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Madanbhai Sura Institute of Business Management, Khed

Semester II- APRIL 2020

Subject: Human Resource Management Marks: 60
Date: Time: 10.30 pm to 1.30 pm

Instructions: 1. Section A is compulsory and attempt any four questions from Section B.
2. Appropriate diagrams, charts and sober presentation will attract good
Section A (20 Marks)
Mr. Tarachand has been working for five years with the present company as ‘data processing
analyst'. He was anxiously looking for an opportunity to seek promotion to the first line
supervisory position ever since the corporate office announced a merit promotion scheme for
this organisation as well as other units. As a part of this scheme Mr. Tarachand was selected
as a trainee to participate in the company's Supervisory Development programme. This
programme had duration of six months and was conducted as the in-company programme.
The participants were required to attend this programme thrice a week in the afternoon.
Lectures and supervisory development exercises constituted the methodology of the

Mr. Tarachand was very much excited about the programme and was eagerly waiting for its
commencement. He knew that a good performance in this programme would almost
guarantee the much-valued promotion. As the programme finally commenced, Tarachand
became mentally set to make all-out effort to do well and emerge as an outstanding
participant. He cut-down his social commitments and started studying throughout the day on
Sunday and till late hours during nights on working days.

One month after its commencement, Tarachand took his first periodical test. He had studied
hard and was enjoying the concepts he was learning. Tarachand had always been a good
student throughout his high school and college career. So, he expected to do well in this. This
test and others to follow in this programme were obviously for more important to him than
his school and college examinations. The results in these tests were to open his path to the
coveted career in management.

The results of the first examination were communicated to the participants four days after it
was given. In all four grades, A+, A, B+, B could be earned by the participants and
Tarachand got the B grade. Tarachand was obviously upset by the result. He was depressed.
He was at a loss to find why he had done so poorly on this test even though he was
thoroughly prepared. He desperately commented "How could this happen when I always did
well on tests in the school and College days?"

In the following two weeks after the first test, the programme coordinator found that
Tarachand missed three sessions. He had never done so before the test. In two sessions he
attended, he was found to be lacking in attention and did not Participate in the exercises. He
did not take notes in the lectures.

Q.1 a) What Needs Tarachand wanted to satisfy? (10)

Q.2 b) What the Course Coordinator should do to motivate Tarachand? (10)

Section B (40 Marks)

Answer any FOUR of the following six questions.

Q. 2: Answer any two of the following questions: (10)

a. What is Human Resource Management? Write the objectives of HRM.

b. What are the internal forces of organizational change? Explain.
c. Describe the scope of human resource management in detail

Q. 3: Answer any two of the following questions: (10)

a. Describe the managerial and operational functions of HRM.

b. What are the modern/scientific techniques of recruitment? Explain
c. What is performance appraisal? Write the objectives of performance appraisal

Q. 4: Answer any two of the following questions: (10)

a. What is organizational change? Discuss nature of it.

b. Elaborate the process of performance appraisal in human resource management
c. What are the objectives of organization development (OD)? Explain
Q. 5: Answer any two of the following questions: (10)

a. What is motivation? Explain the nature of motivation in HRM.

b. Elaborate the importance and limitations of organization development (OD).
c. What is mean by recruitment? Elaborate objectives of recruitment
Q. 6: Answer any two of the following questions: (10)

a. Elaborate need of training in Human Resource Management

b. Explain the process of recruitment in details
c. What is recruitment? Elaborate the scientific/modern techniques of recruitment?

Q. 7: Answer any two of the following questions: (10)

a. What are the prerequisites for effective incentive schemes?

b. Describe the Maslow’s need hierarchy theory of motivation.
c. Discuss the process of training in details.

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