portfolio Management
22 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNavy MedicaNavy Medical546 - Portfolio Management
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force MeAir Force Me546 - Portfolio Management
17 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDefense OccuDOEHRS-IH as313 - Population Health Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJOINT ENGI JEDMICS is Do145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAcquisition L ALTESS provid340 - Collaboration Tools
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir & Missile The work stat282 - Protection
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeAir and Spac The Air and 280 - Command and Control
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint CollaboJoint Collabo301 - Force Allocation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCENTER PRO The Center is577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVersatile In Vision is an 325 - Information Discovery
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeJoint Staff I The JSIN deli 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy Contract Army Contract 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFunds ControFunds Control124 - Accounting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeKEYSTONE-Rec KEYSTONE Recr 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy Materi Army Materia101 - Budget Formulation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy EnvironArmy Environm 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnvironmentaEnvironmental 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnvironmentaERIS is the A 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated Or The Automated 618 - Employee Development and Training
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated FAFM is a web-105 - Budget Execution
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeContract WriContract wri 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated Co Provides auto143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeContracting Online report143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeContracting BContracting b143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACQUISITIONSingle reposi 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSystem MetriWeb-based too 546 - Portfolio Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePropulsion AcPAFM provides 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEAGLE ModifiEMAP is a sec145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEAGLE Electr EAGLE eTIMS145 p - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Educatio ADSS is AETC'104 - Strategic Planning
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACQBIZ AcqBiz is a c 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise E EESOH-MIS is119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint PrimaryThe Joint Pri 618 - Employee Development and Training
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTechnical Tr TTMS provides 618 - Employee Development and Training
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAnalysis of MAnalysis of M281 - Force Application
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJOINT FLOW Joint Flow an281 - Force Application
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBASE-LEVEL BASE-LEVEL 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCustoms ProcThe Customs145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInstallation The Installat 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePlanning Res The Planning119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEngineering ENBOSS is use119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGeographic I GIS-NG suppli119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHRC InternetThe U.S. Army255 - Employee Performance Management
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeVoice Switch The Voice Swi139 - Provide010 - Emerge103 - Enterpr
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint TechnicJTDI is an AC 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSYMIS SuppoOperations, s145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeADVANCED I Umbrella of A145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeADVANCED I Umbrella for 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSTRATEGIC PProvides wor145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCAD/CAM TecComputer Aid145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommercial As Website to ch145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSOLDIER MANSMS Web is t251 - Staffing and Recruiting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy Selecti The Army Sele 618 - Employee Development and Training
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCivilian Pers Civilian Pers 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGOARMYED GoArmyEd is 254 a - Employee Benefits and Compensation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMECHANIZATI MOCAS is use143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENLISTED DI Enlisted Dist 106 - Workforce Planning
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTOTAL OFFICThe Total Off255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMEDICAL COThe Medical C333 - Veteran Benefits and Services
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCriminal Inv Criminal Inv 603 - Data Warehouse
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated T The Army's Hu 603 - Data Warehouse
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIntegrated StISPAN-Inc 2 w280 - Command and Control
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCENTRALIZEDCIRCUITS will119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTEST RESOU The Test Reso145 - Logistics Management
14 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeMission Plan This initiati 281 - Force Application
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePROJECT SE Core scheduli145 - Logistics Management
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeMilitary Ent US Military 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACQUISTITIOAcquisition, 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVAL JUSTIThis initiati 045 - Criminal Investigation and Surveillance
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMETROLOGYMEASURE is u145 - Logistics Management
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLaw EnforcemThe Law Enfor 340 - Collaboration Tools
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRECORDS IN Digital acces 045 - Criminal Investigation and Surveillance
12 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeWarfighter InWarfighter In279 - Battlespace Networks
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSystems InveThe System In546 - Portfolio Management
12 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeWarfighter I WIN-T Increme 279 - Battlespace Networks
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNSLC INTRANThe Naval Sea145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTechnical Da TDMIS is a D 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInteractive On-line, rea 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOUTFITTING Tracks, proce145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeREALTIME O Requisitions,145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeContractor I CITIS provide145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force MilThe Air Force106 - Workforce Planning
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOLLECTIONSCEPR provides 129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTravel Inter TIMP compiles 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeWarfighter I WIN-T Inc 3 329 - Continuity of Operations
12 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeTeleport GenDoD Teleport279 - Battlespace Networks
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint Forces JFRG II is a 280 - Command and Control
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVY TRAIN A comprehens 618 - Employee Development and Training
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVAL EDUCA Provides aut 255 - Employee Performance Management
12 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeTeleport GenDoD Teleport279 - Battlespace Networks
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense and DVefense and 2V47 - Health Care Administration
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFLIGHT TRAI Funding suppo 618 - Employee Development and Training
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVAL POST Funding suppo 016 - Higher Education
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVAL WAR Funding supp106 - Workforce Planning
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePFPA InformaComprised of139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTERN PRO Funding supp618 - Employee Development and Training
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEPT OF DEFDefense Acti 618 - Employee Development and Training
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCorbweb CorbWeb is w254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNavy Enliste This IT/ADP 618 - Employee Development and Training
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCORPORATE Creates and t129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJUSTICE SCH Funding suppo 618 - Employee Development and Training
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWEB ENABLED WESS is the D119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePRISM PRISM is a Co143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE IN DIFMS provid129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNaval AviatioNALDA provide 145 - Logistics Management
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEPARTMENTDoD Patent Ap 012 - Intellectual Property Protection
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVSUP FuelComputerized145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePersonal Pro Assists HHG A129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated Re This initiati 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDLA Electro EDM is a vent108 - Customer Services
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise I The EITDR has577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInformation The Informat145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGraduate TraGraduate Tra618 - Employee Development and Training
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeF15 Integrat IMIS is the s 145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAFMC InstallaGeoBase is an119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeContractor S CSWS DE is th145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInstallatio Installation 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFacility and FEM provides144 - Inventory Control
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVSEA LOCPrior to NMCI139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated I Provides inte618 - Employee Development and Training
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEIEMA CES/Ap AFMC's "paren 340 - Collaboration Tools
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAFSOC GeoBas Provides a se119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic R Provides ships145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNaval LogisticNLL is a web 145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEMPLOYER SU ESGR Portal P256 - Employ322 - Public 644 - Workforce Directory / Locato
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeReadiness SuSupports the 145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE EN DENIX support 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVY MANPO NMRS is a lar106 - Workforce Planning
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNaval EducatNaval Educati577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic Cl Electronic Cl 618 - Employee Development and Training
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNAVY STANDNSIPS will de254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNAVAL TACT NTCSS is a mu145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force Ins AFITEDU is AF341 - Web Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDeCA Communi DeCANET is D139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDeCA Computi Provides an 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNONAPPROPR The Nonappro 129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNONAPPROPR NAFCPS is th 129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTEGRATEDProvides an i145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSHIPS MAIN Ships' 3-M Da145 - Logistics Management
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNational CapiThe NCR-IADS282 - Protection
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePLANNED MAProvides capa145 - Logistics Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBUREAU OF POR provides329 - Continuity of Operations
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense ReadThe DRRS-N sy 329 - Continuity of Operations
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInformation AF-wide syste546 - Portfolio Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeResource Ente Resource Ente 101 - Budget Formulation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOBJECTIVE Provides mod145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMAXIMO This applicat 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNaval DischaNDRBS is a st257 - Separation Management
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOCEANOGRAP OIS sole oper023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTechnical S TSM collects,318 - Business Analytics
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated PrProvides the 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBEACH-ORMSThis system h145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFICIENCY This applicat 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHISTORICAL This applicat 145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLearning Ass LAS provides 255 - Employee Performance Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - Investmeintranet QuerThis applicat 145 - Logistics Management
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOPEN SKIES OSMAPS is an282 - Protect306 - Arms Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePORTSMOUTH This system c145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProject WorkThis system a145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRECEIPT IN This applicati145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeShipyard Co This applicat 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeShips EquipmThis applicat 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTARGET POSIThis applicati145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUniversal Te This applicat 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeQuality Perf System to man 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCORPORATE LIntranet base145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeParts Tracki System for m145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMATERIAL A The mission f145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeShips Force I Integrates Sh145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMilitary Seal MSC LOGISTI145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGlobal Data Global Data S145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePlanned Mai Provide netwo 145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePROGRAM REPRISMS is a f105 - Budget Execution
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFourth Estat The Fourth Es064 - Training and Employment
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeODAA BusineThe ODAA Bus 325 - Information Discovery
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePersonnel EnPersonnel Ent139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint Disabil JDETS provide257 - Separation Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENTERPRISE Safety and H 322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAEGIS ConfigA web-based145 r - Logistics Management
11 01 - Major 00 - InvestmePRIMARY OCPOPS produce023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
12 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeJoint Battle Joint Battle 279 - Battlespace Networks
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCoalition EntThis program280 - Command and Control
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGlobal Infor Modeling and279 - Battlespace Networks
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCribmaster PCribmaster Pr145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePROGRAM BUPBAS-FD is us101 - Budget Formulation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTOTAL WORKTWMS is a mo 618 - Employee Development and Training
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDCAA LiveLi DLRMS is the340 - Collaboration Tools
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLightweight TGathers, arch145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInvestigatio The Investiga256 - Employee Relations
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePEO AIRCRAFPEO AIRCRAFT 144 - Inventory Control
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePROGRAM BUPBAS-OC conta 101 - Budget Formulation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENVIRONMEN EIMS is a st 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCombined EntCentrixs is a 279 - Battlespace Networks
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNATO SEASPAR Creates the o105 - Budget Execution
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDECISION KNDECKPLATE is144 - Inventory Control
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated StASARS is a ce251 - Staffing and Recruiting
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeALL WEAPONAWIS (All Wea 144 - Inventory Control
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBusiness Ma The Business119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVFAC EFFOWeb app hoste 105 - Budget Execution
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeieFACMAN Gat Enterprise in 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDWAS SystemPayments to 105 - Budget Execution
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTOMAHAWK The In TOMAHAWK 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGEOFIDELIS GEOfi is the 058 - Recreational Resource Management and Tourism
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAcquisition Displays per 255 - Employee Performance Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeKEY TELEPHOKey Telephone 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEPARTMENTEPAT is the e255 - Employee Performance Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeReliability a REMIS is the 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHISTORICAL Provides on-l145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWaste Evaluat Tracks items 145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFinancial Di FDM is web-ba 345 - Management of Government Records
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeETASKER ACTeTasker is a 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMAINTENANCMaintenance145 - Logistics Management
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeRESERVE CO Reserve Compo 106 - Workforce Planning
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePast Performa PPIRS is a we143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRESERVE HE The RHS prov104 - Strategic Planning
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRESERVE IN RIMS (FM) is 124 - Accounting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMedical ReadReserve Stan255 - Employee Performance Management
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDocument MTracks many 533 - Correspondence Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAssistance ReHelps Militar247 - Health Care Administration
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTOTAL FORC Total Force S145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOST INFOR Centralized d129 - Reporting and Information
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIntegrated D The Integrate145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFACILITY A Standard ship144 - Inventory Control
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSALARY OFFSSORS collect 124 - Accounting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSYMIS PRE &Provides the 124 - Accounting
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated TSystem to man 576 - Knowledge Capture
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSCAMPI SCAMPI (not 279 - Battlespace Networks
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDISTANCE SUProvides a ce145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVY INTEGRA Govt s/w de145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSupervisor Me This is a sup 255 - Employee Performance Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDISTANCE SUProvides the 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVY WORKLNavy Workloa145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSecurity For SFMIS is mand 603 - Data Warehouse
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCondition BaThe Condition145 - Logistics Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDoD Pharmacy The PDTS prov 248 - Health Care Delivery Services
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHealth Enter HEIS is an en 546 - Portfolio Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSpecialized I SPIDERS is a 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeMILITARY S The Shipboard 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLogistics Co Logistics Com145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSHIPSTORES The SS system105 - Budget Execution
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENCHILADA A virtual dat 603 - Data Warehouse
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePACFLT NMCISupport is pr139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePACFLT Flee Funding is pr279 - Battlespace Networks
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMPACFLT Funds
Ne used to139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePACFLT FinanFMIS is an un101 - Budget Formulation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDoD ExplosivDESKES will a576 - Knowledge Capture
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic In The EIRB is a 247 - Health Care Administration
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAfterdeploy A wellness We 217 - Access to Care
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNavy Family A Web-based009 - Disaster Repair and Restore
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense Inj DIUCS provide 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMilitaryKids MKC is a webs 248 - Health Care Delivery Services
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMETEOROLOG The Meteorol340 - Collaboration Tools
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRegional ShoRSIMS is a ma119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENVIRONMEN Data portal s023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENTERPRISE ETRMS is a L 255 - Employee Performance Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHeadquartersHeadquarters119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePurchase CarPCOLS is a D 145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSTANDARD ASTARS is a ge105 - Budget Execution
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSTANDARD ASABRS suppor105 - Budget Execution
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDepartment ofThe DoD eOPF 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSTANDARD DThe Standard145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSTANDARD FSTANFINS is a105 - Budget Execution
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeELECTRONIC eMILPO is a w618 - Employee Development and Training
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInfrastructu IBONS integra119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSTANDARD MSMAS, a trans129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSTANDARD NSNIPS proces105 - Budget Execution
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSTANDARD OSOMARDS is a105 - Budget Execution
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEducation AuThis initiata 108 - Customer Services
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeSTANDARD PThe SPS Joint143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHuman ResouThe system au 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCampus/LocalCaptures inve139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Reserve OThe AROWS-R254 i - Employee Benefits and Compensation
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCongressionaA one-stop, i 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFinancial Ma FMSuite is a 129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDocument Ser DSO is a lic 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDoD ElectronEBus provides145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEquipment MEMACS is a eq145 - Logistics Management
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense NuclDNWS-IS prov282 - Protection
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOIG IT SuppoThe OIG IT Su139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHazardous Ma HMIRS is a D 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated C ICIS supports145 - Logistics Management
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIntegrated StIntegrated St280 - Command and Control
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLearning Ma LMS is used b618 - Employee Development and Training
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeHigh Perfor Program provi 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense SwitDSN is the of139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense Red DRSN provides 280 - Command and Control
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVY CHIEF FTS 2001(Fede 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSUPPORT EQAutomated Dat 145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBase Communi Pays for Base139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTelephone SwTelephone Swi 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCentral Exch Centrex (Cent139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeI&E DATA ANThe I&E DAIS119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePrivate Bran PBX (Private 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSUSPENSE/A SAMS monitors 105 - Budget Execution
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBattle ControBattle Contr 280 - Command and Control
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSYSTEM INT System Integr103 - Enterprise Architecture
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDoD GatewayDGATE consist 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPC MessaginMessaging sys 108 - Customer Services
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAIR 4.2 Cost The purpose 1o29 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCASE MANAGCMS provides531 - Case Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE JOI DJMS-RC prov254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDTRA Communi DTRA Communi 675 - Voice 139 - Provide343 - Audio / Video Conferencing
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDTRA Coopera This initiati 282 - Protection
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeManpower On Manpower On- 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force MeA dedicated o326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePEO LCS IN Provides func129 - Reporting and Information
20 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePartner Outr POCS supports 340 - Collaboration Tools
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDTRA OperatiDTRA-OC prov 279 - Battlespace Networks
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWHS AquisitiA family of s 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense InstaThe Defense 1I 19 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWHS EnterpriThe WHS eCCS 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWHS IntegratThe Washingto 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeTheater Batt TBMCS is the280 - Command and Control
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTheater DeplThe Theater D279 - Battlespace Networks
17 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeTheater MediTMIP-J integr248 - Health Care Delivery Services
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWHS Mass Tra The WHS Ente 106 - Workforce Planning
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTOTAL FORC Allows users 106 - Workforce Planning
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSYNCHRONIZE A scalable, w345 - Management of Government Records
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCost Assessme IT system tha318 - Business Analytics
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInvestment MIMPACT is a w247 - Health Care Administration
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTransportati The Transpor145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRANSACTION TBO is compri105 - Budget Execution
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRANSCOM (TRAC2ES provi 301 - Force Allocation
12 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeAviation Tac ATCS is a Rot279 - Battlespace Networks
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense Repai DRILS is a us 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRANSPORTATransportati 145 - Logistics Management
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeMedical Info MITSO is the 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGeneral AccoGeneral Accou 129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMedical ReseMedical Resea 129 - Reporting and Information
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDATA SUBSCRDATA SUBSCRIP 661 - Document Management and workflow
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAV AIR WARIncludes man577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNATIONAL HEThe NATIONAL 120 - Help Desk Services
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRIDENT LOGThe TRIDENT145 L - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic St ESRS is a web145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNorth Island CMPro is a se139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOCUMENT This project 340 - Collaboration Tools
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTeam Work PTWPAM is a We 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCALIBRATIO CSAMS provid145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDFAS TeleserThe teleservi674 - Computer/ Network Integration
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeF/A-18 HOR The Yellow B145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeComptroller CDMS provides 129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAssignment Sa Assignment Sa 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNavy EnterprNavy Enterpri119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInformation TThe Informati143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLogistics Exe Logistics Exe 145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDLA Office A Infrastructur 327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeADVANCED RResources sup 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAF ACCOUNThe system co 124 - Accounting
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeShore EnterprEnterprise se139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeShore InformNavy Install 538 - Program / Project Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCIMS/ InformThe IMPACT S105 - Budget Execution
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeShore EnterpManagement339 o - Information Mapping / Taxonomy / Categorization
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVIDEO TELE VTC provides279 - Battlespace Networks
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntelligence Intelligence 284 - Force Training
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMaintenanceMFOM maintai 145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProject StatuProject Statu025 - Pollution Prevention and Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCALL MANAGThe NICC is a145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTechnical AssThe TARP Prog 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRIA-JMTC AUThe Automated 145 - Logistics Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNavy Electro Low cost inte143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePROCUREMEN Application 318 - Business Analytics
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRE-ENGINEE ReMAD will r145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACADEMIC AN Hybrid networ 618 - Employee Development and Training
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEXPLOSIVES Calculates an119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVFAC INF Web-based app 592 - Data Mining
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVAL FACILWeb-based app 618 - Employee Development and Training
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTANK-AUTOM This applicat 145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVY INSTALWeb-based en 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVERSATILE I VISION (SIPR)143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPAWAR CORSPAWAR proce 592 - Data Mining
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGlobal Infor Global Inform279 - Battlespace Networks
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeHQ. COMMAN HQC4I funds 1a39 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLabor Manage Processes lab613 - Time Reporting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSTANDARD ASAVES provide 144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJOINT CONF CMIS is the D143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEPARTMENTA The DFRRS is 129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFINANCIAL I Provides bill 259 - Budget and Performance Integration
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY ENTERP Army Enterpri103 - Enterprise Architecture
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCORPORATE Main function603 - Data Warehouse
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommandingCORRS
O LINKS119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeITEM APPLIC This automate 144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTechnical D TDMS records145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBase-wide CoBWCOMM captu 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSTORAGE, REComprehensiv 144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMarine Inter MICAPS-PC pro 145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMarine CorpsMCRISS allows 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCONTINGENCY CORAS exploit 129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeREGIONAL MRMAIS provide 145 - Logistics Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMilitary Hea An analytical247 - Health Care Administration
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNCTS-A INTE TESS/NITES is023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWHS PERSONN A family of s 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWHS AdjudicThe Adjudicat251 - Staffing and Recruiting
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeAdvanced FielThe Advanced280 - Command and Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBATTLEWEB Battleweb pro145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHuman Analys Establishes a618 - Employee Development and Training
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACCESS CONTThe Access Co603 - Data Warehouse
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMultidrug-reA Combating 247 A - Health Care Administration
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePromotion TeThe Promotion 255 - Employee Performance Management
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeINSTALLATI The Installat 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSCIENTIFIC Provides exp026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLogistics In The Logistics 145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeThe Judge AdThe network 577 p - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLOGISTICS S Logistics Su 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTime & AttenThe Time and256 - Employee Relations
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMMUNICAT Communicatio 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeE-6 SGML MaE-6 SMP is t 145 - Logistics Management
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeTactical Mis Tactical Miss280 - Command and Control
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDTRA InformaDTRA Informat 139 - Provide120 - Help Desk Services
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy in EuroAEPUBS allows 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLAKES HELPELakes Helper,144 - Inventory Control
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICBM OperatiICBM Ops/Sust 281 - Force Application
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeManpower MMCMODS, a leg 106 - Workforce Planning
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSUHS Infor USUHSIN provi 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMarine Ammun MAKE is the C603 - Data Warehouse
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAUTOMATEDAMS-TAC
M uses145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARINE CORMCFMIS provi119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEngineering The purpose 3o45 - Management of Government Records
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeStock List 1-2SL1-2, a main144 - Inventory Control
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNetworks & ITechnical Inf 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMAGTF DEPLO Provides MAGT 145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCivilian HumaCivilian Hum 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTOTAL FORCETFRS is a we 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePURCHASE REWeb-based ele 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTechnical SupMultiplatform145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCentralized OCOPS supports 047 - Crime Prevention
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWASHINGTON Washington N 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeADVANCED I 3-tier based 145 - Logistics Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeStreamlined SMART-T auto 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeADVANCED TATIS is a dig 603 - Data Warehouse
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAIR FORCE MAFMOWAP is247 a - Health Care Administration
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeELECTRONIC Provides elec145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTEGRATED Contains Ship145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUnited State The United St255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUnit Identifi Unit Identifi 129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeActive GuardEnables perso254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTactical Pers Tactical Pers 106 - Workforce Planning
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAnalyst ProjeThe Analyst P255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTotal Army PThe Total Arm106 - Workforce Planning
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTotal Army PThe Total Arm106 - Workforce Planning
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTotal Army PeThe Total Arm106 - Workforce Planning
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTotal Army PeThe Total Arm106 - Workforce Planning
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy ReserveThe Army Rese 344 - Content Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy Reserv The Army Res605 - Data Cleansing
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnlisted Pro The Enlisted 255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInter ComponInter Compon592 - Data Mining
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeStandard Ins SIDPERS-ARNG 106 - Workforce Planning
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSenior Enlis Senior Enlis 618 - Employee Development and Training
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMail Box Inf The Mail Box129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeReserve ScreThe Reserve S106 - Workforce Planning
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeReserve Stat The Reserve 106 - Workforce Planning
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMontgomeryMGIB G supports603 - Data Warehouse
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeReserve RecrReserve Recru 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRetirement PThe Retiremen 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRegional LeveThe software129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeReserve DataThe Reserve D 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTALENT MANIWS Communica 340 - Collaboration Tools
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeReserve DataThe Reserve D 603 - Data Warehouse
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMine and Und Web-Centric 5p76 - Knowledge Capture
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeShop WorkloSWMS is a sh145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMobilization The Mobilizat106 - Workforce Planning
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElimination EUD reduces 129u - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePlug and AdaThe program 145i - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTEGRATEDISIS (Integra 145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSECURED ENTSecured Enter322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENTERPRISE NIPRNET & SIP 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRAINING ANA web-based,280 - Command and Control
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic Pr Web-based so 129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSINGLE EVALThe Single Ev255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOfficial Sele The Official 255 - Employee Performance Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePACFLT SYST General catag326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMarine CorpsTIMS will sup255 - Employee Performance Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRANSPORTATMS consists145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWAR RESERVMARINE CORP 145 - Logistics Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVirtual Pro VPMS is an I 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWORKFORCEThe NAVAIR Wo 129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTECHNICAL DThe Technica145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWarehouse An WARS is a sol129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeActive GuardActive Guard603 - Data Warehouse
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTechnical Da The TDC is al 145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTotal Office The Total Off255 - Employee Performance Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINDUSTRIAL IBAS is a Web101 - Budget Formulation
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeASPEN The ASPEN st015 - Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDCAA Communi The DCAA Comm139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCalibration METBENCH aut 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCarrier TeamProvides airc145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSUBMEPP EBU Supports SUBM145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSUBMARINE Collects ope 145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHuman Resourc HR PORTAL (PO254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNaval CriminaOngoing Oper045 - Criminal Investigation and Surveillance
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVAIR OBLIThe NAVAIR Ob 124 - Accounting
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNew DoN DiscThis system s577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVY IPO PUThis system p577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInternationalThis system s011 - Business and Industry Development
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOD InformatDatabase sys603 - Data Warehouse
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEPARTMENTDON Apps and 103 - Enterprise Architecture
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOARD FOR CThe Board for531 - Case Management
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRIM CORRE TRIM Corresp533 - Correspondence Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDIGITAL SMAThe front end139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOGC Public WOGC public we 322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOPERATING AOperating and 129 - Reporting and Information
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOGCONLINE OGC Online su 322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVAL INSPENaval Inspect325 - Information Discovery
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFLEET HOMEFleet Home T340 - Collaboration Tools
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeClemency And CORB uses fou055 - Resolution Facilitation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise LoeLN is an inf 340 - Collaboration Tools
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeHelp Desk SeHDSS provides 120 - Help Desk Services
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise C EC provides p139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise MeEMS provides659 - Email
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNetwork ManNMS represen 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeClient and P CPS provides139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHA NetworkThe objective139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVirtual PersoThe Virtual P618 - Employee Development and Training
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDeployed Thea The Deployed106 - Workforce Planning
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTelepharmacyThe Telephar217 - Access to Care
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNavy Medicine Navy Medical139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDPAA InformaAccomplish I 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNavy MedicinCOTS office a139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNavy MedicinNon-system C139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise FuEFD provides105 - Budget Execution
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSAFE WeathUnited States023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOffice of Pro Support for 104 - Strategic Planning
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated BThe Automated 108 - Customer Services
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated Qu Fleet Mainte576 - Knowledge Capture
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeQPS ONLINE Provides addi340 - Collaboration Tools
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeStandard TooThe Standard144 - Inventory Control
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTechnical In TIMS-TM is th603 - Data Warehouse
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTrident Plan System that t145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWASTE TRACThe WTS track 144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommercial As Supports repa145 - Logistics Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force WaA web-based143 a - Goods and Services Acquisition
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeON-SITE CO OSCAR is a N124 - Accounting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBase TelephoThe Base Tel 105 - Budget Execution
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeADVANCED SASM is a s/w 284 - Force Training
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNavy Depart Provides Navy254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCongressionaThe Congressi330 - Legislative Relations
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHQWEB ServiHQWEB is a co 661 - Document Management and workflow
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCorporate ApProvide Corpo 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTACTICAL RE TRSS PROVID323 - Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMAGTF SECOTHE MSIDS C323 - Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCORROSSIONContains plan145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTEGRATED Automates loc 145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEQUAL EMPLA family of t 256 - Employee Relations
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOLLABORATConsolidation340 - Collaboration Tools
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeC4ISR ACQUICAEIMAS provi 547 - Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPAWARSYSCE The SSC-CH SS108 - Customer Services
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense HealDHPRDB is a v247 - Health Care Administration
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOVERSEAS ENThe Overseas254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBRAC BUSIN The BRACMIS056 s - Water Resource Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVAL AUDI Technology su 105 - Budget Execution
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCONGRESSIOCKMS is a web 129 - Reporting and Information
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCONGRESSIOCONGRESSIO603 - Data Warehouse
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIT SUPPORT In-house supp129 - Reporting and Information
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWMA Force Su Grouping of A284 - Force Training
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVAL CENTEManagement101 s - Budget Formulation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFMO Public W This web site129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInformation Information 129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCost Tools SLIM is a too 259 - Budget and Performance Integration
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFRONT-END AAn informatio129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeREMEDY SERV Supports Dist145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMANAGEMENT MSADA is a M144 - Inventory Control
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNON-TACTICAShipboard non 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSurface Miss SMSMDS is the 145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeForce DeveloForce Develop 101 - Budget Formulation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLENEL OnGuaLENEL OnGuard 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAcquisition L ALPP will be 145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVAIR Mid-T The NAVAIR M 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVAIR FleetThe NFSA Appl 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIndivuidual QIQRS has seve255 - Employee Performance Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWhite HouseThisM initiati 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANG ReserveAROWS is desi 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVFAC ENTENaval Facilit 340 - Collaboration Tools
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAAUSN Base-Assistant for 675 - Voice Communications
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCNR Base-LevChief of Nava675 - Voice Communications
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVAIR Base-Naval Air Sys675 - Voice Communications
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMPTE Network Military Pers 675 - Voice Communications
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVSEA Base- Naval Sea Sys675 - Voice Communications
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSSP Base-LevStrategic Sys 675 - Voice Communications
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPAWARS Base Space and Nav 675 - Voice Communications
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeShore EnterpNavy Install 322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCFFC Base-LeCommander,675 Fl - Voice Communications
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePACFLT Base-Commander,675 Pa - Voice Communications
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVSUP RelateNaval Supply 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInformation Naval Supply 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVSEA Deplo Naval Sea Sys011 - Business and Industry Development
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDON OGC CL Assistant for 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMYNAVAIR Naval Air Sys139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMATERIAL RENaval Sea Sys139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePACFLT Base-Commander,139 Pa - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOLLABORATMulti-program 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMSC Base-LevMilitary Seal 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVAIR FinanNaval Air Sys124 - Accounting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPAWAR Finan Space and Nav 124 - Accounting
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSA InformatDirector, Fie 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVAIR InforNaval Air Sys577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLEAN BUSINEMilitary Pers 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVSEA InforNaval Sea Sys577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLearning Ma Learning Mana 618 - Employee Development and Training
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPAWAR Infor Space and Nav 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVAIR LogistNaval Air Sys145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNOSSA RESTRNOSSAWEB is145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMILCON APPLNaval Facilit 108 - Customer Services
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMIDATA WARCommander,145 Fl - Logistics Management
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMPTE MilitarMilitary Pers 329 - Continuity of Operations
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPAWAR MilitSpace and Nav 301 - Force Allocation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPAWAR Acqui The Enterpris143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVRESFOR Re Naval Reserve106 - Workforce Planning
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSA ResourceDirector, Fie 105 - Budget Execution
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSAFAnet AF .mil Local 322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPAWAR Syste Space and Nav 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVY RESER Space and Nav 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEPARTMENTAssistant for 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINACTIVE S Naval Sea Sys577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSpecial OperaSSAVIE provid145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePHNSY AACS AACS system108 p - Customer Services
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProjects Res PROS is a pro145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMEDICAL, M The applicati145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWELD FILLERProvides on-l145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFinancial Ma System pulls 129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAircraft Pro APMS is a se 340 - Collaboration Tools
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTechnical Da The TD-PDM 145 s - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint Reliabi JRAMS is an i144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAUTOMATEDThe ALMSS is145 - Logistics Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDepartment oWeb-based cen 249 - Health Care Research and Practitioner Education
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeForce ManagForce Managem 301 - Force Allocation
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGlobal Elect The Joint Req340 - Collaboration Tools
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIndustrial Se A centralized119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJob Order N JON Managemen 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCombat ServiCSS SATCOM139 co - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense Centr DCII is a web345 - Management of Government Records
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeeFinance WoeFinance Work 129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeImproved InvThe iIRR prov345 - Management of Government Records
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated D The function 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFinancial & CThe FinCon sy129 - Reporting and Information
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated Ne ANAM is a com 247 - Health Care Administration
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDSS EnterprisThe DSS Enter344 - Content Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVeterinary S VSSM will pro248 - Health Care Delivery Services
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSecurity Trai The STEPP sy228 - Labor Relations
20 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOverseas Hum OHASIS is us 340 - Collaboration Tools
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCryptologic Part number 1s 44 - Inventory Control
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGlobal ExchaGEX provides129 - Reporting and Information
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeONE-Net One-Net is t 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommon Acce Provides CACs108 - Customer Services
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFORCE TRAI The goal of t 661 - Document Management and workflow
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDIRECT NUMDNC provides144 - Inventory Control
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSENSORMATIC CCURE is an e108 - Customer Services
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePredictive M PMS purpose119 i - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVFAC Relate Naval Facilit 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCARTRIDGE AAutomates mai 145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEIEMA CES/Ap AFMC's "paren 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEIEMA CMPI/C AFMC's "paren 327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEIEMA COM/Ap AFMC's "paren 343 - Audio / Video Conferencing
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWMA Force Ap Grouping of A281 - Force Application
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWMA Focused Grouping of A281 - Force Application
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWMA Net Cen Grouping of A279 - Battlespace Networks
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated B Automates pro 129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDD Form 282This server-b145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFX Account FX Account is144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRobins AircraRobins Aircra318 - Business Analytics
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAging Fleet I AFIRM provide 144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAircraft Inte Aircraft Inte 145 - Logistics Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCONTRACT/GCAMIS is used026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntellectual IPMIS provide026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNaval ResearNAVRIS is an 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEIEMA CES/Ap AFMC's "paren 327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEIEMA CMPI/C AFMC's "paren 341 - Web Infrastructure
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWMA Force SGrouping of A340 - Collaboration Tools
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTECHNICAL Manages engin 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeComprehensiv CETADS-Air Fo 145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY FITNE ARMYFIT provi 618 - Employee Development and Training
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAVIATION A Aviation and 284 - Force Training
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy CivilianArmy Civilian592 - Data Mining
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMedical ElectThe Medical E577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNATIONAL G NGABS was cre 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTelehealth a The T2 Toolki217 - Access to Care
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDisease RepoDRSi is a web248 - Health Care Delivery Services
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense ComDCAT will ser255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLABORATORYThe Laborator129 - Reporting and Information
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDATA AUTOMThe DACT is t279 - Battlespace Networks
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSIPR ATL MA SIPR ATL MAE139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSupport PlanSPIDERS provi145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMaintenanceTHIS PROGR 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense Tal DTMS is an au106 - Workforce Planning
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense RetiDRAS2 will be257 - Separation Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCarderock DivThe Carderock 340 - Collaboration Tools
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFacilities a FEMWEB provi 144 - Inventory Control
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJAMRS RecruiThe JAMRS dat 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAuthoritativ Single inter 603 - Data Warehouse
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir and Spac This record 280 - Command and Control
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir and Spac Provides trai 284 - Force Training
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInstallation Supports USAF 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSIMULATIONWARSIM provid 280 - Command and Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIndustrial B IBMS is a web145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePropulsion E Supports the 145 - Logistics Management
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIT Program S The IT Progra546 - Portfo 538 - Program / Project Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMAINTENANCMAINTENANCE 340 - Collaboration Tools
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSIERRA HOTESierra Hotel 145 - Logistics Management
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAVIATION MAReports aircr023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFinancial Ma The FMIS is a105 - Budget Execution
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCorrective AcCorrective Ac145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeContract Re The Contract145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTEGRATED AFLCMC/LZP-T 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeItem Unique IUID Registry145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGENERAL FUN General Fund124 - Accounting
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLaboratory I Laboratory In145 - Logistics Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCAREER ACQThe portal se344 - Content Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated B IBPES provide105 - Budget Execution
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint InteropIntegrated so124 - Accounting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCE NexGen ITThe AF/A7C wi 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMeteorologyNPOESS is a s023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy WarriorArmy Warrior247 - Health Care Administration
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAircrew Gradu The AETC Air284 - Force Training
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force MuThe Air Force119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Universit The AUL ILS s577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Universi AUREPM is th016 - Higher Education
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Universit Web based sys618 - Employee Development and Training
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Universi AUSMS provide 618 - Employee Development and Training
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Universit AUSIS mainta618 - Employee Development and Training
12 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeConsolidatedCANES is an e279 - Battlespace Networks
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeT45TS GOSNet GOSNet is an145 - Logistics Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeContract ProfCPRS provides 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeABETS ABETS allows144 - Inventory Control
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePilot Candid PCSM program 064 - Training and Employment
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAFRL/HQ Web AHWA is a sma145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise DaEDCL infrastr326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHQ AFPC InteThe Voice Ove 674 - Computer/ Network Integration
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTraining Pla TPS and ETCA618 - Employee Development and Training
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBasic Traini BTMS (previou 618 - Employee Development and Training
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOperational Assist NAVAIR023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSensors Busi Delivers rese026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeA-10 3D ModThis applicat 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeASSET AND WEB AIM is a145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated Ma Provides tra 144 - Inventory Control
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated RA comm-compu 345 - Management of Government Records
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBig Safari In The system p145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeContribution C2S2 is a sof 255 - Employee Performance Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEZ Source EZSource is a143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPAWARSYSCThe SSC-CH SS 108 - Customer Services
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRI ANNUAL The Tri-Annua129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeReliability A RAM Classifie145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force-GloProvides Rea145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force Pr This applicat 255 - Employee Performance Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated Ma System allows144 - Inventory Control
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEmployeeDBEmployee DB618 p - Employee Development and Training
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGeospatial I Geospatial In023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWeapon Syste Propulsion Re145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSAFA VoiceBasewide syst139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTraining BusiTBA is an Air 618 - Employee Development and Training
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSupervisors The Superviso255 - Employee Performance Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeC-130 Integr IMIS is the s 281 - Force Application
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCONCERTO Concerto is m143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDD Form 287Application p143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFinancialDB FinancialDB p129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeForm 107 Form 107 auto 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated MIMDS provides 145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force MilThe Personnel 618 - Employee Development and Training
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProfiles of t PAD pulls fro318 - Business Analytics
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePrecision M Directly supp145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated Or Web-enabled144d - Inventory Control
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeContract File Electronic D 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLean Depot LDMS is a te 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnhanced Mai Integrated Ma145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic CaThe Reserve 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWR-FEMWEBFEMWEB provi 318 - Business Analytics
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSecure Web-BSWEAP is a gr143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSecure TechnSTOR provides 145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEglin GeoRanThe GeoRange 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTest Wing EnManagement143 an - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSoftware Cont The Electroni145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeActive Radio The Navy has145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProgrammedThe Programm 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic SoThe Electroni145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnvironmentWeb Portal t 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeConcerto (AFTheory of Co538 - Program / Project Management
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWMA Corpora Grouping of 340 - Collaboration Tools
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAdvanced CoAdvanced Com 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDepot Cost &DCAST is a re318 - Business Analytics
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDepot MainteDMSI is an on145 - Logistics Management
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLaunch Test These are la 027 - Space Exploration and Innovation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePart NumberPNSSRS is a D144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeQuality Info The Quality I 145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWaste InformThe system tr308 - Environmental Waste Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic 3 The system su119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWeapon SystWSMT promote 603 - Data Warehouse
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSuspense TraSTS provides 318 - Business Analytics
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWR - Depot WR-DDSRI/DRID 129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMIP Tracker MIP Tracker 144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommand and C2ISR-MIS is 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommon Main CMAS facilita340 - Collaboration Tools
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeConsumable R CRUMS provid 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLabMet System collec143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePrimary TechPTOWS distrib 144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRobins Auto Form 202s (N345 - Management of Government Records
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeScoreboard Produces char318 - Business Analytics
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSurge DatabaSurgeTrak is 318 - Business Analytics
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTest Managem TMACS is an i145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWR-ALC IntegIDM is a muti145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWar Reserve Provides
M comp145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRequirementThe Requirem145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOther War ReThis system c145 - Logistics Management
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWMD Survivab The WMD Surv 282 - Protection
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWMD Researc The WMD Rese 282 - Protection
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTransportati Provides OPT145 - Logistics Management
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDON HERITA System manage 017 - Cultural and Historic Preservation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTools for En The system tr023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePhysical Sci LIMS Plus inc308 - Environmental Waste Management
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWMA Force PGrouping of A282 - Protection
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeF-15 AnalyticF-15 ACIDB pr145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCorporate DaThe CDRS appl 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - Investme402 SMXG We This system 318 - Business Analytics
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSAFA AcadeUSAFA academ 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePatient MovePMITS enables 247 - Health Care Administration
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBUDGET EXE BERT function101 - Budget Formulation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy RecordARIMS is the 603 - Data Warehouse
13 02 - Non Maj00 - Investme618th TankerThe 618 AOC/X 280 - Command and Control
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAcademy Man The Academy106 - Workforce Planning
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFULL TIME The system pr106 - Workforce Planning
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHeadquartersThe system pr255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWorkforce AnWorkforce Ana 603 - Data Warehouse
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy BenefitsThe Army Bene 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSOLDIER FORThe applicati257 - Separation Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeReserve ComThe Reserve 106 - Workforce Planning
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCivilian Pers Civilian Pers 256 - Employee Relations
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGeneral Libr General Libra577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDISA Financi DFMS is a bu101 - Budget Formulation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSECRETARY OSCS manages108 p - Customer Services
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOCUMENT CDCS effective139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOPERATIONAL ORACLE BAS 603 - Data Warehouse
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTOTAL FORC TFDW, officia603 - Data Warehouse
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCORRECTIONCORMIS is a w 344 - Content Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFLYING HOURThe FHPP unde 101 - Budget Formulation
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAlcohol and Application f 531 - Case Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAPPLY/SLATEAPPLY provide 106 - Workforce Planning
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePersonalized PRIDE MOD sup 538 - Program / Project Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWeb Standard WebSTEAM syst 538 - Program / Project Management
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJOINT PRIMAJPATS is an 284 - Force Training
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCNATRA HEAD The CNATRA 284HQ - Force Training
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePYTHON Python is an 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCONFIGURATCDMD-OA is th 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeConfiguratio The CM/CMRM 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRevised Alte RADWeb provid 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAlbany Publi THE PUBLICA144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMUMMS Store Provides semi144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMECHANIZATAutomated pr145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMarine CorpsAssures procu145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDIRECT SUPPDSSC is the a144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMATERIEL CAMCDSS is an 144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMATERIAL R Provides the 145 - Logistics Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMobility Air Updated MAF060 f - Air Transportation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFACILITY RE FRES is an un119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNext GeneratNext Generat139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGUARD EQUIGuard Equippi 144 - Inventory Control
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVirtual ContrVirtual Contr143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic GrEGS: Electron249 - Health Care Research and Practitioner Education
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY TEST The US Army538 - Program / Project Management
20 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeForeign Disc Provides an e043 - Global Trade
20 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeForeign Visit Provides a mu331 - International Security Assistance
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDARPA Manag The DMSS is a139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeClassified In The CITSS is 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSafety - Inte Supports evi 284 - Force Training
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force Su AFSP is a web255 - Employee Performance Management
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeStrategic M The Strategic340 - Collaboration Tools
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force TacAir Force Tac279 - Battlespace Networks
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeC2 Weapons PSart Task Tra280 - Command and Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir-To-SurfacAmmo Web pro 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir, Space & The Air, Spac284 - Force Training
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeKinnexus Kinnexus is a145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInterim Wor IWIMS support 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMaterial SuppMSDIS is a w 340 - Collaboration Tools
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir National This Initiati 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAFMs KnowleThe AFMS Inte 247 - Health Care Administration
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated Ide Research and248 - Health Care Delivery Services
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAeromedical ACn integrated247 - Health Care Administration
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force RecThe Air Force251 - Staffing and Recruiting
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAF ISR AgencAF ISR Agenc281 - Force Application
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePACAF Force To provide se282 - Protection
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTools for En Supports a ra119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAFDW Base Op AFDW BOVSS139 in - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUnclassified This program340 - Collaboration Tools
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProSight ProSight is a 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePACAF GeoBas AF initiative 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRACKER TRACKER provi 145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCase ManageInternet base255 - Employee Performance Management
20 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNational DiscProvides an e306 - Arms Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBase SupportBaS&E provide 145 - Logistics Management
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSXports Provides cas 531 - Case 043 - Global Trade
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHealth Artif HAIMS a web-248 - Health Care Delivery Services
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWeapon Syste Requirements144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOn-Line VehiOLVIMS Inc 1-145 - Logistics Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeO & M EnterpProvides near547 - Performance Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeContainer DeThe Container145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMaintenanceMSAT is a to 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSustainabili Provides unit145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOn-Line VehiOLVIMS is use145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir National This Initiati 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
20 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSpacelink Provides a fu306 - Arms Control
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense SexuA centralized538 - Program / Project Management
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint C4I Pr Joint C4I Sys 103 - Enterprise Architecture
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDTSA SIPR anProvides for 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDepartment oThe DoDSER is 249 - Health Care Research and Practitioner Education
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense MediSupports DMA 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense PersDPRIS is a se 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY CAREEArmy Career 0T15 - Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSYSCOM ARCSADIE is a W 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInformation This system a064 - Training and Employment
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDCAA Manage DMIS is DCAA106 - Workforce Planning
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTACTICAL DAThe TDS suppo 280 - Command and Control
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense EnterDEHS-USA Staf 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePharmacovigiPharmacovigil247 - Health Care Administration
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFood Servic Application s145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Educatio This AIS prov145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Reserve IT framework618 - Employee Development and Training
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeShore EnterpNavy Installa139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAF PersonnelDelivers a me251 - Staffing and Recruiting
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRed Flag - Al Combat Simul301 - Force Allocation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVY EnterprNAVSEA Intran 329 - Continuity of Operations
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAcquisition Develop clea546 - Portfolio Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeREAL PROPERThe system pr119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBUDGET INF This Budget I101 - Budget Formulation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommand Tech To display Te143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force En An enterprise547 - Performance Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDamage EvaluDESTRAP is an 145 - Logistics Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommand and C2AOS-C2IS wi280 - Command and Control
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCivil Engine Asset Mgmt is119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force Le The AF LCMS344 - Content Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy Safety The system is119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHAF WarfightRegistered a 281 - Force Application
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAeromedical Aeromedical 2E47 - Health Care Administration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInstrumentatIMIS is a web143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommand and Command and 280 - Command and Control
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCombat SurviThe Combat Se 279 - Battlespace Networks
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTactical Air The TACP-Mode 279 - Battlespace Networks
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint Surveil The Joint STA279 - Battlespace Networks
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic WaA family of s 281 - Force Application
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDIRECTOR O Management576 I - Knowledge Capture
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCareer Waypo Web-enabled255 d - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNaval ShipyaProvides tra 538 - Program / Project Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeScheduleWatThis system 318 - Business Analytics
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCase Reporti CRIMS is a si 340 - Collaboration Tools
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWeb-based Ac WebAIMS is u143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWeapon SystWSSP is an A143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHEADQUARTEThe Headquar023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSpecial OperaSOALIS-IFTS i143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAETC PlanninAPPS facilita 129 - Reporting and Information
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACC GeoBaseGeospatial ma 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDTRA Automat ASPMS is a We 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDTRA Non-Maj The DTRA Non 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNuclear Test The NTRR IT s282 - Protection
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic R The ERMS is 661 - Document Management and workflow
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePlanning, Pr PPBES-MIS is105 - Budget Execution
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeShip Shore A SSAR is a web119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProcess OrdePODDS facilit681 - Forms Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNorthStar Northstar is 279 - Battlespace Networks
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeStudent Dat System tracks577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWeb IntensivWINGS is a si577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSenior LeadeProvides non-279 - Battlespace Networks
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAT&L KnowleThe AKMS is 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMPN Appropri MAJIC is desi101 - Budget Formulation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePublic Safet This support 120 - Help Desk Services
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCase ManageCMTS is envis228 - Labor Relations
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNavy Data CeThe Navy Data 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDepartment oThe DoDMERBS 247 - Health Care Administration
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCAREER MANA CMS-ID is int538 - Program / Project Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnlisted Ass EAIS provides538 - Program / Project Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOfficer Assig OAIS II provi 538 - Program / Project Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCONFIGURATProvides CM 3t 29 - Continuity of Operations
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENTERPRISE The EMS appli329 - Continuity of Operations
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLEARNING MProvides acce538 - Program / Project Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGLOBAL POSIGPNTS will i 279 - Battlespace Networks
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVIGATIONNAVSSI is a s 279 - Battlespace Networks
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSenior Comma Senior Comman 603 - Data Warehouse
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVY DEPARThe Departmen 255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNavy Enliste NES is the Na538 - Program / Project Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNavy PersonnNPDB is the 538 - Program / Project Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOfficer Prom OPAS supports 538 - Program / Project Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOfficer Pers Corporate dat538 - Program / Project Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProject ManaDeploy web-e104 - Strategic Planning
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLIVELINK This physical 329 - Continuity of Operations
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNaval Air Sy Naval Air Sys026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSECURITY CL This database106 - Workforce Planning
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise-wThe Helpdesk120 - Help Desk Services
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUNMANNED The AI Unmanned 145 - Logistics Management
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWMD Reachba This initiati 282 - Protection
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMarch 2 SuccMarch 2 Succe 255 - Employee Performance Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRESERVE CO Reserve Compo 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise BuEBS is a new 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeAir Force In AFIPPS transf254 - Employ129 - Report 257 - Separa
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFederal Voti FVAP is curre254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMDA Compreh CCaR is a sys 101 - Budget Formulation
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDocument & DRMS is an el247 - Health Care Administration
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOST ANALYSThe CAPE Miss 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDLA CriminalDCIRS provide045 - Criminal Investigation and Surveillance
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRadio Integr RIS is a tact 279 - Battlespace Networks
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBarcode InveBITS provides144 - Inventory Control
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSpecial Oper SOMPE provide 280 - Command and Control
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMobility Air To provde an280 - Command and Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFunctional E FEAMS will p145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDistribution The DSE/CCE139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeResource Man Resource Man 124 - Accounting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRESOURCE MResource Man 124 - Accounting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeResource MaResource Man 124 - Accounting
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommand 20Web-enabled,345 - Management of Government Records
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force RegProvides a pl247 - Health Care Administration
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeT-38 Functio The Functiona 680 - Issue Tracking
22 02 - Non Maj00 - A collaborati 340 - Collaboration Tools
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeStatistical A Purpose is to106 - Workforce Planning
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise B EBMS maximiz 248 - Health Care Delivery Services
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMMAND, C 4I Suite fac 280 - Command and Control
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAlternative DThe Alternati256 - Employee Relations
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHA FinanciaDFSW is a web 247 - Health Care Administration
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDesign, Impl The DTRA DIT326 - IT Sys 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDTRA STOCK DTRA Systems 282 - Protection
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeShore Core EnNavy Installa139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLOCAL DATA LDS draws dow 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE WODWAS is a Wor 129 - Reporting and Information
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeData Warehou DWBIS converg 329 - Continuity of Operations
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWHITE HOUSThe mission o279 - Battlespace Networks
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSECURE - VI The Secure Vi343 - Audio / Video Conferencing
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGeographic I The system us119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeADVANCED I The AITS-JPO279 - Battlespace Networks
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNUCLEAR COThe Nuclear C280 - Command and Control
12 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeJOINT INTER JITC, DOD's s279 - Battlespace Networks
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVY CASH An evolution 108 - Customer Services
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDEFENSE ENRDEERS is the 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANNISTON I Anniston Indu023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCONSOLIDATE Command and 280
C - Command and Control
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJOINT MOBILJMCG sustains 280 - Command and Control
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE DE The Defense 1D29 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE CASDCAS is the o129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVY MILITASupports Navy 538 - Program / Project Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePersonnel SyDepartment o255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic OfThe Army Elec 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRegional CiviThe RCPS-AF 251
i - Staffing and Recruiting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGUARD-INTEInteractive 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNational Mil NMCC is a col280 - Command and Control
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLogistics Mo LOGMODB provi 281 - Force Application
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCadet AdminiCAMIS integra 016 - Higher Education
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAUTHORING N I ETC Curricu538 - Program / Project Management
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAvian HazardAutomated web 282 - Protection
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLogistics Rea The Engineeri145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAircraft Stru System of DIS143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCNP CIOs SupN16 CIO suppo 329 - Continuity of Operations
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDATA MINING Data Mining/143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCLASSIFIED Classified De 538 - Program / Project Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFINANCIAL AFACTS support 145 - Logistics Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAircraft Deli Provides miss281 - Force Application
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDATA COLLECPurpose of D592 - Data Mining
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSpace Power SPL is establ 064 - Training and Employment
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRed River Ar Automated Sto 145 - Logistics Management
17 01 - Major 00 - Investmeintegrated EliEHR Increme248 - Health Care Delivery Services
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInstallation Installation 045 - Criminal Investigation and Surveillance
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnergy ManaThe Energy Ma 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeKeyless EntryThe Fort Drum 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAVIATION ANPublications 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy OneSouThe mission o256 - Employee Relations
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNaval Telemed The Naval Tel247 - Health Care Administration
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSenior Enter This website 255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCREATIVECU CYS provides 256 - Employee Relations
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDoD ContractThis system i256 - Employee Relations
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeStrength Ma Strength Mai255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRIM TRIM Context345 - Management of Government Records
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic B eBOSS is an i 255 - Employee Performance Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeData Quality Navy Medicine 247 - Health Care Administration
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeResource All A system tha101 - Budget Formulation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWorkload MaWMS aligns sp 259 - Budget and Performance Integration
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeStructural ApAircraft Decis145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeExpeditionar EXMIS enable145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Universit AU-Blackboard618 - Employee Development and Training
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMission IndexThe Mission I145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAF/A1 Servic The A1 SOA Pr 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNICoE ContinThe NCMT will 248 - Health Care Delivery Services
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMotorcycle SOnline schedu 066 - Worker Safety
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCareer Path The Career Pa618 - Employee Development and Training
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCivilian Fore Civilian Fore 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeResource AlloThe Resource618 - Employee Development and Training
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDAU STUDENStudent Infor064 - Training and Employment
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise BuEnterprise Bu129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTroop Progr The Troop Pr129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRecruiting SeThe Recruitin577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic Bi eBRAP is an i249 - Health Care Research and Practitioner Education
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARBA Case TrThe system in256 - Employee Relations
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAccess IT Ult Access IT Ult 603 - Data Warehouse
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCivilian Pers The Civilian 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCIVILIAN MOThis applicat 603 - Data Warehouse
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCompetition The system p255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommand Pers The Command 577
P - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDRUG AND AThe Army Cen577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEPARTMENTThe Departme 255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEPLOYMENTThe DARTS app 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDISTRIBUTI The Distribu 255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEXCEPTIONAEFMP is a sta577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRAINING E Training Envi255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFULLY AUTOM Fully Automat255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeKEYSTONE-Ret The server su577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLOCAL NATIOThe Local Nat255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMILITARY OCThe Military 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePUBLIC RELE PRAS allows u577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePROTECTED The Enlisted 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRESERVE CO Reserve Compo 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMEDALS AUTThe Medals Au 144 - Inventory Control
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVehicle RegisVERINET is th129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVOLUNTARY Voluntary Lea254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRESOURCE MA web-based618 - Employee Development and Training
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePerformanceThe Performa255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCENTRAL DOSThe Central D129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSEXUAL ASS SADMS is a ce256 - Employee Relations
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnlisted Dist The Enlisted 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSoldier's BeneThe system pr254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSenior Lead Senior Leade255 - Employee Performance Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCFT Control PCFT database143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEQUAL OPPOThe Equal Opp 256 - Employee Relations
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTactical Info This system f577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEMPLOYEE L This database603 - Data Warehouse
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBUSINESS OBJBusiness Obje255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCredentialingCredentialing255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeREQUIREMENThe RBuilder 603 - Data Warehouse
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTERNET COThe Internet 256 - Employee Relations
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy DisasteADPAAS accou 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRISK REDUC The RRP is a 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy Center The Army Cent 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAUTOMATEDThe Automated 144 - Inventory Control
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEMPLOYEE DEmployee Dev 255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCONTRACTORThe Contracto 255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWORLDWIDEWorldwide Ind 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRECONCILIATRECONANALYSIS 256 - Employee Relations
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMobilization Mobilization 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSEXUAL HARAThe Sexual Ha256 - Employee Relations
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFORCE MANAG The Classifi 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAmmunition TEhe Ammunitio 144 - Inventory Control
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy ScienceASTMIS is the026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force Dis The Air Force144 - Inventory Control
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeKNOWLEDGEThe portal is 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProgram Mana The Collabora143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated Be The Automate 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY CONTAThe system is144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAviation and The system ma 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeABRAM PARTAbrams Parts145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAviation and This applicat 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeASTORIA This document145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy War ReAWRDS is an 145 a - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeChemical AccThis system 144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePrice Budget The Price Bu 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAviation and Aviation and 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeChemical ProCPETS is a ce145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCollaborativ This applicat 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDepot ExecutThe Depot Ex145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDocument Ma The Document 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDONATIONS The Donations 144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEPOT TOTALThe Depot Tot 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHeraldry AutThe Heraldry144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeShop Work OThe Shop Work 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSINGLE STOCThis program129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFleet Manag Fleet Manage145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIndustrial Ba The Industria145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINDUSTRIAL The Industria145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated T The Integrate577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated L ILTMARS serve 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAVIATION ANThis applicat 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINNOVATOR Innovator is 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInterchange The Interchan145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLOGISTICS Logistics En 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLogistics Exe Logistics Exe 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLOGISTICS D Logistics Dat 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLogistics Rea JETDAS is a U145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMORTUARY AThe Mortuary145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMunitions HiMunitions His143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMOBILITY IN The Mobility 144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMunitions It Munitions Ite145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMunitions ReThe Munitions 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMunitions TrMTMS is a fi 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMUNITIONS TMunitions To145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeReHost OASI The Oil Analy145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProcess AnalyProcess Analy145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProperty BooProperty Book 145
- Logistics
Supply Enhanced
provides Property Book and Unit Lev
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePERSONAL EFPETS provide145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProgram Mana The Standard145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePRODUCT MAN Product Manag 145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense Rea Defense Ready 256 - Employee Relations
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense TravThe Defense 3T44 - Conte 341 - Web Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMANUFACTUR Manufacturing 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeStandard Ar Standard Army 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSTANDARD ASAMS-E automa 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeStandard ArmStandard Army 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeStandard ArmThe Standard145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProperty Inv Property Inve592 - Data Mining
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeThe Army MaiThe Maintenan 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTest, MeasurThe system ma 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAUTOMATEDThe S system pr145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUnit Level LoThe system is145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWildcat DataWildcat Datab 145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomation OThe system ex 124 - Accounting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated Fu Automated Fun 124 - Accounting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated RARMS provides 129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated ScAutomated Sch 129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBudget AnalyBudget Analys 124 - Accounting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBase Realign The Base Real124 - Accounting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCorporate ReThe Corporat251 - Staffing and Recruiting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCustomer OrdThe Customer129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDepot MainteDMOPS provide 124 - Accounting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeExhibit Auto The Exhibit 129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFINANCE PAYThe Finance P129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTable of Dis The Table of 124 - Accounting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeG8 Financial The G8 Finan124 - Accounting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeItalian Local Italian Local 624 - Payroll
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated R Integrated Re124 - Accounting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint Unifor Joint Uniform254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeKorean NatioKN Pay is a p 624 - Payroll
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTEGRATED IMPART is the124 - Accounting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeManagementManagement
C 129
Co - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMYUNITPAY MyUnitPay pro 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOPERATING The Operating 129 - Reporting and Information
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProgrammingPAX System al129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNational GuaThe purpose 1o24 - Accounting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRSW Online RSW Online i129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommunicatio Communication124 - Accounting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFINANCIAL Financial Man592 - Data Mining
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFunctional S Functional S 124 - Accounting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeStandard OpeThe system ex 129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMilitary Int The Military 124 - Accounting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOnline Finan The database124 - Accounting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGOVERNMENT The Governmen577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCorporate MWebCMS is a129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutoCrib.netAutoCrib Sof 144 - Inventory Control
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTechnology DTechnology De 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCompetition Competition 5A77 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCompetition The Competiti143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCompetition Competition 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLong Term CoLong Term Con 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeReliability/MaThe applicati143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeStandard StuStandard Stu144 - Inventory Control
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProcurementThe Procureme 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTest & EvaluaDatabase is u026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSTANDARD I This system 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGlobal Scien The Global Sc026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNON-ARMY M Non-Army Mana145 - Logistics Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSMALL BUSI The Army Smal 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWorkload Man WMSNi is a we247 - Health Care Administration
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePoint of Use The System is144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNLign The NLign pro119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNational InduNISS is the n 325 - Information Discovery
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSIPRNET ConSIPR AMMO-WE 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
20 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWMA Corpora Grouping of A340 - Collaboration Tools
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBase Level C The BLCI - AF139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVAL LOGISProvides capa344 - Content Management
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSEMCIP TechWeb-based app 329 - Continuity of Operations
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense TravThe Defense 108 - Custom139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGiG TechnicaThe GTG Feder 103 - Enterprise Architecture
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY METERThe Army Met 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIMCOM GARRThe Fire Reco119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMAXIMO PICThe Maximo 119 Pi - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy Working The Army Work 124 - Accounting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY RESERThe Army Rese 344 - Content Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMPETENCYThe Competen 255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeData Base AdData Base Adm 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDeployed TheDeployed Thea 255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDeployed Thea Deployed Thea 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDeserter VeriThe Deserter577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeREGISTRY M The Registry 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeReserve End The Reserve E145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeKEY CONTROKey Control i145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePOSITION O The Position 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnlisted PersThe Human Re 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePromotion PoPromotion Poi 255 - Employee Performance Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBUILDING S Building Sust119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWaste ManagWaste Managem 308 - Environmental Waste Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAIR COMBATThe ACTC prog 255 - Employee Performance Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePORTABLE ELFleet technic143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDISA Data CeProject mana139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDTRA InformaProvides reso546 - Portfo 103 - Enterprise Architecture
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense MessUntil Septem280 - Command and Control
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMilitary Sea MSC's Replac139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeITPSA BMA-FThis initiati 259 - Budget and Performance Integration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOST AND PECOST AND PE259 - Budget and Performance Integration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeITPSA BMA-WThis initiati 546 - Portfolio Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeITPSA BMA-WThis initiati 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeITPSA BMA-MThis initiati 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeMid-tier Net Mid-Tier Netw 675 - Voice Communications
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeITPSA BMA-RThis initiati 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeITPSA BMA-RThis initiati 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated MIMPACT-AC is538 - Program / Project Management
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Traffic C The transform 301 - Force Allocation
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBattle CommaThe Army's co284 - Force Training
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNavy Shore Fa The model ena 329 - Continuity of Operations
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINFODOX PL This system e329 - Continuity of Operations
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force Ins The Air Force577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force FamThe FIRST Man 531 - Case Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLogistics, In The Logistics 145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAUTOMATEDThe Automate 129 - Reporting and Information
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWarner RobinNPDES was dev 025 - Pollution Prevention and Control
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePsychologicalPBH-TERM is 248a - Health Care Delivery Services
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeC-130 Automat Tracks usage 145 - Logistics Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAcquisition VAV SOA povide 103 - Enterprise Architecture
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUNMANNED TWhe system sh538 - Program / Project Management
17 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeMHS InformatPotential MHS 249 - Health Care Research and Practitioner Education
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTraining Req TRAIN is an 618 - Employee Development and Training
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSurface Depl SDDC ESS prov 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMY EDUCATIThe "My Educa 064 - Training and Employment
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeShip-To-Shorhosts NTDPS 145 - Logistics Management
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVY MARITNAVSEA MMS322 In - Public Communications Infrastructure
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTactical Mes Major. 329 - Continuity of Operations
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBusiness InteThe Deputy Ch 318 - Business Analytics
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLegacy LIS PoPortfolio inc 329 - Continuity of Operations
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENTITLEMENEAS automates 101 - Budget Formulation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJOINT DISTA JDSDG-R is Jo119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCONSOLIDATA secure syst010 - Emergency Response
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeExternal Acc External Acc 104 - Strategic Planning
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFinancial Lo Financial Lo 104 - Strategic Planning
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIndividual D The Federal C064 - Training and Employment
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMarine AviatiMALSP II IT 144 - Inventory Control
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE REASystem allows104 - Strategic Planning
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense OptiDOFEMS will 217p - Access to Care
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY FUND The Army Fund 105 - Budget Execution
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeTactical DataThis system p329 - Continuity of Operations
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEmergency De Emergency Dep 248 - Health Care Delivery Services
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePatient QueuPQNS is accom 217 - Access to Care
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAntiterroris Shore applica577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNavy InstallaEncompasses119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNavy AccessiProvides the 255 - Employee Performance Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Combat ACC GeoBase023 S - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDASN ALM WO A set of comp547 - Performance Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPAWAR AcquisFleet facing 145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLearning ContDevelop / imp329 - Continuity of Operations
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePROGRAM COThe Program 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeSignal ModerThe Signal M280 - Command and Control
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUnified Comm The Unified 675 - Voice Communications
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMPREHENS The planner p119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeKEYLESS ENTThe Fort Polk119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENTERPRISE The Enterpris145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTransportat The Transport119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENTERPRISE The Enterpris119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANAD EnergyThe system is119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeASC SERVICE The database143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCRITICAL M The Critical 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInformation ITMDC is the 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCore ServicesThe SSCNOLA329 - Continuity of Operations
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTest, MeasurThe system co 145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMOBILIZATI The Mobilizat577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMOBILIZATI The system i 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMOBILIZATIOThe Mobilizat577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOVERSEAS COOverseas Cont 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTOUR OF DUTour of Duty 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEPARTMENTDAMPS-A is a577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEPARTMENTDAMPS-U autom 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAVIATION R The ARMMIS119 o - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGeneral Offi General Offic251 - Staffing and Recruiting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLearning ManThe WHS Lear618 - Employee Development and Training
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBIDWISER-COBidwiser send143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTransition A The Transitio257 - Separation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGlobal Comma GCCS-AF is AF280 - Command and Control
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeExpeditionaryThe ESTD is a618 - Employee Development and Training
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTHE NETWORThe simulator284 - Force Training
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force Fi AFFMS II prov255 - Employee Performance Management
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTerrestrial WThis initiati 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAFRC InstallaThe AFRC GeoB 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGeoBase-AFSAFSPC GeoBase 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeManagementThe E system al129 - Reporting and Information
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCivil Engine This system i119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWMA BattlesGrouping of A023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWMA Comman Grouping of A280 - Command and Control
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNational CapInfrastructur 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBackground IBIFS is used 047 - Crime Prevention
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFM WorkflowFMWF is an E680 - Issue Tracking
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEIEMA CES/Ap AFMC's "paren 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEIEMA CMPI/C AFMC's "paren 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEIEMA COM/In AFMC's "paren 322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLogistics ToolThe LTS is a 145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeITPSA BMA-RThis initiati 056 - Water Resource Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeITPSA BMA-WS This initiati 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeITPSA BMA-WThis initiati 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - Investme402 SoftwareThe 402 SMXG 318 - Business Analytics
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeITPSA BMA-HThis initiati 106 - Workforce Planning
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeITPSA BMA-RThis initiati 044 - Fugitive and Criminal Apprehension
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAvatar MediaAvatar mediat 256 - Employee Relations
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFARSite FARSite (and 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeComposit TraIs a sensor t 312 - Navigation
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMarine Air C MACCS is a Fo280 - Command and Control
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMemorandum MFS
F is a web-129 - Reporting and Information
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDeployable VDVTE is a dep577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMagtf TacticaDesigned to s577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise L Supports the 329 - Continuity of Operations
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommunicatio CESAS is an 329 - Continuity of Operations
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeModeled Mete MMIMS will pr 280 - Command and Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeActive Radio USMC has impl 145 - Logistics Management
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeREMOTE VIDRVVT is an In323 - Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTECHNICAL CProvides auto323 - Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic M System provid 145 - Logistics Management
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePublic Affair COTS, still d 329 - Continuity of Operations
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDATA HOUSI WEb based rep 603 - Data Warehouse
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFleet Comman Functional ap280 - Command and Control
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOTHER INFO Includes all 329 - Continuity of Operations
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDTRA NUCLEA DTRA-NCBR pro 282 - Protection
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeALL OTHER I Other IT app 329 - Continuity of Operations
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTELLIGEN All Other Sci 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNetwork On Will leverag 280 - Command and Control
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE TECDTIC's missio026 - Scienti 661 - Document Management and workflow
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSECURE OPE The SIPRNET 120 I - Help Desk Services
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVAIR DEP The objective145 - Logistics Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVery Small A The VSAT-L wa 340 - Collaboration Tools
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNCIS Legal ApRepresents th280 - Command and Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDocument AuDACS-RM is a345 - Management of Government Records
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated Bu ABSS is an el 124 - Accounting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWEB RECRUITThe Web Recru 538 - Program / Project Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeALL OTHER S All other Secu108 - Customer Services
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInstallation The Installat 255 - Employee Performance Management
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint Land TrJoint Land Tr284 - Force Training
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force Ed Air Force War284 - Force Training
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated CiAutomated Civ 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeClose CombatThe Close Com 284 - Force Training
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMPUTER M The Computer 282 - Protection
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDTRA WMD AThe DTRA Arch 282 - Protect661 - Document Management and workflow
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDEFENSE ENTThe ten Defen 341 - Web Infrastructure
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCivil Inform CIMDPS is an281 - Force Application
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEDERAL LOGFLIS is an in 145 - Logistics Management
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeGlobal CombaGCSS-AF provi139 - Provide301 - Force A326 - IT Sys
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeGlobal CombaGCSS-Army pro 145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLEASED TELEThe Leased Te 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMAINTENANCMP&E contribu 145 - Logistics Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNUCLEAR PL NPES is a cla 280 - Command and Control
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDeCA Intern DeCA's WEB pr 340 - Collaboration Tools
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVAIR AVIAThe Aviation 145 - Logistics Management
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDLA Enterpri Enterprise Bu145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTEGRATEDThe Integrate036 - Retirement and Disability Benefits
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGENERAL ACCGAFS-R suite 105 - Budget Execution
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeExpeditionar PLANS OPERA313 - Population Health Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSTOCK CONTSCS provides 145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAdvanced DisADLS directly618 - Employee Development and Training
13 02 - Non Maj00 - Investme20TH SUPPO The 20th Supp 280 - Command and Control
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAIR AND MISThe Air and M280 - Command and Control
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY MATERThis business603 - Data Warehouse
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY MATERProvision is 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAVIATION A Aviation and 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANALYTICAL The Analytica284 - Force Training
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMBAT INCThe database329 - Continuity of Operations
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY PUBLISThe Publishin661 - Document Management and workflow
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMaterial ComThe Material 145 - Logistics Management
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy Force GThe tool perf301 - Force Allocation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARL Enterpri The Army Res139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMAMENT TShe system pr139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY MATERI The U.S. Army139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy TrainingThe applicati284 - Force Training
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY TRAINThe Army Trai139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARNORTH GISThe servers p340 - Collaboration Tools
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAviation and The Aviation 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAVIATION ANThe Aviation 145 - Logistics Management
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAviation ComThe Aviation 284 - Force Training
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAVIATION MIAMPS is a fli 281 - Force Application
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEMERGENCY Central comma 280 - Command and Control
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOTTOM UP The Bottom Up 106 - Workforce Planning
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBusiness InteThe Software576 - Knowledge Capture
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCalibration S The CALSET 2K022 - Energy Production
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCentralized ACentralized A576 - Knowledge Capture
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCERDEC HONE This system i577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommunication The Communic 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCIVILIAN PE The CPMSRS 256 sy - Employee Relations
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCLASSIFIED Classified An 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeComputerizedCOMPASS is a280 - Command and Control
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCONFERENCEThe Conferenc 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE SATThe Defense 3S22 - Public Communications Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCONTINUOUSThe Continuo344 - Content Management
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCounter RockCounter Rock282 - Protection
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOURSE LEVEThe Course Le284 - Force Training
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCTC Military Is a subset o 284 - Force Training
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDECISION M Decision Mana 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSATELLITE C Enhances the139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDigital CommThe DCSS enco 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSRPWeb PortSRPWeb Portal 284 - Force Training
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDocument TrDocument Trac 538 - Program / Project Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeELECTRONIC The Electroni145 - Logistics Management
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeELECTRONIC Electronic Se282 - Protection
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeELECTRONIC The e-TIME ar139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEngineering Engineering D139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENTERPRISE The Enterpris103 - Enterprise Architecture
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise InThe Enterpris139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINSTRUMENTInstrumentati284 - Force Training
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeExtended AirThe Extended284 - Force Training
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFIELDED SYS The Fielded S139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFIRES SOFTWThe FIRES Sof326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFIRES SOFTWThe FIRES Sof139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFixed TacticaFixed Tactical284 - Force Training
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAVIATION TRThe Aviation 284 - Force Training
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHaivision VidHaivision Vid343 - Audio / Video Conferencing
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHEADBORNE The E Headborn 301 - Force Allocation
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHOMESTATIOThe Homestati 284 - Force Training
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHQ AMC Envir The system pr139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHQ AMC ROUT The Routing a577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHQ AMC VID The Video on343 - Audio / Video Conferencing
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHuman ResouHuman Resour 344 - Content Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIMCOM Netwo MAX is a fami576 - Knowledge Capture
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInstallation The program 282p - Protection
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTELLIGENCPortal provid139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint AutomaJoint Automat281 - Force Application
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFriendly ForcFriendly Forc280 - Command and Control
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJOINT LIGHT The Joint Lig 280 - Command and Control
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint Multi-NThe system is284 - Force Training
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJOINT PRECI Joint Precisi 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint Tactica JTAGS is a tr 282 - Protection
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRAINING BRThe Training 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLEAVE LOG The leave log255 - Employee Performance Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLightweight The Lightweig281 - Force Application
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLogistics Sys Logistics Sy 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLOG-ON USE LUMA provides 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMCALESTER MS1 is a comp 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMISSILE ANDThe Missile a603 - Data Warehouse
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFRIENDLY FOThe Networks139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMobile ToweThe Mobile To 280 - Command and Control
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMODELING AThe Modeling026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMODERNIZATI The Moderniza 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMortar Fire Mortar Fire C281 - Force Application
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMULTI-MEDIMulti-Media 675 - Voice Communications
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMULTIPLE UNThe Multiple 284 - Force Training
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNON-DESTRUThe Non-Destr 325 - Information Discovery
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePatriot SecurThe terminal 675 - Voice Communications
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePEO MISSILE The PEO MS Cl 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePersonnel ReThe Personnel 301 - Force Allocation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePetroleum QuThe Petroleum 340 - Collaboration Tools
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePHOENIX Cont The Control, 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePine Bluff Ar The Pine Bluf139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBALLISTIC M The BMD Syste 592 - Data Mining
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDAU Learnin COTS learnin016 - Higher Education
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSTRANSCOM Provides hard139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeYellow RibboThe Yellow R064 - Training and Employment
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBusiness Int Provides a ca247 - Health Care Administration
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCorporate MCMIS provides 644 - Workforce Directory / Locator
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated LoIntegrated Lo145 - Logistics Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePOCKET-SIZEThe device is280 - Command and Control
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRange Facili The Range Fac 284 - Force Training
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRed River Se Red River Sec139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeREPLACEMENT The system w139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeReplacementRFMOW provid 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAFETY INCI The system pr023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAFETY OF The enhanced325 - Information Discovery
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSBU Local Ar The network 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSECRET NET The Center fo139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSECURITY M The U.S. Army603 - Data Warehouse
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSimulations NThe NSC Simul 284 - Force Training
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeABERDEEN P The Lab cons139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSustainable Sustainable 284 - Force Training
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSYNTHETIC Synthetic Env284 - Force Training
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTACOM LCMCThis applicat 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTACOM MISSIThe applicati139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeTactical Airs Supports Army 280 - Command and Control
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommand InfThe Command 340
I - Collaboration Tools
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTaskmaster TaskMaster is139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic P Electronic Pr 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTEST TOOLS Test Tools La139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTEST, MEASUThe system fu326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTHE STRUCT The system re301 - Force Allocation
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTotal AmmunTotal Ammunit 284 - Force Training
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRAINING A Training and 284 - Force Training
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTraining Brai The Training 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTraining Inf The Training 284 - Force Training
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRAINING R The Training 284 - Force Training
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUnited State The Unclassif139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUS Army IntelThe Portal pr341 - Web Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUS Army MusThe U.S. Army145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUS ARMY NOR Deployable Fo139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSAOTC NETThe network 139 p - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense ReseThe Defense 1R39 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWatervliet ArThe network 139
p - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWHITE SANDSThe Test Supp139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWideband SatThe system is139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeYONGSAN REThe Defense 1R39 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLearning ManATLAS is a l 064 - Training and Employment
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLEARNING MBlackboard i 064 - Training and Employment
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommand FinCFMS is an u 101 - Budget Formulation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeALBANY DATDevelopment592 e - Data Mining
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOPTICAL DI System provid 345 - Management of Government Records
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSECURE PERSSystem provid 345 - Management of Government Records
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWEB-BASED System is the329 - Continuity of Operations
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAUTOMATEDSystem provid 576 - Knowledge Capture
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEMARINE "eMarine" is 576 - Knowledge Capture
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRANSPORTAAUTOMATED124 T - Accounting
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAPPLICANT Applicant Rel577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCoagulation CCoagClinic is 248 - Health Care Delivery Services
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmed ForcesWeb-based app 247 - Health Care Administration
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise WEWA provides247 - Health Care Administration
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeREQUIREMENSystem provid 106 - Workforce Planning
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMANPOWER System
M is a c 106 - Workforce Planning
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeManpower Inf MIP is a cons576 - Knowledge Capture
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLaboratory I Maintains a c247 - Health Care Administration
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmed ForcesABACUS is a s247 - Health Care Administration
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated Co Automated Cos 101 - Budget Formulation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy MilitaryThe Army Mili101 - Budget Formulation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOST AND P The portal’s 101 - Budget Formulation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFORCES AND The system is101 - Budget Formulation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJOINT INTEG The Joint Int 101 - Budget Formulation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEND-TO-ENDEnd to end p 105 - Budget Execution
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProtection i PROMIS suppo 329 - Continuity of Operations
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNORTH CENTR The NCRP Tool 338 - Enterprise Search
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSIEMENS TR TMS-S system119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUtilities MonThe system co 342 - Energy Transportation and Transmission
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeKEYPORT IN Provides: que577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENVIRONMEN The Environme 603 - Data Warehouse
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJOINT MUNITThe applicati144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLIFE CYCLE The toolset c145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLOGISTICS APLogistics App144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSTOCKPILE I SILC softwar 144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTHEATER APPThe tools are576 - Knowledge Capture
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNavy OperatiNOTESS will i026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLaserFiche A Document 1M24 - Accounting
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNavy ReserveNavy Reserve603 - Data Warehouse
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMAINTENANCMCPALMS is 1a29 - Reporting and Information
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMAGTF COLLProvides a Ma103 - Enterprise Architecture
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBase Pass AccConsolidated577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTERNATIONI-GUIDES enab 145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDON OGC ClieSoftware, Con576 - Knowledge Capture
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDON/AA InforDON/AA Infor329 - Continuity of Operations
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMaintenanceMRMS provide 576 - Knowledge Capture
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMetrology DaThe Metrology 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeL1/SS ENGIN A workflow ap 340 - Collaboration Tools
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGage Design aGD&C creates, 145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVAL SYSTEuNSERC provid 329 - Continuity of Operations
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOATS INVE BIMS is a dat011 - Business and Industry Development
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNaval Inspec Naval Inspec 108 - Customer Services
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeITD SharePoiDON/AA ITD 3S 44 - Content Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPAWAR SYSSPAWAR ITD 322 Da - Public Communications Infrastructure
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGlobal Digit The primary m 340 - Collaboration Tools
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic p The current D143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEPARTMENTA secure web- 101 - Budget Formulation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVY INFOR NAV-IDAS wil143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCACPAY A cashless pa108 - Customer Services
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCIVILIAN HU The purpose 3o38 - Enterprise Search
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy MedicalAPEQS is a de247 - Health Care Administration
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGreenville Bi Greenville Bi 145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNext Genera NGRMS will mo 101 - Budget105 - Budget129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHuman Resour HRTS/PTS is t064 - Training and Employment
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAILURE REPThe system pr531 - Case Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic L E-LMS is a us064 - Training and Employment
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMMISSARYThe Commissar 129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCoupons C2K supports129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDeCA's MeatMeat Cutting145 - Logistics Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJOINT CONTIJCXS provides143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMilitary Inf The Military 281 - Force Application
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSpecial OperaThe SOF Train284 - Force Training
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMobile HealtMobile Health 217 - Access to Care
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense Acqui DAU IT infras139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense AcquThe DAU civil547 - Performance Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeALE PROD LI Full lifecycl 145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMy Navy PortThe portal is 108 - Customer Services
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePASS PGM Pay/Personne129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeALE ENTERPREnterprise se145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeALE DATA W Management592 o - Data Mining
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeALE TACTICAEncompasses145 F - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeContract RecDCMA's Contra 340 - Collaboration Tools
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSupply ChainThe Supply Ch340 - Collaboration Tools
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProperty Shi Property Ship143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntergated The DCMA Int340 - Collaboration Tools
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMODIFICATIOThis applicat 340 - Collaboration Tools
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeContract ManThe Contract144 - Inventory Control
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeContract SouThis system i318 - Business Analytics
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEPARTMENTThe Departme 105 - Budget Execution
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated CoThe Integrate340 - Collaboration Tools
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeContractor BuProvides abil129 - Report 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePersonnel AcThe Personne340 - Collaboration Tools
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSpecial Prog The Special P340 - Collaboration Tools
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTalent Mana This system 255 - Emplo 618 - Employee Development and Training
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVoice, Video The Voice, Vi675 - Voice Communications
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnd User EquThis initiati 108 - Customer Services
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Carrier A Congressional280 - Command and Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAMMUNITION Ammunition 144Pr - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMINE RESIS MRAP-DMS aut 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeKOREAN NATThe Korean N251 - Staffing and Recruiting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeASSETS MANAssets Manage 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAUTONOA AutoNOA provi 256 - Employee Relations
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCIVILIAN TR Civilian Trai 340 - Collaboration Tools
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommercial Sa Supports a c 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAFCEC AdminiThe AR is a w309 - Environmental Site Stewardship
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCivil Enginee The CE AutoDe 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRemedial ActRACER is used119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCivil EngineerThe CE ESRI 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated CiACES-FD is a 340 - Collaboration Tools
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTHE ITRM PEWebPC allows105 - Budget Execution
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInstrumentatILIAD is a pr 339 - Information Mapping / Taxonomy / Categorization
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInteractive E IETMS is an I 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAFMC BusineABE is the of 103 - Enterprise Architecture
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSmall Busine SBIR/STTR eva 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic TeAs key compon 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDRLVue/CMCOTS Contrac145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAgile Muniti AMST provides 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDepot SourceThe DSOR II 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDD1000 SupplOSD reports a144 - Inventory Control
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARPC Custome Provides dat 256 - Employee Relations
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePersonnel BuThe PBAS is 129 - Reporting and Information
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEZQUERY EZQUERY is a339 - Information Mapping / Taxonomy / Categorization
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAF/SB WebsWebsite is se577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise P EPRM is modif 339 - Information Mapping / Taxonomy / Categorization
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProgram andPBES integrat259 - Budget and Performance Integration
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUnit Trainin The UTAPSweb 613 - Time Reporting
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePROCUREMENT Data warehou576 - Knowledge Capture
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCLAUSE LOGIEnterprise se576 - Knowledge Capture
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRAPID ACQUIA resources 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAUTOMATEDThe Automated 144 - Inventory Control
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFinancial Ser The FSC Right322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMMUNICAT Program ensur 280 - Command and Control
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNetwork Pla Provides pro 280 - Command and Control
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSecure Mobile SMART-T provi 280 - Command and Control
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSMART Card SMART Card 3 T22 - Public Communications Infrastructure
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCounter Inte ENHANCES TH 323 - Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMarine Expedi MEFIAS PROV305 - Counter-Intelligence
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCombined ArCACCTUS is a325 - Information Discovery
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMDI SecuritySubsystem of329 - Continuity of Operations
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic SeA private net282 - Protection
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARINE CORWeb Base syst 282 - Protection
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeALL OTHER DAll other data339 - Information Mapping / Taxonomy / Categorization
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARINE CORP Systems manag 009 - Disaster Repair and Restore
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTactical Ima System is a s 113 - Public Comment Tracking
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAT&L DefenseAT&L Defense338 - Enterprise Search
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAT&L ExternaAT&L Externa338 - Enterprise Search
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSUBMARINE SOTHER RTA are 322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSINGLE MOBIA command an 280 - Command and Control
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOD CIO PR Supports poli103 - Enterprise Architecture
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTEST DATA The functiona603 - Data Warehouse
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWIDEBAND RProvides for 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeGlobal Comma GCCS-M is th280 - Command and Control
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMS CONTRThe Arms Con282 - Protection
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRESOURCE MThe OSD RMS101 - Budget Formulation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDATA DOMAIThis is a Har 603 - Data Warehouse
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUNITED STATThe Defense 3R41 - Web Infrastructure
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAUTOMATEDADS automates 105 - Budget Execution
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHuman ResouHRMIS is the 256 - Employee Relations
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeShelflife Ext Shelflife Ext 145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENTERPRISE eMH is an int344 - Content Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDLA MappingThe DLA Map145 C - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSIERRA RFID The Sierra Ra144 - Invento145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRIA-JMTC ST Provides qual145 - Logist 340 - Collaboration Tools
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRIA-JMTC DI The RIA-JMTC145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRIA-JMTC N A collection 145 - Logistics Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY CONTRWill support 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated AiThe Automated 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJMC HQ MISSThe JMC HQ M 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeContractor ReCRIS-GCR prov 345 - Management of Government Records
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIssuances, DeThe cross-ref325 - Information Discovery
02 02 - Non Maj00 - Investme516th AeronaThe 516 AESW 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force Ou This system a108 - Customer Services
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAerial EventsThis system a108 - Customer Services
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMMAND &Command & 340 Con - Collaboration Tools
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeContracting OCORAS is a re124 - Accounting
14 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeMission Plan MPS is a coll 281 - Force Application
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy TacticaProvides syst280 - Command and Control
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAN/WSC-8(V)Space system279 - Battlespace Networks
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENHANCED PO Provides posi279 - Battlespace Networks
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFORCE XXI The Force XXI280 - Command and Control
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeAF NC3-MEECMinimum Esse 280 - Command and Control
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHigh FrequenHFGCS provide 279 - Battlespace Networks
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMYPAY myPay is a we254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeELECTRONIC An Air Force 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVSPHERE VMware vSpher 344 - Conte 280 - Command and Control
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated Ca Air Force Ins 531 - Case Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEVENTS LOG A Command and 280 - Command and Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWarehouse M The Warehouse 145 - Logistics Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMMAND CThis program280 - Command and Control
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force Cul Survey tool t 066 - Worker Safety
17 02 - Non Maj00 - Investmeintegrated H The integrate247 - Health Care Administration
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVAIR IND NIMMS control 129 - Reporting and Information
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARLINGTON HThe Arlington577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHP STORAGE HP Storage Es603 - Data Warehouse
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeLogistics Mo Logistics Mod145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMMVAULTSimpana 9 is 608 - Data Recovery
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise D Establishes e145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBUSINESS M e-Biz is a CO 124 - Accounting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy NationaProvides mult255 - Employee Performance Management
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDEFENSE TRAThe Defense 1T08 - Customer Services
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLONG-HAUL This "initiati 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFleet Deploy Provides fund674 - Computer/ Network Integration
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNSWC CRANEProvides reso343 - Audio / Video Conferencing
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCHEYENNE MCCIC2S is an 280 - Command and Control
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint PersonnJPAS is DoD s531 - Case Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSEC - KMS L The CECOM So 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeAir Force Dis The 844 CG, s139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAN/WRN-6 GP The mission o279 - Battlespace Networks
12 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeTactical DataTactical Data279 - Battlespace Networks
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWeather DataWDA will con023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSEC - ITCL This lab cons139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSEC - ISL - The Integrate139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint Force Joint Force D284 - Force Training
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeArmy KnowleProvide premi577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMPUTER AComputer-assi 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeONE TOUCH Web-based sys 145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSTANDARD LAThe web-based 538 - Program / Project Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCNIC COMMACFMS is an u 105 - Budget Execution
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVY RESERVNOW is the st538 - Program / Project Management
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense ArchThe Defense 1A03 - Enterprise Architecture
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMOBILITY C Supports AF's280 - Command and Control
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAUTOMATEDSupporting fi105 - Budget Execution
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINFRASTRUC Centrally pro139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLeave RequesWeb Based sy254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTERNATIONICPS provides254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force To The Air Force129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAUTOMATEDAutomated sy105 - Budget Execution
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDODEA OFFI The Local Are139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeObligation A Used to assis129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCARGO AND B Cargo Billing 124 - Accounting
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTELLIGENCThe Intellig 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAUTOMATEDThis AIT init 108 - Customer Services
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAPPAREL RE ARN improves145 - Logistics Management
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCLASSROOM The Classroom 284 - Force Training
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMILITARY SE The Military 538 - Program / Project Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMILITARY S MSC-FMS is a124 - Accounting
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTEGRATEDIDE improves145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePAYMENTS TPayments to 105 - Budget Execution
12 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeAirborne & Ma The Airborne279 - Battlespace Networks
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeMARINE CORP Continuously538 - Program / Project Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCORPORATE Corporate Da577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOD ELECTR DOD EMALL is143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTELLIGENTIntelligent R 145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCENTER FOR The Center fo255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVY RECRUThis provides538 - Program / Project Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINDUSTRIAL ILSMIS provid145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTEGRATEDIntegrated Ma 124 - Accounting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVAL VAMOVAMOSC suppor 124 - Accounting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVY.COM A web-based538 r - Program / Project Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePROGRAM BUPBIS is the 259 - Budget and Performance Integration
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFUND ADMINA client serv 105 - Budget Execution
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeShipyard ManSYMIS INF is 144 - Inventory Control
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeELECTRONIC The EDA is an143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWIDE AREA Wide Area Wo 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVISUAL INF Provides fund139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeJoint Tactica Joint Tactica 674 - Computer/ Network Integration
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNETWORK ENNETCOM is th139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEXPENSE ASSEAS IV is a d 247 - Health Care Administration
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRICARE ON TRICARE Onlin 217 - Access to Care
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeInfrastructur I&O, previous139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMDA PROGRAThe PRIDE app 104 - Strategic Planning
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMDA BusinesResources fun326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTEGRATED Supports the603 - Data Warehouse
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAcquisition A collection 538 - Program / Project Management
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAFCEC PortalInformation 340 - Collaboration Tools
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAIR FORCE A The AF Art We 144 - Inventory Control
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force Lib AFLIS is an e 108 - Customer Services
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEIEMA COM/Ap AFMC's "paren 674 - Computer/ Network Integration
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise MProvides tim 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEngineering This initiati 318 - Business Analytics
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeExplosive Or Explosive Ord282 - Protection
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGeospatial ExThis software281 - Force Application
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInspector GeProvide 12 MA 053 - Legal Investigation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLean DatabasTracks Lean 318 - Business Analytics
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMetrology We To provide u 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePublic Affair The system wi 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePresidential Allows AF/CVA 048 - Leadership Protection
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProgram Inf PIMS is a web338 - Enterpr341 - Web Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePresidential This system w256 - Employee Relations
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePQR_POS DatThis initiati 680 - Issue Tracking
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeServices MedWeb based so129 - Reporting and Information
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSAREUR G2The USAREUR340 G - Collaboration Tools
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLive, Virtual, Provides net-284 - Force Training
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAoA and EconSupports Anal326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRisk Managem RMI is envisi 009 - Disaster Repair and Restore
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY CHILD A child abuse047 - Crime Prevention
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCYSS Youth TA collection 344 - Content Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCenter Of ParWeb-based app 145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNSWC PCD Con CMPRO is a Pr101 - Budget Formulation
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAFOTEC ResoAFOTEC Requir 318 - Business Analytics
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeB-1 CustomerCSDT is an al 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCryptologic CDAS is desig145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMortuary OpMOMS supports 333 - Veteran Benefits and Services
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMaintenanceThe R MRO initi145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeShop ProductThis initiati 144 - Invento341 - Web Infrastructure
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHEURISTIC A The HAMUR mod 318 - Business Analytics
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCJRM Public AThe Public Af322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNSEP-IT Comp NSEP-IT is a 016 - Higher Education
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNCIS CORE E NCIS Core Ent322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAtlantic R&DEncompasses026 r - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNCIS Intel ApNCIS Intel Ap281 - Force Application
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNCIS IT INF NCIS infractr 322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVICP SupplSupports the322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeLogistics Mo Logistics Mod145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDISA Cash MaDCMS-TSEAS124 is - Accounting
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLOGISTICS A Life Cycle Su 145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeISKILLS System is uti 618 - Employee Development and Training
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOPEN SOURCOSCMIS provi256 - Employee Relations
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeComputer AidThis system i145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint Disabil JDES-IT will 036 - Retirement and Disability Benefits
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePRO-ACTIVE PRISMS is the119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeADVANCED CO The ARDEC-ACE 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDoD MobilityMobility is e 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAVIATION ANAICIS is a we 603 - Data Warehouse
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAUTOMATEDAutoDoc is we 105 - Budget Execution
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBUDGET PLA BPS tracks r 101 - Budget Formulation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVY MAINTCreation of w145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCENTRALIZE Designed to o119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInstitutional The Instituti 284 - Force Training
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAreaRAE PortAreaRAE is a 308 - Environmental Waste Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAVIATION COACES is a sof 124 - Accounting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePACFLT FIN FMS is an unc105 - Budget Execution
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBUSINESS I The BIS is an 129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSECRETARIA SARMIS was de 101 - Budget Formulation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOperation MThis initiati 318 - Business Analytics
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePACFLT SUP MicroSNAP SFM 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSTANDARD AU A system used 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAUTOMATEDSystem to mon 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSUPERVISOR'System for p 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLABORATORYManages Quali 145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOCCUPATIONA Consists of 538 - Program / Project Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSUPPLEMENTEmployee man 256 - Employee Relations
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeADVANCED I Streamlined A145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCost Distrib Cost Distribu546 - Portfolio Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRequisition The Requisiti143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePlanned LaboPlanned Labor 318 - Business Analytics
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeC5 MSG3 Work X-Hive is an 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAircraft ContACITS provide143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFlight Actual FAAB will aut145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTeam 2 Hill Team 2 Hill i 318 - Business Analytics
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHealth And WThis system a618 - Employee Development and Training
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProcessing E PERFORMS prov 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEquipment ReWR-ALC uses145 - Logistics Management
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMDA IT PlannResources ar538 - Program / Project Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommunicatio The Classifie 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMDA Portal aResources us577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMDA Network Resources fun139 - Provide327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMDDC Data CThe Missile D603 - Data Warehouse
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTrident Refit TRFIS is comp124 - Accounting
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMMERCIALA system that145 - Logistics Management
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCommon AviaCommon Aviat 280 - Command and Control
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMarine CorpsThe Marine C341 - Web Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRANSITION TSM is a repl322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARINE CORMCHS supplie279 - Battlespace Networks
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRANSPORTATransportatio124 - Accounting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSHIPYARD A Shipyard bud259 - Budget and Performance Integration
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSHIPYARD MThe core ship124 - Accounting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSUPPLY WORK KDSS provides 259 - Budget and Performance Integration
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEPOT MAINThe DMAPS Su 145 - Logistics Management
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeGuardNet XXIGuardNet XXI139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNET-CENTRICImplementatio 340 - Collabo325 - Informa338 - Enterprise Search
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACCOUNTINGCollects loca 129 - Reporting and Information
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTERNET NANavy Inventor603 - Data Warehouse
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFACILITIES Facilities E 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBUSINESS I Financial inf 129 - Reporting and Information
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMAXIMO ENTEnterprise a 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNORMALIZEDNORM is a com 024 - Environmental Remediation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVAIR OPE Compliance w101 - Budget Formulation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACQUISITIO AMAS is an a143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTRANET REFully web-ba129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAUTOMATEDAIMS is a web144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeELECTRONIC eDARTS is the145 - Logistics Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLAND INFOR Resources int281 - Force Application
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEGOVERNMEN Payments are344 - Content Management
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMHS CIO MAMCMO support 546 - Portfolio Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWHS AccountWASS is suite105 - Budget Execution
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSUMMARIZED Summarized 2M47 - Health Care Administration
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBUDGET ANAL BAERS-FL allo101 - Budget Formulation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise SuESCAPE is a p145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWireless EquWEMS is a sys119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAIRCRAFT PAAircraft Part 144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTotal CompoTotal Compone 145 - Logistics Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAircraft Tra ATLAS is a mi119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeResource MaRMDW is vario 106 - Workforce Planning
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBUSINESS ANThis system w105 - Budget Execution
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMATERIAL R Material requ145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePERFORMANC Core Cost/Sc145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSHIPYARD Q Database cons 129 - Reporting and Information
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTG-Manageme The 46TG Man 129 - Reporting and Information
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnvironmentaInstallation 129 - Reporting and Information
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated InIIT is an int 129 - Reporting and Information
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeManagementMICT I is an ap053 - Legal Investigation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAUTOMATEDTool to coll 101 - Budget Formulation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeKadenza - Pr KADENZA is us 318 - Business Analytics
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWeb Emergen Common Operat 008 - Disaster Preparedness and Planning
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeContracting ODatabase of F547 - Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSAFA Admiss ALOWeb facili251 - Staffing and Recruiting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGOVERNMENT Web-enabled101 d - Budget Formulation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeELECTRONIC THIS IS NOT A129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDIMINISHIN The DMS SDW 145
p - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMPUTER OP COBRA is a we 124 - Accounting
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCAPITAL ASS Supports the 145 - Logistics Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePSD (PROGR Collect, man 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTerrestrial WTerrestrial W023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIntegrated P IPPS -A Incre 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeManpower MCMAS provide129 - Reporting and Information
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise L A Public Hea 313 - Population Health Management
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTASKING, RE DON Enterpri533 - Corre 101 - Budget Formulation
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePharmacy RefPharmacy pres 217 - Access to Care
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDISTRIBUTIODCBS performs 129 - Reporting and Information
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSpace Planni SEPS is the J 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARINE CORProvides a sp129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePERFORMANC Used by HQMC 228 - Labor Relations
20 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGlobal TheatGlobal Theat340 - Collaboration Tools
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMedical PlanOfficial dat 247 - Health Care Administration
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHUMAN RESOHRIS provide 129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePERFORMANC The Performan 129 - Reporting and Information
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTeleHealth EaThe TeleENT 2s 48 - Health Care Delivery Services
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeReal Estate REMIS is the 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRBUILDER - I RBuilder is a 603 - Data Warehouse
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeComputer AidCAFM provides 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGlobal MobiliAir Force cap339 - Information Mapping / Taxonomy / Categorization
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProduct LifecProduct Lifec145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeE-3 Function Gives E-3 per145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSAFE GeoBas The USAFE Geo 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHOLIS/CMMSAccording to 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACQUISITIONProvides the 129 - Reporting and Information
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRDA INFORMThe ASN (RDA344 - Content Management
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEconomic AdjThe Economic002 - Community and Regional Development
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHORIZON SOLWeb-based DMS 576 - Knowledge Capture
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAerospace SyASDOS provide 340 - Collaboration Tools
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePACAF GeoBas AF initiative 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force Cla AFCAPS applic 618 - Employee Development and Training
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeAir and Spac Air and Space280 - Command and Control
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInteragency A DoD/VA init249 - Health Care Research and Practitioner Education
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeREC TRAC RecTrac is de119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeREIMBURSABSystem used 0t 23 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLead MaterielThe Decision 279 - Battlespace Networks
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNavy Recruit NRC-LS provid255 - Employee Performance Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeQ - Matic Q - Matic is 108 - Customer Services
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUS ARMY EURUS Army Europ 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInformation Information A603 - Data Warehouse
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated MiA state-of-th 284 - Force Training
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIMASE SIMULThe Intellige 323 - Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMapping EnteMEBS is the 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAUTOMATEDATICTS is an 144 - Inventory Control
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSENTINEL The Sentinel 139 - Provide280 - Comman 675 - Voice Communications
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force TraAFTR is a web064 - Training and Employment
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCombat RelatCRSC is manag 333 - Veteran Benefits and Services
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE CASDCIPS is the 256 - Employee Relations
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProcurementPADDS is the143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePRODUCT DADocuments def 329 - Continuity of Operations
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAUTOMATEDABS/BES is t 101 - Budget Formulation
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInferential R IRIS stores, 603 - Data Warehouse
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force Au The Air Forc 255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCCAF StudentMaintains ed016 - Higher Education
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCourse DevelProvides an a618 - Employee Development and Training
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInnovative D IPDS is a web255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeReserve TravRTS provides 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSENIOR LEA Primary suppo 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force Sa The Air Force119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAMARC BUSIThe system ha 144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAIRCRAFT M This system p145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEXECUTION AAF transactio145 - Logistics Management
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAviation Re ARMS is an o284 - Force Training
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINFORMATIOICS allows cl 318 - Business Analytics
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMaterial Pro MPS allows me 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEPOT MAINProvides main145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePURCHASE RPerforms acqu 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeReliability, A RAMPOD is an145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBudget ReporBRS is a web 101 - Budget Formulation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMMAND M CMS provides101 - Budget Formulation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommander'sCRIS is a rea 129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMISTR REQUITo provide ma 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLOGISTICS LMDB integrat 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeREPAIRABILI Performs a ma 145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCORPORATE Corporate Dat 259 - Budget and Performance Integration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTEGRATEDOn-line inter 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
01 02 - Non Maj00 - Investme1099 TAX R 1099 TRP prov 129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRANSPORTATSS is a gove 328 - Collect Revenues and User Fees
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEPLOYABLE DDS provides129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTERNATIO IBOP provide105 - Budget Execution
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWORK YEAR WYPC tracks 1D29 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSTANDARD CSCRT provides105 - Budget Execution
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE DISDDARS routes, 129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUNIT IDENTI UIC/DODAAC124 p - Accounting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOPERATIONAODS serves as129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeONLINE REPOOLRV permits129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGARNISHMENThe I-GARN Sy 129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE MILDMO is a DFAS 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy StationiOfficial data 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBASE LEVEL Base Level C 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBASE LEVEL This program139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBASE LEVEL HQ AFMC/IT 139 su - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBASE LEVEL Base-level co139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBASE LEVEL Provide base139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBASE LEVEL Provides ope139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBASE LEVEL Provides IT 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBASE LEVEL Air National 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBase Level C Provides a wi139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBase Level C Base level c 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAFRC-AFIVTCVTC is used 343 - Audio / Video Conferencing
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTACTICAL COProvides Ope280 - Command and Control
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTACTICAL EQThis is an or 674 - Computer/ Network Integration
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTACTICAL EQProvides oper279 - Battlespace Networks
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTACTICAL EQANG Combat279 C - Battlespace Networks
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTactical Equ Provides base279 - Battlespace Networks
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTactical Equ Deployable C3 279 - Battlespace Networks
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEIEMA CES/Ap AFMC's "paren 325 - Information Discovery
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENGINEERINGProvides Ente139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force NetAir Force Net326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force Sp Plans, provid322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAF Oracle En The AF Oracle327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTEGRATEDAir Force fu 280 - Command and Control
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCombatant CAir Force IT 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMBANTANT Air Force fu 279 - Battlespace Networks
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeENTERPRISE Air Force fu 280 - Command and Control
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEIEMA COM/Ne AFMC's "paren 322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeITEM MANAGMaintains & d145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy Energy AEWRS is used 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY HOUSIThe Army Hous 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY SAFETThe Army Safe 531 - Case Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCape EnvironThe Cape Env023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFACILITIES FEMS-AMC is119 a - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGeographic I Anniston Army 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINSTALLATIOIGI&S Applic 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINSTALLATIOInstallation 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINSTALLATIOInstallation 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINSTALLATIOInstallation 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINSTALLATIOGeographic I 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINSTALLATIOInstallation 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINSTALLATIOInstallation 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINSTALLATIOProvides geos119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINSTALLATIOInstallation 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWeb CompliaWEBCASS is a023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMAXIMO FortComputerized119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePollution Pr Pollution Pre025 - Pollution Prevention and Control
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePavement SuA sustainmen119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProject Prior Project Prior 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRailroad Tra Railroad Tra 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeREPOSITORY READ is the 024 - Environmental Remediation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSOLID WAST The Solid Was025 - Pollution Prevention and Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJCS Repol The REPOL pro 144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBulk Petrole Web based aut 145 - Logistics Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force MasThis system s010 - Emergency Response
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTOTAL ARMYTotal Ammunit 144 - Inventory Control
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGraduate Med GME is used b106 - Workforce Planning
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated C The Fort Hood 045 - Criminal Investigation and Surveillance
17 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDepartment oDHMSM will a248 - Health Care Delivery Services
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBusiness ConBusiness Cont010 - Emergency Response
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy StationiOfficial data 129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeExecution CoExecution Con 318 - Business Analytics
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommandersThe CRRD helps 680 - Issue Tracking
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDFSC MATERIThis Material345 - Management of Government Records
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAMMUNITION Used to perfo145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePost LaundryUsed to input108 - Customer Services
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeComputer AidRedstone CAD 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGOVERNANCE Governance, 129
R - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLETTERKENNProvides for 145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProgram andEffective and259 - Budget and Performance Integration
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeE-TRANS MAE-TRANS provi 538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUS ARMY GAR Comprised of045 - Criminal Investigation and Surveillance
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGOARMY.COWebsite that577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDoD Safe HelDoD Safe Help 531 - Case Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEPARTMENTDETF is a web339 - Information Mapping / Taxonomy / Categorization
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMYTEAM MyTeam provid 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHazardous MatThis entry c 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEARNED VALU The Earned Va 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTEGRATEDIBF-DAPprovid 339 - Information Mapping / Taxonomy / Categorization
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNISP ContractThe National 318 - Business Analytics
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWarehouse M The WMS is a577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARIOC.ARMY.Training netw340 - Collaboration Tools
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy TraininATLAS provide 284 - Force Training
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDocument CoDocument Cont 603 - Data Warehouse
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeData ManageThe Data Mana 603 - Data Warehouse
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEagle Vision Provides DoD340 - Collaboration Tools
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBusiness ActiBusiness Acti129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeApplications Applications 129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeStatement ofStatement of129 - Reporting and Information
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeConfiguratio The Configur538 - Program / Project Management
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeJoint Space JMS Increment 280 - Command and Control
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNext GeneratThe Global Po280 - Command and Control
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeGlobal CombaThe Global C 280 - Command and Control
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFinancial Ac FAMIS is the 124 - Accounting
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAFOTEC ElectAFOTEC Electr 129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOn Base OnBase® is 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeThe Air ForceThe AFTAT is 145 - Logistics Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACC C2 Lear Nearly 7000 281 - Force Application
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAT&L ClassifiCFIUS Databas 680 - Issue Tracking
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAT&L 419 Sy The applicati259 - Budget and Performance Integration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAT&L DefenseThe Defense 6A80 - Issue Tracking
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAT&L User PrThe User Prof340 - Collaboration Tools
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAT&L ProvideProviders is 340 - Collaboration Tools
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHazard ReporHRS provides129 - Reporting and Information
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGFM MissionTwo applicat280 - Command and Control
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePERSON-EVEThe PDE porta 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEMERGENCY Emergency
R Re
603 - Data Warehouse
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDLA POLICE DLA PoliceCen 129 - Reporting and Information
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommand Supp BIN/UII CRE 129 - Reporting and Information
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMarine ForceBIN/UII CRE 129 - Reporting and Information
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMITSC Data CBIN/UII CRE 129 - Reporting and Information
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDefense Agenc Defense Agenc 124 - Accounting
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense HealtDHSS Virtual 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMHS Shared Se The MHS SSPR 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDoD EnterpriThe Departmen 659 - Email
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFOOD SERVI Allows tracki603 - Data Warehouse
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDATA CENTERData Center 108 - Customer Services
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeClinical Ente The CEIP plat248 - Health Care Delivery Services
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACCOUNTABLThe Accounta119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeService Man The Service 108 - Customer Services
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeContract CosThis Investm 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCompetency A centralized255 - Employee Performance Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBase Level SuThe BLSA is a145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRETAIL OPE The Retail Op145 - Logistics Management
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeST2 This AIS cove026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAFMC Geograp AFMC GIS prov 339 - Information Mapping / Taxonomy / Categorization
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeContract WriThe Contract143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeApplications Information g129 - Reporting and Information
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeClinical Inf CISWIP suppor 546 - Portfolio Management
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWarfighting M Provide a co 103 - Enterprise Architecture
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSpecial Warf Naval Special145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRemote Monit System is use139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAviation CentUnited States340 - Collaboration Tools
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUniformed Ser The USU SIS p249 - Health Care Research and Practitioner Education
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCapability M CED becomes318 - Business Analytics
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINSCOM RM-Resource Man 101 - Budget Formulation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHQ FORSCOMSupplies
P ful 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLogistics Rea The OPS-29 W 145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUnited State The USARAF ne 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWHS Electro Document rep 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRIRIGA This applicat 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUS ARMY UNThe US Army254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCORPUS CHRIProvides secu045 - Criminal Investigation and Surveillance
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLogistics Rea Serves as the145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLogistics Re The Customer129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRANSPORTAT The Transport108 - Customer Services
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise BuEnterprise Bu105 - Budget Execution
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeReal Propert The Real Prop119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeROCK ISLAN A three dimen 325 - Information Discovery
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProject Cost PCMS estimat538 - Program / Project Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENTERPRISE The EKR uses103 - Enterprise Architecture
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeELECTRONIC Electronic Wa340 - Collaboration Tools
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeC4 AssessmenC4AD Persiste326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE CASSystem is use531 - Case Management
20 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWMA Corpora Grouping of A340 - Collaboration Tools
20 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWMA Corpora Grouping of A340 - Collaboration Tools
20 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWMA Corpora Grouping of A340 - Collaboration Tools
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVAL SYCH The Naval Syn129 - Reporting and Information
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeKnowledge Knowledge Ma 344 - Content Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRock Island Provides, in 145 - Logistics Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOperational Promotes uni280 - Command and Control
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEngineering To perform sp026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAnalysis Sta Performs spec 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEmployee Ben EBIS is provi 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeActivity BaseABC Cost Mode 101 - Budget Formulation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRX Business A group of ap129 - Reporting and Information
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOrganizationCollects, man577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCORPUS CHRIProvides a vi 144 - Inventory Control
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRENTAL FAC Provides for 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDoD Women,The I WIC PIMS313 - Population Health Management
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNational TraiA combination 284 - Force Training
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint ReadineJoint Readine284 - Force Training
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY FINANC This applicat 345 - Management of Government Records
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWASTEWORKThe software308 - Environmental Waste Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLogistics Rea The Logistics 129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLogistics Re The Equipmen 129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Launch CrALCM FSID wil 318 - Business Analytics
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSLICWAVE This system f145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVSEA WarfEnterprise an139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVSEA Warfa CIO Regulato103 - Enterprise Architecture
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVSEA Warfa NAVSEA WFC139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVSEA Warfa Operations a139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVSEA Warfa Computing re026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVSEA WarfNAVSEA/local108 - Customer Services
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVSEA Warfa IT Resource 318 - Business Analytics
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANG GeoBas "Geospatial" 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise P This secure d143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeForeign Nati Foreign Natio341 - Web Infrastructure
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint Precisi JPADS-MP sign 281 - Force Application
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEmployee Acti EAGLE provide 129 - Reporting and Information
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTinker SupporTSSM servers129 - Reporting and Information
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeITEM UNIQUEEnables users143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLogistics Re Stores employ 603 - Data Warehouse
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLogistics Rea The Reset Por145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLogistics Re Webdesk allo145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated E IEMS is bein 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAFMC SeniorAFMC SOCCER 340 - Collaboration Tools
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEAGLE IntegriProvides sing318 - Business Analytics
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAircraft Heal Aircraft Heal 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeB-1 Function FSID will pro 318 - Business Analytics
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeB-2 Function FSID will pro 318 - Business Analytics
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENHANCED Enhanced Yard 144 - Inventory Control
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARINE CORP Marine Corps248 - Health Care Delivery Services
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTHEATER METheater Medic 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCNSL SPEAR SURFLANT PL145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnhanced SecThe Enhanced119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTraining Res The Training 284 - Force Training
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeExtensible C Extensible Co284 - Force Training
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic D eDTRM is a J 533 - Correspondence Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDebt AnalysisSupports data129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePERSONNEL PERSONNEL 255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCase Managem CMTARS will 5b31 - Case Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEngine Test ETAC engine 3m18 - Business Analytics
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFacility Man Program suppo 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSCANNER AUR Enables users605 - Data Cleansing
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRY Facilities The systems a282 - Protection
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInformation Supports the 144 - Inventory Control
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmegoDocs goDocs will s129 - Reporting and Information
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeExtremely HiCivilian pers 103 - Enterprise Architecture
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFixed SubmarFSBS deliver 103 - Enterprise Architecture
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNetwork Suppo Djibouti Afri 103 - Enterprise Architecture
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUltra High F O&M of shore 103 - Enterprise Architecture
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic D EDMS is a DL603 - Data Warehouse
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARINE CORThe system p251 - Staffing and Recruiting
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDTRA EnterprDTRA EIS is a533 - Correspondence Management
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDTRA MissionMission and b318 - Business Analytics
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCONFERENCECOTS web-bas 108 - Customer Services
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmaments Re A suite of S 008 - Disaster Preparedness and Planning
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAgile AutomaAgile Automat 129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDLA USAJobsOPM is author 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTransportablThe Transport675 - Voice Communications
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLOGISTICS R The Logistics 145 - Logistics Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLONGBOW/HEL Supports the 279 - Battlespace Networks
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLOGISTICS R Informational145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLOGISTICS R This web tool145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLOGISTICS RESystem is use145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLOGISTICS R Generator RES 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLOGISTICS R This website 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLOGISTICS R A vital tool 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLOGISTICS R Provides a me145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLOGISTICS R A more effec145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMANUFACTUR The Manufactu 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMASTER DATMASTER DATA 145 - Logistics Management
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeData Entry S Data Entry (D326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMarine CorpsMarine Corps101 - Budget Formulation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBUSINESS ENBES is a suit 101 - Budget Formulation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAlchemy Provides sea 538 - Program / Project Management
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDCAA BPR anAgency wide 340 b - Collaboration Tools
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWarfighting TThe Warfighti
84 - Force Training
point of sale system that captures sales transactions
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommissary Atransmits data 108for- use
by other
DeCA business systems.
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE AU Audit tracki 680 - Issue Tracking
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCHINFO SociaCHINFO manage 673 - Community Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWarfighting Tools support280 - Command and Control
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWarfighting PTools support282 - Protection
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGlobal Conten The Global Co341 - Web Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAFN TV and RProgram supp322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY RESERProvides sust145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense ConnPart of a por 340 - Collaboration Tools
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNCES EnterprPart of a por 340 - Collaboration Tools
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDISA TASK DTMT is the a104 - Strategic Planning
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force Eq AF EONet pro256 - Employee Relations
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTEAMMATE TeamMate is531 a - Case Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic CoThe Electron 345 - Management of Government Records
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeE-Tasker E-Tasker is 533 - Correspondence Management
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNavy MedicalNMEMO is a 546 Na - Portfolio Management
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNavy MedicaNavy Medical546 - Portfolio Management
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNavy MedicalNavy Medical546 - Portfolio Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy ChaplaiProvides acce340 - Collaboration Tools
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTHEATER AR Provides real279 - Battlespace Networks
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeROCKET, ARTA horizontal 280 - Command and Control
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeKeyMaker KeyMaker is a340 - Collaboration Tools
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWarfighting Warfighting B340 - Collaboration Tools
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise I Enterprise In139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGovernance, GRC interface318 - Business Analytics
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCore Data Cen Core Data Cen 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInstallations Installations 538 - Program / Project Management
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBase Commun Base Communic 538 - Program / Project Management
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInstallation Installations 538 - Program / Project Management
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBase Communi Base Communic 538 - Program / Project Management
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePacific Joint The Pacific J 538 - Program / Project Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise ClStandardize t247 - Health Care Administration
14 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeMission Plan This multi-fa 281 - Force Application
14 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeMission Plan Initiative co 281 - Force Application
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMATERIEL COProvides inte145 - Logistics Management
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMedical Syst The Medical S546 - Portfolio Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise SeESOD fulfills 129 - Reporting and Information
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY TRAINThe Army Trai284 - Force Training
10 02 - Non Maj00 - Investme35IS Cyber I 35IS Mission 323 - Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise ScUsed by the U284 - Force Training
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLIFELONG LE Allows school284 - Force Training
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSystem TrainiProvides stre340 - Collaboration Tools
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTraining Dev The Training 284 - Force Training
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWHS DefenseDefense Ready 106 - Workforce Planning
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOther Paymen This UII capt 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDINFOS Admin Supports the 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDINFOS TrainSupports trai139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense WideDoD Public W341 - Web Infrastructure
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint Staff Provides resou 104 - Strategic Planning
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint Staff Provides fixe675 - Voice Communications
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLOGISTICS R Facilitates t 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMessaging & Messaging and 340 - Collaboration Tools
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePortfolio & The Portfoli 546 - Portfolio Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNetwork InfrThe Network139 I - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAccess ManaThe Access M139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise InThe Enterpris577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMDA IT Compl This funds Do139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMDA End-of-LThis funds th139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - Investme309 SMXG Wo The 309 SWC326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDepartment oThe Automated 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTEST MEASUThe TMDE web 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRANSPORTATCPT was the145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeASSET ENTE The Asset Ent144 - Inventory Control
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLIFE CYCLE The LCMI Por326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMASTER SCHMSST is a We145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSYSTEM OPERThe SOE tool 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTOTAL LIFE TLCM-OST is 1a45 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDigital Medi DMEN is desig 340 - Collaboration Tools
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise InEnterprise In340 - Collaboration Tools
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated Lo ALCS is an ef 145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeForeign AreaWeb-based que 106 - Workforce Planning
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise I Enterprise In139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTank-AutomoThe Price and603 - Data Warehouse
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProfiler Virt A mobile syst023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUtility Monit The Utility M020 - Energy Conservation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFixed Wing FlProvides a st 592 - Data Mining
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAberdeen ProProvides acce322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - Investme25 AF Data C25 AF's initia 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense VideTransports br340 - Collaboration Tools
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAlternate As Database of 603 - Data Warehouse
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeConsolidatedStatistical 015 - Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCurriculum OApproval sys 015 - Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnglish as a Track the alt 015 - Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMOUs with UArchive of M015 - Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNon DOD SchOversees paym 603 - Data Warehouse
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSummer Work Automated sy015 - Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTeacher TranAn automated 064 - Training and Employment
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDCPS ArchiveProvide for t 603 - Data Warehouse
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDepartment oThis system f603 - Data Warehouse
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGeneral CounA web-based531 - Case Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEducation BuProvides pro 015 - Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGrievance Tr GTS is an int 680 - Issue Tracking
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICOMPLAINTIt's an autom680 - Issue Tracking
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLiving QuarteLQA-Rates app 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLiving QuarteProcess LQA r254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMilitary One Provides a si 108 - Customer
Military OneSource Business Services
Operations provide the delivery of DoD inform
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMilitary One members, their 531families
- Case Management
and other eligible participants.
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSerious Incid Application t 066 - Worker Safety
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSoftware AppFacilitates t 680 - Issue Tracking
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTravel Order TOPS performs 680 - Issue Tracking
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRIA-JMTC C The Rock Isla008 - Disaster Preparedness and Planning
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGlobal Comma Global Comma 280 - Command and Control
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeContracting Manages contr 603 - Data Warehouse
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGround BasedProvides info340 - Collaboration Tools
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint Force JFDMS provide 284 - Force Training
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCorporate DaA budget exe603 - Data Warehouse
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAMC Data CeAMC's single 603 - Data Warehouse
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint EnterprEnterprise ne139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDFAS CONTRDFAS Contrac129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic FaElectronic Fa119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInfrastructu IMMS is an in119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeF-135 Depot IThe F135 DIET 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCORRESPONDCATMS is a C143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWHS/ESD/TRTRIM is a COT143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFREEDOM OFFOIAXPRESS is 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFACILITIES FAST is a po 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTERACTIV ICE is a web- 108 - Customer Services
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise EPM provides108 - Customer Services
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise S The SATCOM279 Ga - Battle 280 - Comman 305 - Counter
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAging Fleet I AFIRM-M serve 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePRODUCT D Web based CM 145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir Force Se AFSFMS is fin129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMUMMS Auto Provides semi143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeData Analysi DACG is a sta145 - Logistics Management
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir ExpeditioInitiative r 301 - Force Allocation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProject ManaThe Project M577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE AC Defense Acqu538 - Program / Project Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNational Lev The National 145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMarine CorpsThe Marine Co 329 - Continuity of Operations
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeReconfigurablThe Reconfigu 284 - Force Training
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBUSINESS P This is a web 340 - Collaboration Tools
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMORALE WELWeb consolida 344 - Content Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWorkZone Web-based pr344 - Content Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCONTINGENCCCOT-P is aend
web front w340 - Collaboration
and Tools and will access the Master Data
anOracle database,
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARINE DEMRepository (MDR) 144 - for
item movementinformation.
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFACILITIES A centrally m023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFLEET FOCUSFleet Manage145 - Logistics Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAT&L Corres The Correspo538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFT BENNING A suite of ap 603 - Data Warehouse
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBLOOMBERGSoftware as a603 - Data Warehouse
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePRESIDIO O The Energy Ma 603 - Data Warehouse
12 02 - Non Maj00 - Investme5th to 4th G The 5th to 4t279 - Battlespace Networks
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFalcon III A The Falcon II 280 - Command and Control
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAviation SystA suite of pl 280 - Command and Control
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWeb Substanc Web SUAT is 248
a - Health Care Delivery Services
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY RECRUThe Army Recr 603 - Data Warehouse
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY CAREEArmy Career 3E44 - Content Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACCESSIONS An Army Marke 603 - Data Warehouse
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY REFERR Referral appl576 - Knowledge Capture
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCONGRESSION Congressional603 - Data Warehouse
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeELECTRONIC Supports capt603 - Data Warehouse
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENTERPRISE Enterprise Ma344 - Content Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFUTURE SOLDA public faci 340 - Collaboration Tools
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHOMETOWNHometown
R Rec
603 - Data Warehouse
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTEGRATEDThe accession344 - Content Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePARTNERSHIPThe Partners340 - Collaboration Tools
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRECRUITING Recruiting Im344 - Content Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSCHOLARSHIPEnables the 603 - Data Warehouse
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY CADETA self-servic 603 - Data Warehouse
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJUNIOR RES Junior Reser 603 - Data Warehouse
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHUMAN RESOMature single603 - Data Warehouse
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMPUTER/ECAP Portal is 108 - Custom314 - Assistive Technology Services
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeGlobal CombaGCSS-A Increm 603 - Data Warehouse
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCORPUS CHRIProvides a me145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeF-16 Functio Provides singl318 - Business Analytics
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeConsolidatedIntegrates se105 - Budget Execution
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLOGISTICS R Web Compose 603 - Data Warehouse
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPOUSE EDUCPortal to con064 - Training and Employment
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDODEA DIRECDDPS is a col345 - Management of Government Records
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeItem Master Lo
Item Master M 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY SUSTAThe Army Sust 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDECISION LE Decision Lens145 - Logistics Management
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY TRAINThe Army Trai284 - Force Training
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDPAA AGENCThe intent o 531 - Case Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNATIONAL LEA web based 145 v - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDATA CENTE Facilitates p 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEmployment TheA Employmen 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSchoology A COTS learn015 - Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBLUE GRASS Upgrade the 1e19 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAUTOMATEDAutomation en 681 - Forms Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDocument AuDACS is a re 345 - Management of Government Records
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint Operat JOMIS integra248 - Health Care Delivery Services
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMarine Gas TMarine Gas T145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENTERPRISE The Enterpris145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDCAA Integr Provide facil 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - is 344 - Content Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - Defense Healt344 - Content Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePECWEB The pharmacy 344 - Content Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSecretary of This program139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIT ModernizaProvides sust139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCentral AdjudThis program139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeApplication This program326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeELECTRONIC Electronic Po145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTERGRAPHComputer Aid603 - Data Warehouse
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMMERCIALThe Commercia 145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeADEPT Synergis Adep661 - Document Management and workflow
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMEDCOM Suite MEDCOM SAGES 247 - Health Care Administration
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCONTINUOUSThe CMP syste 145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDPW (DIRECTA General Fun129 - Reporting and Information
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMark Center The Mark Cent 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTelecommunic Provides data675 - Voice Communications
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise SeProvides a si 120 - Help Desk Services
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommon Enter Provides IT 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUNITED STATConsists of t 603 - Data Warehouse
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePHYSICAL S Allows intrus603 - Data Warehouse
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE IDEN Provides auth603 - Data Warehouse
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTERGRAPHUsed by the D119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFORT HAMILTRemote data119 c - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSOFTWARE HScalable secu119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePENTAGON APurpose is t 124 - Accounting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUS ARMY GAR Electronic se 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFORT BENNINTool to suppo119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFORT BENNINThe Compresse 129 - Reporting and Information
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLEAVENWORT An electronic129 - Reporting and Information
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIAGARA AX A software pl119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePLUG-IN ELECThe concept w 340 - Collaboration Tools
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePHYSICAL S Consist of ha119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAll Sites ModCollaborative145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFacilities an Provides cent119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBRIGADE MOThe Brigade M 322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDisposition I Disposition I 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBUILDER SU BUILDER is a 145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARINE CORP MCFIRS is a w023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHAZARDOUS HMMS MC provi 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMCITC MCIC MCICOM Porta 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMAINTENANCMCPAS web sit 145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNATIONAL E Tracks, recor023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINSTALLATIOThe Installat 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENVIRONMEN The Environm023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLOGISTICS FALogistics Fac 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLOGISTICAL LUMENS will 0s23 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLOGISTICS G LOGWAY provid 145 - Logistics Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCONTINGENCcASM is an a 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOPERATIONAA core contra143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHAZARDOUS HMMS (Hazard 145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJAG ENTERPRJES enables t129 - Reporting and Information
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFLEET MANAProvide Life 279 - Battlespace Networks
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFinancial Ma Supports dep279 - Battlespace Networks
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIDENTITY D IDS-MC is a t 323 - Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeStudent Info SIS to replac 015 - Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTake Charge Operations &280 - Command and Control
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNaval Radio National Tel 280 - Command and Control
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNuclear Comm Secure networ 280 - Command and Control
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTEGRATED ISCS is a CLA 280 - Command and Control
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeClassified Co Provides a we318 - Business Analytics
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCLARINET MECMRS is a shi280 - Command and Control
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNaval ComputMilitary per 675 - Voice Communications
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated BiAutomated Bio 340 - Collaboration Tools
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE REAAccommodates 301 - Force Allocation
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommunication A National Se340 - Collaboration Tools
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSTUDENT MAA college-wid284 - Force Training
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEducation ScGathers empl015 - Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMUSNAVCEN Enables and 280 - Command and Control
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMulti SourceProvides a si 284 - Force Training
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLONGBOW/HEL Supports the 279 - Battlespace Networks
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAIRCRAFT I The Aircraft I603 - Data Warehouse
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCORPUS CHRThe Corpus Ch 603 - Data Warehouse
20 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeABERDEEN TEEncompasses340 t - Collaboration Tools
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy EnterprThe Service D120 - Help Desk Services
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense CollaPart of a por 340 - Collaboration Tools
20 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWMA Corpora Grouping of A340 - Collaboration Tools
20 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWMA Corpora Grouping of A340 - Collaboration Tools
20 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWMA Corpora Grouping of A340 - Collaboration Tools
20 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWMA Corpora Grouping of A340 - Collaboration Tools
20 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWMA Corpora Grouping of A340 - Collaboration Tools
20 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWMA Corpora Grouping of A340 - Collaboration Tools
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise L Enterprise Li 327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCORPORATE CEDMS is a we 345 - Management of Government Records
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOffice of EH OETM provides
EMSS provides 546 - Portfolio
secure globalManagement
satellite comm services(data, phone,radios an
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnhanced Mobi dedicated gateway
674 - Computer/
located NCTAMS
Network Pacific.The
Gateway accesses the DoD
04 02 - Non Maj00 - Investmeelectronic C The electroni145 - Logistics Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeShore Base ANavy Installa322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeShore Manage Navy Installa108 - Customer Services
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePatient Asse PASTOR is a G248 - Health Care Delivery Services
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDynamic MissEnhance the 0660 - Air Transportation
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMobility EnteProvides Plat060 - Air Transportation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePacific Enter The Pacific E 674 - Computer/ Network Integration
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOrganizationOrganizationa329 - Continuity of Operations
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGlobal Airc Enhances airc060 - Air Transportation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommercial SThe goal of 343 - Audio / Video Conferencing
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDTRA ElectroThe DTRA ERM 603 - Data Warehouse
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePharmacy InpThe Pharmacy 248 - Health Care Delivery Services
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePharmacy InpThe PIAS-O pr248 - Health Care Delivery Services
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePharmacy Outp The Pharmacy 248 - Health Care Delivery Services
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePharmacy Out The Pharmacy 248 - Health Care Delivery Services
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePharmacy Out The Pharmacy 248 - Health Care Delivery Services
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDTRA Spend PSMART provide 105 - Budget143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLifecycle Ma LCMP-IDE is a577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePerformanceThe access l 247 - Health Care Administration
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBASE LEVEL HQ AFMC/IT 139 su - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise BuEBAS will pro618 - Employ339 - Information Mapping / Taxonomy / Catego
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMILITARY HOMicrosoft Dyn254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRUST FUNDSThis system o124 - Accounting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNON-APPROPR Microsoft Dyn124 - Accounting
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLETTERKENNLetterkenny A144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCORPUS CHRIProvides the 145 - Logistics Management
20 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAIR AND MISThe Air and M340 - Collaboration Tools
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated MPerform integ280 - Command and Control
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDIGITAL MEDProvides mana 344 - Content Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy EnterprThe Service D120 - Help Desk Services
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAmy EnterpriArmy Enterpri340 - Collaboration Tools
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUnified CapabThe integrati340 - Collaboration Tools
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFM IT Lifecy The purpose 5o38 - Program / Project Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic CoSetup and tr 340 - Collaboration Tools
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSYSTEM FOR forecast of e 104 - Strategic Planning
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAT&L CLASSI Providers is 340 - Collaboration Tools
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAT&L CLASSI provides a to340 - Collaboration Tools
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWEB COMPLIWEBCASS-STEP 025 - Pollution Prevention and Control
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHistorical In Need a standa 129 - Reporting and Information
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAF Operationa Vovici is a w 318 - Business Analytics
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy SpecialSupports the 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMission SuppIncludes man538 - Program / Project Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWorldwide TeWorldwide Te139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCoalition Int Afghan Missio340 - Collaboration Tools
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeREAL-TIME RAPIDS is the254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeContracting ICSS will be 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCONTRIBUTI Personnel Pa254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDTRA ExectutESM is a COTS318 - Business Analytics
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDFAS PORTALThe DFAS Port 661 - Document Management and workflow
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRange Cost EThe Range Cos 101 - Budget Formulation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFederal Mall FEDMALL is an 145 - Logistics Management
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNavy ConsolidThe PSS allow282 - Protection
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAccount Mana AMPS provides 108 - Customer Services
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAFAMS OperaThis is the 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNaval OceanoCommander,538 N - Program / Project Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFCC HQ SuppFleet Cyber 280 - Command and Control
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVIDFOR HQ Navy Informa280 - Command and Control
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNCTAMS/NCTS Naval Comput280 - Command and Control
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSFF HQ Supp General categ101 - Budget Formulation
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMETOC FleetProvides synt023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNaval Satell NAVSOC & NAV 280 - Command and Control
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNWDC HQ The Navy Cont 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeE-PLAN E-Plan is a w 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHealth EnterpHEIS SDD init546 - Portfolio Management
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHealth Enter HEIS MCMO ini 546 - Portfolio Management
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInformation Education Tec017 - Cultural and Historic Preservation
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNDU Library IMaintenance017 s - Cultural and Historic Preservation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAFMC NetworAFMC's "paren 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAFMC NetworAFMC's "paren 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntercontinenICBM IDE prov 340 - Collaboration Tools
05 02 - Non Maj00 - Investme*Enterprise EGIS will col 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeQuality Prog Alexsys Team129 - Reporting and Information
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVSEA HQ Bu IT resources 318 - Business Analytics
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY MEDICThe Workflow603 - Data Warehouse
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLOGISTICS R The Logistics 145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEmergency Re Provides data129 - Reporting and Information
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNavy Marine NMCPHC-EDC2
C 313 - Population Health Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUnit Comman(UC2) softwar280 - Command and Control
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint Intero JBMS is a web129 - Reporting and Information
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSSC PAC 2.0 2.0 Resource318 - Business Analytics
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCONFIGURATSPAWAR System 145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePostsecondarPECS is a web016 - Higher Education
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVoluntary EdVEMIS is a we016 - Higher Education
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint RegionaJRSS is a sec 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense Red Multi Level 280 - Command and Control
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeXOS ThunderXOSTES is use016 - Higher Education
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGlobal Video Enables Missi340 - Collaboration Tools
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDefense SwitProvides worl139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDLA CollaborDLA Collabora340 - Collaboration Tools
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFederal InvesDISA will dev326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTop Secret/STop Secret/Se139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommon Compu CCE provides341 - Web Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSystems EngiSERFNET allow 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeServicewide Servicewide C139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeADVANCED EX The Secure, M 322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeStrategic Ma The Strategic322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEIEMA COM/N AFMC's "pare139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOther ProcurThe applicati129 - Reporting and Information
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBATTLE COMBCS3 is the l 280 - Command and Control
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeForward AreaThe FAAD C2I282 - Protection
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy RecruitThe Army Recr 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSECURITY OFSecurity Offi 603 - Data Warehouse
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArlington NatArlington Nat577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENLISTED PE The dataset p577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated WThe IWMD Tool 282 - Protection
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePersonnel DeA2SF is the A106 - Workforce Planning
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTOOL ROOM Tool Room Man 145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnergy Manag Fort Sill’s E 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCCURE BADGThe CCURE Bad 045 - Criminal Investigation and Surveillance
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy BehavioThe ABHIDE pr 256 - Employee Relations
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCADET COM This module p251 - Staffing and Recruiting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePermanent Ch The Permanent 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint Applic The Joint App108 - Customer Services
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePersonnel DeMOBMAN is us 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePERSONNEL EThe module pr 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPECIAL LIAI The Special L255 - Employee Performance Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTeam C4ISR AThe Team C4I143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeStock Order A web-based143 S - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInventory an IDMS is a web145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMove RequesMove Request 144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCONFIGURATConfiguration145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFUNDS The eFUNDS 124ac - Accounting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJOINT SERVI The JSS porta577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeELECTRONIC Business Info129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCONSOLIDATThe Consolid255 - Employee Performance Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDLA DISTRIB The DLA Distr143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeApplication The Applicati577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY NET CEThe lab is ge 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDepartment oDAMPS is an 2a80 - Command and Control
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDETAINEE I The system is279 - Battlespace Networks
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENTRY CONTRThe Entry Con282 - Protection
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeH-60 Platfor The H-60 PMAS 129 - Reporting and Information
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIMCOM GARRThe Fort Brag139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLOGISTIC DOThe Federated 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLong Range AThe system pr281 - Force Application
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMASTERMIND The Mastermin 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMulti-lingua MARS is a mu301 - Force Allocation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePerformanceThe applicati344 - Content Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSIGNAL MONIThe Signal Mo279 - Battlespace Networks
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUMATILLA CHThe Field Off 603 - Data Warehouse
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAVIATION LOALE-P will pr 145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUTILITY MANThe Utility M603 - Data Warehouse
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBLITZ Allows for ac143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENGINEERIN System of rec145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJOINT ON-DEJOIN provides340 - Collaboration Tools
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBIOMETRICS Biometrics Id282 - Protection
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOverseas ConThe Overseas301 - Force Allocation
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy ReadinThe Army Rea340 - Collaboration Tools
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic D Electronic De143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINSTALLATI The system is023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINSTALLATIOServes as the119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTraining Sup The system in284 - Force Training
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSAG VicenzaThe combinati 045 - Criminal Investigation and Surveillance
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDel Din Fire The Caserma045 D - Criminal Investigation and Surveillance
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDel Din Intru System compri 045 - Criminal Investigation and Surveillance
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSAG-W DPWComprised
U of020 - Energy Conservation
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise MA SIPRNet bas322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePersonnel AsProvides for 020 - Energy Conservation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRCW Mobile Red-Cockaded 603 - Data Warehouse
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSAG-RP FireThis system w045 - Criminal Investigation and Surveillance
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMEDICAL RE MEDRUPMIS 247 is - Health Care Administration
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOptical Fabr Optical Fabri 247 - Health Care Administration
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEqual OpportSecure web-ba 256 - Employee Relations
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNATIONAL SCProvides supp015 - Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCENTRAL DA The CDB suppo 129 - Reporting and Information
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEFENSE BL DBSS is a Foo248 - Health Care Delivery Services
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBase InformatBII sustains 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVSEA HeadNHS provides105 - Budget Execution
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLIVING DISA LDRPS is a CO008 - Disaster Preparedness and Planning
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAILOR/MARISystem for pr255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAVY COLLE An automated 618 - Employee Development and Training
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMMAND IN A mission cri 106 - Workforce Planning
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeF-22 IntegratWeb-based dec 538 - Program / Project Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommercial OfCommercial Of 675 - Voice Communications
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAvailability Tracks nuc an145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMILITARY IN Track on-time254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWELD ROD ISThis applicat 145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCampus/LocalN&CIO capture 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint MessagFunds provid139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSTANDARD FISRD I is a mu101 - Budget Formulation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDigital Mail DMM is an end 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeADP EquipmeSupport life 674 - Computer/ Network Integration
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy LogisticArmy Logistic145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY ITEM UArmy Item Uni 144 - Inventory Control
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePhantom ExpThe Fort Hood 603 - Data Warehouse
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWIR Process WOLPH is an 144 - Inventory Control
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWHS Senior ExA family of s 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWHS JOB ANA web-based251 f - Staffing and Recruiting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWHS BENEFITA family of s 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeReplacementThe Replacem251 - Staffing and Recruiting
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTechnical D The TDKM syst 145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUNITED SERVUSMAP is a pr618 - Employee Development and Training
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOBSOLESCENThe Obsolesce 145 - Logistics Management
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeContinuous The OSD Conti 318 - Business Analytics
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint Strike Web applicati143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBusiness EnteAs a key comp 129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNavy Knowled Navy Knowled 064 - Training and Employment
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTechnology I The DCMA iLab 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy ProcessAn APC is an 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNMCI ACCOUHandles essen 105 - Budget Execution
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFinancial Au Supports trac259 - Budget and Performance Integration
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEglin Test & Used to track145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDLA Fusion CThe DLA Fusio145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFORENSIC T FTDTL-IMS pro 255 - Employee Performance Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARINE INT MIMMS is the145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSMC SUPPOR Provides reta145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCE Fire Dept Provides Wor340 - Collaboration Tools
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFlying Hours Flying Hours 301 - Force Allocation
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCSP WEB CSP WEB is th279 - Battlespace Networks
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeContingency Provides acqu143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGREEN PAGEGreen Pages 2c 51 - Staffing and Recruiting
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeJoint Space JMS Inc deliv280 - Command and Control
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy Data CeThe Army Data 603 - Data Warehouse
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOperational This system a145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEQUAL EMPLEEOSAT serve256 - Employee Relations
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic AcProof of conc143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNorth Atlant The NATO/SOFA254 - Employ124 - Accounting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRECEPTION The Reception 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy Single FArmy Single F143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCorporate MThe Corporat143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEMILITARIZDemilitarizat326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAcquiline AcquiLine Pu143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWEBPUFF Webpuff is a 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAviation and AMCATS provid145 - Logistics Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAmmunition TI he database281 - Force Application
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeForecast AnaThis applicat 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCECOM ProduThis system 145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeObjective SupThe Objective145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWorldwide AWorldwide Am 145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInformation The G6-ITMP124 - Accounting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFINANCIAL R The tool is 124 - Accounting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLabor Transf The automated124 - Accounting
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWatervliet A The Automated143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEquipment CEquipment Com 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAge of Ammun Age of Ammuni144 - Inventory Control
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIMCOM GARRThe Firehous119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCAPABILITIE The Capabili 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy PROCURE Procure-to-Pa129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAwards Data The Awards Da 255 - Employee Performance Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDATA PRODUC The Data Prod280 - Command and Control
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIOMS Progra PIMS is a we 129 - Reporting and Information
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEMSOLUTIONThe Tracker i023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCADS and PADSThe system co145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENTERPRISE Enterprise Po145 - Logistics Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFacility and COTS that pro119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCNREURAFSWA The NAVAL ST592 - Data Mining
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBATTLE LAB Battle Lab Co576 - Knowledge Capture
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAIR SOLDIER Air Soldier P 281 - Force Application
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY MATERI The Army Mate577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANNISTON CH The Anniston139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy Range The Army Rang 284 - Force Training
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAUTOMATEDThe Automated 282 - Protection
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAUTOMATEDAutomated Sur 284 - Force Training
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommand, Con Communicatio 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCHEMICAL STThe Chemical139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCombined Arm COMBATXXI is 281 - Force Application
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeELECTRONIC The Electroni281 - Force Application
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENVIROMANEnviroManager 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFirefinder ArtFirefinder ra 281 - Force Application
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGAMES FOR The Games for 284 - Force Training
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLOCAL NATI The Local Nat282 - Protection
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMOBILE INTEMobile Integr023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOffice of Co The Office o 344 - Content Management
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOne Semi-AuOne Semi-Auto 284 - Force Training
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePERSONNEL The Personnel 344 - Content Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSecure Comma The Secure Co 344 - Content Management
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPACE AND MThe network 026 c - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUMATILLA CHThe network 139 p - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVOVICI ENT Enterprise Fe103 - Enterprise Architecture
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeYUMA PROVIN The Yuma Prov 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated DADCS is a use531 - Case Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCANCELING Canceling Fun340 - Collaboration Tools
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeELECTRONIC DCMAs Electr124 - Accounting
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeELECTRONIC Electronic D 340 - Collaboration Tools
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFACILITY MA Supports faci340 - Collaboration Tools
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePERFORMANC Allows DCMA340 - Collaboration Tools
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeConsolidatedConsolidated340 - Collaboration Tools
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMOCAS AppliApplication f 340 - Collaboration Tools
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeContract Pro Supports Pro340 - Collaboration Tools
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeForm 1 Provides trac340 - Collaboration Tools
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeG-3/5/7 PER Used to recon251 - Staffing and Recruiting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY ACCESSThe AA-IAA en 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWORK COORD The Work Coor 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWORK COORD The Work Coor 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint Electro JEHRI is the 247 - Health Care Administration
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSTRATEGIC CStrategic Com139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAFCEE PublicAFCEE Public119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCSAF ConfereThis system g256 - Employee Relations
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDISA WorldwiDWFN is a sin124 - Accounting
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUNIVERSAL PThe Universal605 - Data Cleansing
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARMY CHILD The ICYSmiles340 - Collaboration Tools
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSystem AssetSABAR is the 144 - Inventory Control
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCollaborativeFacilitate ac 340 - Collabo343 - Audio / Video Conferencing
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEconomic AdjEADS is used 002 - Community and Regional Development
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAFGSC GeoBas GeoBase suppo 108 - Customer Services
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSECURITY M Resources ass047 - Crime Prevention
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMilitary Hea Web-based le618 - Employ249 - Health Care Research and Practitioner Edu
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise A Enterprise ca325 - Information Discovery
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMILITARY E The Military 344 - Content Management
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGEOSPATIAL GIIE-P is an 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSystem Test IWill provide 060 - Air Transportation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeASSET TRACKATLASS IS A 145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAssessment SAutomated sys 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTEGRATED IMPS executes 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEPOT MAINProvides comp 308 - Environmental Waste Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMYINVOICE MyInvoice is 105 - Budget Execution
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy Risk M Primary softw129 - Reporting and Information
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINSTALLATIOInstallation 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMateriel Ass The Materiel 145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRUCKER DESKOperates the129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOMMANDER' CVARD was dev 145 - Logistics Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMSCOE Commer A commercial139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFIRST LINE FLSR is used 255 - Employee Performance Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRAINING C This Training 255 - Employee Performance Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCONTRACT CAllows DCMA143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLogistics Rea Site that gat 576 - Knowledge Capture
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVFA Facility VFA Facility 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeImproved FielImproved Fiel603 - Data Warehouse
07 02 - Non Maj00 - Investme309 SMXG InfThe 309 ITS i 344 - Content Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommunicatio Provides usef129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTOTAL ARMYThe purpose 6o03 - Data Warehouse
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWarfighting LTools supporti 279 - Battlespace Networks
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAMEDD ESD Provides 24/7120 - Help Desk Services
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeResident Ind Automates the 284 - Force Training
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINTEGRATINGEquipment (iP145 - Logistics Management
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProduct TailoPTWA will de023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInformation Information 280 - Command and Control
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMarine CorpsTHREE TIERE 255 - Employee Performance Management
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir National This Initiati 323 - Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAir National This Initiati 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDA EnterpriseComprised of139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJoint-Cost & J-CAPS provid129 - Reporting and Information
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEPLOYABLEDeployable Jo280 - Command and Control
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated MiThe Integrate302 - Nuclear Weapons Stockpile Oversight
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSMC UNIT The Combat Op 280 - Command and Control
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeHHS Email asThe HHS Email 659 - Email
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFDA - CybersThe Cybersecu 315 - Threat 654 - Incide 656 - Certifi
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFDA CTP ReguInvestment s353 - Inform 576 - Knowledge Capture
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFDA CTP ReguThis investme353 - Inform 576 - Knowle592 - Data M
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFDA - EnterprThis investme103 - Enterprise Architecture
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFDA - BusinesProvides appl576 - Knowle129 - Report 314 - Assisti
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - CHCDP, 009-0003 601 - Data Exchange
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS IntegratCMS must mini 247 - Health Care Administration
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS Coordina The TrOOP sys247 - Health Care Administration
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS HealthcaThis investme077 - Inspection and Auditing
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS ChronicThe Chronic C247 - Health Care Administration
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS HospitalHQR uses a va247 - Health Care Administration
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS PhysiciaPQRS gives in247 - Health Care Administration
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeHHS Trusted The HHS TIC p139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeHHS InformatThe HHS Infor315 - Threat 104 - Strateg316 - Contin
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeHHS CybersecThe HHS Infor316 - Continuous Monitoring
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFederal HealtFHA leverages517 - Extern 121 - Security Management
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeHHS Unified UFMS is a sh 124 - Accoun103 - Enterpr129 - Reporting and Information
00 01 - Major 00 - - The Grants.go353 - Inform 013 - Financi 601 - Data Exchange
02 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov Gov BenPartner agenc362 - Federal Financial Assistance
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov IntegraPartner agenc143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
05 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov E-RulePartner agenc113 - Public Comment Tracking
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-gov LoB Fi Partner agenc124 - Accounting
05 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-gov LoB HuPartner agen254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
05 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-gov LoB GeoPartner agenc590 - Mapping / Geospatial
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASA HHS APMIS provides 144 - Inventory Control
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeContinued ImContinued Imp 337 - Creden121 - Securi 340 - Collabo
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov LoB BuPartner agenc101 - Budget Formulation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHHS InformatEstablishes p546 - Portfolio Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHHS EnterpriThe EA Progra538 - Progra 103 - Enterpr104 - Strategic Planning
02 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov Disast Partner agenc009 - Disaster Repair and Restore
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHHS NetworxCompetitivel139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHHS Payroll AThis Investme624 - Payroll
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHHS IntegratThis Investme251 - Staffing and Recruiting
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA OC UnifieThe FDA OC Un 576 - Knowle310 - Food an319 - Regula
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFDA ORA Regu RBIS provides353 - Inform 601 - Data E 310 - Food an
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFDA ORA SystThe MARCS pro 313 - Popula 547 - Perfo 648 - Identif
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFDA ORA AutALM encompas 313 - Popula 530 - Process576 - Knowle
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA OC BuildFDA Building 121 - Securi 576 - Knowle282 - Protect
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFDA - IT GoveThis investme104 - Strateg354 - IT Stra 538 - Progra
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFDA OC User Supports FDA’ 129 - Report 105 - Budget328 - Collect
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA OC Facil FMS is an int119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA OC EmerEmergency Ope 010 - Emerge310 - Food an590 - Mappin
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA OC ElectThe objective353 - Inform 576 - Knowle601 - Data Exchange
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA OC AgenThe AIMS init353 - Inform 115 - Rule Pu255 - Emplo
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA OC Admin FDA's source 353 - Inform 108 - Custom310 - Food an
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA NCTR ReThis investme313 - Popula 538 - Program / Project Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA NCTR ResAutomate and 313 - Popula 576 - Knowle592 - Data Mining
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA CVM InteISVM is a mix313 - Popula 310 - Food an358 - Health
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA CFSAN Sci CFSAN Scienti353 - Inform 661 - Document Management and workflow
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA CFSAN Fo FARM is a com313 - Popula 530 - Process538 - Progra
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA CFSAN Su CFSAN Suppor 353 - Inform 310 - Food an530 - Process
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA CFSAN Ce CCME provides353 - Inform 321 - Regulat310 - Food an
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA CFSAN Ad CAERS is a po313 - Popula 592 - Data M530 - Process
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA CDRH Ma The CDRH MPRI313 - Popula 077 - Inspect530 - Process
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA CDRH Med The CDRH MedS313 - Population Health Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA CDRH EleThe CDRH CeSu 353 - Inform 601 - Data E 358 - Health
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFDA CDER Dru Automated Dru313 - Popula 310 - Food an517 - Extern
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA OC AdvisThe FDA Advi353 - Inform 661 - Document Management and workflow
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA OC Safety SRP is a new 313 - Popula 576 - Knowledge Capture
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA CDRH Sub The CDRH CSTA313 - Popula 530 - Process129 - Report
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA NCTR ColCreation and 313 - Population Health Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA CDRH InThe CDRH CIMS 353 - Inform 530 - Process576 - Knowle
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA CDER BuThe CDER Busi 530 - Process016 - Higher 105 - Budget
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA CDRH Adm The CDRH CASS358 - Health 576 - Knowle613 - Time R
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA CBER RegEnsures the s358 - Health 655 - Audit T648 - Identif
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA CBER ProTracks post-m313 - Popula 077 - Inspect310 - Food an
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA CBER Adm Provides CBER317 - Data I 618 - Employ648 - Identif
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA CDER DrThis investme319 - Regula 310 - Food an530 - Process
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFDA CDER In This investme310 - Food an129 - Report 249 - Health
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA - Email Electronic m 659 - Email 315 - Threat 576 - Knowledge Capture
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFDA - Collab Contains oper340 - Collabo322 - Public 341 - Web Inf
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFDA - CustomIncludes IT c 120 - Help De680 - Issue Tracking
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFDA - DesktoThis investme139 - Provide315 - Threat 674 - Computer/ Network Integrati
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFDA - IT Inf Involves plan139 - Provide341 - Web Inf603 - Data W
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFDA - Netwo Audio/video/d 343 - Audio /139 - Provide601 - Data E
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFDA - EnterprIncludes all 327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA CDRH HiThis investme139 - Provide366 - Biomedical Research
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA - IT LibraThis investme340 - Collaboration Tools
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA - IT InnoA suite of se 354 - IT Strategy and Innovation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA CDER Reg This investm 319 - Regula 538 - Progra 661 - Document Management and
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFDA CDER Reg The RRP align358 - Health 310 - Food an530 - Process Tracking
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA - InternaProvide IT te 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA - RecordThis investm 345 - Management of Government Records
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA - RegulaThe Data Exc601 - Data Exchange
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA - Scienti Provides secu026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA - DocumProvides app661 - Docum338 - Enterprise Search
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA - OIMT AProvide gener538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA - TraininThis service 284 - Force Training
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA CTP OrgaFacilitates C 538 - Progra 576 - Knowledge Capture
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA CDER Pha Pharmaceutica310 - Food an249 - Health Care Research and Practitioner Edu
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA CDER In The Integrate530 - Process601 - Data Exchange
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA CDER Dru The Drug Safe310 - Food an385 - Access 655 - Audit T
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA CDER Mar Provides busi378 - Intelli 603 - Data W577 - Knowledge Distribution and D
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeHRSA - OIT E The EHBs sup247 - Health 538 - Program / Project Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHRSA - OIT C Includes inve247 - Health 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHRSA - HSB NMaintaining t217 - Access 576 - Knowledge Capture
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeHRSA - BHW NPDB protects 247 - Health 576 - Knowle577 - Knowledge Distribution and D
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHRSA - HSB ScThe SRTR prov 217 - Access 318 - Business Analytics
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHRSA - OIT F This program247 - Health Care Administration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHRSA - HAB CAREWare is 248 a - Health 576 - Knowledge Capture
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHRSA - HSB Of Multi-functio217 - Access 538 - Program / Project Management
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeHRSA - BHW M BMISS is a c 247 - Health 538 - Program / Project Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHRSA - OIT DHRSA’s Data W 247 - Health 603 - Data Warehouse
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHRSA - OIT P This investme247 - Health 546 - Portfolio Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHRSA - OO InIRMS is a rem247 - Health 129 - Reporting and Information
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHRSA - OIT CoThis investme247 - Health 340 - Collaboration Tools
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHRSA - BPHC This investme247 - Health Care Administration
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHRSA - OC HRThis investme217 - Access 344 - Content Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHRSA - HSB DThis investm 217 - Access 576 - Knowledge Capture
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHRSA - OIT I This system i247 - Health 533 - Correspondence Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHRSA - OIT DThis investme247 - Health 326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHRSA - TelehHRSA’s Telehe 217 - Access 538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHRSA - BHW H The National 247 - Health 576 - Knowledge Capture
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHRSA - HSB I The Injury C 247 - Health 531 - Case Management
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeHRSA - BPHC The BHCMIS i247 - Health 538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHRSA - OO/OI4CAST is a de247 - Health 530 - Process Tracking
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHRSA - BPHC BPHC CART is247 - Health 530 - Process Tracking
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHRSA - OIT EnThe investmen 247 - Health 339 - Information Mapping / Taxonomy / Catego
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHRSA - BHW The BHW Hand 247 - Health 538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHRSA - MCHBThe MPMH sup 247 - Health 538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHRSA - HAB The HAB Perf247 - Health 538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHRSA - ORHPThe OPMH sup 247 - Health 538 - Program / Project Management
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIHS - Nation This is IHS’s 247 - Health 576 - Knowle577 - Knowled
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIHS ResourceThe Resource248 - Health 576 - Knowledge Capture
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIHS EnterprisThe IHS EA Pr103 - Enterprise Architecture
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIHS Capital P The IHS Capit546 - Portfolio Management
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIHS Infrastru The IHS Infra139 - Provide120 - Help De263 - System
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIHS IT Securi The Indian He121 - Security Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC PH Commu Supports CDC' 618 - Employee Development and Training
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC PH Comm This Investme313 - Population Health Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC OID NatiThis IT Inves 313 - Popula 353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC ElectronThis investme313 - Popula 675 - Voice Communications
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC OID Natio This investme313 - Popula 592 - Data Mining
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC OccupatiCDC Occupatio 313 - Popula 066 - Worker538 - Progra
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC OID Natio CDC Immunizat 313 - Population Health Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC IT Syste Systems desi538 - Progra 313 - Population Health Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC NCIPC ExNEXT tracks p362 - Federal530 - Process547 - Performance Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC PH Monito This investme313 - Population Health Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC PH Monito This IT Inves 313 - Population Health Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Human Re This rollup 106 - Workfo618 - Employ644 - Workfor
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC OID NatiWeb-based col 362 - Federal538 - Progra 530 - Process
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Integrat IFMS creates119 - Facili 104 - Strateg313 - Population Health Manageme
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC NationalThis investme313 - Popula 518 - Custom576 - Knowle
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC NationalThis investme313 - Popula 576 - Knowledge Capture
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC NationalThis congress313 - Popula 517 - Extern 577 - Knowled
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCDC PHIN: BiBiosense aims313 - Popula 592 - Data Mining
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC NationalThe NEPHTN 313 pu - Popula 577 - Knowled 592 - Data M
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCDC PHIN: Nat NEDSS, a majo 313 - Popula 533 - Corre 576 - Knowle
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC PHIN: NatThese are the313 - Population Health Management
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCDC OID NatiAn internet-b313 - Popula 576 - Knowle604 - Meta Data Management
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCDC NationalThe National 313 - Population Health Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC OID VaccVAERS serves313 - Population Health Management
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCDC OID Natio The Vaccine T313 - Popula 144 - Invento104 - Strateg
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Document The DOCS sys340 - Collabo313 - Popula 530 - Process
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC WONDEWide-ranging313 - Population Health Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC EpidemicEpi-X provide313 - Popula 675 - Voice Communications
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC PH MonitThis investme313 - Popula 023 - Enviro 531 - Case
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC NationalThis investm 313 - Population Health Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC EmergenEOC Informati313 - Population Health Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Public HThe Public He008 - Disaste530 - Process Tracking
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Counterm CTS is an inv 010 - Emerge313 - Popula 530 - Process
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC OID InfeStarLIMS is a 313 - Popula 026 - Scienti 601 - Data E
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC OID NatiThe system p313 - Popula 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC OID DHAP eHARS will im313 - Population Health Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC INFO (foThis investme108 - Custom313 - Popula 531 - Case Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC EnterprisEnterprise Se315 - Threat 313 - Popula 656 - Certifi
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC OD Admin This IT Inves 538 - Progra 644 - Workfor678 - System Resource Usage
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC PHIN: BiThis is the e 313 - Population Health Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC SpecimeRoll-up inves313 - Population Health Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Capital PCosts associa546 - Portfolio Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC PERFORMS This system i362 - Federal538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Integrat IRIS is part 547 - Perfo 124 - Accoun251 - Staffin
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC PHIN: LRProvides LRN313 - Popula 601 - Data Exchange
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Stockpil DSNS mission144 - Invento104 - Strateg313 - Population Health Manageme
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Epi Info Epi Info soft 313 - Population Health Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Intrusio The IDAS fun121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC MISO IdeThis is CDC’s 121 - Securi 648 - Identif 618 - Employee Development and T
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Global HThis Rollup i 538 - Progra 313 - Popula 116 - Debt Co
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC InformatThis is a roll 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC OID NatiThis investme313 - Population Health Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC PHIN DirPHIN Director313 - Popula 644 - Workforce Directory / Locator
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC PHIN Mes Provides a se313 - Popula 601 - Data Exchange
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC NCBDDDThis is an ex 362 - Federal313 - Popula 576 - Knowledge Capture
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCDC InformatThis investme313 - Popula 139 - Provide104 - Strateg
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC PHIN VocWeb-based ent 339 - Inform 604 - Meta Data Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC ElectronEMR Alerting010 - Emergency Response
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Public WCDC Web Opera 344 - Conte 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC MASO SyThis Investme538 - Progra 313 - Popula 354 - IT Strategy and Innovation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Office o IT Systems s 538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC MISO EntEnterprise bu318 - Busines313 - Population Health Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC OID NCHH The Tuberculo313 - Population Health Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC StockpileSIMAN DSNS 313
wi - Population Health Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC NCHS Nat This investme313 - Popula 576 - Knowledge Capture
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC NationalThe CDC Natio 313 - Population Health Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC NationalThe CDC Natio 313 - Popula 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC OID MR M I R Interview313 - Population Health Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC DSNS Sup The systems p313 - Population Health Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Fellows FMS provides618 - Employee Development and Training
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC OID NCHHSThe applicati313 - Population Health Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC OID NCHH TB Epidemiol313 - Population Health Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC OID NCHH The National 313 - Population Health Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Health I This investme313 - Population Health Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Public HeThis investme538 - Progra 313 - Popula 618 - Employee Development and T
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC OFR BusiThis Investme129 - Report 313 - Popula 603 - Data Warehouse
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Secure ASecure Access121 - Securi 648 - Identification and Authentication
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Web ConCDC Web Cont 313 - Population Health Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC OID NCHEvaluationWeb 313 - Popula 576 - Knowledge Capture
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC BehaviorBRFSS is a st 313 - Population Health Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC ApplicatCombined imp 538 - Program / Project Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC ATSDR GR The CDC GRASP026 - Scienti 590 - Mapping / Geospatial
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC World TrWorld Trade 066 - Worker547 - Performance Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC OID NatioComprehensive313 - Popula 546 - Portfolio Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC MISO IT This investme120 - Help De313 - Popula 649 - Access Control
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Content Tools and we344 - Content Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Science SThe Science S538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Data ManaSystems desig313 - Population Health Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC OFR BusiSupporting al313 - Population Health Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Contrac Systems supp313 - Population Health Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Informa These are sys313 - Popula 546 - Portfolio Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Division Compilation o313 - Popula 340 - Collaboration Tools
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Natl Ctr Budget tracki313 - Popula 538 - Progra 249 - Health Care Research and Pra
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Natl Ctr This investme313 - Popula 538 - Progra 026 - Scienti
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Natl Ctr This investme313 - Popula 538 - Program / Project Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Natl Ctr Budget tracki313 - Popula 538 - Progra 106 - Workforce Planning
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Natl Ctr Budget tracki313 - Popula 538 - Progra 310 - Food and Drug Quality and Sa
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Natl Ctr Budget tracki313 - Popula 538 - Program / Project Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC OID NatioNABIP will pr313 - Population Health Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC NAERP- The Investmen 313 - Population Health Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC NAERP- The NCEH inve 313 - Population Health Management
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNIH NCI CancCTEP provides366 - Biomedical Research
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNIH CC ClinicCRIS is a cor 248 - Health 366 - Biomedical Research
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNIH ES BusineNBIS is an en603 - Data Warehouse
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNIH ES ElectreRA is an ele 362 - Federal249 - Health Care Research and Practitioner Edu
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNIH ES NIH BThe NBS repla124 - Accounting
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH CC Sci MiInvestments i248 - Health 366 - Biomedical Research
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NICHD ScInvestments i362 - Federal366 - Biomedical Research
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NCI Sci MInvestments i366 - Biomed576 - Knowledge Capture
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIMH SciInvestments i362 - Federal366 - Biomedical Research
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NCI AdmiInvestments i538 - Program / Project Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIGMS ScInvestments i366 - Biomedical Research
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIDA SciInvestments i366 - Biomedical Research
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIGMS ScInvestments i362 - Federal366 - Biomedical Research
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIDDK ScInvestments in366 - Biomed576 - Knowledge Capture
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIEHS SciInvestments in
366 - Biomed576 - Knowledge Capture
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIGMS ScInvestments i577 - Knowled 366 - Biomedical Research
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NICHD AdInvestments i538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIEHS AdInvestments i538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIGMS Ad Investments i538 - Program / Project Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NCI Sci MInvestments in
366 - Biomed576 - Knowledge Capture
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH FIC AdmiInvestments i538 - Program / Project Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIEHS SciInvestments i366 - Biomed576 - Knowledge Capture
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIMH Adm Investments i538 - Program / Project Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH ES Sci MiInvestments i366 - Biomed576 - Knowledge Capture
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH CSR AdmiInvestments i538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NCATS ScInvestments i577 - Knowled 366 - Biomedical Research
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NCCIH ScInvestments i362 - Federal366 - Biomedical Research
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NCCIH ScInvestments i577 - Knowled 366 - Biomedical Research
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH ES AdminInvestments i538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH ES Sci MiInvestments i366 - Biomedical Research
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NCI Sci Investments i577 - Knowled 366 - Biomedical Research
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NEI Sci MInvestments i366 - Biomed576 - Knowledge Capture
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NHGRI ScInvestments in366 - Biomed576 - Knowledge Capture
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NHLBI SciInvestments i366 - Biomed576 - Knowledge Capture
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NHLBI ScInvestments i362 - Federal366 - Biomedical Research
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NHLBI ScInvestments i366 - Biomedical Research
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIA Sci MInvestments i366 - Biomedical Research
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIAAA SciInvestments i366 - Biomed576 - Knowledge Capture
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIAID SciInvestments i366 - Biomed576 - Knowledge Capture
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIAID SciInvestments in
366 - Biomed576 - Knowledge Capture
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIAID ScInvestments i366 - Biomedical Research
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIAID AdInvestments i538 - Program / Project Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIAMS ScInvestments in366 - Biomed576 - Knowledge Capture
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIAMS ScInvestments i362 - Federal366 - Biomedical Research
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIAMS ScInvestments i366 - Biomedical Research
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIAMS Ad Investments i538 - Program / Project Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NICHD ScInvestments in366 - Biomed576 - Knowledge Capture
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIMH SciInvestments i366 - Biomedical Research
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NINDS ScInvestments in366 - Biomed576 - Knowledge Capture
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NINDS ScInvestments i362 - Federal366 - Biomedical Research
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NINDS AdInvestments i538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NINR Adm Investments i538 - Program / Project Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NLM Sci MInvestments i366 - Biomed576 - Knowledge Capture
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NLM Sci Investments i577 - Knowled 366 - Biomedical Research
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH OD Sci MiInvestments i366 - Biomed576 - Knowledge Capture
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH OD Admin Investments i538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH CC AdminInvestments i538 - Progra 248 - Health Care Delivery Services
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH CIT Sci Investments i362 - Federal366 - Biomedical Research
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH CSR Sci Investments i362 - Federal366 - Biomedical Research
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH ES Sci M Investments i362 - Federal366 - Biomedical Research
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NCCIH AdInvestments i538 - Progra 366 - Biomedical Research
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NCI Sci Investments i362 - Federal366 - Biomedical Research
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NEI AdmiInvestments i538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NHLBI AdInvestments i538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIA AdmiInvestments i538 - Program / Project Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIA Sci Investments i362 - Federal366 - Biomedical Research
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIAAA AdInvestments i538 - Program / Project Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIAID ScInvestments i362 - Federal366 - Biomedical Research
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIBIB AdInvestments i538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIBIB Sc Investments i577 - Knowled366 - Biomedical Research
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIDA Adm Investments i538 - Program / Project Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIDA SciInvestments i362 - Federal366 - Biomedical Research
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIDCD AdInvestments i538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIDCR AdInvestments i538 - Program / Project Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIDDK ScInvestments i362 - Federal366 - Biomedical Research
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIEHS ScInvestments i362 - Federal366 - Biomedical Research
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIMHD Ad Investments i538 - Program / Project Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH OD Sci MInvestments i362 - Federal366 - Biomedical Research
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH OD/ORS-O Investments i538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NHGRI Ad Investments i538 - Program / Project Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH IT ComputProvides shar139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH IT End UsSupport of en139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH IT NetwoThis investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIDDK AdInvestments i538 - Program / Project Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIMH SciInvestments i366 - Biomed576 - Knowledge Capture
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - CSA The National 247 - Health Care Administration
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - OMT Contract Rev145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - OMT Non-Financial538 - Program / Project Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - CHB SEDSS,009-00026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - CHB CHSIS, 009-00313 - Population Health Management
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - CHB NSDUH, 009-00313 - Popula 604 - Meta 547 - Perfo
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - CSATScreening, Br313 - Population Health Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - CHB NREPP, 009-00313 - Population Health Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - CSA
DATA Waiver313 - Popula 070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - CSA
Knowledge Ap 313 - Popula 070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - OMSecurity Pro 313 - Popula 248 - Health Care Delivery Services

Services not
covered by
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - OMTthe ITSC. 108 - Customer Services
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - CSAFASD,009-000247 - Health 070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - CSANational and 313 - Population Health Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - CSAOpioid Treatm 145 - Logistics Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - CSAThe WebBGAS 604
S - Meta 248 - Health Care Delivery Services
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - CSAT
Program Evalu 313 - Population Health Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - OCOC Materials577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - OCPEP, 009-0003 353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - CHBSAMHDA, 009-0 604 - Meta Data Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - CSAUnderage Dri577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - CSATechnical Sup263 - System and Network Monitoring
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - CSHHRN,009-0003 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - CMCMHI Impleme 538 - Program / Project Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - CMHTribal Traini 313 - Population Health Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAHRQ ConsumeConsumer Asse 249 - Health 139 - Provide070 - General
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAHRQ EnterprEA provides d249 - Health 577 - Knowled 070 - General
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAHRQ Healthca
HCUP is a fam249 - Health 577 - Knowled 070 - General Purpose Data and Sta
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAHRQ IT OperThis investm 315 - Threat 326 - IT Sys 329 - Continu
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAHRQ NationaNGC is a data313 - Popula 577 - Knowled 070 - General
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAHRQ Web MorThe AHRQ Web 313 - Popula 577 - Knowled070 - General
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeAHRQ Medical MEPS is the m 249 - Health 576 - Knowle577 - Knowledge Distribution and D
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAHRQ NationaThis project 313 - Popula 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAHRQ ApplicaThis investme326 - IT Sys 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAHRQ Electron
This investme577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAHRQ ProgramThis investme538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAHRQ Planning
This investme538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAHRQ BusinesThis investme538 - Progra 577 - Knowled 249 - Health
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAHRQ ExtramuThis investme326 - IT Sys 538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAHRQ PlanninThis investme538 - Progra 353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS InvestmThese activit 546 - Portfo 247 - Health Care Administration
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS MedicaiTransfer of f 247 - Health Care Administration
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS InformatThis investme247 - Health 592 - Data M601 - Data E
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS MedicaiThis project 247 - Health 129 - Report 530 - Process
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS Health CQIES is a nat 247 - Health 603 - Data Warehouse
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS HealthcaHIGLAS transf124 - Accoun247 - Health Care Administration
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS BeneficiaThe Medicare108 - Custom247 - Health 530 - Process
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS MedicarIncludes the 247 - Health Care Administration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS MedicareThis investme247 - Health 531 - Case Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS EnterpriThis investme103 - Enterprise Architecture
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS Common CWF ensures247
t - Health Care Administration
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS DurableThe Medicare247 - Health Care Administration
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS Part A CThe Medicare247 - Health Care Administration
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS Part B CThe Medicare247 - Health Care Administration
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS ContracThe CMIS prov 143 - Goods a247 - Health 538 - Program / Project Manageme
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS Plan EnrThe Health Pl247 - Health Care Administration
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS Drug ClaDrug Claims (247 - Health Care Administration
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS BeneficiMARx supports 247calculating
- Health Care
­l payments for plans, maintaini
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS Drug BeThis investme247 - Health 530 - Process Tracking
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS Medicare Investment re247 - Health 530 - Process601 - Data E
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS InteroperThis investme247 - Health Care Administration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS Interoper
This system w247 - Health Care Administration
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS ICD-10 InThis investme247 - Health Care Administration
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS InteroperThis investme247 - Health Care Administration
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS Medicare One PI captur247 - Health 538 - Program / Project Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS ContractThis investme217 - Access 247 - Health 538 - Program / Project Manageme
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS FFS Bid Implements t247 - Health Care Administration
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS HSPD-12To implement337 - Credential Issuance and Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS ASET/HIThis on-line 247 - Health 518 - Customer Feedback
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS DocumeThis project 345 - Manag 247 - Health 533 - Correspondence Managemen
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS MedicaidSection 6034247 - Health 603 - Data Warehouse
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS IT InfrasCMS IT Infras139 - Provide680 - Issue T 105 - Budget
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS ApplicatFunds tools 326 - IT Sys 247 - Health 601 - Data Exchange
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS ConferenThe Conferenc108 - Custom119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Manageme
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS DisasterThis project 008 - Disaste119 - Facili 247 - Health Care Administration
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS OperatioThis investme314 - Assisti 247 - Health 255 - Emplo
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS ProcureThis project 143 - Goods a247 - Health 603 - Data Warehouse
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS SystemsThis investme656 - Certifi 247 - Health Care Administration
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS EncountThe primary o247 - Health Care Administration
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS HITECH H ( ITECH promot
247 - Health Care Administration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS AutomateWeb-based too247 - Health Care Administration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS NationalCollects and 247 - Health Care Administration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS Local CoDatabase used247 - Health Care Administration
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS CCIIO EnThe CMS CCIIO656 - Certifi 247 - Health 248 - Health Care Delivery Services
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS Multidim The CCIIO Dat603 - Data W247 - Health Care Administration
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS FederallThe CMS CCIIO 217 - Access 247 - Health 263 - System
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS CCIIO HeThe CMS CCIIO 319 - Regula 247 - Health 577 - Knowledge Distribution and D
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS Fraud PrThis program077 - Inspect247 - Health Care Administration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS Correct TChe Correct C247 - Health Care Administration
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS Risk AdjThis project 247 - Health Care Administration
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS Shared SThis investme247 - Health Care Administration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS ProviderProgram Integ 077 - Inspect247 - Health 530 - Process
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS ElectronThis investm 077 - Inspect247 - Health Care Administration
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS Accounta Funds the IT 247 - Health Care Administration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS ProviderThis investme247 - Health Care Administration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS MAPD Pa APPS receive247 - Health Care Administration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS Data ExtProvides a we592 - Data M247 - Health Care Administration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS NationalNMUD is the 603 C - Data W592 - Data Mining
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS Recovery The Recovery077 - Inspect247 - Health Care Administration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS NPI CrosThis system c247 - Health Care Administration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS Quality The Quality I 247 - Health Care Administration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS SurveyorSTAR will aut247 - Health Care Administration
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS Agency This investme538 - Progra 247 - Health 340 - Collaboration Tools
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS PhysiciaMIPPA amends 247 - Health Care Administration
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS Advanced This investme247 - Health Care Administration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS Central This automate 576 - Knowle247 - Health Care Administration
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS Medicare The Medicare247 - Health Care Administration
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS Master Master Data 6 i 04 - Meta 247 - Health Care Administration
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS EnterpriThe Portal sh341 - Web Infrastructure
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS BusinessThe BRES is p530 - Process247 - Health Care Administration
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS MACBISMACBIS
( will t354 - IT Stra 247 - Health 538 - Program / Project Manageme
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS MAPD Su This investme247 - Health Care Administration
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS HealthcThis investme341 - Web Inf247 - Health Care Administration
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS InnovatiThis investme108 - Custom247 - Health Care Administration
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS Fraud InThe Fraud Inv077 - Inspect247 - Health Care Administration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS Medicare The Medicare247 - Health Care Administration
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS Open PaOpen Payment 077 - Inspect247 - Health Care Administration
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS SupportThis investme538 - Progra 247 - Health Care Administration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS EnterprisEnterprise Eli247 - Health Care Administration
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS Medicare This investme247 - Health Care Administration
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS EnterprisEPPE is an au577 - Knowled 317 - Data Integrity and Privacy Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS DecisionThis investme101 - Budget143 - Goods a247 - Health Care Administration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS Eligibil Case Manageme 247 - Health Care Administration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS Health IThe Health In247 - Health 108 - Customer Services
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS BundledThe Bundled 2P47 - Health Care Administration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS Health CThis investme247 - Health Care Administration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS Compreh This investme247 - Health Care Administration
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS InnovatiThis investme247 - Health Care Administration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS OncologThis investme247 - Health Care Administration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS Medicare The MCBS is a247 - Health Care Administration
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS ESRD Qua EQRS refers t247 - Health Care Administration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACF AFCARS The Adoption217 - Access 538 - Program / Project Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACF Capital PThese funds s217 - Access to Care
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACF Office ofThis system s217 - Access 538 - Program / Project Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACF Enterpri Supports ent217 - Access 326 - IT Sys 363 - Federa
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACF Final TA These funds f217 - Access to Care
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACF IT GrantsThis project 217 - Access 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACF Grant SuThese funds p217 - Access 126 - Paymen363 - Federal Funds to States and L
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACF Security These funds s121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACF Web PreThis investm 217 - Access 344 - Content Management
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeACF Expanded Mandated by217 F - Access to Care
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeACF GrantSolu The Grants Ce217 - Access 126 - Paymen363 - Federal Funds to States and L
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACF Head StaThe monitorin 217 - Access 547 - Performance Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACF Early Ch Head Start is 217 - Access 618 - Employee Development and Training
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACF Head StaData reposito217 - Access 363 - Federa 538 - Program / Project Manageme
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACF ApplicatiIT infrastruct217 - Access 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACF NationalThe National 217 - Access to Care
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACL Custom DFunding provi577 - Knowled 248 - Health 576 - Knowledge Capture
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACL EnterprisIncludes fund546 - Portfolio Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACL Digital Supports the 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAoA ReportinA repository 576 - Knowledge Capture
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACL AIDD RepThe systems w 576 - Knowledge Capture
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASA MedicThese systems 248 - Health 247 - Health 313 - Popula
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASA FOH AuThis is a gro 538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASA PerryGeneral Supp139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASA PhysicThe PACs' Aff121 - Securi 649 - Access Control
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASA RevenPRICES is man124 - Accounting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS OCR ProgOCR's Program 538 - Progra 531 - Case Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASPE Oper 318 - Business Analytics
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASH ODPHODPHP web inc 344 - Conte 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS OGC Matte A centralized538 - Progra 531 - Case Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS OGC OnlinThis investme325 - Information Discovery
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASFR TracAllows intern338 - Enterprise Search
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOS ASA AccouThe Accountin 124 - Accoun624 - Payroll
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOS ASA Debt DMCS is used127 - Collect 116 - Debt Co126 - Payments
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOS ASA PaymThe Payment126 M - Payments
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASA ServiService Trac 538 - Progra 530 - Process Tracking
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASA Lear LMS is a joi 618 - Employee Development and Training
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASA InvoiThis investme126 - Payments
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOS ASA EnterThe system pr254 - Employ251 - Staffin 129 - Report
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASA HHS CThe software251 - Staffing and Recruiting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS DAB Autom Tracking of D531 - Case Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASA Manag MACCS is an 1 o43 - Goods and Services Acquisition
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASA E-GovHHS Travel s 122 - Travel 601 - Data Exchange
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOS ASFR HHSThis investme143 - Goods a538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASH Comm This investme106 - Workforce Planning
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASA iComp Investment pr256 - Employee Relations
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASPR DisaDMIS employs 538 - Progra 576 - Knowledge Capture
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASPR Res Three modules 010 - Emergency Response
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOS ASPA HHSThe HHS Web344 - Conte 340 - Collabo661 - Document Management and
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASH Commi A replacemen624 - Payroll
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASH OWHThisW investm 344 - Content Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASFR ProgPPTS support259 - Budget547 - Performance Management
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOS ASA InforConsolidates 139 - Provide659 - Email 121 - Securi
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASPA HHSCurrently an 538 - Progra 531 - Case Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASFR DepaThe Departmen 129 - Reporting and Information
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASA Motor Will facilita 119 - Facili 546 - Portfolio Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS OSSI PersoThis Investme251 - Staffin 530 - Process Tracking
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASH Commi This investme326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASH Comm This investm 538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASA Emplo EBIS is an en 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASFR HHSOSDBU require 129 - Reporting and Information
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASPR SecrThe SOC is a 139 - Provide008 - Disaste010 - Emergency Response
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASPR MedMedMap is a590 w - Mapping / Geospatial
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASPE StraThis aligns A 533 - Correspondence Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASPE HealThe applicati577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASA GovZThis Solution108 - Customer Services
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASFR HHSCFRS generate 129 - Reporting and Information
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASFR FinanFIRS provides129 - Reporting and Information
02 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeOS ASPR ComThis ASPR/CO344 - Conte 661 - Document Management and workflow
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASPR ContThis investme329 - Continuity of Operations
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASPR IntegInCEP is used105 - Budget Execution
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ONC IntraONC Intranet340 - Collaboration Tools
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASPR Comp This Investme327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASPR FusiThis Investme280 - Command and Control
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASH OHAID This Investme344 - Content Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASA NatioThis Enterpri 675 - Voice Communications
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASPR InterThis project 104 - Strategic Planning
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS IOS Healt Healthdata.go 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASPR ProfPBMST is a hy340 - Collabo538 - Program / Project Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASA One DONE DHHS Cont 120 - Help Desk Services
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASA FOH EThis work su 256 - Employee Relations
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASA HealtThis supports344 - Conte 247 - Health 538 - Program / Project Manageme
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASA WorkThis work sup344 - Conte 313 - Popula 340 - Collabo
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS OMHA VidThis Investme343 - Audio /538 - Program / Project Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS IOS VideoThis Investme343 - Audio / Video Conferencing
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASPA HHSOS ASPA HHSTV 322 - Public 343 - Audio /661 - Document Management and
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASA Cost This Investme538 - Progra 530 - Process Tracking
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASA GovNe This Investme345 - Manag 013 - Financial Sector Oversight
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS OMHA Cons This investme538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASA AcquiARS is a cent 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASA HHS M This Investm 618 - Employee Development and Training
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASH StratThis aligns A 533 - Correspondence Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASPR StraAligns ASPR w533 - Correspondence Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASH U.S. This Investme344 - Content Management
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOS OMHA Elec Provides an 531 - Case 353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASPR MCM This investme538 - Program / Project Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASPR Mode BARDA is deve008 - Disaster Preparedness and Planning
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASFR IAA The OS ASFR 530
I - Process Tracking
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASPR LogiLRIS is an in 145 - Logistics Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS PSC GovS PSC is develo119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASPA ComThis investem344 - Content Management
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeHHS FinancialFBIS is the f 124 - Accoun103 - Enterpr129 - Reporting and Information
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOIG Data AnalEquipment, ac603 - Data Warehouse
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOIG General Includes CPIC656 - Certifi 139 - Provide531 - Case
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOIG Mission Infrastructur 353 - Inform 139 - Provide531 - Case
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA CTP Comm Enables the 340 - Collaboration Tools
05 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeFDA-Funding The BY17 IT b126 - Payments
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFDA ORA ImpThis investme386 - Global 033 - Border 077 - Inspection and Auditing
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA ORA Admi The Administr255 - Emplo 120 - Help De340 - Collabo
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCDC Science DThe scope of313 - Popula 325 - Informa339 - Inform
05 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeCDC Funds TrTransfers fro313 - Popula 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
05 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeCDC Funds trFunds transfe313 - Popula 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - CSA The overarchi313 - Population Health Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - CSA Community Bas313 - Population Health Management
00 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - OM HHS OCIO IT S326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
00 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - OM Grants Solut 313 - Population Health Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - IntSAMHSA.gov139 i - Provide341 - Web Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - IntThe SAMHSA139 In - Provide329 - Continu340 - Collabo
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - ExtThe SAMHSA139 Ex - Provide340 - Collabo341 - Web Infrastructure
05 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeAHRQ FundingAHRQ created126 - Payments
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS Basic HeThis investme247 - Health Care Administration
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS Survey &CMS requires247 - Health Care Administration
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS MeasureMeasure Autho 247 - Health Care Administration
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS InnovatiThis is a web 108 - Custom247 - Health 340 - Collaboration Tools
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS PrimaryPublic-privat 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS StakehoThis investme108 - Customer Services
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS ACO Mod This investme326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS Prior AuThis investme326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS Home He This investme326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS AHC Mod This investm 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS Common The
E Common326 El - IT System Development / Integration Support
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS Communi This investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS Quality The QIOs obta 247 - Health Care Administration
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS Quality EEnterprise services
326 - ITare
or services/that
are available
and consum
05 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeCMS FundingFunding trans247 - Health Care Administration
05 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeACF Funds TrTransfers fr 126 - Payments
05 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeACL Funding TInvestment to126 - Payments
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASPR HHSProvides a ge010 - Emergency Response
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASPR TechTRACIE is a h010 - Emergency Response
05 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeOS ASPR InveSupports DME 126 - Payments
05 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeOS ASPR InveSystem to re 126 - Payments
05 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeOS ASPR Inv Provides fun 126 - Payments
05 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeOS Transfer tFunds transfe126 - Payments
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS Quality This investme247 - Health 601 - Data Exchange
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFDA OC-OIM RPS is an HL7353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHRSA - BHW/The TRAIN LMS 247 - Health Care Administration
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NIAID ScInvestments i577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NINDS SciInvestments i366 - Biomed576 - Knowledge Capture
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NCATS ScInvestments i362 - Federal366 - Biomedical Research
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNIH NEI Sci Investments i362 - Federal366 - Biomedical Research
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - CSA SAIS) is a we 129 - Reporting and Information
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - CSA Strategic Pre145 - Logistics Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - OM Web/Inter/In344 - Content Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - CSA The DACCC, 00 313 - Popula 070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - CSA Prevention of319 - Regulatory Compliance
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - CHB C-EMS, 009-00 576 - Knowledge Capture
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSAMHSA - CHB PSTAR, 009-00 104 - Strategic Planning
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAHRQ Healthc The Health Ca313 - Popula 577 - Knowled 070 - General
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS Grants Supports the 362 - Federal Financial Assistance
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS CreditabThis investme247 - Health Care Administration
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS HealthcaThe Medicare247 - Health 601 - Data E 603 - Data W
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS CCIIO EaThe CMS CCIIO 247 - Health Care Administration
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS CCIIO EnThe CMS CCII326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS CCIIO Ent The CMS CCIIO 103 - Enterprise Architecture
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS StandardThe SFE for f 247 - Health Care Administration
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS IOS StrateThe Strategic533 - Correspondence Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS ASH Commi This investme345 - Management of Government Records
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS OMHA PorThis investme340 - Collaboration Tools
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS AuthentiThis enterpr 648 - Identification and Authentication
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS Retiree The RDS progr 247 - Health Care Administration
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCMS EnterpriEIDM will ena337 - Creden247 - Health Care Administration
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFWS - Enviro Internet base057 - Conser 023 - Enviro 340 - Collaboration Tools
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFWS - LEMIS This investme121 - Securi 531 - Case Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS - OS OLESOLES physical121 - Securi 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Manageme
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOI - EnterprInterior Ente 103 - Enterpr354 - IT Strategy and Innovation
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDOI - Infrast Includes prot315 - Threat 655 - Audit T316 - Contin
07 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov - Gran 009-00-01-07- 362 - Federal363 - Federal Funds to States and Local Governm
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDOI - IBC ShaIBC HRLOB Sha 254 - Employ251 - Staffin 255 - Emplo
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDOI - Infrast Promote the 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOI - Revenue This investme328 - Collect 601 - Data E 340 - Collaboration Tools
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDOI - Nation NFPORS is an318 - Busines008 - Disaste009 - Disaste
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOI - icomplaThis investm 324 - Adjudic531 - Case 680 - Issue T
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOI - Intern iQMIS (Inter 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS - OHA Do The Docket Ma 531 - Case 680 - Issue Tracking
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS - Interior IVIS is a clo 129 - Report 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Manageme
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS - Receipt This investme101 - Budget129 - Reporting and Information
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOI - Interi ICMS provides 129 - Report 017 - Cultura018 - Cultural and Historic Exhibitio
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDOI - Incide IMARS support 047 - Crime 034 - Key Ass045 - Crimina
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS - Internal This investme045 - Crimina531 - Case Management
04 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov - Recr Recreation On 341 - Web Inf058 - Recreational Resource Management and T
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOI - Enviro The Environm023 - Enviro 129 - Reporting and Information
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDOI - IntegraIntegrated Re010 - Emerge145 - Logist 008 - Disaste
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOI - Policy This investme354 - IT Strategy and Innovation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOI - InteragProvides inte326 - IT Sys 318 - Busines340 - Collabo
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOI - Volunt Volunteer.Gov 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIBC - CustomIBC Customer680 - Issue T 108 - Customer Services
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOI - ReportiThis investm 129 - Report 318 - Busines603 - Data Warehouse
07 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov - Inte 023-00-01-03- 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
07 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov - USA This is an E- 251 - Staffin 618 - Employee Development and Training
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS - Corresp The Executive533 - Corre 531 - Case Management
07 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov - HumaHR-LOB Partn251 - Staffin 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
07 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov - USA Provides Fede518 - Customer Feedback
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOI - Talent This investme618 - Employ547 - Performance Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS - ElectroniThe Electroni661 - Docum533 - Correspondence Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOI - FOIA P This investme531 - Case 319 - Regula 680 - Issue Tracking
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOI - Classifi This investme129 - Report 603 - Data Warehouse
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDOI - GeospatThe Geospatia 590 - Mappin340 - Collabo318 - Business Analytics
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOI - Electro DOI FOIA req319 - Regula 531 - Case 680 - Issue Tracking
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOI - Electr Enterprise R 345 - Management of Government Records
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDOI - Infrast Includes hard120 - Help De327 - Enterpr659 - Email
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS - OS BudgA Filemaker P101 - Budget105 - Budget Execution
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS - IBC - A The AMS suppo 060 - Air Tra 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Manageme
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov - Fina 023-30-01-01124 - Accounting
07 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov - Budg018-18-01-01- 101 - Budget105 - Budget Execution
07 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov - Perf The GPRA Mod 547 - Performance Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOI - Projec This investm 538 - Program / Project Management
07 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov - BenefPartner Payme 341 - Web Inf254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOI - E-TraveO&M of the E- 122 - Travel 124 - Accounting
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDOI - Infrast Maintain and139 - Provide675 - Voice 343 - Audio / Video Conferencing
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS - BusinessThis project 101 - Budget547 - Performance Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS - Secure This investm 531 - Case 319 - Regulatory Compliance
07 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDOI - Electro EHRI-eOPF is 345 - Management of Government Records
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOI - Capital DOI's Capital101 - Budget354 - IT Strategy and Innovation
07 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov - E-Ru 020-99-01-99- 115 - Rule Publication
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOI - EmployThis investm 531 - Case 680 - Issue T 256 - Employ
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOI - Wildla WFDSS assists008 - Disaste009 - Disaste318 - Business Analytics
07 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov - DisasService fees 362 - Federal254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOI - Safety The Safety M254 - Employ654 - Incide 066 - Worker Safety
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOI - Privac This investme317 - Data I 319 - Regulatory Compliance
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS - CORE PLConflict Reso531 - Case 680 - Issue T 256 - Employ
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDOI - IBC FMIBC, as a Fed 124 - Accoun129 - Report 105 - Budget
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBLM - RecreaRMIS is a BLM129 - Report 058 - Recreational Resource Management and T
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBLM - CommuCommunique344 is - Conte 340 - Collaboration Tools
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBLM - RangelThe Rangeland 129 - Report 057 - Conservation, Marine and Land Manageme
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBLM - Forest FRIS provides118 - Federal144 - Invento057 - Conservation, Marine and Lan
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBLM - CollectThese systems 127 - Collect 328 - Collect Revenues and User Fees
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBLM - RangelRAS is a modu129 - Report 057 - Conservation, Marine and Land Manageme
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBLM - Fire In The FireCode010 - Emerge008 - Disaster Preparedness and Planning
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBLM - Alaska ALIS stores a 345 - Manag 057 - Conservation, Marine and Land Manageme
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBLM - LegacyLR2000 compri 079 - Permits057 - Conservation, Marine and Land Manageme
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBLM - Forest The Forest Ve309 - Enviro 057 - Conser 023 - Environmental Monitoring an
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBLM - IncidenAn interagenc010 - Emerge008 - Disaste618 - Employee Development and T
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBLM - EnterpThe Enterpris590 - Mappin354 - IT Stra 339 - Information Mapping / Taxon
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBLM - GeograGCDB Data Pre 590 - Mappin339 - Inform 604 - Meta Data Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBLM - Nationa NFLSS will au019 - Energy 079 - Permits118 - Federal
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBLM - Automa AFMSS facilit019 - Energy 319 - Regula 321 - Regulat
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBLM - EmergeESRS evaluate010 - Emerge057 - Conservation, Marine and Land Manageme
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBLM - NavigaGPM will enab 590 - Mappin604 - Meta Data Management
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBLM - IT SuppePlanning is 023 - Enviro 113 - Public 024 - Enviro
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBLM - Wild HThe function 129 - Report 017 - Cultural and Historic Preservation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBLM - GeneraThe General L345 - Manag 129 - Reporting and Information
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBLM - NationThe system pr129 - Report 057 - Conservation, Marine and Land Manageme
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBLM - ProtecPRIS combines 024 - Enviro 309 - Environmental Site Stewardship
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBLM - Wild F The Wild Fire010 - Emerge009 - Disaster Repair and Restore
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSM - Coal FCoal Fee Coll328 - Collect 129 - Report 127 - Collect
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSM-NationaNMMR archives 590 - Mappin345 - Manag 309 - Environmental Site Stewardsh
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSM - SurfacIncludes IT i 328 - Collect 538 - Program / Project Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSM - ApplicThe Applicant024 - Enviro 680 - Issue Tracking
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSMRE - Enha A system host024 - Enviro 680 - Issue Tracking
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSM - Single Single Source129 - Report 601 - Data E 328 - Collect Revenues and User Fe
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSM - E-BudgeBudget is an101 - Budget Formulation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSM - WR E-WR E-records345 - Manag 025 - Polluti 680 - Issue T
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSM - Technic TIPS provides026 - Scienti 057 - Conser 325 - Informa
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOR - BORSSIBORSSIS perfo 034 - Key Ass019 - Energy 056 - Water Resource Managemen
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBOR - Reclama RMSS is a set538 - Progra 056 - Water Resource Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOR - UCSCAD UCSCADAS prov538 - Progra 056 - Water Resource Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOR - PSRMSPhysical Secu034 - Key Ass121 - Securi 119 - Facili
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOR - TSCESSTSCESS is an 538 - Progra 056 - Water Resource Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOR - CDW (CBOR-CDW is a603 - Data W129 - Report 318 - Business Analytics
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOR - CVODSS CVODSS is a 538 - Progra 056 - Water 019 - Energy Production and Transm
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOR - BORWM BORWMIS provi 538 - Progra 056 - Water 318 - Busines
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBOR - LCDCSSLCDCSS has 2538 - Progra 019 - Energy 056 - Water Resource Managemen
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOR - BORHMI The Hydrologi023 - Enviro 056 - Water 129 - Reporting and Information
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOR - E-TAS E-TAS provide613 - Time R 624 - Payroll
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOR - eDRAWS The Electroni661 - Docum340 - Collabo345 - Management of Government
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOR - BORGISBORGIS provid 590 - Mappin056 - Water 129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOR - BORWOR BORWORKS is538 a - Progra 056 - Water 328 - Collect
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBOR - CARMABOR-CARMA 129 (Ca - Report 119 - Facili 144 - Inventory Control
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOR - GPSCAD GPSCADAS inc 538 - Progra 056 - Water Resource Management
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBOR - CVACS CVACS is used056 - Water 019 - Energy 538 - Program / Project Manageme
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBOR - CRSP SC CRSP SCADA 019re - Energy 056 - Water 538 - Program / Project Manageme
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOR - ESAM (ESAM provides 538 - Progra 056 - Water 127 - Collect
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOR - REDS ( REDS Records661 - Docum340 - Collabo345 - Management of Government
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBOR - GCPO SGCPO SCADA019 i - Energy 056 - Water 538 - Program / Project Manageme
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOR - PNSCAD PNSCADAS prov 538 - Progra 056 - Water Resource Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOR - YACSS YACSS provide 538 - Progra 056 - Water 023 - Enviro
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSGS - HAZ -ANSS moderniz 023 - Enviro 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSGS - CLU - The Land Sate590 - Mappin023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSGS - WAT -This investme056 - Water 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSGS - AEI - BASIS+ is a p 538 - Progra 101 - Budget Formulation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSGS - EMEHUSGS is the s026 - Scienti 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSGS - AEI - The ISDE is 026 - Scienti 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSGS - CSS - The CSS missi590 - Mappin026 - Scientific and Technological Research and
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSGS - CLU - CLU provides023 - Enviro 024 - Enviro 026 - Scientific and Technological R
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSGS - ECO -ECO strives t 026 - Scienti 577 - Knowled 023 - Environmental Monitoring an
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSGS - HAZ -This investme008 - Disaste023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSGS - WAT -NWIS provides 056 - Water 577 - Knowled 576 - Knowledge Capture
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSGS - AdminiThe Administr129 - Report 354 - IT Strategy and Innovation
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSGS - CSS - The National 590 - Mappin023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFWS - Real P Real Propert 538 - Program / Project Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFWS - Cost Meets require 547 - Performance Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFWS - NationThe NWI data056 - Water 590 - Mappin057 - Conser
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFWS - RefugeIntegrated da057 - Conser 058 - Recreational Resource Management and T
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFWS - WildlifTRACS is a sp057 - Conser 590 - Mapping / Geospatial
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFWS - BudgetTracks fundin129 - Reporting and Information
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFWS - ServiceSPITS is used079 - Permits057 - Conservation, Marine and Land Manageme
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFWS - Sea La Sea Lamprey 057
d - Conser 603 - Data Warehouse
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBSEE - Cost The Cost and124 - Accoun105 - Budget Execution
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBSEE - TechnTIMS is a cri 019 - Energy 321 - Regulat079 - Permits
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - Focus Focus' goal i 057 - Conser 604 - Meta 603 - Data Warehouse
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - CR ParkDatabase of N017 - Cultura590 - Mappin309 - Environmental Site Stewardsh
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - PPFL - This site's p 057 - Conser 590 - Mapping / Geospatial
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - LibraryFully Web-bas057 - Conser 604 - Meta 661 - Document Management and
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - Commer The NPS Comme 058 - Recrea 129 - Reporting and Information
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - PPFL MThe NPS My Gr 057 - Conser 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Manageme
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - CR NatiDatabase of p017 - Cultura018 - Cultura361 - America
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNPS - NationaPOSS provides 058 - Recrea 328 - Collect 129 - Reporting and Information
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - PPFL - DSC/CSD track 057 - Conser 143 - Goods a011 - Business and Industry Develo
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNPS - PPFL - Enterprise F 057 - Conser 119 - Facili 129 - Reporting and Information
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - PPFL - eTIC is an ex 057 - Conser 661 - Document Management and workflow
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - NR EndESA DB develo 057 - Conser 319 - Regula 026 - Scientific and Technological R
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - NR Ins The purpose 0o58 - Recrea 344 - Content Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - CR HPSThis web appl363 - Federa 361 - America017 - Cultura
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - Progra The PMIS is a058 - Recrea 101 - Budget129 - Reporting and Information
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - NR NPSNPS Nature &058 - Recrea 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - GIS (H The goal of t 057 - Conser 590 - Mapping / Geospatial
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - PPFL - DSC/PCSS is u057 - Conser 538 - Program / Project Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - CR HistDatabases for017 - Cultura002 - Commun 661 - Docum
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - NR GasGaseous Poll057 - Conser 025 - Polluti 309 - Environmental Site Stewardsh
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - Unifor The Uniforms058 - Recrea 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - ConstruCAS is a web-057 - Conser 105 - Budget119 - Facili
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - QABECSQABECS is a S058 - Recrea 101 - Budget113 - Public Comment Tracking
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - FEAT/FIntegration o057 - Conser 008 - Disaste129 - Reporting and Information
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - PPFL - The Managemen 057 - Conser 129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - AdminisAFS is used f 058 - Recrea 105 - Budget318 - Business Analytics
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - NR Pla PEPC assist t 057 - Conser 538 - Progra 113 - Public Comment Tracking
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - NR NPSThe system st056 - Water 023 - Enviro 531 - Case Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - PPFL - The web based 057 - Conser 538 - Progra 129 - Reporting and Information
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - NR IRMIRMA evolved057 - Conser 017 - Cultural and Historic Preservation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - NR NatAPCAM databas 057 - Conser 309 - Environmental Site Stewardship
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - NR STOCOTS water qu 057 - Conser 025 - Polluti 309 - Environmental Site Stewardsh
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - PPFL - The LRD Maste 057 - Conser 345 - Management of Government Records
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBIE - Native The purpose 015 - Elemen361 - America129 - Reporting and Information
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBIE - E-rate E-rate is a p 015 - Elemen361 - American Indian and Alaskan Native Relati
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBIA - Nation NIIMS is a bi 056 - Water 361 - America127 - Collections and Receivables
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBIA - Probat The main purp 051 - Judicia 361 - America531 - Case Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBIA - OSAGE The purpose 0o57 - Conser 361 - American Indian and Alaskan Native Relati
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBIA - Indian The Indian Af547 - Perfo 361 - America129 - Reporting and Information
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBIA - Trust TAAMS is the057 - Conser 361 - American Indian and Alaskan Native Relati
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBIA - Nation Locate and di057 - Conser 361 - America590 - Mapping / Geospatial
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBIA - Audit R The Audit Rep321 - Regulat361 - America129 - Reporting and Information
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBIA - Federa The Federal A319 - Regula 361 - American Indian and Alaskan Native Relati
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBIA - Financi The BIA provi362 - Federal361 - America531 - Case Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBIA - Tribal TERPS functio361 - America129 - Reporting and Information
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBIE - Web BuWeb budget de 101 - Budget361 - American Indian and Alaskan Native Relati
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBIA - BusinesBusinessObjec 318 - Busines361 - America129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBIA - Self-G A reporting 129 - Report 361 - American Indian and Alaskan Native Relati
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBIA - EnterprOTSGS is resp590 - Mappin361 - American Indian and Alaskan Native Relati
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBIA - OperatiCollect timbe057 - Conser 361 - America129 - Reporting and Information
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOS-ONRR - MMinerals Reve 019 - Energy 328 - Collect 319 - Regula
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSOL - Ethics Acquire and I077 - Inspect680 - Issue T 055 - Resoluti
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOST - Trust The TFAS prog 361 - America124 - Accoun129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOEM - SimulCompetitive o328 - Collect 079 - Permits108 - Custom
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOEM - MarinMMPGIS allows 057 - Conservation, Marine and Land Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOR - BARS (Budget and Re 105 - Budget129 - Report 547 - Performance Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFWS Enterpr Content mana 344 - Conte 577 - Knowled 340 - Collaboration Tools
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - CR Arc The Archeolog 017 - Cultura590 - Mappin309 - Environmental Site Stewardsh
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - DataFoInformation 057 - Conser 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBIA - Integr Manages road 061 - Ground361 - American Indian and Alaskan Native Relati
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBIA - Great PGreat Plains 661 - Docum361 - American Indian and Alaskan Native Relati
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSOL - Case/MSOL seeks to 531 - Case 530 - Process680 - Issue Tracking
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOST - FinanciThis is a fin 129 - Reporting and Information
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOST - Tribal The tribal Se 129 - Reporting and Information
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOS - OES DocUsed to proce345 - Manag 661 - Document Management and workflow
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBLM - Econom The Economic002 - Commun 318 - Business Analytics
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBLM - CorporThe Corporate 604 - Meta 353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSM- Tenness This is a mul 079 - Permits531 - Case 129 - Report
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSM- InspectOSM database 321 - Regulat361 - America531 - Case
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBOR - PABS ( PABS is an au105 - Budget129 - Report 547 - Performance Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBIA - Guaran GLAS, a data 011 - Busine 361 - America362 - Federal Financial Assistance
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDOI - ConsoliThe Consolida129 - Report 318 - Business Analytics
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSGS - AEI - Enterprise We 341 - Web Inf340 - Collaboration Tools
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBIA - San CarlThe SCIP inve056 - Water 361 - America127 - Collect
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBIA - Facili FMIS: an asse119 - Facili 361 - American Indian and Alaskan Native Relati
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOST - ImagingThe OST - Ima361 - America655 - Audit T603 - Data Warehouse
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPS - (form 058 - Recrea 344 - Content Management
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDOI - Enterp FMMS is a fac129 - Report 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Manageme
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDOI - Financ FBMS is a man 124 - Accoun119 - Facili 143 - Goods a
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDOI - Infrast Includes peri139 - Provide327 - Enterpr325 - Information Discovery
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBIA - Electr EUMS investme 019 - Energy 361 - America328 - Collect
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOST - AccountThe Accountin 361 - America124 - Accoun129 - Report
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJMD Automate This investme251 - Staffing and Recruiting
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeJMD Unified DOJ's Unified124 - Accounting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJMD FASS UniA web based 119 a - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
10 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeJMD BenefitsGovBenefis is254 - Employ126 - Payments
00 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeJMD Grants.gThe managing363 - Federa 126 - Payments
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNSD SoftwareTrack all NS 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
10 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeJMD FinanciaThe managing124 - Accoun126 - Payments
10 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeJMD GeospatiaThe managing590 - Mapping / Geospatial
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJMD AEGIS &This initiati 121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJMD JCON P This investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJMD JSTARS Department-w 337 - Creden648 - Identification and Authentication
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJMD FinanciaPrimary autom 124 - Accounting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEOIR MissionMission Criti 051 - Judicia 531 - Case Management
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDOJ ICAM DOJ FICAM dev 337 - Creden648 - Identification and Authentication
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDOJ Data CenRepresents t 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
10 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeJMD DisasterThis investme008 - Disaste126 - Payments
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJMD IT TransThe IT Transf139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJMD ConsolidThe Consolida336 - Seized Asset Management
10 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeJMD E-PayrolThis investme624 - Payroll
10 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeJMD Human ReThe managing251 - Staffin 126 - Payments
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJMD ConsolidThis is the f 116 - Debt Collection
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJMD Joint AuJABS provides045 - Crimina044 - Fugitive and Criminal Apprehension
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJMD JACCS IIJACCS II is a 121 - Security Management
10 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeJMD IntegratThe federal E143 - Goods a126 - Payments
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDOJ IT SecuriConsolidated315 - Threat and Vulnerability Management
10 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeJMD PAR SharThe managing256 - Employ126 - Payments
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJMD IT Manag This investme101 - Budget104 - Strategic Planning
02 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeJMD Budget FThe managing101 - Budget126 - Payments
10 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeJMD E-TravelThis investme122 - Travel 126 - Payments
10 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeJMD Recruit OPM is the E251 - Staffin 126 - Payments
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDOJ TelecomIncludes tel 139 - Provide675 - Voice Communications
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJMD Classifi CITP will pro 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
10 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeJMD eOPF The eOPF sys251 - Staffin 126 - Payments
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJMD PSS InteModernize the 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJMD IComplaiThe iComplain 256 - Employee Relations
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJMD VoyagerThis investme054 - Legal Prosecution and Litigation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJMD DOJ LearA learning ma618 - Employee Development and Training
10 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeJMD E-RulemEPA is the ma115 - Rule Pu126 - Payments
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSPC Office U.S. Parole C139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSPC DecisioThe Decision 347 - Criminal Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSNCB IT Inf INTERPOL Was 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCRM Automate Information T054 - Legal Prosecution and Litigation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCIV - AutomaMaintains and 054 - Legal P 661 - Document Management and workflow
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSA Office A This is the U 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSMS UnifiedUSMS impleme 124 - Accounting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeATR Case MaATR Case Mana 054 - Legal P 531 - Case Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSMS TacticaUSMS operati045 - Crimina675 - Voice Communications
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeATR General Provide a gen139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEOUST AutomThe ACMS stor 053 - Legal I 531 - Case Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCRM Software All software 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENRD CMS ReThe ENRD CMS 054 - Legal P 531 - Case Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSA ApplicatThis investm 531 - Case Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSMS ProjectProject 30 sy048 - Leadership Protection
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSMS SecureUSMS implemen 139 - Provide329 - Continuity of Operations
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSMS Help DIT staff and 139 - Provide120 - Help Desk Services
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSMS IT ManUSMS IT staff538 - Program / Project Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSA IT Prog Maximum Cha 538 - Program / Project Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOIG EnterprisOIG Enterpris103 - Enterprise Architecture
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeATR IT-IRM This is the I 538 - Program / Project Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEOUST Miscell USTP miscella053 - Legal Investigation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSMS DetainUSMS support 347 - Criminal Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTax Division TaxDoc provi054 - Legal P 531 - Case Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSMS NetwoUSMS support 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENRD Case MThe ENRD's Ca 054 - Legal P 531 - Case Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCRS IQ IQ is Commun047 - Crime Prevention
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCRT Geograph The Division' 053 - Legal I 590 - Mapping / Geospatial
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeATR Other MThese are man 054 - Legal Prosecution and Litigation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSMS JusticeUSMS applicat 347 - Criminal Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCRT Automate The Litigation054 - Legal Prosecution and Litigation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTax Division Covers the co251 - Staffin 124 - Accounting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSA USAWorUS Attorneys345 - Management of Government Records
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSNCB ApplicThis initiati 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTax Division Automated Li054 - Legal P 353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSNCB Federa This initiati 045 - Crimina353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSMS E-Gov USMS annual353 - Inform 126 - Payments
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeATR Litigatio Supports ATR054 - Legal Prosecution and Litigation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSA Secure TSecure Termin 315 - Threat 675 - Voice Communications
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCIV - AutomatALS provides 054 - Legal P 661 - Document Management and workflow
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCRM End-useDesktop, lapt139 - Provide675 - Voice Communications
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSNCB OA/EThis initiati 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENRD Automat The ENRD Auto 054 - Legal Prosecution and Litigation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTax Division Maintenance624 a - Payroll
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCIV - Case M Maintains dat054 - Legal P 661 - Document Management and workflow
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCRS IT Progr CRS IT Progr 139 - Provide538 - Program / Project Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCRT Interact The Interacti 054 - Legal P 531 - Case Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeATR IT Archi Maintain cons103 - Enterpr139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSA Victim No The Victim No054 - Legal Prosecution and Litigation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeENRD Adminis The ENRD Admi 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeATR Specific Supports the 054 - Legal Prosecution and Litigation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCRM Customer Support provi108 - Custom120 - Help Desk Services
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEOUST Electro Currently, al 054 - Legal Prosecution and Litigation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSMS ApplicaIT applicatio 251 - Staffin 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Manageme
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSA Legacy This exhibit 054 - Legal P 531 - Case Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSA Litigatio LTSC is a Gov054 - Legal Prosecution and Litigation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEOUST Fee InFICS is an ac 127 - Collections and Receivables
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOIG Investig OIG's Invest 053 - Legal Investigation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSA DC SuperThis investme054 - Legal P 326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOIG Office A OIG Desktop 1O39 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Desktop SProvides gove139 - Provide143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Next GenNGNCP is resp 045 - Crimina353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Web ProjWebPT is a we 346 - Crimina661 - Document Management and workflow
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFBI National NCIC is a com045 - Crimina353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Asset M AMS replaced119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI DocumentDocLab is the345 - Manag 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFBI Next Gene The NGI Progr045 - Crimina353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Electroni Modernization 045 - Crimina139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI HR SourcImplementatio 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI PromethePrometheus ef 318 - Business Analytics
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI IC ITE I2C upgrades346 - Crimina139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Grid Comp The GCI syste678 - System139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI InformatiThe PITO prog139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Malware MALIGN is an045 - Crimina315 - Threat and Vulnerability Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Compass Compass is an106 - Workfo145 - Logistics Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Enterpri EPAS is a str 538 - Progra 530 - Process Tracking
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI CJIS Coll This program045 - Crimina318 - Business Analytics
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Foreign I FISAMS is a m346 - Criminal and Terrorist Threat Mitigation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Child ExpThe Child Exp045 - Crimina531 - Case Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI InnocencILD is the on 047 - Crime Prevention
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI AutomateFAMS is used346 - Crimina340 - Collaboration Tools
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Administ Allows the FB251 - Staffin 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Special P SPC contains,346 - Crimina377 - Intelligence Product Production
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFBI National The NICS prog047 - Crime 353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Electroni The Electroni054 - Legal P 325 - Information Discovery
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI LanguageProvides fund346 - Criminal and Terrorist Threat Mitigation
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFBI Digital CoDigital Colle 346 - Crimina576 - Knowledge Capture
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI InformatiFBI establish 315 - Threat and Vulnerability Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI CJIS Disa Provides full 329 - Continu139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Intellige The FBI is re 379 - Special 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI UFMS P The FBI UFMS124 - Accounting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Bureau I BIDMAS is a c045 - Crimina318 - Business Analytics
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI ResourceCRPP is a web106 - Workforce Planning
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI National The NGIC will045 - Crimina353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Translat TONS performs 346 - Criminal and Terrorist Threat Mitigation
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFBI National N-DEx is the 045 - Crimina353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Foreign TThis investme379 - Special 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Violent VICAP provide 044 - Fugitiv 353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI NCIJTF Li The NCIJTF is045 - Crimina353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFBI Sentinel SENTINEL prov 045 - Crimina531 - Case Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Query TraQTIP is a uni 346 - Crimina353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFBI GuardianThe Guardian346 - Crimina353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Consolid The CLASS sys251 - Staffin 661 - Document Management and workflow
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Web Site Provides web139 - Provide340 - Collaboration Tools
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI iDomain iDomain is a 045 - Crimina590 - Mapping / Geospatial
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFBI CombinedCODIS enables 045 - Crimina353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI ComputerThe CART data 045 - Crimina576 - Knowledge Capture
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Delta Delta automa346 - Crimina531 - Case Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI EnterprisThe goal of t 678 - System139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI ComputerCARTSAN is a045 - Crimina531 - Case Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI FISA NomFISANOMS is 346 a - Crimina661 - Document Management and workflow
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI System toSTAR is a ris 346 - Crimina377 - Intelligence Product Production
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFBI Top Secr SCION hosts i379 - Special 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI ComputerThe CAFM syst 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Shared L To provide a 045 - Crimina675 - Voice Communications
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFBI Law EnforLEO provides045 - Crimina340 - Collaboration Tools
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI CountereCSSD allows f375 - Intelli 318 - Business Analytics
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFBI Terrorist TSS supports 346 - Crimina353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI ITB Prog This investme354 - IT Stra 538 - Program / Project Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Enterpri EMS will cons326 - IT Sys 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Legat Inf Provides for 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFBI EnterprisEDAP is to ma346 - Crimina338 - Enterprise Search
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Operatio ORION is the 044 - Fugitiv 340 - Collaboration Tools
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Multi-Med Workstations,139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Binary AnBACSS is a Se045 - Crimina315 - Threat and Vulnerability Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Unclassif iDomain U is 045 - Crimina590 - Mapping / Geospatial
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Investiga Supports the 045 - Crimina326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Intellige This investme346 - Crimina340 - Collaboration Tools
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Uniform The New UCR045 w - Crimina353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEA AviationADOI tracks t119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEA COTS/GOT Operations a139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEA Field Te To account fo045 - Criminal Investigation and Surveillance
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEA Total QuQuality Manag 538 - Program / Project Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEA CONCORThe purpose 0o45 - Crimina326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDEA Firebird Firebird incl 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEA Merlin Merlin provid139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEA Pen-LinkPen-Link 8 is 375 - Intelli 376 - Intelligence Holdings Analysis
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOCDETF FusioThe OCDETF Fu 375 - Intelligence Holdings Ingest and Storage
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEA HR IT PorThis is an In 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEA Documen Document and 045 - Crimina531 - Case Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEA Unified DEA-UFMS prov 124 - Accounting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEA SpeedwaThe Speedway 379 - Special Intelligence Activities
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEA EPIC Sei The EPIC Seiz045 - Criminal Investigation and Surveillance
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEA LaboratoCentralized d045 - Criminal Investigation and Surveillance
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEA Moderniz Modernizes th050 - Substan326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEA LearningRequest would 618 - Employee Development and Training
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEA IntegrateThe Unified O326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOCDETF Execu OCDETF Execut045 - Crimina538 - Program / Project Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEA Tactical Nationwide ra045 - Crimina675 - Voice Communications
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEA E-GIS DOJ has initi 590 - Mappin326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEA TechnoloThis program104 - Strateg103 - Enterprise Architecture
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEA NarcoticThe Narcotics378 - Intelligence Data Access and Delivery
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEA TechnicaTEISweb is DE144 - Inventory Control
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeATF Office A Office automa 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeATF Unified UFMS is the e124 - Accounting
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeATF E-GovernATF participa353 - Inform 126 - Payments
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeATF Field Dir Provides IT m045 - Crimina139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeATF Next Ge Next Gen Case 054 - Legal P 531 - Case Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeATF Tactical Tactical radi 045 - Crimina675 - Voice Communications
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeATF Digital E A nationwide045 - Criminal Investigation and Surveillance
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeATF Cloud C Includes safe139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeATF NIBIN NIBIN allows 045 - Criminal Investigation and Surveillance
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeATF EnterprisProvides serv546 - Portfolio Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeATF Mission Mission and B047 - Crime Prevention
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOP HRM AutBOP HRM Auto 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBOP BOPNet BOPNet is the139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOP Inmate BOP Inmate Te 005 - Crimina675 - Voice Communications
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFPI Office A The platform139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOP ElectronBEMR is BOP's 005 - Criminal Incarceration
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOP TeleradiDigital X-Ray 005 - Criminal Incarceration
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOP Unified BOP's implem124 - Accounting
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOP BOPNet This investm 329 - Continu139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBOP SENTRY BOP's missio 005 - Criminal Incarceration
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFPI Millenni Millennium is124 - Accounting
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBOP TRUFACSTRUNET is the005 - Crimina139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOPS Office COPS Office A139 - Provide327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOJP DOJ GranThe Justice G363 - Federal Funds to States and Local Governments
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOJP Grant M Grant Manage 363 - Federal Funds to States and Local Governments
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOJP InfrastruEnterprise in 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOPS Infrast Includes cost139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOJP EnterprisIT Portfolio 546 - Portfolio Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCOPS ManageThe COPS Mana 363 - Federal Funds to States and Local Governments
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOJP Cloud anCollection of 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
10 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeJMD PerformWorking Capi547 - Perfo 354 - IT Strategy and Innovation
00 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeJMD Security,Part of the E 121 - Securi 648 - Identification and Authentication
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJMD Justice GrantsNet wil363 - Federa 326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSA BusinessFMIS RA, HR c340 - Collabo129 - Reporting and Information
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJMD Senior MThese general139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJMD LEISP P LEISP is the 045 - Crimina353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJMD DOJ RenThe mission o119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI EnterprisWith the relo346 - Crimina139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI Intellige Provides for 346 - Crimina326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFBI CorporateFBICC will en340 - Collaboration Tools
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDEA Model 20 The M204 syst 045 - Criminal Investigation and Surveillance
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOCIO - Infor This investme315 - Threat 316 - Contin 317 - Data I
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOCIO - Mobi This investme343 - Audio /675 - Voice Communications
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOCIO - Cloud This investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOCIO - DOL ITIncludes the 546 - Portfo 103 - Enterpr104 - Strateg
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOCIO - Cloud This investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOCIO - EnterpThis investme315 - Threat and Vulnerability Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOCIO - CustoThis investme108 - Custom518 - Custom538 - Program / Project Manageme
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOCIO - Syste This investme326 - IT Sys 263 - System and Network Monitoring
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOCIO - IT NetThis investme139 - Provide263 - System and Network Monitoring
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOCIO - AdvanThis investme354 - IT Stra 538 - Program / Project Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOCIO - CloudThis investme659 - Email 340 - Collaboration Tools
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOCIO - DOL En This investme120 - Help De108 - Custom680 - Issue Tracking
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCross AgencyThe Level Roa066 - Worker113 - Public 228 - Labor R
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOCIO - IT Inf This investme139 - Provide263 - System and Network Monitoring
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOCIO - DOL DThis investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUnified Comm The Departmen 675 - Voice 343 - Audio /340 - Collabo
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeJob Corps St Provides a cu064 - Training and Employment
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated P This is a cri 603 - Data W604 - Meta 592 - Data Mining
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeForeign LaborThis initiati 079 - Permits064 - Traini 531 - Case Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise B EBSS is a col 547 - Perfo 318 - Busines603 - Data W
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeE-Grants Re- Modernizatio363 - Federa 362 - Federal Financial Assistance
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOL E-GrantsThe DOL Enter 363 - Federa 362 - Federal Financial Assistance
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeETA BPM IT META seeks to 547 - Perfo 318 - Busines340 - Collabo
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeETA PlanningThis investme538 - Program / Project Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJob Corps L Provides data064 - Training and Employment
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUnemploymen This Unemploy 037 - Unemp547 - Performance Management
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEFAST2 Supports mand 036 - Retirement and Disability Benefits
90 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEBSA - MissioSupports the036 - Retirement and Disability Benefits
90 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEBSA GSS - GThe EBSA Gene 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCorporate CoEnables the p577 - Knowled 108 - Custom644 - Workforce Directory / Locato
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePension Insu Enables the c036 - Retirem070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIT Policy an To establish 538 - Progra 546 - Portfo 103 - Enterpr
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSecurity Pro PBGC’s Infor 656 - Certifi 315 - Threat 655 - Audit T
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIT Strategic Assists and s 104 - Strateg538 - Program / Project Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAddress ValidEnables on-de533 - Correspondence Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCorporate PeCorporate Pe129 - Report 547 - Perfo 318 - Business Analytics
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLegal TechnoEnables legal054 - Legal P 531 - Case 661 - Docum
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmePBGC_Partic Participant M036 - Retirem040 - Surviv 126 - Paymen
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCorporate MCorporate Ma119 - Facili 251 - Staffin 143 - Goods a
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmePBGC_IT Infr Provides PBGC 139 - Provide120 - Help Desk Services
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmePBGC_FinancEnables PBGC' 124 - Accoun116 - Debt Co126 - Paymen
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRisk Manage RMEW is a ca531 - Case 053 - Legal I 661 - Document Management and
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOWCP Worker Integrates al 036 - Retirem040 - Surviv 126 - Paymen
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLongshore ClProvides week 036 - Retirem040 - Surviv 126 - Paymen
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBlack Lung C Automated sys 036 - Retirem040 - Surviv 126 - Paymen
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIntegrated F Processes inj036 - Retirem040 - Surviv 126 - Paymen
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBack Wage FiThe Back Wag337 - Credential Issuance and Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWage DetermThe WDS is a065 - Labor Rights Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCivil Money CMPS supports 321 - Regulatory Enforcement
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWage Hour InWHISARD is a321 - Regulatory Enforcement
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOFCCP InformThis is OFCCP531 - Case 530 - Process065 - Labor
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic La e.LORS facili 321 - Regulat129 - Report 053 - Legal I
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSHA - Help The IT Help D120 - Help Desk Services
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSHA - Modern This revitali 066 - Worker Safety
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOSHA - Infor OIS is OSHA's066 - Worker Safety
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSHA - MeasTracks and r 066 - Worker Safety
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSHA - ExpertThis is used 066 - Worker Safety
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSHA - Train Provides trai 066 - Worker Safety
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSHA - Inter The investmen 344 - Conte 066 - Worker321 - Regulat
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSHA - AppliSupports the 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSHA - ArchiDevelop and 103 - Enterprise Architecture
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeMSHA Standar MSIS provides066 - Worker077 - Inspection and Auditing
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMSHA ServiceThe implement 066 - Worker077 - Inspection and Auditing
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMSHA ApplicaThis investme066 - Worker Safety
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMSHA DistancThe investmen 066 - Worker Safety
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMSHA InterneThis ongoing 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMSHA Enterpr This investme103 - Enterprise Architecture
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAmerican TimThe American070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCurrent EmplThe CES Syste070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeQuarterly Ce The Quarterl070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
10 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeConsumer PriThe Consumer 070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCompensation The Compensat 070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLocal Area U BLS develope070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBLS ManagemBLS developed 070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBLS Planning This investme103 - Enterpr070 - General315 - Threat
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNational LongBLS developed 070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEmployment TheP Employme 070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeExecutive DirBLS activitie 070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEmployment Administratio
a 070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOccupationalThe Occupatio 070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProductivity BLS developed 070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJob OpeningsThe Job Open070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInternet DataThe Internet 070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOccupationalBLS develope070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProductivity The Major Sec 070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeConsumer Exp The Consumer 070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBLS - LAN/WABLS General S139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBLS TechnoloCoordinates i104 - Strateg070 - General103 - Enterpr
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNational ComThe National 070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePrices and CosBLS activitie 070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLABSTAT MaiLABSTAT is th070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProduct Resea Facilitates e 103 - Enterpr070 - General327 - Enterprise Licenses and Softw
10 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIndustrial Pri Develops and070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCurrent PopuThe Current P070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeLOB: Budget LOB : Budget101 - Budget Formulation
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSecretary's Manages DOL533 - Corre 531 - Case 325 - Informa
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOIG - GSS L OIG General 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSafety and H Web based sys 254 - Employ066 - Worker531 - Case
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHR Works The DOL porti106 - Workfo254 - Employ644 - Workfor
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeODEP SupportA group of mi577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
08 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeLOB: Human LOB: Human251 - Staffing and Recruiting
07 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeLOB: Perfor DOL contribu547 - Performance Management
07 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeeGov: USA SeDOL s service517 - External Partner Relationship Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeALJ Case TracCaptures all 051 - Judicial Hearings
90 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic OfThe e-OIG sys531 - Case 045 - Crimina053 - Legal I
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSOL Legal Te Manages legal 054 - Legal P 065 - Labor 066 - Worker
08 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeeGov: USA J DOL s service251 - Staffing and Recruiting
06 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Rulemakin DOL and PBGC 113 - Public Comment Tracking
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVETS - Infor The investme538 - Progra 121 - Securi 316 - Contin
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVETS-100 RepInvestment su333 - Veteran129 - Report 363 - Federa
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVETS InfrastrThis investme326 - IT Sys 139 - Provide344 - Conte
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOL - Appea This investm 051 - Judicia 052 - Legal D053 - Legal Investigation
08 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeHR Works (TrThe portion o106 - Workfo254 - Employ644 - Workfor
08 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeHR Works (UThe portion o106 - Workforce Planning
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDisability.govDisability.go 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
05 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDisaster Ass DOL share of 009 - Disaster Repair and Restore
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeLOB: Financi DOL contribu124 - Accounting
90 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeLOB: GeospatDOL contribu590 - Mapping / Geospatial
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeeGov Travel SLabor's elect 122 - Travel 124 - Accoun105 - Budget
00 04 - Funding 00 - The managing362 - Federal Financial Assistance
90 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHSPD-12 - Id Implements th 121 - Securi 648 - Identif 337 - Creden
00 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeElectronic CaThe Electroni101 - Budget Formulation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVETS - VeteraInvestment wi 353 - Inform 338 - Enterpr601 - Data E
09 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAcquisition AMS delivers143 - Goods a129 - Reporting and Information
90 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHSPD-12 - PIVImplements th 121 - Securi 648 - Identif 337 - Creden
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSecretarial SMART replac533 - Corre 531 - Case 325 - Informa
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeComputer SecThese tools w315 - Threat 316 - Continuous Monitoring
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVETS - USERRSystem provid 333 - Veteran064 - Traini 065 - Labor
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHR Line of BuHR LOB incorp 106 - Workfo251 - Staffin 255 - Emplo
90 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise CoEnterprise Co577 - Knowled 326 - IT Sys 263 - System
90 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOPA - DOL- Na The DOL Natio577 - Knowled 139 - Provide108 - Custom
10 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeData ExchangDEAP is a pla070 - General129 - Report 353 - Inform
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDepartmentalAutomates, tr101 - Budget104 - Strateg105 - Budget
05 01 - Major 00 - 344 - Conte 318 - Busines339 - Inform
00 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeISS LoB FISM CSAM is a we315 - Threat and Vulnerability Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeELAWS (Emplo ELAWS is the065 - Labor 577 - Knowled 066 - Worker Safety
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEBSA - Enfor Establishing 036 - Retirement and Disability Benefits
90 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEBSA - Enfor EBSA Enforcem 036 - Retirement and Disability Benefits
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated C Strategic Enf 065 - Labor 321 - Regulatory Enforcement
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMSHA Standar Modernization066 - Worker Safety
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVETS LT DataVETS Long Te353 - Inform 338 - Enterpr601 - Data E
90 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVETS - Case System provid 333 - Veteran531 - Case 340 - Collabo
01 03 - Migrati 00 - InvestmeFinancial Ma Activities be 124 - Accoun101 - Budget105 - Budget
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSOL Legal ProIT utilities a 054 - Legal P 321 - Regulat319 - Regula
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOCIO - AdminiThis investme538 - Progra 143 - Goods a129 - Report
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise C This investm 139 - Provide354 - IT Stra 659 - Email
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDigital Gove Digital Gover139 - Provide343 - Audio /341 - Web Inf
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeStrategic En SEACS will be065 - Labor 321 - Regulatory Enforcement
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCustomer SerCustomer Rela 108 - Custom577 - Knowled 340 - Collabo
00 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeIAE Loans an IAE - Loans a 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeNCFMS (Gener This investm 124 - Accoun101 - Budget105 - Budget
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeNCFMS (Depar This investme124 - Accoun101 - Budget105 - Budget
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNew Core Fi NCFMS is DOL124 - Accoun101 - Budget105 - Budget
06 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeIntegrated A The federal E143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeINV - CA Ent Includes Syst033 - Border 326 - IT Sys 601 - Data E
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeINV - CA Ent Consists of s 033 - Border 326 - IT Sys 139 - Provide
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeINV - CA EnteCA Enterprise033 - Border 326 - IT Sys 603 - Data W
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeINV - Global The purpose 1o22 - Travel 127 - Collect 124 - Accoun
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeINV - Electro Establish a s 248 - Health 254 - Employ577 - Knowled
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeINV - A-LM - ILMS is the D145 - Logist 143 - Goods a144 - Invento
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - TOMIS Streamline su041 - Foreign048 - Leaders282 - Protect
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - Executi Executive Sec041 - Foreign533 - Corre 661 - Docum
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeINV - Integr Provides ope106 - Workfo255 - Emplo 618 - Employ
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - A/OPR Redesign, exp254 - Employ326 - IT Sys 353 - Inform
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - FSI Cor FSI Corporate618 - Employ326 - IT Sys 106 - Workfo
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - Integr An informatio041 - Foreign661 - Docum124 - Accoun
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - IRMS OThis project 119 - Facili 601 - Data E 124 - Accoun
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - A/OPE GDMS-required 143 - Goods a326 - IT Sys 538 - Progra
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - Planni PPS expands 101 - Budget547 - Perfo 104 - Strateg
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - Web.ICThe Internati101 - Budget Formulation
08 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeINV - E-Gov - e-Gov Initiati036 - Retirem126 - Paymen303 - Social S
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - FSI Ins FSI offers De 618 - Employ106 - Workfo326 - IT System Development / Inte
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - HumaniProvides USG041 - Foreign344 - Conte 339 - Inform
08 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeINV - E-Gov - e-Gov Initiati115 - Rule Pu113 - Public Comment Tracking
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeINV - Joint JFMS is a mul547 - Perfo 129 - Report 124 - Accoun
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - A Bure Provides comp 326 - IT Sys 538 - Progra 344 - Conte
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - State Continue ong041 - Foreign344 - Conte 341 - Web Inf
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeINV - Global Replaces 8 le254 - Employ613 - Time R 624 - Payroll
08 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeINV - E-Gov e-Gov Initiati255 - Emplo 254 - Employ251 - Staffing and Recruiting
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - State Federal assis 041 - Foreign362 - Federal126 - Paymen
08 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeINV - E-Gov e-Gov Initiati101 - Budget105 - Budget280 - Comman
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - L Reco Modernize and 041 - Foreign345 - Manag 533 - Corre
08 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeINV - E-Gov - e-Gov Initiati590 - Mappin531 - Case 601 - Data Exchange
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - BNet O BNET is The D618 - Employ343 - Audio /673 - Commu
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - Buildi The BMIS Pro119 - Facili 326 - IT Sys 530 - Process
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - Electro E-Forms is th064 - Traini 680 - Issue T 353 - Information Exchange and Tra
08 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeINV - E-Gov e-Gov Initiati101 - Budget105 - Budget Execution
08 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeINV - E-Gov e-Gov Initiati251 - Staffin 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - E-Gov - e-Gov Initiati139 - Provide341 - Web Inf327 - Enterpr
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - ECA P Improve centr041 - Foreign530 - Process326 - IT Sys
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeINV - ForeignThe FACTS inv367 - Intern 041 - Foreign368 - Humani
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - CentralProvides aut 008 - Disaste010 - Emerge675 - Voice Communications
08 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeINV - E-Gov - e-Gov Initiati010 - Emerge009 - Disaste008 - Disaster Preparedness and Pla
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - A/GIS A Client/Serv531 - Case Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - A Bure The mission o618 - Employ326 - IT Sys 538 - Progra
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - FM Ma MAXIMO is a119 - Facili 530 - Process601 - Data E
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeINV - Consul Consular Syst033 - Border 326 - IT Sys 139 - Provide
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeINV - Legacy Legacy Consul033 - Border 531 - Case 601 - Data E
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeINV - Data CeSupports secu139 - Provide263 - System108 - Custom
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeINV - Enterp The Enterpris139 - Provide316 - Contin 263 - System
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeINV - Securit Provides oper121 - Securi 648 - Identif 315 - Threat
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeINV - ApplicaProvides appl326 - IT Sys 340 - Collabo339 - Inform
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeINV - MessagMSERC support 659 - Email 139 - Provide601 - Data E
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeINV - Deploy Ensures domes 139 - Provide343 - Audio /675 - Voice Communications
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - DS BackThe Back Off 121 - Securi 143 - Goods a144 - Invento
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - Bureau This investme139 - Provide326 - IT Sys 343 - Audio /
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - CustomProvides cust120 - Help De139 - Provide680 - Issue T
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - DS Inf Information S121 - Securi 251 - Staffin 531 - Case
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - DS Law Supports all 121 - Securi 531 - Case 282 - Protect
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - DS ProtDisaster Prep121 - Securi 282 - Protect644 - Workfor
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - Enterp Provides ser 103 - Enterpr104 - Strateg546 - Portfo
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - Global The GWAP init 618 - Employ255 - Emplo 592 - Data M
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - ResourcThis investme101 - Budget Formulation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - ABACU Project track 101 - Budget577 - Knowled 105 - Budget
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - Centra CRMS is the p101 - Budget105 - Budget Execution
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - Conte The CMS provi 041 - Foreign344 - Conte 538 - Progra
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - Defens ITAR regulato043 - Global 079 - Permits306 - Arms Control
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - IIP Pr Create a cent041 - Foreign530 - Process326 - IT Sys
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - INRISS Provide a var041 - Foreign330 - Legislat139 - Provide
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - Public Performance041 m - Foreign547 - Perfo 530 - Process
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - DS OverThe Overseas121 - Securi 282 - Protect344 - Content Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - Ops Ce Maintains the041 - Foreign675 - Voice Communications
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - S/ES CoVirtually lin 041 - Foreign329 - Continu139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infra
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - A/GIS/I System contai345 - Manag 339 - Inform 338 - Enterpr
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - Princip The Principal041 - Foreign Affairs
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - Secret WREN supports 041 - Foreign659 - Email 353 - Information Exchange and Tra
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeINV - Budget Budget System 101 - Budget105 - Budget Execution
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - Data OfDesign, pilot 008 - Disaster Preparedness and Planning
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeINV - Archite Architecture 041 - Foreign145 - Logist 517 - Extern
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - ClassNeRegionalizati 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
00 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeINV - E-Gov - e-Gov Initiati362 - Federal Financial Assistance
08 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeINV - E-Gov e-Gov Initiati143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - myServmyServices, i108 - Customer Services
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeINV - EnterprThis investme033 - Border 326 - IT Sys 603 - Data W
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeINV - Service The SPS inves033 - Border 531 - Case 601 - Data E
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeINV - Foreig The Foreign A367 - Intern 041 - Foreign368 - Humani
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBudget Formu The Budget Fo101 - Budget Formulation
14 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeStored ValueSVC is a cash 126 - Paymen538 - Program / Project Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTreasury Dis This investme008 - Disaste009 - Disaste010 - Emergency Response
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAward ManagThe Award Ma 002 - Community and Regional Development
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommunity De The CDFI Fund002 - Community and Regional Development
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommunity IThe Community 002 - Community and Regional Development
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIT Program The IT Progra002 - Community and Regional Development
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLegacy Missi The Legacy Mi 002 - Community and Regional Development
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTIGTA IT ApplThis investme045 - Criminal Investigation and Surveillance
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTIGTA IT Infr This investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTIGTA IT Infr This investem139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTIGTA IT SecuThis investme121 - Security Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTIGTA IT Infr This investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCyber Securi Treasury's De121 - Security Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDC Pensions STAR is an au036 - Retirement and Disability Benefits
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDO CombinedThese applica326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDO IT Infrast This investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDO IT Infrast This investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDO LAN CyberDO LAN Cyber121 - Security Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDO Network The DO Netwo 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFinancial AnaThe FARS serv129 - Reporting and Information
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeTreasury Ent The Treasury337 - Creden648 - Identif 649 - Access Control
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFiscal Projec NPS is a miss013 - Financial Sector Oversight
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeForeign CrediFCRS is the U043 - Global Trade
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGovernment G S SOC function
121 - Security Management
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeHR LoB - HR HR Connect is255 - Emplo 251 - Staffin 254 - Employ
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHR LoB InCo inCompass sys 255 - Employee Performance Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated A The amounts118 - Federal Asset Sales
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated Li TechLib is Th661 - Document Management and workflow
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOFAC Call CeThe OFAC Call108 - Customer Services
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOFAC ConsoliThe OFAC Cons 045 - Criminal Investigation and Surveillance
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSafety and H SHIMS applica 066 - Worker Safety
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSecurities M This system r013 - Financial Sector Oversight
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSIGTARP IT For acquisiti 013 - Financial Sector Oversight
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTreasury BudTreasury's co101 - Budget Formulation
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTreasury E-R Treasury's co115 - Rule Publication
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTreasury EnteThe Treasury103 - Enterprise Architecture
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTreasury ForeTFIN is a mis 323 - Intelli 340 - Collabo577 - Knowled
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTreasury GraTreasury's co362 - Federal363 - Federal Funds to States and Local Governm
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTreasury Hu This investme251 - Staffin 254 - Employ255 - Emplo
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeTreasury IT I Treasury TSS 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTreasury IT The Treasury546 - Portfolio Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTreasury Sec TSDN enables045 - Crimina053 - Legal I 346 - Crimina
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTreasury WebTreasury Web341 - Web Infrastructure
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTreasury GeoTreasury's co590 - Mapping / Geospatial
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTreasury-WidECM is a set 340 - Collabo345 - Manag 533 - Corre
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAdvanced Tech Support in ad045 - Criminal Investigation and Surveillance
12 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBSA IT ModerFinCENs BSA 0I 45 - Crimina047 - Crime Prevention
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCross BorderProvides capa045 - Criminal Investigation and Surveillance
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEgmont The Egmont S013 - Financial Sector Oversight
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFICAM IT Security p 121 - Security Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFinCEN End UThe use of co139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFinCEN Enterp Treasury has 103 - Enterprise Architecture
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFinCEN IT InfInvestment to139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFinCEN TelecCommunicatio 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeAgency AccouAAS is a coll 124 - Accoun129 - Reporting and Information
14 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeAutomated StASAP is a rec126 - Paymen129 - Reporting and Information
14 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeInvoice ProceIPP provides 126 - Payments
14 01 - Major 00 - is th 126 - Paymen127 - Collections and Receivables
14 01 - Major 00 - is the127 - Collect 328 - Collect 681 - Forms Management
14 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOver the CouOTCnet is the127 - Collect 328 - Collect 329 - Continu
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic ChThe Electroni127 - Collections and Receivables
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDebit Gatew The Debit Gat127 - Collect 328 - Collect Revenues and User Fees
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeElectronic F EFTPS was lau127 - Collect 328 - Collect Revenues and User Fees
14 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDebt CollectiDCS collects 116 - Debt Co326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDo Not Pay ( DNP Business011 - Busine 318 - Business Analytics
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFiscal Agent FAIS includes139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFinancial Ma FMLOB is a go354 - IT Stra 538 - Program / Project Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise IniEIC provides 129 - Reporting and Information
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePlanning, InvPIA is compri103 - Enterpr546 - Portfolio Management
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeRetail SecuritRSS supports124 - Accoun108 - Customer Services
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeWholesale Sec WSS supports129 - Report 034 - Key Asset and Critical Infrastructure Protec
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSAspendingUSAspending.g 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTTB EA, CPIC TTB's Enterpr103 - Enterpr104 - Strateg546 - Portfolio Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTTB General TTB General S139 - Provide180 - Taxati 079 - Permits and Licensing
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTTB IT Infras TTB End User139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTTB IT Infras TTB Mainfram 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTTB IT Infras TTB Telecomm 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTTB RegulatoTTB Regulator079 - Permits319 - Regulatory Compliance
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTTB Tax Syst TTB Tax Syste326 - IT Sys 328 - Collect Revenues and User Fees
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAdvance SuppState of the 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArchitecture Planning, inc 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBEP End UserConsolidation139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBEP TelecomConsolidatio 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeContract Lif CLM will pro 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeData ManageDMM collects, 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise A An asset mana 353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGeneral SuppConsolidation139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeManufacturinMEC will prov129 - Reporting and Information
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeManufacturinThe Manufactu 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePM Support Execution of 354 - IT Strategy and Innovation
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWebTA WebTA is an 2e54 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMint COINS -COINS is a se144 - Inventory Control
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOrder Manage This initiati 127 - Collections and Receivables
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUS Mint IT InThis investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUS Mint IT InThis investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUS Mint IT InThis investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIT Security - The IT Securi315 - Threat and Vulnerability Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - Investme701EXECRPT 701EXEC Contr 180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated TrATFR applicat180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBusiness MasDevelop and 1m80 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeModified EO/MEDS enhance 180 - Taxation Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated Co ACS is a lega 180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated InAIS tracks an180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated La(79594) ALERT 228 - Labor R256 - Employ180 - Taxation Management
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated Of (79552) Suppo 180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic FeEFPPS is the 180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEmbedded Qua (SRC06 UI-79255 - Employee Performance Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEmployee CoEmployee Conn 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnforcementERIS is a res 592 - Data Mining
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEngagement (S79584) - EST256 - Employee Relations
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGovernment TRhe Governmen 122 - Travel
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated P IPS is IRS's 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTax Litigati TLCATS is a k180 - Taxation Management
12 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIndividual MaIMF is the au180 - Taxati 601 - Data Exchange
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIntegrated S ISRP is the l 180 - Taxation Management
14 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeModernized eMeF provides180 - Taxation Management
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeService Cent SCRIPS is a d 180 - Taxati 129 - Reporting and Information
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeAffordable CaThe ACA inves180 - Taxation Management
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIRS TelecommThe Telecommu 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBusiness Pe The BPMS syst 180 - Taxation Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCompliance TA collection 180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeContact RecorA technology-180 - Taxation Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - Investmee-trak e-trak is an 180 - Taxati 176 - Legisla 326 - IT Sys
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeE-Travel (IR The ETS2 prog 122 - Travel
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic M EMS is the IR180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEP/EO/GE Aim EARP contain180 - Taxation Management
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIRS Main Fra Provides for 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIRS End User The End User139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
14 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeWeb ApplicatiWeb Applicati180 - Taxati 344 - Content Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated NANMF is an a180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBusiness Mast This project 180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBusiness MasProvides on-l180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBusiness MasBusiness Mast 180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBusiness Mas(79507) Build180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBusiness Mast BMF CCNIP Rel 180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDependent Da (SRPD6) Uses180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFederal/State(STL16) - Gov180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIndividual MaA series of e 180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInformation RInformation R180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMail Labels (79503) Anal180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeName SearchNSF F allows IR180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNational Acc (SRPE6) The N180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNotice ConveNOTCON projec 180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNotice Print (79511) Notic180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNotice Revie (79508) Extra180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOn Line Noti (79509). Th 180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOP500 Series(SR1Z6) The O180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAudit InformAIMS is desig180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCriminal Inv The Criminal 180 - Taxation Management
12 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEnterprise C This investm 531 - Case Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIndividual MaProvides proc180 - Taxation Management
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeAccount ManAMS is a majo180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAppeals CentACDS is the m180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeApplications Provides wide180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArchitecture Provides ente180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated UThe AUR syste 180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBatch/Block (SR5D6) This 180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeChapter ThreProcesses th 180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCollection AcStatutory Rep129 - Reporting and Information
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCombined AnThis CAWR sy180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCorresponden Provide tax f 180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCounsel AutoCALS is a ful 180 - Taxation Management
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCustomer AccThe Customer180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCustomer Serv The Internati180 - Taxation Management
14 01 - Major 00 - Investmee-Services (e e-SVS is a su 180 - Taxation Management
12 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeElectronic Fr Electronic Fr 045 - Crimina180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated P IPM is a cons603 - Data Warehouse
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated P (SR1F6) OPIS 180 - Taxation Management
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIntegrated FiIFS is the IR 124 - Accounting
11 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIntegrated DaSince 1973, I 180 - Taxation Management
14 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIntegrated C ICCE provides180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated CoThe Integrate180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInfrastructur ISS establish 180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInformation A series of e 180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIndividual TaIndividual Ta180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise SeEnterprise S 180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGeneralized GMF validates 180 - Taxation Management
12 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeForeign AccoFATCA require 180 - Taxation Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFiling Inform FIRE receives180 - Taxation Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFinancial Ma FMIS supplies129 - Reporting and Information
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeExamination ERCS is an au180 - Taxation Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeError Resolut(UI 79618) Th180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInventory Del(SR206) The I180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFederal Paym(79593) The 180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeReturn Transa(SRPC6) Retur180 - Taxation Management
12 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeReturn RevieThe Return Re 045 - Crimina180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeReporting C Reporting tes180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeReport GenerSupports annu 180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRemittance TThe RTR appli180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRemittance SRS-PCC provid180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRemittance PRPS processes180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeReimbursableReimbursable129 - Reporting and Information
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOnline 5081((SR6P6 UI-796 649 - Access Control
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNational Res National Rese180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMITS ManageIncludes exec180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMetaData Deliver Docu180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeManagementManagement180 Re - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInvestigative CI's Investiga180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLMSB Issue BThe LMSB IBMI 180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIT Executive This program180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeISY Support fThis is suppo180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIRS EnterprisThe Enterpris103 - Enterprise Architecture
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLMSB DecisioThe project w180 - Taxation Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIT Security C Incl. info. r 656 - Certification and Accreditation
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIRS.GOV - PoIRS portal wi 180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIssue and K IMS is the ca 180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWithholding The mission 180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWeb Currency WebCBRS stor 180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWeb Applicat.Maintain a p180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTotally Auto (79595) TAPS624 - Payroll 613 - Time Reporting
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTEGE SupportProcesses exe180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTE/GE Returns Returns Inven180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTaxpayer Adv(SXB16(UI-796 180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTax Return DTRDB is the l 180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeStatistics of (SMF36) IRC 6180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeStandard CFO(SRPG6) The S180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSection 527 -Section 527 I180 - Taxation Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSecurity Audi(SRD16) SAAS077 - Inspection and Auditing
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeService WideSWETRS will c180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeService-wide The Servicewi180 - Taxation Management
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOCC IT InfrasThis investme675 - Voice 343 - Audio / Video Conferencing
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOCC IT InfrasThis investme139 - Provide263 - System and Network Monitoring
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCyber SecuritTechnologies,121 - Securi 316 - Continuous Monitoring
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOCC IT InfrasThis investm 659 - Email 121 - Securi 120 - Help Desk Services
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNon-ApplicatiIncludes all 013 - Financi 326 - IT Sys 329 - Continuity of Operations
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeECON, CCO, INon-Committee 013 - Financi 124 - Accoun326 - IT System Development / Inte
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeExam PlanninIncludes all 013 - Financi 538 - Progra 106 - Workforce Planning
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePerformanceThe Performan 259 - Budget and Performance Integration
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTreasury GovTreasury's co254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
13 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeTreasury USAThis is Treas 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSecurity, SuitDepartment of121 - Security Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise InThis program139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure

- IT
re FTE's
not part of
a specific
- Software
- Support
for the
Office of
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise In tions. 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOFR IT InfrasThis investme013 - Financi 326 - IT Sys 327 - Enterpr
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOFR IT InfrasThis investm 139 - Provide675 - Voice 656 - Certifi
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOFR IT MainfThis investme326 - IT Sys 263 - System327 - Enterpr
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise EDM program129 w - Reporting and Information
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeImplementatUpgrades to B326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEvent Driven Event Driven 180 - Taxation Management
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeAchieving A BThe IRS will 260 - Tax and Fiscal Policy
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAsset Forfeit The AFTRAK sy180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - Investmee-Crimes EnvPrevious UII: 180 - Taxation Management
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeHealth CoverHCTC, extende 180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeExcise Files ExFIRS is an 180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProject TrackThe Project T129 - Reporting and Information
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePIV Backgroun PBIP, intran 121 - Security Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLMSB SelectiProvides tool180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWork RequesWRMS utilizes 538 - Program / Project Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVirtual Envi Centra is a C 343 - Audio / Video Conferencing
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTax ProfessioThe TPPS appl180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDatabase Adm Activities re 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise ArPractice of m103 - Enterpr354 - IT Stra 104 - Strategic Planning
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise Activities re 603 - Data Warehouse
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTIGTA EnterprThe EA progra260 - Tax and Fiscal Policy
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTIGTA PARIS Management649 an - Access Control
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFinancial Inf The Financial129 - Reporting and Information
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMint Retail SThe United St127 - Collections and Receivables
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeETLA/R-Mail Electronic Ta180 - Taxation Management
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated 60 The Internal 180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated Su (79534) This 180 - Taxation Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBMF ElectroniPerformed val180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCompliance DCDE is a secu180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeQueuing Mana QM captures180 T - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeU.S. ResidencyUSRC applicat180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTaxpayer AdvTASIS will im 180 - Taxation Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSubmission PAutomated Cyc 180 - Taxation Management
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeStakeholder SPECTRM is a180 - Taxation Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePayment ApplPAM replaces126 - Paymen120 - Help Desk Services
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePayment InfoThe Payment129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePrinting and The PrinCE in126 - Paymen116 - Debt Collection
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSecure PaymeBureau of the126 - Paymen108 - Customer Services
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePost PaymentThe Post Pay126 - Paymen531 - Case Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePACER PACER On-Line 126 - Paymen129 - Reporting and Information
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTreasury ReceThe Treasury126 - Paymen124 - Accounting
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTreasury CheThe Treasury126 - Paymen531 - Case 116 - Debt Collection
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTreasury Ca Treasury Cas 127 - Collect 129 - Reporting and Information
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCash ManageThe CMIAS is363 - Federal Funds to States and Local Governments
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDeposit and DDM improves 127 - Collect 129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTreasury Col TCMM is a cen 129 - Reporting and Information
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFRB CA$H-LI FRB CA$H-LINK 127 - Collect 328 - Collect Revenues and User Fees
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFiscal Servic This investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFiscal Servic This investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFiscal Servi This investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCentral Acco The Central A124 - Accoun129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSummary Debt SDAS provides 124 - Accoun129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCASH TRACK CASH TRACK 129 is - Report 070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeForeign Curr FCAS is an au124 - Accoun129 - Reporting and Information
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFinancial Inf FIRST automat 129 - Report 105 - Budget Execution
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGovernment G Aovernment 124Ag - Accoun129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntra-GovernIPAC enables126 - Paymen127 - Collections and Receivables
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBureau-wide BWS consists106 - Workforce Planning
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJudgment FunJFICS is web- 126 - Paymen129 - Reporting and Information
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSIMSIV SIMS IV allow320 - Credit 077 - Inspection and Auditing
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeExaminer Vi SIS-Examiner013 - Financial Sector Oversight
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMid-size BanMid-size ope013 - Financial Sector Oversight
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLarge Bank E Large Bank o013 - Financial Sector Oversight
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBank ActivityOperations an013 - Financial Sector Oversight
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFINDRS FINDRS is an 013 - Financi 318 - Business Analytics
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOMBUDSMAThe Ombudsman 013 - Financi 120 - Help Desk Services
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWeb and Elect Web and Elect 344 - Content Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIdentity AcceOperations an648 - Identification and Authentication
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTreasury EnteThis program139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeComputer AssProvides IT s 180 - Taxation Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInformation The purpose 1o80 - Taxation Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRedesign RevThis non-disc129 - Reporting and Information
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeRevenue Colle RCSS is a col 013 - Financial Sector Oversight
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCentral AccouCAS includes 124 - Accoun129 - Reporting and Information
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmePayment ServPayment Servi 126 - Paymen108 - Customer Services
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmePost PaymentPost Payment126 - Paymen531 - Case 533 - Corre
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFiscal IT Infr FIIS is a col 139 - Provide546 - Portfolio Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBureau ManaBureau Manage 106 - Workforce Planning
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCore ExaminaIncludes all 013 - Financial Sector Oversight
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeReporting & AIncludes all 013 - Financi 318 - Busines129 - Reporting and Information
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOMBUD, COS/ Non-Committe 013 - Financi 120 - Help De344 - Content Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNon-Major Cor Initative wil 303 - Social Security Benefits
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeFinancial M Reduces non-c 124 - Accounting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNon-Major Dis Creates and m 303 - Social S311 - Vocational Rehabilitation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNon-Major Dis This Initiati 303 - Social S324 - Adjudicate Non-Judicial Requests
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNon-Major Ad Focuses on i 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNon-Major PrImplements an 116 - Debt Collection
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIntelligent DiIntelligent D 303 - Social Security Benefits
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNon-Major ITImplements se 315 - Threat and Vulnerability Management
04 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeGrants.Gov Provides a si 362 - Federal363 - Federal Funds to States and Local Governm
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNon-Major PrThe mission o315 - Threat and Vulnerability Management
02 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeGeospatial L Maximizes Geo 590 - Mapping / Geospatial
04 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDisaster Ass Provides a un008 - Disaster Preparedness and Planning
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeSMART ClaimThis initiati 303 - Social Security Benefits
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNon-Major PrDetect, preve124 - Accounting
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNon-Major Ad Initiative wi 303 - Social S601 - Data Exchange
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNational SupThis investme329 - Continuity of Operations
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNon-Major DiThis Initiati 303 - Social S324 - Adjudicate Non-Judicial Requests
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeTitle II Title II inve 303 - Social Security Benefits
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDisability Ca Replaces the 303 - Social Security Benefits
02 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeGovBenefits.Helps to prom 108 - Customer Services
02 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Rulemakin Fosters colla 113 - Public Comment Tracking
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNon-Major Ad Provides accu533 - Correspondence Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNon-Major CoImprove and 303 e - Social S108 - Customer Services
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeElectronic SeThis initiati 303 - Social Security Benefits
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDDS AutomatProvides fund303 - Social Security Benefits
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNon-Major InNon-major inf139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
04 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeHuman ResouProvides com106 - Workfo251 - Staffing and Recruiting
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNon-Major CoInitiative wi 303 - Social S355 - Medicare
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeInfrastructu Consists of t 139 - Provide659 - Email 120 - Help Desk Services
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCustomer EnFocuses on th303 - Social Security Benefits
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeInfrastructur Efforts encom139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNon-Major CoInitiative fo 303 - Social S108 - Customer Services
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFinancial Ac Provides a st 124 - Accounting
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNon-Major CoEnhances the648 - Identification and Authentication
04 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeIntegrated A Creates a sec143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
03 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeNon-Major DisSupports the 303 - Social S248 - Health Care Delivery Services
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNon-Major Ad Initiative wi 318 - Business Analytics
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNon-Major Fin Maintain and124 - Accounting
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeSSI ModernizThe SSI Moder 303 - Social Security Benefits
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProgram InteRedesigns and 303 - Social S601 - Data Exchange
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEA. Capital P Initiatives r 103 - Enterpr104 - Strategic Planning
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNon-Major DiEnhances our303 - Social S324 - Adjudicate Non-Judicial Requests
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEarnings RedThis initiati 369 - Beneficiary & Earnings Records
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNon-Major PrModernize Rep 303 - Social Security Benefits
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNon-Major PrData exchange 303 - Social S124 - Accounting
02 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeBudget Formu The Budget F124 - Accounting
04 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeNon Major AdProvides webs 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIT ModernizaIT Modernizat139 - Provide326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOmbudsmanThis Ca investm 016 - Higher 531 - Case Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRace to the RTT grantees576 - Knowledge Capture
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNational CenProvide train271 - Educational Excellence
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSharePoint SeSharePoint O139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeImpact Aid S Manages the271 f - Educational Excellence
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeED Data ExprThe ED Data E577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeMigrant StudThe Departmen 576 - Knowle603 - Data W015 - Elementary, Secondary, and V
06 02 - Non Maj00 - Investme21st CCLC Pr The U.S. Depa577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMathematicsThe investmen 120 - Help Desk Services
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeReadiness anREMS TA Cente 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAnalytic and Development,576 - Knowledge Capture
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSEP PersonnThis contrac 255 - Employee Performance Management
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNational CleaIt uses a var 353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeThe National This investme577 - Knowled 601 - Data Exchange
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNRS Adult EdSection 212 o576 - Knowle603 - Data Warehouse
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePromoting PrSupports the271 - Educational Excellence
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLiteracy Inf The LINCS sys577 - Knowled 271 - Educational Excellence
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePerkins Info Supports pro015 - Elemen129 - Reporting and Information
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFederal Pell To provide es271 - Educational Excellence
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOPE Web ShaThis is a tas 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
06 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOPE Integrat This investme016 - Higher Education
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWeb Data ColWeb Data Coll 576 - Knowle603 - Data Warehouse
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRIO Grant CTRIO Grant C271 - Educational Excellence
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTitle II Data The Higher Ed271 - Educational Excellence
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRESULTS - OffThe RESULTS271 i - Educational Excellence
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDebt Managem The DMCS Inv016 - Higher 116 - Debt Collection
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeAid Data MarThe Aid Data 016 - Higher 603 - Data Warehouse
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEnterprise I The Enterpris016 - Higher 337 - Credential Issuance and Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeeZ-Audit eZ-Audit is a 016 - Higher 655 - Audit Trail Capture and Analysis
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeParticipatio Participation 016 - Higher 576 - Knowledge Capture
06 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFederal Stud Utilizing Ora 016 - Higher 129 - Reporting and Information
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTrusted InterThis initiati 016 - Higher 315 - Threat and Vulnerability Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFinancial Aid The Financial016 - Higher 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise SoThis investme016 - Higher 327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSA Portals The Informati016 - Higher 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEnterprise ArEnterprise Ar016 - Higher 103 - Enterpr139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infra
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHealth EducaThis investme016 - Higher 116 - Debt Collection
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeApplication aThe Applicati016 - Higher 108 - Customer Services
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeeCampus BasThe investmen 016 - Higher 362 - Federal Financial Assistance
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise TeThe investmen 016 - Higher 326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIntegrated StThe Integrate016 - Higher 108 - Customer Services
06 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeRational Sup Rational Supp016 - Higher 326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise P The goal of t 016 - Higher 546 - Portfolio Management
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEnterprise BuEBC provides016 - Higher 340 - Collaboration Tools
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeADG ApplicatThe ADG Appli 016 - Higher 326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeVirtual Data The Virtual D016 - Higher 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
06 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEDExpress EDE Suite is 016 - Higher 362 - Federal Financial Assistance
06 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeData Challen This investme016 - Higher 531 - Case Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePostsecondarThe Postsecon 016 - Higher 517 - External Partner Relationship Managemen
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCommon Origi Common proces 016 - Higher 362 - Federal Financial Assistance
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTQ ScholarshiTSAR is a web271 - Educational Excellence
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise C The ECM syste 016 - Higher 326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNational Stu The NSLDS Inv 016 - Higher 603 - Data Warehouse
06 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIES Support (Institute of 129 - Report 015 - Elemen016 - Higher
06 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEDFacts EDFacts is an576 - Knowle603 - Data Warehouse
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNAGB IT SuppNAGB IT Supp139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNCES AdminisNCES Adminis271 - Educati590 - Mappin129 - Reporting and Information
06 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEducational The Education 015 - Elemen070 - General271 - Educati
06 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIES Knowledge The Knowledge 271 - Educati015 - Elemen016 - Higher
06 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIES Sample SuIES Sample Su271 - Educati015 - Elemen016 - Higher
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeeService CenThe eService 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOGC Case anAllows OGC to 531 - Case Management
00 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov: GeospED's contribut590 - Mappin577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise E Enterprise re345 - Manag 661 - Document Management and workflow
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNational ChaThe contract 271 - Educational Excellence
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeConference RThis investme576 - Knowle577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFISMA ReportOperational V121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIT Acquisiti This initiati 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov: E-Rul Consolidation577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
05 02 - Non Maj00 - Investmei-Complaints iComplaints a255 - Employee Performance Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInformation OIG Request.655 - Audit Trail Capture and Analysis
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov: Trave Enterprise wi122 - Travel
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePlanning an ED will enga 547 - Performance Management
07 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov: Human ED s contribu251 - Staffing and Recruiting
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIV and V (fo The IV&V cont 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSEP GRADS The3 major obj601 - Data Exchange
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInformation ICRAS is an 604 - Meta 319 - Regulatory Compliance
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOIG Data AnaProvides anal592 - Data Mining
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAssistive Te This is a sup 314 - Assisti 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMagnet Schoo The Magnet S271 - Educational Excellence
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCase Trackin System docket 228 - Labor Relations
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEducation InvTo provide up531 - Case Management
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCivil Rights Collection an603 - Data W576 - Knowle271 - Educati
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCase and ActCAMS provides 531 - Case Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIT EquipmentEquipment and 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGovDelivery It enables go577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise BuThis investme340 - Collabo661 - Document Management and workflow
06 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeGrants ManaThe U.S. Dep271 - Educational Excellence
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMultiple Pro This system w576 - Knowle577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
00 02 - Non Maj00 - Investmei3 CoPP The purpose 5o77 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
07 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov: Enter ED s contribu251 - Staffing and Recruiting
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIT InvestmenIT provides s 546 - Portfo 538 - Program / Project Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCheckFree FrFrontier a CO129 - Reporting and Information
06 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeContracts an CPSS provides143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePromise Nei This is the w 577 - Knowled 002 - Community and Regional Development
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBudget Formul The goal of t 101 - Budget105 - Budget104 - Strateg
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAlternative DA comprehensi 531 - Case Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLabor and EmData tracking256 - Employee Relations
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAudit Account Audit Account 576 - Knowledge Capture
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFinancial Ma The FMSS is a124 - Accoun129 - Report 127 - Collect
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCIO Innovati This investme354 - IT Strategy and Innovation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOED ParkingThis program119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOffice of Ed This investm 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEnterprise TrImprove feder 263 - System and Network Monitoring
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCyber SecuritIndependent121 - Security Management
00 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov: GrantPayment made 271 - Educational Excellence
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDoED Emergen Enables trans577 - Knowled 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIdentity Ma The Identity 121 - Security Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeReal Propert The Federal R119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEvent Online On-line regis 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFM Business TPhis investme530 - Process Tracking
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDatabase MaThis Database119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
07 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-gov: USAJOOPM online re 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIT Support foThis investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOM EmployeeOM is able to577 - Knowled 256 - Employee Relations
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeSecurity AuthFormerly name 121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInformation AED Informatio121 - Security Management
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise R The purpose 3o15 - Threat and Vulnerability Management
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVisual PerforEnterprise wi104 - Strategic Planning
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTravel Mana Enterprise wi122 - Travel
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGRADS 360 A web-based120 p - Help Desk Services
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeED Web is the577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePresidential This electron271 - Educati603 - Data Warehouse
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeInformation IA enhancemen 121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCustomer SerThe CaseRoute 531 - Case Management
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov: Finan The Departmen 129 - Reporting and Information
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNotAlone.go Site includes 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEducation SeOffice of Man121 - Security Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBudget Formu The Budget Fo 101 - Budget105 - Budget104 - Strategic Planning
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCyber SecuritDepartment o121 - Security Management
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIntegrated SuIntegrated Su139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEducation DeIT infrastruc 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFOIAXpress Web-based COT 325 - Information Discovery
07 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov: E-BeneIt provides c 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeED Pubs The web site 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise InConnectED is577 - Knowled 603 - Data W344 - Content Management
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSupport for This investm 139 - Provide344 - Conte 325 - Informa
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeContinuous CThe continuou 316 - Continuous Monitoring
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOIG SoftwareNew. 327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHEP/CAMP Tec The HEP/CAMP 271 - Educational Excellence
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEnterprise D EDWA centrali 016 - Higher 603 - Data W318 - Business Analytics
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFSA Security This is a new 016 - Higher 121 - Security Management
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeED Data Stratnew. 339 - Information Mapping / Taxonomy / Categorization
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCollege Scor New. 070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEDUCATE FolThis investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeStudent LoanNew. 362 - Federal Financial Assistance
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeConsolidatedNew. 327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOn-line CompNew. 680 - Issue Tracking
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTeach to Lea New. 340 - Collaboration Tools
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLogistical Te The purpose 2o71 - Educational Excellence
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNational RehaNARIC is a da271 - Educati577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeService Obli RTT grantees576 - Knowle116 - Debt Collection
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeABLEDATA AbleData prov 577 - Knowled 314 - Assistive Technology Services
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTrim Trio (P TRIM Trio ser271 - Educational Excellence
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPSS SoftwarThis OPE inve318 - Business Analytics
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePortfolio AnalPortfolio Ana016 - Higher 603 - Data W318 - Business Analytics
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeSecurity OperThis initiati 016 - Higher 316 - Continuous Monitoring
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeSystem SecuriThis investme016 - Higher 656 - Certification and Accreditation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMAC SoftwarMac software326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOUS Database This is an OU601 - Data E 576 - Knowledge Capture
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGRB RetiremeGRB is a nece577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEducation DeThe purpose 2o71 - Educational Excellence
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAdobe LicensThis investme327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutoCad Software for 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProperty InspGoogle Earth327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFSA Electron The FSA Elect016 - Higher 345 - Management of Government Records
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEmployee ExpED s contribu254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov: Integ ED's contribut143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeStudent Aid The purpose 0o16 - Higher 601 - Data Exchange
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIntegrated P The IPM initi 016 - Higher 517 - External Partner Relationship Managemen
00 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov: IAE - Payment made 271 - Educational Excellence
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFederal PersoDOI-IBC spons124 - Accounting
11 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNNSA EmergeECN provides010 - Emerge139 - Provide675 - Voice Communications
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA CNS Unc Maintains and139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA CNS ClaMaintains and 302 - Nuclea 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA CNS App CNS Applicati139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA CNS ClaMaintains and 302 - Nuclea 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA CNS ClaMaintains and 302 - Nuclea 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA CNS-Y12 Software lice351 - Defense326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA CNS Clas Maintains and302 - Nuclea 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA CNS ClaMaintains and 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA CNS-Y12 Hardware and 351 - Defense326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA CNS CICNS CIO Campa 538 - Progra 354 - IT Strategy and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA CNS CIO CNS CIO Activ538 - Progra 103 - Enterprise Architecture
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJLAB Scientif Mission speci026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJLAB Mission Mission R&D 026I - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL M& LANL authenti648 - Identification and Authentication
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LLNL M& Applications 601 - Data E 603 - Data Warehouse
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA STA FixFixed Site C 351 - Defense350 - Nucle 008 - Disaste
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA SNL M&O Applications 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA Naval This investme101 - Budget318 - Business Analytics
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LLNL M& Field support120 - Help Desk Services
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL M& Service desk 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA NNSS M Nevarro-Inter538 - Progra 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA NNSS M& NNSS server 139 - Provide263 - System608 - Data R
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA STA ComCommunication 351 - Defense350 - Nucle 008 - Disaste
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LLNL M&Activities su 124 - Accoun129 - Reporting and Information
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA SNL M&OTailored IT s 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA Network2NV includes326 - IT Sys 354 - IT Stra 353 - Inform
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA Naval RFunds the dev139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LLNL M&Mission Cyber315 - Threat 317 - Data Integrity and Privacy Management
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA CNS-PTXThis investme302 - Nuclea 351 - Defense143 - Goods and Services Acquisitio
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA SNL M&OSupport for 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA Naval Funds all des139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA Naval RFunds the ope 327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LLNL MManagement139 o - Provide263 - System and Network Monitoring
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA KCP M& NNSA KCP Clas 351 - Defense139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA STA O This investme353 - Inform 119 - Facili 344 - Content Management
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA SNL M&OProvides cent326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA STA ARThe Advanced351 - Defense350 - Nucle 008 - Disaste
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA NNSS M NNSS applica139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA CNS-Y12CNS-Y12 Purc139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LLNL M&Human resour 618 - Employ143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA CNS-Y12Maintains and 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA SNL M&OSNL's consoli327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LLNL M&Automated de 120 - Help Desk Services
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LLNL M&Facilities and327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL M&Modern Insti139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA Naval RIntegration o315 - Threat and Vulnerability Management
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LLNL M&Contractor A344 - Content Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA KCP M&OThis investme340 - Collabo343 - Audio /139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infra
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL M&Facility, env 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA SNL M&OComputer supp 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA SNL M& Corporate Com 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL M&Physical Netw675 - Voice Communications
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA Naval Network desig 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL M&Procurement,618 - Employee Development and Training
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA HQ EnteSupports the139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA Naval RFunds the Pr 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA CNS-PTCNS-PTX Desk108 - Customer Services
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA Naval RFunds the re 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL M&Classified W 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA Naval Funds the ma139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA Naval RFund the mai139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LLNL M&Email, calend340 - Collaboration Tools
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL M&Lync, ViewIT,659 - Email 341 - Web Inf340 - Collaboration Tools
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA Naval RFunds the Pr 327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA SNL M& Design servic139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LLNL MField support120 - Help Desk Services
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA KCP M&OOCIO support104 - Strateg101 - Budget103 - Enterpr
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA SNL M&ODeliver upgr 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL MLANL Mission327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL M&Infrastructure139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA CNS DivCNS hardware, 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA KCP M&OIncludes KCP139 - Provide119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Manageme
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA SNL M&OProvides acce661 - Document Management and workflow
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LLNL MVoice, video 675 - Voice Communications
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL M&Modern Insti139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA STA FedFederal Enter351 - Defense350 - Nucle 008 - Disaste
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA Local ALANMAS is a 3s 51 - Defense326 - IT Sys 144 - Invento
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA KCP M&OIncludes KCP 129 - Report 124 - Accounting
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA CNS-Y12NNSA Y-12 ERP 547 - Perfo 624 - Payroll
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA KCP M& This investme120 - Help Desk Services
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL M&Application 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA STA RelRelay Station351 - Defense350 - Nucle 008 - Disaste
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL M&Mainframes/S139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA ABQ EntSupports the139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA CNS TelCNS Unclassif139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA SNL M&OThis service 675 - Voice Communications
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA Naval Provides res 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL M&Patching, sta139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL M&Classified S 120 - Help Desk Services
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL M&Classified IT 120 - Help Desk Services
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA SNL M& Management538 an - Program / Project Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA KCP M& Unclassified 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA SNL M&OProvides secu139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LLNL MField support120 - Help Desk Services
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL MApplications 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA Naval Purchase of 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL M&Infrastructur 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LLNL MEnterprise In326 - IT Sys 103 - Enterprise Architecture
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA NNSS M WSI Security 263 - System538 - Program / Project Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL MVOIP and the675 - Voice Communications
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LLNL MTier 1 servic 120 - Help Desk Services
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA NucleaNMMSS is a se 351 - Defense144 - Invento349 - Nonprol
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA NNSS M NNSS help des 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA SNL M&OIncludes Tier 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA STA - OOST Vehicle 351 - Defense010 - Emerge034 - Key Ass
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA CNS-Y NNSA/Y-12 Ma 302 - Nuclea 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA CNS IT IT Systems su121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA NNSS M NNSS IT Mana538 - Program / Project Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA NNSS M NNSS telepho675 - Voice Communications
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA HQ Field
HQ funded com 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA CNS-PTXCNS-PTX Relat 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA SNL M& Support appl129 - Reporting and Information
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL MOCIO program 538 - Program / Project Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA Naval RFunds the Pro139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA CNS-PTX CNS-PTX Data139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL M& Smartphones675 - Voice 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL M& IaaS and Data603 - Data Warehouse
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA KCP M& This investme675 - Voice 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA SNL M& Provides admi327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA KCP M&O This item inc 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA Naval RFunds the Pr 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL MSmall dollar 327 - Enterpr139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA SNL M& CIO activitie 546 - Portfolio Management
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA STA C5NNSA STA Mis 351 - Defense350 - Nucle 008 - Disaste
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA KCP M& NNSA KCP Uncl 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA Naval Funds all des327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL M& NSN (SIPRnet139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL M& Institutional 120 - Help Desk Services
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA SNL M& Financial, Pr 129 - Reporting and Information
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LLNL MManagement263 o - System139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA STA C5NNSA STA C5351 C - Defense350 - Nucle 008 - Disaste
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL M& Business Appl326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL M& LANL standard 327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL M& Institutiona 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL M& Traditional c 675 - Voice Communications
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL M& Business Appl326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL M& Traditional T 675 - Voice Communications
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA SNL M&O Supports corp340 - Collaboration Tools
11 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNNSA EnterprNNSA Enterpr139 - Provide103 - Enterprise Architecture
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA Naval Hardware and 343 - Audio / Video Conferencing
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA KCP M&O NNSA KCP Clas 351 - Defense139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA CNS-Y12 CNS-Y12 Uncl139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL MWeapons prog 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM RL MSA PThe investmen 546 - Portfolio Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBFO TelEM CBFO Telec 263 - System139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBFO TeleLabor and equ 263 - System655 - Audit T675 - Voice
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLM EnterpriseLM Strategic 103 - Enterpr104 - Strateg101 - Budget Formulation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLM Network Network mana 139 - Provide263 - System and Network Monitoring
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBC ArchiSupports rete317 - Data Integrity and Privacy Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEHSS INFRASThe systems 034 - Key Asset and Critical Infrastructure Protection
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLM Telephony Telecommunica 675 - Voice 343 - Audio / Video Conferencing
24 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEHSS TelecomThis is NOT p327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
24 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEHSS ENTERPThe EHSS pro351 - Defense Nuclear Security
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM SR CENTEOffice Automa 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBC WV -This
I investme139 - Provide656 - Certification and Accreditation
24 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEHSS MissionSmall relatio 341 - Web Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM RL - IOATThis scope in139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM SR SRNS M SR Mission S 024 - Environmental Remediation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM ICP CyberID, Informati 121 - Security Management
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM RL OMC -This scope in002 - Community and Regional Development
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM RL DOE En Plan and ove103 - Enterprise Architecture
25 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEA National TThis investme577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
24 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEHSS DOE ENThe EHSS pro121 - Security Management
31 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLM Electroni 2.1 Operatio 345 - Management of Government Records
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEHSS HQ PHYThis investm 121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBFO OffiRoutine repla678 - System139 - Provide680 - Issue Tracking
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM HQ MissioMIPP consist 656 - Certifi 654 - Incident Response
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEHSS ProgramEA is a commo 103 - Enterprise Architecture
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM HQ EM 1The Automate 024 - Environmental Remediation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM SRNS IT SManagement139 of - Provide354 - IT Stra 577 - Knowledge Distribution and D
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBC Tele Includes inte675 - Voice 343 - Audio / Video Conferencing
15 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEM RL - BMS Business Man318 - Business Analytics
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM HQ CloudImplement and 139 - Provide340 - Collaboration Tools
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBFO CREL WIPP Recertif661 - Docum079 - Permits and Licensing
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM RL - IOATThis scope in120 - Help Desk Services
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEA Office Au This is NOT a316 - Continuous Monitoring
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM RL MSA I RL MSA Infor129 - Reporting and Information
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM RL - IOATThis scope in024 - Enviro 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
31 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLM EITSS (EnvLM Long Term 308 - Envir 023 - Enviro 024 - Enviro
15 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEM RL - Rec Records Manag 345 - Management of Government Records
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM SRNS IT VSite computer139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
25 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEA Classified Document Cont 661 - Docum144 - Inventory Control
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLM Solution ASoftware Eng326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM RL RPP NoManagement024 an - Enviro 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM RL MSA Sit The IT assets139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBFO DOE Respond to r119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
25 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEA Office AutProvides ind 316 - Continuous Monitoring
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLM EUSS (OffHelp Desk ope 120 - Help Desk Services
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM SR CENTE**Contractor103 - Enterprise Architecture
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM ICP Cell ID, Telephony343 - Audio / Video Conferencing
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM HQ Web This investme344 - Content Management
00 03 - Migrati 00 - InvestmeEM ETTP InfrProvides pro 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBFO InteThe IFMS Proj124 - Accoun143 - Goods a129 - Report
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLM Cyber SecCyber securit121 - Securi 656 - Certifi 648 - Identif
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBFO PlanIncludes NWP104 - Strateg354 - IT Strategy and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBFO WIPP The justifica 139 - Provide353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
31 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLM Preserve 2.4 Legacy O 026 - Scienti 538 - Program / Project Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM AMWTP Pla Includes info139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM RL PlateaThe purpose 0o24 - Environmental Remediation
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM HQ EM 1Radcalc class024 - Environmental Remediation
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBFO Centr The Central C530 - Process Tracking
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM RL - IOATThis scope in675 - Voice Communications
31 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLM Property Property Man144 - Inventory Control
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM RL - IOATThis scope in675 - Voice Communications
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLM End User Workstation/U 139 - Provide120 - Help De659 - Email
25 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEA Cyber SecHardware and 315 - Threat and Vulnerability Management
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM RL MSA Sa This investm 121 - Securi 024 - Environmental Remediation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBC ClassSupport and m 351 - Defense Nuclear Security
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM RL DOE No Richland perf538 - Program / Project Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM ICP Netwo ID, Telecommu 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM HQ Conten This investm 345 - Management of Government Records
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBFO CenThe Centrali 345 - Management of Government Records
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBFO TR TRANSCOM is322 - Public 061 - Ground Transportation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM ICP IT Cu ID, Office Au 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM HQ IT ArcDevelop an EM 103 - Enterpr101 - Budget104 - Strategic Planning
31 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLicensing Su The LSN is a 661 - Document Management and workflow
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM HQ Commun This investme340 - Collaboration Tools
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEHSS CLASSI Investments 121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM RL - IOATThis scope in315 - Threat and Vulnerability Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBC MOAB This investm 139 - Provide656 - Certification and Accreditation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM RL MSA En This investme103 - Enterprise Architecture
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM RL RCP - This scope in108 - Customer Services
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM RL - IOATThis scope in675 - Voice Communications
31 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLM Email Wa2.3 LM Legac659 - Email
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBC SSS -This investme139 - Provide656 - Certification and Accreditation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM SR SRNS (8Service Level603 - Data W604 - Meta Data Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEA Cyber SecOMB Infrastru 121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBFO Cybe EM CBFO Cyber 315 - Threat 316 - Contin 648 - Identification and Authenticati
15 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEM HQ IntegrThe Integrate101 - Budget Formulation
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM RL MSA En The IT assets139 - Provide024 - Environmental Remediation
25 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEA National Will enhance618 - Employee Development and Training
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM HQ Advanc ASCEM is a sc308 - Environmental Waste Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM RL - IOATThis scope in120 - Help Desk Services
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM HQ Human This includes254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLM TelecommNetwork Mana 139 - Provide655 - Audit Trail Capture and Analysis
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBFO Appl Hardware tech 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
31 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLMS JAMIS FiOperation an124 - Accoun105 - Budget Execution
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM ETTP BusiThis investme024 - Environmental Remediation
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM SR-DOE-SR This investme326 - IT Sys 327 - Enterpr120 - Help De
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM SR SRNS CCentral compu 139 - Provide008 - Disaste326 - IT System Development / Inte
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM SR SRNS IE-Mail/Groupw 659 - Email
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM RL - IOATThis scope in120 - Help Desk Services
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBFO WIPP This system c345 - Manag 661 - Document Management and workflow
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM RL - IOATThis scope in675 - Voice Communications
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM ICP ServeID, Applicati 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM SR SRNS (Software app023 - Enviro 024 - Enviro 590 - Mapping / Geospatial
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM RL MSA Bu The IT assets318 - Business Analytics
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBC OfficGeneral IT su327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
24 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEHSS ENTERPThe investme538 - Program / Project Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM ICP IT G ID, Applicati 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM RL DOE No The investmen 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLM Network Network Mana 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM HQ Centra The Cental In341 - Web Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM HQ VideoThis investme340 - Collaboration Tools
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM RL - IOATThis scope in120 - Help Desk Services
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBC IT InfIT infrastruc 139 - Provide656 - Certification and Accreditation
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM HQ EM 7 This
B includes256 - Employee Relations
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM SR SRNS aDesktop servi327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM RL OMC En Plan and ove103 - Enterprise Architecture
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM SR End UsSR End User S120 - Help Desk Services
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBFO Appl Software and254 - Employ124 - Accoun608 - Data Recovery
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBFO TeleHardware and 263 - System and Network Monitoring
15 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEM SR ContraCB/FAS suppo143 - Goods a124 - Accoun254 - Employee Benefits and Comp
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM RL - IOATThis scope in675 - Voice Communications
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM SR SRNS (Telecommunica 675 - Voice Communications
25 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEA National This infrastr 576 - Knowledge Capture
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBC AppliCBC software326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBC ServiThis Investme120 - Help De680 - Issue Tracking
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBFO OffiLabor for site120 - Help Desk Services
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM RL DOE FiThe purpose 2i 63 - System and Network Monitoring
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM RL RCP - This scope in139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBFO Appl Application d326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
31 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLM TransitionLM LTS&M. Tra 345 - Management of Government Records
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM ICP SoftwID, Applicati 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM SR SRNS SRS pagers. 675 - Voice Communications
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL ScientifProvide maint026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL Computi ORNL HelpDesk 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL BusinesResponsible f124 - Accounting
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSLAC Site NetSLAC site net026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE ID Office Includes gene326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEIA Mission sPrivate cloud139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEE Applicati IT hardware a139 - Provide326 - IT Sys 341 - Web Inf
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSLAC AD DeskScientific Re 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE INL ResearIT expenditur139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORISE StrategM&O. Provide 104 - Strategic Planning
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL Global SeDecision and 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL BusinesProvides the 124 - Accounting
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOE TelephonyThis is a sub 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEE EnterpriseSupports vide340 - Collabo343 - Audio /659 - Email
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL Enviro The purpose 0o23 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL BenefitORNL -Employ 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNETL MissionMulti-Org Pr 019 - Energy Production and Transmission
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL High Ener The High Ener026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL Time &ORNL M&O Con 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNETL MissionThis investme326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL Workers Addresses the066 - Worker Safety
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE INL CyberOperational 121 - Security Management
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL Other EDirect IT cos 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPRO MiscellaSPRPMO Inform 020 - Energy Conservation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL SafeGua ORNL's SafeG139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSLAC MissionHardware, so026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFE HQ Mission This investme019 - Energy 263 - System and Network Monitoring
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJLab TelephoM&O telephone 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE INL EnterpDevelopment,139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL TraininORNL's Train255 - Employee Performance Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSC IT ManageSupport for S103 - Enterprise Architecture
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL StrategiProvides cust026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE INL Facil Facility plan 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAmes EnterprSC HQ & the l121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE INL Colla On-going oper 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL Oracle ORNL M&O Con 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNREL TelephoProvides voic675 - Voice Communications
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORISE NetworPart of Cent 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL EnterpriSC HQ & the 121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFE HQ EA, Pl IT strategic 354 - IT Stra 103 - Enterprise Architecture
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPRO IT CustProvides dire020 - Energy Conservation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSC Cyber SecuImplements n121 - Security Management
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL NetworkThis investme026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE INL SafeguCntrl access 121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEE Cyber SecProvides shar121 - Securi 315 - Threat 316 - Contin
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOR SCMS/EMER Cost for des 576 - Knowledge Capture
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOR Financial The FAST syst124 - Accounting
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE INL Cont Management139 of - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPRO NetworSPRO's IT inv139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEIA IT Invest EIA IT infras 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE INL CommIT expenditu 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL Enterpris'M&O-Supplies 121 - Security Management
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL ResearchProvides sci 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSC Infrastru SC will begin 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNETL Cloud PThis investme659 - Email
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE ID EnterprSupport video354 - IT Strategy and Innovation
12 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEE Revised EnIT project t 020 - Energy 538 - Progra 272 - Energy
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL ChemicalCSE conducts026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL Basic CORNL M&O cont 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSLAC CurrentHW/SW systems 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL AcquistORNL's Acqui105 - Budget Execution
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORISE EnterprPart of Centr026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM SR SRNS (The Document 345 - Manag 661 - Document Management and workflow
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFE HQ Electr This investme019 - Energy 345 - Management of Government Records
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL InformaM&O contract 103 - Enterprise Architecture
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL InformaORNL's IT Mgt124 - Accounting
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPL BusinesUpgrade to bu 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL Telecom ORNL M&O con 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE INL QualitIT expenditur139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL ContracProvides oper026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSC IT MissionIT Services P 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL Tax & TResponsible f124 - Accounting
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE ID Applic Development,326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL EnterprM&O contracto 340 - Collaboration Tools
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPL ProgramComputer hard 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL EnvironmEnvironmental 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL EnterprThe Cyber Sec121 - Security Management
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL Account Customer bill105 - Budget Execution
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORISE EnterpSC HQ & the 121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE INL Telep 14 PBXs, SONE 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEE eProject BDevelop and 0m20 - Energy 129 - Report 538 - Program / Project Manageme
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE ID RESL ScIT operations139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE INL Appli A holistic ap 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE INL LaboraIT expenditur139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFE HQ IT CybeFE HQ IT Cybe315 - Threat 656 - Certification and Accreditation
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE INL AuditsIt expenditur139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPRO Cyber SSPRO cyber se 315 - Threat and Vulnerability Management
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL Account M&O contract 124 - Accounting
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE INL Print Enterprise Pr139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL Overhea These investm 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE INL Engin Enterprise En546 - Portfolio Management
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE INL Proj IT expenditur139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL BiosciencBiosciences R026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNREL IT ManaHigh-level ma104 - Strateg103 - Enterprise Architecture
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPRO Radio OSPRO activiti 020 - Energy Conservation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNREL Office Desktop compu 120 - Help De680 - Issue T 327 - Enterprise Licenses and Softw
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL ProvideORNL M&O Con 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL Unix SySystems admin 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL TechnicIndirect Acti 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL CIO GovDirect IT co 104 - Strategic Planning
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPRO Client SSPRO computer 020 - Energy Conservation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSLAC StanforIncludes inst 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTI Cyber SeSC HQ and the 121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPRO Field C SPRO's elemen 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL CentralDirect IT cos 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL Physics-DPhysics condu026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSLAC ScientifScientific Co 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJLab Applica Systems, soft026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNETL IT MissiActivities an 019 - Energy Production and Transmission
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPRO Commun Communicatio 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNREL EnterprManagement,327 m - Enterprise Licenses and Software
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE INL CyberProtect INL d121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPL EnterprSC HQ & the l121 - Security Management
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOR Budget ExBudget Execut 105 - Budget Execution
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL ExecutiDirect IT cos 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNREL Cyber SCyber Securi 121 - Securi 315 - Threat 316 - Contin
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPRO AlternaAlternate Dat139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTI Infrast User support026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFE HQ MissioThis investme019 - Energy 340 - Collaboration Tools
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE INL EducaApplicant tra618 - Employee Development and Training
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEE State GranInvestment m363 - Federa 517 - Extern 326 - IT Sys
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPRO Crude OInventory tra020 - Energy Conservation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOR Vendor InThe VIPERS sy124 - Accounting
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL CollaborM&O contracto 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE INL Compu Functions & c120 - Help Desk Services
32 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOE Mission SpInvestments m 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNETL End UserEnd user hard139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPRO SoftwarProvides soft020 - Energy Conservation
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEE CorporateThe CPS is a 105 - Budget129 - Report 326 - IT Sys
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL ResearchORNL M&O cont 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE INL Portf IT expenditu 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNETL MainfraMainframe and 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORISE Data CePart of Cetnr026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNETL IT PlannThis investme019 - Energy Production and Transmission
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL EnterpriSC HQ & the 121 - Security Management
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE INL Wirel Communicatio 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPL LaboratUser support026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL EnterpriCyber Securit121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE ID TelephInvestments t343 - Audio / Video Conferencing
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL MaterialMaterials Sci026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE ID GeneralIT operation 139 - Provide103 - Enterprise Architecture
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNETL IT DirecThis investme019 - Energy Production and Transmission
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSLAC TelecomIT support fo026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEE Applicati IT hardware a344 - Conte 326 - IT Sys 341 - Web Infrastructure
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPRO IT ManaThis investm 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL DirectoSupports the 104 - Strategic Planning
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL TelephonM&O contracto 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL Facilit ORNL M&O Cont 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL EnterprSC HQ & the l121 - Security Management
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORISE Applic Provide appl 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL ResearchProvides sci 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL ApplicaM&O contracto 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL Telepho ORNL's expens 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL ApplicatProvides infr 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPRO(HQ) IT SPRO IT Progr020 - Energy 103 - Enterprise Architecture
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE HQs CyberNE HQ IT Cybe 121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE INL NetwoMaintaining I139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM SR SRNS (V The safety, s 066 - Worker319 - Regula 603 - Data Warehouse
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE INL Finan Meet M&O cont 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEE Office Au Provides desk120 - Help De680 - Issue T 327 - Enterprise Licenses and Softw
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE INL CyberCyber securit121 - Security Management
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSPRO IT Gener Provides supp020 - Energy Conservation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL Communi M&O contracto 322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNETL TelecomData networks 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEE National Develop and 272 - Energy 603 - Data W318 - Business Analytics
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOR Financial CYBR SEC pie121 - Security Management
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL Nuclear ENuclear Engi 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL ESH&QORNL D M&O Con 129 - Reporting and Information
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJLab Enterpr SC HQ & the l121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE ID Teleco Investments r139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORISE Integr This is the E 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
32 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOE IT Progr IT investmen538 - Program / Project Management
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTI MissionHardware and 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL Office Provides desk139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSC IT ProgramLabor provide318 - Business Analytics
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEE CompliancDeveop and ma 079 - Permits341 - Web Inf517 - External Partner Relationship
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL Operatio Direct IT cos 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE HQs EA, PIT strategic 019 - Energy 103 - Enterprise Architecture
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSC Infrastru Covers O&M,139 r - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL Networks This investme026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPL CADD Te Hardware, so026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFE NEHHOR M Management020 of - Energy 263 - System and Network Monitoring
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSLAC Windows Includes Micr026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNREL UNIX SyServer/platf 139 - Provide326 - IT Sys 120 - Help Desk Services
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE INL Classi Classified Cy 121 - Security Management
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEE FOA ManaEERE leverage362 - Federal517 - Extern 326 - IT Sys
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL NetworkThis INV main026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL ContracPayroll OPS -124 - Accounting
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL Desktop ORNL M&O Con 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL IT ArchiM&O contracto 103 - Enterprise Architecture
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNREL EnterpriManagement340 an - Collabo343 - Audio /659 - Email
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE INL ReseaSolutions th 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNETL IT MissiThis investme019 - Energy Production and Transmission
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEIA Mission System integ326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNREL Teleco Provides NREL 263 - System139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL Contract Direct and In139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE HQs MissiThis investme019 - Energy Production and Transmission
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNETL IT CyberSupports NETL 315 - Threat and Vulnerability Management
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE INL Envi IT expenditu 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL Desktop M&O contract 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL Energy SEnergy System 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNREL ApplicaNREL's data c139 - Provide326 - IT Sys 341 - Web Inf
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE ID Cyber SInvestments t121 - Security Management
18 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE INL EmergPreparedness139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAmes StrategiM&O. Provides 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM SR SRNS (v The Operation 344 - Conte 340 - Collabo308 - Environmental Waste Manage
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNE INL EnterpRoutine opera 263 - System and Network Monitoring
23 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSWPA SCADASupervisory 019 - Energy Production and Transmission
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSWPA GSS (foService Level139 - Provide120 - Help De263 - System
23 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWAPA Cyber This
S investme121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSEPA Office Workstation m 139 - Provide315 - Threat 316 - Contin
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSEPA Teleco Formally, SEP139 - Provide315 - Threat 316 - Contin
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSWPA FMS (fo Oracle Federa124 - Accoun101 - Budget Formulation
23 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWAPA SCADAThis investme019 - Energy Production and Transmission
23 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWAPA GSS SyThis investme019 - Energy Production and Transmission
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWAPA FinancWAPA Financi019 - Energy Production and Transmission
23 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSEPA Financi Computer har124 - Accoun129 - Reporting and Information
99 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeGeospatial L DOE's contrib590 - Mapping / Geospatial
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCF Applicati CF portion of139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
99 04 - Funding 00 - DOE's contrib362 - Federal Financial Assistance
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHC Website Website enhan 344 - Content Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCF E-Travel DOE's e-Travel 122 - Travel
99 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeFinancial Ma DOE's contrib129 - Reporting and Information
99 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeUSA Jobs(for DOE's service251 - Staffing and Recruiting
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLegal ManageThe Legal Man 054 - Legal Prosecution and Litigation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOIG Managem Management045 I - Crimina077 - Inspection and Auditing
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMA Facilitie Real propert 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise H DOE's service254 - Employ255 - Employee Performance Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMA-60 ProjecSmall applic 129 - Reporting and Information
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMA-40 WCF In A collection 004 - Postal 145 - Logistics Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMA Energy Pro EPiC offers a 340 - Collaboration Tools
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHC E-TrainingProvides the 618 - Employee Development and Training
99 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmePerformancePerformance547 - Performance Management
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIM-30 Joint CDepartmental654 - Incident Response
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMA DOE Direc An applicatio113 - Public Comment Tracking
99 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeBudget Formu DOE's contrib101 - Budget Formulation
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMA-40 WCF Fac A collection 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
99 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Rulemakin DOE's contrib115 - Rule Pu113 - Public Comment Tracking
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHC-Desktop ESmall applic 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMA ConditionA system used 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCF Office Au CF desktop se139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
99 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Travel DOE's service122 - Travel
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMA-40 WCF Ac A collection 124 - Accounting
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMA FOIAXpreAutomates FO 319 - Regulatory Compliance
99 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeIntegrated A Expansion of 362 - Federal Financial Assistance
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCF Departmen A web-based547 a - Performance Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEHSS Cyber SOMB Infrastru 121 - Securi 315 - Threat and Vulnerability Management
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBC SSS -This investme120 - Help De139 - Provide326 - IT System Development / Inte
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMA-1.1 ProjeEFAS provides101 - Budget Formulation
99 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeHuman Resour DOE's contrib254 - Employ255 - Employee Performance Management
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCF CorporateThe followin 129 - Report 124 - Accoun105 - Budget
17 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIdentity, Cr DOE's ICAM pr 337 - Credential Issuance and Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProject Asse PARS IIe is a 538 - Program / Project Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMA-40 ProjecDOE Alert sys010 - Emergency Response
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIM Enterpris Provides ente121 - Security Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMA SunfloweA web-based144 a - Inventory Control
99 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeGovBenefits.DOE's service362 - Federal Financial Assistance
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBC MOAB This investme120 - Help De139 - Provide326 - IT System Development / Inte
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM CBC WV -This investme120 - Help De139 - Provide326 - IT System Development / Inte
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeED ITISS - BE Provides inpu016 - Higher 129 - Report 101 - Budget
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated A DOE's contrib143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEHSS Office OMB Infrastru 316 - Continuous Monitoring
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIPManager IPManager is012 - Intellectual Property Protection
99 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeSecurity, Sui Supports the 121 - Securi 337 - Credential Issuance and Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCF Payroll S Provides for 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMA ElectroniA document m 533 - Correspondence Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIM Cyber Secu Provides Cyb121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA Emergen Emergency Co 010 - Emerge139 - Provide675 - Voice Communications
11 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNNSA PrograThe NNSA G2547 - Perfo 546 - Portfo 538 - Progra
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA LANL Ma LANL's MMP 302is - Nuclear Weapons Stockpile Oversight
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL TechnolExternal Soft012 - Intellectual Property Protection
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL APS X-rayThe Division 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL Chemistry Provides scie026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL ConcurrORNL M&O Cont 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL APS Beam APS Beamline026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL NanoscieThe Center's 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFE NGSR MissManagement020 of - Energy Conservation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA PTX M& Enterprise r 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA PTX M& Classified mi 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA Y12 M&O Re-engineerin351 - Defense326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA PTX M& OCIO Support538 - Program / Project Management
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJLab Mass StoMission speci026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJLab Cluster Mission specif026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJLab Central Mission speci026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJLab DesktopM&O system026 fo - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJLab Groupwar Computing ser 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJLab Local a Site-wide net026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJLab MicrosofSite-wide Mi 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJLab WorkgroMission speci026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM HQ EM Ent To provide th129 - Report 325 - Information Discovery
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeETTP (BJC) The ETTP Pro024 - Environmental Remediation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORISE NSP ARThis is a Bus 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEE ApplicatioIT hardware a618 - Employ601 - Data E 344 - Conte
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIM Cyber SecProvides inci 121 - Security Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMA Procureme The Procureme 129 - Reporting and Information
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeForeign Trav Provides auto122 - Travel
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA PTX M& This investme101 - Budget124 - Accoun129 - Reporting and Information
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA PTX M& Includes HR 106 - Workforce Planning
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPO Portsmo Application s024 - Environmental Remediation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPO Portsmo All IT invest 121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPO Portsmo All investmen340 - Collaboration Tools
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPO Portsmo Desktop compu 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPO PortsmAll other IT 024 - Environmental Remediation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPO PortsmAll IT invest 024 - Environmental Remediation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPO Portsmo All elements 675 - Voice Communications
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPO DUF6 Ap Application s120 - Help Desk Services
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPO DUF6 Cy All IT invest 121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPO DUF6 En All investmen340 - Collaboration Tools
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPO DUF6 Of Desktop compu 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPO DUF6 OAll other IT 024 - Environmental Remediation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPO DUF6 TAll IT invest 024 - Environmental Remediation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPO DUF6 Te All elements 675 - Voice Communications
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPO ApplicaApplication s024 - Environmental Remediation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPO Cyber SAll IT invest 121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPO EnterpriAll investmen340 - Collaboration Tools
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPO Office Desktop compu 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPO Other All other IT 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPO Teleco All IT invest 024 - Environmental Remediation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPO TelephoAll elements 675 - Voice Communications
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPO Paducah Application s120 - Help Desk Services
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPO Paducah All IT invest 121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPO Paducah All investmen024 - Environmental Remediation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPO Paducah Desktop compu 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPO PaducaIT costs not 024 - Environmental Remediation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPO PaducaAll IT invest 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPO Paducah All elements 675 - Voice Communications
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL ContracProvides appl026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL ContracProvide data 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL ContracProvides ope026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL-4060-No Hardware, sof026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL-4061-No Hardware, sof026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL-4062-No Hardware, sof026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL-4065-No Hardware, sof026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL-4068-No Hardware, sof026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL-4107-No Hardware, sof026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL ApplicatThis investme120 - Help Desk Services
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL EnterpriComputing and 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEE TelephonyProvides voic675 - Voice Communications
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPL Media SeDesign, insta 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPL Voice SeTelephone and 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL Enterpri It provides b 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL EnterprisIt provides a 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL EnterprisIt provides t 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL ContractIndirect IT c 124 - Accounting
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL ContracIndirect IT c 129 - Reporting and Information
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL ContractIndirect IT c 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL ComputinIT costs for 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL ComputinIT costs for 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL Office A Computing and 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL Office A ANL Microsoft 327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL ContractSupport of ac124 - Accounting
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL ContractThis project 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL ContractSupports BNL'124 - Accounting
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL ContractSupports the 124 - Accounting
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL ContractSupport the a106 - Workforce Planning
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL ContractSupports the106 - Workforce Planning
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL ContractoSupports the 124 - Accounting
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL ContractSupport of pr124 - Accounting
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL ContractSupports all 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL ContractSupports BNL143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL Site fa ORNL M&O Cont 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL Site WiORNL M&O Con 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL Site wiORNL M&O Con 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL HostingM&O contracto 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL Network M&O contracto 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL ContracIndirect IT c 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL ContractIndirect IT c 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL ContracIndirect IT c 144 - Inventory Control
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL ContracApplication &139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL ContractIndirect IT c 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL Office A M&O Contracto 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL TelephonM&O Contracto 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL Mass StDirect IT cos 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL Network Direct IT cos 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL WAN-Sci Direct IT co 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL Special TSpecial telep 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL Mobile CComputing and 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL PBX - DirLease, operat026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL ContracProvides elec026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL ContracProvides ope026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL ContracProvides ope026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL ContractProvides oper026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL IntegratORNL M&O Cont 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL Legal MORNL managem 106 - Workforce Planning
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL M&O Con Supporting an026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL NuclearMaintains exp023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAmes ContracIncludes desk026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAmes ContractIncludes vide026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSLAC Cyber SeCyber securit121 - Security Management
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSLAC Cyber SImprovement121 o - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL Applicat M&O System139 - - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL Applicat Records Mgmt 345 - Management of Government Records
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL Applicat M&O Contracto 661 - Document Management and workflow
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL Applicat 'M&O- The Sta 661 - Document Management and workflow
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL Applicat Web Applicati139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL LaboratoThis INV pro 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL LaboratoThis investme026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL LaboratorThis investme026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL LaboratorThis INV prov026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL ApplicatPlant and Fac119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL ApplicatThe human res 106 - Workforce Planning
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL ApplicatiA collection 129 - Reporting and Information
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL ApplicatA collection 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL ApplicatA suite of ac 124 - Accounting
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL EnterprM&O contracto 618 - Employee Development and Training
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL EnvironM&O contract 313 - Population Health Management
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL Facilit M&O contracto 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL FinanciM&O contracto 129 - Reporting and Information
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL HumanM&O contract 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL QualityQuality Mana547 - Performance Management
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL RecordsRMS administe 345 - Management of Government Records
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL ContractIndirect and 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL ContractIndirect IT c 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL ContracIndirect IT c 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL Non-maj Hardware, sof026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL Non-maj Hardware, sof026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL Non-maj Hardware, sof026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL TelecomProvide opera139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL TelecomProvides Oper139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL TelecomProvides loca139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL TelephoProvide maint139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL TelephoFormally Phon 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPL BusinessHardware, sys026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPL ComputiAdministratio026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPL IT NetwoCentral servi 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSLAC DesktopDesktop Suppo 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSLAC LCLS DeScientific Re 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSLAC Photon Scientific Re 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSLAC PPA DesScientific Re 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSLAC SSRL DeScientific Re 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL ContracProvides Cont026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL ContracProvides iden026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL ContracProvide maint026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL ContracProvides Con026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL ContractProvides Linu026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL ContracProvides Serv026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL Office M&O contract 327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL Office M&O contracto 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL Teleco M&O contracto 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL TelephoM&O contracto 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEIA National EIA's compreh 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL ServiceFNAL ITSM-Ser 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL SystemsSystems and 1S39 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL ContracProvides site 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL ContractSupplies Soft026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL ContracPays maintena 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL ContractProvide techn026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL IT Serv Development326 a - IT System Development / Integration Support
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORISE Office M&O. Assistan 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORAU/ORISE ORISE's
T expen139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL Site Bad M&O Contracto 034 - Key Asset and Critical Infrastructure Protection
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL Site SecuM&O Contracto 121 - Security Management
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL FinanciORNL's Financ124 - Accounting
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL GeneralCost and Gene 124 - Accounting
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL HumanORNL's
R Human 255 - Employee Performance Management
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL HumanORNLRe M&O Con 255 - Employee Performance Management
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL ProjectM&O contracto 129 - Reporting and Information
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL QualityM&O contract 547 - Performance Management
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL RecordsM&O contract 345 - Management of Government Records
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL SecuritM&O contracto 121 - Security Management
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL Supply M&O contract 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL ServiceORNL M&O Con 313 - Population Health Management
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL ServiceProvide repro026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL ServiceThese investm 325 - Information Discovery
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL ResearchAccess to the026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL ResearchThis INV mana 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL ResearchThis INV pro 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL ContractIndirect and 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL ContractDirect and In026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL ContractDirect and In120 - Help Desk Services
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIM-60 VirtualIM-60 work ac 139 - Provide108 - Custom354 - IT Stra
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIM-60 Email IM-60 Email. 6T59 - Email
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIM-60 CollaboIM-60 Collabo340 - Collaboration Tools
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIM-60 IT Sec IM-60 IT Sec 121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIM-60 Web Ho IM-60 Web Ho 341 - Web Inf344 - Content Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIM-60 ApplicIM-60 Applic618 - Employ064 - Traini 326 - IT Sys
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIM-60 MobileIM-60 Mobile353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIM-60 MainfrIM-60 Mainfr139 - Provide108 - Customer Services
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIM-60 LAN OpIM-60 LAN Ope 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIM-60 TelephIM-60 Teleph675 - Voice Communications
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIM-60 Other IM-60 Other 675 - Voice Communications
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIM-60 Custom IM-60 Custome 108 - Custom143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIM-60 Help DIM-60 Help D120 - Help Desk Services
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIM-60 SubjecIM-60 Subjec120 - Help Desk Services
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIM EnterpriseThe DOE EA en 103 - Enterprise Architecture
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIM Portfolio Implement Tec 103 - Enterprise Architecture
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIM Records aExplore opti 345 - Management of Government Records
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIM Policy a Managing larg 538 - Program / Project Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIM-20 IPV6 The DOE IPv6354 - IT Strategy and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNNSA CNS-PTNNSA PTX ERP 547 - Perfo 604 - Meta Data Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM Portsmout Provides Cyb139 - Provide024 - Enviro 121 - Securi
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM Portsmout Provides Cyb139 - Provide024 - Enviro 120 - Help De
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM Portsmout Provides Cyb139 - Provide024 - Enviro 121 - Securi
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEM Portsmout Provides Cyb139 - Provide120 - Help De121 - Securi
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL ContracProvides appl026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL Non-maj M&O contracto 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL ApplicatComputing and 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPL SystemsDesign, insta 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL EnterprisProvides back139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL ContractIndirect IT c 129 - Reporting and Information
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL ComputinIT costs Wind026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL Office A Computing &139 I - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL ContractoSupport of ac124 - Accounting
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL Site WiORNL Contract 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL HostingIndirect cost 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL ContractSupports M&O 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL Office A M&O System139 co - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL WAN, StDirect IT co 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL TelephonANL Telephon026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL ContracProvides elec026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL Manage Computer roo026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAmes ContracIncludes desk026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSLAC Cyber SeCyber securit121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL Applicat M&O SYS - Trn 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL LaboratorProvides Cust026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeANL ApplicatPlant & Facil 129 - Reporting and Information
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL M&O Con ORNL contract 313 - Population Health Management
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL Manage Quality Mana345 - Management of Government Records
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL ContracIndirect and 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL Non-maj HD/SW & IT se 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL TelecomProvide O&M139 f - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPPL SystemsHD, SYS softw026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSLAC DesktopDesktop & App 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL ContractProvides help026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL Office M&O costs fo139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEIA Mission SEIA Mission s327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL ServiceFNAL ITSM-Se026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLBNL ContracProvides site 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORISE Office M&O. Assista139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL Site BadgM&O Contract 121 - Security Management
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL FinanciORNLs Financi124 - Accounting
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePNNL M&O Con M&O systems129 - Reporting and Information
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeORNL ServiceORNL Service325 - Information Discovery
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBNL ResearchSupports rese026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFNAL ContractIndirect & Di 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIM-60 IT Ser IM-60 IT Serv108 - Custom144 - Inventory Control
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise P Provides Ent 547 - Perfo 546 - Portfo 345 - Management of Government
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeECMS - EnterECMS comprise 345 - Manag 325 - Information Discovery
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDS-DiscoveryDiscovery Ser325 - Informa338 - Enterprise Search
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFOIAModule FOIA Module577 ( - Knowled 326 - IT Sys 345 - Manag
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUIC - UndergrThe UIC Natio056 - Water 023 - Enviro 025 - Pollution Prevention and Con
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGSIS - CO2 G Data system t056 - Water Resource Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBFS - Budget Budget Formu 101 - Budget104 - Strategic Planning
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCMS- Corres CMS is EPA's 533 - Correspondence Management
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOMIS - ORD Supports ORD129 - Report 101 - Budget105 - Budget
09 03 - Migrati 00 - InvestmeDCFUEL - FueDCFUEL includ 319 - Regula 321 - Regulat025 - Polluti
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeACRES- Asse The ACRES dat 129 - Report 345 - Management of Government Records
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSmall/Other:IT investment024 - Enviro 025 - Pollution Prevention and Control
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePMS - PaymeEPA s Payment 124 - Accounting
16 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEPASS - EPA EPA's Personn337 - Creden121 - Security Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePAT- OSWER OSWER PAT is547 - Perfo 318 - Business Analytics
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGRTS - GrantThe Grants Re056 - Water 023 - Enviro 025 - Pollution Prevention and Con
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFinRS - Fina FinRS is the 124 - Accounting
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEDG - Enviro EDG provides604 - Meta 590 - Mappin601 - Data Exchange
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRI AN - TRI This is a web 025 - Pollution Prevention and Control
16 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeGeospatial OContributing 590 - Mapping / Geospatial
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHERO - HealtThe HERO syst 025 - Polluti 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWAM- Web AWAM provides 648 - Identif 103 - Enterprise Architecture
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAQS DataMarProvides ext 023 - Enviro 026 - Scienti 129 - Report
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIGMS - Integ IGMS is EPA's363 - Federal Funds to States and Local Governments
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNHD/RAD - Na A geographic023 - Enviro 590 - Mapping / Geospatial
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWeb 2.0 ApplImplementatio 340 - Collaboration Tools
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCAMDBS - CleManages the025 - Polluti 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFLPP - Feder Process and t656 - Certifi 530 - Process Tracking
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeATTAINS- AssOW/HQ and EPA 056 - Water 023 - Enviro 025 - Pollution Prevention and Con
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMulti-Media SEupports EA e103 - Enterprise Architecture
07 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeeManifest e-Manifest is308 - Environmental Waste Management
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeChemView ChemView prov 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTSEC - TIGER TSEC is an in 316 - Continuous Monitoring
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOWWCOP - OW OW Web Moder 341 - Web Inf344 - Content Management
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSDWIS - PrimSDWIS Prime056 w - Water 023 - Enviro 025 - Polluti
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRadNet - EnvRadNet was pr 010 - Emerge023 - Enviro 350 - Nuclear Emergency Managem
09 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAFS - AIRS FaAIRS Facility 023 - Enviro 024 - Environmental Remediation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGHGMRR- Gre The GHGMRR319 D - Regula 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
09 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSRMP- System SRMP provides 025 - Polluti 008 - Disaste010 - Emerge
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEIS- EmissionEIS is the so 023 - Enviro 601 - Data E 603 - Data Warehouse
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCIMC - CleanThe system is309 - Enviro 024 - Enviro 353 - Information Exchange and Tra
16 03 - Migrati 00 - InvestmeE-Gov: EHRI EHRI Service 618 - Employee Development and Training
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOARM Data M The OARM Data 129 - Reporting and Information
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeClinger-CoheSupports Capi319 - Regulatory Compliance
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSoR - SystemThe System of604 - Meta 103 - Enterpr601 - Data E
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIGEMS - Insp GOTS integrat077 - Inspect547 - Perfo 531 - Case Management
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEMP- EmergeEMP is the ga008 - Disaste009 - Disaste010 - Emergency Response
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRBLC- RACT/ Statutory re 025 - Polluti 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWebForms Allows EPA pe661 - Document Management and workflow
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDWINS- DrinkDWINS is a da023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
09 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeICIS - Integr Re-engineeri023 - Enviro 025 - Polluti 309 - Enviro
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAIRNOW Real-time air023 - Enviro 025 - Pollution Prevention and Control
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCCRS - Crimi The Criminal 321 - Regulatory Enforcement
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeXacta - Telo Xacta IA Mana 656 - Certifi 315 - Threat 316 - Contin
16 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov: RecruRecruitment 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnvirofacts - Envirofacts I 603 - Data Warehouse
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGAP Online- The Indian En002 - Commun 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSmall/Other:IT investment025 - Polluti 023 - Enviro 056 - Water Resource Managemen
09 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEMTS- EPA Mo The EMTS is a319 - Regula 321 - Regulat025 - Polluti
16 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov: IntegrContributing 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOneEPA WebThe OneEPA W 341 - Web Inf344 - Conte 518 - Customer Feedback
16 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov: HRM LPartner Agen254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeSEMS - SuperSEMS is EPA's108 - Custom024 - Environmental Remediation
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov: BudgePartner Agen101 - Budget Formulation
16 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCDX - Centra CDX is the d 353 - Inform 108 - Custom120 - Help De
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHWQS- Hydrol The Hydrologi023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMOVES - Moto Mobile sourc023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeETL - Extract Informatica P353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBAS - BudgetBAS - Budget101 - Budget104 - Strategic Planning
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFRS - Faciliti The Facility 023 - Enviro 603 - Data W010 - Emerge
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSmall/Other: IT investment025 - Polluti 023 - Enviro 024 - Environmental Remediation
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNCER -NationORD's Nationa 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePPL-HR - PeoPeoplePlus-Hu 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSmall/Other: IT investment025 - Polluti 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeeNOI- ElectroThe eNOI syst056 - Water 025 - Polluti 079 - Permits
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeRSTI - ResearRSTI is an on 139 - Provide026 - Scienti 263 - System
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeE-Enterprise The E-Enterpr108 - Custom120 - Help De601 - Data E
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePRISM - PestiPRISM provide 025 - Polluti 313 - Popula 310 - Food an
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Gov: FM LoFinancial Man105 - Budget Execution
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeISTAR- IntegrTracks and mo 025 - Pollution Prevention and Control
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCWNS - CleanStores infor 056 - Water 023 - Enviro 025 - Pollution Prevention and Con
13 04 - Funding 00 - F Cost of integ 362 - Federal Financial Assistance
13 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSmall/Other:IT investment024 - Enviro 025 - Pollution Prevention and Control
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEV-ACES - EnThe system is025 - Polluti 319 - Regula 079 - Permits and Licensing
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGeoPlatform The EPA Geosp 590 - Mapping / Geospatial
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRegulatory DThe Office of115 - Rule Publication
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRIPS - Toxic TRIPS facilit 603 - Data W025 - Polluti 601 - Data Exchange
09 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSmall/Other:IT investment319 - Regula 025 - Pollution Prevention and Control
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCAMEO - ComCAMEO is a sy025 - Polluti 008 - Disaste010 - Emerge
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOAR InternetWebsite devel 025 - Pollution Prevention and Control
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAQS- Air QuaContains ambi 023 - Enviro 601 - Data E 603 - Data Warehouse
09 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeECHO/IDEA - The Enforceme 023 - Enviro 025 - Pollution Prevention and Control
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWebEOC - WeWebEOC is a 010 - Emerge025 - Pollution Prevention and Control
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeTIM - TechnoEPA consolida139 - Provide120 - Help De263 - System
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTRI-MEweb - TRI-MEweb is576 - Knowle025 - Polluti 601 - Data Exchange
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEAS - EPA's AEPA's Acquisi143 - Goods a661 - Docum530 - Process
09 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLDMS - NVFEData collecti 025 - Polluti 061 - Ground Transportation
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOASIS - Offic OASIS is a ce 119 - Facili 329 - Continu004 - Postal Services
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSTORET - StoStorage and R056 - Water 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEZ-Hire EZHire is EP 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAITSP - AgencAITSP contain316 - Continuous Monitoring
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRCRAInfo- ReRCRAInfo pro025 - Pollution Prevention and Control
16 04 - Funding 00 - Investmee-Payroll Ser E-Payroll serv624 - Payroll
16 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeeRulemakingWeb-based app 115 - Rule Pu113 - Public Comment Tracking
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEPA Enterpri EPA's progra 103 - Enterprise Architecture
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSI - SuperfunThe Superfun124 - Accounting
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICRAS InformICRAS is EPA 023 - Enviro 024 - Enviro 025 - Pollution Prevention and Con
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCRWUF-Climat The Climate R056 - Water 008 - Disaste023 - Environmental Monitoring an
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNARSIMS-Nati The U.S. EPA,056 - Water 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeScienceHub ScienceHub a577 - Knowled 604 - Meta 546 - Portfo
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSmart MobileThis Investme533 - Correspondence Management
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEIMS- EnviroMetadata syst 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCERCLIS - Co CERCLIS is EP024 - Enviro 309 - Environmental Site Stewardship
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnvironmentaPrimary acces577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVERIFY - Veh Verify is a c 025 - Polluti 319 - Regulatory Compliance
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEV-GHG - EngEV-GHG will 025 - Polluti 319 - Regulatory Compliance
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEV-CIS-Engin EV-CIS-Engine025 - Polluti 319 - Regulatory Compliance
14 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDOTXX096: GrCreates a sing126 - Payments
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX006: SuThis is the D 531 - Case Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOTXX089: HiHiring Manage 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX027: CaM20 CTS allow 531 - Case Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX034: CoThe CCA recei518 - Customer Feedback
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX024: SeIncludes a Ph337 - Credential Issuance and Management
17 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDOTXX110: GeThe Geospatia 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
17 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDOTXX104: HNOT A SYSTEM 106 - Workfo354 - IT Stra 624 - Payroll
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDOTXX126: DO An enterprise648 - Identif 337 - Credential Issuance and Management
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDOTXX109: BuProvides a c 101 - Budget105 - Budget Execution
14 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDOTXX097: e-Work with th113 - Public Comment Tracking
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDOTXX129: Del Support of DO 124 - Accoun126 - Paymen105 - Budget
14 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDOTXX058: InNOT A SYSTEM 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX029: ReR2D2 is a res101 - Budget Formulation
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX105: OGNS is a web-126 - Payments
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX026: DrThe DATMIS is 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
17 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDOTXX119: RDOT's share o251 - Staffing and Recruiting
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOTXX100: RThis investme115 - Rule Publication
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX036: ElThe Electrica119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOTXX131: We Provides abil624 - Payroll
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX047: DisOnline applic322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOTXX067: De This program143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX033: DrThis is not a 077 - Inspection and Auditing
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX043: CyThe DOT Secur 121 - Security Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX021: FaSeveral Facil 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOTXX124: DO This investme315 - Threat 316 - Contin 656 - Certifi
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX032: De This system p531 - Case Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX081: Ne M-70 will be 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX035:  Procurement
PRISM is a pr143
- Goods System
and Services
for Management
Acquisition (PRISM)
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX038: WWebEOC is a 654 - Incident Response
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX005: DDOT’s GIS is 362 - Federal Financial Assistance
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX106: CConsolidated613 - Time Reporting
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX030: OCCMS automate 533 - Correspondence Management
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDOTXX115: HRFederal Perso254 - Employ255 - Employee Performance Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX023: OSTITS is a web- 121 - Security Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX080: ParManages parki 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX022: LiThe Library S661 - Document Management and workflow
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDOTXX101: FMContribution 124 - Accounting
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX020: I The MFP, DDC 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOTXX122: WWCIS provides 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX019: M-This investme121 - Security Management
17 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDOTXX130: Wo
WTTS/EODS is 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOTXX132: OCThis investme104 - Strategic Planning
14 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDOTXX094: e-Provides a go122 - Travel
17 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDOTXX103: Go
NOT A SYSTEM 362 - Federal Financial Assistance
14 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDOTXX095: e-DOT e-Traini 255 - Emplo 618 - Employee Development and Training
17 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDOTXX116: EH
Provides empl106 - Workfo251 - Staffin 624 - Payroll
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDOTXX070: DThis investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX400: OThe purpose 341 - Web Inf353 - Inform 060 - Air Tra
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX401: OSThis investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX402: OST
This project 139 - Provide145 - Logistics Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX403: OST
Office automa 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX405: OSEnterprise pr538 - Program / Project Management
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX406: OSConfidential 601 - Data E 061 - Ground Transportation
15 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeOSTXX407: OS
NDGPS provide 312 - Navigat061 - Ground Transportation
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX408: OSThis investme322 - Public 339 - Inform 060 - Air Tra
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX409: OSThis system s318 - Busines070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOSTXX107: FiData Warehous 603 - Data Warehouse
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX020: LaLERIS is an a 256 - Employee Relations
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX034: AMC
This is part 139 - Provide263 - System and Network Monitoring
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX722: RaThe Radio Con 060 - Air Transportation
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX286: CoThe Communica 060 - Air Transportation
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX040: FuFFSP will rep 060 - Air Transportation
12 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFAAXX445: FAThe FAA Telec060 - Air Tra 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX323: AiThe Airport C060 - Air Tra 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX287: AiRFI eliminati 060 - Air Transportation
12 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFAAXX255: AlaThe ASTI Tec060 - Air Tra 353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX016: InThe purpose 0o60 - Air Transportation
21 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFAAXX732: CThe Common060 Su - Air Tra 353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX216: WeWARP provides 060 - Air Transportation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX021: JuThe JAWS is a060 - Air Transportation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX108: TeThe TDWR is 0u60 - Air Transportation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX502: CoCorridor Weat 060 - Air Transportation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX051: WiThis technic 060 - Air Transportation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX307: NeProvide a nat060 - Air Transportation
21 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFAAXX807: NNextGen Weath 060 - Air Transportation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX013: AvThe FAA has 060 - Air Transportation
20 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX112: AiSustain the s 060 - Air Transportation
20 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFAAXX248: AiASDE-X is des060 - Air Transportation
20 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFAAXX036: TeTerminal Prim060 - Air Transportation
20 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX294: ATATCBI Replace 060 - Air Transportation
20 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFAAXX709: RuDeveloping, t060 - Air Tra 312 - Navigation
20 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX114: ASProgram will 060 - Air Transportation
20 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX110: PrThis is the r 060 - Air Transportation
20 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFAAXX704: Au Automatic Dep 060 - Air Transportation
20 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX733: MoCurrently in 060 - Air Transportation
20 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX457: RuNOT A SYSTEM 060 - Air Transportation
20 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX106: SuThe SIM Progr060 - Air Transportation
15 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFAAXX778: NThe NEXCOM060 sy - Air Transportation
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX318: InILS is the pr 060 - Air Tra 312 - Navigation
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX320: RuRunway Visual 060 - Air Tra 312 - Navigation
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX155: NThe NEXCOM060 s - Air Transportation
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX327: VHThis is a nat 060 - Air Transportation
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX187: NNavigation an060 - Air Tra 312 - Navigation
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX186: GPGPS Civil Req319 - Regula 312 - Navigation
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX326: ReFAA provides060 - Air Tra 312 - Navigation
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX321: DiDistance Meas 060 - Air Tra 312 - Navigation
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX319: ApASLIP retrofi 060 - Air Tra 312 - Navigation
15 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFAAXX169: WThe Wide Area 060 - Air Transportation
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX154: NThis project 060 - Air Tra 010 - Emergency Response
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX244: TeTVSR replaces060 - Air Tra 675 - Voice Communications
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX234: PFinancial sys 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX229: ABFinancial app353 - Inform 326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX734: UnUnify FAA's 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX019: SaSMIS collects066 - Worker254 - Employ256 - Employee Relations
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX297: ABUser Fee Bill 127 - Collections and Receivables
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX116: EmFAA joined a 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX728: CoProvides accu538 - Program / Project Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX730: Logistics
LCSS replaces
- Logistics
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX022: HHRMS is comp 251 - Staffin 255 - Employee Performance Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX228: CoThe Cost Acco124 - Accoun129 - Reporting and Information
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX373: AMThe ABS syst 105 - Budget101 - Budget Formulation
11 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFAAXX505: E ERAM System060 E - Air Transportation
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX103: Automated
The AMMSMaintenance
060 - Air TraManagement
263 - SystemSystem
and Network
(AMMS) Monitoring
- WP 1 and 2
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX183: FlThe FDIO Repl060 - Air Transportation
11 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFAAXX102: TeTFDM will del060 - Air Transportation
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX180: Tra
TCAS II is a 060 - Air Transportation
11 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFAAXX711: DThe Data Comm 060 - Air Transportation
11 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFAAXX115: TeThe automatio 060 - Air Transportation
11 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFAAXX702: TrTFM sustains060 - Air Transportation
11 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFAAXX600: OcATOP allows 0o60 - Air Transportation
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX727: InThe IDS-4 is 060 - Air Transportation
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX716: TrThe Tower Sim 060 - Air Transportation
11 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFAAXX603: T The TBFM syst 060 - Air Transportation
11 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFAAXX084: InThe Instrumen 060 - Air Transportation
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX601: E The En Route060 - Air Transportation
11 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFAAXX703: S The SWIM prog 060 - Air Tra 353 - Inform 319 - Regulatory Compliance
11 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFAAXX504: EnERAM replaces 060 - Air Transportation
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX251: EnProvides info060 - Air Transportation
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX185: Aircraft
The Aircraft
- Air Transportation
(ARE) Program
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX227: CeRecords AIRPO 319 - Regulatory Compliance
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX225: S SOAR is a sys319 - Regulatory Compliance
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX729: CCMA will rep326 - IT Sys 060 - Air Transportation
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX719: FlThis program115 - Rule Pu618 - Employee Development and Training
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX181: StThe Strategy 060 - Air Transportation
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX111: NeThe Next Gene 060 - Air Tra 675 - Voice 603 - Data W
14 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFAAXX612: SyImproves avia319 - Regulatory Compliance
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX215: FAA
IT investmen145 - Logist 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX618: WWeb Based Da 319 - Regulatory Compliance
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX109: AeAMSIS will pr319 - Regula 353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX038: Ope
OASIS is a sy 060 - Air Transportation
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX028: I IdeaHub is a 340 - Collabo256 - Employee Relations
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX018: L The LCMS allo060 - Air Tra 618 - Employee Development and Training
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX485: Fac
Replaces FAAX 121 - Security Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX513: ReRMLS Tech Re060 - Air Tra 263 - System and Network Monitoring
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX107: OpOARS identifi060 - Air Tra 577 - Knowled 576 - Knowledge Capture
12 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFAAXX713: Ne Future air tr 060 - Air Tra 675 - Voice Communications
14 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFAAXX159: Vo VSCS Technolo 060 - Air Tra 675 - Voice Communications
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX025: EmEmergency Op 010 - Emergency Response
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX715: AAviation Syst060 - Air Transportation
14 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFAAXX610: AA program est319 - Regulatory Compliance
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX617: Inv
Investigation531 - Case 045 - Criminal Investigation and Surveillance
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX039: AeThe AIM Moder 060 - Air Tra 577 - Knowled 576 - Knowledge Capture
16 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFAAXX808: Ne NextGen R&D060 P - Air Transportation
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX122: Aer
Investment pu 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX117: NaNTEP manages 060 - Air Transportation
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX118: WThe WCP impro 060 - Air Transportation
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX121: ToThe program,618 - Employ060 - Air Tra 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infra
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX125: FAThe investmen 675 - Voice 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX127: FAThis is part 618 - Employee Development and Training
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX128: AeReplacement366 o - Biomed026 - Scienti 060 - Air Transportation
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX129: NAThe NAS Voice 060 - Air Tra 675 - Voice 603 - Data W
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX130: OThis investme060 - Air Tra 326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
will replace
the aging
Version 4

IDSR is a
local and
wide area
on and
onto a
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX131: Inplatform. 060 - Air Transportation
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX132: Ent
E-IDS will re 060 - Air Tra 326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX133: TeThe next segm 060 - Air Transportation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX040: FHThis project 145 - Logist 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX123: FThe IT Securi315 - Threat and Vulnerability Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX067: FThis project 104 - Strategic Planning
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX121: RThis system w547 - Performance Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX066: FHFOIS is a col 106 - Workforce Planning
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX117: FeThe Center is661 - Document Management and workflow
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX087: FrThe FOIA Man 108 - Customer Services
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX092: BeThis project 353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX070: This system w340 - Collaboration Tools
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX307: FThis is a PM 538 - Program / Project Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX306: FLEEBACS is use547 - Performance Management
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFHWAX031: Fi This investm 105 - Budget Execution
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX030: FiA financial i 101 - Budget105 - Budget547 - Perfo
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX107: ITThe ITS FMS i129 - Reporting and Information
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX318: FLThis project 590 - Mapping / Geospatial
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX112: PPRISM is a pr143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX080: EnPAPAI is a us 547 - Perfo 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX036: FHThis is an um341 - Web Inf326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX305: FThe FLH Roadw 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX046: HiThe Highway547E - Performance Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX300: FLThis is the m 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX022: HHPMS is used061 - Ground Transportation
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX114: RuHEPGIS is a w590 - Mapping / Geospatial
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX102: MoThis system p353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX322: FThis is a COT 061 - Ground Transportation
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX118: ReRADS provides 538 - Program / Project Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX302: FThis project 061 - Ground Transportation
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX028: The Knowledg577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX026: NaThe NBI datab061 - Ground070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX077: CoThe Congestio 023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX103: VeThis project 319 - Regulatory Compliance
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX324: AThis is a cli 547 - Performance Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX124: NThis MIS inve618 - Employee Development and Training
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX065: TrThis system a318 - Business Analytics
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX095: TrDDETFP is a 016 - Higher Education
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX045: HiThis project 547 - Performance Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX325: FLThis warehous 144 - Inventory Control
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX122: DaThis investme603 - Data Warehouse
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX119: HiThe HSIP ORT319 - Regulatory Compliance
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX010: LThe LTPP IMS353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX068: ITFHWA has a ne 103 - Enterprise Architecture
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX125: e-eNEPA support 340 - Collaboration Tools
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX126: NoNondestructiv023 - Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX127: PPlanWorks add 354 - IT Strategy and Innovation
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX128: U.The ITS Joint 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX129: FrFAF is a tool 318 - Business Analytics
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX130: FFPM is a data070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX047: OpOSADP is a we 353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX048: LoResearch pro353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFMCSA302: DrThis clearing 353 - Inform 319 - Regulatory Compliance
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFMCSA301: NaAs required u353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
19 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFMCSA100: Un URS's objecti079 - Permits601 - Data Exchange
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFMCSA200: InAs a part of 077 - Inspection and Auditing
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFMCSA201: LeThere are cur077 - Inspection and Auditing
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFMCSA300: SeFMCSA will im 319 - Regulatory Compliance
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFMCSA303: LThis software319 - Regulatory Compliance
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFMCSA400: LThis software321 - Regulatory Enforcement
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFMCSA500: PoThe Portal ma341 - Web Inf353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFMCSA502: Bus
The Business318 - Busines604 - Meta Data Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFMCSA503: LeThere are cur139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFMCSA504: DaThe DataQs sy 601 - Data Exchange
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFMCSA600: ITThis includes121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFMCSA601: TTelecommunic 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFMCSA602: HeProvide first 120 - Help Desk Services
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFMCSA603: HoThe enterpris139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFMCSA604: W Ensure FMCSA' 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFMCSA605: CoThis include 343 - Audio /340 - Collaboration Tools
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFMCSA606: InThis includes104 - Strategic Planning
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFMCSA700: PDP2 is a depa143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFMCSA701: RA data discov129 - Report 106 - Workforce Planning
00 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeFMCSA702: Gr
GrantSolution363 - Federal Funds to States and Local Governments
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFMCSA703: AsSunflower As144 - Invento119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Manageme
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFMCSA704: CA commercial, 120 - Help De108 - Customer Services
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNHTSA018: GThe NHTSA Gra 362 - Federal Financial Assistance
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNHTSA888: NInvestment pr139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNHTSA308: NHThis investme103 - Enterprise Architecture
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNHTSA310: WThis initiati 322 - Public 341 - Web Infrastructure
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNHTSA009: FaFARS is the o070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNHTSA304: EThe Electroni319 - Regulatory Compliance
19 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNHTSA306: CrModCon is the 319 - Regula 070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNHTSA345: TrTraffic Recor 601 - Data Exchange
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNHTSA026: MoThe Motor Veh 319 - Regulatory Compliance
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNHTSA019: NaThe project i 601 - Data Exchange
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNHTSA301: TeThe National 601 - Data Exchange
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNHTSA501:  Corporate
NHTSA’s Corp
601 - Data
Fuel Economy
Exchange (CAFE)
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNHTSA317: CoAgency wide 345
e - Manag 318 - Business Analytics
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNHTSA307: NHSunflower an144 - Inventory Control
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNHTSA319: NHTSA319 (Spa 321 - Regulat531 - Case Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNHTSA320: MiThis program121 - Security Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNHTSA020: AArtemis is a 321 - Regulatory Enforcement
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNHTSA311: CrNHTSA maintai 070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFRAXX304: InNOT A SYSTEM 315 - Threat 121 - Securi 316 - Contin
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFRAXX332: MoThe Mobile W675 - Voice Communications
00 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeFRAXX334: GACF/HHS MOU 363 - Federa 362 - Federal Financial Assistance
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFRAXX302: EANOT AN IT SYS 103 - Enterpr546 - Portfo 354 - IT Strategy and Innovation
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFRAXX310: AuProvides tech077 - Inspect061 - Ground576 - Knowle
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFRAXX014: RaRSIS is a sel 061 - Ground577 - Knowled 319 - Regula
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFRAXX013: RaThe purpose 5o90 - Mapping / Geospatial
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFRAXX012: ThThe Rail Wayb 070 - General576 - Knowledge Capture
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFRAXX314: WeThis project 070 - General061 - Ground Transportation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFRAXX320: P Web-based int 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFRAXX333: RaRCAPM system 320 - Credit 070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFRAXX023: RaECS enhances531 - Case 533 - Corre 321 - Regulatory Enforcement
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFRAXX015: Mul
The tool will 061 - Ground Transportation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFTAXX023: InThis investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFTAXX008: FTNOT A SYSTEM 103 - Enterprise Architecture
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFTAXX001: FiFinancial In 126 - Payments
14 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFTAXX003: NaThe National 603 - Data Warehouse
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFTAXX028: FTFTAs legacy a326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFTAXX024: AcThe acquisiti 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFTAXX006: TrThis investme363 - Federal Funds to States and Local Governments
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFTAXX029: FTSupport for a121 - Security Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFTAXX021: FTFTA Business341 - Web Infrastructure
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFTAXX030: We FTA Web Site341 - Web Infrastructure
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSLSDC001: A SYSTEM LOCAT 312 - Navigation
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeSLSDC003: SLIn FY 2015, t 124 - Accoun105 - Budget Execution
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePHMSA041: IT This investme316 - Contin 656 - Certification and Accreditation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePHMSA011: Of This investme327 - Enterprise Licenses and Software
00 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmePHMSA042: GFRA and PHMS 363 - Federal Funds to States and Local Governments
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePHMSA019: FThis investme363 - Federal Funds to States and Local Governments
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOTXX099: Ha CONTRIBUTION 603 - Data W601 - Data Exchange
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePHMSA018: Na The NPMS is 5a90 - Mapping / Geospatial
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePHMSA016: Pi Whistleblower 061 - Ground Transportation
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePHMSA040: CI This investme103 - Enterpr104 - Strategic Planning
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePHMSA032: PRISM is an a143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePHMSA020: W PHMSA website 353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePHMSA008: Ha HMIS is a tra 061 - Ground Transportation
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePHMSA015: Na A data store 353 - Inform 601 - Data Exchange
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePHMSA013: Sa The Safety Mo 530 - Process319 - Regulatory Compliance
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePHMSA022: Pi PRIMIS provid319 - Regulatory Compliance
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOIGXX002: OIOIG in-house139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSTBXX003: LoThe STB LAN 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSTBXX004: STBThis investme656 - Certification and Accreditation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSTBXX006: STNOT A SYSTEM 103 - Enterprise Architecture
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSTBXX002: C Case is an in 531 - Case Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSTBXX001: UnThe Uniform 3R53 - Information Exchange and Transformation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARAD031: C CE includes 326 - IT Sys 341 - Web Inf604 - Meta
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARAD014: G Establish and547 - Perfo 106 - Workfo345 - Manag
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARAD035: El Electronic In 124 - Accoun126 - Payments
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARAD022: U Comprehensiv 618 - Employ016 - Higher 129 - Report
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARAD021: U Blackboard i 618 - Employ016 - Higher 064 - Traini
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARAD049: Re RRF program062 - Water 119 - Facili 121 - Securi
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARAD042: M All Microsoft326 - IT Sys 340 - Collabo318 - Busines
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARAD030: C argo Prefere326 - IT Sys 340 - Collabo129 - Report
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARAD038: IMARAD Interne 344 - Conte 341 - Web Inf322 - Public
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARAD039: In The Maritime340 - Collabo353 - Inform 661 - Document Management and
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARAD043: Ma Maritime Ser326 - IT Sys 064 - Traini 618 - Employ
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARAD025: U Local Area Ne139 - Provide263 - System and Network Monitoring
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARAD047: Vi VOA system co 143 - Goods a326 - IT Sys 530 - Process
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARAD048: Pu Monitors and530 - Process326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARAD015: Op The MARAD COE 354 - IT Stra 145 - Logist 263 - System
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARAD036: FCOTS applica176 - Legisla 319 - Regula 530 - Process
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARAD041: M ariners Outr 106 - Workfo064 - Traini 530 - Process Tracking
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARAD027: U Investment cu 618 - Employ064 - Training and Employment
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDOTXX133: DThis investme124 - Accoun143 - Goods a362 - Federal
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX135: CoThe Continuou 316 - Continuous Monitoring
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX136: EnThe Enterpris576 - Knowle577 - Knowled 344 - Content Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX137: EnThe Enterpris354 - IT Stra 103 - Enterpr546 - Portfo
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX138: F The Financial124 - Accoun126 - Paymen328 - Collect
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX139: HThe Human Res 251 - Staffin 255 - Employee Performance Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX140: InThe Informati139 - Provide603 - Data W343 - Audio / Video Conferencing
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX141: InThe Infrastru139 - Provide341 - Web Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX142: ITThe IT Servic 120 - Help De108 - Customer Services
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX143: MaThe Manage 327 En - Enterprise Licenses and Software
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX144: MaThe Manage 1S 20 - Help De680 - Issue Tracking
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX145: MThe Managemen 104 - Strateg354 - IT Strategy and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX146: S The Software326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX147: T The Threat Ma 315 - Threat 263 - System and Network Monitoring
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX148: Tra
The Traffic C 060 - Air Tra 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX149: TrThe Training 618 - Employee Development and Training
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX150: TrThe Transport060 - Air Tra 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX152: T Program will 060 - Air Transportation
11 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX153: FliFlight and In 060 - Air Tra 353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX156: NAThe Resilienc060 - Air Tra 008 - Disaster Preparedness and Planning
20 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX157: NeThe Next Gene 060 - Air Transportation
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNHTSA346: NEThe National 061 - Ground Transportation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFRAXX344: DeDecision Lens546 - Portfolio Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFRAXX345: LEThis is an in 531 - Case 228 - Labor R256 - Employee Relations
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARAD050: ITThis investme062 - Water 010 - Emerge043 - Global Trade
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARAD051: IUSMMA Inform 326 - IT Sys 016 - Higher 062 - Water Transportation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX261: ARProvides nece139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX015: DaAn FAA Enterp 317 - Data I 316 - Contin 315 - Threat and Vulnerability Man
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX072: AIRMS provides 531 - Case 053 - Legal I 055 - Resolution Facilitation
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFAAXX710: RegThe purpose 1o39 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX298: InThe mission o315 - Threat 316 - Contin 656 - Certification and Accreditatio
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX507: FAEnhance the 103 - Enterprise Architecture
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX026: Avi
The ASIAS pro353 - Inform 338 - Enterpr325 - Information Discovery
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX078: AuAVIATOR autom 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX300: RProvides an i119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX199: ATDelivery of i 139 - Provide326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX609: Cer
Web enabled129 d - Reporting and Information
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX029: AiThis is an au 353 - Inform 338 - Enterpr325 - Information Discovery
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX415: AThis project 319 - Regulatory Compliance
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX469:  Freedom
of Information
108 - Customer
Act National
ServicesTracking System (FOIA-NTS)
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX023: SeEnsure that a315 - Threat 316 - Contin 654 - Incident Response
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX611: AvThis is a saf 319 - Regulatory Compliance
conforms to
directives to
with a
expected to
opt cloud
when they
provide the
best value
by lowering
cost at an
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX050: Enlevel of risk. 659 - Email
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX042: AvThrough an in353 - Inform 338 - Enterpr325 - Information Discovery
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX124: ITThis investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX119: E Centrally orc 060 - Air Transportation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX123: ATDelivery of h 139 - Provide120 - Help De108 - Customer Services
17 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHWAX011: AcAccountable 1P44 - Invento129 - Reporting and Information
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNHTSA015: PRThe Procurem143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
16 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFRAXX337: HuHPS encompass 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFRAXX024: Pos
This investme319 - Regulatory Compliance
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMARAD044: MaMarine Transp 070 - General062 - Water 325 - Informa
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFRAXX331: FRInvestment p139 - Provide263 - System678 - System Resource Usage
19 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFRAXX311: RaA forum and 1r 15 - Rule Publication
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFRAXX005: WeThe purpose 3o44 - Conte 340 - Collabo577 - Knowled
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFRAXX341: EnAggregates FR 603 - Data W592 - Data M604 - Meta Data Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAAXX043: AeThe AIM Moder 060 - Air Tra 577 - Knowled
576 - Knowledge Capture
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFRAXX348: WeThe purpose 3o44 - Conte 340 - Collabo577 - Knowled
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFRAXX349: FRInvestment p139 - Provide263 - System678 - System Resource Usage
09 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeeGov InnovatE-Government 577 - Knowled 341 - Web Infrastructure
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePerformanceProvide supp577 - Knowled 341 - Web Infrastructure
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBusiness IntelThe Business318 - Business Analytics
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePBS BusinessPBS Business326 - IT Sys 325 - Information Discovery
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOccupancy AgThe Occupancy 119 - Facili 127 - Collections and Receivables
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic P Enterprise Pr119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
08 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeReal Estate AREXUS is a pr119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
11 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeGeospatial LiThis investme339 - Inform 590 - Mapping / Geospatial
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTechnical OpThe Technical139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIT Applicatio IT Applicatio 326 - IT Sys 120 - Help Desk Services
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIT Managemen IT Managemen 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRent EstimatThe Rent Esti119 - Facili 127 - Collect 101 - Budget
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCustomer SolCustomer Solu 108 - Customer Services
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeReimbursableRETA empower 119 - Facili 129 - Reporting and Information
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNational Co The National 119 - Facili 576 - Knowle577 - Knowledge Distribution and D
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInventory RepIRIS provides119 - Facili 104 - Strateg144 - Inventory Control
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFrameworks The Framework 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCentral Offi Central Offic 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProperty DispPDA is the pr118 - Federal119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Manageme
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSpatial Dat As a real est 590 - Mappin119 - Facili 576 - Knowle
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBuilding TechThe use of Sm119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
08 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeGSA Real Est GREX automate 119 - Facili 661 - Document Management and workflow
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRegional O& Regional O&M 326 - IT Sys 120 - Help Desk Services
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWorkplace E Workplace EQP 546 - Portfolio Management
14 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIntegrated A The Integrate143 - Goods a120 - Help De129 - Report
14 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeContract WriCWS is a coll 143 - Goods a129 - Reporting and Information
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAcquisition A tool to gui 143 - Goods a319 - Regulatory Compliance
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRequisitioni ROADS is used 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSmartPay The GSA Smart 129 - Report 126 - Payments
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFleet Manag The Fleet Man 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCustomer SupThe CSC syste143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAS IT BusineFAS IT Busine108 - Custom118 - Federal538 - Progra
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTransportatioThe Transport321 - Regulatory Enforcement
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFederal Publ Federal PKI M648 - Identif 337 - Credential Issuance and Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTransportati TMSS is the 1145 - Logistics Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIntegrated TeITS provides 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOffer Registr (ORS) further143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGSAXcess GSAXcess auto 118 - Federal Asset Sales
14 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNetwork ServNSOBS automat 143 - Goods a127 - Collections and Receivables
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCommercial The WMS appli 144 - Invento143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSales AutomaThe FAS Sales118 - Federal119 - Facili 129 - Report
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCustomer ReCustomer Rel108 - Customer Services
14 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOrder ManagOMS involves143 - Goods a144 - Invento145 - Logistics Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeeOffer and eOffer and eM 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFederal AssetFederal Asset118 - Federal108 - Customer Services
14 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeAssisted ServAssisted Serv143 - Goods a108 - Customer Services
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVISION VISION is the108 - Custom353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
14 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFederal SupplThe FSS 19 sy143 - Goods a129 - Report 144 - Inventory Control
14 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeGSA AdvantaGSA Advantage 143 - Goods a129 - Reporting and Information
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeProduct Info The Product 143 - Goods a517 - External Partner Relationship Managemen
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCentralized MThe Centraliz577 - Knowled 108 - Customer Services
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCity Pairs The City Pair 122 - Travel
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFederal AcquiCorporate sys139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSolicitation SWS is a web-143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
06 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeRegulatory InROCIS II supp115 - Rule Pu319 - Regula 321 - Regulatory Enforcement
11 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeHuman ResouGSA's contrib538 - Progra 354 - IT Stra 624 - Payroll
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeHuman Capita The HCITS inv254 - Employ255 - Emplo 618 - Employ
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGSA EnterprisThe GSA IT Se656 - Certifi 315 - Threat 316 - Contin
09 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGovernmentw The eCPIC app 546 - Portfo 538 - Progra 104 - Strateg
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGSA IT Deskt Desktops and103 - Enterpr144 - Inventory Control
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFAITAS FAITAS is the618 - Employ143 - Goods a577 - Knowledge Distribution and D
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOffice of th The OIG-MIS 077i - Inspect330 - Legislat577 - Knowled
11 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeFMLOB ContriGSA contribut124 - Accoun126 - Paymen127 - Collect
11 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeeRulemakingE-Rulemaking115 - Rule Pu113 - Public Comment Tracking
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGSA IT Telec Telecom activ139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAccessibility Providing Sof314 - Assisti 353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
06 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFederal Real FRPP is a gov119 - Facili 144 - Inventory Control
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGSA IT MobilMobile device675 - Voice Communications
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDotgov DomaProject provi648 - Identif 341 - Web Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGSA IT Data Data center a317 - Data I 103 - Enterprise Architecture
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSFTool SFTool helps 119 - Facili 577 - Knowled 020 - Energy
05 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeEnterprise H Enterprise Hu251 - Staffin 254 - Employ255 - Emplo
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSection508.gThe Section 5314 - Assisti 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIdentity Cre The Identity, 337 - Creden121 - Security Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGSA EnterpriProgram cover 103 - Enterpr546 - Portfolio Management
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFederal AviatFAIRS develo119 - Facili 576 - Knowle144 - Inventory Control
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGSA IT HelpdHelpdesk acti120 - Help De108 - Custom103 - Enterprise Architecture
11 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeRecruitment GSA's contrib251 - Staffing and Recruiting
11 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeBudget FormulThis is GSA's 101 - Budget105 - Budget Execution
09 02 - Non Maj00 - Citiz577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGSA IT End UsEnd user othe103 - Enterprise Architecture
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Travel ServGSA's service122 - Travel 124 - Accounting
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFACA MainteAn online sys577 - Knowled 661 - Document Management and workflow
15 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNational AlerUnder FEMA 008 FC - Disaste009 - Disaster Repair and Restore
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOCIO GeneraThe investmen 618 - Employee Development and Training
14 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeAnalytics SerThe ASP manag 143 - Goods a340 - Collabo344 - Content Management
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGSA EnhanceTemporarily c143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
14 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeAcquisition The Acquisiti143 - Goods a340 - Collabo344 - Content Management
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOGP Web Port The OGP webs 108 - Custom577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGSA IT DigitaProvide Digita661 - Document Management and workflow
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGSA IT Data Provide DATA661 - Document Management and workflow
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAcquisition.gThe website t115 - Rule Pu319 - Regulatory Compliance
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGSA Human Re HRT2T will su326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGSA IT Docu A centralize 661 - Document Management and workflow
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFICAM SuppoProvide websi648 - Identification and Authentication
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGSA IT DigitaProvide an en661 - Document Management and workflow
06 02 - Non Maj00 - This investme577 - Knowled 618 - Employee Development and Training
12 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeD2D The D2D platf318 - Business Analytics
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGSA IT EnterpProvide Enter354 - IT Strategy and Innovation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCorporate App Provides tech326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic A EAS/Comprizon 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePBS EnterprisPBS Enterpris103 - Enterprise Architecture
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCatalog of F The CFDA Sys577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise D This investme318 - Busines129 - Reporting and Information
14 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeElectronic C This investme531 - Case 344 - Conte 661 - Docum
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCustomer Ana This investme108 - Custom592 - Data Mining
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOffice of th Deputy CIO P538 - Program / Project Management
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeGSA Office ofThe Office of139 - Provide120 - Help De326 - IT Sys
12 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGSA IT Polic Coordinates t324 - Adjudic345 - Management of Government Records
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGSA IT InfrasInfrastructur 103 - Enterprise Architecture
14 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeE-Gov Travel Establish a 122 - Travel 060 - Air Tra 061 - Ground Transportation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePAR (e-PayrolThe PAR syste624 - Payroll 613 - Time R 126 - Payments
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeGSA FMLOB Sh GSA contribut124 - Accoun126 - Paymen127 - Collect
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNational Ele The National 124 - Accoun127 - Collect 129 - Reporting and Information
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeICE - Tactica The investme675 - Voice 139 - Provide010 - Emerge
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCBP - MobileThe vision of 675 - Voice 538 - Program / Project Management
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFEMA - DisasFEMA has deve 673 - Commu008 - Disaster Preparedness and Planning
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDHS - HomelaHSDN provides 340 - Collabo346 - Crimina033 - Border
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDHS - OneNeITSO contribu139 - Provide659 - Email 263 - System
06 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDHS - HR-IT The investmen 106 - Workfo601 - Data E 251 - Staffin
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFEMA - DisasThe Disaster 362 - Federal009 - Disaster Repair and Restore
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDHS - CIO - EThis service 327 - Enterpr326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDHS - CIO - The ICAM Prog 337 - Creden648 - Identif 538 - Progra
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDHS - CIO - NThe National 139 - Provide675 - Voice 680 - Issue Tracking
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHS - Geosp The Geospatia 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
00 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDHS - e-IntegPart of a mul362 - Federal Financial Assistance
06 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDHS - EnterprDHS contribut106 - Workforce Planning
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHS - CapitalThis investme101 - Budget129 - Reporting and Information
06 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDHS - HumanDHS contribu106 - Workforce Planning
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHS - InformThe Chief Inf 656 - Certification and Accreditation
06 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDHS - Integr DHS contribut143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHS - Progr Establishes t 538 - Program / Project Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHS - Sectio OAST ensures314 - Assistive Technology Services
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHS - Sunflo The Sunflowe119 - Facili 120 - Help Desk Services
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHS - Financ Aging financi101 - Budget105 - Budget Execution
06 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDHS - Common The DHS Commo372 - Intelli 340 - Collaboration Tools
06 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDHS - HomelaHSIN facilita 340 - Collabo338 - Enterpr353 - Information Exchange and Tra
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDHS - DMO-HHomeland Secu 337 - Creden648 - Identif 121 - Security Management
06 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDHS - TechnolThe DHS Tech139 - Provide034 - Key Asset and Critical Infrastructure Protec
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHS - HCBS Pa DHS contribu624 - Payroll
06 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDHS - BenefitDHS contribut362 - Federal Financial Assistance
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHS - Integr ISMS is an en337 - Creden121 - Security Management
06 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDHS - GeospaDHS contribut326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
06 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDHS - NFC PayDHS utilizes 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
06 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDHS - E-Rule DHS contribut115 - Rule Publication
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHS - OCIO SProvides fund538 - Program / Project Management
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHS - TreasurDHS - Treasur124 - Accounting
06 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDHS - Perfo This is the 129 - Reporting and Information
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHS - Sharepo Web based inf 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHS - EnterprThe Enterpri 103 - Enterpr354 - IT Strategy and Innovation
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDHS - Mount MWITS is cha139 - Provide326 - IT Sys 354 - IT Stra
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHS - e-TrainDHS contribut618 - Employee Development and Training
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHS - USAJobDHS contribut251 - Staffing and Recruiting
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHS - EnvironThe Environme 017 - Cultura025 - Polluti 057 - Conser
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHS - Infrast This investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHS - CAO Ass CRSO Asset Po 119 - Facili 603 - Data W546 - Portfo
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeA&O - ExecutThe Executive675 - Voice Communications
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHS - ResearcThe Program 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHS - EnterpThe EDMO pro 339 - Information Mapping / Taxonomy / Categorization
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHS - Recor ERMS provides 345 - Management of Government Records
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHS - InformaIntegrated DH033 - Border and Transportation Security
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeA&O - DMZ-LEquipment and 675 - Voice 659 - Email
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHS - FOIA E FOIA Express533 - Corre 011 - Business and Industry Development
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHS - EnterprEnterprise Ap326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
06 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDHS - Financ DHS contribu124 - Accounting
06 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDHS - BudgetDHS contribu101 - Budget Formulation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOIG - Infrast This is the O 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSCIS - NaturCLAIMS 4 is a304 - Immigra328 - Collect 531 - Case
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSCIS - CSS Provide resou577 - Knowled 344 - Conte 341 - Web Inf
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSCIS - ImmigDesigned to s304 - Immigra531 - Case Management
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSCIS - Tran USCIS has emb 304 - Immigra531 - Case 318 - Business Analytics
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSCIS - Verif The Verificat 304 - Immigra317 - Data I 108 - Custom
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSCIS - Doc DMD provides 033 - Border 304 - Immigration and Naturalization
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSCIS - Infra Infrastructur 139 - Provide680 - Issue T 659 - Email
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSCIS - Infra The Infrastru139 - Provide009 - Disaste329 - Continu
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCIS - Appl Consolidates 304 - Immigra531 - Case Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCIS - Info This investm 139 - Provide353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCIS - Misc This investme345 - Manag 344 - Conte 661 - Document Management and
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCIS - CentrCentral Index345 - Manag 304 - Immigra531 - Case Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCIS - Core Core Reposito304 - Immigra531 - Case Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCIS - Infor This investme656 - Certifi 655 - Audit Trail Capture and Analysis
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCIS - Tele USCIS is a pa 139 - Provide322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCIS - Stan The Standard139 - Provide603 - Data Warehouse
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCIS - FOIA/FOIA Informat533 - Corre 304 - Immigration and Naturalization
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCIS - SchedContains CMIS 304 - Immigra517 - Extern 108 - Customer Services
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCIS - FraudThe FDNS case 045 - Crimina304 - Immigration and Naturalization
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCIS - OCIOContains the 538 - Progra 618 - Employee Development and Training
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCIS - IndepThis investme538 - Progra 326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCIS - MicroMIDAS was dev 345 - Manag 661 - Docum344 - Content Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCIS - NatioNFTS is an in 304 - Immigra531 - Case 530 - Process Tracking
06 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSSS - Enter The Enterpri 124 - Accoun013 - Financial Sector Oversight
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSSS - InfrastThis investme139 - Provide282 - Protect048 - Leadership Protection
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSSS - InformThe USSS is d139 - Provide048 - Leaders282 - Protect
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSSS - Acces This investme282 - Protect121 - Securi 337 - Creden
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSSS - ForensSupports the 045 - Crimina047 - Crime 048 - Leadership Protection
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSSS - CriminThis investme045 - Crimina048 - Leadership Protection
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeTSA - FAMS MModifications282 - Protect033 - Border 122 - Travel
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeTSA - Securit The Security 033 - Border 034 - Key Ass326 - IT Sys
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeTSA - HAZMAThe Hazmat Th 033 - Border 079 - Permits315 - Threat
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeTSA - Secure Secure Flight033 - Border 012 - Intelle 008 - Disaste
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeTSA - TranspoThe Transport033 - Border 337 - Creden034 - Key Ass
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeTSA - Perfor The PMIS was547 - Perfo 033 - Border 129 - Report
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeTSA - TranspoThe Transport033 - Border 315 - Threat 034 - Key Ass
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeTSA - InformaITIP is a pro 139 - Provide263 - System326 - IT Sys
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeTSA - TechnoThe Technolog 033 - Border 079 - Permits034 - Key Ass
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTSA - TSA ConThe TSA Conta 518 - Custom533 - Correspondence Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTSA - Consol The CSG supp033 - Border 372 - Intelli 034 - Key Ass
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeTSA - Air Car Air Cargo Sec043 - Global 033 - Border 060 - Air Tra
06 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeTSA - Financ This investme124 - Accounting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTSA - FFDO FThe FFDO syst033 - Border 346 - Crimina344 - Content Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTSA - HR Pro HR Processing254 - Employ624 - Payroll 106 - Workforce Planning
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTSA - Electro eTAS was crea254 - Employ613 - Time R 624 - Payroll
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTSA - SpecialiSpecialized S618 - Employ547 - Performance Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTSA - Safety SIS serves a 254 - Employ531 - Case 066 - Worker Safety
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTSA - TSA Rem This network340 - Collabo139 - Provide343 - Audio / Video Conferencing
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTSA - TSA In This is the c 377 - Intelli 340 - Collabo139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infra
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTSA - K9 Sys The Canine We 577 - Knowled 576 - Knowledge Capture
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTSA - TraveleThe DHS-TRIP033 - Border 315 - Threat 346 - Criminal and Terrorist Threat
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTSA - Perfor PARIS is the 255 - Emplo 576 - Knowle577 - Knowledge Distribution and D
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFLETC - Stud This system w284 - Force T618 - Employ345 - Management of Government
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFLETC - All O This investme538 - Program / Project Management
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFLETC - Fin This investme124 - Accoun101 - Budget126 - Paymen
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFLETC - Infra This investme139 - Provide675 - Voice 659 - Email
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFLETC - EnterSupports the 337 - Credential Issuance and Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFLETC - Onli Electronic Le284 - Force T618 - Employ345 - Management of Government
06 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeICE - Federa FFMS is a com 124 - Accoun129 - Reporting and Information
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeICE - Detent DROM provides 044 - Fugitiv 033 - Border and Transportation Security
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeICE - IT Infra IT Infrastruc 139 - Provide341 - Web Inf263 - System
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeICE - Electro IHSC has acqu248 - Health 517 - Extern 247 - Health
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeICE - TECS M The ICE TECS045 - Crimina531 - Case 530 - Process
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeICE - CriminalThe developme 045 - Crimina044 - Fugitiv 601 - Data Exchange
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeICE - StudentSEVIS is a we045 - Crimina033 - Border 324 - Adjudic
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - Consoli The new finan 124 - Accoun105 - Budget129 - Report
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - FOIA Sy The FOIA syst533 - Corre 345 - Manag 530 - Process Tracking
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - Interna The Office of 045 - Crimina372 - Intelli 033 - Border and Transportation Se
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - Office oThis investme337 - Creden129 - Report 322 - Public Communications Infras
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - Office Enables attor345 - Manag 054 - Legal P 052 - Legal Defense
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - OCIO CoThis investme577 - Knowled 601 - Data E 340 - Collaboration Tools
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - SEVPAMSEVPAMS (SEV 045 - Crimina367 - Intern 319 - Regula
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - Ongoin This program124 - Accoun319 - Regula 106 - Workfo
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - Investi The Investiga045 - Crimina601 - Data Exchange
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - ICE AnalThe goals of 372 - Intelli 045 - Crimina044 - Fugitiv
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - Web Se This investme577 - Knowled 129 - Report 344 - Content Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - NationaNCATC DAS is045 - Crimina044 - Fugitive and Criminal Apprehension
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - CriminaThe CHIS Proj353 - Inform 331 - Interna129 - Reporting and Information
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - Human This investme251 - Staffin 254 - Employ256 - Employ
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - OCIO S Supports the 139 - Provide345 - Manag 546 - Portfolio Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - Critical Refresh hard139 - Provide143 - Goods a263 - System
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - NationaNSPS supports 045 - Crimina251 - Staffin 254 - Employ
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - Real P Provides the 119 - Facili 144 - Invento121 - Security Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - Study inThe Study in 304 - Immigra108 - Custom016 - Higher
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - Enforc The EID data 044 - Fugitiv 005 - Crimina006 - Crimina
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - Subject Subject Captu044 - Fugitiv 129 - Reporting and Information
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - ICE OpeThe IODS inte603 - Data W103 - Enterpr601 - Data Exchange
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - Office OPR Systems337 t - Credential Issuance and Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - Technic The Technical045 - Crimina053 - Legal I 348 - Execut
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - Decisio This investme070 - General592 - Data Mining
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - Office The ICE Offic 618 - Employ064 - Traini 106 - Workfo
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - ContinuCMRT(Continuo 316 - Contin 121 - Security Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - C3 Man The Cyber Crimes
139 -Center
(C3) directs
- Criminal
Security Investigations’ co
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - HomelanHSI-FL is the 045 - Crimina661 - Docum648 - Identification and Authenticati
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - Efficie This program139 - Provide124 - Accoun129 - Reporting and Information
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - LESIM The LESIM pro 045 - Crimina353 - Inform 601 - Data Exchange
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeICE - Executi Support the c533 - Corre 322 - Public 330 - Legislative Relations
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCBP - AutomaACE is a Web-043 - Global 328 - Collect Revenues and User Fees
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCBP - Land BoLBI leverages033 - Border 346 - Criminal and Terrorist Threat Mitigation
06 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCBP - SAP CBP's SAP is 124 - Accoun101 - Budget105 - Budget
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCBP - AdvancAdvance Passe 033 - Border 375 - Intelli 378 - Intelligence Data Access and D
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCBP - Non-IntNII technolog372 - Intelli 346 - Criminal and Terrorist Threat Mitigation
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCBP - AutomaThe Automate 033 - Border 372 - Intelligence Collection Tasking
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCBP - TECS MTECS Moderniz 033 - Border 346 - Criminal and Terrorist Threat Mitigation
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCBP - InfrastrThe IT infras 139 - Provide326 - IT Sys 354 - IT Strategy and Innovation
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCBP - AnalytiAFI consists o372 - Intelli 370 - Intelligence Strategy and Policy Integration
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCBP - Tactic TACCOM moder 675 - Voice 346 - Criminal and Terrorist Threat Mitigation
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCBP - Block 1The main miss 372 - Intelli 033 - Border and Transportation Security
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCBP - IntegraIntegrated Fi372 - Intelli 033 - Border and Transportation Security
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCBP - Mobile The Mobile Su 372 - Intelli 346 - Criminal and Terrorist Threat Mitigation
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCBP - NortheRVSS systems372 - Intelli 346 - Criminal and Terrorist Threat Mitigation
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCBP - RemoteRVSS systems372 - Intelli 346 - Criminal and Terrorist Threat Mitigation
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCBP - Tether TARS is a sys 372 - Intelli 379 - Special Intelligence Activities
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCBP - Arrival ADIS is an el 033 - Border 601 - Data E 060 - Air Tra
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCBP - AutomaAs of March 2346 - Crimina337 - Creden604 - Meta
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCBP - TRIRIG TRIRIGA is a 119 - Facili 033 - Border and Transportation Security
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - Situat The Situation010 - Emerge009 - Disaste329 - Continuity of Operations
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - OAM TO TOMIS serves044 - Fugitiv 346 - Crimina033 - Border
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - Small OVoIP will co 675 - Voice 326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - Web CoWeb Communic 577 - Knowled 340 - Collaboration Tools
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - Financ The CBP Fina124 - Accoun254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - Primar PAM consists033 - Border 346 - Criminal and Terrorist Threat Mitigation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - AutomaCBPTradePulse 043 - Global 012 - Intellectual Property Protection
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - IntegraThe goal of t 033 - Border 346 - Criminal and Terrorist Threat Mitigation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - OIT PhyThis investme282 - Protect121 - Security Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - EnterprE-CDS is an I 378 - Intelli 372 - Intelligence Collection Tasking
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - Firear FACTS is a s 119 - Facili 077 - Inspection and Auditing
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - ArchiteThe Architect103 - Enterpr546 - Portfolio Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - Air an AMOSS provide 372 - Intelli 033 - Border 346 - Crimina
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - Passen PES consists 033 - Border 346 - Criminal and Terrorist Threat Mitigation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - EnterprER is a data 547 - Perfo 106 - Workfo033 - Border and Transportation Se
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - Border This investme033 - Border 066 - Worker Safety
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - ContaineThe funding O043 - Global 033 - Border and Transportation Security
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - IntegraILSS is an as 119 - Facili 145 - Logistics Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - Big Pip BigPipe is a 372 - Intelli 033 - Border and Transportation Security
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - Inform The IRC is a 577 - Knowled 661 - Docum043 - Global Trade
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - Cellul COTHEN suppo 675 - Voice 044 - Fugitive and Criminal Apprehension
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - OpSTA The database618 - Employ346 - Criminal and Terrorist Threat Mitigation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - INFO C Software that680 - Issue T 675 - Voice Communications
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - Small This is a por 254 - Employ251 - Staffin 255 - Emplo
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - Acade Supports acqu 618 - Employ345 - Manag 318 - Business Analytics
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - Proce Process Mana538 - Progra 340 - Collabo530 - Process Tracking
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - Travel Government-wi 143 - Goods a122 - Travel
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - Asset The Remedy 119 In - Facili 145 - Logistics Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - Labora LIN is an int 033 - Border 346 - Criminal and Terrorist Threat Mitigation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - Global The Global En033 - Border 346 - Criminal and Terrorist Threat Mitigation
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - ComputCARMAC is a 119l - Facili 145 - Logistics Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - Mixed The CBP Mixe577 - Knowled 341 - Web Infrastructure
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - Customs The Customs033– - Border 043 - Global Trade
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - Corner Investment st345 - Manag 337 - Credential Issuance and Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - Progra Program Mana 547 - Perfo 101 - Budget105 - Budget Execution
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - CustomCAMITS is a m119 - Facili 145 - Logistics Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - Securi SMART was cre 282 - Protect034 - Key Ass077 - Inspect
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - ElectroESTA is a sec 033 - Border 346 - Criminal and Terrorist Threat Mitigation
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSCG - DirectDirect Acces 254 - Employ624 - Payroll 257 - Separa
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSCG - RescuCommand, Cont 372 - Intelli 033 - Border 026 - Scienti
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSCG - CoastCGBI reduces070 - General577 - Knowled 601 - Data E
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSCG - AssetALMIS enables 119 - Facili 603 - Data Warehouse
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSCG - MarinMISLE is an i 045 - Crimina319 - Regulatory Compliance
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSCG - NatioNAIS will im 372 - Intelli 033 - Border and Transportation Security
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSCG - VesselThe Vessel Lo119 - Facili 145 - Logist 144 - Invento
06 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSCG - Core Core Actg Sy 124 - Accoun103 - Enterpr126 - Paymen
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSCG - C4ISRThe C4ISR Com 372 - Intelli 280 - Comman 279 - Battle
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSCG - CG LoCG-LIMS will 119 - Facili 145 - Logist 144 - Inventory Control
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSCG - Inter The IOC Proje372 - Intelli 033 - Border 034 - Key Asset and Critical Infrastr
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSCG - Ports PAWSS provide 062 - Water 033 - Border and Transportation Security
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSCG - Infra Support and M 139 - Provide120 - Help De144 - Invento
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSCG - Infra The Coast Gua 139 - Provide341 - Web Inf601 - Data E
06 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeUSCG - FinanThis investme124 - Accoun101 - Budget Formulation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - MaritMAGNET is a372 w - Intelligence Collection Tasking
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - Long RCollects and 372 - Intelli 062 - Water 312 - Navigat
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - CoastCG-TIMS provi 119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - AbstrAOPS tracks 618 - Employ064 - Traini 070 - General
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - SearcThe SAROPS sy 145 - Logist 010 - Emerge654 - Incident Response
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - MobilThe MCC deli675 - Voice Communications
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - Case Coast Guard t531 - Case 053 - Legal Investigation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - BiometThe USCG Biom 033 - Border 044 - Fugitiv 346 - Criminal and Terrorist Threat
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - Self The USCG Sel372 - Intelli 129 - Reporting and Information
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - IntegrThe integrate119 - Facili 062 - Water 312 - Navigation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - Auxil AUXDATA syste 106 - Workfo062 - Water 064 - Traini
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - AutomaEquip Coast G372 - Intelligence Collection Tasking
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - HousiHMIS is a web119 - Facili 038 - Housing Assistance
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - EnterpThe Enterpris590 - Mapping / Geospatial
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - Shor Integrated ma 119 - Facili 145 - Logistics Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - COP W COP Web Serv 379 - Special Intelligence Activities
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - IT SecThe USCG Info 656 - Certification and Accreditation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - PortalCG Portal cu 577 - Knowled 340 - Collabo341 - Web Inf
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - ElectrThis is the s 312 - Navigation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - Ship AThis investme062 - Water 033 - Border and Transportation Security
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - MerchMMLD maintain 033 - Border 062 - Water 337 - Credential Issuance and Mana
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - Autom Automated Mut 312 - Navigat010 - Emergency Response
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - CoastCGISS is a sy 139 - Provide343 - Audio / Video Conferencing
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - Comma This project 379 - Special Intelligence Activities
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - MobilWeb based sys 106 - Workfo010 - Emergency Response
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - IntegrSupports heal248 - Health 247 - Health 217 - Access
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNPPD - ISCP (CSATs obtains282 - Protect034 - Key Ass321 - Regulat
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNPPD - NatioThe National 315 - Threat 034 - Key Asset and Critical Infrastructure Protec
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNPPD - Next NGN Priority 675 - Voice 329 - Continu008 - Disaste
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNPPD - NS/EPNS/EP PTS enh 675 - Voice 329 - Continu008 - Disaste
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPPD - FPS The FPS Gatew 577 - Knowled034 - Key Asset and Critical Infrastructure Protec
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPPD - Facili The Modified282 - Protect034 - Key Ass315 - Threat
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNPPD - ContiThe CDM progr 316 - Contin 121 - Securi 263 - System
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNPPD - InfrasThe IP Gatewa 139 - Provide008 - Disaste339 - Inform
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNPPD - FPS FPS tactical 675 - Voice 346 - Criminal and Terrorist Threat Mitigation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPPD - Nation Website for c064 - Traini 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPPD - Execut A tool to man538 - Program / Project Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPPD - Commu Communication144 - Inventory Control
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPPD - FPS OOSS is made 282 - Protect045 - Crimina034 - Key Ass
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPPD - FPS PPTS will moni282 - Protect531 - Case 034 - Key Ass
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPPD - FPS DFPSDS is a we124 - Accoun034 - Key Ass328 - Collect
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPPD - FPS EnThe EIS appli 129 - Report 034 - Key Ass280 - Comman
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPPD - NatioProvide a 24 139 - Provide353 - Inform 654 - Incide
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPPD - CSEP Methodology034 - Key Ass654 - Incide 530 - Process
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFEMA - LogisThe Logistics 010 - Emerge008 - Disaste009 - Disaste
06 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFEMA - Web W I ebIFMIS is 124 - Accoun008 - Disaste009 - Disaste
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFEMA - IntegIPAWS provide 322 - Public 008 - Disaste010 - Emerge
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFEMA - NFIP The NFIP IT S320 - Credit 008 - Disaste038 - Housing
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFEMA - InfrasFEMA Infrastr139 - Provide008 - Disaste009 - Disaste
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - Nation NFIRS collect673 - Commu603 - Data Warehouse
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFEMA - Non-D Project creat362 - Federal008 - Disaste009 - Disaste
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - Data DataMart, dat010 - Emergency Response
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - USFAUsed to suppo 284 - Force T008 - Disaster Preparedness and Planning
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - Intra Provides requ577 - Knowled 120 - Help De576 - Knowledge Capture
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - MinorThis investme284 - Force T008 - Disaster Preparedness and Planning
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - MT E-The MT E-Gran 363 - Federa 008 - Disaste009 - Disaster Repair and Restore
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - RadioTHD Systems008 - Disaste002 - Community and Regional Development
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFEMA - NFIP FEMA - NFIP I008 - Disaste009 - Disaste010 - Emergency Response
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - Envi EMIS is a sta 023 - Enviro 008 - Disaster Preparedness and Planning
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - Risk M Customer and320 - Credit 008 - Disaster Preparedness and Planning
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - EmerThe Emergency 362 - Federal009 - Disaste654 - Incide
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - MobilThis project 675 - Voice Communications
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - Autom ACE supports362 - Federal009 - Disaste038 - Housing Assistance
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - GrantThe GRT is th363 - Federa 008 - Disaster Preparedness and Planning
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - IndiviIAPSS is a Wo362 - Federal009 - Disaste038 - Housing Assistance
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - FinanReplacement124 - Accoun008 - Disaster Preparedness and Planning
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - Crisi The CMS suppo 010 - Emerge145 - Logistics Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - HMGP NEMIS-MT (HM 362 - Federal008 - Disaste009 - Disaste
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - Generi The Generic F124 - Accounting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - USFASystem is use284 - Force T008 - Disaster Preparedness and Planning
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - AFG Comprehensive 363 - Federa 010 - Emergency Response
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - IA MaThis item des010 - Emergency Response
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - NFIP This activity 320 - Credit 008 - Disaster Preparedness and Planning
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - AFG Provides curr108 - Customer Services
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - Infor Investment p008 - Disaste329 - Continu315 - Threat
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - Reco RMT supports362 - Federal008 - Disaster Preparedness and Planning
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - DocuDocument imag 345 - Manag 339 - Information Mapping / Taxonomy / Catego
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - MinorThe Minor Acq 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - Inter is 139 - Provide010 - Emergency Response
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - PersoLIMS was FEM 119 - Facili 145 - Logist 008 - Disaste
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - DistaThis project 284 - Force T010 - Emerge008 - Disaster Preparedness and Pla
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - IntegThe Integrate337 - Creden326 - IT Sys 010 - Emerge
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - ChemiCSEPP WebCA 673
f - Community Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - IndiviThis project 362 - Federal010 - Emergency Response
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - First The First Re 284 - Force T008 - Disaster Preparedness and Planning
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - DeploFEMA Disaste010 - Emerge008 - Disaster Preparedness and Planning
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - RegisThe Registrat284 - Force T008 - Disaster Preparedness and Planning
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - NatioInvestment p675 - Voice 329 - Continu280 - Comman
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - HSEEThe purpose 6o73 - Commu008 - Disaste590 - Mappin
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeS&T - CollaboProvide S&T w 577 - Knowledge Distribution and Delivery
06 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDNDO - FinanThis investme124 - Accounting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDNDO - Bombi TRIPwire is a 372 - Intelli 601 - Data E 339 - Inform
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHS - MentorMentoring is 618 - Employee Development and Training
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHS - FHR NaFHR Navigator 254 - Employ036 - Retirem369 - Beneficiary & Earnings Record
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHS - EmployEmployee Assi 255 - Employee Performance Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDHS - SecuritDHS contribut337 - Credential Issuance and Management
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCIS - ProceProvides the 129 - Reporting and Information
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCIS - MyUSProvides an e108 - Customer Services
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCIS - Soft Implements t129 - Reporting and Information
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCIS - Arch Research emer 103 - Enterprise Architecture
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTSA - Real E The Real Esta119 - Facili 033 - Border 143 - Goods a
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTSA - Report Division-wide129 - Report 065 - Labor 256 - Employee Relations
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTSA - AdvancThe Advanced106 - Workfo613 - Time R 618 - Employee Development and T
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCBP - Border The BSDP prov 121 - Securi 033 - Border 045 - Crimina
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - Right Software as a108 - Custom113 - Public Comment Tracking
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCBP - Border BPES is a sui 033 - Border 590 - Mappin129 - Report
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - ElectrThis project 372 - Intelligence Collection Tasking
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - ElectrMARFLIR provi 372 - Intelligence Collection Tasking
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - IceberThe purpose 3o12 - Navigation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - ElectrProvides vari372 - Intelligence Collection Tasking
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSCG - Incid A web based 654
i - Incide 340 - Collaboration Tools
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPPD - ConsoNPPD financi101 - Budget Formulation
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPPD - Trai TAMS is a mis531 - Case 064 - Training and Employment
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - ContrOCPO procure 319 - Regula 008 - Disaster Preparedness and Planning
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - Gran FEMA plans t362 - Federal008 - Disaste009 - Disaste
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - EmergApplications 145 - Logist 009 - Disaster Repair and Restore
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - ECAPeCAPS enables 010 - Emerge143 - Goods a008 - Disaste
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDNDO - JointJACCIS is an 377 - Intelligence Product Production
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - ACS So ACS is used b043 - Global 328 - Collect Revenues and User Fees
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - TECS TECS Operatio 033 - Border 346 - Criminal and Terrorist Threat Mitigation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - EDME SThe EDME Serv 577 - Knowled 108 - Customer Services
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - OBP StaThe Statistics070 - General318 - Business Analytics
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - Intelli Intelligent C 372 - Intelli 033 - Border and Transportation Security
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCBP - E3 Enforcement044A - Fugitiv 648 - Identification and Authentication
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPPD - FPS I FISTS is a GS 337 - Creden034 - Key Ass531 - Case Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - Exec Planned deco533 - Corre 053 - Legal Investigation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFEMA - HousiHOMES is a c010 - Emerge038 - Housing Assistance
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNPPD - Inform E-Government 315 - Threat and Vulnerability Management
09 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeOCIO-eGov GThis is a gov 362 - Federal Financial Assistance
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWorkplace SeThis investme120 - Help De644 - Workforce Directory / Locator
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCustomer ReEnables the p108 - Custom120 - Help Desk Services
09 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeOCIO eGov IAThis is a gov 362 - Federal Financial Assistance
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHousing FinaEnables HUD319 t - Regula 038 - Housing Assistance
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeInfrastructu HUD's IT infr 139 - Provide314 - Assistive Technology Services
09 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeOCIO-eGov PThis is a gov 547 - Performance Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRecruitment Tahis investme337 - Creden531 - Case Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCustomer InitEnables HUD-a 320 - Credit 362 - Federal Financial Assistance
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCore FinanciaThis investme124 - Accoun318 - Business Analytics
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRegulatory E Enables HUD321 t - Regulat531 - Case Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBusiness SoluEnables HUD326 t - IT Sys 354 - IT Strategy and Innovation
09 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeOCIO-eGov FThis is a Gov 124 - Accounting
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHousing Ass Enables HUD320 t - Credit 001 - Homeownership Promotion
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeMortgage In Enables monit 320 - Credit 001 - Homeownership Promotion
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIT Security SeEnables HUD317t - Data I 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDocument MEnables HUD661 t - Docum345 - Management of Government Records
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePublic AffairsEnables HUD322t - Public 344 - Content Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDepartmentalInvolves the 101 - Budget Formulation
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNext Genera HUDs new vou 362 - Federal038 - Housing Assistance
09 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeOCIO-eGov DiThis is a gov 009 - Disaster Repair and Restore
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHuman ResouThe Human Res 255 - Emplo 618 - Employee Development and Training
09 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeOCIO-eGov Ge This is a gov 590 - Mapping / Geospatial
09 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeOCIO-eGov Go This is a gov 344 - Content Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAnalytical Se This investme318 - Busines070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
09 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeOCIO-eGov HThis is a Gov 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
09 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeOCIO-eGov InThis is a gov 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
09 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeOCIO-eGov eThis is a gov 321 - Regulatory Enforcement
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeGrants ManaThis investm 362 - Federal002 - Community and Regional Development
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOIG InfrastruThe project 139 - Provide319 - Regulatory Compliance
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLegal Enables HUD321 - Regulat325 - Information Discovery
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGeospatial SeProvides auto590 - Mappin318 - Business Analytics
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeData ManageEnables HUD603 t - Data W353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFacilities M Enables HUD119 t - Facili 530 - Process Tracking
09 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeOCIO-eGov Bu This is a gov 101 - Budget Formulation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAcquisition This investme143 - Goods a530 - Process Tracking
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHuman ResouMaintains and 254 - Employ601 - Data Exchange
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTracking andEnables HUD530 t - Process531 - Case Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHomeownersh This investme320 - Credit 001 - Homeownership Promotion
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHousing Assi Supports the362 - Federal038 - Housing Assistance
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeControls andEnsures that 319 - Regula 318 - Business Analytics
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeUAJobs (formNASA fee towa 126 - Payments
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNASA OCIO eFor the BY17 618 - Employ064 - Training and Employment
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInternationa This investme063 - Space Transportation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNASA EnterprThe NASA EA103 i - Enterprise Architecture
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeHuman Resour NASA contrib126 - Payments
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeKennedy Space This investme026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNASA Headqua This investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeStennis SpaceThis investme026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAeronautics Collection of 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeKennedy SpacThis investme119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIntegrated C The Integrat 027 - Space E063 - Space T070 - General
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGlenn ResearThis investme119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNASA High-EnHECC provides 027 - Space E063 - Space T026 - Scienti
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmstrong FliThis investme026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJSC OA ISS PrUsing Commerc 027 - Space E026 - Scientific and Technological Research and
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePlanetary Sc This investme026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeBudget Formu NASA contribu 126 - Payments
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNEACC SuppoThis investme129 - Reporting and Information
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Travel (fee)NASA fee for 126
e - Payments
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGoddard SpacThis investme119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAstrophysics This investme026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEarth Scienc This investme026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNASA Earth OManages data026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJohnson Space This investme026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNASA CenterThe NASA Cent 026 - Scienti 027 - Space Exploration and Innovation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLangley ReseThis investme119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHeliophysics This investme026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmstrong FlThis investme119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeMSFC - PayloProvides ISS 026 - Scienti 027 - Space E063 - Space Transportation
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNASA OCIO ScThis investme026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNASA IntegraAircraft Mana119 - Facili 026 - Scienti 027 - Space Exploration and Innova
01 04 - Funding 00 - (fNASA contribu 126 - Payments
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeJSC OA ISS S ISS SDIL prov063 - Space Transportation
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNASA HumanThis investm 124 - Accoun251 - Staffin 613 - Time Reporting
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNASA Logisti This Investm 119 - Facili 120 - Help De143 - Goods a
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeExploration This investme027 - Space Exploration and Innovation
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLangley ReseaThis investme026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeStennis Spac This investme119 - Facilities, Fleet and Equipment Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSpace and Fl This investme063 - Space Transportation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeExploration This investme027 - Space Exploration and Innovation
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNASA EducatiThis investme026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGSFC 450 SpaIT support fo063 - Space T027 - Space E023 - Enviro
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeExploration This investme027 - Space Exploration and Innovation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAmes ResearcThis investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeExploration This investme027 - Space Exploration and Innovation
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAmes ResearcThis investme026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMarshall SpaThis investme121 - Security Management
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-RulemakingNASA Fee for126 - Payments
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMarshall SpacThis investme026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeGeospatial LONASA contribu 126 - Payments
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeExploration This investme027 - Space Exploration and Innovation
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNASA Headqua This investme026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Payroll (feeNASA fee towa126 - Payments
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeJSC CA Missi A facility in 063 - Space T027 - Space Exploration and Innovation
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGoddard Space This investme026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeFinancial Ma NASA contrib126 - Payments
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNASA ProcurThis Investm 143 - Goods a603 - Data Warehouse
07 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeJohnson SpacThis investme129 - Reporting and Information
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeJSC CA TrainiA ground faci063 - Space T027 - Space Exploration and Innovation
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNASA Financ Investment i 124 - Accoun120 - Help De122 - Travel
08 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeGlenn Researc This investme026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNASA End Use The End User139 - Provide659 - Email
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNASA OCIO ITOCIO Funds for 139 - Provide316 - Continuous Monitoring
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNASA OCIO WNASA OCIO fun 344 - Conte 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNASA Communi Marshall Spac139 - Provide263 - System and Network Monitoring
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeEHRI (Fee) NASA fee for 126 - Payments
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Training (feNASA fee for 126
E - Payments
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Training (feNASA fee for 126
E - Payments
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeEHRI (Fee) NASA fee for 126 - Payments
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeExploration This investme027 - Space Exploration and Innovation
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeIAE-Loans andNASA fee towa 126 - Payments
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNASA IT InfraNASA's IT Inf 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeIntegrated AcNASA fee towa 126 - Payments
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEnterprise C ECMS (Former 036 - Retirement and Disability Benefits
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSA PerformUSA Performan 547 - Perfo 255 - Employee Performance Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmemyPay The myPay sys624 - Payroll
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEmployee ExpEmployee Expr 624 - Payroll
99 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSAJOBS USAJOBS is th251 - Staffing and Recruiting
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeServices for This investme036 - Retirem533 - Correspondence Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeExecutive an ESCS supports319 - Regula 129 - Reporting and Information
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeServices for This investme260 - Tax and Fiscal Policy
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise ArOPM's EA Prog 103 - Enterpr104 - Strategic Planning
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCongressionaThis Congress324 - Adjudicate Non-Judicial Requests
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCyberFeds f CyberFeds is 052 - Legal D054 - Legal Prosecution and Litigation
04 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmePersonnel DaCHRIS is the 256 - Employee Relations
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNational Arc OPM's legisl 345 - Management of Government Records
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCopier, Prin This investme139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTMA SupportmpWeb allows 538 - Program / Project Management
99 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEPIC Operati EPIC O&M inve 337 - Creden251 - Staffin 531 - Case Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeServices for This investme601 - Data Exchange
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeServices for This investme603 - Data Warehouse
99 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEnterprise InOperation and 139 - Provide121 - Securi 326 - IT Sys
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSA Hire USA Hire is a 251 - Staffin 064 - Training and Employment
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFHEB DatahuThis system a254 - Employ353 - Information Exchange and Transformation
98 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeOPM contribuGSA-managed143 e - Goods and Services Acquisition
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSASurvey USA Survey is251 - Staffin 518 - Customer Feedback
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOGC On-Line The on-line l 052 - Legal D054 - Legal Prosecution and Litigation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHR Manager HR Manager 2p55 - Emplo 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeServices for This investme603 - Data Warehouse
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMobile DevicThe Mobile De 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCall Center Maintenance675 - Voice Communications
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVocus Vocus is mark661 - Document Management and workflow
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOPM Fee for TEhe Employee618 - Employee Development and Training
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeConsolidatedThe CBIS Proj124 - Accoun126 - Paymen127 - Collect
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePresidential PMF-TAS is th251 - Staffing and Recruiting
99 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEHRI electronThe EHRI-eOPF 354 - IT Stra 251 - Staffin 624 - Payroll
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLexisNexis f This investmen 053 - Legal Investigation
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeScholarship fThe SFS progr064 - Training and Employment
99 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeHuman Resour HR LOB is ess538 - Progra 354 - IT Stra 624 - Payroll
98 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeOPM contribThis is the 354 - IT Strategy and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeServices for This investme603 - Data Warehouse
02 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeOPM Fee for eE-OPF creates354 - IT Strategy and Innovation
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeHealth ClaimHCDW allows247 O - Health 603 - Data Warehouse
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLektrievers f This is the e 345 - Manag 533 - Correspondence Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHRS Intranet The HRS Intra340 - Collaboration Tools
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRetirement aIT applicatio 036 - Retirem126 - Payments
02 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeEmployee BeneEBIS provides036 - Retirement and Disability Benefits
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLMS - KnowleOPM provides618 - Employee Development and Training
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLMS VendorsThis investme618 - Employee Development and Training
02 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeOPM Fee for This investm 618 - Employee Development and Training
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWhite HouseThe White Hou 251 - Staffin 016 - Higher Education
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOGC IT Tele Hardware and 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOIG Systems OIG NET, Aud077 - Inspection and Auditing
98 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeOPM contribuDOE and DoEd 101 - Budget105 - Budget Execution
98 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeOPM Fee for OS PM uses USA 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWestlaw for This investme053 - Legal Investigation
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUSA Staffing The USA Staff251 - Staffing and Recruiting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEntellitrak The Entellit 655 - Audit Trail Capture and Analysis
98 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeOPM contribuFEMA-managed 008 - Disaster Preparedness and Planning
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeServices for The Administr330 - Legislative Relations
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHeinOnline This investme053 - Legal Investigation
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEHRI Data WThe EHRI Dat106 - Workforce Planning
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePacer Pacer is a su 052 - Legal D054 - Legal Prosecution and Litigation
98 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeOPM contribuEPA-managed115 e - Rule Publication
02 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeOPM Fee for This investme624 - Payroll
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOGC Documen OGC Document 531 - Case 533 - Correspondence Management
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeMulti-State This is to est 247 - Health 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCombined Fed Maintenance254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeStudent Self CThis investme254 - Employ345 - Management of Government Records
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMiscellaneous This investme104 - Strateg121 - Securi 354 - IT Stra
05 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeOPM Fee for The Employee122 - Travel 124 - Accoun129 - Reporting and Information
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePIV - HRS IT This investm 121 - Security Management
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEnterprise MiThis IaaS inv 139 - Provide121 - Securi 326 - IT Sys
99 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeSecurity, Sui The SSCLoB su 121 - Securi 337 - Credential Issuance and Management
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeClassificati This investme065 - Labor 106 - Workforce Planning
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSerena BusinThis investme129 - Report 533 - Correspondence Management
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInternal Port This investme121 - Securi 353 - Inform 317 - Data Integrity and Privacy Ma
98 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeOPM contribuTreasury mana 124 - Accounting
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeY12 support This is inves 317 - Data I 345 - Management of Government Records
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBenefits SeleBSS is a self 254 - Employee Benefits and Compensation
98 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeOPM Fee for GSA-managed122 e - Travel
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFax Distribut This investme322 - Public Communications Infrastructure
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeServices for This investme603 - Data Warehouse
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeARC Implemen Deploy an aut337 - Creden251 - Staffin 531 - Case Management
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOPM-FIS SystEPIC Transfor337 - Creden251 - Staffin 531 - Case Management
09 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOII: Small Bu The role of t 011 - Busine 026 - Scienti 344 - Content Management
08 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOHRS: HumanConsolidated254 - Employ345 - Manag 106 - Workfo
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOED: MT&A System colle 011 - Business and Industry Development
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOCIO: IT SecuIT Security P 315 - Threat 317 - Data I 654 - Incide
99 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-GOV: DisasInvestment is008 - Disaster Preparedness and Planning
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOCA: Capital SBA s $96 bil 011 - Busine 362 - Federal326 - IT System Development / Inte
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOCFO: FinancThe investmen 124 - Accoun126 - Payments
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeODA: DisasteAutomates pro 009 - Disaster Repair and Restore
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOCIO: IT InveSBA EA progra 103 - Enterpr354 - IT Stra 070 - General Purpose Data and Sta
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOCIO: IT Infr The U.S. Smal139 - Provide354 - IT Stra 326 - IT Sys
99 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-GOV: E-RulThis investme115 - Rule Pu113 - Public Comment Tracking
99 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-GOV: BudgeThis investme101 - Budget Formulation
99 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-GOV: BenefThis investme344 - Conte 318 - Busines339 - Inform
99 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-GOV: IntegThis investme143 - Goods a120 - Help De129 - Report
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOCA: Loan/LeThe Lender Lo013 - Financi 077 - Inspection and Auditing
99 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-GOV: GrantThis investme353 - Inform 013 - Financi 601 - Data Exchange
99 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-GOV: USAJoThis investme251 - Staffing and Recruiting
99 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-GOV: FinanThis investme354 - IT Stra 538 - Program / Project Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOCIO: CapitaProductivity 546 - Portfo 538 - Program / Project Management
06 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOCPL: BusineThe Business011 - Busine 344 - Content Management
06 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOCPL: BusineBusinessUSA 011i - Busine 344 - Content Management
99 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-GOV: GeospThis investme590 - Mapping / Geospatial
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeGCBD:SBA O Modernize SBA 011 - Busine 002 - Commun 318 - Busines
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOCIO: Identi ICAM provides 648 - Identification and Authentication
09 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOII: Small B SBA's SBIC Pr011 - Busine 127 - Collect 129 - Report
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeOCFO: Contr Electronic sy 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
11 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeMedical 21stTelehealth in217 - Access 248 - Health 247 - Health Care Administration
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCorporate IT This investme129 - Reporting and Information
11 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeMedical 21stPRE is a Medi332 - Hospita248 - Health 247 - Health Care Administration
24 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeInteragency 2The InterAgen 354 - IT Stra 217 - Access 369 - Beneficiary & Earnings Record
22 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBenefits Leg This effort i 354 - IT Stra 326 - IT Sys 531 - Case Management
22 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBenefits 21stThe paperless333 - Veteran036 - Retirement and Disability Benefits
24 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeInteragency Support of in248 - Health 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
11 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeMedical 21stImplements po 333 - Veteran248 - Health 332 - Hospital and medical care for
24 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeInteragency Interagency 2108 - Custom341 - Web Inf353 - Inform
24 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeInteragency Functionality333 - Veteran332 - Hospita648 - Identification and Authenticati
23 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCorporate 21VA Corporate064 - Traini 065 - Labor 106 - Workfo
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCorporate IT This investme547 - Performance Management
22 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBenefits 21stChapter 33 is126 - Paymen531 - Case 601 - Data Exchange
11 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeMedical 21stThe investmen 326 - IT Sys 601 - Data E 248 - Health
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeUnified Comm This investme675 - Voice 139 - Provide343 - Audio / Video Conferencing
13 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeMedical 21stCompensation 333 - Veteran036 - Retirem217 - Access
24 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInteragency FHIE enables 345 - Manag 263 - System139 - Provide
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCorporate IT Information 129 - Report 546 - Portfo 101 - Budget
11 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeMedical 21st This Exhibit 217 - Access 247 - Health Care Administration
11 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeMedical 21stMy HealtheVet 139 - Provide326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEnterprise IT This investme139 - Provide263 - System120 - Help De
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCorporate IT Assists the C 103 - Enterpr327 - Enterpr530 - Process
11 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeMedical LegaThe Medical L326 - IT Sys 601 - Data E 247 - Health
23 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCorporate IT This investme317 - Data I 316 - Contin 315 - Threat
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBenefits IT S This investme139 - Provide263 - System and Network Monitoring
22 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBenefits Leg VETSNET Compe 333 - Veteran036 - Retirement and Disability Benefits
23 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeVA FranchiseThe VA Franch 328 - Collect 105 - Budget124 - Accoun
22 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBenefits LegaBenefits Lega333 - Veteran311 - Vocatio126 - Paymen
24 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeInteragency 2HSPD-12 requi 337 - Creden648 - Identification and Authentication
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeMedical IT S This investme139 - Provide263 - System and Network Monitoring
11 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeMedical 21stSustainment 2o48 - Health 326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
21 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCorporate 21Program Offic345 - Management of Government Records
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeApplication This investme139 - Provide326 - IT Sys 120 - Help Desk Services
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeBilling and A Phoenix is US124 - Accounting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBudget & Fo Manage to Fo101 - Budget259 - Budget and Performance Integration
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeClassified Access to Cla661 - Document Management and workflow
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeContent CreaA standard d318 - Busines339 - Inform 603 - Data Warehouse
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeDevelopmentThe purpose 318 - Business Analytics
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeeGov This investme326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFinancial Da Access to ent656 - Certifi 648 - Identification and Authentication
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFISMA This is an in 106 - Workforce Planning
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHR - OverseaThis investme354 - IT Strategy and Innovation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIT EngineerinEngineering l354 - IT Strategy and Innovation
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIT GovernancIT Governance 318 - Busines070 - General Purpose Data and Statistics
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeKnowledge This investme126 - Payments
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLoan ProcessEnterprise LM126 - Payments
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMission InfraMission Infra108 - Custom326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNational Fin Legacy System 315 - Threat 316 - Continuous Monitoring
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeProcurementGLAAS is an e317 - Data I 315 - Threat and Vulnerability Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRisk Manage Proactively p139 - Provide315 - Threat 316 - Continuous Monitoring
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSecurity AdmiThis investme648 - Identif 650 - Crypto 655 - Audit T
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeSteady State Provides IT i 139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTime ReportiThis administ603 - Data Warehouse
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUniversal M This investme340 - Collabo343 - Audio / Video Conferencing
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWeb ServicesThis investme315 - Threat 316 - Continuous Monitoring
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAdministrati Agency Corres 533 - Correspondence Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBusiness InteThis investme318 - Business Analytics
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDevice UpgraEnsures that 675 - Voice Communications
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise ApThis investme326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNetwork IntrNIDS is a sys 315 - Threat and Vulnerability Management
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRisk-ResponsNetwork enhan 316 - Continuous Monitoring
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSecurity Sof This investme316 - Contin 326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWebsite SecurThis investme315 - Threat and Vulnerability Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHQ and SmallRegional Inf 139 - Provide129 - Reporting and Information
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSouth PacificRegional Inf 139 - Provide129 - Reporting and Information
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeProgram andP2 provides p143 - Goods a538 - Program / Project Management
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeReal Estate Used by USAC119 - Facili 129 - Reporting and Information
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIT Infrastructu
The USACE ent 139 - Provide263 - System327 - Enterpr
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNorth WesterRegional Inf 139 - Provide129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCorps of Eng Support to t 054 - Legal P 531 - Case 129 - Reporting and Information
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeTransatlanticRegional Inf 139 - Provide129 - Reporting and Information
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSouth AtlantiRegional Inf 139 - Provide129 - Reporting and Information
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeComputer AidThis initiati 327 - Enterpr129 - Reporting and Information
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFormerly UseFUDSMIS (incl024 - Enviro 129 - Reporting and Information
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCorps of Eng Manages all C124 - Accoun129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated PTracks person145 - Logist 144 - Invento129 - Reporting and Information
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeBudget FormuContribution 101 - Budget129 - Reporting and Information
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeElectronic The Electron 345 - Manag 129 - Reporting and Information
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeResident Ma RMS is the U 538 - Progra 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic CaSystem that t546 - Portfo 101 - Budget129 - Reporting and Information
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFish TrackingThe Anadromou 057 - Conser 129 - Reporting and Information
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNorth AtlantiRegional Inf 139 - Provide129 - Reporting and Information
05 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeRental Facil Acquire, mana 119 - Facili 129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEmergency Re ENGlink provi010 - Emerge008 - Disaster Preparedness and Planning
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeArmy Geospat Regional Inf 139 - Provide129 - Reporting and Information
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeSouth WesterRegional Inf 139 - Provide129 - Reporting and Information
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeReal Estate CUpward Report 119 - Facili 129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAmerican ForThe American344 - Conte 340 - Collaboration Tools
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEngineer ResRegional Inf 139 - Provide601 - Data Exchange
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCivil Works BCivil Works B056 - Water 079 - Permits and Licensing
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFacilities a USACE implem 119 - Facili 129 - Reporting and Information
02 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeRecreation.GContribution 058 - Recrea 129 - Reporting and Information
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCACES (Compu Tool used for143 - Goods a129 - Reporting and Information
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeCorps Water CWMS is used056 - Water 129 - Reporting and Information
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMississippi VRegional Inf 139 - Provide129 - Reporting and Information
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAutomated En Tools to supp026 - Scienti 056 - Water Resource Management
05 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHomeownersDatabase to 038 - Housing129 - Reporting and Information
02 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeGeospatial LiContribution 590 - Mappin129 - Reporting and Information
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHuntsville CeRegional Inf 139 - Provide129 - Reporting and Information
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEnterprise D This investme603 - Data W601 - Data Exchange
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeInstitute for Regional Inf 139 - Provide129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeUSACE StrateDoD standard143 - Goods a129 - Reporting and Information
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePacific OceanRegional Inf 139 - Provide129 - Reporting and Information
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeLakes and RivRegional Inf 139 - Provide129 - Reporting and Information
04 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRegional BusiThe Regional070 - General129 - Report 145 - Logistics Management
01 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCorps of Eng Used for fin 129 - Report 124 - Accounting
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeRegulatory S Regulatory Sy115 - Rule Pu345 - Manag 329 - Continu
02 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeNon-ElectronIT automation345 - Manag 531 - Case 530 - Process
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIT Organizati IT Organizati 103 - Enterpr546 - Portfo 538 - Progra
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeElectronic R Electronic Re345 - Manag 531 - Case 530 - Process
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIT InfrastructThe IT Infras 139 - Provide316 - Contin 659 - Email
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeBusiness SupIT solutions 547 - Perfo 618 - Employ124 - Accoun
00 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeGrants ManaThe National 017 - Cultura126 - Paymen362 - Federal Financial Assistance
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIT Infrastru Operations se139 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastructure
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeiTRAK New, modern124 f - Accounting
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeResearch.govNSF’s suite o 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeLegacy MissioNSF's legacy 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeAdministrativGeneral admin 340 - Collaboration Tools
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIT Security anInitiatives t 121 - Security Management
04 04 - Funding 00 - eGov initiaiti 026 - Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation
04 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeLOB: Human eGov initiat 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
04 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeLOB: Budget eGov initiati 101 - Budget Formulation
04 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeLOB: GeospateGov initiati 590 - Mapping / Geospatial
04 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeLOB: Financi eGov initiati 124 - Accounting
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHuman ResouApplications 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
04 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeIntegrated A eGov initiati 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise ArNSF's enterpr103 - Enterprise Architecture
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise D Integration/ 603 - Data Warehouse
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFinancial andLegacy financ124 - Accounting
02 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeUSAJobs OPM's USAJobs251 - Staffing and Recruiting
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeFinancial Ser IT components 124 - Accoun126 - Paymen105 - Budget
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeIncident Res IT components 008 - Disaste010 - Emergency Response
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeElectronic D IT components 661 - Docum324 - Adjudic319 - Regulatory Compliance
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePublic Outre IT components 322 - Public 340 - Collabo319 - Regula
04 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeMaterials Lic IT components 077 - Inspect079 - Permits319 - Regulatory Compliance
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIT/IM Strate IT components 104 - Strateg354 - IT Strategy and Innovation
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeNetwork andIT components 139 - Provide263 - System343 - Audio / Video Conferencing
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWeb ServicesIT components 341 - Web Inf314 - Assistive Technology Services
02 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Rulemakin The Federal 115 - Rule Publication
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeClassified N IT components 139 - Provide008 - Disaste010 - Emerge
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCyber Situat IT components 315 - Threat 654 - Incide 316 - Continuous Monitoring
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmePersonnel SeIT components 121 - Securi 337 - Credential Issuance and Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIT Solution IT components 326 - IT System Development / Integration Support
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeData Center IT components 139 - Provide263 - System317 - Data Integrity and Privacy Ma
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeDocument anIT components 661 - Docum338 - Enterpr577 - Knowled
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWorkflow, TrIT components 661 - Docum547 - Perfo 321 - Regulatory Enforcement
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeCybersecurityComponents 316an - Contin 656 - Certifi 315 - Threat
02 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Training i-Learn is an 618 - Employee Development and Training
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIT ManagemeIT components 538 - Progra 326 - IT System Development / Integration Supp
00 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeOffice AutomIT components 139 - Provide659 - Email 120 - Help De
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeFacilities, IT components119 - Facili 145 - Logistics Management
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeIdentity and IT component648 - Identif 337 - Credential Issuance and Management
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeIntegrated A Integrated Ac143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeContinuity ofIT components 329 - Continu608 - Data Recovery
01 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeEnterprise-wiIT components 143 - Goods and Services Acquisition
00 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeEnterprise ArIT components 103 - Enterprise Architecture
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHigh PerformIT components 319 - Regula 008 - Disaste654 - Incident Response
02 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeEnterprise H NRC is a par 106 - Workforce Planning
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeMaster Data IT components 103 - Enterpr601 - Data Exchange
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeE-Travel GSA's E-Trave122 - Travel
01 04 - Funding 00 - InvestmeDOI/NBC E-PayDOI/NBC's Fed254 - Employ624 - Payroll 251 - Staffing and Recruiting
03 01 - Major 00 - InvestmeReactor LicenIT components 319 - Regula 079 - Permits077 - Inspect
02 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeHuman Resour IT components618 - Employ257 - Separa 256 - Employ
03 02 - Non Maj00 - InvestmeWorkload M IT components 319 - Regula 077 - Inspect079 - Permits
FEA BRM ServiTotal IT SpenTotal IT SpenTotal IT SpenDME PY AgencDME PY ContrDME CY Agenc
12.427 13.731 14.332 12.427 0 11.131
5.297 13.584 12.943 1.679 0 0
me Stabilization 20.056 24.774 6.778 13.732 0 15.838
and Land Management 21 21 21 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 5.403 5.403 5.403 0 0 0
13.334 14.094 14.14 0 0 0
55 - Employee Performance Manage 7.379 6.147 3.698 3.8 0 2.5
ns Infrastructure 2.325 2.872 3.071 0 0 0.085
Development 0.375502 0.389 0.403 0 0 0
0.751847 0.48697 0.564022 0 0 0
0.633 2.433724 3.674931 0 0 0
Development 0.158758 0.167302 0.167302 0 0 0
0.259925 0.260867 0.260867 0 0 0
ce Management 2.635193 2.639695 0 0 0 0
Development 2.211443 1.860138 1.860138 0 0 0
Development 0.439293 0.454038 0.516493 0 0 0
Development 0.24889 0.225 0.225 0 0 0
0.094783 0.11 0.11 0 0 0
s and Planning 0.105928 0.106072 0.106072 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.619 0.632 0.638 0 0 0
1.9 1.9 1.9 0.2 0 0.2
Development 4.164 4.354 4.354 0 0 0
Development 0.508 0.337 0.375 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 5.011 5.029 5.056 0.629 0 0.625
a and Statistics 15.537 14.332 13.862 0.925 0 0.85
2.478 2.371 2.478 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 12.05 10.855 10.592 0.975 0 0.945
0.746 0.761 0.746 0 0 0
08 - Customer Services 21.777 20.424 21.055 4.252 0 3.833
04 - Strategic Planning 11.932 12.055 12.055 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 10.407 10.58 10.58 0 0 0
1.923 2.328 2.328 0 0 0
Financial Assistance 9.297 8.988 10.192 5.114 0 4.762
c and Technological Research and Inn 6.558 6.889 7.095 0.3 0 0.15
IT Infrastructure 40.82 40.623 40.563 0 0 0
1.485 0.89 1.202 0 0 0
1.631 1.74 1.037 0.895 0 0.282
ncy Response 4.323 3.159 3.164 0 0 0
353 - Information Exchan 4.298 6.595 7.575 2.161 0 3.782
0.095 0.1 0 0 0 0
ncy Response 0.463 0.91 0.91 0 0 0
ory Compliance 0.933 0.577 0.577 0 0 0
2.407 2.253 2.478 0.161 0 0
nd Transportation Security 1.109 0.995 1.105 0 0 0
16 - Continuous Monitoring 0.37 0.41 0.424 0 0 0
d Drug Quality and Safety 0.526 0.55 0.605 0 0 0
0.431 0.4 0.415 0 0 0
0.999 0.989 0.839 0 0 0
d Drug Quality and Safety 1.097 2.06 2.2 0 0 0.705
g / Geospatial 4.534 1.587 1.35 3.675 0 0.483
10 - Emergency Response 0.23 0.358 0.358 0.04 0 0.168
1.2 1.2 1.5 1.2 0 1.2
1.566 0.98 0.98 0.948 0 0.3
6.518 4.944 4.738 5.884 0 3.951
0.781 0.617 0.671 0.171 0 0.085
ncy Response 4.387 3.365 3.365 1.274 0 0
40 - Collaboration Tools 38.758 59.08 48.065 0.878 0 4.45
IT Infrastructure 0.675 1.066 1.097 0.319 0 0.697
0.591 0.603 0.621 0.233 0 0
1.352 5.133 5.288 0.747 0 4.481
ce Management 1.807 5.558 3.831 1.45 0 5.188
0.644 0.736 0.754 0.387 0 0.393
vacy Management 1.581 1.704 0.64 1.287 0 1.325
0.459 0.547 0 0.222 0 0.23
2.019 1.551 1.597 0.247 0 0.331
0.511 0.601 0.619 0 0 0
0.355 2.724 3.69 0.138 0 2.5
0.545 2.987 1.872 0.189 0 2.602
2.18 3.872 2.52 1.824 0 3.503
5.147 3.126 2.536 0 0 0
d Compensation 2.339 3.014 3.105 0 0 0
ory Compliance 9.328 11.076 11.61 5.827 0 7.02
se Architecture 4.53 4.945 5.044 0.401 0 0.5
077 - Inspection and Audit 2.332 2.485 2.534 0.85 0 0.85
145 - Logist 386 - Global 37.655 38.385 32.468 0 0 0
Development 2.387 8.385 3.599 0.368 0 5.916
Development 6.196 7.641 7.604 2.689 0 3.761
IT Infrastructure 11.316 11.994 11.35 0 0 0
and Industry Development 3.185 3.89 4.041 2.178 0 2.761
Development 1.738 2.936 2.104 1.668 0 2.152
19.318 24.109 23.053 12.48 0 14.209
0.36 0.36 0 0 0 0
Sector Income Stabilization 18.781 17.026 17.72 0 0 0
19.059 2.626 1.75 0.201 0 1.232
1.217 2.26 1.35 0 0 0
me Stabilization 5.301 3.604 3.247 1.793 0 0
127 - Collect 129 - Report 20.811 14.249 11.031 1.506 0 7.159
6.595 4.863 4.823 0.906 0 0
1.505 1.649 1.715 0 0 0
me Stabilization 4.417 2.935 1.629 3.38 0 0.906
1.255 1.267 2.473 0.251 0 0.507
me Stabilization 11.672 5.993 3.546 5.051 0 1.507
me Stabilization 1.981 2 1.709 0 0 0
me Stabilization 2.178 4.416 1.441 0.929 0 3.097
me Stabilization 0.514 0.665 0 0 0 0
8.345 3.46 7.071 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 21.631 24.271 24.278 0 0 0
32.626 25.103 34.868 2.513 0 0
/ Taxonomy / Categorization 24.113 14.332 18.632 7.634 0 2.368
4.011 5.214 5.086 0.753 0 0.735
2.968 4.271 3.309 0 0 2.244
me Stabilization 62.108 49.738 48.629 0 0 4.852
1.6 1.614 0 1.6 0 1.614
IT Infrastructure 6.084 7.319 5.822 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 43.494 31.37 33.134 0.99 0 2.691
126 - Paymen127 - Collect 0.314 0.321 0.321 0 0 0
ation, Marine and Land Management 2.972 1.58 1.649 1.966 0 1.057
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 10.707 9.945 8.988 0 0 0
ance Management 1.095 1.74 2.088 0.063 0 0.721
22.101 53.606 34.389 14.9 0 29.484
Financial Assistance 2.009 2.243 1.542 0.785 0 1.566
and Recruiting 2.462 1.539 1.604 0.326 0 0.287
tion Exchange and Transformation 0.413 0.365 0.395 0.096 0 0.102
mental Remediation 3.28 3.661 4.114 1.057 0 2.029
gy and Innovation 17.915 15.785 14.752 0.344 0 0.237
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 8.998 5.331 5.582 0.593 0 0.514
Financial Assistance 5.117 3.589 2.458 3.362 0 2.101
mental Remediation 2.819 2.867 2.256 1.28 0 1.396
10.959 11.539 11.894 0 0 0
1.215 1.432 1.474 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.977 6.089 3.9 0 0 0
038 - Housing116 - Debt Co 52.077 56.504 36.212 16.29 0 20.282
0.221 0.36 0.221 0.1 0 0.1
IT Infrastructure 1.265 2.9 1.465 0.712 0 0.55
1.733 2.04 1.733 1.052 0 1.25
IT Infrastructure 13.903 13.908 15.085 1.352 0 1.418
6.233 2.6 4.333 4 0 1.9
46 - Portfolio Management 3.226 4.373 3.969 1.505 0 2.249
1.182 3.6 1.479 0.74 0 2.4
2.679 0.24 0.173 2.556 0 0.05
es and Local Governments 12.1 11.1 10.104 10.1 0 10.1
7.956 9.396 9.678 5.7 0 2.781
1.431 5.488 5.494 0 0 3.249
9.193 5.059 4.741 0 0 0
5.5 3.5 2.5 5.5 0 3.5
es and Local Governments 2.74 2.872 2.959 0.802 0 0.826
nd Transportation Security 25.279 26.036 26.817 0 0 0
es and Local Governments 221.92 447.968 234.197 20.4 0 240.4
es and Local Governments 516.376 543.241 573.236 67.843 0 69.661
9.708 11.913 12.023 5.679 0 6.54
4.356 4.479 4.612 0 0 0
3.682 3.84 3.955 0 0 0
3.974 3.339 3.44 2.259 0 0.766
9.328 5.822 5.84 6.122 0 2.602
6.028 5.528 5.528 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 37.932 36.909 36.909 0 0 4.519
1.511 0.6 0.6 0.842 0 0
IT Infrastructure 209.064 205.459 205.459 0 0 12.649
0.114 0.053 0.053 0 0 0
0.55 0.556 0.556 0 0 0.556
and Land Management 4.768 4.986 4.986 0.759 0 2.303
and Land Management 3.566 3.474 3.474 0 0 1.691
4.304 4.304 4.304 0 0 0
d Compensation 0.52 2.211 2.211 0 0 0.2
ent and Training 0.363 0.38 0.38 0 0 0
0.776 0.788 0.788 0 0 0.15
s and Planning 4.092 6.141 6.141 0 0 0.638
0.193 0.203 0.203 0 0 0
1.58 1.921 1.921 0 0 0.04
2.237 2.245 2.245 0.237 0 0.406
4.428 4.24 4.239 0 0 0.606
ernment Records 1.915 1.915 1.915 0 0 1.475
on and Delivery 0.25 0.297 0.297 0 0 0
6.5 6.5 6.5 0 0 0
7.786 6.015 6.015 0.161 0 2.607
2.967 2.925 2.925 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 4.458 4.261 4.261 0.16 0 0.066
nt / Integration Support 0.3 0.3 0.3 0 0 0.3
nt / Integration Support 3.366 2.588 2.588 1.03 0 2.4
4.938 4.915 4.915 0 0 0.87
0.506 0.527 0.527 0 0 0.08
nt / Integration Support 3.1 3.5 3.5 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 37.613 37.413 37.413 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 9.659 8.537 8.537 0 0 0
1.521 1.242 1.242 0.149 0 0
1.201 1.202 1.202 0 0 0
16.989 16.806 16.822 0 0 0
108 - Customer Services 87.940787 91.023201 89.970661 0 0 0
010 - Emergency Respons 318.829 358.548 388.527 1 0 1.5
IT Infrastructure 214.339 230.747 231.142 0 0 0
Development 17.045 16.538 27.716 0 0 0
326 - IT Sys 139 - Provide 15.329 16.107 15.032 0.15 0 0.05
and Network Monitoring 28.937 28.937 16 28.937 0 28.937
56 - Certification and Accreditation 26.625 26.98 36.999 2.485 0 1.458
120 - Help De613 - Time R 154.23 160.838 158.306 0 0 5.256
56.125 66.557 63.996 0 0 9.65
ial Requests 0.732 0.529 0.825 0.33 0 0.1
0 0 0.567 0 0 0
Development 0.053 0.053 0.08 0 0 0
0.217 0.224 0 0 0 0
y and Safety 0 0 3.045 0 0 0
ial Requests 0 4.424 3.411 0 0 0.417
tion Mapping / Taxonomy / Categoriza 0 7.344 5.319 0 0 3.717
0 10.586 10.557 0 0 0.3
e Management and Tourism 0 0.34 0.34 0 0 0
ent and workflow 0 0.444 0.444 0 0 0
129 - Report 105 - Budget 0 0 0 0 0 0
ncy Response 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
ncy Response 0.02 0 0 0 0 0
0.181 0 0 0 0 0
e Management and Tourism 0.78 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
Development 1.358 0 0 1.358 0 0
0.105383 0.123594 0.123012 0 0 0
nd Vulnerability Management 3.695 4.875 6.674 0 0 0
0.289592 0.332452 0.283833 0 0 0
ondence Management 0.28933 0.28933 0.28933 0.28933 0 0.28933
0.130435 0.130435 0.130435 0.130435 0 0.130435
0.225 0.225 0.225 0 0 0
0.053 0.053 0.0798 0.053 0 0.053
654 - Incide 648 - Identif 6.357 12.512 14.731 0.35 0 6.155
0.218754 0.85721 0.85721 0 0 0
127 - Collections and Rece 3.9 44.094 44.094 3.9 0 44.094
127 - Collections and Rece 41.333 49.115 59.446 0 0 0
m Development / Integration Support 7.556194 11.346676 10.89794 0 0 1.2552
0.105 0.105 0.11 0.105 0 0.105
0.095819 0.095819 0.095819 0.095819 0 0.095819
316 - Contin 329 - Continu 62.5781 72.2937 72.7277 5.29135 0 6.191
tionship Management 4.466 2.268 2.268 0 0 0
0.03 0.025 0.025 0 0 0
0.270014 0.253605 0.283633 0 0 0
Management 0.4609 0.4236 0.3572 0.0477 0 0
2.405 3.377 2.42 0 0 0
0.173 0.176 0.147 0 0 0
0.27 3.0528 2.06828 0.27 0 1.8564
m Development / Integration Support 0.369039 0.396 0.396942 0 0 0
538 - Progra 546 - Portfo 2.073328 3.455072 3.449312 0 0 0
2.547 2.453 0 0.709 1.978 0.456
139 - Provide378 - Intelli 5.022 5.177 4.25 3.945 0 1.091
5.987771 6.131324 6.097324 0 0 0
ce Planning 0.868285 1.135261 1.135261 0 0 0
and Employment 0.886 0.901 0.53 0.816 0 0.831
0.9 0.475 0.495 0.44 0 0
282 - Protect531 - Case 1.785 0.886 0.9 0.488 0 0
315 - Threat 034 - Key Ass 3.122 3.122 3.122 0 0 0
0.430739 0.473117 0.412143 0 0 0
0.661 0.69 0.711 0 0 0
e Benefits and Compensation 0.707783 0.336312 0.369942 0.459888 0 0
0.168 0.713 0.1782 0 0 0
Financial Assistance 0.71392 0.322203 0.289958 0 0 0
and Industry Development 0.249465 0.253956 0.258527 0 0 0
egrity and Privacy Management 23.952 20.528 22.703 2.614 0 0.842
603 - Data W604 - Meta 28.183 23.416 23.832 9.54 0 5.276
g / Geospatial 25.206 38.795 41.135 2.957 0 2.405
/ Project Management 65.349335 41.50056 41.06513 5.314 0 7.393
gy and Innovation 66.174 77.623 92.232 66.174 0 77.623
04 - Strategic Planning 87.01 199.29 209.338 87.01 0 199.29
ge Distribution and Delivery 13.725 15.186 15.595 3.431 3.395 3.796
m Development / Integration Support 58.357943 59.837811 53.33585 1.866997 0 33.409123
19.424 2.926 2.959 0 0 0
326 - IT Sys 263 - System 182.474 189.68 201.915 46.526 0 46.526
m Development / Integration Support 19.248 18.558 19.564 1.435 0 1.105
gy and Innovation 3.278 2.922 2.783 1.639 0 0
c and Technological Research and Inn 16.4756 18.7094 17.4874 1.38 0 3.044
13.195 11.209 11.209 4.889606 0 0
m Development / Integration Support 6.853 7.175 7.175 0.5 0 0.5
se Architecture 1.803 1.803 1.803 0 0 0
77 - Knowledge Distribution and Deliv 0.926 0.944 0.944 0 0 0
547 - Perfo 108 - Custom 2.853 3.139 3.31 0 0 0
321 - Regulat531 - Case 5.04 5.615 3.634 2.09 0 2.165
129 - Report 349 - Nonprol 0.939 1.033 0.92 0 0 0
1.629 2.012 2.053 0.748 0 0.6
10.652 9.927 10.275 0 0 0
c and Technological Research and Inn 28.761 34.621 39.136 2 0 8.7
263 - System659 - Email 121.084421 147.558585 130.84692 0.28 0 0.999538
353 - Information Exchan 0.05 0.05 0.05 0 0 0
590 - Mapping / Geospatia 3.1277 3.24386 3.5011 0 0 0
1.253 2.028 2.305 0 0 0
061 - Ground062 - Water 2.956 2.956 2.956 0 0.566 0
008 - Disaste070 - General 6.091 6.391 6.091 0 0 0
Management 1.386 1.386 1.386 0 0 0
39 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastru 53.65 58.67 58.67 18.426 0 20.092
10 - Emergency Response 6.338 7.473 6.539 0 0 0
325 - Information Discove 12.977 29.929 23.437 6.063 15.982 18.777
3.895 3.815 10.565 0 0 0
326 - IT System Developme 6.325 4.488 5.261 0 0 0
21 - Regulatory Enforcement 0.43 0.43 0.43 0 0 0
70 - General Purpose Data and Statisti 2.772 2.772 2.772 1.059 0 1.059
Management 0.946 0.946 0.946 0 0 0
309 - Enviro 034 - Key Ass 45.84 46.057 48.095 0 0 0
7.391 6.686 6.887 0.9 0 0
19 - Regulatory Compliance 0.3 0.3 0.3 0 0 0
062 - Water 026 - Scienti 2.852 2.847 2.852 0 0 0
3.3 3.3 3.3 0.2765 0 0.2765
1.878 2.166 1.956 0 0 0
20 - Help Desk Services 23.53741 24.24931 25.14899 0 0 0
026 - Scientific and Techn 0.055 0.055 0.055 0 0 0
025 - Polluti 058 - Recrea 7.56702 9.92187 11.04741 0.25 0 0.13
19.066 26.592 26.008 10.866 0 14.846
19 - Regulatory Compliance 5.821 5.951 6.998 0 0 0
344 - Conte 070 - General 2.001 2.001 2.001 2.001 0 2.001
601 - Data E 070 - General 32.337 25.904 25.965 0 0 0
577 - Knowled 576 - Knowle 18.35 14.435 12.228 7.623 0 3.708
26 - Scientific and Technological Res 19.15934 11.45786 9.95933 19.15934 0 11.45786
328 - Collect 012 - Intelle 26.774 26.08766 23.8748 8.82213 0 5.7106
326 - IT Sys 345 - Manag 60.27355 63.52479 60.38766 10.11801 0 5.58365
338 - Enterprise Search 62.19687 40.2264 40.54644 29.18761 0 9.16679
/ Project Management 24.31361 24.23248 23.90657 1.93694 0 1.25463
011 - Busine 367 - Intern 30.88693 21.16561 24.9497 30.88693 0 21.16561
011 - Busine 367 - Intern 7.79794 4.61683 0 7.79794 0 4.61683
340 - Collaboration Tools 254.03169 279.51254 258.41096 56.75657 0 65.43218
9.57072 4.02011 3.05164 8.45419 0 2.90409
26 - Scientific and Technological Res 2.59923 1.04332 0.6657 1.8094 0 0.87767
367 - Intern 338 - Enterpr 101.84077 117.30622 89.27297 101.84077 0 117.30622
124 - Accounting 15.71408 11.98343 3.79456 15.71408 0 11.98343
338 - Enterprise Search 21.56096 17.27142 16.54731 7.64332 0 2.67726
011 - Busine 367 - Intern 16.34495 14.38901 11.84016 6.41249 0 1.30505
121 - Securi 538 - Progra 0 0 0 0 0.745 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
538 - Program / Project 0 0 0 0 0 0
Resource Usage 4.742 4.885 5.027 0 0 0
ous Monitoring 4.765 4.908 5.054 0 0 0
77 - Knowledge Distribution and Deliv 30.872 31.875 32.904 0 0 0
/ Project Management 0.24006 0.24706 0.254416 0 0 0
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 0.26 0.273 0.283 0 0 0
ge Distribution and Delivery 1.735 1.777 1.821 0 0 0
g and Information 13.388 13.782 14.173 0 0 0
36.128 37.091 38.085 0 0 0
63 - System and Network Monitoring 0.541 0.558 0.575 0 0 0
21 - Security Management 1.66 1.762 1.82 0 0 0.6
538 - Program / Project 2.813 3.043 3.11 1.489 0 1.71
g and Information 0.73 1.572 1.618 0 0 0
78 - System Resource Usage 4 3 3 3 0 2
121 - Security Manageme 0 0 0 0 2.26839 0
g and Information 1.16 3.006 3.277 0.217 0 1.833
Development 0.45 0.244 0 0 0 0
0.3 0.331 0.2 0.3 0 0.331
070 - General577 - Knowled 63.684 63.173 52.108 44.559 0 45.243
0 12.054 12.415 0 0 0
053 - Legal I 624 - Payroll 21.00477 18.40185 16.43362 16.37091 0 10.71562
11 - Business and Industry Developme 2.81299 9.71569 11.29159 2.81299 0 9.71569
39 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastru 1.319 1.871067 0 1.319 0 1.871067
0 0 0 0 0 0
0.75588 0 0 0 0 0
0.183988 0 0 0.183988 0 0
601 - Data E 139 - Provide 2.641 0 0 0 0 0
070 - General577 - Knowled 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
590 - Mapping / Geospatia 3.154 0 0 0 0 0
6.03 0 0 0 0 0
070 - General577 - Knowled 0 0 0 0 0 0
1.384 0 0 1.384 0 0
338 - Enterpr353 - Inform 10.05742 0 0 10.05742 0 0
011 - Busine 367 - Intern 0.181 0 0 0.181 0 0
39 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastru 0 0 0 0 0 0
on and Delivery 3.354 3.351 3.391 0 0 0
nd Software 261.351 275.082 305.49 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
1.973 0 0 1.973 0 0
IT Infrastructure 387.798 383.158 366.916 3.909 0 8.36
IT Infrastructure 118.588 173.02 157.123 5.491 0 20.713
26.444 34.248 30.056 0 0 0
154.081 151.453 159.37 5.558 0 0.711
IT Infrastructure 0.045 0.045 0.045 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 35.266 49.035 50.346 0 0 0
41.161 33.076 36.436 37.825 0 29.718
6.486 22.494 20.762 0.806 0 16.723
24.478 29.557 33.037 24.478 0 29.557
27.013 70.991 57.268 27.013 0 11.248
0.372 1.004 0.281 0 0 0
ent and Training 5.56 4.821 8.074 0 0 0
4.217 4.046 1.676 0.5 0 0
21.389 22.724 22.702 0.085 0 0.127
IT Infrastructure 7.772 9.836 14.665 0.63 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.134 1.836 37.066 0 0 0
7.309 7.734 8.064 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 230.924 219.611 251.006 39.672 0 34.391
IT Infrastructure 41.633 41.999 48.976 0 0 0
nd and Control 4.504 4.779 5.024 4.504 0 4.779
1.479 1.248 1.272 0 0 0
130.889 140.162 138.09 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 35.572 33.818 32.453 0 0 0
2.286 1.558 1.686 0 0 0
6.982 8.37 10.179 1.152 0 3.362
10.491 11.131 9.212 0.754 0 0
0.564 0.64 0.651 0 0 0
115.027 106.601 96.705 91.856 0 79.663
0.406 0.168 0.171 0 0 0
0.136 0.129 0.131 0 0 0
2.375 3.69 3.753 0 0 0
11.41 13.95 15.792 1.125 0 6.694
0.652 0.664 0.676 0 0 0
8.144 18.44 3.348 8.144 0 18.44
2.342 2.537 2.616 0 0 0
1.369 2.685 4.143 0 0 0
2.3 1.878 2.183 0 0 0
0.126 0.129 0.131 0 0 0
0.34 0.347 0.353 0 0 0
11.1 16.048 17.023 3.114 0 2.601
2.73 2.927 2.941 0 0 0
0.84 1.45 1.553 0 0 0
3.347 5.709 5.806 0 0 0
0.696 0.655 0.666 0 0 0
0.338 0.934 0.932 0 0 0
0.686 0.728 0.782 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 7.48 2.804 2.227 7.48 0 2.804
IT Infrastructure 38.047 78.216 27.494 38.047 0 78.216
3.54 5.008 5.087 3.54 0 5.008
6.08 5.035 4.941 0 0 0
0 13.039 6.724 0 0 2.91
d Compensation 16.882 19.395 18.249 0 0 0.482
12.664 14.373 11.358 0 0 0
13.165 9.94 9.66 3.371 0 0
2.438 2.629 2.686 0 0 0
6.239 4.328 2.742 0 0 0
on and Delivery 4.028 3.988 3.156 0 0 0
4.871 5.482 5.479 0 0 0
ns Infrastructure 33.239 41.133 32.698 2.718 0 10.432
7.664 9.525 8.477 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.703 2.526 2.57 0 0 0
82.003 71.66 78.702 0 0 0
7.744 9.02 10.042 0 0 0
11.026 10.853 10.978 0 0 0
0.049 0.194 0.199 0 0 0
127.061 171.113 91.89 110.657 0 127.93
0.992 1 1.018 0 0 0
1.085 1.328 0.857 0 0 0
1.41 1.595 0.956 0 0 0
138.459 105.556 98.983 0 0 0
on and Delivery 40.592 28.209 25.668 0 0 0
2.155 2.758 2.884 0 0 0
86.456 89.007 79.77 0 0 0
6.375 6.163 6.399 0 0 0
8.223 19.212 23.616 0 0 0.978
on and Delivery 14.796 15.286 19.277 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 100.817 23.223 22.293 45.8 0 0
ce Management 7.531 10.753 11.068 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 40.498 37.218 27.861 40.498 0 37.218
9.579 9.67 7.917 2.787 0 2.193
ns Infrastructure 125.405 71.781 69.777 11.76 0 2.803
23.541 26.531 4.575 23.541 0 26.531
IT Infrastructure 13.312 14.138 15.129 0 0 0
10.949 10.63 10.821 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 2.959 2.35 2.525 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 10.85 10.077 10.569 0 0 0
6.652 14.485 14.211 0 0 0
1.466 1.987 2.186 0 0 0
ernment Records 0.921 0.86 0 0 0 0
1.497 1.81 0.596 0 0 0
1.245 1.238 1.242 0 0 0
3.407 2.514 1.852 0 0 0
10.954 10.522 10.711 0 0 0
12.209 16.51 13.082 7.025 0 10.699
ns Infrastructure 10.563 176.976 125.108 0 0 0
6.829 11.235 12.964 0 0 1.785
32.41 17.653 13.87 11.266 0 0
11.847 14.645 13.429 0 0 0
9.966 18.623 17.627 0 0 0
0.004 0.003 0.003 0 0 0
0.269 0.414 0.424 0 0 0
ns Infrastructure 23.877 21.228 21.121 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 17.628 25.685 22.873 0.012 0 0.022
IT Infrastructure 31.549 30.775 32.958 5.275 0 5.718
49.423 24.283 18.305 5.583 0 3.169
27.236 31.984 32.569 10.769 0 11.723
nce Integration 63.176 72.16 65.393 2.853 0 13.54
11.495 44.085 55.6 11.182 0 44.085
ns Infrastructure 2.078 5.199 0.134 0 0 0
5.864 9.163 4.426 0 0 0
0.074 0.288 0 0 0 0
5.206 7.515 6.346 0 0 0
on and Delivery 2.824 4.611 3.997 0 0 0
1.739 1.823 1.216 0 0 0
37.245 77.261 307.216 34.667 0 74.434
0.355 0.334 0.228 0 0 0
0.085 0.31 0.112 0 0 0
on and Delivery 3.703 2.656 3.507 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.636 0.387 0.191 0 0 0
ns Infrastructure 38.754 21.824 25.202 0 0 0
1.885 2.171 1.681 0 0 0.811
5.069 5.719 5.818 0 0 0
0.138 0.137 0.134 0 0 0
4.266 4.583 3.688 0 0 0
36.889 37.432 42.081 0 0 0
9.799 12.614 9.665 6.364 0 9.034
quipment Management 2.047 2.141 2.243 0 0 0
0.232 0.412 0.422 0 0 0
31.361 39.592 38.245 1.678 0 3.858
6.007 5.367 3.288 0 0 1.002
14.587 11.961 3.261 3.914 0 3.138
3.585 0.425 0.598 3.585 0 0.425
13.535 1 1 0 0 0
0.622 0.652 0.685 0 0 0
ce Management 1.143 1.465 1.524 0 0 0
0.943 0.936 0.962 0 0 0
9.236 10.135 11.123 0 0 0
1.373 1.012 0.82 0.782 0 0
0.506 0.434 0.648 0 0 0
5.727 4.637 5.869 0 0 0
0.839 0.845 0.855 0 0 0
51.879 82.15 54.272 0 0 0
5.062 5.575 5.668 0 0 0
0.73 0.406 0.34 0 0 0
0.286 0.293 0.298 0 0 0
0.12 0.12 0.12 0 0 0
1.786 2.292 2.373 0 0 0
2.652 3.527 2.613 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 2.647 2.888 3.011 0 0 0
0.27 0.283 0.289 0 0 0
6.727 6.873 7.449 0 0 0
1.638 1.639 3.529 0 0 0
0.922 1.576 1.576 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.399 0.406 0.415 0 0 0
ernment Records 0.439 0.37 0.389 0 0 0
ernment Records 0.095 0.097 0.099 0 0 0
5.275 9.04 9.821 0.178 0 1.615
0.24 0.305 0.271 0 0 0
8.203 11.663 17.81 0 0 5.488
ent and Training 0.922 0.945 0.97 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 13.031 13.393 12.76 0 0 0
3.288 3.627 4.427 0 0 0
0.757 0.729 0.75 0 0 0
0.098 0.115 0.117 0 0 0
0.937 1.759 1.6 0 0 0
11.442 13.782 14.016 0 0 0
2.093 2.129 2.165 0 0 0
3.508 3.822 1.804 2 0 2.052
48.583 52.161 47.319 0 0 0
7.707 5.354 2.784 0 0 0
11.851 14.622 14.317 0.672 0 0
quipment Management 10.237 10.56 17.724 0 0 0
8.495 8.662 8.835 0 0 0
49.524 49.95 50.494 1.32 0 4.418
IT Infrastructure 9.918 8.152 9.033 0 0 0
0.628 1.426 1.445 0.628 0 1.426
logical Research and Innovation 32.616 30.665 31.191 2.361 0 0.506
1.092 1.125 1.144 1.092 0 1.125
12.253 14.5 11.5 1.91 0 2
IT Infrastructure 3.738 2.473 2.472 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 688.801 596.993 557.749 0 0 0
25.968 29.458 45.218 5.185 0 8.65
25.535 26.33 27.243 0 0 0
64.538 56.819 76.635 0 0 0
19.887 15.716 16.788 7.354 0 4.617
0.4 0.805 1.037 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 57.72 58.263 67.814 0.057 0 0.06
13.928 15.332 12.193 1.407 0 1.348
IT Infrastructure 18.285 18.204 20.786 0.205 0 0.588
752.798 486.579 492.362 0 0 12.443
17.735 21.032 20.31 0 0 0
ernment Records 1.071 0.955 1.012 0 0 0
26.001 24.288 16.588 0 0 0
1.917 2.569 2.769 0 0 0
19.807 19.223 24.81 0 0 0
14.559 17.513 17.894 2.277 0 2.766
2.174 2.176 1.931 0 0 0
0.227 0.328 0.323 0 0 0
ce Management 1.912 3.077 1.847 0 0 0
d Compensation 30.238 32.103 34.987 0 0 0
d Compensation 48.948 56.636 53.335 8.881 0 11.722
2.411 2.413 3.159 0 0 0
3.222 3.401 3.41 0 0 0
67.505 74.362 42.364 0 0 1.145
0.407 0.454 2.115 0 0 0
ernment Records 23.505 20.924 21.237 11.989 0 9.529
IT Infrastructure 1362.064 1401.782 866.955 109.857 0 172.602
0.961 1.043 1.094 0 0 0
9.075 1.877 14.687 3.572 0 0
d Compensation 11.669 18.213 13.952 2.446 0 0
8.07 14.819 15.071 0 0 0
60.219 50.731 49.979 5.111 0 4.33
11.731 11.386 10.151 0 0 0
d Compensation 6.294 7.95 6.929 0 0 1.141
1.762 2.112 1.812 0 0 0
0.285 0.317 0 0 0 0
0.268 0.27 0.278 0 0 0
ce Management 23.363 56.666 42.698 0 0 0
0 0.019 0 0 0 0
4.821 4.321 3.922 0.794 0 0.303
10.24 13.456 8.97 0 0 0
3.76 1.05 1.05 0 0 0
2.419 2.549 2.809 0 0 0
31.77 20.508 25.714 3.453 0 0
nd and Control 67.334 30.778 37.159 46.831 0 6.265
153.336 145.247 150.244 33.555 0 22.875
42.672 49.23 49.81 2.906 0 3.14
3.295 3.494 2.842 0 0 0
0.414 0.563 0 0 0 0
8.039 6.241 5.449 0 0 0
d Compensation 3.981 4.186 4.273 0 0 0
1.109 1.707 1.558 0 0 0
0 6.192 9.381 0 0 0
1.9 1.2 1.2 0 0 0
5.09 10.18 10.18 1.5 0 1.5
6.705 6.725 6.847 0 0 0
12.073 12.737 14.967 0.12 0 0
80 - Command and Control 143.096 77.422 43.109 138.275 0 74.662
10.729 0.258 0.263 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.651 0.52 1.761 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 132.64 48.813 28.507 0 0 0
1.104 1.119 1.128 0 0 0
7.673 5.995 5.995 0 0 0
quipment Management 1.31 0.7 0 0 0 0
1.082 1.055 1.037 0.325 0 0.34
55.065 42.544 32.451 0 0 0.792
35.534 35.738 23.151 0 0 0
13.8 11.313 7.496 0 0 0
8.569 9.692 18.402 0.239 0 0.113
10.349 13.871 8.479 3.262 0 8.127
8.752 10.502 10.182 0.654 0 0
27.374 28.176 54.587 27.374 0 28.176
222.792 146.125 24.459 31.783 0 16.842
3.492 4.694 4.395 0.001 0 0.548
on and Delivery 0.012 0.056 0.058 0 0 0
0.331 0.818 0.744 0.331 0 0.818
on and Delivery 76.858 47.343 81.313 10.19 0 6.949
1.381 1.478 1.7 0 0 0
4.5 4.5 4.5 0 0 0
3.979 3.867 8.273 0.19 0 0
2.042 2.3 2.3 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 0.151 0.175 0 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 0.02 0.035 0 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 0.029 0.035 0 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.674 0.7 0.647 0 0 0
1.773 1.781 1.373 0 0 0
1.143 1.572 1.702 0 0 0
3.281 3.345 3.402 0 0 0
2.629 2.677 2.722 0 0 0
2.028 2.3 2.36 0 0 0
0.534 0.543 0.552 0 0 0
6.362 6.673 6.736 4.982 0 4.309
0.01 0.229 0.045 0 0 0
1.416 1.466 1.056 0 0 0
0.537 0.563 0.592 0 0 0
1.57 1.617 1.666 0 0 0
10.081 10.889 10.579 3.793 0 0
quipment Management 19.075 19.555 19.921 0 0 0
ent and Training 5.544 5.711 11.362 0 0 0
ent and Training 6.603 5.929 7.37 1.717 0 1.637
8.327 9.514 9.805 4.957 0 6.126
6.144 5.602 4.613 4.258 0 3.692
IT Infrastructure 197.143 190.15 155.489 0 0 0
1.025 0.985 1.002 0 0 0
quipment Management 9.062 9.062 8.715 0 0 0
quipment Management 2 2.1 2.1 0 0 0
quipment Management 7.228 10.524 3.867 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.128 0.13 0.132 0 0 0
ce Management 1.217 1.266 1.317 0 0 0
103 - Enterprise Architect 3.787 11.252 16.688 0 0 0
4.036 3.539 3.455 2.83 0 2.36
49.141 66.934 66.7 0 0 0
0.164 0.169 0.172 0 0 0
1.09 1.067 1.084 0 0 0
0.673 0.682 0.694 0 0 0
1.268 1.196 0.729 0 0 0
1.141 1.272 2.176 0 0 0
3.707 3.818 3.35 0.2 0 0.092
ent and Training 2.287 2.15 1.844 0.423 0 0.154
d Compensation 0.43 0.465 0.641 0 0 0
d Compensation 21.833 20.216 13.353 2.763 0 0.171
12.864 13.13 17.872 0.449 0 1.644
2.024 2.271 2.168 0 0 0
ce Management 0.429 0.448 0.248 0 0 0
28.866 32.411 24.661 24.023 0 28.999
3.323 3.433 6.423 0 0 0
2.642 3.337 1.772 0 0 0
5.299 5.406 5.518 0 0 0
quipment Management 3.753 3.9 3.9 0 0 0
1.277 1.339 1.388 1.199 0 1.261
13.479 5.053 0 5.3 0 0
0.62 0.649 0.782 0 0 0
54.181 73.431 92.732 14.839 0 20.847
2.198 2.264 2.332 0 0 0
and Surveillance 3.756 4.213 4.242 0 0 0
1.594 1.411 1.461 0 0 0
7.112 9.28 10.247 0 0 0
and Surveillance 0 0.124 0.127 0 0 0
402.453 221.219 116.786 264.331 0 200.437
0.279 0.231 0.258 0 0 0
421.137 501.214 394.483 390.932 0 459.795
0.101 0.129 0.133 0 0 0
0.7 0 0.826 0 0 0
0.595 0.77 0.772 0 0 0
0.408 0.55 0.549 0 0 0
0.341 0.772 0.982 0 0 0
0.545 0.69 0.736 0 0 0
5.369 5.499 6.246 0 0 0
1.096 1.04 1.049 0 0 0
d Compensation 0.003 0.043 0.043 0 0 0
108.851 39.7 0 108.851 0 39.7
81.787 66.366 73.662 15.9 0 7.904
1.686 1.418 2.095 1.246 0 0.204
ent and Training 5.63 5.817 6.363 0 0 0
ce Management 2.434 2.142 1.978 0 0 0
38.982 35.794 16.344 36.82 0 26.336
3.553 3.659 3.769 0 0 0
ent and Training 4.039 3.082 3.366 0 0 0
5.316 5.386 5.44 0.121 0 0.124
5.301 3.038 2.974 1.196 0 0
IT Infrastructure 34.999 37.357 36.501 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.705 0.795 0 0 0 0
ent and Training 1.068 1.303 1.438 0 0 0
d Compensation 0.015 0.015 0.015 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.798 0.965 2.882 0 0 0
0.489 0.444 0.334 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.28 0.337 0 0 0 0
quipment Management 2.152 2.259 2.274 0 0 0
0.804 0.725 0.705 0 0 0
4.5 4.077 3.816 1.2 0 0
1.132 1.162 1.18 0 0 0
0.187 0.16 0.202 0 0 0
0.357 0.534 0.548 0 0 0
0.66 0.554 0.565 0 0 0
3.35 5.898 6.029 0 0 0
0 6.676 0 0 0 3.237
on and Delivery 1.204 1.274 1.29 0 0 0
1.052 1.069 1.089 0 0 0
ent and Training 8.522 10.736 11.534 0 0 0
5.037 5.179 5.277 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.05 0.05 0.05 0 0 0
3.382 1.824 1.314 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.736 0.469 0 0 0 0
1.638 1.759 1.87 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 9.969 13.758 15.902 0 0 0
ent and Training 7.631 5 4.596 0 0 0
4.445 4.702 4.99 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.094 0.07 0 0 0 0
3.398 2.862 3.182 0 0 0.23
0.587 0.26 0.078 0 0 0
44 - Workforce Directory / Locator 1.171 1.612 1.231 0 0 0.5
3.443 3.843 4.588 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 1.361 2.195 2.207 0 0 0
1.981 3.302 5.301 0 0 1.3
on and Delivery 5.771 3.058 2.927 0 0 0
ent and Training 28.505 24.169 27.972 0 0 0
d Compensation 31.748 27.739 37.458 2.4 0 3.872
54.047 72.278 63.476 4.216 0 8.157
2.255 2.293 2.332 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 9.391 13.395 14.347 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 12.816 12.831 14.034 4.191 0 3.818
1.069 1.132 1.006 0 0 0
0.605 0.623 0.63 0 0 0
0.458 0.47 0.479 0 0 0
1.028 1.056 1.077 0 0 0
22.034 25.724 26.62 2.114 0 0.993
0.511 0.626 0.636 0 0 0
5.573 8.891 10.253 0 0 0
20.663 20.85 18.68 0.086 0 0.06
1.513 1.559 1.607 0 0 0
4.132 4.093 4.511 0 0 0
0.138 0.34 0.337 0.026 0 0.026
quipment Management 1.451 1.475 1.501 0 0 0
0.015 0.015 0.015 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 2.201 4.312 3.481 0.804 0 2.988
2.791 2.8 2.856 0 0 0
1.475 1.519 1.54 0 0 0
0.032 0.022 0.022 0 0 0
0.025 0.017 0.017 0 0 0
0.057 0.045 0.046 0 0 0
ce Management 0.1 0.268 0.268 0 0 0
0.081 0.065 0.066 0 0 0
1.842 2.241 2.194 0 0 0
0.064 0.043 0.044 0 0 0
0.032 0.022 0.022 0 0 0
0.011 0.006 0.006 0 0 0
0.032 0.022 0.022 0 0 0
0.025 0.017 0.017 0 0 0
0.032 0.022 0.022 0 0 0
0.069 0.049 0.05 0 0 0
0.302 0.304 0.31 0 0 0
0.171 0.175 0.178 0 0 0
0.214 0.216 0.22 0 0 0
1.775 1.771 1.797 0 0 0
0.037 0.028 0.028 0 0 0
5.367 7.173 7.826 0 0 0
0.155 0.075 0 0 0 0
0.448 0.736 0.75 0 0 0
0.45 0.25 0 0 0 0
6.996 6.766 6.392 0 0 0
1.26 0.968 0 0.32 0 0
IT Infrastructure 32.533 37.995 39.881 11.464 0 6.615
0.015 0.015 0.015 0 0 0
ns Infrastructure 4.56 3.632 4.125 0 0 0
0.647 0.679 0.697 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 43.392 36.9 47.534 5.749 0 7.246
93.008 136.065 142.928 93.008 0 136.065
44.111 43.691 44.717 2.297 0 1.404
5.243 5.947 4.199 3.476 0 3.512
0.281 0.296 0.425 0 0 0
2.703 2.85 2.379 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.906 1.238 1.099 0 0 0
1.387 1.395 1.222 0 0 0
0.102 0.134 0.116 0 0 0
0.804 0.815 0.724 0.305 0 0.303
2.469 2.48 2.509 0 0 0
0.475 0.42 0.416 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 2.092 2.19 2.183 0 0 0
14.607 9.461 9.554 0.016 0 0
0.201 0.205 0.211 0 0 0
20.367 19.433 17.228 13.826 0 14.678
0.324 0.324 0.336 0 0 0
5.59 5.211 6.2 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.657 0.668 0.659 0 0 0
0.644 0.649 0.649 0 0 0
quipment Management 3.173 3.474 3.474 0 0 0
6.293 6.437 6.437 0 0 0
2.68 1.994 2.118 0 0 0
e Management and Tourism 1.9 1.217 1.225 0 0 0
ce Management 0.259 0.283 0.365 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.349 0.355 0.361 0 0 0
ce Management 0.84 0.915 0.873 0 0 0
22.431 21.548 16.702 9.367 0 5.753
0.002 0.002 0.002 0 0 0
0.002 0.002 0.002 0 0 0
ernment Records 3.66 3.66 3.66 0 0 0
0.152 0.152 0.152 0 0 0
5.455 4.576 5.479 0 0 0
30.038 34.15 37.776 0 0 0
0.71 0.655 0.742 0 0 0
1.053 1.494 1.449 0 0 0
0.722 1.152 1.118 0 0 0
ce Management 1.882 1.898 1.815 0 0 0
0.246 0.247 0.252 0 0 0
0.676 0.215 0.218 0 0 0
5.169 6.529 5.2 0 0 0
0.02 0.02 0.02 0 0 0
21.399 25.413 20.142 0 0 0.5
2.034 2.515 2.325 0 0 0
0.906 0.908 1.25 0 0 0
0.741 0.693 0.706 0 0 0
0.689 0.786 0.801 0 0 0
22.525 31.316 35.599 15.814 0 24.022
8.412 8.499 8.036 0 0 0
4.086 4.078 3.764 0 0 0
ce Management 0.011 0.012 0.012 0 0 0
1.597 1.679 1.672 0 0 0
0.135 0.12 0.123 0 0 0
1.449 0.658 1.499 0 0 0
3.198 4.335 4.51 0 0 0
11.963 9.242 9.357 0 0 0
101.923 21.94 29.738 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.9 0.909 0.916 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 37.535 63.211 36.985 0.546 0 4.298
1.608 2.229 2.298 0 0 0
0.255 0.274 0.341 0 0 0
0.372 0.275 0.283 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.307 0.254 0.277 0 0 0
4.392 3.123 3.332 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.318 0.47 0.48 0 0 0
0 0.04 0 0 0 0
1.1 1.1 1.1 0 0 0
6.398 3.273 3.327 0 0 0
0.142 0 1.748 0 0 0
0.893 1.324 1.032 0 0 0
d Compensation 3.403 0.615 0.634 0.588 0 0
0.458 0 2.277 0 0 0
5.46 14.321 6.551 0 0 2.8
quipment Management 6.195 6.641 6.49 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 1.506 1.578 0.861 0.35 0 0.076
ce Management 0.587 0.797 0.758 0 0 0
quipment Management 3.5 3.7 3.8 0 0 0
1.287 1.459 1.453 0 0 0
20.652 22.198 15.76 0 0 0.854
13.889 21.412 37.542 1.18 0 4.098
d Compensation 2.72 13 10.697 0 0 0
2.189 1.1 1 0 0 0
2.568 3.1 2.971 0 0 0
ent and Training 5.344 8.292 6.529 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.6 0.597 0.606 0 0 0
1.525 0.524 0.843 0 0 0
0.206 0.34 0.305 0 0 0
4.792 6.257 7.325 0 0 0
8.893 9.049 9.214 0 0 0
36.589 34.141 34.861 0 0 0
d Compensation 0.371 0.377 0.384 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 8.893 10.282 10.35 0 0 0
d Compensation 1.132 0.879 0.887 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.078 0.08 0.081 0 0 0
2.897 2.017 2.04 0 0 0
0.7 1.39 1.418 0 0 0
8.196 7.987 10.26 0.943 0 2.704
0.552 0.645 0.656 0 0 0
0.182 0.771 1 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 27.979 26.064 27.119 0 0 0
1.124 2.173 2.213 0 0 0
3.113 2.015 2.027 0 0 0
48.441 56.42 55.218 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.164 0.842 0.2 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 282.511 242.328 238.879 279.866 0 239.478
IT Infrastructure 0.037 0.038 0.031 0 0 0
3.494 3.042 3.9 0.606 0 0.46
IT Infrastructure 2.403 2.377 2.423 0 0 0
1.516 1.313 1.146 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 115.581 153.064 114.602 2.695 0 5.458
IT Infrastructure 16.666 23.401 20.657 9.675 0 16.716
IT Infrastructure 2.925 3.496 3.559 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.908 0.986 0.942 0.568 0 0.561
IT Infrastructure 1.028 1.047 1.071 0 0 0
0.081 0.308 0.092 0 0 0
4.789 25.236 40.035 1.862 0 0.687
15.604 15.602 14.015 0 0 0
4.468 4.903 4.715 0 0 0.407
0.636 0.572 0.546 0 0 0
0.087 0.135 0.14 0 0 0
0.703 0.852 0.705 0 0 0
d Compensation 9.912 11.446 11.093 0 0 0.5
43 - Audio / Video Conferencing 4.926 4.337 4.836 0 0 0
2.885 2.753 2.216 0.275 0 0.26
0.528 0.77 0.517 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 1.602 1.844 1.837 1.602 0 1.844
0.79 0.79 0.79 0 0 0
4.19 4.372 4.025 1.75 0 1.75
3.716 5.418 5.34 0.122 0 0.123
0.023 0.023 0.024 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.206 0.413 0.376 0.05 0 0.152
2.62 0.349 0.355 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.562 1.67 1.256 0 0 0
18.763 28.427 27.119 8.561 0 7.386
9.564 27.481 36.772 3.99 0 16.762
86.225 62.17 49.857 52.465 0 11.7
0.622 0.633 0.644 0 0 0
4.693 3.208 3.099 3.781 0 1.2
ernment Records 23.262 23.746 25.677 1 0 1.365
1.497 1.541 1.586 0 0 0
0.179 0.176 0.18 0 0 0
11.173 17.064 15.848 0 0 0
0.245 0.295 0 0 0 0
4.543 5.181 5.302 0 0 0
53.107 29.869 43.427 53.107 0 29.869
quipment Management 0.643 0.654 0.667 0 0 0
1.532 1.648 1.678 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 35.831 34.687 36.577 0 0 0
1.694 1.777 1.068 0 0 0
0.688 6.671 8.556 0.688 0 6.671
ent and workflow 1.324 1.348 1.374 0 0 0
on and Delivery 20.519 18.056 18.324 4.757 0 0
2.013 2.302 2.318 0 0 0
5.67 5.886 5.979 0 0 0
0.144 0.148 0.151 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.617 0.681 0.697 0 0 0
0.935 1.361 1.378 0 0 0
0.28 0.181 0.179 0 0 0
0.641 0.814 0.808 0 0 0
10.287 11.636 17.337 1.421 0 2.75
0.387 0.405 0.425 0 0 0
0.672 0.798 0.837 0 0 0
0.255 0.262 0.262 0 0 0
quipment Management 2.995 3.05 3.05 0 0 0
0.137 0.378 0.024 0 0 0
0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0
nd Software 11.548 11.776 12.23 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 12.85 12.402 17.377 0 0 0
0.013 0.013 0.013 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 21.503 15.48 15.035 0 0 0
25.379 25.892 25.797 0 0 0
0.124 0.147 0.15 0 0 0
/ Taxonomy / Categorization 4.538 2.713 2.452 0 0 0
7.942 8.883 7.263 0.475 0 0.37
0.3 0.5 0.7 0 0 0
20.177 22.043 19 0 0 0
and Control 0.003 0.02 0.02 0 0 0
0.073 0.078 0.077 0 0 0
0.235 0.47 0.375 0 0 0
0.023 0.025 0.663 0 0 0
1.022 0.985 1.057 0 0 0
0.171 0.297 0.302 0 0 0
0.979 1.272 1.462 0 0 0
ent and Training 24.133 23.885 25.41 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.28 0.28 0.28 0 0 0
0.3 0.304 0.304 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.063 0.064 0.064 0 0 0
0.128 0.128 0.128 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 0 0.7 0.7 0 0 0
0.036 0.066 0.066 0.036 0 0.066
1.952 1.722 1.756 0 0 0
22.476 27.406 32.745 9.269 0 6.608
IT Infrastructure 121.658 136.925 149.629 0 0 0
2.081 2.132 2.132 0 0 0
0.406 0.437 0.615 0 0 0
1.622 1.484 2.07 0.682 0 0.431
0.647 0.672 0.659 0 0 0
nce Integration 1.649 3.289 3.295 0 0 0
21.169 26.393 19.189 0 0 0
0.518 0.518 0.525 0.518 0 0.518
quipment Management 0.305 0.305 0.314 0 0 0
0.171 0.351 0.295 0 0 0
0.405 0.634 0.592 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 10.927 6.637 6.77 0 0 0
2.879 5.945 4.447 0 0 1.5
0.722 1.019 1.171 0 0 0
2.509 2.952 2.866 0 0 0.196
1.059 1.215 0.906 0 0 0
1.292 1.37 0 0 0 0
0.944 0.967 0.967 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 14.882 18.69 20.062 8.942 0 9.26
0.053 0.053 0.054 0 0 0
0.053 0.053 0.054 0 0 0
36.437 30.202 41.474 30.156 0 23.212
2.196 4.167 2.341 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.713 0.734 0.756 0 0 0
0.379 0.41 0.185 0 0 0
1.303 1.409 1.422 0.738 0 0.844
ce Management 0.18 0.18 0.18 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 97.11 69.223 127.69 97.11 0 69.223
logical Research and Innovation 14.509 16.089 15.225 14.509 0 16.089
23.817 25.547 20.978 0.726 0 0
on and Delivery 3.937 9.476 10.423 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 9.186 31.614 33.264 0 0 0
1.426 1.291 1.075 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 10.921 14.107 13.341 0 0 0
0.113 0.206 0.18 0.113 0 0.206
147.145 141.728 156.781 147.145 0 141.728
34.359 31.359 35.942 0.463 0 1.404
on and Delivery 0.02 0.02 0.02 0 0 0
0.047 0.189 0 0 0 0
9.387 10.724 10.861 0 0 0
1.144 1.667 1.32 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 6.797 6.842 6.781 0 0 0
4.384 3.223 3.27 0 0 0
1.433 0.993 1.762 0 0 0
quipment Management 2.184 1.678 1.752 0 0 0
ernment Records 0.123 0.122 0.106 0 0 0
0.078 0.287 0.222 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 21.308 21.259 21.63 0 0 0
4.761 1.934 2.086 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.026 0.028 0.512 0 0 0
1.022 0.929 1.512 0 0 0
6.247 7.543 7.764 0 0 0
0.585 0.653 0.669 0 0 0
0.828 1.042 1.106 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.402 0.402 0.402 0 0 0
1.3 1.304 1.335 0 0 0
0.702 0.545 0.912 0 0 0
1.63 0 0.762 0 0 0
1.844 2.803 2.856 0 0 0
0.341 0.397 0.406 0 0 0
5.522 6.109 4.856 0 0 0
ce Management 0.412 0.433 0.455 0 0 0
0.075 0.077 0.075 0 0 0
d Compensation 1 1 1 0 0 0
0.518 0.517 0.518 0 0 0
ce Management 0.075 0.087 0.079 0 0 0
0.772 0.863 0.713 0 0 0
1.091 1.107 1.127 0 0 0
0.772 0.863 0.713 0 0 0
0.847 0.94 0.713 0 0 0
0.15 0.155 0.15 0 0 0
0.166 0.171 0.166 0 0 0
ce Management 0.681 0.701 0.5 0 0 0
0.325 0.254 0.27 0 0 0
1.608 1.633 1.665 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.55 0.601 0.615 0.1 0 0.037
0.186 0.191 0.176 0 0 0
0.075 0.077 0.079 0 0 0
0.197 0.202 0.129 0 0 0
0.085 0.087 0.089 0 0 0
0.17 0.172 0.173 0 0 0
d Compensation 0.075 0.101 0.079 0 0 0
4.797 2.4 2.1 0 0 0
0.075 0.077 0.071 0 0 0
0.452 0.474 0.474 0 0 0
0.255 0.265 0.235 0 0 0
0.353 0.252 0.253 0 0 0
0.145 0.142 0.142 0 0 0
0.205 0.211 0.211 0 0 0
2.61 1.094 0.867 1.764 0 0
0.032 0.022 0.022 0 0 0
0.438 0.451 0.447 0 0 0
ns Infrastructure 1.962 0.693 0.001 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.001 0.001 0.001 0 0 0
2.119 2.062 2.078 0 0 0
0.56 0.56 0.56 0 0 0
ce Management 1.038 0.975 0.975 0.141 0 0.025
ce Management 0.952 0.944 0.998 0.35 0 0.037
nt / Integration Support 8.653 7.219 5.708 0 0 0
ce Management 4.619 6.026 3.626 0 0 0.458
0.559 0.566 0.878 0 0 0
0.354 0.502 0.603 0 0 0
1.318 1.258 0 0 0 0
3.059 2.762 2.817 0 0 0
1.404 1.039 1.458 0 0 0
3.937 5.015 5.137 0 0 0
0.074 0.086 0.034 0 0 0
0.115 0.115 0.115 0 0 0
ce Management 1.253 1.289 1.094 0 0 0
0.625 0.145 0.147 0 0 0
ry, and Vocational Education 1.788 1.788 1.788 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 7.226 7.594 9.678 1.389 0 1.341
2.452 2.767 2.808 0 0 0
0.139 0.168 0.174 0 0 0
0.5 0.579 0.587 0 0 0
0.66 0.672 0.686 0 0 0
d Compensation 3.291 4.258 4.708 0 0 0
and Surveillance 12.005 14.854 14.629 0 0 0
0.194 0.271 0.271 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.04 0.109 0.106 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.026 0.094 0.09 0 0 0
Development 0.466 0.478 0.478 0.466 0 0.478
2.19 2.225 1.905 0 0 0
0.969 0.984 0.87 0 0 0
0.103 0.129 0.13 0 0 0
0.088 0.089 0.09 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.015 0.015 0.015 0 0 0
ns Infrastructure 0.059 0.062 0.063 0 0 0
0.338 0.622 0.912 0 0 0
ns Infrastructure 1.047 1.213 1.332 0 0 0
0.272 0.325 0.33 0 0 0
0.197 0.211 0.038 0 0 0
0.015 0.015 0.015 0 0 0
0.025 0.109 0.109 0 0 0
15.236 17.92 18.166 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 13.218 10.406 21.566 0 0 0
2.834 3.368 3.489 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 40.379 22.188 22.498 6.704 0 0
IT Infrastructure 5.899 13.287 17.847 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 34.324 29.393 26.615 0 0 0
ent and Training 2.155 2.441 2.738 0 0 0
6.138 8.707 5.621 0 0 0.005
2.444 2.165 3.289 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 13.683 20.186 20.29 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 7.602 11.677 11.747 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 8.997 0.995 1.102 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 2.506 2.551 2.597 0 0 0
4.869 3.057 9.703 3.722 0 2.176
oring and Forecasting 16.954 16.145 11.582 0 0 0
3.315 2.847 2.866 0 0 0
0.002 0.002 0.002 0 0 0
0.002 0.002 0.002 0 0 0
0.002 0.002 0.002 0 0 0
0.002 0.002 0.002 0 0 0
0.002 0.002 0.002 0 0 0
0.002 0.002 0.002 0 0 0
0.002 0.002 0.002 0 0 0
3.816 4 3.951 0 0 0
2.339 2.441 2.463 0 0 0
0.082 0.083 0.085 0 0 0
0.025 0.025 0.025 0 0 0
2.387 3.421 3.523 0 0 0
d Compensation 0.436 0.563 0.574 0 0 0
0.324 0.238 0.243 0 0 0
ent and workflow 3.393 4.048 4.11 0 0 0
10.558 10.122 10.323 0.01 0 0.145
nce, and Reconnaissance 2.453 1.923 4.832 0.095 0 0.1
nce, and Reconnaissance 1.737 1.477 4.467 0 0 0
0.175 0.18 0.186 0 0 0
0.351 0.362 0.372 0 0 0
0.006 0.006 0.006 0 0 0
3.705 3.41 3.844 0 0 0
0.502 0.531 0.478 0 0 0
0.209 0.194 0.072 0 0 0
0.497 0.636 0.646 0 0 0
d Compensation 0.876 0.946 1.152 0.248 0 0.268
0.842 0.85 0.866 0 0 0
0.265 0.716 0.714 0 0 0
0.02 0.021 0.022 0 0 0
0.073 0.075 0.078 0 0 0
0.062 0.05 0.068 0 0 0
0.3 0.3 0 0 0 0
0.15 0.05 0.05 0 0 0
0.068 0.056 0.074 0 0 0
1.206 1.4 1.42 0 0 0
nce Integration 0.042 0.028 0.028 0 0 0
1.314 1.325 1.353 0 0 0
0.827 0.661 0.486 0 0 0
0.55 0.754 0.779 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 2.928 2.715 2.706 2.928 0 2.715
2.151 2.19 2.238 0 0 0
1.39 1.39 1.39 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.62 0.505 0.512 0 0 0
0.118 0.12 0.122 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.232 0.241 0.251 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.818 3.795 2.827 1.207 0 2.913
ce Management 0.049 0.059 0.059 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.413 0.356 0.373 0.413 0 0.356
d Compensation 1.541 1.75 1.789 0 0 0
0.7 0.7 0.7 0 0 0
2.008 2.312 2.379 0 0 0
1.594 1.633 1.748 0 0 0
15.462 16.599 16.113 1.159 0 3.898
26.363 23.217 22.426 0.646 0 0.658
38.212 56.097 51.37 6.709 0 13.684
20.288 20.621 20.954 0.01 0 0.01
36.012 44.601 45.222 1.036 0 1.2
ns Infrastructure 2.149 7.75 7.912 0 0 0
31.271 32.917 33.656 12.714 0 13.426
39.252 44.179 43.287 0 0 3.082
on and Delivery 1.428 1.459 1.494 0 0 0
on and Delivery 15.613 16.692 17.525 0 0 0
Development 7.129 5.696 5.625 1.565 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.946 1.18 1.289 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 5.378 5.818 5.946 0.815 0 0.29
IT Infrastructure 2.56 2.32 2.348 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 26.838 27.418 29.295 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 0.525 0.534 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 23.415 30.122 29.341 0 0 0
0 0.012 0.011 0 0 0
0.715 1.148 1.168 0 0 0
on and Delivery 7.739 9.039 11.963 0 0 0
on and Delivery 21.31 19.102 18.801 4.302 0 2.115
on and Delivery 18.498 15.881 15.756 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.169 0.114 0.088 0 0 0
ent and Training 1.487 1.347 0.495 1.089 0 0.729
on and Delivery 1.01 1.218 1.242 0 0 0
17.466 18.742 19.302 0 0 0
0.816 1.119 0.951 0 0 0
0.561 0.561 0.561 0 0 0
0.015 0.015 0.015 0 0 0
5.06 12.245 4.15 0 0 0
4.886 4.812 4.533 0 0 0
41.292 41.461 40.692 0 0 0
40.546 47.193 43.615 0.061 0 5.662
4.541 0.75 0.75 0 0 0
ns Infrastructure 2.204 2.325 2.372 0 0 0
37.827 27.306 27.415 9.469 0 0
on and Delivery 7.744 6.219 5.811 0.672 0 0.506
on and Delivery 11.137 12.369 10.916 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.662 0.657 0.659 0 0 0
1.839 1.954 1.841 0 0 0
1.164 0.608 0.745 0.478 0 0
0.037 0.034 0.034 0 0 0
0.002 0.002 0.002 0 0 0
0.002 0.002 0.002 0 0 0
0.035 0.187 0.19 0 0 0
0.024 0.024 0.025 0 0 0
2.966 3.257 3.634 0 0 0
0.898 0.924 0.981 0 0 0
3.449 5.242 3.841 0 0 1.6
and Practitioner Education 9.65 9.595 9.768 0 0 0
0.632 0.441 0.2 0 0 0
25.828 27.249 3.299 8.429 0 11.648
quipment Management 1.413 0.64 0 0 0 0
0.105 0.14 0.06 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 20.433 37.802 46.247 0 0 0
ernment Records 3.193 3.335 3.321 0 0 0
1.323 0.198 0.202 0 0 0
ernment Records 1.785 1.868 1.857 0 0 0
0.025 0.025 0.025 0 0 0
0.194 0.198 0.202 0 0 0
6.821 6.607 6.547 0 0 0
0.481 0.292 0.301 0 0 0
1.208 2.247 2.612 0 0 0
1.929 1.988 2.047 0 0 0
0.321 0.327 0.32 0.286 0 0.294
0.094 0.095 0.096 0 0 0
2.798 4.247 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 9.45 8.079 9.393 0 0 0
3.025 9.642 9.725 0 0 0
ent and workflow 0.036 0.036 0.036 0 0 0
0.19 0.193 0.197 0 0 0
0.075 0.075 0.075 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.019 0.019 0.02 0 0 0
on and Delivery 31.114 33.949 34.128 0 0 0
1.654 2.957 2.995 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.13 0.132 0.135 0 0 0
nd Software 0.309 0.325 0.331 0 0 0
0.835 1.045 0.75 0 0 0
4.148 3.724 3.736 0 0 0
1.277 1.471 1.384 0.05 0 0.052
0.226 0.226 0.295 0 0 0
2.875 2.982 2.99 0 0 0
0.006 0.006 0.006 0 0 0
0.016 0.017 0.017 0 0 0
0.024 0.024 0.025 0 0 0
0.74 0.47 0.47 0 0 0
0.06 0.025 0.025 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 1.297 1.61 1.93 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.15 0.15 0.2 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 1.73 1.976 1 0 0 0
nd Software 0.026 0.027 0.027 0 0 0
22.258 32.743 21.201 0 0 0
2.609 1.531 1.567 0.024 0 0.024
0.128 0.112 0.102 0 0 0
2.33 1.509 1.963 0 0 0
ent and Training 1.243 2.374 2.52 0 0 0
0.02 0.019 0.019 0 0 0
3.587 4.189 3.632 0 0 0
on and Delivery 15.183 13.279 13.744 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.031 0.015 0.011 0 0 0
1.264 1.301 7.261 0.996 0 1.301
0.111 0.113 0.115 0 0 0
ce Management 0.706 0.688 0.704 0 0 0
0.508 1.308 0.508 0 0 0
11.711 25.831 46.197 3.493 0 2.915
IT Infrastructure 0.455 0.459 0.483 0 0 0
2.559 1.29 1 0 0 0
0.155 0.158 0.162 0 0 0
0.658 0.668 0.684 0 0 0
5.317 12.409 10.79 3.237 0 10.135
2.649 5.103 5.214 0 0 0
0.08 0.068 0.054 0 0 0
1.009 1.009 2.52 0 0 0
4.606 4.141 14.213 0 0 0
3.62 2.357 2.406 0 0 0
5.466 5.428 5.551 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.537 0.611 0.206 0 0 0
6.495 6.559 4.787 5.956 0 6.035
1.57 1.617 1.665 0 0 0
0.031 0.032 0.033 0 0 0
/ Project Management 8.784 9.95 15.314 0 0 0
0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0
9.088 9.556 9.802 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 0.849 0.877 0.904 0 0 0
0.007 0.621 2.51 0 0 0
0.057 0.058 0.059 0 0 0
1.027 1.416 1.601 0 0 0
0.996 1.062 1.096 0 0 0
1.856 2.694 1.73 0 0 0
11.419 1 0 11.419 0 1
0.334 0.337 0.342 0 0 0
0.869 0.925 1 0 0 0
0.491 0.627 0.645 0 0 0
0.45 0.45 0 0.45 0 0.45
quipment Management 23.515 23.273 20.122 4.298 0 0
oring and Forecasting 1.165 1.396 0 0 0 0
0.574 0.757 0.83 0 0 0
0.196 0.201 0.206 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.083 0.041 0.062 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.114 0.117 0.129 0 0 0
0.749 0.76 0.779 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.37 0.377 0.386 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.613 0.625 0.641 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.379 0.385 0.394 0 0 0
414.596 364.367 314.809 368.749 0 336.259
0.503 0.528 0.555 0 0 0
0.626 0.506 0.568 0 0 0
0.02 0.02 0.02 0 0 0
0.313 0.326 0.332 0 0 0
0.011 0.011 0.011 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 5.514 2.669 3.16 0 0 0
0.775 0.795 0.815 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.291 0.296 0.306 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.329 0.338 0.35 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 0.05 0.05 0.05 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.112 0.13 0.104 0 0 0
1.032 1.062 1.201 0 0 0
0.077 0.19 0.197 0 0 0
0.085 0.085 0.085 0 0 0
ernment Records 0.736 0.813 0.923 0 0 0
0.159 0.16 0.16 0 0 0
ce Management 0.606 0.621 0.682 0 0 0
0.64 0.659 0.696 0 0 0
1.002 1.109 0.842 0 0 0
0.294 0.092 0 0 0 0
0.065 0.076 0.084 0 0 0
2.357 2.401 3.948 0 0 0
ce Management 1.423 1.663 1.888 0 0 0
0.26 0.264 0.268 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.024 0.025 0.026 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 0.05 0.06 0.062 0 0 0
0.15 0.894 1.782 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.194 0.198 0.202 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.627 0.643 2.277 0 0 0
ce Management 0.014 0.014 0.014 0 0 0
3.45 3.45 3.45 0 0 0
0.501 0.519 0.529 0 0 0
0.016 0.016 0.017 0 0 0
0.006 0.006 0.006 0 0 0
0.068 0.069 0.044 0 0 0
3.803 5.843 15.486 0.125 0 1.411
ent and Training 11.227 9.229 10.792 0 0 0
0.034 0.035 0.036 0 0 0
0.571 0.599 1.489 0 0 0
0.016 0.017 0.017 0 0 0
0.053 0.055 0.057 0 0 0
0.382 0.466 0.542 0 0 0
1.203 1.148 1.395 0.42 0 0.496
d Compensation 0.34 0.346 0.352 0 0 0
0.008 0.008 0.008 0 0 0
0.254 0.26 0.266 0 0 0
0.054 0.058 0.199 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.122 0.124 0.124 0 0 0
0.15 0.15 0.15 0 0 0
0.117 0.36 0.611 0 0 0
0.37 0.49 0.263 0 0 0
0.423 0.431 0.44 0 0 0
0.093 0.36 0.123 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 0.08 0.08 0.08 0 0 0
0.182 0.188 0.196 0 0 0
54.78 57.821 55.361 0.146 0 0.149
14.666 12.395 12.473 0 0 0
0.457 0.545 0.547 0 0 0
11.584 11.439 9.562 0 0 0
d Innovation 75.034 72.638 44.389 43.8 0 40.84
0.176 0.157 0.161 0 0 0
0.738 0.788 0.801 0 0 0
Management 0.046 0.051 0.052 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.154 0.16 0.165 0 0 0
0.107 0.11 0.113 0 0 0
0.014 0.014 0.014 0 0 0
0.623 0.724 0.785 0 0 0
0.038 0.039 0.039 0 0 0
0.208 0.144 0.126 0 0 0
0.038 0.039 0.039 0 0 0
0.038 0.039 0.039 0 0 0
0.011 0.011 0.011 0 0 0
0.116 0.114 0.17 0 0 0
ernment Records 0.199 0.186 0.149 0.056 0 0.04
0.003 0.003 0.004 0 0 0
0.006 0.006 0.006 0 0 0
0.099 0.164 0.158 0 0 0
0.865 0.992 1.198 0 0 0
0.141 0.1 0.26 0 0 0
5.003 5.004 5.583 0 0 0
0.199 0.202 0.474 0 0 0
2.874 1.587 1.434 2.874 0 1.587
1.316 1.327 1.349 1.316 0 1.327
0.205 0.205 0.205 0 0 0
Preservation 0.182 0.182 0.327 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 0.144 0.149 0.154 0 0 0
Management 0.164 0.164 0.165 0 0 0
0.8 0.29 0.297 0 0 0
0.006 0.006 0.006 0 0 0
0.807 1.171 1.106 0 0 0
0.029 0.029 0.03 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 8.789 8.969 9.153 0 0 0
1.058 1.075 0 0 0 0
0.729 0.578 0.569 0 0 0
4.708 5.035 5.5 0.736 0 0.991
1.348 1.621 1.646 0 0 0
1.948 1.993 2.039 0 0 0
2.009 2.029 2.049 0 0 0
ce Management 2.1 2.269 2.273 0 0 0
0.857 0.905 0.891 0 0 0
d Compensation 1.676 1.759 1.896 0 0 0
3.442 5.315 5.414 0 0 0
16.1 16.257 16.429 0 0 0
0.445 0.481 0.508 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.551 1.001 1.001 0 0 0
1.509 1.585 1.633 0 0 0
0.003 0.207 0.211 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.042 0.042 0.043 0 0 0
1.009 1.419 1.623 0 0 0
1.803 1.528 1.946 0 0 0
0.301 0.274 0.26 0 0 0
1.141 1.004 0.794 0 0 0
0.194 0.194 0.194 0 0 0
0.171 0.174 0.176 0 0 0
5.011 2.459 2.477 2.851 0 0
0.38 0.238 0.239 0 0 0
4.735 7.231 5.206 0 0 0
1.937 1.302 1.574 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 2 0 0.45 0 0 0
2.733 0 3.692 0 0 0
0.059 0 0.062 0 0 0
0.447 0 0.483 0 0 0
0.219 0.09 0.175 0 0 0
0.392 0.178 0.35 0 0 0
0.129 0.09 0 0 0 0
0.481 0.613 0.501 0 0 0
0.072 0.251 0 0 0 0
0.859 0.951 1.28 0 0 0
0.072 0.251 0 0 0 0
15.401 28.463 21.622 12.801 0 20.668
quipment Management 0.9 1.86 1.92 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1058.215 1337.857 1271.791 0.563 0 0.967
0.139 0.14 0.14 0 0 0
7.473 7.053 6.529 0 0 0
and Practitioner Education 1.555 1.888 1.954 0.8 0 1
0.381 0.734 0.734 0.381 0 0.734
0.187 0.16 0.202 0 0 0
1.601 1.367 1.727 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 21.759 22.085 22.417 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 13.312 13.512 13.714 0 0 0
2.834 3.2 2.817 0 0 0
ce Management 0.521 0.537 0.553 0 0 0
0.854 4.036 2.684 0 0 0
1.332 3.076 3.164 0 0 0
0.015 0.015 0.015 0.013 0 0.013
0.145 0.183 0.171 0 0 0
14.233 17.47 16.151 10.902 0 16.299
0.481 0.505 0.71 0 0 0
quipment Management 1.078 1.21 1.329 0 0 0
3.343 3.941 4.646 2.001 0 2.013
nt / Integration Support 0.002 0.002 0.002 0 0 0
1.649 1.673 1.705 0 0 0
0.1 0.1 0.102 0 0 0
0.2 0.204 0.208 0 0 0
4.685 5.173 5.328 0 0 0
114.021 41.805 50.75 10 0 0
0.071 0.074 0.074 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.028 0.03 0.03 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 27.308 6.692 8.425 0.853 0 0.638
10.485 8.816 9.051 1.634 0 1.037
on and Delivery 0.387 0.225 0.227 0 0 0
quipment Management 3.22 3.036 3.129 0 0 0
0.225 0.266 0.722 0 0 0
ce Management 0.071 0.073 0.074 0 0 0
0.105 0.089 0.113 0 0 0
2.866 3.503 2.341 0 0 0
2.364 2.019 2.551 0 0 0
21.34 27.075 38.134 0 0 0
0.685 1.106 2.805 0 0 0
2.043 2.035 1.174 0 0 0
0.111 0.166 0.169 0 0 0
0 0.004 0 0 0 0
0.184 0.184 0 0 0 0
1.054 1.027 3.094 0 0 0
0.37 0.378 0 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 9.135 9.501 9.881 0 0 0
0.036 0.03 0.039 0 0 0
1.436 1.708 5.469 0 0 0
1.101 0 0.715 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.629 0.537 0.678 0 0 0
and Practitioner Education 0.527 0 0.94 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 30.567 17.904 24.972 0 0 0
d Compensation 2.528 2.586 4.25 0 0 0
ry, and Vocational Education 5.725 5.863 6.032 1.105 0 0.802
logical Research and Innovation 0.828 1.216 1.241 0 0 0
3.63 3.048 2.228 0 0 0
0.763 0.8 2.119 0 0 0
1.744 0 1.307 0 0 0
12.527 12.774 12.779 0 0 0
2.462 2.775 2.88 0.274 0 0.35
1.318 0.882 0.807 0 0 0
0.15 0.15 0.155 0 0 0
ent and Training 1.405 1.433 1.433 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 2.375 3 3.045 0 0 0
0.573 0.574 0.67 0 0 0
0.889 0.889 0.889 0 0 0
7.326 12.325 7.698 2.764 0 0
1.24 1.39 1.42 0 0 0
quipment Management 3.663 2.636 2.636 0 0 0
0.451 0.445 0.455 0.451 0 0.445
0.061 0.061 0.061 0 0 0
1.45 1.494 0 0 0 0
1.443 1.472 1.501 0 0 0
16.142 13.068 16.935 16.142 0 13.068
quipment Management 0.108 0.11 0.112 0 0 0
0.063 0.063 0.063 0 0 0
quipment Management 7.704 10.845 11.696 2.038 0 4.825
0.047 0.049 0.051 0 0 0
0.782 1.056 0.83 0 0 0
0 0.146 0.149 0 0 0
0.149 0.146 0.18 0 0 0
14.835 17.618 50.862 0 0 0
25.12 44.552 53.666 25.12 0 44.552
8.844 8.369 8.511 0 0 0
0.165 0.121 0.073 0 0 0
1.057 0.999 0.698 0 0 0
ce Management 2.196 1.518 2.152 0 0 0
0.136 0.114 0.114 0 0 0
0.129 0.129 0.129 0 0 0
2.478 3.382 2.544 1.679 0 2.116
0.131 0.131 0.134 0 0 0
0.144 0.259 0.263 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 7.188 8.695 8.188 0 0 0.507
0.803 0.978 0.995 0 0 0
0.418 0.506 0.546 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 0.742 1.011 1.011 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.015 0.334 0.331 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.957 1.542 0.587 0 0 0
0.014 0.725 0.635 0 0 0
ent and workflow 0.603 1.963 0.593 0 0 0
2.44 2.294 2.392 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.999 0.35 0.401 0 0 0
0.846 1.624 1.539 0 0 0
19.08 15.485 15.77 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.01 0.005 0.005 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.029 0.03 0.031 0 0 0
69.867 72.387 72.941 0 0 0
on and Delivery 3.354 3.509 3.481 0 0 0
0.45 0.448 0.423 0 0 0
52.73 43.756 46.655 0 0 0
0.554 0.557 0.571 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0.475 0.484 0 0 0
2.789 2.7 2.959 0 0 0
3.945 6.686 9.427 1.583 0 2.275
0.848 0.861 0.404 0 0 0
0.622 0.632 0.62 0 0 0
0.432 0.632 0.644 0 0 0
0.695 1.224 1.248 0 0 0
4.25 4.422 11.292 0 0 0
12.452 7.618 10.671 12.452 0 7.618
10.683 2.954 2.53 7.626 0 0
0.022 0.022 0.022 0 0 0
ce Management 0.278 0.284 0.269 0 0 0
0.355 0.362 0.343 0 0 0
0.405 0.413 0.391 0 0 0
0.787 0.803 0.76 0 0 0
0.38 0.388 0.368 0 0 0
7.66 7.846 7.948 2.083 0 1.987
53.074 51.354 53.45 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 18.824 17.709 17.62 8.027 0 5.513
0.035 0.037 0.039 0 0 0
3.799 3.859 3.92 0 0 0
3.748 2.298 0 0 0 0
6.583 5.739 4.687 3.864 0 4.181
ce Management 0 1.57 1.602 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 17.631 17.894 23.919 17.631 0 17.894
3.929 22.76 43.041 0 0 5.418
301 - Force A624 - Payroll 53.874 45.198 29.304 48.838 0 35.01
d Compensation 0.958 1.024 0.996 0 0 0
1.022 1.634 1.436 0 0 0
0.245 0.24 0.24 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 2.077 2.251 1.977 0.75 0 0.741
and Surveillance 0.998 0.481 0.378 0 0 0
12.305 12.866 14.561 4.674 0 5.184
0.213 0.13 0.13 0 0 0
22.616 21.517 22.773 7.333 0 7.052
2.953 2.452 2.487 0 0 0
1.997 3.993 3.916 0.576 0 2.846
IT Infrastructure 11.585 13.588 12.951 2.879 0 3.563
1 1 1 0 0 0
0.933 0.952 0 0 0 0
1.121 1.17 0 1.121 0 1.17
ernment Records 0.254 0.265 0.276 0 0 0
0.2 0.204 0.208 0 0 0
0.329 0.329 0 0 0 0
5.877 6.468 1.31 0 0 0
0.153 0.158 0.168 0 0 0
12.278 16.342 14.927 0 0 0
0.251 0.253 0.256 0 0 0
0.047 0.033 0.033 0 0 0
0.087 0.087 0.087 0 0 0
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 1.302 4.432 4.6 0.95 0 3.134
9.236 10.492 10.932 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 6.162 2.933 3.025 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 2.913 2.309 1.948 0 0 0
6.032 5.014 5.093 0.521 0 0
0.25 1.564 2.002 0.25 0 0
222.359 206.783 186.667 68.604 0 64.098
15.301 13.538 15.683 6.854 0 3.63
quipment Management 0.059 0.061 0.062 0 0 0
24.632 18.388 0 24.632 0 18.388
3.783 4.164 3.731 0.924 0 0.963
61.963 62.213 56.787 61.963 0 62.213
11.09 9.639 8.03 0 0 0
d Compensation 79.279 73.763 74.738 4.08 0 1.467
oring and Forecasting 0.101 0.111 0.096 0 0 0
9.033 9.97 12.63 0 0 0
1.284 1.202 1.222 0 0 0
0 11.851 7.458 0 0 1.542
0 13.831 9.555 0 0 5.117
0.579 0.588 0.305 0 0 0
ce Management 0.33 0.336 0.319 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.439 0.179 0.183 0 0 0
1.664 2.233 1.622 0 0 0
on and Delivery 1.793 1.178 1.191 0 0 0
16.808 15.964 13.985 0 0 0
2.791 3.379 2.826 0 0 0
8.315 7.895 8.126 2.927 0 2.845
1.669 3.004 5.069 0 0 0
0.801 0.815 0.794 0 0 0
0.014 0.014 0.014 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0.001 0 0 0
21.269 18.564 26.341 0 0 0.6
3.808 3.473 3.646 0 0 0
0.534 0.394 0.236 0 0 0
3.433 3.902 4.058 0 0 0
0 0.754 0.77 0 0 0
1.527 1.052 1.12 0 0 0
0.05 0.05 0.05 0 0 0
0.4 0.23 0.23 0 0 0
66.601 18.3 17.183 5.678 0 0
and Surveillance 5.4 0.808 1.036 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.09 0.09 0.09 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.194 0.22 0.22 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.153 0.199 0.199 0 0 0
17.5 11.5 11.5 0 0 0
0.147 0.15 0.156 0 0 0
ce Management 0.459 0.446 0.449 0 0 0
0.34 0.36 0.38 0 0 0
0.052 0.056 0.057 0 0 0
ce Management 7.937 7.938 8.014 0 0 0
ernment Records 0.036 0.036 0.036 0 0 0
ce Management 3.41 1.973 3.42 2.729 0 1.233
0.919 0.45 0.458 0 0 0
0.21 0.233 0.258 0.21 0 0.233
nce Integration 7.888 9.202 7.247 0.691 0 0.407
0.475 1.25 1.251 0 0 0
0.837 0.865 0.865 0 0 0
ent and Training 1.402 1.485 1.568 0 0 0
0.532 0.644 0.382 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.782 2.003 3.153 0.782 0 1.56
2 1.25 1.5 0 0 0
0.016 0.017 0.017 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.283 0.277 0.556 0 0 0
1.165 1.23 1.041 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.215 0.232 0.229 0 0 0
4.462 4.965 4.462 3.123 0 3.031
9.3 4.939 5.053 0 0 0
0.15 0.154 0.101 0 0 0
on and Delivery 5.353 14.852 12.945 1.4 0 1.4
and Practitioner Education 1.312 1.925 2.136 0.086 0 0
3.325 3.425 3.527 0 0 0
0.014 0.028 0.028 0 0 0
2.725 2.3 2.57 0.596 0 0
0.147 0.158 0.146 0 0 0
ce Management 0.135 0.266 0 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.009 0 0.013 0 0 0
on and Delivery 1.867 2.034 1.856 0 0 0
ce Management 0.118 0.123 0.109 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.326 0.333 0.34 0 0 0
ce Management 0.185 0 0.073 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.101 0.165 0.109 0 0 0
ce Management 0.15 0.15 0.15 0 0 0
ce Management 1.599 1.363 1.185 0.337 0 0
on and Delivery 3.63 6.131 0.138 0 0 2.42
ce Management 0.677 0.731 1.045 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.018 0.042 0.019 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.02 0.241 0.133 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.19 0.272 0.202 0 0 0
on and Delivery 1.984 4.282 5.266 0 0 0
0.046 0.046 0.046 0 0 0
0.092 0.092 0.092 0 0 0
d Compensation 0.268 0.025 0.202 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.609 0.628 0.647 0 0 0
ce Management 0.299 0.254 0.254 0 0 0
0.091 0.1 0.104 0 0 0
0.683 0.705 0.717 0 0 0
0.003 0.003 0.003 0 0 0
d Compensation 3.722 3.811 3.991 0 0 0
ce Management 1.889 1.946 2.004 0 0 0
0.128 0.13 0.132 0 0 0
0.424 0.437 0.45 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.02 0.5 0.025 0 0 0
0.208 0.207 0.251 0 0 0
ce Management 0.748 0.808 0.575 0 0 0
ce Management 0.316 0.324 0.336 0 0 0
0.642 0.66 0.668 0 0 0
0.179 0.194 0.162 0 0 0
d Compensation 0.6 0.597 0.639 0 0 0
d Compensation 1.606 1.746 1.594 0 0 0
d Compensation 0.262 0.284 0.259 0 0 0
1.284 1.925 2 0 0 0
ce Management 0.006 0.007 0.007 0 0 0
ce Management 0.896 0.914 0.927 0 0 0
on and Delivery 1.83 2.184 1.216 0 0 0
0.1 0.108 0.221 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.03 0 0.024 0 0 0
1.755 1.824 1.717 0.35 0 0.047
on and Delivery 0.619 0.864 0.864 0 0 0
1.378 3.474 4.468 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.042 0.043 0.044 0.042 0 0.043
0.354 0.325 0.424 0 0 0
2.715 2.92 3.066 0 0 0
0.67 0.703 0.738 0 0 0
0.109 0.172 0 0 0 0
0.547 0.553 0.674 0 0 0
0.023 0.022 0.201 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0.001 0 0 0
0.022 0.136 0.023 0 0 0
0.025 0.025 0.025 0 0 0
17.543 26.94 15.127 0 0 0
0.998 0.998 0.998 0 0 0
0.167 0.125 0.125 0 0 0
0.023 0.022 0.026 0 0 0
0.018 0.018 0.019 0 0 0
0.102 0.102 0.102 0 0 0
0.182 0.259 0 0 0 0
0.024 0.052 0.052 0 0 0
0.045 0.045 0.045 0 0 0
0.512 0.509 0.513 0 0 0
0.046 0.046 0.046 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0 0.001
9.8 25.216 10.01 0 0 0
1.239 1.264 1.289 0 0 0
0.706 0.719 0.732 0 0 0
0.094 0.094 0.094 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.016 0.028 0.028 0 0 0
0.136 0.199 0.205 0 0 0
1.193 2.008 2.068 0 0 0
0.086 0.09 0 0 0 0
0.265 0.022 0.136 0 0 0
0 0.03 0 0 0 0.03
0.628 0.654 0.68 0 0 0
0.96 0.979 0.999 0 0 0
0.014 0.014 0.014 0 0 0
0.4 0.4 0.92 0 0 0
1.262 1.777 1.808 0 0 0
0.673 0.873 0.873 0 0 0
0.725 0.7 0.55 0 0 0
0.013 0.148 0.148 0 0 0
1.9 2.375 2.375 0 0 0
1.396 2.1 0.562 0 0 0
0.355 0.43 0.707 0 0 0
0.061 0.028 0 0 0 0
8.772 7.124 8.439 0 0 0
0.217 0.07 0.22 0 0 0
1.906 1.792 1.81 0 0 0.466
0.488 0.491 0.496 0 0 0
0 0.841 0.857 0 0 0
5.034 5.061 5.85 0 0 0
0.488 0.268 0 0 0 0
5.233 6.162 7.627 0 0 0
5.993 6.092 7.271 0 0 0
6.51 3.815 0 0 0 0
1.853 1.853 0 0 0 0
0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0
1.4 1.681 1.816 0 0 0
0.188 0.225 0.27 0 0 0
0.047 0.047 0.047 0 0 0
5.193 10.743 7.084 0 0 0
0.495 0.44 0.5 0 0 0
0.004 0.015 0.015 0 0 0
0.542 0.548 0 0 0 0
0.025 0.022 0 0 0 0
1.176 1.216 1.263 0 0 0
0.002 0.007 0.007 0 0 0
0.18 0.162 0.146 0 0 0
0.22 0.225 0.23 0 0 0
0.02 0.02 0.024 0 0 0
0.625 0.63 0.635 0 0 0
1.823 1.885 1.949 0 0 0
0.013 0.013 0.013 0 0 0
0.003 0.015 0.015 0 0 0
0.2 0.159 0.166 0 0 0
0.082 0.047 0 0 0 0
6.763 7.064 7.381 0 0 0
d Compensation 0.519 0.539 0.559 0 0 0
0.013 0.013 0.013 0 0 0
0.022 0.022 0.2 0 0 0
0.05 0.1 0.1 0 0 0
d Compensation 0.511 0.529 0.547 0 0 0
2.338 2.338 2.338 0 0 0
10.195 9.026 9.297 0 0 0
0.375 0.375 0.375 0 0 0
0.034 0.034 0.034 0 0 0
0.1 0.05 0.05 0 0 0
0.1 0.9 0.8 0 0 0
0.22 0.22 0.22 0 0 0
0.213 0.215 0.217 0.213 0 0.215
0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0 0.02
0.161 0.161 0.161 0.161 0 0.161
on and Delivery 0.141 0.142 0.209 0 0 0
0.25 0.252 0.254 0 0 0
0.048 0.049 0.051 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.057 0.066 0.066 0.057 0 0.066
on and Delivery 0.135 0.375 0 0 0 0
0.136 0.268 0 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.134 0.266 0.134 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.079 0.079 0.079 0 0 0
0.015 0.01 0 0.015 0 0.01
4.411 1.76 1.815 0 0 0
0.089 0.089 0.089 0.089 0 0.089
logical Research and Innovation 0.057 0.066 0.066 0.057 0 0.066
IT Infrastructure 0.545 0.545 0.545 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.095 0.098 0.1 0.095 0 0.098
0.372 0.165 0.17 0 0 0
0.102 0.182 0.187 0.102 0 0.182
0.785 0.713 0.714 0 0 0
1.595 1.597 1.599 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.556 1.862 0.388 0.405 0 1.59
4.71 6.772 7.684 2.738 0 3.406
0.145 0.183 0.171 0 0 0
30.874 33.474 33.342 0.009 0 0.36
IT Infrastructure 28.351 35.625 36.912 1.655 0 1.844
3.798 1.468 4.508 0 0 0
0.177 0.174 0.183 0 0 0
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 0.727 0.666 0.848 0 0 0
1.355 0.064 0.525 0 0 0
quipment Management 4.5 3.5 3 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.114 0.125 0.137 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.039 0.04 0.041 0 0 0
0.092 0.092 0.092 0 0 0
0.083 0.092 0.101 0 0 0
ce Management 0.49 0.529 0.439 0 0 0
on and Delivery 2.025 2.341 2.025 0 0 0
ce Management 0.407 0.582 0.661 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.398 0.413 0.427 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.118 0.143 0.127 0 0 0
0.2 0.2 0.2 0 0 0
1 0.95 0.9 0 0 0
0.056 0.075 0.075 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.013 0.014 0.014 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.005 0.005 0.005 0 0 0
ce Management 0.073 0.076 0.077 0 0 0
quipment Management 3.87 1.01 1.03 0 0 0
Management 0.001 0.009 0.009 0 0 0
ce Management 2.53 4.427 2.891 0.121 0 0.239
9.591 8.207 8.012 9.591 0 8.207
IT Infrastructure 4.641 3.942 4.02 0 0 0
se Architecture 2.323 3.876 4.729 0.153 0 0.154
0.038 0.022 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 12.94 14.392 14.95 1.098 0 0.8
nce Integration 0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
nce Integration 0.05 0.05 0.05 0 0 0
0.029 0.029 0.029 0.029 0 0.029
0.001 0.001 0.001 0 0 0
0.175 0.178 0.18 0.034 0 0.035
14.047 31.525 34.941 14.047 0 31.525
oring and Forecasting 0.015 0.016 0.016 0 0 0
quipment Management 3.996 3.894 4.012 0.194 0 0
0.6 0.25 0.25 0.6 0 0
3.277 2.748 2.223 1.502 0 0.921
27.199 24.373 23.287 8.788 0 5.077
0.373 0.55 0.565 0 0 0
0.024 0.118 0.121 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.295 0.303 0.311 0 0 0
0.837 0.844 0.851 0 0 0
10.639 14.546 11.111 10.639 0 14.546
0.312 0.181 0 0 0 0
and Control 0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
0.13 0.259 0.234 0 0 0.125
1.5 1.771 1.963 0 0 0
0.1 2.71 5.01 0 0 0
0.064 0.066 0.268 0 0 0
and Practitioner Education 35.667 20 24.191 35.667 0 20
ent and Training 0.649 0.569 0.631 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 23.956 24.728 24.927 0 0 0
0 1.79 1.726 0 0 0
0.818 0.757 0.839 0 0 0
ns Infrastructure 22.244 44.735 57.873 5.088 0 17.469
8.831 13.846 12.109 0 0 0.168
3.733 1.5 0 3.733 0 1.5
4.966 3.419 6.849 0 0 0
0.529 0.607 0.574 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.02 0.02 0.02 0 0 0
14.29 16.81 5.341 0 0 0
0.258 0.266 0.273 0 0 0
0.062 0.065 0.068 0 0 0
0.001 0 0.001 0 0 0
5.56 11.176 10.448 1.497 0 6.833
4.033 3.418 2.642 0 0 0
0.294 0.303 0.312 0 0 0
0.216 0.325 0.497 0 0 0
58.837 59.05 59.771 0 0 0
0.473 0.335 0.334 0 0 0
0.111 0.113 0.115 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.178 0 0.18 0 0 0
quipment Management 15.495 22.58 23.709 0 0 0
ce Management 0.29 0.3 0 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 1.139 0.148 0.04 0 0 0
0.097 0.103 0.106 0 0 0
1.545 1.545 1.545 0 0 0
1.336 1.428 1.453 0 0 0
0.112 0.033 0 0.112 0 0.033
21.157 49.898 58.475 21.157 0 49.898
17.445 21.854 14.351 17.445 0 21.854
quipment Management 0.002 0.022 0.002 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.45 0.45 0.5 0 0 0
0.029 0.01 0.045 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.015 0.015 0.015 0 0 0
quipment Management 3 3 3 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.045 0.045 0.045 0 0 0
0.167 0 0.122 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.144 0.144 0.144 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.49 0.499 0.838 0 0 0
81.901 93.11 78.51 0 0 0
0.718 0.731 0.746 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.9 0 0.697 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.04 0 0.032 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.03 0 0.024 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.83 0 0.697 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.83 0 0.697 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.13 0 0.058 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.07 0 0.064 0 0 0
quipment Management 1.693 1.3 1.301 0 0 0
0.026 0.026 0.026 0 0 0
ent and Training 4.057 4.178 4.266 0 0 0
1.617 1.505 1.531 0 0 0
0.376 0.709 0.758 0 0 0
9.1 7.214 17.76 0.005 0 0.01
ent and Training 0.05 0 0.003 0 0 0
0.001 3.396 3.45 0 0 0
ce Management 0.964 1.042 1.184 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 7.393 9.863 10.088 7.393 0 8.171
quipment Management 0.094 0.096 0.098 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.223 0.233 0.237 0 0 0
0.498 0.533 0.515 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.202 0.285 0.2 0 0 0.01
oring and Forecasting 3.192 28.714 27.718 0 0 0
37.047 36.661 35.927 1.2 0 1.2
IT Infrastructure 56.473 65.603 74.37 0 0 0
0.002 0.002 0.002 0 0 0
2.7 0.098 0.1 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.171 0.171 0.171 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.099 0.175 0.05 0 0 0
ns Infrastructure 0.163 0.064 0.063 0 0 0
0.223 0.223 0.223 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0.001 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.001 0.001 0.001 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0.001 0 0 0
0.184 0.175 0.185 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0.001 0 0 0
Apprehension 0.001 0.001 0.001 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0.001 0 0 0
0.175 0.175 0.175 0 0 0
7.516 3.438 10.731 2.207 0 1.294
13.023 9.108 8.951 1.046 0 0.494
0.439 0.431 0.443 0 0 0
on and Delivery 1.994 2.056 5.41 0.544 0 0.573
on and Delivery 2.567 3.872 4.338 1.341 0 2.086
12.104 0.858 0.492 0 0 0
6.289 2.483 7.026 1.062 0 0.5
1.696 0.958 0.974 0 0 0
0 0.598 0.721 0 0 0
nce, and Reconnaissance 4.557 7.204 16.039 1.008 0 1.183
nce, and Reconnaissance 21.629 19.312 17.551 5.27 0 3.508
0.788 4.858 4.989 0 0 0
1.989 1.845 3.288 0 0 0
0.64 0.64 0.64 0.275 0 0
46.696 54.143 56.724 35.134 0 42.069
5.247 6.978 6.978 1.052 0 0.668
0.619 0.806 1.054 0 0 0
67.089 31.861 28.787 0.283 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 15.692 24.823 17.22 12.495 0 17.594
28.012 2.036 46.547 4.81 0 0.618
nt Management and workflow 21.476 23.358 22.438 0 0 0
19.574 34.52 43.46 0 0 0
20.733 23.23 23.873 0 0 0
8.698 1.484 1.861 0 0 0
0.873 0.794 0.817 0 0 0
ernment Records 5.33 5.586 5.218 0 0 0
1.279 1.322 1.35 0 0 0
0.957 0.486 0 0 0 0
0.068 0.09 0.091 0 0 0
ce Management 0 4.684 6.288 0 0 0
0.887 0.916 0.937 0.887 0 0.916
5.795 5.461 5.64 0 0 0
quipment Management 3.041 3.121 3.394 0 0 0
5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 0 5.5
28.358 24.421 27.508 10.037 0 9.151
nt Management and workflow 2.402 2.491 3.119 0 0 0
469.114 451.076 430.296 0.339 0 0
2.119 2.366 2.294 0.65 0 0
26.086 38.509 29.923 0 0 0
577 - Knowled
649 - Access 71.622 63.686 68.431 0 0 0
244.89 288.7 283.9 123.825 0 149.989
IT Infrastructure 8.867 9.375 9.124 0 0 0
4.916 3.116 3.734 0 0 0
8.209 10.399 6.967 0 0 0
0.217 1.199 1.026 0 0 0
3.448 3.204 3.233 0 0 0
283.71 219.702 110.109 12.517 0 16.567
ility Benefits 0.71 0.808 0.667 0 0 0
17.398 16 16.417 0 0 0
0.111 0.113 0.115 0 0 0
11.35 12.644 11.224 2.143 0 2.804
ent and Training 6.45 4.471 5.663 0 0 0
5.022 12.309 17.152 5.022 0 12.309
0.056 0.058 0.06 0 0 0
2.2 3.053 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.085 0.085 0.085 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.695 1.175 1.17 0 0 0
0.139 0.139 0.139 0 0 0
1.2 1 1 0 0 0
ent and workflow 0.025 0.027 0.03 0 0 0
0.197 0.146 0.149 0 0 0
3.563 3.627 3.692 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 137.357 137.1 12.5 136.652 0 137.1
IT Infrastructure 0.062 0.064 0.066 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.179 0.18 0 0.119 0 0.12
2.463 4.656 3.843 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 5.187 4.613 5.599 0.75 0 0.597
0.152 0.154 0.156 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.021 0.132 0.021 0 0 0
0.022 0.022 0.027 0 0 0
11.821 1.816 3.984 11.821 0 1.816
24.003 15.984 18.059 23.603 0 15.984
1.922 2.628 2.674 0 0 0
0.027 0.027 0.141 0 0 0
1.326 1.326 1.27 0 0 0
0.701 1.339 0.736 0.701 0 1.339
9.316 7.153 8.25 8.641 0 7.153
on and Delivery 0.027 0.03 0.033 0.027 0 0.03
logical Research and Innovation 4 0.513 0.135 2.208 0 0.513
0.033 0.036 0.037 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0 0.001
0.06 0.155 0 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.025 0.024 0.027 0 0 0
ns Infrastructure 1.994 1.576 1.677 0 0 0
0.132 0.02 0.022 0 0 0
1.305 0.191 0.194 1.305 0 0.191
0.139 0.139 0.139 0 0 0
8.134 13.184 6.425 7.911 0 12.942
on and Delivery 0.472 0.487 0.502 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 5.273 0.425 5.559 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.817 2.25 2.25 1.067 0 1.5
2.247 1.788 1.359 0 0 0
0.197 0.02 0.024 0 0 0
3.111 7.386 3.735 0 0 0
0.325 0.33 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.839 0.864 0.89 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.131 0.244 0.139 0 0 0
0.041 0 0.044 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.601 0.609 0 0.401 0 0.405
1.178 3.915 4.571 1.156 0 3.896
0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0 0.25
IT Infrastructure 0 0.01 0 0 0 0.01
nt / Integration Support 0.471 1.346 1.508 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.471 1.346 1.508 0 0 0
4.049 4.229 4.349 0 0 0
0.139 0.139 0.139 0 0 0
0.16 0.16 0.16 0 0 0
0.424 0.222 0.229 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 0 1
IT Infrastructure 0.816 0.816 0.953 0 0 0
on and Delivery 1.574 1.576 1.788 0 0 0
0.098 0.098 0.111 0 0 0
0.255 0.264 0.273 0 0 0
0 0.05 0.051 0 0 0
9.814 16.12 5.179 5.362 0 3.592
IT Infrastructure 1.03 1.03 1.03 0 0 0
13.578 22.716 13.559 13.578 0 13.002
0.015 0.01 0.011 0.015 0 0.01
5.18 5.484 4.965 5.18 0 5.484
9.002 8.669 11.365 8.946 0 8.663
on and Delivery 6.369 6.462 6.47 0.201 0 0.211
10.209 22.369 14.338 10.209 0 20.515
IT Infrastructure 0.625 0.625 0.625 0 0 0
ce Management 0.193 0.196 0.198 0 0 0
2.605 2.709 2.818 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.212 0.217 0.08 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.022 0.201 0.137 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.01 0 0.01
0.022 0.022 0.201 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.114 0.01 0.04 0.114 0 0.01
48.628 38.989 21.629 48.628 0 38.989
logical Research and Innovation 1.825 1.14 0 1.825 0 1.14
IT Infrastructure 23.135 56.89 55.011 23.135 0 56.89
34.437 15.685 28.25 29.04 0 10.075
22.48 18.5 18.5 0 0 0
2.9 6 14.985 0 0 0
0.375 0.14 0.14 0 0 0
1.15 1.1 1.125 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0 0.002
10.728 7.733 5.896 10.728 0 7.733
1.435 5.368 4.542 1.435 0 5.368
IT Infrastructure 6.494 7.629 1.993 6.494 0 7.629
IT Infrastructure 2.4 2.4 2.45 0 0 0
0.462 0.8 0.527 0 0 0
0.27 3.5 2.5 0.27 0 3.5
IT Infrastructure 10.842 12.458 14.125 2.718 0 4.354
2.363 3.137 2.65 0 0 0
0.582 1.082 1.129 0 0 0
0.003 0.003 0.003 0 0 0
18.593 28.936 20.216 10.166 0 11.584
2.289 1.19 4.109 2.289 0 1.19
4.828 5.643 6.344 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0 0.55
IT Infrastructure 0.033 4.191 4.19 0 0 0.1
oring and Forecasting 0.183 0.15 0.15 0 0 0
0.196 0.196 0.196 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.553 1.297 0.706 0.49 0 0.352
IT Infrastructure 1.968 1.478 1.48 0 0 0
0.618 0.771 0.805 0 0 0
0.25 0.25 0.25 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 8.416 13.56 9.306 1.6 0 4.561
0.698 0.651 1.027 0 0 0
1.672 1.722 1.774 1.672 0 1.722
IT Infrastructure 0.103 0.25 0.075 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.672 0.863 0.863 0 0 0
42.568 27.74 32.735 37.784 0 19.645
0.585 0.578 0.578 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.04 0.04 0.04 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.287 0.297 0.337 0.287 0 0.297
IT Infrastructure 0.033 0.036 0.037 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 0.867 0.884 0.902 0 0 0
0.237 0.36 0.38 0 0 0
5.996 5.772 5.435 0 0 0
0.139 0.139 0.139 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 2.55 2.1 0.75 0 0 0
0.029 0.029 0.034 0 0 0
0.139 0.139 0.139 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 7.544 7.544 7.544 0 0 0
1.03 1.03 1.03 0 0 0
0.169 0.172 0.175 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 5.345 5.357 5.369 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.809 1.809 1.253 1.809 0 1.809
IT Infrastructure 4.571 3.741 0 4.571 0 3.741
IT Infrastructure 0.383 0.403 0.424 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.437 1.477 1.518 1.437 0 1.477
IT Infrastructure 80.67 26.789 12.263 16.412 0 20.357
IT Infrastructure 0.339 0.394 0.408 0 0 0
2.032 2.047 2.047 0 0 0
0.267 0.276 0.276 0 0 0
3.974 5.125 5.167 0 0 0
0.589 0.532 0.603 0 0 0
ernment Records 3.542 1.621 1.797 0 0 0
ernment Records 1.723 0.816 1.966 0 0 0
1.017 0.826 1.654 0 0 0
1.008 0.28 1.043 0 0 0
0.251 0.5 0.5 0 0 0
0.49 0.49 0.37 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.6 3.198 5.116 0.5 0 2.221
0.075 0.204 0.208 0 0 0
0.765 0.765 0.787 0 0 0
0.834 0.394 0.392 0 0 0
2.18 2.043 2.103 0 0 0
0.616 0.906 0.898 0 0 0
1.975 2.045 2.523 0 0 0
1.154 1.235 1.267 0 0 0
2.287 9.429 12.509 0 0 0
1.689 1.748 1.81 0 0 0
0.775 0.806 0.838 0 0 0
2.689 2.519 2.432 0 0 0
0.997 1.196 1.214 0 0 0
1.232 0.727 0.752 0 0 0
0.325 0.331 0.337 0 0 0
1.646 1.662 1.511 0 0 0
0.708 0.765 0.714 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.03 0.165 0.015 0 0 0
n and Transmission 2.1 2.3 2.4 0 0 0
on and Delivery 3.161 3.386 2.921 1.124 0 0.953
0.037 0.047 0.049 0 0 0
0.05 0.075 0.075 0 0 0
2.14 2.189 2.2 0 0 0
0.272 0.272 0.272 0 0 0
0.063 0.35 0.35 0 0 0
0.109 0.109 0.109 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0.103 0.103 0 0 0
0.408 0.499 0.515 0 0 0
0.465 0.462 0.303 0 0 0
0.049 0.05 0.051 0 0 0
0.973 1.119 1.287 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.02 0.025 0.025 0 0 0
0.042 0.048 0.049 0 0 0
0.47 0.377 0.359 0 0 0
3.226 1.78 3.497 0 0 0
0.262 0.27 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.787 0.6 0.612 0 0 0
0.135 0.296 0.303 0 0 0
0.601 1.554 1.9 0 0 0
10.241 12.498 12.536 0 0 0
Development 0.267 0.272 0.277 0 0 0
0.015 0.015 0.015 0 0 0
0.514 0.289 0.294 0 0 0
ns Infrastructure 0.792 0.661 0.67 0 0 0
0.083 0.086 0.09 0 0 0
3.729 35.172 25.62 1.663 0 23.298
0.536 0.473 0.447 0 0 0
0 1.805 1.546 0 0 0
0.785 1.328 1.229 0.785 0 0.978
0.233 0.251 0.205 0 0 0
0.939 0.966 0.994 0 0 0
0.145 0.146 0.147 0 0 0
29 - Reporting and Information 11.161 9.316 13.254 7.209 0 4.962
0.747 0.75 0.765 0 0 0
0.128 0.12 0.13 0 0 0
0.749 1.223 1.014 0 0 0
0.117 0.095 0.096 0 0 0
0.069 0.186 0.187 0 0 0
0.112 0.216 0.217 0 0 0
7.551 8.963 19.508 0 0 0
17.476 21.487 19.49 3.696 0 6.61
0.835 0.863 0.863 0 0 0
1.227 1.647 1.65 0 0 0.362
IT Infrastructure 8.39 8.359 10.368 0 0 0
1.992 2.001 2.023 0 0 0
0.415 0.386 0.393 0 0 0
2.045 5.923 8.42 1.901 0 1.75
2.904 2.577 3.023 0 0 0
0.518 0.522 0.53 0 0 0
2.584 1.621 1.648 0 0 0
3.397 2.299 2.52 0 0 0
0.912 0.832 0.792 0.068 0 0.038
2 1.478 1.502 0.882 0 0.485
1.319 1.043 0.792 0.406 0 0.261
17.873 13.567 13.948 1.591 0 1.753
1.542 1.254 1.801 0.492 0 0.261
1.161 1.055 0.792 0.486 0 0.261
0.536 0.726 0.687 0 0 0.038
0.331 0.445 0.607 0 0 0
1.016 1.589 1.002 0.111 0 0.596
nd Services Acquisition 0.999 0.82 0.792 0.304 0 0.038
0.78 0.937 0.792 0.015 0 0.038
0.971 1.507 0.887 0 0 0.819
e Development and Training 4.845 2.241 2.106 2.493 0 1.154
5.818 12.286 3.273 0 0 0
16.168 15.162 18.293 0 0 0
2.125 2.241 2.458 0 0 0
0.008 0.008 0.008 0 0 0
0.125 0.125 0.125 0 0 0
0.043 0.046 0.049 0 0 0
0.143 0.154 0.213 0 0 0
0.992 1.072 1.304 0 0 0
0.524 0.524 0.524 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 25.692 70.862 70.847 0 0 0
0.212 0.317 0.527 0 0 0
quipment Management 3.03 3.462 3.891 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.256 0.256 0.26 0 0 0
quipment Management 3.4 3.566 4.012 0 0 0
1.651 1.88 2.054 0 0 0
0.139 0.139 0.139 0 0 0
/ Taxonomy / Categorization 0.149 0.152 0.155 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.036 0.036 0.036 0 0 0
0.233 0.175 0.179 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0.001 0.001 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0.001 0 0 0
0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0
0.145 0.148 0.152 0 0 0
1.257 1.264 1.363 0 0 0
0.238 0.207 0.528 0 0 0
0.936 1.056 1.089 0 0 0
0.342 0.266 0.271 0 0 0
/ Taxonomy / Categorization 0.142 0.146 0.15 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.001 0.001 0.001 0 0 0
/ Taxonomy / Categorization 3.262 3.125 2.993 0.692 0 0.267
nce Integration 1.463 3.217 3.27 1.463 0 3.217
0.998 0.501 0.51 0 0 0
2.425 3.443 3.76 0 0 0
2.263 1.94 3.1 0 0 0
0.201 0.182 0.182 0 0 0
0.461 0.436 0.438 0 0 0
ns Infrastructure 0.02 0.012 0.012 0 0 0
3.69 0.533 0.561 0 0 0
0.508 1.3 1.225 0.508 0 1.3
0.61 0.491 0.477 0 0 0
ns Infrastructure 2.285 2.334 2.387 0 0 0
nce, and Reconnaissance 9.749 8.017 12.662 0 0 0.5
14.776 14.24 32.325 1.178 0 2.334
2.196 11.763 12.259 0.199 0 6.993
0.48 0.456 0.326 0 0 0
0.44 0.46 0.48 0 0 0
0.011 0.011 0.011 0 0 0
/ Taxonomy / Categorization 0.779 0.801 0.823 0 0 0
1.867 0.898 4.582 0 0 0
0 8.81 1.843 0 0 0
0.309 0.318 0.069 0 0 0
0.34 0.35 0.069 0 0 0
ns Infrastructure 0.069 0.07 0.06 0.069 0 0.07
4.529 4.204 3.697 2.472 0 2.03
92.64 51.007 52.822 76.568 0 34.935
0.872 0.88 0.111 0.872 0 0.88
IT Infrastructure 33.263 18.153 17.068 13.263 0 13.263
43.343 41.784 35.279 3.522 0 2.835
3.918 4.01 3.994 0 0 0
5.215 4.867 4.953 0 0 0
0.068 0.075 0.082 0 0 0
12.428 13.403 10.53 3.131 0 3.319
4.839 8.878 3.606 0 0 2.637
0 0.27 0 0 0 0
0.115 0.386 0 0 0 0
18.089 18.113 18.606 0 0 0
1.62 1.074 1.092 0 0 0
Management 0 0.248 0.053 0 0 0.248
0.013 0.014 0.014 0 0 0
0.009 0.009 0.01 0 0 0
0.068 0.067 0.07 0 0 0
25.355 4.17 0 25.355 0 4.17
on and Delivery 0.048 0.05 0.051 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0
ernment Records 0.086 0.088 0.089 0 0 0
0.07 0.072 0.073 0 0 0
0.168 0.172 0.179 0 0 0
0.095 0.097 0.099 0 0 0
0.095 0.097 0.099 0 0 0
5.473 8.279 20.602 0.5 0 0.45
0.401 0.291 0.301 0 0 0
17.351 12.017 10.512 0 0 0
9.168 9.046 9.194 9.168 0 9.046
0.583 5.159 3.88 0 0 0
0.016 0.31 0.338 0 0 0
0 12.37 15.669 0 0 12.37
129.479 109.153 278.783 114.516 0 94.034
42.197 36.562 44.711 14.846 0 8.4
d Compensation 5.961 6.446 6.155 0 0 0
on and Delivery 1.058 1.08 1.119 0 0 0
nd and Control 0.17 0.187 0.206 0 0 0
0.119 0.121 0.124 0 0 0
1.311 2.099 0.998 0 0 0
2.146 2.855 3.618 0 0 0
33.629 33.002 35.014 0 0 0
0.093 0.095 0.098 0 0 0
4.268 3.303 2.959 2.917 0 1.585
1.819 2.393 2.251 0 0 0
on and Delivery 4.787 4.877 4.967 0 0 0
0.411 1.45 1.65 0 0 0
161.98 162.875 137.585 21.104 0 20.999
0.221 0.243 0.267 0 0 0
4.431 4.504 12.614 0 0 0
10.584 11.42 17.785 3.565 0 3.09
ce Management 24.361 30.541 25.994 2.867 0 2.454
35.162 37.946 38.391 0 0 0.207
IT Infrastructure 3.02 3.934 4.049 0 0 0
35.38 21.398 42.931 3.823 0 1.403
3.059 3.103 3.113 0.004 0 0.004
120.294 140.362 134.829 0.901 0 0.877
15.862 16.722 16.498 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.54 0.54 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 28.69 44.662 40.766 6.031 0 3.033
13.992 23.4 30.493 13.018 0 22.16
89.603 106.577 133.958 30.282 0 60.258
oring and Forecasting 16.053 23.775 21.796 16.053 0 23.775
IT Infrastructure 8.391 9.222 9.658 0 0 0.595
IT Infrastructure 0.243 0.581 0.55 0 0 0
7.677 9.952 2.326 0 0 2.7
on and Delivery 28.129 19.659 22.478 0 0 0
0.804 0.827 0.801 0 0 0
1.969 1.984 2.154 0 0 0
3.999 3.975 3.649 0 0 0
3.038 3.909 3.977 0 0 0
2.995 2.65 2.737 0 0 0
0.778 0.902 0.891 0.778 0 0.902
35.323 22.359 21.742 11.095 0 11.062
1.175 1.405 1.206 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 7.608 15.672 14.669 6.19 0 14.119
d Compensation 0.972 2.19 0.101 0 0 0
d Compensation 1.223 1.567 1.652 0 0 0
4.608 2.667 2.695 0 0 0
1.319 1.319 1.32 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 73.256 74.555 75.908 0 0 0
0.818 0.84 0.858 0 0 0
1.165 1.295 0 0 0 0
on and Delivery 3.631 3.072 3.107 0 0 0
2.425 2.456 2.449 0 0 0
9.155 6.852 0 0 0 0
0.9 9.904 5.359 0 0 0
2.03 6.807 8.686 0 0 1.968
4.753 5.825 9.419 0.213 0 1.209
11.856 7.534 2.067 2.385 0 0
2.101 2.113 2.152 0 0 0
6.616 13.281 8.761 6.616 0 13.281
19.572 21.811 26.583 0 0 0
on and Delivery 6.357 6.14 5.292 1.08 0 0.915
31.844 30.808 27.729 8.973 0 6.065
10.017 5.081 3.431 6.106 0 0.203
ce Management 0.3 0.297 0.29 0 0 0
2.166 2.928 2.428 0 0 0.5
1.762 1.792 1.826 0 0 0
3.507 3.364 3.956 0 0 0
2.807 7.651 3.282 0 0 0
3.967 2.272 2.277 0 0 0
nce Integration 2.995 2.863 3.302 0 0 0
1.978 2.855 2.069 0 0 0
0.089 0.09 0.092 0 0 0
5.53 14.788 8.178 0 0 0
20.539 22.805 19.341 0.676 0 0.667
IT Infrastructure 48.897 36.705 44.092 0 0 0
58.814 44.76 10.663 25.92 0 31.412
IT Infrastructure 785.854 625.686 634.057 18.409 0 0.151
4.858 7.303 7.427 0 0 0
7.664 18.964 19.848 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 278.039 400.01 442.926 0 0 0
1.296 1.396 1.424 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 5.919 6.259 6.384 0 0 0
0.285 0.288 0.291 0 0 0
0.058 0.053 0.052 0 0 0
0.683 0.704 0.924 0 0 0
0.095 0.097 0.099 0 0 0
0.275 0.211 0.284 0 0 0
2.608 4.891 2.942 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.686 0.701 0.714 0 0 0
0.026 0.026 0.026 0 0 0
3.032 2.696 2.655 0 0 0
0.835 0.76 0.06 0.75 0 0.75
1.1 1.1 1.1 0 0 0
0.016 0.016 0.016 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.011 0.011 0.011 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.044 0.045 0.046 0 0 0
0.095 0.097 0.099 0 0 0
0.029 0.053 0.055 0 0 0
0.055 0.056 0.057 0 0 0
0.026 0.026 0.026 0 0 0
0.143 0.146 0.149 0 0 0
4.125 1.005 0 0 0 0
0.722 0.813 1.266 0.722 0 0.813
nt / Integration Support 0.538 0 0.8 0.538 0 0
3.968 7.388 5.952 2.483 0 6.001
0 5 5 0 0 0
8.5 7 7 0 0 0
0.589 0.516 0.522 0 0 0
1.067 1.172 1.183 0 0 0
0.005 0.005 0.005 0 0 0
0.25 0.262 0.275 0 0 0
0.09 0.09 0.09 0 0 0
0.551 0.804 0.549 0 0 0
10.752 30.352 34.608 10.752 0 30.352
0.097 0.195 0.103 0 0 0
0.188 0 0.185 0 0 0
ns Infrastructure 0 0.028 0.029 0 0 0
0.302 1.061 1.062 0 0 0
ns Infrastructure 2.24 2.575 2.628 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 8.524 7.603 7.955 0 0 0
0 0.199 0.209 0 0 0
ns Infrastructure 8.506 9.05 9.031 2.604 0 2.041
ns Infrastructure 0.892 1.107 1.364 0 0 0
125.558 93.809 25.957 89.942 0 49.642
0.063 0.122 0.031 0 0 0
1.237 1.21 1.267 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.118 0.12 0.121 0 0 0
1.303 1.32 1.331 0 0 0
0.118 0.12 0.121 0 0 0
ility Benefits 0.348 0.433 0.445 0.348 0 0.433
quipment Management 0.684 1.407 1.432 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0 0.05
IT Infrastructure 30.194 30.313 33.528 16.242 0 8.917
0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0 0.05
0.2 0.1 0 0 0 0
0.226 0.321 0.332 0 0 0
3.451 2.594 2.638 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.04 0.04 0.04 0 0 0
0.139 0.139 0.139 0 0 0
Management 0.001 0.001 0.001 0 0 0
1.623 1.265 1.286 0 0 0
0.048 0.209 0.211 0 0 0
0.274 0.357 0.345 0 0 0
1.833 1.571 1.635 1.107 0 1.17
0.046 0.109 0.049 0 0 0
0.023 0.034 0.035 0 0 0
0.872 0.957 0.58 0 0 0
0.281 0.5 1.278 0 0 0
1.158 1.183 1.204 0 0 0
0.519 0.522 0.534 0 0 0
0.315 0.31 0.315 0 0 0
0.583 0.575 0.584 0 0 0
0.453 0.461 0.469 0 0 0
0.065 0.067 0.068 0 0 0
0.07 0.072 0.072 0 0 0
0.168 0.172 0.173 0 0 0
0.145 0.145 0.145 0 0 0
0.116 0.119 0.12 0 0 0
0.101 0.187 0.19 0 0 0
0.108 0.112 0.115 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.027 0.027 0.027 0 0 0
0.072 0.073 0.074 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0.001 0 0 0
14.42 14.691 14.985 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 8.626 9.564 9.771 0 0 0
on and Delivery 6.763 7.199 7.384 0 0 0
se Licenses and Software 55.147 56.988 53.607 0 0 0
5.941 6.304 5.605 0 0 0
0.468 0.571 0.579 0 0 0
1.11 1.572 1.6 0 0 0
55.039 51.449 83.802 31.568 0 13.431
45.61 48.156 47.217 7.224 0 7.508
ns Infrastructure 0 5.014 21.319 0 0 0
1.655 0.881 5.279 0 0 0
4.079 2.504 2.549 2.27 0 0
nce Integration 0.401 0.406 0.414 0 0 0
1.312 1.311 1.333 0 0 0
nce Integration 3.059 3.408 3.477 0 0 0
6.02 6.12 6.73 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 86.363 93.167 98.392 0 0 0
38 - Enterprise Search 81.654 82.553 28.873 5.695 0 1.363
0.089 0.068 0.069 0 0 0
1.634 1.653 1.655 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.779 0.791 0.791 0 0 0
2.292 2.335 2.335 0 0 0
quipment Management 7.931 8.192 8.292 0 0 0
0.222 0.644 0.65 0 0 0
0.141 0.12 0.122 0 0 0
1.41 1.614 1.648 0 0 0
0.372 0.401 0.409 0 0 0
0.227 0.267 0.268 0 0 0
0.264 0.676 0.687 0 0 0
105.23 47.188 43.778 12.518 0 12.368
7.949 8.855 8.608 0 0 0
23.531 29.369 29.843 0 0 0
0.654 0.665 0.672 0 0 0
1.334 1.358 1.124 0 0 0
0.932 0.949 0.92 0 0 0
0 18.534 22.181 0 0 12.484
quipment Management 0.037 0.035 0.031 0 0 0
0.155 0.158 0.162 0 0 0
0.155 0.158 0.162 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0
0.044 0.045 0.046 0 0 0
0.069 0.15 0.151 0 0 0
0.506 0.511 0.518 0 0 0
0.652 0.662 0.672 0 0 0
0.818 0.746 0.757 0 0 0
0.17 0.188 0.182 0 0 0
0.532 0.558 0.762 0 0 0
0.035 0.018 0.018 0 0 0
1.1 1.1 1.1 0 0 0
0.025 0.025 0.026 0 0 0
0.022 0.027 0.024 0 0 0
s and Planning 0.295 0.295 0.295 0 0 0
0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0
0.171 0.175 0.179 0 0 0
0.02 0.02 0.02 0 0 0
0.459 2.405 0.516 0.35 0 2.2
0.125 0.793 0.806 0 0 0
0.6 0.6 0.6 0 0 0
0.429 0.651 0.697 0 0 0
0.795 0.894 0.918 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 12.3 16.658 17.409 12.3 0 16.658
d Compensation 79.801 140.457 164.539 79.801 0 140.457
0 0 0.63 0 0 0
2.537 1.407 1.516 0 0 0
Formulation 2.71 1.997 7.859 0 0 0.436
5.358 2.207 2.247 0 0 0
1.039 0.636 0.665 0.515 0 0
quipment Management 0.283 0.337 0.343 0 0 0
0.87 1.182 1.262 0 0 0
0.656 0.913 0.728 0 0 0
10.583 8.963 8.602 10.35 0 8.466
0 1.399 1.281 0 0 0
0.952 0.993 0.656 0 0 0
0.208 0.325 0.312 0 0 0
0.005 0.005 0.01 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 1.8 1.8 1.8 0 0 0
0.43 0.45 0.45 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.011 0.012 0.013 0 0 0
/ Taxonomy / Categorization 0.18 0.18 0.1 0 0 0
0.757 31.712 3.008 0.757 0 31.712
0.662 0.662 0 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.077 0.001 0 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.001 0.001 0.001 0 0 0
0.629 0.266 0.3 0.629 0 0.266
1.264 0.943 1.334 0 0 0
onal Development 3.455 2.601 2.982 3.455 0 0
0.206 0.43 0.569 0 0 0
0.168 0.166 0.17 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.18 0.18 0.18 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.081 0.082 0.084 0 0 0
83.251 111.213 433.993 83.251 0 74.275
and Practitioner Education 0.441 2.381 3.32 0 0 0
quipment Management 0 2.65 2.65 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 0.019 0.035 0 0 0 0
2.905 3.282 1.3 2.14 0 1.382
ce Management 0.178 0.176 0.178 0 0 0
0.004 0.005 0.005 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.014 0.014 0.014 0 0 0
0.074 0.093 0.093 0 0 0
6.264 4.305 4.766 6.264 0 4.305
nce, and Reconnaissance 1.09 1.012 0 1.09 0 1.012
0.951 3.836 3.906 0 0 0
0.021 0.021 0.023 0 0 0
75 - Voice Communications 0.472 0.48 0.489 0 0 0
0.95 0.95 0.95 0 0 0
0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0
2.333 2.137 2.393 0 0 0
1.767 2.753 4.279 0 0 0
0.899 0.938 0.97 0 0 0
0.583 0.594 0.594 0 0 0
0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0
ce Management 1.916 2.011 2.348 0 0 0
0.217 0.221 0.225 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.342 0.349 0.357 0 0 0
ce Management 0.13 0.138 0.192 0 0 0
d Compensation 0.724 0.364 0.371 0 0 0
1.495 1.705 1.705 0 0 0
quipment Management 2.203 2.218 2.175 0 0 0
3.369 2.354 2.381 0 0 0
0.563 0.377 0.387 0 0 0
2.784 2.603 2.894 0 0 0
2.044 4.035 4.095 0.987 0 1.978
0.009 0.01 0.01 0 0 0
0.693 0.711 0.728 0 0 0
0.678 0.691 0.702 0 0 0
6.794 6.162 6.278 0 0 0
11.971 7.18 7.396 0 0 0
0.468 0.266 0.271 0 0 0
1.079 1.127 1.128 0 0 0
1.031 1.062 1.07 0 0 0
0.801 0.864 0 0 0 0
1.289 1.151 1.173 0 0 0
0.848 0.864 0.879 0 0 0
nce Integration 2.474 2.513 2.556 0 0 0
1.818 1.917 2.237 0 0 0
0.787 0.776 0.803 0 0 0
0.293 0.405 0.239 0 0 0
5.784 6.142 4.019 0.395 0 0.542
0.147 0.258 0 0 0 0
0.428 0.577 0.554 0 0 0
2.921 1.351 0.94 1.719 0 0
1.037 1.3 1.022 0 0 0
0.243 0.267 0.21 0 0 0
6.148 7.426 5.685 0 0 1.154
1.549 1.416 1.626 0 0 0
0.361 0.436 0.215 0 0 0
d Compensation 11.315 8.414 8.985 0 0 0
quipment Management 2.155 2.155 2.155 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 35.369 33.715 32.758 0.788 0 0.585
IT Infrastructure 273.506 77.988 77.571 8.235 0 0.759
IT Infrastructure 104.65 4.55 40.318 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 86.334 25.934 34.82 73.642 0 14.441
IT Infrastructure 4.541 3.1 3.159 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 97.767 86.288 58.491 10.204 0 20.264
IT Infrastructure 75.233 48.528 59.765 0 0 0.158
IT Infrastructure 301.52 197.046 225.597 23.129 0 1.993
IT Infrastructure 61.606 11.793 11.786 2.994 0 0.69
IT Infrastructure 25.377 35.987 51.923 4 0 1.294
4 4 4.068 0 0 0
51.498 42.779 35.404 0 0 0
10.322 9.191 6.986 0 0 0
0.401 0.399 0.239 0 0 0
118.892 119.28 121.052 0 0 0
2.214 1.858 1.886 0 0 0
24.105 23.122 24.179 0 0 0
0.031 0.027 0.028 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 123.078 89.722 63.111 36.884 0 15.574
nt / Integration Support 17.754 18.062 18.722 0 0 0
ns Infrastructure 9.63 10.143 10.634 0 0 0
nd Software 7.092 7.069 7.12 0 0 0
10.088 8.545 8.664 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 153.3 305.071 57.551 139.489 0 272.498
74.648 74.294 78.472 16.342 0 15.272
75.421 52.842 56.173 0 0 0
ns Infrastructure 0.001 0.001 0.001 0 0 0
3.4 3.503 3.604 0 0 0
quipment Management 1.483 2.287 0.557 1.483 0 1.73
quipment Management 0.36 0.304 0.6 0 0 0
0.02 0.025 0.025 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 0.013 0.028 0.028 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.819 1.091 1.166 0.036 0 0
quipment Management 0.124 0.164 0.125 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.041 0.045 0.042 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.012 0.012 0.013 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.034 0.035 0.035 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.002 0.002 0.002 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.015 0.016 0.017 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.011 0.015 0.011 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.013 0.014 0.014 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.011 0.011 0.011 0 0 0
quipment Management 0 0.058 0.059 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 1.202 1.262 1.325 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.108 0.054 0 0 0 0
and Control 0.058 0.058 0.058 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.2 0.2 0.2 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.4 0.4 0 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.2 0.2 0.2 0 0 0
0.048 0.07 0 0 0 0
and Control 0.289 0.037 0 0 0 0
0.435 1.326 1.309 0 0 0
0.866 1.528 1.559 0 0 0
11.736 11.32 12.095 11.736 0 11.32
0.012 0.023 0.023 0 0 0
0.018 0.018 0.018 0 0 0
and Surveillance 0 0.822 0.828 0 0 0
145.73 527.564 458.06 118.544 0 490.276
0.465 0.645 0.992 0.43 0 0
0.202 0.204 0.206 0 0 0
0.083 0.422 0.425 0 0 0.275
1.585 3.483 7.664 0.182 0 1.137
ernment Records 1.5 1.6 1.6 0 0 0
0.015 0.015 0.015 0 0 0
0.015 0.015 0.015 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.011 0.011 0.011 0 0 0
1.964 2 2.036 0 0 0
0.56 0.588 0.618 0 0 0
nce Integration 0.755 0.774 0.793 0.755 0 0.774
0.039 0.045 0.05 0 0 0
and Surveillance 0 0.25 0.25 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0 2.945 2.945 0 0 0
0.673 0.68 0.688 0 0 0
/ Taxonomy / Categorization 0.489 0.678 0.515 0.489 0 0.678
nt / Integration Support 4.412 4.189 4.234 0.694 0 0.715
1.077 1.372 1.275 0 0 0
2.257 2.042 1.896 0.201 0 1.154
/ Taxonomy / Categorization 1.1 3.5 0 1.1 0 3.5
1.427 2.611 2.511 0.267 0 0.75
on and Delivery 0.146 0.149 0.152 0 0 0
0.2 0.57 0 0 0 0
0.065 0.065 0.067 0 0 0
0.023 0.023 0 0 0 0
0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0 0.3
9.676 6.701 6.468 0 0 0
2.5 0.766 0.703 2.5 0 0
0.217 0.763 0.795 0 0 0
0 0.803 0.91 0 0 0
0.268 0.15 0.269 0 0 0
83.277 69.288 48.022 83.277 0 69.288
279.317 294.237 332.456 279.315 0 289.195
28.264 30.038 25.268 14.24 0 14.294
2.099 34.97 6.661 0 0 25.26
0.005 0.005 0.005 0 0 0
1.587 1.389 0.833 0 0 0
0.218 0.22 0.222 0 0 0
0.771 0.794 0.819 0 0 0
0.07 0.072 0.074 0 0 0
nce Integration 0.074 0.076 0.079 0 0 0
0.184 0.189 0.195 0 0 0
0.068 0.069 0.559 0 0 0
0.065 0.067 0.069 0 0 0
0.019 0.007 0.007 0 0 0
4.06 3.034 3.191 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 1.637 0 1.684 0 0 0
0.006 0.007 0.007 0 0 0
1.551 1.772 1.806 0 0 0
13.167 15.285 13.368 4.829 0 4.956
7.565 5.807 5.531 6.985 0 3.751
61.659 68.605 54.65 23.815 0 33.097
75.205 69.617 69.864 35.508 0 31.698
IT Infrastructure 33.484 32.57 33.55 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 0.015 0 3.993 0.015 0 0
69.276 82.903 114.997 0 0 0
0.015 0.015 0.015 0 0 0
10.454 22.006 16.486 0 0 0
29.196 34.025 31.759 0.696 0 0.908
quipment Management 0 0.717 0 0 0 0
0.312 0.434 1.568 0.083 0 0.223
1.039 0.832 0.792 0.353 0 0.038
ce Management 0.75 1.055 0.792 0.091 0 0.261
38.467 40.727 31.213 0 0 0
2.279 1.483 1.457 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 49.149 30.715 30.995 49.149 0 30.715
/ Taxonomy / Categorization 1.344 1.487 1.489 0 0 0
4.55 2.838 0.421 4.55 0 2.838
0.074 0.817 0.867 0 0 0
26.205 22.44 23.921 0 0 0
0 0.594 0.603 0 0 0
2.187 3.124 1.407 0 0 1.562
IT Infrastructure 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 0 1.3
3.2 3.2 3.2 0 0 0
and Practitioner Education 0.03 0.032 0.033 0 0 0
0.015 0.015 0.015 0 0 0
0.248 0.248 0 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.092 0.097 0 0 0 0
0.014 0.014 0.014 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 2.095 2.573 2.384 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.649 0.66 0.671 0 0 0
quipment Management 1.708 1.737 1.766 0 0 0
d Compensation 0.16 0.165 0.17 0 0 0
and Surveillance 0.188 0.195 0.195 0 0 0
0.014 0.014 0.014 0 0 0
0.014 0.014 0.014 0 0 0
0.015 0.015 0.015 0 0 0
2.604 2.653 2.704 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.455 0.463 0.47 0 0 0
0.021 0.022 0.023 0 0 0
0.206 0.187 0.19 0 0 0
0.415 0.415 0.415 0 0 0
1.913 11.197 6.064 1.913 0 11.197
nt / Integration Support 0 4.773 4.85 0 0 2.379
2.348 1.633 5.295 2.348 0 1.633
23.316 15.833 15.458 0 0 0
6.03 9.529 9.109 1.024 0 0.389
13.432 15.516 14.815 0 0 0
2.443 3.277 3.294 0 0 0
0.359 0.174 0.179 0 0 0
0.173 0.178 0.186 0 0 0
0 22.1 0 0 0 22.1
logical Research and Innovation 0.008 0.007 0.007 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.003 0.003 0.003 0 0 0
d Compensation 0.504 0.922 0.999 0 0 0
0.01 0.012 0 0.01 0 0.012
0.6 0.61 0.805 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.461 0.621 0.48 0 0 0
0.093 0.198 0.198 0 0 0
quipment Management 12.013 14 14 0 0 0
1.183 1.218 1.255 0 0 0
9.009 8.669 16.033 8.946 0 8.663
18.792 18.12 13.036 18.736 0 18.114
ernment Records 0.114 0.129 0.132 0 0 0
Management 0.003 0.003 0.003 0 0 0
0.014 0.014 0.014 0 0 0
0.014 0.014 0.014 0 0 0
0.363 0.348 0 0 0 0
0.131 0.172 0.189 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 20.3 25.683 24.736 0 0 0.995
12.433 14.358 14.906 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 48.53 58.27 56.796 4.351 0 3.648
IT Infrastructure 8.957 12.934 10.142 0.35 0 0.5
logical Research and Innovation 32.809 49.882 44.174 9.611 0 13.854
11.261 13.719 14.363 0 0 0
5.673 8.95 8.606 0 0 0
quipment Management 2.023 2.081 2.133 0 0 0
0.166 0.193 0.173 0 0 0
0.002 0.002 0.002 0 0 0
13.642 14.678 15.107 13.095 0 13.634
3.549 2.511 2.048 0 0 0
0.997 0.581 0 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0.001 0 0 0
0.014 0.014 0.014 0 0 0
0.014 0.014 0.014 0 0 0
0.014 0.014 0.014 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.775 0.79 0.805 0 0 0
0.049 0.05 0.051 0 0 0
0.343 0.591 2.876 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.108 0.108 0.108 0 0 0
0.01 0.308 0 0 0 0
0.414 0.398 0 0 0 0
1.527 0.742 0.542 0 0 0
1.35 1.41 1.64 0.052 0 0
1.427 3.178 3.18 0 0 0
1.539 1.557 1.579 0 0 0
quipment Management 0 0.494 0.509 0 0 0
0.139 0.139 0.139 0 0 0
3.102 2.4 0 3.102 0 2.4
0 5.01 1.6 0 0 2.978
0.111 0.307 0.377 0 0 0
ce Management 0.273 0.567 0.578 0 0 0
2.172 0 0.349 2.172 0 0
0.014 0.014 0.013 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.099 0.101 0.103 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0.001 0 0 0
0.016 0.25 0.25 0 0 0
0 1.639 1.625 0 0 0
0.215 0.599 0.777 0.215 0 0.374
1.554 0.804 0.61 0 0 0
67.508 66.234 75.609 0 0 0
20.583 22.191 21.545 0 0 0
11.969 8.195 9.684 0 0 0
2.736 3.439 3.39 0 0 0
12.228 12.797 13.053 0 0 0
0.077 0.513 0.507 0 0 0
0.153 0.884 1.473 0 0 0
0 0.088 0.089 0 0 0
s and Planning 0 0.001 0.001 0 0 0.001
0 0.035 0.034 0 0 0
0.151 0.156 0.159 0 0 0
10.847 44.998 36.72 10.847 0 44.998
0.014 0.014 0.014 0 0 0
0.47 0.589 0.597 0 0 0
0.014 0.014 0.014 0 0 0
0.014 0.014 0.014 0 0 0
0.014 0.014 0.014 0 0 0
0.014 0.014 0.014 0 0 0
0.014 0.014 0.014 0 0 0
0.014 0.014 0.014 0 0 0
0.014 0.014 0.014 0 0 0
0.014 0.014 0.014 0 0 0
0.51 0.505 0.532 0 0 0
2.916 2.463 3.127 0 0 0.175
nt / Integration Support 0.047 0.159 0.093 0 0 0
2.308 2.609 2.636 0 0 0
0.174 0.179 0.185 0 0 0
0.017 0.017 0.017 0 0 0
0.542 1.371 1.39 0 0 0
9.007 11.747 8.571 2.03 0 5.354
0 41.999 45.822 0 0 37.065
0.174 0.18 0.2 0 0 0
0.301 0.55 0.575 0 0 0
6.983 5.382 5.442 2.33 0 0
0.107 0.109 0.114 0.107 0 0.109
34.093 41.571 81.679 0.04 0 0
ns Infrastructure 31.274 30.379 38.552 10.902 0 10.408
9.308 9.466 9.627 0 0 0
0 11.937 0 0 0 0
0 3.805 0 0 0 0.9
0 0.14 0.144 0 0 0
0.86 0.576 0.654 0 0 0
0.113 0.216 0.279 0 0 0
ernment Records 0.679 0.788 0.804 0 0 0
0.899 0.836 0.853 0 0 0
20.772 21.016 20.529 0 0 0
11.715 15.832 15.37 0 0 0
4.112 4.283 4.236 0 0 0
0.8 0.8 0.85 0 0 0
5 5 5 0 0 0
3.195 5.43 3.497 3.195 0 5.43
0.139 0.21 0.158 0.139 0 0.21
37.749 0.265 0.265 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 16.712 21.333 20.863 1.04 0 0.934
5.336 4.686 2.326 3.969 0 2
IT Infrastructure 35.024 113.284 107.104 0 0 0
0 11.83 11.801 0 0 0
0 36.166 34.88 0 0 0
3.779 17.247 16.838 0 0 0
0 15.794 19.823 0 0 0
5.406 5.174 0.594 0 0 0
0.138 0.789 0.795 0 0 0.5
7.439 9.402 10.455 7.249 0 9.208
117.887 124.926 136.311 54.558 0 51.145
2.2 4.3 0 0 0 0
7.679 11.751 11.849 0 0 0
0 4.676 3.188 0 0 3.71
0 15.992 16.082 0 0 11.035
nce, and Reconnaissance 3.683 2.783 3.061 0 0 0
0.098 0.112 0.091 0 0 0
8.266 8.502 10.099 0 0 0
0.119 0.223 0.183 0 0 0
3.426 6.133 5.032 0 0 0
0 0.174 0.177 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 15.061 14.489 17.538 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 5.326 5.646 4.957 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 2.622 2.823 3.297 0 0 0
11.599 11.749 11.015 0.5 0 0.8
0 7.557 7.683 0 0 0
0 2.901 2.95 0 0 0
0.014 0.014 0.014 0 0 0
8.356 6.317 4.666 0.789 0 1.016
0.141 0.329 0.105 0.022 0 0.223
IT Infrastructure 28.053 28.919 28.492 1.605 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.321 1.378 1.292 0.432 0 0.596
on and Delivery 2.347 3.001 3.037 0.198 0 0.261
IT Infrastructure 15.373 14.679 14.025 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 7.478 8.389 7.835 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 0.61 0.728 0.75 0 0 0
d Compensation 4.302 3.875 3.581 0.096 0 0
0.149 0.202 0.206 0 0 0.051
3.628 4.975 3.288 0 0 1.002
0.289 0.944 0.357 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 0.077 0.124 0.128 0 0 0
1.049 1.884 1.833 0 0 0.35
0.112 0.28 0 0 0 0.28
1.993 2.885 3.364 0 0 1
0.496 0.48 1.474 0 0 0
11.833 8.951 10.342 1.516 0 0
0 0.114 0 0 0 0
0.005 0.005 0.005 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 9.371 4.689 4.539 2.811 0 0.142
0.084 0.084 0.084 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 1.655 3.7 3.1 1.655 0 0.6
2.25 2.7 2.7 0 0 0
0.069 0.065 0.065 0 0 0
ns Infrastructure 1.339 0.736 0.613 0.903 0 0.286
IT Infrastructure 0.016 0.016 0.016 0 0 0
9.796 10.931 11.12 0 0 0
0.068 0.069 0.07 0 0 0
ry, and Vocational Education 0.011 0.011 0.011 0 0 0
ry, and Vocational Education 0.076 0.077 0.077 0 0 0
ry, and Vocational Education 0.063 0.064 0.065 0 0 0
ry, and Vocational Education 0.07 0.071 0.071 0 0 0
0.015 0.015 0.015 0 0 0
ry, and Vocational Education 0.063 0.064 0.064 0 0 0
0.003 0.003 0.003 0 0 0
0.126 0.127 0.128 0 0 0
0.068 0.069 0.069 0 0 0
0.012 0.012 0.012 0 0 0
ry, and Vocational Education 0.011 0.011 0.011 0 0 0
0.076 0.077 0.077 0 0 0
0.009 0.009 0.009 0 0 0
d Compensation 0.028 0.028 0.028 0 0 0
d Compensation 0.028 0.028 0.028 0 0 0
27.488 27.488 28.038 0 0 0
22.235 22.235 22.68 0 0 0
0.055 0.055 0.055 0 0 0
0.021 0.021 0.022 0 0 0
0.067 0.068 0.069 0 0 0
s and Planning 0.042 0.135 0.115 0 0 0
10.089 8.746 6.434 1.865 0 2.342
0.071 0.071 0.073 0 0 0
7.815 4.5 4.6 2.649 0 0
0 4.028 3.426 0 0 2.795
0.067 0.053 0.055 0 0 0
0.263 0.293 0.323 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 42.007 42.007 42.007 0 0 0
0.065 0.116 0.119 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.822 0.835 0.849 0.171 0 0.173
quipment Management 0.271 0.274 0.28 0 0 0
0.025 0.009 0.021 0 0 0
0 2.665 2.71 0 0 0
0 0.18 0.183 0 0 0
0 0.08 0.081 0 0 0
0 0.066 0.068 0 0 0
0 0.154 0.157 0 0 0
0 4.598 3.871 0 0 0
305 - Counter-Intelligence 0.469 14.6 28.743 0 0 10.69
0.07 0.16 0.17 0 0 0
0.558 0.528 0.492 0 0 0
0 0.273 0.273 0 0 0
0 0 0.175 0 0 0
0 0.165 0.165 0 0 0
0.8 0.84 1.018 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.58 3.229 0 0.58 0 3.229
0.419 0.428 0.437 0 0 0
0 0 0.001 0 0 0
1.02 1.02 1.02 0 0 0
0 0 1.5 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
0.082 0.084 0.084 0 0 0
0 0.35 0.35 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 0.45 0.468 0.468 0 0 0
1.27 0.99 0.99 0 0 0
0.255 0.067 0.071 0 0 0
0.041 0.025 0.025 0 0 0
0.26 0.27 0.28 0 0 0
0.05 0.051 0.052 0 0 0
20.35 40.11 60.76 20.35 0 40.11
0 0.25 0 0 0 0.25
0.685 0.692 0.76 0.685 0 0.692
0 0 0.191 0 0 0
0 10.93 11.782 0 0 1.108
0 0.349 0.349 0 0 0
0 0.095 0.095 0 0 0
0 0.113 0.113 0 0 0
0 0.091 0.091 0 0 0
0 0.074 0.074 0 0 0
0 2.1 2.1 0 0 0
0 0.412 0.412 0 0 0
0 0.423 0.423 0 0 0
0 1.447 1.447 0 0 0
0 1.186 1.186 0 0 0
0 0.206 0.187 0 0 0
0 1.438 1.438 0 0 0
0 0.795 0.723 0 0 0
0.3 0.815 0.49 0 0 0.325
0 3.114 3.114 0 0 0
Technology Services 0 0.503 0.503 0 0 0
0 8.934 25.732 0 0 8.934
0.008 0.028 0.028 0 0 0
0 0.285 0 0 0 0
0 0 2.5 0 0 0
2.067 2.139 2.214 0 0 0
14.729 14.729 15.141 0 0 0
ernment Records 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0
0 0.905 5.015 0 0 0.905
12.886 11.551 11.064 0 0 0
0 0 0.224 0 0 0
8.283 2.239 8.949 0 0 0
0 4.075 4.145 0 0 4.075
0.492 0.461 0.476 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 0 36.801 34.314 0 0 7.258
0.011 0.011 0.011 0 0 0
ry, and Vocational Education 0.186 0.186 0.186 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.25 0.298 0.298 0 0 0
0.098 0.102 0.104 0 0 0
ernment Records 3.116 1.153 1.174 0 0 0
0 1.494 35.689 0 0 0
0.925 0.878 0.896 0 0 0
8.448 4.491 4.638 0 0 1.14
quipment Management 0.377 0.435 0.173 0 0 0
0 0 3.307 0 0 0
0 0 0.732 0 0 0
0 0 0.732 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 15.355 15.59 0 0 2.068
IT Infrastructure 0 31.171 32.21 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 6.157 6.255 0 0 0.323
nt / Integration Support 0 23.059 22.421 0 0 1.602
0 12.2 13 0 0 4
0.222 0.12 0.12 0 0 0
5.236 4.994 4.99 0 0 0
ent and workflow 0.034 0.034 0.035 0 0 0
0.5 2.3 2.3 0 0 0
1.124 1.378 1.49 0 0 0
0.423 0.2 0.125 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 16.197 16.833 0 0 0
0 22.393 19.359 0 0 3.135
0 34.282 34.254 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 0 36.828 38.856 0 0 1.937
0.001 0.001 0.001 0 0 0
0.149 0.149 0.15 0 0 0
0 0.078 0.078 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.025 0.03 0.03 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.035 0.036 0 0 0 0
quipment Management 0 0.008 0.008 0 0 0
0.014 0.007 0.006 0 0 0
quipment Management 0 1.495 1.719 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.104 0.012 0.012 0 0 0
0.002 0.002 0.002 0 0 0
0 0.01 0.01 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.01 1.278 1.342 0 0 0
0.15 0.15 0.15 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.404 0.183 0.194 0 0 0
0.605 0.457 0.471 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.227 0.514 0.443 0 0 0
ns Infrastructure 0.8 0.8 0.8 0 0 0
7.514 6.545 6.641 0 0 0
0.309 0.314 0.313 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 0.388 0.396 0.405 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 2.17 2.242 2.316 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 0.02 0.02 0.02 0 0 0
0.049 0.05 0.051 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 0.525 0.41 0.335 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 0.444 0.452 0.46 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 0.47 0.36 0.18 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 0.18 0.18 0.18 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 0.835 0.83 0.83 0.835 0 0.83
0 1.599 1.642 0 0 0
0 2.1 0 0 0 0
0 1.9 0 0 0 0
3.096 11.631 11.85 0 0 0
0.203 0.255 0.34 0 0 0
2 2 2 0 0 0
0.4 0.363 0.4 0 0 0
nce, and Reconnaissance 0.422 2.03 1.524 0 0 0
ry, and Vocational Education 0 2.5 3 0 0 0.5
7.239 7.105 7.225 0 0 0
13.482 10.631 10.154 0 0 0
4.383 5.499 5.525 0 0 0
3.995 4.215 3.791 0 0 0
0.501 0.076 0.075 0 0 0
0.713 0.598 0.758 0 0 0
43.552 44.087 45.033 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
1.023 0.781 0 0.548 0 0.781
0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
0.32 0.387 0.402 0 0 0
ry, and Vocational Education 0.011 0.011 0.011 0 0 0
18.963 16.599 16.674 0 0 0
3.2 3.7 3.8 0 0 0
0.47 0.589 0.597 0 0 0
0.013 0.013 0.013 0 0 0
0.044 0.06 0.06 0 0 0
0.121 0.623 0.15 0.121 0 0.623
0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
0 11.937 15.211 0 0 0
0 0.001 0.001 0 0 0
0 0.001 0.001 0 0 0
0 0.001 0.001 0 0 0
0 0.001 0.001 0 0 0
0 0.001 0.001 0 0 0
0 0.001 0.001 0 0 0
nd Software 0 87.556 89.744 0 0 0
ernment Records 5.331 3.953 4.032 0 0 0
0 0 3.77 0 0 0
97.57 124.155 126.674 0.003 0 0
0 3.311 2.448 0 0 2.05
ns Infrastructure 28.908 23.343 20.447 0 0 0
33.129 33.568 32.55 0 0 0
0 0 2.83 0 0 0
5.651 5.482 6.041 5.341 0 3.921
9.426 11.902 14.059 9.116 0 7.078
18.596 18.415 13.794 0 0 0
11.105 6.256 5.322 0 0 0
4.214 4.011 4.244 3.904 0 3.005
438.943 497.21 511.242 0.027 0 0
0 0.154 0.154 0 0 0
0 0 0.432 0 0 0
0 0 0.209 0 0 0
0 0 0.343 0 0 0
0 0 1.89 0 0 0
0 0 0.141 0 0 0
nd Services Acquisition 0.343 0.074 0.075 0 0 0
on and Delivery 5.582 5.823 6.128 3.203 0 3.265
0 2.128 25.436 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 6.399 5.231 5.104 0 0 0
tion Mapping / Taxonomy / Categoriza 0 0.245 0.245 0 0 0
d Compensation 0 0.012 0.012 0 0 0
0 0.006 0.006 0 0 0
0 0.138 0.141 0 0 0
0.074 0.077 0.081 0 0 0
0.005 0.208 0.208 0 0 0
0.876 0.82 0.568 0.657 0 0.593
0 9.892 10.168 0 0 6.223
1.2 1.2 1.2 0 0 0
21.214 30.1 19.913 0 0 0
3.547 0.627 3.604 0 0 0
1.232 31.195 83.305 0 0 0
0.53 0.826 0.841 0 0 0
0.77 0.806 0.854 0 0 0
0.527 0.067 0.071 0 0 0
0.065 0.367 0.069 0 0 0
0.068 0.367 0.069 0 0 0
and Control 1.029 0.817 0.773 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0.001 0 0 0
22.3 22.5 22.7 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 10.714 11.479 12.094 0 0 1.298
17.989 24.559 24.216 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 8.355 2.975 2.894 8.355 0 2.975
0.734 0.907 1.534 0.734 0 0.907
d Compensation 84.895 80.896 63.613 5.169 0 1.857
0 3.259 7.171 0 0 3.259
d Compensation 0.15 0.2 0.15 0 0 0
0 0.085 0.085 0 0 0
ent and workflow 0 3.274 5.114 0 0 1.8
0.176 0.178 0.18 0 0 0
0 0 0.1 0 0 0
1.038 1.142 0.76 0 0 0
8.579 9.063 11.663 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.101 0.102 0.104 0 0 0
1.816 5.892 5.665 0.454 0 0
6.023 5.667 5.287 0 0 0
20.035 2.428 2.771 0 0 0
28.863 4.944 31.318 0 0 0
30.983 41.147 41.918 2.433 0 2.032
oring and Forecasting 1.649 2.707 2.629 0.579 0 0.993
1.353 5.316 1.52 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 31.855 30.355 31.026 3.546 0 0.156
oring and Forecasting 0.103 0.225 0.225 0 0 0
0.282 17.146 17.223 0 0 0
22.139 16.598 27.562 0 0 0
Preservation 7.637 7.792 7.909 0 0 0
Preservation 0 0.009 0.039 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 23.121 28.283 31.422 4.001 0 6.349
IT Infrastructure 3.659 30.143 31.918 1.283 0 0
0 20.644 13.946 0 0 14.54
oring and Forecasting 0 0 0.1 0 0 0
0.066 0.078 0.079 0 0 0
0 0.708 0.708 0 0 0
0.165 0.557 0.483 0 0 0
0.014 0.014 0.014 0 0 0
0 0.022 0.006 0 0 0.021
0 0 0.15 0 0 0
16.423 14.249 13.954 12.581 0 10.311
0 0 0.199 0 0 0
0 0.09 0.092 0 0 0.09
0 0.682 0.631 0 0 0.682
0.09 0.091 0.093 0 0 0
0.061 0.062 0.064 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 61.301 84.4 172.258 12.833 0 84.4
0 0 14.452 0 0 0
0.03 0.031 0.032 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 29.419 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.002 0.001 16.146 0 0 0
0 0 0.1 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 0 0 95 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 4.36 5.93 47.73 0 0 0
0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0 0.005
logical Research and Innovation 0.022 0.012 0.012 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 224.967 134.257 165.609 0 0 0
ns Infrastructure 11.454 13.453 9.201 11.454 0 13.453
ns Infrastructure 0 0.964 0.658 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.061 1.687 0.649 0 0 1.626
0.04 0.04 0 0 0 0
13.95 13.751 12.545 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0.001 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
0 0 1.653 0 0 0
1.822 0 2.713 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 0.063 0.023 0.023 0 0 0
and Surveillance 0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
0 6.521 6.09 0 0 1.694
d Compensation 0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
2.884 0 1.896 0 0 0
1.517 0 1.331 0 0 0
ce Management 0.073 0.001 0 0 0 0
1.116 0.001 0 1.116 0 0.001
0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
0 0.173 0.176 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
0.22 0.224 0.229 0.22 0 0.224
0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
ce Management 0.006 0.006 0 0 0 0
1.253 0.941 0.354 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 2.088 0.001 0 0 0 0
0.83 0 0.697 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.189 0.261 0.261 0 0 0.072
IT Infrastructure 0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
1.728 1.99 2.03 0 0 0
quipment Management 0 0.15 0.15 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
0.091 0.085 0.089 0 0 0
0.9 0.001 0 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
0.83 0 0.697 0 0 0
0.705 0 1.836 0 0 0
0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.001 0.001 0 0 0 0
1.188 0.885 0.903 0 0 0
and Surveillance 0 0.017 0.018 0 0 0
and Surveillance 0.61 0.621 0.633 0 0 0
and Surveillance 1.44 3.142 1.675 0.8 0 2.316
0.301 0.307 0 0 0 0
ns Infrastructure 0.666 0 0.636 0 0 0
0.03 0.03 0.03 0 0 0
0.024 0.024 0.024 0 0 0
and Surveillance 0.135 0.125 0.125 0 0 0
0.233 0 0 0 0 0
0.291 0 0 0 0 0
0.665 0 0 0 0 0
ry, and Vocational Education 0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.294 0 0 0 0 0
9.079 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 123.718 0 0 39.986 0 0
0.6 0 0 0 0 0
s and Planning 0.236 0 0 0 0 0
ce Management 0.173 0 0 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.973 0 0 0 0 0
0.169 0 0 0 0 0
0.11 0 0 0 0 0
1.028 0 0 1.028 0 0
0.011 0 0 0 0 0
d Compensation 0.142 0 0 0 0 0
0.012 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 17.395 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.818 0 0 0 0 0
0.948 0 0 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.792 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0
6.744 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.36 0 0 0 0 0
0.053 0 0 0 0 0
0.053 0 0 0 0 0
d Compensation 0.053 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.71 0 0 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.168 0 0 0 0 0
0.008 0 0 0.008 0 0
0.143 0 0 0 0 0
0.726 0 0 0 0 0
30.055 0 0 3.459 0 0
3.958 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 1.051 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 7.143 0 0 7.143 0 0
0.121 0 0 0 0 0
nce Integration 0.055 0 0 0 0 0
0.044 0 0 0 0 0
5.695 0 0 0 0 0
ce Management 0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.154 0 0 0 0 0
0.252 0 0 0 0 0
0.104 0 0 0 0 0
0.025 0 0 0 0 0
0.122 0 0 0 0 0
0.346 0 0 0.173 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.157 0 0 0.157 0 0
3.2 0 0 3.2 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.081 0 0 0 0 0
4.534 0 0 4.534 0 0
0.077 0 0 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.055 0 0 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
2.412 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.4 0 0 0 0 0
0.01 0 0 0 0 0
0.12 0 0 0 0 0
0.021 0 0 0.021 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.36 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.156 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
ce Management 0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.51 0 0 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.05 0 0 0 0 0
quipment Management 130 0 0 0 0 0
0.942 0 0 0 0 0
0.035 0 0 0.035 0 0
13.821 0 0 13.821 0 0
on and Delivery 0.001 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.129 0 0 0.129 0 0
0.254 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.005 0 0 0.005 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.023 0 0 1.023 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 0.001 0 0 0 0 0
4.186 0 0 4.186 0 0
3.289 0 0 3.289 0 0
0.098 0 0 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.01 0 0 0.01 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.13 0 0 0.13 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.228 0 0 0 0 0
7.618 0 0 0.018 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.196 0 0 0.196 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.001 0 0 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.001 0 0 0 0 0
11.661 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 7.755 0 0 7.755 0 0
quipment Management 0.383 0 0 0 0 0
0.097 0 0 0 0 0
0.108 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.084 0 0 0 0 0
Video Conferencing 0.164 0 0 0 0 0
onal Development 0.525 0 0 0 0 0
1.582 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0
are Research and Practitioner Educati 1.622 0 0 0 0 0
0.002 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 0.001 0 0 0 0 0
3.516 0 0 3.516 0 0
0.346 0 0 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.124 0 0 0 0 0
d Compensation 0.096 0 0 0 0 0
Management 4.245 0 0 0 0 0
0.172 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.045 0 0 0 0 0
ce Management 0.001 0 0 0 0 0
ce Management 0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.143 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
0.288 0 0 0 0 0
0.004 0 0 0 0 0
0.001 0 0 0 0 0
1.406 0 0 1.406 0 0
8.896 0 0 0 0 0
0.061 0 0 0 0 0
0.198 0 0 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 14.717 9.234 11.53 6.252 0 1.571
79.628 2.203 6.826 0 0 0
ce Management 33.053 35.518 36.247 0 0 0
nce, and Reconnaissance 18.276 14.792 29.163 7 0 3.5
nt / Integration Support 17 22.725 24.781 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 255.849 71.265 90.835 29.418 0 19.207
0.473 0.505 0.538 0 0 0
19.399 19.524 19.263 4.526 0 4.674
ckpile Oversight 0.917 0.942 0.821 0 0 0
24.627 49.316 43.079 1.591 0 3.458
0 0 0 0 2.164 0
145 - Logist 316 - Contin 11.61 15.904 15.904 0 0 0
8.094 12.853 10.392 7.53 0 8.557
601 - Data E 603 - Data W 6.911 22.814 24.332 6.59 0 19.724
9.955 15.792 10.815 0 0 0.14
318 - Busines354 - IT Stra 11.838 9.145 9.145 0 0 0
5.92 4.9 4.3 3.39 0 2.37
19.643 21.331 24.551 2.6 0 0
15.213 15.213 15.213 0 0 0
15.568 13.568 14.568 4.468 0 4.6
14.85 15.815 15.815 0 0 0
111.789 98.154 97.782 67.073 0 58.892
72.852 65.74 71.082 43.711 0 39.444
IT Infrastructure 12.4 32.6 32.6 0 0 0
317 - Data I 341 - Web Inf 13.7 18.1 18.1 0 0 0
15 22.7 22.7 0 0 0
Management 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 6.872 1.2
29 - Reporting and Information 45.132 20.009 0 45.132 0 20.009
01 - Data Exchange 0.15 0.164 0.187 0 0 0
0.381 0.42 0.428 0 0 0
7.366 7.366 3.675 0 0 0
0.975 0.975 1 0 0 0
0.231 0.231 0.231 0 0 0
d Compensation 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0 0.13
0.05 0.05 0.05 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
340 - Collaboration Tools 0 0 0 0 2.224 0
0.105 0.447 0.137 0.026 0 0.027
0 0 0 0 0 0
04 - Strategic Planning 1.266 0.277 0.3 0 0 0
0.096 0.065 0.065 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 4.898 8.158 8.158 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 15.538 0
601 - Data E 659 - Email 8.738 9.558 9.973 6.551 0 7.262
590 - Mappin592 - Data M 13.602 14.33 18.43 8.33 0 9.163
310 - Food an517 - Extern 37.746 22.361 22.361 25.565 0 15.9
577 - Knowled 655 - Audit T 12.002 14.52 19.93 3.445 0 6.8
282 - Protection 1.925 1.985 1.985 0.225 0 0.225
546 - Portfo 144 - Invento 14.082 20.068 17.555 0 0 0
328 - Collect Revenues an 22.869 10.526 12.863 9.576 0 0.486
quipment Management 0.544 0.564 0.567 0 0 0
648 - Identif 659 - Email 2.705 1.65 1.709 1.8 0 0.7
01 - Data Exchange 5.055 5.372 4.523 1.754 0 2
319 - Regula 530 - Process 1.309 1.315 1.315 0 0 0
644 - Workfor648 - Identif 2.421 2.425 2.425 0 0 0
/ Project Management 0.323 0.667 0.687 0.194 0 0.4
92 - Data Mining 0.712 0.8 0.825 0.427 0 0.52
601 - Data E 604 - Meta 4.2 4.471 3.688 2.896 0 2.481
nt Management and workflow 8.401 4.38 4.787 0.293 0 0.05
576 - Knowle655 - Audit T 3.481 3.333 2.665 1.914 0 1.511
538 - Progra 648 - Identif 2.219 3.214 3.012 0.199 0 0
319 - Regula 601 - Data E 2.575 2.904 3.077 1.415 0 0.97
601 - Data E 673 - Commu 0.925 1.233 1.333 0.21 0 0
533 - Corre 576 - Knowle 2.26 2.184 2.198 0.436 0 0.436
0.8 0.75 0.515 0.5 0 0.25
358 - Healthcare and Regu 3.631 3.984 4.183 2 0 2.1
517 - External Partner Re 12.831 15.808 16.67 1.111 0 1.138
nt Management and workflow 0.24 0.24 0.24 0 0 0
2.01 2.2 2.39 0 0 0
129 - Reporting and Infor 6.712 6.724 7.078 4.44 0 4.35
0.388 0.533 0.687 0.233 0 0.32
576 - Knowledge Capture 5.987 6.005 6.305 3.05 0 2.98
105 - Budget Execution 9.168 9.177 9.177 8.702 0 8.65
129 - Report 530 - Process 2.36 2.58 2.628 1 0 1.179
651 - Digita 659 - Email 6.586 14.912 15.36 2.687 0 10.024
310 - Food and Drug Quali 2.638 3.715 3.826 1.082 0 1.446
310 - Food an659 - Email 6.687 10.765 11.088 0.64 0 2.127
077 - Inspect358 - Health 6.986 6.336 7.005 1.229 0 1.101
576 - Knowle603 - Data W 19.165 20.55 20.55 13.898 0 14.45
76 - Knowledge Capture 1.545 1.502 4.238 0 0 0
601 - Data E 603 - Data W 13.942 19.488 25.569 0 0 5.5
32.553 30.857 30.857 0 0 0
74 - Computer/ Network Integration 8.499 10.564 19.478 1.2 0 4.01
576 - Knowle601 - Data E 82.028 67.318 82.348 0 0 0
315 - Threat 316 - Contin 47.284 40.879 59.373 0 0 0
nd Software 16.876 19.851 19.851 0 0 0
cal Research 1.287 1.15 1.15 0 0 0
6.967 8.54 9.29 0 0 0
4.715 7.014 6.35 4.715 0 6.214
61 - Document Management and wor 8.323 9.426 9.426 0 0 0
30 - Process Tracking 9.995 3.828 3.828 9.995 0 3.828
IT Infrastructure 2.172 1.797 2.37 0 0 0
ernment Records 3.573 5.014 5.014 0 0 0
2.774 4.314 4.197 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 3.167 4.429 4.429 0 0 0
7.355 7.355 8.458 0 0 0
6.298 15.498 3.28 0 0 0
3.111 3.035 3.035 0 0 0
3.878 2.201 2.413 3.329 0 1.466
are Research and Practitioner Educati 9.7 8.05 8.05 9.54 0 7.92
7.767 9.851 9.851 4.681 0 5.201
655 - Audit Trail Capture 8.06 9.577 9.577 2.57 0 4.426
77 - Knowledge Distribution and Deliv 8.23 9.825 9.825 5.079 0 5.375
/ Project Management 11.391 17.085 18.179 1.888 0 6.25
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 8.748 9.065 9.396 0.242 0 0.251
2.487 2.168 2.452 0 0 0
77 - Knowledge Distribution and Deliv 15.447 15.504 19.708 3.366 0 3.675
0.661 0.337 0.357 0 0 0
3.065 3.561 4.166 0 0 0
0.724 0.788 0.823 0.125 0 0.2
/ Project Management 6.355 6.451 8.37 5.516 0 5.588
/ Project Management 24.485 31.599 23.188 7.385 0 9.812
5.734 5.42 5.551 3.664 0.175 3.245
Management 4.032 5.441 5.441 0 0 0
g and Information 0.692 0.681 0.695 0.294 0 0.433
1.156 2.779 2.884 0.684 0 1.734
0.85 0.915 0.949 0.475 0 0.52
Management 0.358 0.358 0.358 0 0 0
0.05 0.05 0.05 0 0 0
ondence Management 0.387 0.357 0.375 0 0 0
m Development / Integration Support 0.939 1.876 1.97 0.402 0 0.809
/ Project Management 13.9 13.9 0 13.9 0 13.9
1.324 0.966 0.967 1.211 0.06 0.847
0.683 0.584 0.665 0.285 0.285 0.175
/ Project Management 25.476 26.2 24.5 13.358 0 13.82
0.445 0.343 0.36 0 0 0
0.288 0.35 0.38 0 0 0
tion Mapping / Taxonomy / Categoriza 0.3 0.2 0.15 0.3 0 0.2
/ Project Management 3.797 3.888 3.988 1.28 0 1.27
/ Project Management 4.519 3.751 2.791 2.921 0 2.237
/ Project Management 4.057 4.565 4.7 2.434 0 2.932
/ Project Management 1.101 0.994 0.994 0.577 0 0.436
592 - Data M601 - Data E 9.761 9.761 9.761 0 0 0
102.233 100.857 111.857 15.539 0 15.171
0.44 0.44 0.44 0 0 0
0.55 0.55 0.55 0 0 0
341 - Web Inf659 - Email 67.119 57.454 57.454 0 0 0
7.092 3.087 3.087 0 0 0
ent and Training 1.076 1.123 0.806 0.491 0 0.518
5.122 5.514 2.072 0.777 0 1.007
tion Exchange and Transformation 1.691 1.793 1.893 0.911 0 0.695
mmunications 1.422 1.18 1.04 0.272 0 0.03
0.849 0.884 0.938 0.102 0 0.086
592 - Data M618 - Employ 2.739 2.883 2.835 1.075 0 1.038
84.565 80.314 80.314 38.765 0 34.514
on Health Management 8.194 7.912 8.917 5.18 0 5.272
47 - Performance Management 0.21 0.215 0.22 0 0 0
2.502 2.527 2.451 0.682 0 0.389
1.607 1.186 0.696 1.118 0 0.757
644 - Workforce Directory 1.6 0.762 1.263 0.908 0 0.021
530 - Process Tracking 0.704 0.722 0.74 0 0 0
13 - Population Health Management 1.5 1.75 1.75 0 0 0
601 - Data E 603 - Data W 5.882 6.059 6.241 0.341 0 0.351
4.533 4.733 4.746 0.633 0 0.633
577 - Knowledge Distribut 6.204 6.204 6.204 0.6 0 0.6
8.174 8.174 9.296 2.163 0 2.163
601 - Data E 603 - Data W 3.503 3.419 3.54 2.018 0 2.051
601 - Data E 579 - Record 9.452 9.452 17.454 3.16 0 3.16
10.45 10.45 9.587 10.45 0 10.45
04 - Meta Data Management 8.15 8.849 8.779 2.82 0 2.789
5.699 3.216 6.571 4.181 0 2.008
1.08 0.115 0.115 0.9 0 0.025
251 - Staffin 255 - Emplo 13.048 13.683 14.211 0 0 0
604 - Meta 661 - Docum 3.355 3.4 3.4 2.1 0 1.85
0.513 0.524 0.428 0 0 0
mmunications 1.4 1.429 1.458 0 0 0
531 - Case Management 4.253 3.771 3.79 0.855 0 0.81
5.5 5.5 5.5 2.75 0 2.75
2.226 1.512 1.55 0.741 0 0
36 26.747 24.611 0 0 0
530 - Process Tracking 2.35 2.4 2.375 1.55 0 1.55
601 - Data Exchange 6 6.3 6 2.6 0 4
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 3.478 3.693 3.468 1.832 0 1.497
2.6 4.05 4.172 1 0 2.4
31 - Case Management 1.274 1.825 1.311 0.129 0 0.583
656 - Certification and Ac 11.118 9.348 13.683 2.341 0 0
78 - System Resource Usage 0.539 0.714 0.684 0.095 0 0.128
7.3 7.3 7.9 0 0 0
0.781 0.307 0.436 0.413 0 0
2.637 2.286 2.286 0 0 0
/ Project Management 2.213 3.154 2.079 0.939 0 1.774
255 - Emplo 256 - Employ 3.275 2.15 2.15 2.775 0 1.65
4.411 3.996 3.996 0.97 0 0
13 - Population Health Management 5.025 3.858 3.648 2.9 0 1.7
0.984 1.206 1.25 0.449 0 0.206
3.355 3.355 4.2 0.08 0 0.08
18 - Employee Development and Train 0.08 0.08 0.08 0 0 0
116 - Debt Collection 1.522 1.662 1.7 0.73 0 1.29
on and Delivery 0.298 0.194 0.204 0.222 0 0
0.05 0.052 0.054 0 0 0
ce Directory / Locator 0.194 0.402 0.41 0.194 0 0
0.853 2.004 2.026 0 0 1.515
76 - Knowledge Capture 1.339 1.159 1.309 0 0 0
341 - Web Inf651 - Digita 116.1 111.4 111.4 0 0 0
ta Management 0.282 0.552 0.572 0.282 0 0.25
0.566 0.566 0.035 0.167 0 0.17
ge Distribution and Delivery 0.654 0.654 0.654 0.098 0 0.098
54 - IT Strategy and Innovation 1.231 0.58 0.935 1.121 0 0.421
5.077 6.053 6.63 0.048 0 0.657
on Health Management 5.324 4.095 4.095 1.473 0 0.323
0.733 0.741 0.763 0.381 0 0.385
0.05 0.12 0.15 0 0 0.07
2.547 2.671 2.938 0.075 0 0.075
0.432 0.327 0.34 0.122 0 0.02
ge Distribution and Delivery 1.352 1.415 0.943 0.442 0 0.369
0.855 0.809 0.8 0 0 0
0.277 0.723 0.575 0 0 0.45
ent and Training 0.902 1.307 1.192 0.256 0 0.371
0.724 0.73 0.752 0.136 0 0.365
0.675 0.681 0.702 0.392 0 0.396
1.446 1.449 1.492 0 0 0
0.609 1.632 1.457 0.238 0 0.242
18 - Employee Development and Train 4.242 3.471 2.983 2.388 0 1.57
03 - Data Warehouse 2.703 1.516 1.563 0.795 0 0
ation and Authentication 1.926 1.926 1.926 0 0 0
1.042 1.536 1.536 0.347 0 0.768
3.966 4.164 4.288 0 0 0
0.281 0.281 0.575 0.11 0 0.11
0.126 0.133 0.14 0 0 0
g / Geospatial 0.555 0.793 0.793 0 0 0.185
ance Management 3.265 3.515 8.5 0.75 0 1
Management 2.447 2.532 1.958 1.935 0 1.75
49 - Access Control 2.433 1.893 1.893 0.55 0 0.01
2.2 0.8 0.6 1.5 0 0.3
3.775 3.103 2.906 1.36 0 0
0.635 0.62 0.607 0 0 0.2
1.809 1.396 1.424 0.67 0 0.49
0.045 0.048 0.04 0 0 0
Management 0.473 0.411 0.417 0.194 0 0.05
0.575 1.039 0.534 0.057 0 0.522
49 - Health Care Research and Practit 2.955 3.161 3.149 0.025 0 0.042
026 - Scientific and Techn 2.814 4.227 2.887 1.617 0 1.095
/ Project Management 5.549 4.96 4.934 2.246 0 2.027
06 - Workforce Planning 0.253 0.237 0.241 0.039 0 0.005
10 - Food and Drug Quality and Safety 5.155 6.422 6.397 2.604 0 4.15
/ Project Management 11.755 5.762 7.032 8.48 0 1.085
1.8 1.9 1.96 0 0 0
0.8 0.683 0.59 0.3 0 0.329
0.8 0.683 0.59 0.3 0 0.329
9.499 9.46 9.46 2.755 0 2.84
cal Research 8.558 8.731 8.852 0 0 0
18.577 17.934 18.293 0 0 0
are Research and Practitioner Educati 47.192 39.549 38.699 8.4 0 2.85
32.593 35.128 39.69 0.682 0 2.1
cal Research 7.084 7.294 7.51 0 0 0
cal Research 1.935 2.02 2.015 0.42 0 0.435
16.288 16.288 16.288 13.603 0 13.603
cal Research 1.696 1.713 1.73 0.529 0 0.534
5.963 5.963 5.963 4.498 0 4.498
0.165 0.165 0.178 0.155 0 0.155
0.676 0.676 0.676 0.134 0 0.134
cal Research 0.75 0.506 0.514 0.678 0 0.461
0.86 1.246 1.051 0.67 0 1
0.31 0.55 1.25 0.3 0 0.5
cal Research 0.434 0.399 0.429 0.365 0 0.355
1.416 1.607 1.725 0.375 0 0.401
1.31 1.428 1.2 0.41 0 0.828
0.471 0.297 0.319 0.417 0 0.27
19.801 19.801 19.801 13.378 0 13.378
0.822 0.846 0.871 0.164 0 0.169
4.2 4.2 4.2 1.2 0 1.2
2.234 2.256 2.279 0.415 0 0.419
6.219 6.463 6.481 0 0 0.4
1.353 1.353 1.353 0.715 0 0.715
cal Research 0.718 0.732 0.732 0.43 0 0.439
cal Research 0.189 0.153 0.176 0.106 0 0.057
cal Research 0.367 0.384 0.4 0.275 0 0.288
10.144 11.029 10.216 0 0 0
2.041 1.955 1.99 0 0 0
cal Research 16.59 16.721 16.855 8.506 0 8.595
0.245 0.245 0.245 0.17 0 0.17
0.115 0.115 0.118 0.045 0 0.045
0.6 0.63 0.63 0 0 0
cal Research 13.6 5.45 2.8 10.5 0 2.25
1.325 1.391 1.39 1.2 0 1.26
0.013 0.013 0.013 0.001 0 0.001
0.104 0.104 0.104 0.089 0 0.089
7.066 7.507 7.38 2.977 0 3.552
13.074 12.557 12.726 6.949 0 5.337
0.023 0.813 0.773 0.002 0 0.235
16.502 16.759 16.879 8.569 0 8.435
0.134 0.135 0.138 0.042 0 0.042
cal Research 1.32 1.352 1.378 0.268 0 0.275
0.437 0.446 0.455 0 0 0
1.874 1.872 1.91 0.182 0 0.141
2.801 2.872 2.922 0.672 0 0.672
0.087 0.087 0.089 0.041 0 0.041
0.468 0.429 0.429 0 0 0
cal Research 2.191 2.19 1.158 0.892 0 1.192
1.099 0.897 0.636 0.056 0 0.036
0.626 0.626 0.205 0.421 0 0.421
26.69 26.706 26.706 0 0 0
cal Research 14.858 14.902 14.902 0 0 0
1.611 1.421 1.451 0.441 0 0.15
9.045 9.767 9.76 1.548 0 2.379
are Delivery Services 0.399 0.405 0.411 0 0 0
cal Research 1.199 1.263 1.286 0.779 0 0.758
cal Research 3.773 3.773 3.772 1.584 0 1.584
cal Research 13.098 13.718 13.725 1.5 0 0.154
cal Research 0.101 0.13 0.132 0.029 0 0.05
cal Research 5.821 5.821 5.821 2.871 0 2.871
0.132 0.132 0.124 0 0 0
12.873 4.37 3.9 9.673 0 0.92
0.03 0.03 0.03 0 0 0
cal Research 0.248 0.254 0.259 0.05 0 0.051
0.244 0.245 0.245 0 0 0
cal Research 5.068 4.903 4.903 2.867 0 2.55
0.172 0.172 0.172 0 0 0
cal Research 0.238 0.238 0.238 0.18 0 0.18
0.303 0.331 0.267 0.024 0 0.128
cal Research 1.047 1.079 1.079 0.372 0 0.33
0.134 0.105 0.105 0.01 0 0
0.208 0.208 0.2 0 0 0
cal Research 0.163 0.1 0.102 0.1 0 0
cal Research 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.7 0 0.6
0.935 0.941 0.117 0 0 0
cal Research 0.234 0.235 0.235 0.123 0 0.093
8.745 9.008 9.277 0.828 0 0.853
0.084 0.084 0.084 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 202.951 207.517 209.245 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 118.958 123.826 127.236 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 110.825 120.336 114.394 0 0 0
0.09 0.092 0.062 0.03 0 0.031
1.506 1.52 1.588 0.626 0 0.612
0.577 0.622 0.622 0 0 0
0.2 0.2 0 0 0 0
4.249 6.1 6.1 1.649 0 0.4
logical Research and Innovation 2.88 2.89 2.9 0 0 0
3.55 7.58 3.48 0 0 4.2
590 - Mappin648 - Identif 37.736 38.324 38.499 0 0 0
0.027 0.061 0.061 0 0 0
2.54 2.57 2.64 0 0 0
Purpose Data and Statistics 0.59 0.59 0.59 0 0 0
Purpose Data and Statistics 0.058 0.059 0.061 0 0 0
are Delivery Services 0.9 0.932 0.932 0 0 0

0.55 0.55 0 0 0 0
Purpose Data and Statistics 0.231 0.239 0.24 0 0 0
0.552 0.57 0.578 0.15 0 0.152
0.515 0.402 0.402 0 0 0
are Delivery Services 1.633 1.633 1.633 0 0 0
0.066 0.067 0.093 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.03 0.044 0.044 0 0 0
e and Transformation 1.768 1.667 1.667 1.34 0 1.295
2.21 1.44 1.38 0.74 0 0
on and Delivery 0.381 0.413 0 0 0 0
0.026 0.027 0.028 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.106 0.106 0.106 0 0 0
0.095 0.096 0.097 0 0 0
0.245 0.247 0 0 0 0
070 - General Purpose Data 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.02 0 0.02
070 - General Purpose Data 1.662 1.662 1.662 0 0 0
70 - General Purpose Data and Statisti 1.204 1.251 0.941 0.493 0 0.496
329 - Continuity of Operat 0.983 0.7 0.707 0 0 0
070 - General Purpose Data 0.855 0.781 0.855 0.211 0 0.137
070 - General Purpose Data 0.1 0.468 0.355 0 0 0.187
77 - Knowledge Distribution and Deliv 24 24.2 24.2 0 0 0
ge Distribution and Delivery 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0 0
ge Distribution and Delivery 0.98 0.9 0.9 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.7 0.31 0.31 0.45 0 0.06
0.25 0.25 0.25 0 0 0
0.5 0.38 0.38 0.2 0 0.08
517 - Extern 576 - Knowle 0.68 0.4 0.4 0.205 0 0.15
/ Project Management 0.4 0.33 0.33 0.1 0 0.03
tion Exchange and Transformation 0.47 0.35 0.35 0.17 0 0.05
are Administration 1.185 2.003 2.103 0 0 0
6961 6479 6479 2580 0 2156
601 - Data Exchange 21.8 21.159 23.342 0 0 0
538 - Progra 592 - Data M 18.685 21.914 17.711 0 0 0
30.086 38.172 36.697 0 0 0
are Administration 99.129 99.129 113.82 0 0 0
576 - Knowle644 - Workfor 56.554 52.552 55.087 3 0 0
7.578 6.678 25.629 0.1 0 0
5.053 6.123 7.634 0 0 0
3.141 1.276 3.613 0 0 0
9.53 10.495 9.529 0 0 0
18.299 18.299 29.699 0 0 0
18.669 21.93 25.818 0 0 0
22.921 13.894 20.894 8.278 0 0
38 - Program / Project Management 1.865 2.131 2.377 0 0 0
22.813 22.621 23.079 0 0 0
19.663 17.769 17.66 0 0 0
27.961 25.118 25.076 0 0 0
1.759 1.58 1.636 0 0 0
604 - Meta 678 - System 14.559 10.415 12.553 2.847 0 0
16.873 11.883 14.441 3.65 0 0
2 2 0 0 0 0
20.319 18.21 15.71 20.319 0 18.21
38.627 31.023 28.5 8.495 0 9.307
/ Project Management 32.303 26.529 25.319 0 0 0
38 - Program / Project Management 0.371 0.294 0.297 0 0 0
1.8 1.8 1.8 0 0 0
nd Management 0.789 0.789 0.839 0 0 0
er Feedback 0.8 0 0.8 0 0 0
33 - Correspondence Management 1.412 1.794 3.954 0 0 0
3.802 5.344 0 0.802 0 0.669
108 - Custom247 - Health 750.039 516.122 398.64 83.935 0 0
01 - Data Exchange 0.169 0.181 0.68 0 0 0
, Fleet and Equipment Management 0.871 0.871 0.958 0 0 0
47 - Health Care Administration 0.297 0.317 0.317 0 0 0
533 - Corre 618 - Employ 3.536 3.234 4.997 0 0 0
03 - Data Warehouse 3.68 3.484 3.673 0 0 0
are Administration 57.568 26.598 35.834 40 0 0
23.01 33.039 24.305 4.214 0 6.051
50.709 57.91 44.074 0 0 0
0.175 0.175 0.175 0 0 0
0.61 0.61 0.61 0 0 0
0.84 0.84 0.915 0 0 0
48 - Health Care Delivery Services 14.324 14.59 3.917 6.713 0 6.874
are Administration 17.663 15.6 4.011 12.011 0 0
263 - System and Network 529.065 365.236 92.871 529.065 0 365.236
77 - Knowledge Distribution and Deliv 30.652 17.486 12.06 14.1 0 6.82
are Administration 44.746 25.424 30.822 24.254 0 13.475
2.076 2.149 2.224 0 0 0
13.685 15.911 16.49 0 0 0
16.897 11.68 24.597 0 0 0
530 - Process Tracking 0.6 0.6 0.6 0 0 0
are Administration 16.73 17.61 17.61 0 0 0
22.423 20.577 19.951 19.498 0 0
2.564 2.085 2.501 0 0 0
3.615 3.615 4.564 0 0 0
are Administration 0.754 0.672 0.69 0 0 0
1.817 1.713 2.878 0 0 0
are Administration 2.456 2.776 3.081 0 0 0
1.503 1.403 1.431 0 0 0
0.25 0.5 0 0 0 0
0.3 0.3 0 0 0 0
40 - Collaboration Tools 6.115 6.142 4.673 1.5 0 1.5
13.72 10.164 27.273 13.72 0 5.082
28.027 24.965 21.002 7.847 0 10.236
are Administration 11 13.95 11.95 2 0 2
32.537 32.536 30.136 0 0 0
are Administration 17.928 15.602 8.657 17.928 0 15.602
11.17 19.168 18.23 4.021 0 5.75
are Administration 2.16 3.08 3.906 0 0 0
38 - Program / Project Management 51.8 46.343 16.627 51.8 0 46.343
3.007 3.349 2.416 0 0 0
are Administration 88.406 79.84 4.84 1.85 0 0
are Administration 58.484 53.392 51.045 42.109 0 36.306
are Administration 2.684 1.688 0.954 0 0 0
0.44 0.517 0.53 0 0 0
are Administration 13.568 13.281 10.974 6.133 0 3.984
are Administration 3.894 2.524 2.861 0 0 0
2.816 3.516 4.87 1.95 0 2.568
1.946 13.822 11.955 1.946 0 6.911
egrity and Privacy Management 3.676 66.532 4.833 0 0 0.3
47 - Health Care Administration 0.55 0.63 0.649 0 0 0
0 6.778 6.82 0 0 0
15 13.906 14 0 0 0.906
2 0.175 0.175 2 0 0
11.15 4.725 0.55 6.25 0 4.175
5.35 2.86 2.75 5.35 0 2.86
7.5 9.924 3.374 3.75 0 6.4
0 2.577 1.602 0 0 0.725
8.2 6.3 4.25 4.1 0 2.1
0 46.236 46.793 0 0 27.742
/ Project Management 0.329 0.335 0.341 0 0 0
0.799 0.814 0.829 0 0 0
/ Project Management 0.586 0.597 0.608 0 0 0
126 - Paymen547 - Perfo 1.402 1.428 1.454 0 0 0
0.494 0.503 0.512 0 0 0
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 593 689 704 0 0 180
63 - Federal Funds to States and Loc 2.225 2.266 2.307 0 0 0
1.139 1.161 1.182 0 0 0
Management 1.672 1.704 1.735 0 0 0
22.158 23.84 26.094 0.259 0 0.891
63 - Federal Funds to States and Loc 18.428 3.937 4.007 16.341 0 1.364
ance Management 4.8 4.8 4.886 0.524 0 0.524
e Development and Training 3.443 3.489 3.552 1.023 0 1.023
38 - Program / Project Management 8.83 8.751 8.909 7.716 0 7.616
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 1.616 1.647 1.677 0 0 0
0.366 0.373 0.38 0 0 0
76 - Knowledge Capture 0.2 0.2 0.2 0 0 0
0.655 1.3 0 0 0 0
on and Delivery 2.5 3.5 3.5 1 0 1
7.2 9.8 8.8 4.8 0 3
0.3 0.3 0 0 0 0
530 - Process538 - Progra 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0.6 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.479 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0.3 1.8 1.8 0 0 1.5
2.709 3 2 0 0 0
ge Distribution and Delivery 1.493 1.39 1.469 0 0 0
2.33 2.33 2.33 0 0 0
2.172 2.172 2.172 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0.25 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
26 - Payments 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0.7 0
0 0 0 0 0.5 0
ent and Training 0 0 0 0 1.2 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
538 - Progra 613 - Time R 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0.522 0.61 1.25 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
1.948 0.85 0.85 1.05 0 0
/ Project Management 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0.171 0
0.595 0.595 0.596 0.325 0 0.325
0.722 0.722 0.723 0.256 0 0.256
61 - Document Management and wor 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
5.901 5.901 6.901 0 0 0
ance Management 0.938 1.25 1.8 0.788 0 1
263 - System678 - System 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.083 0.086 0.08 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
Management 1.086 1.086 1.119 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
d Compensation 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
10 - Emergency Response 3.691 3.252 0 0.913 0 0.902
0.521 0.678 0.588 0.293 0 0.448
0.092 0.092 0 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.459 0.45 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0.34 0
2.478 0.57 0.029 0 0 0
0.055 0.055 0.055 0.015 0 0.015
nt Management and workflow 2.2 3.2 2.2 0 0 1
0.909 0.932 0.956 0 0 0
0.994 1.01 1.01 0.454 0 0.454
0.066 0.068 0.068 0 0 0
nd Software 0.113 0.113 0.113 0 0 0
0.205 0.3 0.809 0.132 0 0.224
0.517 0.517 0.52 0.155 0 0.155
0 0 0 0 0 0
0.153 0.153 0.153 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.15 0.15 0.15 0 0 0
/ Project Management 2.251 1.947 1.947 0.198 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0.4 0
38 - Program / Project Management 0 0 0 0 0.075 0
340 - Collaboration Tools 0 0 0 0 0.1 0
/ Project Management 0.93 0.93 0.93 0 0 0
0.121 0.124 0.127 0 0 0
61 - Document Management and wor 2.438 2.353 2.353 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
l Sector Oversight 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.098 0.098 0.098 0 0 0
0.5 0.5 0.25 0.25 0 0.25
ent and Training 0 0 0 0 0.04 0
0.075 0.077 0 0 0 0
0.137 0.045 0.045 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
tion Exchange and Transformation 14.452 15.092 7.088 14.452 0 15.092
1.373 0.845 0.845 0 0 0
s and Planning 0.05 0.05 0.05 0 0 0
0.041 0.041 0.041 0 0 0
0.933 1.652 1.652 0.72 0 0.72
quipment Management 0.3 0.364 0.42 0 0 0
0.16 0.16 0.16 0 0 0
29 - Reporting and Information 3.437 1.48 0.19 3.345 0 1.34
1.59 1.73 2.882 0.531 0 0.325
603 - Data W661 - Docum 14.07 14.38 17.471 2.469 0 1.51
531 - Case Management 6.586 7.166 7.997 1.201 0 0.734
1.773 1.916 0.55 1.111 0 1.5
46.119 34.471 34.096 3.958 0 1.224
77 - Inspection and Auditing 0 22.361 22.361 0 0 15.9
340 - Collaboration Tools 0 5.699 5.699 0 0 1.975
339 - Information Mapping 0 1 0 0 0 1
nd Services Acquisition 20.588 20.313 20.093 1.607 0 0.721
nd Services Acquisition 1.273 1.273 1.273 0 0 0
0.047 0.047 0.047 0 0 0
0.251 0.261 0.261 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 5.792 6.784 6.71 0.452 0 0.241
2.125 1.275 1.275 1.35 0 0.5
4.055 7.574 7.574 3.166 0 4.013
341 - Web Inf618 - Employ 0.363 1.587 2.955 0 0 0.552
41 - Web Infrastructure 0 5.673 6.37 0 0 5.625
3.296 4.111 4.066 0.257 0 0.146
0 0.414 0 0 0 0.414
0 0.3 0.15 0 0 0
2.324 2.197 1.352 0 0 0
40 - Collaboration Tools 2.825 5.636 5.636 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 4.021 4.125 4.2 0 0 0
2.3 1.677 1.677 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 0 5.075 5.075 0 0 5.075
nt / Integration Support 0 2.1 2.1 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 0 2.913 2.561 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 0 1 1 0 0 1
nt / Integration Support 4.468 4.571 4.677 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.782 0.782 0.782 0 0 0
29.704 24.704 37.846 17.822 0 14.822
nt / Integration Support 36.931 34.931 20.488 22.159 0 20.959
32.579 33.54 33.175 2.543 0 1.191
28.43 27.782 27.48 2.219 0 0.986
2.849 2.332 2.306 0.222 0 0.083
0.342 0.357 0.358 0.024 0 0.039
2.141 2.14 2.14 1.427 0 0.4
0.325 0.325 0.325 0 0 0
0.655 0.655 0.655 0.393 0 0.393
0.275 0.275 0 0.275 0 0.275
65.578 65.917 65.2 5.118 0 2.34
240.559 0 0 68.022 0 0
e and Transformation 4.15 0 0 4.15 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
cal Research 0.064 0 0 0.039 0 0
cal Research 0.02 0 0 0 0 0
2.31 0 0 0 0 0
0.105 0 0 0 0 0
5.7 0 0 4.5 0 0
Purpose Data and Statistics 0.988 0 0 0 0 0
0.22 0 0 0 0 0
1.05 0 0 0 0 0
3.629 0 0 0 0 0
249 - Health 576 - Knowle 0.2 0 0 0.07 0 0
0.144 0 0 0 0 0
0.125 0 0 0 0 0
603 - Data Warehouse 37.578 0 0 29.041 0 0
0.2 0 0 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 1.96 0 0 0.98 0 0
11.481 0 0 11.481 0 0
3.114 0 0 3.114 0 0
0.14 0 0 0 0 0
ernment Records 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.272 0 0 0 0 0
hentication 4.346 0 0 0 0 0
8.027 7.304 6.855 0 0 0
are Administration 51.718 39.424 29.878 0 0 0
40 - Collaboration Tools 4.7952 4.157 4.1705 2.9976 0.0434 2.377
1.176004 1.1835 1.1535 0.16 0 0.175
, Fleet and Equipment Management 0.51354 0.51354 0.51354 0 0 0
gy and Innovation 4.951162 4.71006 4.396962 0 0 0
316 - Continuous Monitor 61.331834 68.080121 96.31385 0 1.79653 10
Funds to States and Local Government 1.603166 1.754577 1.754577 0 0 0
256 - Employ257 - Separa 4.014926 3.851339 3.966398 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 40.682322 44.24086 43.127549 6.1812 0 6.1848
40 - Collaboration Tools 0.280081 0.113201 0 0.280081 0 0.113201
353 - Inform 309 - Enviro 0.695 0.56 0.56 0.38 0 0.275
330 - Legislat256 - Employ 0.036121 0.036114 0.036096 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.233129 0.23313 0.23313 0 0 0
0.059485 0.06533 0.074287 0 0 0
, Fleet and Equipment Management 0.5709 0.4689 0.4759 0.112 0 0.112
g and Information 0.103 0.071 0.074 0 0 0
18 - Cultural and Historic Exhibition 0.592475 0.592475 0.590816 0 0 0
005 - Crimina601 - Data E 2.987046 4.5123 4.6026 0 0 0
0.02 0.02 0.02 0 0 0
onal Resource Management and Tour 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0
g and Information 0.1092 0.103 0.082077 0.0714 0 0.065
008 - Disaster Preparedne 3 3 3 2.7 0 2.49
12.628907 13.794786 15.166962 0 0 0
024 - Enviro 057 - Conser 1.29 1.034 0.806 1.29 0 1.034
0.38032 1.0562 1.0562 0 0 0.6155
0.02872 0.03026 0.0245 0 0 0
03 - Data Warehouse 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0 0.375
0.348687 0.348687 0.85721 0 0 0
e Development and Training 0.356388 0.381697 0.381697 0 0 0
0.0225 0.0225 0.0225 0 0 0
e Benefits and Compensation 0.130435 0.130435 0.130435 0 0 0
0.11 0.11 0.11 0 0 0
ance Management 1.387374 1.409029 1.413952 0 0 0
ondence Management 0.1658 0.1658 0.1658 0 0 0
80 - Issue Tracking 1.349843 1.379623 1.391957 0 0 0
0.275 0.275 0.275 0 0 0
18 - Business Analytics 0.54 0.625 0.8 0.259 0.741 0.259
80 - Issue Tracking 0.18471 0.191813 0.187183 0 0 0
ernment Records 13.256931 11.727287 11.975173 0.289 0 0.292
654 - Incide 655 - Audit T 192.616862 213.180846 224.916736 5.0603 0.783065 5.107
0.034 0.034 0.034 0 0 0
, Fleet and Equipment Management 0.086 0.086 0.086 0 0 0
0.124236 0.124236 0.124236 0 0 0
0.105 0.105 0.105 0 0 0
0.053 0.053 0.053 0 0 0
4.102582 4.156493 4.178183 1.918477 0 1.918477
e Benefits and Compensation 0.092215 0.127456 0.129556 0 0 0
1.097362 1.01041 1.002409 0.1975 0 0
43 - Audio / Video Conferencing 225.312755 257.838708 283.773086 9.39548 0 41.48977
ance Management 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 0 4.5
ory Compliance 0.023484 0.025832 0.028416 0 0 0
ernment Records 1.374448 1.246922 1.246922 0 0 0
gy and Innovation 4.715774 4.480547 4.619308 0 0 0
0.965 0.965 0.965 0 0 0
256 - Employee Relations 0.031789 0.031761 0.031872 0 0 0
18 - Business Analytics 1.12 0.995 1.02 0.55 0 0.3
e Benefits and Compensation 0.06107 0.035 0.035 0 0 0
66 - Worker Safety 1.181055 1.18578 1.18512 0.142203 0 0.14211
ory Compliance 1.587499 1.619576 1.786783 0 0 0
256 - Employee Relations 0.028 0.028 0.028 0 0 0
143 - Goods a126 - Paymen 0 0 5 0 26.185807 0
onal Resource Management and Tour 0.11727 0.227623 0.231601 0 0 0
0.184 0.184 0.184 0 0 0
ation, Marine and Land Management 0.190214 0.183179 0.18867 0.069534 0 0
57 - Conservation, Marine and Land 0.41539 0.439652 0.4635 0 0 0
evenues and User Fees 1.34664 2.126 2.189 0 0 0
ation, Marine and Land Management 0.02837 0.699989 0.32907 0 0 0.335118
Preparedness and Planning 0.0631 0.0768 0.0803 0 0 0
ation, Marine and Land Management 0.11187 0.365139 0.05025 0 0 0.035
ation, Marine and Land Management 1.23092 2.136577 2.373561 0.01133 0 0
23 - Environmental Monitoring and Fo 0.0128 0.069685 0.071772 0 0 0
18 - Employee Development and Train 1.53459 1.354013 1.310806 0 0 0
39 - Information Mapping / Taxonomy 1.15272 1.748064 1.676426 0 0 0
04 - Meta Data Management 0.01652 0.11455 0.002732 0 0 0
118 - Federal Asset Sales 0.48328 0.132 0.055 0.48328 0 0.107
077 - Inspect079 - Permits 3.02057 5.175201 4.058559 0.58078 0 4.1018
ation, Marine and Land Management 0.42285 0.125055 0.167791 0.311923 0 0
ta Management 1.25456 0.57135 0.895175 0 0 0.018249
024 - Environmental Reme 1.43678 2.823521 2.820699 0 0 0
and Historic Preservation 0.32876 0.857575 0.82759 0 0 0
g and Information 0.41907 0.529154 0.462774 0 0 0
ation, Marine and Land Management 0.33323 0.19584 0.456028 0 0 0
mental Site Stewardship 0.07513 0.23542 0.24248 0 0 0
Repair and Restore 0.48714 0.5598 0.56429 0 0 0
127 - Collections and Rece 0.3916 0.2074 0.2012 0 0 0
09 - Environmental Site Stewardship 0.018 0.508 0.033 0 0 0
/ Project Management 0.0395 0.118 0.0443 0 0 0
0.123 0.094 0.044 0 0 0
0.0793 0.15286 0.1553 0 0 0
28 - Collect Revenues and User Fees 0.0821 0.0375 0.0232 0 0 0
0.0951 0.0815 0.0604 0 0 0
661 - Docum577 - Knowled 0.11843 0.11792 0.11792 0.11843 0 0.11792
023 - Enviro 309 - Enviro 1.16078 0.68091 0.6659 0 0 0
56 - Water Resource Management 0.343296 0.612 0.627 0 0 0
esource Management 12.091842 16.229 16.345 1.13615 0 1.662585
esource Management 0.381 0.381 0.381 0 0 0
119 - Facilities, Fleet a 1.828255 3.49977 3.821992 0 0 0
esource Management 0.20298 0.24838 0.24708 0.00637 0 0.0675
18 - Business Analytics 0.075039 0.075 0.075 0 0 0
19 - Energy Production and Transmiss 0.525 0.57774 0.598061 0 0 0
318 - Business Analytics 1.034369 1.283 1.305 0.152 0 0.114
56 - Water Resource Management 1.056245 1.703357 1.570052 0 0 0
29 - Reporting and Information 0.4 0.358574 0.359732 0 0 0
0.226549 0.2497 0.2497 0 0 0
45 - Management of Government Rec 0.597663 1.285 1.315 0 0 0
29 - Reporting and Information 0.727721 0.95116 0.89483 0.008 0 0.32953
328 - Collect Revenues an 0.455899 0.797 0.805 0 0 0
44 - Inventory Control 0.978 1.175 1.139 0.5 0 0
esource Management 1.106407 1.331961 0.861637 0.6488 0 0.50039
38 - Program / Project Management 1.74594 2.04486 2.05842 0 0 0
38 - Program / Project Management 0.548375 2.006 3.012 0.06 0 1.15
127 - Collections and Rece 0.098815 0.114 0.114 0 0 0
45 - Management of Government Rec 0.154327 0.474 0 0 0 0
38 - Program / Project Management 5.672483 9.441245 7.874466 3.330233 0 7.562554
esource Management 0.868 0.84 0.84 0 0 0
023 - Environmental Monit 0.5828 1.0378 0.7724 0 0 0
c and Technological Research and Inn 8.256 8.256 8.261 0 0 0
mental Monitoring and Forecasting 12.371 21.601 26.091 0 0 9.23
ge Distribution and Delivery 11.85206 11.85206 11.85206 0 0 0
Formulation 1.91449 1.91449 1.91449 0 0 0
ge Distribution and Delivery 5.589 5.589 5.589 0 0 0
ge Distribution and Delivery 2.15713 2.15713 2.15713 0 0 0
c and Technological Research and Inn 5.525 5.525 5.525 0 0 0
26 - Scientific and Technological Res 4.601 4.601 4.601 0 0 0
23 - Environmental Monitoring and Fo 3.744 3.744 3.744 0 0 0
mental Monitoring and Forecasting 3.327 3.327 3.327 0 0 0
76 - Knowledge Capture 7.6 7.6 7.6 0 0 0
gy and Innovation 15.468 15.468 15.468 0 0 0
mental Monitoring and Forecasting 4.829 4.829 4.829 0.175 0 0.175
0.0525 0.053 0.0535 0 0 0
0.76123 1.16523 0.53423 0.269 0 0.402
057 - Conservation, Mar 0.3973 0.396 0.4139 0 0 0
onal Resource Management and Tour 0.2523 0.2546 0.2568 0 0 0
g / Geospatial 2.613 2.508 2.503 0 0 0
0.138 0.112 0.112 0 0 0
ation, Marine and Land Management 0.22628 0.2598 0.267 0.04468 0 0.0599
0.07 0 0 0.045 0 0
0.68817 0.69937 1.00782 0.035 0 0.037
079 - Permits and Licensin 26.459 21.456 20.236 7.565 0 7.153
03 - Data Warehouse 0.39 0.394 0.4 0.025 0 0.025
09 - Environmental Site Stewardship 0.161 0.214 0.547 0 0 0.05
g / Geospatial 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0 0 0
61 - Document Management and wor 0.2031 0.3663 0.3706 0 0 0
g and Information 0.412 0.883 1.197 0 0 0.446
, Fleet and Equipment Management 0.023 0.023 0.023 0 0 0
661 - Docum590 - Mappin 0.625 0.495 0.475 0.55 0 0.32
29 - Reporting and Information 1.662694 1.712323 1.97969 0.548347 0 0.304
11 - Business and Industry Developme 0.09 0.09 0.09 0 0 0
29 - Reporting and Information 8.351 8.665 8.021 0.288 0 0
nt Management and workflow 0.752 1.068 1.158 0.442 0 0.755
26 - Scientific and Technological Res 0.074 0.055 0.036 0.04 0 0.02
Management 0.09 0.091 0.092 0 0 0
018 - Cultura590 - Mappin 0.0183 0.0183 0.0185 0 0 0
29 - Reporting and Information 1.311 1.375 1.441 0.349 0 0.365
c and Technological Research and Inn 0.09 0.091 0.092 0 0 0
g / Geospatial 2.191 2.0889 1.875 1.249 0 1.1455
/ Project Management 0.326 0.182 0.116 0.249 0 0.102
328 - Collect 590 - Mappin 0.27 0.385 0.285 0.19 0 0.29
09 - Environmental Site Stewardship 0.102 0.105 0.107 0 0 0
e Benefits and Compensation 0.06 0.06 0.43 0 0 0
119 - Facilities, Fleet a 0.011 0.011 0.012 0 0 0
13 - Public Comment Tracking 0.251 0.261 0.271 0.124 0 0.129
29 - Reporting and Information 0.109 0.084 0.109 0 0 0
g and Information 0.009 0.009 0.009 0 0 0
18 - Business Analytics 0.93 0.9195 0.924 0.1845 0 0.183
13 - Public Comment Tracking 0.608 0.807 0.818 0.01 0 0
31 - Case Management 0.0146 0.126 0.126 0 0 0.115
29 - Reporting and Information 0.4175 0.422 0.4175 0.033 0 0.033
and Historic Preservation 2.325 2.359 2.402 0.825 0 0.829
mental Site Stewardship 0.182 0.183 0.169 0.05 0 0.05
09 - Environmental Site Stewardship 0.2815 0.2825 0.2835 0 0 0
ment of Government Records 0.008 0.008 0.008 0 0 0
29 - Reporting and Information 1.43897 1.43897 1.43897 0 0 0
n Indian and Alaskan Native Relations 0 0 0 0 0 0
27 - Collections and Receivables 1.59595 2.685358 4.600107 0.703019 0 1.77
31 - Case Management 1.167721 1.193765 1.220593 0 0 0
n Indian and Alaskan Native Relations 0.049468 0.049468 0.049468 0 0 0
29 - Reporting and Information 0.178 0.181 0.185 0.015 0 0.015
n Indian and Alaskan Native Relations 6.891977 8.033937 6.947688 0.861386 0 0.762129
90 - Mapping / Geospatial 1.624961 2.247015 2.738291 0.364947 0 0.444319
29 - Reporting and Information 0.031499 0.031499 0.031499 0 0 0
n Indian and Alaskan Native Relations 0.136279 0.140367 0.144578 0.1 0 0.103
31 - Case Management 0.339163 1.089163 0.339163 0 0 0.75
g and Information 0.207897 0.207897 0.207897 0 0 0
n Indian and Alaskan Native Relations 0.021403 0.15 0.15 0 0 0
29 - Reporting and Information 0.535 0.565 0.595 0 0 0
n Indian and Alaskan Native Relations 0.021 0.021 0.021 0 0 0
n Indian and Alaskan Native Relations 0.96358 0.96358 0.96358 0 0 0
29 - Reporting and Information 0.055 0.065 0.055 0.03 0 0.04
127 - Collect 077 - Inspect 18.688 16.513 21.463 2.375 0 0
256 - Employ319 - Regula 0.20845 0.3245 0.3245 0.20845 0 0.3245
29 - Reporting and Information 17.692966 18.72344 18.516979 0.365 0 1.114625
108 - Customer Services 0.75 0.85 0.85 0 0 0
and Land Management 0.71 0.865 0.378 0.71 0 0.865
47 - Performance Management 0.08714 0.415 0.465 0.08714 0 0
40 - Collaboration Tools 0.219514 1 1.05 0.219514 0 1
09 - Environmental Site Stewardship 0.08 0.131 0.274 0 0 0.049
c and Technological Research and Inn 0.135 0.1354 0.1356 0.115 0 0.1152
n Indian and Alaskan Native Relations 0 0 0 0 0.4275 0
n Indian and Alaskan Native Relations 0.03 0.002 0.002 0.03 0 0
80 - Issue Tracking 0.104 0.104 0.104 0.0552 0 0.0552
0.149 0.25 0.25 0 0 0.25
0.1644 0.25 0.25 0.1644 0 0.25
nt Management and workflow 0.062 0 0 0 0 0
0.1 0 0 0 0 0
tion Exchange and Transformation 0.013473 0 0 0 0 0
340 - Collabo655 - Audit T 0.096 0 0 0 0 0
654 - Incide 576 - Knowle 0.121 0 0 0 0 0
47 - Performance Management 0.082681 0 0 0 0 0
62 - Federal Financial Assistance 0.326 0 0 0.245 0 0
0.11583 0 0 0 0 0
2.746552 0 0 0 0 0
127 - Collections and Rece 0.025704 0 0 0 0 0
n Indian and Alaskan Native Relations 0.7145 0 0 0 0 0
03 - Data Warehouse 0 0 0 0 0 0
Management 2.386 2.396 2.407 0 0 0
, Fleet and Equipment Management 8.481491 6.940032 4.989194 3.772131 0 2.15182
318 - Busines319 - Regula 59.072559 59.130428 64.05607 16.28 0 16.28
25 - Information Discovery 112.756129 112.806119 120.243604 0 0 0
328 - Collect Revenues an 0.118427 0.118427 0.118427 0 0 0
129 - Reporting and Infor 0.781 0.969 1 0 0 0
2.18812 2.32399 2.43951 0 0 0
50.41736 54.11937 60.29789 17.66239 0 18.5766
quipment Management 0.2 0.108 0.458 0.102 0 0
0.10993 0.06051 0.071975 0 0 0
0.59424 0.54578 0.440794 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 3.746 3.696 3.72 2.494 0 2.464
0.124236 0.124236 0.124236 0 0 0
0.062 0.05 0.05 0 0 0
1.575 1.575 1.575 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 58.86174 43.03017 46.03235 10.90182 0 11.69862
ation and Authentication 2.61738 2.69984 2.83124 0 0 0
16.843 17.274 21.864 1.636 0 1.771
16.4608 18.24593 20.18962 8.24057 0 10.53863
ation and Authentication 27.51759 23.706547 22.688632 5.76584 0 4.914127
IT Infrastructure 146.278206 133.6568 125.754861 46.352466 0 19.59701
0.06346 0.05151 0.035 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 5.837 16.36 9.81869 5.837 0 16.36
29.54 30.33 30.33 2.4 0 2.4
17.085 17.085 17.085 0 0 0
0.29307 0.29339 0.26087 0 0 0
13.587 16.415 13.799 4.168 0 4.661
and Criminal Apprehension 8.82827 9.0015 9.181532 0 0 0
0.15 0.15 0.15 0 0 0
0.95266 0.917408 3.674931 0 0 0
ity Management 150.64385 189.58073 200.740546 15.77875 0 31.29713
0.82751 0.77933 0.65277 0.82751 0 0
20.831 23.934 23.834 0 0 0
0.105 0.11 0.11 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0 0
0.71963 0.71989 0.73806 0 0 0
mmunications 317.916596 299.938643 337.507288 42.85794 0 25.62637
IT Infrastructure 9.05888 9.5791 9.77068 0 0 0
2.13121 2.01783 2.073 0 0 0
0.339 0.304 0.314 0 0 0
0.05587 0.05587 0.06035 0 0 0
0.617 0.617 0.617 0.255 0 0.255
ent and Training 2.749 2.858 2.972 0 0 0
0.07172 0.034631 0.07406 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.078022 0.0818 0.0818 0 0 0
0.454433 0.454433 0.454433 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.61092 2.29677 1.63423 0.4226 0 0.31637
2.34004 2.38215 2.47562 0.00129 0 0.05
nt Management and workflow 0.255 1.016 1.693 0.005 0 0.505
IT Infrastructure 124.36498 77.19972 84.747 56.38701 0 3.71115
8.41893 8.41893 8.41893 0.25065 0 0.25065
1.091 1.109 1.13 0.106 0 0.106
mmunications 9.193 22.753 23.468 3.394 0 14.99
IT Infrastructure 2.822 2.83 2.887 0.283 0 0.283
1.791 1.814 1.838 0.058 0 0.059
nt / Integration Support 9.37058 12.95473 20.69673 0.16906 0 0.94662
0.13953 0.42436 0.10248 0.13953 0 0.15002
2.07114 3.24667 3.29537 0.1199 0 1.06264
11.2262 11.2262 11.2262 4.50588 0 4.50588
ty of Operations 0.307 0.307 0.307 0 0 0
16.06554 17.64408 13.11978 3.44234 0 5.02088
3.66078 3.66078 3.66078 2.1229 0 2.1229
11.64066 8.99206 9.12694 3.80667 0 0.5
0.19 0.2 0.202 0 0 0
0.304 0.305 0.31 0.015 0 0.015
7.872 7.525 6.108 4.659 0 4.366
13.22314 11.90314 8.90313 3.2723 0 2.1648
0.752 0.736 0.744 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 11.50239 11.86021 9.84121 1.49407 0 2.05624
0.29418 0.13953 0.1746 0 0 0
0.049 0.115 0.157 0 0 0
g / Geospatial 1.061 1.082 1.099 0 0 0
1.674 1.684 1.72 0.186 0 0.186
4.44829 4.44829 29.57029 1.2387 0 1.2387
2.426 2.469 2.508 0 0 0
0.422 0.426 0.431 0 0 0
ernment Records 0.54859 0.99576 1.01069 0.312 0 0
nt / Integration Support 0.36012 0.37601 0.35267 0.04769 0 0.04772
tion Exchange and Transformation 0.924 0.934 0.883 0 0 0
tion Exchange and Transformation 1.45185 1.4049 1.5623 0.78823 0 0.52783
0.36016 0.36016 0.36016 0 0 0
5.848 5.965 6.084 0.467 0 0.476
mmunications 0.43747 0.44403 0.45069 0 0 0
nt Management and workflow 4.474 2.937 2.652 1.968 0 0.743
mmunications 2.61682 3.60494 1.91748 0.48817 0 1.6098
IT Infrastructure 0.33598 0.47202 0.49383 0.02531 0 0.03195
0.77918 0.73667 0.74483 0.52613 0 0.48362
0.265 0.268 0.271 0 0 0
nt Management and workflow 0.439 1.136 3.215 0.02 0 0.53
/ Project Management 0.645 0.511 0.831 0.405 0 0.226
0.881 0.93 0.882 0 0 0.049
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 0.317 0.319 0.325 0.015 0 0.015
4.12542 10.9645 4.75981 0 0 6.64428
nt / Integration Support 0.58956 0.61732 0.62675 0 0 0
5.818 5.933 6.053 0.697 0 0.71
7.22096 7.85834 7.74818 0.14052 0 0.13137
1.744 1.755 1.765 0.089 0 0.09
, Fleet and Equipment Management 11.35296 11.14867 11.67354 1.91971 0 1.85838
8.5007 4.46669 4.53369 5.36337 0 0.7
6.58042 3.74155 3.79768 1.44269 0 0
0.491 0.496 0.503 0.128 0 0.128
0.455 0.472 0.479 0 0 0
m Development / Integration Support 1.95969 1.98909 2.01892 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 3.421 3.878 4.183 0.397 0 0.523
nd Services Acquisition 15.829 16.304 16.793 0 0 0
tion Exchange and Transformation 8.48264 2.45475 1.65855 8.08264 0 1.11225
nt Management and workflow 3.823 3.828 3.833 0 0 0
tion Exchange and Transformation 24.77284 20.6258 21.04664 11.35223 0 1.1364
quipment Management 5.11458 3.81746 4.24948 0 0 0
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 18.77368 19.52464 20.30563 0.54221 0 0.56391
tion Exchange and Transformation 100.80735 86.02811 112.80218 14.90742 0 24.9604
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 7.811 8.385 6.495 3.865 0 1.216
11.35 11.958 12.054 7.703 0 8.05
4.24187 10.96386 12.28261 3.52375 0 7.67158
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 3.15309 25.315 37.312 3.15309 0 25.315
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 0.64229 0.75935 0.75935 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 12.6468 12.17956 1.90198 11.43687 0 10.90913
nd Vulnerability Management 6.661337 7.855321 7.863729 1.832271 0 2.288
Management 10.16772 9.86071 9.86935 8.81658 0 8.5
9.374 10.8555 9.06135 5.282 0 6.217
1.11299 0.17231 2.98026 0 0 0
t Threat Mitigation 2.256 2.222 2.332 0.182 0 0.104
0.493 1.506 0.854 0 0 0
3.1018 3.256 2.835 3.1018 0 0
2.054 2.383 2.464 0.25 0 0
nd Services Acquisition 7.661 5.44 5.945 0 0 0
nce Product Production 4.418 4.126 4.129 0 0 0
tion Exchange and Transformation 23.25456 42.20814 15.20872 12.39069 0 27.61345
tion Discovery 2.524 5.217 5.056 0 0 0.578
t Threat Mitigation 1.15411 1.32688 1.45008 0.54872 0 0.65352
34.593 35.047 43.217 0 0 0
ity Management 6.16575 6.68251 8.31891 0.60281 0 0.79051
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 5.82278 0.13058 0.13459 3.38049 0 0
ge Distribution and Delivery 0.89 1.038 1.068 0 0 0
16.48792 21.68633 28.72564 0 0 2.1
3.05588 2.96764 2.98164 0 0 0
0.0048 0.0048 0.0048 0 0 0
tion Exchange and Transformation 1.06986 1.17195 1.07401 0 0 0
t Threat Mitigation 5.33921 5.52607 5.69186 0.85885 0 0.88891
tion Exchange and Transformation 18.82471 25.12539 26.1621 2.10074 0 0.14146
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 11.03 11.044 11.057 0 0 0
tion Exchange and Transformation 0.81 0.83 0.851 0 0 0
tion Exchange and Transformation 13.046 13.85 13.981 9.249 0 9.05
37.2168 35.42882 35.02886 5.9716 0 6.18722
tion Exchange and Transformation 4.688 4.192 4.206 0 0 0
tion Exchange and Transformation 10.3107 9.9171 10.3236 0 0 1.2
nt Management and workflow 0.9823 0.234 0.63 0.8055 0 0
10.888 11.075 11.79 0 0 0
g / Geospatial 4.012 0.872 1.552 2.779 0 0.134
tion Exchange and Transformation 12.877 25.40256 25.47343 0.55192 0 14.31377
0.61925 0.6445 0.6445 0 0 0
6.4035 6.61941 6.71376 1.5425 0 1.56388
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 4.887 7.582 16.885 0 0 0
5.13 5.13 5.13 0 0 0
nt Management and workflow 1.366 1.566 1.066 0.044 0 0
nce Product Production 0.123 0.123 0 0 0 0
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 41.671 41.861 41.861 11.48 0 6.307
quipment Management 5.06338 3.9182 1.30861 3.44248 0 2.81982
mmunications 82.465 84.109 84.109 0 0 0
12.71568 16.41789 15.20095 0 0 0
0.387 0.397 0.251 0 0 0
tion Exchange and Transformation 37.92551 39.06327 40.23517 18.46722 0 19.02123
/ Project Management 79.641 78.772 79.954 0 0 0
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 9.279 10.821 10.829 2.647 0 3.722
IT Infrastructure 4.952 5.059 5.166 0 0 0
45.95398 39.00916 58.75252 0.16058 0 0.1654
1.96615 1.96732 2.02234 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.944 1.269 1.339 0 0 0.26
nd Vulnerability Management 2.5175 1.011736 1.011736 0 0 0
g / Geospatial 0.98 1.178 1.443 0.421 0 0.134
m Development / Integration Support 8.01 9.023 9.186 2.645 0 3.295
0.768 1.665 1.665 0 0 0
tion Exchange and Transformation 5.6417 7.75536 8.17915 0.03461 0 5.74939
quipment Management 0.478 0.49 0.504 0.393 0 0.404
IT Infrastructure 1.952 1.956 1.959 0 0 0
and Surveillance 2.71032 2.71832 2.72532 0 0 0
2.715 2.724 2.731 0.967 0 0.972
m Development / Integration Support 16.502 16.525 16.544 9.208 0 9.219
IT Infrastructure 59.847 59.914 60.171 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 9.915 9.921 9.939 0.484 0 0.484
nce Holdings Analysis 1.894 1.943 1.994 0 0 0
Ingest and Storage 11.81383 11.82287 17.01287 1.85444 0 1.8554
4.307 4.427 4.55 0 0 0
0.92 7.422 7.423 0.82 0 7.32
12.353 12.4 12.435 0 0 2.414
15.994 18.297 17.748 1.419 0 2.712
and Surveillance 9.657 9.914 10.171 5.057 0 4.881
and Surveillance 3.105 2.832 2.874 0 0 0
m Development / Integration Support 17.76 26.1 26.894 6.964 0 11.886
ent and Training 3.516 2.818 2.819 1.012 0 0.197
nt / Integration Support 3.112 3.117 3.121 0 0 0
/ Project Management 0.77816 0.78096 0.783 0 0 0
mmunications 21.791 22.421 23.066 0 0 0
m Development / Integration Support 1.499 1.5 1.5 0.773 0 0.774
se Architecture 0.648 0.766 0.77 0.324 0 0.383
ess and Delivery 4.416 4.418 4.419 0.026 0 0.026
0.405 0.406 0.408 0.07 0 0.07
IT Infrastructure 17.689 18.974 19.537 0.341 0 0.125
4.469 4.88 5.017 0 0 0
0.544 0.504 0.589 0 0 0
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 5.729 6.951 7.158 0 0 0
2.459 7.036 10.239 2.459 0 7.036
mmunications 14.44 13.465 10.772 7.583 0 5.358
and Surveillance 3.586 0.415 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 6.442 5.282 10.928 3.592 0 1.581
and Surveillance 21.532 19.404 23.873 1.033 0 0
3.409 2.901 2.978 0.316 0 0.322
22.445 20.226 20.826 6.7 0 4.155
2.35983 3.53103 3.63237 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 34.59069 36.21458 49.85714 0.53529 0 0
mmunications 46.585 49.52278 49.52278 0 0 1.132
IT Infrastructure 2.744 2.744 2 1.298 0 1.298
5.22245 5.56822 5.84874 0 0 0
0.38476 0.40543 0.42577 0 0 0
0.93758 0.93758 0.93758 0 0 0
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 0 0.8 1.16 0 0 0.8
41.00084 40.35848 40.73323 0.35551 0 0.3638
7.26 7.26 5.517 4.288 0 4.288
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 12.408 9.896 9.896 0 0 0
se Licenses and Software 0.183 0.192 0.202 0 0 0
es and Local Governments 0.58848 7.53848 13.43848 0.58848 0 7.53848
es and Local Governments 16.34181 17.01986 16.76886 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 18.23148 20.65233 20.55853 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.491 0.516 0.542 0 0 0
17.34245 21.45626 19.63326 0 0 0
es and Local Governments 5.086 5.704 5.635 0 0 0
on and Delivery 16.66787 12.45159 13.36427 6.00347 0 1.36781
gy and Innovation 0 0.053 0.0798 0 0 0.053
ation and Authentication 0 0 1 0 0 0
m Development / Integration Support 0.484 9.536 12.85 0.484 0 9.1
g and Information 6.50712 5.583 5.667 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 2.80127 0 0 0 0 0
tion Exchange and Transformation 2.956 0 0 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.732 0 0 0.5 0 0
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 1.06708 0 0 0 0 0
m Development / Integration Support 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.018 0 0 0 0 0
and Surveillance 8.76 0 0 0.099 0 0
648 - Identif 656 - Certifi 3.793513 4.094435 4.17797 3.185338 0 3.185338
mmunications 2.058098 2.060895 2.063719 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.468601 2.504279 2.507349 0 0 0
104 - Strategic Planning 4.2 4.45 4.55 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 5.992226 5.995266 7.138963 0 0 0
ity Management 3.218428 3.467778 5.359778 0 0 0.24935
38 - Program / Project Management 6.999693 8.97949 6.825243 0.405492 0 0.525964
and Network Monitoring 2.52593 1.105659 1.116711 2.52593 0 0
and Network Monitoring 45.681733 45.681733 45.681733 11.386984 0 11.386984
/ Project Management 0.2 0.8 0.8 0.2 0 0.8
6.475 6.488692 6.491762 0 0 0
80 - Issue Tracking 11.523738 11.565919 14.51965 2.55855 0 0.461139
065 - Labor 680 - Issue T 16.004 3.461422 3.461422 16.004 0 0
and Network Monitoring 84.840504 84.840504 84.840504 21.069455 0 21.069455
IT Infrastructure 9.121635 9.243702 11.228158 9.121635 0 9.243702
340 - Collaboration Tools 0 14.536 43.521 0 0 14.536
12.997 16.972 13.35 0 0 0
92 - Data Mining 0 5 1.429 0 0 5
31 - Case Management 4.842838 11.745 4.682427 0 0 7.275
603 - Data Warehouse 4.779 4.992 5.215 0.876 0 0.894
Financial Assistance 0 3.337484 2.879465 0 0 3.337484
Financial Assistance 2.584 3.153 3.217 0 0 0
340 - Collaboration Tools 4.308397 1.32 4.52 4.308397 0 1.32
2.919 3.082 3.147 0 0 0
19.074 19.076 19.078 0 0 0
ance Management 6.42521 4.4552 4.4552 0 0 0
ility Benefits 7.914271 8.241219 8.076191 0 0 0
ility Benefits 6.456417 4.821 4.836 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.65058 4.039 2.54 0 0 0
44 - Workforce Directory / Locator 2.393 1.265 1.286 1.223 0 0
Purpose Data and Statistics 2.464 4.183 2.631 0.321 0 3.292
103 - Enterprise Architect 3.934 4.012 4.012 0 0 0
655 - Audit Trail Capture 3.801 3.55 4.025 0 0 0
/ Project Management 1.439 1.871 1.466 0 0 0
0.486 0.506 0.465 0.068 0 0.135
18 - Business Analytics 0.838 0.803 0.833 0.133 0 0
661 - Document Managem 0.788 1.1 1.125 0.065 0 0.093
126 - Payments 28.443 34.942 28.641 11.389 0 17.159
143 - Goods and Services 4.638 4.065 4.443 0.5 0 0.45
48.528 49.08 46.606 6.14 0 8.172
126 - Payments 12.865 13.505 13.355 2.716 0 0.4
61 - Document Management and wor 2.054 1.584 1.71 0.884 0 0.779
126 - Payments 15.14 19.476 21.7 2.771 0 7.162
126 - Payments 0.815 0.454 0.453 0 0 0
126 - Payments 10.161 10.265 10.844 0 0 0
126 - Payments 18.865 19.236 19.236 0 0 0
nd Management 1.097 1.122 1.149 0 0 0
1.341 1.411 1.462 0 0 0
1.097 1.122 1.149 0 0 0
1.097 1.122 1.949 0 0 0
254 - Employ333 - Veteran 1.1 1.23 1.25 0 0 0
531 - Case 065 - Labor 1.998262 2.124 6.297 0 0 0
2.353 2.353 2.353 0 0 0
0 0 1.5 0 0 0
14.470592 11.039936 11.2926 4.172868 0 4.412691
0.095 0.095 0.095 0 0 0
0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 0
0.6 0.6 0.6 0 0 0
319 - Regula 064 - Traini 1.591 1.591 1.591 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 3.301 3.301 7.201 0 0 0
1.2 1.2 1.2 0 0 0
on and Auditing 8.39138 8.264 8.859 4.578 0 5.943
on and Auditing 0.9983 1.0694 1.07 0.9983 0 0.9392
1.426 1.797 1.802 0 0 0
0.56 0.675 0.675 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.8305 0.9184 0.9274 0.5935 0 0.5994
1.391 2.027 2.047 0 0 0
a and Statistics 0.133 0.135 0.137 0 0 0
a and Statistics 6.611 6.454 6.562 0 0 0
a and Statistics 8.336 9.673 8.626 0.957 0 3.763
a and Statistics 15.065 14.275 14.502 0 0 0
a and Statistics 0.17 0.172 0.174 0 0 0
a and Statistics 2.459 2.372 2.409 0 0 0
a and Statistics 2.73 2.676 2.719 0 0 0
315 - Threat and Vulnera 3.27 3.332 3.387 1.635 0 1.666
a and Statistics 0.01 0 1.00E-06 0 0 0
a and Statistics 0.101 0.103 0.104 0 0 0
a and Statistics 0.302 0.306 0.309 0 0 0
a and Statistics 0.189 0.19 0.19 0 0 0
a and Statistics 2.741 2.059 2.094 0 0 0
a and Statistics 0.225 0.227 0.23 0 0 0
a and Statistics 0.296 0.301 0.305 0 0 0
a and Statistics 1.135 1.516 1.541 0 0 0
a and Statistics 1.359 1.384 1.406 0 0 0
a and Statistics 0.369 0.376 0.382 0 0 0
a and Statistics 4.144 3.955 4.903 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 11.621 21.252 20.254 0 0 0
103 - Enterprise Architect 4.992 5.118 5.249 0 0 0
a and Statistics 5.362 5.216 5.299 0 0 0
a and Statistics 0.186 0.186 0.187 0 0 0
a and Statistics 4.537 4.267 4.523 0 0 0
27 - Enterprise Licenses and Software 1.434 1.461 1.485 0 0 0
a and Statistics 13.57 12.345 12.542 4.82 0 5.756
a and Statistics 1.679 1.711 1.899 0 0 0
0.105 0.105 0.11 0 0 0
661 - Docum129 - Report 0.156 0.371 0.156 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.582 3.741 2.885 0 0 0
531 - Case Management 0.485 0.485 0.485 0 0 0
257 - Separa 613 - Time R 4.00461 4.446084 4.690169 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.311 0.389 0.389 0 0 0
0.065217 0.065217 0.065217 0 0 0
0.053 0.053 0.0798 0 0 0
tionship Management 0 0.038115 0.045 0 0 0
2.835 2.177 2.114 1.814 0 0.884
077 - Inspect382 - Compli 1.138 0.902 1.052 0.23 0 0.162
319 - Regula 321 - Regulat 3.549 3.52 3.613 0 0 0
0 0.096795 0.109808 0 0 0
0.456495 0.430172 0.613186 0 0 0
103 - Enterpr656 - Certifi 0.8609 0.8854 0.905 0 0 0
362 - Federal064 - Traini 0.42 0.3221 0.353 0 0 0
314 - Assisti 341 - Web Inf 0.324 0.3245 0.225 0 0 0
53 - Legal Investigation 0.395 0.304 0.315 0 0 0
257 - Separa 613 - Time R 5.255384 5.329376 5.673152 0 0 0
2.214564 2.281001 2.349431 0 0 0
on and Delivery 1.85027 1.85178 1.85333 0 0 0
0.104808 0 0.055 0 0 0
0.141399 0.141399 0.141399 0 0 0
0.025 0.025 0.025 0 0 0
101 - Budget127 - Collect 1.02772 0.62032 0.38003 0.51567 0 0.24767
0.211895 0.217684 0.191911 0 0 0
337 - Credential Issuanc 1.430857 5.477588 5.179426 0 0 3.664425
0.225 0.25 0.25 0 0 0
340 - Collabo339 - Inform 1.97975 1.63244 1.97493 1.753 0 1.44922
g and Information 3.91986 3.8746 3.556092 0 0 0
337 - Credential Issuanc 1.83 1.83 1.83 0.815 0 0.74
661 - Docum129 - Report 0.037229 0.001 0 0.037229 0 0.001
ous Monitoring 0.519 0.526 0.526 0 0 0
340 - Collabo324 - Adjudic 0.8366 0.8564 0 0 0 0
256 - Employ618 - Employ 3.607 2.877 2.976 0 0 0
344 - Conte 341 - Web Inf 5.801608 5.8016 7.616 0.373543 0 0
518 - Custom659 - Email 3.401 3.239 3.932052 0 0 0
601 - Data E 339 - Inform 0.22 0.44 0.45 0.12 0 0.34
129 - Report 547 - Perfo 1.6 1.6 1.6 0.25 0 0.2
325 - Informa338 - Enterpr 0.1 0.102 0.104 0 0.532 0
ity Management 0.245 0.245 0.245 0 0 0
66 - Worker Safety 0.613365 0.795 0.795 0.102505 0 0.12975
ility Benefits 0 0 0.636 0 0 0
ility Benefits 0 0 6.246 0 0 0
ory Enforcement 0 0 6.65 0 0 0
0 0 3 0 0 0
340 - Collabo339 - Inform 0 0 3.0244 0 0 0
661 - Docum530 - Process 0.455 0.945 0.205 0.455 0 0.945
127 - Collect 126 - Paymen 7.556 0.488 0 7.556 0 0.488
531 - Case 066 - Worker 1.206 1.11 1.11 0 0 0
327 - Enterpr329 - Continu 7.230116 7.987894 8.016138 0 0 0
345 - Manag 103 - Enterpr 0 0 0 0 0 0
340 - Collabo344 - Conte 0 0 0 0 0 0
ory Enforcement 0 0 0 0 0 0
531 - Case 530 - Process 0.11602 0 0 0 0 0
0.368545 0 0 0 0 0
127 - Collect 126 - Paymen 0 0 0 0 0 0
127 - Collect 126 - Paymen 0 0 0 0 0 0
127 - Collect 126 - Paymen 21.928 30.074 28.68 0 0 1.403
0.15845 0.526995 0.85721 0.15845 0 0.526995
325 - Informa317 - Data I 40.786 0 0 0 0 0
546 - Portfo 680 - Issue T 53.666 0 0 0 0 0
601 - Data E 144 - Invento 142.489 0 0 0 0 0
124 - Accounting 5.09 5.1 5.905 4.076 0 3.58
577 - Knowledge Distribut 5.788 7.4 7.523 4.931 0 2.42
119 - Facili 326 - IT Sys 41.163 43.211 48.697 11.183033 0 4.679598
531 - Case 577 - Knowled 2.514 2.62 2.623 0.2898 0 0.294
661 - Document Managem 0.646 1.85 1.85 0 0 1.204
601 - Data E 531 - Case 39.7467 39.837 43.80015 8.71546 0 8.7458
576 - Knowle538 - Progra 0.618 0.62 0.782 0 0 0
106 - Workforce Planning 7.033 6.842 12.853 1.3 0 1
306 - Arms C 053 - Legal I 3.241 3.304 3.368 0 0 0
124 - Accounting 15.907 14.872 21.895 0 0 0
538 - Program / Project 0.858 0.888 0.919 0 0 0
104 - Strategic Planning 1.176 1.18 1.182 0.675 0 0.675
4.4668 4.601 4.6856 0.331 0 0
303 - Social Security Benef 0.117 0.175 0.22 0.117 0 0.175
26 - IT System Development / Integra 10.581 9.707 11.2475 0 0 3
326 - IT Sys 590 - Mappin 1.373 1.381 1.385 0 0 0
omment Tracking 0.036 0.033 0.592 0.036 0 0.033
126 - Paymen655 - Audit T 35.946 36.7 40.708 3.93 0 4.017808
139 - Provide327 - Enterpr 5.937 6.033 6.116 2.6868 0 2.732
341 - Web Infrastructure 3.824 3.92 4.133 0.812 0 0.84
326 - IT Sys 601 - Data E 28.241 30.84 31.742 11.099 0 10.88
51 - Staffing and Recruiting 0.065 0.065 0.065 0.065 0 0.065
126 - Payments 6.676 8.71 9.03 0 0 0
280 - Command and Contr 0.096 0.096 0.096 0.096 0 0.096
577 - Knowled 661 - Docum 0.704 0.679 0.473 0 0 0
01 - Data Exchange 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0 0.05
340 - Collabo577 - Knowled 0.323 0.329 0.336 0 0 0
538 - Progra 601 - Data E 5.707 5.277 7.769 0 0 0
53 - Information Exchange and Trans 0.418 0.42 2.421 0 0 0
0.105 0.11 0.11 0.105 0 0.11
e Benefits and Compensation 0.111 0.19 0 0.111 0 0.19
329 - Continu343 - Audio / 0.313 0.319 0.324 0 0 0
326 - IT System Developme 12.87 13.5 13.734 1.674 0 1.427
129 - Report 101 - Budget 8.562 8.951 8.955 6.113 0 7.261
75 - Voice Communications 0.2 0.204 0.475 0 0 0
08 - Disaster Preparedness and Planni 0.03 0.025 0.025 0.03 0 0.025
2.174 2.231 14.906 0 0 0
341 - Web Inf327 - Enterpr 0.738 0.64 0.441 0.42 0 0.35
601 - Data Exchange 1.566 1.565 2.665 1.175 0 1.017
601 - Data E 603 - Data W 31.014 118.371 88.677 25.822 0 110.504
603 - Data W339 - Inform 54.452 87.039 51.185 28.525 0 56.423
624 - Payroll 678 - System 55.274 56.222 59.142 0.369346 0 0.380426
680 - Issue T 144 - Invento 101.803 102.988 118.302 1 0 0
654 - Incide 656 - Certifi 130.171 130.967 129.026 10.186 0 0.552
601 - Data E 603 - Data W 22.862 21.924 29.3435 4.0314 0 3.2834
280 - Comman 326 - IT Sys 72.239 84.523 100.741 2.697 0 2.705
75 - Voice Communications 173.453 177.04 169.1415 0.199 0 0.04335
251 - Staffin 282 - Protect 4.086 4.293 5.361 1.4578 0 1.429
343 - Audio / Video Confe 246.041 249.537 254.6455 9.914169 0 10.865317
108 - Custom530 - Process 3.276 2.28 3.468 2.138 0 2.14
282 - Protect654 - Incide 1.719 2.068 2.79 0.8146 0 0.926
282 - Protection 12.764 12.906 8.0107 2.5174 0 3.586
340 - Collabo344 - Conte 2.724 2.765 1.6333 0.4431 0 0.48545
280 - Comman 139 - Provide 63.659 71.191 74.0505 4.18 0 3.729
592 - Data Mining 0.1863 0.14 1.841 0.1863 0 0.14
2.1278 2.549 2.6416 0 0 0
105 - Budget Execution 0.326 0.33 0.282 0 0 0
10.5128 5.338 3.2906 6.894 0 2.106
108 - Custom339 - Inform 14.859 11.845 11.794 0 0 0
06 - Arms Control 4.935 5.08 5.2275 0 0 0
326 - IT System Developme 2.814 2.82 2.4 0 0 0
325 - Informa339 - Inform 15.143 21.436 21.446 2.708558 0 3.943085
326 - IT Sys 518 - Custom 3.847 3.31 2.414 2.726605 0 1.1
44 - Content Management 1.468 1.217 1.24 1.468 0 1.217
mmunications 1.138 1.14 1.141 0.375 0 0.373
39 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastru 4.432 2.417 2.427 0 0 0
338 - Enterprise Search 2.089 2.139 6.968 0 0 0
3.57 3.6 4.32423 0.665484 0 0.660405
53 - Information Exchange and Trans 5.789 8.665 7.878 2.00829 0 3.44098
4.007 7.124 8.736 4.007 0 5.55
s and Planning 0.138 0.14 2.141 0.138 0 0.14
517 - External Partner Re 13.909 16.727 31.81 13.633 0 15.247
nt / Integration Support 0.138 4.24 2.541 0.138 0 4.24
0.05 0.05 0 0.05 0 0.05
1.142 1.142 0.857 1.142 0 1.142
1.2 1.2 9.545 1.2 0 1.2
601 - Data E 144 - Invento 7.59 329.893 223.437 2.208 0 101.878
603 - Data W339 - Inform 6.21 145.046 96.14 2.76 0 56.246
129 - Report 101 - Budget 1.736 0 0 1.736 0 0
0.22 1.323255 1.453617 0 0 0.319709
/ Project Management 10.428 24.327 34.287 3.49 0 7.032
10 - Emergency Response 0.092388 0.055 0.055 0.092388 0 0.055
onal Development 0.2 1.108135 5.312304 0.2 0 0.281335
onal Development 0.10842 0.05 0 0.10842 0 0.05
onal Development 0.88308 0.866576 0.45 0 0 0
onal Development 1.172606 0.3 0 0 0 0
onal Development 1.960051 1.84471 0 0 0 0
and Surveillance 0.48113 2.935559 2.935559 0 0 0.73389
IT Infrastructure 2.684 4.976 2.333256 0 0 2.747
IT Infrastructure 3.818 4.871 3.259689 0 0 1.426
0 1.222367 1.222367 0 0 0.305592
IT Infrastructure 2.716 2.888 2.066567 0 0 0
2.982 2.429892 44.157225 1.5 0 0
ility Benefits 5.612 6.516 6.554 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 1.898318 1.898318 1.898318 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 16.856708 12.825705 13.082219 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 12.724401 10.228228 10.432793 0 0 0
4.876 4.928 3.936 1.83554 0 1.580798
IT Infrastructure 4.055681 3.6643 3.734659 0 0 0
2.077669 2.650589 2.447146 0.162643 0 0.27415
49 - Access Control 53.714943 20.88403 20.688716 31.816745 0 5.650699
7.954739 7.726256 7.340582 0 0 0
0.275 0.275 0.135 0 0 0
14.129935 9.959152 10.295855 5.709484 0 1.309484
326 - IT Sys 618 - Employ 22.325855 23.86423 23.926319 0 5.654324 2.137459
ce Management 0.298533 0.298533 0.298533 0 0 0
0.871704 0.871704 0.85721 0 0 0
ent and workflow 0.06 0.112 0.12 0 0 0
0.07 0.07 0.16 0 0 0
and Surveillance 2.24 1.44 2.72 0.92 0 0
0.750956 0.624357 0.624357 0 0 0
0.015 0.015 0.015 0 0 0
4 4.7 4 0 0 0
0.105 0.105 0.11 0 0 0
0.371212 0.381335 0.698396 0 0 0
1.342234 1.342234 1.326 0 0 0
577 - Knowledge Distribut 6.087 6.192 6.292 0 0 0
Funds to States and Local Government 0.071607 0.085932 0.076462 0.071607 0 0.085932
256 - Employ257 - Separa 0.26087 0.26087 0.26087 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 62.3071 62.46721 63.716555 0 0 0
1.459667 1.459667 1.362 0 0 0
577 - Knowled 340 - Collabo 2.2 4.846 4.85 0 0 2.6
9.046315 9.224826 10.612954 0 0.446018 0
0.025 0.025 0.025 0 0 0
531 - Case 344 - Conte 7.282478 7.180053 10.621472 0 0 0
and Surveillance 0.36 0.629 0.632 0 0 0
33.341 27.87 28.023 1.01 0 1.19
and Surveillance 1.099 4.214 4.217 0 0 0
1.301 0.359 0.362 0.938 0 0
0.441 0.412 0.418 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 3.574 2.368 2.369 0 0 0
0.299 0.281 0.286 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 8.083 7.306 7.305 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.814 1.964 2.016 0 0 0
g and Information 20.390012 22.058787 21.539097 0.032 0 7.185114
g and Information 8.544424 7.528596 7.676639 4.416749 0 4.601923
14.857132 15.163473 18.274149 3.48036 0 3.575255
ns and Receivables 10.400115 11.96774 9.77152 4.526602 0 5.773937
81 - Forms Management 17.232595 19.573784 19.391172 3.889777 0 3.625117
116 - Debt Co180 - Taxati 22.28 21.105934 20.553666 10.267735 0 7.995272
5.216881 5.489823 4.249296 1.836881 0 3.185304
evenues and User Fees 9.032335 7.918841 8.60101 1.361998 0 1.441083
evenues and User Fees 112.288462 114.750217 119.250448 12.708884 0 8.72721
m Development / Integration Support 20.706569 32.113273 25.023556 13.094086 0 13.292484
10.699 10.718 10.936 4.065 0 4.008
IT Infrastructure 90.288576 98.12336 92.227146 31.492954 0 17.082287
/ Project Management 1.705816 2.786823 3.207943 0.852908 0 0
0 15.825063 16.786687 0 0 4.813699
Management 6.695617 8.955968 9.130055 0 0 0
44.588913 45.920875 39.318222 13.58862 0 18.68873
t and Critical Infrastructure Protectio 32.111905 28.696739 26.791119 11.305944 0 11.258563
on and Delivery 10.414309 28.247919 17.063 6.919583 0 23.542
46 - Portfolio Management 1.154848 1.006496 1.01946 0 0 0
79 - Permits and Licensing 1.271729 2.795947 2.862751 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 3.976134 3.12981 3.103375 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 5.487997 5.152554 5.2812 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 3.038957 2.86254 3.835992 0 0 0
ory Compliance 2.419 6.253782 4.358159 0 0 3
evenues and User Fees 2.54183 3.258093 3.360775 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 0 2 0 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 5.486 6.07 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 11.361 10.875 11.154 2.316 0 1.56
IT Infrastructure 0.513 0.4 0.42 0.022 0 0
0.429 0.081 2.334 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 6.32 5.809 0 5.87 0 4.634
e and Transformation 0.803 1.864 1.934 0 0 1.05
IT Infrastructure 9.061 8.582 8.767 3.678 0 2.44
3.451 5.573 0 3.451 0 4.573
nt / Integration Support 5.449 4.21 4.421 1.373 0 0
13.033 16.216 10.944 0 0 0
d Compensation 0.021 0.021 0.022 0 0 0
4.683979 4.683979 4.683979 0 0 0
52.093818 51.931747 52 2.5 0 0
IT Infrastructure 20.685692 20.685692 20.685692 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 9.322708 9.322708 9.302708 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 5.30219 5.30219 5.30219 0 0 0
ity Management 107.654257 187.13898 188.807552 0 0 0
2.814104 2.919464 2.963494 1.041218 0 1.080202
0.809504 0.896143 0.909658 0 0 0
3.24027 3.371189 3.422718 0 0 0
1.506114 0.448072 0.454829 0 0 0
5.708138 4.379869 4.44661 4.055044 0 0.22
1.928996 2.061129 2.092214 1.918047 0 0
80 - Taxation Management 1.508994 1.239664 1.25836 0 0 0
0.68734 0.746786 0.758048 0 0 0
1.764063 1.202938 1.221079 1.234844 0 0
ce Management 1.033078 1.194857 1.212877 0 0 0
d Compensation 0.706813 0.746786 0.758049 0 0 0
3.806171 1.532316 1.555485 0 0 0
0.218047 0.179228 0.18193 0 0 0
0.468536 0.448072 0.454829 0 0 0
5.244859 1.941643 1.970924 0 0 0
1.162036 1.194857 1.212877 0 0 0
13.214351 13.606375 13.826796 4.3408 0 4.864
10.602364 11.102854 11.299882 0.129315 0 0.229134
63.232945 54.735514 60.053345 8.936541 0 10.0708
g and Information 9.733364 10.521886 17.810915 0.299328 0 0.75
348.998267 303.195572 258.295533 268.873134 0 202.378621
IT Infrastructure 299.322457 276.184212 286.038064 0 0 0
0.676056 0.858804 0.871755 0.0676 0 0.08588
3.949044 3.680554 3.73606 0 0 0
2.13342 10.888598 11.086887 0 0 0
531 - Case 533 - Corre 2.64012 2.795529 2.838583 1.601956 0 1.555865
2.451236 0.676671 0.686876 1.985501 0 0.270668
2.228326 0.137017 0.139084 0 0 0
0.550591 0.56457 0.573085 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 478.504212 417.023671 468.178953 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 198.570952 213.84174 193.364714 0 0 0
Management 11.066851 19.1916 23.287446 11.066851 0 19.1916
0.890177 0.978321 0.993091 0 0 0
5.900067 6.595327 6.700188 2.183025 0 2.440271
0.540858 0.63791 0.64753 0.129806 0 0.153098
2.242809 2.317236 2.352186 1.009264 0 1.042756
2.211356 2.424686 2.461294 1.105678 0 1.212343
0.810013 1.0605 1.076493 0.081001 0 0.10605
1.466558 1.479312 1.501672 0.293312 0 0.295862
0.800544 1.00891 1.024125 0 0 0
0.705063 0.709946 0.720653 0 0 0
5.588656 5.540305 5.623893 0.483973 0 0.482527
0.845106 0.746986 0.758251 0.253532 0 0.224096
1.201017 1.160018 1.177512 0 0 0
2.048773 1.915584 1.944472 1.024386 0 0.957792
2.098334 1.63287 1.657533 1.259 0 0.979722
2.315116 2.714324 2.757038 0.463023 0 0.542865
1.07816 1.100777 1.118092 0.862528 0 0.880622
1.454261 2.395982 2.432825 1.163409 0 1.916786
0.253227 0.373393 0.379024 0 0 0
2.020951 1.941643 1.970924 0 0 0
1.306769 1.00E-06 1.00E-06 0 0 0
4.12722 30.109165 41.707349 4.12722 0 30.109165
3.738095 5.12055 5.198517 0 0 0
15.008058 14.953106 17.84083 3.001611 0 2.990621
2.820095 1.98645 2.016407 0 0 0
58.562467 57.458718 73.576438 0.000687 0 0
21.85322 25.9524 116.743132 21.852746 0 25.9524
2.760309 2.456301 2.493343 1.104124 0 0.98252
0.469349 0.448072 0.454829 0 0 0
0.483814 0.597428 0.606438 0 0 0
0.553876 0.597428 0.606438 0 0 0
1.863801 2.02887 2.059465 0.74552 0 0.811548
2.934918 1.258037 1.27701 0 0 0
3.454151 1.953051 1.982506 0 0 0
143.127308 135.343969 137.422468 138.183773 0 129.737474
1.358945 1.803785 1.831023 0 0 0
12.212456 9.295647 9.45126 1.221246 0 0.436741
Management 15.534728 13.073971 13.303269 4.006139 0 5.011781
6.199361 6.528392 6.631808 0 0 0
0.156128 0.149358 0.151609 0 0 0
8.387036 2.807683 4.227401 0 0 0
16.308092 16.267684 16.514457 3.964686 0 3.951844
12.844107 11.705564 11.896825 3.604651 0 0
7.38824 5.98113 6.07133 0 0 0
16.537086 16.765 16.822412 16.536461 0 16.765
0.818327 0.709446 0.720145 0.327331 0 0.283778
1.445262 1.357626 1.378958 0.621463 0 0.583779
60.715957 56.688078 343.206471 0 0 0
2.804446 2.954266 2.998816 0 0 0
64.021648 89.089896 27.498427 59.160664 0 72.227851
0.867092 0.900906 0.914493 0 0 0
4.793521 2.059635 2.090695 0 0 0
1.811167 1.732543 1.758671 0 0 0
1.879103 1.988847 2.018838 0 0 0
0.967261 1.150051 1.167395 0 0 0
0.975565 0.75363 0.764996 0 0 0
0.62987 0.720446 0.731312 0.314935 0 0.360223
Management 41.61243 91.896991 92.913391 30.29294 0 41.452409
1.572913 1.902539 1.93123 0 0 0
4.762241 0.896144 0.909659 0 0 0
0.668082 0.597428 0.606438 0 0 0
0.564598 0.449822 0.456606 0 0 0
0.467722 0.601992 0.611072 0 0 0
0.73642 0.52275 0.530634 0 0 0
1.382203 1.344214 1.364486 0.13822 0 0.134421
1.090694 0.672857 0.683003 0 0 0
41.626166 35.542643 35.312523 0 0 0
1.017031 0.999199 1.014268 0 0 0
0.02171 2.566552 3.469302 0 0 2.566552
1.344482 0 0.85 0 0 0
0.713749 0.730357 0.741371 0 0 0
38.790218 30.903799 31.795811 0 0 0
5.102165 2 2.036421 0 0 0
1.119557 1.209835 1.231867 0 0 0
0 1.646575 0 0 0 0
10.666998 10.698511 10.882406 0 0 0
68.560091 60.614502 68.875886 1 0 1
3.185337 1.314343 1.334164 0 0 0
1.361836 1.457232 1.479209 0 0 0
2.775679 2.50205 2.539784 0 0 0
1.379032 0.970821 0.985463 0 0 0
2.581806 2.539071 2.577363 0 0 0
1.198424 0.59743 0.606438 0 0 0
0.726002 0.510801 0.518504 0 0 0
1.181614 0.970823 0.985462 0 0 0
3.258715 3.060429 3.107479 0.431901 0 0.134892
0 0.007032 0.00716 0 0 0
0.59622 0.52275 0.530634 0.29811 0 0.261375
0.207185 0.149358 0.151609 0 0 0
3.672427 1.344214 1.364486 0 0 0
1.226226 1.127646 1.144652 0 0 0
0.964316 1.0455 1.061267 0 0 0
Video Conferencing 18.1 17 17.5 0 0 0
and Network Monitoring 12.9 17.4 17.9 0 0 0
ous Monitoring 8 8.2 8.4 0 0 0
20 - Help Desk Services 70.8 65.7 67.7 0 0 0
29 - Continuity of Operations 6.9 8.8 9.1 0 0 0
26 - IT System Development / Integra 9 8.8 9.1 0 0 0
06 - Workforce Planning 3.7 4.2 4.3 0 0 0
nce Integration 0 0.053 0.079 0 0 0
d Compensation 0 0 0.171432 0 0 0
0.668762 0.680491 0.687296 0 0 0
0 0.5 0.5 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 1.444835 1.444835 0 0 0

IT Infrastructure 7.30117 4.118922 4.128954 0 0 0

139 - Provide120 - Help De 0 7.44055 9.012077 0 0 2.232165
656 - Certification and Ac 0 3.877287 3.814507 0 0 1.163186
603 - Data W674 - Comput 0 10.615563 16.891168 0 0 3.184669
0 2.38 2.029 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 0 0 19.475 0 0 0
0 4.3486 34.618985 0 0 4.3486
0 30 6 0 0 30
1.037588 1.00E-06 0 0 0 0
0.377722 1.00E-06 0 0 0 0
0 24.9 6.37204 0 0 24.9
0 0 0 0 0 0
0.617973 1.00E-06 0 0 0 0
0.216464 1.00E-06 0 0 0 0
0.442998 1.00E-06 0 0 0 0
4.331916 4.114103 4.182407 0 0 0
0.600196 1.00E-06 0 0 0 0
0.001159 0.029872 0.030323 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 4 3.9 4 0 0 0
04 - Strategic Planning 3.9 6.7 6.9 0 0 0
5.3 6.6 6.8 0 0 0
0.275 0 0 0 0 0
0.200923 0 0 0 0 0
7.987405 0 0 3.253657 0 0
2.497287 0 0 0 0 0
0.042894 0 0 0 0 0
0.044788 0 0 0 0 0
0.152197 0 0 0 0 0
1.146397 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0.081737 0 0 0 0 0
0.355271 0 0 0 0 0
0.231588 0 0 0.231588 0 0
0.060569 0 0 0 0 0
0.038533 0 0 0 0 0
8.534 0 0 5.692 0 0
9.501 0 0 7.637 0 0
0.962 0 0 0 0 0
5.4 0 0 3.959 0 0
15.743545 0 0 14.206445 0 0
g and Information 5.0145 0 0 0 0 0
1.599 0 0 0 0 0
16 - Debt Collection 9.519 0 0 0 0 0
g and Information 5.011668 0 0 1.879106 0 0
es and Local Governments 0.144975 0 0 0 0 0
g and Information 24.873445 0 0 10.430348 0 0
4.236783 0 0 0 0 0
evenues and User Fees 1.778201 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 11.8688 0 0 2.099 0 0
IT Infrastructure 74.337599 0 0 9.353739 0 0
IT Infrastructure 25.977276 0 0 6.834186 0 0
g and Information 18.163825 0 0 10.214499 0 0
g and Information 7.359714 0 0 1.056553 0 0
Purpose Data and Statistics 0.760231 0 0 0 0 0
g and Information 0.5 0 0 0.05 0 0
7.578728 0 0 4.044431 0 0
g and Information 7.673788 0 0 1.221553 0 0
ns and Receivables 5.662978 0 0 2.400431 0 0
3.234572 0 0 0.70596 0 0
g and Information 0.999915 0 0 0.098972 0 0
on and Auditing 0.353281 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
hentication 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 8.992134 8.291678 8.457512 0 0 0
5.175198 5.175199 5.269443 0 0 0
4.5772 3.892141 3.95084 0 0 0
3.797556 0.971963 0.986622 0 0 0
0 31.802337 16.860555 0 0 6.564202
g and Information 0 49.863021 50.64708 0 0 10.157581
0 42.676259 41.536756 0 0 19.052591
592 - Data M655 - Audit T 0 39.055788 42.788211 0 0 13.983939
Management 0 136.249126 137.831057 0 0 23.34
0 4.540219 4.762621 0 0 0
6.9 7.8 8 0 0 0
29 - Reporting and Information 6.6 7.8 8 0 0 0
44 - Content Management 6.3 7.1 7.3 0 0 0
16.09 12.78 16.669 0.716 0 3.038
0 0.067 0.067 0 0 0
nal Rehabilitation 5.986 2.656 4.573 4.498 0 1.485
te Non-Judicial Requests 20.778 10.634 13.302 13.097 0 5.574
d Compensation 14.98 12.171 19.026 11.709 0 7.192
5.676 5.368 6.962 2.697 0 2.729
35.143 19.589 28.138 30.061 0 15.4
ity Management 83.933 83.096 101.038 61.347 0 40.336
Funds to States and Local Government 0.027 0.026 0.025 0 0 0
ity Management 26.911 27.185 30.42 19.152 0 20.571
0 0.025 0.025 0 0 0
s and Planning 0 0.056 0.056 0 0 0
5.582 6.056 7.77 5.582 0 6.056
14.709 11.779 15.325 7.597 0 7.854
7.848 9.339 11.396 5.837 0 5.763
29.683 54.126 0 29.683 0 54.126
te Non-Judicial Requests 14.107 8.388 15.073 13.951 0 8.388
19.09 9.634 13.345 7.513 0 2.5
53.925 40.795 49.277 53.925 0 40.795
0 0 0.378 0 0 0
0.017 0.024 0.034 0 0 0
6.474 3.767 5.215 2.434 0 1.396
65.837 67.637 76.869 6.574 0 5.876
14.822 6.792 8.271 12.548 0 4.632
15.01 14.983 18.976 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 266.832 153.429 237.931 266.832 0 153.429
and Recruiting 0.231 0.13 0.13 0 0 0
23.803 19.515 22.754 8.088 0 6.214
20 - Help Desk Services 863.978 761.697 792.702 0 0 0
15.546 6.213 8.958 15.546 0 6.168
IT Infrastructure 16.844 9.811 15.181 16.844 0 9.811
14.06 8.907 19.601 12.934 0 7.54
8.55 12.731 15.023 0 0 0
hentication 5.127 6.512 7.195 2.761 0 4.114
0 0.104 0.857 0 0 0.104
are Delivery Services 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0.1
32.324 20.596 32.408 19.198 0 14.573
10.946 7.578 12.861 3.631 0 2.53
11.25 3.744 5.432 11.25 0 3.744
8.527 8.88 11.447 5.565 0 5.396
15.901 7.251 14.019 10.258 0 3.828
te Non-Judicial Requests 16.221 10.284 14.431 13.319 0 6.214
26.593 18.992 27.023 22.468 0 14.83
9.045 5.481 8.477 8.38 0 4.346
7.781 7.689 8.393 1.295 0 1.865
0 0 0.055 0 0 0
0.461 0 0.415 0.461 0 0
m Development / Integration Support 50.849 24.7 71.295 50.849 0 24.7
0.35778 2.07 2.157 0 0 0.966
0.16 0.16 0.16 0 0 0
1.01 0.9495 0.9495 0.5 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.15 0.086 0.151 0 0 0.001
0.772 1.913431 4.44643 0.303 0 1.53582
on and Delivery 0.201 0.265 0 0.106 0 0.171
15 - Elementary, Secondary, and Voca 3.8 4.43958 4.43958 1.05 0 1.71239
on and Delivery 0.708 1.304 0.978 0 0 0.305
0.3028 0.3028 0 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.689 2.1719 2.1707 0.275 0 1.0679
1.101 1.642 0.99 1.101 0 0.665
ce Management 0.987 0.996 1.64127 0.592 0 0.399
e and Transformation 0.05 0.05 0 0.05 0 0.05
0.251 0.251 0 0.251 0 0
0.27 0.27 0.27 0.16 0 0.16
0.03 0.025 0.025 0 0 0.015
nal Excellence 1.3 1.25 1.25 0.625 0 0.5
g and Information 0.6 0.41 0 0.3 0 0.2
0.213 0.221 0.213 0.213 0 0.221
IT Infrastructure 0.206 0.176 0.206 0.1 0 0.04
2.36051 2.26 1.96 0.951384 0 0.739
1.97 1.87 1.87 0.95 0 0.85
0.157796 0.284 0.275 0.157796 0 0.284
0.7435 0.7445 0.7745 0 0 0.025
0.45 0.368623 0.374623 0.45 0 0
72.277 80.301 81.51 2.49 0 2.98
2.705 2.548 2.443 1.069 0 0.881
al Issuance and Management 6.624 9.019 10.094 0.75 0 2.269
ail Capture and Analysis 0.616 1.806 0.724 0 0 0
2.652468 4.13 2.925 0.241378 0 2.07
g and Information 10.719 9.401 9.737 0 0 0
nd Vulnerability Management 0.032 0.032 0.032 0 0 0
ge Distribution and Delivery 0.29 0.226 0.267 0.097 0 0.052
se Licenses and Software 23.87 23.28 23.28 0 0 0
ge Distribution and Delivery 1.419 2.374 2.166 0 0 1.248
39 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastru 8.149 10.386 8.6 2.327 0 2.862
1.727 1.266 1.406 1.403 0 0.686
52.3 24.178 59.65 14 0 2.434
Financial Assistance 3.509 3.697 4.811 1.073 0 0.869
m Development / Integration Support 0.449 0.643 0.407 0 0 0
2.25 2.639 2.805 1.637 0 1.923
m Development / Integration Support 1.43326 1.484 1.492 0.149 0 0
Management 0.698 0.708 0.727 0 0 0
3.307 3.375 3.437 0 0 0
m Development / Integration Support 1.567 0.666 0.644 0.733 0 0
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 66.495 69.346 45.406 16.56 0 16.64
Financial Assistance 4.93 1.388 3.056 1.874 0 0.724
8.811 7.981 3.958 8.811 0 5.751
Partner Relationship Management 2.861 2.975 0 0 0 0
Financial Assistance 147.999 138.086 114.396 6.698 0 6.219
0.215 0.143 0.118 0.083 0 0.025
m Development / Integration Support 1.155 1.179 1.203 0 0 0
21.236 14.873 14.378 10.48 0 4.18
139 - Provide026 - Scienti 3.475 4.14 3.833 2.423 0 0.536
12.746 13.317428 13.574757 2.143 0 1.38156
IT Infrastructure 0.46 0.66 0.46 0.15 0 0.15
29 - Reporting and Information 8.26 4.57 4.575 4.984 0 1.362
344 - Conte 326 - IT Sys 13.639 23.677 37.094 11.321 0 18.71
129 - Report 344 - Conte 10.479 14.925 20.449 10.479 0 11.777
070 - General344 - Conte 6.647 8.633 6.742 3.891 0 3.591
on and Delivery 0.145 0.145 0.145 0 0 0
0.263 0.266 0.283 0 0 0
ge Distribution and Delivery 0.055 0.055 0.055 0 0 0
nt Management and workflow 0.705 0.256 0.68 0.705 0 0.256
0.318 0.318 0.3 0.059 0 0.059
ge Distribution and Delivery 0.322 0.492 0.379 0 0 0.317
0.357 0.784 0.784 0 0 0.225
IT Infrastructure 0.54 0.22 0.181 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.143 0.199 0.112 0 0 0
ce Management 0.0218 0.0218 0.0218 0 0 0
0.124 0.421 0.302 0 0 0.191
0.217 0.217 0.217 0 0 0.217
0.11 0.063 0.104 0 0 0
0.096 0.1 0.066 0 0 0
0.783 0.755 0.783 0 0 0
0.66 0.38 0.181 0.295 0 0
ory Compliance 0.248 0.24825 0.24825 0.149 0 0.14925
0.259 0.035 0.397 0.259 0 0.035
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 0.939 0.955 0.955 0 0 0
0.307 0.307 0 0.078 0 0.078
0.107 0.061 0.061 0.071 0 0.023
0.306 0.322 0.195 0 0 0
077 - Inspect108 - Custom 2.709 0.911 5.184 1.137 0 0.031
0.487 0.487 0.255 0.374 0 0.374
IT Infrastructure 0.22 0.044 0.044 0.004 0 0.003
on and Delivery 0.234 0.234 0.234 0 0 0
nt Management and workflow 1.987 2.107 2.107 0.56 0 0.45
5.898 6.577 5.383 1.087 0 1.742
ge Distribution and Delivery 0 0.45512 0.55812 0 0 0.29306
on and Delivery 0.17 0.145 0 0.085 0 0.06
0.191 0.198 0.202 0 0 0.067
/ Project Management 2.067 2.031 1.913 0.375 0 0.375
0.574 0.507 0.511 0.122 0 0.145
4.354 3.581 3.365 3.516 0 0.806
nity and Regional Development 0.185 0.185 0 0.185 0 0.185
104 - Strategic Planning 0.067 0.11 0.11 0.017 0.363 0.047
0.214 0.055 0.055 0.004 0 0
0.089 0.089 0.089 0.01 0 0.01
0.36 0.43 0.57 0.13 0 0.203
127 - Collections and Rece 5.408 3.771 7.813 1.41 0 0
0.288 0.265 0.265 0.288 0 0.265
quipment Management 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.024 0 0.024
on and Delivery 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.05 0 0.04
1.451 1.771 0.625 1.451 0 1.771
0 0 1.329 0 0 0
0.5455 0.5455 0.4295 0 0 0
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 0.253 0.253 0.253 0 0 0
0.906 2.602 3.37 0.906 0 2.602
quipment Management 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.011 0 0.011
on and Delivery 0.085 0.09 0.09 0.01 0 0.013
0 0 0.55 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.481 0.415 0.451 0.076 0 0.04
0.055 0.056 0.059 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.815 0 1.64 0.815 0 0
0.253 0.23 0.45 0.203 0 0.2
2.916 4.789 7.693 0 0 1.707
0.662 0.756 0.89 0.662 0 0.273
ity Management 1.114 0.933 1.533 0.236 0 0.033
0.176 0.218 0.218 0.066 0 0.03
0.922 0.729 0.729 0.312 0 0.09
0.813 0.215 0.215 0.5165 0 0
on and Delivery 3.615 3.972 5.521 1.7 0 1.035
0.258 0.25 0.269 0 0 0
3.4 1.556 4.423 1.982 0 1.094
0.04 0.059 0.062 0.04 0 0.059
0.25 0.261 0.261 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.04 0.037 0.04 0 0 0
0.951 1.657 1.637 0 0 0.07
04 - Strategic Planning 0.37 0.343 0.376 0.13 0 0.1
4.322 10.309 11.338 0.568 0 2.718
IT Infrastructure 12.553 12.279 10.28 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 54.554 53.273 53.389 5.456 0 3.27
0.156 0.272 0.284 0.012 0 0
d Compensation 0.448 0.43 0.436 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.388 0.353 0.388 0 0 0
44 - Content Management 1.266 1.351 1.36 0.431 0 0.463
518 - Custom108 - Custom 0.469 0.346 0.346 0.12 0 0
0.347 0.667 0.368 0 0 0.22
nd Software 0 0.697 0.351 0 0 0
0 0.1445 0.1445 0 0 0
18 - Business Analytics 0 12.237 12.848 0 0 5.791
Management 0 11.13 11.043 0 0 0
/ Taxonomy / Categorization 0 0.33838 0.33838 0 0 0
a and Statistics 0 0.227 0.232 0 0 0.227
IT Infrastructure 0 0 18.98 0 0 0
0 0.731295 0.262 0 0 0.654
nd Software 0 2.018 0.176 0 0 0.009
0 0.12 0.207 0 0 0
0 0.031 0.031 0 0 0.0105
0.08 0 0 0.08 0 0
ge Distribution and Delivery 0.34 0 0 0 0 0
0.9 0 0 0.9 0 0
Technology Services 0.205 0 0 0 0 0
0.343 0 0 0.11 0 0
1.812 0 0 0 0 0
18 - Business Analytics 0 0 0 0 0 0
ous Monitoring 3.995 0 0 2.475 0 0
tion and Accreditation 7.443 0 0 0.614 0 0
nt / Integration Support 0.065 0 0 0 0 0
0.018 0 0 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.04 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
nd Software 0.058 0 0 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.062 0 0 0.008 0 0
nd Software 0.02 0 0 0.02 0 0
ment of Government Records 0.947 0 0 0 0 0
d Compensation 0.176 0 0 0 0 0
0.117 0 0 0 0 0
1.154 1.196 1.206 0 0 0
Partner Relationship Management 12.543 13.398 7.145 6.843 0 11.389
1.305 1.413 3.72 0 0 0
2.863 2.32 2.387 0.672 0 0
75 - Voice Communications 12.951 12.1 12.1 2.111 0 1.268
IT Infrastructure 6.6 6.6 6.6 3.96 0 3.96
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 6.8 6.8 6.8 1.36 0 1.36
IT Infrastructure 7.33 7.33 7.33 1.466 0 1.466
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 3.8 3.8 3.8 0.76 0 0.76
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 4.8 4.8 4.8 2.88 0 2.88
m Development / Integration Support 2.46 2.55 2.4 0.738 0 0.765
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 3.8 3.8 3.8 2.28 0 2.28
IT Infrastructure 4.8 4.8 4.8 0.96 0 0.96
m Development / Integration Support 5.74 5.95 4.772 1.722 0 1.785
gy and Innovation 6 6 6 1.8 0 1.8
se Architecture 6 6 6 1.8 0 1.8
logical Research and Innovation 2.159 0.97 2.2 0.65 0 0.2
logical Research and Innovation 6.403 6.595 6.74893 0 0 0
hentication 2.845 4.857 4.857 0.326 0 0.556
4.9 5.016 5.016 0 0 0
008 - Disaster Preparedne 0.559 0.594 0.6 0.003 0 0.003
IT Infrastructure 3.2266 4.2263 4.2263 0 0 0
0.428 1.637 0.454 0.428 0 1.637
2.4 2.508 2.508 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 2.633 3.158 3.158 0.547 0 0.656
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 1.151 1.151 1.243 0.302 0 0.257
608 - Data Recovery 5.03181 5.266252 5.266252 1.744183 0 1.978625
010 - Emerge034 - Key Ass 0.921 1.892 1.985 0.006 0 0.006
g and Information 3.3 3.344 3.344 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 7.8727 7.8727 7.8727 0 0 0
353 - Information Exchan 5.91365 5.91376 5.849 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 2.438 2.155 2.07 0 0 0
egrity and Privacy Management 4.1 4.18 4.18 0 0 0
43 - Goods and Services Acquisition 2.702 2.7 2.7 1.351 0 1.35
IT Infrastructure 4.2071 4.2071 4.2071 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 6.262 8.343 8.261 0 0 0
nd Software 2.377 2.77 3.425 0 0 0
and Network Monitoring 6.2 6.27 6.27 0.365 0 0.167
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 2.28 2.362 2.447 0.912 0 0.945
44 - Content Management 1.048 1.069 1.09 0.622 0 0.642
nt / Integration Support 5.5913 5.5913 5.5913 0 0 0
010 - Emerge034 - Key Ass 10.218 5.712 5.712 5.938 0 1.43
IT Infrastructure 4.875241 4.875241 4.875241 0.923339 0 0.923339
IT Infrastructure 3.9807 3.9807 3.9807 0 0 0
nd Services Acquisition 2.9 2.926 2.926 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 6.2 6.2 6.2 1.24 0 1.24
nd Software 7.1944 7.1892 7.1892 0 0 0
4.9 5.016 5.016 0 0 0
nd Software 5.7 5.852 5.852 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 6.189 6.189 6.189 0 0 0
ity Management 3.436 4.866 4.769 1.1 0 1.2
6.2 6.27 6.27 1.2 0 0
39 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastru 2.986 3.092 3.205 0.597 0 0.618
nt / Integration Support 7.823 8.121 8.121 6.049 0 6.279
nt / Integration Support 2.7245 2.7245 2.7245 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 6.3011 6.3331 6.3331 0 0 0
3.065 3.295 3.295 1.234 0 1.327
IT Infrastructure 3.929 5.015 4.373 0 0 0
ent and Training 8.4 8.2 8.2 5.703 0 5.567
IT Infrastructure 6.91422 6.914 6.914 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 8.221 7.742 7.392 0 0 0
3.916 3.916 3.916 0.979 0 0.979
IT Infrastructure 2.713 2.932 3.427 2.713 0 2.932
IT Infrastructure 4.156 4.404 4.404 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 5.924 7.17 7.044 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 7.72 6.869 6.869 0 0 0
4.1 4.18 4.18 0.2 0 0
40 - Collaboration Tools 4.009 5.09 5.09 0.903 0 1.147
nd Software 2.023 1.6 1.6 2.023 0 1.6
IT Infrastructure 4.5077 4.5842 4.5842 0 0 0
4.1 4.18 4.18 0 0 0
103 - Enterprise Architect 4.983 5.16 5.348 0.879 0 1.15
IT Infrastructure 2.3642 2.3642 2.3642 0 0 0
nd Software 3.23 3.23 3.23 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 8.475 7.942 7.942 4.326 0 4.054
IT Infrastructure 4 4 4 0 0 0
, Fleet and Equipment Management 3.236 3.35 3.472 0 0 0.837
ent and workflow 3.9014 3.9808 3.9808 0 0 0
5.9 6.02 6.02 1.8 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.262 1.263 1.263 0 0 0
008 - Disaster Preparedne 3.281 3.548 3.614 0.02 0 0.02
034 - Key Ass349 - Nonprol 0.801547 3.072133 3.692786 0 0 1.865565
0.652 0.675 0.7 0 0 0
7.81 7.81 7.81 1.56 0 1.56
5.183 5.367 5.563 1.555 0 1.61
logical Research and Innovation 0.568 0.857 0.857 0.096 0 0.184
010 - Emerge034 - Key Ass 1.234 1.321 1.347 0.006 0 0.006
IT Infrastructure 3.136 2.116 2.116 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 6.40527 6.405 6.405 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 7.1 7.1 7.1 0 0 0
4.4784 4.6116 4.6116 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 2.23 1.724 2.435 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 2.155 5.165 5.165 1.662 0 3.983
2.186 2.314 2.314 0.241 0 0.255
3.426 3.507 3.507 0 0 0
6.0695 4.9955 4.9955 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 4.984 5.16 5.348 0.997 0 1.032
IT Infrastructure 2.1541 2.2353 2.2353 0 0 0
4.1 4.18 4.18 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 1.684 2.274 2.274 1.343 0 1.814
IT Infrastructure 4.5 11 5.5 4.5 0 11
IT Infrastructure 2.26 5.566 5.566 1.684 0 4.147
se Architecture 5.4 5.518 5.518 0.219 0 0
/ Project Management 1.77367 1.89009 1.927891 0.48642 0 0.56563
8.365 7.463 7.463 0.251 0 0.224
3.9 4.012 4.012 0 0 0
349 - Nonproliferation an 2.337 2.165 2.3 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 5.378606 4.661406 4.661406 1.273974 0 0.556774
IT Infrastructure 3.8613 4.0292 4.0292 0 0 0
034 - Key Asset and Critica 1.137 0.695 0.636 0.634 0 0.132
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 0.558 0.558 0.558 0.558 0 0.558
0.6 0.6 0.6 0 0 0
2.806802 2.806802 2.806802 0 0 0
7.90802 7.90802 7.90802 0.948339 0 0.948339
IT Infrastructure 2.80265 2.803 2.803 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 3.365 3.364 3.364 0 0 0
5.5687 5.7602 5.7602 0 0 0
2.465 3.531 3.531 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 2.845 2.555 0 0 2.845
IT Infrastructure 5.347 5.347 5.347 1.0694 0 1.0694
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 5.909 5.925 5.925 0.066 0 0.067
5.082 5.879 5.879 2.866 0 2.923
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 3.745 3.878 4.019 0.749 0 0.776
nd Software 5.9918 5.9918 5.9918 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.994 2.064 2.139 0.399 0 0.413
IT Infrastructure 4.23 5.302 5.302 1.23 0 2.302
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 8.25 8.414 8.414 0 0 0
5.8848 6.0963 6.0963 2.9088 0 2.96
008 - Disaster Preparedne 1.405 1.373 1.373 0.772 0 0.733
IT Infrastructure 2.99 3.096 3.209 0.598 0 0.619
nd Software 5.692 7.145 7.11 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.794 1.791 1.791 0 0 0
6.805 7.014 7.014 0 0 0
5.931 7.2299 7.2299 0 0 0
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 6.5 6.605 6.605 0 0 0
008 - Disaster Preparedne 5.454 5.874 5.989 3.215 0 3.557
nt / Integration Support 6.045 6.341 6.341 0.523 0 0.549
nd Software 4.321 4.321 4.321 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 3.173 0.003 0.003 0 0 0
0.518 0.538 0.538 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 3.493 5.612 5.612 1.844 0 2.962
4.32 4.795 4.795 0.752 0 0.835
1.8349 1.8886 1.8886 0 0 0
se Architecture 11.96376 18.4878 14.26096 1.829 0 8.349
2.902 2.286 2.807 0 0 0
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 2.602 2.693 2.792 1.041 0 1.077
IT Infrastructure 7.15 7.15 7.15 2 0 2
nt / Integration Support 1.805 1.86 1.86 0 0 0
1.41777 1.45605 1.49537 0 0 0
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 0.483 0.118 0.341 0.372 0 0
675 - Voice Communicatio 1.085 1.111 1.138 0 0 0
01 - Budget Formulation 0.444 0.444 0.444 0 0 0
and Network Monitoring 0.841 0.841 0.841 0 0 0
vacy Management 0.285 0.285 0.294 0 0 0
Infrastructure Protection 1.98693 1.6516 1.6516 0.83161 0 0.2938
Video Conferencing 0.686 0.686 0.686 0 0 0
nd Software 0.22648 0.0395 0.0395 0 0 0
1.59421 1.95548 1.95548 0.27972 0 0.30648
IT Infrastructure 1.543 1.589 1.634598 0 0 0
tion and Accreditation 1.476 1.476 1.476 0 0 0
0.49046 0.437267 0.437267 0.05291 0 0.170097
IT Infrastructure 6.30899 6.4793 6.67371 0 0 0
11.309595 11.531684 11.824296 0 0 0
1.892 1.948 2.006 0 0 0
onal Development 0.252 0.285 0.2935 0 0 0
0.154 0.1571 0.1587 0.154 0 0.1571
on and Delivery 0.6489 1.698066 1.698066 0 0 0
3.55516 2.68211 2.68211 1.29123 0 1.60794
ernment Records 0.23 0.287 0.23 0 0 0
1.00008 1.123 1.123 8.00E-05 0 0.0412
80 - Issue Tracking 0.379 0.388 0.397 0 0 0
6.4063 8.439 7.1407 0 0 0
0.16173 0.065009 0.065009 0 0 0
0.607 0.507 0.507 0 0 0
77 - Knowledge Distribution and Deliv 4.36929 4.82629 4.96029 0 0 0
Video Conferencing 0.276 0.276 0.284 0 0 0
5.753 5.763 5.8602 0 0 0
0.693 0.2 0.2 0.393 0 0.2
and Licensing 0.056 0.057 0.059 0 0 0
5.03803 5.17403 5.32928 0 0 0
0.55155 0.2695 0.2695 0 0 0
4.88711 5.03373 5.18474 0 0 0
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 7.335 8.908 9.262 0 0 0
024 - Environmental Reme 1.981 1.981 1.981 1.981 0 1.981
ernment Records 14.7105 15.0092 14.2543 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 4.39532 4.39532 4.39532 0 0 0
0.015 0.015 0 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 0.666 0.666 0.666 0.197 0 0.197
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 1.906 2.057 1.724 0.247 0 0.099
IT Infrastructure 3.06237 3.14925 3.23428 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.068 0.071 0.072 0 0 0
0.1802 0.1802 0.1802 0 0 0
1.694 1.694 1.694 0 0 0
0.285233 0.285233 0.29336 0 0 0
0.834 0.859 0.885 0 0 0
0.48 0.48 0.48 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 2.4179 3.31463 3.444014 0 0 0
129 - Reporting and Infor 0.387 0.179 0.293 0.215 0 0
648 - Identification and A 1.04 1.04 1.04 0 0 0
gy and Innovation 0.356 0.361 0.369 0 0 0
tion Exchange and Transformation 0.482 1.782 1.221 0 0 1.293
/ Project Management 0.471 0.471 0.471 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 5.193 5.323 5.483 0 0 0
2.9701 3.0197 2.9712 0 0 0
0.412 0.362 0.312 0 0 0
1.116 0.605 0.62 0 0 0
0.7911 0.5893 0 0 0 0
0.131 0.131 0.131 0 0 0
0.012 0.02 0.013 0 0 0
0.151 0.151 0.155 0 0 0
ity Management 0.11 0.11 4.53 0 0 0
mental Remediation 1.33193 1.36789 1.40483 0 0 0
0.227 0.227 0.283 0 0 0
0.00372 0.00382 0.00386 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.994 1.024 1.055 0 0 0
ernment Records 0.739 0.739 0.739 0 0 0
ernment Records 1.234 1.19 1.659 0.425 0 0.22
Transportation 0.649 0.665 0.681 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 0.467 0.481 0.495 0 0 0
04 - Strategic Planning 1 1 1 0 0 0
ent and workflow 1.77 1.77 1.77 0 0 0
0.72 0.72 0.72 0 0 0
0.42951 0.46213 0.46213 0.27764 0 0.11558
ity Management 3.2655 3.35367 3.45426 0 0 0
tion and Accreditation 0.641 0.641 0.641 0 0 0
2.26722 2.33496 2.40501 0 0 0
0.3369 0.404 0 0 0 0
5.3139 5.56 5.769 0 0 0
0.205 0.205 0.205 0 0 0
tion and Accreditation 0.11 0.11 0.11 0 0 0
ta Management 1.95016 2.04116 2.09716 0 0 0
0 0.1802 0.1802 0 0 0
48 - Identification and Authentication 0.506 0.518 0.53 0 0 0
2.624 2.229 1.866 0.834 0 0.546
mental Remediation 0.96087 0.98682 1.01346 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.217 0.157711 0.157711 0 0 0
Management 4.2 4.2 4.2 4 0 4
0.3821 0.3936 0.4133 0 0 0
d Compensation 0.06 0.06 0 0 0 0
ail Capture and Analysis 0.529 0.506 0.552 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.214 0.219 0.224 0 0 0
0.104 0.104 0.104 0 0 0
0.940438 2.894959 2.68234 0 0 0
315 - Threat 345 - Manag 3.774 3.887 4.004 0 0 0
26 - IT System Development / Integra 6.89332 8.46632 8.66816 0 0 0
2.85032 2.96732 3.04832 0 0 0
0.6675 0.4489 0 0 0 0
nt Management and workflow 0.987 1.011 1.035 0 0 0
0.886 0.956 0.995 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.914 1.971 2.03 0 0 0
90 - Mapping / Geospatial 0.95332 0.95332 0.95332 0 0 0
3.0726 3.15556 3.24076 0 0 0
nd Software 0.446 0.446 0.459 0 0 0
0.79438 0.76192 0.76192 0.03413 0 0.034685
nt / Integration Support 1.104 1.137 1.171 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.34251 0.34936 0.044 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.479 0.479 0.479 0 0 0
0.015 0.015 0.015 0 0 0
1.525 1.525 0.716366 0 0 0
1.456 1.5628 1.4934 0 0 0
tion and Accreditation 0.808 0.808 0.832 0 0 0
0.015 0.015 0.015 0 0 0
nd Software 10.35432 10.77232 11.07232 0 0 0
0.074 0.076 0.0783 0 0 0
2.20229 2.20229 2.20229 0 0 0
08 - Data Recovery 0.752 0.77 0.789 0 0 0
0.041 0.042 0.044 0 0 0
54 - Employee Benefits and Compensa 10.644963 10.182333 10.386775 0 0 0
8.58146 8.8132 9.07755 0 0 0
6.56432 6.56432 6.56432 0 0 0
0.30525 2.312574 2.312574 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 0.25 0.25 0.258 0 0 0
0.6 0.6 0.6 0 0 0
0.443 0.454 0.464 0 0 0
0.31237 0.31862 0.163 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.1421 0.1429 0 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 0.957 0.98 1.004 0 0 0
ernment Records 0.01 0.11 0.11 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 1.426 1.469 1.513 0 0 0
0.37016 0.37916 0.38916 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 1.765 1.818 1.8726 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 3.726 3.856 3.99096 0 0 0
0.038 0.038 0.04 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 3.044 2.428 2.50084 1 0 0
nt / Integration Support 1.086 1.429166 1.46906 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.995 1.344 1.365504 0 0 0
661 - Docum345 - Manag 6.183011 6.335988 6.20594 0.249652 0 0.125
logical Research and Innovation 1.316587 0.622 0.64066 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.243 0.25 0.258 0 0 0
0.20261 0.206683 0.210837 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 1.042 0.947 1.067 0 0 0
0.127 0.127 0.0975 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.3096 0.0875 0 0 0 0
326 - IT Sys 341 - Web Inf 2.636073 3.324977 2.475669 0.322933 0 0.9
oring and Forecasting 0.032 0.0214 0.046 0 0 0
d Compensation 0.243 0.254 0.018 0 0 0.015
d Transmission 2.054 2.258 1.644 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.234 0.342 0.274 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.055 0.115 0.065 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 0.592 0.6 0.609 0 0 0
0.101 0.10504 0.085 0 0 0
5.534 5.7 5.871 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 3.209 3.292 3.378 0 0 0
0.478 0.807 1.065 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0.099 0.147 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 2.5 2.5 0.515 2 0 2
and Network Monitoring 1.928 2.024 1.98 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.575 0.59225 0.610018 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 5.511 5.676 5.847 0 0 0
ce Management 0.388 0.418 0.586 0 0 0
2.012734 2.073116 2.135309 0.234525 0 0.241561
logical Research and Innovation 1.648 1.7 1.751 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.068 0.071 0.073 0 0 0
0.617 0.843 0.843 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 2.333 2.403 2.475 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.322 0.338 0.375 0 0 0
0.401379 0.148657 0.148657 0.139791 0 0.051339
logical Research and Innovation 0.52952 0.540163 0.551021 0 0 0
1.46 1.46 1.46 0 0 0
se Architecture 0.126 0.21 0.305 0 0 0
1.43 1.722 2.033 0 0 0
1.364935 1.405882 1.448059 0.178069 0 0.183411
logical Research and Innovation 1.054 0.779 0.798 0.374 0 0
0.049 0.05 0.052 0 0 0
316 - Continuous Monitor 1.429046 1.44101 1.358898 0 0 0.15
0.042039 0.072849 0.073868 0 0 0
0.600479 0.405265 0.410432 0.389454 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.294 0.303 0.312 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.353 1.372 5.363 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 4.609503 4.719255 4.832059 0.241566 0 0.245431
IT Infrastructure 0.003 0.003 0.003 0 0 0
2.727 2.846 2.927 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.44 0.39 0.39 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 7.046664 7.258064 7.475805 1.22746 0 1.264284
1.115 0.806 0.87 0.35 0 0
0.125 0.128531 0.13134 0 0 0
517 - Extern 105 - Budget 1.29362 6.875442 7.353737 1.29362 0 6.875442
logical Research and Innovation 0.962 0.802 0.69 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.962 1.01 1.126 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 8.2 7.34037 7.560581 0 0 0
0.321 0.598 0.162 0 0 0.108
logical Research and Innovation 0.071396 0.072831 0.074295 0 0 0
nt Management and workflow 1.76432 1.76432 1.76432 0 0 0
ment of Government Records 0.263 0.215 0.298 0.083 0 0
4.172 5.663 6.154 0.016 0 0.439
1.448 1.49868 1.504 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.95 7.3 7.3 0.95 0 7.3
IT Infrastructure 0.945 1.40225 1.146 0 0 0.41
IT Infrastructure 0.042 0.043 0.044 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 2.96 3.049 3.1405 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 4.650038 4.789538 4.933224 0.745224 0 0.767581
0.002 0.005 0.005 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 1.504 1.547754 1.589 0 0 0
1.688 1.141 1.974 1.18 0 0.481
logical Research and Innovation 0.71 0.73 0.75 0.71 0 0.73
logical Research and Innovation 0.305 0.36 0.335 0 0 0
7.049 7.504 8.273 0 0 0
0.128 0.115 0.125 0 0 0
0.618 0.839 0.839 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 2.543 2.62 2.698 0 0 0
38 - Program / Project Management 0.98235 0.82772 0.82772 0.82917 0 0.67454
IT Infrastructure 0.685 0.70555 0.72327 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 3.405 3.508 3.613 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.097 0.1 0.103 0 0 0
tion and Accreditation 0.11 0.65 0.692 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.02 0.021 0.021 0 0 0
ity Management 0.942 1.577 3.642 0 0 0
1.955 1.093 1.146 1.014 0 0.327
IT Infrastructure 0.724 0.746 0.768 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.569 0.569 0.569 0 0 0
0.289 0.297 0.306 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.053 0.054 0.056 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.193 0.198 0.203 0 0 0
se Architecture 2.915721 2.338747 2.338747 1.456873 0 1.168386
0.31 0.967 6.213 0 0 0
27 - Enterprise Licenses and Software 2.53388 2.322282 2.206267 1.012762 0 0.928123
logical Research and Innovation 2.287 2.378 2.47312 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 1.177 1.21 1.246 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.007 0.046 0.059 0 0 0
0.655 0.673 0.692 0 0 0
1.353 1.49 0.398 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.44908 0.452 0.46556 0 0 0
1.983969 1.998229 1.998229 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.21 0.77 0.722 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 3.547 3.641 3.737 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.17 0.179 0.184 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 3.221 3.11 3.2033 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 1.499 1.544 1.59 0 0 0
d Transmission 1.385 1.365 1.387 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.962 1.027 0.782 0 0 0
nd Software 3.922964 3.843976 3.651876 0.980247 0 0.9605
1.047 1.078 1.111 0 0 0
0.816 0.816 0.886 0.086 0 0.086
0.620072 0.585449 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.506 0.52 0.534 0 0 0
316 - Continuous Monitor 3.35484 3.019369 3.019369 1.341146 0 1.2064
IT Infrastructure 0.834 0.834 0.835 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.746332 0.819199 0.819199 0 0 0
0.062 0.062 0.062 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.333 0.343 0.354 0 0 0
120 - Help De020 - Energy 1.642197 1.342197 1.192197 0.079 0 0.027
0.009 0.204 0.114 0 0 0
0.197913 0.482372 0.367196 0 0 0.119449
logical Research and Innovation 1.112 0.752 1.299 0.777 0 0.317
2.701 2.782 2.865 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 6.6016 3.0756 2.225 2.4823 0 0.9573
IT Infrastructure 1.84 2.536 2.533 0 0 0
1.443 1.497 1.588 0 0 0
517 - Extern 120 - Help De 0.567958 0.730138 0.757188 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 1.021 1.094 1.067 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.774 1.827 1.882 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.333 1.777 2.596 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.52952 0.540163 0.551021 0 0 0
d Transmission 1.944 1.939 1.968 0 0 0
2.32 3.763 3.78422 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 7.356 7.577 7.804 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 1.38 1.42 1.45 0.24 0 0.25
1.166 1.197 1.229 0 0 0
0.373 0.383948 0.39477 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.577 0.619 0.619 0 0 0
se Architecture 0.581 0.598067 0.6073 0 0 0
d Transmission 0.646 0.466 0.523 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.66351 0.63337 0.652371 0 0 0
41 - Web Infrastructure 8.071824 8.025382 7.890805 5.368147 0 5.422593
IT Infrastructure 0.901 0.948 1.347 0 0 0
0.02 0.0135 0.016 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 1.024 0.889 0.669 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 0.294 0.303 0.371 0 0 0
5.202 4.445 4.346 0.873 0 0.521
logical Research and Innovation 0.581941 0.593638 0.60557 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.64 0.64 0.64 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 4.641 4.812 5.195 0.23 0 0.259
IT Infrastructure 2.670644 2.438644 2.764 0.232 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.24 0.221 0.2276 0 0 0
se Architecture 0.389 0.389 0.389 0 0 0
0.07 0.07 0.0721 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 2.905 2.992 3.082 0 0 0
03 - Data Warehouse 1.906805 1.971222 2.037893 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.155 0.16 0.165 0 0 0
27 - Enterprise Licenses and Software 1.380355 1.152338 1.051899 0 0 0
5.085 5.238 5.395 0 0 0
1.426 1.71 2.639 0 0 0
ns Infrastructure 0.131 0.161 0.891 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 4.42 4.671 4.727 0 0 0
18 - Business Analytics 2.306972 2.015689 2.015689 1.3312 0 1.076583
0.312707 0.283286 0.268374 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 1.413 1.503 1.503 0 0 0
0.004 0.004 0.004 0 0 0
1.135 1.119 1.305 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.25 0.257806 0.26397 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.559312 0.570554 0.582023 0 0 0
1.0247 1.2149 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 1.577425 2.517481 2.517481 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 2.232 2.3 2.369 0 0 0
3.014183 3.104608 3.197747 0.542335 0 0.558605
17 - External Partner Relationship M 0.468 0.64 0.61 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 2.746 2.824 2.904 0 0 0
se Architecture 0.127 0.127 0.13 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.753145 0.828864 0.91374 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 3.53 1.42 1.42 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.31 0.32 0.32 0.04 0 0.04
and Network Monitoring 0.4 0.4 0.4 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.995 1.37999 1.42139 0 0 0
20 - Help Desk Services 1.857797 1.755069 1.711242 0.927911 0 0.876547
1.665 1.715 1.767 0 0 0
326 - IT System Developme 0.351984 0.355618 0.355618 0.077201 0 0.096
logical Research and Innovation 0.707 0.811 0.831 0 0 0
0.09 0.092 0.102 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.054 0.0286 0.125 0 0 0
1.15 1.224 1.822 0.314 0 0.018
326 - IT Sys 341 - Web Inf 2.955777 2.749283 2.749283 1.476901 0 1.373654
IT Infrastructure 0.21 0.216 0.223 0 0 0
d Transmission 3.037 3.087 3.193 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 5.231467 5.31517 5.400213 0 0 0
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 3.079655 2.037072 2.037072 1.077188 0 0.712284
IT Infrastructure 0.927 0.946 0.964 0 0 0
d Transmission 0.374 0.374 0.385 0 0 0
ity Management 1.671 1.983 2.026 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.357 0.368 0.379 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 4.617 4.444 3.866 0.017 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.688 0.812 0.995 0 0 0
661 - Docum603 - Data W 4.765831 4.929799 4.806597 2.381928 0 2.463912
0.435 0.525977 0.53566 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.34 0.35 0.361 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.028 0.029 0.03 0 0 0
08 - Environmental Waste Manageme 0.67432 0.67432 0.67432 0 0 0
5.291 5.45 0 0 0 0
d Transmission 1.603 2.231 0 0 0 0
263 - System and Network 1.689 1.749 0 0 0 0
0.15 0.1 0.555 0.15 0 0.1
316 - Continuous Monitor 0.843 0.829 0.845 0 0 0
317 - Data I 034 - Key Ass 0.818 0.841 0.867 0 0 0
Formulation 0.462 0.464 0 0 0 0
d Transmission 0.71 0.7695 1.617 0.71 0 0.7695
d Transmission 3.25 3.7179 3.402 3.25 0 3.7179
d Transmission 0.322 0.322 1.652 0.322 0 0.322
g and Information 0.444 0.455 0.464 0 0 0
0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0 0.05
IT Infrastructure 0.543 0.5 0.5 0 0 0
0.519 0.378312 0.446964 0.519 0 0.378312
0.111664 0.151664 0.151664 0 0 0
0.819 0.819 0.919 0 0 0
0.124236 0.124236 0.124236 0.124236 0 0.124236
0.103458 0.085853 0.100073 0.103458 0 0.085853
0.01 0.01 0.01 0 0 0
on and Auditing 0.6 0.275 0.3 0.5 0 0.275
quipment Management 0.98706 1.046 1.046 0 0 0.0023
e Performance Management 0.306 0.180761 0.18076 0.306 0 0.180761
0.125 0.125 0.1 0 0 0
Management 0.04 0.045 0.045 0 0 0
0.786 0.811 0.811 0.325 0 0.25
ent and Training 1.20761 1.255983 1.306222 0 0 0
0.131 0.053 0.0798 0.131 0 0.053
28.994 28.936 28.936 0 0 0
0.256 0.256 0.268 0 0 0
0.105 0.105 0.11 0.105 0 0.105
quipment Management 0.072 0.097 0.097 0.041 0 0.04
omment Tracking 0.46 0.144946 0.269875 0.46 0 0.144946
d Compensation 0.010833 0.010833 0.010833 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.47447 0.5471 0.5471 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.625 1.6 1.7 0 0 0
2.057395 2.057395 0 2.057395 0 2.057395
0.09 0.095 0.142 0 0 0
0.137 0.137 0 0.137 0 0.137
0.043905 0.043905 0.85721 0.043905 0 0.043905
1.047 0.647 0.647 0 0 0
nd Vulnerability Management 1.11857 0.285865 0.285865 0 0 0
26 - IT System Development / Integra 0.11 0.11 0.11 0 0 0
0.16 0.16 0.16 0 0 0
e Performance Management 0.065217 0.065217 0.065217 0.065217 0 0.065217
255 - Emplo 143 - Goods a 34.736 32.654 41.584 0 0 0
nd Management 12.934214 11.106388 11.108896 12.869263 0 10.117789
2.154 2.154 2.154 1.2 0 1.2
0.2274 0.0924 0 0 0 0
5.997 9.061 20.901 0 0 0
0.345 0.4 0.4 0 0 0
0.364 0.279374 0.285284 0.364 0 0.279374
26 - IT System Development / Integra 0.167 0.167 0.167 0 0 0
26 - IT System Development / Integra 0.176 0.176 0.176 0 0 0
101 - Budget Formulation 0.0501 0.0501 0.0501 0 0 0
2.029669 2.029669 0 2.029669 0 2.029669
0.539 0.249326 0.249326 0 0 0
0.005 0.005 0.005 0 0 0
al Issuance and Management 0 1 1 0 0 1
d Compensation 3.073 2.958 3.413 0 0 0
0.473 0.593 0.593 0 0 0.05
12.005 13.593 0.525 0 0 0
75 - Voice Communications 0.731 0.731 0.731 0 0 0
318 - Busines104 - Strateg 8.256 10.456 10.456 6.997 0 9.137
ckpile Oversight 4.895 15.492 13.885 4.895 0 15.492
0 0 0.132 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 3 4 3 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.347 0.337 0.358 0.347 0 0.337
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0.516 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 7.297 6.653 8.07 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 1.709113 1.781 1.834 0 0 0
0.25 0.25 0.25 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
m Development / Integration Support 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
tion Discovery 0.125 0 0 0 0 0
0.34978 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.005 0 0 0 0 0
344 - Content Manageme 0.3434 0 0 0 0 0
4.988 0 0 0 0 0
0.086 0 0 0 0 0
0.1065 0 0 0 0 0
29 - Reporting and Information 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
d Compensation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
nd Software 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
d Compensation 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
quipment Management 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
ernment Records 0 0 0 0 0 0
ent and workflow 0 0 0 0 0 0
ent and workflow 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
quipment Management 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
ent and Training 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
quipment Management 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
d Compensation 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
ernment Records 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
nd Software 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
Infrastructure Protection 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
ce Management 0 0 0 0 0 0
ce Management 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
ernment Records 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
353 - Inform 340 - Collabo 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
Management 0 0 0 0 0 0
326 - IT System Developme 0 0 0 0 0 0
e and Transformation 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
nd Services Acquisition 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
ernment Records 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
ta Management 1.1 1.1 1.2 0.22 0 0.22
675 - Voice 340 - Collabo 2.752 2.752 2.752 0 0 0
121 - Securi 675 - Voice 4.674 4.674 4.674 0 0 0
675 - Voice 340 - Collabo 2.1249 2.1249 2.1249 0 0 0
024 - Enviro 675 - Voice 2.225 2.225 2.225 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 2.823 2.907 2.9943 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 3.218 2.167 0.962405 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 6.81 5.99 5.99 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.51 0.52 0.53 0.03 0 0.03
IT Infrastructure 3.28 3.058 3.133 0.251 0 0
3.918 2.436 2.148 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.409 0.417 0.421 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 4.09 3.85 3.89 0 0 0
6.983 7.291 7.575 0.05 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 2.9 2.894 2.828 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 3.982 4.254 4.325 0.189 0 0.23
logical Research and Innovation 3.146 3.222 3.319 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.207 1.275 1.281 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 3.41 3.498 3.589 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 1.81 1.46 1.46 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 6.766 6.98 7.1899 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.629 0.342 0.419 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 2.264 2.148 2.272 0 0 0
1.348 2.458 2.851 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.961 1.346 1.7275 0.212 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 3.132 3.206 3.3 0 0 0
4.17 6.09 4.07 0.627 0 0
4.322 3.179 3.538 1.926 0 0.594
ernment Records 0.112 0.138 0.116 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 2.906 2.99 3.076 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.274 0.156 0.047541 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 3.627 3.743 3.85529 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 2.78 3.06 3.13 0.32 0 0.7
logical Research and Innovation 6.901721 6.943945 7.152254 0 0 0.1183
logical Research and Innovation 6.559 6.847 7.05203 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 3.413 3.642 2.968 0.057 0 0.091
nd Software 3.38408 3.438225 3.493237 0.05414 0 0.055006
logical Research and Innovation 2.118 2.176 2.235 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 3.968 4.11 4.2337 0.683 0 0.703
IT Infrastructure 0.851819 0.86894 0.886406 0 0 0
2.385 2.409 2.115 0.453 0 0.447
1.961 1.554 1.477 0 0 0.089
3.564 5.185 6.269 1.267 0 3.279
0.838 0.838 0.422 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 2.198 2.224 2.285 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 6.048 6.189 6.335 0 0 0
121.303114 116.723805 121.245806 0 0 0
45 - Management of Government Rec 5.154 4.967 9.267 0.54 0 2.387
tion Discovery 7.214 4.459 12.146 0 0 0
0 4.113 6.457 0 0 0.05
345 - Management of Gov 1.096 1.087 1.088 0 0 0
25 - Pollution Prevention and Control 0.81 0.805 0.837 0.1 0 0.1
0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0 0.15
1.265 1.438 2.028 1.265 0 0.278
0.676 0.68 1.028 0 0 0
104 - Strateg119 - Facili 0.603 0.477 0.477 0 0 0.05
353 - Inform 019 - Energy 1.102 1.36 1.225 0.15 0 0.126
ment of Government Records 1.51 1.523 1.523 0.645 0 0
n Prevention and Control 9.045 9.92 10.618 1.203 0 1.705
1.177 1.219 1.014 0 0 0
Management 5.663 5.701 4.714 3.151 0 0
0.514 0.514 0.514 0.134 0 0
25 - Pollution Prevention and Control 0.305 0.307 0.322 0.074 0 0.074
21.34 24.406 22.064 0 0 0
01 - Data Exchange 0.761 0.765 0.768 0.228 0 0.23
and Control 0 0.248 0.249 0 0 0.204
0.225 0.224 0.225 0 0 0
c and Technological Research and Inn 0 1.227 1.228 0 0 0.553
se Architecture 1.331 1.145 1.147 0 0 0
129 - Reporting and Infor 0.305 0.308 0.307 0 0 0
es and Local Governments 3.028 5.102 4.837 0 0 0
g / Geospatial 2.27 1.254 0.825 1.52 0 0.529
0.55 0.557 0.557 0.186 0 0.191
mental Monitoring and Forecasting 4.393 3.999 4.787 0 0 0
0.567 0.864 0.864 0.086 0 0.288
25 - Pollution Prevention and Control 0.703 1.607 1.363 0.461 0 1.345
3.184 3.002 2.921 0 0 0
Management 2.976 3.241 6.677 2.976 0 3.241
on and Delivery 0.799 0.499 0.5 0.799 0 0.499
0.442 0.532 0.536 0.032 0 0.052
Management 0.481 0.501 0 0.135 0 0.135
025 - Pollution Prevention 3.691 3.584 3.591 0.669 0 1.14
50 - Nuclear Emergency Management 0.646 0.654 0.657 0.313 0 0.321
mental Remediation 0.933 0.03 0.03 0 0 0
mental Monitoring and Forecasting 3.449 3.091 3.349 3.179 0 2.739
010 - Emergency Respons 1.847 1.848 1.854 0.08 0 0.081
03 - Data Warehouse 0.876 1.125 1.128 0.006 0 0.08
53 - Information Exchange and Trans 0.485 0.485 0.485 0.189 0 0.189
ent and Training 0.292 0.292 0.293 0 0 0
0.969 0.871 0.994 0 0 0
7.98 6.216 7.964 0 0 0
601 - Data Exchange 1.908 1.912 1.916 0.543 0 0.543
31 - Case Management 0.559 1.014 1.024 0.426 0 0.675
10 - Emergency Response 1.733 1.848 1.847 0 0 0
mental Monitoring and Forecasting 0.301 0.306 0.307 0 0 0
ent and workflow 0.646 0.683 0.687 0 0 0
oring and Forecasting 0.164 0.162 0.193 0 0 0
319 - Regula 321 - Regulat 16.153 15.814 19.373 7.026 0 6.269
n Prevention and Control 1.297 1.595 1.734 0.002 0 0.091
0.674 0.565 0.419 0 0 0
316 - Continuous Monitor 0.2 0.595 0.596 0 0 0
0.107 0.097 0.116 0 0 0
1.598 1.606 1.611 0.357 0 0.166
mental Monitoring and Forecasting 0.296 0.426 0.427 0.1 0 0.18
56 - Water Resource Management 5.497 6.717 8.132 0.934 0 0.92
353 - Inform 019 - Energy 1.509 1.785 1.68 0.15 0 0.146
0.245 0.244 0.857 0 0 0
18 - Customer Feedback 2.818 2.735 2.74 0 0 0
d Compensation 0.065 0.065 0.065 0 0 0
mental Remediation 6.592 6.932 7.224 0 0 0
0.075 0.105 0.11 0 0 0
120 - Help Desk Services 7.277 8.117 16.683 1.48 0 2.044
oring and Forecasting 0.296 0.298 0.297 0.206 0 0.208
oring and Forecasting 0.863 0.5 0.6 0.369 0 0.412
e and Transformation 0.415 0.414 0.415 0 0 0
1.258 0.752 0.949 0 0 0
309 - Enviro 008 - Disaste 2.075 1.936 1.84 0.676 0 0.682
24 - Environmental Remediation 9.399 9.847 11.303 0.721 0 0.638
on and Delivery 0.894 0.367 0.366 0 0 0
d Compensation 7.927 1.756 0 0 0 0
mental Monitoring and Forecasting 4.397 5.704 5.678 0.104 0 0.104
079 - Permits and Licensin 0.576 0.647 0.573 0.195 0 0.199
341 - Web Inf678 - System 15.688 15.531 15.67 0 0 0.376
576 - Knowle577 - Knowled 0 0.599 1.5 0 0 0
057 - Conser 319 - Regula 3.761 3.385 3.592 2.475 0 2.204
0.096 0.096 0.096 0 0 0
and Control 1.302 2.217 2.603 0.369 0 0.946
25 - Pollution Prevention and Control 0.414 0.486 0.439 0.313 0 0.32
0.281 0.271 0.217 0 0 0
n Prevention and Control 8.734 8.034 8.23 0.384 0 0.216
79 - Permits and Licensing 0.152 0.061 0 0 0 0
1.282 1.946 1.736 0.604 0 0.837
0 0.178 0.6 0 0 0.178
01 - Data Exchange 0.745 1.861 1.866 0.046 0 0.359
n Prevention and Control 2.436 2.206 3.039 0 0 0
010 - Emergency Respons 0.35 0.35 0.35 0 0 0
and Control 0.96 1.328 1.329 0 0 0
03 - Data Warehouse 1.435 1.426 1.428 0.034 0 0.064
n Prevention and Control 1.283 0.96 1.409 0.202 0 0.12
n Prevention and Control 0.283 0.27 0.27 0 0 0
675 - Voice 340 - Collabo 154.174 150.826 165.03 0 0 0
01 - Data Exchange 1.135 1.976 1.981 0.313 0 0.437
129 - Report 345 - Manag 4.61 4.557 4.661 0 0 0
Transportation 0.763 0.978 0.978 0.254 0 0.542
04 - Postal Services 0.988 1.571 2 0.399 0 0.399
mental Monitoring and Forecasting 1.253 1.714 1.788 0.483 0 0.945
0.61 0.612 0.614 0 0 0
5.279 33.338 23.985 0 0 0
and Control 2.063 1.908 1.772 0 0 0
2.222 0.522 2.2 0 0 0
omment Tracking 0.998 0.939 1 0 0 0
1.982 1.989 1.993 0.211 0 0.22
0.238 0.159 1.82 0 0 0
25 - Pollution Prevention and Control 0 0 0.175 0 0 0
23 - Environmental Monitoring and Fo 0 0 0.396 0 0 0
mental Monitoring and Forecasting 0 0 0.318 0 0 0
546 - Portfolio Manageme 0 0.898 0.9 0 0 0.57
0 0.338 0.339 0 0 0.338
oring and Forecasting 0.445 0 0 0 0 0
mental Site Stewardship 0.016 0 0 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.198 0 0 0 0 0
ory Compliance 0 0 0 0 0 0
ory Compliance 0 0 0 0 0 0
ory Compliance 4.468 4.595 4.375 1.997 0 2.292
0.394724 0.358714 0.358714 0 0 0
0.05 0.05 0.05 0 0 0
0.524 0.478645 0.478473 0 0 0
0.04 0.04525 0.04728 0 0 0
0.239 0.239 0.255 0 0 0
nd Management 0.36 0.36 0.36 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.05 0.05 0.05 0 0 0
624 - Payroll 0.316951 0.130435 0.130435 0.316951 0 0
al Issuance and Management 6.459831 3.490093 3.828834 1.4 0 0.469
0.105 0.105 0.105 0 0 0
0.97 0.936047 0.936047 0 0 0
105 - Budget Execution 32.321593 32.321594 35.52854 0 0 0
0.418328 0.418328 3.683839 0 0 0
0.201 0.228 0.236 0 0 0
0.116921 0.083 0.08427 0 0 0.043
0.13 0.13 0.13 0 0 0
0.35259 0.404164 0.404164 0 0 0
0.187 0.198 0.21 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.019 0.0336 0.02 0 0 0
0.343822 0.36 0.36 0 0 0
ns Infrastructure 0.213576 0.224254 0.2886 0 0 0
2.845507 5.460694 0.420539 2.845507 0 5.460694
0.2 0.2 0.1 0 0 0
1.297 1.297 1.297 0 0 0
quipment Management 0.514 0.552 0.552 0 0 0
656 - Certification and Ac 8.178098 10.369276 11.47537 7.145397 0 7.145397
0.295806 0.375 0.295806 0 0 0
d Compensation 1.457 0.875 1.1 1.457 0 0.875
0.566907 0.563145 0.582855 0 0 0
0.077 0.035 0.048 0 0 0
0.35 0.36 0.05 0 0 0
4.4673 4.4944 4.5393 0 0 0
0.075 0.051 0.081 0 0 0
e Performance Management 14.994833 14.994833 14.994833 0 0 0
0.26 0.26 0 0 0 0
d Compensation 1.216936 1.216936 0.255968 0.960968 0 0.960968
ent and workflow 0.45 0.0445 0.0445 0 0 0
0.219288 0.230616 0.230616 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 3.32 4.800028 4.80028 0 0 0
d Compensation 0.407562 0.625 0.625 0 0 0
0.32 0.35 0.353 0 0 0
0.882049 0.912049 0.889544 0 0 0
8.28 17.085 0 0 0 0
3.50933 3.50933 3.50933 0 0 0
0.067832 0.067832 0.067832 0 0 0
e Development and Training 1.950626 1.950626 2.009144 0 0 0
1.080879 1.080879 1.080879 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 62.202031 69.101 69.043 14.745833 0 12.979319
061 - Ground062 - Water 1.383 1.426 1.471 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.685728 0.857709 0.44035 0 0 0
Management 7.6021 7.9821 8.3824 0.4318 0 0.4534
IT Infrastructure 0.494751 0.496751 0.498751 0.0816 0 0.0816
0.27 0.27 0.2854 0.04 0 0.04
Transportation 0.193234 0.193234 0.193234 0 0 0
Transportation 5.631885 5.63236 5.63285 0 0 0
061 - Ground062 - Water 0.664783 0.664783 0.664783 0 0 0
Purpose Data and Statistics 0.86 0.86 0.86 0 0 0
4.776 7.3206 7.735 4.776 0 7.3206
0.20924 0.215686 0.203653 0 0 0
and Network Monitoring 1.7 2.474975 1.986 1.7 0 2.474975
0 1 2 0 0 1
3.466 8.479 11.493 2.08 0 7.08
3 5 5 3 0 5
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 140.480002 140.180004 140.680007 0 0 0
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 5.825 12.825 10.825 5.26 0 12.26
1.96 1.96 1.96 1.06 0 1.06
tion Exchange and Transformation 29.101868 30.096569 21.66 11.729594 0 12.792777
10.412 11.558 7.76574 4.606 0 5.658
tion Exchange and Transformation 27.01687 17.360879 6.802281 27.01687 0 17.360879
18.759 19.39 20.23 0 0 0
0.813 0.81831 0.823 0.213 0 0.213
1.9 4.9 7.4 1.9 0 4.9
3.090862 4.080673 4.203093 0.069 0 0.172
4.3 5.2 4.5 4.3 0 5.2
16.2453 15.8215 15.8016 7.32 0 6.72
26.212351 10.477716 27.338771 25.96 0 9.850146
47.4 48.4 51.4 8.3 0 8.3
0 3 0 0 0 3
16.057707 21.459872 19.670778 5.780443 0 10.893758
58.178164 37.444524 42.222459 37.000696 0 15.655274
9.23 10.5 10.78 0 0 1
44.182303 26.67418 8.609794 41.142934 0 23.57705
4.2 12 32 4.2 0 12
1.749 1.201 1.194 1.666 0 0.981
264.16 202.12 186.38 253.46 0 190.52
4.356 4.756 5.4 4.356 0 4.756
3.5 1 2 3.5 0 1
4.49056 24.92005 36.237523 4.49056 0 24.92005
49.614 54.141 63.736 47.882 0 51.652
7 7 7 7 0 7
4 4 4 4 0 4
8.874 9.482 9.645 0 0 0
8.3 4.5 30 8.3 0 4.5
3 3 3 3 0 3
10 27 11 10 0 27
5 5 10 5 0 5
3 3 3 3 0 3
3 3 3 3 0 3
120.54 129.81 133.33 102.86 0 111.63
ncy Response 12 12 12 9.647 0 9.647
mmunications 54.09 59.64588 61.250017 2.644 0 6.65688
6.35 6.35 6.35 0 0 0
m Development / Integration Support 1.72 1.72 1.72 0 0 0
5.8 4.6 8.1 5.8 0 4.6
56 - Employee Relations 0.233 0.233 0 0 0 0
0.038702 0.04 0.04 0 0 0
d Compensation 0.333836 0.342182 0.350737 0 0 0
6.5 6.5 9.5 6.5 0 6.5
9.782 6.247 3.454 8.6 0 4.179487
e Performance Management 0.998304 0.998304 0.998304 0 0 0
g and Information 2.784 3.611 2.451 0 0 0
Formulation 0.655536 0.715936 0.724095 0.0601 0 0.0619
46.93 81.5 78.1 46.93 0 81.5
and Network Monitoring 1.74 0.0001 0 1.74 0 0
1.6 2.7 2.7 1.6 0 2.7
41.083 16.48 50.991 40.1 0 15.9
13.066416 11.9 10 12 0 10.8
152.882664 237.745618 262.248987 152.882664 0 237.745618
390.15261 445.849035 388.22 213.9856 0 251.241
44.571669 49.939469 62.376382 13.702144 0 19.988113
75.604483 91.983709 108.865428 4.11 0 17.633
0.257526 0.265252 0.273209 0 0 0
6.611 6.747 0 0 0 0
47.696 69.1712 82.628162 23.696 0 42.7572
10.446 12.089 10.467 2.736 0 4.224
17.41 4.41 4.512 0 0 0
19 - Regulatory Compliance 38.384 35.168 50.37 36.211 0 25.4
153.76 137.64 142.58 10.5 0 0
5.7 0.74 0 0 0 0
9 9 10 9 0 9
0.35 0.37 0.39 0.17 0 0.18
2.971 4.689618 2.414651 1.302 0 2.814042
2.183 4.383 9.283 2 0 4.2
e Development and Training 1.174 1.179 4.183 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 0 1
603 - Data Warehouse 1.13897 0.576 0.594 0.58897 0 0
37.862792 30.22364 40.027727 35.540535 0 30.22364
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 9.9 9.9 9.9 0.5 0 0.5
0.1545 0.159135 0.163909 0 0 0
tion Exchange and Transformation 3.42 3.6 22.66 3.42 0 3.6
16.05 14.85 14.65 0 0 0
0.405 0.383 0.383 0 0 0
e Development and Training 0.17438 0.2277 0.36938 0.17438 0 0.2277
0.309 0.31827 0.327818 0 0 0
and Network Monitoring 13.461 16.543 21.743 2.4 0 4.7
76 - Knowledge Capture 1 1 3 1 0 1
mmunications 25.3 58.9 55.2 25.3 0 58.9
mmunications 57.422 54.232 56.442 14.061 0 10.166
3.425 3.535 3.545 3.065 0 3.165
2.37 2.4177 2.466 0 0 0
14.911 12.673 10.518 10.913 0 8.03
Investigation and Surveillance 0.309 0.31827 0.327818 0 0 0
76 - Knowledge Capture 6.829 6.829 6.829 0 0 0
52.77 50.87 63.17 52.77 0 50.87
quipment Management 1.081366 1.117213 1.154893 0 0 0
2 4 7 2 0 4
2.091702 1 3.2 0.2 0 1
39 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastru 3 7 5 3 0 7
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 18.5 19 19.5 0 0 0
ent and Training 5.222662 5.208526 5.275853 1.635061 0 1.641814
60 - Air Transportation 0 2.5 3 0 0 2.5
603 - Data Warehouse 0.759705 3.353199 2.360263 0.759705 0 3.353199
m Development / Integration Support 0 1 3 0 0 1
19.106 15.723 6.23 18.42 0 14.631
m Development / Integration Support 0 10.248 6 0 0 10.248
0 5 10 0 0 5
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 21.459998 27.478319 20.50705 1.5 0 9.8
ity Management 4.610288 2.864497 2.414991 1.645 0 0
1.909923 1.376033 1.388219 0.721846 0 0
0.328741 0.057772 0.044306 0 0 0.027772
0.209409 0.207064 0.209556 0 0 0
ent and workflow 0.032492 0.016408 0.016906 0 0 0
0.131364 0.153343 0.155306 0 0 0
e and Transformation 0.206844 0.001641 0.001691 0 0 0
1.656856 1.712524 1.737409 1.328285 0 1.36171
0.826022 0.745829 0.76496 0 0 0
1.092044 1.092095 1.175465 0.181861 0 0
4.061341 1.924022 1.900935 4.061341 0 0
547 - Performance Mana 0.642019 0.123453 0 0 0 0
0.38948 0.418077 0.405753 0.117229 0 0.123955
0.552681 0.508658 0.52492 0.13937 0 0.140829
0.536108 0.596828 0.614733 0.037997 0 0.055294
mental Monitoring and Forecasting 0.145168 0.145771 0.093649 0.103156 0 0.103587
m Development / Integration Support 8.32222 8.640402 8.285079 0.791245 0 2.409943
nt / Integration Support 0.202809 0.232401 0.242354 0.04075 0 0
0.03437 0.05386 0.055966 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 1.418131 1.588703 1.569911 0 0 0
1.01056 1.106889 1.553021 1.01056 0 1.106889
0.13822 0.138602 0.139773 0.082932 0 0.083161
e and Transformation 0.303555 0.30572 0.211651 0.303555 0 0.30572
0.027125 0.029671 0.031313 0 0 0
0.398346 0.15341 0.137614 0.398346 0 0.13132
0.02404 0.056943 0.057153 0 0 0
on and Delivery 0.667665 1.101768 1.211945 0 0 0
Purpose Data and Statistics 1.610579 1.520875 1.526001 0.007406 0 0.811196
oring and Forecasting 0.267089 0.124883 0.12751 0 0 0.068527
0.089265 0.034488 0.031129 0 0 0
0.12124 0.027781 0.030169 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.458606 0.469984 0.881173 0.220045 0 0.230018
0.442342 0.3768 0.370018 0.442342 0 0.331359
0.047479 0.044561 0.045457 0 0 0
0.631846 0.688063 0.669888 0.393857 0 0.458609
0.151637 0.422733 0.4402 0 0 0.011677
1.88622 0.716132 0.41169 1.88622 0 0.716132
0.167871 0.277997 0.286337 0.1 0 0.208204
e and Transformation 0.998466 1.036626 1.068889 0.693917 0 0.725056
0.428665 0.427301 0.416906 0 0 0
0.321244 0.221657 0.24344 0.23437 0 0.134714
oring and Forecasting 0.315946 0.443219 0.300583 0.283454 0 0.378999
0.422781 0.237967 0.227668 0.422781 0 0.231024
logical Research and Innovation 4.5 5.119919 4.086508 0 0 0.320847
0.306874 0.056943 0.057153 0 0 0
a and Statistics 0.503249 0.013282 0.013381 0 0 0
e and Transformation 0.861994 0.287331 0.316906 0.861994 0 0.287331
e and Transformation 0.16824 0.16824 0.533957 0.16824 0 0.16824
ory Compliance 0.022222 1 3 0.022222 0 1
e and Transformation 1.954 1.80662 5.1454 1.1 0 1.696
5.842 3.832 0.688 5.842 0 3.5
0.064 0.5 7.6 0.064 0 0.5
1.125 2.257376 0.557367 0 0 0
4.322 3.138275 7.121167 4.322 0 3
0.478 0.11062 0 0 0 0
0.641 0.414825 0.3635 0 0 0
tion Exchange and Transformation 0.644 0.44248 0.387733 0.263 0 0
ta Management 0.01 0.02 0.025 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 4.521 1.225808 1.2321 0 0 0
0.24 0.24 0.24 0 0 0
1.058 2.102628 2.225 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 3.16 3.937084 3.710408 0 0 0
5.685 2.113346 4.50458 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 4.804 3.136703 5.301402 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.935 3.948961 2.903913 0 0 0
0.771 1.20057 1.2 0 0 0
12.013 12.232915 8.332 0 0 0
0.943333 0.13 0.229 0.943333 0 0
ce Planning 1.961311 1.088524 1.323892 1.534495 0 0.374345
es and Local Governments 1.060635 0.825 0.84975 0 0 0
, Fleet and Equipment Management 0.091256 0.091256 0.091256 0 0 0
0.507287 0.626588 0.626588 0 0 0
2.6685 2.109 1.526 2.04 0 1.429
IT Infrastructure 2.706 3.195 4.95 1.5 0 2
0.78 0.78 0.78 0.435 0 0.435
2.61 2.916 3.218 0.5 0 0.5
a and Statistics 3.23 0.8075 0.81 0.88 0 0.22
1.48915 1.46 0.3628 0.406 0 0.151
Purpose Data and Statistics 1.3 8.045 9.05 0.6 0 2.742
0.35002 0.3562 0.36268 0 0 0
0.15819 0.089 0 0.07119 0.05881 0
0.618039 0.630412 0.334685 0.269 0 0.269
4.478 4.035 4.252 0.632 0 0.3
1.648932 1.742 1.4887 1.437966 0 1.5
9.8 9.6 5.6 8.25 0 7.3
0.026 0.026 0.029 0 0 0
0.154 0.12875 0.16175 0.029 0 0
0.76 0.76 0.76 0 0 0
2.941 3.372 7.334 0.265 0 0.322
a and Statistics 0.73 0.74 0.75 0 0 0
316 - Continuous Monitor 1.224 1.415186 1.342615 0 0 0
0.875282 0.87604 0.83325 0 0 0
Financial Assistance 1.3158 1.21328 1.255998 0 0 0
54 - IT Strategy and Innovation 0.735142 0.559865 0.551832 0 0 0
601 - Data E 070 - General 0.989875 1.17785 1.771002 0.627703 0 0.748844
319 - Regulatory Complian 4.192835 4.236835 4.736835 0 0 0
0.279738 0.406075 0.408225 0 0 0
0.165012 0.163568 0.168284 0 0 0
Transportation 0.061216 0.016216 0.016216 0 0 0
0.699965 0.567748 0 0.07802 0 0
Purpose Data and Statistics 0.282312 0.29556 0.29556 0 0 0
21 - Regulatory Enforcement 0.211648 0.252267 0.251795 0 0 0
0.26 0.02 0.02 0.26 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.9 0.6 0.618 0.9 0 0.6
0.493 0.508 0.523 0 0 0
2.841 2.43474 2.507782 0.6 0 0
5.6 7.485 3.9 0.95 0 2.28
nt / Integration Support 0.693 0.7145 0.735935 0 0 0
0.589 0.81 0.834 0 0 0
es and Local Governments 3.2331 2.93333 4.16253 0.575 0 0
0.663 0.683 0.741 0 0 0
2.129 1.756999 2.06 0 0 0
0.628 0.6475 0.94 0 0 0
0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0
2 0.33 0.38 1.942 0 0
tion and Accreditation 0.506012 0.521128 0.536813 0 0 0
nd Software 1.59795 1.645888 1.695274 0 0 0
es and Local Governments 0.35474 0.365242 0.376029 0 0 0
es and Local Governments 0.3882 0.399456 0.410959 0 0 0
1.733 1.78952 1.847632 0 0 0
1.531991 1.683 1.683 0.22 0 0.33
0 0.777 0.959 0 0 0.777
0.99988 1.015341 1.045801 0 0 0
0.200873 0.216 0.38193 0 0 0
e and Transformation 0.383291 0.394789 0.406632 0 0 0
6.4009 6.7446 7.1603 3.547 0 3.548
0.074 5.768 5.796 0.074 0 5.768
ory Compliance 3.055 2.784 2.911 1.901 0 1.618
0.1742 0.178 0.178 0.018 0 0
IT Infrastructure 3.988604 4.044407 4.102108 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 1.5255 1.285 1.758 0.2445 0 0
0.2526 0.397 0.397 0.123 0 0
0.045 0.047 0.047 0 0 0
0.601 0.282 0.282 0 0 0
e and Transformation 0.732 0.432522 0.436847 0 0 0
353 - Inform 340 - Collabo 1.9 1.75 1.45 0 0 0
345 - Management of Gov 0.55 0.56 0.57 0 0 0
0.27 0.13 0.05 0 0 0
353 - Inform 530 - Process 0.74 0.88 0.88 0.04 0 0.17
577 - Knowled 325 - Informa 0.24 0.28 0.28 0.04 0 0.06
145 - Logist 326 - IT Sys 2.67 2.53 2.7 0 0 0
317 - Data I 530 - Process 0.05 0.05 0.05 0 0 0
318 - Busines530 - Process 0.02 0.04 0.04 0 0 0
322 - Public Communicatio 0.23 0.23 0.58 0 0 0
61 - Document Management and wor 0.32 0.33 0.33 0 0 0
129 - Report 256 - Employ 0.39 0.74 0.58 0 0 0.35
and Network Monitoring 4.81 6.88 6.96 0.49 0 0.46
530 - Process Tracking 0.23 0.2 0.1 0 0 0
m Development / Integration Support 0.1 0.1 0.11 0 0 0
263 - System and Network 5.55 6.33 6.34 0 0 0
530 - Process Tracking 0.13 0.12 0.11 0 0 0
30 - Process Tracking 0.23 0.23 0.35 0 0 0
and Employment 0.48 3.15 3.18 0 0 2
363 - Federa 320 - Credit 0.63975 3.24596 5.70825 0.63975 0 3.24596
14.192714 14.476568 15.634693 0 0 0
44 - Content Management 31.939116 32.577898 35.18413 0 0 0
546 - Portfolio Manageme 26.297035 26.822976 28.968813 3.891269 0 3.969094
328 - Collect Revenues an 14.148012 14.430972 15.58545 8.868836 0 9.046213
e Performance Management 10.662292 10.875538 11.74558 0 0 0
43 - Audio / Video Conferencing 33.038762 33.699537 36.395501 2.530715 0 2.581329
49.892144 50.889986 66.261186 8.140347 0 8.303154
1.90137 1.939397 2.094549 0 0 0
nd Software 43.945814 44.824731 48.41071 0 0 0
45.523084 46.433545 50.148229 0 0 0
gy and Innovation 36.859672 45.658865 29.695575 15.705719 0 24.081833
nt / Integration Support 3.573371 3.644839 3.936426 0 0 0
and Network Monitoring 46.298843 46.984819 52.283604 27.533597 0 27.844268
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 2.021698 2.062132 2.227103 0 0 0
ent and Training 1.884654 1.922347 2.076134 0.0816 0 0.083232
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 42.285545 44.871255 47.260956 13.073079 0 15.07454
0 10 10 0 0 10
tion Exchange and Transformation 0 9 29.1 0 0 9
Preparedness and Planning 0 0 30.998 0 0 0
0.06132 0.0631 2.065 0.06132 0 0.0631
0 0.14 0.33 0 0 0.14
0 0 0.147164 0 0 0
56 - Employee Relations 0 0 0.017556 0 0 0
43 - Global Trade 0 0 1.9 0 0 0
62 - Water Transportation 0 0 1 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 - Threat and Vulnerability Manag 0 0 0 0 0 0
55 - Resolution Facilitation 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
56 - Certification and Accreditation 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
25 - Information Discovery 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
quipment Management 0 0 0 0 0 0
m Development / Integration Support 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
25 - Information Discovery 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
54 - Incident Response 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
25 - Information Discovery 0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
08 - Customer Services 0 0 0 0 0 0
g and Information 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.114 0 0 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 0.226372 0 0 0 0 0
0.016 0 0 0 0 0
325 - Information Discove 0 0 0 0 0 0
78 - System Resource Usage 2.864181 0 0 0 0 0
0.06 0 0 0 0 0
577 - Knowledge Distribut 1.534588 0 0 0.14 0 0
04 - Meta Data Management 0.1513 0 0 0 0 0
76 - Knowledge Capture 13.6 6.7 12.1 13.6 0 6.2
577 - Knowledge Distribut 0 1.570733 1.615885 0 0 0.14
78 - System Resource Usage 0 2.984487 3.435708 0 0 0
14.135 13.569 15 12.482 0 11.916
0 1.1 0.334103 0 0 0
1.107 1.72046 1.73045 0 0 0
tion Discovery 2.307 2.80581 1.69229 0.445 0 1.0722
ns and Receivables 3.001 2.34014 2.04954 1.112 0 0.53244
quipment Management 5.554 4.40788 4.45907 0.654 0 0
quipment Management 2.86 4.05196 4.43724 0 0 0.89306
g / Geospatial 0.05 0.05 0.05 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.3776 0.31119 0.28215 0 0 0
8.806 9.74179 9.81375 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 8.814 8.83869 4.85948 6.655 0 6.03376
101 - Budget Formulation 1.455 1.85176 1.86252 0 0 0.39407
4.444 4.69687 4.70921 0.106 0 0.05041
g and Information 2.065 0.91432 0.91964 1.791 0 0.329
77 - Knowledge Distribution and Deliv 3.408 3.29824 3.6809 0 0 0.423
44 - Inventory Control 1.21 1.49138 1.49296 0.02 0 0.22844
nt / Integration Support 6.049 6.25059 5.88561 0.674 0 0.49202
nt / Integration Support 10.056 4.33006 4.40938 0 0 0
, Fleet and Equipment Management 0.104 0.16843 0.16941 0 0 0
576 - Knowledge Capture 7.216 3.32347 3.21297 3.294 0 0.81909
quipment Management 0.833 0.8185 1.0227 0 0 0
nt Management and workflow 3.101 5.78682 6.53403 1.485 0 3.47078
3.6577 3.16404 3.18242 0 0 0
2.4342 2.1163 2.1334 0 0 0
129 - Reporting and Infor 42.486813 48.4455 39.47 34.134413 0 46.9385
g and Information 3.666257 8.2156 6.65256 1.329 0 5.08
ory Compliance 1.00104 0.81136 0.57502 0 0 0
0.41123 1.11143 1.32261 0 0 0.82097
0.955987 0.71965 1.21963 0.540961 0 0.50105
quipment Management 8.487019 7.10043 7.08006 4.992372 0 4.52289
2.953521 1.3107 0.20207 0 0 0.14827
538 - Program / Project 4.588334 1.16165 1.18045 0.675 0 0.456
1.415009 0.93875 0.95395 0.652611 0 0.71582
al Issuance and Management 5.4 5.4 5.4 0.463 0 0.463
0.99434 0.48327 0.4911 0.314419 0 0.33316
IT Infrastructure 9.12 12.619 12.114 9.12 0 6.749
1.185339 1.55624 1.89628 0.217722 0 0.6579
2.055772 1.25266 1.27295 1.093711 0 0
ns and Receivables 7.892 8.277 8.008 0 0 0
nd Services Acquisition 1.105079 0.04984 0.05064 0.53571 0 0
129 - Reporting and Infor 4.862046 2.34795 2.52076 2.739726 0 0.9643
1.482906 2.50675 2.54666 0.524726 0 0.744
45 - Logistics Management 18.528757 10.70502 6.8662 15.89298 0 9.18913
4.891732 8.25544 5.59853 1.101324 0 4.88137
0.735 0.735 0.735 0 0 0
28.130313 29.65654 21.93629 8.45 0 11.55284
tion Exchange and Transformation 1.39566 1.98671 1.93961 0.281 0 0.67112
44 - Inventory Control 19.975769 16.80347 15.50055 3.00625 0 3.7804
g and Information 17.919376 17.34309 15.43407 0.725 0 4.31222
Partner Relationship Management 1.203092 1.07579 1.09321 0 0 0
0.872565 1.00406 1.03937 0.48053 0 0.48053
0.573427 0.70946 0.6078 0.105156 0 0.30951
IT Infrastructure 28.945633 45.45015 40.68432 4.33716 0 5.44329
1.318226 1.58007 1.52627 0.476155 0 0.9909
21 - Regulatory Enforcement 2.206 3.295 3.295 0.939 0 1.98
624 - Payroll 0.06624 0.06749 0.065217 0 0 0
257 - Separa 228 - Labor R 8.263 6.3071 5.96993 0.2 0 0
654 - Incide 317 - Data I 16.303121 24.76293 24.54536 0 0 0
104 - Strategic Planning 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.151338 3.053836 0.133844
6.645603 15.68606 14.86575 0 0 1.558
77 - Knowledge Distribution and Deliv 3.166808 3.302422 3.34148 0.262891 0 0.314296
577 - Knowledge Distribut 5.178 6.786 5.514 1.603 0 2.966
129 - Report 105 - Budget 0.041332 0.041332 0.041332 0 0 0
omment Tracking 0.053827 0.051943 0.118432 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 25.426399 32.0315 30.51841 0 0 2.26576
tion Exchange and Transformation 1.311161 0.591432 0.600219 0.281829 0 0.3
2.467 2.103 1.362 0.797 0 0.778
12.832605 12.83443 11.44604 0 0 0
2.165903 2.265903 2.265903 0 0 0
se Architecture 33.034992 48.24158 51.4611 0 0 3.671
025 - Polluti 056 - Water 0.72637 0.7682 0.81317 0.215695 0 0.237265
618 - Employ257 - Separa 0.25 0.25 0.255 0 0 0
nd Services Acquisition 0.6386 0.606 0.406 0.45 0 0.45
Management 1.471089 2.66159 1.68245 0.25 0 1
Management 10.931607 10.494136 10.029803 1.6135 0 0.8485
44 - Inventory Control 0.247 0.8 0.803 0 0 0
03 - Enterprise Architecture 5.025663 27.6745 29.77947 0 0 0
0.08254 0.08364 0.080111 0 0 0
0.105 0.105 0.11 0.105 0 0.105
on and Delivery 10.863 9.219 9.364 0 0 0
37.112074 8.02745 7.42408 0 0 0.54244
0.692 0.692 0.692 0 0 0
nt Management and workflow 0.245 0.195 0.195 0.145 0 0.095
Repair and Restore 0.077 0.295 0.148 0 0 0.038
ent and Training 9.321191 8.83366 11.04476 0 0 0
44 - Content Management 9.2193 31.43304 26.25639 6.3293 0 29.12037
0 4.65012 1.37 0 0 4.65012
44 - Content Management 0 10.79 13.1495 0 0 9.064
ge Distribution and Delivery 0.18775 0.18775 0.18775 0.15 0.07 0.15
ent and workflow 0 0.69814 0.72373 0 0 0
ent and workflow 0 0.80806 0.9476 0 0 0
ory Compliance 0.60832 0.23045 0.48066 0.35031 0 0
nt / Integration Support 6.23 21.321 4.26161 6.23 0 21.321
ent and workflow 0 13.37911 11.80367 0 0 5.61697
hentication 0.54503 0.30021 0.31577 0.35 0.4 0.1
ent and workflow 0 3.998463 0.9869 0 0 3.15
e Development and Training 1.97066 1.40298 1.59164 0.91983 0 0.105
0 13.02572 12.68179 0 0 3.82277
0 1.9199 1.99354 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 0 3.61268 3.86603 0 0 0
0.6 0 0 0 0 0
0.149 0 0 0 0 0
on and Delivery 1.207 0 0 0 0 0
g and Information 4.162874 0 0 0.5 0 0
576 - Knowle345 - Manag 9.808028 0 0 2.878131 0 0
2.424344 0 0 0.428101 0 0
12.378322 0 0 8.855 0 0
327 - Enterpr344 - Conte 14.24482 0 0 14.24482 0 0
ment of Government Records 0.935881 0 0 0 0 0
0.012581 0 0 0 0 0
61 - Ground Transportation 0 5.588 5.185 0 0 0
26 - Payments 3.534 4.63787 6.0809 0 0 1.03562
129 - Report 105 - Budget 56.387 30.535 36.989 15.123 0 3.576
29 - Reporting and Information 10.204 5.55692 0 0 0 0
009 - Disaste654 - Incide 22.239 52.768 25.959 0 0 18.5
/ Project Management 19.1 12.045 12.045 8.3 0 1.245
Preparedness and Planning 11.871 11.782 9.492 0 0 0
034 - Key Ass045 - Crimina 68.156 54.932 54.932 0 0 0
329 - Continu341 - Web Inf 58.971 68.039 71.017 0 0 0
254 - Employ064 - Traini 19.541 24.841 25.477 0.117 0 4.176
Repair and Restore 12.723 12.723 12.723 5.414 0.97 4.642
m Development / Integration Support 101.51 135.461 161.934 0 0 0
538 - Program / Project 6.263 12.811 16.097 0 0 4
80 - Issue Tracking 115.097 114.381 147.692 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 3.947 3.947 3.747 0 0 0
0.377 0.377 0.213 0.377 0 0.377
3.329 3.115 3.329 3.329 0 3.115
g and Information 6.946 6.946 6.946 0 0 0
0.261 0.261 0.261 0.261 0 0.261
10.329 15.499 15.604 0 0 0
1.948 1.948 0.857 0 0 0
4.759 4.759 4.54 0 0 0
1.928 3.736 2.042 0 0 0
1.14 0.945 0.945 0 0 0
34.072 42.977 41.215 34.072 0 42.977
4.821 4.821 4.367 1.334 0 1.819
53 - Information Exchange and Trans 27.801 28.74 28.621 0 0 0
21 - Security Management 21.224 21.916 20.719 0 0 0
t and Critical Infrastructure Protectio 21.55 78.41 87.173 12.874 0 46.911
8.224 9.206 10.071 0 0 0
0.226 0.226 0.179 0.226 0 0.226
Management 1.951 2.022 2.094 0.2 0 0.2
nt / Integration Support 0.225 0.225 0.225 0.225 0 0.225
d Compensation 38.129 38.951 38.951 0 0 0
0.508 0.726 0.328 0 0 0
80.767 81.041 74.75 0 0 0
0.918 0.941 0.947 0 0 0
0.053 0.053 0.08 0.053 0 0.053
nt / Integration Support 0.052 0.053 0.053 0 0 0
gy and Innovation 5.684 5.684 5.584 0 0 0
354 - IT Strategy and Inno 20.9 11.5 2 15.5 0 9
ent and Training 10.009 10.817 8.132 0 0 0
1.073 1.128 1.211 1.073 0 1.128
345 - Manag 034 - Key Ass 0.25 0.2 0.2 0.17 0 0.16
IT Infrastructure 4.152 4.152 4.235 0 0 0
023 - Enviro 104 - Strateg 1.91 1.92 1.92 0 0 0
0 1.524 1.645 0 0 0
on and Delivery 9.105 10.595 9.635 0 0 0
/ Taxonomy / Categorization 2 2 2 0 0 0
ernment Records 0.955 1.033 0 0 0 0
ation Security 8.776 14.206 13.478 0 0 0
0 1.381 0.497 0 0 0
and Industry Development 0.269 0.269 0.272 0.269 0 0.269
nt / Integration Support 12.69 16.437 16.437 0 0 0
0.178 0.187 0.187 0.178 0 0.187
0.105 0.105 0.11 0.105 0 0.105
IT Infrastructure 3.582 3.582 3.641 0 0 0
531 - Case Management 7.97 7.974 8.133 0 0 0
354 - IT Stra 340 - Collabo 9.87 9.881 10.078 0 0 0
14.873 14.875 15.172 0 0 0
18 - Business Analytics 199.882 175.781 173.536 153.173 0 136.597
341 - Web Inf531 - Case 89.444 155.225 156.21 22.028 0 19.346
tion and Naturalization 51.042 51.462 53.408 0 0 0
659 - Email 63.63 63.705 64.865 0 0 0
659 - Email 675 - Voice 124.197 124.347 126.72 0 0 0
3.516 3.522 3.592 0 0 0
tion Exchange and Transformation 5.206 5.216 5.32 0 0 0
61 - Document Management and wor 1.125 1.127 1.15 0 0 0
31 - Case Management 2.24 2.242 2.287 0 0 0
8.885 8.914 9.092 0 0 0
ail Capture and Analysis 32.796 32.876 33.534 0 0 0
ommunications Infrastructure 9.411 9.421 9.609 0 0 0
19.921 19.95 20.35 6.327 0 6.352
tion and Naturalization 3.745 3.747 3.822 0 0 0
08 - Customer Services 2.474 2.477 2.527 0 0 0
tion and Naturalization 51.853 51.91 52.948 39.723 0 39.723
e Development and Training 14.386 14.474 14.764 0 0 0
m Development / Integration Support 21.553 21.573 22.004 0.992 0 1.011
44 - Content Management 2.804 2.806 2.862 0 0 0
30 - Process Tracking 3.855 3.857 3.934 0 0 0
l Sector Oversight 3.649 4.102 4.249 0 0 0
48 - Leadership Protection 31.623 31.743 32.314 0 0 0
282 - Protection 45.58 46.294 73.538 29.161 0 31.268
337 - Credential Issuanc 1.18 1.18 1.18 0 0 0
48 - Leadership Protection 1.61 1.61 1.61 0.46 0 0.46
hip Protection 2.371 2.416 2.462 1.06 0 1
010 - Emerge034 - Key Ass 13.578 13.597 13.622 0 0 0
119 - Facili 129 - Report 14.254 14.577 14.612 7.231 0 7.393
315 - Threat and Vulnera 33.301 15.031 14.797 0 0 0
008 - Disaster Preparedne 99.029 105.097 97.617 0 0 0
315 - Threat 346 - Crimina 94.317 72.987 87.82 0 0 0
680 - Issue T 372 - Intelli 7.902 8.475 10.41 0 0 0
346 - Crimina139 - Provide 15.615 19.417 20.276 0 0 0
120 - Help De103 - Enterpr 372.24 368.833 380.693 0 0 0
315 - Threat 346 - Crimina 42.713 42.736 41.714 19.17 0 17.13
ondence Management 3.647 11.025 8.769 3.256 0 10.634
079 - Permits315 - Threat 13.274 14.7 13.5 0 0 0
077 - Inspect079 - Permits 21.523 16.078 17.515 3.856 0 0
8.851 6.682 18.066 8.851 0 6.682
44 - Content Management 1.617 1.617 1.616 0 0 0
06 - Workforce Planning 17.744 16.04 0.141 0 0 0
3.726 3.726 3.726 0 0 0
ance Management 3.709 3.711 3.712 0 0 0
66 - Worker Safety 0.37 0.487 0.441 0 0 0
43 - Audio / Video Conferencing 0.644 2.218 1.177 0.226 0 1.792
39 - Provide and Maintain IT Infrastru 3.102 3.798 2.797 0.478 0 0.487
1.912 1.97 1.971 1.276 0 1.334
46 - Criminal and Terrorist Threat Mit 2.597 2.597 5.764 0 0 0
77 - Knowledge Distribution and Deliv 2.18 2.182 3.999 0 0 0
45 - Management of Government Rec 4.376 4.376 4.065 0 0 0
6.809 7.79 7.905 0 0 0
126 - Payments 1.45 1.401 1.402 0 0 0
656 - Certifi 120 - Help De 15.498 14.532 13.464 0 0 0
nd Management 0.786 0.598 0.6 0 0 0
45 - Management of Government Rec 1.693 1.922 1.966 0.558 0 0.57
g and Information 33.642 37.925 38.191 0 0 0
nd Transportation Security 5.243 3.112 2.751 0 0 0
659 - Email 343 - Audio / 210.275 179.3 194.8 0 0 0
531 - Case 217 - Access 4.698 4.479 4.555 0 0 0
530 - Process Tracking 26.001 26.596 31.624 26.001 0 26.596
01 - Data Exchange 3.654 1.262 1.269 0 0 0
328 - Collect 108 - Custom 14.745 21.641 33.069 0 0 7.168
126 - Paymen127 - Collect 5.555 6.417 13.352 5.555 0 6.417
30 - Process Tracking 0.226 0.363 0 0 0 0
33 - Border and Transportation Securi 1.237 0.781 0.794 0.656 0 0.045
22 - Public Communications Infrastruc 0.34 0.722 0.426 0.217 0 0.3
52 - Legal Defense 2.656 2.879 3.001 0 0 0
40 - Collaboration Tools 4.734 4.791 2.004 0 0 0
316 - Contin 315 - Threat 4.022 4.104 3.086 0 0 0
106 - Workforce Planning 1.294 1.425 1.433 0 0 0
0.195 0.195 0.195 0 0 0
315 - Threat 347 - Crimin 14.563 14.765 14.076 2.5 0 0
44 - Content Management 1.104 1.108 0.52 0 0 0
and Criminal Apprehension 0.09 0.09 0.091 0 0 0
29 - Reporting and Information 1.903 0.669 0.709 1.659 0 0
228 - Labor R129 - Report 0.693 1.049 1.055 0 0 0
46 - Portfolio Management 0.679 1.007 0.531 0 0 0
315 - Threat 103 - Enterpr 0 4 10.43 0 0 4
256 - Employ228 - Labor R 1.868 1.908 1.824 0 0 0
21 - Security Management 0.648 0.67 0.693 0 0 0
070 - General319 - Regula 0.762 0.78 0.796 0.037 0 0.038
006 - Criminal Rehabilitat 2.438 4.783 1.809 0 0 0
g and Information 4.438 4.388 3.645 1.8 0 2.5
01 - Data Exchange 0 4.4 0.404 0 0 4.4
nd Management 1.362 1.297 1.321 0.646 0 0.571
348 - Execute Court Order 2.878 2.957 3.038 0 0 0
2.183 2.205 2.409 0 0 0
129 - Report 346 - Crimina 2.517 2.325 1.401 0 0 0
Management 0.463 0.464 0.288 0 0 0
Incarceration 3.627 3.829 4.33 0 0 0
48 - Identification and Authentication 0.651 0.651 0.604 0 0 0
29 - Reporting and Information 2.195 2.074 2.09 0.265 0 0.262
01 - Data Exchange 1 1.002 1.022 0 0 0
30 - Legislative Relations 0.578 0.589 0.596 0 0 0
evenues and User Fees 140.97 120.393 83.884 45.947 0 32.562
and Terrorist Threat Mitigation 74.007 74.02 74.097 0 0 0
116 - Debt Co119 - Facili 14.414 14.643 14.676 0 0 0
78 - Intelligence Data Access and Deli 2.378 2.278 2.367 0 0 0
and Terrorist Threat Mitigation 132.811 209.273 173.785 26.609 0 91.492
nce Collection Tasking 109.534 121.922 118.103 0 0 0
and Terrorist Threat Mitigation 50.001 48.003 42.001 14 0 7
54 - IT Strategy and Innovation 478.179 435.816 451.909 0 0 0
nce Strategy and Policy Integration 23.369 23.085 23.866 0 0 0
and Terrorist Threat Mitigation 29.575 30.75 32.548 0 0 0
nd Transportation Security 15.68 17.192 15.731 0 0 0
nd Transportation Security 26.583 31.448 52.13 0 0 19
and Terrorist Threat Mitigation 12.858 24.619 16.845 0 0 16
and Terrorist Threat Mitigation 10.203 8.795 8.576 0 0 0
and Terrorist Threat Mitigation 59.063 43.343 17.36 55.88 0 36.421
ntelligence Activities 37.4 37.211 40.144 0 0 0
061 - Ground062 - Water 27.056 28.995 29.042 0 0 0
304 - Immigra033 - Border 177.247 218.084 238.337 0 0 64.133
nd Transportation Security 8.91 9.403 9.592 0 0 0
29 - Continuity of Operations 0.14 0.14 0.14 0 0 0
372 - Intelli 592 - Data M 1.462 1.462 1.462 0 0 0
m Development / Integration Support 0.63 0.03 0.03 0.6 0 0
4.349 4.277 3.687 0 0 0
e Benefits and Compensation 0.868 1 1 0 0 0
and Terrorist Threat Mitigation 4.772 4.429 4.429 0 0 0
ual Property Protection 3.06 3.06 5.31 0 0 0
and Terrorist Threat Mitigation 1.6 1.6 1.6 0 0 0
Management 0.24 0.24 0.24 0 0 0
nce Collection Tasking 0.4 0.4 0.4 0 0 0
on and Auditing 1.532 1.608 3.188 0 0 0
Management 1.902 2.804 2.856 0 0 0
045 - Crimina010 - Emerge 6.582 7.402 7.476 0 0 0
and Terrorist Threat Mitigation 2.978 2.978 2.978 0 0 0
33 - Border and Transportation Securi 0.864 0.226 0.234 0 0 0
6.571 0.294 0.305 0 0 0
nd Transportation Security 4.837 4.837 4.837 0 0 0
Management 1.651 1.831 3.091 0 0 0
nd Transportation Security 3 3 3 0 0 0
43 - Global Trade 0.929 0.878 0.909 0 0 0
and Criminal Apprehension 2.2 2.2 2.2 0 0 0
and Terrorist Threat Mitigation 3.315 3.315 3.315 0 0 0
mmunications 0.083 0.048 0.051 0 0 0
256 - Employ228 - Labor R 2.5 2.5 2.5 0 0 0
18 - Business Analytics 1.798 1.802 1.805 0 0 0
30 - Process Tracking 1.371 3.147 3.258 0 0 0
1.922 0.503 0.532 0 0 0
Management 1.43 1.9 1.9 0 0 0
and Terrorist Threat Mitigation 1.058 1.1 1.144 0 0 0
and Terrorist Threat Mitigation 15.786 15.786 15.786 0 0 0
Management 3.793 3.793 3.793 0 0 0
0.977 0.608 0.608 0 0 0
4.248 3.248 3.248 0 0 0
al Issuance and Management 0.838 0.838 0.838 0.501 0 0.491
05 - Budget Execution 3.582 5.749 5.918 0 0 0
Management 0.25 0.2 0.2 0.15 0 0.1
077 - Inspection and Audit 0.413 0.413 0.413 0 0 0
and Terrorist Threat Mitigation 39.622 39.82 40.019 0 0 0
108 - Custom251 - Staffin 9.725 9.908 10.019 0 0 0
282 - Protect108 - Custom 75.204 75.204 90.981 0 0 0
592 - Data M576 - Knowle 6.096 6.116 6.128 0 0 0
9.675 9.675 9.675 0 0 0
ory Compliance 9.655 9.655 9.655 0 0 0
nd Transportation Security 25.485 25.485 25.485 0 0 0
144 - Inventory Control 5.207 5.207 5.207 0 0 0
126 - Payments 38.662 36.799 37.794 0 0 0
033 - Border 010 - Emerge 36.3 36.6 24.3 36.3 0 36.6
44 - Inventory Control 8.066 12.384 10.884 5 0 8.5
34 - Key Asset and Critical Infrastruct 7.164 7.164 7.164 0 0 0
nd Transportation Security 17.949 17.949 17.949 0 0 0
143 - Goods a103 - Enterpr 56.615 56.615 56.615 0 0 0
659 - Email 343 - Audio / 24.191 24.191 24.191 0 0 0
Formulation 5.244 19.564 24.41 0 0 0
4.8 4.8 4.8 0 0 0
312 - Navigation 1.549 1.549 1.549 0 0 0
quipment Management 1.964 1.964 1.964 0 0 0
077 - Inspect101 - Budget 0.6 0.612 0.624 0 0 0
54 - Incident Response 5.303 5.303 5.303 0 0 0
2.08 2.08 2.08 0 0 0
0.47 0.47 0.47 0 0 0
46 - Criminal and Terrorist Threat Mit 0.574 0.574 0.574 0 0 0
g and Information 0.573 0.573 0.573 0 0 0
12 - Navigation 1.366 1.366 1.366 0 0 0
070 - General644 - Workfor 0.581 0.581 0.581 0 0 0
4.27 4.27 4.27 0 0 0
0.501 0.501 0.501 0 0 0
1.894 1.894 1.894 0 0 0
Management 2.974 2.974 2.974 0 0 0
0.176 0.176 0.176 0 0 0
0.85 0.85 0.85 0 0 0
341 - Web Infrastructure 5.251 5.251 5.251 0 0 0
1.685 1.685 1.685 0 0 0
nd Transportation Security 1.622 1.622 1.622 0 0 0
37 - Credential Issuance and Manage 2.353 2.353 2.353 0 0 0
ncy Response 1.914 1.914 1.914 0 0 0
Video Conferencing 3.5 3.5 3.5 0 0 0
2.233 2.233 2.233 0 0 0
ncy Response 0.364 0.364 0.364 0 0 0
217 - Access to Care 7.489 11.406 8.522 0 0 0
077 - Inspect315 - Threat 14.65 12.701 16.641 0 0 0
t and Critical Infrastructure Protectio 359 459.971 472.397 104.277 0 97.446
322 - Public 010 - Emerge 52.249 79.217 88.598 52.249 0 79.217
322 - Public 010 - Emerge 44.48 54.701 55.739 0 0 0
t and Critical Infrastructure Protectio 0.931 0.786 0.8 0.118 0 0.04
346 - Crimina047 - Crime 1.817 0.656 0.671 0.164 0 0
315 - Threat 656 - Certifi 204.071 102.659 275.953 204.071 0 101.585
340 - Collabo344 - Conte 18.185 19.568 16.297 0 0 0
and Terrorist Threat Mitigation 8.678 13.828 14.828 0 0 5
ge Distribution and Delivery 1.547 1.004 1.004 0 0 0
1.144 1.641 1.142 0 0 0
0.643 0.662 0.655 0 0 0
034 - Key Asset and Critica 0.443 0.45 0.457 0 0 0
280 - Comman 318 - Busines 1.052 4.922 3.695 1.052 0 4.757
328 - Collect Revenues an 0.432 0.439 0.447 0 0 0
280 - Command and Contr 1.029 1.058 1.088 0.039 0 0.04
009 - Disaste010 - Emerge 10.874 7.922 7.999 0 0 0
530 - Process Tracking 1.329 1.353 0 0 0 0
009 - Disaster Repair and 21.5 21.4 23.3 0 0 0
009 - Disaster Repair and 2.5 2.5 2.5 0 0 0
282 - Protect329 - Continu 10.852 15.121 15.19 2.634 0 7.67
070 - General108 - Custom 68.088 47.7 46.292 0 0 0
010 - Emerge040 - Surviv 104.167 113.557 113.608 0 0 0
4.147 3.152 3.157 1 0 0
009 - Disaster Repair and 7.745 8.507 8.516 5.359 0 4.306
0.445 0.445 0.445 0 0 0
Preparedness and Planning 0.981 1 1.052 0.01 0 0.01
76 - Knowledge Capture 0.921 0.921 0.921 0 0 0
Preparedness and Planning 12.312 12.088 1.93 0 0 0
09 - Disaster Repair and Restore 2.206 2.261 2.318 0 0 0
nity and Regional Development 0 0 0 0 4.37 0
10 - Emergency Response 3.695 8.637 18.522 3.695 0 8.637
Preparedness and Planning 0.5 0.516 0.5 0 0 0
Preparedness and Planning 12.222 12.222 15.889 0 0 0
654 - Incident Response 2.693 2.993 2.993 0 0 0
3.22 3.705 3.705 0 0 0
38 - Housing Assistance 0.9 0.9 0.94 0 0 0
Preparedness and Planning 1.377 0.611 0.612 0 0 0
38 - Housing Assistance 5.361 7.178 6.015 0 0 0
Preparedness and Planning 0 3.2 3.2 0 0 3.2
Management 1.98 1.698 1.698 0 0 0
009 - Disaster Repair and 1.16 1.16 1.16 0 0 0
0.996 0.996 0.996 0 0 0
Preparedness and Planning 0.32 0.34 0.36 0 0 0
ncy Response 3.371 2.098 2.099 0 0 1.353
1.18 1.18 1.18 0 0 0
Preparedness and Planning 0.755 0.755 0.755 0 0 0
0.281 0.278 0.279 0 0 0
316 - Contin 384 - Prepara 4.251 4.246 4.171 0 0 0.3
Preparedness and Planning 2.313 1.972 1.988 0 0 0
tion Mapping / Taxonomy / Categoriza 4.243 4.368 4.295 0 0 0
1.262 1.262 0 0 0 0
ncy Response 1.8 1.8 1.8 0 0 0
655 - Audit T077 - Inspect 2.15 2.209 2.227 0 0 0
08 - Disaster Preparedness and Planni 0.817 0.819 0.821 0.075 0 0.075
008 - Disaste108 - Custom 0.462 0.462 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
ncy Response 5.481 5.176 4.999 0 0 0
Preparedness and Planning 0.943 0.95 0.95 0 0 0
Preparedness and Planning 3.739 3.145 3.145 0 0 0
Preparedness and Planning 0.943 0.95 0.95 0 0 0
010 - Emerge654 - Incide 5.391 5.374 5.473 3.369 0 2.105
010 - Emerge104 - Strateg 4.099 4.105 4.105 0.2 0 0.2
on and Delivery 0.091 0.093 0.094 0.07 0 0.072
5.733 3.172 2.686 5.533 0 2.171
339 - Information Mapping 0 0 2.024 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.141 0.149 0.149 0 0 0
69 - Beneficiary & Earnings Records 0.102 0.104 0.106 0 0 0
ce Management 0.097 0.097 0.097 0 0 0
nd Management 0 0 1 0 0 0
1.992 1.994 2.034 0 0 0
8.914 8.928 9.107 0 0 0
43.13 43.2 44.064 0 0 0
8.565 8.589 8.761 0 0 0
143 - Goods and Services 2.4 3.177 2.585 0 0 0
56 - Employee Relations 0.218 0.305 0.19 0.162 0 0.235
18 - Employee Development and Train 0 0 1.872 0 0 0
054 - Legal P 051 - Judicia 10.1 11.1 11.1 0 0 0
omment Tracking 1.41 1.5 1.6 0.21 0 0.2
613 - Time R 044 - Fugitiv 0 18.36 34.81 0 0 0
2.555 2.555 2.555 0 0 0
4.325 4.325 4.325 0 0 0
0.038 1 1 0 0 0
3.077 3.077 3.077 0 0 0
0.152 0.159 0.167 0 0 0
1.658 6.32 6.533 1.658 0 6.32
and Employment 1.906 2.513 1.565 1.677 0 2.276
Preparedness and Planning 0 0 1.262 0 0 0
009 - Disaster Repair and 0 11.9 11.424 0 0 11.1
Repair and Restore 0.17 0.17 0.17 0 0 0
008 - Disaster Preparedne 0.222 0.451 0.451 0 0 0
3.405 3.469 3.535 0 0 0
evenues and User Fees 3.125 0 0 0 0 0
and Terrorist Threat Mitigation 0.402 0 0 0 0 0
1.778 0 0 0 0 0
1.462 0 0 0 0 0
nd Transportation Security 4.422 0 0 0 0 0
ation and Authentication 7.676 0 0 0 0 0
31 - Case Management 1.119 0 0 0.265 0 0
0.924 0 0 0 0 0
0.757 0 0 0 0 0
ity Management 2.99 2.938 3.087 0 0 0
0.241593 0.149921 0.172882 0 0 0
ce Directory / Locator 0.072338 0.022212 0.022212 0 0 0
2.554642 2.888194 5.888194 0 0 1
1.009447 1.009447 0.85721 0.068162 0 0.068162
1.360626 2.764009 2.506973 0 0 0
Technology Services 197.93063 223.700345 146.257 0.718364 0 0.6
0.053 0.053 0.0798 0 0 0
0.066224 0.053341 0.067894 0 0 0
Financial Assistance 0.226941 0.229195 0.229195 0 0 0
24.097571 13.618971 9.011881 17.738307 0 3.93051
1.63048 1.667577 1.667577 0.245691 0 0
gy and Innovation 4.254033 6.818 6.818 0 0 0
0.230616 0.230616 0.230616 0.230616 0 0.230616
wnership Promotion 5.823149 6.635985 16.635985 0 0 0
wnership Promotion 13.058653 17.806818 24.388756 1.747833 0 6.418062
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 1.002928 4.833 3.003 0 0 1.83
ment of Government Records 3.404043 3.41037 4.41037 0 0 0
Management 1.682018 3.68802 3.68802 0 0 0
0.550264 0.540831 0.540831 0 0 0
3.536811 4.919147 10.910993 0.943864 0 2.508154
0.102238 0.055 0.055 0 0 0
e Development and Training 1.005189 0.992806 0.992806 0 0 0
0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0 0.05
0.337345 0.32701 0.331086 0 0 0
Purpose Data and Statistics 2.913685 3.0106 3.5125 0.998807 0 0.9981
d Compensation 0.065217 0.065217 0.065217 0.065217 0 0.065217
0.068162 0.068162 0.057882 0 0 0
0.076593 0.039624 0.065692 0 0 0
nity and Regional Development 7.266539 9.262415 9.417415 0.337528 0 2.345
ory Compliance 5.174316 5.174316 5.174316 0 0 0
tion Discovery 2.925039 3.365421 3.365421 0 0 0
1.528306 1.294486 1.294486 0 0 0
tion Exchange and Transformation 1.025198 1.932315 5.032315 0 0 0.9
0.876696 0.97246 0.97246 0 0 0
0.105 0.105 0.11 0.105 0 0.105
1.618319 1.624062 1.624062 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0.011278 0 0 0 0 0
wnership Promotion 8.492458 9.030578 9.030578 0 0 0
4.947272 3.473225 3.473225 0 0 0
6.587028 5.690181 6.190181 0 0 0
0 0 0.115317 0 0 0
and Employment 2.228614 2.279939 2.49621 0 0 0
1.70905 1.54253 1.56931 0 0 0
1.586 2.138 2.194 0 0 0
0.065217 0.065217 0.065217 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 1.296 4.536 4.604 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 8.1747 9.8836 9.3009 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 2.122 2.181 2.235 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 16.84901 15.3018 15.66876 2.56169 0 1.84705
quipment Management 24.744 25.999 22.465 6.139 0 6.929
070 - General Purpose Data 10.5 10.5 10.32 0 0 0
quipment Management 9.79151 9.63281 9.85747 0.42174 0 0.19109
119 - Facili 139 - Provide 44.655 45.846 46.956 14.736 0 15.129
logical Research and Innovation 1.02081 0.935 0.935 0 0 0
c and Technological Research and Inn 11.04 9.591 9.593 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 3.12708 3.02798 3.02638 0.0016 0 0.0016
0.105 0.105 0.11 0 0 0
23.881 24.576 22.309 1.795 0 2.028
0 1.932319 0 0 0 0
quipment Management 4.5697 3.788 3.7905 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 6.2345 6.20055 6.10532 0.769 0 0.816
logical Research and Innovation 13.302935 13.568341 13.91971 0.3454 0 0.355762
logical Research and Innovation 154.558 157.965 157.741 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 33.088837 33.76738 34.274812 3.5237 0 3.82393
ploration and Innovation 20.367 20.815 20.275 0 0 0
quipment Management 9.87117 9.049745 9.100954 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 3.3906 3.4232 3.4875 0.1474 0 0.1489
quipment Management 2.97189 3.459 3.469 0 0 0
63 - Space Transportation 20.709 30.253 29.993 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 5.98 5.98 5.98 0 0 0
27 - Space Exploration and Innovation 2.121 2.121 3.749 0 0 0
0.161725 0.167049 0.107516 0 0 0
15.295 14.468 14.968 0 0 0
13 - Time Reporting 4.995 4.595 4.595 0.4 0 0
143 - Goods and Services 2.506 2.506 2.506 0 0 0
d Innovation 6.46518 6.61502 6.76897 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 15.872844 11.205602 11.644307 0 0 0
quipment Management 2.686 2.843 2.863 0.239 0 0.246
15.362631 17.565715 18.08455 0.36792 0 0.031
d Innovation 0.095 0.18 0.192 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 1.3871 1.23671 1.25232 0 0 0
026 - Scienti 119 - Facili 1.0239 0.9862 0.977 0 0 0
d Innovation 0.175 0.175 0.176 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 7.658 7.411 7.61 0.82 0 0.198
d Innovation 14.716 17.759 13.013 14.716 0 17.702
logical Research and Innovation 22.016 21.501 22.391 7.148 0.191 6.688
17.844213 17.84535 17.886338 3.60738 0 3.60738
0.014231 0.013473 0.01 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 29.981014 22.04627 21.574237 11.173103 0 3.587136
0.225 0.225 0.225 0 0 0
d Innovation 0.193326 0.194938 0.19613 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 2.13833 1.971 1.956 0 0 0
3.95 3.878997 3.9 0 0 0
ploration and Innovation 82.066 84.582 87.098 0 0 0
logical Research and Innovation 9.3879 8.039941 8.27089 0 0 0
0.124236 0.124236 0.124236 0 0 0
5.92 6.03 6.03 0 0 0
57.04392 56.94437 56.42643 5.1025 0 4.9755
ploration and Innovation 27.523 28.374 29.216 0 0 0
13.791 16.894 17.21 1.905 0 5.4
logical Research and Innovation 11.34985 11.51783 11.71983 0.30209 0 0.30665
140.580507 143.730311 144.274717 5.634256 0.004 5.16632
ous Monitoring 58.112 50.095 51.334 0 0 0
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 9.974 9.274 9.603 0 0 0
and Network Monitoring 193.442417 175.635347 170.883475 29.28169 0 23.98829
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
d Innovation 15.55 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 154.090245 152.32627 174.431247 9.35727 0 11.53305
1.92326 1.907628 0.85721 0 0 0
ility Benefits 4.846931 2.516558 2.74929 4.846931 1.607353 2.516558
e Performance Management 0 0 0 0 1.82 0
0 0 0 0 0.458362 0
0 0 0 0 1.157857 0
0.031163 0.033631 0.035026 0.031163 4.247837 0.033631
ondence Management 0 0 0 0 0.47828 0
g and Information 0.368 0.73 0.15 0.3 0 0.6
0 0 0 0 0 0
0.547 0.561345 0.508066 0 0 0
ial Requests 0.04999 0.055 0.055 0 0 0
osecution and Litigation 0.036256 0.039212 0.042463 0 0 0
0.58 0.58 0.67 0 0 0
ernment Records 2.551373 2.80651 3 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 0.089176 0.105651 0.15553 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
31 - Case Management 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
327 - Enterpr341 - Web Inf 33.613987 34.344505 40.730944 0 0 0
and Employment 0 0 0 0 0.124 0
tion Exchange and Transformation 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.062897 0.062897 0.057281 0.062897 0 0.062897
er Feedback 0 0 0 0 0 0
osecution and Litigation 0.057011 0.058721 0.060483 0 0 0
and Recruiting 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 2.228 2.928 2.949 0 0 0.7
0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0
ent and workflow 0.012 0.012 0.012 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.267728 0.275 0.285 0 0 0
129 - Report 105 - Budget 9.664 8.121 16.118 0 0 2.41
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 3.192 0
0.054648 0.056465 0.058968 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0.194356 0
624 - Payroll 1.243 0.863162 0.85132 1.243 3 0.863162
0.065217 0.065217 0.065217 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0.2 0.2 0.2 0 0 0
4.8 3.8 5.8 2.8 0 1.3
ondence Management 0.004 0.0044 0.00484 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
9.179154 12.391 12.67657 0 0 2.4
ility Benefits 0.013 0.01395 0.03 0 0 0
ent and Training 0 0 0 0 0 0
ent and Training 0 0 0 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.8527 0.8527 0.8825 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
nt / Integration Support 0.04 0.044 0.0484 0 0 0
3.685229 5.71 7.522 2.535229 0 4.12
0.105 0.105 0.11 0.105 0 0.105
0.09035 0.0905 0.185 0 0 0
0.070951 0.074498 0.078179 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 6.43 0
0.12 0.048 0.049 0.062 0 0
s and Planning 0.041346 0.035 0.035 0.041346 0 0.035
0 0 0 0 0 0
0.010205 0.010715 0.011795 0 0 0
6.15 5.769 6.221 0 0 0
osecution and Litigation 0.002 0.002 0.002 0 0 0
0.027287 0.065048 0.034139 0.027287 0 0.065048
0.119772 0.106388 0.122 0 0 0
ondence Management 0.01139 0.01139 0.01244 0 0 0
and Maintain IT Infrastructure 2.684 3.659 2.273 1.945 0 2.53
d Compensation 0.009773 0.004569 0.004569 0.00678 0 0
ment of Government Records 0 0 0 0 0 0
354 - IT Strategy and Inno 0 0 0 0 0.037482 0
29 - Reporting and Information 0.473309 0.467988 0.5 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
327 - Enterpr341 - Web Inf 38.357161 58.516465 45.366803 38.357161 0 24.4
al Issuance and Management 0 0.5 0.5 0 2 0.5
ce Planning 0.009173 0.009173 0.009173 0 0 0
ondence Management 0.197452 0.197452 0.207324 0 0 0
17 - Data Integrity and Privacy Mana 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.041332 0.041332 0.041332 0.041332 0 0.041332
ment of Government Records 0 0 0 0 6.917532 0
d Compensation 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.21891 0 0 0.21891 0 0
ns Infrastructure 0.0012 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
31 - Case Management 0 0 0 0 2.07 0
31 - Case Management 0 0 0 0 34.439102 0
44 - Content Management 1.3295 1.2 1.2 0.9295 0 0.8
255 - Emplo 618 - Employ 3.85305 3.85305 3.85305 1.158 0 1.158
Development 0.75 0.7525 0.635 0.5 0 0.5
656 - Certifi 655 - Audit T 6.017 6.741 6.734 0 0 0
s and Planning 0.072 0.072 0.025 0 0 0
26 - IT System Development / Integra 12.966 13.611 18.09 0 0 0
6.701 6.9576 7.178 0 0 0
13.571 15.244 15.791 1.858 0 2.072
70 - General Purpose Data and Statisti 1.106 2.58 2.6203 0 0 0
034 - Key Ass659 - Email 32.18 20.27 20.87793 9.41 0 5.11
omment Tracking 0.033754 0.016519 0.012464 0 0 0
0.05 0.05 0.055 0 0 0
325 - Informa338 - Enterpr 0.234624 0.21629 0.208074 0 0 0
129 - Reporting and Infor 0.017271 0.017251 0.85721 0 0 0
on and Auditing 6.045 8.1275 9.22 0 0 0
01 - Data Exchange 0.049186 0.059023 0.066497 0 0 0
0.017 0.017 0.02503 0 0 0
/ Project Management 0.067475 0.067475 0.067475 0 0 0
/ Project Management 1.691 1.955 1.965 0 0 0
Management 5.134733 5.186909 5.170253 2.04097 0 2.07104
Management 6.25 1.05 0 4.062 0 0.21
0.025 0.025 0.025 0 0 0
531 - Case 338 - Enterpr 2.217 5.383 4.593 2.217 0 4.576
hentication 0.425 0 0 0 0 0
129 - Reporting and Infor 0.758 0.716 0.693 0.365 0 0.3
0.939 0.969 0.999 0 0 0
47 - Health Care Administration 11.024 14.025 6.597 7.812 0 4.372
11.775 12.182 0 0 0 0
47 - Health Care Administration 1.649 1.706 18.429 0 0 0
69 - Beneficiary & Earnings Records 40.74 16.377 32.677 3.087 0 9.92
31 - Case Management 12.131 13.084 22.159 9.84 0 11.378
ent and Disability Benefits 143.476 259.091 168.964 46.572 0 77.827
and Recruiting 75.386 21.218 46.941 49.985 0 10.609
32 - Hospital and medical care for vet 0.471 0.487 1.209 0 0 0
661 - Docum247 - Health 115.177 190.064 178.601 93.086 0 70.295
48 - Identification and Authentication 5.52 48.753 26.863 2.354 0 42.442
538 - Progra 251 - Staffin 50.723 12.129 95.514 16.677 0 9.703
13.659 14.132 34.422 0 0 0
01 - Data Exchange 16.484 0.365 18.923 0 0 0
217 - Access 354 - IT Stra 541.307 460.421 218.697 325.229 0 197.989
43 - Audio / Video Conferencing 150.876 131.632 78.366 0 0 0
217 - Access to Care 1.953 9.415 6.717 1.344 0 8.636
326 - IT Sys 353 - Inform 10.608 6.34 3.631 0 0 0
105 - Budget124 - Accoun 197.942 241.552 208.198 0 0 0
are Administration 9.807 17.804 17.822 5.121 0 13.956
m Development / Integration Support 20.256 27.386 45.647 11.73 0 27.119
327 - Enterpr341 - Web Inf 810.502 967.234 1189.36 1 0 0
576 - Knowle577 - Knowled 11.304 31.696 12.303 0 0 28.526
328 - Collect 248 - Health 149.741 81.728 138.616 111.056 0 79.308
319 - Regula 329 - Continu 222.412 247.828 376.154 0 0 0
and Network Monitoring 226.236 165.151 166.087 0 0 0
ent and Disability Benefits 34.654 30.309 15.596 24.358 0 13.143
124 - Accounting 39.135 39.811 42.45 0 0 0
126 - Payments 25.42 43.172 57.686 8.327 0 32.531
ation and Authentication 9.458 2.4 1.95 2.63 0 1.63
and Network Monitoring 1234.936 1294.095 1160.022 0 0 0
m Development / Integration Support 1.766 1.827 3.847 0 0 0
ernment Records 3 0 0 0 0 0
20 - Help Desk Services 13.13 12.1515 9.184074 0 0 0
12.81481 13.56 11.025103 2.70481 0 3.45
and Performance Integration 3.0568 0.97 1.299231 2.0868 0 0
ent and workflow 0 0.1655 2.761616 0 0 0
03 - Data Warehouse 0 2.634 5.002713 0 0 0
0 6.967822 5.552 0 0 6.967822
nt / Integration Support 2.215439 1.5653 2.181936 2.080885 0 1.4
ation and Authentication 2.83 1.0257 0.326454 0 0 0
1.452 3.5989 1.692545 0.952 0 0
0 2.5 4 0 0 2.5
2.603 3.8113 3.574478 0 0 0
Purpose Data and Statistics 6.12 6.5867 8.537519 0 0 0
0.95 3.6796 5.987443 0 0 0
2.074352 2.0775 2.0775 0 0 0
m Development / Integration Support 6.792136 17.581 17.581 0 0 0
ous Monitoring 0.75 0.775 0.775 0 0 0
nd Vulnerability Management 6.434456 3.764178 4.798867 3.434456 0 0.764178
16 - Continuous Monitoring 4.8 5.672 6.549215 0 0 2.2
655 - Audit Trail Capture 1.08 1.1183 1.518186 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 51.220553 55.40346 55.171225 9.255553 0 7.118
0 0.4817 0.433867 0 0 0
Video Conferencing 0 3 0 0 0 3
ous Monitoring 0 2.269 1.373528 0 0 0
0.077669 0 0 0.077669 0 0
3.749999 0 0 3.749999 0 0
0.168846 0 0 0.168846 0 0
nt / Integration Support 5.5 0 0 0 0 0
ity Management 1.818 0 0 1.818 0 0
0.401 0 0 0.401 0 0
m Development / Integration Support 0.45 0 0 0.45 0 0
ity Management 1.015706 0 0 1.015706 0 0
g and Information 6.624 6.038 8 0 0 0
g and Information 7.806 6.596 7 0 0 0
/ Project Management 9.1 11.1 13.25 0.6 0 2.1
g and Information 11.733 10.38 13.88 2.103 0 0
659 - Email 120 - Help De 205.345 193.856 215 0 0 0
g and Information 17.742 18.011 18.1 0 0 0
29 - Reporting and Information 2.379 2.239 2.23 0 0 0
g and Information 12.489 13.388 4.2 0 0 0
g and Information 10.45 10.3 11.4 0 0 0
g and Information 0.87 0.8 0.844 0 0 0
g and Information 1.049 1.1 1.1 0 0 0
g and Information 10.818 10.899 14.431 0 0 0
29 - Reporting and Information 0.957 1.105 0.505 0.5 0 0.6
g and Information 0.105 0.08 0.11 0 0 0
g and Information 2.335 2.66 2.88 0 0 0
nd Services Acquisition 2.7 2.7 3.224 0 0 0
29 - Reporting and Information 0.25 0.25 0.25 0 0 0
g and Information 10 10 10 0 0 0
g and Information 17.436 17.434 13.4 0 0 0
g and Information 12.013 14 14 0 0 0
Preparedness and Planning 0.944 1.08 1.349 0 0 0
g and Information 1.699 2.54 2.54 0 0 0
g and Information 9.76 9.927 10.5 0 0 0
g and Information 0.344 0.344 0.4 0 0 0
0.356 0.356 1.2 0 0 0
5.9 5.9 8.2 0 0 0
and Licensing 5.569 5.659 6.8 0.106 0 0.025
g and Information 1.992 2.337 2.817 0 0 0
g and Information 0.065 0.065 0.05 0 0 0
g and Information 1.135 1.135 1.5 0 0 0
g and Information 1.911 3 3 0 0 0
g and Information 13.5 13 13 0 0 0
esource Management 27.6 27.6 24 0 0 0
g and Information 0.26 0.02 0 0 0 0
g and Information 0.05 0.05 0.05 0 0 0
g and Information 2.18 2.615 0.971 0 0 0
4.8108 5.4395 6.521 0 0 0
g and Information 3.43 3.16 3.16 0 0 0
g and Information 0.602 0.583 2 0 0 0
g and Information 5.86 5.935 5.541 0 0 0
g and Information 13.252 11.98 12 0 0 0
45 - Logistics Management 0 0 0.422 0 0 0
0.5803 0 0 0 0 0
319 - Regula 113 - Public 0.649 0.762 0.759 0.195 0 0.051
017 - Cultura533 - Corre 12.933 12.758 11.879 7.075 0 6.19
317 - Data I 354 - IT Stra 15.196 16.8015 17.893 14.971 0 16.5515
530 - Process Tracking 33.974 33.697 38.768 18.824 0 18.738
120 - Help De329 - Continu 32.592 30.427 31.386 0 0 0
124 - Accounting 15.016 13.173 14.502 4.498 0 2.117
62 - Federal Financial Assistance 0.036 0.039 0.037 0 0 0
IT Infrastructure 35.729 33.601 41.226 3.22 0 1.021
11.661 8.064 9.731 0.669 0 0.861
logical Research and Innovation 15.543 13.053 12.328 6.713 0 5.466
logical Research and Innovation 32.057 31.601 35.564 5.221 0 7.125
1.39 2.444 3.446 0 0 0.85
6.527 6.799 7.803 0.533 0 0.804
logical Research and Innovation 0.45 0.436 0.263 0.45 0 0.436
0.065 0.065 0.065 0.065 0 0.065
0.105 0.105 0.11 0.105 0 0.105
0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025 0 0.025
0.132 0.139 0.139 0.132 0 0.139
1.73 1.744 1.746 0 0 0
0.235 0.235 0.836 0 0 0
0.944 0.951 0.952 0 0 0
3.07 3.091 8.656 0.614 0 0.618
1.954 0 0 0 0 0
0.01681 0.06875 0.06925 0 0 0
613 - Time R 101 - Budget 11.05111 8.67375 11.066 2.16563 0 0.74
ncy Response 2.82627 3.5335 4.121 0 0 0.08
19 - Regulatory Compliance 3.31217 1.975 2.155 0 0 0
108 - Custom113 - Public 1.12315 0.755 0.984 0 0 0
19 - Regulatory Compliance 10.83057 10.9785 10.1575 1.04584 0 0.2845
gy and Innovation 1.9225 1.615 1.845 0.163 0 0.1775
43 - Audio / Video Conferencing 28.75923 25.09725 25.84 0.0915 0 0.511
Technology Services 3.08003 1.7485 1.4285 0.41755 0 0.31
0.09711 0.11 0.11 0 0 0
010 - Emergency Respons 2.544 2.022 2.374 0 0 0
16 - Continuous Monitoring 2.26518 2.71025 2.759 0 0 0
al Issuance and Management 0.71173 0.57 0.7846 0.19747 0 0.0775
nt / Integration Support 3.435 4.665 1.9245 0 0 0.55
17 - Data Integrity and Privacy Mana 18.71894 14.8935 14.9025 3.03985 0 0
576 - Knowle340 - Collabo 10.50736 4.427 7.4205 1.287 0 0.355
21 - Regulatory Enforcement 1.63552 1.6225 1.6099 0.382 0 0.005
317 - Data I 654 - Incide 5.8906 6.76475 7.345 0 0 0
ent and Training 0.84709 0.548 0.474 0 0 0
m Development / Integration Support 3.21721 1.515 1.13825 0.61027 0 0.0775
120 - Help Desk Services 35.15012 33.12575 32.25275 1.126 0 1.265
Management 0.51045 0.476 0.384 0 0 0.025
al Issuance and Management 3.05755 2.42 1.595 2.14725 0 0.3825
0.00834 0.009 0.1 0 0 0
0.57102 0.2725 0.189 0.009 0 0.009
7.80781 4.126 4.945 0.813 0 0.9825
1.342 1.805 1.66 0.2499 0 0.379
54 - Incident Response 4.72522 4.174 2.683 0.612 0 0.0945
0.138 0.17875 0.17925 0 0 0
0.49833 1.669 2.157 0.49833 0 1.669
1.73474 0.23875 0.764 1.20874 0 0
51 - Staffing and Recruiting 1.29378 1.7775 1.7095 0 0 0
077 - Inspection and Audit 1.19229 8.49 9.217 0.45376 0 3.048
256 - Employee Relations 0.40177 0.248 0.194 0 0 0
321 - Regulat538 - Progra 7.5574 0 0 3.71779 0 0
DME CY ContrDME BY AgencDME BY ContrO&M PY AgenO&M PY Contr
O&M CY AgenO&M CY Contr
O&M BY Agen
0 10.613 0 0 0 2.6 0 3.719
0 0 0 3.618 0 13.584 0 12.943
0 2.995 0 6.324 0 8.936 0 3.783
0 0 0 21 0 21 0 21
0 0 0 5.403 0 5.403 0 5.403
0 0 0 13.334 0 14.094 0 14.14
0 0 0 3.579 0 3.647 0 3.698
0 0.192 0 2.325 0 2.787 0 2.879
0 0 0 0.375502 0 0.389 0 0.403
0 0 0 0.751847 0 0.48697 0 0.564022
0 0 0 0.633 0 2.433724 0 3.674931
0 0 0 0.158758 0 0.167302 0 0.167302
0 0 0 0.259925 0 0.260867 0 0.260867
0 0 0 2.635193 0 2.639695 0 0
0 0 0 2.211443 0 1.860138 0 1.860138
0 0 0 0.439293 0 0.454038 0 0.516493
0 0 0 0.24889 0 0.225 0 0.225
0 0 0 0.094783 0 0.11 0 0.11
0 0 0 0.105928 0 0.106072 0 0.106072
0 0 0 0.619 0 0.632 0 0.638
0 0.2 0 1.7 0 1.7 0 1.7
0 0 0 4.164 0 4.354 0 4.354
0 0 0 0.508 0 0.337 0 0.375
0 0.625 0 4.382 0 4.404 0 4.431
0 0.9 0 14.612 0 13.482 0 12.962
0 0 0 2.478 0 2.371 0 2.478
0 0.845 0 11.075 0 9.91 0 9.747
0 0 0 0.746 0 0.761 0 0.746
0 4.463 0 17.525 0 16.591 0 16.592
0 0 0 11.932 0 12.055 0 12.055
0 0 0 10.407 0 10.58 0 10.58
0 0 0 1.923 0 2.328 0 2.328
0 5.923 0 4.183 0 4.226 0 4.269
0 0 0 6.258 0 6.739 0 7.095
0 0 0 40.82 0 40.623 0 40.563
0 0 0 1.485 0 0.89 0 1.202
0 0 0 0.736 0 1.458 0 1.037
0 0 0 4.323 0 3.159 0 3.164
0 3.615 0 2.137 0 2.813 0 3.96
0 0 0 0.095 0 0.1 0 0
0 0 0 0.463 0 0.91 0 0.91
0 0 0 0.933 0 0.577 0 0.577
0 0 0 2.246 0 2.253 0 2.478
0 0 0 1.109 0 0.995 0 1.105
0 0 0 0.37 0 0.41 0 0.424
0 0 0 0.526 0 0.55 0 0.605
0 0 0 0.431 0 0.4 0 0.415
0 0 0 0.999 0 0.989 0 0.839
0 0.74 0 1.097 0 1.355 0 1.46
0 0 0 0.859 0 1.104 0 1.35
0 0.168 0 0.19 0 0.19 0 0.19
0 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0.3 0 0.618 0 0.68 0 0.68
0 3.66 0 0.634 0 0.993 0 1.078
0 0.085 0 0.61 0 0.532 0 0.586
0 0 0 3.113 0 3.365 0 3.365
0 1.755 0 37.88 0 54.63 0 46.31
0 0.717 0 0.356 0 0.369 0 0.38
0 0 0 0.358 0 0.603 0 0.621
0 4.616 0 0.605 0 0.652 0 0.672
0 3.45 0 0.357 0 0.37 0 0.381
0 0.401 0 0.257 0 0.343 0 0.353
0 0.25 0 0.294 0 0.379 0 0.39
0 0 0 0.237 0 0.317 0 0
0 0.341 0 1.772 0 1.22 0 1.256
0 0 0 0.511 0 0.601 0 0.619
0 3.46 0 0.217 0 0.224 0 0.23
0 1.476 0 0.356 0 0.385 0 0.396
0 2.14 0 0.356 0 0.369 0 0.38
0 0 0 5.147 0 3.126 0 2.536
0 0 0 2.339 0 3.014 0 3.105
0 7.1 0 3.501 0 4.056 0 4.51
0 0.51 0 4.129 0 4.445 0 4.534
0 0.867 0 1.482 0 1.635 0 1.667
0 0 0 37.655 0 38.385 0 32.468
0 0 0 2.019 0 2.469 0 3.599
0 3.862 0 3.507 0 3.88 0 3.742
0 0 0 11.316 0 11.994 0 11.35
0 2.161 0 1.007 0 1.129 0 1.88
0 1.332 0 0.07 0 0.784 0 0.772
0 12.44 0 6.838 0 9.9 0 10.613
0 0 0 0.36 0 0.36 0 0
0 0 0 18.781 0 17.026 0 17.72
0 0.125 0 18.858 0 1.394 0 1.625
0 0 0 1.217 0 2.26 0 1.35
0 0.5 0 3.508 0 3.604 0 2.747
0 3.415 0 19.305 0 7.09 0 7.616
0 0.906 0 5.689 0 4.863 0 3.917
0 1.266 0 1.505 0 1.649 0 0.449
0 0.375 0 1.037 0 2.029 0 1.254
0 1.597 0 1.004 0 0.76 0 0.876
0 1.126 0 6.621 0 4.486 0 2.42
0 0 0 1.981 0 2 0 1.709
0 0.626 0 1.249 0 1.319 0 0.815
0 0 0 0.514 0 0.665 0 0
0 0 0 8.345 0 3.46 0 7.071
0 0 0 21.631 0 24.271 0 24.278
0 7.116 0 30.113 0 25.103 0 27.752
0 5.014 0 16.479 0 11.964 0 13.618
0 0 0 3.258 0 4.479 0 5.086
0 0.618 0 2.968 0 2.027 0 2.691
0 0 0 62.108 0 44.886 0 48.629
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 6.084 0 7.319 0 5.822
0 5.139 0 42.504 0 28.679 0 27.995
0 0 0 0.314 0 0.321 0 0.321
0 1.108 0 1.006 0 0.523 0 0.541
0 0 0 10.707 0 9.945 0 8.988
0 1.048 0 1.032 0 1.019 0 1.04
0 23.222 0 7.201 0 24.122 0 11.167
0 0.842 0 1.224 0 0.677 0 0.7
0 0.306 0 2.136 0 1.252 0 1.298
0 0.121 0 0.317 0 0.263 0 0.274
0 2.268 0 2.223 0 1.632 0 1.846
0 0.244 0 17.571 0 15.548 0 14.508
0 0.654 0 8.405 0 4.817 0 4.928
0 0.897 0 1.755 0 1.488 0 1.561
0 0.665 0 1.539 0 1.471 0 1.591
0 0 0 10.959 0 11.539 0 11.894
0 0 0 1.215 0 1.432 0 1.474
0 0 0 0.977 0 6.089 0 3.9
0 0 0 35.787 0 36.222 0 36.212
0 0.1 0 0.121 0 0.26 0 0.121
0 0.912 0 0.553 0 2.35 0 0.553
0 1.052 0 0.681 0 0.79 0 0.681
0 2.418 0 12.551 0 12.49 0 12.667
0 2.1 0 2.233 0 0.7 0 2.233
0 1.998 0 1.721 0 2.124 0 1.971
0 0.884 0 0.442 0 1.2 0 0.595
0 0.05 0 0.123 0 0.19 0 0.123
0 10.104 0 2 0 1 0 0
0 2.864 0 2.256 0 6.615 0 6.814
0 3.188 0 1.431 0 2.239 0 2.306
0 0 0 9.193 0 5.059 0 4.741
0 2.5 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0.851 0 1.938 0 2.046 0 2.108
0 0 0 25.279 0 26.036 0 26.817
0 20.4 0 201.52 0 207.568 0 213.797
0 71.698 0 448.533 0 473.58 0 501.538
0 5.147 0 4.029 0 5.373 0 6.876
0 0 0 4.356 0 4.479 0 4.612
0 0 0 3.682 0 3.84 0 3.955
0 0.79 0 1.715 0 2.573 0 2.65
0 2.532 0 3.206 0 3.22 0 3.308
0 0 0 6.028 0 5.528 0 5.528
0 4.519 0 37.932 0 32.39 0 32.39
0 0 0 0.669 0 0.6 0 0.6
0 12.649 0 209.064 0 192.81 0 192.81
0 0 0 0.114 0 0.053 0 0.053
0 0.556 0 0.55 0 0 0 0
0 2.303 0 4.009 0 2.683 0 2.683
0 1.691 0 3.566 0 1.783 0 1.783
0 0 0 4.304 0 4.304 0 4.304
0 0.2 0 0.52 0 2.011 0 2.011
0 0 0 0.363 0 0.38 0 0.38
0 0.15 0 0.776 0 0.638 0 0.638
0 0.638 0 4.092 0 5.503 0 5.503
0 0 0 0.193 0 0.203 0 0.203
0 0.04 0 1.58 0 1.881 0 1.881
0 0.406 0 2 0 1.839 0 1.839
0 0.606 0 4.428 0 3.634 0 3.633
0 1.475 0 1.915 0 0.44 0 0.44
0 0 0 0.25 0 0.297 0 0.297
0 0 0 6.5 0 6.5 0 6.5
0 2.607 0 7.625 0 3.408 0 3.408
0 0 0 2.967 0 2.925 0 2.925
0 0.066 0 4.298 0 4.195 0 4.195
0 0.3 0 0.3 0 0 0 0
0 2.4 0 2.336 0 0.188 0 0.188
0 0.91 0 4.938 0 4.045 0 4.005
0 0.08 0 0.506 0 0.447 0 0.447
0 0 0 3.1 0 3.5 0 3.5
0 0 0 37.613 0 37.413 0 37.413
0 0 0 9.659 0 8.537 0 8.537
0 0 0 1.372 0 1.242 0 1.242
0 0 0 1.201 0 1.202 0 1.202
0 0 0 16.989 0 16.806 0 16.822
0 0 0 87.940787 8.786213 91.023201 20.776799 89.970661
0 1.5 0 317.829 0 357.048 0 387.027
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0 0.05 0 15.179 0 16.057 0 14.982
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16
0 11.625 0 24.14 0 25.522 0 25.374
0 0 0 154.23 0 155.582 0 158.306
0 9.65 0 56.125 0 56.907 0 54.346
0 0.35 0 0.402 0 0.429 0 0.475
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.567
0 0 0 0.053 0 0.053 0 0.08
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0 2.49 0 0 0 0 0 0.555
0 0.586 0 0 0 4.007 0 2.825
0 1.818 0 0 0 3.627 0 3.501
0 0 0 0 0 10.286 0 10.557
0 0 0 0 0 0.34 0 0.34
0 0 0 0 0 0.444 0 0.444
9.087 0 9.115 0 0 0 26.959 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0.02 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0.181 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0.78 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0.105383 0 0.123594 0 0.123012
0 1.22 0 3.695 0 4.875 0 5.454
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0 0.28933 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0.130435 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0.225 0 0.225 0 0.225
0 0.0798 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 2.219 0 6.007 0 6.357 0 12.512
0 0 0 0.218754 0 0.85721 0 0.85721
0 44.094 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 41.333 0 49.115 0 59.446
0 0 0 7.556194 0 10.091476 0 10.89794
0 0.11 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0.095819 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 6.241 0 57.28675 0 66.1027 0 66.4867
0 0 0 4.466 0 2.268 0 2.268
0 0 0 0.03 0 0.025 0 0.025
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0 0.53 0 0.07 0 0.07 0 0
0 0 0 0.46 0 0.475 0 0.495
0 0 0 1.297 0 0.886 0 0.9
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0 5.899 0 60.035335 0.112 34.10756 0 35.16613
0 37.943 0 0 0 0 0 54.289
0 100.23 0 0 0 0 0 109.108
3.477 3.899 3.705 10.294 10.184 11.39 10.432 11.696
0 26.711875 0 56.490946 3.200405 26.428688 4.5 26.623975
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0 54.926 0 135.948 0 143.154 0 146.989
0 1.911 0 17.813 0 17.453 0 17.653
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0 3.084 0 15.0956 0 15.6654 0 14.4034
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0 0.5 0 0.881 0 1.412 0 1.553
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0 6.3 0 26.761 7.8 25.921 5.8 32.836
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0.7 0 0.6 2.956 6.051 2.956 7.593 2.956
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0 20.092 0 35.224 0 38.578 0 38.578
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0 12.244 0 6.914 0 11.152 0 11.193
0 6.75 0 3.895 0 3.815 0 3.815
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0 24.9497 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 58.83145 0 197.27512 0 214.08036 0 199.57951
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0 3.79456 0 0 0 0 0 0
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0 0 0 0 35.8 0 37.238 0
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0 0.62 0 1.66 0 1.162 0 1.2
0 1.75 0 1.324 0 1.333 0 1.36
0 0 0 0.73 0 1.572 0 1.618
0 2 0 1 0 1 0 1
5.25503 0 5.517778 0 1.60828 0 3.26651 0
0 1.854 0 0.943 0 1.173 0 1.423
0 0 0 0.45 0 0.244 0 0
0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 34.178 0 19.125 0 17.93 0 17.93
0 0 0 0 0 12.054 0 12.415
0 9.14269 0 4.63386 0 7.68623 0 7.29093
0 11.29159 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0.75588 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 2.641 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 3.154 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 6.03 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 3.354 0 3.351 0 3.391
0 0 0 261.351 0 275.082 0 305.49
0 0 0 0.001 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 7.758 0 383.889 0 374.798 0 359.158
0 11.322 0 113.097 0 152.307 0 145.801
0 0 0 26.444 0 34.248 0 30.056
0 1.169 0 148.523 0 150.742 0 158.201
0 0 0 0.045 0 0.045 0 0.045
0 0 0 35.266 0 49.035 0 50.346
0 32.97 0 3.336 0 3.358 0 3.466
0 14.979 0 5.68 0 5.771 0 5.783
0 33.037 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 59.743 0 57.268
0 0 0 0.372 0 1.004 0 0.281
0 0 0 5.56 0 4.821 0 8.074
0 0 0 3.717 0 4.046 0 1.676
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0 0 0 1.134 0 1.836 0 37.066
0 0 0 7.309 0 7.734 0 8.064
0 41.378 0 191.252 0 185.22 0 209.628
0 0 0 41.633 0 41.999 0 48.976
0 5.024 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1.479 0 1.248 0 1.272
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0 0 0 35.572 0 33.818 0 32.453
0 0 0 2.286 0 1.558 0 1.686
0 5.084 0 5.83 0 5.008 0 5.095
0 0 0 9.737 0 11.131 0 9.212
0 0 0 0.564 0 0.64 0 0.651
0 69.779 0 23.171 0 26.938 0 26.926
0 0 0 0.406 0 0.168 0 0.171
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0 5.198 0 10.285 0 7.256 0 10.594
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0 3.348 0 0 0 0 0 0
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0 2.227 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 27.494 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 5.087 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 6.08 0 5.035 0 4.941
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0 0 0 4.871 0 5.482 0 5.479
0 7 0 30.521 0 30.701 0 25.698
0 0 0 7.664 0 9.525 0 8.477
0 0 0 1.703 0 2.526 0 2.57
0 9.128 0 82.003 0 71.66 0 69.574
0 0 0 7.744 0 9.02 0 10.042
0 0 0 11.026 0 10.853 0 10.978
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0 21.593 0 16.404 0 43.183 0 70.297
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0 0.996 0 8.223 0 18.234 0 22.62
0 0 0 14.796 0 15.286 0 19.277
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0 0 0 39.135 0 39.811 0 42.45
0 12.657 0 17.093 0 10.641 0 45.029
0 0.87 0 6.828 0 0.77 0 1.08
0 0 0 1234.936 0 1294.095 0 1160.022
0 0 0 1.766 0 1.827 0 3.847
0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 13.13 0 12.1515 0 9.184074
0 1.45 0 10.11 0 10.11 0 9.575103
0 0 0 0.97 0 0.97 0 1.299231
0 0 0 0 0 0.1655 0 2.761616
0 0 0 0 0 2.634 0 5.002713
0 5.552 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 2 0 0.134554 0 0.1653 0 0.181936
0 0 0 2.83 0 1.0257 0 0.326454
0 0 0 0.5 0 3.5989 0 1.692545
0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 2.603 0 3.8113 0 3.574478
0 0 0 6.12 0 6.5867 0 8.537519
0 0.75 0 0.95 0 3.6796 0 5.237443
0 0 0 2.074352 0 2.0775 0 2.0775
0 0 0 6.792136 0 17.581 0 17.581
0 0 0 0.75 0 0.775 0 0.775
0 0 0 3 0 3 0 4.798867
0 3 0 4.8 0 3.472 0 3.549215
0 0 0 1.08 0 1.1183 0 1.518186
0 8.948 0 41.965 0 48.28546 0 46.223225
0 0 0 0 0 0.4817 0 0.433867
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 2.269 0 1.373528
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 5.5 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 6.624 0 6.038 0 8
0 0 0 7.806 0 6.596 0 7
0 4.25 0 8.5 0 9 0 9
0 3.5 0 9.63 0 10.38 0 10.38
0 0 0 205.345 0 193.856 0 215
0 0 0 17.742 0 18.011 0 18.1
0 0 0 2.379 0 2.239 0 2.23
0 0 0 12.489 0 13.388 0 4.2
0 0 0 10.45 0 10.3 0 11.4
0 0 0 0.87 0 0.8 0 0.844
0 0 0 1.049 0 1.1 0 1.1
0 1.2 0 10.818 0 10.899 0 13.231
0 0 0 0.457 0 0.505 0 0.505
0 0 0 0.105 0 0.08 0 0.11
0 0 0 2.335 0 2.66 0 2.88
0 0 0 2.7 0 2.7 0 3.224
0 0 0 0.25 0 0.25 0 0.25
0 0 0 10 0 10 0 10
0 0 0 17.436 0 17.434 0 13.4
0 5.3 0 12.013 0 14 0 8.7
0 0 0 0.944 0 1.08 0 1.349
0 0 0 1.699 0 2.54 0 2.54
0 0 0 9.76 0 9.927 0 10.5
0 0 0 0.344 0 0.344 0 0.4
0 0 0 0.356 0 0.356 0 1.2
0 0 0 5.9 0 5.9 0 8.2
0 0.99 0 5.463 0 5.634 0 5.81
0 0 0 1.992 0 2.337 0 2.817
0 0 0 0.065 0 0.065 0 0.05
0 0 0 1.135 0 1.135 0 1.5
0 0 0 1.911 0 3 0 3
0 0 0 13.5 0 13 0 13
0 0 0 27.6 0 27.6 0 24
0 0 0 0.26 0 0.02 0 0
0 0 0 0.05 0 0.05 0 0.05
0 0 0 2.18 0 2.615 0 0.971
0 1.2 0 4.8108 0 5.4395 0 5.321
0 0 0 3.43 0 3.16 0 3.16
0 0 0 0.602 0 0.583 0 2
0 0 0 5.86 0 5.935 0 5.541
0 0 0 13.252 0 11.98 0 12
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.422
0 0 0 0.5803 0 0 0 0
0 0.051 0 0.454 0 0.711 0 0.708
0 5.271 0 5.858 0 6.568 0 6.608
0 17.643 0 0.225 0 0.25 0 0.25
0 23.933 0 15.15 0 14.959 0 14.835
0 0 0 32.592 0 30.427 0 31.386
0 2.644 0 10.518 0 11.056 0 11.858
0 0 0 0.036 0 0.039 0 0.037
0 2.396 0 32.509 0 32.58 0 38.83
0 2.934 0 10.992 0 7.203 0 6.797
0 5.267 0 8.83 0 7.587 0 7.061
0 8.767 0 26.836 0 24.476 0 26.797
0 0 0 1.39 0 1.594 0 3.446
0 1 0 5.994 0 5.995 0 6.803
0 0.263 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0.065 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0.11 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0.025 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0.139 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1.73 0 1.744 0 1.746
0 0 0 0.235 0 0.235 0 0.836
0 0 0 0.944 0 0.951 0 0.952
0 5.599 0 2.456 0 2.473 0 3.057
0 0 0 1.954 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0.01681 0 0.06875 0 0.06925
0 1.3 0 8.88548 0 7.93375 0 9.766
0 0 0 2.82627 0 3.4535 0 4.121
0 0 0 3.31217 0 1.975 0 2.155
0 0.05 0 1.12315 0 0.755 0 0.934
0 0.329 0 9.78473 0 10.694 0 9.8285
0 0.157 0 1.7595 0 1.4375 0 1.688
0 0.471 0 28.66773 0 24.58625 0 25.369
0 0 0 2.66248 0 1.4385 0 1.4285
0 0 0 0.09711 0 0.11 0 0.11
0 0 0 2.544 0 2.022 0 2.374
0 0 0 2.26518 0 2.71025 0 2.759
0 0.114 0 0.51426 0 0.4925 0 0.6706
0 0 0 3.435 0 4.115 0 1.9245
0 0.625 0 15.67909 0 14.8935 0 14.2775
0 0 0 9.22036 0 4.072 0 7.4205
0 0.413 0 1.25352 0 1.6175 0 1.1969
0 0 0 5.8906 0 6.76475 0 7.345
0 0 0 0.84709 0 0.548 0 0.474
0 0.11775 0 2.60694 0 1.4375 0 1.0205
0 0.96375 0 34.02412 0 31.86075 0 31.289
0 0 0 0.51045 0 0.451 0 0.384
0 0 0 0.9103 0 2.0375 0 1.595
0 0 0 0.00834 0 0.009 0 0.1
0 0 0 0.56202 0 0.2635 0 0.189
0 0.53 0 6.99481 0 3.1435 0 4.415
0 0.237 0 1.0921 0 1.426 0 1.423
0 0.0855 0 4.11322 0 4.0795 0 2.5975
0 0 0 0.138 0 0.17875 0 0.17925
0 1.6 0 0 0 0 0 0.557
0 0 0 0.526 0 0.23875 0 0.764
0 0 0 1.29378 0 1.7775 0 1.7095
0 3.6835 0 0.73853 0 5.442 0 5.5335
0 0 0 0.40177 0 0.248 0 0.194
0 0 0 3.83961 0 0 0 0
O&M BY Contr
Number of GoNumber of GoNumber of GoPercentage CPercentage CPercentage CCloud Comput
0 4 6 7 4.7 8.15 14.18 6
0 9 9 9 21.32 8.4 8.7 6
0 15.25 17.5 12 9.54 8.95 22.15 7
0 81 81 81 6.1 6.1 6.1 6
0 3 3 3 10.18 10.18 10.18 5
0 12.7 12.7 12.7 14.09 14.09 14.09 3
0 0 0 3 0 0 2.31 5
0 0 12 12 0 61 57 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 3 3 3 100 100 100 5
0 6 6 6 52.63 52.63 52.63 7
0 7 7 7 27.48 28.6 28.6 7
0 1 1 1 51.38 51.93 77.6 7
0 2.67 2.67 2.67 53.92 54.27 54.51 6
0 60 60 60 51.85 57.67 58.1 3
0 9 9 9 67.4 67.4 64.4 3
0 31 31 31 30.57 34.3 34.78 2
0 3.5 3.5 3.5 45.77 45.77 45.77 6
0 88.7 89.3 89.3 45.37 49.07 50.42 6
0 50.6 53.6 53.6 56.54 59.46 59.46 6
0 8.1 9.5 9.5 11.65 13.09 13.09 7
0 4 7 7 31.77 43.64 43.64 7
0 12.9 12.9 12.9 19.78 16.86 15.23 6
0 25.1 25.1 25.1 46.08 45.17 45.17 6
0 144 144 144 33.06 33.06 33.06 1
0 7.2 7.2 7.2 95.73 95.73 95.73 6
0 14 14 14 55.67 43.33 40.11 6
0 2.2 2.2 2.2 10.06 13.77 13.74 5
0 3 3 3.03 4.86 3.19 2.78 6
0 0.95 0.95 0 0.5 0.5 07
0 3.7 3.7 3.7 42.3 21.54 21.54 6
0 1.7 1.7 1.7 52.73 52.73 52.73 6
0 4.3 4.3 4.3 9.82 9.82 9.82 6
0 2.2 2.2 2.2 7.48 7.48 7.48 6
0 1.5 1.5 1.5 6.44 6.44 6.44 6
0 1.5 1.5 1.48 5.17 5.17 5.17 6
0 0.3 0.3 0.25 9.75 9.75 9.75 6
0 4 4 4 30.8 35.49 61.5 6
0 1.5 1.5 1.48 6.79 6.79 6.79 6
0 2.7 2.7 2.7 8.46 8.46 8.46 6
0 0.2 0.2 0.2 3 2.23 2.23 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 1.2 1.2 1.2 9.25 9.25 9.25 6
0 2.66 2.66 2.66 2.7 2.7 2.7 7
0 2.7 2.7 2.7 22.66 22.66 22.66 6
0 3.5 3.5 3.5 15.95 11.53 11.53 6
0 35 44.5 45 11.32 12.02 12.64 5
0 1.5 2 2 24.02 27 26.96 6
0 1.5 2 2 36.37 47.63 47.62 6
0 2 2 2 25.58 5.78 6.49 6
0 2 2 2 20.45 5.54 8.82 6
0 2 2.5 2.5 19.65 25 25 6
0 2 2.5 2.5 18.09 54.34 54.87 6
0 1 1.5 0 25.45 43.47 06
0 1.5 2 2 9.39 11.91 11.9 1
0 1.5 2 2 48.04 47.55 47.54 6
0 1 1.5 1.5 5.63 6.63 42.33 6
0 1.5 2 2 8.51 12.2 37.38 6
0 1.5 2 2 6.85 9.46 12.82 1
0 4 2 4 14.9 10.72 23.6 5
0 14 18 18 90.46 92.2 92.21 6
0 11.5 15 16.5 20.98 16.74 23.19 5
0 10 10 10 39.76 36.38 36.38 7
0 10 10 10 49.66 50.18 50.2 7
0 19 19 19 4.78 4.78 4.78 6
0 13.5 13.5 13.5 60.3 19.9 52.16 6
0 22 22 22 48.95 36.32 61.48 6
0 55 55 55 53.05 53.05 53.05 6
0 8.5 10.5 10.5 19.96 20.01 28.35 6
0 3 3 3 13.99 6.94 17.4 6
0 16 16 19 6.93 8.95 11.13 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 16 16 17 7.78 12.69 13.71 1
0 8 4 6 5.27 19.8 42.86 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 10 10 9 23.67 35.16 34.65 7
0 41 32 29.75 24.71 28.46 33.73 5
0 27 26.25 25.25 51.32 68.42 65.48 6
0 4 3.75 3.75 33.36 28.81 27.35 6
0 2.25 1 6 6.39 4.33 46.04 7
0 10 10 11 100 100 55.64 7
0 20.5 20.25 17.5 22.36 42.81 61.73 7
0 1.5 1.5 1.5 9.5 9.5 10.94 7
0 7.5 5 9 43.2 14.33 78.14 7
0 1.25 1.25 0 30.52 23.81 07
0 17 17 14 25.56 62.25 24.76 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 24 23 48 9.23 8.08 17.22 7
0 17 17 17 8.85 15.03 11.42 6
0 8 7.73 6.77 25.03 18.8 16.65 7
0 2 3 4 8.46 11.87 15.11 4
0 44.28 13.5 8 8.95 3.44 2.06 6
0 12.75 12.75 0 100 100 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 75.25 85.26 78 22 34 29 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0.87 0.8 0.8 5 8 85
0 1.44 0.81 0.81 2 1 27
0 3.13 2.96 2.96 39 23 20 5
0 12.25 20 20 9.12 7.91 11.47 1
0 3.85 2.67 2.67 24 16 23 5
0 4.37 4.13 4.13 26 39 38 5
0 1.49 1.4 1.4 59 59 56 5
0 1.62 1.47 1.47 8 7 65
0 16 12.4 12.4 12 10 11 5
0 17.03 12.93 12.93 26 32 32 1
0 2.34 2.16 2.16 6 8 13 5
0 4.36 4.2 4.2 22 21 27 5
0 30 30 30 0.2 0.2 0.2 7
0 3 3 3 0.02 0.02 0.02 5
0 4 4 4 0.03 0.03 0.03 5
0 113 113 113 0.75 0.75 0.75 5
0 1 1 1 30.77 18.89 30.77 7
0 3.7 3.7 3.7 10.99 4.79 34.13 4
0 3.8 3.8 3.8 26.72 22.7 30 7
0 8.8 8.8 8.8 4.5 5.93 5.97 4
0 5.9 5.9 5.9 12.37 29.65 18.46 7
0 1.5 1.5 1.5 21.7 16 17.64 7
0 3.75 3.75 3.75 32.4 10.64 18.19 7
0 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.87 20.83 28.9 7
0 1.16 1.16 1.16 0.83 0.9 1.03 7
0 1.85 1.9 1.85 2.6 2.27 2.35 7
0 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.77 1.77 1.77 7
0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.57 0.64 1.04 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.88 0.88 0.88 7
0 44 44 44 21.52 21.52 21.52 2
0 5 5 5 0.45 0.45 0.45 7
0 2.25 2.25 2.25 0.05 0.05 0.05 7
0 3.67 8.67 9.67 8.55 12.74 14.33 7
0 5.5 5.5 5.5 26.51 26.51 26.51 7
0 0.46 0.46 0.46 2.39 2.39 2.39 7
0 0.8 0.8 0.8 2.39 2.39 2.39 7
0 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.69 3.64 3.73 7
0 6.5 6.5 6.5 14.03 14.03 14.03 6
0 191 191 197 51 51 51.54 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 498 512 512 22.92 23.56 23.56 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 2.81 1.71 1.71 2.16 1.78 1.39 2
5.441339 289 255 255 21.91 26.86 25.45 3
0 28 28 28 10.91 10.13 15.33 5
0 668.19 681.29 681.29 36.42 35.5 36.28 2
0 74 80 127 51.49 57.44 65.49 2
0 16 16 16 10.79 11.11 11.85 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 55 60 97 34.69 27.95 27.69 2
0 439 439 439 50.72 48.74 46.88 7
0 138 138 138 27.46 24.8 29.4 6
0 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.5 1.5 1.5 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0.5 0.5 0 29.77 25.24 06
0 0 0 2 0 0 10.35 7
0 0 0.77 0.23 0 2.22 0.85 4
0 0 0.78 0.78 0 2 27
0 0 2 2 0 3.7 3.5 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
27.874 0 69 71 0 28 28 5
0 1.2 0 0 100 0 07
0 0.09 0 0 0.6 0 06
0 0.25 0 0 0.2 0 06
0 1.3 0 0 100 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 1 1 1 4.6 4.6 2.39 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0.25 0.25 0.25 12.1 12.1 12.1 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 15 19 22 42.47 21.58 23.42 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 5 5 0 2.32 2.32 6
0 95.4 95.4 95.4 40.39 33.99 28.08 2
0 4 5 5 9.35 6.52 8.32 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 82.68 87.93 88.12 23.53 23.79 23.69 7
0 21 5 5 75.26 29.45 29.45 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 1 1 1 37.75 42.26 51.51 7
0 10 14 10 63.62 55.37 63.84 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 5 5 5 0 0 05
0 2 1 1 100 34.34 100 7
0 10 15 15 74.57 66.5 66.61 5
0 7 7 0 17.68 36.48 04
0 1 1 1 4.1 3.98 4.85 7
0 0.5 0.5 0 1.14 0.55 07
0 0.5 0.5 0 5.76 4.4 4.4 7
0 1 1 0 29.41 40.32 29.37 1
0 1 1 1 11.11 21.05 20.2 7
0 3.5 3.5 3.5 25.1 50.79 50.56 2
0 4 4 4 16.55 16.55 16.55 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 1 1 1 13.62 13.62 13.64 6
0 4.5 4.5 2.5 11.19 0 07
0 0.25 0 0 23.02 0 07
0 0.25 0.25 0.25 6.07 13.63 15.34 7
0 0.1 0.1 0.1 6.95 8.15 9.8 7
0 54.7 53.8 53.8 29.96 34.73 36.2 6
0 25 25 25 16.85 22.26 22.09 6
0 88.47 85.49 91.69 80.77 45.27 33.94 6
0 201 124.55 126.55 20.75 30.05 29.73 6
0 225.19 277.89 249.79 33.53 35.2 25.56 6
0 82.94 87.92 184.11 34.68 8.83 13.9 6
11.114 122 126.5 126.5 88.84 85.4 88.94 6
4.5 285.63 241.25 243.5 79.5 76.98 74.8 6
0 71 8.67 8.67 52.1 42.24 41.77 6
0 400 521 521 24.79 30.62 33.8 4
0 139 139 139 80.83 83.83 79.52 6
0 8.5 8.5 8.5 50.73 58.01 62.09 6
0 45 45 45 40.82 37.71 42.33 4
0 6 6 6 21.51 15.48 15.48 4
0 6 6 0 22.17 21.44 21.44 5
0 3 3 0 44.54 44.54 44.54 7
0 5 5 5 61.66 62.39 62.39 6
0 3 4 4 29.79 15.51 18.13 7
0 5 4.5 3.5 17.66 17.52 16.07 5
0 1.5 1.5 1.5 24.28 23.14 27.28 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 01
0 22 26 26 27.48 23 24.68 7
5.8 22.97 22.97 22.97 11.65 10.86 10.06 5
0 396.81 392.06 322.05 37.89 31.11 35.28 3
0 0.2 0.2 0.2 40 40 40 7
0 10.18 10.18 10.18 52.75 54.45 57.79 5
0 4 4 4 45.89 14.69 24.95 7
7.593 5 5 5 9.13 8.16 8.65 5
0 5 5 5 19 19.15 19.15 5
0 7 7 7 100 100 100 7
0 49 49 49 13.45 12.98 12.98 5
0 21.25 23.75 23.75 56.99 49.79 58.56 5
0 3.7 5 5 2.04 2.76 3.52 7
0 6 6 6 20.03 20.45 7.38 7
0 11.5 2.5 2.5 18.17 7.98 6.94 6
0 0.7 0.7 0.7 32.56 32.56 32.56 7
0 0.8 0.8 0.8 3.61 3.61 3.61 7
0 3 3 2 63 63 63 6
0 13 13 13 4.04 4.1 45
0 19 19 19 39.82 46.28 46.74 1
0 1 1 1 46.67 46.67 46.67 7
0 5 5 5 20.69 20.55 20.69 7
0 1.5 1.5 1.5 7 7 77
0 4 5 5 31.95 27.7 30.67 7
0 46.68 46.68 46.68 31.97 32.27 32.37 7
0 0.6 0.6 0.6 69.09 69.09 69.09 7
0 24.8 27.1 27.1 30.77 46.43 42.95 2
0 50 50 50 36.63 25.15 26.64 7
0 28 28 28 22.69 25.21 36.4 7
0 3 3 3 20.54 20.54 20.54 7
0 51 51 51 24.7 32.38 33.91 7
0 22 22 22 12.29 18.99 21.35 5
0 6.1 2.2 1.4 5.45 3.36 2.52 5
0 15 28 33 9.65 18.69 24.3 2
0 124 169 192 35.16 45.89 55.48 7
0 87.26 111.35 114.04 22.25 39.87 44.09 5
0 58 65 76 40.63 46.18 55.04 2
0 15.1 9.7 11.2 8.32 7.94 7.84 5
0 11.4 0.8 0 24.89 2.91 04
0 220.75 257.45 277.04 13.3 13.77 16.21 4
0 2.1 1.2 1.2 3.73 5.24 6.97 7
0 0.6 0.2 0.3 3.78 4.03 6.76 5
0 41 43 41 6.8 6.36 6.95 4
0 11 5 1 11.57 7.78 6.83 2
0 50.1 49.9 50.1 39.6 49.79 52.76 1
0 24.4 46.3 47.6 25.37 55.51 70.04 5
12.2 11 11 12 10.66 9.77 10.82 5
1.235 2 2 2 16.88 16.47 16.19 5
30.11 12 16 16 3.35 4.3 5.31 4
0 21 21 21 61.94 62.35 62.76 7
0 19 19 19 61.36 61.78 62.21 7
0 153 153 153 74.89 75.22 75.56 7
0 1 1 1 58.34 59.52 60.69 7
0 2 2 2 100 100 100 7
0 4 4 4 29.11 29.49 29.82 7
0 51 51 51 57.61 58.04 58.46 7
0 122 122 122 48.34 48.82 49.31 1
0 1.43 1.43 1.43 35.67 35.66 35.65 6
0 7.66 6.44 6.44 62.35 52.72 52.75 7
0 9.15 9.15 9.15 47.07 43.81 43.73 5
0 1.66 2.32 2.32 30.82 21.88 23.24 7
0 4 4 5 50 50 50 7
3.429838 10 24 24 41.49 38.33 38.33 6
0 7.52 8.6 8.6 91.38 40.65 44.77 7
0 0.1 0.02 0 7.11 1.23 01
0 0 0 0 100 100 100 7
0 62 62 62 14.76 14.88 18.04 7
0 0 25 25 0 31.33 31.33 7
0 18 23 25 14.61 21.25 26.79 2
0 0.7 4.07 6.43 4.21 7.22 9.93 5
0 0 1.7 4.9 21.91 16.21 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 4.4 0 0 26.47 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 12 0 0 57.07 0 05
0 17 0 0 36.77 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 6 0 0 9.19 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0.25 1.7694 7
0 6 0.2756 7
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 1104 34.1691 7
0 134 9.8076 7
0 158.7 41.5458 7
0 1777.55 100 7
0 0.18 40 7
0 485 86.6305 7
0 2 0.6834 7
0 0 02
0 0 05
0 17 5.3608 4
0 2.07 85.4093 5
0 29 41.2435 7
0 4.69 32.4582 7
0 18.8 7.0566 7
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 3.2 4.3775 6
0 362 18.7529 7
0 0 07
0 8 25.1592 7
0 0 07
0 24.8 2.5186 5
0 233 96.0774 7
0 0 07
0 10 8.154 3
0 11 9.911 3
0 1 12.7496 5
0 38.89 5.4692 7
0 0 05
0 0 05
0 2 7.4607 5
0 8 5.0152 7
0 0 05
0 0 07
0 0 05
0 1 3.3792 5
0 1.39 7.3294 7
0 0 05
0 0 05
0 2.4 0.376 5
0 0 05
0 1 9.0148 5
0 2 4.8226 5
0 0 05
0 0 05
0 0 05
0 2 12.6179 7
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0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 82 11.4923 7
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0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 02
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 01
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0 0 05
0 0 05
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0 0 05
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0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 60 22.3959 3
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0.25 100 7
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 05
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 05
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 06
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 02
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 93 51.5128 7
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0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 05
0 0 01
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 06
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 69 2.6534 6
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0 0 07
0 1.52 35.2941 5
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 2 37.2093 7
0 0 07
0 0.8 3.897 7
0 0 07
0 2.77 16.6667 7
0 0 05
0 0 07
0 1.5 100 7
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 7.68 95.1636 7
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0 0 05
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 05
0 0 05
0 0 05
0 0 05
0 0 05
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0 0 05
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 2 2.1768 7
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0 0 07
0 25 5.6023 3
0 0 05
0 0 07
0 39 4.0705 2
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 1 0.4408 5
0 0 07
0 4.61 33.6097 7
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0 17 5.911 2
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 1 6.6488 7
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 05
0 0.02 13.3333 7
0 0 07
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0 1.92 100 7
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 12 34.3918 5
0 4 11.7847 6
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0.3 3.5035 5
0 0 07
0 1.72 21.118 7
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 05
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 05
0 0.31 28.5714 7
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0 0 07
0 3.14 3.1178 7
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 05
0 0 03
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 05
0 4.87 94.4297 7
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0 0 02
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0 0 07
0 0.51 20 7
0 0 07
0 6.39 91.6345 7
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0 22 22.0467 7
0 1 3.4808 7
0 0 07
0 1 15.1874 7
0 1 10.4549 7
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0.3 97.0588 7
0 0 07
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0 10 48.6722 7
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 12 98.6331 5
0 0 07
0 1.6 0.4168 7
0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 3 0.3808 5
0 0 06
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0 0 05
0 0 05
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0 0 02
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0 0 05
0 0 05
0 157 77.7534 5
0 110 73.2531 5
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0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 6 31.4703 2
0 0 07
0 129 100 7
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0 115 63.0597 7
0 129 54.6133 7
0 0 07
0 0 05
0 8.17 8.7614 7
0 73.62 6.0905 7
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 2 7.6537 6
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0 7 12.6643 7
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 1.84 4.5221 7
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0 0 05
0 0 05
0 5.06 66.8 3
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0.7 95.7143 7
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0 0 07
0 1.3 96.0938 7
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0 0 07
0 0.3 92.8571 7
0 0.3 92.8571 7
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0.5 90.9091 7
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0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 9 36.5149 5
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 1.16 97.479 7
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0 0 07
0 0.01 4.7619 7
0 0 07
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0 0 05
0 0.1 5.8824 7
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0 0.33 10.5368 6
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0 15.64 100 7
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0 0.1 100 7
0 7.67 15.1346 7
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 06
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0.1 90.9091 7
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 5 50.2555 6
0 18 12.6426 7
0 1.5 24.7768 7
0 28 68.2191 7
0 0 07
0 1.5 6.3502 7
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0 1.49 28.5519 7
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 25 65.2305 5
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0 23 36.365 1
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0 3 47.7612 7
0 0 07
0 0.5 33.3333 7
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 2 1.8565 7
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0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 5 16.6667 7
0 67 70.1592 7
0 52 63.246 7
0 14 25.2127 7
0 13 51.0683 7
0 0 05
0 0 07
0 521 100 7
0 0 07
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0 0.1 90.9091 7
0 6 4.7859 7
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0 0.01 100 5
0 0.01 100 5
0 0.01 100 5
0 0.01 100 5
0 0.01 100 5
0 0.01 100 5
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 7 0.8107 7
0 0 02
0 79 43.713 7
0 77 27.9969 7
0 0 07
0 0 05
0 0 05
0 0 07
0 11 30.3269 7
0 0 05
0 14 0.402 7
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0 0 07
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0 0.02 47
0 2.35 3.8185 7
0 1 0.5504 7
0 3.17 6.1324 5
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0 3.9 18.4517 7
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0 1 19.4049 7
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0 13 16.6446 7
0 11 7.8667 7
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0 52 11.4033 6
0 13 19.3697 7
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 11.68 26.535 7
0 1.82 100 5
0 0 05
0 0.2 2.5 7
0 12 12.5525 6
0 0 07
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0 0 07
0 26 6.1239 7
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 9 6.0111 7
0 0.25 11.1111 7
0 0 07
0 0 07
0 41 92.3758 6
0 0 07
0 163.72 49.3317 5
0 192.45 59.6905 5
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0 0.25 31.6456 5
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0 0.01 16.6667 5
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0 0.75 100 7
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0 21 1.7735 6
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0 8 3.9974 5
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0 40 5.6263 7
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0 3.5 53.3128 5
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0 0 07
0 1 0.8586 7
0 31 60.6212 7
0 21 6.5881 7
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0 152.34 92.2118 7
0 170 30.7976 7
0 1 18.7732 7
0 18 17.1157 7
0 1 12.0585 7
0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 03
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0 3 3 3 5.56 3.5 4.33 5
0 3 3 3 6.51 1.97 1.85 6
0 11.09 19.99 19.99 16.71 18.98 27.71 5
0 16.42 1.97 1.97 20.81 3.23 3.23 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 03
0 6 6 8 4.34 3.99 4.63 7
0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 7
0 4 4 4 3.65 4.19 3.9 6
0 8 10 10 7.65 8.98 8.98 7
0 20.8 20.8 21 2.64 3.01 3.05 5
0 20 20 21 3.9 4.32 4.2 5
14.6 24 3.9 3.1 5.56 3.6 1.06 6
5.2 81 39 39 57.14 49.79 20.9 2
21 40 34 34 28.41 24.48 24.03 1
0 1 1 1 2.48 2.48 2.48 5
28.794 10.6 16 16 2.56 5.85 9.97 6
13.311 10 10 10 14.03 9.28 8.93 5
0 0 0 03
0 0 0 06
0 0 0 07
0 0 0 06
0 0 0 07
0 0 0 07
1.482 3.5 3.5 3.5 26.69 20.52 27.33 2
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0 0 0 07
10.461 0 0 05
3.75 8 10 0 72.37 74.07 6
0 0 0 07
0 0 0 07
12.044 0 0 02
17.04 0 0 02
0 3 3 3 3.57 4.71 4.51 5
0 4.42 4.42 4.42 4.87 4.63 3.6 7
0 9 4 4 3.58 2.68 2.68 7
0 4.6 5.6 4.6 4.07 5.79 4.82 7
0 1 1.5 1.5 7.79 11.34 11.34 7
0 59.53 83.56 57.28 63.41 62.46 48.94 5
0 3.75 3.75 3.75 2.46 5.35 4.38 7
0 1.2 1 1 33.09 26.6 26.46 5
0 3 4 4 16.64 36.35 35.11 7
0 4 3 3 11.87 8.38 9.95 7
0 0 2 2 0 22.81 22.81 6
0 3 3 3 18.59 18.56 18.56 6
0 2.5 5 5 100 100 100 6
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0 3 3 3 10.71 10.06 12.2 5
0 0.74 0.74 0.74 1.32 2.53 2.32 5
0 2.1 2.1 2.1 9.05 9.45 11.82 6
0 2.76 2.76 2.76 18.66 12.88 13.75 4
0 2.8 2.8 2.8 16.31 14.46 13.65 6
0 1.45 1.45 1.45 23.57 17.68 16.35 6
0 14.5 14.5 14.5 96.26 99.59 98.95 7
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0 7.5 5 5 5.85 4.74 4.5 7
0 0 1 1 0 62.5 62.5 6
0 1 1 1 7.46 6.82 6.28 6
0 7 7.5 7.5 15.64 16.73 15.89 5
0 3 4 5 100 100 100 6
0 6.5 6 6 16.29 14.99 14.27 7
0 4 5 5 4.91 8.17 8.17 5
0 3.5 3.5 3.5 22.25 20.35 19.98 3
0 4.8 4.8 5 10.93 4.83 4.88 6
0 4 4 5 22.74 16.15 19.6 6
0 4 4 5 8.97 5.57 6.76 6
0 4 4 4 8.59 9.47 8.57 5
0 7 5 5 5.48 3.65 3.65 5
0 1.15 2.17 1.54 11.2 21.64 5.45 5
0 36.03 30.59 21 38.76 23.54 12.32 5
0 53.28 45.68 45.68 24.55 22.21 22.21 5
0 19.38 32.06 25.73 34.22 45.52 19.81 5
0 33.52 26.84 84 6.13 5.98 7.92 4
0 17.01 26.52 37 5.4 9.73 9.35 5
0 4.02 4.11 4.11 3.57 3.11 3.11 5
0 5.3 6 6 81.59 91.3 91.3 2
0 14.84 18.39 23.39 31.94 32.3 37.76 5
0 5.11 5.76 9.68 16.27 12.32 22.87 4
0 4 6.5 6.5 6.01 10.34 10.34 5
0 11.5 9.5 9.5 17.26 37.23 37.23 5
0 10.31 10.84 13 71.22 90.43 82.28 5
0 9 9 13 37.78 26.92 43.88 5
0 4.85 10 8 26.21 34.77 28.59 5
0 2.76 1.83 1.83 13.07 6.19 6.19 5
0 2 2 2 4.08 4.08 3.55 5
0 25.45 81.45 15 60.61 78.84 68.6 5
0 6.76 4.57 4.57 33.04 22.6 22.6 5
0 2 2 2 7.74 13.63 12.43 5
0 0 7 7 0 13.04 13.04 5
0 4 4 0 6.09 6.09 5
0 0 4.5 4.5 0 7.05 7.05 5
0 0 3.5 3.5 0 5.34 5.34 5
0 5.5 7.5 7.5 7.52 7.3 7.36 6
0 18 18 18 27.57 26.61 25.67 1
0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.56 0.65 0.57 6
0 6 6 6 5.2 5.19 4.12 4
0 0.2 0.15 0.15 4.08 5.93 5.6 6
0 8 10 10 34.98 34.2 32.5 6
0 0.6 0.5 0.5 10.77 9.9 9.48 6
0 1 1 2 2.11 2.08 3.23 4
0 17 17 17 9.8 7.6 10.35 6
0 8 7 7 17.62 17.47 17.06 5
0 12 12 12 40.28 29.85 29.85 7
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0 5.5 5 5 63.75 24.36 23.47 2
0 0.35 0.35 0.35 5.53 5.14 4.95 6
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0 0.01 0.01 0.01 4 4 46
0 0.2 0.2 0.2 6.98 7.56 7.2 6
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0 0 0 0 7
0 1 1 1 10.62 14.91 15 6
0.447 1 1 1 9.88 11.56 10.14 6
0 18 23 23 9.56 11.83 12.65 6
0 0.32 0.32 0.32 9.66 12.54 11.94 6
0 0.75 0.75 0.75 34.72 28.57 26.32 6
0 0.26 0.26 0.26 16.67 25 33.33 6
0 4 4 4 14.22 13.89 13.54 6
0 2 2 2 4.43 5.33 7.17 6
0 1 1 1 3.3 2.94 2.85 6
0 0.5 0.5 0.5 6.18 6.84 6.84 6
0 4.5 4.5 1 5.8 5.8 1.29 6
0 268.35 268.35 268.35 39.77 41.08 37.74 5
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0 1 3 3 24.55 70.91 70.91 7
0 220 210 210 32.96 37.69 37.69 2
0 9 29 29 17.13 100 100 7
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0 2 2.3 2.15 3.12 6.75 12.84 5
0 1.48 3 3.46 8.52 17.29 18.96 7
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0 7.25 7.25 7.25 22.82 21.68 22.05 6
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0 10 10 10 15.87 16.43 15.14 1
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0 1.22 2.2 2.2 16.9 29.92 29.46 6
0 0.6 0.6 0.7 4 3.43 46
0 10 10 10 19.7 19.13 18.57 5
0 39 39 39 95.59 95.77 96.69 6
0 18 18 18 36.01 36.01 36.01 5
0 16 16 16 27.62 27.62 24.29 1
0 12.3 9.7 9.7 38.14 29.28 28.28 5
0 23 23 23 30.14 30.14 17.19 2
0 0 0 0 06
0 17 17 17 28.71 27.69 30.86 5
0 6 2.5 2.5 5.44 9.61 4.67 5
0 3 1 1 27.78 97.39 98.26 7
0 12 12 12 11.56 11.35 11.26 5
0 1 2 2 2.77 7.35 7.35 2
0 3 3 3 68.23 68.13 85.05 5
0 0.52 0.52 0.52 3.36 3.43 3.43 6
0 5.1 6.2 5.6 10.13 24.18 17.7 5
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0 0.61 0.53 0.53 3.32 4.3 4.32 6
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0 2 1 1.5 11.7 5 7.12 5
0 2 2.5 2.5 3.37 4.84 5.83 7
0 1.31 3.16 2.64 4.11 8.61 7.41 6
0 2 2 2 9.23 5.93 5.75 5
0 5 5 5 23.55 16.44 22.88 2
0 53 53 53 60.62 74.63 50.98 5
0 2.2 2.2 2.2 32.65 24.65 25.73 7
0 0 0 0 0 07
0 1.75 1.25 2 21.13 39.09 48.62 5
0 11 11 11 53.09 61.24 61.24 6
0 5.25 5 5 33.21 22.83 34.63 5
0 1 1 3 2.5 3.81 19.53 6
0 2.1 2 2 6.78 5.61 5.76 5
0 1.25 1.25 1.25 2.49 3.24 3.43 5
0 8 8 8 91.46 74.63 72 3
0 2 2 2.1 9.03 9.03 7.45 6
0 0.8 0.8 0 88.75 88.75 6
0 0.31 0.31 1.94 2.17 1.99 13 6
0 2 2 0.2 64.09 98.31 12.75 5
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0 0.33 0.25 0.35 15.46 9.2 10.24 6
0 1 1 1 13.13 5.59 5.68 6
0 1.25 3 2.5 7.47 32.36 19.1 6
0 218 218 218 24.68 25.72 25.72 2
0 0.55 1.25 1 26.24 32.07 13.11 6
0 3 0.1 0.2 50.35 1.94 28.57 6
0 1 1 0.34 12.54 20.64 6.12 5
0 2 2 2 17.06 36.21 22.46 5
0 1.3 1.3 1.6 2.6 2.18 2.44 6
0 0.1 6.8 6.9 0.15 14.65 14.87 6
0 1.36 1.36 1.36 22.24 22 21.36 5
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0 12.08 12.08 12.08 56.77 54.14 49.22 6
0 0.2 0.2 0.2 5.79 7.64 7.35 5
0 5.46 7.65 6.76 37.28 36.96 46.13 5
0 1 3 11.7 21.51 05
0 0.25 0.15 0.15 9.03 2.07 2.61 6
0 0.9 0.55 0.55 15.3 6.35 6.96 5
0 0.61 3 3 10.08 49.32 47.87 5
0 0.41 0.41 0.41 7.26 7.2 6.98 5
0 1.54 1.54 1.54 12.72 12.77 12.4 5
0 4 7.15 7.15 78.82 61.27 68.63 5
0 3 4 5 8.25 12.96 19.44 6
0 0.1 0.1 7 0.18 0.33 62.7 6
0 1 1.5 1.5 4.26 6.85 6.85 6
0 0.75 1.75 0.33 5.85 12.77 2.8 5
0 0.7 1.4 1.4 1.77 4.03 3.92 5
0 1 1 1.25 54.09 54.09 30.43 5
0 0.2 0.25 0.25 19.84 16.54 15.66 5
0 1 1 1 26.13 18.28 18.28 6
0 2 2 2 6.89 6.4 2.65 5
0 0.89 1.33 1.12 4.17 5.33 5.98 2
0 8.1 2.5 2.5 27.13 11.67 11.67 6
0 1 1 0.45 3.73 16.88 9.5 5
0 13.71 11 11 38.3 45.51 50.87 1
0 0 0 0 0 06
0 2 2 4 13.82 21.49 39.33 7
0 0.3 0.3 0.2 100 100 87.5 6
0 0.9 0.9 0.9 21.56 24.82 24.46 7
0 1.5 1.5 1.5 17.39 9.62 18.72 6
0 6.95 6.95 6.95 25.79 26.38 26.48 5
0 4.06 4.06 4.06 15.81 11.52 16.87 5
0 11.02 8 8 21.75 19.35 19.46 5
0 0.92 1 1 36.32 42.19 45.64 7
0 2.97 3 3 5.76 4.67 5.3 7
0 2.9 3 4 2.47 5.21 6.43 7
0 0 0.5 1.5 0 4.05 8.16 5
0 0.5 0.5 0 9.22 7.8 6
0 0.5 0.5 0 9.22 7.8 6
0 1 1 1 2.21 1.71 1.71 6
0 42 42 42 64.65 64.01 63.76 7
0 16 16 16 15.61 11.39 11.38 5
4.879 73 73 73 21.99 26.83 27.35 4
0 38 38 38 13.23 12.71 11.79 5
0 20.55 20.55 21.3 32.81 31.86 33.06 7
0 0.3 0.3 0.25 2.69 2.57 2.13 7
0 1.3 1.3 1.3 0.93 0.93 0.93 6
0 2.15 1.65 1.65 19.04 20.26 19.19 7
0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.97 0.97 0.97 1
0 0 0.1 0.1 0 6.06 5.62 6
0 1.6 1.6 1.6 35.5 35.5 35.5 7
0 0 1.15 1.15 0 22.73 15.56 6
0 3.25 2.35 1 42.79 26.97 12.84 7
0 1 1 1 38.71 21.82 9.6 6
0 0 0.45 0.45 0 11.28 11.66 5
0 0.15 0.15 0.1 1.84 1.62 0.99 7
0 2 2 2 18.32 16.81 20 7
0 0 0.6 0.6 0 20.2 18.81 6
0 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.7 0.7 0.7 6
0 3 2 2 30.66 23.88 24.8 5
0 1.5 1.5 2 4.29 4.29 5.71 7
0 5.1 6.2 6.9 47.67 51.46 49.89 1
0 4 4 4 13.78 13.07 13.38 6
0 2.35 2.34 0.78 22.17 22.17 14.04 5
0 6 3 3 35.65 17.49 17.49 5
0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 05
0 7.8 12.3 11 12.91 17.23 25.38 6
0 3 3 3 30.67 31.2 18.54 7
0 0.3 0.3 1.8 0.21 0.21 1.29 1
0 0.1 0.1 0.1 5.31 4.08 4.08 1
0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0.25 0.25 0.25 5.67 5.56 5.87 1
0 2 3.25 3.5 1.99 8.18 20.25 1
0 0.25 0.25 0.25 2.57 2.52 2.66 6
0 0 0 0 0 07
0 1 0.02 0.02 96.15 1.92 1.92 6
0 9.38 9.38 8.8 15.98 15.48 15.24 7
0 1.92 1.92 1.78 1.77 1.9 1.78 7
0 0.5 0.5 0.5 65.22 7.5 8.15 7
0 5.71 5.71 5.71 4.17 4.23 4.32 7
0 0.1 0.77 0.12 8.96 55.56 10.87 7
0 2.65 1.2 1.95 21.97 8.28 14.88 7
0 1.25 1.25 1.25 28.6 24.22 29.67 7
0 6.75 5.4 5.6 38.42 30.77 33.35 5
0 0.5 0.5 0.1 3.07 2.99 0.58 7
0 0.65 0.55 0.55 100 100 100 7
0 0 0.25 0.25 0 5.83 5.83 5
0 0 0.9 1.9 0 4.57 17.27 5
0 2 0.35 1.1 18.2 3.9 15.72 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 01
0 73.2 73.2 73.2 35.69 36.28 36.64 5
0 28.4 28.4 28.4 24.68 25.35 25.6 5
0 1.95 1.95 1.55 27.81 10.56 10.34 5
0 43.8 32.46 27.71 48.86 51.11 51.66 1
0 1.15 1.15 1.15 29.57 29.14 31.14 7
0 0 1.5 0.3 0 4.59 4.59 7
0 1.37 2.14 2.14 3.98 11.61 11.61 5
0 0.5 3.5 11 0.39 5.59 11.92 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 01
0 2 2 2 3.99 3.99 3.99 7
0 0.3 0.3 0.3 21.97 21.97 23.39 1
0 0.5 1.25 2.25 0.53 3.89 6.21 1
0 0.2 0 80 0 06
0 1.1 1.1 1.1 39.52 38.58 37.84 6
0 1.9 1.9 1.9 77.87 77.55 77.55 7
0 2.14 2.14 2.14 5.07 5.4 5.57 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 01
0 0.4 1.8 1.8 9.9 72.51 89.89 1
0 1 1 1 14.33 13.9 13.9 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 02
0 0.05 0.05 0.05 1.92 1.92 22
0 0.75 0.67 0.5 56.44 96 66.67 7
0 1 1 1 15 15 20 7
0 0.24 0.24 0 4.25 38.46 6
0 0.65 0.95 0.95 41.03 99.15 99.15 5
0 8 8 8 13.81 14.19 10.92 5
0 0 0 0 0 05
0 225.19 225.07 0 15.22 15.19 4
0 159 127.4 0 15.91 14.66 4
0 80.55 87.85 0 8.08 9.4 5
0 0.34 0.34 0 50 75.81 5
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0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 7
0 1 8 8 4.71 23.93 23.93 6
0 5 5 5 30.56 30.8 31.03 6
0 10 10 10 49.58 23.48 51.72 7
0 12 12 12 4.81 4.78 4.81 7
0 0 0 07
0 3 3 3 20.87 20.62 20.45 7
0 0 0 07
0 0 0 06
0 1 1 1 22.22 21.46 21.46 7

0 0.1 2.18 0 7
0 0 0 07
0 2 43.48 0 07
0 1 23.3 0 07
0 0 0 07
0 0 0 07
0 0.1 40.27 0 07
0 0 0 07
0 1 1 1 8.14 12.5 13.04 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 6
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0 0.2 0.2 0.2 5.96 8 84
0 5.2 5.2 0 36.84 35.09 7
0 1 1 1 0 0 07
0 16 16 17 10.42 10.74 10.34 7
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0 6 6 6 2.83 2.23 2.32 5
0 35 35 35 5.01 5.01 4.37 5
0 32 32 32 8.03 8.65 8.25 5
0 3.4 3.4 3.4 6.31 7.16 1.87 5
0 1 1 1 2.81 2.32 1.86 7
0 15 48.23 0 07
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0 4 4 4 3.1 3.1 1.91 5
0 2 2 2 1.52 1.3 1.1 5
0 3 3 3 1.86 3.07 2.04 5
0 3.7 3.7 3.7 28.15 24.64 22.09 7
0 13 13 16 8.09 8.16 9.84 2
0 9 9 9 6.5 7.19 7.24 7
0 24.5 24.5 24.5 12.44 13.85 13.87 7
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0 7 7 7 6.83 9.54 7.92 7
0 5 5 5 4.21 5.97 4.92 7
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0 5 5 5 3.49 3.9 4.52 7
0 5 5 5 1.76 2.29 2.49 7
0 20 20 20 8.79 10.71 11.22 7
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0 3 3.5 11.05 8.85 7
0 11 11 11 0.21 0.3 0.39 5
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0 20 20 20 5.6 4.9 6.44 5
0 0.1 0.1 0.1 8 8 87
0 1 1 1 23.28 23.28 23.28 4
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0 5 5 2 4.02 4.55 7.08 5
0 35 35 9 0.94 1.36 1.38 5
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0 15.5 19 19 4.92 10.61 8.75 5
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0 5 5 5 5.19 4.46 4.31 7
0 5 5 5 4.2 6.08 2.89 5
0 1 1 1 23.67 23.67 23.67 7
0 15 15 15 12.73 12.1 12.1 5
0 11.5 12 12 7.28 8.28 8.54 2
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0 0.75 0.75 0.75 2.93 2.93 2.32 7
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0 1 1 7.82 8.29 07
0 2 2 2 11.56 10.23 9.22 7
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0 5 5 5 11.61 11.56 15.19 7
0 6 5 5 6.21 6.99 2.6 7
0 7 7 7 3.55 3.98 4.73 5
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0 10 10 10 7.92 9.1 16.4 5
0 10 10 10 12.71 7.41 7.79 7
0 1 1 1 6.57 4.61 3.64 5
0 15 25.5 25.5 4.11 7.81 21.78 2
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0 18 20 20 2.89 3.56 58.68 2
0 15 15 15 3.64 3.99 4.17 2
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0 2 5.5 5.5 2.09 5.88 7.12 6
0 4 0.4 0.4 14.59 2.22 1.96 7
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0 4 4 4 29.19 4.11 4.75 6
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0 0.2 0.2 0.41 0.41 7
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0 10 10 12.74 30.05 07
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0 1 1 1 1.73 2.25 3.34 6
0 0 13.6 14 4.18 4.25 5
0 0 0 07
0 0 0 07
0 0 0 07
0 0 0 01
0 0 0 07
0 0 0 07
0 0 0 05
0 0 0 07
0 0 0 01
0 14 16 16 9.79 10.72 10.31 5
4.416 3 3 3 1.74 4.88 4.84 1
0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 07
0 0 0 07
0 0.5 40 0 07
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0.3 0 0 07
0.85 0 0 07
0.4 0 0 05
1.994 0 0 02
1.956 3.25 3.25 23.39 22.09 02
0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 06
0 3 0 21.58 07
0 0 0 06
0 0 0 06
3.875 5 6 20.13 21.4 04
2.842 2 2 2 7.68 7.9 7.78 2
4.159 1 1 1 2.12 2.17 2.14 2
7.969 9 9 9 19.46 18.47 15.57 5
0.4 0 0 07
1.2 0 0 01
0.124 0 0 02
24.651 61.9 59.3 57 33.13 33.49 33.22 6
4.681 3.75 0 9.87 03
0 0 0 06
0.124 0 0 0 02
0 1 1.5 5.13 23.65 01
7.877 4.4 6.7 6.7 8.54 12.56 12.56 6
3.601 1 4.52 0 02
1.175 1 0 5.36 05
0 1 25.21 0 04
0 1 0.5 20.78 9.7 04
20.209 28 28 28 19.79 19.79 19.79 2
0 0 0 0 7
0 2 2 3.71 4.24 02
0 0 0 06
62.95 41.55 41.55 43 10.82 10.82 8.94 5
0 0 0 04
1.999 3 3 18.01 19.01 04
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0.233 0 0 06
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0.565 0 0 05
0.033 0 0 06
0 0 0 6
0 1 0 20.65 01
0 0 0 6
0 0.2 0 5.78 7
1 0.5 0 3.43 06
2.03 3 0.15 0 22.66 1.41 5
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0 0 0 07
0 1 0 15.02 07
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0 0 0 05
0 0 0 07
0 0 0 01
0 1 30.17 0 05
0.175 0 0 06
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0 0 0 07
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7.836 0 0 06
1.4 0 0 07
0.1 0 0 07
0.65 0 0 07
0 1 9.68 0 07
0 2 53.72 0 07
0 0 0 05
0.057 0 0 0 05
0.371 0 0 0 02
0 1 91.84 0 06
0 2 2 20 20 02
0.041 0 0 07
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0 0 0 07
0.038 0.25 94.74 0 07
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0 0 0 05
0 0 0 05
0 0 0 05
0 2.5 0 0 89.01 07
0 0 0 07
6.841 1 1 1 1.84 2.29 2.7 6
0 8 14 62.96 76.65 01
0 48 48 32.29 41.85 02
0 13 19 32.74 39.85 05
0 1 1 1 8.46 7.83 27.27 5
0 0 0 07
0 0 4 4 2.68 2.68 7
0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 07
0 0 0 07
0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 1.5 1.5 1.5 4.49 2.4 2.4 3
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0 0 0 07
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0 1 0 94.67 7
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0 5 5 24.37 27.72 7
0 5 5 71 71 2
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0 12 12 13 5.74 6.9 4.88 5
0 13.6 13.6 14 5.23 5.53 9.7 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 07
0 1 0 38.66 01
0 1.5 0 8.18 05
0 0 0 07
0 0 0 07
0 0 0 7
0 0 0 07
0 47 0 0 2.66 5
0 2 7.23 5
0 0 0 0 6
0 0 5
0 0 5
0 2 0 0 93.75 7
0 0 0 0 7
0 1 5.19 7
0 0 7
0 1 2.63 3
0 1 12.15 7
0 1 0 45.91 7
0 4 0 38.1 7
0 0 6
0 0.2 0 0 10 2
0 0 7
0 0.5 0 16 7
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0 0.1 7 7
0 11 63.42 5
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0 0 0 6
0 1 0 53.57 6
0 0 0 0 7
0 1 0 33.09 7
0 0 0 0 7
0 0 0 05
0 8 8 8 2.2 2.88 3.8 7
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0 3 3 3 36.71 36.71 36.71 6
0.195 15.1 15.1 15.1 23.46 28.38 30.37 7
7.366697 80.5 80.5 80.5 19.06 22.67 16.8 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
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0.115 1 0.3 0.3 15.58 8.15 8.15 2
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0.186 2 2 2 42.96 43.68 44.38 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
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0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 2.15 2.15 2.15 3.92 3.95 4.02 6
0 8 9 9 44 43.49 40.54 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
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0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 3 3 3 16.12 16.1 15.58 1
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1.975 0 0 0 0 0 04
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8.211838 308.6 308.6 307 25.67 23.73 22.72 6
0 0.3 0.3 0.3 97.06 97.06 97.06 5
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0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 12.7 6 0 64.25 64.39 64.41 7
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0 0 0 0 0 0 03
0 651.15 651 659.25 15.73 13.91 13.36 6
0 4 4 4 0 0 06
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0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0.4648 4.3 4.3 4.3 38.63 37.52 37.12 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 01
0 5 3 3 75.45 40.2 39.22 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 3 3 3 8.03 7.98 7.86 6
0.14 4 1 0 42.38 41.89 38.45 7
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25.990278 63 65 66 15.19 11.32 18.45 5
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0 0 0 0 0 0 05
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0 6 6 5 37.73 44.84 48.76 5
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0 5 5 5 100 100 100 7
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0.81 9.7 11.7 11.7 41.39 58.17 58.17 5
0 7 7 7 54.41 37.69 25.3 5
0 0.85 0.1 0.1 21.72 16.67 16.67 7
0 1 1.9 0 22.03 46.41 05
0 33.4 40.5 35.9 22.78 51.57 54.25 5
0 6.3 6.3 6.3 45.28 46.79 46.79 7
0 0.9 2.2 2.2 40.84 32.76 45.7 7
0 45.5 45.5 45.5 79.94 79.94 79.89 1
0 7 7 7 10.35 5.93 4.91 5
0 236 236 226 81.94 81.94 81.94 7
0 9 9 9 52.47 52.47 52.47 6
0 39 39 39 71.05 71.05 71.05 6
0 20 20 20 24.51 24.51 24.51 6
0 62.15 62.15 62.15 67.42 67.42 67.42 6
0 9.33 9.33 9.33 25.04 25.04 25.04 7
0 78.92 78.92 78.92 78.1 78.1 78.1 6
0 4 4 4 14.43 14.43 14.43 6
0 42.83 34.1 34.1 79.74 80.03 82.37 6
0 74 74 74 48.36 48.36 48.36 6
0 9 9 9 38.25 38.25 38.25 1
0 0.5 0.5 0.5 96.19 96.23 96.26 5
0 0.5 0.5 0.25 10.77 7.04 15.35 5
0 1 1 1 40.62 41.97 41.36 5
0 1.8 1.8 1.8 92.07 92.14 92.21 5
0 5 5 5 32.19 25.6 25.65 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 1.75 1.75 1.75 98.85 86.53 87.64 5
0.102339 0.8 1 1 36.21 88.65 90.42 5
0 2 2 2 49.41 49.33 34.23 7
0 37 46 46 12.12 16.93 18.47 5
0 1 1 1 67.95 67.77 67.25 7
0 0.66 0.66 1 59.01 44.86 26.33 6
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0 0.05 0.05 0.05 17.39 17.39 17.39 7
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0 2 3 3 17.26 25.66 23.27 6
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0 7 7 7 10.13 9.82 10.93 7
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0 0.25 0.25 0.25 40.54 56.36 88.89 6
0 0.5 0.5 0.5 81.11 80.22 80.43 7
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0 3 3 3 34.25 34.25 34.35 5
0 0.5 0.5 0.5 81.11 80.22 80.43 7
0 4 4 4 26.06 27.62 31.09 7
0 1.88 1.88 1.88 26.99 50 81.03 6
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0 0.1 0.1 0.1 100 100 100 7
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0.075 0.35 0.35 0.35 18.48 25.37 18.48 6
0 0.05 0.05 0.05 0 0 06
0 5 5 5 75.7 78.74 80.63 5
0 2.15 3.15 3.15 37.01 39.16 39 1
0 0.12 0.08 0.08 75.34 52.38 52.38 7
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0 1.2 1.2 1.2 61.54 61.75 67.46 6
0 0.5 0.5 0.5 19.18 19.47 19.75 7
0 0.08 0.08 0.08 100 100 100 7
0 4 4 4 22.24 22.24 22.24 5
0.723 0 0 0 0 0 07
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0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
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0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 2.2 2.2 2.2 17.46 12.88 10.78 5
0 0.3 0.3 0.3 100 100 100 6
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0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.73 0.73 0.73 6
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0 22 22 22 15.13 17.13 13.18 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 3.25 6.5 6 2.08 4.81 4.05 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 42.25 34.68 79.37 6
0 2 1 1 16.23 24.1 21.72 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0.3 0.3 0.5 58.75 54.96 26.28 6
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0.245384 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 2 2 2 100 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0.1 0 0 100 0 05
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0 1 1 1 97.52 0 07
0 0.03 0 0 0 0 07
0 0.35 0 0 12.27 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 7 0 0 42.48 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 7 7 7 43.96 44.2 44.45 1
0 14.3 14.3 14.3 9.42 11.82 16.88 6
0 92 110 110 21.46 21.49 19.84 3
26.759989 61.65 61.65 61.65 12.07 12.36 12.16 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0.52 0.47 0.47 9.73 7.95 7.9 7
0 2 1.5 1.5 9.96 9.47 9.11 5
0 35 35 35 11.59 11.12 9.23 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 3 3 3 12.33 12.5 12.9 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 75.85 51.35 53.35 13.81 17.29 18.43 4
0 1 1 1 4.45 4.4 4.28 7
0 32 32 27 26.17 26.28 21.39 7
0 8.25 10.25 17.25 7.64 7.5 7.47 4
0 20.93 22.43 21.43 10.83 13.29 14.86 5
0 174.87 178.17 178.17 11.03 12.79 12.65 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 3 3 0 1.52 2.53 5
0 2 2 2 0.98 1.91 1.91 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 03
0 0.25 0.25 0 10.99 11.08 05
0 10 10 10 7.29 6.1 7.37 5
0 6 6 6 8.36 8.19 8.43 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 193.56 186.56 211.31 14.3 12.12 10.92 5
0 4 4 2 70.15 75.24 69.55 5
0 37 37 37 28.31 49.48 49.69 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0.25 0.25 0.25 4.47 4.52 4.45 5
0 224.02 216.77 216.57 9 9.64 8.53 2
0 3 3 3 7.36 7.31 7.52 5
0 2 2 2 12.44 13.27 13.05 5
0 0.5 0.5 0.5 21.24 24.34 24.2 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0.25 0.25 0.25 6.48 6.48 6.48 7
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0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 3.2 3.2 3.2 92.79 92.79 92.79 5
0 0.84 0.84 0.84 5.1 6.35 8.38 5
0 4.5 4.75 4.75 22.81 25.56 24.48 5
0 1.6 2.5 2.5 98.04 36.81 22.92 5
0 344 395 396 33.16 61.79 57.27 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 2 2 2 17.42 17.49 17.52 5
0 16 16 16 38.17 15.89 16 5
0 3 3 3 15.02 15.27 15.28 5
0 6.45 6.45 6.45 48.97 49.61 50.27 5
0 4.4 6.5 6.5 5.75 6.72 4.24 5
0 1.2 1.35 1.35 100 100 100 5
0 7 8 9 40.52 33.48 33.48 5
0 1 1 1 1.11 1.11 1.11 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 40 40 40 30.91 28.14 37.85 5
0 10 10 10 33.91 33.91 33.91 5
0 4 5 5 4.12 8.18 8.18 5
0 1 1 1 100 100 100 7
0 0.5 0.5 0.5 21.38 21.64 21.61 6
0 7.95 7.95 7.95 15.46 16.88 21.17 6
0 7 7 7 6.57 7.3 9.76 2
0 2 2 2 19.95 46.6 46.64 5
0 2 2 2 2.16 2.09 2.52 5
0 2.55 2.3 2.3 100 100 100 5
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0 3 3 3 42.41 41.59 40.95 5
0 4 4 4 28.55 28.98 28.95 5
0 2 2 2 5.58 5.58 0.84 5
0 1 1 1 6.18 6.08 5.98 5
0 1 1 1 31.75 31.69 31.79 5
0 2 2 2 43.13 24.12 24.12 5
0 0.48 0.48 0.48 26.61 25.89 28.21 5
0 6.05 6.05 6.05 84.96 84.9 90.71 5
0 0.4 0.4 0.4 5.93 6.11 5.73 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 5 5 5 21.07 21.07 21.07 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 4 4 4 11.73 18.52 21.27 7
0 1.25 1.25 1.25 4.65 2.81 5.58 5
0 0.4 0.4 0.4 18.14 15.92 14.87 5
0 2 2 2 29.79 32.58 33.32 5
0 1 1 1 53.58 53.73 53.51 5
0 2.5 2.8 2.8 92.48 40.05 14.65 5
0 1 2 3 8.53 19.77 12.15 5
0 5 5 5 85.13 80.65 85.03 5
0 0.5 0.5 0.5 31.55 31.97 32 6
0 4 7 4 14.83 10.85 13.53 1
0 4.25 4.35 4.35 86.8 86.77 86.32 5
0 10 10 10 33.71 33.71 33.7 5
0 7.7 7.7 7.7 10.37 9.53 9.75 5
0 3.1 3.1 3.1 25.63 26.1 26.52 5
0 10 10 10 10.93 11.14 10.63 3
0 1 1 1 1.41 3.51 3.51 5
0 2 2 2 3.64 6.55 6.58 5
0 1.6 1.6 1.6 48.88 49.4 50.1 5
0 1.15 1.25 1.25 35.82 34.96 34.86 5
0 10 10 10 60.69 60.69 60.69 7
0 5.5 6.25 8.25 49.27 43.58 40.81 5
0 55 55 55 53.32 53.32 53.32 5
0 16 11 3 22.02 52.58 22.15 5
0 1 1 1 3.22 3.21 3.21 5
0 33 29 29 15.44 16.64 16.8 5
0 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.81 2.5 2.31 5
0 115 115 115 73.9 73.9 73.9 5
0 78 91 91 9.75 13.62 10.7 5
0 4 4 4 7.76 7.67 10.19 5
0 13 13 13 9.1 10.05 9.97 5
0 9 8 8 37.2 13.14 12.08 2
0 6 3 3 40.53 2.43 1.65 6
0 1 2 2 42.76 50.54 50.54 5
0 8.5 9.5 8.5 10.88 11.86 79.77 5
0 1.25 1.25 1.25 4.26 3.72 3.82 4
0 4.25 4.25 4.25 6.68 6.89 6.88 7
0 15 15 15 13.28 11.86 14.72 5
0 0.4 0.2 0.2 2.21 7.14 0.43 5
0 3 2 2 22.12 17.06 17.07 5
0 2 2 2 65.92 21.58 38.29 5
0 1.75 2.5 2.5 7.86 10.69 12.28 4
0 4 4 4 28.33 25.43 25.57 5
0 21 21 21 42.62 62.17 58.87 5
0 1 1 1 2.78 2.98 2.98 5
0 25 23 23 12.5 6.45 18.43 5
0 1 3 3 7.57 10.98 11.33 5
0 2 3 1.6 27.18 32.4 15.87 5
0 41 41 41 17.26 17.37 14.37 2
0 9 10 11 16.17 14.92 12.31 5
0 0.9 0.8 0.8 1.78 81.14 81.08 1
0 1 2 2 15.73 27.75 27.72 5
0 5 12 12 5.45 8.67 6.59 5
0 4 4 4 15.25 16.17 16.57 5
0 0.04 0.04 0.04 100 100 100 7
0 1 1 0.5 6.53 6.14 6.89 5
0 2 2 2 3.72 3.72 3.72 5
0 12 9 9 7.64 4.77 4.69 5
0 4 4 4 4.46 4.45 4.45 5
0 1 1 1 12.47 12.17 11.87 5
0 9 9 9 5.18 4.91 5.06 5
0 13 13 13 5.85 6.22 6.29 5
0 1 1 1 2.62 2.93 2.92 5
0 1 1 1 2.04 2.19 2.17 5
0 0.5 1.25 1.25 16.37 76.92 28.57 5
0 13 13 13 19.57 19.2 19.54 5
0 3 3 3 10.02 46.1 25.9 5
0 13 14 14 14.19 7.31 7.51 6
0 1 1 1 19.58 21.64 21.64 5
0 5 5 5 12.61 12.38 12.57 5
0 9 9 9 26.29 14.34 6.7 5
0 2 2 2 4.07 4.07 4.07 5
0 0.75 0.5 0.5 4.83 4.21 6.19 5
0 1 1 0 100 100 05
0 3 5 3 0.99 1.77 0.98 5
0 1.5 1.5 1.5 4.93 6.56 20.22 5
0 40 40 56 11.29 11.62 12.2 5
0 14 13 13 12.35 8.96 9.97 5
0 0.5 0.5 1.5 17.31 16.88 80.08 5
0 22 22 22 6.75 6.75 6.75 5
0 187 187 187 32.26 33.1 33.1 7
0 3 4.5 4.5 4.86 6.25 6.24 5
0 15 15 15 58.68 59.56 60.39 5
0 31 32 41 12.07 15.12 10.34 5
0 2 2 2 11.55 11.54 11.22 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 1.25 1.25 1.25 11.26 28.02 28.02 5
0 1.5 2 2 20.51 22.75 18.57 7
0 25 25 25 51.25 45.97 45.59 7
0 2 4 4 34.9 27.93 27.93 5
0 8 13 13 19.53 21.78 21.27 5
0 0.5 0.5 0.5 13.18 12.86 12.9 5
0 2.5 2.5 2.5 16.09 16.26 16.39 5
0 5 5 5 23.17 23.4 23.59 7
0 5.7 5.7 5.7 26.37 26.62 26.8 7
0 14 14 14 10.66 10.78 10.88 7
0 41.25 41.25 41.25 8.66 8.76 8.81 2
0 4.6 4.6 4.6 5.83 5.89 5.96 5
0 0.5 0.5 0.5 3.33 3.29 3.21 7
0 7 7 9 7.65 7.72 6.48 5
0 4.25 4.25 4.25 12.4 12.22 12 7
0 1 1 1 13.7 1.72 1.74 5
0 28 28 28 28.47 28.74 28.94 5
0 13.1 13.1 13.1 10.29 9.11 9.49 2
0 16 16 16 20.8 20.55 20.22 5
0 1.5 1.5 1.5 6.05 6.74 6.72 7
0 14 21 21 9.9 10.24 10.04 5
0 1 1 1 3.56 4.51 4.54 7
0 3.02 3.02 3.02 12.18 12.32 12.43 7
0 1 1 1 12.26 12.53 12.77 5
0 11 11 11 6.34 6.24 6.13 7
0 0.61 0.61 0.61 5.14 5.2 5.2 7
0 1.5 2 2 29.01 33.16 33.51 7
0 1 1 1 2.85 2.9 2.92 5
0 1.1 1.1 1.1 34.07 34.24 34.56 7
0 4 4 4 3.13 2.97 2.94 7
0 7 7 7 24.75 23.11 22.94 7
0 1 0.5 0.5 14.52 16.07 13.92 5
0 1 1 1 2.76 2.32 2.29 7
0 6 6 6 38.55 13.73 9.62 4
0 22 23 25 24.07 27.53 38.15 7
0 0.5 0.5 0 2.2 19.52 05
0 1.5 1.5 3.5 3.68 4.58 5.33 4
0 25 25 29 18.34 20.76 19.97 5
0 5.5 5.75 5.75 25.49 31.95 31.73 7
0 51 51 51 35.9 40.64 40.26 4
0 2 2 2 6.38 4.33 4.21 7
0 189 189 189 52.32 50.7 36.83 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 8 8 8 40.23 40.23 39 5
0 17 17 17 29.46 28.03 26.69 7
0 1 1 1 29.38 28.29 26.93 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 40 40 40 10.43 10.75 10.65 7
0 11 11 5 27.67 27.67 27.68 5
0 10 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 4 4 4 100 7.81 4.38 5
0 2.6 2.6 2.6 3.9 3.75 3.8 5
0 9.9 9.9 9.9 7.99 7.05 7.08 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 19.6 19.6 19.6 16.63 13.44 14.69 5
0 2 5 4 9.75 9.12 9.71 4
0 1.05 1.05 1.05 0.93 1.27 1.18 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 10 10 10 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 9 0 0 13.31 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0.05 0 0 72.22 0 05
0 2.78 0 0 3.98 0 07
0 5 7.4 8 100 100 100 7
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0 2.5 2.5 2.5 20.71 12.26 12.37 2
0 6 7 7 27.27 30.88 30 7
0 2.5 2.5 2.5 5.07 5.12 4.35 3
0 3 3.8 4 11.34 17.71 17.71 7
0 23.5 23.5 22.5 41.5 33.9 45.05 7
0 2.2 9 9 10.59 100 100 7
0 5.5 5.5 5.5 1.46 1.46 1.46 6
0 1 4 4 100 100 100 7
0 2.5 2.5 2.5 4.7 4.73 4.78 2
0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.58 1.59 1.28 7
0 1 0.5 0.5 0.85 0.01 0.01 5
0 23.5 23.5 23.5 3.37 3.37 3.37 6
0 1 2 2 1.33 2.66 2.21 6
0 0 1 1 0 0.94 0.31 6
0 1 1 1 1.16 0.9 1.16 1
0 0 1.75 1.75 0 97.81 99.38 6
0 2.5 2 4.5 5.92 2.49 6.37 6
0 12 12.25 12.5 18.33 17.91 17.49 6
0 0 2.5 2.75 0 9 13.18 6
0 1 1 1.5 6.93 5.8 5.81 7
0 1.75 1.75 2.5 3.48 12.12 3.76 6
0 5 5 5 37.79 36.53 36.54 7
0 1 1 1 0.79 0.8 0.81 2
0 3.5 3.5 3.5 5.45 7.86 7.86 6
5.493807 8.4 8.4 8.4 10.13 9.82 10.03 1
0 2 2 2 5.9 7.94 7.96 1
0 3.5 3.5 1.5 25.99 10.87 7.87 5
0 2.2 2.2 2.1 16.3 30.83 29.94 6
0 1.6 1.9 1.8 12.3 8.46 12.69 7
0 13.9 13.9 13.9 61.79 60.59 60.59 7
0 10 10 10 47.22 50.56 44.6 7
0 8 8 8 100 76.91 98.16 7
0 1.7 1.8 1.6 65.43 66.8 63.87 5
0 1.1 1.3 1.3 24.46 29.27 28.21 6
0 0.6 0.7 0.9 14.47 12.36 14.58 7
0 27.2 27.5 27.5 16.72 13.78 16.81 7
0 4 2.6 3.7 14.73 11.51 15.62 3
0 47.3 47.3 47.3 16.78 16.6 17.48 3
0 18.6 18.5 18.5 26.44 25.06 25.34 7
0 2.8 2.3 2.3 25.46 27.08 25.26 6
0 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.73 8.34 7.5 5
0 2.5 2.5 2.5 13.87 24.89 24.94 5
0 17 17 17 19.44 19.24 18.21 5
0 21.25 21.25 21.25 12.35 12.11 12.11 4
0 0.55 0.55 1.05 6.02 5.88 5.74 7
0 3.76 4.49 0.55 11.58 11.34 11.08 7
0 0.55 0.55 0.55 6.02 5.88 5.74 7
0 0.55 0.55 0.55 6.02 5.88 3.39 7
0 6 6 6 19.36 50.24 49.68 5
0 2 3 3 12.91 12.24 5.73 7
0 0.22 0.22 0.22 1.02 1.02 1.02 7
0 0 0 0.14 0 0 17
0 8 8 8 6.54 7.83 7.73 3
0 0.01 0.01 0.01 1.05 1.05 1.05 7
0 0.05 0.05 0.05 1 1 17
0 0.06 0.06 0.06 1 1 17
0 4 4 4 16.34 16.34 16.34 5
0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.21 1.21 0.56 5
0 0.11 0.11 0.11 1 1 17
0 21 19.55 20.75 32.16 23.94 23.25 5
0 0.4 0.9 0.9 3.13 9.6 9.69 4
0 10.4 10.7 10.7 62.27 69.67 69.48 6
0 5 6 6 97.32 97.78 97.78 5
0 1.25 2.1 2.1 15.29 22.65 22.64 4
0 6 9.6 9.6 46.73 63.05 63.07 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 26 24 24 53.26 51.3 51.31 5
0 33 30 30 51.87 45.4 51.77 5
0 99 90 90 74.78 73.16 73.23 5
0 1 1 1 42.94 43.02 43.68 5
0 12 11 11 56.2 53.84 53.88 5
0 14 13 13 67.91 66.74 66.79 5
0 14 14 14 67.89 67.95 67.97 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0.5 0.5 0.5 69.31 69.9 70.19 5
0 1 1 1 53.64 54.25 54.37 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 19 13 13 81.72 76.2 76.17 5
0 1.2 1.2 1.2 80 80.18 80.43 5
0 1 1 1 54.39 54.49 54.75 5
0 6 6 6 75.51 57.65 57.62 5
0 10 9 9 74.98 75.07 75.11 5
0 0.8 0.8 0.8 32.25 32.18 31.94 5
0 23 21 24 49.25 46.02 44.46 5
0 31 76 76 22.89 47.26 50.42 2
0 15 15 15 34.82 34.62 34.33 5
0 29.8 26.3 26.3 79.91 79.1 79.18 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 31.3 25 25 79.19 66.7 63.98 5
0 7 7 7 74.9 74.95 75.02 5
0 75 66 66 62.96 69.2 71.83 5
0 6 6 7 46.34 46.41 49.5 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0.1 0.2 0.1 9.62 8.09 9.62 5
0 7 7 7 40.14 30.47 37.09 5
0 0.3 0.3 0.3 9.9 9.9 9.9 5
0 15 17 17 55.37 59.18 58.09 5
0 0.15 0.15 0.15 3.54 2.83 2.83 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 4 4.5 5 21.87 33.07 39.03 4
0 7 5 6 35.41 82.04 70.34 6
0 2.95 2.95 2.95 13.05 13.15 12.81 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0.5 0.5 0.5 5.23 5.08 4.97 5
0 0.7 0.7 0.7 28.57 34.15 34.28 5
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0 1 1 1 32.66 42.76 41.27 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0.25 0.25 0.25 2.72 2.8 2.88 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 1.25 1.55 0.35 25.09 51.41 19.05 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 1 1 1 8.5 3.36 3.59 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 04
0 1 1 1 6.16 7.62 6.43 5
0 1.25 1.25 1.25 4.03 4.2 4.71 2
0 3.5 3.5 3.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 5
0 0.1 0 0 13.43 0 03
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0.3 0.3 0 2.75 2.69 05
0 7.76 7.65 7.65 26.95 35.25 34.41 7
0 8 9 9 26.77 33.2 23.82 6
0 3 6 6 12.47 8.09 17.62 5
0 0.4 0.4 0.4 11.36 5.68 5.56 7
0 6 6 6 36.88 28.12 31.25 4
3.681 0.7 0.7 0.7 2.37 2.31 2.31 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 2.5 2.5 2.5 70.1 54.09 54.09 5
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0 0 0 1 0 0 2.08 5
0 0 0 4.25 0 0 12.78 6
0 0 0 0.4 0 0 1.23 6
0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0.81 6
0 1 1 2 9.89 4.76 87.8 7
0 0.28 2.62 0 0.74 100 03
0 0.5 0.5 0.5 9.95 10.81 10.81 7
0 16.9 22.9 22.9 28.6 35.37 35.6 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 03
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0.1 0 0 8.62 0 03
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 4.52 4.1 4.1 3.62 2.06 2.19 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 04
0 0 0 0 0 0 03
0 5 5 5 13.56 13.73 13.73 3
0 8.5 15 3 0.2 28 65
0 16 16 16 5.17 5.17 4.63 5
0 3 3 3 16.47 16.03 16.13 5
0 1 1 1 0.2 0.2 0.2 5
0 45.2 45.2 45.2 17.8 18.9 17 7
0 1 1 1 19.6 19.6 18.79 5
0 2 2 2 3.92 3.92 2.19 5
0 1 1 0.7 30 30 3.78 7
0 10 0 0 8.68 0 03
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 2 2 2 23.46 23.72 23.85 7
0 1.6 1.6 1.6 4.73 4.73 4.78 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.31 3.27 3.11 6
0 4 4 4 40.2 40.55 40.72 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 13 13 13 5 5 4.62 5
0 14 14 14 32.54 32.49 32.28 5
0 13 13 13 46.91 46.43 44.35 1
0 20 18 18 9.77 8.17 8.17 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 3 3 3 3.24 3.24 3.24 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 1.8 4.8 4.8 75 75 75 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 4 0 0 9.67 0 06
0 1 1 1 28.69 33.33 33.49 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 1 1 1 44.08 43.89 43.52 7
0 3 3 3 3.22 3.11 3.06 6
0 3 4 4 0.05 0.05 0.05 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 4 4 4 25.39 25.1 25.1 5
0 1 1 1 21 25 42.33 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 27 30 33 4 4 55
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 33 34 34 1.87 1.87 1.87 7
0 48 50 52 3.89 3.62 2.75 5
0 90 90 90 11.6 12 11.8 5
0 14 14 14 8.48 8.48 8.48 2
0 161 159 158 29.7 25.62 25.5 6
0 178.5 179.5 179.5 30.09 30.17 32.24 5
0 4 5 5 13.51 16.31 13.15 6
0 765.5 768.5 747.5 37.31 37.29 39.92 7
0 1 1 1 4.06 3.98 2.95 7
0 2 2 2 16.06 13.54 10.11 6
0 5 7 7 5.41 6.18 10.3 6
0 1 1.3 1.3 17.45 6.31 6.23 6
0 25.5 25.5 25.5 5.21 4.97 4.81 5
0 1.4 1 1 100 100 7.66 7
0 1.6 1.6 1.6 11.58 9.63 10.64 5
0 2 2 2 84.66 84.85 100 7
0 1.6 1.6 1.6 6.5 7.45 86
0 11 12 12 10.22 14.18 14.35 1
0 1.5 1.5 1.5 4.19 4.13 4.04 6
0 3 3 3 14.23 14.23 14.23 6
0 10 10 10 11.14 12.91 12.79 7
0 2 2 2 7.73 9.24 13.23 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 1 1 1 12.13 12.28 12.36 7
0 10 10 10 31.14 57.92 58.1 5
0 6 6 6 39.64 39.27 12.14 7
0 15 15 20.3 57.98 58.33 65.31 5
0 13 13 13 30.77 31.08 31.3 5
0 1.5 2 2 3.33 3.93 4.96 6
0 1 1 1 3 3 35
0 3 9 9 10 15 15 1
0 1 1 1 100 3 56
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 02
0 55 63 65 3 3 43
0 45 45 44 4 4 65
0 2 0 0 10 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 7.32 6.79 7
0 3.25 4.5 6 3.3 2.03 1.91 5
0 7
0 1
0 1
0 7
0 7
0 7
0 7
0 7
0 7
0 7
0 7
0 7 15 28 55 59 47
0 5
0 5 5 5 0.4 0.4 0.4 6
0 13 13 13 14 20.6 20.6 7
0 18 18 18 25.7 35.8 35.8 7
0 24 24 22 55 49 65 7
0 8 8 8 35.9 44.4 44.4 7
0 2 15 5
0 74 70 70 16.93 17.32 17.33 7
0 6
0 7
0 15 15 15 16 23 22 6
28.832411 69.5 76 76 21.3 16.08 18.94 4
0 1
0 7
0 5
0 7
0 7
0.042083 1 1 1 24 24 24 6
0 7
0 5
0 7
0 5
0 5
0 4
0 7
0 7
0 11.5 11.5 10 2.46 2.62 2.92 2
0 7
0 7
0.090294 13 15 15 20.55 24.47 22.14 4
0 7
0.095481 13 14 14 25.55 28.57 20.53 7
0 68.6 1 1 38.3 36.9 36.9 7
0 16 19 19 10.99 15.53 15.99 7
0 0.95 0.5 0.5 2.98 2.98 3.05 7
0 1 1 1 18.75 63.7 64 7
0 2 1.9 1.9 100 100 100 5
0 0.45 0.45 0.45 4.35 3.92 3.32 7
0 1.1 1.1 1.1 100 100 100 7
0 14.1 13 13 52.1 36.6 36.6 7
0 2.7 2.55 2.55 34.8 0.3 0.3 7
0 67.7 84.31 84.31 45.36 36.16 37.77 4
0 12.5 12.63 12.63 17.68 21.51 21.6 5
0 6 6 6 4.35 4.26 3.17 5
0 10 10.31 10.31 9.03 9.08 11.34 5
0 5 5 5 3.48 3.28 3.31 5
0 5.85 6.13 6.13 4.31 5.4 5.02 5
0 2.2 2.2 2.2 8 8 10 5
0 2 2.48 2.48 3.12 5.47 5.09 5
0 6 6 6 0.93 0.94 0.95 5
0 60.68 81.93 54.93 32.78 58.09 64.34 5
0 4 4 4 3.23 3.29 3.29 5
0 3 3 3 0.52 0.48 0.51 5
3.13928 11.21 12.47 13.02 35.21 47.03 50.54 7
0 0 18.5 18.5 0 15.27 14.59 5
0 34.49 29 29 75.42 42.62 42.38 5
0 110 98 98 28.4 23.99 28.02 5
0 46 25 25 13.7 9.83 12.46 5
0 0.5 16 16 2.55 9.05 16.82 4
0 0.68 0.85 0.68 10.29 17.26 15.74 7
0 0.18 0.2 0.55 2.46 2.14 4.2 7
0 0.62 0.65 0.78 2.83 3.31 5.27 7
0 0.47 0.45 0.67 1.14 1.58 2.5 7
0 0.46 0.45 0.65 2.06 3.15 4.34 7
0 0.3 0.7 0.84 2.33 2.87 4.47 7
0 0.3 0.7 0.84 2.21 2.76 4.85 7
0 7
0 7
0 6
0 7
0 5
0 5
0 2
0 7
0 7
0 2
0 7
0 7
0 11 11.59 7
0 10 10 10 1.88 1.94 1.65 1
0 20 20 20 14.05 9.28 9.28 5
0 12 12 12 17.39 17.39 17.39 7
0 13 13 13 35.69 41.3 41.3 5
0 312.2 548.2 550.7 42.87 34.33 34.55 7
0 19.27 19.5 19.5 100 99.97 99.97 5
0 6.12 6 6 99.85 100 100 7
0 22.18 21 21 92.15 93.47 93.46 7
0 4.02 3 3 39.88 100 100 7
0 27.61 27.9 27.9 71.04 94.98 94.96 7
0 14.53 13.8 13.8 99.43 100 100 7
0 10.08 8.3 8.3 99.44 100 100 7
0 5 5 5 100 100 100 7
0 11.73 11.05 11.05 95.32 100 100 7
0 8.5 8 8 0.99 1 17
0 4.85 5 5 99 100 100 7
0 9 11.4 11.4 37 98.74 98.74 7
0 1.33 1.2 1.2 99.11 100 100 7
0 3.79 3 3 98 100 100 7
0 13.75 13 13 0.35 100 100 7
0 8.01 8 8 1 1 17
0 61.25 58 58 67.15 67.48 65.02 5
0 18.13 11 11 22.85 14.86 14.82 5
0 116.98 113 115 27.11 28.63 26.81 5
0 9.77 5.5 5.5 13.78 7.84 4.7 5
0 692.54 670.6 670.6 29.26 32.87 39.17 5
0 505.07 476.15 481.15 22.1 22.13 21.92 5
0 4.7 5.75 5.75 98.2 100 100 7
0 25.52 24.64 24.64 88.79 100 100 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 17.17 16.8 16.8 89.17 89.76 89.73 5
0 2.96 4.5 4.5 20.77 100 100 7
0 4.36 1 1 34.48 100 100 5
0 4.09 3.78 3.78 100 100 100 7
0 1668.75 1601.28 1604.78 47.05 53.83 48.77 5
0 1018.07 1014.65 1057.15 58.38 61.26 71.81 5
0 15.48 36 36 22.81 31.59 26.36 6
0 5.97 6.5 6.5 100 99.49 99.49 5
0 34.78 32.5 32.5 88.81 73.84 73.78 5
0 3.31 4.25 4.25 100 100 100 5
0 15.42 15.5 15.5 100 99.95 99.95 5
0 12.38 16 16 83.18 99.46 99.46 5
0 4.66 7 7 99.32 100 100 5
0 8.12 9.75 9.75 93.81 98.9 98.89 5
0 7.07 6.75 6.75 100 100 100 5
0 4.99 4.75 4.75 100 100 100 5
0 37.74 37 37 99.87 99.81 99.8 5
0 5.61 5 5 100 100 100 5
0 7.81 7.75 7.75 100 100 100 5
0 13.04 12.75 12.75 100 100 100 5
0 11.38 10.75 10.75 82.7 99.27 99.26 5
0 16.24 14.25 14.25 99.81 79.04 78.99 5
0 5.92 5.75 5.75 79.08 79.24 79.19 5
0 8.15 14.5 14.5 84.56 90.55 90.52 5
0 2.18 2.5 2.5 100 100 100 5
0 13.92 13 13 100 100 100 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 11.08 32 41 45.05 16.59 15.1 7
0 26.05 32.75 32.75 93.71 95.34 95.33 7
0 76.57 71.5 71.5 69.8 71.42 60.76 7
0 14.16 13.3 13.3 73.96 100 100 7
0 330.6 337.2 444.2 87.42 92.57 93.23 7
0 32.99 33 106 26.23 22.71 13.77 7
0 22.63 16.4 16.4 100 100 100 7
0 2.94 3 3 100 100 100 7
0 3.51 4 4 100 100 100 7
0 4.3 4 4 100 100 100 7
0 14.83 13.5 13.5 99.68 100 100 7
0 8.66 8.41 8.41 43.88 100 100 7
0 11.76 13 13 53.39 100 100 5
0 152.87 183 186.5 17.09 22.25 22.6 5
0 10.31 12 12 99.5 99.36 99.36 7
0 35.37 29.3 29.3 37.2 46.98 46.91 5
0 31 17 17 28.61 21.48 21.42 5
0 38.47 33.03 33.03 88 76 76 7
0 0.99 1 1 100 100 100 7
0 20.56 17.67 17.67 37.48 92.84 62.59 7
0 113.22 105.5 105.5 97.24 97.17 97.16 5
0 52.9 47.5 47.5 65.8 59.8 59.72 5
0 43.64 40 40 86.61 100 100 7
0 25.22 29 29 25.54 27.37 27.62 7
0 5.18 4.75 4.75 100 100 100 5
0 9.76 7.25 7.25 90.02 79.8 79.75 7
0 195.9 185.5 253 53 51.24 11.41 7
0 20.53 19.75 19.75 100 100 100 7
0 153.75 180.22 180.22 34.69 30.41 100 5
0 6.64 6 6 100 100 100 6
0 16.26 13.79 13.79 49.73 100 100 7
0 13.05 11.6 11.6 100 100 100 7
0 14.21 13.5 13.5 98.64 100 100 7
0 7.58 7.7 7.7 99 100 100 7
0 7.51 5 5 100 100 100 7
0 4.14 4.75 4.75 100 100 100 5
0 70.83 100.5 100.5 26.33 16.33 16.37 5
0 11.27 12.7 12.7 100 100 100 7
0 10.37 6 6 30.5 100 100 7
0 4.42 4 4 100 100 100 6
0 3.94 3 3 100 100 100 7
0 2.89 4 4 99.49 100 100 7
0 2.28 3.5 3.5 100 100 100 7
0 9.01 9 9 99.68 100 100 7
0 5.91 4.5 4.5 80.35 100 100 5
0 216.8 208.3 208.3 84 96 98 7
0 7.12 6.69 6.69 100 100 100 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 7
0 4.63 4.89 4.89 100 100 100 7
0 127.2 116.8 117.3 51 87 86 7
0 0 0 0 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 7
0 21.24 23 23 32 33 33 7
0 24.92 0 0 5.99 0 04
0 8.26 8.8 8.8 37 100 100 7
0 9.36 9.75 9.75 100 100 100 5
0 20.09 17 17 100 100 100 7
0 7.29 6.5 6.5 72.91 100 100 7
0 17.18 17 17 99 100 100 7
0 8.63 4 4 99.7 100 100 7
0 4.62 3.42 3.42 100 100 100 7
0 7.88 6.5 6.5 92.9 100 100 7
0 18.19 18.5 18.5 91.2 90.63 90.6 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 3.81 3.5 3.5 100 100 100 5
0 1.09 1 1 100 100 100 7
0 8.67 9 9 31.77 100 100 7
0 8.7 7.55 7.55 100 100 100 7
0 7.43 7 7 98.82 100 100 7
0 22 23 23 22.1 25.3 25.1 1
0 22 20 20 30.2 21.8 21.8 6
0 22 22 22 48.8 51.2 51.2 6
0 137 139 139 35.9 41.6 41.5 4
0 5 6 6 14.5 14.8 14.3 1
0 23 23 23 40 42 41.8 6
0 6 6 6 27 26.2 25.6 6
0 7
0 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07

0 11 12 12 47 44 44 7
0 25 25 13 11 7
0 25 25 13 11 7
0 25 25 13 11 6
0 7
0 0 0 0 05
0 0 11 25.5 41.6 12 7
0 7
0 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 72.8 29 7
0 0 3.5 3.5 0 100 100 5
0 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 13.13 13 13 52.01 51.39 51.31 7
0 2 0 0 1.39 0 07
0 0.01 0.2 0.2 100 100 100 7
0 15 15 15 70 71.8 72.5 6
0 6 6 6 30.8 19.4 18.8 6
0 3 3 3 9.4 7.6 7.4 6
0 5
0 7
0 1.5 0 0 2.53 0 05
0 4.5 10.04 1
0 0.3 0 0 100 0 07
0 0.33 100 7
0 0.93 100 7
0 7.76 100 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0.56 100 7
0 2.63 100 7
0 1.38 0 0 100 0 07
0 0.47 100 7
0 0.24 100 7
0 32.6 0 0 24.2 0 07
0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 07
0 6 0 0 19.81 0 05
0 22.2 0 0 25.83 0 05
0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 07
0 1.33 0 0 3.74 0 05
0 0.08 0 0 7.77 0 05
0 7.63 0 0 4.18 0 05
0 1 0 0 3.32 0 07
0 1.33 0 0 10.53 0 05
0 38 0 0 37.14 0 05
0 203 0 0 31.44 0 05
0 46 0 0 20.38 0 05
0 24 0 0 14.25 0 07
0 33.58 0 0 41.43 0 05
0 1 0 0 20.78 0 07
0 3.33 0 0 100 0 07
0 10.2 0 0 17.57 0 05
0 46.25 0 0 43 0 05
0 4.75 0 0 11.02 0 07
0 11.3 0 0 45.89 0 05
0 5 0 0 46.39 0 07
0 2 0 0 28.31 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 33.41 25.96 25.96 94.57 100 100 5
0 6.13 6.5 6.5 24.76 100 100 7
0 0 0 0 5.2 9.79 7
0 0 77.56 74.74 18.65 18.01 5
0 0 154.04 148.16 0 19.84 20 2
3.604484 0 52.84 52.24 0 14.21 14.34 2
0 0 269 269 22.88 22.56 5
0 0 17.23 17.23 0 33.23 32.44 7
0 6 6 6 14.5 14.1 13.8 6
0 10 11 11 27.3 25.6 26.3 6
0 16 16 16 38.1 35.2 35.6 6
0 88 91 90 73.98 100 78.64 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 28 19 18 63.08 100 58.89 7
0 68 51 50 44.16 67.14 54.9 7
0 61 72 71 54.07 81.32 53.16 4
0 30 38 38 69.8 100 79.06 7
0 160 137 136 61.65 99.05 70.67 7
0 207 229 229 33.23 38.83 32.95 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 115 103 103 55.52 50.97 46.71 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 28 43 43 67.29 100 80.01 7
0 50 85 84 44.42 100 78.81 7
0 42 66 66 73.19 100 84.29 7
0 13 8 0 6.17 2.03 07
0 46 50 50 44.18 84 47.72 7
0 110 68 67 78.55 100 73.9 7
0 157 131 131 39.19 44.91 38.42 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 36 27 26 75.32 100 73.94 7
0 46 72 72 9.44 15.04 13.63 2
0 100 22 22 92.15 46.07 38.77 6
0 24 27 26 21.91 25.52 20.35 7
0 846 836 897 42.66 77.03 54.52 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 153 139 139 86.86 100 88.31 7
0 791 751 760 12.07 13.56 13.58 1
0 27 44 44 23.67 100 70.88 7
0 27 45 44 21.51 64.69 42.63 6
0 29 60 60 27.11 95.63 44.5 6
0 5 6 6 8.54 6.68 5.86 6
0 22 39 39 59.16 85.26 79.54 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 122 123 123 48.43 80.03 52.22 7
0 30 34 34 36.96 62.97 38.08 7
0 69 27 26 83.18 100 70.38 7
0 43 63 63 67.82 100 79.6 7
0 27 30 29 23.46 58.07 29.99 3
0 85 73 72 71.03 100 72.9 7
0 130 134 133 66.38 100 71.85 7
0 42 39 39 62.35 100 65.84 7
0 25 15 15 44.06 27.09 25.66 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 77 77 0 44.16 15.84 1
0 1 1 1 22.36 7.49 7.19 4
0 0.1 0.1 0 6.25 6.25 6.25 7
0 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.99 5.21 5.21 5
0 0.2 0.13 0.13 6.67 12.79 7.28 7
0 3 4.25 4.25 36.53 37.96 16.34 5
0 0.1 0.2 0 4.98 7.55 07
0 2 2.2 2.2 7.89 7.31 7.31 4
0 0.5 0.7 0.7 7.06 7.98 10.63 7
0 1 1 1 24.77 24.77 07
0 0.3 0.95 0.95 9.29 7.21 7.22 6
0 0.5 0.7 0.7 4.54 6.33 10.51 7
0 1.2 1.2 1.8 20.06 19.98 19.27 7
0 0.1 0.1 0 20 20 07
0 2 2 0 19.92 19.92 07
0 0.1 0.1 0 7.41 7.41 7.41 7
0 0.1 0 0 33.33 0 07
0 0.3 0.3 0.3 3.85 1.96 1.96 5
0 0.1 0.1 0 1.67 2.44 07
0 0.43 0.43 0.43 34.74 33.48 34.74 7
0 18 1 1 17.96 21.02 17.96 5
0 1.25 1.25 1.25 19.53 9.51 10.97 5
0 0.4 0.45 0.4 3.55 3.74 3.74 7
0 0.5 0.5 0.5 47.53 26.41 27.27 7
0 1.63 1.63 1.63 27.51 27.47 26.4 7
0 0 0.9 0.9 0 39.23 38.6 1
0 7 12.25 12.25 1.36 2.14 2.1 5
0 4 4 4 20.26 22.21 24.07 5
0 16 10.19 10.19 22.42 16.18 14.9 5
0 12.75 12.75 12.75 24.03 8.19 20.44 7
0 2 2 2 10.56 6.78 9.57 5
0 12 12 12 16.93 19.88 19.77 5
0 0.2 0.2 0.2 100 100 100 5
0 1.16 0.83 0.88 46.55 40.27 40.82 5
0 2 2 2 1.12 1.2 1.2 5
0 7 7 7 78.93 47.18 51.71 5
0 12 10 8 20.62 13.48 13.02 5
0 3 3 3 24.32 33.18 29.87 5
0 20 20 20 5.35 11.58 4.83 5
0 9 9 9 38.22 35.46 27.25 5
0 0.5 0.5 1 11.14 10.89 34.4 5
0 7.5 7.5 7.5 45.64 39.79 37.43 5
0 1.5 1.5 1.5 14.65 14.15 14.08 5
0 0.5 0.5 0.5 9.31 9.18 8.94 5
0 5.2 5.2 5.2 21.2 20.74 21.62 5
0 2 0.85 0.5 19.14 14.39 11.65 7
0 22 22 22 5.29 4.44 6.78 2
0 2 2 2 5.68 20.17 9.16 5
0 8.85 10.58 9.06 14.62 18.54 32.04 1
0 15 15 0 83.89 80.67 05
0 12 12 12 1.69 1.3 1.57 5
0 0.73 0.75 0.75 30.7 12.59 15.25 7
0 1 1 1 12.12 11.87 11.64 5
0 15 15 16 11.47 16.38 15.58 5
0 1.6 1.6 1.6 6.78 4.8 3.57 4
0 11.4 18 18 13.35 21.52 21.54 5
0 0.1 0.1 0.5 2.17 1.52 2.17 5
0 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.33 16.76 17.16 5
0 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.43 0.82 0.53 5
0 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.23 1.39 2.54 5
0 2.5 2.5 2.5 5.64 2.33 2.98 5
0 0.2 0.2 0 20.69 20.69 20.69 7
0 2 2 0 19.01 18.8 17.67 5
0 0.25 0.25 0.25 54.55 54.55 54.55 7
0 0 2.74 2.37 0 21.88 8.24 7
0 0.1 0.1 0.1 5.66 5.66 37
0 7.92 7.92 7.92 93.17 87.2 73.61 7
0 1.19 1.19 1.19 43.98 26.66 26.66 7
0 0.3 0.3 0 8.33 20.45 06
0 0.5 0.5 0 52.45 37.69 05
0 1.22 1.22 0.37 3.67 3.67 3.67 2
0 0.9 0.9 0 24.19 7.13 07
0 0.5 0.5 0.5 20.74 20.74 20.74 3
0 0.1 0.1 0 9.09 15.87 9.62 7
0 0.25 0.25 0.25 31.25 30 07
0 1 1 1 14.05 14.57 14.05 7
0 0.1 0.3 0.3 4.55 7.89 16.57 7
0 0.37 0.4 0.4 0 39.98 39.98 5
0 0.1 0.1 0 3.86 28.57 2.52 5
0 2 2 2 35.14 34.55 34.55 7
0 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.13 0.13 0.09 7
0 0.81 0.81 0.81 62.62 19.67 19.67 2
0 0.05 0.05 0 2.61 2.48 07
0 4.02 4.02 5.02 16.69 50.49 9.03 7
0 1.55 1.55 0 47.64 47.64 07
0 1.37 1.4 0 93.64 68.18 68.18 7
0 0.25 0.25 0.25 12.82 12.82 12.82 7
0 2 2 2 20.13 19.93 19.93 6
0 9 9 9 24.28 21.83 29.82 5
0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 18.92 15.43 5
0 0.3 0.3 0 29.41 34.48 07
0 0.5 0.5 0.5 30.37 29.29 28.71 7
0 2 2 2 14.51 14.77 15.68 3
0 1 1 1 37.46 23.27 23.87 7
0 7 7 7 24.14 26.33 28.71 5
0 0.35 0.35 0.4 13.51 13.51 31.25 7
1.072 0.75 0.5 0.5 6.39 6.6 6.6 3
0 1.33 1.33 0 90.19 61.82 61.82 2
0 0.62 0.62 0 34.83 34.83 34.83 2
0 1 1 1 41.67 34.88 26.32 7
0 10 10 10 26.96 39.43 19.42 6
0 0.25 0.25 0.25 13.19 5.66 5.66 7
0 0.3 0.3 0 83.33 83.33 83.33 2
0 0.25 0.25 0.25 25 28.57 25 7
0 1 1 1 8.34 9.09 47
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0 2 7.6 11.6 10.92 7.7 8.33 6
0 53 55 68 18.66 18.49 20.13 7
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0 0 0 0 0 0 07
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0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 45.9 46 45.8 6.5 6.27 6.32 7
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0 16 10.48 12.78 4.34 7.16 3.32 5
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0 156 152.2 131.4 8.84 8.63 8.39 6
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0 33 33 33 43.43 43.43 43.43 7
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0 6.5 7 8 61.54 21.52 19.89 4
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0.6 6 6 6 0 13.97 14.04 1
0 2 2 2 17.69 17.23 17.23 6
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0 3.5 3.5 3.5 9.59 9.21 8.77 6
0 0.13 1.25 1.25 100 3.66 4.12 6
0 1.33 1.33 1.33 9 10.17 10 6
0 0.25 0.25 0.25 25.26 25.28 25.28 6
0 14 14 15 58.88 59.45 58.44 2
0 2.7 2.7 2.7 0 33.39 24.69 5
0 1.2 1.2 1.2 0 42.07 42.07 7
0 0.3 0.3 0.3 100 100 100 5
0 6 6 6 100 100 100 5
0 2.3 2.5 2.5 53.96 100 100 5
0 1 1 1 7.89 8.57 10.34 7
0 2 2 2 0 44.64 45.61 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 1 1 1 13.51 11.36 11.36 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 2.5 2.5 2.5 13.86 14.62 13.7 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
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0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 47.3 60.34 6
0 3 3 3 6.65 6.1 6.32 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 1 1 1 2.7 2.37 2.37 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 42.86 6
0 0 0 0 20.83 3.17 3.14 7
0 2.59 3.55 8.42 0 40.16 29.4 6
0 26 26 26 0 28.43 28.43 7
0 58 58 58 0 28.43 28.43 7
0 48 48 48 0 28.43 28.43 2
0 26 26 26 0 28.43 28.43 7
0 19 19 19 0 28.43 28.43 7
0 60 60 60 0 28.43 28.43 7
0 90 90 90 0 28.43 23.58 4
0 3 3 3 0 28.43 28.43 7
0 80 80 80 0 28.43 28.43 7
0 82 82 82 0 28.43 28.43 7
0 45 45 45 0 15.85 26.33 7
0 6 6 6 0 28.43 28.43 7
0 62 62 62 0 21.17 20.55 7
0 4 4 4 0 28.43 28.43 7
0 3 3 3 0 28.43 28.43 7
0 53 53 53 0 18.93 19.41 6
0 07
0 0 5 15 0 06
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0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
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0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
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0 0 0 0 0 0 01
1.2 0 0 0 0 0 05
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0 3 4.5 4.66 7.9 14.8 15.29 1
0 2.5 4.56 4.69 12.8 16.29 15.46 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
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0 1 9.86 10.32 1.66 14.77 15.59 5
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0 1 0.84 1.07 17.53 14.8 15.29 5
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0 25 3.23 3.33 100 14.8 15.29 5
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60.075 38 45 52 4.26 4.59 5.42 5
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0 14.76 14.76 14.76 41.26 41.26 41.26 5
0 0.99 0.4 0.5 14.76 14.16 15.53 5
0 3 2 2 5.04 2.54 2.64 2
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0 9.9 9.9 9.9 16.93 16.14 16.68 5
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0 5 9.6 6.7 12.46 14.16 15.53 5
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0 7.56 16 17.4 4.01 8.56 12.65 4
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0 16.19 15.6 12.6 12.25 14.68 12.98 5
0 14.39 11.7 12.9 12.12 10.68 13.37 5
0 0.98 1 1.1 12.37 14.16 15.53 5
0 0.47 1.5 1.6 8.93 24.95 26.13 4
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0 29.25 39.2 37.9 14.82 13.34 14.57 1
0 0.37 1.1 1.3 4.21 10.95 13.44 5
0 1.5 1.5 1.5 8.84 5.92 5.92 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
1.7 6 5 5 11.84 8.86 9.24 4
0 25.8 50.9 50.9 26.03 32.57 33.2 5
2.333688 3 3 3 9.06 9.05 9.12 1
0 9.34 14.5 13.9 20.51 13.87 14.12 5
0 1.1 1.1 1.1 5.68 5.56 5.58 5
0 16 17 17 45.6 36.69 46.55 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 37.13 29.2 27.9 17.39 13.64 13.78 5
0 7 0.8 0.8 71.7 21.66 22.61 5
0 5 5 5 31.82 39.23 63.29 1
0 18.03 11.7 10.5 20.51 13.59 13.82 5
0 3 3 3 21.51 20.56 20.56 5
0 50.63 54.24 57.5 13.3 17.32 17.36 5
0 2.55 2.6 2.6 48.14 46.06 43.95 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0.5 0.5 0.5 13.47 14.19 21.18 5
0 1.74 2.4 1.5 22.26 13.59 13.82 5
0 31.51 29 29 45.68 45.26 47.83 1
0 1 1 1 59.51 18.75 19.05 5
0 7.09 24.8 26.9 20.51 13.39 13.63 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 14 14 14 17.62 21 21.29 1
0 57.76 11.6 11.1 11.95 23.73 24.79 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0.4 0.4 0.25 38.78 48.72 48.72 1
0 0 1.32 0.66 0 50.85 50.68 5
0 13 20.5 20.5 19.99 30.36 24.6 5
0 4 5 7 5.21 1.53 1.83 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 13.6 14.5 0 9.64 7.91 2
0.036 0.25 0.25 0.25 0 0 01
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0.75 0 5 5.8 0 21.22 24 5
0 1 1 1 20.75 56.61 28.02 1
0 1.8 1.8 1.8 3.92 1.19 6.19 2
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0.1 1 1 1 12.85 16.41 13.94 1
0 0 5.21 1.44 0 21.22 24 5
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0 0 15.7 17 0 19.33 21.68 3
0 0 2.5 2.9 0 21.22 24 5
0 0 19 19.6 0 74.5 72.01 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
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0 3.49 0 0 71.47 0 05
0 0.02 0 0 20.52 0 05
0 0.8 10 10 6.29 23.46 25.55 5
0.11042 8 8.5 8.5 34.92 25.42 19.46 5
0 86 0 0 21.47 0 05
0 14 0.1 0 19.81 0.14 05
0 11 12 12 10.51 4.43 9.19 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 01
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 24 22 22 28.04 21.75 21.67 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 02
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 11 10 10 27.08 11 10.54 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 04
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 02
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 100 100 100 6
0 2 2 2 3.94 3.94 4.35 7
0 21 21 21 13.52 13.08 13.14 1
0 9 9 9 0.16 0.16 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 21 21 22 48.24 43.2 39.6 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 02
0 0 0 0 0 0 02
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 290 357 317 100 100 100 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 01
0 0 0 0 0 0 02
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 02
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 02
0 0 0 0 0 13.45 12.83 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 24.69 70.62 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 02
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 22 22 22 78.75 78.75 78.49 1
0 3 3 3 4.68 4.73 4.72 6
0 9 9 9 10.66 10.76 10.76 1
0 2 2 2 1.26 1.27 1.27 2
0 104 104 104 9.36 11.12 11.48 4
0 253 610 610 33.8 54.7 54.03 4
0 22 22 22 4.49 4.49 4.4 5
0 175 175 144 20.66 20.75 20.61 1
0 67 67 67 10.52 10.63 10.55 1
0 3 3 3 16.38 16.52 16.51 1
0 5 5 5 19.05 19.21 19.21 5
0 1 1 1 17.07 17.21 17.22 7
0 1 1 1 8.57 8.65 8.66 7
0 9 9 9 32.57 32.79 32.79 5
0 40 40 40 24.39 24.58 24.58 5
0 5 5 5 10.54 10.64 10.64 7
0 15 15 15 14.78 14.91 14.91 6
0 1 1 1 5.13 5.18 5.18 1
0 2 2 2 11.96 12.07 12.07 7
0 30 30 30 11.05 11.15 11.15 5
0 45 45 45 61.16 61.4 61.4 7
0 5 5 5 9.24 9.33 9.33 7
0 1 1 1 6.85 6.91 6.92 5
0 1 1 1 4.98 5.03 5.03 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 60 60 60 24.15 24.43 24.24 5
0 10 10 14 2.25 2.28 1.48 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 9 9 9 14.03 14.15 14.31 5
0 5 7 7 5.29 7.39 7.61 5
0 34 34 37 6.68 28.38 27.25 5
0 281 281 262 32.8 35.25 36.31 5
0 42 42 45 2.98 7.33 5.83 2
0 6 7 7 10.15 11.5 9.46 4
0 5 5 5 5.17 4.24 4.06 5
0 294 293 294 12.28 12.55 12.37 4
0 40 40 40 15.21 15.43 15.81 1
0 5 5 13 22.16 7.33 17.11 5
0 6 5 4 6.08 4.33 3.84 5
0 4 4 4 3.42 4.61 4.44 5
0 11 2 9 17.92 5.51 8.92 7
0 1 1 1 4.08 4.21 4.27 5
0 1 1 1 0.89 1 29.08 5
0 1 1 1 2.68 2.68 2.68 5
0 1 1 1 2.05 2.1 2.13 5
0 2 2 2 75.68 63.04 70.98 5
0 4 4 4 89.6 26.51 50.04 7
0 9 9 9 41.59 34.6 47.09 7
0 1 1 1 6.59 9.34 9.39 5
0 13 13 24 50.48 50.48 68.32 5
0 2 2 4 8.26 8.34 9.2 5
0 6 6 6 18.88 18.88 20.52 6
0 39 39 39 77.34 67.6 67.29 7
0 1 1 1 10.28 10.64 10.7 5
0 28 28 28 20.53 21.89 23.86 7
0 2 2 2 27.61 36.29 36.5 5
0 5 5 5 42.71 37.62 37.13 1
0 2 3 3 1.15 1.29 1.31 6
0 3 3 3 10.26 17.45 19.92 5
0 203 173 173 13.78 14.86 13.68 5
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0 20 20 21 19.23 19.16 16.42 4
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0 14 16 16 17.89 14.07 9.3 2
0 2 7 7 9.99 22.08 11.62 7
0 1 1 0 88.5 55.1 07
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0 1 2 2 29.41 55.4 71.13 5
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0 3 3 3 8.77 8.95 20.26 5
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0 2 2 2 23.18 21.05 21.21 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 7 8 6 8.82 10.27 9.5 5
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0 0 0 0 0 0 06
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0 2 2 2 34.12 34.1 33.92 1
0 1 1 1 7.51 3.89 10.34 2
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0 0 0 0 0 0 05
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0 2 2 2 46 46.12 68.4 2
0 7 7 7 35.84 33.98 30.09 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 01
0 2 2 2 12.62 12.2 12.39 7
0 1 1 1 20 20.16 20.16 5
0 1 1 1 34.95 34.63 34.56 7
0 82 80 80 8.83 10.57 14.78 4
0 10 10 10 2.08 2.1 2.2 2
0 20 20 20 16.58 17.89 18.07 5
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0 55 55 55 3.58 2.35 2.81 2
0 14 14 16 3.45 1.89 1.93 2
0 1 1 1 0.25 0.26 0.3 2
0 1700 1508 1514 49.73 41.99 46.63 2
0 22 14 20 11.32 10.23 13.17 2
0 20 17 17 10.66 7.74 9.45 5
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0 11 9 10 5.95 4.26 3.16 5
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0 9 9 12 2.13 3.01 11.35 7
0 12 11 11 4.83 4.47 5.22 6
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0 55 54 54 6 5 3.1 5
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0 0 0 0 0 0 02
0 0 0 0 0 0 02
0 0 0 0 0 0 02
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0 0 0 0 0 0 02
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0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 02
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 02
0 0 0 0 0 0 02
0 0 0 0 0 0 02
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0 0 0 0 0 0 02
0 0 0 0 0 0 02
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0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 02
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 01
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 3 3 3 17.74 27.44 31.39 5
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0 0 0 0 0 0 02
0 0 0 0 0 0 02
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0 0 0 0 0 0 02
0 0 0 0 0 0 02
0 0 0 0 0 0 02
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0 0 0 0 0 0 02
0 0 0 0 0 0 02
2.475 5 0 0 0 0 01
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0 7 7 7 18.14 18.41 18.57 6
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0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 12 10.67 13.31 10.29 2
0 137 106 156 5.38 4.5 5.57 5
0 4 4 4 1.01 0.84 0.61 5
0 19 15 18 5.07 4.53 4.9 5
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0 2 1 1 17.45 24.09 23.85 6
0 17 30 39 1.03 4.04 2.19 1
0 55 41 49 37.76 29.8 41.36 6
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0 5 4 5 6.29 7.69 8.58 5
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0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 17 17 17 21.45 15.53 15.64 5
0 3 3 3 0.97 1.35 1.42 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 04
0 4 4 4 12.44 16.53 16.66 5
0 6 6 6 10.92 10.05 10.15 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 1 1 1 15.19 15 14.45 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 5 5 5 4.79 4.92 30.83 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0.291 0 0 0 0 0 05
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0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
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0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
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0 0 0 0 0 0 07
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0 0 0 0 0 0 01
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 06
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 1 1 1 2.88 4.67 4.72 5
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0 1 1 1 40.57 41.37 41.58 7
0 9 9 9 36.89 36.81 39.68 7
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0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 3 3 3 0 0 07
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0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
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0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 2 2 2 3.06 2.53 2.69 7
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1.029 9.78 9.78 9.78 7.51 7.29 7.33 7
0 38.8 36.8 33 30.01 30.28 33.22 7
0 1 1 1 1.71 1.71 1.71 7
0 17.23 16.72 16.72 33.8 34.45 34.55 7
0 21 21 21 9.26 9.26 9.27 5
0 1.2 0 0 3.04 0 07
0 1 1 1 1.4 1.64 1.67 7
0 1.2 1.2 1.2 6.19 6.38 6.38 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 22 22 22 16.66 16.19 17.84 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 47 46.9 47 62.87 67.47 67.91 7
0 2.85 2.85 2.85 7.7 7.91 8.16 7
0 19.05 12.15 12.15 9.3 9.2 9.08 7
0 51 53.3 52.1 5.4 5.65 5.66 7
0 12.52 12.52 12.52 10.35 10.41 10.51 7
0 11.6 11.6 11.6 11.29 11.02 11.54 1
0 15.3 15.3 15.3 20.19 22.9 23.21 7
0 2.15 2.15 2.15 0.73 0.72 0.71 7
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0 12 15 15 9.31 8.36 8.85 7
0 5 5 5 0 0 07
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0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 4 4 4 4.44 4.88 4.84 7
0 7.5 7.5 7.5 22.82 24.81 24.81 2
0 3 3 3 13.41 13.41 13.41 2
0 0.7 0.7 0.7 1.28 1.27 1.26 7
0 6.7 5.1 5.1 5.73 6.46 6.34 7
0 4.05 4.05 4.05 8.48 8.23 8.39 7
0 15 15.8 15.4 11.78 12.5 12.18 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 2 2 2 10.92 12.54 12.61 7
0 1.7 1.7 1.7 0 0 07
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0 14 20 20 12.4 14.96 18.23 7
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0 22.5 22.5 22.5 18.01 18.58 18.91 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 22.19 22.19 22.19 10.35 14.47 15.06 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
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0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 34 34 34 6.81 6.87 6.84 7
0 11 11 11 0 0 07
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0 6 6 6 13.18 12.94 12.94 2
0 53.77 53.76 53.76 14.53 14.88 15.22 7
0 16 16 16 9.55 9.63 9.6 7
0 18.5 18.5 18.5 14.36 11.72 11.5 2
0 6.37 6.07 6.07 8.58 8.25 8.2 7
0.154 77.8 84.3 84.3 7.73 8.84 9.11 5
0 13 13 13 0 0 05
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0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 16 0 0 14.75 0 07
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3.414202 1 4 4 1.94 4.04 4.71 5
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1.9265 6.2 6 6 28.54 28.18 28.07 7
9.426 17 17 17 20.57 22 20.49 5
1.952226 5.2 5.4 5.6 23.48 23.64 23.68 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
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0 4 4 4 100 100 100 7
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0 122 141 136 44.66 50.41 42.51 4
6.1 4.2 5.3 0 12.77 14.56 05
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0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
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0.8 0 0 0 0 0 04
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0 0 0 0 0 0 07
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0 5 5 5 29.3 22.34 22.1 7
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0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 13 13 13 20.83 39.47 25.86 5
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0 40 40 40 65.19 48.29 47.21 7
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0 0 0 0 0 0 07
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0 0 0 0 0 0 07
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0 3.4 5.2 5.2 7.66 10.19 9.58 2
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0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 5.1 5.1 5.1 14.12 10.36 27.28 2
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0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
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0 20 20 20 7.67 6.91 6.91 5
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0 5 5 3 46.16 46.16 46.16 3
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0 10 10 11 20.77 18.91 22.05 7
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0 6 6 10 9.91 9.66 7.46 7
0 8.5 8.5 8.5 16.3 16.1 15.99 5
0 21 22 22 19.9 20.07 19.38 6
0 2 5 5 23.24 25.54 25.76 3
0 35 33 33 13.6 21.46 21.45 5
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0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 1 1 1 2.07 1.57 1.46 6
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0 3 3 3 22.18 20.2 20.61 1
0 5 5 5 12.51 12.71 13.06 6
0 2 0 0 4 0 07
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0 3.5 10 7 17 20.12 19.99 1
0 1.5 0 0 29.41 0 05
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0 1.5 1.5 1.5 20.55 20.43 20.32 5
0 8 8 8 8.58 6.95 15.12 5
0 100 100 256 100 100 100 7
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0 13 13 13 12.67 12.11 7.32 7
0 55 50 50 4.53 2.35 3.94 7
0 10 10 32 1.57 5.74 8.03 5
0 4 4 2 100 100 20.66 7
0 68 68 52 6.98 4.36 3.86 2
0 7 7 7 14.99 1.75 3.25 7
0 38 38 31 8.86 38.16 4.56 6
0 116 116 0 100 100 07
0 3 3 8 2.15 100 5.27 7
0 171 251 215 2.62 1.65 12.1 7
0 500 588 0 39.13 54.42 87.88 7
0 3 3 6 13.04 37.5 0.01 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 115 149 149 9.59 7.51 100 7
0 13 13 30 15.67 8.9 20.99 5
0 14 14 15 8.17 6.23 4.1 2
0 407 513 1182 6.21 6.47 21.07 2
0 96 96 96 100 36.9 100 7
0 345 383 333 27.22 57.09 29.94 5
0 564 564 564 24.24 27.89 18.69 5
0 396 469 533 21.86 39.62 27.5 2
0 65 60 8 22.17 24.11 6.4 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 117 146 106 93.36 48.11 58.07 5
0 10 10 10 12.5 50.83 63.82 5
0 4120 3857 4547 40.13 37.43 46.54 2
0 15 15 5 100 100 16.21 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 7
0 3 3 3 2.8 2.14 2.48 6
0 0.86 0 0 7
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0 0 0 0 6
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0 0.86 0 0 2
0 2.86 0 0 7
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0 0 0 0 6
0 2.78 8 8 14.29 25.52 23.45 7
0 5.78 35 39 12.98 46.45 40.68 7
0 2.86 6 6 32 21.02 14.93 5
0 0 0 0 7
0 0 0 0 7
0 0 0 0 7
0 3 3 3 7.55 7.31 4.82 5
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0 0 0 0 7
0 28.48 12 12 8.44 3.41 3.23 1
0 0 0 0 6
0 0 0 0 7
0 0 0 0 6
0 0.86 0 0 7
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0 3.36 0 0 7
0 1.86 0 0 5
0 0.86 0 0 5
0 0.86 0 0 5
0 0.86 0 0 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 3 3 3 7.14 5.86 4.91 5
0 4 4 4 7.5 8.48 7.2 5
0 730 730 730 25.39 27.11 30.23 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 02
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0.2 0.2 0 0.24 0.24 05
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0 22 22 25 20.33 18.56 19.67 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 02
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 4.03 2.3 3.16 18.52 18.52 16.1 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 01
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 14 14 14 29.14 25 25 5
0 1 1 1 10.59 9.26 13.71 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 3 3 0 2.92 2.87 05
0 1 1 1 20.35 20.35 17.5 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 02
0 1 1 1 2.54 2.54 1.83 5
0 14 14 14 51.21 54.16 50.34 5
0 4 6 7 35.24 39.37 38.52 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 01
0 2 2 4 17.62 17.62 26.67 6
0 4 4 4 44.48 28.33 28.33 6
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0 6 6 0 2.17 2.17 02
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0 0 0 0 0 0 02
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 1 1 1 2.72 2.43 2.02 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 02
0 12 12 0 20.48 20.22 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 2 0 0 34.46 0 06
0 1.7 1.25 1.25 43.91 27.17 27.4 3
0 4.65 4.35 4.34 5.48 5.17 5.6 2
0 59.29 64.07 64.32 61.5 62.11 63.84 3
0 16.55 16.26 18.06 7.88 7.81 7.65 2
0 22 22 29 10.6 11.47 14.39 4
0 17.06 18.96 23.33 16.26 20.39 22.19 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 02
0 23 27 28 12 16 13 4
0 12 12 10 20 29 20 2
0 13 14 9 16 21 14 3
0 20 16 18 12 10 10 3
0 1 2 2 14 16 11 3
0 4 4 4 12 12 10 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
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0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 2 2 2 22 23 23 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 07
0 1 1 1 20 21 21 5
0 3 3 3 19 19 75
0 2 0 0 23 0 02
0 0 0.25 0.25 0 56.36 56.68 5
0 8.09 9.25 10 11.93 16.53 14.19 2
0 2.54 2.5 3 14.65 11.96 12.45 7
0 0 0 2 0 0 14.57 7
0 1.87 1 2 27.14 22.38 33.33 6
0 4.53 9.5 7.5 6.82 14.62 12.63 2
0 10 8 10 84.79 76.78 85.09 5
0 20.5 24.75 24 11.62 15.29 14.58 7
0 3.78 4.5 2.5 20 39.89 27.48 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
0 2 2 2 12.81 16.72 14.41 7
0 4.75 4.75 5 34.18 27.17 28.45 7
0 1.31 1 0.8 30 27.19 16.01 7
0 6 10 8.5 28.47 33.23 69.34 7
0 16.91 11.5 11.5 14.72 11.97 12.12 6
0 9.79 10 7.5 15.19 35.01 15.87 5
0 4.52 3.5 2.7 45.05 34.73 27.64 7
0 10.17 9.25 11 28.14 21.19 23.51 7
0 1.84 2 2 35.41 56.57 66.24 5
0 12.25 7 7.25 62.06 71.62 100 7
0 38.16 45.25 35.75 17.7 21.18 17.4 7
0 1.2 1 1 38.32 32.56 40.89 7
0 1.75 3 1 9.33 19.21 9.84 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 05
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0 16.05 3 3 33.51 11.27 9.52 5
0 8 11 10 97.17 94.46 94.58 7
0 2.69 6 2 9.28 24.29 12.75 6
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0 4.32 0.25 2 40.59 16.23 41.1 5
0 1.25 3.5 3.5 15.75 30.52 32.14 5
0 0.31 10 11 4.24 19.91 20.41 7
0 0.13 0 0 5.27 0 07
0 11.83 0 0 25.52 0 06
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0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0.911 0 1.335 0 1.329 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 2.444 0 0 0 0.75 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0.06 0 0.62 0 0 0
0 0 0.479 0 0.664 0 2.142 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 2.604 0 1.75 0 1.5 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0.45 0 0.436 0 0.263 0
0 0 0.065 0 0.065 0 0.065 0
0 0 0.105 0 0.105 0 0.11 0
0 0 0.025 0 0.025 0 0.025 0
0 0 0.132 0 0.139 0 0.139 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0.286 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0.213 0 0.9825 0 0.53 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1.20874 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Provisioned Provisioned Provisioned Provisioned Provisioned Provisioned Budget Year Derived Stat
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Upgrade
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Upgrade
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Upgrade
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Upgrade
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
3.9691 0 4.8053 0 4.8053 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
1.5 0 1.5 0 1.5 0 2017 No change in
1.508 0 1.872 0 1.892 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.046 0 0.048 0 0.398 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.064 0 0.142 0 0.185 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.122 0 0.126 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.015 0 0.016 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
1.784774 0 1.842 0 1.65 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.26 0 0.26 0 0.26 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
2.27 0 1.35 0 1.39 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0.185 0 0.185 0 2017 No change in
0.141 0 0.145 0 0.15 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0.7 0 0.7 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
2.189 0 2.408 0 2.649 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
5.759 0 5.225 0 5.382 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.089 0 0.092 0 0.095 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
14.434 0 14.281 0 14.281 0 2017 No change in
56.62 0 57.892 0 89.970661 5.440732 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
1.378 0 1.359 0 1.396 0 2017 No change in
0.225 0 0.225 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.064 0 0.065 0 0.065 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.402 0 0.329 0 0.475 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.41 0 0.308 0 0.308 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.754244 0 0.999704 0 1.099674 0 2017 No change in
5.963988 0 7.086496 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.0187 0 0.0187 0 0.0187 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.181584 0 0.336312 0 0.369942 0 2017 No change in
0.225 0 0.25 0 0.25 0 2017 No change in
0.152811 0.464762 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.02692 0 0.029594 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.513854 0 0.513854 0 0.513854 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.181584 0 0.336312 0 0.369942 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.2402 0 0.260431 0 0.232127 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.138 0 0.121 0 0.122 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0.25 0 0.25 0 2017 No change in
0.46 0 0.15 0 0.15 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 1.202 0 1.287 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0.523 0 0.545 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
7 0 7.1 0 13.8 0 2017 No change in
22.062275 0 19.588451 0 19.592689 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
21 0 21 0 19 0 2017 No change in
0.042 0 0.044 0 0.044 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
4.988593 0 5.184869 0 6.202203 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.69046 0 0.71118 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.48516 0 0.49972 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
13.196173 0 12.833198 0 10.39526 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 13.84 0 22.8 0 28.51 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
3.057903 0 3.437704 0 3.331096 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.4 0 0.241 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
3.16435 0 3.25928 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Upgrade
258.395 0 247 0 247 0 2017 Upgrade
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Upgrade
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Upgrade
1.066 0 6.007 0 0 0 2017 Upgrade
0.75 0 2.933 0 0 0 2017 Upgrade
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Upgrade
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Upgrade
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Upgrade
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Upgrade
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Upgrade
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Upgrade
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Upgrade
0 0 5.738 0 3.747 0 2017 Upgrade
0 0 0.013 0 0.004 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
1.227 0 2.551 0 1.067 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.055 0 0 0 3.27 0 2017 No change in
41.633 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.808 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.808 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
1.823 0 1.668 0 1.949 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 5.349 0 2.901 0 2017 No change in
6.609 0 7.549 0 7.38 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
4.459 0 1.623 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
1.407 0 2.248 0 0.68 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.005 0 0.067 0 0.076 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 7.843 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.531 0 0.72 0 0.367 0 2017 No change in
0.835 0 1.08 0 0.55 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.001 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.124 0 0.129 0 0.132 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.594 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
1.719 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.552 0 0.872 0 0.889 0 2017 No change in
0.001 0 0.016 0 0.017 0 2017 No change in
0.159 0 0.103 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.159 0 0.336 0 0.087 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
1.188 0 1.358 0 1.384 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
7.309 0 1.251 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
9.622 0 7.624 0 6.635 0 2017 No change in
3.038 0 5.303 0 4.744 0 2017 No change in
0.029 0 0.008 0 0.009 0 2017 No change in
0.138 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
5.699 0 5.87 0 5.87 0 2017 No change in
1.844 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.017 0 0.042 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.102 0 0.003 0 0.002 0 2017 No change in
0.027 0 0.081 0 0.03 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.085 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.002 0 0.043 0 0.032 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.808 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.029 0 0.03 0 0.028 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.388 0 0.377 0 0.384 0 2017 No change in
8.735 0 8.735 0 8.735 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
5.593 0 6.155 0 6.266 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
2.267 0 1.865 0 1.901 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
11.925 0 13.458 0 21.894 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
1.105 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
9.312 0 9.886 0 12.101 0 2017 No change in
0.159 0 0.36 0 0.367 0 2017 No change in
19.779 0 19.189 0 24.81 0 2017 No change in
3 0 2.906 0 2.615 0 2017 No change in
1.234 0 1.084 0 0.974 0 2017 No change in
0.047 0 0.05 0 0.05 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
13.975 0 15.042 0 16.587 0 2017 No change in
0.255 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
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0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
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0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
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0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
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0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
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0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
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0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
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0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
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0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
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0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
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0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in

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0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
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0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
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0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 1.134 0 2017 No change in
99.712 0 147.442 0 159.793 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.248 0 0.253 0 0.258 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.04 0 0.05 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.038 0 0.038 0 0.038 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.363 0 0.406 0 0.451 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.18 0 0.18 0 0.18 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.403 0 0.403 0 0.403 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.162 0 0.172 0 0.182 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0.25 0 0.25 0 0.25 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0.13 0 0.136 0 0.141 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0.13 0 0.13 0 0.13 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Downgrade
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.376669 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
131.5 0 16.294 0 15.344 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
4.079 0 8.125382 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
1.738989 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.225 0 0.225 0 0.225 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.988999 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.49462 0 0.511932 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.954037 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
1.15 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
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0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Downgrade
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Downgrade
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Downgrade
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Reorganizati
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Reorganizati
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.065217 0 0.065217 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.048 0 0.049 0 0.052 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.105 0 0.105 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.208 0 0.208 0 0.232 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.184 0 0.1985 0 0.19314 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0.07 0 0.075 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
1.53 0 1.335 0 0.947 0 2017 No change in
0.824 0 0.717 0 0.506 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.087413 0 0.089787 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.014231 0 0.013473 0 0.01 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.225 0 0.225 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
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1.937 0 1.716 0 1.203 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
3.949 0 3.337 0 2.412 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
101.276376 0 100.485705 0 100.306577 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
8.574 0 6.2 0 6.2 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated by
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated by
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated by
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated by
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated by
17.946157 0 17.973524 0 15.127348 0 2017 Downgrade
1.891996 0 1.891996 0 0 0 2017 Consolidatio
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Upgrade
0 0.32 0 0.34 0 0.347 2017 Reorganizati
0 0.821108 0 0.667788 0 0.714 2017 Reorganizati
0 1.894189 0 1.898561 0 1.9265 2017 Reorganizati
0 4.914 0 5.997 0 5.328 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0.105 0 0.055 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.58 0.66 0.58 0.66 0.67 0.59 2017 No change in
0 0.368734 0 0.3993 0 0.3993 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0.148614 0 0.0765 0 0 2017 No change in
0 70.850223 0 66.379306 0 66.379306 2017 No change in
0 0.007698 0 0.007609 0 0.007762 2017 No change in
0 0.019255 0 0.018943 0 0.020941 2017 No change in
5.198 0 5.198 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 4.576 0 5 0 6.1 2017 No change in
0 0.10255 0 0.096446 0 0.0967 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0.166962 0 0.124401 0 0.12168 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0.061354 0 0.0604 0 0.0615 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0.8 0 0.8 0 0 2017 No change in
0 34.136 0 28.182 0 30.417 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0.069155 0 0.077259 0 0.07817 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.065217 0 0.065217 0 0.065217 0 2017 No change in
0 0.003387 0 0.005458 0 0.005568 2017 No change in
0.2 0 0.2 0 0.2 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0.073993 0 0.036671 0 0.0395 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.013 0.013 0.01395 0.01395 0.03 0.015 2017 No change in
0 5.954 0 4.552 0 5.177 2017 No change in
0 24.337 0 24.01 0 24.022 2017 No change in
0.8527 0 0.8527 0 0.8825 0 2017 No change in
0 0.10088 0 0.108701 0 0.113514 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.044 0 0.046 0 0.05 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.09035 0.09035 0.0905 0.0905 0.185 0.095 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 23.34 0 31.487 0 34.076 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0.026615 0 0.027842 0 0.0289 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
6.15 0 5.769 0 5.341 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.119772 0 0.106388 0 0.122 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0.473309 0 0.467988 0 0.5 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 4 0 2 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated by
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated by
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Consolidatio
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
2.695 0 2.695 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.14 0 0.147 0 0.147 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
11.681 0 12.296 0 16.74 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.049291 0 0.103216 0 0.103216 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.00592 0 0.008 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.225 0 0.225 0 0.225 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0.408 0 0.408 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Downgrade
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Downgrade
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
13.7 0 20.57 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
4.307039 0 1.815668 0 1.906451 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.6555 0 0.68861 0 0 0 2017 No change in
3.571065 0 1.505412 0 1.580683 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
4.347383 0 1.832675 0 1.924309 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0.1653 0 0.181936 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
13.543 0 20.32528 0 13.052983 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.15 0 0.15 0 0.15 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.05 0 0.05 0 0.11 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.25 0 0.25 0 0.25 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.356 0 0.356 0 1.2 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.05 0 0.05 0 0.05 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.85 0 0.538 0 0.8 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.05 0 0.05 0 0.05 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.5 0 0.5 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 New
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0.018 0 0.017 0 0.013 0 2017 No change in
0.2 0 0.2 0 0.2 0 2017 No change in
0.225 0 0.25 0 0.25 0 2017 No change in
1.678 0 2.294 0 2.318 0 2017 No change in
4.127 0 4.5 0 4.576 0 2017 No change in
6.783 0 7.4 0 7.766 0 2017 No change in
0.036 0 0.039 0 0.037 0 2017 No change in
2.129 0 2.528 0 2.217 0 2017 No change in
8.902 0 5.036 0 5.609 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.025 0 1.275 0 1.525 0 2017 No change in
0.276 0 0.579 0 0.201 0 2017 No change in
0.688 0 0.709 0 0.2 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.235 0 0.235 0 0.836 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
0.01681 0 0.06875 0 0.06925 0 2017 No change in
4.565 0 5.93 0 5.793 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0.3 0 0.3 0 2017 No change in
6.323 0 6.6355 0 7.06 0 2017 No change in
0.3065 0 0.3025 0 0.3035 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
1.797 0 1.084 0 0.999 0 2017 No change in
0.097 0 0.11 0 0.11 0 2017 No change in
1.853 0 1.86 0 1.675 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.018 0 0.184 0 0.186 0 2017 No change in
0.0815 0 0.306 0 0.042 0 2017 No change in
0.3615 0 0.39625 0 0.3585 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.008 0 0.009 0 0.1 0 2017 No change in
0.03 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
2.5595 0 1.601 0 2.437 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.138 0 0.17875 0 0.17925 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0.526 0 0.23875 0 0.764 0 2017 No change in
1.29378 0 1.7775 0 1.7095 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 2017 No change in
0 0 0 0 0 0 2017 Eliminated b
Updated Date


FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Agricultural 005- AMS-Web-Based Supply Chain Management WBSCM provides Farm Food commodity ordering, 039 - Food and Nutrition 108 - Customer Services 143 - Goods and Services 145 - Logistics Management 386 - Global Supply Chain 37.655 38.385 32.468 - - - 3,174.424 1.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 01 - Major
Agriculture Marketing Service 000000018 (WBSCM) procurement and distribution functions for the United Assistance Acquisition Safety - Foods and Regulated Delivery and Management Support
States Department of Agriculture and Department of Products Area
State food assistance programs.

Department of Agricultural 005- AMS-Conformance Management Provide product or process information for buyers and 011 - Business and Industry 2.387 8.385 3.599 0.368 5.916 - 3,174.424 0.11% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Marketing Service 000001605 consumers about the quality or specifications of the Development Delivery and Management Support
product being purchased, and ensure that the Area
commodities conform to defined standards.

Department of Agricultural 005- AMS-Public Good IT Investments To ensure the economic sustainability of American 011 - Business and Industry 6.196 7.641 7.604 2.689 3.761 3.862 3,174.424 0.24% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Marketing Service 000001606 agricultural marketplace with value to the consumer. Development Delivery and Management Support
Where appropriate, provide assistance promoting Area
competition and order, yielding consumers a consistent,
safe, and accessible supply of food & fiber.

Department of Agricultural 005- AMS-Infrastructure WAN and DMZ (AMSWAN) A sound infrastructure that interfaces with AMS 139 - Provide and Maintain 11.316 11.994 11.350 - - - 3,174.424 0.36% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Marketing Service 000001723 customers is critical for business service delivery. The IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
AMS infrastructure is a secure, privately-addressed Telecommunications
network that connects approximately 180 offices
throughout the U.S.

Department of Agricultural 005- AMS-Regulatory IT Investment Through oversight and administration, ensure that 319 - Regulatory Compliance 011 - Business and Industry 3.185 3.890 4.041 2.178 2.761 2.161 3,174.424 0.13% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Marketing Service 000001867 marketing and distribution of agricultural products are Development Delivery and Management Support
conducted in manners which promote and enhance a fair Area
and competitive global marketplace for American
producers and consumers of agricultural goods.

Department of Agricultural 005- AMS-International Trade Support the efficient and effective enforcement of USDA- 011 - Business and Industry 1.738 2.936 2.104 1.668 2.152 1.332 3,174.424 0.07% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Marketing Service 000002339 administered self-help marketing programs and promote Development Delivery and Management Support
the acceptance of US agricultural export products Area
through electronic availability of export trade

Department of Agricultural 005- ARS-Security This is a summary of the costs for the ARS IT cyber- 121 - Security Management 1.923 2.328 2.328 - - - 3,174.424 0.07% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Research Service 000001764 security program. Office Automation, and
Department of Agricultural 005- ARS-IT Infrastructure This investment represents IT systems and services which 139 - Provide and Maintain 026 - Scientific and 104 - Strategic Planning 11.932 12.055 12.055 - - - 3,174.424 0.38% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Research Service 000000277 support the administrative and program management IT Infrastructure Technological Research and Office Automation, and
activities of the agency. Innovation Telecommunications
Department of Agricultural 005- ARS-Telecommunications This investment represents voice and data 139 - Provide and Maintain 10.407 10.580 10.580 - - - 3,174.424 0.33% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Research Service 000000278 telecommunications services provided for the agency. IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
Department of Agricultural 005- ARS-Research and Mission Support IT Systems IT systems and services which support the research and 139 - Provide and Maintain 026 - Scientific and 108 - Customer Services 21.777 20.424 21.055 4.252 3.833 4.463 3,174.424 0.66% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Research Service 000000276 and Services mission activities of ARS. IT Infrastructure Technological Research and Delivery and Management Support
Innovation Area
Department of Animal and Plant 005- APHIS-Enterprise Infrastructure (AEI) The objective of AEI is to provide an integrated hardware 139 - Provide and Maintain 40.820 40.623 40.563 - - - 3,174.424 1.28% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 01 - Major
Agriculture Health Inspection 000000038 and software platforms to support the mission of APHIS. IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
Service AEI is the APHIS General Support System (GSS). Telecommunications

Department of Animal and Plant 005- APHIS-MIS 2000 MIS 2000 records efforts to resolve wildlife threats and 313 - Population Health 1.485 0.890 1.202 - - - 3,174.424 0.04% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Health Inspection 000000045 damage to agricultural products and livestock, private Management Delivery and Management Support
Service and industrial property, human health and safety, Area
threatened and endangered species, natural resources,
and infrastructure.

Department of Animal and Plant 005- APHIS-Automated Information Management Replacing existing NVSL/CVB Mission Critical Legacy 313 - Population Health 1.631 1.740 1.037 0.895 0.282 - 3,174.424 0.03% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Health Inspection 000000074 System (AIMS) Systems with multiple updated software applications. Management Delivery and Management Support
Service Project initiated in 2002. Primary components include Area
Control, NCAH support applications.

Department of Animal and Plant 005- APHIS-Emergency Management Response Provides electronic records collection and organization 313 - Population Health 010 - Emergency Response 4.323 3.159 3.164 - - - 3,174.424 0.10% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Health Inspection 000000160 Services 2.0 (EMRS-2) for APHIS's responses to animal disease outbreaks and Management Delivery and Management Support
Service documents foreign animal disease information and Area
emerging animal diseases in the United States.

Department of Animal and Plant 005- APHIS-Certification, Accreditation, To ensure that the certification, accreditation, 043 - Global Trade 12.427 13.731 14.332 12.427 11.131 10.613 3,174.424 0.45% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 01 - Major
Agriculture Health Inspection 000000185 Registration, Permitting, and Other Licensing registration, permitting, and other licensing strategies Delivery and Management Support
Service (CARPOL) and operations of APHIS to make the best use of existing Area
and emerging technologies, technology support,and end-
user education.

Department of Animal and Plant 005- APHIS-Phytosanitary Certificate Issuance and PCIT is an electronic system for the on-line application 043 - Global Trade 124 - Accounting 353 - Information Exchange 353 - Information Exchange 4.298 6.595 7.575 2.161 3.782 3.615 3,174.424 0.24% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Health Inspection 000001405 Tracking System (PCIT) and issuance of phytosanitary certificates. It provides the and Transformation and Transformation Delivery and Management Support
Service capability for applicants to pay for their certificates on- Area
line through an interface to Treasury s Pay.Gov, using
credit cards and checks.

Department of Animal and Plant 005- APHIS-Asian Longhorned Beetle Eradication A comprehensive automated data collection and 010 - Emergency Response 0.095 0.100 - - - - 3,174.424 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Health Inspection 000001647 System (ALBES) management system for the Asian Longhorned Beetle Delivery and Management Support
Service program. T Area
Department of Animal and Plant 005- APHIS-Animal Disease Traceability Information Investment provides animal tracking forsh the purpose of 313 - Population Health 010 - Emergency Response 0.463 0.910 0.910 - - - 3,174.424 0.03% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 01 - Major
Agriculture Health Inspection 000001659 System (ADTIS) protecting animal health. Management Delivery and Management Support
Service ap Area
Department of Animal and Plant 005- APHIS-National Animal Health Laboratory The NAHLN serves as a repository of detailed
pr testlaboratory 313 - Population Health 010 - Emergency Response - - - - - - 3,174.424 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Health Inspection 000001784 Network System (NAHLN) information and animal health laboratory data Management Delivery and Management Support
Service es laboratories
collected from state veterinary diagnostic Area
nationwide, reducing the risk of animalendisease outbreaks
and facilitating rapid response.
Department of Animal and Plant 005- APHIS-Veterinary Services Process VSPS creates an electronic means of capturing, 313 - Population Health 319 - Regulatory Compliance 0.933 0.577 0.577 - - - 3,174.424 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Health Inspection 000001786 Streamlining (VSPS) maintaining and analyzing informationceassociated with Management Delivery and Management Support
Service the APHIS-VS regulatory activities for r.
animal Area
import/export/interstate monitoring andSl the Veterinary
Accreditation Program.
Department of Animal and Plant 005- APHIS-Electronic Permits System (ePermits) A comprehensive automated permit system
s 043 - Global Trade 2.407 2.253 2.478 0.161 - - 3,174.424 0.08% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Health Inspection 000001822 encompassing APHIS regulatory import arpermit processes Delivery and Management Support
Service (includes PPQ, VS, and BRS). e Area
Department of Animal and Plant 005- APHIS-Agricultural Quarantine Activity System The AQAS is a consolidated investment ppof the WADS, 043 - Global Trade 033 - Border and 1.109 0.995 1.105 - - - 3,174.424 0.03% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Health Inspection 000001861 (AQAS) or
PPQ280, AQIM, Pest ID and EAN investments. The Transportation Security Delivery and Management Support
Service te
system manages information about agricultural Area
inspections, activities, detailed sampling, pest
interceptions, and cargo EANs. d
Department of Animal and Plant 005- APHIS-Commodity Treatment Information CTIS provides a distributed web-basedxc system for 313 - Population Health 310 - Food and Drug Quality 316 - Continuous Monitoring 0.370 0.410 0.424 - - - 3,174.424 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Health Inspection 000002188 System (CTIS) el collected from Management
storage, tracking, and reporting of data and Safety Delivery and Management Support
Service quarantine treatments and related conveyances,
20 and Area
regulatory information targeted to particular quarantine
treatment or treatment types. 10
Department of Animal and Plant 005- APHIS-Offshore Pest Information Program er.
PestLens is a Web-based information-sharing tool that 313 - Population Health 310 - Food and Drug Quality 0.526 0.550 0.605 - - - 3,174.424 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Health Inspection 000002193 (OPIP) allows users to communicate in an organized manner Management and Safety Delivery and Management Support
Service about offshore plant health events and If issues. This Area
program is risk-focused and designed to collect,
synthesize, and utilize relevant information.

e FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description sh service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Animal and Plant 005- APHIS-Cost Management System (ACMS) ap
ACMS is the agency's consolidated application used for 129 - Reporting and 105 - Budget Execution 0.431 0.400 0.415 - - - 3,174.424 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Health Inspection 000002196 e real-time access Information
status of funds tracking. ACMS provides Delivery and Management Support
Service to estimated and committed expenses as this data is Area
reconciled to matching obligations in the core Financial
system. as
Department of Animal and Plant 005- APHIS-Animal Care Information System Animal Care (AC) Information System ifi
consists of licensing 319 - Regulatory Compliance 0.999 0.989 0.839 - - - 3,174.424 0.03% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Health Inspection 000002197 and registration, and horse protectioned
sub-systems. Delivery and Management Support
Service Area
Department of Animal and Plant 005- APHIS-User Fee System The APHIS User Fee System provides an eaautomated 328 - Collect Revenues and - - - - - - 3,174.424 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Health Inspection 000002202 means to track and process the collection
rli of user fees User Fees Delivery and Management Support
Service from clients for import/export services, veterinary Area
diagnostics, agriculture quarantines inspection, and plant
inspection. ve
Department of Animal and Plant 005- APHIS-Exotic Pest Information and Prediction EPIPS is composed of the Global Pestof and Disease 313 - Population Health 310 - Food and Drug Quality 1.097 2.060 2.200 - 0.705 0.740 3,174.424 0.07% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Health Inspection 000002206 Systems (EPIPS) Database, the Data Archival and Reporting Tool and the Management and Safety Delivery and Management Support
Service New Pest Advisory Group (NPAG) Database.E These are Area
xc on plant
web-enabled databases storing information
pests not native to the US. el,
Department of Animal and Plant 005- APHIS-Integrated Plant Health Information The Integrated Plant Heath Information th System (IPHIS) 010 - Emergency Response 590 - Mapping / Geospatial 4.534 1.587 1.350 3.675 0.483 - 3,174.424 0.04% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Health Inspection 000002241 System (IPHIS) provides Web-based access to critical data during plant Delivery and Management Support
Service health emergencies for data capture, einformation Area
analysis, and record keeping. w
Department of Animal and Plant 005- APHIS-Animal Health and Surveillance AHSM provides surveillance tools thatoo enable convenient 313 - Population Health 010 - Emergency Response 0.020 - - - - - 3,174.424 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Health Inspection 000002270 Management (AHSM) collection, access, and use of vital animal health and Management Delivery and Management Support
Service k in eradication
routine surveillance information resulting Area
or minimization of impact to U. S. agriculture.
Department of Animal and Plant 005- APHIS-MRPBS Program Support A readily available skill bank of personnel with 106 - Workforce Planning 008 - Disaster Preparedness 010 - Emergency Response 0.230 0.358 0.358 0.040 0.168 0.168 3,174.424 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Health Inspection 000002312 emergency qualifications and supports vethe and Planning Delivery and Management Support
Service categorization of personnel into APHISd emergency Area
response positions. in
Department of Animal and Plant 005- APHIS-National Select Agent Registry The NSAR is a Joint APHIS/CDC extranet, database & 313 - Population Health 1.200 1.200 1.500 1.200 1.200 1.500 3,174.424 0.05% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Health Inspection 000002318 APHIS workflow management tool. APHIS xc is contributing Management Delivery and Management Support
Service funds to use CDC's database. CDC's UPI elis 009-20-01-03- Area
20 the investment
0547-00. CDC is responsible for reporting
to OMB.
Department of Animal and Plant 005- APHIS-Investigation Tracking Enforcement
ITEMS replaced the IES Tracking System and provide 321 - Regulatory 1.566 0.980 0.980 0.948 0.300 0.300 3,174.424 0.03% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Health Inspection 000002336 Management System (ITEMS) linkages needed to integrate data from rlimultiple violation Enforcement Delivery and Management Support
Service and investigation tracking systems. er, Area
Department of Animal and Plant 005- APHIS-Agricultural Risk Management System e to allow for
The system will be utilized on a daily basis 043 - Global Trade 6.518 4.944 4.738 5.884 3.951 3.660 3,174.424 0.15% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Health Inspection 000002353 (ARM) the timely entry, tracking and analysissliof trade-related Delivery and Management Support
Service activities at every port of entry. ce Area
Department of Animal and Plant 005- APHIS-SITC National Information, SNICAS is Web-based system utilized to caassist with the 319 - Regulatory Compliance 0.781 0.617 0.671 0.171 0.085 0.085 3,174.424 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Health Inspection 000002360 Communication, and Activity System (SNICAS) detection and prevention of the unlawfulnn entry and Delivery and Management Support
Service ot
distribution of prohibited and/or non-compliant products Area
that may harbor exotic plant and animal pests, diseases
or invasive species. be
Department of Animal and Plant 005- APHIS-Comprehensive and Integrated Animal CIAHSS provides for data input, storage . & reporting 313 - Population Health 010 - Emergency Response 4.387 3.365 3.365 1.274 - - 3,174.424 0.11% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Health Inspection 000002390 Health Surveillance Services related to U.S. animal health surveillance and Management Delivery and Management Support
Service management. It enables APHIS to take a broad & Area
integrated approach to collecting & managing animal
health data for disease management program.

Department of Economic Research 005- ERS-IT Infrastructure General Support System This investment is inclusive of the ERS IT Infrastructure 139 - Provide and Maintain 5.011 5.029 5.056 0.629 0.625 0.625 3,174.424 0.16% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Service 000000269 General Support system, to include: LAN, WAN, Security, IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
and FTE's supporting the above. Telecommunications

Department of Farm Service 005- FSA-84 Geographic Information System (GIS) This investment provides a technological solution for geo- 590 - Mapping / Geospatial 19.059 2.626 1.750 0.201 1.232 0.125 3,174.424 0.06% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Agency 000000054 spatial data management and a data and imagery Delivery and Management Support
acquisition solution that enables more efficient collection Area
and manipulation of information. Program eliminates
data redundancy and supports MIDAS.

Department of Farm Service 005- FSA-94 Budget and Performance Management This investment funds FSA's share of contractor support 101 - Budget Formulation 1.217 2.260 1.350 - - - 3,174.424 0.04% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Agency 000000094 System (BPMS) services for the maintenance of the Budget and Delivery and Management Support
Performance Management System. In eCPIC the Dept. is Area
the parent of this investment and FSA funding is
incorporated through a child relation.

Department of Farm Service 005- FSA-105 Conservation Systems This investment funds contractor support services for the 014 - Industry Sector Income 5.301 3.604 3.247 1.793 - 0.500 3,174.424 0.10% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Agency 000000857 maintenance of FSA's Conservation Systems. Stabilization Delivery and Management Support
Department of Farm Service 005- FSA-103 Consolidated Farm Loan Program This investment supports FSA's Farm Loan Program (FLP) 014 - Industry Sector Income 124 - Accounting 126 - Payments 127 - Collections and 129 - Reporting and 20.811 14.249 11.031 1.506 7.159 3.415 3,174.424 0.35% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 01 - Major
Agriculture Agency 000001231 Information & Delivery Systems and its goal of providing capital to American farmers and Stabilization Receivables Information Delivery and Management Support
ranchers by providing them with ownership, operating, Area
and emergency loans through streamlined and
modernized processes and systems.

Department of Farm Service 005- FSA-106 Consolidated Financial Management This investment funds contractor support services for the 124 - Accounting 6.595 4.863 4.823 0.906 - 0.906 3,174.424 0.15% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Agency 000001232 Information Systems (CFMIS) maintenance of FSA's Financial Management Information Delivery and Management Support
Systems. Area
Department of Farm Service 005- FSA-107 Consolidated General Sales Manager This investment funds contractor support services for the 043 - Global Trade 1.505 1.649 1.715 - - 1.266 3,174.424 0.05% 48 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Agency 000001234 (CGSM) maintenance of FSA's General Sales Manager Systems. Delivery and Management Support
Department of Farm Service 005- FSA-072 Aerial Photography Field Office The Investment provides IT resources for the operation 590 - Mapping / Geospatial 5.297 13.584 12.943 1.679 - - 3,174.424 0.41% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 01 - Major
Agriculture Agency 000001583 Requirements and functioning of the APFO. This includes supporting Office Automation, and
APFO functions through automation of tasks pertaining to Telecommunications
contract support of the aerial photography mission, and
automation of the provisioning.

Department of Farm Service 005- FSA-0030 Subsidy & Production Programs This investment funds contractor support services for the 014 - Industry Sector Income 4.417 2.935 1.629 3.380 0.906 0.375 3,174.424 0.05% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Agency 000001630 maintenance of FSA's Direct Counter-Cyclical Enrolment Stabilization Delivery and Management Support
and Payment System. Area

Department of Farm Service 005- FSA-0100 Commodity Management Systems This investment funds support services for the 143 - Goods and Services 1.255 1.267 2.473 0.251 0.507 1.597 3,174.424 0.08% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Agency 000001631 maintenance of FSA's Commodity Management Systems. Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
Department of Farm Service 005- FSA-0101 Price Support Systems This investment funds contractor support services for the 014 - Industry Sector Income 11.672 5.993 3.546 5.051 1.507 1.126 3,174.424 0.11% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Agency 000001632 maintenance of FSA's Price Support Systems. Stabilization Delivery and Management Support
Department of Farm Service 005- FSA-009 Cotton Management System (CMS) This investment funds contractor support services for the 014 - Industry Sector Income 1.981 2.000 1.709 - - - 3,174.424 0.05% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Agency 000001634 maintenance of FSA's Cotton Management Systems. Stabilization Delivery and Management Support
Department of Farm Service 005- FSA-0102 Consolidated Natural Disaster Relief This investment funds contractor support services for the 014 - Industry Sector Income 2.178 4.416 1.441 0.929 3.097 0.626 3,174.424 0.05% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Agency 000001635 Programs maintenance of FSA's Commodity Management Systems. Stabilization Delivery and Management Support
Department of Farm Service 005- FSA-0104 Tobacco Systems This investment funds contractor support services for the 014 - Industry Sector Income 0.514 0.665 - - - - 3,174.424 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Agency 000001636 maintenance of the TTPP. In eCPIC, FSA is the parent of Stabilization Delivery and Management Support
this investment. Area
Department of Farm Service 005- FSA-0111 Common Farm Programs Systems This investment funds contractor support services for the 014 - Industry Sector Income 20.056 24.774 6.778 13.732 15.838 2.995 3,174.424 0.21% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 01 - Major
Agriculture Agency 000001638 maintenance of FSA's Common Farm Programs Systems. Stabilization Delivery and Management Support
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Farm Service 005- FSA-026 Information Systems Security Provides resources to meet OMB, NIST, and FISMA 121 - Security Management 8.345 3.460 7.071 - - - 3,174.424 0.22% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Agency 000001737 Program mandatory security requirements not limited to: user Office Automation, and
provisioning/de-provisioning, disaster recovery, COOP, Telecommunications
audit and compliance, incidence response, and
certification and accreditation.

Department of Farm Service 005- FSA-074 Greenbook and Working Capital Fund This IT Investment represents FSA s Greenbook and WCF 139 - Provide and Maintain 21.631 24.271 24.278 - - - 3,174.424 0.76% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Agency 000001738 charges associated with IT infrastructure operational IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
expenses. Telecommunications
Department of Farm Service 005- FSA-109 FSA IT Service Strategy This investment enables FSA to acquire the necessary and 103 - Enterprise Architecture 32.626 25.103 34.868 2.513 - 7.116 3,174.424 1.10% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Agency 000001742 required contractor support for three broad areas: Office Automation, and
project, program and portfolio management (PM), Telecommunications
federal EA and common solutions, including both
technical and non-tech standards and processes.

Department of Farm Service 005- FSA-0110 Data and Database Administration This investment provides the funding for support of a 339 - Information Mapping / 24.113 14.332 18.632 7.634 2.368 5.014 3,174.424 0.59% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Agency 000001743 variety of skills and functions in the Database Taxonomy / Categorization Delivery and Management Support
Management Office (DBMO) to support logical and Area
physical databases, data integration and business
intelligence, and production operations of databases.

Department of Farm Service 005- FSA-0112 Consolidated Administrative This investment funds contractor support services for the 613 - Time Reporting 4.011 5.214 5.086 0.753 0.735 - 3,174.424 0.16% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Agency 000001744 Systems maintenance of FSA's Administrative Systems. Office Automation, and
Department of Farm Service 005- FSA-95 Digital Communications Platforms This investment supports FSA s Web Presence both 344 - Content Management 2.968 4.271 3.309 - 2.244 0.618 3,174.424 0.10% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Agency 000001849 Support externally and internally by providing continued Delivery and Management Support
Maintenance, Operation and Enhancement of FSA's Web Area
Pages, Digital Subscriptions for Electronic
Communications such as the County Office Newsletters.

Department of Farm Service 005- FSA-097 Farm Program Modernization Modernize and innovate the customer-centric FSA farm 014 - Industry Sector Income 62.108 49.738 48.629 - 4.852 - 3,174.424 1.53% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 01 - Major
Agriculture Agency 000001870 (MIDAS) programs with effective and efficient business processes Stabilization Delivery and Management Support
through an extensible service delivery solution. Area

Department of Farm Service 005- FSA-098 Alignment to OMBs Financial This Investment supports FSA s FMMI Readiness to align 124 - Accounting 1.600 1.614 - 1.600 1.614 - 3,174.424 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Agency 000002150 Management Lines of Business (FM-LoB) the legacy program and financial applications with FMMI. Delivery and Management Support
Department of Farm Service 005- FSA-114 FSA Specific Infrastructure Services Covers FSA specific Infrastructure services provided by 139 - Provide and Maintain 6.084 7.319 5.822 - - - 3,174.424 0.18% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Agency 000002295 Provided by USDA OCIO ITS including support of annual maintenance IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
refreshments of hardware & software, hosting & network Telecommunications
operations, new hardware & software repair &
replacement, video teleconference.

Department of Farm Service 005- FSA-115 Service Operations This investment supports the maintenance of AS/400, 139 - Provide and Maintain 43.494 31.370 33.134 0.990 2.691 5.139 3,174.424 1.04% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Agency 000002296 support and operation of the code lab, operation of the IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
e-authentication integration process, provides shared Telecommunications
funding for RD for activities such as computer room.

Department of Farm Service 005- FSA-93 Commodity Credit Corporation Budget This investment funds contractor support services for the 101 - Budget Formulation 105 - Budget Execution 124 - Accounting 126 - Payments 127 - Collections and 0.314 0.321 0.321 - - - 3,174.424 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Agency 000002299 Formulation (CCCBF) maintenance of the Commodity Credit Corporation Receivables Delivery and Management Support
Budget Formulation System. Area

Department of Farm Service 005- FSA-124 Service and Outreach to Agricultural This investment supports and enables enhancing, 324 - Adjudicate Non-Judicial - 4.424 3.411 - 0.417 0.586 3,174.424 0.11% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 01 - Major
Agriculture Agency 000003015 Communities developing, and unifying customer- and agricultural Requests Delivery and Management Support
community-focused service delivery IT solutions for Area
agency staff to meet the needs of local agricultural
communities in a holistic fashion.

Department of Food and Nutrition 005- FNS-Women, Infants and Children (WIC) State This initiative is a process to support State development 363 - Federal Funds to States 12.100 11.100 10.104 10.100 10.100 10.104 3,174.424 0.32% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Service 000000022 Agency Model (WIC SAM) of model systems to support WIC program administration and Local Governments Delivery and Management Support
at the State level, and the transfer and implementation of Area
a selected model system to individual states. There is no
associated FNS system.

Department of Food and Nutrition 005- FNS-Store Tracking and Redemption System STARS is FNS primary support for Supplemental Nutrition 039 - Food and Nutrition 7.956 9.396 9.678 5.700 2.781 2.864 3,174.424 0.30% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Service 000000027 (STARS) Assistance Program retailer management. With over 800 Assistance Delivery and Management Support
FNS users nationwide, it tracks information on over Area
180,000 active retailers and maintains status tracking,
redemption, and compliance actions.

Department of Food and Nutrition 005- FNS-Anti-Fraud Locator Using EBT Retailer Detects potential patterns of retailer abuse in the 039 - Food and Nutrition 1.431 5.488 5.494 - 3.249 3.188 3,174.424 0.17% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Service 000000042 Transactions (ALERT) redemption of electronic food stamp transactions via Assistance Delivery and Management Support
automated patterns analysis of EBT transaction logs. Area

Department of Food and Nutrition 005- FNS-Integrated Program Accounting System Primary financial management system for managing FNS 124 - Accounting 9.193 5.059 4.741 - - - 3,174.424 0.15% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Service 000000047 (IPAS) program funds. Delivery and Management Support
Department of Food and Nutrition 005- FNS-Regional Office Administered Programs Supports funding to 1200 private and religious 362 - Federal Financial 0.181 - - - - - 3,174.424 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Service 000001497 (ROAP) organizations participating in FNS Special Nutrition Assistance Delivery and Management Support
Programs where State administration is prohibited. Area

Department of Food and Nutrition 005- FNS-Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) -- Resides at the Federal Reserve Bank in Richmond. 363 - Federal Funds to States 2.740 2.872 2.959 0.802 0.826 0.851 3,174.424 0.09% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Service 000001508 Account Management Agent (AMA) Provides linkage between FNS and the U.S. Treasury and Local Governments Delivery and Management Support
ASAP System for payment of EBT transactions. Area

Department of Food and Nutrition 005- FNS-FNCS IT Infrastructure FNS HW, systems SW and WEB infrastructure, IT security 139 - Provide and Maintain 033 - Border and 25.279 26.036 26.817 - - - 3,174.424 0.84% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 01 - Major
Agriculture Service 000001718 and related physical security infrastructures, support IT Infrastructure Transportation Security Office Automation, and
contracts, IT salaries and benefits, Internal e-Gov Telecommunications
activities and other IT activities not specific to an
individual initiative.

Department of Food and Nutrition 005- FNS-Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) -- IT Provides the review/approval mechanism for states to 363 - Federal Funds to States 221.920 447.968 234.197 20.400 240.400 20.400 3,174.424 7.38% 00 06 - Grants to State and Local IT 01 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Service 000001774 Investment Grants to States apply for and receive matching funds for planning, and Local Governments Investments
implementation, and operation of automation supporting
state administration of FNS benefit programs. There is no
associated FNS application system.

Department of Food and Nutrition 005- FNS-Advanced Planning Documents (APDs) -- APDs are the approval and funding process for state 363 - Federal Funds to States 516.376 543.241 573.236 67.843 69.661 71.698 3,174.424 18.06% 00 06 - Grants to State and Local IT 01 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Service 000001775 IT Investments Grants to States agencies to apply for and receive funding to implement and Local Governments Investments
ADP services supporting state administration of Food
Stamp and Special Nutrition programs. No application
system is associated with this investment.

Department of Food and Nutrition 005- FNS-Special Nutrition Programs and This investment has under it various systems and 039 - Food and Nutrition 9.708 11.913 12.023 5.679 6.540 5.147 3,174.424 0.38% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Service 000002179 Administrative Support processes which support FNS Special Nutrition Assistance Delivery and Management Support
Programs(SNP) and FNS Administrative Support. Area

Department of Food and Nutrition 005- FNS-Portfolio Management Services This investment (formerly known as EA and Strategic 546 - Portfolio Management 4.356 4.479 4.612 - - - 3,174.424 0.15% 00 03 - IT Investments for EA, Capital 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Service 000002294 Planning) includes all activities and support related to IT Planning, and CIO Functions
Strategic Planning, compliance with CPIC requirements
and standards, and defining and maintaining the FNS
Enterprise Architecture.

Department of Food and Nutrition 005- FNS-Food Programs Reporting Supports administration and management of FNS' SNAP 039 - Food and Nutrition 3.682 3.840 3.955 - - - 3,174.424 0.12% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Service 000002391 and Special Nutrition Programs by enabling State Assistance Delivery and Management Support
reporting on participation and benefits admin.It Area
integrates the FNS program and financial data into a
official database for controlled public release.

Department of Food and Nutrition 005- FNS-FNCS Nutrition Information Web Tools This investment consists of interactive nutrition web 039 - Food and Nutrition 3.974 3.339 3.440 2.259 0.766 0.790 3,174.424 0.11% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Service 000002392 tools and nutrition resource tools to educate the general Assistance Delivery and Management Support
public about dietary guidelines and FNS Nutrition Area
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Food and Nutrition 005- FNS-Supplemental Nutrition Assistance This investments consists of applications which provide 039 - Food and Nutrition 9.328 5.822 5.840 6.122 2.602 2.532 3,174.424 0.18% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Service 000002394 Program (SNAP) Support support for the administration of the SNAP program - Assistance Delivery and Management Support
SNAP Quality Control System (SNAPCS), Electronic Area
Disqualified Recipient System (eDRS), and SNAP
Workflow and Information Management (SWIM).

Department of Food and Nutrition 005- FNS-IPAS FMMI Support This investment is the support for the FNS IPAS 124 - Accounting 5.500 3.500 2.500 5.500 3.500 2.500 3,174.424 0.08% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Service 000000272 application transition to FMMI. Delivery and Management Support
Department of Food Safety and 005- FSIS-Public Health Data Communications PHDCIS is the agency's infrastructure portfolio of IT 139 - Provide and Maintain 263 - System and Network 340 - Collaboration Tools 38.758 59.080 48.065 0.878 4.450 1.755 3,174.424 1.51% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 01 - Major
Agriculture Inspection Service 000000083 Infrastructure System (PHDCIS) investments. It funds PCs & peripherals; software; IT Infrastructure Monitoring Office Automation, and
helpdesk, LAN, wireless, WAN services and IT security for Telecommunications
the FSIS infrastructure.

Department of Food Safety and 005- FSIS-AssuranceNet (AN) AssuranceNet is a web-based application that OFO uses 139 - Provide and Maintain 0.675 1.066 1.097 0.319 0.697 0.717 3,174.424 0.03% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Inspection Service 000000123 to monitor organizational performance at the circuit, IT Infrastructure Delivery and Management Support
district, and national levels for mission critical and key Area
administrative functions and activities.

Department of Food Safety and 005- FSIS-Consumer Complaint Monitoring System CCMS II is an electronic database used to record, triage, 313 - Population Health 0.591 0.603 0.621 0.233 - - 3,174.424 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Inspection Service 000000130 II (CCMS II) coordinate, and track all consumer complaints reported Management Delivery and Management Support
to the agency. FSIS Directive 5610.1 describes the Area
purpose, activities and maintenance of the CCMS system.

Department of Food Safety and 005- FSIS-Data Warehouse The FSIS Data Warehouse was developed to eliminate the 313 - Population Health 1.352 5.133 5.288 0.747 4.481 4.616 3,174.424 0.17% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Inspection Service 000000131 resource contention between data entry and reporting Management Delivery and Management Support
and analytics activities. It is composed of on-line Area
transactional data structures from seven source systems.

Department of Food Safety and 005- FSIS-Incident Management System (FIMS) FIMS is a Web-based system that allows management of 255 - Employee Performance 1.807 5.558 3.831 1.450 5.188 3.450 3,174.424 0.12% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Inspection Service 000000132 (xNRIMS) incidents and reports of natural disasters and other Management Delivery and Management Support
occurrences impacting FSIS regulated establishments Area
ability to operate. It reporting, call down, library,
archiving, forms and restricted incidents.

Department of Food Safety and 005- FSIS-Label Submission and Approval System LSAS will support a large, geographically disbursed 313 - Population Health 0.644 0.736 0.754 0.387 0.393 0.401 3,174.424 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Inspection Service 000000133 (LSAS) workforce, performing inspections at approximately Management Delivery and Management Support
6,000 establishments, creating a web-based tracking Area
system for applicants, an internal central electronic
database of label approvals.

Department of Food Safety and 005- FSIS-Public Health Human Resource System PHHRS is a new human resources pay-for-performance 317 - Data Integrity and 1.581 1.704 0.640 1.287 1.325 0.250 3,174.424 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Inspection Service 000000136 (PHHRS) system for non-bargaining unit employees at FSIS that Privacy Management Delivery and Management Support
changes the way we compensate, recognize and reward Area
employees. It excludes bargaining unit, SES and Wage

Department of Food Safety and 005- FSIS-Residue Violation Information System RVIS is a system that enables FSIS to track violations 313 - Population Health 0.459 0.547 - 0.222 0.230 - 3,174.424 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Inspection Service 000000137 (RVIS) related to residues found at sites visited by inspectors. Management Delivery and Management Support
Department of Food Safety and 005- FSIS-USDA Meat & Poultry Hotline (Hotline) Hotline 2.0 application is used by the Meat and Poultry 313 - Population Health 0.511 0.601 0.619 - - - 3,174.424 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Inspection Service 000000156 Hotline staff to track the food safety inquiries received Management Delivery and Management Support
via its 800 telephone number. FSIS receives some 70,000 Area
calls yearly data gathered helps FSIS discern gaps in
consumer food safety knowledge.

Department of Food Safety and 005- FSIS-Time Clock Actual Time Automation (ATA) solution will capture time 313 - Population Health 0.355 2.724 3.690 0.138 2.500 3.460 3,174.424 0.12% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Inspection Service 000000158 and attendance of inspection personnel working in Management Delivery and Management Support
slaughter facilities. The solution will automate T&A Area
submission and thus increase data integrity by
eliminating paper T&A processing.

Department of Food Safety and 005- FSIS-Human Resource GSS (HR GSS) A collection of applications that tracks employee 313 - Population Health 0.545 2.987 1.872 0.189 2.602 1.476 3,174.424 0.06% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Inspection Service 000000167 eligibility for reinstatement, keeps track of packages Management Delivery and Management Support
received, requested files received from off site, issue Area
picture ID and manage leave audit.

Department of Food Safety and 005- FSIS-Financial Processing Center General An online application which enables Inspectors to submit 341 - Web Infrastructure 2.180 3.872 2.520 1.824 3.503 2.140 3,174.424 0.08% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Inspection Service 000000168 Support System (FPC GSS) their time and attendance (T&A) reports directly to the Delivery and Management Support
Financial Processing Center (FPC) for faster payment. Area

Department of Food Safety and 005- FSIS-All Other IT FSIS's IT costs/budget needed to maintain automated 254 - Employee Benefits and 2.339 3.014 3.105 - - - 3,174.424 0.10% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Inspection Service 000001713 systems. This investment includes government personnel Compensation Delivery and Management Support
costs (IT Specialist job series) throughout the entire Area
Agency (Bureau).

Department of Food Safety and 005- FSIS-Public Health Information System (PHIS) PHIS has four components. Domestic inspection, Import 310 - Food and Drug Quality 319 - Regulatory Compliance 9.328 11.076 11.610 5.827 7.020 7.100 3,174.424 0.37% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 01 - Major
Agriculture Inspection Service 000002148 Reinspection, Export Certification and Predictive and Safety Delivery and Management Support
Analytics. Area
Department of Food Safety and 005- FSIS-Web Service (WS) Web services is between diverse entities, the intranet 341 - Web Infrastructure 2.019 1.551 1.597 0.247 0.331 0.341 3,174.424 0.05% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Inspection Service 000000141 plays an integral role in disseminating and conveying vital Delivery and Management Support
information. A more dynamic intranet is envisioned with Area
integrated functionality top include greater utilization
and customization.

Department of Food Safety and 005- FSIS-Laboratory General Support System (Lab All of the systems and equipment that provide services 313 - Population Health 5.147 3.126 2.536 - - - 3,174.424 0.08% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Inspection Service 000000236 GSS) for FSIS laboratories are being combined into one Management Delivery and Management Support
investment. This includes the Laboratory Information Area
Management System (LIMS), LIMS Direct, and (LEARN II).
LEARN II will be retired on 10/1/2013.

Department of Food Safety and 005- FSIS-Performance Based Inspection System PBIS is a computer-based system used by USDA s meat 313 - Population Health 0.217 0.224 - - - - 3,174.424 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Inspection Service 000003045 (PBIS) and poultry inspection agency, the Food Safety and Management Delivery and Management Support
Inspection Service (FSIS). The system organizes inspection Area
requirements, schedules inspection activities, and
maintains records of findings.

Department of Food Safety and 005- FSIS-Whole Genome Sequencing The WGS tool development and implementation is a 310 - Food and Drug Quality - - 3.045 - - 2.490 3,174.424 0.10% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Inspection Service 000003035 multi-year and multi-agency initiative utilizing modern and Safety Delivery and Management Support
sequencing instruments and associated bioinformatics Area
infrastructure to characterize bacterial genome with
greater precisions and details.

Department of Foreign Agricultural 005- FAS-Food Aid Information System (FAIS) Will handle program administration for USDA/FAS food 367 - International 0.221 0.360 0.221 0.100 0.100 0.100 3,174.424 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Service 000001427 aid programs. Will include interfaces to related systems Development Delivery and Management Support
used by USAID and FSA to develop comprehensive cross- Area
program reporting capability. Supports and
PMA Reform Food Aid, & Egov.

Department of Foreign Agricultural 005- FAS-Information and Knowledge Infrastructure This investment supports information collection and 139 - Provide and Maintain 1.265 2.900 1.465 0.712 0.550 0.912 3,174.424 0.05% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Service 000001628 (IKI) dissemination as well as knowledge management. IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
Department of Foreign Agricultural 005- FAS-Infrastructure, Office Automation, and This investment provides Network Operations, Disaster 139 - Provide and Maintain 13.903 13.908 15.085 1.352 1.418 2.418 3,174.424 0.48% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Service 000001729 Telecommunications (IOAT) Recovery, computer hardware, software, & telecom IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
services to FAS Washington & overseas offices. FAS relies Telecommunications
on a global information infrastructure to carry out its
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Foreign Agricultural 005- FAS-Administrative Decision Support Systems Consolidates IPATTS, OASIS, INCA, & FADS. Supports 129 - Reporting and 6.233 2.600 4.333 4.000 1.900 2.100 3,174.424 0.14% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Service 000001739 (ADSS) decisions on procurement, performance, staff Information Delivery and Management Support
development, time & attendance, passports & visas, Area
overseas post information, food aid, & telegraphic

Department of Foreign Agricultural 005- FAS-Planning and Oversight (PO) (formerly FAS This investment provides Administrative support, Capital 103 - Enterprise Architecture 538 - Program / Project 546 - Portfolio Management 3.226 4.373 3.969 1.505 2.249 1.998 3,174.424 0.13% 00 03 - IT Investments for EA, Capital 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Service 000001763 Customer Support (CS)) Planning, Project Management, Purchasing, Policy, and Management Planning, and CIO Functions
Technical Staff Training. It is formerly known as FAS
Customer Support.

Department of Foreign Agricultural 005- FAS-Market Access, Development, and Repository for trade issue info; support for the dairy & 043 - Global Trade 1.182 3.600 1.479 0.740 2.400 0.884 3,174.424 0.05% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Service 000002144 Assistance (MADA) sugar import licensing programs & for FAS marketing Delivery and Management Support
programs; information to exporters, development of Area
marketing plans; mgmt of marketing program funding;
coordination of post activities.

Department of Foreign Agricultural 005- FAS-Global Crop Production Intelligence Primary source of global agricultural intelligence for 043 - Global Trade 2.679 0.240 0.173 2.556 0.050 0.050 3,174.424 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Service 000002850 System (GCPIS) USDA and the US Government. The GCPIS integrates Delivery and Management Support
analysis of satellite imagery, agro-meteorology, and crop Area
modeling to provide timely, unbiased information on
crop conditions and production.

Department of Foreign Agricultural 005- FAS-Market Intelligence - Global Commodity Support PMA by providing web access to official USDA 043 - Global Trade 1.733 2.040 1.733 1.052 1.250 1.052 3,174.424 0.05% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Service 000001646 Analysis (MIGCA) World Agricultural Production-Supply-Distribution data & Delivery and Management Support
foreign agricultural situation reports from overseas posts. Area
Expands US economic & trade opportunities by providing
ready access to data.

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-Resource Ordering and Status System ROSS is an interagency software application deployed in 010 - Emergency Response 6.028 5.528 5.528 - - - 3,174.424 0.17% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 01 - Major
Agriculture 000000028 (ROSS) 342 interagency wildland incident dispatch offices to Delivery and Management Support
share resource and incident status information, and to Area
provide a means to mobilize and track emergency
response resources.

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-AgPRS - USDA Public Safety Land Mobile Radio communication systems are vital to the health and 139 - Provide and Maintain 37.932 36.909 36.909 - 4.519 4.519 3,174.424 1.16% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 01 - Major
Agriculture 000000073 Radio System safe operation of Agency employees and visitors AgPRS IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
provides for a more effective management of USDA field- Telecommunications
going personnel, providing day to day administrative
support to ground mission activities.

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-Automated Timber Sale Accounting Provides timely and accurate bills for collection and 124 - Accounting 1.511 0.600 0.600 0.842 - - 3,174.424 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000093 statements of account for purchasers of national forest Delivery and Management Support
timber. Area
Department of Forest Service 005- FS-Forest Service Computer Base Forest Service Computer Base provides IT Infrastructure, 139 - Provide and Maintain 209.064 205.459 205.459 - 12.649 12.649 3,174.424 6.47% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 01 - Major
Agriculture 000000098 i.e., PCs, servers, & corporate s.w.). Initiative is vital to IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
ensure FS can continue to carry out its natural resource Telecommunications
mission in an e-Government environment.

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-FPA-P2 - Fire Program Analysis System - FPA Phase 2 builds on the success of FPA Preparedness 101 - Budget Formulation 1.521 1.242 1.242 0.149 - - 3,174.424 0.04% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000001496 Phase 2 Module (FPA-PM) to develop national level planning and Delivery and Management Support
budgeting tools for decision support of Fuel & Area
Preparedness Management in the context of the wildland
fire program.

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-Natural Resource Manager (NRM) The Natural Resource Manager supports the inventory, 057 - Conservation, Marine 21.000 21.000 21.000 - - - 3,174.424 0.66% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 01 - Major
Agriculture 000002223 analysis, and reporting of natural resources, management and Land Management Delivery and Management Support
of agency constructed features (including real property), Area
permits, timber management and activity tracking.

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-Incident Business System (IBS) The Incident Business Systems (IBS) is a set of 126 - Payments 1.201 1.202 1.202 - - - 3,174.424 0.04% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000002328 applications which are used by the both the Fire & Delivery and Management Support
Aviation community and the Budget & Finance Area
community to process incident payments.

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-Mapping/Geospatial This investment supports forest inventory analysis, forest 590 - Mapping / Geospatial 4.938 4.915 4.915 - 0.870 0.910 3,174.424 0.15% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000265 health projects, and control extension which enables the Delivery and Management Support
agency to respond to business needs for LMP Planning Area
and resource program delivery that requires inventory
and monitoring activities.

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-Water Resource Management Investment supports the provision of consistent national 056 - Water Resource 0.550 0.556 0.556 - 0.556 0.556 3,174.424 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000240 guidance on how to acquire and analyze groundwater Management Delivery and Management Support
information; establish procedures for Watershed Area
Condition Framework implementation performance and
effectiveness validation of essential actions.

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-Management of Government Records Investment supports modernization planning project for 345 - Management of 1.915 1.915 1.915 - 1.475 1.475 3,174.424 0.06% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000257 ORMS business processes, outlining a set of Government Records Delivery and Management Support
modernization tasks for each of the six ORMS business Area
areas: Correspondence, Directives, FACA, Regulations,
FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) and Records.

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-IT System Development and Integration - Investment funds OCFO support for the Financial 326 - IT System Development 3.100 3.500 3.500 - - - 3,174.424 0.11% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000267 OCFO FMMI Support Agency Specific Modernization Initiative (FMMI). / Integration Support Delivery and Management Support
Department of Forest Service 005- FS-Employee Benefits, Compensation and This investment provides electronic case management 254 - Employee Benefits and 0.520 2.211 2.211 - 0.200 0.200 3,174.424 0.07% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000244 Worker Safety and data synchronization between three distinct groups; Compensation Delivery and Management Support
Workers Compensation, Safety and Health, and Human Area
Resources Management.

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-Knowledge Distribution and Delivery Investment supports the automation of reports into a 577 - Knowledge Distribution 0.250 0.297 0.297 - - - 3,174.424 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000258 Reporting Dashboard; provides an integrated, end-to-end and Delivery Delivery and Management Support
process that facilitates awareness and accountability Area
throughout all levels of the organization; eliminates
manual reporting.

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-Goods, Service Acquisition and Inventory Investment enables contracting staffs to establish pre- 143 - Goods and Services 4.428 4.240 4.239 - 0.606 0.606 3,174.424 0.13% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000256 Control season rental agreements; maintain equipment and crew Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
certifications; track past performance; and standardizes Area
the implementation of best value practices.

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-Employee Development and Training This investment provides for the development and 618 - Employee 0.363 0.380 0.380 - - - 3,174.424 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000246 delivery of up-to-date geospatial training courses and IT Development and Training Delivery and Management Support
infrastructure to support FS and BLM Service First Area
cooperative training programs.

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-IT System Development and Integration This group of investments provides and maintains 326 - IT System Development 3.366 2.588 2.588 1.030 2.400 2.400 3,174.424 0.08% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000264 Support (Finance) reliable financial management information and / Integration Support Delivery and Management Support
infrastructure, as well as excellence in the delivery of Area
timely financial information for sound decision making.

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-Recreational Resource Management and Investment supports a customer-friendly recreation 058 - Recreational Resource 0.780 - - - - - 3,174.424 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000245 Tourism portal ( with information for Management and Tourism Delivery and Management Support
planning visits to reservable Federal recreation sites and Area
provides the public with access to friendly, accessible
online tools that aid the public.
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Forest Service 005- FS-Emergency Response Investment enables the FS to use Unmanned Aircraft 010 - Emergency Response 1.580 1.921 1.921 - 0.040 0.040 3,174.424 0.06% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000252 Systems to provide operational support for resource Delivery and Management Support
management applications; and provides incident Area
management support on an inter-agency basis.

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-IT System Development and Integration This investment provides and maintains reliable 326 - IT System Development 0.300 0.300 0.300 - 0.300 0.300 3,174.424 0.01% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000263 Support (Infrastructure) management information and infrastructure, as well as / Integration Support Office Automation, and
excellence in the delivery of timely information for sound Telecommunications
decision making.

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-Crime Prevention This investment provides the agency a capability to track 047 - Crime Prevention 0.193 0.203 0.203 - - - 3,174.424 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000249 enforcement and investigations activity on National Delivery and Management Support
Forest Lands utilizing a GIS capability. Area

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-Data Warehouse This investment supports the automation of reports into 603 - Data Warehouse 7.786 6.015 6.015 0.161 2.607 2.607 3,174.424 0.19% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000260 a Reporting Dashboard; provides an integrated, end-to- Delivery and Management Support
end process that facilitates awareness and accountability Area
throughout all levels of the organization; eliminates
manual reporting.

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-Help Desk Services Investment provides the staffing of helpdesks with 120 - Help Desk Services 2.967 2.925 2.925 - - - 3,174.424 0.09% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000261 highly-skilled support; integrates call centers; and Office Automation, and
accommodates mission-critical support needs. Telecommunications

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-Environmental Remediation Investment provides remotely sensed satellite imagery, 024 - Environmental 0.776 0.788 0.788 - 0.150 0.150 3,174.424 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000247 burned area reflectance classifications, and other Remediation Delivery and Management Support
geospatial data to support fire suppression and post fire Area
emergency response projects. They provide capabilities
that include mapping burn severity.

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-IT Infrastructure Maintenance This investment provides core services for the 139 - Provide and Maintain 4.458 4.261 4.261 0.160 0.066 0.066 3,174.424 0.13% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000262 management, provisioning, coordination, installation and IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
maintenance of all servers; is responsible for engineering, Telecommunications
implementing, managing and maintaining corporate
business information.

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-Conservation, Marine and Land Investment support forest inventory analysis, forest 057 - Conservation, Marine 3.566 3.474 3.474 - 1.691 1.691 3,174.424 0.11% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000242 Management National Forest Systems health projects, and control extensions which enable the and Land Management Delivery and Management Support
agency to respond to business needs for LMP Planning Area
and resource program delivery that requires inventory
and monitoring activities.

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-Disaster Preparedness and Planning Investment provides for the management, monitoring, 008 - Disaster Preparedness 4.092 6.141 6.141 - 0.638 0.638 3,174.424 0.19% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000248 planning and budgeting of fire activities; support the and Planning Delivery and Management Support
analysis of risk management for all federal wildfire. Area

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-Staffing and Recruiting Investments support business processes relative to 251 - Staffing and Recruiting 6.500 6.500 6.500 - - - 3,174.424 0.20% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000259 staffing activities; provides for the electronic version of Delivery and Management Support
personnel records including payroll; supports the Area
activation of self-service HR accounts and Paycheck8
accounts for new employees.

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-Conservation, Marine and Land This investment support forest inventory analysis, forest 057 - Conservation, Marine 4.768 4.986 4.986 0.759 2.303 2.303 3,174.424 0.16% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000241 Management health projects, and control extensions which enable the and Land Management Delivery and Management Support
agency to respond to business needs for LMP Planning Area
and resource program delivery that requires inventory
and monitoring activities.

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-USDA WCF FS IT System Development / WCF assessment for OCFO support. 326 - IT System Development 37.613 37.413 37.413 - - - 3,174.424 1.18% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000273 Integration Support (OCFO Core FMMI / Integration Support Delivery and Management Support
Support-WCF Assessment) Area

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-Budget and Performance Integration, Investments provide the agency a capability to manage 101 - Budget Formulation 2.237 2.245 2.245 0.237 0.406 0.406 3,174.424 0.07% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000253 Formulation and Execution the budget formulation process and provide work- Delivery and Management Support
planning consistency across all units along with the ability Area
to compile activity based cost estimates.

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-USDA WCF FS IT System Development / This is the WCF assessment for NFC support. 326 - IT System Development 9.659 8.537 8.537 - - - 3,174.424 0.27% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000274 Integration Support (Core NFC) / Integration Support Delivery and Management Support
Department of Forest Service 005- FS-Reporting and Information This initiative transforms the processing of IAS contract 129 - Reporting and - - - - - - 3,174.424 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000254 invoices through the leaning, standardizing and Information Delivery and Management Support
automating of the existing process and procedures. Area

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-Staffing and Recruiting - NFC Support Investments support business processes relative to 251 - Staffing and Recruiting 4.304 4.304 4.304 - - - 3,174.424 0.14% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000243 staffing activities; provides for the electronic version of Delivery and Management Support
personnel records including payroll; supports the Area
activation of self-service HR accounts.

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-Data Management National Forest Systems Investment supports data management for the 601 - Data Exchange 0.506 0.527 0.527 - 0.080 0.080 3,174.424 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000266 provisioning of consistent national guidance on how to Delivery and Management Support
acquire and analyze groundwater information; establish Area
procedures for Watershed Condition Framework
implementation performance and effectiveness.

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-Air Transportation Support for FS Fire and Aviation Management Program 010 - Emergency Response 0.114 0.053 0.053 - - - 3,174.424 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000238 by providing aircraft flight data recorder management, Delivery and Management Support
provides the agency a capability to automatically track Area
and display location of aircraft on operational missions.

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-Forest Service Provided Shared Services This investment provides performance-based Information 120 - Help Desk Services - 10.586 10.557 - 0.300 - 3,174.424 0.33% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 01 - Major
Agriculture 000003030 Technology Service Desk Support in an environment that Office Automation, and
crosses multiple agencies/organizations with differing Telecommunications

Department of Forest Service 005- This investment supports the Forest Service's 058 - Recreational Resource - 0.340 0.340 - - - 3,174.424 0.01% 24 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 01 - Major
Agriculture 999990010 contribution to the interagency Recreation One-Stop Management and Tourism Delivery and Management Support
initiative and the Recreation Information Data Base - the Area
authoritative data source supporting

Department of Forest Service 005- FS-Information Sharing Document Library FS Information Sharing Document Library is a multi- 661 - Document - 0.444 0.444 - - - 3,174.424 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000003040 agency effort purchase paid full-text electronic journal Management and workflow Delivery and Management Support
subscriptions, databases, and other resources that Area
directly support FS scientific and resource management

Department of Grain Inspection, 005- GIPSA-Enterprise Infrastructure GIPSA-Enterprise Infrastructure (GEI) is composed of 139 - Provide and Maintain 103 - Enterprise Architecture 4.530 4.945 5.044 0.401 0.500 0.510 3,174.424 0.16% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Packers and 000001654 hardware and software. There are six main components; IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
Stockyards Computer hardware, Operating Systems, Enterprise Telecommunications
Administration software, Data Management and storage,
Networking/Telecommunications, and Internet platform.

Department of Grain Inspection, 005- GIPSA-FGIS Online FGISonline is a portfolio of online business applications 353 - Information Exchange 043 - Global Trade 077 - Inspection and Auditing 077 - Inspection and Auditing 2.332 2.485 2.534 0.850 0.850 0.867 3,174.424 0.08% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Packers and 000001768 that will change the way FGIS does business, and bring and Transformation Delivery and Management Support
Stockyards official inspection and weighing to the desktop. These Area
Administration online business services will improve internal business
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of National 005- NASS-Cyber-security Cyber security protects NASS data, resources and 121 - Security Management 2.478 2.371 2.478 - - - 3,174.424 0.08% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Agricultural 000001536 infrastructure. Office Automation, and
Statistics Service Telecommunications

Department of National 005- NASS-Information Technology Infrastructure Basic infrastructure required to provide service and 139 - Provide and Maintain 12.050 10.855 10.592 0.975 0.945 0.845 3,174.424 0.33% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Agricultural 000001538 support for Agency. IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
Statistics Service Telecommunications

Department of National 005- NASS-Geospatial Research NASS uses geospatial satellite and aerial data to support 590 - Mapping / Geospatial 0.746 0.761 0.746 - - - 3,174.424 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Agricultural 000001600 NASS survey and Census of Agriculture programs. NASS Delivery and Management Support
Statistics Service also uses these data for the popular Cropland Data Layer Area
and to help monitor crop conditions during the growing

Department of National 005- NASS-Data and Applications NASS Data and Applications investment supporting 070 - General Purpose Data 15.537 14.332 13.862 0.925 0.850 0.900 3,174.424 0.44% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Agricultural 000000279 survey and census statistical programs. and Statistics Delivery and Management Support
Statistics Service Area

Department of National Institute of 005- NIFA-IT Infrastructure General Infrastructure, Operations and Maintenance, and 139 - Provide and Maintain 026 - Scientific and 6.558 6.889 7.095 0.300 0.150 - 3,174.424 0.22% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Food and 000002302 IT Policy Investment for NIFA. IT Infrastructure Technological Research and Office Automation, and
Agriculture Innovation Telecommunications

Department of National Institute of 005- NIFA-Grants Management and Reporting NIFA Grants Management and Reporting System from 026 - Scientific and 362 - Federal Financial 9.297 8.988 10.192 5.114 4.762 5.923 3,174.424 0.32% 00 04 - Grants Management Systems 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Food and 000000268 application (via, through award, reportings, Technological Research and Assistance
Agriculture and closeout of awards. Innovation

Department of Natural Resources 005- NRCS-Water and Climate Information System WCIS provides water supply projections, climate data 023 - Environmental 057 - Conservation, Marine 2.972 1.580 1.649 1.966 1.057 1.108 3,174.424 0.05% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Conservation 000000050 (WCIS) collection & interpretations for Western US, including Monitoring and Forecasting and Land Management Delivery and Management Support
Service SNOwpack TELemetry (SNOTEL) system. Area

Department of Natural Resources 005- NRCS-Infrastructure Support (NIS) International Technology Services (ITS) and the National 057 - Conservation, Marine 139 - Provide and Maintain 10.707 9.945 8.988 - - - 3,174.424 0.28% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Conservation 000000122 Information Tech Center (NITC), provides comprehensive, and Land Management IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
Service fee-for-service information technology, associated Telecommunications
operations, hosting services, security, and technical
support services for NRCS users.

Department of Natural Resources 005- NRCS-Accountability Information Management The Budget and Performance Integration Initiative of the 057 - Conservation, Marine 547 - Performance 1.095 1.740 2.088 0.063 0.721 1.048 3,174.424 0.07% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Conservation 000002375 System (AIMS) President s Management Agenda requires that agencies and Land Management Management Delivery and Management Support
Service use performance information to manage activities and Area
programs, justify requests for funds on the basis of the
performance expected.

Department of Natural Resources 005- NRCS-Conservation Delivery Streamline CDSI is a collection of proposed applications to reduce 057 - Conservation, Marine 108 - Customer Services 22.101 53.606 34.389 14.900 29.484 23.222 3,174.424 1.08% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 01 - Major
Agriculture Conservation 000002376 Initiative (CDSI) administrative tasks and provide greater flexibility for and Land Management Delivery and Management Support
Service NRCS conservationists in their efforts to plan and Area
implement conservation practices.

Department of Natural Resources 005- NRCS-Customer Service Toolkits (CST) NRCS provides data, information, or technical expertise 057 - Conservation, Marine 362 - Federal Financial 2.009 2.243 1.542 0.785 1.566 0.842 3,174.424 0.05% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Conservation 000002377 that helps people collect and analyze information to and Land Management Assistance Delivery and Management Support
Service identify natural resource problems and opportunities, Area
clarify their objectives, and formulate and evaluate

Department of Natural Resources 005- NRCS-Management Applications (MGT) Make effective use of Internet based technology to 057 - Conservation, Marine 251 - Staffing and Recruiting 2.462 1.539 1.604 0.326 0.287 0.306 3,174.424 0.05% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Conservation 000002381 provide customer-focused service. In order to strengthen and Land Management Delivery and Management Support
Service financial management controls, NRCS is instituting a Area
permanent framework for assessing risk, measuring
payment accuracy, and initiating financial.

Department of Natural Resources 005- NRCS-Natural Resources Data Collection and NRCS assesses, acquires, develops, interprets, analyzes, 057 - Conservation, Marine 353 - Information Exchange 0.413 0.365 0.395 0.096 0.102 0.121 3,174.424 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Conservation 000002382 Development (DCD) and delivers natural resource data and information to and Land Management and Transformation Delivery and Management Support
Service enable knowledge-based natural resource planning and Area
decision making at all landscape scales.

Department of Natural Resources 005- NRCS-Natural Resources Information and NRCS develops, documents, and distributes a wide array 057 - Conservation, Marine 024 - Environmental 3.280 3.661 4.114 1.057 2.029 2.268 3,174.424 0.13% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Conservation 000002383 Delivery (NRID) of natural resources technology pertaining to resource and Land Management Remediation Delivery and Management Support
Service assessment (i.e. Soils), conservation planning, and Area
conservation system, installation and evaluation.

Department of Natural Resources 005- NRCS-OCIO Operations & Security Support Natural Resource Technology Transfer supports strategic 057 - Conservation, Marine 354 - IT Strategy and 17.915 15.785 14.752 0.344 0.237 0.244 3,174.424 0.46% 00 03 - IT Investments for EA, Capital 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Conservation 000002386 (NOOSS) management of operations to include project and Land Management Innovation Planning, and CIO Functions
Service management processes, enterprise architecture roadmap
development, CPIC processes, PfM, security compliance,
and policy development and implementation.

Department of Natural Resources 005- NRCS-OCIO Infrastructure (NOI) Natural Resource Technology Transfer evaluates, 057 - Conservation, Marine 139 - Provide and Maintain 8.998 5.331 5.582 0.593 0.514 0.654 3,174.424 0.18% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Conservation 000002387 acquires, develops, and transfers conservation tools, and Land Management IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
Service techniques, and standards based on research and new Telecommunications
technologies. Includes the production and delivery of
technical tools.

Department of Natural Resources 005- NRCS-Program Contracts, Easements and Applications used to establish and maintain 057 - Conservation, Marine 362 - Federal Financial 5.117 3.589 2.458 3.362 2.101 0.897 3,174.424 0.08% 00 04 - Grants Management Systems 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Conservation 000002388 Grants (CEG) programmatic contracts, easements and grants with and Land Management Assistance
Service NRCS cooperators.

Department of Natural Resources 005- NRCS-Smartech Management Programs (SMP) Natural Resource Technology Transfer evaluates, 057 - Conservation, Marine 024 - Environmental 2.819 2.867 2.256 1.280 1.396 0.665 3,174.424 0.07% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Conservation 000002389 acquires, develops, and transfers conservation tools, and Land Management Remediation Delivery and Management Support
Service techniques, and standards based on research and new Area
technologies. This includes the production and delivery of
technical tools.

Department of Natural Resources 005- NRCS-Enterprise Data Management (EDM) The purpose of the EDM investment is to provide NRCS 317 - Data Integrity and 339 - Information Mapping / - 7.344 5.319 - 3.717 1.818 3,174.424 0.17% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Conservation 000003025 with improved content management capabilities increase Privacy Management Taxonomy / Categorization Delivery and Management Support
Service the efficiency associated with the enterprise level Area
management of data and other content.

Department of Office of Inspector 005- DM-OIG-IRM Office Automation OIG IRM Office Automation: Software, Hardware and IT 011 - Business and Industry 4.164 4.354 4.354 - - - 3,174.424 0.14% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture General 000001712 services in support of the OIG office environment. Development Office Automation, and
Department of Office of the 005- DM-OGC-IT Infrastructure OGC Budget Submission for IT Infrastructure. 011 - Business and Industry 0.508 0.337 0.375 - - - 3,174.424 0.01% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture General Counsel 000002218 Development Office Automation, and
Department of Office of the 005- DM-OCIO-e-Learning/AgLearn Combined AgLearn is an eLearning system that provides online 139 - Provide and Maintain 5.403 5.403 5.403 - - - 3,174.424 0.17% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Secretary 000000035 administration of curriculum by trainers, individualized IT Infrastructure Delivery and Management Support
training support, on-demand classroom registration, Area
customized content, collaborative tools, and integrated
back-end systems.

Department of Office of the 005- DM-OPPM-Integrated Acquisition System (IAS) IAS is a department-wide initiative to provide and 143 - Goods and Services 13.334 14.094 14.140 - - - 3,174.424 0.45% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 01 - Major
Agriculture Secretary 000000039 implement e-government in acquisition. Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
Department of Office of the 005- DM-OneUSDA Human Resources Enterprise Generally a DME investment for Enterprise-wide HR IT 254 - Employee Benefits and 251 - Staffing and Recruiting 255 - Employee Performance 7.379 6.147 3.698 3.800 2.500 - 3,174.424 0.12% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Secretary 000000187 Solution Project applications; includes minor systems procured through Compensation Management Delivery and Management Support
WCF and Greenbook funding. Area

Department of Office of the 005- DM-OC-Ongoing IT Support Costs associated with maintaining OC IT Infrastructure. 322 - Public Communications 2.325 2.872 3.071 - 0.085 0.192 3,174.424 0.10% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Secretary 000001762 Infrastructure Office Automation, and
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Office of the 005- Provides a single point of access for citizens to locate and 011 - Business and Industry 0.376 0.389 0.403 - - - 3,174.424 0.01% 24 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 04 - Funding
Agriculture Secretary 999990020 determine potential eligibility for government benefits Development Delivery and Management Support Contribution
and services. Investment represents USDA's participation Area
in this Presidential initiative.

Department of Office of the 005- DM-OCIO-EGOV-E-Rulemaking Improves the access to, and quality of, the rulemaking 129 - Reporting and 0.752 0.487 0.564 - - - 3,174.424 0.02% 24 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 04 - Funding
Agriculture Secretary 999990060 process for individuals, businesses, and other Information Delivery and Management Support Contribution
government entities. Investment represents USDA's Area
participation in this Presidential initiative.

Department of Office of the 005- DM-OCIO-EGOV-Integrated Award A secure business environment that facilitates and 145 - Logistics Management 0.633 2.434 3.675 - - - 3,174.424 0.12% 24 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 04 - Funding
Agriculture Secretary 999990230 Environment supports cost-effective acquisition of goods and services Delivery and Management Support Contribution
in support of mission performance. Investment Area
represents USDA's participation in this Presidential

Department of Office of the 005- DM-OCIO-EGOV-Financial Management LoB Financial management solution that is efficient and 011 - Business and Industry 0.159 0.167 0.167 - - - 3,174.424 0.01% 24 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 04 - Funding
Agriculture Secretary 999991100 improves business performance while ensuring integrity Development Delivery and Management Support Contribution
in accountability, financial controls, and mission Area
effectiveness. Investment represents USDA's
participation in this Presidential initiative.

Department of Office of the 005- DM-OCIO-EGOV-Human Resources LoB Streamlines and automates the electronic exchange, 251 - Staffing and Recruiting 0.260 0.261 0.261 - - - 3,174.424 0.01% 24 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 04 - Funding
Agriculture Secretary 999991200 reporting, and analysis of Federal employee HR data. Delivery and Management Support Contribution
Investment represents USDA's participation in this Area
Presidential initiative.

Department of Office of the 005- DM-OCIO-EGOV-E-Training Services acquired through GoLearn.Gov. provide cost- 255 - Employee Performance 2.635 2.640 - - - - 3,174.424 0.00% 48 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 04 - Funding
Agriculture Secretary 999991217 effective economies of scale for the delivery of e-Training Management Delivery and Management Support Contribution
services to Federal, state, and local government Area
organizations. Investment represents USDA's
participation in this Presidential initiative.

Department of Office of the 005- DM-OCIO-EGOV-Enterprise HR Integration Streamlines and automates the electronic exchange, 011 - Business and Industry 2.211 1.860 1.860 - - - 3,174.424 0.06% 48 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 04 - Funding
Agriculture Secretary 999991219 reporting, and analysis of Federal employee HR data. Development Delivery and Management Support Contribution
Investment represents USDA's participation in this Area
Presidential initiative.

Department of Office of the 005- DM-OCIO-EGOV-Geospatial LoB Provides Federal and state agencies with single point of 011 - Business and Industry 0.249 0.225 0.225 - - - 3,174.424 0.01% 24 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 04 - Funding
Agriculture Secretary 999993100 access to map-related data enabling the sharing of Development Delivery and Management Support Contribution
existing data. Investment represents USDA's Area
participation in this Presidential initiative.

Department of Office of the 005- DM-OCIO-EGOV-Budget Formulation and Solution supporting all phases of the formulation and 101 - Budget Formulation 0.095 0.110 0.110 - - - 3,174.424 0.00% 24 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 04 - Funding
Agriculture Secretary 999993200 Execution LoB execution of the Federal Budget and linking budget Delivery and Management Support Contribution
formulation, execution, planning, performance, and Area
financial information. Investment represents USDA's
participation in this Presidential initiative.

Department of Office of the 005- DM-OCIO-EGOV-Disaster Assistance The initiative will be a portal or solution that will allow 008 - Disaster Preparedness 0.106 0.106 0.106 - - - 3,174.424 0.00% 24 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 04 - Funding
Agriculture Secretary 999994100 citizen access to disaster assistance programs. and Planning Delivery and Management Support Contribution
Investment represents USDA's participation in this Area
Presidential Initiative.

Department of Office of the 005- Creates a single portal for all Federal grant customers to 011 - Business and Industry 0.439 0.454 0.516 - - - 3,174.424 0.02% 24 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 04 - Funding
Agriculture Secretary 999990160 find, apply and ultimately manage grants online. Development Delivery and Management Support Contribution
Investment represents USDA's participation in this Area
Presidential initiative.

Department of Office of the 005- OSEC-NAD Tracking This is a web-based electronic case tracking system for 324 - Adjudicate Non-Judicial 0.732 0.529 0.825 0.330 0.100 0.350 3,174.424 0.03% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Secretary 000003020 processing appeals to support NAD’s statutory obligations Requests Delivery and Management Support
to provide timely hearings and issue timely appeals and Area
review determinations to USDA participants.

Department of Office of the 005- DM-OCIO-EGOV-USAJOBS USDA E-Gov contributions to USAJOBS. 251 - Staffing and Recruiting - - 0.567 - - - 3,174.424 0.02% 24 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 04 - Funding
Agriculture Secretary 999991218 Delivery and Management Support Contribution
Department of Office of the 005- DM-OCIO-EGOV-Performance Management USDA E-Gov contributions to PMLoB. 011 - Business and Industry 0.053 0.053 0.080 - - - 3,174.424 0.00% 24 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 04 - Funding
Agriculture Secretary 999990900 LoB Development Delivery and Management Support Contribution
Department of Risk Management 005- RMA-13 Emerging Information Technology This investment supports the reengineering of all 320 - Credit and Insurance 19.318 24.109 23.053 12.480 14.209 12.440 3,174.424 0.73% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 01 - Major
Agriculture Agency 000000063 Architecture (EITA) business & financial systems associated with delivery of Delivery and Management Support
the crop insurance program. Area
Department of Risk Management 005- RMA-01 Financial Management Systems Provide a fully integrated budget, accounting, and 320 - Credit and Insurance 0.360 0.360 - - - - 3,174.424 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Agency 000000064 (FMS) financial reporting system addressing all phases of RMA Delivery and Management Support
financial responsibilities to ensure proper accounting, Area
control, reporting, receipt, and disbursement of RMA
crop insurance funds.

Department of Risk Management 005- RMA-04 Infrastructure Modernization, Support Tools, applications and communication methods used by 320 - Credit and Insurance 014 - Industry Sector Income 18.781 17.026 17.720 - - - 3,174.424 0.56% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Agency 000001430 and Training (IMST) RMA staff in Washington, DC, headquarters, and field Stabilization Office Automation, and
offices to support delivery of risk management and crop Telecommunications
insurance information to RMA customers.

Department of Rural Development 005- RD-Enterprise Content Management (ECM) ECM combines documents & processes to optimize 176 - Legislative Functions 1.215 1.432 1.474 - - - 3,174.424 0.05% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000001838 performance, eliminate redundancy, and improve Delivery and Management Support
decision making. ECM creates standardized electronic Area
filing system, workflows, and reports that enable secure,
efficient management of core business processes.

Department of Rural Development 005- RD-Administrative Support RD Administrative Support. 139 - Provide and Maintain 0.977 6.089 3.900 - - - 3,174.424 0.12% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000002231 IT Infrastructure Delivery and Management Support
Department of Rural Development 005- RD-Comprehensive Loan Program The Comprehensive Loan Program (CLP) initiative was 001 - Homeownership 002 - Community and 011 - Business and Industry 038 - Housing Assistance 116 - Debt Collection 52.077 56.504 36.212 16.290 20.282 - 3,174.424 1.14% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 01 - Major
Agriculture 000002317 launched by Rural Development (RD) to modernize and Promotion Regional Development Development Delivery and Management Support
streamline the application delivery portfolio. Area

Department of Rural Development 005- RD-Operations/Fixed Costs Operations and Infrastructure costs. 538 - Program / Project 10.959 11.539 11.894 - - - 3,174.424 0.37% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000001580 Management Delivery and Management Support
Department of Office of Civil Rights 005- DM-OCR-Civil Rights Enterprise System The Web-based enterprise-wide suite of applications 256 - Employee Relations 1.900 1.900 1.900 0.200 0.200 0.200 3,174.424 0.06% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Agriculture 000000097 supports USDA and all Departmental agencies by Delivery and Management Support
tracking, processing, and managing employment, and Area
program complaints, as well as meeting regulatory
reporting requirements.

Department of Office of Chief 005- OCFO-Financial Management Modernization The FMMI investment will improve financial 124 - Accounting 56.125 66.557 63.996 - 9.650 9.650 3,174.424 2.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 01 - Major
Agriculture Financial Officer 000001425 Initiative (FMMI) management performance by providing USDA agencies Delivery and Management Support
with a modern financial management system that Area
complies with Federal accounting and systems standards
and provides maximum support to the USDA mission.

Department of Office of Chief 005- OCFO-NFC Shared Services- IT Systems This business case addresses NFC's investments as well as 624 - Payroll 129 - Reporting and 108 - Customer Services 120 - Help Desk Services 613 - Time Reporting 154.230 160.838 158.306 - 5.256 - 3,174.424 4.99% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 01 - Major
Agriculture Financial Officer 000000235 on-going operations and maintenance for all 12 Information Delivery and Management Support
information technology systems in NFC's inventory (3 Area
general support systems and 9 major applications).
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Office of Chief 005- OCFO-FSSP-Pegasys The implementation of Pegasys will create two distinct 124 - Accounting 126 - Payments 127 - Collections and 129 - Reporting and 105 - Budget Execution - - - - - - 3,174.424 0.00% 48 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 01 - Major
Agriculture Financial Officer 000003010 FMLOB offerings from USDA, and having two offerings Receivables Information Delivery and Management Support
will increase competition within the shared services Area
space and will in turn increase USDA’s ability to facilitate
stronger internal controls.

Department of Office of Chief 005- DM-OCIO-USDA Enterprise Geospatial Shared Enterprise level, cloud-based geospatial service supports 011 - Business and Industry 1.358 - - 1.358 - - 3,174.424 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Information Officer 000000120 Services data and GIS provisioning and consumption in rapidly Development Delivery and Management Support
deployed portal framework; creates web map/feature Area
services, asset exchange, versioning, templates, cost
controls for National Geo Platform.

Department of Office of Chief 005- DM-OCIO-Executive IT Management Staff This investment is for OCIO costs that are not assigned to 011 - Business and Industry 17.045 16.538 27.716 - - - 3,174.424 0.87% 00 03 - IT Investments for EA, Capital 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Information Officer 000001696 Costs another specific investment. Development Planning, and CIO Functions

Department of Office of Chief 005- DM-OCIO-USDA Identity & Access An enterprise-wide collection, storage and controlled 648 - Identification and 121 - Security Management 034 - Key Asset and Critical 326 - IT System Development 139 - Provide and Maintain 15.329 16.107 15.032 0.150 0.050 0.050 3,174.424 0.47% 00 03 - IT Investments for EA, Capital 00 01 - Major
Agriculture Information Officer 000002224 Management distribution of identification information for use by logical Authentication Infrastructure Protection / Integration Support IT Infrastructure Planning, and CIO Functions
systems (access to USDA websites), personal computer
hardware (desktops and laptops with card readers), and
facilities (using LincPass).

Department of Office of Chief 005- DM-OCIO-Optimized Computing Environment OCE revitalizes the SCA IT infrastructure. This multi-year 139 - Provide and Maintain 263 - System and Network 28.937 28.937 16.000 28.937 28.937 - 3,174.424 0.50% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 01 - Major
Agriculture Information Officer 000002321 (OCE) initiative focuses on technological enhancements on all IT Infrastructure Monitoring Office Automation, and
levels of the IT architecture (e.g., network and servers) Telecommunications
with the purpose of supporting SCA modernization

Department of Office of Chief 005- DM-OCIO-USDA Security Operations Center Investment to maintain USDA IT Security Operations 121 - Security Management 316 - Continuous Monitoring 656 - Certification and 26.625 26.980 36.999 2.485 1.458 11.625 3,174.424 1.17% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 01 - Major
Agriculture Information Officer 000002335 (SOC) Center focused on achieving USDA Security Strategy: Accreditation Delivery and Management Support
Achieve proactive security through actionable insight. Area

Department of Office of Chief 005- DM-OCIO-CTS-USDA Enterprise End User The End User Shared Services (EUSS) investment provides 139 - Provide and Maintain 214.339 230.747 231.142 - - - 3,174.424 7.28% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 01 - Major
Agriculture Information Officer 000000232 Shared Services (EUSS) quality information technology products and services to IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
over 40,000 customers located in over 3,000 offices Telecommunications
across the United States and its territories.

Department of Office of Chief 005- DM-OCIO-NITC-USDA Enterprise Data Center Enterprise Data Center Hosting Shared Services, from 139 - Provide and Maintain 263 - System and Network 108 - Customer Services 108 - Customer Services 87.941 91.023 89.971 - - - 3,174.424 2.83% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 01 - Major
Agriculture Information Officer 000000229 & Hosting Shared Services OCIO-NITC, provide private cloud solutions for IT Infrastructure Monitoring Office Automation, and
mainframe, mid-tier and legacy mid-tier web hosting Telecommunications
environments. Public cloud solutions from private sector
vendors are available.

Department of Office of Chief 005- DM-OCIO-ENS-USDA Enterprise The Universal Telecommunications Network (UTN) Next 139 - Provide and Maintain 310 - Food and Drug Quality 010 - Emergency Response 010 - Emergency Response 318.829 358.548 388.527 1.000 1.500 1.500 3,174.424 12.24% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 01 - Major
Agriculture Information Officer 000000231 Telecommunications Shared Services Generation (NG) provides shared network services, used IT Infrastructure and Safety Office Automation, and
by all of USDA including U.S. Public, providing Trusted Telecommunications
Internet Connection (TIC) and Security Operations

Department of Office of Chief 005- DM-OCIO-CTS-USDA Enterprise Messaging Consolidation of all USDA email systems and accounts via 139 - Provide and Maintain 659 - Email 16.989 16.806 16.822 - - - 3,174.424 0.53% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 01 - Major
Agriculture Information Officer 000000186 Systems-Cloud Services (EMS-CS) cloud services. IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
Department of Executive 005- OCE-Local Area Network and Data Support Provide day-to-day support for OCE's business activities. 139 - Provide and Maintain 0.619 0.632 0.638 - - - 3,174.424 0.02% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Agriculture Operations 000001726 IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
Department of Bureau of Industry 006- BIS Treaty Compliance Division (TCD) - TCD-Net consists of the Chemical Weapons Convention 041 - Foreign Affairs 077 - Inspection and Auditing 108 - Customer Services 129 - Reporting and 349 - Nonproliferation and 0.939 1.033 0.920 - - - 2,264.588 0.04% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 25 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Security 000550200 Network system which supports treaty obligations of the U.S. Information Threat Reduction Delivery and Management Support
Government. Area
Department of Bureau of Industry 006- BIS OCIO Planning and Enterprise Architecture This investment covers EA, strategic planning, business 139 - Provide and Maintain 263 - System and Network 034 - Key Asset and Critical 547 - Performance 108 - Customer Services 2.853 3.139 3.310 - - - 2,264.588 0.15% 00 03 - IT Investments for EA, Capital 00 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Security 000550600 operations support, system engineering, product IT Infrastructure Monitoring Infrastructure Protection Management Planning, and CIO Functions
assurance, IT project planning/control, & staff
development of the BIS OCIO. This investment is
integrated in all of the BIS IT initiatives.

Department of Bureau of Industry 006- BIS Commerce USXPORTS Exporter Support The system complements the DOD USXPORTS system for 043 - Global Trade 041 - Foreign Affairs 319 - Regulatory Compliance 321 - Regulatory 531 - Case Management 5.040 5.615 3.634 2.090 2.165 0.184 2,264.588 0.16% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 25 01 - Major
Commerce and Security 000552000 System (CUESS) dual-use license regulation, export administration Enforcement Delivery and Management Support
analysis, and the export enforcement process in support Area
of the single IT System for the Export Control Reform

Department of Bureau of the 006- Census - American Community Survey (ACS) The American Community Survey has led to a simpler 070 - General Purpose Data 326 - IT System Development 19.248 18.558 19.564 1.435 1.105 1.911 2,264.588 0.86% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 01 - Major
Commerce Census 000400100 decennial census, provided more timely and relevant and Statistics / Integration Support Delivery and Management Support
data between censuses, and led to widespread Area
efficiencies throughout the federal statistical system.

Department of Bureau of the 006- Census - Data Access and Dissemination This initiative ensures that Census data dissemination 070 - General Purpose Data 341 - Web Infrastructure 538 - Program / Project 603 - Data Warehouse 604 - Meta Data 28.183 23.416 23.832 9.540 5.276 5.368 2,264.588 1.05% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 01 - Major
Commerce Census 000400300 System (DADS) efforts evolve from a producer-centric to a user-centric and Statistics Management Management Delivery and Management Support
environment, provides single-portal access to the largest Area
and most popular sets of data, and simplifies both access
to and extraction of data.

Department of Bureau of the 006- Census - Demographic Surveys Statistical IT This investment accounts for and provides management 070 - General Purpose Data 577 - Knowledge Distribution 13.725 15.186 15.595 3.431 3.796 3.899 2,264.588 0.69% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Commerce Census 000400500 Support of the costs associated with the Demographic Surveys and Statistics and Delivery Delivery and Management Support
Division (DSD) processing systems. Area

Department of Bureau of the 006- Census - Economic Census and Surveys The Economic Censuses and Surveys Project is a mixed 070 - General Purpose Data 326 - IT System Development 58.358 59.838 53.336 1.867 33.409 26.712 2,264.588 2.36% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 01 - Major
Commerce Census 000400700 life cycle investment, supporting statistical programs that and Statistics / Integration Support Delivery and Management Support
count and profile U.S. businesses and government Area

Department of Bureau of the 006- Census - Field Support Systems This funding supports refreshing and maintaining 070 - General Purpose Data 317 - Data Integrity and 23.952 20.528 22.703 2.614 0.842 0.842 2,264.588 1.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 01 - Major
Commerce Census 000400800 automated systems for data collection, tracking, and and Statistics Privacy Management Delivery and Management Support
training for the critical current survey and decennial Area

Department of Bureau of the 006- Census - Geographic Support Systems (GSS) This funding supports the integrated and automated 070 - General Purpose Data 590 - Mapping / Geospatial 25.206 38.795 41.135 2.957 2.405 - 2,264.588 1.82% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 01 - Major
Commerce Census 000400900 computer based Geographic Support System crucial to all and Statistics Delivery and Management Support
censuses and household surveys. Area

Department of Bureau of the 006- Census - Local Employment Dynamics IT LED provides new dynamic information on workers, 070 - General Purpose Data 354 - IT Strategy and 3.278 2.922 2.783 1.639 - - 2,264.588 0.12% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Commerce Census 000401000 Support (LED) employers and jobs with state-of-the-art confidentiality and Statistics Innovation Delivery and Management Support
protections and no additional burden to produce a Area
national longitudinal frame of jobs.

Department of Bureau of the 006- Census - Other Financial Management This funding supports all Census CAMS feeder systems to 070 - General Purpose Data 124 - Accounting 19.424 2.926 2.959 - - - 2,264.588 0.13% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Commerce Census 000401500 allow single entry of financial and administrative data in and Statistics Delivery and Management Support
accordance with departmental guidelines. Area

Department of Bureau of the 006- Census IT Infrastructure This is the Census Bureau IT infrastructure Major IT 139 - Provide and Maintain 103 - Enterprise Architecture 316 - Continuous Monitoring 326 - IT System Development 263 - System and Network 182.474 189.680 201.915 46.526 46.526 54.926 2,264.588 8.92% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 01 - Major
Commerce Census 000401700 Business Case that captures costs for Central IT. IT Infrastructure / Integration Support Monitoring Office Automation, and
Department of Bureau of the 006- Census - Part 1 Small/Other Projects Roll-up This is a consolidated roll-up of all of the Census Bureau's 070 - General Purpose Data 538 - Program / Project 65.349 41.501 41.065 5.314 7.393 5.899 2,264.588 1.81% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Commerce Census 000403600 Part 1 small/other projects. and Statistics Management Delivery and Management Support
Department of Bureau of the 006- Census - Census Enterprise Data Collection and Unique, survey-specific data collection and processing 139 - Provide and Maintain 354 - IT Strategy and 66.174 77.623 92.232 66.174 77.623 37.943 2,264.588 4.07% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 01 - Major
Commerce Census 000402100 Processing (CEDCAP) systems will be replaced by an integrated, standardized IT Infrastructure Innovation Delivery and Management Support
Enterprise solution to meet the needs of the Decennial Area
and Economic Censuses, and all survey operations
resulting in decreased costs and risk.

Department of Bureau of the 006- Census - 2020 Decennial Census Research and FY 2016 is the fifth year of funding for research, early 070 - General Purpose Data 103 - Enterprise Architecture 104 - Strategic Planning 87.010 199.290 209.338 87.010 199.290 100.230 2,264.588 9.24% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 01 - Major
Commerce Census 000402200 Testing, Operational Development, and planning, development and testing for the 2020 Census and Statistics Delivery and Management Support
Systems Testing, FY 2015 - FY 2018 focused on completing research and testing needed to Area
make fundamental design innovations required to
contain the cost of the census.
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Department of 006- Components of DOC IT Security The Department of Commerce IT Security Program 121 - Security Management 656 - Certification and 315 - Threat and 654 - Incident Response 648 - Identification and 6.357 12.512 14.731 0.350 6.155 2.219 2,264.588 0.65% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Commerce Commerce 000035000 ensures that adequate controls are in place to protect the Accreditation Vulnerability Management Authentication Office Automation, and
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of IT systems. Telecommunications
The FY15 business case reflects a decrease of IT
reductions per OMB guidance.

Department of Department of 006- OS OFEQ Small IT Systems For small systems costs that include operations and 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 145 - Logistics Management 0.461 0.424 0.357 0.048 - - 2,264.588 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 60 02 - Non Major
Commerce Commerce 000041000 management of various general support systems, Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
facilities and building management, and real property Area

Department of Department of 006- Commerce Business Environment (CBE) The Commerce Business Environment--an enterprise 517 - External Partner 4.466 2.268 2.268 - - - 2,264.588 0.10% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 60 02 - Non Major
Commerce Commerce 000050200 investment for automated acquisition tools and business Relationship Management Delivery and Management Support
solutions supporting the DoC's acquisition professionals Area
in providing the highest level of customer service for
acquiring products and services.

Department of Department of 006- OS OCIO Enterprise Cyber Security Monitoring ECMO is the Commerce-wide information systems 316 - Continuous Monitoring 315 - Threat and 3.695 4.875 6.674 - - 1.220 2,264.588 0.29% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 01 - Major
Commerce Commerce 000050500 and Operations (ECMO) continuous monitoring program and provides essential, Vulnerability Management Office Automation, and
near real-time security status and remediation, increases Telecommunications
visibility into systems operations and helps security
personnel make risk-management decisions.

Department of Department of 006- Commerce Business Systems (CBS) The CBS is the integrated financial management system 124 - Accounting 126 - Payments 127 - Collections and 127 - Collections and 41.333 49.115 59.446 - - - 2,264.588 2.63% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 01 - Major
Commerce Commerce 000051000 that has been implemented throughout the Department Receivables Receivables Delivery and Management Support
of Commerce (DOC). Area

Department of Department of 006- Consolidated HCHB IT Infrastructure (CHII) Infrastructure for Commerce Headquarters including 108 - Customer Services 120 - Help Desk Services 139 - Provide and Maintain 316 - Continuous Monitoring 329 - Continuity of 62.578 72.294 72.728 5.291 6.191 6.241 2,264.588 3.21% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 01 - Major
Commerce Commerce 000051100 Network, Desktop, IT HelpDesk, Telecommunications, IT Infrastructure Operations Office Automation, and
Servers and IT Data Centers. Telecommunications

Department of Department of 006- Commerce Business Application Solutions The BAS project will modernize the Department of 124 - Accounting 126 - Payments 127 - Collections and 127 - Collections and 3.900 44.094 44.094 3.900 44.094 44.094 2,264.588 1.95% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 01 - Major
Commerce Commerce 000051500 (BAS) Commerce's enterprise-wide financial, business and Receivables Receivables Delivery and Management Support
administrative systems. Area

Department of Department of 006- Contribution to Managing Partner and fee for service 108 - Customer Services 0.105 0.124 0.123 - - - 2,264.588 0.01% 24 01 - IT Investments for Mission 50 04 - Funding
Commerce Commerce 999990020 starting in 2008. Delivery and Management Support Contribution
Department of Department of 006- Contribution to Managing Partner. 129 - Reporting and 0.290 0.332 0.284 - - - 2,264.588 0.01% 24 01 - IT Investments for Mission 50 04 - Funding
Commerce Commerce 999990160 Information Delivery and Management Support Contribution
Department of Department of 006- E-Travel Fee for Service. 122 - Travel 0.184 - - 0.184 - - 2,264.588 0.00% 48 01 - IT Investments for Mission 50 02 - Non Major
Commerce Commerce 999990227 Delivery and Management Support
Department of Department of 006- Integrated Award Environment Contribution to Managing Partner and fee for service 108 - Customer Services 0.219 0.857 0.857 - - - 2,264.588 0.04% 24 01 - IT Investments for Mission 50 04 - Funding
Commerce Commerce 999990230 starting in 2009. Delivery and Management Support Contribution
Department of Department of 006- LOB: Financial Management (Contribution) Contribution to Managing Partner. 129 - Reporting and 0.096 0.096 0.096 0.096 0.096 0.096 2,264.588 0.00% 24 01 - IT Investments for Mission 50 04 - Funding
Commerce Commerce 999991100 Information Delivery and Management Support Contribution
Department of Department of 006- LOB: Human Resources (Contribution) Contribution to Managing Partner. 106 - Workforce Planning 0.130 0.130 0.130 0.130 0.130 0.130 2,264.588 0.01% 24 01 - IT Investments for Mission 50 04 - Funding
Commerce Commerce 999991200 Delivery and Management Support Contribution
Department of Department of 006- USAJobs Fee for Service. 106 - Workforce Planning 0.270 0.254 0.284 - - - 2,264.588 0.01% 24 01 - IT Investments for Mission 50 04 - Funding
Commerce Commerce 999991218 Delivery and Management Support Contribution
Department of Department of 006- EHRI Fee for Service. 108 - Customer Services 0.756 - - - - - 2,264.588 0.00% 48 01 - IT Investments for Mission 50 04 - Funding
Commerce Commerce 999991219 Delivery and Management Support Contribution
Department of Department of 006- LOB: Geospatial (Contribution) The Department of Commerce contribution to the 108 - Customer Services 0.225 0.225 0.225 - - - 2,264.588 0.01% 24 01 - IT Investments for Mission 50 04 - Funding
Commerce Commerce 999993100 Geospatial Line of Business. Delivery and Management Support Contribution
Department of Department of 006- LOB: Budget Formulation and Execution Contribution to Managing Partner. 108 - Customer Services 0.105 0.105 0.110 0.105 0.105 0.110 2,264.588 0.00% 24 01 - IT Investments for Mission 50 04 - Funding
Commerce Commerce 999993200 (Contribution) Delivery and Management Support Contribution
Department of Department of 006- OS OHRM Human Resource Management Implement an agency-wide, modern, cost-effective, 106 - Workforce Planning 326 - IT System Development 7.556 11.347 10.898 - 1.255 - 2,264.588 0.48% 48 01 - IT Investments for Mission 60 01 - Major
Commerce Commerce 999994060 System (HRMS) standardized, and interoperable HR solution that delivers / Integration Support Delivery and Management Support
common, core functionality via the OPM HRLoB certified Area
shared service center solution.

Department of Department of 006- Disaster Assistance Improvement Plan Contribution to Managing Partner. 108 - Customer Services 0.030 0.025 0.025 - - - 2,264.588 0.00% 24 01 - IT Investments for Mission 50 04 - Funding
Commerce Commerce 999994100 Delivery and Management Support Contribution
Department of Department of 006- IAE - Loans and Grants Contribution to Managing Partner. 129 - Reporting and - - - - - - 2,264.588 0.00% 48 01 - IT Investments for Mission 50 04 - Funding
Commerce Commerce 999994300 Information Delivery and Management Support Contribution
Department of Department of 006- LOB: Performance Management Dept of Commerce contribution to the Performance 547 - Performance 0.053 0.053 0.080 0.053 0.053 0.080 2,264.588 0.00% 48 01 - IT Investments for Mission 50 04 - Funding
Commerce Commerce 999991150 (Contribution) Management Line of Business. Management Delivery and Management Support Contribution
Department of Department of 006- Commerce WebDocFlow The WebDoc solution was designed and built to assist 661 - Document 533 - Correspondence 0.289 0.289 0.289 0.289 0.289 0.289 2,264.588 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 60 02 - Non Major
Commerce Commerce 000052700 DOC with managing the lifecycle of critical documents, Management and workflow Management Delivery and Management Support
enforcing processes for compliance, and responding to Area
audits and inquiries.

Department of Department of 006- USAServices USA Services. 108 - Customer Services 0.300 0.331 0.200 0.300 0.331 0.200 2,264.588 0.01% 24 01 - IT Investments for Mission 50 04 - Funding
Commerce Commerce 999990040 Delivery and Management Support Contribution
Department of Departmental 006- OS OGC Electronic Data Management System Provides an electronic data, document and workflow 145 - Logistics Management 0.900 0.475 0.495 0.440 - - 2,264.588 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 60 02 - Non Major
Commerce Management 000030200 (EDMS) management system across the Department of Delivery and Management Support
Commerce for the Office of General Counsel. Area

Department of Departmental 006- OS OSY Systems This includes expenses for operations and management 121 - Security Management 315 - Threat and 324 - Adjudicate Non-Judicial 282 - Protection 531 - Case Management 1.785 0.886 0.900 0.488 - - 2,264.588 0.04% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 60 02 - Non Major
Commerce Management 000040200 of security systems to support clearance of personnel, Vulnerability Management Requests Delivery and Management Support
documents and facilities. Area

Department of Departmental 006- OS OHRM Automated Hiring This project seeks a complete and robust array of services 251 - Staffing and Recruiting 106 - Workforce Planning 0.868 1.135 1.135 - - - 2,264.588 0.05% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 60 02 - Non Major
Commerce Management 000040500 and tools to connect with, attract, assess, and hire the Delivery and Management Support
most highly qualified and diverse candidates to fulfill the Area
mission of the US Department of Commerce (DoC).

Department of Departmental 006- OS OHRM NFC Fee for Service NFC app is a personnel and payroll system. . 624 - Payroll 126 - Payments 5.988 6.131 6.097 - - - 2,264.588 0.27% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 60 02 - Non Major
Commerce Management 000041200 Delivery and Management Support
Department of Departmental 006- OS OHRM Commerce Learning Center (CLC) CLC is an e-learning application. 618 - Employee 064 - Training and 0.886 0.901 0.530 0.816 0.831 0.530 2,264.588 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 60 02 - Non Major
Commerce Management 000041500 Development and Training Employment Delivery and Management Support
Department of Departmental 006- OS HR Web-base Time and Attendance The purpose of this project is to upgrade the existing 624 - Payroll 254 - Employee Benefits and 0.708 0.336 0.370 0.460 - - 2,264.588 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 60 02 - Non Major
Commerce Management 000050100 System, webTA webTA system at DOC (version 3.8) to the fully, Kronos Compensation Delivery and Management Support
supported upgraded version 4.2. Area

Department of Departmental 006- Commerce IT Management (CIM) This includes the resources that support the 546 - Portfolio Management 2.405 3.377 2.420 - - - 2,264.588 0.11% 00 03 - IT Investments for EA, Capital 00 02 - Non Major
Commerce Management 000052500 Department's IT management process incuding IT Planning, and CIO Functions
Program Management, control and oversight of IT
investments and portfolio management.

Department of Departmental 006- OS OHRM General Support Systems (OHRM This includes expenses for operation of personnel 129 - Reporting and 326 - IT System Development 0.369 0.396 0.397 - - - 2,264.588 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 60 02 - Non Major
Commerce Management 000120100 GSS) management and reporting systems, and systems for Information / Integration Support Delivery and Management Support
tracking and performance management, and personnel Area
and payroll services provided by NFC.

Department of Departmental 006- E-Rulemaking Contribution to Managing Partner and fee for service 108 - Customer Services 0.431 0.473 0.412 - - - 2,264.588 0.02% 24 01 - IT Investments for Mission 50 04 - Funding
Commerce Management 999990060 starting in 2009. Delivery and Management Support Contribution
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Departmental 006- BusinessUSA BusinessUSA is designed to help America's businesses 011 - Business and Industry 108 - Customer Services 2.547 2.453 - 0.709 0.456 - 2,264.588 0.00% 48 01 - IT Investments for Mission 19 01 - Major
Commerce Management 999990530 find and access relevant programs, information, and Development Delivery and Management Support
other services from across government. Area

Department of Departmental 006- Commerce Safety Management and The Office of Human Resources Management Office of 066 - Worker Safety 0.168 0.713 0.178 - - - 2,264.588 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 60 02 - Non Major
Commerce Management 000052800 Information System (SMIS) (formerly OS Occupational Safety and Health's (OOSH) Department- Delivery and Management Support
OOSH) wide Injury and Illness Reporting System (IIRS). Area

Department of Departmental 006- Commerce Enterprise Security Operations ESOC provides a Department-wide cybersecurity 316 - Continuous Monitoring 315 - Threat and 034 - Key Asset and Critical 139 - Provide and Maintain 378 - Intelligence Data 5.022 5.177 4.250 3.945 1.091 0.565 2,264.588 0.19% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 01 - Major
Commerce Management 000050600 Center (ESOC) intelligence which enables a near real-time enterprise- Vulnerability Management Infrastructure Protection IT Infrastructure Access and Delivery Office Automation, and
wide view of threats affecting the department with Telecommunications
actionable information to mitigate those threats.

Department of Departmental 006- Commerce IT Policy and Planning (OITPP) OITPP develops the Department's IT policies, guides 104 - Strategic Planning 103 - Enterprise Architecture 317 - Data Integrity and 538 - Program / Project 546 - Portfolio Management 2.073 3.455 3.449 - - - 2,264.588 0.15% 00 03 - IT Investments for EA, Capital 00 02 - Non Major
Commerce Management 000035500 strategic and operational planning, supports eGov Privacy Management Management Planning, and CIO Functions
initiatives, leads enterprise architecture and manages
and assesses IT Capital Planning and Investment Control
policy, process and results.

Department of Departmental 006- Commerce National Security Enclave (CNSE) This investment represents the OCIO investment in the 139 - Provide and Maintain 364 - Counter-Proliferation 045 - Criminal Investigation 315 - Threat and 034 - Key Asset and Critical 3.122 3.122 3.122 - - - 2,264.588 0.14% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Commerce Management 000050700 national security information (classified) shared services IT Infrastructure and Counter-Terrorism and Surveillance Vulnerability Management Infrastructure Protection Office Automation, and
infrastructure with interconnection to the national secret Telecommunications
and intelligence community fabrics.

Department of Departmental 006- OS OFM e-Travel System 2 (ETS2) eTravel Services 2 is DOC's enterprise-wide 122 - Travel 108 - Customer Services 0.270 3.053 2.068 0.270 1.856 0.685 2,264.588 0.09% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 60 02 - Non Major
Commerce Management 000043500 implementation of a travel system under the Delivery and Management Support
government's eGov initiative for travel. Area
Department of Departmental 006- OS OFM Sunflower Enterprise Personal The Sunflower Personal Property Mgt, System tracks the 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 108 - Customer Services 0.661 0.690 0.711 - - - 2,264.588 0.03% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 60 02 - Non Major
Commerce Management 000043000 Property Management System (PPMS) Commerce Department's personal property assets from Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
acquisition through disposal. Sunflower Assets is an Area
Oracle-based asset management system.

Department of Departmental 006- OS OPERM Audit Management System (AMS) This system is used for audit tracking and follow up the 077 - Inspection and Auditing 0.173 0.176 0.147 - - - 2,264.588 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 60 02 - Non Major
Commerce Management 000431000 Office of Performance, Evaluation, and Risk Management, Delivery and Management Support
Office of the CFO/ASA, Office of the Secretary. Area

Department of Economic 006- EDA Operations Planning and Control System The Operations Planning and Control System (OPCS) is 011 - Business and Industry 362 - Federal Financial 0.714 0.322 0.290 - - - 2,264.588 0.01% 00 04 - Grants Management Systems 00 02 - Non Major
Commerce Development 000600100 (OPCS) and Loan Billing and Management the EDA grant processing and tracking system. LBMS Development Assistance
Administration System (LBMS). maintains billing and other data for the life cycle of a
loan, however it was taken offline and is longer used as
of January 2102.

Department of Economic 006- EDA Revolving Loan Fund Management System This system implements OIG recommendations from 129 - Reporting and 011 - Business and Industry 0.249 0.254 0.259 - - - 2,264.588 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Commerce Development 000600900 (RLFMS) 2007 and 2015 create a web-based reporting and Information Development Delivery and Management Support
Administration monitoring system to manage EDA's Revolving Loan Fund Area

Department of Minority Business 006- MBDA Small Systems This investment provides funded businesses centers with 108 - Customer Services 1.629 2.012 2.053 0.748 0.600 0.500 2,264.588 0.09% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 35 02 - Non Major
Commerce Development 000090200 the tools to assist minority businesses in planning, Delivery and Management Support
Agency developing and growing businesses, and tracks the Area
performance of funded business centers.

Department of National Institute of 006- NIST Administrative Support Operations and maintenance of numerous IT systems 326 - IT System Development 129 - Reporting and 13.388 13.782 14.173 - - - 2,264.588 0.63% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 60 02 - Non Major
Commerce Standards and 000701100 that provide for the administrative operations of NIST. / Integration Support Information Delivery and Management Support
Technology Area

Department of National Institute of 006- NIST Measurement and Science Laboratories Development of associated standards in scientific 026 - Scientific and 576 - Knowledge Capture 577 - Knowledge Distribution 30.872 31.875 32.904 - - - 2,264.588 1.45% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 26 02 - Non Major
Commerce Standards and 000702100 (MSL) disciplines, to perfect new and better techniques for Technological Research and and Delivery Delivery and Management Support
Technology measuring adherence to those technical standards, and Innovation Area
to develop new means to deliver those scientific
measurement techniques.

Department of National Institute of 006- NIST IT Infrastructure and Office Automation This investment covers the Mainframes and Servers 139 - Provide and Maintain 678 - System Resource Usage 659 - Email 36.128 37.091 38.085 - - - 2,264.588 1.68% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Commerce Standards and 000702200 Systems and Support, Telecommunications Systems and IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
Technology Support, and End User Systems and Support needs for Telecommunications

Department of National Institute of 006- NIST Enterprise Architecture and Planning Supports the Enterprise Architecture and Planning efforts 103 - Enterprise Architecture 139 - Provide and Maintain 0.260 0.273 0.283 - - - 2,264.588 0.01% 00 03 - IT Investments for EA, Capital 00 02 - Non Major
Commerce Standards and 000702300 of NIST. IT Infrastructure Planning, and CIO Functions

Department of National Institute of 006- NIST IT Security Planning Supports the IT Security Assessment and Authorization 656 - Certification and 316 - Continuous Monitoring 4.765 4.908 5.054 - - - 2,264.588 0.22% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Commerce Standards and 000702500 efforts of NIST. Accreditation Office Automation, and
Technology Telecommunications

Department of National Institute of 006- NIST Central IT Support for Science IT infrastructure that meets the general-purpose and 026 - Scientific and 678 - System Resource Usage 4.742 4.885 5.027 - - - 2,264.588 0.22% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 26 02 - Non Major
Commerce Standards and 000704500 high-end scientific computing needs of NIST scientists Technological Research and Delivery and Management Support
Technology and engineers in a cost-effective, efficient and secure Innovation Area

Department of National Institute of 006- NIST Hollings Manufacturing Extension Operations and maintenance of the Information 011 - Business and Industry 577 - Knowledge Distribution 1.735 1.777 1.821 - - - 2,264.588 0.08% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 28 02 - Non Major
Commerce Standards and 000705000 Partnership Program Technology (IT) system that ties together the nationwide Development and Delivery Delivery and Management Support
Technology network of not-for-profit Hollings Manufacturing Area
Extension Partnership Program (Hollings MEP) Centers in
over 400 locations nationwide.

Department of National Institute of 006- NIST Grant Management Information System GMIS is a web-based application which provides a 129 - Reporting and 538 - Program / Project 0.240 0.247 0.254 - - - 2,264.588 0.01% 00 04 - Grants Management Systems 00 02 - Non Major
Commerce Standards and 000708000 (GMIS) mechanism for grant applications and processing Information Management
Technology including submission of the Federal Financial Assistance
Application information.

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NWS/ Advanced Weather Interactive AWIPS is a nationwide interactive computer and 023 - Environmental 326 - IT System Development 139 - Provide and Maintain 53.650 58.670 58.670 18.426 20.092 20.092 2,264.588 2.59% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 12 01 - Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000310100 Processing System (AWIPS) communications system that integrates all Monitoring and Forecasting / Integration Support IT Infrastructure Delivery and Management Support
Administration meteorological, hydrologic, satellite, and weather radar Area
data to enable the forecaster to prepare and issue more
accurate and timely forecasts and warnings.

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NWS/ Next Generation Weather Radar NEXRAD is the NWS' primary observation system for 023 - Environmental 601 - Data Exchange 325 - Information Discovery 577 - Knowledge Distribution 576 - Knowledge Capture 18.350 14.435 12.228 7.623 3.708 1.501 2,264.588 0.54% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 12 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000310300 (NEXRAD) Operations and Maintenance (O&M) acquiring information about tornados & severe storms. Monitoring and Forecasting and Delivery Delivery and Management Support
Administration NEXRAD is a tri-agency program (DOC, DOT, & DOD) Area
operating a network of 160 operational radars in the U.S.
and several overseas DOD locations.

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NWS/ NCEP Weather and Climate The NOAA NCEP Weather & Climate Supercomputer 023 - Environmental 008 - Disaster Preparedness 026 - Scientific and 309 - Environmental Site 034 - Key Asset and Critical 45.840 46.057 48.095 - - - 2,264.588 2.12% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 17 01 - Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000310400 Operational Supercomputer Systems (WCOSS Systems (Primary and Backup) produces environmental Monitoring and Forecasting and Planning Technological Research and Stewardship Infrastructure Protection Delivery and Management Support
Administration Primary and Backup) forecasts and assimilate data used to execute the Innovation Area
numerical models that form the basis for all routine
weather and climate forecasts produced in the US.

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NWS/ National Weather Service The NWS Telecommunication Gateway disseminates 023 - Environmental 353 - Information Exchange 139 - Provide and Maintain 070 - General Purpose Data 577 - Knowledge Distribution - - - - - - 2,264.588 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 12 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000310600 Telecommunication Gateway (NWSTG) System (message-switching services) weather observations and Monitoring and Forecasting and Transformation IT Infrastructure and Statistics and Delivery Delivery and Management Support
Administration (Legacy, Replacement, and Critical guidance data to a national and international community Area
Infrastructure Protection) of customers. The Gateway services this customer base in
a near-real-time operational environment.

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NWS/ Data Assimilation and Modeling IT resources used to develop new methods for coupling 023 - Environmental 576 - Knowledge Capture 19.066 26.592 26.008 10.866 14.846 14.754 2,264.588 1.15% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 12 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000311000 atmosphere, ocean, land surface and cryosphere models Monitoring and Forecasting Delivery and Management Support
Administration which will enable the next generation of numerical Area
forecast systems to be developed.
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NWS/ National Air Quality Forecast This proposal is to implement NOAA Air Quality 023 - Environmental 108 - Customer Services 1.384 - - 1.384 - - 2,264.588 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 12 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000311200 Capability forecasting operationally. Monitoring and Forecasting Delivery and Management Support
Administration Area

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NWS/ NCEP Weather and Climate The NOAA NWS NCEP Weather and Climate Computing 023 - Environmental 139 - Provide and Maintain 263 - System and Network 601 - Data Exchange 070 - General Purpose Data 32.337 25.904 25.965 - - - 2,264.588 1.15% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 17 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000311300 Computing Infrastructure Services (WCCIS) Infrastructure Services (WCCIS) provide support Monitoring and Forecasting IT Infrastructure Monitoring and Statistics Delivery and Management Support
Administration resources for (a) weather and climate forecasting Area
capabilities and (b) operational model development for
forecasts and warnings.

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NWS/ National Water Center (NWC) Development and desktop IT supporting nationwide 023 - Environmental 026 - Scientific and 326 - IT System Development 326 - IT System Development 6.325 4.488 5.261 - - - 2,264.588 0.23% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 12 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000311500 water resource forecasting capability, enhanced short- Monitoring and Forecasting Technological Research and / Integration Support / Integration Support Delivery and Management Support
Administration term predictions of river levels and longer-term Innovation Area
probabilistic forecasts. PMEF functions exist.

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NWS/ NDBC Ocean Observing System Investments are for the data management that supports 023 - Environmental 576 - Knowledge Capture 312 - Navigation 062 - Water Transportation 026 - Scientific and 2.852 2.847 2.852 - - - 2,264.588 0.13% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 12 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000311900 of Systems (NOOSS) operations and maintenance of NDBC Ocean Observing Monitoring and Forecasting Technological Research and Delivery and Management Support
Administration System of Systems (NOOSS),that includes meteorological, Innovation Area
oceanographic, tsunami, and climate observing
platforms, and NDBC's Mission Control Center.

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NWS/ NWS Dissemination Systems Part of the new program NWS program Dissemination 023 - Environmental 108 - Customer Services - - - - - - 2,264.588 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 12 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000312000 (NDS) for the enterprise service for all NWS information Monitoring and Forecasting Delivery and Management Support
Administration dissemination systems used to provide the US public and Area
emergency managers warnings of severe weather events.

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NWS/ NOAA Profiler Network Profiler is a vertical looking radar system for acquiring 023 - Environmental 576 - Knowledge Capture 1.253 2.028 2.305 - - - 2,264.588 0.10% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 12 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000312200 information about tornados, flash floods, volcanic ash Monitoring and Forecasting Delivery and Management Support
Administration detection and winter storms. A technology refresh has Area
been demonstrated and three new Profilers are to be
deployed to Alaska.

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NWS/ Automated Surface Observing ASOS is the nation's primary surface weather observing 023 - Environmental 601 - Data Exchange 3.895 3.815 10.565 - - 6.750 2,264.588 0.47% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 12 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000312300 System (ASOS-OM) Operations and network supporting aviation operations and weather Monitoring and Forecasting Delivery and Management Support
Administration Maintenance forecasting. By replacing manual surface observation Area
techniques, it provides improved efficiency to acquire
and record surface atmospheric phenomena.

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NWS/ Next Generation Air Develop science and application enhancements for 023 - Environmental 026 - Scientific and 326 - IT System Development 344 - Content Management 070 - General Purpose Data 2.001 2.001 2.001 2.001 2.001 2.001 2,264.588 0.09% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 15 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000312500 Transportation System (NextGen) aviation weather forecasts and observations in support of Monitoring and Forecasting Technological Research and / Integration Support and Statistics Delivery and Management Support
Administration the Next Generation Air Transportation System Innovation Area

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NMFS/ Vessel Monitoring System The Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) is a satellite based 321 - Regulatory 054 - Legal Prosecution and 319 - Regulatory Compliance 5.821 5.951 6.998 - - - 2,264.588 0.31% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 14 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000316800 tool for monitoring control and surveillance of the 3.4 Enforcement Litigation Delivery and Management Support
Administration million mile jurisdiction of the NOAA Office for Law Area

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NESDIS/ OSD/GSD - Critical The NESDIS/OSD/GSD-CIP project will provide a backup 023 - Environmental 034 - Key Asset and Critical 070 - General Purpose Data 2.772 2.772 2.772 1.059 1.059 1.044 2,264.588 0.12% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 16 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000320400 Infrastructure Protection (CIP) facility to the Environmental Satellite Processing Center Monitoring and Forecasting Infrastructure Protection and Statistics Delivery and Management Support
Administration (ESPC) primary facility that is the central processing Area
system for environmental satellite data.

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NESDIS/ Comprehensive Large Array- The CLASS project will implement efficient management 023 - Environmental 070 - General Purpose Data 325 - Information Discovery 325 - Information Discovery 12.977 29.929 23.437 6.063 18.777 12.244 2,264.588 1.03% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 01 - Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000320500 data Stewardship System (CLASS) of high volumes (petabytes) of satellite and insitu data Monitoring and Forecasting and Statistics Delivery and Management Support
Administration and automate the means of data ingest, quality control Area
and access.

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NESDIS/ Search and Rescue Satellite- SARSAT system locates those in distress almost anywhere 010 - Emergency Response 008 - Disaster Preparedness 060 - Air Transportation 061 - Ground Transportation 062 - Water Transportation 2.956 2.956 2.956 - - - 2,264.588 0.13% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 16 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000320800 Aided Tracking (SARSAT) in the world at anytime. Its Mission Control Center and Planning Delivery and Management Support
Administration processes the distress signal and alerts the appropriate Area
search and rescue authorities to who is in distress and
where they are located.

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/OAR/ National Integrated Drought NIDIS will provide drought information through a web- 023 - Environmental 108 - Customer Services 3.300 3.300 3.300 0.277 0.277 0.277 2,264.588 0.15% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000321400 Information System (NIDIS) based drought portal that offers user-friendly access to Monitoring and Forecasting Delivery and Management Support
Administration historical and real-time climate and weather data. URL: Area

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NESDIS/ National Climatic Data Center National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) is responsible for 023 - Environmental 108 - Customer Services 6.030 - - - - - 2,264.588 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000321600 (NCDC) the long term-management & stewardship of the Monitoring and Forecasting Delivery and Management Support
Administration Nation's climatological data. The Center is also one of Area
four World Data Centers for Meteorology.

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NESDIS/ National Geophysical Data NGDC is responsible to provide long-term scientific data 603 - Data Warehouse 604 - Meta Data 590 - Mapping / Geospatial 590 - Mapping / Geospatial 3.154 - - - - - 2,264.588 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000321700 Center (NGDC) stewardship for the Nation's geophysical data. NGDC Management Delivery and Management Support
Administration acquires and preserves geophysical data describing the Area
solid earth, marine, solar-terrestrial environment and
earth observations from space.

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NESDIS/ National Oceanographic Data NODC is responsible for scientific stewardship of the 317 - Data Integrity and 576 - Knowledge Capture 590 - Mapping / Geospatial 601 - Data Exchange 139 - Provide and Maintain 2.641 - - - - - 2,264.588 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 14 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000321800 Center (NODC) Nation's oceanographic data/information. A national Privacy Management IT Infrastructure Delivery and Management Support
Administration repository/dissemination facility for global oceanographic Area
data, NODC acquires and preserves historical records of
the Earth's changing environment.

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NMFS/ Fisheries Information System Harmonization and integration of disparate state and 577 - Knowledge Distribution 339 - Information Mapping / 353 - Information Exchange 353 - Information Exchange 0.050 0.050 0.050 - - - 2,264.588 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 14 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000330400 federal information collection systems to enhance the and Delivery Taxonomy / Categorization and Transformation and Transformation Delivery and Management Support
Administration ecosystems-based management of marine fisheries Area
through improved data quality and management.

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NMFS/ Permits The investment will enable NMFS to better serve 079 - Permits and Licensing 057 - Conservation, Marine 321 - Regulatory 0.430 0.430 0.430 - - - 2,264.588 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 14 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000330500 customers with an improved national fisheries permit and Land Management Enforcement Delivery and Management Support
Administration system. The agency wide online system will be utilized by Area
NMFS and the public to process permit applications and

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NMFS/ Northeast Fisheries Information The intent of the Northeast Fisheries Information 326 - IT System Development 354 - IT Strategy and 026 - Scientific and 026 - Scientific and 0.055 0.055 0.055 - - - 2,264.588 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 14 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000330600 Management System (NE-FIMS) Management System is to improve and integrate / Integration Support Innovation Technological Research and Technological Research and Delivery and Management Support
Administration fisheries-dependent information management systems Innovation Innovation Area
thru an enterprise data model, architecture, and
technology stack.

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NMFS/ MRIP National Saltwater Angler The investment will enable NMFS to better serve 058 - Recreational Resource 057 - Conservation, Marine 319 - Regulatory Compliance 0.300 0.300 0.300 - - - 2,264.588 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 14 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000330700 Registry customers with improved recreational fisheries surveys. Management and Tourism and Land Management Delivery and Management Support
Administration The agency wide online system will be utilized by NMFS Area
to construct the comprehensive telephone/address
directories to conduct efficient surveys.

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NOS/ Nautical Charting System The Nautical Charting System (NCS) provides surveys of 062 - Water Transportation 312 - Navigation 590 - Mapping / Geospatial 590 - Mapping / Geospatial 3.128 3.244 3.501 - - - 2,264.588 0.15% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 15 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000340100 US territorial waters and produces NOAA's nautical charts Delivery and Management Support
Administration for safe, efficient and environmentally sound navigation. Area

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NOS/ PORTS & NWLON The PORTS and NWLON IT System generates an 062 - Water Transportation 312 - Navigation 7.391 6.686 6.887 0.900 - - 2,264.588 0.30% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 15 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000340200 integrated set of environmental information that is used Delivery and Management Support
Administration as a decision support tool by its customers for improving Area
the safety and efficiency of maritime commerce and
coastal resource management.
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NOS/ CORS Essential Services This investment provides IT services for NGS's mission to 590 - Mapping / Geospatial 312 - Navigation 010 - Emergency Response 6.338 7.473 6.539 - - - 2,264.588 0.29% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 15 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000340300 define, maintain and provide access to the National Delivery and Management Support
Administration Spatial Reference System (NSRS) (latitude, longitude, Area
ellipsoid and orthometric heights and defining the
coastline of USA).

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/OAR/ NOAA Research Scientific Periodic technical refreshment of IT computing resources 026 - Scientific and 139 - Provide and Maintain 120 - Help Desk Services 23.537 24.249 25.149 - - - 2,264.588 1.11% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000350400 Computing Support and associated IT maintenance and support services used Technological Research and IT Infrastructure Delivery and Management Support
Administration to conduct short, mid and long term climate and weather Innovation Area

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NOAA/ IT Infrastructure NOAA IT Infrastructure. 139 - Provide and Maintain 034 - Key Asset and Critical 120 - Help Desk Services 263 - System and Network 659 - Email 121.084 147.559 130.847 0.280 1.000 1.030 2,264.588 5.78% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 01 - Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000351100 IT Infrastructure Infrastructure Protection Monitoring Office Automation, and
Administration Telecommunications

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/OMAO/ NOAA Marine and Aviation NOAA ships and aircraft use IT resources to support data 139 - Provide and Maintain 576 - Knowledge Capture 10.652 9.927 10.275 - - - 2,264.588 0.45% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 15 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000360100 Operations (Mission) acquisition capabilities, which enable scientists and IT Infrastructure Delivery and Management Support
Administration environmental managers to make decisions based on Area
real-time data access and visualization. Includes IT
implementation on new ships and aircraft.

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NOAA Systems/ NOAA-Wide Enterprise IT resources are used to support NOAA-wide IT 103 - Enterprise Architecture 546 - Portfolio Management 0.946 0.946 0.946 - - - 2,264.588 0.04% 00 03 - IT Investments for EA, Capital 00 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000370200 IT Architecture Architecture activities for strategic, operational and Planning, and CIO Functions
Administration capital planning and investment management.

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NOAA Systems/ NOAA-Wide Enterprise IT resources are used to support NOAA-wide IT Planning 104 - Strategic Planning 546 - Portfolio Management 1.386 1.386 1.386 - - - 2,264.588 0.06% 00 03 - IT Investments for EA, Capital 00 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000370300 IT Planning activities for strategic, operational and capital planning Planning, and CIO Functions
Administration and investment management.

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/OCIO/ Financial Management IT This system provides the central computing services for 103 - Enterprise Architecture 129 - Reporting and 139 - Provide and Maintain 008 - Disaster Preparedness 070 - General Purpose Data 6.091 6.391 6.091 - - - 2,264.588 0.27% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000380100 Operations NOAA financial and administrative activities. Information IT Infrastructure and Planning and Statistics Delivery and Management Support
Administration Area

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/OCIO/ NOAA Grants On-line Grants Online is a NOAA developed web-based system 126 - Payments 108 - Customer Services 1.878 2.166 1.956 - - - 2,264.588 0.09% 00 04 - Grants Management Systems 00 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000380200 facilitating the full life cycle of grants management
Administration processing for many Department of Commerce grant
making offices.

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/OCIO/ NOAA R&D High Performance High performance computing resources are used for 023 - Environmental 026 - Scientific and 28.761 34.621 39.136 2.000 8.700 6.300 2,264.588 1.73% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 17 01 - Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000380400 Computing System (HPCS) weather and climate research in the development and Monitoring and Forecasting Technological Research and Delivery and Management Support
Administration use of sophisticated numerical models to predict and Innovation Area
understand atmospheric and oceanic phenomena.

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NWS/ Integrated Dissemination This addresses the IT strategy for a consolidated NOAA 023 - Environmental 353 - Information Exchange 139 - Provide and Maintain 070 - General Purpose Data 577 - Knowledge Distribution - - - - - - 2,264.588 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 12 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000312800 Program - (IDP) enterprise-wide dissemination solution. The first phase is Monitoring and Forecasting and Transformation IT Infrastructure and Statistics and Delivery Delivery and Management Support
Administration centralizing dissemination services within the NOAA's Area
National Weather Service (NWS).

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NOS/ Ocean & Coastal Science, This investment supports the combined missions of 023 - Environmental 057 - Conservation, Marine 024 - Environmental 025 - Pollution Prevention 058 - Recreational Resource 7.567 9.922 11.047 0.250 0.130 0.100 2,264.588 0.49% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 15 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000340400 Assessment and Management NOAA s National Ocean Service PPAs for Coastal Science Monitoring and Forecasting and Land Management Remediation and Control Management and Tourism Delivery and Management Support
Administration & Assessment and Ocean & Coastal Management & Area

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NWS/ Dissemination To evolve NWS to achieving NWS Weather-Ready Nation 023 - Environmental 353 - Information Exchange 139 - Provide and Maintain 070 - General Purpose Data 577 - Knowledge Distribution 63.684 63.173 52.108 44.559 45.243 34.178 2,264.588 2.30% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 12 01 - Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000312900 goal through centralized and consolidated operational Monitoring and Forecasting and Transformation IT Infrastructure and Statistics and Delivery Delivery and Management Support
Administration primary and backup dissemination IT infrastructure, Area
terrestrial satellite networking services, weather warning
services, web and geospatial services.

Department of National Oceanic 006- NOAA/NESDIS/ National Centers for National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) is 023 - Environmental 108 - Customer Services - 12.054 12.415 - - - 2,264.588 0.55% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 02 - Non Major
Commerce and Atmospheric 000321900 Environmental Information (NCEI) responsible for the long term-management & Monitoring and Forecasting Delivery and Management Support
Administration stewardship of the high value environmental Area
(climatological, geophysical, and oceanographic) data and

Department of National Technical 006- NTIS Financial Management Includes hardware and software support costs for AP, GL, 124 - Accounting - - - - - - 2,264.588 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Commerce Information Service 000205500 AR, and budget control. All costs are incurred in the Delivery and Management Support
revolving fund. Area

Department of National Technical 006- NTIS FedServices Reimbursable services supporting Federal Clients with 326 - IT System Development 139 - Provide and Maintain 538 - Program / Project 538 - Program / Project - - - - - - 2,264.588 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 37 02 - Non Major
Commerce Information Service 000206000 Information Dissemination Services. / Integration Support IT Infrastructure Management Management Delivery and Management Support

Department of National Technical 006- NTIS Infrastructure Consists of the General Support Services (GSS), which is 139 - Provide and Maintain 659 - Email 108 - Customer Services 121 - Security Management 538 - Program / Project - - - - - - 2,264.588 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Commerce Information Service 000207500 mixed DME and O&M activities. The GSS serves as the IT Infrastructure Management Office Automation, and
backbone of NTIS as it is a key component in fulfilling its Telecommunications
core mission of collecting and disseminating scientific and
technical information.

Department of National 006- NTIA - Radio Spectrum Management - Federal This has been canceled as June 2015. This investment 322 - Public Communications 319 - Regulatory Compliance 139 - Provide and Maintain - - - - - - 2,264.588 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 29 02 - Non Major
Commerce Telecommunication 000731200 Spectrum Management System (FSMS) provides the business strategy, operational Infrastructure IT Infrastructure Delivery and Management Support
s and Information transformation, and information technology (IT) support Area
Administration required by NTIA to manage the federal government's
use of the RFSin the 21st century.

Department of National 006- NTIA - Architecture and Planning This investment supports NTIA's Strategic Planning, 104 - Strategic Planning 354 - IT Strategy and 538 - Program / Project 538 - Program / Project 2.813 3.043 3.110 1.489 1.710 1.750 2,264.588 0.14% 00 03 - IT Investments for EA, Capital 00 02 - Non Major
Commerce Telecommunication 000731400 Enterprise Architecture, Capital Planning and Investment Innovation Management Management Planning, and CIO Functions
s and Information Control, Project Management Office and other Chief
Administration Information Officer Office activities.

Department of National 006- NTIA - National Security Information This investment represents NTIA's investment in their 139 - Provide and Maintain 263 - System and Network 121 - Security Management 1.660 1.762 1.820 - 0.600 0.620 2,264.588 0.08% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Commerce Telecommunication 000731500 Infrastructure national security information (classified) infrastructure IT Infrastructure Monitoring Office Automation, and
s and Information including the consolidation of the Department's Telecommunications
Administration interconnection to DoD's Secret Internet Protocol Router

Department of National 006- NTIA - Frequency Management Records This investment represents the legacy Frequency 322 - Public Communications 129 - Reporting and 0.730 1.572 1.618 - - - 2,264.588 0.07% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 29 02 - Non Major
Commerce Telecommunication 000731600 System (FMRS) Management Records System (FMRS) that provides Infrastructure Information Delivery and Management Support
s and Information management of radio spectrum authorizations for the Area
Administration Federal Government.

Department of National 006- NTIA BTOP IT Systems IT systems support for management and administration 011 - Business and Industry 0.450 0.244 - - - - 2,264.588 0.00% 00 04 - Grants Management Systems 00 02 - Non Major
Commerce Telecommunication 000731800 of the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program and Development
s and Information State Broadband Initiative program which provide grants
Administration to accelerate broadband deployment in unserved and
underserved areas of the U.S.

Department of National 006- NTIA - Spectrum Management IT Systems This investment supports the Spectrum Management 322 - Public Communications 129 - Reporting and 1.160 3.006 3.277 0.217 1.833 1.854 2,264.588 0.14% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 29 02 - Non Major
Commerce Telecommunication 000731900 function for NTIA. Infrastructure Information Delivery and Management Support
s and Information Area

Department of National 006- NTIA - Institute of Telecommunication This investment provides the general networking, file, 139 - Provide and Maintain 034 - Key Asset and Critical 263 - System and Network 0.541 0.558 0.575 - - - 2,264.588 0.03% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Commerce Telecommunication 000732000 Sciences (ITS) Infrastructure print, office automation, web portals, help desk support IT Infrastructure Infrastructure Protection Monitoring Office Automation, and
s and Information and electronic mail services for the agency. Telecommunications

Department of National 006- NTIA - Spectrum Sharing and Monitoring This project will develop, validate, and deploy a spectrum 322 - Public Communications 319 - Regulatory Compliance 678 - System Resource Usage 4.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 2.000 2.000 2,264.588 0.13% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 29 02 - Non Major
Commerce Telecommunication 000732200 Program monitoring system that will be used to assess spectrum- Infrastructure Delivery and Management Support
s and Information sharing opportunities and technologies. Area
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of National 006- NTIA - FirstNet Infrastructure This investment provides the general networking, file, 139 - Provide and Maintain 263 - System and Network 121 - Security Management 121 - Security Management - - - - - - 2,264.588 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 02 - Non Major
Commerce Telecommunication 000232600 print, office automation, mobility, help desk support and IT Infrastructure Monitoring Office Automation, and
s and Information electronic mail services for FirstNet. Telecommunications

Department of National 006- NTIA - Frequency Authorization Management Frequency Authorization Management Program. 332 - Hospital and medical 319 - Regulatory Compliance 139 - Provide and Maintain 1.319 1.871 - 1.319 1.871 - 2,264.588 0.00% 00 04 - Grants Management Systems 00 02 - Non Major
Commerce Telecommunication 000732100 Program (FAMP) care for veterans IT Infrastructure
s and Information

Department of U.S. Patent and 006- USPTO Consolidated Financial System (CFS) This investment covers many financial management 124 - Accounting 143 - Goods and Services 129 - Reporting and 328 - Collect Revenues and 012 - Intellectual Property 26.774 26.088 23.875 8.822 5.711 1.870 2,264.588 1.05% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Commerce Trademark Office 000800100 systems/subsystems at USPTO including Core Financial, Acquisition Information User Fees Protection Delivery and Management Support
Acquisition, Travel, Revenue, Reporting, Fixed Assets, Area
Budgeting, Cost Accounting, Financial Imaging, Data
Warehouse, and Transit Subsidy functions.

Department of U.S. Patent and 006- USPTO Dissemination Capability (DC) This investment covers the systems and processes that 012 - Intellectual Property 353 - Information Exchange 338 - Enterprise Search 338 - Enterprise Search 21.561 17.271 16.547 7.643 2.677 2.222 2,264.588 0.73% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Commerce Trademark Office 000800600 allow the USPTO to deliver intellectual property Protection and Transformation Delivery and Management Support
information -- issued patents, registered trademarks, and Area
assignments -- when, where, and in the format needed
by its customers.

Department of U.S. Patent and 006- USPTO OCIO Program Governance and This investment addresses the administrative activities 546 - Portfolio Management 538 - Program / Project 24.314 24.232 23.907 1.937 1.255 0.080 2,264.588 1.06% 00 03 - IT Investments for EA, Capital 00 02 - Non Major
Commerce Trademark Office 000801300 Support Services (PGSS) required for smooth running of the USPTO s Office of the Management Planning, and CIO Functions
Chief Information Officer (OCIO) in the areas of
administration, management, establishing and enforcing
policies, procedures, and standards.

Department of U.S. Patent and 006- USPTO Trademark Legacy IT Capability (TLIC) This investment supports the various Trademark 012 - Intellectual Property 338 - Enterprise Search 043 - Global Trade 011 - Business and Industry 367 - International 16.345 14.389 11.840 6.412 1.305 - 2,264.588 0.52% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Commerce Trademark Office 000802600 operations that provide the organization with the ability Protection Development Development Delivery and Management Support
to maintain and operate all of the TM systems that Area
provide search services, public access via the web,
electronic filing, records management, etc.

Department of U.S. Patent and 006- USPTO Fee Processing Next Generation (FPNG) FPNG is replacing and consolidating the systems and 127 - Collections and 129 - Reporting and 124 - Accounting 124 - Accounting 15.714 11.983 3.795 15.714 11.983 3.795 2,264.588 0.17% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 01 - Major
Commerce Trademark Office 000803100 methods for fee payment and back office fee processing Receivables Information Delivery and Management Support
to make the processes easier, faster and more secure. Area

Department of U.S. Patent and 006- USPTO Patents End-to-End: Software This investment will replace and update the outdated 012 - Intellectual Property 129 - Reporting and 318 - Business Analytics 338 - Enterprise Search 353 - Information Exchange 10.057 - - 10.057 - - 2,264.588 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Commerce Trademark Office 000803200 Engineering (PE2E-SE) information technologies and business processes upon Protection Information and Transformation Delivery and Management Support
which the PTO relies for receiving and processing patents Area
applications through to completion, and for maintaining
the supporting business operations.

Department of U.S. Patent and 006- USPTO Patent Legacy IT Capability (PLIC) This investment covers various systems that support 012 - Intellectual Property 043 - Global Trade 338 - Enterprise Search 338 - Enterprise Search 62.197 40.226 40.546 29.188 9.167 7.421 2,264.588 1.79% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Commerce Trademark Office 000803300 patent examining operations such as the receipt, review Protection Delivery and Management Support
and prosecution of patent applications, legal Area
determination of prior art, foreign application and grant
publications, managerial control, etc.

Department of U.S. Patent and 006- USPTO Trademark Next Generation (TM NG). Trademarks is creating a fully electronic, separate, 012 - Intellectual Property 338 - Enterprise Search 043 - Global Trade 011 - Business and Industry 367 - International 0.181 - - 0.181 - - 2,264.588 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Commerce Trademark Office 000803400 sustainable, end-to-end system in which technology and Protection Development Development Delivery and Management Support
user services will be developed, managed, and adapted in Area
an efficient and cost effective manner.

Department of U.S. Patent and 006- USPTO Technology Sustaining Activities (TSA) This investment addresses all IT efforts within the OCIO 354 - IT Strategy and 103 - Enterprise Architecture 339 - Information Mapping / 326 - IT System Development 345 - Management of 60.274 63.525 60.388 10.118 5.584 1.209 2,264.588 2.67% 00 03 - IT Investments for EA, Capital 00 02 - Non Major
Commerce Trademark Office 000803700 related to technology-sustaining activities such as: Innovation Taxonomy / Categorization / Integration Support Government Records Planning, and CIO Functions
software architecture and engineering, enterprise
architecture, testing, data management, records
management and program management.

Department of U.S. Patent and 006- USPTO Patent End-to-End 2 (PE2E-2) This investment continues PE2E-SE's efforts in 012 - Intellectual Property 353 - Information Exchange 011 - Business and Industry 367 - International 338 - Enterprise Search 101.841 117.306 89.273 101.841 117.306 89.273 2,264.588 3.94% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 01 - Major
Commerce Trademark Office 000804000 modernizing the informational technologies and business Protection and Transformation Development Development Delivery and Management Support
processes for receiving/processing patent applications. Area
Building from its successes and the knowledge acquired
in PE2E-SE to transform the business.

Department of U.S. Patent and 006- USPTO Trademark Next Generation External Trademarks seeks to improve their externally facing 012 - Intellectual Property 338 - Enterprise Search 043 - Global Trade 011 - Business and Industry 367 - International 7.798 4.617 - 7.798 4.617 - 2,264.588 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 01 - Major
Commerce Trademark Office 000804100 (TMNG-EXT) systems by modernizing technologies used, assessing Protection Development Development Delivery and Management Support
customer s needs, implementing workflow-based Area
solutions, and improving overall collaboration in the
processing and execution of trademark examination.

Department of U.S. Patent and 006- USPTO Trademark Next Generation 2 (TMNG- This investment will continue to produce the next 012 - Intellectual Property 338 - Enterprise Search 043 - Global Trade 011 - Business and Industry 367 - International 30.887 21.166 24.950 30.887 21.166 24.950 2,264.588 1.10% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 01 - Major
Commerce Trademark Office 000804300 2) generation of Trademarks IT Systems through the Protection Development Development Delivery and Management Support
continued development of the Trademarks Next Area
Generation applications. The primary focus of this
investment is the non-examination functionality.

Department of U.S. Patent and 006- USPTO Enterprise Business Systems (EBS) The Enterprise Business Systems (EBS) investment 012 - Intellectual Property 108 - Customer Services 9.571 4.020 3.052 8.454 2.904 2.219 2,264.588 0.13% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 09 02 - Non Major
Commerce Trademark Office 000804200 captures projects that affect systems crossing USPTO Protection Delivery and Management Support
business units (i.e. RDMS, CIDM, MyUSPTO) and manages Area
the Public Portal, Customer Relationship Management
and related changes to multiple AIS's.

Department of U.S. Patent and 006- USPTO Network and Security Infrastructure II This investment describes the enhancements and 139 - Provide and Maintain 329 - Continuity of 340 - Collaboration Tools 340 - Collaboration Tools 254.032 279.513 258.411 56.757 65.432 58.831 2,264.588 11.41% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 00 01 - Major
Commerce Trademark Office 000804400 (NSI-2) upgrade of the critical IT infrastructure that enables IT Infrastructure Operations Office Automation, and
operations and services provided to USPTO and external Telecommunications
customers; including the programs and projects planned
to improve these systems and services.

Department of U.S. Patent and 006- USPTO Patent Trial and Appeal Board End to The Patents Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) End to End 012 - Intellectual Property 051 - Judicial Hearings 026 - Scientific and 19.159 11.458 9.959 19.159 11.458 9.959 2,264.588 0.44% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 01 - Major
Commerce Trademark Office 000804500 End (PTAB-E2E) (E2E) investment represents the planning, development, Protection Technological Research and Delivery and Management Support
and delivery of an End to End system to meet PTAB's Innovation Area
current and future business capability needs.

Department of U.S. Patent and 006- USPTO Patent Trial and Appeal Board Legacy IT This investment represents the systems that currently 012 - Intellectual Property 051 - Judicial Hearings 026 - Scientific and 2.599 1.043 0.666 1.809 0.878 0.509 2,264.588 0.03% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Commerce Trademark Office 000804600 Capability (PTABLIC) support the USPTO's Patent Trial and Appeal Board Protection Technological Research and Delivery and Management Support
(PTAB) operations. The two systems supporting PTAB are Innovation Area
the Adjudicated Case Tracking System (ACTS) and the
Patent Review Processing System (PRPS).

Department of U.S. Patent and 006- USPTO Corporate IT Capability (CIC) This investment reports on USPTO's corporate systems in 012 - Intellectual Property 228 - Labor Relations 251 - Staffing and Recruiting 053 - Legal Investigation 624 - Payroll 21.005 18.402 16.434 16.371 10.716 9.143 2,264.588 0.73% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 09 02 - Non Major
Commerce Trademark Office 000803500 the Offices of the Chief Administrative Officer, Finance, Protection Delivery and Management Support
and General Counsel, supporting areas such as agency Area
management, personnel, accounting, attorney
enrollment and discipline, etc.

Department of U.S. Patent and 006- USPTO Patent Application Lifecycle This investment transforms USPTO s patent prosecution 012 - Intellectual Property 043 - Global Trade 011 - Business and Industry 2.813 9.716 11.292 2.813 9.716 11.292 2,264.588 0.50% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Commerce Trademark Office 000804800 Management Replacement (PALM-R) engine and central data repository, in a legacy format, to Protection Development Delivery and Management Support
a new platform that has one service gateway, one Area
collaborative end user application portal and one data
repository, all with PE2E technology.
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Economics and 006- BEA Estimation Information Technology The BEA Estimation IT System is a portfolio of integrated 070 - General Purpose Data 026 - Scientific and 16.476 18.709 17.487 1.380 3.044 3.084 2,264.588 0.77% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 24 01 - Major
Commerce Statistics 000525200 System (BEA-EITS) economic estimation subsystems. This system and Statistics Technological Research and Delivery and Management Support
Administration encompasses the Bureau's core economic processing Innovation Area
system and is the primary tool used in the production of
the BEA's economic accounts.

Department of International Trade 006- ITA Data Analytics This investment supports the integration and operation 043 - Global Trade 318 - Business Analytics 577 - Knowledge Distribution 0.926 0.944 0.944 - - - 2,264.588 0.04% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 18 02 - Non Major
Commerce Administration 000651600 of data analytics activities across ITA such as trade policy, and Delivery Delivery and Management Support
trade economic analysis, and industry and services trade Area

Department of International Trade 006- ITA Planning & Management This investment supports administrative and 043 - Global Trade 326 - IT System Development 6.853 7.175 7.175 0.500 0.500 0.500 2,264.588 0.32% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 18 02 - Non Major
Commerce Administration 000655000 management support systems such as DOC-wide / Integration Support Delivery and Management Support
overseas cable traffic and distribution, ITA controlled Area
correspondence, and ITA performance management and
human resource systems.

Department of International Trade 006- ITA Customer Management Systems in this investment support deploying Internet, e- 043 - Global Trade 108 - Customer Services 13.195 11.209 11.209 4.890 - - 2,264.588 0.49% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 18 02 - Non Major
Commerce Administration 000656000 commerce, and enterprise-level CRM technologies to Delivery and Management Support
provide more options for customer interaction and more Area
efficient use of client data.

Department of International Trade 006- ITA Enterprise Architecture & IT Planning Investments in this category support: the enterprise level 354 - IT Strategy and 103 - Enterprise Architecture 1.803 1.803 1.803 - - - 2,264.588 0.08% 00 03 - IT Investments for EA, Capital 00 02 - Non Major
Commerce Administration 000658000 Architecture and IT Planning program; strategic Innovation Planning, and CIO Functions
management of IT resources; formulation of IT policy and
guidance; and IT capital planning and investment

Department of Air Force 007- AFPOA Network Infrastructure The AFPOA Network Infrastructure initiative reports 139 - Provide and Maintain 7.772 9.836 14.665 0.630 - - 30,297.184 0.05% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000015 funding for core systems and services supporting the IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
AFPOA computer network environment covered under Telecommunications
the Global Operations Infrastructure budget.

Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Equipment Management System The Air Force Equipment Management System (AFEMS) 145 - Logistics Management 11.410 13.950 15.792 1.125 6.694 5.198 30,297.184 0.05% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000072 drives equipment logistical decisions, across all Delivery and Management Support
commands, from base to Air Staff level for $40 billion in Area
equipment inventory and is the only source for total
visibility of all Air Force equipment.

Department of Air Force 007- TACTICAL EQUIPMENT OPERATIONS - AMC Funds combat and deployable communications 279 - Battlespace Networks 6.080 5.035 4.941 - - - 30,297.184 0.02% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 12 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000132 equipment, personnel, and operations related to Office Automation, and
deployable communications missions vital to mission of Telecommunications
the U. S. Air Force.

Department of Air Force 007- AF CIO Support Provides basic funding of expenses required to execute 103 - Enterprise Architecture 11.026 10.853 10.978 - - - 30,297.184 0.04% 00 03 - IT Investments for EA, Capital 22 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000170 the mission of the AF CIO of promoting the most effective Planning, and CIO Functions
and efficient application, acquisition and management of
information technology resources.

Department of Air Force 007- VIDEO TELECONFERENCING - AMC Senior leadership capability to interface in a dual 343 - Audio / Video 0.049 0.194 0.199 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000171 audio/video mode (audiovisual) to facilitate face-to-face Conferencing Office Automation, and
interchange of ideas and information in real time, in a Telecommunications
conference environment.

Department of Air Force 007- Equal Opportunity Network/Family Net Secure web-based app; provides software services 256 - Employee Relations 0.665 - - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000175 interfacing with EO computer equipment & standard AF Delivery and Management Support
approved browser application. Provides AF EO staffs Area
subscription online, data & case mgmt, climate
assessment, & reporting services worldwi.

Department of Air Force 007- Defense Enterprise Accounting and DEAMS drives improved information technology 124 - Accounting 127.061 171.113 91.890 110.657 127.930 21.593 30,297.184 0.30% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 01 - Major
Defense 000000178 Management System-Increment 1 management, enabling integration of all financial Delivery and Management Support
information to produce accurate and timely financial Area
statements, the ability for accurate budget forecasting
and the retirement of some legacy systems.

Department of Air Force 007- Product Tailoring Warfighter Applications PTWA will deliver a scalable hardware (HW) and software 023 - Environmental 14.717 9.234 11.530 6.252 1.571 2.178 30,297.184 0.04% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 11 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000192 (SW) system to meet Government USAF needs for Monitoring and Forecasting Delivery and Management Support
weather forecast generation, meteorological watch, and Area
observation management, with increased accuracy and
decreased latency.

Department of Air Force 007- Enterprise Information Services An effective information management environment that 577 - Knowledge Distribution 3.354 3.351 3.391 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 01 - Major
Defense 000000247 includes workflow, document management, records and Delivery Office Automation, and
management. Telecommunications
Department of Air Force 007- Headquarters Air Force Warfighting COVERS TDYs, SUPPLIES, EQUIPMENT, TRAINING AND 280 - Command and Control 0.004 0.003 0.003 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000283 Integration CONTRACTOR SUPPORT FOR Command and Control and Delivery and Management Support
Communications . Covers downward directed program Area
funds for network connectivity and emergency

Department of Air Force 007- Cargo Movement Operations System Cargo Movement Operations System (CMOS) provides 145 - Logistics Management 5.864 9.163 4.426 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000317 Joint Command and Air Force warfighters with global Delivery and Management Support
visibility of in-transit cargo and passengers for planning Area
and accomplishing real-time combat operations
anywhere in the world.

Department of Air Force 007- Combat Ammunition System CAS is a mission critical information management system 145 - Logistics Management 9.799 12.614 9.665 6.364 9.034 4.296 30,297.184 0.03% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000388 providing the Air Force a single management system for Delivery and Management Support
Class V munitions. It provides accountability, Area
maintenance and analysis functions to allow managers to
support and sustain AF missions.

Department of Air Force 007- B-1 Technical Support Center Supports critical maintenance/repair functions such as 145 - Logistics Management 0.622 0.652 0.685 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000416 engineering deviations, identification of tech data Delivery and Management Support
deficiencies, etc. to support timely identification and Area
resolve parts issues.

Department of Air Force 007- Education and Training Management System ETMS is a web application used to manage the Air Force 255 - Employee Performance 1.143 1.465 1.524 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000417 Materiel Command's education and training programs. Management Delivery and Management Support
The application is composed of four (4) major functional Area
areas: Requirement, Resource, Class, and Quota

Department of Air Force 007- Command Human Resources Intelligence CHRIS provides the data needed for human capital 106 - Workforce Planning 0.943 0.936 0.962 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000420 System analysis, development and sustainment in support of Delivery and Management Support
mission. Area
Department of Air Force 007- Total Force Service Center-CRMaaS/RNT Provides all military & civilian employees access to view 251 - Staffing and Recruiting 9.236 10.135 11.123 - - - 30,297.184 0.04% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000421 personnel data on the myPers website. Creates web self Delivery and Management Support
service applications through a single access portal & Area
provides a mechanism to track cases for individuals that
call into the TFSC.

Department of Air Force 007- Aircraft Structural Integrity Management Processes and analyzes aircraft and engine flight data 145 - Logistics Management 1.373 1.012 0.820 0.782 - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000424 Information System from USAF weapon systems. Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- Automated Computer Program Identification Identify, manage, catalog, requisition & distribute 145 - Logistics Management 0.506 0.434 0.648 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000426 Number System Mission Critical Software (MCS) for National Security Delivery and Management Support
Systems (NSS); supports combat weapons systems, Area
tactical systems, aircraft, missiles, ships, communications,
command and control and spacecraft.
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Air Force 007- Automated Technical Order System ATOS is a stand alone, loose-leaf publication and 145 - Logistics Management 5.727 4.637 5.869 - - - 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000427 document management system for Air Force technical Delivery and Management Support
order (TO) changes. ATOS receives, stores, and maintains Area
digital tech order page change data and produces
postscripts to tech order pages.

Department of Air Force 007- ATIMS ATIMS is an on-line, interactive data warehouse 538 - Program / Project 0.839 0.845 0.855 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000434 supporting 40 Air Force acquisition programs. ATIMS is a Management Delivery and Management Support
multi-user, on-line, interactive database environment Area
providing a single repository for program data.

Department of Air Force 007- COMPREHENSIVE ENGINE MANAGEMENT The Comprehensive Engine Management System (CEMS) 145 - Logistics Management 5.062 5.575 5.668 - - - 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000438 SYSTEM manages over 1.8m critical parts within a fleet of ~20,000 Delivery and Management Support
turbine engines. It is also an invaluable tool used at base Area
maintenance facilities to diagnose and prevent engine

Department of Air Force 007- INTEGRATED DATA INFORMATION MANAGER IDIM provides Product Data Management (PDM) 143 - Goods and Services 0.730 0.406 0.340 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000442 capability for the management of all engineering data Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
assets at OC-ALC. IDIM was created to provide expanded Area
engineering data management capabilities that were not
met with JEDMICS.

Department of Air Force 007- OC Toolkit-Scheduling-Kitting-Inventory-Listing OC Toolkit-Scheduling-Kitting-Inventory-Listing (SKIL) web 144 - Inventory Control 0.286 0.293 0.298 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000450 application that allows for greater physical control of Delivery and Management Support
parts inventory using existing data systems data from Area
Info Database, (G777) to consolidate info regarding the
status of required parts.

Department of Air Force 007- B-2 Engineering & Logistics Management The system provides real-time on-line contractor and 143 - Goods and Services 0.120 0.120 0.120 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000453 Application government data and workflow for provisioning, Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
procurement, support equipment, LSA, engineering Area
drawings, tooling, room scheduling and security
documentation. B-2 ELMA resides in the ASX.

Department of Air Force 007- Tinker Integrated Data for Maintenance Provides capabilities for sustainment of Technical orders 145 - Logistics Management 1.786 2.292 2.373 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000454 and publishing in both paper and XML versions. Also Delivery and Management Support
provides distribution of XML technical orders to users Area
around the world.

Department of Air Force 007- Air Program Information Management System Provides base level Air Quality Mgmt tools for AEI, GHG 023 - Environmental 2.647 2.888 3.011 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000456 and other Air permitting and tracking. The 1990 Monitoring and Forecasting Delivery and Management Support
Amendments to the Clean Air Act Required an EMS Area
approach to Air Quality Mgmt, to handle all of the
needed Air Quality Recordkeeping & Reporting.

Department of Air Force 007- Operational Readiness Analysis A web-based system that assesses & monitors the health 318 - Business Analytics 0.270 0.283 0.289 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000457 of various functional processes associated with depot Delivery and Management Support
component repair and supply chain mgmt by pulling Area
together a variety of data from numerous information
systems into a unified database.

Department of Air Force 007- Centralized Access For Data Exchange CAFDEx supports AF-wide Centralized Asset Management 145 - Logistics Management 6.727 6.873 7.449 - - - 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000458 (CAM) processes for planning depot repair/overhaul of all Delivery and Management Support
Air Force aircraft, missiles, engines, and other major Area
equipment. Components include web systems tailored to
CAM managed business areas.

Department of Air Force 007- MAINTENANCE BUSINESS SYSTEM A comprehensive process management solution that 145 - Logistics Management 1.638 1.639 3.529 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000459 MODERNIZATION enables maintenance organizations to schedule, plan, Delivery and Management Support
and track the tear down and rebuild cycle of high value, Area
complex assets including NWRM.

Department of Air Force 007- OGDEN PDMSS WEB PDMSS WEB was developed to give maintenance users 318 - Business Analytics 0.922 1.576 1.576 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000460 quick WEB based access to all maintenance data Delivery and Management Support
maintained in PDMSS. PDMSS Web is to provide one Area
stop reporting capabilities not provided within

Department of Air Force 007- Hazcom HAZCOM handles Hazardous Communications 618 - Employee 0.399 0.406 0.415 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000461 /compliance issues, required by OSHA Laws, in an Development and Training Delivery and Management Support
efficient and cost effective manner. Area
Department of Air Force 007- COMPREHENSIVE INTEGRATED TECHNICAL CITOMS augments JCALS functionality by automating 345 - Management of 0.439 0.370 0.389 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000462 ORDER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM critical Technical Data business processes through Government Records Delivery and Management Support
electronic workflow processing. CITOMS provides access Area
to this data to more than 1,000 customers.

Department of Air Force 007- ENHANCED TECHNICAL INFORMATION Enhanced Technical Information Management System 145 - Logistics Management 8.203 11.663 17.810 - 5.488 7.365 30,297.184 0.06% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000473 MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (ETIMS) provides immediate (near-term) improved Delivery and Management Support
warfighter capability to manage and electronically Area
distribute both paper and electronic technical orders

Department of Air Force 007- Resource Management Information System RMIS replaces numerous independent human resource 618 - Employee 0.922 0.945 0.970 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000474 type systems, eliminates redundancy and inconsistency Development and Training Delivery and Management Support
and provides the Commander with a single, integrated Area
database of manpower and personnel data to manage
the workforce.

Department of Air Force 007- Enterprise Business System EBS integrates mgmt processes & enabling tools for the 4 026 - Scientific and 13.031 13.393 12.760 - - - 30,297.184 0.04% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000478 AF super labs that were consolidated into the single Air Technological Research and Delivery and Management Support
Force Research Laboratory. EBS leverages COTS IT tools & Innovation Area
apps to complete the transformation of business
functions in AF S&T mgm.

Department of Air Force 007- Manpower Programming and Execution Improve AF manpower resources management and 106 - Workforce Planning 3.288 3.627 4.427 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000480 System related data w/in all Air Force ORG's. Reuse capabilities Delivery and Management Support
from other DoD Agencies. MPES will centralize the data Area
source, plan and forecast capabilities giving realtime web
access enterprise wide.

Department of Air Force 007- AETC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT TOOL SUITE This CIR will pull together all the previously submitted 129 - Reporting and 0.757 0.729 0.750 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000481 (AFMTS) Financial CIRs into a Family of Systems (FOS). These Information Delivery and Management Support
previously submitted CIRs wiill comprise this FOS: Area
TTSMIS-8051 and BATS-0016.

Department of Air Force 007- RELIABILITY ASSET MONITORING/TACTICAL RAM provides WR-ALC, OO-ALC, & Eglin the means for 145 - Logistics Management 0.098 0.115 0.117 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000485 MUNITIONS REPORTING SYSTEM assessing present performance levels as well as Delivery and Management Support
predicting future reliability standards for current Air Area
Force missile & precision-guided munitions (PGM) All-Up-
Round assets & unassembled comp.

Department of Air Force 007- TRAINING SCHEDULING SYSTEM Provides training mgmt, scheduling & email notifications 255 - Employee Performance 1.912 3.077 1.847 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000571 to supervisors & students regarding class schedule dates Management Delivery and Management Support
for personnel training. Also records a history of training Area
& notifies supervisors & schedulers when new or
additional train.

Department of Air Force 007- Global Broadcast Service Global Broadcast Service (GBS) provides worldwide, high- 279 - Battlespace Networks 280 - Command and Control 67.334 30.778 37.159 46.831 6.265 1.191 30,297.184 0.12% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 12 01 - Major
Defense 000000880 capacity, one-way transmission of video, imagery, and Office Automation, and
other large data files in support of joint military forces in Telecommunications
garrison, in transit, and in theater using satellite
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Air Force 007- Base Information Transport Infrastructure BITI Wired (formerly known as Information Transport 139 - Provide and Maintain 103 - Enterprise Architecture 280 - Command and Control 143.096 77.422 43.109 138.275 74.662 40.085 30,297.184 0.14% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 01 - Major
Defense 000001017 Wired System (ITS) Increment (Inc) 1) conducted a Financial IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
Program Summary Telecommunications
in Lieu of Economic Analysis. Return on Investment (ROI)
was not addressed during this review.

Department of Air Force 007- AFNET - Air Force Network ***Funding for AFNET has transferred to Weapons 139 - Provide and Maintain 132.640 48.813 28.507 - - - 30,297.184 0.09% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 01 - Major
Defense 000001032 systems in FY16. Remaining funding supports unified IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
capabilities under VSS and will report that funding Telecommunications
starting in FY17 BES/PB.

Department of Air Force 007- Job Order Cost Accounting System II JOCAS II is a CFO-compliant; web-based cost accounting 124 - Accounting 1.104 1.119 1.128 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001033 system designed to capture/report full project cost, Delivery and Management Support
generate bills for reimbursable efforts, and provide Area
managers real-time data to facilitate informed
management decisions.

Department of Air Force 007- Air and Space Operations Center - Weapon The Air and Space Operations Center is the weapon 280 - Command and Control 222.792 146.125 24.459 31.783 16.842 22.311 30,297.184 0.08% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 01 - Major
Defense 000001046 System system the Commander, AF Forces, provides the Joint Delivery and Management Support
Forces Air Component Commander (JFACC) for planning Area
and executing theater-wide aerospace forces.

Department of Air Force 007- Automated Funds Management AFM is a web-based application designed to assist Air 105 - Budget Execution 1.773 1.781 1.373 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001073 Force (AF) financial managers by automating funds Delivery and Management Support
control, management and distribution of appropriated Area
funds as signed by Public Law.

Department of Air Force 007- Contract Writing System Contract writing system for weapons systems and Science 143 - Goods and Services 1.143 1.572 1.702 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001074 & Technology. Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- Automated Contract Preparation System Provides automated mgmt and preparation of purchase 143 - Goods and Services 3.281 3.345 3.402 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001076 requests & amendments, solicitations & amendments, Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
offers, contracts, orders, modifications, supporting docs Area
relating to the acquisition process, required mgmt
reports, and interfacing capabilit.

Department of Air Force 007- Contracting Information Database System Online reporting tool for J041 ADIS (Logistics) contracting 143 - Goods and Services 2.629 2.677 2.722 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001077 data. Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- Contracting Business Intelligence Service Contracting business intelligence and decision support 143 - Goods and Services 2.028 2.300 2.360 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001079 service. Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- EIEMA COM/Network Management_Network AFMC's "parent initiative" for DITIL (Vers. 1) "Network 139 - Provide and Maintain 0.061 1.687 0.649 - 1.626 - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001080 Management System (NMS) Service Management" Service Category's sub-category of IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
"Network Management System (NMS) Service". Telecommunications

Department of Air Force 007- ACQUISITION AND DUE IN SYSTEM Single repository of info for items centrally procured at 143 - Goods and Services 0.534 0.543 0.552 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001082 the ALC; maintains and processes data for contracting Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
and requirements activities from purchase requirements Area
initiation through lifecycle.

Department of Air Force 007- System Metric and Reporting Tool Web-based tool to define, manage, and report program 546 - Portfolio Management 6.362 6.673 6.736 4.982 4.309 4.339 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001083 health and status throughout a program's lifecycle. Delivery and Management Support
Provides senior executives with near real time visibility of Area
authoritative program information adhering to OSD and
SAF/AQ policy/business rules.

Department of Air Force 007- EAGLE Modification Action Plan EMAP is a secure, state of the art, Web application that 145 - Logistics Management 1.416 1.466 1.056 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001102 provides planned and actual aircraft inventory, PDM, Delivery and Management Support
AMARG, modification and depot repair program Area
information for global decision-makers, support staff,
field units and selected contractors.

Department of Air Force 007- EAGLE Electronic Tooling Information EAGLE eTIMS provides complete aircraft parts breakdown 145 - Logistics Management 0.537 0.563 0.592 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001103 Management System (eTIMS) as manufactured with tooling required for each part, Delivery and Management Support
production tooling disposition analysis based on Area
supportability based design algorithm, and tooling
inventory management for retained tooling.

Department of Air Force 007- Base Information Infrastructure BII sustains all base networks, network defense/mgt 139 - Provide and Maintain 123.718 - - 39.986 - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001104 capabilities and all base telephone switches. IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
Department of Air Force 007- Air Education and Training Command (AETC) ADSS is AETC's capstone enterprise BI and decision 104 - Strategic Planning 1.570 1.617 1.666 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001105 Decision Support System support capability for key management information used Delivery and Management Support
to monitor training production status, to conduct metric Area
analysis and production forecasting, and to predict
resource and cost requirements.

Department of Air Force 007- Enterprise Environmental Safety and EESOH-MIS is being developed by AFCESA as an 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 19.075 19.555 19.921 - - - 30,297.184 0.07% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001126 Occupational Health Management Information enterprise solution to manage cleanup, environmental Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
System liabilities, hazardous materials and hazardous waste Area
processes. It includes automated coordination with the
Safety and Occupational Health communities.

Department of Air Force 007- Joint Primary Aircraft Training System - Ground The Joint Primary Aicraft Training System (JPATS) Ground 618 - Employee 5.544 5.711 11.362 - - - 30,297.184 0.04% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001129 Based Training System (Trng Integration Mgmt Based Training System (GBTS) TIMS provides training Development and Training Delivery and Management Support
Sys) management, scheduling, accounting, and tracking for all Area
AF and Navy UFT (pilot, nav, and naval flight officer).
(Joint system w/US Navy).

Department of Air Force 007- Technical Training Management System TTMS provides AETC a suite of integrated and customized 618 - Employee 6.603 5.929 7.370 1.717 1.637 2.119 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001130 web-based software services for the development and Development and Training Delivery and Management Support
administration of basic military and technical training. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Voice Switching System The Voice Switching System (VSS) implements required 139 - Provide and Maintain 010 - Emergency Response 103 - Enterprise Architecture 103 - Enterprise Architecture 3.787 11.252 16.688 - - - 30,297.184 0.06% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 01 - Major
Defense 000001152 base voice switch and Defense Red Switch upgrades and IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
implements unified capabilities to meet Joint Staff Telecommunications

Department of Air Force 007- Integrated Strategic Planning and Analysis ISPAN-Inc 2 will build on ISPAN Block 1 GAP CIE 280 - Command and Control 5.299 5.406 5.518 - - - 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 01 - Major
Defense 000001179 Network Increment 2 capabilities and focus on improving the collaboration Delivery and Management Support
capability to support compressed timelines for Area
Campaign/Contingency and Crisis Action Planning, on a
more powerful Decision Support Capability.

Department of Air Force 007- Mission Planning System Increment 4 This initiative supports sustainment activities for the F- 281 - Force Application 13.479 5.053 - 5.300 - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 14 01 - Major
Defense 000001184 22. With establishment of MPS Modernization (BIN Delivery and Management Support
100393), this initiative will satisfied all JMPS related Area
requirements by 2016.

Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Military Personnel System The Air Force Military Personnel System (AF MILPERS) is 106 - Workforce Planning 5.369 5.499 6.246 - - - 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001237 an Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC)-developed web Delivery and Management Support
network, which allows users to access public and private Area
pages, and to perform military personnel actions.

Department of Air Force 007- Enterprise Information Technology Data The EITDR has been identified as the Air Force system of 577 - Knowledge Distribution 1.204 1.274 1.290 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001294 Repository record for Compliance. EITDR provides investment and Delivery Office Automation, and
decision support to Air Force management. Telecommunications

Department of Air Force 007- Information Systems Management Tool The Information Systems Management Tool (ISMT) is a 145 - Logistics Management 1.052 1.069 1.089 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001296 web-based, GCSS compliant and certified configuration Delivery and Management Support
and requirements management tracking and software Area
workload management system.
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Air Force 007- Graduate Training Integrated Management Graduate Training Integration Management System 618 - Employee 8.522 10.736 11.534 - - - 30,297.184 0.04% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001298 System (GTIMS) is deployed as the graduate flying trng Development and Training Delivery and Management Support
management system for AETC. It provides trng Area
management, scheduling, accounting and tracking for all
AETC conducted Combat Crew Flying Training Systems.

Department of Air Force 007- F-22 Integrated Digital Environment Web-based decision support tool with a single access 538 - Program / Project 0.110 - - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001302 point. IDE is a toolset using COTS productivity tools to Management Delivery and Management Support
provide the acquisition, contracting, production, Area
operations & financial community of the F-22 with
accurate, real-time data.

Department of Air Force 007- F15 Integrated Maintenance Information IMIS is the software umbrella that encompasses all F15 145 - Logistics Management 5.037 5.179 5.277 - - - 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001304 System specific maintenance technical data in the form of a Type Delivery and Management Support
II Interactive Electronic Technical Manual, Wiring Area
Illuminator, Intelligent Graphics, Computerized Fault
Reporting System.

Department of Air Force 007- AFMC Installation Geospatial Information and GeoBase is an AF program that integrates maps and 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.050 0.050 0.050 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001308 Services geospatial data across the Air Force. Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- Contractor Supported Weapon Systems Data CSWS DE is the bridge for peculiar spares data that 145 - Logistics Management 3.382 1.824 1.314 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001310 Exchange passes between Contractor data systems and selected Delivery and Management Support
Government legacy data systems while the Contractor is Area
managing the Air Force owned spares.

Department of Air Force 007- Facility and Equipment Maintenance FEM provides an integrated tracking and control system 144 - Inventory Control 1.638 1.759 1.870 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001317 for equipment and facility maintenance and calibration of Delivery and Management Support
precision measurement equipment. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Integrated Information Management System Provides integrated business management functionality 618 - Employee 7.631 5.000 4.596 - - - 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001320 including Human Resources, Financial, Logistics, Project Development and Training Delivery and Management Support
Management, workflow automation, computer aided Area
design, etc., for Arnold AFB.

Department of Air Force 007- EIEMA CES/App Services_Messaging and AFMC's "parent initiative" for DITIL (Vers. 1) "Application 340 - Collaboration Tools 4.445 4.702 4.990 - - - 30,297.184 0.02% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001325 Collaboration Services" Service Category's sub-category of "Messaging Office Automation, and
and Collaboration". Telecommunications
Department of Air Force 007- AFSOC GeoBase Service Provides a service for dissemination of GeoSpatial 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.094 0.070 - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001329 information to installation personnel and warfighters. Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Institute of Technology Educational AFITEDU is AFIT's educational IT network, providing 341 - Web Infrastructure 2.255 2.293 2.332 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001388 Enclave Network infrastructure, hardware and essential management tools Office Automation, and
required to provide IT core services to approximately Telecommunications
1800 students, faculty, staff and over 15,000 distance
learning students world-wide.

Department of Air Force 007- National Capital Region-Integrated Air Defense The NCR-IADS provides tactical C2 execution for the Joint 282 - Protection 22.034 25.724 26.620 2.114 0.993 2.379 30,297.184 0.09% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 15 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001411 System Task Force/Joint Forces Air Component Commander Delivery and Management Support
(JTF/JFACC) under the Operation Noble Eagle (ONE) Area

Department of Air Force 007- Information & Resource Support System AF-wide system that facilitates & integrates operational 546 - Portfolio Management 1.513 1.559 1.607 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001422 requirements definition, coordination, & management Delivery and Management Support
activities of the MAJCOMs & Air Staff. It supports AF Area
Capabilities Investment Strategy development, &
CONOPS capabilities planni.

Department of Air Force 007- Acquisition Career Management System Displays personnel SURFs & summaries used for 255 - Employee Performance 0.259 0.283 0.365 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001613 acquisition workforce management. Used to manage AF Management Delivery and Management Support
acquisition workforce & provide framework for individual Area
professional development based on education, training &
experience. Supports DAWIA .

Department of Air Force 007- Reliability and Maintainability Information REMIS is the Air Force data system for collecting and 145 - Logistics Management 22.431 21.548 16.702 9.367 5.753 3.691 30,297.184 0.06% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001622 System processing equipment maintenance data, and provides Delivery and Management Support
an integrated source of information on reliability and Area
maintainability, trend analysis, failure prediction and
weapon system availability.

Department of Air Force 007- Security Forces Management Information SFMIS is mandated for use by AFI 31-203, Security Forces 603 - Data Warehouse 1.449 0.658 1.499 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001687 System Management Information Systems and is the Delivery and Management Support
replacement program for the legacy Air Force Security Area
Forces Security Police Automated System (SPAS)

Department of Air Force 007- Air Reserve Order Writing System - Reserve The AROWS-R is an order writing tool developed by 254 - Employee Benefits and 1.132 0.879 0.887 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001800 DFAS-KC, Technology Services Organization, which will Compensation Delivery and Management Support
replace two of our legacy order writing and assocated Area
systems (i.e. TBAS and WOTS).

Department of Air Force 007- Congressional Domain A one-stop, interactive site for users to retrieve and 577 - Knowledge Distribution 0.078 0.080 0.081 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001801 manage key Congressional information to include and Delivery Delivery and Management Support
member and staff bios, legislation, hearings summaries, Area
Congressional calendar, etc.

Department of Air Force 007- Financial Management Suite FMSuite is a web-based architecture comprised of 129 - Reporting and 2.897 2.017 2.040 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001802 application components designed to streamline, track, Information Delivery and Management Support
integrate and automate various financial management Area

Department of Air Force 007- Integrated Strategic Planning and Analysis Integrated Strategic Planning and Analysis Network 280 - Command and Control 48.441 56.420 55.218 - - - 30,297.184 0.18% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 01 - Major
Defense 000001826 Network (ISPAN) Program (ISPAN) will support all USSTRATCOM future planning, Delivery and Management Support
and analysis needs. It encompasses the sustainment of Area
SWPS as well as development and integration of new
mission requirements.

Department of Air Force 007- Battle Control System-Fixed Increment 3 Battle Control System-Fixed is the cornerstone system for 280 - Command and Control 4.789 25.236 40.035 1.862 0.687 13.786 30,297.184 0.13% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 01 - Major
Defense 000001854 the NORAD/USNORTHCOM Homeland Defense mission. Delivery and Management Support
Five operational sites (US and Canadian) provide Area
24/7/365 Command and Control in US and Canada and
supports Homeland Security and civil relief.

Department of Air Force 007- Theater Battle Management Core System TBMCS is the mission critical Command and Control (C2) 280 - Command and Control 18.763 28.427 27.119 8.561 7.386 9.358 30,297.184 0.09% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 01 - Major
Defense 000001911 system that provides automated management of air Delivery and Management Support
battle planning, intelligence operations, and execution Area
functions in peacetime, exercise, and wartime

Department of Air Force 007- Theater Deployable Communications The Theater Deployable Communications (TDC) fields 279 - Battlespace Networks 9.564 27.481 36.772 3.990 16.762 26.884 30,297.184 0.12% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 12 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001912 communications equipment for deployed Air Force Office Automation, and
Operations including voice, data, multiplexing, Telecommunications
transmission and network control.

Department of Air Force 007- Defense Repair Information Logistics System DRILS is a user friendly maintenance data collection & 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.643 0.654 0.667 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001947 retrieval application that provides visibility of serialized Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
repairs to the field & depot. DRILS is a web-based agile Area
information server for ease of access, maintenance, &
rapid scalabili.

Department of Air Force 007- General Accounting and Finance System 2 General Accounting and Finance System II (G2) is a 129 - Reporting and 1.694 1.777 1.068 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001951 centralized web-based application serving as an Information Delivery and Management Support
enhanced, horizontally integrated tool for finding and Area
reducing financial system errors in the Air Force Research
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Air Force 007- Intelligence Training System Intelligence Training System provides training for 284 - Force Training 0.300 0.500 0.700 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 19 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002048 cryptologic linguist students using multimedia technology Delivery and Management Support
similar to that in operational environments. ITS allows Area
trainees to master procedures and integrate classroom-
acquired knowledge into tasks.

Department of Air Force 007- FINANCIAL INVENTORY ACCOUNTING & Provides billing, inventory valuation and financial info for 259 - Budget and 1.649 3.289 3.295 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002095 BILLING SYSTEM the Supply Mgmt Activity Group in the AFWCF; billing and Performance Integration Delivery and Management Support
inventory info for appn-financed items - Aircraft, Missile Area
and Other Procurement; and supports AF depot sales to

Department of Air Force 007- AF NC3-MEECN Operations & Sustainment Air Force (AF) Nuclear Command, Control and 280 - Command and Control 26.444 34.248 30.056 - - - 30,297.184 0.10% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 01 - Major
Defense 000002174 Communications (NC3) systems provide assured Delivery and Management Support
communications between the President and strategic Area
forces in nuclear environments.

Department of Air Force 007- ICBM Operations/Sustainment ICBM Ops/Sust includes information technology (IT) 281 - Force Application 9.387 10.724 10.861 - - - 30,297.184 0.04% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 14 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002225 efforts to maintain ICBM force support capabilities. Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- Engineering Data Support System The purpose of this system is to provide comprehensive 345 - Management of 0.123 0.122 0.106 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002234 data services required to locate, update, and manage all Government Records Delivery and Management Support
OO-ALC/EN engineering logistics data. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Virtual Personnel Services Center The Virtual Personnel Services Center (VPSC) provides Air 618 - Employee 2.155 2.441 2.738 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002510 Force unique human resource services in civilian and Development and Training Delivery and Management Support
military career planning and development not delivered Area
with Air Force Integrated Finance and Personnel Systems

Department of Air Force 007- USAFE Weather Systems United States European command specific weather 023 - Environmental 16.954 16.145 11.582 - - - 30,297.184 0.04% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 11 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002535 systems are used to provide accurate and timely weather Monitoring and Forecasting Delivery and Management Support
data for air operations and resource protection within the Area
European Area of Responsibility.

Department of Air Force 007- Commercial Asset Visibility - Air Force Supports repair contractor report of induction, status 145 - Logistics Management 3.816 4.000 3.951 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002600 change & production; provides visibility of government Delivery and Management Support
assets at commercial repair contractor sites; has Area
maintained better than 97% inventory accuracy
compared to 82% or less using older systems.

Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Way Legacy A web-based application for purchasing information 143 - Goods and Services 2.339 2.441 2.463 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002601 technology equipment. It reduces time and overhead Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
required for purchasing processes and provides visibility Area
into what the customer buys and what it costs.

Department of Air Force 007- WMA Force Support/Force Training Grouping of AFMC investments providing capability in the 284 - Force Training 0.300 0.300 - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 19 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002660 functional area of Warfighter Mission Area - Force Delivery and Management Support
Support - Force Training. Area
Department of Air Force 007- ANG Reserve Order Writing System AROWS is designed to support the ANG order writing 254 - Employee Benefits and 1.541 1.750 1.789 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002729 process, in direct support of the Air Force, the ANG Units Compensation Delivery and Management Support
and NGB missions. It modernized the entire order Area
process, assures tight internal controls and accurate
obligation of funds.

Department of Air Force 007- Continuous Process Improvement- The OSD Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) 318 - Business Analytics 0.143 - - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 03 - IT Investments for EA, Capital 22 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002824 Management Tool Transformation Guidebook states that every DoD Planning, and CIO Functions
organization is to focus every day on improving the
effectiveness of our support to the Warfighter. Air Force
Smart Operations for the 21st Century (AFSO21).

Department of Air Force 007- Joint Strike Fighter Web-based Information Web application w/ 80+ functions automating many 143 - Goods and Services 0.726 - - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002826 System for the Enterprise admin/mgmt activities of day-to-day operations Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
including admin/managing required training, unit Area
calendars, info sharing, personnel listings/rosters, facility
work requests, security functions, etc.

Department of Air Force 007- Financial Managment (FM) Reporting Tool System pulls journal voucher information from JOCAS, 129 - Reporting and 0.035 0.187 0.190 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002833 imports a BQ ASCII file containing journal voucher data, Information Delivery and Management Support
combines the data from each source, generates 2 journal Area
voucher reports & creates GAFS file used for updating
existing journal voucher data.

Department of Air Force 007- Aircraft Program Maintenance Systems APMS is a server-based application serving Air Force 340 - Collaboration Tools 0.024 0.024 0.025 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002841 LCMC members and their customers. Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- Technical Data - Product Data Management The TD-PDM system is a collection of subsystems based 145 - Logistics Management 2.966 3.257 3.634 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002842 on Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) technology Delivery and Management Support
which provide users worldwide with single-source access Area
to multiple linked data sources which support View-On-
Demand and Print-On-Demand processes.

Department of Air Force 007- Joint Reliability Availability Management JRAMS is an integrated analysis system that provides a 144 - Inventory Control 0.898 0.924 0.981 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002843 System growing suite of proactive and predictive analysis tools Delivery and Management Support
and actionable reports to aid AF personnel with decision Area
support for aircraft reliability, availability, & aircraft
equipment management.

Department of Air Force 007- AUTOMATED LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT The ALMSS is a government owned, certified and 145 - Logistics Management 3.449 5.242 3.841 - 1.600 - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002844 SUPPORT SYSTEM accrediated, web based integrated Supply Chain Delivery and Management Support
Management (SCM) solution that can be used by a Area
weapon system ICP to manage, control, & report
repairable, consumable, and equipment material

Department of Air Force 007- Job Order Number Management JON Management is a centralized web-accessible 143 - Goods and Services 0.105 0.140 0.060 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002860 database application consisting of a three-tier Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
architecture for generating unique job order numbers Area
used for cost tracking of reimbursable work for the
Edwards Air Force Base (AFB) community.

Department of Air Force 007- eFinance Workspace eFinance Workspace is designed to allow for the 129 - Reporting and 1.323 0.198 0.202 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002871 paperless submission of military permanent change of Information Delivery and Management Support
station, travel voucher, and other financial documents Area
with automated assistance to the member and Users.

Department of Air Force 007- EIEMA CES/App Services_Service Desk AFMC's "parent initiative" for DITIL (Vers. 1) "Application 139 - Provide and Maintain 0.130 0.132 0.135 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002953 Services" Service Category's sub-category of "Service IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
Desk". Telecommunications
Department of Air Force 007- EIEMA COM/App Services_Video AFMC's "parent initiative" for DITIL (Vers. 1) "Application 343 - Audio / Video 0.835 1.045 0.750 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002955 Teleconferencing (VTC) Services Services" Service Category's sub-category of "Video Conferencing Office Automation, and
Teleconferencing (VTC) Services". Telecommunications

Department of Air Force 007- WMA Force Application Grouping of AFMC investments providing capability in the 281 - Force Application 4.148 3.724 3.736 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 14 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002958 functional area of Warfighter Mission Area - Force Delivery and Management Support
Application. Area
Department of Air Force 007- WMA Focused Logistics Grouping of AFMC investments providing capability in the 281 - Force Application 1.277 1.471 1.384 0.050 0.052 0.054 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 14 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002959 functional area of Warfighter Mission Area - Focused Delivery and Management Support
Logistics. Area
Department of Air Force 007- WMA Net Centric Grouping of AFMC investments providing capability in the 279 - Battlespace Networks 0.226 0.226 0.295 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 12 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002963 functional area of Warfighter Mission Area - Net Centric. Office Automation, and
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Air Force 007- Integrated Budget Documentation & Execution Automates processes supporting AF budget development 129 - Reporting and 2.875 2.982 2.990 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002964 System cycles of PPBE System. Supports authoring, levels of Information Delivery and Management Support
review, consolidation and publication of investment Area
budget justification documentation for annual PRB and
PB submission to Congress.

Department of Air Force 007- DD Form 2825 Mail Room Form This server-based application provide automated package 145 - Logistics Management 0.006 0.006 0.006 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002966 tracking services based on the DD 2825 for recipients at Delivery and Management Support
Robins Air Force Base (RAFB). Area

Department of Air Force 007- FX Account FX Account is a web-based application that generates the 144 - Inventory Control 0.016 0.017 0.017 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002967 Form 1149 that is required to ship an item out of the FX Delivery and Management Support
Account. It allows inventory item additions and tracking Area
according to shipments and allows users to view a real
time listing.

Department of Air Force 007- Robins Aircraft Status Report Robins Aircraft Status Report is a high level view of 318 - Business Analytics 0.024 0.024 0.025 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002969 current status of all aircraft managed by Robins ALC. Delivery and Management Support
Analyzes data from AMREP to produce Reports and Area

Department of Air Force 007- Aging Fleet Integrity and Reliability AFIRM provides a single point of access for retrieving and 144 - Inventory Control 0.740 0.470 0.470 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002978 Management System managing C-5 aircraft systems reliability data for analysis Delivery and Management Support
by the 730 ACSG engineering branch. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Aircraft Integrated Data Environment Aircraft Integrated Data Environment (AIDE) supports C-5 145 - Logistics Management 0.060 0.025 0.025 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002979 operational support and analysis needs. AIDE provides its Delivery and Management Support
users with the ability to conduct aircraft fleet status and Area
MICAP data analysis by extracting data from legacy
sytems (MIMS).

Department of Air Force 007- EIEMA CMPI/Computing Services_Server AFMC's "parent initiative" for DITIL (Vers. 1) "Computing" 341 - Web Infrastructure 22.258 32.743 21.201 - - - 30,297.184 0.07% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002992 Services Service Category's sub-category of "Server Services". Office Automation, and
Department of Air Force 007- WMA Force Support/Force Management Grouping of AFMC investments providing capability in the 340 - Collaboration Tools 2.609 1.531 1.567 0.024 0.024 0.024 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 18 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002993 functional area of Warfighter Mission Area - Force Delivery and Management Support
Support - Force Management. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Comprehensive Engine Trending And CETADS-Air Force desktop software application 145 - Logistics Management 2.330 1.509 1.963 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002999 Diagnostic System supporting propulsion requirements. CETADS collects, Delivery and Management Support
stores, and processes Jet Engine operational data such as: Area
oil pressure, turbine temperature, engine on time, etc.

Department of Air Force 007- Air and Space Command and Control - USAFE This record captures IT related expenses for the 603 AOC, 280 - Command and Control 3.620 2.357 2.406 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003065 606 ACS and 435 CRG per direction from USAFE- Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- Air and Space Operations Training-USAFE Provides training for planning, coordination, analysis, 284 - Force Training 5.466 5.428 5.551 - - - 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 19 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003067 standardization, and also provides guidance on Delivery and Management Support
employment of weapons, tactics, air and space C2, air Area
battle management, requirements, and military outreach

Department of Air Force 007- Installations and Mission Support Supports USAFE Installations and Mission Support role of 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.537 0.611 0.206 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003069 Communications-USAFE oversight, policy, guidance, training, resources, and Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
expeditionary combat support for Security Forces, Civil Area
Engineering, Emergency Services, AT/FP, and Contracting.

Department of Air Force 007- SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY/WARGAMING WARSIM provides computer based simulation to support 280 - Command and Control 6.495 6.559 4.787 5.956 6.035 4.245 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003073 Combat Commanders in all levels of operations. Delivery and Management Support
Additionally, it funds the Distributed Mission Operations Area
Center - linking distributed participants in a shared
synthetic battlespace.

Department of Air Force 007- Propulsion Engineering Workspace Supports the propulsion commodity/community. 145 - Logistics Management 0.031 0.032 0.033 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003081 Maintains part criticality classification information Delivery and Management Support
required by PL 108-136 and described in AFI 20-106. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Contract Repair Management System The Contract Repair Management System (CRMS) is a 145 - Logistics Management 1.027 1.416 1.601 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003105 web-based software application developed in support of Delivery and Management Support
supply chain manager (SCM's) across OC-ALC, supporting Area
production analysis.

Department of Air Force 007- INTEGRATED ENGINEERING SUPPORT(IES) AFLCMC/LZP-TINKER is the current functional home for 143 - Goods and Services 0.996 1.062 1.096 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003107 APPLICATION the Integrated Engineering Support Application (IES-A) Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
developed using Modulant’s Business Process Engine Area
(BPE) software. IES-A is a complex enterprise web-based
workflow management process.

Department of Air Force 007- CE NexGen IT - TAM (CG1&2) The AF/A7C will leverage industry best practices, 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 23.515 23.273 20.122 4.298 - - 30,297.184 0.07% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003130 optimize core business processes, and replace existing IT Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
capabilities with a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) Area
software solution and a service provider to supply a
hosted environment.

Department of Air Force 007- Aircrew Graduate Evaluation Program - The AETC Aircrew Graduate Evaluation Program is part of 284 - Force Training 0.196 0.201 0.206 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 19 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003137 Introductory Flight Training the instructional system development (ISD) continuum Delivery and Management Support
used to ensure that graduates from AETC training courses Area
meet customer requirements.

Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Museum Artifact Tracking System The Air Force Museum Artifact Tracking System 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.083 0.041 0.062 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003140 (AFMATS) Database that tracks all National Musuem Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
Artifacts that includes barcoding of artifacts for inventory Area
purposes. AFMATS is mandated for use for musuems with
300+ items by AFI-84-103.

Department of Air Force 007- Air University Library Integrated Library The AUL ILS system provides an automated means of 577 - Knowledge Distribution 0.114 0.117 0.129 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003141 System acquiring, cataloging, accessing, searching and circulating and Delivery Delivery and Management Support
the books, documents, periodicals, etc that constitute the Area
published and unpublished resources of the Air
University Library.

Department of Air Force 007- Air University Registrar and Education Program AUREPM is the headquarters-level component used to 016 - Higher Education 0.749 0.760 0.779 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003142 Management analyze data in support of management decisions. Delivery and Management Support
AUREPM shall encompass historical metrics, resource Area
modeling, and quota forecasting aspects required to
provide decision support for HQ AU.

Department of Air Force 007- Air University Student Records Information Web based system designed to support Air War College 618 - Employee 0.370 0.377 0.386 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003143 System and ACSC resident programs by tracking Development and Training Delivery and Management Support
students/faculty, classes, courses, and grades. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Air University Student Management System AUSMS provides Air University¿s corporate student 618 - Employee 0.613 0.625 0.641 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003144 (formerly called iGecko) management system for resident students who attend Development and Training Delivery and Management Support
Squadron Officer College and the global College of Area
Enlisted Professional Military Education (CEPME).

Department of Air Force 007- Air University Student Information System AUSIS maintains academic records on students while 618 - Employee 0.379 0.385 0.394 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003145 enrolled in the AWC and ACSC Correspondence Development and Training Delivery and Management Support
Programs. Once students complete the program, records Area
are archived in the F036 AETC M.
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Air Force 007- Contract Profit Reporting Systems CPRS provides decision support/calculation assistance 143 - Goods and Services 0.626 0.506 0.568 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003148 and reporting functions for Air Force, Army and Navy Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
procurement actions as well as facilitating service agency Area
compliance reporting to DOD.

Department of Air Force 007- ABETS ABETS allows equipment custodian to track test 144 - Inventory Control 0.020 0.020 0.020 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003155 equipment parts. Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- Pilot Candidate Selection Method PCSM program supports UPT boards to select the best 064 - Training and 0.313 0.326 0.332 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003159 applicants for pilot training with the use of a PCSM score. Employment Delivery and Management Support
The PCSM score SUPT boards receive is an aptitude Area
measure of how likely an applicant will succeed at UPT.

Department of Air Force 007- AFRL/HQ Web Applications AHWA is a small scale infrastructure program that 145 - Logistics Management 0.011 0.011 0.011 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003161 provides hosted applications with shared computers and Delivery and Management Support
engineering services which provide awareness of, access Area
to, and delivery of information and services for HQ AFRL.

Department of Air Force 007- Enterprise Data Collection Layer EDCL infrastructure application supports data transfer 326 - IT System Development 5.514 2.669 3.160 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003164 between AIT devices, such as handhelds, and logistics / Integration Support Office Automation, and
business systems and enterprise data repositories. Telecommunications

Department of Air Force 007- HQ AFPC Intelligent Contact Management The Voice Over Internet Protocol circuit supports military 674 - Computer/ Network 0.775 0.795 0.815 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003165 System and civilian personnel by providing capability to contact Integration Office Automation, and
the Total Force Service Centers in San Antonio and Telecommunications
Denver for personnel issues.

Department of Air Force 007- Training Planning System TPS and ETCA share same database, but have separate 618 - Employee 0.291 0.296 0.306 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003166 functions on servers. TPS provides AETC training Development and Training Delivery and Management Support
community capability to collect and validate training Area
requirements. ETCA provides instructions for
administration of Air Force training.

Department of Air Force 007- Basic Training Management System BTMS (previously AIRMAN DATABASE) tracks 618 - Employee 0.329 0.338 0.350 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003172 training/performance for all enlisted while in BMT. Development and Training Delivery and Management Support
Provide the ability to create and alter training schedules. Area
Produce statistical data and reports to monitor the
effectivness of BMT.

Department of Air Force 007- Sensors Business Systems Delivers research and development activity data to senior 026 - Scientific and 0.112 0.130 0.104 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003185 managers and planners. Technological Research and Delivery and Management Support
Innovation Area
Department of Air Force 007- A-10 3D Model Data Management System This application stores master 3-dimensional solid 143 - Goods and Services 1.032 1.062 1.201 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003187 models of the A-10 thick-skin wing. It is also used to Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
manage the engineering change process with electronic Area
approval workflows.

Department of Air Force 007- Automated Materiel Control System Provides tracking of accountable Research & 144 - Inventory Control 0.085 0.085 0.085 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003193 Development and non-accountable equipment, the Delivery and Management Support
equipment is determined accountable or non- Area
accountable by the asset associated with the equipment
in the ECU (Equipment) Screen.

Department of Air Force 007- Automated Records Management System A comm-computer system for the storage, retrieval, & 345 - Management of 0.736 0.813 0.923 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003194 Legacy Conversion life cycle mgmt of Master Personnel Records for all AD, Government Records Delivery and Management Support
ANG, & AFR personnel svc¿d by AFPC & ARPC using COTS Area
software & SAN technology.

Department of Air Force 007- Big Safari Inventory (BSI) System The system provides a complete logistics management 145 - Logistics Management 0.159 0.160 0.160 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003195 tool that facilitates inventory management, requirements Delivery and Management Support
processing, & automated requisitioning from the RC-135 Area
FX2369 and FX2318 supply depots.

Department of Air Force 007- Contribution-based Compensation System C2S2 is a software application that has both on-line (web- 255 - Employee Performance 0.606 0.621 0.682 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003196 Software based) and offline components that support the Management Delivery and Management Support
administration of the Lab's pay for performance system Area
including conducting appraisals, setting pay, and
managing position documents.

Department of Air Force 007- EZ Source EZSource is a workflow application that facilitates the 143 - Goods and Services 0.640 0.659 0.696 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003198 creation, organization, and communication of source Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
selection documentation. EZSource is government Area
developed software.

Department of Air Force 007- Reliability Asset Monitoring System - Classified RAM Classified provides WR-ALC, OO-ALC & Eglin the 145 - Logistics Management 0.065 0.076 0.084 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003210 means for assessing present performance levels as well Delivery and Management Support
as predicting future reliability standards for current Area
AF/Navy missile & Precision-Guided Munition All-Up-
Round assets & unassembled com.

Department of Air Force 007- Air Force-Global Enterprise Tracking Provides Real-time asset tracking through the 145 - Logistics Management 2.357 2.401 3.948 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003213 maintenance community. Approved as planned. Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Promotion System This application provides the software needed so the AF 255 - Employee Performance 1.423 1.663 1.888 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003215 officer and active duty enlisted promotion boards can Management Delivery and Management Support
function. Area
Department of Air Force 007- Automated Material Issue Centers System allows for automated dispensing of POU (Point Of 144 - Inventory Control 0.260 0.264 0.268 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003216 Use) material and tools. Mechanics use their Common Delivery and Management Support
Access Card to obtain access to the items. Provides Area
secure means to dispense material in the area needed.

Department of Air Force 007- EmployeeDB Employee DB provides the capability for the 402 EMXG 618 - Employee 0.024 0.025 0.026 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003219 managers to track their employee personal data,such as, Development and Training Delivery and Management Support
leave, hours worked, recall data, training statuses and Area
engineering documents.

Department of Air Force 007- Financial Automated Case Tracking System Supports tracking and execution of funding for Foreign 259 - Budget and 0.055 - - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003221 Military Sales (FMS) customers. Performance Integration Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- Geospatial Information Systems Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) is a collection of 023 - Environmental 0.050 0.060 0.062 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003222 servers hosting application databases, and data. Monitoring and Forecasting Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- Weapon System Management Informaition Propulsion Requirements System (PRS) is a subsystem 145 - Logistics Management 0.150 0.894 1.782 - - 1.020 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003225 System-Propulsion Requirements System (D087Q) of WSMIS which automates the process of Delivery and Management Support
determining unit-specific base stock levels for acquisition Area
and distribution of engines.

Department of Air Force 007- USAFA Voice Network System Basewide system for personnel to make local, long 139 - Provide and Maintain 0.194 0.198 0.202 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003231 distance, and DSN phone calls. IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
Department of Air Force 007- Training Business Area TBA is an Air Force Logistics system that supports base, 618 - Employee 0.627 0.643 2.277 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003232 wing and workcenter level training management Development and Training Delivery and Management Support
activities by automating training business processes and Area
procedures traditionally performed using paper and
legacy systems.

Department of Air Force 007- C-130 Integrated Maintenance Information IMIS is the software umbrella that encompasses all C-130 281 - Force Application 3.450 3.450 3.450 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 14 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003245 System specific maintenance technical data in the form of a Type Delivery and Management Support
II Interactive Electronic Technical Manual, Wiring Area
Illuminator, Intelligent Graphics, Computerized Fault
Reporting System.
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Air Force 007- CONCERTO Concerto is multi project planning and execution system 143 - Goods and Services 0.501 0.519 0.529 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003253 to manage projects and resources in high variability Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
operations. Area
Department of Air Force 007- DD Form 2875 Application provide an automated DD Form 2875 for 143 - Goods and Services 0.016 0.016 0.017 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003254 gaining access to networks, systems, and applications. Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- FinancialDB FinancialDB provides is a web application that automates 129 - Reporting and 0.006 0.006 0.006 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003260 and tracks the internal approval process of orders within Information Delivery and Management Support
a specific Group at Robins AFB. FinancialDB does not pay, Area
disburse, or obligate actual money from the
governement in any way.

Department of Air Force 007- Form 107 Form 107 automates the TO 107 request process. Web 143 - Goods and Services 0.068 0.069 0.044 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003261 application that allows the field to do automated 107 Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
requests. The LA POCs will put their responses and Area
tracking into the system which will automatically update
the requestor.

Department of Air Force 007- Integrated Maintenance Data System Central IMDS provides Joint Command and Air Force warfighters 145 - Logistics Management 3.803 5.843 15.486 0.125 1.411 7.134 30,297.184 0.05% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003267 Data Base with global visibility of aircraft, space, missile, Delivery and Management Support
communications, and related support equipment for Area
planning and accomplishing real-time combat operations
anywhere in the world.

Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Military Personnel Data System The Personnel Data System (PDS) initiative modernizes 618 - Employee 11.227 9.229 10.792 - - - 30,297.184 0.04% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003273 PDS to interoperate with other functions and comply with Development and Training Delivery and Management Support
SECDEF direction that military data systems move to an Area
open systems environment.

Department of Air Force 007- Profiles of the Air Force Depot PAD pulls from multiple data sources to provide support 318 - Business Analytics 0.034 0.035 0.036 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003276 data for managing exchangeables, tracking quality Delivery and Management Support
discrepancy reports, and provides visibility for WR- Area
ALC/EMXG test equipment.

Department of Air Force 007- Precision Measurement Equipment Labratory Directly supports the AF Metrology and Calibration 145 - Logistics Management 0.571 0.599 1.489 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003277 Automated Management System (AFMETCAL) program by the overall collection, tracking, Delivery and Management Support
and retrieval of maintenance and quality assurance data Area
of Test Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE).

Department of Air Force 007- Automated Order Tracking System Web-enabled database used to measure and track DLA's 144 - Inventory Control 0.016 0.017 0.017 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003281 Industrial Prime Vendor (IPV) benchstock program. Delivery and Management Support
Provides simplified on-line system to report mechanic Area
identified shortages, speed bin replenishement, and
provide automated metrics.

Department of Air Force 007- Lean Depot Management System LDMS is a technician centric Avionic depot management 145 - Logistics Management 0.382 0.466 0.542 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003287 system that automates repair process administration, Delivery and Management Support
provides detailed management and engineering metrics Area
and reduces the amount of time spent on data entry by
eliminating many manual processes.

Department of Air Force 007- Enhanced Maintenance Operations Center Integrated Maintenance Data System (IMDS) provides 145 - Logistics Management 1.203 1.148 1.395 0.420 0.496 - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003292 Joint Command and Air Force warfighters with global Delivery and Management Support
visibility of aircraft, space, missile, communications, and Area
related support equipment for planning and
accomplishing real-time combat operations.

Department of Air Force 007- Electronic Case Tracking The Reserve Component Periodic Health Assessment 254 - Employee Benefits and 0.340 0.346 0.352 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003294 (RCPHA) program contains AFRC's Electronic Case Compensation Delivery and Management Support
Tracking module. RCPHA was decommissioned in Area
FY2009. Therefore, Electronic Case Tracking was created
as a stand-alone application.

Department of Air Force 007- WR-FEMWEB FEMWEB provides report/query capability to D130 318 - Business Analytics 0.008 0.008 0.008 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003296 (Facility and Equipment Maintenance System - FEM). Delivery and Management Support
support areas are: Ground Support, Industrial Plant, Area
Precision Measurement Laboratory and tool control

Department of Air Force 007- Secure Web-Based Electronic Acquisition SWEAP is a group of databases that allow different 143 - Goods and Services 0.254 0.260 0.266 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003297 Program business units to view and collaborate on data Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
electronically. [Business units = Contractor, DCMC, DCAA, Area

Department of Air Force 007- Secure Technical Order Repository STOR provides classified storage, data management, 145 - Logistics Management 0.054 0.058 0.199 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003306 version control, and configuration management Delivery and Management Support
capabilities for electronic product data. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Eglin GeoRange The GeoRange system enhances processes and creates 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.122 0.124 0.124 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003307 efficiencies for the process owners and participants of Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
the Eglin Range Complex by attaining, maintaining, and Area
sustaining one comprehensive, integrated geospatial
information enterprise.

Department of Air Force 007- Test Wing Enterprise System Management and decision support for the 46TW. 143 - Goods and Services 0.150 0.150 0.150 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003309 Supports the scheduling of and historical data for Testing Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
at the 46th Test Wing. This includes management review Area
of Test Wing Processes on a periodic basis.

Department of Air Force 007- Software Control Center Electronic Software The Electronic Software Distribution System on the 145 - Logistics Management 0.117 0.360 0.611 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003311 Distribution System NIPRNET provides the Software Control Centers with a Delivery and Management Support
method to distribute weapon system software to field Area
activities world wide via the internet in a secure method
that includes tracking.

Department of Air Force 007- Programmed Depot Maintenance Scheduling The Programmed Depot Maintenance Scheduling System 145 - Logistics Management 0.423 0.431 0.440 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003315 System Web Web (PDMSS) provides easy access to Text/Graphical Delivery and Management Support
reports in a web page/site environment. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Eglin Test & Training Center O&M Supply Used to track supply stock issues, receipts, reorders, 145 - Logistics Management 0.044 - - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003322 blanket purchase agreements, drop shipments, property, Delivery and Management Support
tools, and test equipment. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Electronic Software Distribution System The Electronic Software Distribution System on the 145 - Logistics Management 0.093 0.360 0.123 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003323 SIPRNet SIPRNET provides the Software Control Centers with a Delivery and Management Support
method to distribute weapon system software to field Area
activities world wide via the internet in a secure method
that includes tracking.

Department of Air Force 007- Environmental Management System Web Portal that provides access to all organizations 023 - Environmental 0.080 0.080 0.080 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003325 applications. Environmental Managment webpage Monitoring and Forecasting Delivery and Management Support
Applications please see M24 Summary. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Concerto (AFTC) Theory of Constraints Project Management (TOC PM) 538 - Program / Project 0.182 0.188 0.196 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003328 methodologies software. Concerto is a desktop Management Delivery and Management Support
application covered by the EDWARDS NIPRNET C&A Area

Department of Air Force 007- WMA Corporate Management and Support Grouping of AFMC investments providing capability in the 340 - Collaboration Tools 54.780 57.821 55.361 0.146 0.149 0.150 30,297.184 0.18% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 18 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003335 functional area of Warfighter Mission Area - Corporate Delivery and Management Support
Management and Support. Area
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Air Force 007- Advanced Components Obsolescence Advanced Components Obsolescence Management 145 - Logistics Management 14.666 12.395 12.473 - - - 30,297.184 0.04% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003342 Management (AVCOM) is a commercial, web-based, proactive Delivery and Management Support
obsolescence and sustainment management tool used in Area
support of the Diminishing Manufacturing Sources &
Materiel Shortages (DMSMS) Program.

Department of Air Force 007- Depot Cost & Schedule Tool DCAST is a reporting tool that assembles, collates, 318 - Business Analytics 0.457 0.545 0.547 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003345 organizes and presents data from multiple disparate Delivery and Management Support
systems in support of enterprise business capabilities in Area
helping maintain readiness for the warfighter and sustain
the force in MRO activities.

Department of Air Force 007- Depot Maintenance System Integration DMSI is an on-line transaction-processing IT repository of 145 - Logistics Management 11.584 11.439 9.562 - - - 30,297.184 0.03% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003346 standard logistics & operational data supporting depot- Delivery and Management Support
level maint activities at the ALCs. It includes CODB Area
database and EPS, JOPMS ,ITS ,DMMSS ,PDMSS , & ALSDS

Department of Air Force 007- Launch Test Range System - Range These are launch and range systems that support space 027 - Space Exploration and 75.034 72.638 44.389 43.800 40.840 12.020 30,297.184 0.15% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 21 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003349 launches at the Eastern and Western ranges at Patrick Innovation Delivery and Management Support
AFB and Vandenberg AFB. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Part Number Supply Support Request System PNSSRS is a DD1348-6 initialization and life cycle tracking 144 - Inventory Control 0.176 0.157 0.161 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003358 system. It allows users to enter a DD Form 1348-6, via Delivery and Management Support
the web, and then track the progress of the 1348. It Area
automates AFMC Form 918, AFMC 807, Part Number
Coordination processes.

Department of Air Force 007- Quality Information Management Standard The Quality Information Management Standard System 145 - Logistics Management 0.738 0.788 0.801 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003360 System (QIMSS) is a repository for quality observations of Delivery and Management Support
production and records, ISO, audits, corrective actions, Area
preventive actions, and follow-up.

Department of Air Force 007- Electronic 332 System The system supports the initiation, routing and review of 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.154 0.160 0.165 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003367 AF 332 forms. Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- Weapon Systems Management Tool WSMT promotes a Disciplined Engineer Process by 603 - Data Warehouse 0.107 0.110 0.113 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003371 providing for the documentation storage and change Delivery and Management Support
management of baseline, weapon system and Area
program/project information.Previously reported under
initiative #1114.

Department of Air Force 007- Suspense Tracking System STS provides a focal point for tracking WRALC Suspense 318 - Business Analytics 0.014 0.014 0.014 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003376 and Documents Items processed through the Delivery and Management Support
Organizational Chain of Command.It supports the Logistic Area
sUser Community.

Department of Air Force 007- WR - Depot Maintenance & Accounting & WR-DDSRI/DRIDB consolidates and standardizes the 129 - Reporting and 0.623 0.724 0.785 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003378 Production Sys(DMAPS) Reporting reportable data for the labor, material and financial Information Delivery and Management Support
Environment Standard & Custom management systems within WR-ALC. WR-DDSRI/DRIDB Area
provides key reports to aid in the daily operations of the
depot at Robins AFB.

Department of Air Force 007- MIP Tracker MIP Tracker is a management tools that tracks AFTO 22s, 144 - Inventory Control 0.038 0.039 0.039 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003381 QDRs, MDRs, SDRs, and WDRs to show number of days Delivery and Management Support
open. Area
Department of Air Force 007- Command and Control Intelligence, C2ISR-MIS is a multi-user, multi-tasking system that 145 - Logistics Management 0.208 0.144 0.126 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003382 Surveillance and Reconnaissance Sustainment provides an integrated support capability for cradle to Delivery and Management Support
Group Maintenance Info grave maintenance, management and support of the Area
C2ISR Division platforms, to include U-2, DCGS, Global
Hawk and JSTARS as a minimum.

Department of Air Force 007- Common Maintenance Activity System CMAS facilitates the implementation of Contractor 340 - Collaboration Tools 0.038 0.039 0.039 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003384 Logistics Support (CLS) contracts between the US Air Delivery and Management Support
Force and repair facilities for BRAT, CMBRE, AN/USM603, Area
TISS, and AIS testers.

Department of Air Force 007- Consumable RSP Utilization and Management CRUMS provides a single centralized system for the 145 - Logistics Management 0.038 0.039 0.039 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003385 System management of Readiness Spares Package Kits. Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- LabMet System collects data about calibration of TMDE at the Air 143 - Goods and Services 0.011 0.011 0.011 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003391 Force Primary Lab and at Arnold AFB research labs. Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- Primary Technical Order Warehouse System PTOWS distributed to fields world-wide, to include 144 - Inventory Control 0.116 0.114 0.170 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003393 Foreign Military customers, by reducing TO distribution Delivery and Management Support
time. Area
Department of Air Force 007- Scoreboard Produces charts and spreadsheets based on user filters 318 - Business Analytics 0.003 0.003 0.004 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003395 and tracks yearly goals against performance for key Delivery and Management Support
supply chain performance metrics local to WRALC. Tracks Area
purchase instrument (PI) actions from requirements
determination thru contract award.

Department of Air Force 007- Surge Database SurgeTrak is a server-based application which provide 318 - Business Analytics 0.006 0.006 0.006 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003398 services to manage, view, and report Surge backorder Delivery and Management Support
efforts at WR-ALC for Item Managers. The SurgeTrak Area
application is designed to provide automated support to
all members of ALC’s involved.

Department of Air Force 007- Test Management and Control System TMACS is an integral part of the First Article Process. 145 - Logistics Management 0.099 0.164 0.158 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003399 TMACS is a web-based system that provides real time Delivery and Management Support
process and tracking data for local and remote Area

Department of Air Force 007- WR-ALC Integrated Data for Maintenance IDM is a muti-component, complex publishing system 145 - Logistics Management 0.865 0.992 1.198 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003400 that supports the sustainment of Air Force Technical Delivery and Management Support
Orders. Area
Department of Air Force 007- War Reserve Materiel Lists Requirements and Provides computations regarding quantities of 145 - Logistics Management 0.141 0.100 0.260 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003403 Spares Support Lists consumable items of War Reserve Materiel (WRM) Delivery and Management Support
required for support of forces, missions, and activations Area
cited in USAF war plans.

Department of Air Force 007- Requirements Management System (D200) The Requirements Management System (RMS) supports 145 - Logistics Management 5.003 5.004 5.583 - - 0.500 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003406 the warfighter by computing procurement requirements Delivery and Management Support
for spares and determining depot level maintenance Area
repair needs for the Air Force.

Department of Air Force 007- Other War Reserve Materiel Requirements This system computes other war reserve material 145 - Logistics Management 0.199 0.202 0.474 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003407 requirements the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), the Delivery and Management Support
General Services Administration (GSA), and other service Area
managed budget code-nine hardware items used by the
Air Force.

Department of Air Force 007- Tools for Environmental Management The system tracks environmental air pollution sources, 023 - Environmental 0.144 0.149 0.154 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003425 Configuration Information (TEMCI) HM and HW information on the base. The system allows Monitoring and Forecasting Delivery and Management Support
users to search for Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). Area
The system tracks computer assets such as computers,
monitors, printers.

Department of Air Force 007- Physical Sciences Laboratory Information LIMS Plus includes SQL-LIMS, chemical inventory , clean 308 - Environmental Waste 0.164 0.164 0.165 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003427 Management System Plus room, project managment , first article and CVP Management Delivery and Management Support
applications used in the lab. This systems funding was Area
previously reported in initiative 1115.
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Air Force 007- F-15 Analytical Condition Inspection Database F-15 ACIDB provides services which captures record, and 145 - Logistics Management 0.006 0.006 0.006 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003432 analysis of the results from Aircraft Analytical Condition Delivery and Management Support
Inspections (ACI) for F-15 aircraft. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Corporate Data Repository System The CDRS application is a Non-ACAT Program designed to 145 - Logistics Management 0.807 1.171 1.106 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003437 track and control the flow of information resources Delivery and Management Support
between Air Force computer systems at numerous Area

Department of Air Force 007- 402 SMXG Web Applications This system is used to house all 402 SMXG web-base 318 - Business Analytics 0.029 0.029 0.030 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003438 applications for process improvement including training, Delivery and Management Support
defect analysis, waiver, customer/employee feedback, Area
and data management.

Department of Air Force 007- USAFA Academic Enclave USAFA academic enclave, providing core services to 139 - Provide and Maintain 8.789 8.969 9.153 - - - 30,297.184 0.03% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003439 support the USAFA academic mission in accordance with IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
AFI 33-115. Telecommunications
Department of Air Force 007- Safety - Integrated Risk Information System Supports evidence-based aviation training and weapon- 284 - Force Training 2.834 3.200 2.817 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 19 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003553 system hazard identification, guiding development of Delivery and Management Support
flight training requirements and procedures. Area
Commanders employ risk management processes to
mitigate hazards and preserve aircraft and manpower.

Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Survey Program AFSP is a web-based application used to conduct surveys 255 - Employee Performance 0.521 0.537 0.553 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003554 to assess the attitudes and opinions of AF active duty, Management Delivery and Management Support
guard, and reserve personnel and their families as well as Area
civilian employees using questionnaires and polls.

Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Tactical Terminal Air Force Tactical Terminals Program provides Tactical 279 - Battlespace Networks 1.332 3.076 3.164 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 12 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003564 Terminals for UHF SATCOM and network (e.g. SIPRNET) Office Automation, and
receiption of near-real time threat awareness/threat Telecommunications
avoidance data via IBS.

Department of Air Force 007- C2 Weapons System (WS) Part Task Trainer Part Task Trainer (PTT) develops and fields training 280 - Command and Control 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.013 0.013 0.013 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003568 (PTT) equipment, software, and associated training scenarios Delivery and Management Support
necessary to train Air and Space Operations Center (AOC) Area

Department of Air Force 007- Air-To-Surface Munitions Directorate Ammo Web provides the USAF munitions community 143 - Goods and Services 0.145 0.183 0.171 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003570 with a variety of Munitions Management Applications Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
mandated for use by AFI 21-201. Primary MAC-1 app is Area
Conventional Munitions Restricted Suspended (CMRS) a
safety system that notifies of defects.

Department of Air Force 007- Air, Space & Cyberspace Constructive The Air, Space & Cyberspace Constructive Environment 284 - Force Training 14.233 17.470 16.151 10.902 16.299 11.100 30,297.184 0.05% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 19 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003576 Environment (ASCCE) is a collection of modeling & simulation (M&S) Delivery and Management Support
capabilities. ACE is the constructive foundation that Area
supports and integrates with AF Live, Virtual,
Constructive components in DMO.

Department of Air Force 007- Kinnexus Kinnexus is a database system designed to help manage 145 - Logistics Management 0.481 0.505 0.710 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003581 engineering support projects at the ALCs. Kinnexus is a Delivery and Management Support
Commercial off the Shelf (COTS) product that has been Area
configured to include an Electronic Project Tracking
System (ePTS) capability.

Department of Air Force 007- Interim Work Information Management IWIMS supports readiness operations, facilities mgmt 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 1.078 1.210 1.329 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003583 System including real property, work control, materiel acquisition Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
& inventory, project mgmt, environmental quality, fire Area
protection, explosive ordnance, & housing management.

Department of Air Force 007- Material Support Division Information System MSDIS is a web-based set of collaboration tools providing 340 - Collaboration Tools 3.343 3.941 4.646 2.001 2.013 1.779 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003584 standardization and enterprise solutions in support of Delivery and Management Support
Supply Chain Management and other Air Force missions. Area
Major modules include SRRB, DSCM-AT, PDMC, MPST,

Department of Air Force 007- Air National Guard Installation and Mission This Initiative will track all IT funding allocations 326 - IT System Development 0.002 0.002 0.002 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003587 Support (A7) Initative necessary to provide development, modernization, / Integration Support Office Automation, and
maintenance & sustainment of IT Investments. Telecommunications

Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Recruiting Information Support The Air Force Recruiting Information Support System- 251 - Staffing and Recruiting 4.685 5.173 5.328 - - - 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003593 System-Total Force Total Force (AFRISS-TF) is an automated system that Delivery and Management Support
recruiters use to recruit applicants into the Air Area
Components (Active, Reserve, & Guard).

Department of Air Force 007- AF ISR Agency Warfighter Mission Area AF ISR Agency's WMA Systems Grouping to enable IT 281 - Force Application 114.021 41.805 50.750 10.000 - - 30,297.184 0.17% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 14 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003596 Systems Budget Reporting. Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- Tools for Environmental Management Supports a range of environmental restoration data 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.028 0.030 0.030 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003601 Restoration Information (TEMRI) management requirements including: ERPIMS Query Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
Tool, ERPIMS QC Tool, Contacts, Leases, BudgetBuild, Area
Projects, Deferred Sites, Land Use Controls, IDW, GIS,
IMACS, Spill Plan, QRP Track, etc.

Department of Air Force 007- AFDW Base Operating and Voice Systems AFDW BOVSS includes support for AF voice services 139 - Provide and Maintain 27.308 6.692 8.425 0.853 0.638 0.738 30,297.184 0.03% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003602 Support within the National Capital Region to include the IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
Pentagon, Bolling AFB, and Andrews AFB. It also includes Telecommunications
base operations support for BAFB & AAFB inlcuding
admin comm & comm unit operating expen.

Department of Air Force 007- ProSight ProSight is a COTS portfolio management tool used to 577 - Knowledge Distribution 0.387 0.225 0.227 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003604 identify, select, prioritize, and maximize IT resources to and Delivery Office Automation, and
achieve strategic capabilities. Telecommunications

Department of Air Force 007- PACAF GeoBase Core Architecture AF initiative delivering geographic information services 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 3.220 3.036 3.129 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003605 and capabilities to provide situational awareness for Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
installation management and planning. A service Area
oriented architecture making PACAF IGI&S assets
available to the DoD.

Department of Air Force 007- TRACKER TRACKER provides supply, transportation and 145 - Logistics Management 0.225 0.266 0.722 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003608 maintenance information to support the various Delivery and Management Support
functions of the logistics support office, with the primary Area
focus being pipeline performance analysis and
transportation billing validation.

Department of Air Force 007- Base Support & Expeditionary Planning Tool BaS&E provides war planners the ability via web to 145 - Logistics Management 2.866 3.503 2.341 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003623 collect & store site survey data, identifying potential Delivery and Management Support
beddown locations. It allows commanders to adapt COAs Area
to changing requirements, determining alternate
locations & capabilities in real.

Department of Air Force 007- Weapon System Management Information Requirements/Execution Availability Logistics Module 144 - Inventory Control 0.685 1.106 2.805 - - 1.328 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003633 System Requirements Execution Availability (REALM) is AF corporate database for Readiness Spares Delivery and Management Support
Logistics Module Packages (RSP) & High Priority Mission Support Kits Area
(HPMSK) . REALM exchanges RSP & HPMSK data among
AF commands & units.
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Air Force 007- On-Line Vehicle Interactive Management OLVIMS Inc 1-Dispatch is a web-based application used at 145 - Logistics Management 2.043 2.035 1.174 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003634 System - Increment I Dispatch 325 AF installations (including Air National Guard and Delivery and Management Support
Reserves units) to manage Vehicle Operations and AF Area
Motor Vehicle Operator Identification Cards (driver
licenses) and Driver Records.

Department of Air Force 007- O & M Enterprise System Provides near real-time access to day to day costing and 547 - Performance 0.111 0.166 0.169 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003636 mission information. Provides interface to generate Management Delivery and Management Support
Statement of Capability for customers based on current Area
range resource rates.

Department of Air Force 007- Container Design Retrieval System The Container Design Retrieval System (CDRS) is a tri- 145 - Logistics Management - 0.004 - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003637 service application that maintains a database of over Delivery and Management Support
6,900 long-life reusable container designs and packaging Area
systems, primarily though not necessarily exclusively for

Department of Air Force 007- Maintenance Scheduling Application Tool MSAT is a tool to analyze maintenance records by 145 - Logistics Management 0.184 0.184 - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003638 providing Aircraft Schedulers and Maintenance Managers Delivery and Management Support
with the information they need to make decisions to Area
meet maintenance planning requirements.

Department of Air Force 007- Sustainability Assessment Module Provides unit, wing & theater level weapon system 145 - Logistics Management 1.054 1.027 3.094 - - 2.040 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003642 logistics assessments, forecasts wartime sortie & mission Delivery and Management Support
generation based on logistics resource levels, provides Area
approved requirements for combat capability
assessment, requisition, budget.

Department of Air Force 007- On-Line Vehicle Interactive Management OLVIMS is used at approximately 325 Air Force 145 - Logistics Management 0.370 0.378 - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003646 System - Legacy installations (including Air Force Reserves and Air Delivery and Management Support
National Guard units) to track fleet operations and Area
vehicle maintenance data.

Department of Air Force 007- CE Fire Dept Web Portal Provides Workers automated tools, database integration, 340 - Collaboration Tools 0.104 - - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003649 Reports, common user work environment, and Office Automation, and
application consolidation. Telecommunications
Department of Air Force 007- Air National Guard Logistics (A4) This Initiative will track all IT funding allocations 326 - IT System Development 9.135 9.501 9.881 - - - 30,297.184 0.03% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003655 necessary to provide development, modernization, / Integration Support Office Automation, and
maintenance & sustainment of IT Investments. Telecommunications

Department of Air Force 007- Air Education and Training Command GeoBase This AIS provides AETC corporate, command-wide 145 - Logistics Management 0.150 0.150 0.155 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003693 geospatial information repository capabilities for day-to- Delivery and Management Support
day installation operations, contingency planning, Area
deployment site selection, and development.

Department of Air Force 007- Air Reserve Component Netcentric Framework IT framework providing ARC members/stakeholders 618 - Employee 1.405 1.433 1.433 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003703 access to Reserve-specific mission support tools (duty Development and Training Delivery and Management Support
planning, volunteerism opportunities, ancillary training, Area
personnel readiness) not currently met by an AF standard

Department of Air Force 007- AF Personnel Accountability and Assessment Delivers a method to account and assess the recovery 251 - Staffing and Recruiting 0.573 0.574 0.670 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003709 System and reconstitution process for personnel and families Delivery and Management Support
affected and/or scattered by a catastrophic event. Allows Area
commanders to make strategic decisions that facilitate a
return to stability.

Department of Air Force 007- Red Flag - Alaska Combat Simulation Training. 301 - Force Allocation 0.889 0.889 0.889 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 18 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003711 Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- Acquisition Document Development and Develop clear requirements & credible increments of 546 - Portfolio Management 1.240 1.390 1.420 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003714 Management capability to: Assist PO planning, reaching on-time Delivery and Management Support
milestone readiness; Manage development & use of Area
milestone acquisition docs content; Monitor & manage
Document Roadmap actions to reach re.

Department of Air Force 007- Command Technology Inc./Electronic To display Technical Data Manuals in an electronic 143 - Goods and Services 0.061 0.061 0.061 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003730 Technical Manual/Deployment and Production display system, interactively to the end user Electronic Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
Technical Manual (ETM). Database system placed on a CD Area
/DVD or server for standalone desktop or server use.

Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Enterprise Risk Management System An enterprise risk management system, comprehensively 547 - Performance 1.450 1.494 - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003731 covering project, operational & corporate risk Management Delivery and Management Support
management. It is configurable application that offers a Area
single software package that conforms to risk
management methodology across the enterprise.

Department of Air Force 007- Command and Control Air Operations Suite - C2AOS-C2IS will develop, field and sustain net-centric 280 - Command and Control 16.142 13.068 16.935 16.142 13.068 16.935 30,297.184 0.06% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003740 Command and Control Information Services data management solutions for current and future C2 Delivery and Management Support
Capability systems and will provide modernized replacement Area
functionality presently provided by TBMCS-FL..

Department of Air Force 007- Civil Engineering Tinker Asset Management Asset Mgmt is systematic & integrated practices through 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.108 0.110 0.112 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003741 System which the AF optimally manages its natural & built assets Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
& their associated performance, risk, & expenditures Area
over the lifecycle to a service level to support missions &

Department of Air Force 007- Flying Hours Online Initative Flying Hours Online supports Air Combat Command's 301 - Force Allocation 0.025 - - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 18 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003750 (ACC) Flying Hour Program. The FHOL database will Delivery and Management Support
maintain the current year's programmed and executed Area
flying hours data, as well as historical data.

Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Learning Content Mgt System The AF LCMS is a web based, COTS application, learning 344 - Content Management 0.063 0.063 0.063 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003751 content management system (LCMS) for the Delivery and Management Support
development and management of learning content. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Instrumentation Management Information IMIS is a web-accessible database for on-aircraft data 143 - Goods and Services - 0.146 0.149 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003763 System acquisition system designs, T-2 aircraft modification Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
processes, instrumentation system operational details, Area
instrumentation parts, labor for Edwards AFB. IMIS
system supports RDT&E acquisitions.

Department of Air Force 007- Command and Control Management System Command and Control Management System manages 280 - Command and Control 0.149 0.146 0.180 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003766 and schedule ground personnel and aircrew members for Delivery and Management Support
operational missions, training requirements, tracking Area
mobility, create operationsal missions for control and
reporting combat mission readiness .

Department of Air Force 007- Combat Survivor Evader Locator The Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR)/assisted evasion 279 - Battlespace Networks 14.835 17.618 50.862 - - - 30,297.184 0.17% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 12 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003767 and recovery mission is required across the continuum of Office Automation, and
global, contingency, special operations/low intensity Telecommunications
conflict, counter-narcotics, and other high risk-of-capture

Department of Air Force 007- Tactical Air Control Party - Modernization The TACP-Modernization (TACP-M) Program provides 279 - Battlespace Networks 25.120 44.552 53.666 25.120 44.552 53.666 30,297.184 0.18% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 12 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003772 data communications, accurate targeting, and Office Automation, and
battlespace awareness capabilities required to plan, Telecommunications
request, coordinate, and control Close Air Support (CAS)
missions in support of Army ground forces.
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Air Force 007- Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System The Joint STARS BLOS program provides high bandwidth, 279 - Battlespace Networks 8.844 8.369 8.511 - - - 30,297.184 0.03% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 12 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003776 Beyond Line of Sight SIPRNet Entry Site beyond line of sight, IP-based, SIPRNET connectivity on Office Automation, and
Joint STARS aircraft to improve/support C2 and ISR Telecommunications
coordination in theater. BLOS GES is the ground link
enabling BLOS connectivity.

Department of Air Force 007- Electronic Warfare A family of system that Government-developed and 281 - Force Application 0.165 0.121 0.073 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 14 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003786 maintained web-enabled application and database. The Delivery and Management Support
goal of the application is disseminate electronic warfare Area
integrated reprogramming.

Department of Air Force 007- Web-based Acquisition Information WebAIMS is used within AFLCMC/HB to automate 143 - Goods and Services 0.131 0.131 0.134 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003802 Management System business processes. Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- Weapon System Support Program Workbench WSSP is an Air Force managed program which provides 143 - Goods and Services 0.144 0.259 0.263 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003803 Tool DLA with the visibility of the DLA-managed National Stock Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
Numbers (NSNs) requiring special management to ensure Area
continued on-the-shelf stock support for items used on
selected weapon systems.

Department of Air Force 007- AETC Planning and Programming System APPS facilitates the financial planning, programming, and 129 - Reporting and 0.418 0.506 0.546 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003814 execution planning process at HQ AETC. It maintains the Information Delivery and Management Support
source information AETC program summaries, ad hoc Area
reports, POM submission products and execution
planning reports.

Department of Air Force 007- ACC GeoBase Service Geospatial mapping or Geographic Information Systems 023 - Environmental 0.742 1.011 1.011 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003824 (GIS) to represent the Air Force installation. A Monitoring and Forecasting Delivery and Management Support
combination of information technology and processes Area
designed to enhance situational awareness for mission
elements at AF bases.

Department of Air Force 007- Process Order Development and Display PODDS facilitates the electronic implementation of AFMC 681 - Forms Management 0.846 1.624 1.539 - - 0.514 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003838 System Form 561. PODDS allows for the creation, maintenance, Delivery and Management Support
coordination and distribution of electronic process Area
orders, containing specific overhaul and repair process
information for various parts.

Department of Air Force 007- NorthStar Northstar is a ground communications network used to 279 - Battlespace Networks 19.080 15.485 15.770 - - - 30,297.184 0.05% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 12 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003840 provide seemless C2 and network services to top DoD Office Automation, and
and Executive level government officials via NAOC, Telecommunications
ABCNP, and Air Force One.

Department of Air Force 007- Student Data Management System System tracks student training information for students 577 - Knowledge Distribution 0.010 0.005 0.005 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003844 enrolled in the Defense Language Institute English and Delivery Delivery and Management Support
Language Center language training. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Web Intensive New Gain System WINGS is a single application based on PeopleSoft 577 - Knowledge Distribution 0.029 0.030 0.031 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003846 Student Administration residing on an Oracle database to and Delivery Delivery and Management Support
maintain and process recruiting, admissions, student Area
records, and financial transactions for Holm Center.

Department of Air Force 007- Senior Leader C3 Systems-Airborne Provides non-secure/secure voice, video, data, and fax 279 - Battlespace Networks 69.867 72.387 72.941 - - - 30,297.184 0.24% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 12 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003850 capabilities onboard aircraft for our nation's senior Office Automation, and
leaders while airborne. Telecommunications
Department of Air Force 007- Project Management Resource Tools Deploy web-enabled program/project resource 104 - Strategic Planning 7.660 7.846 7.948 2.083 1.987 1.964 30,297.184 0.03% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003910 management tools to support the Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
community. Area
Department of Air Force 007- CONTINGENCY ACQUISITION SUPPORT MODEL Provides acquisition document generation system that 143 - Goods and Services 0.346 - - 0.173 - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003922 identifies documents required, collects data from Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
requirements generators in expeditionary environment, Area
populates documents collected data, and makes data
electronically available for approval.

Department of Air Force 007- AFMC Network Services AFMC's "parent initiative" for DITIL (Vers. 1) "Network 139 - Provide and Maintain 0.045 0.045 0.045 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 01 - Major
Defense 000003942 Distribution" Service Category's sub-category of IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
"Network Distribution Services". Telecommunications
Department of Air Force 007- Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC) Mission JMS Inc delivered the first operational UDOP capability to 280 - Command and Control 0.157 - - 0.157 - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 01 - Major
Defense 000003945 System Increment 1 the Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC) along with an Delivery and Management Support
integrated and Net Ready SOA.Acquisition Program Area
Baseline, Milestone C Decision and Full Deployment
declared April 15, 2013.

Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Integrated Personnel and Pay System AFIPPS transforms the way A1 performs HRM, aligns 254 - Employee Benefits and 129 - Reporting and 257 - Separation 301 - Force Allocation 624 - Payroll 53.874 45.198 29.304 48.838 35.010 14.151 30,297.184 0.10% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 01 - Major
Defense 000003947 them with the AF strategic vision, will provide COCOMs Compensation Information Management Delivery and Management Support
with real-time accurate force information, and provides a Area
robust solution adaptable to the ever changing modern
concepts of military operations.

Department of Air Force 007- Barcode Inventory Tracking System BITS provides asset visibility through tracking and 144 - Inventory Control 0.213 0.130 0.130 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003963 scheduling service maintenance for deployable assets Delivery and Management Support
using hand held terminals (HHT) that support barcode Area
technology and a robust software suite providing data
management and reporting.

Department of Air Force 007- Command 202 Web-enabled, automated system which implements the 345 - Management of 0.254 0.265 0.276 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003978 policy in AFMC Manual 21-1 Chapter 5 for engineering Government Records Delivery and Management Support
disposition for nonconforming technical problems Area
beyond published authority.

Department of Air Force 007- T-38 Functional Systems Integrated Database The Functional Systems Integrated Database (FSID) will 680 - Issue Tracking 0.329 0.329 - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003983 provide the ability to quickly and effectively inform Delivery and Management Support
management of the background necessary to formulate Area
and evaluate options for managing issues with the T-38
mechanical systems.

Department of Air Force 007- Statistical Analysis and Retrievals System Purpose is to meet the needs of the functional, 106 - Workforce Planning 0.153 0.158 0.168 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003991 manpower & personnel communities to achieve greater Delivery and Management Support
data and information sharing and insight to assist in Area
assessing the health and sustainability of the AF
workforce, improve information sharing, etc.

Department of Air Force 007- Regional Civilian Personnel Support The RCPS-AF initiative is the AFs deployment, 251 - Staffing and Recruiting 1.664 2.233 1.622 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004065 hardware/software cost and maintenance of the DoD Delivery and Management Support
Defense Civilian Personnel Data System (DCPDS) Area
modernization and AFs regionalization of civilian
personnel support.

Department of Air Force 007- National Military Command Center NMCC is a collection of C2 systems/networks providing 280 - Command and Control 16.808 15.964 13.985 - - - 30,297.184 0.05% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004071 capability to disseminate emergency action messages Delivery and Management Support
worldwide in support of the NMCC mission. Provides Area
secure voice, data, & facsimile comm. Includes funds
previously reported under #1382.

Department of Air Force 007- Logistics Module LOGMODB provides Joint Command and AF warfighters 281 - Force Application 2.791 3.379 2.826 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 14 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004073 with unprecedented ability to plan, execute, accelerate, Delivery and Management Support
or redirect to a higher priority location the deployment of Area
AF combat units for accomplishing real-time combat ops
anywhere in the world.
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Air Force 007- Cadet Administrative Management CAMIS integrates 18 stovepipe systems into a single 016 - Higher Education 8.315 7.895 8.126 2.927 2.845 2.989 30,297.184 0.03% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004075 Information System environment. It supports the Director of Admissions, Delivery and Management Support
Dean of Faculty, Commandant of Cadets, Director of Area
Athletics, and DCS/ Comptroller. Provides candidate
identification, cadet history.

Department of Air Force 007- Avian Hazard Advisory System Automated website serving as a predictive Avian Hazard 282 - Protection 0.801 0.815 0.794 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 15 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004084 Advisory System (AHAS) using GISystem (GIS) technology Delivery and Management Support
as a key tool for analysis and correlation of bird habitat, Area
migration, and breeding characteristics, to reduce risk to
flight operations.

Department of Air Force 007- Aircraft Delivery Information System Provides mission planners with 24/7 capabilities to 281 - Force Application - 0.754 0.770 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 14 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004105 support aircraft deployments by developing complete Delivery and Management Support
mission packages and calculating air-refueling Area

Department of Air Force 007- Electronic Board Operations Support System eBOSS is an innovative technical solution to allow viewing 255 - Employee Performance 3.410 1.973 3.420 2.729 1.233 2.580 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004160 and scoring of electronic records during Air Force Management Delivery and Management Support
promotion boards; removes need for paper boards. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Electronic Acquisition Services Environment Proof of concept for single AF-wide contracting system 143 - Goods and Services 4.534 - - 4.534 - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004181 capable of supporting global acquisition community in Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
both garrison & expeditionary environment. Built on Area
services & utilizing a common data model. Centrally
developed, deployed & manage.

Department of Air Force 007- AF/A1 Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) The A1 SOA Project seeks to improve support to the HR 577 - Knowledge Distribution 0.782 2.003 3.153 0.782 1.560 2.577 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004185 enterprise's information systems by: developing, and Delivery Delivery and Management Support
deploying and sustaining services utilizing a standard Area
methodology and consolidating existing interfaces to
utilizing the deployed web services.

Department of Air Force 007- Motorcycle Safety Online scheduler for motorcycle safety training. 066 - Worker Safety 0.016 0.017 0.017 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004193 Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- Career Path Tool The Career Path Tool (CPT) is a dynamic, real-time, web- 618 - Employee 0.283 0.277 0.556 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004197 based decision support tool for career planning, force Development and Training Delivery and Management Support
development, and force management. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Distribution Standard System The Air Force uses the Distribution Standard System (DSS) 144 - Inventory Control 0.354 0.325 0.424 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004353 as its integrated core warehousing and traffic Delivery and Management Support
management system for nuclear weapons related Area
material (NWRM).

Department of Air Force 007- Joint-Cost & Performance System J-CAPS provides an integrated approach to 129 - Reporting and 0.473 0.505 0.538 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004365 cost/performance analysis by combining multiple data Information Delivery and Management Support
sources, various analytic models, and a number of Area
canned report generators.

Department of Air Force 007- Inventory Management AutoCrib Software is a comprehensive item management 144 - Inventory Control 0.048 0.049 0.051 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004635 Application system that allows control of inventory and supply usage. Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- SIPRNET Conventional Munitions, AMMO WEB SIPR AMMO-WEB serves as a classified host/repository 143 - Goods and Services 0.145 0.183 0.171 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004701 for several munitions management applications that have Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
been individually mandated to replace manual paper Area
systems/processes that are regulated by AFI21-201.

Department of Air Force 007- Base Level Communication Infrastructure - The BLCI - AFGSC initiative supports AFGSC mission areas 139 - Provide and Maintain 28.351 35.625 36.912 1.655 1.844 1.844 30,297.184 0.12% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004704 AFGSC and support functions by providing secure, interoperable IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
and integrated communication environment where Telecommunications
quality of service (QoS) meets or exceeds industry

Department of Air Force 007- Defense Message System - Air Force Until September 2012, this investment provided Air Force 280 - Command and Control 0.038 0.022 - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004773 components of DMS (now the Organizational Messaging Delivery and Management Support
System). Air Force enterprise messaging needs are now Area
met via NIPRNet and SIPRNet e-mail to the maximum
extent possible.

Department of Air Force 007- ITPSA BMA-WSLM/Supply Chain Management This initiative supports ITPSA BMA investments. 143 - Goods and Services 0.001 0.001 0.001 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004784 Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- ITPSA BMA-MSSM/Supply Chain Management This initiative supports ITPSA BMA investments. 143 - Goods and Services 0.175 0.178 0.180 0.034 0.035 0.036 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004786 Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- ITPSA BMA-RPILM/Administrative This initiative supports ITPSA BMA investments. 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 3.996 3.894 4.012 0.194 - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004789 Management Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- FARSite FARSite (and PKLUNX) provides a web version of the FAR 143 - Goods and Services 0.175 0.175 0.175 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004965 for the Acquisition Community and is the primary Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
regulations tool used by the DoD.Funds for this initiative Area
were previously reported in int. # 2712. The AF is the
executive agent for FARSite.

Department of Air Force 007- Automated Business Services System ABSS is an electronic document processing system. It 124 - Accounting 1.279 1.322 1.350 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005037 automates the creation and routing of commitment and Delivery and Management Support
obligation documents through the approval process. It Area
also provides electronic interfaces to the standard
accounting and contracting systems.

Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Educational Wargaming Toolkit Air Force Wargaming Institute is the AF's center of 284 - Force Training 5.795 5.461 5.640 - - - 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 19 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005048 excellence for educational wargaming, and the AFWI- Delivery and Management Support
sanctioned suite of tools is used to support these games. Area
AFEWT is the AF's only officially-sanctioned suite of
educational wargaming support to.

Department of Air Force 007- Automated Civil Engineer System Automated Civil Engineer System (ACES), a re- 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 3.041 3.121 3.394 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005050 engineered, Oracle Forms, Oracle-based, relational Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
database system, is the AF Civil Engineer information Area
management system developed to replace IWIMS.

Department of Air Force 007- Global Combat Support System - Air Force GCSS-AF provides timely, accurate, and trusted Agile 139 - Provide and Maintain 301 - Force Allocation 326 - IT System Development 577 - Knowledge Distribution 649 - Access Control 71.622 63.686 68.431 - - - 30,297.184 0.23% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 01 - Major
Defense 000005069 Combat Support (ACS) information to Joint and Air Force IT Infrastructure / Integration Support and Delivery Office Automation, and
commanders, their staffs, and ACS Functional personnel Telecommunications
at all ranks and echelons.

Department of Air Force 007- MAINTENANCE PLANNING AND EXECUTION MP&E contributes to improved materiel management 145 - Logistics Management 4.916 3.116 3.734 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005078 (MP&E) SYSTEM processes by reducing repair cycle requirements and Delivery and Management Support
administrative lead-time, improving accuracy in Area
determining the total order quantity to be procured and
enhancing total asset visibility.

Department of Air Force 007- NUCLEAR PLANNING AND EXECUTION NPES is a classified, Management Information System 280 - Command and Control 8.209 10.399 6.967 - - - 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005082 COMMAND & CONTROL SYSTEM (MIS) supporting decision-making for crises involving Delivery and Management Support
global strategic operations supporting Nuclear Command Area
and Control Communication (NC3).
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Air Force 007- STOCK CONTROL SYSTEM SCS provides world-wide asset visibility, processes 145 - Logistics Management 11.350 12.644 11.224 2.143 2.804 1.207 30,297.184 0.04% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005100 customer orders, allocates/redistributes assets world- Delivery and Management Support
wide, manages aggregation accounts, computes Area
readiness-based levels, performs
reutilization/disposition, provides support to depot

Department of Air Force 007- Advanced Distributed Learning Service ADLS directly supports the CSAF and AF/A1's goal of 618 - Employee 6.450 4.471 5.663 - - - 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005101 providing web-based training offering AF members the Development and Training Delivery and Management Support
flexibility to accomplish distance learning 24 hours a day, Area
7 days a week. ADLS is hosted at DISA Montgomery.

Department of Air Force 007- Integrated Logistics Systems-Supply Integrated Logistics Systems-Supply (ILS-S) provides Joint 145 - Logistics Management 18.593 28.936 20.216 10.166 11.584 3.180 30,297.184 0.07% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005576 Command and Air Force warfighters with global visibility Delivery and Management Support
of base-level weapon system parts, and other supply Area
assets for planning and accomplishing real-time combat
operations world-wide.

Department of Air Force 007- Mission Planning Systems MPS is a collection of individual programs providing 281 - Force Application 17.351 12.017 10.512 - - - 30,297.184 0.03% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 14 01 - Major
Defense 000006170 automated flight and weapons delivery planning. Delivery and Management Support
Collectively, they are designated a Major Automated Area
Information System (MAIS) with OSD oversight. MPS
transitioned to sustainment in January 2011.

Department of Air Force 007- National Airspace System NAS Modernization Prgm is a Mission Essential 280 - Command and Control 41.161 33.076 36.436 37.825 29.718 32.970 30,297.184 0.12% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 01 - Major
Defense 000006177 Acquisition Cat 1C program to modernize DoD air traffic Delivery and Management Support
control sites and 2 training sites. Procures radar and Area
control tower automation, operator consoles, airport
surveillance radars, and comm switches.

Department of Air Force 007- AF NC3-MEECN Modernization Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Network 280 - Command and Control 129.479 109.153 278.783 114.516 94.034 260.476 30,297.184 0.92% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 01 - Major
Defense 000006191 (MEECN) systems are the last line of operational Delivery and Management Support
command, control, and communication systems when all Area
other non-survivable (non- nuclear hardened)
communication links have failed.

Department of Air Force 007- High Frequency Global Communications HFGCS provides, sustains, and enhances the worldwide, 279 - Battlespace Networks 42.197 36.562 44.711 14.846 8.400 16.266 30,297.184 0.15% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 12 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006195 System high power, HF command and control (C2) network Office Automation, and
providing Beyond Line Of Sight (BLOS) interoperable Telecommunications
voice and data communications for strategic, tactical,
reconnaissance and air mobility forces.

Department of Air Force 007- CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN COMPLEX/TACTICAL CCIC2S is an enterprise architecture approach for the 280 - Command and Control 120.294 140.362 134.829 0.901 0.877 0.815 30,297.184 0.45% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 01 - Major
Defense 000006320 WARNING - ATTACK ASSESSMENT evolution and sustainment of C2 supporting the NORAD Delivery and Management Support
and USSTRATCOM missions with accurate, timely, Area
unambiguous warning and attack assessment of air,
space and missile threats to North America.

Department of Air Force 007- Air Force District of Washington IT Support The 844 CG, subordinate to AFDW, is responsible for 139 - Provide and Maintain 28.690 44.662 40.766 6.031 3.033 3.082 30,297.184 0.13% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 01 - Major
Defense 000006357 modernizing, operating, and sustaining a variety of C2, IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
business systems,and comm-computer voice and Telecommunications
network infrastructure for the HQ Air Force and bases in
the national capital region.

Department of Air Force 007- Tactical Data Link System Tactical Data Links (TDL) are used in a combat 279 - Battlespace Networks 89.603 106.577 133.958 30.282 60.258 84.222 30,297.184 0.44% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 12 01 - Major
Defense 000006388 environment to exchange information such as messages, Office Automation, and
data, radar tracks, target information, platform status, Telecommunications
imagery and command assignments.

Department of Air Force 007- Weather Data Analysis and Dissemination WDA will continue the modernization of the AFWA 023 - Environmental 16.053 23.775 21.796 16.053 23.775 21.796 30,297.184 0.07% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 11 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006394 Strategic Center, which includes the 14th Weather Monitoring and Forecasting Delivery and Management Support
Squadron (previously the Air Force Combat Climatology Area
Center (AFCCC)), as a component of the Air Force
Weather Weapon System (AFWWS).

Department of Air Force 007- MOBILITY COMMAND AND CONTROL Supports AF's worldwide global airlift mission. Systems 280 - Command and Control 35.323 22.359 21.742 11.095 11.062 9.814 30,297.184 0.07% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006460 provide flight planning & scheduling, fuel optimization, Delivery and Management Support
Tactical Airlift Control Center ops, Air Mobile Shelters, Area
and unique Air Mobility Command needs.

Department of Air Force 007- AUTOMATED PROJECT ORDER FORM SYSTEM Supporting financial systems for depot maintenance 105 - Budget Execution 1.175 1.405 1.206 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006465 functions at AF Air Logistics Centers. Interfaces with Delivery and Management Support
several depot automated programs. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Leave Request, Approval and Tracking System Web Based system designed and deployed to automate 254 - Employee Benefits and 0.972 2.190 0.101 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006473 the old paper based leave process that was manhour- Compensation Delivery and Management Support
intensive. The new paperless and web based system Area
LeaveWeb allows members to request, approve, and
track leave with a high-speed, scalable, integr.

Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Total Ownership Cost Management The Air Force Total Ownership (AFTOC) is a system that 129 - Reporting and 4.608 2.667 2.695 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006476 Information System provides routine, timely, credible, and consistent visibility Information Delivery and Management Support
into the Air Force total ownership costs for all major Area
weapon systems, components, & infrastructure.

Department of Air Force 007- AUTOMATED BUDGET INTERACTIVE DATA Automated systems providing the Headquarters Air Force 105 - Budget Execution 1.319 1.319 1.320 - - 0.001 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006477 ENVIRONMENT SYSTEM with programming, budgeting, and execution data for Delivery and Management Support
preparation of the POM, BES, and PB reports. Scheduled Area
for replacement by the FIRST program.

Department of Air Force 007- Obligation Adjustment Reporting System Used to assist financial analysts throughout the AF to 129 - Reporting and 0.818 0.840 0.858 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006484 coordinate, review, and approval processing of Upward Information Delivery and Management Support
Obligation Adjustments (UOAs) to prior year Area

Department of Air Force 007- Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning and DCAPES is a s/w application being developed to assist 280 - Command and Control 6.486 22.494 20.762 0.806 16.723 14.979 30,297.184 0.07% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 01 - Major
Defense 000006488 Execution Segments Increment 2A operations, logistics, manpower, and personnel planners Delivery and Management Support
across the AF (and Reserves) by ensuring combat/support Area
forces and resources are available for employment by the
Joint Forces Air Component.

Department of Air Force 007- SUPPLY WORKING CAPITAL FUND DECISION KDSS provides financial and logistics decision makers 259 - Budget and 3.059 3.408 3.477 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006961 SUPPORT SYSTEM (KEYSTONE) timely sales, inventory and trial balance data to update Performance Integration Delivery and Management Support
them on the AFWCF position for early identification and Area
resolution of financial issues. An AFWCF budget
development tool is now deployed.

Department of Air Force 007- DEPOT MAINTENANCE ACCOUNTING AND The DMAPS Suite of systems: DIFMS, NIMMS, ABOM, 145 - Logistics Management 6.020 6.120 6.730 - - 0.500 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006962 PRODUCTION SYSTEM DMAPS-TAA). DMAPS Integration Engine (IE): CONEN, Delivery and Management Support

Department of Air Force 007- Terrestrial Weather Forecasting Terrestrial Weather Forecasting represents the 023 - Environmental 12.300 16.658 17.409 12.300 16.658 17.409 30,297.184 0.06% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 11 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007172 operational system development (i.e., RDT&E) of Monitoring and Forecasting Delivery and Management Support
scientific algorithms to the HQ AF Weather Agency Area
(AFWA), including geographically separate units.

Department of Air Force 007- Assessment System for Hazard Surveys Automated system for siting munitions on a base. 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.124 - - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007975 Calculates safety requirements (distances, utilities, Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
personnel, etc.) for storage, maintenance and movement Area
of munitions and construction of new facilities for
conventional munitions.
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Automated Education Management The Air Force Automated Education Management System 255 - Employee Performance 1.916 2.011 2.348 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007991 System (AFAEMS) is a standardized Air Force-wide education Management Delivery and Management Support
management system. This program is self-contained and Area
is packaged with all runtime versions of required

Department of Air Force 007- CCAF Student Transcript, Administration, and Maintains ed & trng accomplishments for registered 016 - Higher Education 0.217 0.221 0.225 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008005 Record System students (primarily enlisted AF). Administers reports of Delivery and Management Support
student progress/transcripts. Supports management and Area
award of accredited Associate Degree diplomas.
Interfaces w/CDSAR (DSD R023) and MILMOD.

Department of Air Force 007- Course Development Student Administration Provides an automated sys capable of supporting Career 618 - Employee 0.342 0.349 0.357 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008006 Registrar System Development Course (CDC) production and Extension Development and Training Delivery and Management Support
Course Institute (ECI) student adminstration/registrar Area
functions. Support CDC input/editing, transmission, and
distribution within AETC,.

Department of Air Force 007- INTEGRATED MILITARY PERSONNEL SYSTEM IMPS executes military pay transactions from the ANG to 254 - Employee Benefits and 0.096 - - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008021 the Defense Joint Military Pay System-RC. IMPS is over Compensation Delivery and Management Support
20 years old and currently in the BROWN-OUT period. Area
Currently IMPS is deployed to all ANG units serving 100K

Department of Air Force 007- Innovative Development through Employee IPDS is a web-based system supporting the AF IDEA 255 - Employee Performance 0.130 0.138 0.192 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008022 Awareness (IDEA) Program Data System Program, facilitating submissions of ideas, eligibility Management Delivery and Management Support
determination, evaluations, program status reporting, Area
savings/benefits, increasing AF wide operational
efficiency and effectiveness.

Department of Air Force 007- Reserve Travel System RTS provides the capability to all AFRC Financial Services 254 - Employee Benefits and 0.724 0.364 0.371 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008046 Offices (FSOs) to track and compute travel voucher Compensation Delivery and Management Support
computation. Area
Department of Air Force 007- SENIOR LEADER CAREER MANAGEMENT Primary support system enabling Active Duty and 251 - Staffing and Recruiting 1.495 1.705 1.705 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008049 SYSTEM Reserve General Officer, Colonel, Senior Executive Delivery and Management Support
Service, and Chief Master Sergeant Force Development Area
initiatives. It provides essential data to formulate Force
Development decisions.

Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Safety Automated System The Air Force safety mission is to save lives and DoD 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 2.203 2.218 2.175 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008064 assets by implementing effective policy and through Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
active mishap analysis and prevention management. Area
AFSAS is a globally accessible system used by all
authorized Air Force and DoD personnel.

Department of Air Force 007- DEPOT MAINTENANCE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL Provides comprehensive hazardous material 308 - Environmental Waste 4.245 - - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008066 MANAGEMENT SYSTEM identification, inventories. HMMS provides real-time Management Delivery and Management Support
hazardous material storage information for emergency Area
response capabilities. Joint Service used by ARMY, Coast
Guard, Marine Corps, Navy, NASA, USA.

Department of Air Force 007- AMARC BUSINESS SYSTEM The system has three (3) COTS applications, Maximo, 144 - Inventory Control 3.369 2.354 2.381 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008070 Oracle Financials and Workplace, one visual basic Delivery and Management Support
application, the AP Tools, and 3 web applications, the Area
Form 44, PAO and RFQ to support maintenance,
production, supply and financial functions.

Department of Air Force 007- AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE This system provides for reporting the status of aircraft 145 - Logistics Management 0.563 0.377 0.387 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008072 PRODUCTION/COMPRESSION REPORT SYSTEM undergoing maintenance at AFMC facilities (depot or Delivery and Management Support
contractor) by the Air Logistics Center manager through Area
HQ AFMC to HQ USAF and operational commands.

Department of Air Force 007- EXECUTION AND PRIORITIZATION OF REPAIRS AF transactional data system that computes priorities for 145 - Logistics Management 2.784 2.603 2.894 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008081 SUPPORT SYSTEM repair & distribution and execution quantities for Delivery and Management Support
recoverable item repair. The system was implemented Area
as part of the agile logistics effort and is used for repair &
distribution executio.

Department of Air Force 007- Aviation Resource Management System ARMS is an on-line information system for the base level 284 - Force Training 2.044 4.035 4.095 0.987 1.978 1.980 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 19 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008082 Deputy Commanders for Operations. ARMS provides Delivery and Management Support
operations management information to effectively Area
support implementation of Air Force flight management

Department of Air Force 007- INFORMATION CENTER SYSTEM ICS allows clients to use 4th generation software products 318 - Business Analytics 0.009 0.010 0.010 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008091 to access, analyze, & generate reports from data located Delivery and Management Support
in one or more AF legacy systems. Allows clients to Area
manipulate their data into a manageable format &
automate job rqmts.

Department of Air Force 007- Material Processing System MPS allows mechanics to request material and view the 145 - Logistics Management 0.693 0.711 0.728 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008104 status of those requests; allows Production Material Delivery and Management Support
Technicians (PMT)/Forward Logistic Specialists (FLS) the Area
ability to review the status of all orders placed. Supports
automated MMHS processes.

Department of Air Force 007- DEPOT MAINTENANCE WORKLOAD PLANNING Provides maintenance a method to document & track 145 - Logistics Management 0.678 0.691 0.702 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008111 AND CONTROL SYSTEM (G004C) results of workload & manpower planning actions for a 5 Delivery and Management Support
year period; planned & historical labor application; Area
workload pricing; a master list of all RCCs & their
associated acceptance workl.

Department of Air Force 007- PURCHASE REQUEST PROCESS SYSTEM Performs acquisition method code screening and 145 - Logistics Management 6.794 6.162 6.278 - - - 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008126 automates purchase requests for AFSC for centrally Delivery and Management Support
procured items and repair. Area
Department of Air Force 007- Reliability, Availability, Maintainability RAMPOD is an on-line repository of data capable of 145 - Logistics Management 11.971 7.180 7.396 - - - 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008133 Logistics Support System for Pods supporting all facets of total life cycle support of an Delivery and Management Support
electronic combat system or avionics pod. RAMPOD Area
maintains, on-line, all data of a weapon system (or
component) from birth to death.

Department of Air Force 007- Budget Reporting System BRS is a web based application which provides timely and 101 - Budget Formulation 0.468 0.266 0.271 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008138 accurate cost factors for HQ AFRC and unit personnel. Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- COMMAND MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AF CMS provides the Command with a data system capable 101 - Budget Formulation 1.079 1.127 1.128 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008143 of cataloging historical, current, and future funding and Delivery and Management Support
manpower POM requirements by Command or Air Staff Area
panels and bases/centers as well as the
funding/manpower allocated to those requirements.

Department of Air Force 007- Commander's Resource Integration System CRIS is a read-only, multi-tier, relational data warehouse 129 - Reporting and 1.031 1.062 1.070 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008145 offering the Air Force¿s budget and execution. Information Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- MISTR REQUIREMENTS SCHEDULING & To provide maintenance with scheduling and analysis 145 - Logistics Management 0.801 0.864 - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008146 ANALYSIS SYSTEM data on Management Items Subject to Repair (MISTR) Delivery and Management Support
reparable items. Schedules and tracks MISTR items and Area
provides information to respond to the turn-around
required by the repair cycle.
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Air Force 007- LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT DATA BANK LMDB integrates data from Air Force systems to provide 145 - Logistics Management 1.289 1.151 1.173 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008147 Financial Management reports for the Secretary of the Delivery and Management Support
Air Force. LMDBs capabilities include the generation of Area
the cataloging transactions to transfer items
management responsibity to DLA.

Department of Air Force 007- REPAIRABILITY FORECAST MODEL Performs a material forecast simulation of component 145 - Logistics Management 0.848 0.864 0.879 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008150 item rqmts quarterly for variable end item maintenance Delivery and Management Support
repair rqmts; models supplier chains to identify Area
current/future future component item shortfalls for
active job order numbers at AFMC depots.

Department of Air Force 007- BASE LEVEL COMMUNICATIONS Base Level Communication Infrastructure (BLCI) enables 139 - Provide and Maintain 35.369 33.715 32.758 0.788 0.585 0.479 30,297.184 0.11% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008600 INFRASTRUCTURE - ACC all personnel at thirteen Wings and ten associate units in IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
Air Combat Command (ACC) to communicate and mission Telecommunications

Department of Air Force 007- BASE LEVEL COMMUNICATIONS This program funds AETC civilian pay, competitive 139 - Provide and Maintain 273.506 77.988 77.571 8.235 0.759 1.174 30,297.184 0.26% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008601 INFRASTRUCTURE - AETC sourcing (595) costs, info assurance contract support, and IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
network defender duties providing command-wide Telecommunications
security scans, SAVs, information assurance programs
(IAAPS) and infrastructure issues.

Department of Air Force 007- BASE LEVEL COMMUNICATIONS HQ AFMC/IT supports Air Force Materiel Command 139 - Provide and Maintain 104.650 4.550 40.318 - - - 30,297.184 0.13% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008602 INFRASTRUCTURE - AFMC (AFMC) mission areas and support functions by providing IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
a secure, interoperable, integrated digital Telecommunications
communications environment where the quality of
service meets or exceeds industry standards.

Department of Air Force 007- BASE LEVEL COMMUNICATIONS Base-level comm program funds communications and 139 - Provide and Maintain 86.334 25.934 34.820 73.642 14.441 22.884 30,297.184 0.11% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008603 INFRASTRUCTURE - AFRC information services for users at AFRC and all subordinate IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
orgs to include, AFRC hosted bases, orgs on other Telecommunications
MAJCOM hosted bases; geographically separated units,
and the Air Reserve Personnel Center.

Department of Air Force 007- BASE LEVEL COMMUNICATIONS Provide base communications O&M sustainment to the 139 - Provide and Maintain 4.541 3.100 3.159 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008604 INFRASTRUCTURE - AFSOC following AFSOC locations: Cannon AFB, NM & Hurlburt IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
Field, FL. Telecommunications
Department of Air Force 007- BASE LEVEL COMMUNICATIONS Provides operations and maintenance resources required 139 - Provide and Maintain 97.767 86.288 58.491 10.204 20.264 - 30,297.184 0.19% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008605 INFRASTRUCTURE - AFSPC to support AFSPC HQ, Base-level comm, command IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
networks, and GSUs around the world. Funds support Telecommunications
classified and unclassified LANs.

Department of Air Force 007- BASE LEVEL COMMUNICATIONS Provides IT operations and maintenance (O&M) 139 - Provide and Maintain 75.233 48.528 59.765 - 0.158 0.151 30,297.184 0.20% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008606 INFRASTRUCTURE - AMC resources required to support AMC Headquarters, AMC IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
base communications, and command networks. Support Telecommunications
includes training and equipping of IT assets that directly
enable the Mobility Air Force mission.

Department of Air Force 007- BASE LEVEL COMMUNICATIONS Air National Guard (ANG) Base Communications directly 139 - Provide and Maintain 301.520 197.046 225.597 23.129 1.993 10.781 30,297.184 0.74% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008607 INFRASTRUCTURE - ANG supports 88 Flying Wings and 579 Mission Support Units IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
and are located in all 50 states and 4 territories. Base Telecommunications
Communications provide day-to-day communications
services to over 107,000 airmen.

Department of Air Force 007- Base Level Communications Infrastructure - Provides a wide-range of base level Comm, Control, 139 - Provide and Maintain 61.606 11.793 11.786 2.994 0.690 0.634 30,297.184 0.04% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008608 PACAF Information System and administrative IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
telecommunication services. Provides for Local Area Telecommunications
Networks (LAN) on both secure and non-secure systems,
official toll calls, commercial calls, DSN, and DRSN.

Department of Air Force 007- Base Level Communicaitons Infrastructure - Base level comm provides basic communications services 139 - Provide and Maintain 25.377 35.987 51.923 4.000 1.294 35.088 30,297.184 0.17% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008609 USAFE at USAFE main operating bases and geographically IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
separated units, to include postal, networks, telephone, Telecommunications
wireless comms, giant voice, information management,
ADPE and COMSEC management.

Department of Air Force 007- AFRC-AFIVTC VTC is used throughout the command to support 343 - Audio / Video 4.000 4.000 4.068 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008612 command and control communications and secure Conferencing Office Automation, and
communication requirements. Telecommunications

Department of Air Force 007- TACTICAL COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT Provides Operations and Maintenance for AFSPC active 280 - Command and Control 51.498 42.779 35.404 - - - 30,297.184 0.12% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008616 OPERATIONS - AFSPC duty Combat Communications units providing Theater Delivery and Management Support
Deployable Communications (TDC) systems and Area
Deployable Air Traffic Control and Landing Systems
(DATCALS) in support of expeditionary requirements.

Department of Air Force 007- TACTICAL EQUIPMENT OPERATIONS - AFRC This is an organizational type initiative that critically 674 - Computer/ Network 10.322 9.191 6.986 - - - 30,297.184 0.02% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008617 supports the Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) combat Integration Office Automation, and
and deployable communications units to include their Telecommunications
personnel, equipment, readiness, operations, and

Department of Air Force 007- TACTICAL EQUIPMENT OPERATIONS - AFSOC Provides operations and maintenance funds for 279 - Battlespace Networks 0.401 0.399 0.239 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 12 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008618 deployable communications equipment, personnel, Office Automation, and
readiness, training and operations that are vital to the Telecommunications
mission of the U. S. Air Force.

Department of Air Force 007- TACTICAL EQUIPMENT OPERATIONS - ANG ANG Combat Communications are rapidly deployable, 279 - Battlespace Networks 118.892 119.280 121.052 - - - 30,297.184 0.40% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 12 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008619 tactical communications units under the deployment Office Automation, and
control of Regular AF MAJCOMs. The requirement and Telecommunications
expectation of the ANG Combat Communications forces
is identified in the SAF Program Guidance.

Department of Air Force 007- Tactical Equipment Operations - PACAF Provides baseline communications capability for a 279 - Battlespace Networks 2.214 1.858 1.886 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 12 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008620 deploying unit in the size range from small units to Air Office Automation, and
Force Wing. Provides the gamut of long and short-range Telecommunications
communications capabilities; strategic and tactical.

Department of Air Force 007- Tactical Equipment Operations - USAFE Deployable C3 Systems provide rapidly deployable 279 - Battlespace Networks 24.105 23.122 24.179 - - - 30,297.184 0.08% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 12 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008621 expeditionary communications capabilities in USAFE to Office Automation, and
support joint warfighters in bare base environments. Telecommunications

Department of Air Force 007- ENGINEERING & INSTALLATIONS - Enterprise Provides Enterprise Engineering and Installation services 139 - Provide and Maintain 123.078 89.722 63.111 36.884 15.574 - 30,297.184 0.21% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008627 in support of Governance Structure approved upward IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
and downward directed requirements of communications Telecommunications
infrastructure i.e. MILCON and Base Information
Technology Infrastructure (BITI).

Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Network Integration Center Air Force Network Integration Center (AFNIC) provides AF 326 - IT System Development 17.754 18.062 18.722 - - - 30,297.184 0.06% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008632 Enterprise Infrastructure and Core Services Capabilities to / Integration Support Office Automation, and
the Cyberspace Domain for Information Superiority. Telecommunications

Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Spectrum Management Office Plans, provides and preserves access to the radio 322 - Public Communications 9.630 10.143 10.634 - - - 30,297.184 0.04% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008633 frequency spectrum for the AF in the US, the Infrastructure Office Automation, and
Commonwealth of PR, and the Territories and Telecommunications
Possessions, and defensd AF spectrum acess to
regulatory agencies at joint, national, and international
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Air Force 007- AF Oracle Enterprise Maintenance The AF Oracle Enterprise Licence is a $46M investment 327 - Enterprise Licenses and 7.092 7.069 7.120 - - - 30,297.184 0.02% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008637 that has secured $532M in cost avoidance over the Software Office Automation, and
contract life. Provides database, security, and web Telecommunications
enabling capabilities for all AF personnel.

Department of Air Force 007- INTEGRATED COMMAND, CONTROL, Air Force funding support for NORAD command, control, 280 - Command and Control 10.088 8.545 8.664 - - - 30,297.184 0.03% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008638 COMMUNICATIONS, AND COMPUTERS (C4) - communications and computer support. IC4-NORAD is a Delivery and Management Support
NORAD foundational enabler for warfighting. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Combatant Commands C2 and Air Force IT funding support for USSTRATCOM command, 139 - Provide and Maintain 153.300 305.071 57.551 139.489 272.498 28.817 30,297.184 0.19% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008639 Communications - USSTRATCOM control, and communications. Provides command-unique IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
applications and tools to USSTRATCOM warfighters and Telecommunications
Component Commanders.

Department of Air Force 007- COMBANTANT COMMANDS C2 AND Air Force funding support for CENTCOM command, 279 - Battlespace Networks 74.648 74.294 78.472 16.342 15.272 17.731 30,297.184 0.26% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 12 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008640 COMMUNICATIONS - USCENTCOM control, and communications support. CC3-USCENTCOM Office Automation, and
is a foundational enabler for warfighting. Telecommunications

Department of Air Force 007- ENTERPRISE COMMAND AND CONTROL - Air Force funding support for NORTHCOM C2 and IT 280 - Command and Control 75.421 52.842 56.173 - - - 30,297.184 0.19% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 01 - Major
Defense 000008641 NORTHCOM requirements. ENTC2 is a foundational enabler for Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- EIEMA COM/Net Distro_Unclass Remote AFMC's "parent initiative" for DITIL (Vers. 1) "Network 322 - Public Communications 0.001 0.001 0.001 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008648 Access Service Distribution" Service Category's sub-category of Infrastructure Office Automation, and
"Unclassified Remote Access Service". Telecommunications

Department of Air Force 007- ITEM MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEM Maintains & distributes logistics management info for all 145 - Logistics Management 3.400 3.503 3.604 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008659 AF-used & AF-managed items of supply; Entry point for Delivery and Management Support
new items; AF interface to Federal Catalog System; Area
Processes Supply Support Requests (SSRs) for
consumable items coded for DLA, GSA, e.

Department of Air Force 007- Integrated Database The function of this Integrated Database is to be a 143 - Goods and Services 0.025 0.025 0.025 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002891 repository for program, project, and modification Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
information. ESC, Tinker, and WR have access to look Area
and edit these projects at any time.

Department of Air Force 007- Financial & Contract System The FinCon system provides AFLCMC with a tool to 129 - Reporting and 0.194 0.198 0.202 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002895 maintain, monitor and manage automated data reporting Information Delivery and Management Support
capabilities for FFRDC and A&AS service contracts. The Area
capability is needed to track funding and expenditures
below the Contract Line Item Number.

Department of Air Force 007- EIEMA CMPI/Computing Services_Client AFMC's "parent initiative" for DITIL (Vers. 1) "Computing" 327 - Enterprise Licenses and 0.309 0.325 0.331 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002954 Computing Data Services Service Category's sub-category of "Client Computing Software Office Automation, and
Data Services". Telecommunications
Department of Air Force 007- EIEMA CES/App Services_Standard Office AFMC's "parent initiative" for DITIL (Vers. 1) "Application 327 - Enterprise Licenses and 0.026 0.027 0.027 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002991 Automation Software Services" Service Category's sub-category of "Standard Software Office Automation, and
Office Automation Software". Telecommunications

Department of Air Force 007- TECHNICAL ASSURANCE SYSTEM Manages engineering projects & supports OSS&E policy 145 - Logistics Management 0.128 0.112 0.102 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002998 directives IAW with AFPD21-1/63-1 and lower level Delivery and Management Support
instructions. Area
Department of Air Force 007- Maintenance work request THIS PROGRAM AUTOMATES THE HANDSCRIBED WORK 143 - Goods and Services 0.155 0.158 0.162 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003040 CONTROL DOCUMENT(WCD), APPROVAL PROCESS AND Acquisition Delivery and Management Support

Department of Air Force 007- Facilities and Equipment Maintenance Web FEMWEB provides real time reports from the FEM DB, 144 - Inventory Control 0.080 0.068 0.054 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003054 Interface supplements FEM data storage, & contains apps that are Delivery and Management Support
used by OC-ALC supervisors & employees for Complex Area
administrative functions. FEMWEB is only used at TAFB &
not affiliated WR-FEMWEB.

Department of Air Force 007- Corrective Action Tracking System Corrective Action Tracking System (CPTS) annotates, 145 - Logistics Management 0.057 0.058 0.059 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003104 Manages, trends, and reports on Corrective Action Delivery and Management Support
Requests (CARs) submitted during scheduled or Area
unscheduled ISO audits.

Department of Air Force 007- Supervisors Appraisal System The Supervisors Appraisal System automates the annual 255 - Employee Performance 0.014 0.014 0.014 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003236 appraisal process (new pass/fail). It allows supervisors to Management Delivery and Management Support
complete the Periodic Progress Reviews and the Annual Area
Appraisal. A wizard guides supervisors thru process.

Department of Air Force 007- Contract File Digitization using Relativity Electronic Document and Records Management for 143 - Goods and Services 0.053 0.055 0.057 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003283 Records Manager Contract Files. Also supports Electronic Small Business Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
Coordination and Purchase Request processing at WR- Area

Department of Air Force 007- Waste Information and Tracking System The system tracks the movement, storage allocation, and 308 - Environmental Waste 0.046 0.051 0.052 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003366 maintenance of hazardous waste throughout Hill AFB Management Delivery and Management Support
locations. Area
Department of Air Force 007- Robins Auto202 Form 202s (Nonconforming Technical Assistance Request 345 - Management of 0.199 0.186 0.149 0.056 0.040 - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003394 and Reply) are used by maintenance personnel at WR- Government Records Delivery and Management Support
ALC to report and seek engineering dispositions for Area
problems found with C5, C17, C130, and F15 airframes.

Department of Air Force 007- Case Management & Tracking System Internet based client server application that tracks cases, 255 - Employee Performance 0.071 0.073 0.074 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003612 generates & stores documents, prepares reports & has Management Delivery and Management Support
searching features. The entire Air Force Review Boards Area
Agency (AFRBA) portfolio of approx 10,000 cases per year
are processed.

Department of Air Force 007- HAF Warfighting Mission Area Systems Registered as Parent for the systems whose DOD IT 281 - Force Application 0.047 0.049 0.051 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 14 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003757 Portfolio Management Area and Governance is Delivery and Management Support
Warfighting Mission Area. Area
Department of Air Force 007- ScheduleWatch This system is the Enterprise Resourse Management 318 - Business Analytics 0.129 0.129 0.129 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003795 Application for SMXG at Tinker AFB. It contains many Delivery and Management Support
modules including AITS, MTS, PDCT ScheduleWatch. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Alternative Dispute Resolution System The Alternative Dispute Resolution System (ADRS) tracks 256 - Employee Relations 0.047 0.033 0.033 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003998 and provides real time data to the ADR program Delivery and Management Support
managers of the Air Force. ADRS uses a comercial of the Area
shelf project as a web application and distributed to the

Department of Air Force 007- Space Power Lab SPL is established to improve the training processes at 064 - Training and 0.050 0.050 0.050 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004115 the National Security Space Institute (NSSI). SPL provides Employment Delivery and Management Support
the functionality of a virtual air and space operations Area
center (AOC).

Department of Air Force 007- Air University Blackboard Academic Suite AU-Blackboard is COTS used to support both resident and 618 - Employee 1.402 1.485 1.568 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004173 non-resident distant learning programs/courses within Development and Training Delivery and Management Support
AU. Area
Department of Air Force 007- CFT Control Panel Plus CFT database will be used by the Contract Field Teams 143 - Goods and Services 0.128 0.130 0.132 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004307 Program Office, DCMA, and CFT field users to track and Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
report on Contract funding, Contractor footprint and Area
performance data. The CFT Contract is used by DOD and
other agencies worldwide.

Department of Air Force 007- Point of Use Consumable Material Vending The System is designed to manage and dispense indirect 144 - Inventory Control 1.595 1.597 1.599 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004696 material at the point of use. The management of Delivery and Management Support
indirect/consumable material is accomplished using Area
ribMaster inventory control software and computer
controlled vending machines.
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Air Force 007- NLign The NLign product was designed to enhance and 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.556 1.862 0.388 0.405 1.590 0.115 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004697 streamline the non-destructive inspection process by Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
automatically collecting, organizing, and archiving the Area
inspection data; while providing the analysis tools to
allow trend reporting & damage mapping.

Department of Air Force 007- WMA Corporate Management and Support (2) Grouping of AFMC investments providing capability in the 340 - Collaboration Tools 30.874 33.474 33.342 0.009 0.360 0.310 30,297.184 0.11% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 20 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004702 functional area of Warfighter Mission Area - Corporate Delivery and Management Support
Management and Support. This is a duplicate of WMA Area

Department of Air Force 007- Air Traffic Control and Landing Systems The transformation of the USAF¿s navigational air traffic 301 - Force Allocation 3.277 2.748 2.223 1.502 0.921 0.743 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 18 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004791 control and landing systems (ATCALS) capability is an Delivery and Management Support
evolutionary concept that centralizes deployment, Area
funding and management of these systems IAW AFMD
27, and AFI 10-901.

Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Institute of Technology Data, The Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT Data, 577 - Knowledge Distribution 0.295 0.303 0.311 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004812 Applications and Knowledge System Applications and Knowledge System (AFITDAKS)) and Delivery Delivery and Management Support
integrates the entire aspects of student information Area
management into a cohesive catalyst.

Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Family Integrated Results and The FIRST Management Information System (MIS) is a 531 - Case Management 0.837 0.844 0.851 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004814 Statistical Tracking (AFFIRST) System customer needs assessment and/or case management Delivery and Management Support
tool that intuitively matches needs with available services Area
to facilitate strengthening readiness and retention levels
of members and/or families.

Department of Air Force 007- IOMS Program Information Management PIMS is a web-based tool suite that provides 129 - Reporting and 0.510 - - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004818 System multidimensional management tools for managing and Information Delivery and Management Support
controlling work on performance-based projects. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Warner Robins National Pollutant Discharge NPDES was developed to track pollutant concentrations 025 - Pollution Prevention 0.001 0.001 - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004819 Elimination System in direct discharges of treated wastewater. NPDES is a and Control Delivery and Management Support
Microsoft Access application that does not interface with Area
any other IT investments.

Department of Air Force 007- C-130 Automated Inspection Repair Corrosion Tracks usage of C-130 airframe by flight hours, mission 145 - Logistics Management 1.500 1.771 1.963 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004822 and Aircraft Tracking severity and environment. Calculates service life of Delivery and Management Support
airframe components, determines fleet inspection Area

Department of Air Force 007- Air Combat Command GeoBase SIPRNET ACC GeoBase SIPR provides a geospatial information and 023 - Environmental 1.139 0.148 0.040 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004866 services (GI&S) capability through digital and intelligent Monitoring and Forecasting Delivery and Management Support
maps, linked to relevant mission information (databases). Area
It is the combination of GI&S technology, data
(databases), and tools.

Department of Air Force 007- Global Command and Control System Air Force GCCS-AF is AF component of the Joint GCCS, supports 280 - Command and Control 9.100 7.214 17.760 0.005 0.010 - 30,297.184 0.06% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004916 Initative DoD Command and Control. AFGPSF provides classified Delivery and Management Support
SIPRNET access in support of GCCS infrastructure, Area
integration of capabilities prior to worldwide releases.

Department of Air Force 007- Expeditionary Skills Training Dashboard The ESTD is a tool used to analyze and manage the AF 618 - Employee 0.050 - 0.003 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004918 expeditionary skills training pipeline from "cradle to Development and Training Delivery and Management Support
grave" and provide dynamic situational awareness on the Area
status of each Unit Line Number (ULN) in the training

Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Fitness Management System II AFFMS II provides AF personnel worldwide the capability 255 - Employee Performance 0.964 1.042 1.184 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004920 to accomplish selected personnel fitness actions on a Management Delivery and Management Support
self-service basis. AFFMS II supports data entry on a Area
member's physical fitness and the ability to generate

Department of Air Force 007- Terrestrial Weather Data Collections This initiative supports the collection of terrestrial 023 - Environmental 7.393 9.863 10.088 7.393 8.171 9.076 30,297.184 0.03% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 11 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004923 weather environmental data from fixed and deployed Monitoring and Forecasting Delivery and Management Support
locations worldwide. The data is analyzed, tailored, Area
integrated and disseminated in support of military

Department of Air Force 007- AFRC Installation Geospatial Information and The AFRC GeoBase System provides for access, 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.094 0.096 0.098 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004925 Services - GeoBase aggregation, integration, visualization and storage of Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
installation geospatial information. Area

Department of Air Force 007- GeoBase-AFSPC Hqs AFSPC GeoBase is a Type-Accredited system that is used 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.223 0.233 0.237 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004926 to geographically represent Air Force Real Property Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
assets for management and accountability of Facilities, Area
Infrastructure, and the Environment.

Department of Air Force 007- Civil Engineering Maintenance Management This system is the maintenance management system for 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.202 0.285 0.200 - 0.010 - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004932 System 95th Air Base Wing Civil Engineer Division. This is one of Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
the most critical primary systems used to provide support Area
to the AFFTC and its missions.

Department of Air Force 007- WMA Battlespace Awareness Grouping of AFMC investments providing capability in the 023 - Environmental 3.192 28.714 27.718 - - - 30,297.184 0.09% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 11 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004934 functional area of Warfighter Mission Area - Battlespace Monitoring and Forecasting Delivery and Management Support
Awareness. Area
Department of Air Force 007- WMA Command and Control Grouping of AFMC investments providing capability in the 280 - Command and Control 37.047 36.661 35.927 1.200 1.200 1.200 30,297.184 0.12% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004935 functional area of Warfighter Mission Area - Command Delivery and Management Support
and Control. Area
Department of Air Force 007- Facility and Mission Equipment Management COTS that provides facility and equipment diagrams to 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 130.000 - - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004938 System end users. Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- Background Investigation Fingerprint System BIFS is used by Information Protection personnel to scan 047 - Crime Prevention 0.002 0.002 0.002 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004941 and transmit members fingerprints to the Office of Delivery and Management Support
Management and Budget for the purpose of conducting Area
background investigations as part of the personnel
security clearance process.

Department of Air Force 007- FM Workflow FMWF is an Enterprise Information Management system, 680 - Issue Tracking 2.700 0.098 0.100 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004943 providing document, content, and records management Delivery and Management Support
capabilities which can be used by any functional domain Area
across the enterprise.

Department of Air Force 007- EIEMA CES/App Services_Content Delivery AFMC's "parent initiative" for DITIL (Vers. 1) "Application 577 - Knowledge Distribution 0.171 0.171 0.171 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004945 Services Services" Service Category's sub-category of "Content and Delivery Office Automation, and
Delivery Services". Telecommunications
Department of Air Force 007- EIEMA CMPI/Computing AFMC's "parent initiative" for DITIL (Vers. 1) "Computing" 139 - Provide and Maintain 0.099 0.175 0.050 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004949 Services_Sensor_Actuator Services Service Category's sub-category of "Sensor/Actuator IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
Services". Telecommunications
Department of Air Force 007- EIEMA COM/Info Transport_Net Sig and Data AFMC's "parent initiative" for DITIL (Vers. 1) "Information 322 - Public Communications 0.163 0.064 0.063 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004950 Trans Services Transport" Service Category's sub-category of "Network Infrastructure Office Automation, and
Signal and Data Transport Services". Telecommunications

Department of Air Force 007- Logistics Tool Suite - AFSC The LTS is a suite of logistics tools: Initially, LTS will 145 - Logistics Management 0.223 0.223 0.223 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004951 contain Tracker LIte and TRT. RECON, SPIRES, DODAAC, Delivery and Management Support
and LWPF have all been migrated into LTS during 2013. Area

Department of Air Force 007- 402 Software Maintenance Group Enterprise The 402 SMXG Enterprise Business Modernization 318 - Business Analytics 0.184 0.175 0.185 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004957 Business Modernization System System (EBMS) is designed to provide the infrastructure Delivery and Management Support
for Business Process as a Service (BPaaS). Area

Department of Air Force 007- Avatar Mediation Training CBT Avatar mediator referesher training course. 256 - Employee Relations 0.001 0.001 0.001 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004962 Delivery and Management Support
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Air Force 007- Greenville Big Safari Online Greenville Big Safari Online (GBSO) supports 145 - Logistics Management 0.145 0.146 0.147 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005850 maintenance activities for Big Safari equipment. Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- AFCEC Administrative Record (AR) The AR is a web-based enabled database system that 309 - Environmental Site 0.212 0.317 0.527 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005953 contain documents that form the basis for selecting an Stewardship Delivery and Management Support
environmental response action as required by 40 CFR Area
Part 300 Subpart I of the National Oil and Hazardous
Substance Pollution Contingency Plan.

Department of Air Force 007- Civil Engineer AutoDesk The CE AutoDesk initiative is comprise of AutoCAD 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 3.030 3.462 3.891 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005954 Architecture, AutoCAD Civil 3D, and AutoSketch. Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- Remedial Action Cost Engineering and RACER is used to estimate costs for all phases of 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.256 0.256 0.260 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005955 Requirements remediation: Studies (RI/FS), Remedial Design, Remedial Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
Action, and site work and utilities for both Installation Area
Restoration Program, IRP, and Military Munitions
Response Program, MMRP.

Department of Air Force 007- Civil Engineering Esri GIS The CE ESRI GIS entry is comprised of ArcGIS Desktop, 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 3.400 3.566 4.012 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005958 ArcGIS Mobile, and ArcServer products. Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- Automated Civil Engineer System - Fire ACES-FD is an emergency dispatch and data management 340 - Collaboration Tools 1.651 1.880 2.054 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005959 Department system in a client/server environment that supports Fire Delivery and Management Support
Departments at over 180 active duty, Reserve, and Guard Area
bases world-wide.

Department of Air Force 007- Instrumentation Loading, Integration, Analysis, ILIAD is a prime flight test instrumentation support 339 - Information Mapping / 0.149 0.152 0.155 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005964 and Decommutation System software system developed and used by the 412th TW Taxonomy / Categorization Delivery and Management Support
and 46th TW. Area
Department of Air Force 007- Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals IETMS is an Interactive Electronic Technical Manual 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.036 0.036 0.036 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005965 system that provides Electronic tech data to support the Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
F-15 and F-16 Jet Fighter Weapons systems engine Area
sustainment and operations through out life cycle and
requires updates and changes to T.O.s.

Department of Air Force 007- AFMC Business Environment ABE is the official repository of all AFMC process and IT 103 - Enterprise Architecture 0.233 0.175 0.179 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005966 system business architecture information. ABE contains Delivery and Management Support
data-centric DoDAF views that represent complex Area
relationships between business processes, systems,
policies, initiatives, etc.

Department of Air Force 007- Small Business Innovation Research SBIR/STTR evaluates Small Business proposals against the 026 - Scientific and - 0.001 0.001 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005967 program/Small business Technology TransfeR topics; tracks award, proposal, topic and budget info for Technological Research and Delivery and Management Support
program Data Systems PMs; connects completed AF SBIR/STTR research to Innovation Area

Department of Air Force 007- CDRLVue/CMVue COTS Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) 145 - Logistics Management 0.100 0.100 0.100 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005969 Management per DoD 5010.12-M; Weapon System Delivery and Management Support
Configuration Management per MIL HDBK 61A;. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Agile Munitions Support Tool AMST provides access to CAS data for Global Ammo 145 - Logistics Management 0.145 0.148 0.152 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005970 Control Point ops. also provides for munitions Delivery and Management Support
requirement gathering and allocation distribution IAW Area
AFI 21-201. It is the only USAF tool performing munitions
(CLASS 5 of supply) requirements.

Department of Air Force 007- Depot Source of Repair II The DSOR II program supports the Depot Source of Repair 145 - Logistics Management 1.257 1.264 1.363 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005972 decision making process to program, schedule, and Delivery and Management Support
approve depot level workload. Area

Department of Air Force 007- DD1000 Supply System Inventory Report OSD reports annually to Congress DoD its on-hand 144 - Inventory Control 0.238 0.207 0.528 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005975 inventory as of each 30 Sep. The Supply System Delivery and Management Support
Inventory Report (SSIR) or (DD1000), is constructed from Area
input received from each DoD component and is
provided by the AF to satisfy the requirement.

Department of Air Force 007- ARPC Customer Relationship Management - Provides data systems and services to meet Total Force 256 - Employee Relations 0.936 1.056 1.089 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005976 Air Reserve Components personnel management needs. Develops ANG/Reserve Delivery and Management Support
personnel computer applications. Prepares new or Area
revised automated recurring or one-time reports and
controls scheduling, production.

Department of Air Force 007- Personnel Budget and Analysis System Web The PBAS is an application and database management 129 - Reporting and 0.342 0.266 0.271 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005978 system designed to manage the Reserve Personnel Information Delivery and Management Support
Appropriation (RPA) obligations and expenditures. Area

Department of Air Force 007- EZQUERY EZQUERY is a web based reporting application which 339 - Information Mapping / 0.142 0.146 0.150 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005979 provides formatted contract reports Contract Specialists Taxonomy / Categorization Delivery and Management Support
and managers at sites who utilize the PD2 contract Area
writing application.

Department of Air Force 007- SAF/SB Website Website is setup as a portal to connect SAF/SB to small 577 - Knowledge Distribution 0.001 0.001 0.001 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005981 businesses, and to allow SBs to contact small business and Delivery Delivery and Management Support
specialists as well as search for opportunities to compete Area
for AF contracts.

Department of Air Force 007- Enterprise Protection Risk Management EPRM is modified COTS-developed software instituted to 339 - Information Mapping / 3.262 3.125 2.993 0.692 0.267 - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005983 mitigate the compromise, loss, unauthorized Taxonomy / Categorization Delivery and Management Support
access/disclosure, destruction, distortion or non- Area
accessibility of mission-related assets¿information,
technology/equipment, facilities, and people.

Department of Air Force 007- Program and Budget Enterprise Service PBES integrates authoritative data sources to provide 259 - Budget and 1.463 3.217 3.270 1.463 3.217 3.270 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005985 planning and programming functionality along with Performance Integration Delivery and Management Support
budget formulation activities. The end product is delivery Area
of the budget to OSD.

Department of Air Force 007- Unit Training Assembly Processing System The UTAPSweb is a web-based application that provides 613 - Time Reporting 0.998 0.501 0.510 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005986 AFRC Commanders and supervisors with real-time onsite Delivery and Management Support
IDT participation information. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Contractor Responsibility Information System CRIS-GCR provides a repository to store, organize and 345 - Management of 0.086 0.088 0.089 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006135 retrieve voluminous amounts of legal data pertaining to Government Records Delivery and Management Support
contractor responsibility. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Issuances, Delegations, Authorities & The cross-referencing of the Air Force policy and 325 - Information Discovery 0.070 0.072 0.073 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006149 Responsibilities Database for the Secretary of guidance contained within the Air Force publcations Delivery and Management Support
the Air Force based on the requirements of the Department of Defense Area
Directives and Instructions.

Department of Air Force 007- 516th Aeronautical Systems Wing Oracle The 516 AESW Oracle System is an Oracle database that 143 - Goods and Services 0.168 0.172 0.179 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006150 System is maintained and operated at the 516th Aeronautical Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
Systems Wing. It includes multiple applications used by Area
Wing personnel. The System is a sensitive, MAC III
mission support system.

Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Outreach Request System This system allows the public to submit and track request 108 - Customer Services 0.095 0.097 0.099 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006153 for events. And, it allows the SAF/PA customer to Delivery and Management Support
manage all request submitted via the BASS website. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Aerial Events Support This system allows the public to submit and track request 108 - Customer Services 0.095 0.097 0.099 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006154 for events. And it allows the SAF/PA customer to submit Delivery and Management Support
and track all requests submitted via the SAF/PA website. Area
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Air Force 007- Automated Case Tracking System Air Force Inspector General Automated case tracking 531 - Case Management 0.119 0.121 0.124 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006208 system (ACTS) provides the central repository for all AF IG Delivery and Management Support
records world-wide assessable to IGs 24 hrs/day. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Culture Assessment Safety Tool Survey tool to measure the Safety culture and attitudes 066 - Worker Safety 0.093 0.095 0.098 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006214 of Air Force Personnel. Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- Acquisition and Command Support Toolkit A collection of web based acquisition and command 538 - Program / Project 0.058 0.053 0.052 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006623 management tools. Management Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- AFCEC Portal Information management tool suite including 340 - Collaboration Tools 0.683 0.704 0.924 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006624 collaboration, workflows, document management and Delivery and Management Support
records management to assist AFCEC in sharing Area
information and removing duplication of effort.

Department of Air Force 007- AFCEE Public Web Server AFCEE Public Web Server. 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.383 - - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006625 Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- AIR FORCE ART COLLECTION The AF Art Web provides AFAPO the ability to easily 144 - Inventory Control 0.095 0.097 0.099 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006627 display data and images for 10,000 pieces of AF artwork, Delivery and Management Support
and provides the capability to perform an accurate and Area
more efficient real-time inventory of Air Force artwork

Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Library Information System AFLIS is an electronic ordering, statistical, standards 108 - Customer Services 0.275 0.211 0.284 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006633 measurement and budget management system for Air Delivery and Management Support
Force Library operations within Services organizations. Area
There are no major program changes, re-baselining or
any signficant adds or decrease.

Department of Air Force 007- CSAF Conference Registration System This system gives General Officers (and civilian SES 256 - Employee Relations 0.097 - - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006635 equivalents) access to an online registration system for Delivery and Management Support
the three CORONA conferences, CORONA South, Area
CORONA Top and CORONA Fall as well as other CSAF

Department of Air Force 007- EIEMA COM/App Services_Fixed Voice AFMC's "parent initiative" for DITIL (Vers. 1) "Application 674 - Computer/ Network 2.608 4.891 2.942 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006637 Services" Service Category's sub-category of "Fixed Integration Office Automation, and
Voice". Telecommunications
Department of Air Force 007- Enterprise Management Information System Provides timely inputs and reports of On Equipment 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.686 0.701 0.714 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006639 Maintenance and Time Compliance Technical Order Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
(TCTO) inspections & compliances performed during Area
Primary Depot Maintenance (PDM). Funding will include

Department of Air Force 007- Engineering Management Databases This initiative is a grouping of databases used to gather 318 - Business Analytics 0.026 0.026 0.026 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006640 data for engineers to help aid in their decision making Delivery and Management Support
processes and track the amount of funds that have been Area
spent against their yearly budget.

Department of Air Force 007- Explosive Ordnance Disposal Information Explosive Ordnance Disposal Information Management 282 - Protection 3.032 2.696 2.655 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 15 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006641 Management System System supports the operational needs of the joint EOD Delivery and Management Support
operators with situational awareness, incident reporting, Area
trend analysis and supports EOD core processes and

Department of Air Force 007- Geospatial Expeditionary Planning Tool This software automates the processes for doing Aircraft 281 - Force Application 0.835 0.760 0.060 0.750 0.750 - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 14 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006643 Parking Plans, bare-based bed-down planning, and Delivery and Management Support
airfield damage assessment. This software requires a Area
COTS product ESRI ArcEngine or ArcMap to
simultaneously reside on the workstation.

Department of Air Force 007- Integrated Missile Data Base The Integrated Missile Data Base (IMDB) was developed 302 - Nuclear Weapons 0.917 0.942 0.821 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 21 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006645 to provide a single source of information about the Inter- Stockpile Oversight Delivery and Management Support
Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) systems. The goal is a Area
single source of weapons system assessment

Department of Air Force 007- Inspector General Evaluation Management Provide 12 MAJCOM IG teams capability to schedule, 053 - Legal Investigation 1.100 1.100 1.100 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006646 System plan, execute, & report inspections; provide SAF/IG trend Delivery and Management Support
analysis & report capabilities. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Lean Database Tracks Lean event scheduling, attendees, outcomes, open 318 - Business Analytics 0.016 0.016 0.016 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006647 assignments for action and to whom. Lean Event Delivery and Management Support
streamlines business processes and removes all non- Area
value added process from workflow.

Department of Air Force 007- Metrology Website To provide up-to-date calibration information to the 577 - Knowledge Distribution 0.011 0.011 0.011 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006648 USAF Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratoriew and Delivery Delivery and Management Support
(PMELs) worldwide. Area
Department of Air Force 007- Public Affairs Information Review System The system will provide the Security Review Branch 577 - Knowledge Distribution 0.044 0.045 0.046 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006649 personnel the ability to manage and track security and and Delivery Delivery and Management Support
policy documentation. Area
Department of Air Force 007- Presidential Advance Scheduling System Allows AF/CVAM to instantly view agent availability and 048 - Leadership Protection 0.095 0.097 0.099 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006650 to schedule and deploy agents to locations in advance of Delivery and Management Support
the President, Vice President, and First Lady of the U.S. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Program Information Management System PIMS is a web-based tool suite that provides the 338 - Enterprise Search 341 - Web Infrastructure 0.029 0.053 0.055 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006651 following functionality: internal contract management Delivery and Management Support
and reporting, electronic employee timekeeping, Area
property management, work control and configuration

Department of Air Force 007- Presidential Letter of Appreciation Request This system was developed to allow Air Force personnel 256 - Employee Relations 0.055 0.056 0.057 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006652 System to initiate a request for a service member of 30 or more Delivery and Management Support
years and civilians with 35 or more years to recieve a Area
letter of recognition from the POTUS.

Department of Air Force 007- PQR_POS Database This initiative (PQR/POS) is a grouping of the 680 - Issue Tracking 0.026 0.026 0.026 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006653 maintenance functions performed on various parts Delivery and Management Support
throughout the 76PMXG shops at Tinker AFB. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Services Media Request and Tracking System Web based software system for workflow, cost- 129 - Reporting and 0.143 0.146 0.149 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006654 accounting and job tracking of projects worked and Information Delivery and Management Support
completed by SAF/AAI Media Services to include: AAIMG Area
Graphics, AAIMP Photography, AAIMR Reprographics,
AAIMT Television and AAIMV Presentations.

Department of Air Force 007- AFOTEC Resource Database AFOTEC Requirements Database (ARD) version 1 provides 318 - Business Analytics 0.005 0.005 0.005 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006708 a single, standardized, AFOTEC-wide, system for test Delivery and Management Support
directors, test resource managers, and resource Area
managers to input all resource requirements.

Department of Air Force 007- B-1 Customer Supplier Data Transmittal CSDT is an all inclusive application that supports 143 - Goods and Services 0.250 0.262 0.275 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006709 configuration and data management, program baselines, Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
generates CDRLs, generates metrics and reports, and is Area
the central repository for B-1 contract meta data and

Department of Air Force 007- Cryptologic Depot Accountability System CDAS is designed to privide operational units with total 145 - Logistics Management 0.090 0.090 0.090 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006711 asset visabiltiy, inventory control and supply support Delivery and Management Support
capability. Area
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Air Force 007- Maintenance Repair and Overhaul initiative The MRO initiative will serve as the mechanism to 145 - Logistics Management 10.752 30.352 34.608 10.752 30.352 34.608 30,297.184 0.11% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006713 standardize business processes with the goal of Delivery and Management Support
eventually delivering a materiel solution to achieve the Area
depot maintenance To-Be future state.

Department of Air Force 007- Shop Production Tools MA Domain This initiative (Shop Production Tools) is a grouping of 144 - Inventory Control 341 - Web Infrastructure 0.097 0.195 0.103 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006714 databases and tracking tools used internally within each Delivery and Management Support
individual Production shop to perform tracking functions Area
of items/parts as they are moved/consumed through
each individual shop.

Department of Air Force 007- AFGSC GeoBase - NIPR GeoBase supports Civil Engineering and the AF by 108 - Customer Services 1.582 - - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006825 providing current, accurate, and timely satellite and Delivery and Management Support
aerial imagery and map data representing real-world Area
features and conditions for AF installations, ranges, and

Department of Air Force 007- Operation Management Tools This initiative (Operation Management Tools) is a 318 - Business Analytics 0.046 0.109 0.049 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006847 grouping of the administrative and analytical tools used Delivery and Management Support
in operational activities within 76 CMXG Shops at Tinker Area

Department of Air Force 007- Planned Labor Workload Tool Planned Labor Workload Tool (PLWT) provides the 318 - Business Analytics 0.168 0.172 0.173 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006897 capability to generate optimized projected workload Delivery and Management Support
analysis reports for all product directorates within the Area

Department of Air Force 007- C5 MSG3 Workcard Application X-Hive is an integrated system for importing, managing, 145 - Logistics Management 0.145 0.145 0.145 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006900 authoring and publishing Maintenance Tasks, Job Cards, Delivery and Management Support
Engineering Orders as well as Structured and Area
unstructured Manuals. The S1000D Authoring Tool is a
Wysiwyg Authoring Tool customization.

Department of Air Force 007- Aircraft Control Integrated Tracking System ACITS provides 24/7 support to the Maintenance 143 - Goods and Services 0.116 0.119 0.120 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006901 Operations Center (MOC) management with visibility for Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
planning and tracking current aircraft, facility, and ground Area
support equipment status & location information for
depot maintenance.

Department of Air Force 007- Flight Actuals Approval & Billing FAAB will automate the business processes used to 145 - Logistics Management 0.101 0.187 0.190 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006904 manage the utilization of aircraft at the Air Force Flight Delivery and Management Support
Test Center (AFFTC). Area
Department of Air Force 007- Team 2 Hill Team 2 Hill is an application that allows the 309 MXW to 318 - Business Analytics 0.108 0.112 0.115 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006906 track and manage the required unit self-inspection Delivery and Management Support
program, Qualtiy Assurance activity inspections, and Area
contract management oversight program.

Department of Air Force 007- Health And Wellness Center Scheduler This system allows class scheduling for the Health and 618 - Employee 0.027 0.027 0.027 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006907 Wellness Center and individual mandatory physical Development and Training Delivery and Management Support
training assessments for the Fitness Assessment Cell. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Processing Evaluating and Reporting of Force PERFORMS provides the capability to process operational 145 - Logistics Management 0.072 0.073 0.074 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006909 Management Data Software flight data recorded on F-16 aircraft and the generation Delivery and Management Support
of reports and inspection requirements necessary to Area
determine the structural integrity of the F-16 fleet.

Department of Air Force 007- Enterprise Supply Chain Analysis Planning and ESCAPE is a planning initiative system to determine the 145 - Logistics Management - 18.534 22.181 - 12.484 13.334 30,297.184 0.07% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007046 Execution need for a COTS APS solution with required RBS Delivery and Management Support
functionality that supports/integrates into legacy or ERP Area
transaction systems and seeks to consolidate current
planning legacy systems.

Department of Air Force 007- Wireless Equipment Monitoring System WEMS is a system to measure, record, trend and analyze 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.037 0.035 0.031 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007047 equipment utilization and health condition gathered Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
using a monitoring device that is capable of Area
communicating on Tinker AFB¿s secure wireless
infrastructure back to central server.

Department of Air Force 007- AIRCRAFT PARTS TRACKING Aircraft Parts Tracking (APTS) automates the tracking of 144 - Inventory Control 0.155 0.158 0.162 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007048 all parts removed from an aircraft, adding the parts to Delivery and Management Support
file, by indentifying storage location of parts and isseuing Area
parts by signature to personnel to ensure an audit trail.

Department of Air Force 007- Total Component Management Total Component Management (TCM) manages the 145 - Logistics Management 0.155 0.158 0.162 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007050 identification of resource requirements for material, Delivery and Management Support
tools, and equipment for tasks to be performed, analysis Area
of this data, tracking resource availability to present
workload supportability to shop floor.

Department of Air Force 007- Resource Management Data Warehouse RMDW is various Web Applications to support the 106 - Workforce Planning 0.044 0.045 0.046 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007056 Cyber/Netcentric Directorate and Cyber/Integration Delivery and Management Support
Division users, Security Office, Equipment Custodians and Area
Program Managers as well as customized links to over

Department of Air Force 007- TG-Management Information System (MIS) The 46TG Management Information System (46TG-MIS) 129 - Reporting and 0.170 0.188 0.182 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007081 is a system in sustainment that provides project Information Delivery and Management Support
management data to 46TG staff and Test Managers at Area
the 46th Test Group, Holloman AFB, NM.

Department of Air Force 007- Management Internal Control Toolset MICT is an application that will help AF units worldwide 053 - Legal Investigation 1.100 1.100 1.100 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007088 manage & prepare for various inspections. Leaders at all Delivery and Management Support
levels will be able to track & manage programs & Area
discrepancies. This capability & visibility streamlines the
Self inspection.

Department of Air Force 007- Kadenza - Propulsion Management KADENZA is used by Tinker Propulsion in support of 318 - Business Analytics 0.022 0.027 0.024 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007093 Theory of Constraint (TOC) implementation to prioritize Delivery and Management Support
work and calculate metrics. The goal is to improve on- Area
time delivery and increase output.

Department of Air Force 007- Contracting Officer Test Database of Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)-related 547 - Performance 0.010 0.010 0.010 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007110 questions randomly compiled to create tests for potential Management Delivery and Management Support
AFMC Contracting Officer candidates. Key element of Area
AFMC Lean Contracting 21 (LC21) to standardize
contracting processes.

Department of Air Force 007- Integrated Strategic Planning and Analysis ISPAN Increment 4 provides for the modernization of the 280 - Command and Control 24.478 29.557 33.037 24.478 29.557 33.037 30,297.184 0.11% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 01 - Major
Defense 000007223 Network Increment 4 Mission Planning and Analysis System (MPAS) that Delivery and Management Support
supports the development of Joint Staff Level I through Area
Level IV nuclear and conventional plans supporting
National and Theater requirements.

Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Mass Notification System and e911 This system shall serve as an Air Force (Enterprise) Mass 010 - Emergency Response 11.736 11.320 12.095 11.736 11.320 12.095 30,297.184 0.04% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100004 Notification System, providing rapid notification of time- Delivery and Management Support
critical/time sensitive alerts to the chain of command, as Area
well as disseminates urgent information to the base
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Air Force 007- Graduate Medical Education GME is used by AFPC Physician Education to track and 106 - Workforce Planning 0.018 0.018 0.018 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100006 account for all physicians while attending HPSP and Delivery and Management Support
USUHS. GME tracks the Medical Corp personnel through Area
their, Internship, Residency and Fellowship training
programs from cradle to grave.

Department of Air Force 007- Execution Contracting Database Execution Contracting Database (ECD) is used in the 318 - Business Analytics 0.083 0.422 0.425 - 0.275 0.276 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100037 business process flow for daily funds execution & PR Delivery and Management Support
tracking the 848th SCMG for Buy, Repair & Overhead Area
Services programs for propulsion/aircraft items. It is
hosted on DFS1.

Department of Air Force 007- Warehouse Management System The WMS is a web-based application that includes the Air 577 - Knowledge Distribution 0.146 0.149 0.152 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100067 Force Information Management Publishing Tool module. and Delivery Office Automation, and
It is used by AFDPO and the AF publishing community to Telecommunications
process and distribute electronic and physical
publications and forms.

Department of Air Force 007- Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC) Mission JMS Increment 2 builds upon the Increment 1 technical 280 - Command and Control 83.277 69.288 48.022 83.277 69.288 48.022 30,297.184 0.16% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 01 - Major
Defense 000100082 System Increment 2 baseline to deliver the large bulk of operator/analyst Delivery and Management Support
capabilities required to transition off the legacy JSpOC Area
command and control infrastructure.

Department of Air Force 007- Next Generation Operational Control System The Global Positioning System (GPS) Next Generation 280 - Command and Control 279.317 294.237 332.456 279.315 289.195 332.453 30,297.184 1.10% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 01 - Major
Defense 000100083 Operational Control System (OCX) program procures and Delivery and Management Support
fields a modernized satellite command and control (C2) Area
system capable of operating all GPS III and legacy

Department of Air Force 007- AFOTEC Electronic Coordination System AFOTEC Electronic Coordination System (AECS) is an 129 - Reporting and 0.005 0.005 0.005 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100090 electronic coordination system that is utilized by AFOTEC Information Delivery and Management Support
headquarters and its detachments to coordinate all test Area

Department of Air Force 007- On Base OnBase® is enterprise content management software 145 - Logistics Management 1.587 1.389 0.833 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100091 that integrates document management, business process Delivery and Management Support
management and records management in a single Area

Department of Air Force 007- The Air Force Test and Analysis Tool The AFTAT is a next-generation, laboratory information 145 - Logistics Management 0.218 0.220 0.222 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100092 management system used for managing the workflow of Delivery and Management Support
Air Force Petroleum Agency laboratories. This includes Area
full life-cycle management of samples (and pertinent

Department of Air Force 007- ACC C2 Learning Management System Nearly 7000 Airmen, from three Weapon Systems access 281 - Force Application 0.771 0.794 0.819 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 14 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100093 over 300 hours of Mission Training materials, Mission Delivery and Management Support
Ready testing, and training management products. ACC Area
operations/testing of the Plateau Learning Management
System -Mission ground training.

Department of Air Force 007- Hazard Reporting System HRS provides automated management of hazards across 129 - Reporting and 0.019 0.007 0.007 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100103 Tinker AFB. It is intended for use by all organizations to Information Delivery and Management Support
track abatement of hazards and to report suspected Area
hazards. It may also be used by personnel for cross-tell
of open hazards.

Department of Air Force 007- DATA CENTER CONSOLIDATION - AFRC Data Center Consolidation funds various network and 108 - Customer Services 10.454 22.006 16.486 - - - 30,297.184 0.05% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100121 program unique network and program unique data Office Automation, and
services to AFRC users at 29 AFRC data centers located at Telecommunications
21 AFRC locations.

Department of Air Force 007- AFMC Form 202 Automated System AFMC Form 202 automated system allows the 345 - Management of 0.095 0.097 0.099 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000464 maintenance activities to initiate form 202s and Government Records Delivery and Management Support
automatically route them to the engineering Area

Department of Air Force 007- Promotion Testing System The Promotion Testing System (PTS) is a relational 255 - Employee Performance 0.180 0.180 0.180 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002179 database system and application software suite used for Management Delivery and Management Support
analysis, development, production, and delivery of Air Area
Force enlisted promotion tests of Air Force enlisted

Department of Air Force 007- USAFAnet AF .mil Local Area Network for USAFA. 322 - Public Communications 2.204 2.325 2.372 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002801 Infrastructure Office Automation, and
Department of Air Force 007- Cryptologic Logistics Automated Support Part number system. CLASS is a multi-user, PC-based 144 - Inventory Control 0.094 0.095 0.096 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002912 System software package used to manage inventory and Delivery and Management Support
supportability needs. Adaptable to most supply support Area
concepts of operation, CLASS provides automated, real-
time control and accountability for assets.

Department of Air Force 007- WMA Force Protection Grouping of AFMC investments providing capability in the 282 - Protection 0.800 0.290 0.297 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 15 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003430 functional area of Warfighter Mission Area - Force Delivery and Management Support
Protection. Area
Department of Air Force 007- PACAF Force Protection To provide security forces personnel situational 282 - Protection 0.071 0.074 0.074 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 15 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003598 awareness on the base infrastructure and equipment Delivery and Management Support
inventories through the use of access control devices, Area
video monitoring, intrusion detection and alarm
annunciator systems.

Department of Air Force 007- Air National Guard Intelligence (A2) This Initiative will track all IT funding allocations 323 - Intelligence, 18.276 14.792 29.163 7.000 3.500 - 30,297.184 0.10% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 10 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003653 necessary to provide development, modernization, Surveillance, and Delivery and Management Support
maintenance & sustainment of IT Investments. Reconnaissance Area

Department of Air Force 007- Air National Guard Air, Space and Information This Initiative will track all IT funding allocations 326 - IT System Development 17.000 22.725 24.781 - - - 30,297.184 0.08% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003654 Operations (A3) necessary to provide development, modernization, / Integration Support Office Automation, and
maintenance & sustainment of IT Investments. Telecommunications

Department of Air Force 007- Aircraft Structural Integrity Management System of DISA mainframe applications used to enter, 143 - Goods and Services 0.001 0.001 0.001 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004091 Information System - DISA edit, analyze flight log data from A-10, E-3, E-4, KC-10 and Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
KC-135 aircraft and report predicted damage, usage and Area
required inspections on critical structural locations. Used
by OC-ALC personnel.

Department of Air Force 007- ITPSA BMA-FM/Financial Management This initiative supports ITPSA BMA investments. 259 - Budget and 0.001 0.001 - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004777 Performance Integration Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- ITPSA BMA-WSLM/Controls and Oversight This initiative supports ITPSA BMA investments. 546 - Portfolio Management 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.029 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004783 Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- ITPSA BMA-RPILM/Environmental This initiative supports ITPSA BMA investments. 023 - Environmental 0.015 0.016 0.016 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004788 Management Monitoring and Forecasting Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- THE NETWORKED TRAINING CENTER-LUKE The simulators are used to develop F-16 pilot skills and 284 - Force Training 0.001 3.396 3.450 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 19 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004919 core competencies in flight maneuvers, emergency Delivery and Management Support
procedures and in refining air-to-air and air-to-ground Area
combat skills.

Department of Air Force 007- Management Execution & Tracking The system allows for the management and tracking of 129 - Reporting and 0.498 0.533 0.515 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004928 contract ceilings, contract deliverables, invoices and Information Delivery and Management Support
contract deliverable requirement list (CDRL). Area
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Air Force 007- Electronic Technical Order Viewer As key component of ETIMS, eTOV provides distribution 145 - Logistics Management 0.001 0.001 0.001 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000005968 and viewing functions and allows AF personnel to receive Delivery and Management Support
and view electronic Technical Orders (eTO) at point of Area
use and manage both paper and electronic TOs on line.

Department of Air Force 007- Collaborative Analysis and Visualization Facilitate activities for data analysis and work 340 - Collaboration Tools 343 - Audio / Video 0.164 - - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006710 Environment sequencing. Consolidate C-130 scheduling and PM Conferencing Delivery and Management Support
activities from reactive management/support to efficient Area
proactive support to ensure required number of aircraft
are available to support the warfighter.

Department of Air Force 007- Mortuary Operations Management System MOMS supports the administrative and operational 333 - Veteran Benefits and 0.551 0.804 0.549 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006712 needs of the Dover AFB Port Mortuary. The system Services Delivery and Management Support
provides positive accountability of human remains from Area
the the time they are received in the facility until
shipment to the next of kin.

Department of Air Force 007- AreaRAE Portable Gas/Chemical Detection AreaRAE is a portable gas/chemical detection system 308 - Environmental Waste 0.001 0.001 0.001 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006816 System used by the fire department to check hazardous areas Management Delivery and Management Support
without exposing personnel to danger. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Equipment Repair Requirements WR-ALC uses a locally developed database called 145 - Logistics Management 0.001 0.001 0.001 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000006912 Equipment Repair Requirements (ERR) for repair Delivery and Management Support
requirements determination as opposed to the Area
Automated Budgeting and Compilation System (ABCS).

Department of Air Force 007- Aircraft Traffic Logging Automated System - ATLAS is a mission support system providing air traffic 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.010 0.010 0.010 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007052 Replacement logging automation tools to Base Operations Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
administrative, analytical and operational support Area
personnel in carrying out their mission related functions.

Department of Air Force 007- Environmental Resources Program Information Installation Restoration Program investigations and 129 - Reporting and 0.532 0.558 0.762 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007083 Management System studies involve extensive field work and the collection Information Delivery and Management Support
and analysis of ground water, surface water, sediment, Area
soil, air, socioeconomic and ecological data.

Department of Air Force 007- Integrated Information Tool IIT is an internal web-based tool, residing on AF network 129 - Reporting and 0.035 0.018 0.018 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007084 that houses BRAC databases of AFRPA. An Information Delivery and Management Support
interconnected information resource, IIT provides single Area
access point to multiple internal databases. SYSTEM

Department of Air Force 007- Web Emergency Operations Center Common Operating Picture COTS that is continuously 008 - Disaster Preparedness 0.295 0.295 0.295 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 15 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007102 updated to provide overview of incident compiled and Planning Delivery and Management Support
thru/out incident¿s life cycle from standard data shared Area
between integrated & compatible systems for comm, info
mgmt, & intell/info sharing.

Department of Air Force 007- USAFA Admissions Accessions System ALOWeb facilitates online submission and processing of 251 - Staffing and Recruiting 0.171 0.175 0.179 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007113 accessions to the USAF Academy and AFROTC including Delivery and Management Support
general admission, Pre-Junior registration, Summer Area
Seminar application and registration and Congressional

Department of Air Force 007- Manpower MPA Man-day Management CMAS provides the Command MPA Management Office 129 - Reporting and - - 0.630 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007174 System (MMO) and Functional Area (FA) Action Officers with the Information Delivery and Management Support
ability to accept, process, and release Military Personnel Area
Appropriation (MPA) Man-Day authorizations, both for
ARC Units and IMAs.

Department of Air Force 007- Computer Aided Facility Management System CAFM provides a graphical interface linking building 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.011 0.012 0.013 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007196 floorplans with a relational DB of infrastructure data to Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
automate facility management. Capabilities include Area
space/move management, work order management, and
web interface for input and reporting.

Department of Air Force 007- Global Mobility Mapping and Visualization Air Force capabilities-based support environment that 339 - Information Mapping / 0.180 0.180 0.100 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007198 utilizes an Automated Information System (AIS) Taxonomy / Categorization Delivery and Management Support
application. Area
Department of Air Force 007- Product Lifecycle Management Initiative Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) initiative will 145 - Logistics Management 0.757 31.712 3.008 0.757 31.712 3.008 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007201 enable the Air Force engineering and logistics Delivery and Management Support
communities to efficiently and accurately define, track, Area
protect and manage product data for Air Force weapon
systems and equipment.

Department of Air Force 007- E-3 Functional System Integrated Database Gives E-3 personnel ability to create Engineering 145 - Logistics Management 0.662 0.662 - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007203 AIRWAVE Requests, 202s, statement of works, work sheet write- Delivery and Management Support
ups, engineering bills of materials, and to review Area
unscheduled nonmission capable maintenance records
and depot defect reports.

Department of Air Force 007- USAFE GeoBase Core Architecture The USAFE GeoBase Program is a combination of 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.077 0.001 - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007205 information technology and processes designed to Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
enhance situational awareness for mission elements Area
involved in garrison basing operations.

Department of Air Force 007- HOLIS/CMMS According to DoD regulations all BMA systems must have 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.001 0.001 0.001 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007206 a one for one system to initiative relationship. Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- Enterprise Architecting Environment Enterprise capability to store, organize, discover and 325 - Information Discovery 0.002 - - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007209 share enterprise artifacts. EAE will deliver a capability to Office Automation, and
collect and manage EA information in multiple Telecommunications
formatsand repositories while providing enterprise
access to that information.

Department of Air Force 007- Aerospace Systems Directorate Operational ASDOS provides the technical directorate with business 340 - Collaboration Tools 0.168 0.166 0.170 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007214 Support process functionality that has yet to be employed by the Delivery and Management Support
AFRL enterprise solution. Area
Department of Air Force 007- PACAF GeoBase Core Architecture - SIPR AF initiative delivering SIPR geographic information 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.180 0.180 0.180 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007216 services and capabilities to provide situational awareness Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
for installation management and planning. A service Area
oriented architecture making PACAF IGI&S assets
available to the DoD.

Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Classification and Assignment AFCAPS application is used by graduating AF Reserve 618 - Employee 0.081 0.082 0.084 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007221 Preference System Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) cadets to annotate their Development and Training Delivery and Management Support
educational qualifications & other personal data to Area
determine AFSC and enter assignment preferences.

Department of Air Force 007- Air and Space Operations Center-Weapon Air and Space Operations Center-Weapon System (AOC 280 - Command and Control 83.251 111.213 433.993 83.251 74.275 267.277 30,297.184 1.43% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 01 - Major
Defense 000007231 System Increment 10.2 WS)Increment 10.2 is a major modernization effort and Delivery and Management Support
net-centric infrastructure is a necessary component to Area
future modernization efforts to the AOC.

Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Training Record AFTR is a web-based application accessible via the 064 - Training and 0.950 0.950 0.950 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007309 Advanced Distributed Learning Service (ADLS). AFTR is a Employment Delivery and Management Support
Microsoft .NET/ASP/Oracle 10g Driven application which Area
uses web services. Use to support training
documentation IAW AFI 36-2201.
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Air Force 007- Combat Related Special Compensation CRSC is managed by the USAF Physical Disability Division 333 - Veteran Benefits and 0.010 0.010 0.010 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007310 of the Air Force Personnel Center. The system receives Services Delivery and Management Support
and processes disability claims for AF retired veterans Area
injured in combat.

Department of Air Force 007- Inferential Retrieval Indexing System IRIS stores, indexes, and disseminates Air Force Historical 603 - Data Warehouse 0.010 0.010 0.010 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Defense 000007983 information; it grows annually by 15-20%. It has NIPRNET Delivery and Management Support
and SIPRNET parallel sub-systems and includes a Area
production system for digitization of paper and storage of
electronic documents.

Department of Air Force 007- EIEMA CES/App Services_Content Discovery AFMC's "parent initiative" for DITIL (Vers. 1) "Application 325 - Information Discovery 0.031 0.027 0.028 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000008624 Services Services" Service Category's sub-category of "Content Office Automation, and
Discovery Services". Telecommunications
Department of Air Force 007- Eagle Vision Provides DoD with the only deployable capability for 340 - Collaboration Tools 9.676 6.701 6.468 - - - 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 11 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100075 direct downlink and processing of UNCLASS commercial Delivery and Management Support
satellite imagery for intelligence preparation of the Area
battlespace and sharing with DoD partners and
Homeland Security.

Department of Air Force 007- AFMC Geographic Information System AFMC GIS provides a centralized, Installation-wide, 339 - Information Mapping / 1.344 1.487 1.489 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100141 geospatial capability. Taxonomy / Categorization Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) CED becomes the organization’s documented evidence 318 - Business Analytics 0.015 0.015 0.015 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100150 Evidence Database which shows it meets specific practices and process areas Delivery and Management Support
and maturity levels of the CMMI standard for software Area

Department of Air Force 007- Project Cost Management Suite PCMS estimates and tracks project costs for the Project 538 - Program / Project 0.206 0.187 0.190 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100185 Manager (PM) and business communities. Management Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- WMA Corporate Management and Support (3) Grouping of AFMC investments providing capability in the 340 - Collaboration Tools 23.316 15.833 15.458 - - - 30,297.184 0.05% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 20 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100200 functional area of Warfighter Mission Area - Corporate Delivery and Management Support
Management and Support. This is a duplicate of WMA Area

Department of Air Force 007- WMA Corporate Management and Support (4) Grouping of AFMC investments providing capability in the 340 - Collaboration Tools 6.030 9.529 9.109 1.024 0.389 2.612 30,297.184 0.03% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 20 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100201 functional area of Warfighter Mission Area - Corporate Delivery and Management Support
Management and Support. This is a duplicate of WMA Area

Department of Air Force 007- WMA Corporate Management and Support (5) Grouping of AFMC investments providing capability in the 340 - Collaboration Tools 13.432 15.516 14.815 - - - 30,297.184 0.05% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 20 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100202 functional area of Warfighter Mission Area - Corporate Delivery and Management Support
Management and Support. This is a duplicate of WMA Area

Department of Air Force 007- Logistics, Installations, and Mission Support - The Logistics Installations and Mission Support Enterprise 145 - Logistics Management 10.639 14.546 11.111 10.639 14.546 11.111 30,297.184 0.04% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004815 Enterprise View View (LIMS-EV) serves as the overarching gateway to Delivery and Management Support
A4/7 enterprise reporting and analytics. The goal of the Area
LIMS-EV is to be the one Version of the Truth for A4/7
Reporting and Analysis.

Department of Air Force 007- Engineering Standalone To perform specialized engineering analyses and 026 - Scientific and 0.008 0.007 0.007 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100211 assessments in support of Air Force Operational Test and Technological Research and Delivery and Management Support
Evaluation Center (AFOTEC) test programs. Innovation Area

Department of Air Force 007- 309 SMXG Information Technology System The 309 ITS is network infrastructure used to support 344 - Content Management 0.288 - - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100219 office automation/engineering support to the 309 Office Automation, and
Software Maintenance Group. Telecommunications

Department of Air Force 007- RX Business Applications A group of applications and databases supporting 129 - Reporting and 0.600 0.610 0.805 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100220 planning, demographics, chemical inventory, and Information Delivery and Management Support
equipment inventry housed on a server used in the RX Area
Directorate to support Sctientific and Research missions.

Department of Air Force 007- Organization Software Process Environment Collects, manages and disseminates project/product data 577 - Knowledge Distribution 0.461 0.621 0.480 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100222 used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the and Delivery Delivery and Management Support
daily operations of engineers, scientists, and other Area
personnel conducting and supporting real-time test
missions for the Eglin ranges.

Department of Air Force 007- Air Launch Cruise Missile Functional Systems ALCM FSID will provide the ability to quickly and 318 - Business Analytics 0.363 0.348 - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100236 Integrated Database effectively inform management of the background Delivery and Management Support
necessary to formulate and evaluate options for Area
managing issues with the ALCM mechanical systems.
This system is one of six FSIDs.

Department of Air Force 007- ANG GeoBase "Geospatial" or "geo-enabling", which means to use 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 2.023 2.081 2.133 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100248 mapping or Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
represent the Air Force installation. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Enterprise Program Portfolio Management This secure decision support extranet contains integrated 143 - Goods and Services 0.166 0.193 0.173 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100249 acquisition program schedules for the C3I Infrastructure Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
Division at Hanscom AFB. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Foreign National Combat Training Kiosk Foreign National Combat Training Kiosk Network (FNCTN) 341 - Web Infrastructure 0.002 0.002 0.002 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100250 Network is to provide internet to foreign national's military Office Automation, and
websites .com/printing. Supports Red & Green Flag Telecommunications
combat exercises, which directly contributes to safety of
flight and effective training.

Department of Air Force 007- Joint Precision Airdrop System-Mission Planner JPADS-MP significantly improves conventional high 281 - Force Application 13.642 14.678 15.107 13.095 13.634 14.045 30,297.184 0.05% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 14 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100254 altitude ballistic airdrop computed air release points Delivery and Management Support
(CARP) and when employed with U.S. Army guided Area
delivery systems JPADS-MP provides a high altitude
Launch Acceptance Region (LAR).

Department of Air Force 007- Tinker Support Services Matrix TSSM servers provide a storage area for user files and for 129 - Reporting and 0.997 0.581 - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100256 TSS's inventory and work order software to maintain its Information Delivery and Management Support
data in a SQL database. TSSM servers also host license Area
files for those applications that require network licensing.

Department of Air Force 007- Integrated Engineering Mangement System IEMS is being transformed from multiple standalone DB 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.775 0.790 0.805 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100266 to one centrally managed system. Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- AFMC Senior Officer Communications and AFMC SOCCER is low cost web based Government Owned 340 - Collaboration Tools 0.049 0.050 0.051 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100267 Coordination Electronic Resource Government Operated Management Informtion System Delivery and Management Support
used to create, route, and report on suspenses and Area
packages within the command.

Department of Air Force 007- EAGLE Integrity and Reliability Integrated Provides single point of access for reliability and 318 - Business Analytics 0.343 0.591 2.876 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100268 System maintainability for use in analysis of F-15 functional Delivery and Management Support
systems. Approved as planned. Area
Department of Air Force 007- Aircraft Health Monitoring System/Data Aircraft Health Monitoring System is a web based system 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.108 0.108 0.108 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100270 Analysis and Redistribution Tool that aids information exchange relating to C-5 aircraft Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
maintenance using four components: Portal, MADARS Area
Reference Database, Quick Look Database, and Data
Analysis and Redistribution Tool.

Department of Air Force 007- B-1 Functional Systems Integrated Database FSID will provide the ability to quickly and effectively 318 - Business Analytics 0.010 0.308 - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100271 inform management of the background necessary to Delivery and Management Support
formulate and evaluate options for managing issues with Area
the mechanical systems. This is currently one of six FSIDs.
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Air Force 007- B-2 Functional Systems Integrated Database FSID will provide the ability to quickly and effectively 318 - Business Analytics 0.414 0.398 - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100272 inform management of the background necessary to Delivery and Management Support
formulate and evaluate options for managing issues with Area
the mechanical systems. This is currently one of six FSIDs.

Department of Air Force 007- Case Management Tracking Analysis & CMTARS will be an Internet based system that tracks 531 - Case Management 2.172 - 0.349 2.172 - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100285 Reporting System cases, generates and stores documents, prepares reports Delivery and Management Support
and allows advanced search of the entire Air Force Area
Review Boards Agency (AFRBA) portfolio of
approximately 12,000 cases per year.

Department of Air Force 007- Engine Test And Control ETAC engine maintenance tracking via process gates by 318 - Business Analytics 0.014 0.014 0.013 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100287 detailing task status and constraints with resolutions and Delivery and Management Support
POCs. It returns metrics and analytics for managerial Area
decisions, process engineering actions, and process

Department of Air Force 007- Facility Management Systems Program supports the day to day business and mission of 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.099 0.101 0.103 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100288 SAF/AAO to manage Headquarters Air Force space and Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
facility related requests for HAF space within the Area
Pentagon, JBA, JBAB.

Department of Air Force 007- RY Facilities Control System The systems are required in the daily operation of 282 - Protection 0.016 0.250 0.250 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 15 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100290 Sensors facilities and are operated by RY personnel. Delivery and Management Support
Systems used to manage RY facilities, including Area
badge/PIN physical access control and system to manage
building and room drawings and property.

Department of Air Force 007- Alchemy Provides searchable database for scanned/OCR'd 538 - Program / Project 0.017 0.017 0.017 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100348 documents. Management Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Equal Opportunity Network AF EONet provides military and civilian EO management 256 - Employee Relations 0.860 0.576 0.654 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100370 to collect, track, and manage EO cases by the Air Force Delivery and Management Support
EO workforce. Area
Department of Air Force 007- Mission Planning Systems - Hardware This multi-faceted acquisition provides a suite of mission 281 - Force Application 7.439 9.402 10.455 7.249 9.208 10.257 30,297.184 0.03% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 14 01 - Major
Defense 000100392 Technical Refresh planning systems that can be integrated with USAF Delivery and Management Support
Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Area
Intelligence (C4I) systems for the operational
management of Combat Air Force (CAF).

Department of Air Force 007- Mission Planning System Modernization Initiative consists of ACAT III acquisitions programs that 281 - Force Application 117.887 124.926 136.311 54.558 51.145 63.771 30,297.184 0.45% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 14 01 - Major
Defense 000100393 provide follow-on Joint Mission Planning System Delivery and Management Support
releases/capability to Air Force platforms. Area

Department of Air Force 007- 35IS Cyber ISR Analytic FramEwork - Core 35IS Mission systems enable analysis of intelligence 323 - Intelligence, 3.683 2.783 3.061 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 10 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100398 Mission Systems (CAFE-CMS) supporting computer network operations. Surveillance, and Delivery and Management Support
Reconnaissance Area
Department of Air Force 007- 309 SMXG Work Center The 309 SWC (309 SMXG Work Center) is a metrics and 326 - IT System Development 0.610 0.728 0.750 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100421 data engineering support system providing support to the / Integration Support Office Automation, and
309 Software Maintenance Group. Telecommunications

Department of Air Force 007- Damage Evaluation System Technical / Repair DESTRAP is an F-16 Aircraft Structural Integrity Program 145 - Logistics Management 1.443 1.472 1.501 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003732 Assistance Page (ASIP) system; it allows any F-16 unit to receive SPO Delivery and Management Support
engineering assistance and reporting of crack, corrosion, Area
Dash 6, TCTO, & other inspections, it is considered a
safety of flight system.

Department of Air Force 007- ITPSA BMA-RPILM/Workforce Management This initiative supports ITPSA BMA investments. 056 - Water Resource 0.001 0.001 0.001 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004952 Management Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- ITPSA BMA-WSLM/General Science and This initiative supports ITPSA BMA investments. 026 - Scientific and 0.001 0.001 0.001 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004953 Innovation Technological Research and Delivery and Management Support
Innovation Area
Department of Air Force 007- ITPSA BMA-WSLM/Planning & Budgeting This initiative supports ITPSA BMA investments. 143 - Goods and Services 0.001 0.001 0.001 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004955 Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- ITPSA BMA-HRM/Administrative Management This initiative supports ITPSA BMA investments. 106 - Workforce Planning 0.001 0.001 0.001 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004958 Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- ITPSA BMA-RPILM/Law Enforcement This initiative supports ITPSA BMA investments. 044 - Fugitive and Criminal 0.001 0.001 0.001 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004959 Apprehension Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- Propulsion Actuarial Forecasting Model PAFM provides engine forecasting in order to negotiate 145 - Logistics Management 0.010 0.229 0.045 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001094 with commands their future engine workloads and base Delivery and Management Support
stock level objectives. Can also be used as a tool in Area
module and parts forecasting.

Department of Air Force 007- Analysis Standalone Performs specialized analyses assessments and planning 026 - Scientific and 0.003 0.003 0.003 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100212 activities in support of Air Force Operational Test and Technological Research and Delivery and Management Support
Evaluation Center (AFOTEC) test programs. Innovation Area

Department of Air Force 007- Employee Benefits Information System EBIS is provides 900K DoD civilians with access to 254 - Employee Benefits and 0.504 0.922 0.999 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100213 benefits information and transactional capability to Compensation Delivery and Management Support
include health insurance, life insurance, Thrift Savings Area
Plan, retirement applications, eSeminars, and retirement
or separation calculators.

Department of Air Force 007- 25 AF Data Centers 25 AF's initiative for all data centers. 139 - Provide and Maintain 0.016 0.016 0.016 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100447 IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
Department of Air Force 007- AMC Data Centers AMC's single record capturing instantiations of servers, 603 - Data Warehouse 0.263 0.293 0.323 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100478 regardless of size, quantity, or nenue and all supporting Office Automation, and
systems as specified in AFI 33-150 and per OMB Telecommunications

Department of Air Force 007- Infrastructure Maintenance Management IMMS is an integrated information system which provides 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.271 0.274 0.280 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100482 System support for comprehensive operations and management Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
of installed infrastructure, for example, physical security Area
infrastructure that includes access control devices, CCTV
systems, etc.

Department of Air Force 007- F-135 Depot Interactive Electronic Technical The F135 DIETP is a web based publication presentation 143 - Goods and Services 0.025 0.009 0.021 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100483 Publication package for displaying technical data for the F-135 Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
engines for depot maintenance at the OC-ALC. Area

Department of Air Force 007- Aging Fleet Integrity and Reliability AFIRM-M serves as the MECSIP & AVIP mandated 145 - Logistics Management 0.070 0.160 0.170 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100491 Management Multi-Platform Community of Practice. AFIRM-M reduces the time Delivery and Management Support
involved in pulling data from multiple databases by Area
combining this data with unique information generated
for the ASIP that does not exist in other systems.

Department of Air Force 007- Air Force Services Financial Management AFSFMS is financial and non-appropriated fund payroll 129 - Reporting and - 0.273 0.273 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000581 System system supporting a multi-year initiative to improve Information Delivery and Management Support
transform NAF business operations into an enterprise Area
wide e-business environment and return savings to Air
Force for reinvestment.

Department of Air Force 007- Air Expeditionary Force Initiative represents an on-going program that 301 - Force Allocation 0.800 0.840 1.018 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 18 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003548 establishes and promotes the development of systems Delivery and Management Support
and processes supporting AF deployments and AEF. Area
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Air Force 007- 5th to 4th Generation Gateway The 5th to 4th Gen GW capability essentially serves as a 279 - Battlespace Networks 20.350 40.110 60.760 20.350 40.110 60.760 30,297.184 0.20% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 12 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100495 bridge, receiving data from F-22 sources over Intra-Flight Office Automation, and
Data Link (IFDL), receiving data from F-35 sources over Telecommunications
Multi-function Advanced Data Link (MADL), and
retransmitting data.

Department of Air Force 007- Falcon III AN/PRC-117G(V)1(C) Manpack Radio The Falcon III AN/PRC-117G(V)1(C) is software defined 280 - Command and Control - 0.250 - - 0.250 - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100496 manpack tactical radio. This single channel radio operates Delivery and Management Support
off a single standard battery and is capable of line of sight Area
and beyond line of sight (BLOS) satellite narrowband
(DoD) communications.

Department of Air Force 007- F-16 Functional Systems Integrated Database Provides single point of acces for reliability and 318 - Business Analytics - 0.285 - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100520 maintainability for use in analysis of F-16 functional Delivery and Management Support
systems. Area
Department of Air Force 007- Item Master Logistics Capability Initiative Item Master Management will provide a central 145 - Logistics Management - 0.905 5.015 - 0.905 5.015 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100526 repository for logistics data for AF-used and managed Delivery and Management Support
items, entry point for new items of supply and interface Area
to the Federal Catalog System and processes assistance

Department of Air Force 007- ADEPT Synergis Adept is a server-client COTS document 661 - Document 0.034 0.034 0.035 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100554 management system specializing in engineering drawings Management and workflow Office Automation, and
and related files. 75CEG took ownership of the Telecommunications
application in conjunction with a contracted effort to
digitally scan the CE physical drawings.

Department of Air Force 007- WMA Corporate Management and Support Grouping of AFMC investments providing capability in the 340 - Collaboration Tools - 0.001 0.001 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 20 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100623 (10) functional area of Warfighter Mission Area - Corporate Delivery and Management Support
Management and Support. This is a duplicate of WMA Area

Department of Air Force 007- WMA Corporate Management and Support Grouping of AFMC investments providing capability in the 340 - Collaboration Tools - 0.001 0.001 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 20 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100624 (11) functional area of Warfighter Mission Area - Corporate Delivery and Management Support
Management and Support. This is a duplicate of WMA Area

Department of Air Force 007- WMA Corporate Management and Support (6) Grouping of AFMC investments providing capability in the 340 - Collaboration Tools - 0.001 0.001 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 20 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100625 functional area of Warfighter Mission Area - Corporate Delivery and Management Support
Management and Support. This is a duplicate of WMA Area

Department of Air Force 007- WMA Corporate Management and Support (7) Grouping of AFMC investments providing capability in the 340 - Collaboration Tools - 0.001 0.001 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 20 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100626 functional area of Warfighter Mission Area - Corporate Delivery and Management Support
Management and Support. This is a duplicate of WMA Area

Department of Air Force 007- WMA Corporate Management and Support (8) Grouping of AFMC investments providing capability in the 340 - Collaboration Tools - 0.001 0.001 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 20 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100627 functional area of Warfighter Mission Area - Corporate Delivery and Management Support
Management and Support. This is a duplicate of WMA Area

Department of Air Force 007- WMA Corporate Management and Support (9) Grouping of AFMC investments providing capability in the 340 - Collaboration Tools - 0.001 0.001 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 20 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100628 functional area of Warfighter Mission Area - Corporate Delivery and Management Support
Management and Support. This is a duplicate of WMA Area

Department of Air Force 007- ENTERPRISE LICENSE AGREEMENTS Enterprise License Agreements bins all of the funding for 327 - Enterprise Licenses and - 87.556 89.744 - - - 30,297.184 0.30% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100629 current enterprise licensing for Microsoft and Adobe Software Office Automation, and
licensing agreements. This will allow the AF to properly Telecommunications
show funding just for licensing in IT budget reporting.

Department of Air Force 007- Lifecycle Management Process - Integrated LCMP-IDE is a Web-enabled database-driven knowledge 577 - Knowledge Distribution 5.582 5.823 6.128 3.203 3.265 3.418 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100657 Data Environment distribution integrated data environment that supports and Delivery Delivery and Management Support
the informational needs at all levels in areas including Area
acquisition, modernization, and sustainment for aircraft
and other weapon systems.

Department of Air Force 007- BASE LEVEL COMMUNICATIONS HQ AFMC/IT supports Air Force Materiel Command 139 - Provide and Maintain 6.399 5.231 5.104 - - - 30,297.184 0.02% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100659 INFRASTRUCTURE - AFMC (1) (AFMC) mission areas and support functions by providing IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
a secure, interoperable, integrated digital Telecommunications
communications environment where the quality of
service meets or exceeds industry standards.

Department of Air Force 007- FM IT Lifecycle Management Library The purpose of the FM ITLML project is to standardize 538 - Program / Project 0.530 0.826 0.841 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 03 - IT Investments for EA, Capital 22 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100672 the IT management of Financial Management systems. Management Planning, and CIO Functions
The project provides an integration and standardization
of all IT activities, processes, and tools to provide
Enterprise transparency.

Department of Air Force 007- Historical Interview System Need a standalone computer to process historical 129 - Reporting and 0.001 0.001 0.001 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100679 interviews using recording devices that connect with USB Information Delivery and Management Support
ports and utilize non-compliant software. Area

Department of Air Force 007- AF Operational Test and Evaluation Center's Vovici is a web-based tool that allows for the creation, 318 - Business Analytics 22.300 22.500 22.700 - - - 30,297.184 0.07% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100680 Vovici Implementation administration, and analysis of OT&E questionnaires. Delivery and Management Support
Department of Air Force 007- Contracting Information Technology ICSS will be an AF-wide contracting system capable of 143 - Goods and Services - 3.259 7.171 - 3.259 7.171 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100686 supporting the global acquisition community built on Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
services and utilizing a common data model. Centrally Area
developed, deployed & managed.

Department of Air Force 007- Range Cost Estimating and Reporting System The Range Cost Estimating and Reporting System 101 - Budget Formulation 0.176 0.178 0.180 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100691 (RACERS) application is designed to support Air Force Delivery and Management Support
Major Range financial, managerial and administrative Area
personnel. RACERS estimate input is used for developing
Wing Reimbursable budgets and funding.

Department of Air Force 007- AFAMS Operational Network This is the budget piece for AFAMS Networks (AFAMS 139 - Provide and Maintain 0.101 0.102 0.104 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100698 NET & C.E.S.DC.AFAMS systems in EITDR). This is the IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
funding "umbrella" which covers the aforementioned Telecommunications
systems for maintenance, repair and operation.

Department of Air Force 007- E-PLAN E-Plan is a web-based application used by Air Force to 023 - Environmental 0.103 0.225 0.225 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100707 sustain environmental plans and provide real-time access Monitoring and Forecasting Delivery and Management Support
to Air Force users at all levels to support management Area
decisions and reporting.

Department of Air Force 007- AFMC Network Services AFMC's "parent initiative" for DITIL (Vers. 1) "Network 139 - Provide and Maintain 23.121 28.283 31.422 4.001 6.349 8.167 30,297.184 0.10% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100713 Distribution" Service Category's sub-category of IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
"Network Distribution Services". Telecommunications
Department of Air Force 007- AFMC Network Services AFMC's "parent initiative" for DITIL (Vers. 1) "Network 139 - Provide and Maintain 3.659 30.143 31.918 1.283 - 1.356 30,297.184 0.11% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100714 Distribution" Service Category's sub-category of IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
"Network Distribution Services". Telecommunications
Department of Air Force 007- Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Integrated ICBM IDE provides the enterprise solution for mission 340 - Collaboration Tools - 20.644 13.946 - 14.540 6.995 30,297.184 0.05% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100715 Data Environment sensitive data and capabilities in support of ICBM Delivery and Management Support
business processes and associated data analysis. Provides Area
document repository, risk management, work flow and
advanced search capability.

Department of Air Force 007- Quality Program Management Tools Alexsys Team provides TAFB a system to manage the SAP, 129 - Reporting and 0.066 0.078 0.079 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100718 RQA and HHQ and Electronic Lost Tool. Data is analyzed Information Delivery and Management Support
by Sr. Leadership. All OC-ALC employees have access to Area
RQA to request assistance. HHQ is for external auditor
inputs and corrective actions.
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Air Force 007- Emergency Reporting Subscription Service Provides data management and analysis of a broad 129 - Reporting and - 0.022 0.006 - 0.021 - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100725 spectrum of fire and emergency service key processes to Information Delivery and Management Support
include fire management, training, inspections and Area
emergency response.

Department of Air Force 007- Unit Command and Control (UC2) software is to provide scheduling and mission 280 - Command and Control 16.423 14.249 13.954 12.581 10.311 10.959 30,297.184 0.05% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100727 preparation activities at the wing, group and squadron Delivery and Management Support
level, and the capabilities to report and track the success Area
of each mission and influence decisions on future air
battle planning.

Department of Air Force 007- XOS Thunder Editing System XOSTES is used by the US Air Force Academy Athletics 016 - Higher Education 0.030 0.031 0.032 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100736 Department to support the coaching of football and Delivery and Management Support
basketball. Area
Department of Air Force 007- Common Computing Environment - Air Force CCE provides a cloud environment where users leverage 341 - Web Infrastructure 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100745 common commercial software and hardware via secure Office Automation, and
networks. Telecommunications
Department of Air Force 007- Systems Engineering Resource Facility SERFNET allows users to electronically transmit and 026 - Scientific and 0.022 0.012 0.012 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000100746 Network receive classified data from contractors. This avoids the Technological Research and Office Automation, and
lengthy process of exchanging data via other media like Innovation Telecommunications
CDs. SERFNET allows classified data to be shared among
the government team.

Department of Army 007- ADP SERVICES FROM DISA Provides support and services at consolidated sites in 139 - Provide and Maintain 1.134 1.836 37.066 - - - 30,297.184 0.12% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000023 accordance with Army and DoD downsizing direction. It IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
provides base operations and Standard Army Telecommunications
Management Information System support in logistics,
financial and medical functional areas.

Department of Army 007- U.S. ARMY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY The U.S. Army Information Technology Agency (ITA) 139 - Provide and Maintain 230.924 219.611 251.006 39.672 34.391 41.378 30,297.184 0.83% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 01 - Major
Defense 000000040 AGENCY provides secure and reliable network transport services IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
to Pentagon customers within the National Capitol Telecommunications
Region (NCR). ITA supports mission essential services to
a worldwide customer base.

Department of Army 007- ARMY RESERVE ENTERPRISE NETWORK The ARNET services all IT support (voice, video, and data) 139 - Provide and Maintain 41.633 41.999 48.976 - - - 30,297.184 0.16% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000041 within a single centrally managed and provisioned IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
network environment and provides redundant, Telecommunications
survivable, transport for consolidation of network
servers, services and enterprise information.

Department of Army 007- COMMON HARDWARE SYSTEMS The CHS program provides state-of-the-art, fully 675 - Voice Communications 280 - Command and Control 4.504 4.779 5.024 4.504 4.779 5.024 30,297.184 0.02% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000046 qualified, interoperable, compatible, deployable and Office Automation, and
survivable hardware and computer networking Telecommunications
equipment for command, control and communications at
all echelons of command for DoD services.

Department of Army 007- TECHNICAL SUPPORT OF INFORMATION Provides resources to facilities systems engineering, 139 - Provide and Maintain 35.572 33.818 32.453 - - - 30,297.184 0.11% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000050 SYSTEMS ENGINEERING MISSIONS systems integration, quality assurance functions, field IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
assistance, software research and advanced technology, Telecommunications
and Army-wide executive software procurement and

Department of Army 007- Inspector General System The Inspector General System supports Inspector General 592 - Data Mining 2.286 1.558 1.686 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000052 case data collection, data analysis, communications and Office Automation, and
administrative requirements of all Inspector Generals Telecommunications

Department of Army 007- COMMON SOFTWARE Common Software provides state-of-the-art software 279 - Battlespace Networks 8.144 18.440 3.348 8.144 18.440 3.348 30,297.184 0.01% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 12 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000075 technologies and functionality used by numerous Army Office Automation, and
systems thereby eliminating the need for similar Telecommunications
independent development and duplication of effort.

Department of Army 007- CENTRALIZED TECHNICAL SUPPORT FACILITY The CTSF provides a centralized on-the-ground capability 326 - IT System Development 7.480 2.804 2.227 7.480 2.804 2.227 30,297.184 0.01% 00 03 - IT Investments for EA, Capital 22 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000125 to ensure interoperability among various digitized / Integration Support Planning, and CIO Functions
platforms and serves as the final integration and
maturation facility for Common Operating Environment.

Department of Army 007- AREA COMMON USER SYSTEM Support the Army's Transformation/Modularity initiatives 139 - Provide and Maintain 38.047 78.216 27.494 38.047 78.216 27.494 30,297.184 0.09% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 01 - Major
Defense 000000128 MODERNIZATION by developing, procuring and fielding product IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
improvements into the Army's Stryker Brigade Combat Telecommunications
Teams and designated Expeditionary Signal Battalions.

Department of Army 007- JOINT COMMUNICATIONS SUPPORT ELEMENT Joint Communications Support Element is a unique, 279 - Battlespace Networks 3.540 5.008 5.087 3.540 5.008 5.087 30,297.184 0.02% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 12 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000131 mobile, multi-service communications unit designed to Office Automation, and
meet the simultaneous communications requirements Telecommunications
for two deployed Joint Task Forces and two deployed
Joint Special Operation Task Forces.

Department of Army 007- FORWARD OBSERVER SYSTEMS An automated fire support system that provides the 281 - Force Application 13.165 9.940 9.660 3.371 - - 30,297.184 0.03% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 14 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000139 capability to request fire on stationary and moving Delivery and Management Support
targets, Close Air Support type 2 and 3 missions, adjust Area
fire on targets, end active fire missions and provide
sensing for munitions registration.

Department of Army 007- CENTAUR, V2 Centaur provides a rapid, accurate, ballistic solution and 281 - Force Application 2.438 2.629 2.686 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 14 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000140 validates Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System Delivery and Management Support
technical solution for the Fire Support community in the Area
Army and United States Marine Corps.

Department of Army 007- ORGANIZATIONAL MESSAGING SERVICE Organizational Messaging Service provides the 577 - Knowledge Distribution 4.028 3.988 3.156 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000145 Information Technology Agency and Pentagon and Delivery Office Automation, and
Telecommunications Center software licenses, hardware Telecommunications
life-cycle replacement and contract labor services.

Department of Army 007- Army Food Management Information System The Army Food Management Information System serves 144 - Inventory Control 4.871 5.482 5.479 - - - 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000147 as repository to collect data on ordering and receipting of Delivery and Management Support
supply class 1 data and to account for the subsistence Area
entitlement of the Military Pay Account.

Department of Army 007- NATIONAL SCIENCE CENTER INFO TECH Provides support for a joint private foundation/Army 015 - Elementary, Secondary, 0.001 - - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 06 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000187 VENTURES effort that finances, operates and maintains a National and Vocational Education Delivery and Management Support
Science Center that supports teachers and educates Area
students in physical science, math, automation,
communications-electronics and IT.

Department of Army 007- ARMY-WIDE PUBLISHING Resources publishing, printing and distribution of Army- 577 - Knowledge Distribution 40.592 28.209 25.668 - - - 30,297.184 0.08% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000189 wide multi-media publications and forms (technical, and Delivery Office Automation, and
equipment, supply, training, field manuals, bulletins, and Telecommunications
admin regulations, circulars and pamphlets), and other
information media products.

Department of Army 007- HEADQUARTERS COMMAND AND CONTROL Provides command and control and contingency planning 280 - Command and Control 2.155 2.758 2.884 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000190 PLANNING SYSTEM during national security emergencies and peacetime Delivery and Management Support
disasters and supports DoD critical infrastructure and Area
domestic preparedness program actions.

Department of Army 007- TRAINING SUPPORT CENTERS This investment provides operating costs for installation 343 - Audio / Video 86.456 89.007 79.770 - - - 30,297.184 0.26% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000191 Training Support Centers that manage Training Aids Conferencing Office Automation, and
Devices, Simulators and Simulations. Telecommunications
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Army 007- ARMY LOGISTICS INNOVATION Army Logistics Innovation funds integration and 145 - Logistics Management 8.223 19.212 23.616 - 0.978 0.996 30,297.184 0.08% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000202 synchronization, quantitative and qualitative assessments Delivery and Management Support
and recommended improvements to logistics policies, Area
plans and business processes.

Department of Army 007- Radio Frequency In-Transit Visibility Radio Frequency In-Transit Visibility support the 577 - Knowledge Distribution 14.796 15.286 19.277 - - - 30,297.184 0.06% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000204 dissemination of In-Transit Visibility information required and Delivery Delivery and Management Support
by the Department of Defense, coalition partners and Area
allies of the United States.

Department of Army 007- ARMY WIDE INFORMATION SYSTEM SERVICE Provides technical control facility upgrade and fit out in 139 - Provide and Maintain 100.817 23.223 22.293 45.800 - - 30,297.184 0.07% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000208 SUPPORT support of the installation edge of tactical and special IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
user communications, support for mission essential Telecommunications
minor construction and support of high altitude
electromagnetic pulse protection.

Department of Army 007- Army Training Requirements and Resources Headquarters, Department of the Army system for 255 - Employee Performance 7.531 10.753 11.068 - - - 30,297.184 0.04% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000211 System projecting training requirements/programs and managing Management Delivery and Management Support
Army student enrollment/attendance in resident & Area
distance learning courses; key to personnel readiness.

Department of Army 007- MILITARY CONSTRUCTION ARMY Provides communications support for military 139 - Provide and Maintain 40.498 37.218 27.861 40.498 37.218 27.861 30,297.184 0.09% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000212 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT INSTALLATION construction/upgrade projects. Provides telephone IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
instruments, switches, cabling and peripheral Telecommunications
communications equipment in newly constructed

Department of Army 007- Interactive Personnel Electronic Records The Interactive Personnel Electronic Records 106 - Workforce Planning 9.579 9.670 7.917 2.787 2.193 - 30,297.184 0.03% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000213 Management System Management System is a highly net-centric system Delivery and Management Support
established to provide electronic document management Area
of the Official Military Personnel File, and is used to
support life-cycle management of Soldiers.

Department of Army 007- U.S. ARMY HUMAN RESOURCES COMMAND The U.S. Army Human Resources Command Core (AHRC) 322 - Public Communications 125.405 71.781 69.777 11.760 2.803 0.562 30,297.184 0.23% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000214 CORE AUTOMATION SUPPORT Automation Support provides critical resources for IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
solutions supporting AHRC business processes through Telecommunications
the management of applications software, databases and
office automation environment.

Department of Army 007- BASE LEVEL COMMUNICATION Base Level Communications Operation and Sustainment 322 - Public Communications 10.563 176.976 125.108 - - - 30,297.184 0.41% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000254 INFRASTRUCTURE cost. Includes military and civilian manpower. Base level Infrastructure Office Automation, and
communications provides support to the entire MAJCOM Telecommunications
community including audio-visual, video, telephone and
LAN infrastructure.

Department of Army 007- ARMY MANAGEMENT HEADQUARTERS Army Management Headquarters Information 139 - Provide and Maintain 120 - Help Desk Services 49.423 24.283 18.305 5.583 3.169 2.489 30,297.184 0.06% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000310 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Management provides civilian pay and contractor IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
manpower for Information Management related services Telecommunications
including office automation, hardware and software life-
cycle replacement and help desk support.

Department of Army 007- General Fund Enterprise Business Systems The General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) 259 - Budget and 63.176 72.160 65.393 2.853 13.540 6.416 30,297.184 0.22% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 01 - Major
Defense 000000314 replaces 30+ year old financial systems as the Performance Integration Delivery and Management Support
Department of the Army’s new core financial Area
management system for administering its general fund.

Department of Army 007- Navigational, Satellite, Timing, and Relay GPS user equipment provides worldwide, 24 hour real 281 - Force Application 11.495 44.085 55.600 11.182 44.085 55.600 30,297.184 0.18% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 14 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000315 Global Positioning System time position, velocity and timing information to Army Delivery and Management Support
tactical and strategic systems/platforms in standalone Area
and embedded configurations and under adverse climatic
and electronic conditions.

Department of Army 007- Joint Tactical Radio System Handheld, The Joint Tactical Radio System Handheld, Manpack, and 279 - Battlespace Networks 37.245 77.261 307.216 34.667 74.434 304.565 30,297.184 1.01% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 12 01 - Major
Defense 000000342 Manpack, and Small Form Fit Radios Small Form Fit Radios program is developing the materiel Office Automation, and
solution to provide Software Communications Telecommunications
Architecture compliant radios to Warfighters.

Department of Army 007- ENTERPRISE LICENSE AGREEMENTS Enterprise License Agreements provide Army-wide 327 - Enterprise Licenses and 261.351 275.082 305.490 - - - 30,297.184 1.01% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 01 - Major
Defense 000000343 centralization of commercially procured hardware, Software Office Automation, and
software, engineering services, tiered service operations, Telecommunications
technical training and maintenance.

Department of Army 007- Criminal Investigation Division Command The Criminal Investigation Command’s Management 322 - Public Communications 38.754 21.824 25.202 - - 2.984 30,297.184 0.08% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000364 Information Management Support Information System funds its world-wide information Infrastructure Delivery and Management Support
support system that links its regional offices to Area

Department of Army 007- COMMODITY COMMAND STANDARD SYSTEM Commodity Command Standard System is a standard 144 - Inventory Control 13.535 1.000 1.000 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000414 automated wholesale logistics system that performs Delivery and Management Support
stock control, supply management, cataloging, Area
provisioning, procurement, maintenance, security
assistance and financial management.

Department of Army 007- ARMY CAPABILITIES INTEGRATION CENTER The Simulation Lab supports Battle Lab Collaborative 284 - Force Training 0.628 1.426 1.445 0.628 1.426 1.445 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 19 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000512 (ARCIC) JOINT AND ARMY MODELS & Simulation Environment distributed events and is a Delivery and Management Support
SIMULATIONS DIVISION (JAMSD) BATTLE LAB complex and distributed toolbox/ capable of supporting Area
COLLABORATIVE SIMULATION ENVIRONMENT multiple models and human in the loop simulations.

Department of Army 007- ARMY CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT ACDEP explores, tests, and demonstrates Concepts and 026 - Scientific and 32.616 30.665 31.191 2.361 0.506 0.514 30,297.184 0.10% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000513 EXPERIMENTATION PLAN capabilities to reduce risk to soldiers and investments Technological Research and Office Automation, and
and experiments to satisfy critical operational needs and Innovation Telecommunications
test compelling technology using Battle Lab Collaborative
Simulation Environment.

Department of Army 007- TRADOC INSTITUTIONAL ARMY BATTLE The institutional training base capability enables the 279 - Battlespace Networks 1.092 1.125 1.144 1.092 1.125 1.144 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 12 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000520 COMMAND SYSTEM TRAINING BASE schools and training centers to create a networked ABCS Office Automation, and
learning environment to Educates future commanders, Telecommunications
battle staffs, and soldiers to exploit the new digital
capabilities on the battlefield.

Department of Army 007- NETWORK ENTERPRISE CENTER STAFF Funds manpower and contracts, support equipment, and 139 - Provide and Maintain 120 - Help Desk Services 752.798 486.579 492.362 - 12.443 12.584 30,297.184 1.63% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000553 OPERATIONS COSTS associated costs specifically identified and measurable to IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
plan, manage, coordinate and execute Information Telecommunications
Technology Services Management (ITSM).

Department of Army 007- Personnel Transformation Personnel Transformation is a multi-component, military 104 - Strategic Planning 9.075 1.877 14.687 3.572 - - 30,297.184 0.05% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000598 and civilian approach to human resource functions and Delivery and Management Support
Information Technology design focused on policy, Area
planning and strategic objectives of personnel & pay
business processes.

Department of Army 007- Integrated Personnel and Pay System-Army IPPS -A Increment I will provide a single, multi- 254 - Employee Benefits and 11.669 18.213 13.952 2.446 - - 30,297.184 0.05% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 01 - Major
Defense 000000599 Increment 1 Component trusted database with a single record for all Compensation Delivery and Management Support
Army Soldiers and serve as a trusted data source for Area
personnel and human resources data for the entire Army.

Department of Army 007- DISTRIBUTED LEARNING SYSTEM DLS provides the infrastructure for delivery/management 255 - Employee Performance 23.363 56.666 42.698 - - - 30,297.184 0.14% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 01 - Major
Defense 000000688 of training, in support of individual, group/collective task Management Delivery and Management Support
training. Area
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Army 007- Force Management System (FMS) The Force Management System supports managing and 106 - Workforce Planning 2.419 2.549 2.809 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000000851 allocating manpower information, documenting unit Delivery and Management Support
requirements & authorizations and providing Area
organizational solutions in support of the Army's
Transformation to the Future Force.

Department of Army 007- PLANNING PROGRAMMING BUDGETING The Planning, Programming and Budgeting Business 124 - Accounting - 6.192 9.381 - - - 30,297.184 0.03% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001003 BUSINESS OPERATING SYSTEM (PPB BOS) Operating System that serves as the Army’s authoritative Delivery and Management Support
resources database, including dollar, manpower and Area
force structure information.

Department of Army 007- Army Portfolio Management Solution APMS is the standard for IT portfolio management which 546 - Portfolio Management 1.900 1.200 1.200 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 03 - IT Investments for EA, Capital 22 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001007 enables the Army to capture and capitalize upon our IT Planning, and CIO Functions
investments, link them to capabilities and functions and
identify potential applications for consolidation.

Department of Army 007- Joint Personnel Identification Version 2 JPIv2 will enhance the ability of U.S. forces to identify 340 - Collaboration Tools 1.973 - - 1.973 - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 11 01 - Major
Defense 000001009 unknown individuals using biometric data and verify the Delivery and Management Support
identity of person(s) in any situation. Area
NOTE: A signed acquisition decision memorandum on
1/12/15 terminated the JPI program.

Department of Army 007- Army Workload and Performance System The Army Workload and Performance System is a 145 - Logistics Management 6.705 6.725 6.847 - - - 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001011 software solution for managing workload, resources and Delivery and Management Support
tracking performance. The system processes depot Area
planning, time keeping, payroll and scheduling systems
and allows for user inputs.

Department of Army 007- Army Mapper Army Mapper is an architecture that supports the 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 1.310 0.700 - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001035 archival of Army installation geospatial data. The tool Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
provides basic viewing and querying of common Area
geospatial data for all integrated installations.

Department of Army 007- Acquisition Logistics & Technology Enterprise ALTESS provides enterprise IT solutions for 7 major 340 - Collaboration Tools 8.752 10.502 10.182 0.654 - - 30,297.184 0.03% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001044 Systems & Services systems and 30+ applications for over 106,000 users Office Automation, and
including IT development and integration, management Telecommunications
support and information assurance to Army, Joint
Services, DoD and other Government Agencies.

Department of Army 007- Air & Missile Defense Work Station, V6.4 The work station provides Air Defense and maneuver 282 - Protection 27.374 28.176 54.587 27.374 28.176 54.587 30,297.184 0.18% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 15 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001045 commanders and staffs, the automated capabilities to Delivery and Management Support
plan missions, direct forces, perform airspace control, Area
allocate resources and collect and process tactical,
logistical and administrative data.

Department of Army 007- CENTER PROGRAM EXECUTIVE OFFICE The Center is a web-based, secure knowledge 577 - Knowledge Distribution 0.012 0.056 0.058 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001052 SIMULATION, TRAINING AND management system linked from the Army Knowledge and Delivery Delivery and Management Support
INSTRUMENTATION MANAGEMENT CENTER Online to facilitate the collection, organization and Area
distribution of explicit and tacit knowledge throughout
the Army's systems acquisition community.

Department of Army 007- Versatile Information System Integrated Vision is an Army-wide data mart for authenticated test 325 - Information Discovery 0.331 0.818 0.744 0.331 0.818 0.744 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001055 Online Nationwide data. VISION provides a workspace (classified and Delivery and Management Support
unclassified) for test plans, reports, test results (both Area
instrumented and observed), photos and video.

Department of Army 007- Army Contracting Business Intelligence System Army Contracting Business Intelligence System is a web- 143 - Goods and Services 1.381 1.478 1.700 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001059 based business intelligence system that provides the Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
capability to analyze contracting data using standard Area
reports or ad hoc queries.

Department of Army 007- KEYSTONE-Recruit Quota System Client Server KEYSTONE Recruit Quota System Client Server is an 251 - Staffing and Recruiting 3.979 3.867 8.273 0.190 - - 30,297.184 0.03% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001063 interactive, on-line automated personnel system which Delivery and Management Support
supports the Army. It provides critical support to the Area
accession, training, assignment and mobilization
processes in peace and war.

Department of Army 007- Army Material Command Resource Army Material Command Resource Management Online 101 - Budget Formulation 2.042 2.300 2.300 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001064 Management Online is a web-based system that integrates Planning, Delivery and Management Support
Programming, Budget and Execution, Manpower, Area
Force/Strength and personnel. System belongs to the
command and is command specific.

Department of Army 007- Army Environmental Database Army Environmental Database collects, stores and 023 - Environmental 0.151 0.175 - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001065 assembles data for user analysis. It is the current and only Monitoring and Forecasting Delivery and Management Support
system of record for reporting Army's environmental Area

Department of Army 007- Environmental Performance Assessment Environmental Performance Assessment System is a web- 023 - Environmental 0.020 0.035 - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001066 System based system designed to assist Army users in the Monitoring and Forecasting Delivery and Management Support
collection, tracking, and analysis of the Army's Area
environmental compliance data.

Department of Army 007- Environmental Restoration Information ERIS is the Army data repository for field, scientific, and 023 - Environmental 0.029 0.035 - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001067 System engineering data available for analysis as part of a Monitoring and Forecasting Delivery and Management Support
decision support system for the funding of various Area
remediation and restoration activities.

Department of Army 007- Automated Orders and Resource System The Automated Orders and Resource System is an 618 - Employee 0.674 0.700 0.647 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001072 automated tool that provides procedures for and Development and Training Delivery and Management Support
produces various types of orders; to include costing, Area
amending, revoking, local order printing and
reconciliation of accounts in Standard Financial System.

Department of Army 007- ACQBIZ AcqBiz is a centrally managed and centrally funded suite 143 - Goods and Services 10.081 10.889 10.579 3.793 - - 30,297.184 0.03% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001125 of enterprise capabilities that enable the business of Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
acquisition. Area
Department of Army 007- Installation Status Report The Installation Status Report provides a description of 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 9.062 9.062 8.715 - - - 30,297.184 0.03% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001138 an Army Installation's infrastructure, facilities, and Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
environmental condition. Area

Department of Army 007- Planning Resource for Infrastructure The Planning Resource for Infrastructure Development 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 2.000 2.100 2.100 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001143 Development and Evaluation and Evaluation application is a real property Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
management system supporting Army Reserve National Area
Guard and the 54 States/Territories used to manage real

Department of Army 007- Engineering and Base Operations Support ENBOSS is used to provide engineering and base 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 7.228 10.524 3.867 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001146 System operations support at U.S. Army Reserve Regional Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
Support Commands and installations, throughout the Area
lifecycle of each facility, from acquisition through

Department of Army 007- Geographic Information System-National GIS-NG supplies data, software and operating procedures 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.128 0.130 0.132 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001149 Guard to meet Federal and State mission requirements within Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
the installations and environment business domain and, Area
also, for Guard homeland security/disaster mission
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Army 007- HRC Internet Web Site The U.S. Army Human Resources Command (HRC) 255 - Employee Performance 1.217 1.266 1.317 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001151 Internet Web Site ( is a publicly facing Management Delivery and Management Support
web site that provides a centralized location for Area
accessibility of HRC Directorate and Office web pages and
web based applications.

Department of Army 007- SOLDIER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WEBIFIED SMS Web is the Army Reserve customer relationship 251 - Staffing and Recruiting 3.707 3.818 3.350 0.200 0.092 0.200 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001167 SUITE OF SYSTEMS management system. SMS Web enables Army Reserve Delivery and Management Support
personnel to manage the careers of all Reserve soldiers, Area
veterans, family members, and other stakeholders.

Department of Army 007- Army Selection Board System The Army Selection Board System displays 618 - Employee 2.287 2.150 1.844 0.423 0.154 0.273 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001168 electronic/digital documents from the Official Military Development and Training Delivery and Management Support
Personnel File, photographs and other documents and Area
data as specified.

Department of Army 007- Civilian Personnel Online Civilian Personnel Online provides access to various Army 254 - Employee Benefits and 0.430 0.465 0.641 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001169 civilian human resource applications and serves as a Compensation Delivery and Management Support
clearinghouse for information concerning civilian Area

Department of Army 007- GOARMYED GoArmyEd is an Army Continuing Education System 254 - Employee Benefits and 21.833 20.216 13.353 2.763 0.171 0.523 30,297.184 0.04% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001170 program that provides the virtual gateway to request Compensation Delivery and Management Support
Tuition Assistance online, anytime for classroom, Area
distance learning and online college courses.

Department of Army 007- ENLISTED DISTRIBUTION AND ASSIGNMENT Enlisted Distribution and Assignment System supports 106 - Workforce Planning 2.024 2.271 2.168 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001172 SYSTEM management of the enlisted force to include Delivery and Management Support
assignments, deletions and deferments. It provides Area
enlisted strength management information, forecasting
and online query capability.

Department of Army 007- TOTAL OFFICER PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT The Total Officer Personnel Management Information 255 - Employee Performance 0.429 0.448 0.248 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001174 INFORMATION SYSTEM II TOPMIS-II System supports officer personnel management by Management Delivery and Management Support
providing career and personnel managers with online Area
computer support to assist them in distribution and
assignment of officers throughout the world.

Department of Army 007- MEDICAL COMMUNICATIONS FOR COMBAT The Medical Communications for Combat Casualty Care is 333 - Veteran Benefits and 28.866 32.411 24.661 24.023 28.999 21.194 30,297.184 0.08% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001175 CASUALTY CARE a ruggedized system-of-systems containing joint software Services Delivery and Management Support
applications fielded to tactical medical forces throughout Area
the combat zone, the U.S., and contingency operations

Department of Army 007- Criminal Investigation Command Information Criminal Investigation Command Information 603 - Data Warehouse 3.323 3.433 6.423 - - 2.632 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001177 Management Systems Management Systems is a compilation of systems that Delivery and Management Support
support the command, military police, and the Army Area
Crime Records Center in their law enforcement duties.

Department of Army 007- Integrated Total Army Personnel Database The Army's Human Resource database that provides a 603 - Data Warehouse 2.642 3.337 1.772 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001178 single integrated source of data in support of Delivery and Management Support
contingencies, mobilization and peacetime operations for Area
the Active Army, Army National Guard, Army Reserve
components and Civilian personnel.

Department of Army 007- Military Entrance Processing Command US Military Entrance Processing Command (USMEPCOM) 251 - Staffing and Recruiting 54.181 73.431 92.732 14.839 20.847 29.281 30,297.184 0.31% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 01 - Major
Defense 000001191 Integrated Resource System Integrated Resource System provides automation and Delivery and Management Support
communications capability to meet USMEPCOM's Area
peacetime, mobilization, and wartime military manpower
accession mission for the Armed Services.

Department of Army 007- Warfighter Information Network - Tactical Warfighter Information Network - Tactical Increment 1 279 - Battlespace Networks 402.453 221.219 116.786 264.331 200.437 109.993 30,297.184 0.39% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 12 01 - Major
Defense 000001202 Increment 1 provides Extended Networking at the Halt and Enhanced Office Automation, and
Networking at the Halt. Telecommunications
Department of Army 007- Warfighter Information Network-Tactical WIN-T Increment 2 provides an initial commercial and 279 - Battlespace Networks 421.137 501.214 394.483 390.932 459.795 315.578 30,297.184 1.30% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 12 01 - Major
Defense 000001208 Increment 2 military band networking on the move capability. It Office Automation, and
enables the distribution of information via voice, data Telecommunications
and real time video from ground-to-ground and ground-
to-satellite communications.

Department of Army 007- Warfighter Information Network-Tactical WIN-T Inc 3 develops the Network Operations (NetOps) 329 - Continuity of 108.851 39.700 - 108.851 39.700 - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 01 - Major
Defense 000001242 Increment 3 software to meet the Army's Network Convergence goals. Operations Office Automation, and
NetOps provides the monitoring, control and planning Telecommunications
tools to ensure management of the voice, data and
internet transport networks.

Department of Army 007- Installation Management Command OnLine Installation Management Command OnLine is a resource 577 - Knowledge Distribution 0.736 0.469 - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001314 management analysis, decision support and management and Delivery Delivery and Management Support
tool that captures, stores and distributes command data Area
and information.

Department of Army 007- DEFENSE ENVIRONMENTAL NETWORK AND DENIX supports the DoD Environment, Safety, and 023 - Environmental 1.361 2.195 2.207 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001352 INFORMATION EXCHANGE-KNOWLEDGE- Occupational Health, fire and emergency services Monitoring and Forecasting Delivery and Management Support
BASED CORPORATE REPORTING SYSTEM community with web content management, information Area
repository support, information workspaces and digital
library capabilities.

Department of Army 007- Commercial Off-the-Shelf Tactical Radios Commercial Off-the-Shelf radios are stand-alone tactical 675 - Voice Communications 1.028 - - 1.028 - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001418 radio systems designed to provide communications Office Automation, and
capabilities to Army modular units. The high frequency Telecommunications
radios enable disparate Army units to communicate over
extended ranges.

Department of Army 007- Personnel Enterprise System-Automation Personnel Enterprise System-Automation provides 139 - Provide and Maintain 32.533 37.995 39.881 11.464 6.615 0.728 30,297.184 0.13% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001517 Information Technology data center infrastructure and IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
associated services for critical Human Resources and Telecommunications
Accessioning systems and Information Technology

Department of Army 007- Joint Battle Command-Platform Joint Battle Command-Platforms (JBC-P) is the primary 279 - Battlespace Networks 93.008 136.065 142.928 93.008 136.065 142.928 30,297.184 0.47% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 12 01 - Major
Defense 000001555 air, ground platform, and dismounted Soldier Command Office Automation, and
and Control (C2)/Situational Awareness (SA) system Telecommunications
designed for use by Joint forces.

Department of Army 007- Financial Disclosure Management System FDM is web-based application for the preparation, 345 - Management of 3.660 3.660 3.660 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001632 electronic submission, review and approval of Public Government Records Delivery and Management Support
Financial Disclosure Forms and Confidential Financial Area
Disclosure Forms prepared by about 40,000 military and
civilian personnel in the Army.

Department of Army 007- RESERVE COMPONENT AUTOMATION SYSTEM Reserve Component Automation System enhances the 106 - Workforce Planning 30.038 34.150 37.776 - - - 30,297.184 0.12% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 01 - Major
Defense 000001640 Army's Reserve Component’s ability to achieve and Delivery and Management Support
sustain critical automation interoperability and Area
accomplish unit mobilization planning and readiness, day
to day operations and administration.

Department of Army 007- Condition Based Maintenance - Data The Condition Based Maintenance-Data Warehouse is 145 - Logistics Management 3.198 4.335 4.510 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001688 Warehouse the storage domain for mandated aircraft senor data. Delivery and Management Support
This data is analyzed and transformed into actionable Area
knowledge for the field level maintainer to reduce the
Army’s aviation maintenance.
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Army 007- Headquarters Installation Information System Headquarters Installation Information System is the 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 3.500 3.700 3.800 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001758 consolidated repository of all Army real property; the Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
Army's official registry of Installations, Sites, Bases and Area
Enclaves; and the single interfacing system for statutory
and regulatory reporting.

Department of Army 007- STANDARD DEPOT SYSTEM The Standard Depot System supports maintenance, 145 - Logistics Management 2.189 1.100 1.000 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001780 ammunition, war reserve and installation managers by Delivery and Management Support
providing data required for execution of production, Area
maintenance, inventory, finance, storage, surveillance,
transportation and demilitarization.

Department of Army 007- ELECTRONIC MILITARY PERSONNEL OFFICE eMILPO is a web-enabled, multi-tiered, application that 618 - Employee 5.344 8.292 6.529 - - - 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001783 provides a reliable, timely, and efficient mechanism for Development and Training Delivery and Management Support
performing personnel actions and strength accounting. Area
Interfaces with 13 essential DoD and Army systems.

Department of Army 007- High Performance Computing Modernization Program provides advanced computational technology 026 - Scientific and 282.511 242.328 238.879 279.866 239.478 236.032 30,297.184 0.79% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 01 - Major
Defense 000001836 Program (HPCMP) for DoD scientists, engineers and analysts; represents the Technological Research and Office Automation, and
leading edge of high speed processing; and satisfies Innovation Telecommunications
intensely unique research and development missions.

Department of Army 007- Army Logistics Technical Exploration Army Logistics Technical Exploration provides assessment 145 - Logistics Management 6.744 - - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001924 of leading-edge technologies and processes to improve Delivery and Management Support
tactical and operational logistics responsiveness. Area

Department of Army 007- Transportation Coordinators' Automated The Transportation Coordinators' Automated for 145 - Logistics Management 11.173 17.064 15.848 - - - 30,297.184 0.05% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001935 Information for Movements System II Movements System is an integrated transportation Delivery and Management Support
information system that supports deployment, Area
sustainment, redeployment and retrograde operations.

Department of Army 007- Aviation Tactical Communication Systems ATCS is a Rotary Wing Army Aviation Program that 279 - Battlespace Networks 53.107 29.869 43.427 53.107 29.869 43.427 30,297.184 0.14% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 12 01 - Major
Defense 000001943 procures existing radios requiring no development and Office Automation, and
meeting minimum acceptable communications capability Telecommunications
as an alternative due to delays in Joint tactical Radio
System program.

Department of Army 007- Medical Research Information Technology Medical Research Information Technology System 129 - Reporting and 0.688 6.671 8.556 0.688 6.671 8.556 30,297.184 0.03% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001952 System supports the full life cycle of clinical studies from Information Delivery and Management Support
inception to close-out, through data field Area
definition/specification, data entry, query and
transfer/output into stand-alone statistical tools.

Department of Army 007- Assignment Satisfaction Key Assignment Satisfaction Key enables Active Army enlisted 251 - Staffing and Recruiting 0.255 0.262 0.262 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001983 Soldiers to directly update the Total Army Personnel Data Delivery and Management Support
Base - Active Enlisted with assignment preferences, and Area
allows Soldiers to volunteer for duty locations and special

Department of Army 007- Information Technology Support Services The Information Technology Support Services Contract 143 - Goods and Services 0.137 0.378 0.024 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000001988 (ITSS) Contract Administration Technology Administration Technology Support Services application Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
Support Services assists the contract administration office of the Chief Area
Information Officer/G6 with administering the local
information technology contract.

Department of Army 007- Phantom Express The Fort Hood PE system is an electronic entry control 603 - Data Warehouse 0.001 - - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002050 system employed to provide automated authentication Delivery and Management Support
and verification of personnel and vehicles entering the Area
Fort Hood installation.

Department of Army 007- Project Status Report Project Status Report is the repository of low-level 025 - Pollution Prevention 0.003 0.020 0.020 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002051 radioactive waste records from point of generation to and Control Delivery and Management Support
recycle or ultimate disposal. The application reduces Area
paper records, provides project and financial tracking and
provides program reports.

Department of Army 007- RIA-JMTC AUTOMATED STORAGE / RETRIEVAL The Automated Storage/Retrieval System software 145 - Logistics Management 0.023 0.025 0.663 - - 0.637 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002055 SYSTEM manages inventory, materiel receipt and pick orders. It Delivery and Management Support
controls the various cranes and conveyors used to store Area
and retrieve materiel.

Department of Army 007- ARMY ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE Army Enterprise Architecture provides information 103 - Enterprise Architecture 21.169 26.393 19.189 - - - 30,297.184 0.06% 00 03 - IT Investments for EA, Capital 22 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002103 technology architecture to support the Army’s Planning, and CIO Functions
transformation effort by providing the disciplined
methodology and process creating the conditions to
achieve information dominance on the battlefield.

Department of Army 007- CORPORATE ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT Main function is to consolidate human resource data 603 - Data Warehouse 0.518 0.518 0.525 0.518 0.518 0.525 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002107 SYSTEM Version 3.0 from multiple external sources with custom data fields Delivery and Management Support
particular to the Corporate Account Management System Area
into a single source repository.

Department of Army 007- Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System The Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System 280 - Command and Control 36.437 30.202 41.474 30.156 23.212 35.767 30,297.184 0.14% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 01 - Major
Defense 000002166 automates fire support coordination for the Army, Navy Delivery and Management Support
and Marine Corps. Area
Department of Army 007- BATTLEWEB Battleweb provides the Army warfighter a user-friendly, 145 - Logistics Management 2.196 4.167 2.341 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002167 seamless, front-end interface to view read-only Army Delivery and Management Support
War Reserve Deployment System data without requiring Area
client-side software.

Department of Army 007- ACCESS CONTROL LIST The Access Control List application is an administrative 603 - Data Warehouse 0.379 0.410 0.185 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002172 tool designed to provide an efficient method of managing Office Automation, and
the access of subordinate users, the tools they use and Telecommunications
the roles they perform.

Department of Army 007- INSTALLATION INFORMATION The Installation Information Infrastructure Modernization 139 - Provide and Maintain 97.110 69.223 127.690 97.110 69.223 127.690 30,297.184 0.42% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 01 - Major
Defense 000002180 INFRASTRUCTURE MODERNIZATION Program modernizes and refreshes classified and IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
PROGRAM unclassified telecommunications/information long haul Telecommunications
and short haul transport infrastructure supporting Army

Department of Army 007- SCIENTIFIC & ENGINEERING RESEARCH & Provides exploratory and advanced development; 026 - Scientific and 14.509 16.089 15.225 14.509 16.089 15.225 30,297.184 0.05% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002183 DEVELOPMENT demonstration and validation; engineering and Technological Research and Office Automation, and
manufacturing development; research management Innovation Telecommunications
support and operational system development for
identified military problems.

Department of Army 007- Logistics Information Warehouse The Logistics Information Warehouse is designated by the 145 - Logistics Management 23.817 25.547 20.978 0.726 - - 30,297.184 0.07% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002187 Army CIO G6 as the primary system (hardware, software, Delivery and Management Support
and user interface) for the accessing, acquiring and Area
delivery of materiel data.

Department of Army 007- The Judge Advocate General Corps Intranet The network provides intranet and knowledge 577 - Knowledge Distribution 3.937 9.476 10.423 - - - 30,297.184 0.03% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002190 and Knowledge Management System management resources to 10000+ DoD legal and Delivery Delivery and Management Support
professionals and contains 300+ knowledge-bases, 40+ Area
discussion databases, legal research links and real-time
secure instant messaging for advising the warfighter.
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Army 007- LOGISTICS SUPPORT SYSTEMS Logistics Support Systems provides supply management, 139 - Provide and Maintain 9.186 31.614 33.264 - - - 30,297.184 0.11% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002199 processing & maintenance of command automated IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
logistics systems to include personnel/contractor costs, Telecommunications
site licenses and office automation hardware and

Department of Army 007- COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK AND SYSTEMS Communications Network And Systems Management 139 - Provide and Maintain 10.921 14.107 13.341 - - - 30,297.184 0.04% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002207 MANAGEMENT supports network and systems policy, standards, fault, IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
performance, configuration, security, and accounting Telecommunications
management initiatives and systems.

Department of Army 007- BATTLE COMMAND SUSTAINMENT SUPPORT BCS3 is the logistics command and control system that 280 - Command and Control 13.950 13.751 12.545 - - - 30,297.184 0.04% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002210 SYSTEM provides enhanced situational awareness and decision- Delivery and Management Support
making capability to warfighters. BCS3 fuses information Area
together to define the logistics common operating
picture in a tactical environment.

Department of Army 007- Forward Area Air Defense Command and The FAAD C2I System is a collection of integrated 282 - Protection 0.001 0.001 - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 15 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002212 Control and Intelligence subsystems, with allocated functions, which uses secure, Delivery and Management Support
encrypted communications media that can be configured Area
to support FAAD missions of a given Army force

Department of Army 007- Tactical Mission Command Tactical Mission Command is a suite of products that 280 - Command and Control 147.145 141.728 156.781 147.145 141.728 156.781 30,297.184 0.52% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 13 01 - Major
Defense 000002213 provide Army commanders and staff a human-centered Delivery and Management Support
collaborative capability with Voice over Internet Protocol, Area
user-defined common operational picture and real-time
situational awareness.

Department of Army 007- Army in Europe Publishing System AEPUBS allows Army units stationed in Europe and 577 - Knowledge Distribution 0.020 0.020 0.020 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002219 deployed to South West Asia to establish publications and Delivery Office Automation, and
accounts, order stocked publications and forms and Telecommunications
maintain their accounts.

Department of Army 007- Civilian Human Resources Software Civilian Human Resources Software Engineering Toolkit 577 - Knowledge Distribution 0.026 0.028 0.512 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002239 Engineering Toolkit consists of a set of developmental and sustainment tools and Delivery Office Automation, and
that directly support configuration management, change Telecommunications
management, automated software security management
and data management.

Department of Army 007- Centralized Operations Police Suite COPS supports the Military Police Corps Army-wide with 047 - Crime Prevention 0.828 1.042 1.106 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002259 law enforcement reporting, correctional tracking, vehicle Delivery and Management Support
and weapons registration, enemy POW and detainee Area
accountability and management planning of installation
physical security activities.

Department of Army 007- United States Army Europe Personnel The United States Army Europe Personnel Database 255 - Employee Performance 0.412 0.433 0.455 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002276 Database provides web-based automated tools for over 4600 Management Delivery and Management Support
registered end-users in the European Theater, and Area
thousands of Soldiers world-wide in these critical mission

Department of Army 007- Unit Identification Code Unit Identification Code provides users and systems with 129 - Reporting and 0.075 0.077 0.075 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002279 organization identification and authorization information Information Delivery and Management Support
for all Active Army, National Guard, and Army Reserve Area
Units, including Troop Program Units and Army Reserve

Department of Army 007- Active Guard and Reserve Management Enables personnel managers to manage the Active Guard 254 - Employee Benefits and 1.000 1.000 1.000 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002281 Information System Reserve Program by matching members of the program Compensation Delivery and Management Support
to appropriate vacant positions and integrating personnel Area
data with position data to create a total view.

Department of Army 007- Tactical Personnel System Tactical Personnel System provides accountability 106 - Workforce Planning 0.518 0.517 0.518 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002282 capability for Active, Reserve, Guard, Civilians and other Delivery and Management Support
combined US Services. Area

Department of Army 007- Analyst Project Assist System - Enhanced The Analyst Project Assist System - Enhanced the 255 - Employee Performance 0.075 0.087 0.079 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002288 capability to produce seven years of inventory Management Delivery and Management Support
projections by Military Occupations Specialty and grade. Area

Department of Army 007- Total Army Personnel Database - Reserve The Total Army Personnel Database-Reserve is the 106 - Workforce Planning 0.772 0.863 0.713 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002289 corporate relational database of record for information Delivery and Management Support
pertaining to Soldiers in the Army Reserve. It maintains Area
real time data on Soldiers and US Army organization and
authorization data.

Department of Army 007- Total Army Personnel Database-Army National The Total Army Personnel Database-Army National Guard 106 - Workforce Planning 1.091 1.107 1.127 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002292 Guard provides a variety of personnel data in support of the Delivery and Management Support
Headquarters Operating Level personnel management Area
activities at the National Guard Bureau.

Department of Army 007- Total Army Personnel Database - Active The Total Army Personnel Database - Active Officer is the 106 - Workforce Planning 0.772 0.863 0.713 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002293 Officer central database for all information pertaining to Active Delivery and Management Support
Army commissioned and warrant officers. Area

Department of Army 007- Total Army Personnel Database Active Enlisted The Total Army Personnel Database – Active Enlisted is 106 - Workforce Planning 0.847 0.940 0.713 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002297 the central database for all information pertaining to Delivery and Management Support
Active Army Enlisted Soldiers. It contains a set of logically Area
integrated and physically distributed databases.

Department of Army 007- Army Reserve Personnel Information The Army Reserve Personnel Information Middleware 344 - Content Management 0.150 0.155 0.150 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002304 Middleware System System provides validity edits and basic business Delivery and Management Support
functions to Total Army Personnel Database - Reserve Area
systems and applications.

Department of Army 007- Army Reserve Transaction Management The Army Reserve Transaction Management System 605 - Data Cleansing 0.166 0.171 0.166 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002308 System consists of programs that perform batch operations to Delivery and Management Support
update the Total Army Personnel Database - Reserve and Area
to send data to other components.

Department of Army 007- Enlisted Promotion Model The Enlisted Promotion Model is an Oracle database with 255 - Employee Performance 0.681 0.701 0.500 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002309 a PowerBuilder interface used to determine monthly Management Delivery and Management Support
promotion requirements, for Sergeant through Sergeant Area
Major by Military Occupational Specialty and Grade.

Department of Army 007- Inter Component Data Transfer Inter Component Data Transfer provides automated 592 - Data Mining 0.325 0.254 0.270 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002311 procedures to perform the transfer of data among the Delivery and Management Support
Total Army Personnel Databases and is critical to the Area
performance of peacetime, crisis contingency and
wartime personnel management.

Department of Army 007- Standard Installation/Division Personnel SIDPERS-ARNG is a computer supported, management 106 - Workforce Planning 1.608 1.633 1.665 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002312 System-Army National Guard information system designed to support the functional Delivery and Management Support
areas of strength accounting, personnel management, Area
information retrieval and external interfaces a the field
operating level.
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Army 007- Senior Enlisted Promotions Module Senior Enlisted Promotions Module manages the 618 - Employee 0.550 0.601 0.615 0.100 0.037 0.137 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002313 selections from centralized promotion boards and Development and Training Delivery and Management Support
identifies the monthly promotions. Processes and Area
transmits promotion, revocation and amendment orders.

Department of Army 007- Mail Box Information System The Mail Box Information System transfers personnel 129 - Reporting and 0.186 0.191 0.176 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002315 data between the Active Army, Reserve and National Information Delivery and Management Support
Guard components. Data is exchanged using Personal Area
Computer Blast, File Transfer Protocol, or writing to a
Direct Access Storage Device file.

Department of Army 007- Reserve Screening Data Quality System The Reserve Screening Data Quality System provides 106 - Workforce Planning 0.075 0.077 0.079 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002316 administrative support for required Total Army Personnel Delivery and Management Support
Database - Reserve personnel action updates to ensure Area
that a Ready Reserve force is available in the event of a
national emergency.

Department of Army 007- Reserve Statistics Accounting System/Reserve The Reserve Statistics Accounting System provides the 106 - Workforce Planning 0.197 0.202 0.129 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002317 Component Common Personnel Data System database and the Reserve Component Common Delivery and Management Support
Personnel Data System provides the applications to Area
process the official Army Reserve personnel end strength

Department of Army 007- Montgomery GI Bill MGIB supports management, tracking, and reporting 603 - Data Warehouse 0.085 0.087 0.089 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002318 requirements for GI Bill information. Delivery and Management Support
Department of Army 007- Reserve Recruiting System Reserve Recruiting System provides District Recruiting 251 - Staffing and Recruiting 0.170 0.172 0.173 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002319 Commands, Army areas, readiness regions, Army Delivery and Management Support
commands, reserve centers and schools and State Area
Adjutant Generals with a management tool for recruiting
and retaining reserve personnel.

Department of Army 007- Retirement Points Accounting System The Retirement Points Accounting System maintains 254 - Employee Benefits and 0.075 0.101 0.079 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002320 retirement points earned by Soldiers and automatically Compensation Delivery and Management Support
produces annual retirement point statements, revised Area
statements, terminal statements, Twenty Year Letters
and Non-Participation Letters.

Department of Army 007- Replacement Operations Automation The Replacement Operations Automation Management 251 - Staffing and Recruiting 0.001 - - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002321 Management System System provides automated support to the Human Delivery and Management Support
Resources Command in its task of projecting filler and Area
casualty replacement requirements and managing filler
and replacement flow.

Department of Army 007- Regional Level Application Software The software assist the US Army Reserve unit 129 - Reporting and 4.797 2.400 2.100 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002322 commander in accomplishing day-to-day administrative Information Delivery and Management Support
tasks by providing the same data to all echelons of Area
command thus enabling them to o efficiently leverage
technology and remotely execute tasks.

Department of Army 007- Reserve Database Maintenance System The Reserve Database Maintenance System Interface 251 - Staffing and Recruiting 0.075 0.077 0.071 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002324 Interface Control System Control System processes personnel gains and losses, Delivery and Management Support
verified Social Security Number information from the Area
Social Security Administration, Army Training data and
Defense Language Institute data.

Department of Army 007- Reserve Database Maintenance System The Reserve Database Maintenance System processes 603 - Data Warehouse 0.255 0.265 0.235 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002327 real-time and batch transactions in a secure and Delivery and Management Support
controlled manner to provide protected, consistent and Area
reliable data.

Department of Army 007- Mobilization Personnel Processing System The Mobilization Personnel Processing System supports 106 - Workforce Planning 0.205 0.211 0.211 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002332 the Army's ability to plan and conduct exercises and Delivery and Management Support
execute multiple levels of crisis response, contingency, or Area
mobilization operations.

Department of Army 007- SINGLE EVALUATION PROCESSING SYSTEM The Single Evaluation Processing System processes 255 - Employee Performance 1.038 0.975 0.975 0.141 0.025 - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002394 Officer Evaluation Reports, Non-Commissioned Officer Management Delivery and Management Support
Evaluation Reports and Academic Evaluation Reports. Area

Department of Army 007- Official Selection Support System The Official Selection Support System provides 255 - Employee Performance 0.952 0.944 0.998 0.350 0.037 0.137 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002395 information for the Army Centralized Officer and Enlisted Management Delivery and Management Support
Promotion Selection Systems by allowing users to create Area
files, verify selection board results, publish promotion
lists and issue promotions.

Department of Army 007- Active Guard Reserve Management Active Guard Reserve Management Information System 603 - Data Warehouse 0.074 0.086 0.034 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002430 Information System-Interface Interface extracts data from the Total Army Personnel Delivery and Management Support
Database – Reserve to update its database. Area

Department of Army 007- Total Officer Personnel Management The Total Officer Personnel Management Information 255 - Employee Performance 1.253 1.289 1.094 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002433 Information System System is a legacy automated system used to execute Management Delivery and Management Support
active duty officer accessions and retirements. Area

Department of Army 007- Deployed Theater Accountability System - The Deployed Theater Accountability System - Secure 106 - Workforce Planning 6.138 8.707 5.621 - 0.005 0.005 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002512 Secure Internet Protocol Internet Protocol accounts for military and civilian Delivery and Management Support
personnel in a deployed theater by unit, day and location, Area
thus providing the SECRET level accountability function
not otherwise provided.

Department of Army 007- OVERSEAS ENTITLEMENT TRACKER The Overseas Entitlement Tracker provides the capability 254 - Employee Benefits and 0.876 0.946 1.152 0.248 0.268 0.273 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002652 to accurately track Living Quarters Allowance which is Compensation Delivery and Management Support
provided to reimburse employees for suitable, adequate Area
living quarters at posts where the U.S. Government does
not provide quarters.

Department of Army 007- Force Development Investment Information Force Development Investment Information System 101 - Budget Formulation 1.390 1.390 1.390 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002697 System provides 16 integrated Equipping Program Executive Delivery and Management Support
Group functions (37 modules) for building, justifying and Area
reporting against requirements and long range Research
Development Acquisition Plan.

Department of Army 007- Force Management Tools Force Management tools support the Army’s ability to 301 - Force Allocation 0.632 0.441 0.200 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 18 02 - Non Major
Defense 000002851 integrate new and existing human and technical assets to Delivery and Management Support
make the right capabilities available at the right Area
time/place in support of National security.

Department of Army 007- Combat Service Support Satellite CSS SATCOM consists of commercial-off-the-shelf based 139 - Provide and Maintain 20.433 37.802 46.247 - - - 30,297.184 0.15% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 01 - Major
Defense 000002864 Communications remote satellite terminals (Very Small Aperture IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
Terminals), a supporting global infrastructure of Telecommunications
contractor operated teleports and terrestrial high-speed

Department of Army 007- ARMY FITNESS PLATFORM ARMYFIT provides systematic collection, analysis, 618 - Employee 1.243 2.374 2.520 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003001 interpretation and reporting of data to guide individuals Development and Training Delivery and Management Support
through self-development training modules to improve Area
mental and physical well-being, coping skills and coping

Department of Army 007- Army Civilian Data Center Army Civilian Data Center supports the operations of the 592 - Data Mining 3.587 4.189 3.632 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003006 Army Civilian Data Center at Rock Island Arsenal, Il to Office Automation, and
provide Army-wide civilian personnel management. Telecommunications
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Army 007- Medical Electronic Data for Care History And The Medical Electronic Data for Care History And 577 - Knowledge Distribution 15.183 13.279 13.744 - - - 30,297.184 0.05% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003011 Readiness Tracking Readiness Tracking System currently consists of seven and Delivery Delivery and Management Support
inter-connected application modules supporting Area
individual mission areas.

Department of Army 007- NATIONAL GUARD AUTOMATED BOARD NGABS was created to automate and standardize how all 577 - Knowledge Distribution 0.031 0.015 0.011 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003012 SYSTEM NGB states conduct and score their enlisted and officer and Delivery Delivery and Management Support
promotion boards. Many states still print out all the Area
required soldier documentation.

Department of Army 007- LABORATORY INFORMATION MANAGEMENT The Laboratory Information Management System is a 129 - Reporting and 0.508 1.308 0.508 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003025 SYSTEM - CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION web based client-server application to track evidence and Information Delivery and Management Support
LABORATORY maintain an internal chain of custody. Area

Department of Army 007- GENERAL FUND ENTERPRISE BUSINESS General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) 124 - Accounting 11.419 1.000 - 11.419 1.000 - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003115 SYSTEM SENSITIVE ACTIVITIES Sensitive Activities leverages the unclassified GFEBS Delivery and Management Support
implementation of various modules modified for the Area
Army's classified communities.

Department of Army 007- Laboratory Information Management System Laboratory Information Management System is an 145 - Logistics Management 0.334 0.337 0.342 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003116 automated tracking and archiving for depot material Delivery and Management Support
samples and laboratory test requests and results. Area

Department of Army 007- CAREER ACQUISITION MANAGEMENT PORTAL The portal serves as the single collection point providing 344 - Content Management 0.869 0.925 1.000 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003121 consolidated access to career management applications Delivery and Management Support
and tools for the Acquisition Workforce community. Area

Department of Army 007- Army Processing Centers An APC is an Army Theater-level hub located in a DoD 139 - Provide and Maintain 7.143 - - 7.143 - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003128 facility where information technology applications are IT Infrastructure Office Automation, and
centrally, executed, stored, replicated and managed. Telecommunications

Department of Army 007- Army Records Information Management ARIMS is the Army's centralized system for the 603 - Data Warehouse 4.708 5.035 5.500 0.736 0.991 1.358 30,297.184 0.02% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003447 System identification, collection and preservation of long-term Office Automation, and
electronic and hard copy records. Telecommunications
Department of Army 007- Academy Management System The Academy Management System controls and 106 - Workforce Planning 1.948 1.993 2.039 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003451 documents all aspects of cadet information from Delivery and Management Support
admission through graduation and beyond. Area

Department of Army 007- FULL TIME SUPPORT MANAGEMENT CONTROL The system provides manpower and budget execution 106 - Workforce Planning 2.009 2.029 2.049 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003453 SYSTEM tracking for the Army Reserve National Guard Full-Time Delivery and Management Support
Manning Program which includes Title10/32 Active Guard Area
Reserve - Military Technicians and Title10/32 Active Duty
Operational Support Soldiers.

Department of Army 007- Headquarters Army Civilian Personnel System The system provides information on Army civilian 255 - Employee Performance 2.100 2.269 2.273 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003454 personnel dynamic and static data; includes strength Management Delivery and Management Support
accounting, employment, award and performance data. Area
It system reports to higher headquarters, DoD, Office of
Personnel Management and Congress.

Department of Army 007- Workforce Analysis Support System Workforce Analysis Support System is a data warehouse 603 - Data Warehouse 0.857 0.905 0.891 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003455 used to generate a wide variety of statistical information Delivery and Management Support
on the Army civilian workforce. The system includes data Area
from 1974 to the present.

Department of Army 007- Army Benefits Center Civilian The Army Benefit Center Civilian (ABC-C) provides a full 254 - Employee Benefits and 1.676 1.759 1.896 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003457 range of benefits and entitlements services to Army Compensation Delivery and Management Support
Civilian serviced employees through a centralized Area
automated center. Civilian employees use ABC-C to
review and change benefits.

Department of Army 007- SOLDIER FOR LIFE - TRANSITION ASSISTANCE The application provides an interactive, multimedia 257 - Separation 3.442 5.315 5.414 - - - 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003458 PROGRAM XXI approach to pre-separation counseling and job assistance Management Delivery and Management Support
training. This application uses full motion video, graphics Area
and sound to train clients and schedules clients for
classroom-type instruction.

Department of Army 007- Reserve Component Manpower System-Guard The Reserve Component Manpower System suite of 106 - Workforce Planning 16.100 16.257 16.429 - - - 30,297.184 0.05% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003460 applications provides accurate and timely manpower, Delivery and Management Support
unit readiness data and operational information for the Area
Army Reserve National Guard.

Department of Army 007- Civilian Personnel Online Service Desk Civilian Personnel Online Service Desk is a call-tracking 256 - Employee Relations 0.445 0.481 0.508 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003462 system to support the Army Civilian personnel Delivery and Management Support
community. Customers enter a ticket and it is assigned Area
to the appropriate group or analyst who works, resolves,
verifies and closes the ticket.

Department of Army 007- GUARD EQUIPPING MODULE Guard Equipping Module is an unclassified, web-based 144 - Inventory Control 0.139 0.140 0.140 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003540 system that enables the headquarters National Guard Delivery and Management Support
Bureau to plan the distributions of allocated equipment Area
to National Guard units in each state based on Guard
specific priorities.

Department of Army 007- Virtual Contracting Enterprise Virtual Contracting Enterprise enables the Army to 143 - Goods and Services 7.473 7.053 6.529 - - - 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003542 eliminate paper contracting files; ensure proper Acquisition Delivery and Management Support
contracting procedures are followed; and easily and Area
quickly identify potential fraud and contracting

Department of Army 007- ARMY TEST AND EVALUATION COMMAND The US Army Test and Evaluation Command Decision 538 - Program / Project 0.381 0.734 0.734 0.381 0.734 0.734 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 02 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003545 DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM Support System manages the internal planning and Management Delivery and Management Support
execution of Army and Joint testing and evaluation. Area

Department of Army 007- ARMY CAREER TRACKER Army Career Tracker is a multi-component, multi-cohort 015 - Elementary, Secondary, 5.725 5.863 6.032 1.105 0.802 0.951 30,297.184 0.02% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003678 career and leadership development tool with its and Vocational Education Delivery and Management Support
foundations on three pillars: Training, Education and Area
Experience. It ensures Soldiers are “military ready” and
“career ready”.

Department of Army 007- REAL PROPERTY PLANNING AND ANALYSIS The system provides facilities requirements and 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 3.663 2.636 2.636 - - - 30,297.184 0.01% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003715 SYSTEM stationing analysis for all Army installations. It integrates Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
population, real property assets, space planning criteria Area
and planned new construction to determine excesses and

Department of Army 007- BUDGET INFORMATION SYSTEM This Budget Information System allows the budget office 101 - Budget Formulation 0.451 0.445 0.455 0.451 0.445 0.455 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003717 to plan and execute their financial budgets regarding Delivery and Management Support
labor, awards, travel, training, purchases and contracts. Area

Department of Army 007- Army Safety Management Information System The system is a regulated core system containing 35 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 7.704 10.845 11.696 2.038 4.825 5.154 30,297.184 0.04% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003752 - Revised years of incident information data. The components Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
consist of the reporting, analysis and tracking of data, as Area
well as, efforts to provide preventative measures via risk

Department of Army 007- HEADQUARTERS ARMY ENVIRONMENTAL The Headquarters Army Environmental System will 023 - Environmental 7.188 8.695 8.188 - 0.507 - 30,297.184 0.03% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003812 SYSTEM manage the Army Environmental Program. The system Monitoring and Forecasting Delivery and Management Support
reports environmental liabilities, maintains Area
environmental cleanup, manages environmental quality
and provides performance assessment and reporting.
FEA BRM Services - Primary FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - FEA BRM Services - 2015 (PY) 2016 2017 (BY) DME 2015 DME 2016 DME 2017 % of Investment Mission Type of
Agency Name Bureau Name Current UII Investment Title Description service area Secondary service area 1 Secondary service area 2 Secondary service area 3 Secondary service area 4 Actuals (Enacted) Budget (PY) Actuals (Enacted) (BY) Budget Agency BY Agency BY Category Part of IT Portfolio Area Investment
Department of Army 007- Senior Commander Installation Needs and Senior Commander Installation Needs and Issues is a tool 603 - Data Warehouse 0.022 0.022 0.022 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003896 Issues for gathering, consolidating, tracking and documenting Delivery and Management Support
Installation Senior Commander-prioritized training Area
system support training Needs and Issues.

Department of Army 007- GREEN PAGES Green Pages combines user entry and official file 251 - Staffing and Recruiting 0.001 - - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003930 information into a comprehensive and searchable Delivery and Management Support
system. It allows end users to manage publicly available Area
information; search every duty position in the Army and
contact organization Strength Managers.

Department of Army 007- Army Behavioral Health Integrated Data The ABHIDE provides the organization with the 256 - Employee Relations 0.001 0.001 - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003931 Environment capabilities needed to integrate non-related/dispersed Delivery and Management Support
Army and Department of Defense datasets into a single, Area
comprehensive health database.

Department of Army 007- RESOURCE MANAGEMENT US ARMY Resource Management US Army Acquisition Support 124 - Accounting 0.933 0.952 - - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003976 ACQUISITION SUPPORT CENTER Center is a web-based resource management system that Delivery and Management Support
integrates Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Area
Execution; Manpower and Force/Strength and personnel

Department of Army 007- Resource Management Online Resource Management Online is a web-based system 124 - Accounting 1.121 1.170 - 1.121 1.170 - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 01 02 - Non Major
Defense 000003977 that integrates Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Delivery and Management Support
Execution; Manpower and Force/Strength and personnel. Area
System belongs Army Test And Evaluation Command and
is command specific.

Department of Army 007- Geographic Information System Tobyhanna The system uses satellite images to provide a baseline for 119 - Facilities, Fleet and 0.059 0.061 0.062 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004021 Army Depot, PA the graphical representation of installation & IT data in a Equipment Management Delivery and Management Support
drill-down fashion for each building on the installation. It Area
also maps utilities and other installation management

Department of Army 007- Army Data Center Consolidation Plan The Army Data Center Consolidation Plan will provide 603 - Data Warehouse 3.200 - - 3.200 - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 02 - Infrastructure, IT Security, 07 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004041 enhanced performance, increased security and fiscal and Office Automation, and
operational efficiencies through enterprise hosting as a Telecommunications
managed service.

Department of Army 007- ANNISTON INDUSTRIAL WASTE WATER Anniston Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant is used 023 - Environmental 0.101 0.111 0.096 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 05 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004050 TREATMENT PLANT by the Army Depot to facilitate the monitoring, data Monitoring and Forecasting Delivery and Management Support
tracking, reporting and control of the General Waste, Area
Steam Clean, Common Waste Water Streams and other
processes throughout the Plant.

Department of Army 007- Electronic Official Personnel Folder Back-file The Army Electronic Official Personnel Folder (eOPF) 577 - Knowledge Distribution 0.439 0.179 0.183 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 03 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004064 Conversion Back-file Conversion provides a one-time scanning of and Delivery Delivery and Management Support
paper documents into digital files for inclusion into the Area
established eOPF systems.

Department of Army 007- Logistics Readiness Center Engineering Tools The Engineering Tools application develops engineering 145 - Logistics Management 0.014 0.014 0.014 - - - 30,297.184 0.00% 00 01 - IT Investments for Mission 04 02 - Non Major
Defense 000004088 documentation for acquisition and repair contracts. Delivery and Management Support
Users answer a series of questions and checklists, and Area
based on their responses, the system builds the
corresponding documents.

Department of Army 007- Red River Army Depot Automated Storage Automated Storage Retrieval System performs 145 - Logistics Management 0.400 0.230 0.230 - - -

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