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Prejudice, Stereotyping and

What is prejudice?

l  an attitude, usually negative

l  evident when members of a majority group
develop negative attitudes towards
members of a minority group; they feel
superior to the minority group
What is prejudice?

l  Negative prejudices stem from:

–  social learning
l  observation of people in real life, on TV, in
books, etc
l  reinforcement with social approval

–  social inequalities causing resentment,

requiring justification by better off
Describe this person’s personality.
You have just stereotyped!
What’s good about stereotyping?
It makes things easy; categorising someone
as a member of a group and inferring they
share that group’s characteristics saves time
and energy.
Stereotyping is a way of seeking mental
So when is cognitive simplicity bad?
Seeking mental efficiency

What are the effects of

–  between group distinctions are
–  within group distinctions softened
→ perceived out-group homogeneity,
i.e. over-estimating how similar
members of another group are
to each other

Impressions and Expressions (stereotyping of paintings)
Seeking mental efficiency

Stereotypes are overall impressions

based on the assumption that all
members of a group possess similar
attributes; may lead to prejudice,
affecting one's emotion.
This can lead to changing
behaviour, sometimes leading to
Generalised feelings
PREJUDICE towards members of
a group

Behaviours directed
DISCRIMINATION towards people on the
basis of their group

Generalised belief
STEREOTYPE about members of a
Prejudice:- the ABC of prejudice

l  List some other stereotypes.

l  Are these stereotypes positive or negative?
l  Were the stereotypes mentioned focussing on
males, females, or neither?
l  Do you see yourself as belonging to any of
the groups mentioned? Which ones?

A useful link that that examines the media’s

portrayal of young people:

Summarise the main points in the three

sections available to you.
How can conflict breed more?
l  How can an initial Group
Group B seen
seen as
as threat
threat lead to its
Group A acts in
competitive manner
l  What type of
situations are
more likely to
Group A seen as threat
contribute to this? by group B
–  poverty
–  social
Group B acts hostile
Reducing PSD

l  What can we do to reduce the existence or

expression of prejudice, stereotyping, and
l  See prejudice in action on:
l  Find out how to reduce prejudice on:
Reducing PSD

l  Co-operation
l  Since prejudice can result from
competition between groups, strategies for
reducing prejudice should be based on the
idea of promoting co-operation instead.
l  Co-operative learning strategies include
getting members of two distinct groups to
perceive themselves as having common
Reducing PSD

l  Contact
l  If members of different groups are brought
together to interact under the appropriate
conditions, prejudice between the groups
should be reduced.
Reducing PSD

l  Contact
l  In theory, getting to know members of
another group as individuals and
discovering similarities between the groups
should be beneficial in breaking up
l  However, this requires everyone having
similar status and common goals to work.
Reducing PSD

l  Critical Thinking

l  Teaching people to identify common errors
in reasoning, such as over-generalisations,
may allow them to become more aware of
the impact of groups biases and
Reducing PSD

l  Empathy
l  Using simulations and role-playing, people
can be encouraged to take the perspective
of members of other groups.
l  Exposing children to multicultural
characters in literature and films provides
an opportunity for them to identify, and
perhaps empathise with, members of other
racial or ethnic groups.
Reducing PSD

l  Positive acts toward another person breed

liking for that person.
l  This works with racial attitudes as well.
l  Decreased discriminatory behaviours lead
to improved racial attitudes.
Overcoming stereotypes
Racial Attitudes

to find out more about prejudice.

l  Visit the following site on stereotypes:
–  Do Chapter 5 : What do you know about prejudice?
–  Do Chapter 6 : Who would you most trust to tell the
l  Visit
and complete “Connections – stereotyping in every day

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