B09 Ang v. Teodoro, GR L-48226, 14 December 1942, en Banc, Ozaeta (J) - MORA PDF

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G.R. No. L-48226 December 14, 1942

ANA L. ANG, Petitioner, vs. TORIBIO TEODORO, Respondent.


Respondent Toribio Teodoro, at first in partnership with Juan

Katindig and later as sole proprietor, has continuously used "Ang
Tibay," both as a trade-mark and as a trade-name, in the
manufacture and sale of slippers, shoes, and indoor baseballs since

He formally registered it as trade-mark on September 29, 1915, and

as trade-name on January 3, 1933.

Petitioner (defendant below) registered the same trade-mark "Ang

Tibay" for pants and shirts on April 11, 1932, and established a
factory for the manufacture of said articles in the year 1937.

The trial court (Judge Quirico Abeto) presiding absolved the

defendant from the complaint, with costs against the plaintiff, on
the grounds that the two trademarks are dissimilar and are used on
different and non-competing goods; that there had been no
exclusive use of the trade-mark by the plaintiff; and that there had
been no fraud in the use of the said trade-mark by the defendant
because the goods on which it is used are essentially different from
those of the plaintiff.

The second division of the Court of Appeals reversed that judgment,

holding that by uninterrupted an exclusive use since 1910 in the
manufacture of slippers and shoes, respondent's trade-mark has
acquired a secondary meaning; that the goods or articles on which
the two trade-marks are used are similar or belong to the same
class; and that the use by petitioner of said trade-mark constitutes
a violation of sections 3 and 7 of Act No. 666


Whether or not the “Ang Tibay” as a tradename can be used in

dissimilar and non-competing products?

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From all of this we deduce that "Ang Tibay" is not a descriptive term
within the meaning of the Trade-Mark Law but rather a fanciful or
coined phrase which may properly and legally be appropriated as a
trade-mark or trade-name.

In this connection we do not fail to note that when the petitioner

herself took the trouble and expense of securing the registration of
these same words as a trademark of her products she or her
attorney as well as the Director of Commerce was undoubtedly
convinced that said words (Ang Tibay) were not a descriptive term
and hence could be legally used and validly registered as a trade-
mark. It seems stultifying and puerile for her now to contend
otherwise, suggestive of the story of sour grapes. Counsel for the
petitioner says that the function of a trade-mark is to point
distinctively, either by its own meaning or by association, to the
origin or ownership of the wares to which it is applied. That is
correct, and we find that "Ang Tibay," as used by the respondent to
designate his wares, had exactly performed that function for
twenty-two years before the petitioner adopted it as a trade-mark in
her own business. Ang Tibay shoes and slippers are, by association,
known throughout the Philippines as products of the Ang Tibay
factory owned and operated by the respondent Toribio Teodoro.
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The original owner is entitled to the preservation of the valuable link

between him and the public that has been created by his ingenuity
and the merit of his wares or services. Experience has
demonstrated that when a well-known trade-mark is adopted by
another even for a totally different class of goods, it is done to get
the benefit of the reputation and advertisements of the originator of
said mark, to convey to the public a false impression of some
supposed connection between the manufacturer of the article sold
under the original mark and the new articles being tendered to the
public under the same or similar mark.

We think reasonable men may not disagree that shoes and shirts
are not as unrelated as fountain pens and razor blades, for instance.
The mere relation or association of the articles is not controlling. As
may readily be noted from what we have heretofore said, the
proprietary connotation that a trade-mark or trade-name has
acquired is of more paramount consideration. The Court of Appeals
found in this case that by uninterrupted and exclusive use since
1910 of respondent's registered trade-mark on slippers and shoes
manufactured by him, it has come to indicate the origin and
ownership of said goods. It is certainly not farfetched to surmise
that the selection by petitioner of the same trade-mark for pants
and shirts was motivated by a desire to get a free ride on the
reputation and selling power it has acquired at the hands of the
respondent. As observed in another case, 12 the field from which a
person may select a trade-mark is practically unlimited, and hence
there is no excuse for impinging upon or even closely approaching
the mark of a business rival. In the unlimited field of choice, what
could have been petitioner's purpose in selecting "Ang Tibay" if not
for its fame? chanroblesvirtual lawlibrary

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The judgment of the Court of Appeals is affirmed, with costs against

the petitioner in the three instances. So ordered. chanroblesvirtualawlibrary chanroblesvirtual lawlibrary

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