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6/6/2020 Introduction to Research - - Unit 10 - Week 7- Design of Experiments

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Unit 10 - Week 7- Design of Experiments

Course outline
Assignment 7
How does an NPTEL
online course work? The due date for submitting this assignment has passed. Due on 2020-04-15, 23:59 IST.

Week 1: Group Assignment submitted on 2020-04-15, 22:44 IST

Discussion on Research
Week 1: Overview of Pick the correct choice(s); Probability charts NOT required
Research 1/6
6/6/2020 Introduction to Research - - Unit 10 - Week 7- Design of Experiments

More than one choice may be correct. Partial marks will be given only if some of the correct choices are selected and none of
Week 2: Literature Survey,
the incorrect choices are selected.
Experimental skills
1) pH of a solution is defined as a random variable (X). It is 1 point
Week 3 - Data analysis
and Modelling skills continuous

Week 4: Technical f (X = 7) = 0.5

presentation and writing discrete

Week 5: Creativity in
f (X = 7) = 0
Partially Correct.
Score: 0.5
Week 6- Intellectual
Accepted Answers:
f (X = 7) = 0
Week 7- Design of
Experiments 2) A continuous random variable is said to have an uniform probability distribution f in the interval [A, B] if 1 point

DOE Part 1 (unit?

unit=46&lesson=47) f = B−A

DOE part 2 (unit?

unit=46&lesson=48) f = 1/(B − A)

DOE part 3 (unit?

unit=46&lesson=49) f = 1

DOE part 4 (unit? 2

f = 1/(B − A)
Yes, the answer is correct.
DOE part 5 (unit? Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
f = 1/(B − A)
Quiz : Week 7 Practice
Assignment (assessment?
3) For the uniform distribution given in problem 2, the following is/are satisfied regarding its cumulative distribution 0 points

Quiz : Assignment 7
(assessment?name=129) F (x) = 0 for 0 < A 2/6
6/6/2020 Introduction to Research - - Unit 10 - Week 7- Design of Experiments

Week 7 Feedback :
Introduction to Research F (x) = (x − A)/(B − A) for A ≤ x < B
F (x) = 1 for X ≥ B

Week 8- Department None of the above

specific discussions
Partially Correct.
Score: 0
Text Transcripts Accepted Answers:
F (x) = 0 for 0 < A

Transcripts Book F (x) = (x − A)/(B − A) for A ≤ x < B

F (x) = 1 for X ≥ B

Download Videos
4) For the data given below, the trimmed mean is calculated by discarding 10% of the lowest data and 10% of the largest data. 1 point
The 10% is based on the total number of data points before trimming. The trimmed mean value is

24.46 25.61 26.25 26.42 26.66 27.15 27.31 27.54 27.7 27.94
27.98 28.04 28.28 28.49 28.50 28.87 29.11 29.13 29.5 30.88

No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:

5) The sample variance 2

s with n entities is 1 point

An unbiased estimator of the population variance σ 2

A biased estimator of the population variance
Based on n-1 independent deviations from the mean 3/6
6/6/2020 Introduction to Research - - Unit 10 - Week 7- Design of Experiments

Generally equal to the population variance σ 2

No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
An unbiased estimator of the population variance σ 2
Based on n-1 independent deviations from the mean

6) If there are 5 independent standard normal variables i.e. Z12 , Z22 , … , Z52 , then the sum of these will correspond to a 1 point

standard normal distribution with mean value of 5

F-distribution with 5 degrees of freedom in both numerator and denominator
Chi-square distribution with 4 degrees of freedom
Chi-square distribution with 5 degrees of freedom
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Chi-square distribution with 5 degrees of freedom

7) In industries, unless there is heavy competition, the managers would like to keep the existing process/operation going, as the profits 1 point
are coming.
If a new process/operation is suggested by a fresh recruit, the manager’s null hypothesis will be

implement the new idea as it is going to be better than the existing one
existing process is good and process modification will not bring about a substantial improvement, so maintain status quo
to reject the new idea outright without even testing it
to fire the fresh recruit
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
existing process is good and process modification will not bring about a substantial improvement, so
maintain status quo

8) A river is suspected of pollution by a nearby chemical plant. Studies on the water samples revealed that the mean concentration is 10 1 point
more than the stipulated limit. The plant will be found guilty if 4/6
6/6/2020 Introduction to Research - - Unit 10 - Week 7- Design of Experiments

If the null hypothesis is rejected

If the null hypothesis is accepted
If the p-value from the hypothesis testing using a suitable probability distribution and parameters is very low (<0.001)
If the occurrence of 10 ppm in excess is highly improbable to be attributed to acceptable variation from the true mean value
Partially Correct.
Score: 0.34
Accepted Answers:
If the null hypothesis is rejected
If the p-value from the hypothesis testing using a suitable probability distribution and parameters is very low
If the occurrence of 10 ppm in excess is highly improbable to be attributed to acceptable variation from the
true mean value

9) The weldability of a metal beam depends on the composition of manganese in it. Five different compositions are tested to find the 1 point
effect on the weldability. For each composition, 3 repeats are performed. Pick the correct statement(s).

The total number of runs is 15

The total number of degrees of freedom is 14
The degrees of freedom due to error is 10
The number of degrees of freedom due to treatment is 4
Partially Correct.
Score: 0.25
Accepted Answers:
The total number of runs is 15
The total number of degrees of freedom is 14
The degrees of freedom due to error is 10
The number of degrees of freedom due to treatment is 4

10) In Analysis of variance, the following is/are applicable in a 2 3 factorial design experiment 1 point

There are three binary i.e. two factor interaction terms

The mean square error is based on the unrepeated four corner points of the factorial design
The F-value is determined based on the ratio of mean square factors to mean square error
The denominator degrees of freedom used in the F-test is equal to that for pure error

P i ll C 5/6
6/6/2020 Introduction to Research - - Unit 10 - Week 7- Design of Experiments

Partially Correct.
Score: 0.33
Accepted Answers:
There are three binary i.e. two factor interaction terms
The F-value is determined based on the ratio of mean square factors to mean square error
The denominator degrees of freedom used in the F-test is equal to that for pure error 6/6

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