Grade 12 Prelim Examination 2017 Mathematics Paper 2

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Time: 3 hours Marks: 150

Read the following instructions carefully before answering the questions.

1. This question paper consists of 12 questions on 14 pages. Answer ALL the questions.

2. Clearly show ALL calculations, diagrams, graphs etc that you have used in
determining your answers. All working should be shown in its proper place in the

3. An approved scientific calculator (non-programmable and non-graphical) may be

used, unless stated otherwise.

4. If necessary, answers should be rounded off to TWO decimal places, unless stated

5. Diagrams are not necessarily drawn to scale.

6. An INFORMATION sheet is provided on the back of this cover page. Please detach
for your own use in the examination.

7. Answers only will NOT necessarily be awarded full marks.

8. Number your answers according to the numbering system used in this question

9. It is in your own interest to write legibly and to present your work neatly.
Grade 12 Preliminary Examination Herschel Girls School
Paper 2 – September 2017

−b± b 2−4 ac
A=P(1+ni) A=P(1−ni) A=P(1−i)n
A=P(1+i )n
T n=a+(n−1)d S n = [ 2 a+( n−1 )d ]
a ( r n −1 ) a
n−1 S n= S ∞=
T n=ar r−1 ; r≠1 1−r ; −1<r <1
x [ ( 1+ i )n−1 ] x[1  (1  i ) n ]
F= P
i i
f ( x+ h)−f ( x )
f ' ( x )= lim
h →0 h

x1 + x 2 y 1 + y 2
√ 2
d= ( x 2 −x 1 ) +( y 2 − y 1 )
( 2
2 )
y 2− y 1
y=mx +c y− y 1 =m( x−x 1 ) x 2−x 1 m=tanθ
( x−a )2 + ( y−b )2=r 2
a b c
= =
InDABC: sin A sin B sin C

a2 =b 2 + c 2−2 bc . cos A
area ABC  ab.sin C

sin ( α+β ) =sin α . cos β+cosα . sin β sin ( α−β )=sin α .cos β−cosα .sin β
cos ( α +β )=cos α .cos β−sin α . sin β cos ( α−β )=cosα . cos β+sin α . sin β

2 2 2
cos2α=¿{cos α−sin α ¿{1−2sin α ¿ ¿ sin 2 α=2sin α . cos α

∑ fx ∑ ( x i− x̄ ) 2
x̄= σ 2 = i=1
n n
n( A )
P( A )=
n ( S) P(A of B) = P(A) + P(B) – P(A en B)

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Grade 12 Preliminary Examination Herschel Girls School
Paper 2 – September 2017

∑ ( x− x̄ ) ( y − ȳ )
^y =a+bx ∑ (x − x̄ )2
Question 1

The outdoor temperature, in °C, at noon over thirteen days and the average number of litres of
shower water used per person per day in a certain suburb on each of those days, are shown in the
table below.

Noon temperature 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2
19 21 22 27 26
(in ℃) 4 8 4 0 7 9 6 3
Average amount of
shower water used 4 5 4 4 4 4 3 4
40 38 43 52 46
per person per day 2 5 1 2 8 8 3 5

1.1 Draw a scatter plot that shows the information on the grid provided in the ANSWER
BOOK and label the axes clearly. (3)
1.2 Determine the equation of the least squares regression line. (2)
1.3 Determine the correlation coefficient. (2)
1.4 What can be concluded about the relationship between the noon temperature and the
amount of litres of shower water used per person per day? (2)
1.5 Estimate the amount of litres of shower water used per person on a day when the outdoor
temperature at noon was 25 °C. (2)

Question 2

2.1 The masses of 60 kittens were

recorded by a veterinary clinic. The
mass of these 60 kittens are recorded
in the box and whisker plot below.

Mass (kg)

2.1.1 Write down the upper quartile for this data. (1)

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Grade 12 Preliminary Examination Herschel Girls School
Paper 2 – September 2017

2.1.2 Complete the frequency table below for this data by giving the values of
A, B, C and D.


2.2 The diagram shows three ogives, which all correspond to the same number of observations,
with the same median in each case. List the ogives in order of
decreasing IQR (Interquartile range), using their letters to identify the ogives.



20 A
15 C


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Question 3

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Grade 12 Preliminary Examination Herschel Girls School
Paper 2 – September 2017
PUNK is a quadrilateral with vertices P(2 ; 5), U(x ; 10), N(-4 ; 3) and K(1 ; -2).
M is the point of intersection of PN and UK. E is a point on PK.

3.1 Calculate the length of PN. Give your answer in the simplest surd form. (3)

3.2 Calculate the value of x and y if the midpoint of UK is M (-1 ; y). (2)

3.3 Show that PN and UK intersect perpendicularly at M. (3)

3.4 Calculate β, the angle of inclination of NK with the x-axis. (3)

3.5 Calculate the size of P ^

K N (no reasons required). (3)

3.6 If E(a ; b) is a point on the straight line PK, show that a= . (3)


Question 4

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Grade 12 Preliminary Examination Herschel Girls School
Paper 2 – September 2017

In the diagram below, the sketch of a circle with centre C ( 52 ; 2) is given. The circle goes through
the origin and cuts the x- and y-axis at B and D respectively. LBK is a tangent to the circle at B.
A ^B K =θ=78,69°.

4.1 Show by
calculation that the
equation of the circle is:

x 2+ y 2−5 x−4 y=0


4.2 Determine the equation of LBK in the form y=mx+c. (5)

4.3 Determine the gradient of OA correct to the nearest integer and hence show that the

equation of OA is y=5 x. (2)

4.4 Calculate the coordinates of A. (5)

5 2 ( 61
4.5 If there is another circle with equation x + ( ) 2
+ y−3 ) =
, show that the two

circles intersect at two distinct points. (3)


Question 5

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Grade 12 Preliminary Examination Herschel Girls School
Paper 2 – September 2017
sin (180 ° + x )
5.1 Simplify to a single trigonometric ratio: (3)
sin ( 90 °−x )

sin 160° . tan (−330 ° )

5.2 Simplify, without the use of a calculator: (6)
cos 250 ° .sin 420°

2 sin2 x 1
5.3 Consider the identity: =
2 tan x−sin 2 x tan x

5.3.1 Prove the identity. (6)

5.3.2 If x ∈ ( 0 ° ; 270 ° ), write down any 1 value of x for which the identity in

QUESTION 5.3 will be undefined. (1)

5.4 If sin 28 °=a , express cos 14 ° . cos 256 °in terms of a. (3)


Question 6

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Grade 12 Preliminary Examination Herschel Girls School
Paper 2 – September 2017

6.1 Prove that the equation 2 cos x=sin ( x +30 ° ) can also be written as
√ 3 sin x =3 cos x. (4)

6.2 Hence, determine the general solution for the equation 2 cos x=sin ( x +30 ° ). (4)

6.3 The graphs of f ( x )=2 cos x and g ( x )=sin ( x+30 ° ) are sketched for
x ∈[−180 ° ; 90° ].

Use the graphs to determine the value(s) of x for which:

6.3.1 2 cos x ≥ sin ( x+ 30° ) (2)

6.3.2 f ( x ) . g ( x ) <0 with x ∈[−180 ° ; 0° ] (2)

6.3.3 both the following statements are true: f ' ( x ) <0 and g' ( x ) >0 (3)


Question 7

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Grade 12 Preliminary Examination Herschel Girls School
Paper 2 – September 2017
In the diagram alongside AC is a vertical tower above the horizontal plane AXY.
B is a point on CA. The angles of elevation of B and C from X and Y respectively are both θ.
X^ A Y =120 ° and BC = 5 metres.

7.1 Determine XY 2in terms of AX and AY . (3)

2 3 h2 +15 h+25
7.2 If AB=h and XY =p, prove that p = (6)
tan 2 θ


Question 8
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Grade 12 Preliminary Examination Herschel Girls School
Paper 2 – September 2017

8.1 In the diagram below, O is the centre of the circle.

^ C=2 ^
Prove the theorem which states that: B O A.


8.2 In the diagram, ST  QW and PQR is a tangent to circle QSTVW at point Q.

^ 3 = 30
^ 1 = 70 and Q

T 2 3 W
1 2


2 3

Calculate, with reasons, the magnitudes of the following:

8.2.1 ^S1 (1)

8.2.2 ^
V (2)

8.2.3 ^1
Q (2)

8.2.4 ^2
Q (1)


Question 9

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Grade 12 Preliminary Examination Herschel Girls School
Paper 2 – September 2017
9.1 In the diagram below PR is a tangent to the circle TRS at R. PR meets ST produced to P.
SR is produced to Q such that PQ = PR. ^ R2=32 ° and T^ 3=44 °.

2 3

1 3

9.1.1 Calculate the size of ^S. (2)

9.1.2 Calculate the size of ^
R1. (2)
9.1.3 Prove that PQRT is a cyclic quadrilateral. (3)

9.2 In the diagram below, TBD is a tangent to circles BAPC and BNKM at B. Chord AC is a
tangent to circle BNKM at K. PA is produced to D. BMC and BNA are straight lines.
Let ^B1=x.

Prove that NM ∥ AC.


Question 10

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Grade 12 Preliminary Examination Herschel Girls School
Paper 2 – September 2017
10.1 Use the triangles given below to prove the theorem which states that:
^ ^ AB AC
If ^
A= ^D, ^B= E ^ and C= F then =




10.2 In the diagram below, ∆ NET has XY ∥ ET and PY ∥ XT. X and P are on NE and
Y is on NT. NP = 4 cm and PX = 6 cm. Calculate, with reasons the length of EX.


Question 11

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Grade 12 Preliminary Examination Herschel Girls School
Paper 2 – September 2017
In the diagram below DA is a tangent to the circle ACBT at A.
CT and AD are produced to meet at P, BT is produced to cut PA at D and CA ∥BD.
Let ^A1=x.

11.1 Prove that PT is a tangent to the circle ADT at T. (5)

11.2 Prove that ∆ APT ///∆ TPD. (3)

11.3 If AD= AP, show that AP 2=3 PT 2. (4)


Question 12
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Grade 12 Preliminary Examination Herschel Girls School
Paper 2 – September 2017

12.1 AB is a diameter of semicircle AOBE, centre O. DEC is a tangent to the circle at E and
DO ⊥ OC, AO = 2, DE = a and EC = b.

Prove that a.b = 4


12.2 Four circular coins of unequal sizes lie on a table so that each coin touches two, and only
two, of the others. Prove that the four points of contact, ABCD is a cyclic quad.
(HINT: draw in tangents to the circles at points A, B, C and D.)



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