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Spot and list at least 10 errors in the mail given below

To: [email protected]
cc: [email protected]

Subject: MEET ME


It has come to my notice that you have been stealing coffee mug from the cafeteria. it is very highly extremely
disturbing to me. You have stolen 5 mugs so now you will be PAYING rupees 500 as the PENALTIES. pay
soon or you will be having to face further Actions. I also want reasons for your such Behaviors, kindly take
seriously and meet me and let me know why you thief the mugs.

Resnil D’Silva,
Your Manager

1. Subject: Subject should sum up the content

2. No opening greetings.
3. No opening line to set the conversation.
4. Accusatory tone. Such conversations should not happen over email, rather a face to face
confrontation would be better.
5. Capitalization missing—“ it is very highly”, “ pay soon or you will”
6. Unnecessary capitalizations “PAYING”, “PENALTIES”, “Actions”
7. Grammatically incorrect sentences “and let me know why you thief the mugs. ”
8. Closing greeting missing.
9. Your manager sounds rude
10. Redundant word use “very highly extremely disturbing to me ”

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