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Details of Payment Plan

Flat No.:
Allottee :
Co-Allottee :
Type: 4 Bed Room+Servant
Super Area of the Apartment (Sq. Ft.) 2,350

Rate (in Rs./sq.ft.) Amount (Rs.)

Basic Sale Price (BSP) 3,045.00 7,155,750.00

Net BSP 3,045.00 7,155,750.00

External Development Charges (EDC) 291.00 683,850.00
Infrastructure Development Charges 34.00 79,900.00
+ Preferential location Charges(PLC)* 100.00 235,000.00
Total Sale Consideration 8,154,500.00
+ Car Park (1Covered) 300,000.00
+ Club Membership Fee 75,000.00

+ Interest Free Maintenance Security** 50.00 117,500.00

Grand Total 8,647,000.00
Construction Link Payment Plan
1 On application for booking 10% of BSP 715,575.00
with in 60 days of booking 10% of B.S.P+ 50% EDC
2 1,057,500.00
On Start of Foundation 10% of B.S.P + 50% of EDC
4 1,057,500.00
5 On Casting of Ground Floor Roof Slab 10% of B.S.P + 100% of PLC 950,575.00
On Casting of 3rd Floor Roof Slab 12.5% of BSP + 100% of IDC
6 974,368.75
On Casting of 7th Floor Roof Slab 10% of BSP + 50% of CPS
7 865,575.00
On Casting of 12th Floor Roof Slab 10% of BSP + 50% of CPS
8 865,575.00
On Completion of brick work in apartment 10% of BSP + 100% of Club Fee
9 790,575.00
On compeletion of external plaster of the 7.5% of BSP
10 tower 536,681.25
On completion of internal plumbing (GI/CI) 5% of BSP
11 Within Apartment 357,787.50
At the time of notice for possession 5% of BSP + IFMS+ Stamp Duty+
12 Any other charges as applicable 475,287.50
Total 8,647,000.00
** IFMS shall be payable at the time of notice of possesion
Delayed payments, if any, shall accrue interest @ 18% per annum compounded quarterly
Details of Payment Plan
Flat No.:
Allottee :
Co-Allottee :
Type: 4 Bed Room+Family Lounge(A)
Super Area of the Apartment (Sq. Ft.) 2,635

Rate (in Rs./sq.ft.) Amount (Rs.)

Basic Sale Price (BSP) 3,045.00 8,023,575.00

Net BSP 3,045.00 8,023,575.00

External Development Charges (EDC) 291.00 766,785.00
Infrastructure Development Charges 34.00 89,590.00
+ Preferential location Charges(PLC)* 100.00 263,500.00
Total Sale Consideration 9,143,450.00
+ Car Park (1Covered) 300,000.00
+ Club Membership Fee 75,000.00

+ Interest Free Maintenance Security** 50.00 131,750.00

Grand Total 9,650,200.00
Construction Link Payment Plan
1 On application for booking 10% of BSP 802,357.50
with in 60 days of booking 10% of B.S.P+ 50% EDC
2 1,185,750.00
On Start of Foundation 10% of B.S.P + 50% of EDC
4 1,185,750.00
5 On Casting of Ground Floor Roof Slab 10% of B.S.P + 100% of PLC 1,065,857.50
On Casting of 3rd Floor Roof Slab 12.5% of BSP + 100% of IDC
6 1,092,536.88
On Casting of 7th Floor Roof Slab 10% of BSP + 50% of CPS
7 952,357.50
On Casting of 12th Floor Roof Slab 10% of BSP + 50% of CPS
8 952,357.50
On Completion of brick work in apartment 10% of BSP + 100% of Club Fee
9 877,357.50
On compeletion of external plaster of the 7.5% of BSP
10 tower 601,768.13
On completion of internal plumbing (GI/CI) 5% of BSP
11 Within Apartment 401,178.75
At the time of notice for possession 5% of BSP + IFMS+ Stamp Duty+
12 Any other charges as applicable 532,928.75
Total 9,650,200.00
** IFMS shall be payable at the time of notice of possesion
Delayed payments, if any, shall accrue interest @ 18% per annum compounded quarterly
Details of Payment Plan
Flat No.:
Allottee :
Co-Allottee :
Type: 4 Bed Room+Family
Super Area of the
Apartment (Sq. Ft.) 2,685

Rate (in
Rs./sq.ft.) Amount (Rs.)
Basic Sale Price (BSP) 3,045.00 8,175,825.00

Net BSP 3,045.00 8,175,825.00

External Development
Charges (EDC) 291.00 781,335.00
Infrastructure Development
Charges 34.00 91,290.00
+ Preferential location
Charges(PLC)* 100.00 268,500.00
Total Sale Consideration 9,316,950.00
+ Car Park (1Covered) 300,000.00
+ Club Membership Fee 75,000.00

+ Interest Free Maintenance

Security** 50.00 134,250.00
Grand Total 9,826,200.00
Construction Link Payment Plan
1 On application for booking 10% of BSP 817,582.50
with in 60 days of booking 10% of
2 B.S.P+ 50% 1,208,250.00
On Start of Foundation EDC
10% of B.S.P
4 + 50% of EDC 1,208,250.00
On Casting of Ground Floor 10% of B.S.P
+ 100% of
5 Roof Slab PLC 1,086,082.50
On Casting of 3rd Floor Roof 12.5% of BSP
6 Slab + 100% of 1,113,268.13
On Casting of 7th Floor Roof 10% of BSP +
7 Slab 50% of CPS 967,582.50
On Casting of 12th Floor 10% of BSP +
8 Roof Slab 50% of CPS 967,582.50
On Completion of brick work 10% of BSP +
9 in apartment 100% of Club 892,582.50
On compeletion of external 7.5% of BSP
10 plaster of the tower 613,186.88
On completion of internal 5% of BSP
11 plumbing (GI/CI) Within 408,791.25
At the time of notice for 5% of BSP +
12 possession IFMS+ Stamp 543,041.25
Duty+ Any
Total other charges 9,826,200.00
as applicable
** IFMS shall be payable at the time of notice of possesion
Delayed payments, if any, shall accrue interest @ 18% per annum compounded quarterly
Details of Payment Plan
Flat No.:
Allottee :
Co-Allottee :

Type: 4 Bed Room+Family Lounge(B)

Super Area of the Apartment (Sq. Ft.) 1,935

Rate (in Rs./sq.ft.) Amount (Rs.)

Basic Sale Price (BSP) 3,045.00 5,892,075.00

Net BSP 3,045.00 5,892,075.00

External Development Charges (EDC) 291.00 563,085.00

Infrastructure Development Charges 34.00 65,790.00

+ Preferential location Charges(PLC)* 100.00 193,500.00
Total Sale Consideration 6,714,450.00
+ Car Park (1Covered) 300,000.00
+ Club Membership Fee 75,000.00

+ Interest Free Maintenance Security** 50.00 96,750.00

Grand Total 7,186,200.00
Construction Link Payment Plan
1 On application for booking 10% of BSP 589,207.50
with in 60 days of booking 10% of B.S.P+ 50% EDC
2 870,750.00
On Start of Foundation 10% of B.S.P + 50% of EDC
4 870,750.00
On Casting of Ground Floor Roof Slab 10% of B.S.P + 100% of PLC
5 782,707.50
On Casting of 3rd Floor Roof Slab 12.5% of BSP + 100% of IDC
6 802,299.38
On Casting of 7th Floor Roof Slab 10% of BSP + 50% of CPS
7 739,207.50
On Casting of 12th Floor Roof Slab 10% of BSP + 50% of CPS
8 739,207.50
On Completion of brick work in 10% of BSP + 100% of Club Fee
9 apartment 664,207.50
On compeletion of external plaster of the 7.5% of BSP
10 tower 441,905.63
On completion of internal plumbing 5% of BSP
11 (GI/CI) Within Apartment 294,603.75
At the time of notice for possession 5% of BSP + IFMS+ Stamp
12 Duty+ Any other charges as 391,353.75
Total 7,186,200.00
** IFMS shall be payable at the time of notice of possesion
Delayed payments, if any, shall accrue interest @ 18% per annum compounded quarterly

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