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1 First, second and third I. P. values are 100 eV, 150 eV and 1500 eV.

Element can be
(a) Be (b) B (c) F (d) Na

2 The electron affinity of the members of oxygen family of the periodic table, follows the sequence
(a) O > S > Se (b) S > O > Se (c) O < S > Se (d) Se > O > S

3 The minimum energy is released in which system

(a) B + le– B– + x eV (b) C + le– C– + x eV
(c) N + le– N– + x eV (d) O + le–O– + x eV

4 Match the various sequences with the appropriate orders and select the correct option.
Sequences Orders
(a) Na+ Mg+2 Al+3 (p) increasing size of ion in gaseous state
(b) I– S2– N3– (q) decreasing size of ion in gaseous state
(c) O O– O–2 (r) increasing size of ion in aqueous state
(d) N F O (s) decreasing size of ion in aqueous state
(t) increasing order of IE2
(u) decreasing order of electron affinity

(A) a–q, b–r, c–t, d–u (B) a–r, b–q, c–p, d–u
(C) a–q, b–r, c–u, d–t (D) a–s, b–r, c–p, d–t

5 The valency of sulphur in sulphuric acid is :

(a) 2 (b) 8 (c) 4 (d) 6

6 Which of the following has a geometry different from the other three species (having the same
 2 
(a) BF 4 (b) SO 4 (c) XeF4 (d) PH 4
7 XeO 6 contains
(a) eight electron pairs and no lone pairs
(b) three electron pairs and three lone pairs
(c) two electron pairs and six lone pairs
(d) four electron pairs and four lone pairs

8 In which of the following the velocity of electron will be equal to the velocity of electron in first
Bohr’s orbit of H-atom
(a) Third Bohr’s orbit of Li2+ (b) Third Bohr’s orbit of He+

(c) Second Bohr’s orbit of Li+2 (d) Second Bohr’s orbit of Be3+
9 Beryllium’s fourth electron will have the four quantum numbers:
n  m s n  m s

(a) 1 0 0 1/2 (b) 1 1 1 1/2

(c) 2 0 0 –1/2 (d) 2 1 0 +1/2

10 The number of radial modes (nodal points) of 3s, 3p and 3d electrons are respectively
(a) 0, 1, 2 (b) 2, 1, 0 (c) 1, 3, 5 (d) 3, 2, 0

11 The electrons, identified by quantum numbers n and l (i) n = 4, l =- 1, (ii) n =4, l = 0 (iii) n = 3, l
= 2 and (iv) n = 3, l = 1 can be placed in order of increasing energy, from the lowest to highest, as
(a) (iv) < (ii) < (iii) < (i) (b) (ii) < (iv) < (i) < (iii)

(c) (i) < (iii) < (ii) < (iv) (d) (iii) < (i) < (iv) < (ii)

12 The value of n in the equation Cr2O72– + 14H+ + ne–- --- 2Cr3+ + 7H2O is
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 6
13 Which of the following is a redox process?
2 2 2 3 4 2
(a) SO 4  SO3 (b)Cr2O 7  CrO 4 (c) PO 4  P2O 7 (d) C2O 4  CO2
Potassium permanganate can be decolourised by sulphur dioxide in acidic medium as

2KMnO4 + 5SO2 + 2H2O 

K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 2H2SO4

14. Which is oxidising agent?

(a) KMnO4 (b) SO2 (c) H2O (d) K2SO4

15. Which is reducing agent ?

(a) KMnO4 (b) SO2 (c) H2O (d) K2SO4
16 Amongst the following, identify the species with an atom in +6 oxidation state.

(a) MnO4- (b) Cr(CN)63- (c) NiF62- (d) CrO2Cl2

17 Which of the following reaction is not a disproportionation reaction?

(a) Br2  CO32   H 2 O 

 Br   BrO3  HCO3

(b) P4  OH   H 2 O 
 PH3  H 2 PO 2

(c) H 2S  SO 2 
 S  H 2O

(d) H 2 O 2 
 H 2O  O 2
18 A sample of ammonium phosphate. (NH4)3PO4, contains 3.18 mol of hydrogen atoms. The
number of moles of oxygen atoms in the sample is :
(A) 4.00 (B) 0.795 (C) 1.06 (D) 3.18
19 1 gm atom of nitrogen represents :

(A) 6.02 ×1023 N2 molecules (B) 22.4 lit. of N2 at N.T.P.

(C) 11.2 lit. of N2 at N.T.P. (D) 28 g of nitrogen
20 If isotopic distribution of C12 and C14 is 98.0 % and 2.0 % respectively, then the number
of C14 atoms in 12 g of carbon is

(A) 1.032 x 1022 (B) 1.20 x 1022 (C) 5.88 x 1023 (D) 6.02 x 1023

21 A compound possesses 8% sulphur by mass. The least molecular mass is

(a) 200 (b) 400 (c) 155 (d) 355

22 Equiv. wt. of Fe203 is-

(a) 26.5 (b) 33 (c) 46.34 (d) 38.3

23 9.8g ofH2S04 is present in 2 litres of a solution. The molarity of the solution is

(a) 0.1 M (b) 0.05 M (c) 0.2 M (d) 0.01 M

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