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Study Design: Cohort study.
Adapted from:
Laupacis A, Wells G, Richardson WS, Tugwell P. Users’ guides to the medical
literature. V. How to use an article on prognosis. JAMA 1994; 272: 234-237.

I. Are the results of this prognosis study VALID?

Was a defined, representative sample of patients

assembled at a common (usually early) point in the course
of their disease? [ ] Ya
Apakah ada sampel yang representatif dan didefinisikan [ ] Tidak
secara jelas pada titik yang sama/similar point pada [ ] Tidak dijelaskan
perjalanan penyakit?

Was patient follow-up sufficiently long and complete? [ ] Ya

Apakah follow-up cukup lama dan lengkap? [ ] Tidak
[ ] Tidak dijelaskan

Were objective outcome criteria applied in a "blind"

fashion? [ ] Ya
Apakah kriteria kesudahan yang obyektif diterapkan [ ] Tidak
secara blind [ ] Tidak dijelaskan

If subgroups with different prognoses are identified, was

there adjustment for important prognostic factors? [ ] Ya
Apakah dilakukan penyesuaian/adjustment faktor-faktor [ ] Tidak
prognosis yang penting? [ ] Tidak dijelaskan

Was there validation in an independent group ("test set")

of patients? [ ] Ya
Apakah dilakukan validasi pada kelompok pasien (test- [ ] Tidak
set) yang indipenden? [ ] Tidak dijelaskan

II. Are the valid results of this prognosis study IMPORTANT?

How likely are the outcomes over time?

Seberapa besar kecenderungan/ likelihood kejadian [ ] Ya
[ ] Tidak
outcome pada suatu waktu yang spesifik? [ ] Tidak dijelaskan

How precise are the prognostic estimates? [ ] Ya

Seberapa besar ketepatan/ presisi kecenderungan? [ ] Tidak
[ ] Tidak dijelaskan

If you want to calculate a confidence interval around the measure of prognosis:

Clinical Measure Standard Error (SE) Typical Calculation of CI

Proportion (as in the rate of If p = 24/60 = 0.4 (or 40%) and

some prognostic event, etc.) n = 60
where: sqrt (p x (1 - p) / n)
where p is proportion and SE = sqrt(0.4 x (1-0.4)/60)=
the number of patients = n n is number of patients 0.063 = 0.063 (or 6.3%)

the proportion of these patients 95% CI is

who experience the event = p 40% ± 1.96 × 6.3% or
27.6% to 52.4%
sqrt (p x (1 - p) / n)
n from your evidence: where p is proportion and Your calculation:
n is the number of patients SE:

p from your evidence: 95% CI:

III. Can you APPLY this valid, important evidence about prognosis in caring for your patient?

Were the study patients similar to your own?

Apakah populasi dalam penelitian serupa [ ] Ya
[ ] Tidak
dengan pasien? [ ] Tidak dijelaskan

Will this evidence make a clinically important

impact on your conclusions about what to offer
or tell your patient? [ ] Ya
Apakah hasil akan membantu dalam memilih [ ] Tidak
[ ] Tidak dijelaskan
atau menghindari terapi?

Are the result useful for reassuring or

counselling my patient [ ] Ya
[ ] Tidak
Apakah hasil berguna dalam proses konseling
[ ] Tidak dijelaskan
dengan pasien?

Additional Notes


Prognosis The possible outcomes of a disease and the frequency with which they
can be expected to occur.

Prognostic factors Characteristics of a patient that may be used to more accurately predict
the outcome in that patient. These may be demographic (e.g. age),
disease-specific (e.g. tumour stage) or co-morbid (e.g. other diseases
accompanying the disease in question). Prognostic factors don’t have
to cause the outcome, just be associated strongly enough to predict
their development.

Cohort study Study design in which a group of individuals are followed up prospectively
over time to see if they develop a disease or outcome of interest.

Untuk menghindari hilangnya kesudahan pasien karena permulaan penelitian terlalu lambat,
kita harus meneliti seluruh pasien pada saat gejala klinik pertama kali timbul. Ini disebut
inception cohort.
Exception cohort , bila mempelajari prognosis padatadium akhir suatu penyakit. Dalam hal ini
mengumpulkan suatu sampel yang representatif, didifinisikan dengn baik, yang semuanya
terdiri dari stadium akhir penyakit

Kita mengamati 100 pasien, 4 meninggal & 16 hilang dari pengamatan (case fatality 4 dari 84)
 4:84 = 4,8 %, bagaimana yang 16 hilang? Bila semua meninggal maka case fatality 20:100
= 20 %. Bila skenario baik tidak semua yang 16 meninggal case fatality ; 4: (84+16) atau 4:100
= 4 %  hilangnya pasien dalam pengamatan sangat berpengaruh terhadap hasil penelitian.

I. Are the results valid ? (V)

1. Is there a clearly focussed question?

Consider Patients
 Ya Tidak Tidak dijelaskan

2. Was a defined, representative sample of patients assembled at

a common (usually early) point in the course of their disease?

3. Was the follow-up of these patients sufficiently long and


4. Were objective and unbiased outcome criteria used?

Did the individual assessing the outcome criteria
know whether or not the patient had a potential  Ya Tidak Tidak dijelaskan
prognostic factor, i.e. were they blinded?

5. Was there adjustment for important prognostic factors?

Was there standardisation for potentially important
prognostic factors e.g. age?
Were different sub-groups compared?  Ya Tidak Tidak dijelaskan
Was there validation in an independent group of

 Ya Tidak Tidak dijelaskan

II. Are the valid results of this diagnostic study important ? ( I )

6. How likely are the outcome event(s) over a
specified period of time?

7. How precise are the estimates of this

Are the results presented with confidence


8. Were the study patients similar to this


9. Will the results lead directly to selecting or

avoiding a treatment?

10. Are the results useful for reassuring or

counselling my patient?
Will the evidence make a clinically important
impact on your conclusions about what to offer
or tell this patient?

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