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Multi-core processors

A Multi-core processor is typically a single processor which contains several cores on a chip”. The
cores are functional units made up of computation units and caches. These multiple cores on a single
chip combine to replicate the performance of a single faster processor. The individual cores on a
multi-core processor don’t necessarily run as fast as the highest performing single-core processors,
but they improve overall performance by handling more tasks in parallel. The performance boost
can be seen by understanding the manner in which single core and multi-core processors execute
programs. Single core processors running multiple programs would assign time slice to work on one
program and then assign different time slices for the remaining programs. If one of the processes is
taking longer time to complete then all the rest of the processes start lagging behind. However, In
the case of multi-core processors if you have multiple tasks that can be run in parallel at the same
time, each of them will be executed by a separate core in parallel thus boosting the performance

The multiple cores inside the chip are not clocked at a higher frequency, but instead their capability
to execute programs in parallel is what ultimately contributes to the overall performance making
them more energy efficient and low power cores as shown in the figure below. Multi-core
processors are generally designed partitioned so that the unused cores can be powered down or
powered up as and when needed by the application contributing to overall power dissipation
Multi-core processors could be implemented in many ways based on the application requirement. It
could be implemented either as a group of heterogeneous cores or as a group of homogenous cores
or a combination of both. In homogeneous core architecture, all the cores in the CPU are identical
and they apply divide and conquer approach to improve the overall processor performance by
breaking up a high computationally intensive application into less computationally intensive
applications and execute them in parallel. Other major benefits of using a homogenous multi-core
processor are reduced design complexity, reusability, reduced verification effort and hence easier to
meet time to market criterion. On the other hand, heterogeneous cores consist of dedicated
application specific processor cores that would target the issue of running variety of applications to
be executed on a computer. An example could be a DSP core addressing multimedia applications
that require heavy mathematical calculations, a complex core addressing computationally intensive
application and a remedial core which addresses less computationally intensive applications.

Multi-core processors could also be implemented as a combination of both homogeneous and

heterogeneous cores to improve performance taking advantages of both implementations. CELL
multi-core processor from IBM follows this approach and contains a single general-purpose
microprocessor and eight similar area and power efficient accelerators targeting for specific
applications has proven to be performance efficient. “Another major multi-core benefit comes from
individual applications optimized for multi-core processors. These applications when properly
programmed, can split a task into multiple smaller tasks and run them in parallel”. Due to the
multiple advantages that multi-core processors come along with, most of the processor
manufactures started developing them. Intel announced that all its future processors will be
multicore when they realized that this technology can get past the power wall to improve
performance. Other popular processor manufactures namely AMD, IBM and TENSILICA all have
started developing multi-core processors. The number of cores in a processor is expected to increase
and some even predict it to follow Moore’s law. TENSILICA’s CEO has expressed his view on this
technology stating that “System on a Chip will become a sea of processors. You will have ten to
maybe a thousand processors on a chip”.

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