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Bus Rapid
C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group

The C40 Cities Climate Leadership

Group, now in its 10th year, connects
more than 80 of the world’s greatest
cities, representing 600+ million people
and one quarter of the global economy.
Created and led by cities, C40 is focused
on tackling climate change and driving
urban action that reduces greenhouse 
gas emissions and climate risks, while
increasing the health, well-being and
economic opportunities of urban

The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group

has developed a series of Good Practice
Guides in areas critical for reducing
greenhouse gas emissions and climate
risk. The Guides provide an overview of
the key benefits of a particular climate
action and outline successful approaches
and strategies cities can employ to
implement or effectively scale up these
actions. These Guides are based on the
experience and lessons learned from
C40 cities and on the findings and
recommendations of leading organisations
and research institutions engaged in these
areas. The good practice approaches 
are relevant for cities engaged in C40
Networks as well as for other cities
around the world. 

EXECUTIVE  SUMMARY  ............................................................................................................  3  
1   BACKGROUND  ..................................................................................................................  4  
1.1   PURPOSE  ..............................................................................................................................  4  
1.2   INTRODUCTION  ......................................................................................................................  4  
2   BUS  RAPID  TRANSIT  (BRT)  AND  CLIMATE  CHANGE  .............................................................  4  
2.1   WHAT  IS  BRT?  ......................................................................................................................  4  
2.2   WHAT  CONSTITUTES  GOOD  BRT  SYSTEM  DESIGN?  .........................................................................  5  
2.3   BENEFITS  OF  BRT  ...................................................................................................................  6  
3   GOOD  PRACTICE  APPROACHES  FOR  DELIVERING  A  SUCCESSFUL  BRT  ..................................  8  
3.1   CATEGORIES  OF  BEST  PRACTICE  .................................................................................................  8  
3.2   ADOPT  HOLISTIC  PLANNING  FOR  A  HIGH-­‐CAPACITY  BRT  CORRIDOR  ....................................................  9  
Case  study:  Rio  de  Janeiro  -­‐  TransOeste  BRT  .............................................................................  9  
Case  study:  Guangzhou  -­‐  BRT  Corridor  ....................................................................................  10  
3.3   DEVELOP  BENCHMARKING  AND  MEASURE  THE  IMPACTS  OF  BRT  .....................................................  11  
Case  study:  Istanbul  -­‐  Metrobüs  system  ..................................................................................  12  
3.4   FOCUS  ON  STAKEHOLDER  ENGAGEMENT  AND  COMMUNICATIONS  ....................................................  12  
Case  study:  Buenos  Aires  -­‐  Stakeholder  management  for  BRT  Corridors  ................................  13  
Case  study:  Tshwane  –  Stakeholder  engagement  in  “A  Re  Yeng”  ...........................................  13  
3.5   INTEGRATE  BRT  WITH  OTHER  MEANS  OF  PUBLIC  TRANSPORT  AND  URBAN  PLANNING  ...........................  14  
Case  study:  Curitiba  -­‐  Bus  Rapid  Transit  Modernisation  ..........................................................  14  
3.6   UTILISE  INNOVATIVE  FINANCING  MECHANISMS  ............................................................................  15  
Case  study:  Johannesburg  -­‐  Green  Bond  .................................................................................  16  
4   FURTHER  READING  ..........................................................................................................  16  

Transportation  plays  a  crucial  role  in  cities  as  it  significantly  impacts  the  quality  of  people’s  lives  
and  is  often  the  key  means  of  accessing  education,  employment  and  essential  services.  At  the  
same  time,  transportation  is  the  sector  where  global  greenhouse  gas  (GHG)  emissions  are  rising  
most   quickly.   In   2010,   the   transport   sector   accounted   for   27%   of   final   energy   use,   and   CO2  
emissions  from  the  sector  could  almost  double  by  2050  if  steps  are  not  taken  to  counter  this  
trend.i  As  emissions  from  private  motor  vehicle  use  rise,  adopting  measures  to  shift  these  trips  
to  public  transit  is  critical.  
As   one   of   the   main   components   of   a   comprehensive   public   transportation   system   that   may  
include   motorised   and   non-­‐motorised   elements,   Bus   Rapid   Transit   (BRT)   delivers   significant  
benefits   to   cities,   while   requiring   significantly   less   time   and   resources   to   build   and   begin  
operation  than  other  comparable  alternatives.ii  A  BRT  is  a  high-­‐quality  bus-­‐based  transit  system  
that  delivers  fast,  comfortable,  and  cost-­‐effective  services  at  metro-­‐level  capacities  at  a  fraction  
of  the  cost.  It  can  be  expanded  in  phases  as  funding  becomes  available  –  allowing  costs  to  be  
dealt  with  over  time  -­‐  and  is  faster  to  implement  than  other  rapid  transit  services  (metro,  light  
rail,   etc.).   These   projects,   programmes   and   policies   not   only   reduce   emissions   but   also   save  
travel  time,  reduce  local  air  pollution,  improve  traffic  safety  and  encourage  physical  activity.  
This   Good   Practice   Guide   focuses   on   the   key   elements   to   successfully   develop   a   high-­‐quality  
BRT  system,  leading  to  better  economic,  social,  and  environmental  outcomes  for  cities.  These  
good  practice  approaches  include:    

• Adopt  holistic  planning  for  a  high-­‐capacity  BRT  corridor  

• Develop  benchmarking  and  measure  the  impacts  of  BRT  
• Focus  on  strong  stakeholder  engagement  and  communications  
• Integrate  BRT  with  other  means  of  public  transport  and  urban  planning  
• Utilise  innovative  financing  mechanisms  

The   C40   Bus   Rapid   Transit   (BRT)   Network   was   established   to   support   C40   cities’   efforts   to  
develop   successful   BRT   programs,   incorporating   infrastructure,   technology,   scheduling,   and  
financing   solutions.   The   C40   BRT   network   currently   has   16   participating   cities   and   is   led   by  
Buenos  Aires  and  Johannesburg.  
The  purpose  of  this  Good  Practice  Guide  is  to  summarise  the  key  elements  of  BRT  good  practice  
for  global  dissemination,  highlighting  the  success  of  C40  cities  in  planning  and  delivering  a  high-­‐
quality  public  transit  systems.  


1.1 Purpose  

The   C40   Cities   Climate   Leadership   Group   has   developed   a   series   of   Good   Practice   Guides   in  
areas   critical   for   reducing   greenhouse   gas   (GHG)   emissions   and   climate   risk.   The   C40   Good  
Practice   Guides   provide   an   overview   of   the   key   benefits   of   a   particular   climate   action   and  
outline   successful   approaches   and   strategies   cities   can   employ   to   effectively   scale   up   these  
actions.   These   Guides   are   based   on   the   experience   and   lessons   learned   from   C40   cities,   and   on  
the  findings  and  recommendations  of  leading  organisations  and  research  institutions  engaged  
in  these  areas.    
The   following   Good   Practice   Guide   focuses   on   the   key   elements   necessary   to   successfully  
develop   a   good   BRT  system,   leading   to   better  economic,  social,  and  environmental  outcomes  
for   cities.   These   approaches   are   relevant   for   cities   engaged   in   C40’s   Bus   Rapid   Transit   (BRT)  
Network  as  well  as  for  other  cities  around  the  world.    

1.2 Introduction  

Transportation  plays  a  crucial  role  in  cities  as  it  significantly  impacts  the  quality  of  people’s  lives  
and  is  often  the  key  means  of  accessing  education,  employment  and  essential  services.  At  the  
same   time,   global   GHG   emissions   are   rising   most   quickly   in   the   transportation   sector,   which  
accounted  for  27%  of  final  energy  use  in  2010.  Baseline  CO2  emissions  from  the  sector  could  
almost  double  by  2050  if  steps  are  not  taken  to  counter  this  trend.iii  
C40   cities   alone   emit   around   336mn   tonnes/year   from   transport   (2011).iv  Fortunately,   this  
sector   also   presents   many   opportunities   to   reduce   emissions.   Transport   is   a   key   action   area   for  
C40   member   cities,   with   mayors   exercising   strong   powers   over   the   sector.   In   fact,  
approximately  90%  of  C40  cities  are  taking  action  on  transport.v        



2.1 What  is  BRT?  

Bus   Rapid   Transit   (BRT)   is   a   high-­‐quality   bus-­‐based   transit   system   that   delivers   fast,  
comfortable,   and   cost-­‐effective   services   at   metro-­‐level   capacities.   It   does   this   through   the  
provision  of  dedicated  lanes,  with  bus-­‐ways  and  iconic  stations  ideally  aligned  to  the  centre  of  
the  road,  off-­‐board  fare  collection,  and  fast  and  frequent  operations.  
Because  BRT  contains  similar  features  to  a  light  rail  or  metro  system,  it  is  much  more  reliable,  
convenient  and  faster  than  regular  bus  services.  With  the  right  design,  BRT  is  able  to  avoid  most  
of  the  causes  of  delay  that  typically  slow  down  regular  bus  services,  like  being  stuck  in  traffic  or  


queuing  to  pay  on  board.  As  a  safer,  cleaner,  and  more  efficient  mode  of  transport  that  gives  
people   more   time   for   their   personal   lives,   BRT   is   a   smart   solution   to   cities’   urban   transport  
As  a  growing  transport  solution  in  both  developed  and  developing  countries,  BRT  and  improved  
bus-­‐way  systems  already  have  a  combined  daily  ridership  of  more  than  32  million  people  in  200  
cities   around   the  C40’s   own   research   for   Climate   Action   in   Megacities   3.0vii  revealed  
that,  following  the  lead  of  Latin  American  cities  like  Curitiba  and  Bogotá,  42  C40  cities  now  have  
or  are  planning  to  develop  BRT  systems;  over  half  of  these  are  in  the  northern  hemisphere.  This  
analysis   supports   the   scaling   up   of   BRT   systems   across   the   globe,   in   addition   to   offering  
recommendations   for   policymakers,   technical   experts,   and   financing   bodies   to   maximize   the  
benefits  of  BRT.  

2.2 What  constitutes  good  BRT  system  design?  

The   Institute   for   Transportation   &   Development   Policy   (ITDP) viii ,   a   key   C40   partner,   has  
identified   a   number   of   crucial   design   elements   that   are   associated   with   high-­‐performing   BRT  
systems.   As   such,   when   cities   wish   to   implement   BRT   systems,   these   elements   should   be  
assessed   and   included   in   order   to   deliver   systems   that   maximize   the   benefits   of   Bus   Rapid  
Transit.  The  ITDP  standards  can  be  found  at:­‐and-­‐guides/the-­‐bus-­‐rapid-­‐transit-­‐standard/the-­‐
A  basic  set  of  general  principles  to  follow  in  order  to  develop  a  good  BRT  system  and  reduce  
GHG  emissions  has  also  been  identified  within  the  C40  BRT  Network:    
• Develop   a   greater   degree   of   integration   between   spatial   and   transport   planning   to  
encourage   compact   development   patterns,   to   reduce   car   use   and   promote   more  
sustainable  travel  patterns;  
• Ensure   improved   alternatives   to   the   use   of   private   car   are   provided,   including   more  
sustainable,  higher  occupancy  modes  of  transport  (e.g.  mass  transit/public  transport  and  
non-­‐motorised  transport  modes);  and  
• Establish  better  management  of  road  space  and  the  transport  demand  (e.g.  via  parking  
policy,  congestion  pricing,  incentives,  raising  awareness  of  sustainable  forms  of  travel).  
In   accordance   with   the   ITDP   standards   and   accepted   best   practices,   the   BRT   system   should  
include  the  following  key  basic  elements,  to  be  considered  early  in  the  planning  process:  
Dedicated   right-­‐of-­‐way:   A   dedicated   right-­‐of-­‐way   is   vital   to   ensuring   that   buses   can   move  
quickly,   and   are   unimpeded   by   congestion.   Physical   design   is   critical   to   the   self-­‐enforcement   of  
the  right-­‐of-­‐way.  Dedicated  lanes  matter  the  most  in  heavily  congested  areas  where  it  is  harder  
to   ensure   buses   provide   a   strong   alternative   to   private   cars.   In   these   areas,   it   becomes   even  
more  important  to  take  a  lane  away  from  mixed  traffic  to  dedicate  it  as  a  busway.    


Busway   alignment:   The   busway   is   best   located   where   conflicts   with   other   traffic   can   be  
minimized,   especially   from   turning   movements   from   mixed-­‐traffic   lanes.   In   most   cases,   a  
busway   in   the   central   verge   of   a   roadway   encounters   fewer   conflicts   with   turning   vehicles   than  
those  closer  to  the  curb,  due  to  alleys,  parking  lots,  etc.    
Off-­‐board   fare   collection:   Off-­‐board   fare   collection   is   one   the   most   important   factors   in  
reducing   travel   time   and   improving   the   customer   experience.   There   are   presently   two   basic  
approaches  to  off-­‐board  fare  collection:  “turnstile-­‐controlled”,  where  passengers  pass  through  
a  gate,  turnstile,  or  checkpoint  upon  entering  the  station,  where  their  ticket  is  verified  or  fare  is  
deducted,  and  “proof-­‐of-­‐payment”,  where  passengers  pay  at  a  kiosk  and  collect  a  paper  ticket  
that  is  then  checked  on  board  the  vehicle  by  an  inspector.    
Intersection  treatments:  There  are  several  ways  to  increase  bus  speeds  at  intersections,  all  of  
which   are   aimed   at   increasing   the   green-­‐signal   time   for   the   bus   lane.   Forbidding   turns   across  
the  bus  lane  and  minimizing  the  number  of  traffic-­‐signal  phases  are  the  most  important.    
Platform-­‐level   boarding:   Having   the   bus-­‐station   platform   level   with   the   bus   floor   facilitates  
universal   access,   and   is   one   of   the   most   important   ways   of   reducing   boarding   and   alighting  
times   per   passenger.   Passengers   climbing   even   relatively   minor   steps   can   mean   significant  
delay,  particularly  for  the  elderly,  disabled,  or  people  with  suitcases  or  strollers.    
Other  elements  to  consider:  Operating  multiple  routes  along  a  corridor;  operating  express  BRT  
services  along  with  local  services;  operating  a  central  control  centre;  introducing  passing  lanes  
at   stations;   switching   to   low   emission   vehicles;   setting   stations   back   from   junctions   to   avoid  
delays;   building   safe   and   comfortable   stations   with   a   minimum   width   of   3m;   having   multiple  
doors   on   buses;   using   unique   BRT   branding;   providing   access   for   those   with   mobility   needs;  
integrating  the  BRT  with  other  forms  of  public  transport;  and  ensuring  a  good  pedestrian  access  
to  and  from  the  BRT.  
Whilst   cities   should   aspire   to   delivering   a   gold   standard   BRT   scheme,   it   is   accepted   that   local  
conditions   may   prevent   the   integration   of   all   the   elements   listed   above.   However,   the   more  
these  elements  are  included  within  a  BRT  scheme,  the  more  likely  the  BRT  is  to  deliver  the  wide  
assortment  of  benefits  listed  below.  

2.3 Benefits  of  BRT  

Research   from   EMBARQ,   Social,   Environmental   and   Economic   Impacts   of   Bus   Rapid   Transit  
Systems  (2013),ix  examined  global  evidence  as  well  as  four  in-­‐depth  case  studies  of  BRT  systems  
in  Bogotá,  Colombia;  Mexico  City,  Mexico;  Johannesburg,  South  Africa;  and  Istanbul,  Turkey.  It  
concluded  that  BRT  improves  quality  of  urban  life  in  at  least  four  key  ways,  to  which  a  fifth  one  
has  been  added:    


Travel-­‐time  savings:  Dedicated  bus  lanes  that  separate  BRT  buses  from  mixed  traffic,  pre-­‐paid  
boarding   and   level   platforms   speed   up   passenger   boarding,   whilst   traffic   signal   management  
prioritizes   BRT   buses.   High-­‐frequency   bus   service   also   minimizes   waiting   times   to   help   save  
travel  time  for  passengers.  These  features  have  a  significant  positive  impact  in  cities  where  BRT  
systems  operate.    
In   Johannesburg,   BRT   users   save   an   average   of   13   minutes   each   way   during   their   daily  
commutes.   In   Istanbul,   the   savings   are   even   greater   –   the   typical   Metrobüs   passenger   saves   52  
minutes   per   day.   The   TransOeste   BRT   corridor   in   Rio   de   Janeiro   has   reduced   inner   city   trips  
from  one  hour  and  40  minutes  to  45  minutesx.  With  the  ‘9  de  Julio’  corridor  in  Buenos  Aires,  
travel  time  was  reduced  from  55  minutes  to  less  than  20.xi     Mexico  City  stands  to  save  US$141  
million  in  regained  economic  productivity  as  a  result  of  travel  time  reductions  from  Metrobús  
Line  3.  
GHG   and   local   air   pollutant   emissions   reductions:   BRT  reduces  the  overall  amount  of  vehicle  
kilometres  travelled  (VKT)  in  a  city  by  shifting  commuters  to  high-­‐capacity  buses  that  can  carry  
up   to   160   passengers   at   a   time.   Setting   up   a   new   BRT   system   also   provides   cities   with   an  
opportunity   to   scrap   older,   more   polluting   traditional   vehicles.   The   incorporation   of   modern  
fuel  efficiency  technologies  into  BRT  buses  and  better  driver  training  contributes  to  lower  fuel  
consumption  and  emissions.  Introducing  a  new  BRT  corridor  therefore  has  major  implications  
not  just  for  GHG  emissions,  but  also  for  air  pollution.  Around  the  world,  urban  buses  account  
for   25%  of  black  carbon  emissions  from  all  passenger  and  commercial  goods  transport  vehicles  
in   2015. xii  Cleaner   vehicle   technologies   and   fuels   lower   the   concentration   of   ambient   air  
pollution  and  reduce  the  time  passengers  are  exposed  to  air  pollution  at  stations  or  inside  the  
For  example,  Metrobús  Line  3  in  Mexico  City  is  poised  to  eliminate  more  than  2,000  days  of  lost  
work  due  to  illness,  four  new  cases  of  chronic  bronchitis,  and  two  deaths  per  year,  saving  the  
city   an   estimated   US$   4.5   million.   In   Buenos   Aires,   the   target   is   to   have   four   additional   BRT  
corridors  in  2015,  reaching  1.2  million  passengers  every  day  over  a  distance  of  56  kilometres,  
with   a   reduction   of   49,000   tons   of   CO2e   per   year.   In   Johannesburg,   the   city   aims   to   move  
200,000  passengers  per  average  weekday  on  the  Rea  Vaya  BRT  system  by  2018  and  is  working  
to   ensure   that   the   BRT   buses   will   be   low   carbon   emitters,   reducing   carbon   emissions   by   1.6  
million  tons  by  2020.  
Traffic   safety   improvements:   Implementing   BRT   systems   contributes   to   reductions   in   traffic  
accidents   and   fatalities   in   several   key   ways.   First,   an   overall   reduction   in   VKT   results   in   fewer  
drivers   on   the   road   and   a   safer   transport   environment   for   drivers,   pedestrians,   and   cyclists  
alike.   Second,   dedicated   bus   lanes   reduce   interaction   between   buses   and   other   vehicles,  
minimizing   the   risk   of   accidents.   Finally,   BRT   can   change   bus   drivers’   behaviour   by   reducing   on-­‐
the-­‐road   competition   with   other   vehicles   and   providing   opportunities   to   improve   driver  


The   case   of   Latin   America   showcases   BRT’s   safety   benefits:   streets   with   BRT   systems  
experienced   a   40%   reduction   in   fatalities   and   injuries   on   average.   Further   evidence   suggests  
that   BRT   and   other   forms   of   sustainable   transport   are   under-­‐acknowledged   components   of  
traffic  safety  planning,  with  an  enormous  potential  to  reduce  traffic  crashes  and  save  lives.  
Increased  physical  activity:  BRT  systems  also  increase  physical  activity  for  passengers,  thanks  to  
the   spacing   of   BRT   terminals,   which   tend   to   require   longer   walking   distances   than   private  
vehicles   and   other   motorized   modes   of   transport.   Despite   the   distance,   shorter   overall   travel  
times  make  BRT  worth  the  walk,  with  passengers  across  the  world  consistently  moving  through  
the  city  faster,  even  with  more  time  spent  getting  to  the  bus  terminals.  Mexico  City’s  Metrobús  
passengers  walk  an  average  of  2.75  minutes  more  per  day  than  before  the  city  implemented  its  
BRT  system.  Users  of  Beijing’s  BRT  system  have  added  8.5  minutes  of  daily  walking  as  a  result  of  
the  BRT.    
Meeting  other  social  aims:   BRT   projects   often   have   a   strong   social   component,   and   can   enable  
a   city   to   deliver   on   its   social   justice   and   empowerment   objective.   For   example,   Johannesburg   is  
working   to   empower   marginalised   groups,   and   the   BRT   is   supporting   this   objective   –   as   the  
largest  proportion  of  BRT  users  in  Johannesburg  are  low  and  middle-­‐income  groups.  By  2020,  
the   city   aims   to   set   up   at   least   three   bus   operating   companies   that   are   majority-­‐owned   by  
previously  disadvantaged  public  transport  operators.  
These  findings  are  supported  by  multiple  case  studies  and  examples  emerging  from  across  C40  
cities,  referenced  in  Section  3  below.  



3.1 Categories  of  best  practice    

Within  the  BRT  Network,  there  are  a  number  of  different  strategies  that  cities  are  pursuing  to  
achieve  their  desired  outcomes.  Which  type  of  approach  a  city  chooses  to  deploy  to  reach  its  
goal  depends  on:    
• Powers  that  the  city  Mayor  has  over  transport  versus  the  state  or  national  
• The  legislative  context  at  a  regional  and  national  level  
• The  asset  ownership  structure,  i.e.  who  owns  buses,  stations  and  other  
• Relationships  with  bus  operators  and  other  agencies  
• Citizen  engagement  and  buy-­‐in  
• Availability  of  project  financing  


In   order   to   address   these   issues,   and   deliver   a   strong   BRT   system,   a   few   key   best   practice  
approaches  that  C40  cities  have  highlighted  include:    
• Adopt  holistic  planning  for  a  high-­‐capacity  BRT  corridor  
• Develop  benchmarking  and  measure  the  impacts  of  BRT  
• Focus  on  strong  stakeholder  engagement  and  communications  
• Integrate  BRT  with  other  means  of  public  transport  and  urban  planning  
• Utilise  innovative  financing  mechanisms  
We   have   identified   the   following   case   studies,   which   sit   in   each   of   these   categories   and  
demonstrate  best  practice  for  cities  in  the  C40  BRT  Network.  

3.2 Adopt  holistic  planning  for  a  high-­‐capacity  BRT  corridor  

Holistic  planning  for  a  BRT  corridor  aims  to  ensure  that  two  main  characteristics  of  a  successful  
BRT   are   achieved.   First,   the   corridor   is   well-­‐designed,   and   that   elements   such   as   dedicated  
right-­‐of-­‐way,   busway   alignment,   off-­‐board   fare   collection,   intersection   treatments,   and  
platform-­‐level  boarding  are  collectively  considered  and  built  into  the  design  of  a  new  system  or  
corridor.   Second,   the   corridor   is   well   integrated,   and   is   ideally   linked   to   high-­‐density   areas,  
promotes   seamless   transfers   between   modes,   provides   pedestrian   access,   secure   bicycle  
parking,  bicycle  lanes  and  bicycle-­‐sharing  integration,  allowing  it  to  attract  and  retain  a  variety  
of  transport  users  and  expand  the  catchment  area  of  the  BRT.  
Holistic   planning   ensures   that   a   BRT   system   is   both   well   designed   and   well   connected,   and   is  
able   to   function   as   the   centre-­‐piece   of   a   multi-­‐modal   transport   network.   This   is   crucial   to  
deliver   a   system   that   is   high   capacity   and   is   convenient   for   people   to   use,   enabling   the  
maximum   shift   out   of   private   vehicles,   thus   reducing   carbon   emissions   and   ultimately  
benefiting  the  highest  number  of  people  in  a  city.        

Case  study:  Rio  de  Janeiroxiii  -­‐  TransOeste  BRT  

Summary:     The   first   BRT   corridor,   the   TransOeste   located   in   the   west   side   of   the   city,   was  
launched   in   June   2012.   It   began   with   40   kilometres   of   exclusive,   segregated   corridors,   36  
stations,   and   new   articulated   and   standard   buses.   After   only   one   year   in   operation   the  
TransOeste   BRT   line   grew   to   56   kilometres   of   exclusive   lanes   and   58   stations,   transporting  
120,000  passengers  per  day  (and  now  up  to  185,000  per  day).  xiv  The  example  of  TransOeste  in  
Rio  de  Janeiro  shows  how  a  BRT  corridor  (and  ultimately  a  whole  system)  can  provide  a  high-­‐
capacity   transit   solution   for   a   city,   enabling   municipal   authorities   to   increase   liveability,  
mobility,  and  sustainability.  Furthermore,  while  BRT  is  often  compared  to  metro  lines  in  terms  
of  service  and  operations,  they  can  cost  ten  to  hundred  times  less  and  be  delivered  much  more  
quickly  as  Rio  de  Janeiro  has  demonstrated.xv  


The   TransOeste   corridor   has   reduced   an   inner   city   trip   from   1   hour   and   40   minutes   to   45  
minutes.  By  the  time  four  BRT  lines  will  have  been  opened  in  2016,  the  share  of  trips  made  by  
public  transport  in  Rio  de  Janeiro  is  expected  to  increase  from  18%  to  63%,  with  more  than  150  
kilometres  of  exclusive  BRT  corridors  expected  to  carry  two  million  passengers  each  day.xvi  
Results:   The   TransOeste   BRT   drastically   improved   mobility   in   the   city,   reduced   emissions   and  
increased  comfort  for  those  using  the  corridor,  delivering  a  better  experience  for  users  (travel  
time   savings,   increased   comfort   through   new   buses,   etc.,   which   attracted   people   to   the  
services).xvii  The  BRT  line  is  expected  to  save  an  estimated  107,000  tons  of  CO2e  per  year  over  a  
20-­‐year  period,  thanks  to  fuel-­‐efficient  buses  and  rationalized  bus  routes.  The  buses  being  used  
in   the   corridor   are   Euro   V,   to   help   reduce   emissions.   The   value   of   time   saved   on   the   total   of  
trips   on   the   TransOeste   BRT   corridor   averages   $23   million   a   year.xviii  The   development   of   the  
BRT  has  also  related  co-­‐benefits,  such  as  reduced  air  pollution,  construction  of  new  bike  lanes  
along  the  corridor,  and  expansion  of  sidewalks  and  green  space.  
Reasons  for  success:   TransOeste  has  proved  so  successful  because  it  was  part  of  Rio’s  holistic  
planning  exercise  for  the  corridor  and  a  strong  overarching  transport  improvement  plan  for  the  
city.   Moreover,   the   feeder   bus   routes   were   identified   and   optimised/rationalised   as   needed;  
implementation   was   done   gradually   in   several   phases;   surveys   were   undertaken   with   users  
before   and   during   implementation,   as   well   as   after,   to   get   feedback   on   the   BRT   system   and  
improve  future  plans.    
Moreover,   Rio   de   Janeiro   seized   the   opportunity   brought   by   the   recent   and   upcoming   global  
events  (FIFA  2014;  2016  Olympic  Games)  and  plans  to  complete  their  network  of  BRT  corridors,  
to  serve  almost  2  million  people  every  day.  The  new  intermodal  station  locations  were  chosen  
strategically,   for   high   demand   and   visibility,   mostly   adjacent   to   the   2016   Olympic   sites.   The   city  
is  now  adding  7  more  kilometres  to  TransOeste  and  connecting  it  to  the  subway  system  (also  
under  construction),  as  well  as  adding  another  bus  terminal  integrated  with  the  subway,  with  7  
more  BRT  stations  to  this  corridor.  These  are  likely  to  be  launched  by  June  2016.  

Case  study:  Guangzhouxix  -­‐  BRT  Corridor  

Summary:  Guangzhou’s  innovative  22.5-­‐km  long  BRT  corridor  opened  in  February  2010  and  is  
an  example  of  holistic  planning,  with  the  BRT  at  the  centre  of  a  multimodal  transport  network  
that   integrates   other   urban   design   elements.   The   corridor’s   success   was   also   recognised   by   the  
Institute  for  Transportation  and  Development  Policy’s  Sustainable  Transport  Award  in  2011xx.    
Among  the  key  features  of  the  system,  which  was  developed  in  cooperation  with  ITDP  China,  
are  the  following:  fully  segregated  BRT  lanes  with  world’s  highest  BRT  bus  volumes  (350  buses  
per  hour  in  a  single  direction,  approximately  one  bus  every  10  seconds,  transporting  more  than  
800,000  passengers  per  day);xxi  system  location  in  a  high-­‐density  area  and  station  size  based  on  
passenger  demand;  flat-­‐rate  subsidized  bus  fares  and  discounted  smart  cards;  direct  access  to  
metro  or  rail  stations;  bridges  from  bus  stations  connecting  directly  to  adjacent  buildings;  bike  


parking  and  public  bike  sharing  available  at  or  near  BRT  stations  (more  than  5,000  bikes);  and  a  
“greenway”  combining  bike  lanes,  walkways,  parks  and  playgrounds  on  either  side  of  the  BRT  
Results:   As   the   ITDP   report   suggests, xxiii  the   Guangzhou   BRT   system   has   reduced   traffic  
congestion  and  increased  speed  of  buses  and  mixed  traffic  by  29%  and  20%  respectively,  saving  
52   million   commute   hours   in   2010,   with   an   estimated   annual   value   of   US$   24   million.   It   also  
improved   efficiency   of   the   city’s   overall   bus   system,   increased   use   of   public   transport   and  
reduced   bus   overcrowding   (bus   service   satisfaction   increased   from   29%   to   65%).   The   BRT  
system  contributed  to  an  estimated  average  annual  CO2  emissions  reduction  of  86,000  metric  
tons  during  its  first  10  years  through  car-­‐use  reduction  and  biking  promotion,  and  particulate  
emissions  reduction  of  at  least  4  tons  per  year,  further  increasing  the  efficiency  of  Guangzhou  
buses   already   running   on   LPG.   At   the   same   time,   the   BRT   reportedly   resulted   in   annual  
operating   cost   savings   of   US$14   million   since   the   system   began   operating,   securing   a  
competitive   return   on   investment   (despite   subsidized   bus   fares)   expected   at   79%   within   10  
years  (131%  if  all  local  and  global  benefits,  excluding  health  impacts,  are  taken  into  account).  
Reasons  for  success:     Guangzhou’s  BRT  system  is  particularly  successful  because  of  the  holistic  
and   detailed   planning   process.   The   city   considered   very   carefully   how   the   new   BRT   corridor  
would   fit   in   with   people’s   expectations   and   needs,   as   well   as   with   existing   modes   of   transit   e.g.  
existing  bus  routes,  walking  and  cycling  options  in  the  city,  etc.  
When/why   a   city   might   adopt   an   approach   like   this:  Cities   seeking   to   develop   BRT   solutions   for  
long-­‐term   sustainability   benefits   should   look   to   the   above   examples   for   holistic  
implementation.   Guangzhou   has   considered   both   design   and   integration   features   to   ensure  
economic   and   social   factors   (demand,   population   distribution,   fare   structure,   station  
accessibility,   existing   community   sites   and   landmarks),   physical   and   geographic   factors   (width  
of   roadways   and   necessary   expansion,   elevation,   existing   infrastructure),   and   technological  
factors  (vehicles,  real-­‐time  monitoring,  signals,  fare  integration)  are  taken  all  into  account  in  the  
design  and  implementation  phases  of  its  BRT  system.    

3.3 Develop  benchmarking  and  measure  the  impacts  of  BRT  

Benchmarking  and  measuring  impacts  of  BRT  is  a  key  area  of  best  practice,  as  it  enables  cities  to  
assess,   and   then   demonstrate   the   value   from   its   BRT   system   to   other   stakeholders.   These  
assessments   vary   depending   on   the   local   conditions   and   objectives   of   the   city   government,   but  
should  include  elements  like  time  saving,  emissions  reduction,  air  pollution  improvements  and  
subsequent  health  impacts.  Other  factors  like  retail  and  economic  impacts,  and  other  aspects  of  
social  evaluation  can  also  be  considered  by  cities.    
This  measurement  can  enable  a  city  to  use  the  data  in  a  variety  of  ways  –  to  demonstrate  the  
success   of   a   corridor,   the   sustainability   of   the   system,   or   showing   how   social   aims   e.g.   reducing  
inequality,   have   been   met.   This   benchmarking   can   form   the   basis   of   communicating   to  


stakeholders   and/or   politicians   to   meet   the   city’s   broader   transport   and   social   objectives.   If  
data   are   available   from   other   cities,   comparing   delivery   across   two   or   more   cities   is   another  
effective  way  to  identify  future  improvements  that  are  needed  in  the  system.    

Case  study:  Istanbul  -­‐  Metrobüs  system  

Summary:     Istanbul’s  Metrobüs  system  was  designed  to  provide  low  cost,  rapid  service  to  the  
city’s  inhabitants  traveling  east  to  west  and  vice  versa.  It  is  the  first  bus  rapid  transit  system  in  
Turkey   and   has   the   distinction   of   being   the   first   transcontinental   BRT   in   the   world.   Metrobüs  
was   designed   to   operate   at   near   highway   speeds   and   as   a   result,   provides   substantial   travel  
time   saving   benefits   to   its   users   compared   to   alternative   modes   of   transport.   EMBARQ   has  
completed   a   detailed   analysis   of   social,   environmental   and   economic   benefits   from   the  
Metrobüs   system   in   Istanbul.xxiv  The   analysis   highlights   various   elements   of   BRT   performance   in  
Istanbul,   including   passengers   carried,   capital   cost   per   kilometre,   reduction   in   travel   time,  
reduction   in   GHG   emissions   and   local   air   pollutants,   as   well   as   improved   road   safety   and  
physical   activity.   It   also   identifies   the   socio-­‐economic   groups   benefiting   the   most   from   the  
Metrobüs  system.  This  analysis  forms  a  good  model  for  other  cities  to  benchmark  their  systems  
and   assess   which   groups   are   benefiting   the   most   and   why,   as   well   as   to   undertake   a  
comprehensive  cost-­‐benefit  analysis  to  guide  future  improvements  or  expansions  of  their  BRT  
Results:   The   Metrobüs   system   serves   an   estimated   600,000   passenger   trips   every   day   over   a  
length  of  51.3km,  with  a  maximum  load  of  30,000  trips  per  hour  per  direction.  By  reorganizing  
and   consolidating   informal   transit   and   conventional   buses,   Istanbul’s   Metrobüs   BRT   system   is  
estimated   to   reduce   CO2   emissions   by   167   tons/day   and   cut   daily   fuel   consumption   by   more  
than  240  ton-­‐litres  –  this  equates  to  60,955  tonnes  per  year.    
Reasons   for   success:  The   city   undertakes   comprehensive   surveys   through   the   IETT   (the   Istanbul  
Electricity,   Tramway   and   Tunnel   Survey)   annual   rider   assessments.   This   enables   the   city   to  
continuously   assess   the   quality   of   service   being   provided   and   improve   it,   which   in   turn   ensures  
the  BRT  remains  an  attractive  mode  of  transport  for  people  to  use.  
When/why  a  city  might  adopt  an  approach  like  this:  High-­‐quality  bus  rapid  transit  systems  can  
impact   the   quality   of   life,   productivity,   health,   and   safety   of   people   living   in   cities.   Examining  
these   impacts   in   depth   can   help   a   city   assess   the   net   positive   benefits   to   society   of   a   BRT  
project,  an  important  criteria  when  deciding  to  build  or  expand  a  BRT  system.  

3.4 Focus  on  stakeholder  engagement  and  communications  

Stakeholder   engagement   is   a   crucial   component   of   getting   a   BRT   project   off   the   ground,   as  
projects  often  face  a  number  of  preconceptions  from  decision-­‐makers,  stakeholders,  press  and  
citizens.   These   can   include   concerns   about   taking   already   congested   road   space   away   from  


other   users,   as   well   as   concerns   about   the   performance   of   BRT   systems   versus   rail.   Until   a  
system  is  in  place  and  delivering  benefits  for  them,  people  can  be  opposed  to  the  idea  of  a  BRT  
system  due  to  fear  of  the  unknown.    
A   strong   and   well   thought-­‐out   stakeholder   engagement   campaign   is   crucial   to   ensure   buy-­‐in  
and  commitment  to  the  project,  as  well  as  to  encourage  ridership  for  the  system.  Elements  of  a  
good  campaign  will  include  identification  of  all  groups  likely  to  be  affected  by  the  project,  and  
then  tailoring  appropriate  communications  to  them  through  advertising,  community  meetings,  
leaflet  drops,  surveys,  regular  consultations  on  plans  etc.    

Case  study:  Buenos  Airesxxv  -­‐  Stakeholder  management  for  BRT  Corridors    

Summary:     Like   other   growing   cities,   Buenos   Aires   faced   significant   problems   with   traffic  
congestion   and   transport   related   air   pollution.   As   a   result,   the   city   developed   a   Plan   for  
Sustainable  Mobility  to  tackle  these  problems,  with  the  BRT  system  forming  a  key  element  of  
this   Plan.   Stakeholder   engagement   has   been   crucial   for   the   city’s   successful   BRT   delivery,  
enabling   it   to   overcome   initial   negative   publicity   -­‐   to   eventually   deliver   a   BRT   system   with   an  
extremely  positive  reaction  from  the  media  and  citizens  alike.  This  is  in  part  due  to  the  strong  
stakeholder   management   and   time   spent   working   with   affected   groups   to   overcome   initial  
concerns.   The   BRT   system   now   consistently   rates   among   the   best   initiatives   launched   by   the  
city  administration,  with  positive  impacts  on  everyday  life.    
Results:   By   2015,   the   BRT   corridors   in   Buenos   Aires   carried   1.2m   people   across   the   city   and  
resulted  in  49,000  tonnes  of  CO2  emissions  reduction  per  year.  So  far,  the  introduction  of  BRT  
lines  on  key  routes  has  cut  travel  times  by  20  -­‐  40%  on  average,  although  in  some  cases  it  has  
been  by  50%  or  more.  By  the  end  of  2015  there  will  be  56km  of  Metrobus  corridors  connecting  
the  main  transport  hubs  in  the  city  and  1.2m  people  will  benefit  everyday.  Adopting  articulated  
buses   on   some   routes   has   also   led   to   a   further   reduction   in   carbon   emissions.   All   of   these  
benefits   have   been   made   possible   by   the   city’s   strong   work   on   engagement   and   the   support  
generated  across  the  full  range  of  stakeholders.  
Reasons   for   success:   The   city’s   strategy   was   to   phase   in   implementation   of   the   BRT.   The  
experience   and   positive   results   from   the   first   route   encouraged   the   city   to   proceed   with   the  
delivery   of   more   corridors,   accompanied   by   active   opinion   polling,   awareness   campaigns   and  
the   launch   of   a   dedicated   educational   website.   In   subsequent   stakeholder   surveys,   over   90%   of  
commuters  gave  positive  feedback  for  Metrobus.      

Case  study:  Tshwane  –  Stakeholder  engagement  in  “A  Re  Yeng”  

Summary:   Tshwane’s  BRT  system  (A  Re  Yeng  or  “Let’s  Go”),  approved  in  2011,  forms  part  of  the  
City  of  Tshwane’s  2055  Growth  and  Development  Strategyxxvi  and  aims  to  provide  an  alternative  
to  private  cars  and  minibuses  in  the  city,  offering  a  faster,  regular,  more  equitable  and  reliable  
transport  option  for  getting  into  the  city  centre.  Aware  of  the  economic  losses  this  may  cause  


for  minibus  and  taxi  operators  along  the  corridor,  Tshwane  involved  the  affected  stakeholders  
in  the  negotiations  from  the  beginning  of  the  project  and  provided  for  their  integration  in  the  
BRT   system,   thus   building   a   unique   relationship   between   the   city   and   the   transport   industry.  
Those  affected  by  the  transport  system  change  received  financial  compensation,  were  offered  
shareholder  position  in  the  new  Bus  Operating  Company  (BOC)  or  were  directly  incorporated  in  
the   BRT   system   operation   (as   bus   drivers   or   other   employees).   The   pilot   corridor   for   Tshwane’s  
BRT  is  now  in  place,  and  expansion  of  the  system  is  continuing.    
Results:   The   project   hopes   to   carry   100,000   passengers   a   day   when   the   almost   70   km   BRT  
corridor   is   fully   operational   in   2020.   Around   209,000   tons   of   CO2   will   be   reduced   annually   if  
Tshwane   achieves   its   goal   of   shifting   10%   of   journeys   to   BRT.   With   more   commuters   shifting  
from  private  to  public  transport,  the  city  also  expects  fewer  traffic  accidents.xxvii     The  Tshwane  
BRT   bus   fleet   will   also   run   on   low-­‐emission   diesel   engines   and   compressed   natural   gas,   and   will  
emit  on  average  34%  less  CO2  and  24%  less  NOx  than  a  standard  diesel  counterpartxxviii.  
Reasons   for   success:     Early,   strong   and   continuous   engagement   with   stakeholders   to   ensure  
they  are  on  board  with  the  plans  as  much  as  possible,  and  are  not  fearful  of/  in  opposition  to  
the  new  system  being  introduced,  were  key  to  successfully  implementing  the  BRT  system.  
When/why  a  city  might  adopt  an  approach  like  this:  Many  cities  around  the  world  have  existing  
minibus  or  taxi  industries  in  place,  whose  livelihoods  may  be  perceived  to  be  at  risk  from  the  
introduction   of   a   new   BRT   system.   Tshwane’s   approach   is   a   great   example   of   including   the  
industry  and  other  stakeholders  early  in  the  planning  phase,  and  finding  roles  for  them  in  the  
BRT  system  that  is  being  developed.      

3.5 Integrate  BRT  with  other  means  of  public  transport  and  urban  planning  

As   cities   contend   with   resource   constraints   and   environmental   pressures,   increasing   public  
transport   availability   through   the   introduction   of   a   BRT   system   is   a   very   effective   way   of  
meeting   transit   demand.   But   introducing   a   BRT   in   isolation   is   not   enough,   and   more   connected  
transit-­‐oriented  urban  policies  are  key  to  improving  the  long-­‐term  sustainability  of  cities.  More  
holistic,   transit-­‐oriented   urban   policies   would   reduce   CO2   emission   growth   by   30%   in   Chinese  
and   Latin   American   cities   and   40%   in   Indian   cities,   when   compared   to   their   baseline  
scenarios.xxix  This   is   also   better   and   more   efficient   for   cities   where   compact,   transit-­‐oriented  
development  can  have  a  massive  economic  benefit.  For  example,  Copenhagen  only  spends  4%  
GDP  on  transport  while  sprawling,  car-­‐focused  Houston  spends    

Case  study:  Curitibaxxxi  -­‐  Bus  Rapid  Transit  Modernisation  

Summary:   Curitiba   was   the   first   city   to   develop   Bus   Rapid   Transit   in   1974   and   today   the   city  
continues  to  be  a  transit  innovator,  having  recently  launched  a  program  to  implement  hybrid  
and   electric   buses.   Curitiba’s   BRT   system   was   developed   as   an   integral   part   of   an   overall  
Masterplan   (1966), xxxii  its   main   objectives   included   radial   expansion   of   the   city   along   five  


corridors,   integrating   land   use   and   transport,   and   creating   a   dedicated   planning   institute  
IPPUC. xxxiii  The   Masterplan   is   revised   every   10   years,   and   the   latest   revision   includes   a  
comprehensive  urban  sustainable  development  plan  for  the  next  50  years.  
In  the  1990s,  after  creating  the  BRT  system  thanks  to  a  partnership  between  the  municipality  
and   bus   operators   (which   made   the   first   BRT   lanes   cost   50   times   less   than   subwayxxxiv),   Curitiba  
tackled  the  integration  of  all  bus  lines  into  the  Rede  Integrada  de  Transporte,  with  a  hierarchy  
of  bus  service  types  and  common  terminals,  allowing  passengers  to  use  one  ticket  for  as  many  
bus  lines  as  necessary.xxxv  In  2011,  BRT  expanded  its  carrying  capacity  with  the  implementation  
of  the  Direct  Line  –  a  bus  stopping  at  fewer  stops,  reducing  substantially  longer-­‐distance  travel  
time.  In  2012,  the  city  also  initiated  the  integration  with  a  bicycle  network,  expanded  through  
the   2012   Bicycle   Masterplan. xxxvi  Curitiba   also   continues   innovation   in   other   parts   of   its  
transport  sector:  since  2014,  they  have  been  promoting  100%  electric  buses.  
Results:   Today,   80%   of   travellers   use   the   BRT   system   and   it   carries   around   2   million   passengers  
per   day.xxxvii  The   BRT   has   30   hybrid   buses,   reducing   overall   fuel   needs   by   35%   and   limiting  
pollutant  emissions  (NOx,  particles).  Curitiba’s  BRT  system  model  has  already  been  replicated  in  
more  than  150  cities  worldwide.  
Reasons   for   success:   The   success   of   the   BRT   system   is   related   to   its   integration   in   Curitiba’s  
masterplanning  and  support  from  different  stakeholders.  On  the  micro  level,  some  employers  
subsidise   their   employees   who   use   the   BRT   system.   On   the   macro   level,   urban   planning   is  
integrated   with   the   BRT   system,   with   urban   growth   being   restricted   to   corridors   of   growth   –  
along  key  transport  routes  –  using  a  combination  of  control  and  incentives,  such  as  extended  
permitting  for  developers  that  wish  to  construct  taller  buildings  close  to  the  transit  corridors.
When/why   a   city   might   adopt   an   approach   like   this:   Cities   developing   or   updating   urban  
development   plans,   planning   for   upgrade   of   their   transport   system   or   looking   into  
implementing   a   BRT   system,   can   all   use   this   approach   to   ensure   that   different   transport   modes  
are  well  integrated  and  constitute  the  most  efficient  system  possible.  

3.6 Utilise  innovative  financing  mechanisms  

BRT   projects   have   typically   been   financed   in   a   range   of   ways.   To   date   this   has   included:  
government  grants  (national  or  municipal);  loans;  revenues  from  fuel  tariffs,  fares,  advertising;  
local  commercial  bank  financing  to  operators,  etc.  In  addition,  cities  are  now  starting  to  explore  
more   innovative   means   of   financing   new   BRT   systems   or   expanding   existing   ones,   such   as  
through  Green  Bonds,  as  discussed  in  the  Johannesburg  example  below.  Carbon  credits  are  also  
an   emerging   area   of   interest   for   C40   BRT   Network   member   cities   and   are   currently   being  
explored  in  more  detail.    


Case  study:  Johannesburgxxxviii  -­‐  Green  Bond  

Summary:     The  city  of  Johannesburg  has  pioneered  a  municipal  “Green  Bond”  in  South  Africa  to  
raise  funds  to  help  respond  comprehensively  to  climate  change  and  to  ensure  the  sustainable  
management  of  resources.  The  Green  Bond  issued  by  the  city  in  June  2014  is  worth  ZAR1.5bn  
(approx.  US$143m)  and  is  funding  projects  across  a  range  of  sectors  including  150  new  dual  fuel  
buses  and  converting  30  buses  to  biogas.    
Results:   The  Green  Bond  allows  the  city  to  show  its  commitment  to  environmental  stewardship,  
while  receiving  a  market-­‐related  financial  return.  The  Green  Bond  has  provided  the  City  with  a  
new   funding   source   to   improve   and   expedite   the   implementation   of   its   climate   change  
mitigation  strategy  and  move  Johannesburg  towards  low  carbon  infrastructure.  
Reasons   for   success:   Johannesburg   had   political   leadership   that   was   supportive   of   exploring  
innovative   mechanisms   to   finance   upcoming   “green”   projects.   In   addition,   the   city’s  
investment-­‐grade  credit  rating  helped  them  take  the  bond  to  market  and  for  it  to  receive  a  very  
positive  response.  In  addition,  the  city  also  benefited  from  international  guidance,  such  as  from  
the   Green   City   Bonds   Coalition,   which   –   in   cooperation   with   C40   -­‐   recently   released   the  
specialist  Green  Muni  Bonds  Playbook.xxxix  
When/why   a   city   might   adopt   an   approach   like   this:   The   use   of   Green   Bonds   to   finance   low  
carbon  buses  (and  green  projects  more  broadly)  offers  the  opportunity  for  creditworthy  cities  
to   access   large-­‐scale,   debt   finance   to   introduce   clean   buses   into   their   BRT   (and   other   city)  
fleets.  The  cost  of  finance  will  depend  on  the  structure  of  the  bond  and  the  creditworthiness  of  
the  project  or  the  issuer,  but  is  generally  a  competitively  priced  source  of  long-­‐term  finance.  It  
also   offers   cities   the   opportunity   to   grow   and   diversify   their   investor   base,   increase  
collaboration  between  city  environment  and  finance  departments,  and  publicly  highlight  a  city’s  
long-­‐term  commitment  to  sustainable  development.      

A   number   of   external   organisations,   including   C40   partners,   have   published   best   practice  
guidance  in  different  BRT-­‐related  areas  including:  
• The  2014  BRT  Standard  from  ITDP,  available  at­‐
• The  BRT  Planning  Guide  from  ITDP,  available  at­‐brt-­‐planning-­‐guide/    
• EMBARQ’s  report  on  Measuring  the  Social,  Environmental  and  Economic  impacts  of  
BRT  systems  is  also  an  excellent  resource  and  is  referenced  heavily  in  the  Istanbul  case  


study.  Available  at­‐Environmental-­‐

• World  Bank  (2015).  Moving  Towards  Climate-­‐Resilient  Transport,  available  at  
 Source:  Expert  Voices:  Marcos  Tognozzi,  Rio  de  Janeiro’s  Transport  Operations  Coordinator,  on  the  expansion  of  Rio’s  BRT  
network  on  the  C40  blog,  September  2014    
 Source:  City  Climate  Leadership  Awards  case  study  available  at­‐aires-­‐plan-­‐
 Hughes,  Colin  and  Xianyuan  Shu.  May  2012.  “Guangzhou,  China  Bus  Rapid  Transit:  Emissions  Impact  Analysis.”  Institute  for  
Transportation  and  Development  Policy.  Web.  July  2012.  <http://­‐ITDP-­‐
 OECD,  2015,­‐Summary.pdf    
 New  Climate  Economy  Report,  2015  

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© C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group

February 2016

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