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Nectar of instruction is perfect guide in devotional because in devotional services the top most thing is
to understand congugal past times of Sri Sri Radha and Krishna. Sri Chaitanya mahaprabhu appeared in
order to teach this. So too understand this we need to fallow footsteps of six Goswami's.

Srila Roopa Goswami the leader of all Goswami's has written this literature to guide us in our devotional
service. In preface srila prabhuapada says that in all spirutual onces first duty is to control mind and
senses, without this there is no advancement in KC.

And by following this rules and regulations given by Roopa Goswami one can come to mode is of
goodness by this everything related to how to make progress in KC is revealed to him.

In NOI verses Roopa Goswami takes one from Shraddha to Prema gradually stage by stage. And Roopa
Goswami in itself emphasizes the requirement of rigidly following regulative principles even at advanced
stage of Bhakti. This eliminates all sahjiya tendencies.

Example of drunkered

a. First class- if one hears drinking alcohol is not good and don't drink

b. Second class- he doesn't understand by hearing. And sees other drunkereds and understands the
consequence that it spoils health ,wealth and good reputation and stops it

c.Third class-- he doesn't understand by seeing others but drinks himself and experience all
consequences of spoiling health, wealth, fame and stops it.

d. Fourth class- Even after experiencing the bad consequences of drinking, still he doesn't stop drinking
he is fourth class. Thinks it ok to drink.


Controlling vaco-vegam:

1. I will memorise verses prayers of Srimad Bhagavatam and sing them


2. Singing Vaishnava songs

3. Preaching -whenever I get opportunity to speak Krishna Katha I will

4. Glorifying devotees

5. Try to explain very solidly the KC philosophy with logic and scientific
reference to the people who have doubts and inquire.

Controlling mind(manasah vegan)

I would like to implement below points.

1. Chanting more rounds and hearing beautiful and wonderful past

times of the lord.

2. Mediating on deity's and past times

3. Thinking plans for book distribution and preaching

4. Study of srila prabhuapad books scrutinisingly.

5.meditating on meanings of Vaishnava songs and offering prayers.

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