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Activity Sheet No. 6

Text Analysis

o Write your Text Analysis of the given texts ((e.g. Memorandum, Textbook in Science, Textbook in Math, Textbook in English and Journal Article
(According to Strand)). Look for the specific folder (For Textual Analysis) according to strand.
o Read the PPT prepared by the teacher for further instructions.

Note: This is a written work. It is done by group. Make sure that one member has one genre of text to analyze. Before submitting, make sure that
you have discussed, decided and reviewed your work as a group. The task shall be completed on/ before September 7, 2020.

Details of Submission

- File Name: Text Analysis (Strand and Section) Group #

• Example: Text Analysis (HUMSS 12 – A) Group 1

- Deadline: September 7, 2020 (Monday)

- Submit using these means:

• E-mail: [email protected]

• Messenger: Valen Asuncion

- File Type: Microsoft Word

Below is the Text Analysis Template.

_______________________________________________________ Date: _____________________
_______________________________________________________ Grade and Section:
_______________________________________________________ ___________________________
_______________________________________________________ Group #: _________
Humanities and Social Sciences Strand
Sample Content Text Structure Language Language Use Style
Academic/Professional (Summary/ Nature (Parts) Usage (Vocabulary) (Level of formality, Explicitness, etc.)
Genres of info) (Sentence

1. Textbook

2. Journal Article

3. Police Report

4. Affidavits The affidavit of loss The components of The affidavit The words used in The ideas stated in the affidavit are
contains all the affidavit of loss are: has Legal the Affidavit is direct, formal, and objective since it is
details regarding the 1. Commenc Language or Legal English it is a a legal document which contain facts
loss, such as the ement: This is Legalese. We formalized and statement of facts which is sworn
owner's name and the beginning define language based to (or affirmed) before an officer who
any information of the affidavit as a on logic rules has authority to administer an oath.
pertaining to the document written
which differs from The affidavit is accurates because not
security. That where the statement of
the only are there signatories, but also
information may affiant or the facts, sworn
include a serial person making to and ordinary natural there are witnesses, there is a sworn
number or the the affidavit is signed by a language in vocabu statement. The jargon used is
security’s date of identified. deponent lary, morphology, s “Legalese” or the language used in
issue. After the 2. Averments before a yntax, field of law.
statement has been : Also known as notary public and semantics, as
made, a letter of affirmations, or some well as other
indemnity can be these include a other linguistic features,
issued requesting list of all the authority aimed to
the replacement of claims that are having the achieve consistenc
the security. being made by power to y, validity, complet
the affiant. witness an eness and soundne
3. Statement oath. In ss.
of Truth: A other words,
statement of when you Example:
truth is what sign an Affidavit – a
states that affidavit,
everything that you’re
is mentioned in simply
the affidavit is attesting, information the
true. A under law, person swears to
statement of that you be true. Usually
truth may be swear a sworn to in the
something like statement presence of a
this: I solemnly written in Notary Public.
swear that the the affidavit
aforementione is true. Affiant - the person
d are true and who swears to the
correct to the Notary Public that
best of my his/her statement
knowledge and or documents are
belief. true.
4. Attestation
Clause: This is
the portion
where the oath
made by the
affiant is
certified. It also
consists of the
5. Signatures:
This is the last
portion of the
document that
includes the
signature of the
affiant, as well
as that of the

5. Curriculum

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