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Comparative Analysis of Theravada Buddhism and

Mahayana Buddhism

Over its long history, Buddhism has taken a wide variety of forms. The Mahayana tradition tends to

emphasize rituals and the worship of deities, while the Theravada tradition rejects rituals and gods in

favor of pure meditation. Yet all forms of Buddhism share respect for the teachings of the Buddha and

the goal of ending suffering and the cycle of rebirth.

Theravada Buddhism

  Theravada Buddhism ("doctrine of the elders") is the oldest and most orthodox of Buddhism's

three major sects. Regarded as the belief closest to the one taught by The Buddha himself, it is

based on the recollections of The Buddha's teachings amassed by the Elders---the elder monks

who were Buddha's companions. It is practiced in Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia

and the Mekong Delta areas of Vietnam.

 Theravada Buddhism was one of 18 schools that existed in centuries after The Buddha's death. It

spread from India to Sri Lanka and then to Southeast Asia and remained close to the original Pali

canon (See Below). The other 17 schools disappeared when Muslims swept into northern India

and destroyed the Buddhist monasteries that existed there. Theravada Buddhism is sometimes

referred to in a somewhat dismissing way as Hinayana (“Lesser Vehicle”) Buddhism by

Mahayana Buddhists.

 Theravada Buddhism stresses spirituality, the enlightenment of the individual, self-discipline,

the importance or pure thought and deed, the importance of the monastic life and the strict
observance of the ancient Vinaya code It has distinct roles for monks and lay people,

emphasizes that everyone is responsible for his or her salvation and takes the position that only

monks can reach nirvana.

Theravada Buddhism Beliefs

 The Noble Virtues of Theravada Buddhism are loving kindness, understanding, serenity

and satisfaction for others’ well-being. The three principal aspects of existence are: 1)

dukkha (suffering, disease and pursuit of desire); 2) anicca (impermanence and the

temporary state of all things); and 3) anatta (the illusion of reality). The guiding principal

in Theravada Buddhism is that nothing is permanent and attachment to things will only

bring unhappiness and distract one from intrinsic spiritual matters. Anicca teaches that

nothing lasts. Trying to embrace experiences, states of mind and objects only causes

dukkha. Annatta is understanding that there is there is no point dwelling on one's place

in this world.

 In Theravada Buddhism worship and devotion to persons is frowned upon. The offerings

of fruit and flowers made are temples are symbols of impermanence not an object of

worship. Chants are not prayers but are reminders of the beneficence of The Buddha,

Dharma and the monk community.

 Theravada Buddhists insist that Gautama, both as Siddhartha and The Buddha, was a

man, not a god or myth or legend, and was subject to the same pain and suffering as

other humans but sought a transcendent state beyond human life. They say The
Buddha took a vow eons ago under the First Buddha to pursue the enlightenment

on his own, and was reincarnated hundreds of times in that quest before he became

a Buddha. They view his death as such a complete break from material existence that is

he so free from the human world that he no longer exists.

Mahayana Buddhism

 Mahayana Buddhism encompasses a wide range of philosophical schools, metaphysical beliefs,

and practical meditative disciplines. It is more widespread and has more followers than

Theravada Buddhism and includes Zen and Soka-gakkai Buddhism. It is practiced primarily in

northern half of the Buddhist world: in China, Tibet, Korea, Mongolia, Taiwan, Vietnam and


  "Mahayana” means "the Great Vehicle." The word vehicle is used because Buddhist doctrine is

often compared to a raft or ship that carries one across the world of suffering to better world.

Greater is reference to the universality of its doctrines and beliefs as opposed to narrowness of

other schools. Theravada Buddhism is sometimes referred to in a somewhat dismissing way as

the Hinayana (“Lesser Vehicle”) sect. Mahayana Buddhism is not a single group but a collection

of Buddhist traditions: Zen Buddhism, Pure Land Buddhism, and Tibetan Buddhism are all forms

of Mahayana Buddhism.

 According to “Topics in Japanese Cultural History”: The embodiment of this Mahayana ideal was

the bodhisattva. A bodhisattva is one who has eliminated all desires and is therefore eligible to

pass into nirvana. Out of a feeling of compassion for the millions of other suffering creatures,

however, the bodhisattva withholds his/her/its entry into nirvana to remain in this world and

help others. The various bodhisattvas have taken vows to remain in this world until all creatures

are ready to enter nirvana." Mahayana Buddhism is not one, unified entity. “The division
between Mahayana and Theravada is roughly comparable to the divisions like Catholic vs.

Protestant or Roman Catholic vs. Eastern Orthodox in Christianity. Just as there are many

denominations of Protestant Christianity, so too are there many denominations of Mahayana


Mahayana Buddhism Beliefs

  Mahayana Buddhists believe in a multitude of heavens, hells and descriptions of nirvana and

have great reverence for Bodhisattvas “Buddhist "saints" on the verge of nirvana who stopped

short of attaining it, so, like Buddha, they could teach their method to others.

 Mahayana Buddhists believe that salvation is accessible to all those who have faith and regard

their religion as a way of life that can be embraced by any one. They also enjoy philosophical

discussion and intellectual gymnastics and enlist the help of female deities and magical forces

and worship a pantheon of gods, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

  Mahayana Buddhists see The Buddha as the sum of everything there is; discount his historical

personage; view his life on earth in magical and transcendent terms; and have Bodhisattvas and

Buddhas that address issues important to ordinary people. The Supreme Buddha became an all-

knowing force that pervaded every part of the universe, like a creator God.

  Mahayana Buddhism places an emphasis on the process of attaining nirvana through the

purification of the consciousness and has been “expanded” to respond to the needs of local

people it severed. Its followers several mythologies and ontological doctrines. They see true

reality as “Emptiness”; define ten stages which Bodhisattvas must pass through to reach

Buddhahood; and see everything being connected by a kind of cosmic thread rooted in true

Similarities Between Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism

 According to the BBC: Theravada and Mahayana are both rooted in the basic teachings of the

historical Buddha, and both emphasize the individual search for liberation from the cycle of

samsara (birth, death, rebirth...). The methods or practices for doing that, however, can be very


 Dr. W. Rahula wrote: “I have studied Mahayana for many years and the more I study it, the

more I find there is hardly any difference between Theravada and Mahayana regarding the

fundamental teachings. 1) Both accept Sakyamuni Buddha as the Teacher. 2) The Four Noble

Truths are the same in both schools. 3) The Eightfold Path is the same in both schools. 4) The

Paticca-samuppada or the Dependent Origination is the same in both schools. 5) Both rejected

the idea of a supreme being who created and governed this world. 6) Both accept Anicca,

Dukkha, Anatta and Sila, Samadhi, Panna without any difference. These are the most important

teachings of the Buddha and they are all accepted by both schools without question.

Key Differences Between Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism

 Mahayana Buddhists claim their doctrines are rooted in early teachings of Buddha and say they

do not reject the beliefs of Theravada Buddhism, but have just expanded on them. Theravada

Buddhists view Mahayana Buddhism as a corrupted form of Buddha's teaching plus see it as too

easy. Theravada Buddhists are taught that one must “work out one's own salvation with

diligence” whereas Mahayana Buddhists believe faith is enough to earn all believer’s eventual
salvation. Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism differ greatly on the matter of

Bodhisattvas. Mahayana Buddhists recognize many of them as well as many Buddhas.

Theravada Buddhists recognize just one, The Buddha.

 The tenets of Mahayana Buddhism are vaguer and more all-encompassing than the strict tenets

of Theravada Buddhism, but its followers often conform to a very regimented routine as is the

case with Zen. Mahayana Buddhists believe in a multitude of heavens, hells and descriptions of

nirvana and have great reverence for Bodhisattvas—Buddhist "saints" on the verge of nirvana

who stopped short of attaining it, so, like Buddha, they could teach their method to others.

  Mahayana Buddhists see The Buddha as the sum of everything there is; discount his historical

personage; view his life on earth in magical and transcendent terms; and have Bodhisattvas and

Buddhas that address issues important to ordinary people. The Supreme Buddha became an all-

knowing force that pervaded every part of the universe, like a creator God.

Mahayana and Theravada Differences: Buddha and Bodhisattvas

 1) The Buddha: A) Theravada Buddhism: Only the historical Gautama (Sakyamuni) Buddha and

past buddhas are accepted. B) Mahayana Buddhism: Besides Sakyamuni Buddha, other

contemporary buddhas like Amitabha and Medicine Buddha are also very popular.

 2) Language of dharma teaching: A) Theravada Buddhism: Tipitaka is strictly in Pali. Dharma

teaching in Pali supplemented by local language. B) Mahayana Buddhism: Buddhist canon is

translated into the local language (except for the 5 untranslatable), e.g. Tibetan, Chinese and

Japanese. Original language of transmission is Sanskrit.

Mahayana and Theravada Differences: Concepts and Ideas

 1) Concept of Bodhicitta: A) Theravada Buddhism: Main emphasis is self-liberation. There is total

reliance on one-self to eradicate all defilements. B) Mahayana Buddhism: Besides self-liberation,

it is important for Mahayana followers to help other sentient beings.

 2) Trikaya concept: A) Theravada Buddhism: Very limited emphasis on the three bodies of a

buddha. References are mainly on nirmana-kaya and dharma-kaya. B) Mahayana Buddhism:

Very well mentioned in Mahayana Buddhism. Samboga-kaya or reward/enjoyment body

completes the Trikaya concept.

 3) Nirvana: A) Theravada Buddhism: (Nibbana in Pali) No distinction is made between nirvana

attained by a buddha and that of an arahat or pacceka buddha. B) Mayahana Buddhism: Also

known as 'liberation from Samsara,' there are subtle distinctions in the level of attainment for

the three situations.

Mahayana and Theravada Differences: Rituals and Worship

 1) Objective of training: A) Theravada Buddhism: Arahant or pacceka-buddha. B) Mayahana

Buddhism: Buddhahood (via bodhisattva path).

 2) Rituals and liturgy: A) Theravada Buddhism: There are some rituals but not heavily

emphasized as in Mahayana schools. B) Mayahana Buddhism: Owing to local cultural influences,

there is much more emphasis on the use of rituals; e.g. Rituals for the deceased, feeding of

Petas, tantric formalities (in Vajrayana).

 3) Use of Mantras and Mudras: A) Theravada Buddhism: Some equivalent in the use of Parittas.

B) Mayahana Buddhism: Heavily practiced in the Vajrayana school of Mahayana Buddhism.

Other schools also have included some mantras in their daily liturgy.
 4) Focus of worship in the temple: A) Theravada Buddhism: Simple layout with the image of

Sakyamuni Buddha the focus of worship. B) Mayahana Buddhism: Can be quite elaborate; with a

chamber/hall for Sakyamuni Buddha and two disciples, one hall for the 3 Buddhas (including

Amitabha and Medicine Buddha) and one hall for the 3 key bodhisattvas; besides the protectors,


Impacts and Influences of the two religion: Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism

Many things influence the human population. Some of them for good and others for bad. They influence

the basics of life. One of the things that influences human behavior is belief systems. Belief systems are

also known as religions. Religion has a big impact on human behavior. Belief systems influence how we

live our lives, treat others, and should only influence human kind positively.

Buddhism influences people in many ways. In the religion of Buddhism there is no god so there are no

rules from god that they follow. There are scriptures that have basic rules most of which came from the

founder of Buddhism, Siddhartha Gautama. He was a Hindu prince, but one he saw suffering he left his

life behind in search of enlightenment. He was the first person to reach it so he influenced others to be

like him. Buddhists believe that they will keep being reborn until they reach enlightenment and Nirvana.

Nirvana is their afterlife.

Religion should only affect human behavior positively. All the world religions are meant to be positive.

It’s the way that people interpret their beliefs and rules that has negative effects. In Hinduism you can’t

convert to it, you must be born into Hinduism to be Hindu. (Tyler’s group). A common view on how

people take their belief systems in a negative way is terrorists. Muslim terrorist attack us because of

their belief systems. Some don’t like others who don’t believe in the same religion as themselves. Is it

possible to make every one's influence be positive? That is not possible. Everyone human being will

always have their own view on what is right and what is wrong. When people do something in the name
of their god they always think they are doing what’s best. If everyone followed the religion the way it

was originally practiced they would be practicing in a very positive way. All people should practice their

religions in a positive way. In Buddhism you are always supposed to be positive and kind to others. They

say negative deeds take you farther away from nirvana. That influences Buddhists to do good deeds.

Religion is one of the largest factors that influences human behavior.

Buddhism Geography

The geography of Buddhism is like no other religion in the world. Buddhism began in India and spread

across the land from its religious hearth (Siddhartha's home). Buddhism ultimately spread to Nepal,

Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Laos, China, Japan, Korea... etc. What is unusual about Buddhism is that the

religious hearth disappeared. Buddhism spread from India and then vanished (virtually) from India. Most

other religious hearths of the world are still intact as powerful centers from which the faith grows.

Today, Buddhists make up less than 1% of the population in India. Here is a case where we, as

geographers, must ask the question "Why". Why did Buddhism vanish from its own hearth?

One possible explanation has to do with statistic-taking. Perhaps Buddhism hasn't really vanished from

India. Perhaps it is merely disguised as something else-- Hinduism. Because Hinduism encompasses such

a wide variety of people and their many philosophies, people may claim to be Hindu yet they perform

the exact same rituals and meditations as a Buddhist.

These people are not trying to deceive anyone, it is merely more appropriate to call themselves Hindu

when the national census is taken (which they do take every so many years in India). This is just a

possible explanation and demands further investigation. For those of you wishing to pursue a degree in
geography, this would be an excellent field study for your thesis. You could become well known as the

person who answered the question about Buddhism in India.

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