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Full Name: ………………………………………………..

Date: ……………………………………………………….Time: …………………………
School Name:………………………………………..….. IC. :……………………………

ASMO 2018

A. Choose the best answer.
1. How __________ times do you spend on homework every day?
A. many B. much C. several D. lot
2. My family __________ going to Las Vegas for a vacation.
A. is B. are C. will D. might
3. A box of colour pencils __________ all you need for the colouring class.
A. be B. are C. is D. just
4. __________ the pack of cards yours?
A. Are B. Is C. Will D. Have
5. __________ pen my father gave me is very precious to me.
A. My B. – C. The D. A
6. __________ did you talk to just now?
A. How B. Who C. Whom D. Why
7. It is always safer to play __________ the field than __________ the road.
A. at, at B. in, by C. from, by D. by, at
8. Here, __________ the bag of clothes you were looking for.
A. these are B. those are C. this is D. that is
9. The scouts were lost __________ the jungle.
A. at B. in C. on D. from
10. My siblings and I bought a bouquet of flowers __________ our mother on Mother’s Day.
A. from B. for C. to D. by
11. Every time before you have your meal, you __________ wash your hands first.
A. shall B. should C. can D. could
12. I am determined that I __________ buy myself a house when I have saved enough.
A. will B. shall C. want D. should
13. You can __________ my pen if you want.
A. borrow B. lend C. give D. write
14. Please __________ me a pencil if you have an extra one.
A. lend B. borrow C. buy D. keep
15. I like to eat ice-cream, __________ I like to eat cake even more.
A. and B. but C. because D. so
16. Although he is poor, __________ he lives his life happier than those richer than him.
A. but B. – C. because D. so
17. I __________ fallen asleep even before the football match started.
A. has B. have C. am D. had
18. Until today, he __________ never ridden a roller-coaster.
A. has B. have C. had D. did
19. Did you __________ the pepper onto my cake just now?
A. add B. adds C. added D. adding
20. I should __________ studied harder before the examination.
A. has B. have C. had D. having
21. My mother scolded me because I __________ her favourite porcelain bowl.
A. am breaking B. Break C. Broke D. Broken
22. The policeman caught __________ for stealing.
A. He B. Him C. His D. Hers
23. Teacher : Whose books are these?
James : They are __________.
A. my B. mine C. mines D. Me
24. Please help me carry this __________ I can answer the phone.
A. So B. Or C. And D. But
25. He __________ the books on the table and placed __________ on the shelves.
A. take, it B. takes, it C. took, them D. taking, it
26. How was your holiday?
A. There were 10 days of holiday. B. The holiday was too long.
C. I had a lot of fun camping with my family. D. Holiday ended too soon.
27. How did you come to school?
A. I come to school alone. B. I don’t like coming to school.
C. My father sent me here. D. I rode my bicycle there.
28. Were you lost when coming here?
A. I didn’t lose anything. B. I lost my phone when I was walking here.
C. Yes, I took the wrong turn. D. No, I do not like losing to other people.
29. Can I play with you?
A. Yes, you should! B. Why not?
C. No, you should play alone. D. I’m sorry, these are mine.
30. I beg your pardon, could you please repeat?
A. I’m glad you have tried. B. Are you sure?
C. Sure. D. I’m sorry.


Human needs basic necessities such as, air, water, food and shelter to stay alive.
31. Which of the statements below is TRUE?
A. Human will die.
B. Human needs only shelter to stay alive.
C. Human will die without internet.
D. Basic necessities are important for human to stay alive.
The largest sea animal is whale and the largest land animal is elephant.
32. Which of the statements below is TRUE?
A. Whale lives in the sea.
B. Elephant can live in the sea.
C. Whale does not swim in the water.
D. Elephant has the same size as whale.
About 60% of a healthy human body consists of water.
33. Which of the statements below is FALSE?
A. Human body has more percentage of water than other components.
B. About 40% of human body is not water.
C. Human body does not need water.
D. Water is important for human to stay healthy.

The platypus which can be found in Australia, is one of the mammals that lays egg.
34. Which of the statements below is TRUE?
A. Platypus travels to Australia to lay eggs.
B. Platypus is the only mammal that lays egg.
C. Platypus can be found in Austria.
D. Platypus lays egg.
Deborah is a single mother who raises 3 children by herself after her husband passed a
in an accident. Despite that, they live as happy as any other conjugal family.
35. Which of the statements below is TRUE?
A. Deborah and her husband are divorced.
B. Other conjugal families live sadly.
C. Deborah and her husband passed away in an accident.
D. The 3 children’s father passed away.
Several decades ago, a boy (36) …. name was Jacob Smith, (37) … in a village at the beach.
(38) …, he could not (39)… the reason why the village had to get water supply (40) … the
reservoir so far away although (41)… was located by the sea. One day, after (42)… with his
friends, he felt thirsty and (43) … to drink sea water. After (44) … just one sip, he immediately
(45) …the reason.
36. A. Who B. which C. whom D. whose
37. A. lives B. lived C. living D. Live
38. A. Therefore B. Although C. So D. However
39. A. understand B. understands C. understood D. understanding
40. A. for B. of C. from D. to
41. A. he B. she C. they D. it
42. A. play B. plays C. played D. playing
43. A. decide B. decides C. decided D. deciding
44. A. drink B. drunk C. drank D. drinking
45. A. understand B. understood C. understanding D. understands
46. We didn’t know that he is such a generous boy.
A. kind B. bad C. mean D. naughty
47. He was tired after the marathon.
A. lazy B. motionless C. exhausted D. energetic
48. The whole world is now on a mission to protect the __________ animal and plant species
to prevent their extinction.
A. hazardous B. endangered C. extinct D. depleting
49. I won the first prize to stay at a 5-star hotel; it was truly a __________ one.
A. gigantic B. spacious C. luxurious D. lavish
50. My dog is good at playing catch; it never fails to __________ me the Frisbee every time I
throw it out.
A. toss B. bite C. fetch D. hurl
Rules and Regulations
(Please read these rules and regulation carefully)

1. Please fill in your FULL name correctly, IC No, school name, class and the date and time of
contest clearly in the spaces above. Those who do not fill in the required particulars will be
disqualified automatically.
2. Do not open the question booklet until you are told to do so. You may only use 2B pencil
when answering the questions.
3. No calculators and any unauthorized electronic devices (including mobile phones) are
allowed during the contest.
4. Strict silence must be observed at all times in the examination hall and please be reminded
that you MAY NOT leave your seat without permission.
5. If you have any request or enquiry, please raise your hand and wait for an invigilator.
6. Only one candidate is allowed to leave the hall at a time. You are required to return to the hall
within 10 minutes or else you will automatically be disqualified from the contest.
7. Each question in the contest have been verified by experienced trainers, thus no further
explanation will be given.
8. The time allowed for the paper is 60 minutes. You must stop writing when you are told to do
9. You MUST fill in your answer in the answer sheet provided in second page of the question
booklet. You will not be awarded marks for any answer written in the question booklet.
10. Please be reminded that this is a contest and not an examination, do not expect to answer all
types of questions.
11. Please tear off the answer sheet carefully and returned to invigilator along with contest
paper. Participant only can bring back the contest papers on next week.
12. Please be reminded that if the contestants can’t attend the contest, we don’t accept any
replacement contestants. If found any, the contestant will be disqualified automatically.

Scoring System
1. For Question 1- 50, 1 mark will be awarded for each correct answer. However, you will NOT
be penalized for each incorrect answer.
2. The organizer reserves the right to disqualify the event of malpractice to differentiate between
those outstanding students.
3. Contestants or a team who are disqualified from the contest will be forfeited any right to re-sit
this year.

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